Gkorui B.Goodlampkb, Editor. CLKAIU'IKLD, 1'A. WEDSE-PAY MOKSINO. MAY . 1870. Congress Ims ort-eil to nlj'urn on tlio Klli of July r.cxt. Tlia country will therefore enjoy lienco until Do ccDibor next, when ilrcnnncmblcs. Tho till nbolinliing tlio franking privilcgo is (lead. CongronHtnen do jiot like to jmy post ago when it fan 1)0 so ImndHomely done by "Untie Sam." Tbo "loil" i-iiy Trcamircr of St. burn nrrestcd and ent to jail for embezzling 8141,0(10 of tbo funds of tbut city. Ho cluiini tbot lio expended mucb of it in tlio inter cot or iiio i-ulorcrt race" ulins negroes, wliicli is of courso all right. Tbo Pout Mauler General laHt week nppointed a negro, named John C. Jiusli, to a potinaRternbip in Charles County Maryland. Tho appoinnicnl lias produced (juito a sensation in that locality, even among tho "trooly loil" us several whites were applicants for tho Tiosition. How aro von. XVlb , w Amendment. Won't Acrr.rT. John Welch, of rhihulclphia, ono of Grant's (Junker ' Indian agents, in a lettor to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, states that lio has been offurcd $-.0,000 to enter tbo "ring" and help to cheat tbo Indians, and rob tbo Treasury. Ho refused, but intimates very strong ly that somo of tho faithful have been beguiled, whether through corrupt, or, motives of personal friendship for Homo of tho members of tbo "ring" be docs not say. Ciianok or 'J'lnk. Tho following bit of news was found in every '-loil" newspaper in New York, after their Kuito Convention : "A e.iloml iKIriat ml in Hi ew 1 'irk lUrullR-Ati CoiivrnlM'tl I" nominate I'bi.f .In.tire null Jnfijre of the I'mirl or Appeal,. When In ruae to 1 ill lie wn rewind llh "tliuinli.li of wppliuife." Tho "thunders" hero alluded to, came from tbo white and black dema gogues who composed the Convention, but tho "thunders" and "applause" of 70.000 liemocrnlic majority on Tues day last came from tho white farmers mid mechanics wlio do not live by nice, and still consider themselves bettor than negroes. Wo wonder when 1I10 next "thunders of iinplauso" will cuino in 7 The Amenhmknt Kiialo. Tho in famous negro amendment worked gloriously for tho licmocra'.-y in New York last week, where an election was held under tho revised Slate Consti tution for seven Supremo Judges. Tho llemocratic majority in that State for two years past has been from ten 10 fifteen thousand, now it will proba bly reach seventy thousand. Thou sands of tho whito 1'epublicaiis ro fusing to link arms with Sambo tovote, but remained at home, while mnny voted tho Democratic ticket flruiglil through. If tho Itads keep on im posing their infamies a littlo w hile Jongcr on the w hito portion they will lcscrt them en mane, and Icavo tho demagogues and their black allies high and dry. Gf.tcinu Tuna Eyes Open. The Radical leaders in Congress, although born long ago, really seom to "live, wove and havo their being," with their eyes khiit ; but liko pups and kittens they w ill eventually get them ipcn. To show how near tho lime iias approached, wo need but refer to the fact, that upon a vote in Congress last week, of Si to 86 Ben. Jiutller's Reconstruction Committco was ordur .d to report a General Amnesty Rill, removing all the pains and penalties imposed on "rebels." Thus demon utroting that tho thcoiies, hates and deviltries of Radicalism will soon seek another climu, or pel ish on this un congenial soil. Who two yonrs ago l reamed that those vermin 11 Congress men would como within two voles of liassing such a bill, yet such is tho fact. As liberty and equity expands in this country Rudicalnm dies. Neither soil nor climate is adapted to despotism. IlVOItCES AM) KKCoNSTai ction. Congress on Friday last passed a new divorce bill for the District of Colum bia. Tho new bill makes thrco addi tional grounds fur divorce, viz: Cruel treatment, willful absence for the apace of three years, and liuhilual drunken ness for u similar period. This latter ground is unaccountable; because if I lie wives of Senalors and Congressmen would avail themselves of its privi leges, one third of tho M. C's. would find themselves divorced bcfuio the clone, of tho j rar. Morton, Chandler and Yutes, tho "loil'' leaders in the Fenatc have been notorious drunkards lor fifteen years, and why they should still further jeopardize their domestic felicity by vot ing for such a bill is a mystery wo cannot solvo at tbia dis tance from tho negro bear garden. Tho mania for reconstruction prevails so extensively at Washington among drunken Congressmen, that we need riot be surprised if they would issue a Dow Decalogue, or reconstruct the Moral Code su that Mrs. .McKiirliiml and Kev. Reedier i-i-mM ivv 1 Itnlhrr tsitt. We, yenis ago, ealh'd public alien- lW.it to tho ileinoniliung Influences inculcated by certain "loil" news papers, chief among them tho New York nli nndent, edited by Theodora Tilton. This we done, ton, while nearly nil tho Christian Advocate, New York Obrrrver, and oilier relig ions journal wcro publishing the prospectus of that newspaper in llaniing capitals, and calling upon their readers to patroniso it. Lately, however, tho dose seems to unseUli tho thcoloL'ieal mind of tho editor in question, and they now go back on brother Tilton. Tho editor of tho Ohsener several weeks ngo pommeled Theodore rather severely, and last week ono of iho Advocates took tho samo gontlcman to task in this wiso : "There is a pro cess going on, which is unsettling the foundations of scriptural morality. Under tho hiih soundiiiif names of tw ih'titisfmniU. TEETH 1 TEETH I QfH;ft i.xiractkh ron as cksti". A Painirr l'i 1.1 11 1 1 n In A ri il, "i!l, the late liiritnl Hiillm k, editor of tlio New Yolk ..wrmrf nl ( nmmeree. published an editorial in that paper, in which ho deelared that ono thing would bo demonstrated by a w ar upon iho Southern Slalis, vir.: "That we have not, tinif in the, rvmt of the nljv.- qtition of the S'iii)hern State, are not ,, likely to have Such a Government as Iho Constitution contemplates, or as such as our fathers understood to be instituted when the I'nion wns formed. The Government then established was a Government of equals, in w hich all tho Slates would perform a willing nart. Tho ono w hich our warlike menus, reprcsonieu in sociiisj uiu Lincoln Administration would prove 1 to exist, is a Government of force, j u lixi-n .1 niiiim itv of States, or of tlio i - . ,l . I. I tb. 111 10 Hie 2.1l of Mh mon'li. re iireseiiiiiuvcs, us m. iau .. , . th h, wiN ,tnJ in Ut uop, shall hold the minority in subjugation and ,uth,r.l,urt, llernlely. l'rliei rr.iling I dmlanr aniiuia wrne 10 u. n.