1 THE KKPUHUCAN. ClUKl'tn.n, May 17, Wfl. Jfr. ftttottfnn'trr, lrn Km : At the (imr f.-r mihfnnr.t( caiid A a'ee It r n imh ri al the IVo-iiv I.'. -.n , li'Tf, 1 .mTf i(. i r tlir nmnc ul II .it, ,I"!!N ii. II M.I,, tf H wnv , Klk county, nv t'un-t: iair for A.KM IH. V i-t .nlbe avium 1 ihe limue racv at I lie rriuiary Election. CLK.U.FIKI.D. DnJ .fairs. 17 MM. TtlO I'l.lla.lrlpliiH A1 u. . . 10 thkasi iu;irs salem I I IT I I 1 1 1 IT I ' II I' ill l ..' 1 II IJ , r Sani .r.llfl. CLEAK FIELD, PA. WKM?K$PAY MOHXIXO, MAY 1. 1170. Terms of Suhscrintion. Tlio litbt I.ririeliiture in ronorlcd to If paid In Miliar. or within three months...!'', fit : llflVO ptthrH'll H III Jinill i I 1 illf. til 0 iiooiiuir ol tjtiuil lor the next three years to come. In Clinmiuitfn county, Illinoi, wheat is selling at 81 cent a lulu-l, nnd corn nt ts ceiitn, a condition of tlio mnrltet never before known. If (laid after throe and fa-fury ail month f Ml If paid alter the elniratina of fix months... I 00 asis-All article, to insure insertion in this paper shoulil bo banded In early on Tes,lay auorainc;. at wo (TO to press at li o'clock, (noon. I ri.m;iium otici;s. Vrtnodl.t F.iiistopal Church .Rer. J. II. atf'Oono, I'sstor. Public Herrioa orery abbalb, ml t'i A M., and 74 1'. M. fcnbbalh School at A. M. Prater MretiosT erery Thursday, it t P. V.' Comosunina Kerriee, first rabbath of ercry Kwnth. at llt A. M. t franrl.' 4 linr-h Catholic Tier. Mr. wrena. and rnnrth Pnndavs of each montb 41. Andrew' Church Episcopal. Rer. Oconee Hill. Public 8crvice Sunday morning st 10 o'clock, and at t P. M PundayBehool at P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday crcnlng at T o'clock. Presbyterian Cbnrrh Her. Mr. BrTtaa. sablie 8erTicc CTery Kabbatb, morning and eren- inf. A well known writer iityg : Tluit tlio editor nnd postinitster nro to society what figures nro to mutho rnuticu tlipy nro iloin inoroin u-linli' of popular knowledge mid liumati pro- r .,.,.-M ,t ln o'clock A. M., on tl,e ' Grt'a t of H otlier IllbtltUlluna li'llilil'lll tit'i'lllln tllloillj- ulicmt tlio ''i-liuinelo in tmtiiiHiu" til tlio Know Nothing putty. AM the lenders cl tlinl orauizn tion mo old Know-Not li-1 int;s. Schuyler Colfax ! blistered bis conscience j with n Ivnow Notliii: j oath, w hich ho never re-1 canted, nnd tlio knmc can, j Of Unseat? ! Lands. Ptr. H'ormKlrr. t' .l-.liii hti' l-i r S.w 1 17 'I li pi. I' lin i' i-.n. of mankind combined. Tlio MilHintown Democrat rejoices in the fact that "Uio borough ordi nances in regard to muzzling dogs, wns enforced ten days four days longer than any otlier ordinance evur enacted by the borough authorities." There aro ordinances elsewhere which arc similarly treated. For an unusual variety of ladies' Xaney dress goods, go to W'm. Heed's, XI i-L-. Q I -'I,K..I,I P. .