-.i- . mm eoming. Offli-e honn. From 8 10 13 0 cloak, av. in., and from I le o'i'lock, p. in. W me none but Hie rerjr lt rotterlnl. ui.I Ji.fv eomprlilioo for heuul.cliciinoiiu nil 4uru bili'tv. Hire m call. I'grwciniillc, l'a.p May M, 1R70. IV Kxlr..tf.l with tti " ' Nlrl ill" if, I,,,.. 1...THI.K. (th onl.r harmlr.uil eflirinit Ans ltlieO" i ) ''J S. J. HAYES, Surge-n Dentist, f-" OK Ct ItWENSVII I E, PA., Whn wnnM nn-fhj mont reffoi'tfullr hit Ihaiibi for Ihe lilieral .alroiiK of the !, anil tnl. .no the ,iil.he Ibal be b remiiTeil 111, idee 1,1 III turner of 8lle and I.oi-o.t ilrrrli, (over Jenkin' flurc,) -re be li Jireirel lo t.crive bie euilomrre In newlr "llnl up rooUK, anl do llirir ork in Ihe mint rkillful an I workm.r.like manner. All work done In the hint aud mom apnroved III lei, ami ruaranloed. Dr. lUrt-e wii, be tnitneeil In nuemwi.-em with m rrliin of tbrr frr M HH li-rrt, n..T if Mr-trr Wri.fi'., in Hr.tt r-I (. n-ii'', th nw bclutig tr nW Ml hit rrcmtM-i. ImiRTKK WKIf-hH. lit iMrrrriip lirnt'-f'-n ciMiBf in lh iHi-n Ht" l'Miir ln lwei-M J. II. mutl l. i. rrr- n, oirl'-r llt flrin nmmr ut Kerjriiaon luoinir. in l.uuilsrr I it T, diHultnl im Munniv, mt V, f;ti. Iv B't',tl f'tint-nt. Thf liuinn "ill l ' ri nliiin-'l y l. t. Krrnwn. h mil rtH fcll i the twv..t.i.ii "f thv l;itr linn. All ir-rMn hnnwtiiK th-milvin iu'lclilol mil JiUai'f cnll irl luakf liu 1 nu tlistlr m tiiciufiil. .1. II. fHIHil KIIX. M.t1I.170SIi-I 1. L. FhHtH'MiN. A It ia here"T (tivrn th nt Irttrrtnf ft.lmiimtn.tion n.. tdr rvtfiieuf (iKOHii K HI-OSS, dfecawl. nJ A ilniifi ial rtrn 6unii mom on tlio rfst of 111 CfflPU, OF y.Mt ttMt (or ,alf. (jrAIII'IANS1 HAt.K ViM ABIE REAL ESTATE! h. Th b.I.eeeof ! JOHN FLOSS, lole of Kno lowneliin, il len Hope, Uiiraiiiie in lieartield cnnnljr, IViniMliaiiia, liv to their w For tho expression of such senti ments as this Mr. llallock was forced to retire from an editorial career extending over thirty-threo years, and lo abandon his vuluablo newspaper property. How truo tho above words Truth fob Oncic. When a propo- .Ubera. chrislianily" and .progressive an Ration of tU; present ..t.ll.ic.il.i' " I m B-iiuiimr nni millinfr 1 I .. . ' ,,,,,,,,n,..., , ....., ,.... .... o,lcu. IrtUiSVUle OUM arc done. Tho N. x . liuieptmunt, we regret to say, is in our judgment tho most dangorous oncmy that Christian doctrines or morals havo to four. Il docs its work under Iho Christian name, and bonce it work insidiously in Christian homes and in Christian hearts. It is a real affliction to warn readers against a paper no good in ninny respects as tlio Independent is, yet it is evident that the religious press cannot bo much longer silent in regard to it, unless ils courso is changed. Honest opposition, wo know, will bo construed into ignoble jealousy of a powerful rival, but the risk must bo taken, rather than have truth betrayed by silence." This is a littlo harsh, but eminently just, and should have been done years ago, and is justifiable, only, on tho ground of "better lato than never." Valuable Ileal Estate for Sale! rilHK unclrrpipnpt!. rrnidinR In I'd tun towtwhin, J Clrnrfli-I'. comity, offcri Inn Farm forwlh It vijoiut lU(iB of Hullopeter, Line anil othen, and CONTAINS ONE HIM'HKI) Al.HKSl I Piiiy-five of wliirh re improved and nmir o& silion was Ulidur discussion in till luW-;uit.Vition. uitl the bUni wvwl with hwy or IIouho oi Conm-cfls. to appropriate irrowth of I'inr, link i Hwniork nmr. Thw money for the purpose of improving j :,' '?Z tllO Ventilation Ol lIlO Hall, COVOUO plenty of "! uprinir walernn the premieeaf for Sail! : "ThO foulest air in this here further particular, ell on Ihe prvuiiere or aJdieu hull, is iist round w her I stand." ! That was one of tho most truthful ut terances ever made by Ihe old "Alli gator." Jt is no difleronco wlioro lio may stand, ho can make a similar statement, without having his veraci ty called in question. A clergyman, in a recent sermon in New York, quoted an anecdoto of an old merchant, who instructed his clerks : "When a man comes into the store and talks of his honesty, watch him ; if ho talks of his woalth, don't try to sell him ; if he talks ol his re ligion, don't trust him a dollar." A Brigadier General, w ho did gal lant service during tho late rebellion, is now laboring in a Jlaucli Cnunk foundry cleaning castings. Hie nndrrMirneii at Kocklon 1'. O. May ZA-2ia II. A. niv.iviiMii. $cic dtfrtisrmfnts. "W'OOL. lli(liet market prioe will he (riven fur Wool .1 I'. kltATZEUS. (Opposite the Jail.) T 10 Bt'II.I'KllS! N..il!, UU-, OiU, .'ainU, ('alpine PUnter, Faoi, Vat-airbed, ilu,e. lWki, t rrUnced priori at (Upnm.it the Jail.) V. K RATEEH S. SHOKA. Ijfldirf' nd ChiMrrn'i ruvtom-madr, LaHinr l.aili-r. kid antl'arit Hlippm, Mo nmco and iilue Kid Ilaluiyra!. i'hiMrrn' 4'ulorrJ BImmhi, ttv rhrftn, at C. K KATZKlt S. (pj)iite the Jail.) ui2.'lui t1 SK1I0,1 (jiMiHS. TiiltP, Hneoiu., Wab Hnl.WrK riiurnr, Huttrr .tnrlc, Cofftf Milln. Until llritk. ll'illnnd IVnrr and Mil aim Illind, I'lothrs llfkft, Tr Trava, Ac. at (t ipp-tKiU' the Jail.) C KHATZKU S. (1 Iint'KHIKS. lld (lovrrnuirnl Java A rhnhf H 1. io t'offtw, Youup Hyuon, Iinprrial. Um k and Japan TiaP, Sufrar. I v nips. Itirn, t andiph, Navy, rpun Hull and Cut Twlaocon, HmifT, Ar., at mluted price, at C. K UATZLK (. (Oppo.iite the Jail.) T AXTliO, The anHen)irnel and hit wife wiph to enynjre t't'OKM at pomr Iiiif Khanlr. Having experience in that line he rs poctr to render atiiiaction. ln be ftddrcftd at allart'ton, I'a, May26-,1t J. W. MAl fillAMER. W IOIt Hal. I' The under. ifcnrd ba. on hand and for ale a tiunilr of new WAiloNS. gri up and finiHhrd in 111 beet el le. W ill lie eold rraeonalile. Call and at-e, OKolltiE I). LANK II. rirarnehl, Mnj 2A, Isr0-4I. "Southern Outrage, A lato Congressional Investigating Committee, bus brought to liht the fact, that nearly all tho "houtliern outrages" which appear in loyal north ern newspapers from timo to limoarc manufactured in Washington, in tho office of "my two papers, both daily,' and paid lor at enormous rales. I'orney hai actually collected tliou bnnds of dollars off tho negroes and whito scallawiijis in Georgia for '.vrit- inir un Southern outraues" for the purpose of inl imidating loyal Senators ami Congressmen, lio is evidently "in the hist dilch." hodaro defend such infamy 1 While dwelling upon theso "out rages" wo call tho attention of tho reader to iho following from a lato number of tbo Pittsburg Commercial. The Kditor says: "A northern man sojourning in Charleston, South Carolina, represents tho whito population as deeply and generally disconted with the political condition ol the Stato. Though quiet, and neither practicing or countenan cing violence ofanykind, they do not .1.. ... ,I.a oi.i..,mn" u'ill, n a miirli UUT'l illU Clltlrtni'il ni" w cordiality as somo other cities ol the South. According lo this correspond ent, tho chief ground of tlio prevailing- dissatisfaction is iho corruption wliieh is believed to exist in tho ad ministration of affairs. 1 lo represents ono gentleman saying as ho read his newspaper, "J.ook at this ! Hero is a man appointed Trial Justico in my counly yesterday by G'ov. Scott, w ho was, only a few weeks ago, pardoned out of jail by this saino (iovcrnor. lio was put in jail lor robbery, on the verdict of a jury more than half ne groes, on tlo clearest evidence. Jie lias been guilty of every petty crime; ho is habituully drunk ; his habits and associates nro of tho very lowost or der ; bis volo has been bought again and again for filly cents, and his de cision as a judge can bo had any day lor il will hring. Vt hat sort 01 justice ; aro we likely to have in my county : We should say the fountain of juslice in Ihut coutny is not likely to send forth very puro waters. Cases like this, or nearly as bud, nro alleged by iho discontented class to bo very com mon. reflects upon tho past opportunities and training of tlio freedmon, and who takes into account the character of many of tho adventurers who have gono into South Carolina to improve their circumstances, will think such allegations very unlikely to bo true. Is, then, tbo discontent of tho high minded men of the Stato very unreas onable? On iho Contrary, it WOUld j making .lnl,h.hn,eot from the ma. over llarla . , t.i 1 .! wii-k Irwin , dm ,.re lo Ihoee nljoiiunc tin no sirango ll me regarueu ineir cuh- dition as atiythiug but as a sort of purgatory. The most interesting por tion of this correspondent's letter is llic s'.alcmcnt that leading white clti r.ciu nro prcpairing to form a new parly in fiivor of political and moral relorm This a truo statement of things down South, and every decent while man should know it. The Commcr riiil is "luil to the euro," and therefore gnml authority upon a sulject in which its parly has an interest. Yet, in tho faeo of such facts, I'orney still persists in retailing his black mail falsehoods, to tho disgrace of himself and tbo paity that siislnins him. Ol der such circumstances ihe forbear ance of Iho Southern people is truly amazing. The l'.iio Observer says: Wo g'vo Judgo Schotiehl credit for ono decent act in Congress alas, that tho occa sion should bo seldom offered 1 lio vo ted against turning out a 1'cmocratie member from Louisiana who was elec ted by l'l.r,21 majority. Tho Commit tee on Klcclioiis reported in favor of his exclusion, but tlio dose was too strong lor even such "ousters ns Nchofh ld, and be was allowed t re lain his seal. The instance is Hie first ono on record whero a Jhidicnl contestant failed logel w hat he asked. Sheriffs Sale. "1)Y irlu of fundry writ of Levari t'neat, I litucd out of I lie Court of Cum mon Pleas of i tfirtit ld eountj, and to me directed, there will be exposed to puMie tnle, at the Court Houm in the borough f Clearfield, on Monday, the Vtli due of June, ISTt), at 1 o'clock, p. m.t tbo fol low. lift di-icribed Heal EtUte, to wit: All that eertnin two-ntory frame dwelling bie it u ate ill the borough of Uweola, Clearfield eoin ty. Pa., on lot ho. IVJ, together with 00 wtvh ground an i DeeeMary for ordinary use of Mid bouKe; Mid houe ie two torir high, and frctit tnit on Stone etreet 60 feet and 16 li-et deep; lot bounded eail by Htone itreet, north by lot So. H, went by Decatur alley and ftouth by Montgoaiery alter. Keiied, taken in ereutioa and to be aold aa the property of YY. II. Wallaee, Alan, a certain building and lot of ground ap purtenant therrtn, niuate id the borough f Clr-ar-(irld, Pa., no lot No. 21., in what it known aa Mm eop'l addition to Paid borough of C'learfeld, and bounded epmt by Fourth alrcet, eouth bj M N". 1 27. wret by alley and north by Ut No. 2., and bring 60 feet front and jv feet dwp ; taid houne being In front on Konrth alreet U feet, and alwiut 'il fwrt in drptb.and built of plank. Veiled, Ukm in execution and to be ioUI u the property of M. J. and P. C. Purviam. There will alfo be eold. by virtn of ft writ of ZfiviW f'aeioe. on MONDAY, JI NK Mlh, 70, the following Kcai KUte: AH that verUin houne cituatM In rtahrille. Ilwaria towiiihip, Clrarfield eounty. Pa., and bounded by lot of Ihe houte being 24 feet ia length and H feet io depth; together with pnrand enough for the ordinary dm of ko, t?eiied, taken in exeeutioa and tu be told aa the property of J. 11. llynBong. Didden will Uke aotlee that 15 prreeoL of the purehaea money must be paid when the property ii knocked down, or it will he put up again for a la. CYltKNll'S JlOW'K, FiiRmrp'i Orrii a, I Bbariff. Ctearfleld. Pa., klity In, IMTft ( SherilT's Sale. 1 ) Y tirtaeofiandry writiof tuditiomi Kj-poma 1 1 luBued ont of tb Court of Common Pita of Clearfield eoontr, an4 Id in directed, tbera will be eipond to public Mle, at the Court Iloune, in tb borough of Clrarfield, on Monday, the 6th day of Jnne, .;., ml 1 o'clock, p. ., the following deicribed Heal Ettata, to wit: A certain traot of land liluatc ia Ferguftoo tB Fhip. '!enrfii'ld eonnty. Pa., bound rd auddeecribed aa follow, to wit: Beginning at a hemlork corner, thenee by Benjamin tiibhe' nirver, eouth ftO de Free, wrrt 2.ii) ncrobti to a wort ; thenoo aoutb 40 degree. aat Jott perohea to a poet, and line of Cornel 1 un luti.ni nni thenee along line mane ne-twer-n tlieia. worlh Ml degree, eaut 2'to perehe to ving heen duly granted to the uiiJ riiird, and all p ifom indehud to paid oeiatcs will pleaee tnitke payment, and thc hnving rlaiini or dt-mandu will pnacnl them properly autbenticated for ert1.emr.it. MAHI . J. Hl.ttHS. JAJJM UiKLK, my If! TO.fit pl A IminiMralorn. IN Till. I orHTOl' COMMON PMCAH of Clearfi. hi county, Pa. Andrew On eg, Dfe, 1 v.. VcD..,No.l21,5k'bT,':0. llpnr Ijrue. I Th uuilmi(rnU Auililur baviliK l.cn aipointU to make dmtritiutiun of III munT arl.lli from Ihe .ale u( riil e.late on Ihe above writ, aive. mi lii. thai he will allrnj lo lhiitttlii-. of hi. aiipnint- mciil at hi. offii, iu f Irarfit-M, on tlatuniav. May Mh. at 2 o'olo'-k. i. m., when and win-re all par tis, inierr.tcil may .Itrnil. mjll-.1t A. W. WAI.TKIlf, Auditor. TNT of Cloarlirl'l counly, 1' JairiF. rorrcat I v.. ! v Wi Pliaw. Theuniler.ijiu il Auililur liai in lin apioinlrd U make dmlriliulion of th moiit-y ari.inR fmm the ale of real e.lale on III al.nv wril. (jnea no tioe thai he will alu nd lo the dull, of hi. appoint ment al hi. offlee, in Clearfield, on Saturday. May 2Mb. at 3 o'riock, p. in., when and wuer all par tie, interested may attend. nnll 3t A. . Al.lr.ns, Auuuor. l en. ex., No. 67, Mareb T., 1870. nT tlrle of an r.ler leurd "l of th : pli.n. Court of Clealfleld eoonlr. In Ih. C..iiiio wraKh of IVan.il.ania, n Ilie.tlaU of llo.llrey We.fer, lal of Biadr lown.liip. dre..d. Ih.r will be,i..e. 10 1'iii.ii. fcaK it S.'bwom'l Hotel, in 1.1 Tlll.Uslll ' lit, oa Monday, the 20th day of May, 1870, Al J o'el.uk p. m.,the f.,ll..win Ileal K.lal. .iln ale in llra.lv town.bip, CUarnelJ eounly, I'a., and deaerihed al follow.: Trrl o. I contain. 