- The Dedford Gazette records the The card of Mrs. S. 8. Liddell, funnJ' ''.RiJont of gentleman nnd appear. In our advertising columns j1"0 iadlof ou,t. anvy " "prifiL' 11 B I wagon, w hen the seal on which the to-day. Fersons in want of nyibmg ladies were sitting giivcwnj-.tiiiiibling ; in that lino will do well to givo her a ( tlio fair cn-atures into the road. The .Jl. gentleman did not miss them, imme diately, till, on looking buck, lie found them, dusting themselves. .No dam ngo done. TtRRiric lIiantCANE l'ashcngei-s from Omaha rciiorttliat the hurricane which prevailed in tlio Mtfsouri Val ley on Fridaj-, tlio 6th iint., was de structive beyond anything ever before was directed the other day to a great K"0 ,n nere-. , overturn- . - , . . c. ed and demolished, travel etopiied, and crowd of people on Market Street. ! ral deMrut.til) wascausii bv the opposite the Jail, and upon inquiry, j w;nJ; whii-U swept so violently down was informed that it was occasioned ' the river that boats could not cross. ty Cie arrival of a lot of new ond nl passengers from California were attractive goods just opened for the OTIrK U lictclir ciirn Mint In iiiri.uinii- i'l an Act of As-l Hililv, C-.i i mi titi- i.nn iiiiv hi .inn., a. it. Mti. fnlitli.l "An Ai-1 to amend an A'l ilii'ivlini tin- uimlr uf . 1 1 , nf un ffralrd land, in t'li-iiitii'ld miiint.i,"niiil till ."Vernl ilijili lliriit- thi-ri'ln, tbrrr nill Ih- i ll d In I'Ul.lie .alii nr out rrv.nl tin- Court Mnu.!., in t In- l.-ir.-n irli nl ( Irarlti-I I, on Mir Gerund lliitiilay uf Julie, A. I. IhKI, Hi" roll.ivrii.g- with truth, bo stated of ull j (or lll0 US)1, iat ,, u,;a,j ,iirnuo ! Ar. Per. H'iii'i-iimIm. 68 Piter .Miller HI .1,1.11 Mailer 60 I n-I k llul.li v.... ?o Ji.lin Iteimi.aii..., Ill . Kr.'l k HiiKiniin.. 71 113 Tim. IlilluiKton.. KO hmiiuil M4111I t'n-'r Ilitlii. IllllH.H V.! fill..' .Umej'h HnrllU'n It'll.. . H ?n . :i kii i 'l :i I in . ! m l"l .id Til tin I A very desirable property is offered for salo by Auctioneer Bloom, the location of which is a good one for a liotel, store, or mechanic of any kind. Consult advertiecment elsewhere. Fftr.s Exuibition. Our attention l.'iO 4:1 :iio 1S1 I'll l4 Hi inspection of customers, at the store of C. Kratzer, Clearfield, Ta. detained 011 the opposite sido of the river. I?0BBKBTI Ol.tVEK T'oWSSHIP. On Friday, April 2'Jth, between the 'otic. There will be a Methodist hours of eleven and twelve o'cloc k at protracted meeting held in the grove! nigbt, two men entered the bouse ciftniui0 treaturo has near Wallaccton cnruiog of the I, ti . m risi 'I -jOeen recorded ,n our county i " ! ucr0s, the b.oad Atlantic 1 4." jur. juiuison, ana jicv. iierr, irorn : uoor 01 mo iiuuimi ii uiiiockcu, nll i ' her impcciiiiiousiiess, and ritUburg, are expected to be present jOD of Mr. Hawthorn's daughter j j.nj, Congrens' for to participate in the exercises of the ' "-ir"- more money. II shots ingbeld in the grove !!". lw mcn entered the house ortrab!o tro.lturo , commencing in the Mf- Wm: UH.'. of Oliver town- ijwJ bl.Wl.,f . , . 0 , I ship, and committed ono of tho mot-t ;,..,...,..,.,,.,.., . 