10 aere., and I. bounded on Ihe north l.v llodfrrv Zillio", Jr., and Adam Korli; ra.l by ilenry Mear; aonlh by Ueorite Penu, and wi .t by pul.!ic road. Abool 40 acre, rlrnn.l. with 12 er. In elover and meadow. A good orchard, hewed l"K lioua In barn, lr.ni. table, rain hnaar, wood bouae, and a ood .prin( and rprlne, houaeoonvument lo in uuii.iinici,. n aetiooi hou.a on Ihe norlli-we.t corner of Ihe land. The balance ol Hie Irael i. well timbered with pin and hemlock, and within a mil of three law uilL- Trart Nu. 3 eoniain. 5I acre., and II hounded on Ihe norlh by land of Frederick itchier, call by Frederick V. initerl, aoulh liy Uenrr llaruii it, anu we.l by Ilenry Wearer. About eitht acreicleared and under cultivation. The balance I. covered principally with hemlock, oak and obeMnut Um ber, and there il a .aw mill and a publio road within sight of lb aoulh end of the land. Then Irael. form a very dr.irabla and valua ble property. Terma and C'oiirlltlonat On. third at confirmation of !, and the bat ance to bo aecured by bond and mortare on the preuii.cl. llAVlll II K A MM. WILLIAM WIM1ERT, tlu.rilian. of minor heir, of G. Weaver, dee'd. Lutli.nl.nrn, Hay 4. I "7U 4t. UiJffUiinfcui. H. F. UIGLKH & CO, Mill, ia II A 11 1 W A It K, Alio, Maf.ctrr.of Tin and Sheel Iron Ware. C I KA r r I I L II, pa. LOT OF BADDLHS, BRIDLKS, Ilaroc.i, Collar., !., (or lal k H. F. BIGLER I CO. pALMKU'S l'ATKNT UNLOAD- leg Ilay Forki, for nt by II. F. BIGLER A CO. IL. PAINT, IUTX i , ULiAas, h'ail., te., for .al by II. F. DIOLER A CO. A READ I READ!! 0 II aKNESS trimmings 4 suoe Finding, for .al by II. F. BIOLER A CO QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For al by IT. F. BIOLER I CO. CTOVES, OF ALL BOKTS AND fiisai, far aala by II. F. BIGLER A CO. T N TI1K Clll HTOP COM MO PL HA ft I of CU-arbi-ld oounly. Pa. Aidm Forrcit ) vv. Van. ei, No. 63, Marcb T.f I70. Jarob Hancy. ) Tbr aodrrtipned Auditor bavinjt Wn appointed to make dmtribuiion of th money ariitiiit from the iale of real rotate on the almve writ, jriraf no tice that he will attend lo the duties of bin appoint ment at his oflioe, io Clearfield, on Haturdav, May Mh. at 4 u'elock, p. tn., when and where all par Uei intereiU-d may attend. mvll-Ctt A. W. WALTERS, Auditor. TN THE HI ATT f '.It F THK EPTATK OF TlifKMlura Peotdrn, lata of Laweertee towoahip, Clrarfirld county, deeeaaed, the follewinjr, order of Court wai deereed on tbr report ot the Appran er, rttinic oat the real eate to Miiry Jane Peo i.l. widow of Theodore Prople, deoeaied : !.. Utrab Slit. A. 1). 17. fiahlieatton In at lea't one nrt.aiior, lor three week l before neit term, publihod In Clearfield eounty, it here by direetctl, aolifyinn all pernf in intereM that the mtl eUle ol Theodore Peole, lato of Law- reoee townbip, d(VDed. will be eonfirired ta ber and the n-porl ol Ui Appraiaeri approTra nni'-ii trntTuMent eaM to the eoutrary be shown by the irot day of ntxt trrm.' Jly lha Conrt. n U ? A. W. I.KE, Clerk 0. C. IOH ftAl i:oi( RKKTl A two-rtory Store Ifoiitte, with larpr one-Ptory wai-ertHna in rear, and 2Hs2"l' fcol of ground, f iluate on Sfvwid ntreet, Thii property li in fwd repair, and well nituated for a tmpLiien stand. For further particiilnr in quire of D. U. MMNO. Clrarfield. May 25, 1a70-2tn. N OTIC IV-IlaTing purthawd the interrrt of J. A. lilnttrnhrrr, Y.if., in the hutinei heretofore earrjrd on uuder the Arm nime of J. A. lllatlenlwrjrer A Co., the rame will Imi eondueted hereafter undtr Ihe nawie of Aloe hatinoB Land and I. umlirr Coinpinr, (Store.) II. II. PH ILL! .NO FORD, JOHN LAAVflHK, wyl!iif Prraident. tienrral Pup't. C10MK AM) ftKTTMV-The underKne.!, J havino; retired from the mercantile bufinrn, tuke thip ineihwl of inforrotna; hia patron a that he will he found at the old utand, read? to elope up and Pitt Jr. Tliope having unsettled aeeouuia will plraic give thia notine reppeetful attention. D. li. MVLINti. Charfiold. May 2. lTO 4t. X fCl'l'TOKH NOTK i;.Notic it here- 1 j y it" T I.lHTr.R'ff XOTIC1V-Notiewla hereby IV ariven that the following aeeonnti have been enaoiiitt-d and pnoped ly ne, and remain filed of reeord in thii ofliee for the inp.eetion of heira, lexnteee. ereditorp, and all otbera in any other wny interentrd, and will be prrtented to the neit Or phans' Court ot Cirartiehl county, to be held at the Court Houw, in the borough of Clrarfield, eom menrina; on the ftrrt Monday (being tbe 6(h day) of Jane. A. D. 1870. Partial aeeouut of Pnmuel Haperty, exerulor of Samuel Hagrrty, Hr., lale of Woodward townphip, deeraw-d. Final aerount of Henry and Jaeoh Wehrwine, eTi-eitUtri of Conrad Mcbrwina, lata of liraily loTnchip. d-eeatwd. Final Aeeount of FreUerirk Arnold, adiiiiniptra tor of Peter Arnold, late of Ura.ly townphip. dee'd. HroiUEa'a Orrii'i. I A. W. I. E K, Clearfield, Pa.. May 11, lK70-te. R.giiter. 1 TIIH MATTI R OF Til K APPRAISE menl of the Ileal Eptate ttf Ptter A phonic Iter, late ot Hnwly t4n-h'ip, dreftaaed. a puat j thrnee by John Dmkr rurvev, north 4 To the Heira and lrt;ai neprcrinatirra oi aam d'prrep. wept ltrtl perchta to jtlare of beginning: devaed: containing 214 acre, more or lrr, and Wing the Whrrca. at an Orphan Conrt, liel-l at Clr w.rth.wt h.Uf of inner in name of Matt hia 1 field, on the l(Mh day of January, A. D., lf7t, a Ifarton. Seined, tnken in rtrcuttwn and lo uc eold petition of the be ire and legal rt-prernlarivcP of aa the property of Paul White. Piter Aphenfrlter, dw-rai-e.. waa reai, apfcing lor A No, a eertain traot of land litiiaf in Karthaul pwtiUoo of real e.ute of aa.d dwdent. and A p. town-hip. Clear!!, H e,.ntr, Pa., hound, d and de- f1 "fP? ,,,r f , period L follows: On the north br land of Ipaac I Term. t.0. filed their report : wh-rrnpon the f. Ji,,rs.0U the aouth.etvpt and wet by landa of r ,WV''"U h? ' ' . . . Mii.rrh SI. !:. AtniraiPemi lit i f on finned Wrttarvevs, enmaining n aen-P, more or irvn, mn - - ... , having about i.B acres of cleared land nmier a good t - ruh ,s grai.tH on t he he.r. and legal "a . r .in, . . i Ln " .j ; reiirepentatirfs of Peter Aahenfeltrr to eonw into Valuable Eeal Estate at Private Sale. rflllE nndereigned hp ewinrladed tndispoeeof: 1 hia FA KM and TINKER LANDS, ailuate iu Penn lownnliip, Clearfield eounty. Pa , eoniain inr 13'i Al HI . adjoining laudp of Patrick Daily, James It, Clark and othera. The farm is rood state uf cultivation: good dwelling house, large barn, nut bouara, on-hard of ehoioe fruit, and a good spring of never failing water on tht prim i A school bouae within two miles. Part of the tra-t 1p heavily timbered, while the whole is underlaid with a rem of coal, which inn at in a short time be a aoarea of great profit. N'a bettor iarratuient could be made, and no traet of land in the eonnty oflera greater facilities for making momy. Persona wishing tn learn more partirulars in regard to terma, Ac, ean eall on the premipes, or address tbe nndcrrigned at J ram pi an Hills P. O. JOHN MiIKTYRE. Penn tp., Mareb .10, Ih'O-AujpiL "administhatou s sale op VALUABLE REAL ESTATE RY rirttie of an order ttf tied ont of the Orphani' Conrt of Clearfield eonnty, Pa , or the estate ol James A. Kiihel, lale of Drady town-hip, dec d, there will be exposed to I'ukic bate, at Scbnem't I Hotel, in Lutberahorg, on Saturday, the 4th day of June, 1870, At S o'clock, n. m., the followii g Peal Estate, situ ate in Braily township, Clearfield county, Pa., and dtweribed aa follow a: Beginning at a pst, then' anath ISO prrebe along land of Kliaa Rihcl to a : thenea, by land ef Ilenry llehrwine east prrchci to a port: tbenee, by Innd of Thomas Carson, north l-tu fnrehua to Klk wood ; thence, by land of John otter, fiO .errhea, to place of beginning con taining 4A arm and allowance, O'TEKMS Cash on confirmation of aala. pamll msnru May 11, 1:0 4t. Adiuinistratur. rUOX! HiON! IKON! IKON! L For sale by II. F. BIGLER k CO. Xbiladrtphia dtrttlsmnuti. V ISAAC K. STACrrtR, try watc ins k j.iuiLRv To. IO K of til Snnd tr.,i Cimrrof qiiarry P 0 1 1-A I 1 1 f II . in a..nrlmnl nf WalrhM. Jrwilr), .1, fir.!.-'! War cwn.lanllr a hand. Hri.airln of Wal. li" n Wi w.liy .f .t,,,. atl.n.li-d Iu. Jj.'K I; g. gillfroi.n. - O. hitundi-r. . II . l-,,l,mu S. SILBERMAN & CO., larnmrli aan Jonr.in ur FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, AC, 13 .Yorlh Fourth Street, , pini.AKl I.I'lilA. inl T. C. MYERS, Willi wii. w. rnu WM. W. PAUL & CO. WIIOLrSALE ICOOT AXD SHOE ?. .' ho VSE, (21 JUrk.VSt. 614 Camimret St a(ot. PiiU, I'llII.AHKLPHIA. 1; J. WOLLOWil'.R 1. T1 Ci.,1. HOLLOWBUSH & CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Hook Manufacturer!, AND BTATI0NK11S, ai .WarArt St., rhUaeltlphia. aVfkP.nrr Flnar Rakf and Baa.. Fool,.,,, Lttler. Nut, wrapping, Curiam ana w,; I'aptra. fcbJi-lj. II OIISE S1IOKS 4 HOUSE SHOE KAILB, far aal. bf II. F BIGLER A CO PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL BIZES i. Aal but MaDafaclar, far aal ay II. F. BIOLER t CO THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for lal. ky H. F. BIGLER 4 CO RODDER CUTTEKS for ealo ly II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. I'lJIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IX LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. rilHR nndcrslpned, Kxoratnr of tbe etate of 1 Hugh MrMullen, oC.ti at Private h'ala A Farm Contaiuiug 100 Acres. More ar lesa. situate In Lswren fnwntbltt, shoot three an ilea Irom Clearfield, adjoining lands of Abraham Ogdca. Jiseh a'son, t.irr, and othera. A I tmt 40 acre are under rultiration, witb a log faunae and a grod on hard thereon. irFor fmllier iarticnlar call npon the an dcraignrd or addresa bim at 1'lcarhcld P. 0. ADRAIIAM 0lEK. April 27, 1 STO Tin, Kiecuior. state of pultivatton. with a two-story log hou and a pid log barn and good (raxing orchard thereon. Hciicd, tnkrn in eTccTitioa and to be sold as the property uf Jeremiah (Jain. Also, four cr rtain tracts of land situate & fn) iws : No. 1 situate In Ur ad ford townfhip, Clear field county, I'a, bf jinninjt at a black oah nn the batik of huftqiH-hnni.a Kivcr; thenoe eoolb 00 de grees, weet '11.1 pnhci lo a p't on the original line of sorreT : ihi-nce north 22 degrees, Wfd 12t) iml)cii to pitch pine corner on tbe bank f raid river; thrnee duwn said mer, br its several courses and distanrra, alot .143 perchea to the laoe of beginning : containing l''2 acrra and alb wancr, and having t hereon erected a small log home and hum, and alnit acres of clrarcd land. No. 2 riluatr in sainr township, eonntr, Pa . bepnning at a eucnmher an the Htirtqnebafina Kivcr. thrnee north (! degrees, west ie perches to a post ; thence anu th -east M perches to a tst ; thence nor'h-eal t ourt on the first Mumiiv ni June i erm nni, ai 2 o'clock, p. m., and awpt or refuse to take tbr premise at -the valuation an 1 appraisement, or hnw cause why the same shout I not be sdd. Peraonal notic to all parties in the county and to heira out al (Mate hy four cnseeiiti ve pwtdicatinns in one urwFpaer puM.sbed in said couuty before neit Tenn. lij the t'onrt. mil to A. W. IKE, Hcrk ft. C. ' ren that Letters TestamentarT having n granted tn the suSecribcr, on the Kslate of ! kr ticrrhes to the river; thence along sai'i river, THOMAS RAFFKRTY, deceaed, lata of Penn j ty i). curses and distance, to the plane of bein toannlnn. Clearneld eountr. I'ennsvlvania. all I enniMinin limit ?lt a-'ret. mora nr l'W. all Add IH) Ore. 1. 1.0 SUppOSO, w0 persona indehtfd to taid Estate are requeated ta t ri.Kred. No. T situatu in Kartbniis towrwlup. in- iiunimiiMa OTDiiv, inn mow MTin t,enrneil eouniT, I a., onnnaen cam ij mif iiiiiiu cluiini auint the name will present thcin duly I ponnty line, north 1V land of Huch M wiigal. authenticated for seltlrinent. J. B. RAFI'KltTT, JOHN CLU1K, Penn tp . M.iy 2', 70:6t pd Kiet-ator. COURT PK0CLAMATI05. "TI1KREA, Hon. C. A. WAVER, Praa. ) ident Jndgc ef the Court of Common Pleaa of the twenty fifth Judicial lHstrirt, eomnnaed of tbe counties of Clearfield. Centra and Clinton and Hon. 8AM1KU CLYl'K and Hon. JACOB W1LHKI.M. Assoeiata Judgea of Clearfield eo bare iaened their precept, to ana directed, for the holding of a Conrt of Cmmn Plraa, at ibe Court House, al Clearfield, im and for tbe county of Clearfield, commencing on the It rat Mon dar, the tHli rinv f Julie. If TO, and to enn'tinnn TWO WKKKS. NOTICE IS. therefnre, hereby given, to jurors and witnesses, in and for aaid cuntvn Clearfield, west br J"hn Mi (iontrtl and enuih by land of ' to be and appear in their proper persons, at 10 Removal I fplIE MISSES REEVE A HATFIKM would 1 reppcctrnlty Inform tbe I,j.dtcs of this place and TicinilT that they have removed their lress- drng store tn Ihose adjoining the Itakerr. and solicit a lilieral "hare of patronage. Clearfli-M. I'a.. May .', 1 iT0-tf. G, H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. "0 Pumpi alwava nn bafl and trade tp order on abort notice. Pipes bureil on reasonable Irroi. All work wananlrd to recisr rairfn-tiin, an4 delivered if deiircd. nJTSo;lypd o'clock, a- tn., of said day, to do thoso things which In their behalf perlai to be done. OlVfcN under any band at Clearfield, this Isth day of May, tn the year of ear Lord, one thousand eight hntidred and eercntr. CYRKNIIS UOWK.'SAer.'. Pay Your Taxes I TN accordance whh an Act of the General Aa eenibly et thia fotn mon wealth, approve, the ilercmish t.nins: containing a hoot 40 act -w. and having theretn creeled a large two stor; frame hiMise. a frame bank Mm, together with good bearing orchard, and all cleared and nndet t good Hate nt cultivation. No. 4 situate In K ft bans township, Clrarfield county. Pa., coutaiuin altiut 32 acres, adjoining the alnve acres, an t being all cleared. Keiied, taken in etecutHin ant to bt aold ax the property of Isaae Gains. ( There will else be edd, by virtne of sund-f writs of VeM.toN( f'j-pnani.nn MoNUA Y, J I K 13, IS7Q, the following Heal Etarr: KJd day of March, A. I. 1ST, "relating to the i MP..i imet f l.nd ..(...I (ti flni;. .. oollection of taca in the ccinty of k learn eld. ...... .'!. rfi.t. I M.nit Keirintaio. .1 a itnai I notice is therefore hereby giren tn tbe taipaver on the line of the Sarah M. Murtrie survev: tbenoe residing in Ibe diMrieta Wlnw named, that ttte f.l A, irrce. i at K.il nen-hes tn a tbene IViuaty Treasurer, la accordance with I tie Second south 2rd. greea.east Hl pcrchetn stones : thenif I action of anid Act, will attend at the place nf .lnnwlinn.il Thntiia Merrvatrll. anntli Al oVrree I holiling thf horoiih and township election on writ Jt.0 perches to post on the plank roa 1 : thence I the following named dnya, for the pnrposw of alons the flank mad, north ?ti decree, wcrt four receiving the t ounty, liming and State Ukea and , peri-hrs, north 70 degn-ea. wet four perdies. north M.litia Fine! as'esmd for liti; hc d. grrra, wctt M pt relies, norm rt-pees, wc-t For Orahatn. on Tuenv, the 24 h of Mar. 25 e-bes, north fi2 degrees, weft 20 per.hra. F r M ti is, on Wedocfd'ay, the 2Mb of May, nl ( Icarfl.ld county, I a. them north f-1 d-tfrca. ra-t I no i.che- to t fM line,. Kiur.i.r. it,. B-.u m. Firt National Pank of Ctcnrticld Nn. 11. March Tenn.lSrO iMiuicstir Attm hinrnt. tJeorjfe W. Sliiintl. There will le exposed to Public Pale, at I'.ie Court lionse. In Clearfield bnmuch, on Monday, tbe 1 lilt tiny of Juin 17, by .trine nf the an -tltoriiy in thrm rested a Trusters nf the eftate of tienrge W. Shtm 1. all the rtjht, title and Interest of tlenrge W. Shiinel, Jr.. in that certain tract of white corner land formerly anown as tne rcicr (onrtinn larm. upon wliieh Fmd (icorge . S'hiinel now Itves, sit uate in Pncs township. Clearfield conntv. Pa.. iecribed a lol'nws : Hrginning at a white oak coni'T, on the iith went corner of the survey; thence cant, by V. albrn K rater and .lame CrawTord aurver, 2.IH pen-hes to chetnut ; thence north, by Charles Crawford, about I ID pcrebca. ir so fur un til it com ea In the corner of t.eorce Pbimcl pur fhnpc; thence west, along b'" line, el unit 110 perches; thrnee eouth nmit 10 perches, nntil It 1 "trikea tbe line a aurvryed off between Heh and ; Wnrren aid IVter t.carhart, iniidr by Moccs ltngp; ' tbenee w ft. fl'onaT that line, IJfi en'bcs to the 1 old line between the two surveys ; Ibencc, by V al I ho Ernser survey, "onth H'o perehe tn the place f hegintitiit ci'Msiiitng atmut I JVt acres, more or luh, S;t il Sinuirl p mttrel in sant land is such I ac be lm iiifil'T a J-iirrlinw by artii ep nf n?ree - mri.t from J. M. Mi-I.nally. dated May 12, lst.ti, kn j winch, ami-uf other nunc-, there arc reserved to sn d M' t'lmllv, his bcirs and a-ij.n, out of the I same. 0 nercr at the en tern rnd t (be trad, tv . iin-iiide the nw amll and dim. and all the mmtr power nf Ihe sire.im. (l.a'irel It fin. ) and hjfht lo mse Ibe v.alrr iu the mini by a dam nr dam, and ti nr the nam, ba'd rerntinn a Imi inelndes a'l the timber fit f-r aannig execiit a hundred mid toet, nni nil the ptone eoal and nthcr pot: thenep north 21 drjrces, weal 114 perclue r r IhiMon, on Monday, the Jloih nf May. to place ot iieginiiing ; containing .ill eerr, n re ytlt Vnto, on Tnisday. the JUt ot My. j or less; Wing snmr I mid ennveyed to A ll-mui. J f nf UntdT, on V cdneaday. Ihe I at nf June, i llyers A 1-mcall by J. Fry and wife, and rcenr ted f or HUmibi, on Thursday, the Jd of June. in Hceil HiK.fc nn, pajrc ,4. e at t learft M. i yat Tenn, on Fridnv, Ihe Sd ot June. I'a, Spired, t:iki'n in rxceutioQ and to be so) 1 as tbe property of Morris Saver. ; Also, a certain traet nf land aitnate in Ilruiy town"hip, ClearlieH county. Pa., beginning at a Itience I IK perches to a f t. For Lumber Citv, on fatuiday. the i'h nf June. For Hradlord, nn Saturday, tbe llth of Jnne-, Kor Woodward, nn Tuesday, Ibe Slat of June, for t.ulich, on Hedncsday, the 22d of Juno. For Heeearin, on Thartdav, tbe 2.d fd June, For Jordan, on Frl'lnv, the ? Ith of Jnne, For Knnx, nn Saturday, the 2lh nf June. comer nt land told tu Hubert Pa I ton ; tbenee n ft h l.!j prtchea to pnt t ihrncc cant iS per hea :a post ; I hence south 20 perches lo i.nst ; tlx nfe ft ror Mell, on J uraiar, !!ie sih ot June. ,i" perehes to pot ; ttienne aonth 112 pereht to For Purni le, on V idnrailnt. the 2Vth of Jnne. iilaee nt beginning ; leitig the anic land nnurt fed i For New Washington, on 1 tiurdnv, June 30lh. from J. C. Fuller and wife to W. C. Smith an tl , W. t anflrlJ. by deed iwunM in Clearli-ld, twM 1 in Ietd Hook lill." pac 247, Ae. Seur i. fcKm I in exeetihun and to be aold aa the pro peri ol Smith, Curry A Co. ff-niddera will take nttr that 15 per fit. , of the purchase asnnry must bo paid ahei ihe ! property la knocked down, or it wtll b pnt ap ; again for aale, O HEM I 6 HtW K, j fSnaMtrt 's Orririt, ( ShcnlT. Clearfield, Pa.t May l, ln7fl. ()l!i(T0f the KIlI;uniii!(0:i(o. CioiiD. i miiwylvMiia Iiuiliciil" rc fieouninn tluir New Knuliiiid brotliren of ti-rachcry lo tlio "iTt-nt M-incinli' lr nf iri.iili,.n." Thotmrtv in nnwcir love nnd marriiio l.u.-nn.- u ulinul . innioil ilm linnncr of the Kcvotntip molostalion. Do Coiirponmcii rpflwt Slnle in tlie dust nl tlio Indolent Incl ine moralg of tlio pcojilu? V lio will , ding of Sumner, Houtwrll and Butler mwerT and IcliolJ their rvward. ' IIf.ath. Juil'o Irwin, for ninny years Judgo ol tlio V. S. )iniil Court for tlio Wealirn I ixt rit-t of Pennsylvania, d'ud in I'llti-linrnh, a lOW IlllVfl Hired e yrlirs. Jie WHH IIi'mi-mihI lii-t. nn1 nil hi ,l..nr oi.al amtointed by (it'll. Jai knon, and re-' "'i1'!' min'ii.riiiii.rtai..r Wiaih n .uriar.. 1 ... ,, . , . I wi'li tl.r ritrh In rmr in. rininv th. .am. tamed tlio ollice m.til t.Uiit len yean. , ,Sl, Hwtllml ,, ,.,,. ,m ,,,, ,,0, , 10 whotl lid resigned Aftd W lift ft'JC- ; foretromg rtpcrvn'ioti and the balance of pim-haM fOC(l(MUir Hoil. WiiHOIl 31cCallJl0M. dr fnm UroTfm . Mnmel In J. H. Mehi.. , . . i nlly. Money to be paid at rim n tin at ton of sale. the imwiit Judo. -riifat. j. m-h i.btu tin. WM. M MH I . but fill, it. h. K hi; its, Mn 75. 170 Xt Tntsteea. Pnii.ipn.t-ntt, Ma 12, isju. A Special Meeting nf the Stockholder f ihe Kittanning Coal Company will le held at thr (tflice of the Company, Forrest Place, 11.. (J.mlh Fourth Street, in the City of Philad It hia. on j Thursday, tbr ?d day nf June, 1H70, al II o'riock a. m., to consider and act apon a resolution (Hen 1 In he submitted to them, to increase the C ,ital PtiH'k of the Company frtitn one hnudrcd thott-nnd d -llarp f It'll, (Mill j to" file hundred thnimand dul I lar t.ilt,0tfli). Jl. II. 81111, LINO! '-I,!.. Pmtdenl an Ihrador. II. Nri.en Pt nno una, ) For Cheat, on Fridnv, tbe 1st of Ju!v. For Ferguson. n ,"tnrday, Ibe 3d o Juh Cif isetia of Penn and F rgusnn a ho find it more convenient to meet the Treasurer rt Lumber Citv than at their elect mn houses, ean avail ihrm selves of I hat privilege Parties can alsn pal their tae al Ihe Treasurer's uflica at any time lnm thia for ward. 1'pon all taxea paid on and previnua tn the dart designated there will lie a reduction nf five ter cent. The balance of Ihe districts will ba announced in due time. I.KVm F1.FHAU Treasuret'a Office, 1 'Iroaaurer. rirarucld. Pa.. April 12. 1:0 House and Lot for Sale! rpHR nnderstgned will nil at Private Sale a J lloua and l.ut in ibe borough of Clearfield. anuate on l,ociist street, between J bird A rourth t reels, In a phasant part of tlie town, llnttae in gmad repair, and g d atahle and other nceetaary out-buildings. Ph ket frnae all around the lot. end a well uf rieielletit water at the kilrhen door. For term-, apply ta J01JN W. Sill UFKT. aluy 11, INJO .Tpd. Clrarf.cld, Pa. norsi; AM) lot I'or 11 i.l I he andersirned will tell at Private Pale hia .!one and 1"1. aitnate nn Locust street, be I ween Third and Fourth atrecta. in the borough of Clearfield. 1 be proivertv i in good repair, and 1 a very desirable lunation for a reidenon. Will be sold at a bargain. Term en-v. mart CllAitl.M I.AKR1MER. DREXEL & CO., Ko. at rVuulh Third ftlreet, Plillalrlplia, j.eis, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by nail wilt rceira prompt utt. lion, and all tnfonnaUoa etiecrfull lurui.lw. Order, aoliciUd. aprll u gOMETIllG EW AGAHI C. D. WATSON Wifb. lo Inforai hit ld IrUnd. aad th public (PBrall that k aaa of.n.d u a ar Drug, Confectionery dt Tobacco Store Il kli old liad, oppaiit la Cart Hom, SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. Dl. (lack 1. all a.w, frt.h aad of tk r.ry K,l quality, and will k aold eh.ap for CASH ar approvrd Coantr Prodaca. Itjvn want par Pro, and Pal.nt Mrdicllie., Oo la WATSON'S. If jot want Cccfortlonert,, Canoed Traita, l'lckl. aad Jt'Mn, KaU, A., It., Oo ta WATSOK'8. If joa want tb krrt Boa.ttd Co', E.ttnc f Cuff, f pica of all klodi, ek.ap, 0. to WATSOS'8. If jot wait Faae A Tilot Eoapa, FlaToriBf Eltrirta, A., A., k Inr U Oo lo WATSON'S. II 70a want Pan. Djr, Colon, Clark ' W,t VI a cblot Tbr.ad, Pin,. Kawlll A Kotiona, Oo to WATSON'S. Ch.w.r. and Smok.ra, if 70a want lb bt.t la tk market. ttj at WATSOS'8, wb.r joa eaa fat Pi p.. A Pip Fiitana. If 70a want to gat clear of 7ar .taoipa, Com to WATSON'S. If jo wml to rptad a fw koun of aa ermine, wlik 7ar fri.t.d., ooaia U WATSON'S old etand, vbar 70a eaa crack auu and oat joke, ntil o'clock, n. a. April IJ, HTI. BENSON, CAMPBELL 4. Co., No. 17 H. Fidb BL and til Comm.ro., rniLADELPHIA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, m. we I.LI OO Wool. Oinacvr, For Skint, Faatbara, Lf.lk.r, Flat Snd. Dried Frail, Clor.r Sod. KooU, Dcr Sklna. Bott.r. Btwax, Sb.p Skin., Efir. Ac, ie Ac. COXSIGSMEXTS SOLICITED. Wkl7 Prie carraat forwarded a r.qu.iu Jan 11. ISM i;:pd prrrhant Jailors. FRAXK K. SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Hired, Clearfield, Pa. IWOl'LD rerperlfallj it form tk eitlt.n. ,f Clearfi. Id oownly tbat havi parba,d li, tutere.tand aitaatioa of B. n. L. HtoBcbtm, I am now prepared to make ap, in ?b null f,.h. ion.bl mannar. and oat of tbe kctt nitrnii, 11 kind, ol Liotbinf tbal caiUm.r, n-.y dturt. 1 ka alwaj oe kaLd Cloths, DoeEkins and Cassimerei, From wblcb ea.tomort eaa make tbeir Mlctiu. Ono doer oa.t of tko PoatoSce. Clearteld, April 20, 1 870 tf. THE SINGER. SEWING MACHINES All KM) OF A IX OT11I.RS1 MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S JIA1U5LE & STONE YARD, rI.F.AIlFILI.I, TA. rr-pliop on Heed Railrvad Upot. nrar IVnn.rli ania Bia,' lv,'70.lf. llrono H'.a ri Cn.ai.r. Vi'. Truttkr, Dlircliirt. mtis SI fMIK( Kl.EllHATEK KK'IIAHt)SliK BikiTS, X l.ijhl hir . (it, Fn-nrh Kip rrrni'h I all (Oppn.il Jail I.I Vtr e . ! 0(1. Al C. KKATZEII'S. "I IHTK W k lllTAHI !; .;'.. e I I I K in; 6c centa, mail a ei 7 lo uv aJdreit, m:S i .'' al I.Ht II M IIOTI U Corner of Tliinl and Smitklleld Simla, rilUliurc. Pa. :f. ? II. JOHNSTON A S(N, Pro.rielir, Oil AW IKIIM. Comrr of Xlarkcl and Tronl Strc.tr, ( Irartlrlrl, Pa. Thi. wi.pniflccnt Hotel i onlirelr new. com plot in all It. appointment, and ronvitiien. to tlie t ourt llouop. A ire tiinnthul ran. to and Imm tlie Iirpot on the arrival and nVli.rlnr of aeb train. (ISllHIiK N. t'dl.lll UN. April U. lTo. Pnw.riMor. . T 0 0 1 E P A I ' 1 N l T I : LT V A T 0 R S l Jat rriTd and for .al by II. F. llhiLKR A CO. NEW MAIlltfala WOIXKN. CLEAKF1KLD, TENX A. CI ALL and lb nrw UARIILK WORKS, J on Uarkrl ttroct, oj.pe.itc the Jail. MoNt'MF.NT. tiRECUS ToMHS, FRESril rol'flir.s, TAR1.K TOPS, MANTLF.S. (lAllliEX STATI ARY, TERRA CTTTA WARE, HEAD k FOOT STONE. of arw and beautiful de.igna. All of whirh will ho nll at eil7 firii-ea, or ii or cent lra than any other crtalili.bmrnt in thi. count. Sati.faetina wnaranleed ia all caae. Order tbanlfullr received and promptly Biled in tbe beat woikmaa-likc manner. S. A. g:B;0S. Jr F W'To, Acnt U 1j MOPIMNNoK l.ANP AND M'MBF.R COM rANl ttW r.t .. Totwa l.t l- tk otirli nf OhmhiU, Clr-arlli'M iK.iit.tT, I'a., anl pt lota to auit fnrrhaMra nafaiile Ihr limit iif aaid hnmuph. irtM)a ia titaatcj en tl.r J.luphaamti Crirk, in th rirhfat t"r!ion nf tlSr cohbit of ClpnrfipM, a tht lin of tb Tyron A Ck-arnrlt Kailrta4. attirre tha Uo)iannoa and Boartrlna hrati"i nad inurtvt, ll ia alan in th? hrart al lha Mi-hannon rnal tatn, and Inrfa lmlira of whiir nine, bnnlm k, nak, aad other limbor aur round it- Ont ol the larirrft IttmKnr iramitartar in)t nllilit.minta ia the 8tatc la loratr l la tb town, whil thrra arr amrtr oth-r lumhfr and ahincl niilla around fL Hie Iowa la but a 'm rear nld. and contain a a topulattin of one ttum aand Intiabiianta. It-it- r or furibar infonaalioa apj.ly at tbt ffi of tbt abtiv (wiuaiijr. J01IX 1.AWS11K. aprl 4 Fiipr rintPiidrnU F.i)VAi;i) rr.KKs & co., I"loiir IniinfiirturrrH, And Ilealrr. ia GKA1N OF ALL KIXDS, PHI LIPSRl RO, PA. Vrri.i. srrriY of ri.ci r, wheat, ( OlIN and CHOP oon.tantly on kod, and lor ..) al rale remarkahlr hw. reb4-U Kighty Six Thousand, Scren Hundred and Eghty One Machines Made and Sold the rait Year! I II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ptort ona door aaai af Clrarfield IIjojk.) Market fttrett, Clrarfkld, Pa. T EEPS an band a fall aaaortaenta of Qn' Faroiahing Ooodi, neb aa tfbirta, Liaaa and Woolra I'ndfrabirta, trwert and Peka, Kark-tira, Packet Uaadkercbiafa, Olorr. Naia, rmbrclUa, in great Tarietj. Of Pitta Quods bt kaepa the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Perk aa Blark Doaektn af tbe Try bt Biki; Faory C afrits era, la fraat rarirtj t alto, Frr CoattDt, Bearer, pilot, ( hln-hilla, and Frmtt arerroatinc- All of wbkk will b eold chMffar Cab, aad made ap according to tbe laieat jm bj eiperirneod work men. Alao, Arnt for Clearfield county for I. IL Sinter A Co'a. r?tebrate4 Sewing Marfinra. Not. 1, lr3AdV.tr. II. ItRIDtil. ? durational. Tbia limber mWi IS raaama.li tba talaa of any atber Wachiot, and tba deataad ii itlll lnoreailng! THEEE THOUSAND FEB WEEK Aro now being atad aad ald! THE REASCXS WHY: Beranta it embodiea aaaaatial prtariplei not foaad ta any atber Mabinef baraaaa af Ita itvpliritvof eeaatractioa, eaaa af nperation. anifortaitj af prarita actioa al nay aad eapaclty for tba great rat range and rarirty af work, tat or ccaraa. Partlri wiakiag tafnrrbaa a ton Id ot tail ta examine tbia btrtof all Pewit-g Xaeblaea, I bare It tgrary T Wacbitt, aad will keep a fall mrr1 baxd. J. 8 SHOWERS, May 4, U7Mf. ClearleU, Ta. MISS H. S. SWAN'S bLHUUL UK blKU CI.EARFIELI, TA. rpnS SlMMKR TKKM of twmtr two wMi, X 'U eotaaenoe Hon day. May t, IfTa. A Primary dpartinMit will la adHed te tW fv-htKl tbia fall : for whtrb tbe ermeat of a raa prtrnt inntractor have be?n enlace!. Ana a rffort will be ttpartNt to render tbia drj artatat attractive and inftrwriire, TKIIMS OF TVITIOV. Rrt4iaf tVthnjrrapbT, Writin(r.fl)ert Lf anna, Pritnary Ahthmrtie and Primary Oeoitrai bT, per balf term, (of elciea werka.).... $1 W lliatorr, Iocal and drarriplira Ger-rrafifty With Mnp Drawing, t man mar, Alrutal and Written Arithajftic-.- ........ I A I cr lira and tbe Sciroc- I N Inairmrtina ta iaatrnaental aaonie. 1 Oil panting . 11 Wat work I For full parttrular aend for Circular. Clrarfield. Aug. lj, lt-fa. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'B AND MASON' al- II AMI IK'9, roa a lb ar S. J. HATES, Car.en..ilU, Pa. W. BOSS McrHERSON, KEKPS renttanUy on hand and for aala, Freab anrata, aacb aa KKEF, VEAL, MUTTOX, Ac, Pee.li Fi.K, and all Verelalile. In hare printed a larre nnmlier of tn new i C l.l'.ICIIH, Punr new cushioned Sl.CIIiUS t'R lllLl.. and will oa tb reoeitit of twer.lv. ' IJ lor .ale or atehaojre t .t l tumni MttLb Select School I riMlK Fl Syl FHAN K KKl.KCT PCHOOU 1 at prrwnl lorateil at Htimnrlr, Pa., will , f-.t a arn-tun nf anii-M. wrk, on Moiht, Mat .HMh, s;0, wilh a racnlin nf twn wtt-ka in nd anmrnrr. The price nf Tallinn rarica with the are and adtvancrtnetit nf the l-nr-il. Hoardinr oan he had in town nti raiinatle terma. F'nr farther patiifulara, addreea J. Hvl?. Smith. rurwenaTill I'a.. or JAM Kl lu I.F.R, lae. May 11. 170 .tt. Hnrnaidr.' a. Tl Haat m. Ioaalnca, Habbe1e, Draka'a I V HiMinand'aatfaBaa.UMtaUar'aaadQtweaia tUTfenatad lHttra i alaa para Liqnert, af all klada for c edict aal iwrpfvaa, for ante by HARThWlCK A 1RWT1V, Canned Fruit a. ltutton. IaM. Ao. ahub I bey will ac II al tbe lowrl markH pnnrii. Ca-k paid tvr CATTl.K. Gl TTFR, lv llotita on Market ttrvat, oppoaito tba Court llunae, ClearflrM, Pa. aprf Tt FULLEETON'S RESTVIRWT& RElRESiniEM ItlllOli, ta Laavv'i K,w PuiMlnr. ffrmrtt aoounied k Mr. MeOaaawet.) SKfOXD ST, ILKARllKLn, PA. (OXSTANTI V wo kaml a an aeleetion of TAX- MRS. MTS. l ltiARK, ToBArto, kl,. Aim, I KKSII t' STICKS reeoived dailj, and erred or. to .ail tk ra.te of euetomera. VBI1.I IAKIl4l.(Moa aoeand .lorr. apHI Tk tf I. R. H Ll.ERTON.' CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Princlp.1. TH' POVR'fll SRSSIOXrtkrreai la.iie rearof tki, Ia.titntiea willeewa.iet a MONDAY, tb JSlk d.r f Api'l. Pafiltraa enur at a.T tiai. The; wiU M ekarr.d wltk taitioa Iron tk lis tit; n'tiia tk, lo ( tk S.erli a. Ik oarte of ia.iraeiioa atrae ery iki'l" lr.el.drd la a Ikoroah, praeUrai and aeeoa pli.kd dtioa for kotk aelea, ( Ik P,iart.al. karlnf kad lb adnnlar'1 w...a ..rv.l.ae. to h. frofr..ion, aw.e,f' mu and f oard an. that kit eatir. .n!n ' arci will k devoted to Ih moral and awa taJ traininf of tk .oat, r-laeed vnder kit ckar(.. i i:km. of li mtiv OrlkorTtrky, Readina, Writin. and Trio'T Aritkaictle, nr Setuen (11 ek) - , Orawiai.r, tieofrht, ArllkmeUS lli.tory ! H Alrehr, Geewiele, THponometrT, Nfn l.ratioa, Sarrrriair, Philuaefhr, TbTti olof . CkeeaiftrT. book koerief., BdUr and rbj.ieal Uofrahy . - . l M La'ia. Ork and I rtocb, vitk any af tbe akor Pranrk. . . $11 JII'SIC Pin i'0 le.aer.1 . . .lit" jot-K. deduetioa will k aiad for abK. drPrr i.rtk.rpartiralar.iaoairf R. J-. L. HARMS0N. A. . P.k. J, 1ST tl. Priaeir.l IIAR IRON BXPAXIUKQ CI LTIVATORS, 1 ail roeid aad for aale ky ii. r. eiuut co. THE MANSION HOUSE, lornerol ferondand Market lirot, t I.K.ARI ll.l.l). r k. rpilH old aad ooaiBodloa IloUl kaa. daein I tk put year, keen tnlaraad U doakl iu fueasar rapaeil foe tk atrtain,nt nl ttraa. rr aad wola. Tka kla kaildia kaa ka rfrni.kd, and tka proatrlrtar will nr a twin. I twndar kit f.u (omtortakkl wkil urin wiik kirn. rk "M.n.loa Roa" Oaiaikwt rant to and teoai tk Dpot oa tk. arrival aad danartar of oaektraia. dUHH UClUIIKRTY, apr 1 tf Prapriatar. (ARItK.M rll.k-.lm IPKSH OfMlft I trow, lb l-hil.it.lphl (lartlantl alM tk. eeiehraled ROHi POTATUKS. tor ral at tk Im Kloro f BARTJ If K l IV. r,,T f buetotd, Pa. ILL int all work in kl. H at "d- rat f nee aad in IlKSI-l'LAM W DAVID YOUNG, Stonr-C uller nnd $tone-Mao. Arctitcctural Ornamcuts la ALL PTYLKS. Fton Prrin ef l"1 dertMio. and all kind of ae wort ert traeied f.r ta oroalof tk. oeaat. Am p"1; wi.biai to kao roeprtakl. nvaaoa atoae-ralliaa doao, will and it to taeir iii to eall apa taa I woald alra Infer) tb, li tkal I pan deliver an .nl. r tlaM toa deairod, at 1 am tb f a FIIT-CLASS STONE vjUAr.KT. Ord.n for rk oaa k ddreawd t DkVirt Yi'l N--arlil.TI Clearteld n YT A T I M l .,7 A TT I . Tl t I Tb wndrrtirned kavmf .reeled 1 1 J and eowimodiiw, b"i an Ike ri.er bant al H' Mko Point. o poette Ike Mo.bannen. od k.'"J removed ttioM. larrr rork. ao Ibal rail. wilk na. arowld atl tb alleoli-a of "'"TT t tk. adraatajre. of tin, polnl for Hl f 'JZ a dat't raw fv.w abore. The taM. w ill be rT wilk a konntifal bead, aad tk bar a.H IT wlik oboiro liooora. ... riM.UM Hkio. Kaatkaoa, Marak . If",