4lb of June, and to ; hantied outr .,. ,las ev,U"a"l .t A.T-. Tti. r.r ,..J ni -!1" ltelin.ll. his nioro notieahlo col le.igucs. Know-Nothing-isra sprung from tho same vilo compiiHt bed which produced tho Anli Slavery movement, r rcol.ovcitii, and kindred mnnstei-s.iind the Iiadieal party will em brace either or till, as it suits their corrupt and nierconary purposes. JionuEiiY. On Friday evening last a mini enter ed tho toll-house at the river bridge, Muiii-y, and drawing his pistol in a menacing manner, deman ded tho money of the wo man in attendance There was nobody in the house at the time but .Mrs. lie wilt uud a young girl she has to ui-.nist Iter. Mrs. Dewilt courageously re fused to give up the mon ey box, belonging to the bridge Co , and containing about f l'ltl. The Unci however managed to put out tho light, grab the box and make his exit, iiefnru the alarm could bo given ho bad made good his es cape. This is ono of the boldest robberies wo have ) M heard ol lately. I Mlj l)iniiuA( KKUi.. A ro we j yjun never to hear the last of .., 1 1 : 1.. ir ... I i-T UiU Vtlllliilll Ajllli.11111 1 .111 husband was worth $1,. UlU when mado President, and S75,IU0 at tho time of his death, at which date Congress gavo his wife 2a,(HtO, making sti estato of ?lUtl,tltJU, full half of it ber own. Since Lincoln's death this inis- puu- through and is now howling P. .Mr.ui)coie.. J. .1 v.uni'iipe,.. 0 Mirbuid Mii.Yer Ij'S J.iba Fnnliiey... .Inlin W ituiure..., II. Wliinnire... Wm. W'il.on J.it' ib Kr.t John tiil'.iui , :l li iiirrt Wilion.., 41.I l.-H William (Irny 101 21 lit J.ihn Milltr 101 SI S.I SO Jhn Ketlaml It 73 S'll l.'.S Mirtiii Fanti SI 00 12 j Jiliur- Fault M OH iS Oi'orrrc Mii.ner 70 SO 74 S2 1 Imuiai tiiliton 2:1 30 J.ilin lleama. : 411 Jneib Kru. SH 41- Tai. IS HI 7A uo III 20 . s 4:' os ?l no 7i K. 4H CO ;h ,S4 iti ;i ii"j n III 04 40 :. 4fl 41' s:l o 1,0 Oil William llimrer., .'0 Tliouia. Sii'H.rd-.in Kl 130 J,,..u Hint, hall ?00 J 'Hl!,.n NuIm I.. Il.i Al.mimni i J'iIiii tlu.t 0 iSiiiiiui 1 .M'l.arr.ili If J.S.Ti.i.u 'ii larid MiKarl I''.'rruill. Ae, '.r. It nrrnwlr.. ;.s Mu:lui ciuuijl 4."'3 163 ill ur, It'imi 71 I. en i .li'idnii .'id lliiinil I'a.'lit'irr. K'O Ji.lin llmubnr-!il 1ml A'lnin Itriiirt 3n" 73 Ii'I ti lluujthloa 1. 0 J. II. ferjnuon ;lrrd. 'ee. Il'urrii.l.e. tlio. .Mr:nl hunt. A. V'r. H'ii-r.i.ilee. 4 '7 4n lli'llien M.lne. S.'i ?? I -J Ml I .nk r M"rri... M 1 4 'I I.', t .1,.- ,li Hill. i I M II 411.1 I .3 lliilnrrt Hiai H 44 4-".l 41 J"lm I'rlinhiii.l 3 f.tl I.U IM Harnb Ward S4 44 'I OS 4 S IM llenrgr Fd.l.i Rt 44 l S.S I , 'I Mie V li.i HI 41 13 Si 1 1 ,1 lli'i.nre A.litun M Jl 1! 4:'3 l.'i.l Williiin lluntrr Ill fl.l I...1 I.', 3 .l..hn IIiili-v (Ill f. 413 l.iS llenj. I'niillni'T. I In 10 l.l.l 1 ii Inn. I Mi.rri..'. 1 15 10 37.1 Mi SIkiIIii IVrrie H Ml 72 Tlionln. J'll dnli 1 1 01 is 1111 I'l S.i U so T IS 33 70 10 4 '. ; 00 III 7.1 Ifl SO ! 2'. i :i en IK (111 15 03 31 40 W in. I'luokrtt II 22 A. MruntHiie 07 J. M.v.wu.oi... Kvaey Fn-il k llatra , Al. in Kuiin Ttint. Iltlhitn Jubn llekina licit. Ae. Ptt. Hurranltt. 600 Henry link-.. 71 " . 57r.ll I out " " J.! A'. At. !..H..n 1 I ell 6:mi 1 1 nil .3u4 72 y;;i nisi 5:111.1 1 100 ...:;j lino 6170 1111 11K3 6.1011 lino ill i.t lii's. i.iil 1 1 ' 1 -t i.'IW ions 5:165 I Kill I K--I l.'.O A. 4;. 11.' Si 6014 60S i. . tt . . 1,1 UJ . 32 IS . 3.1 !4 j . 40 611 I . r.o "0 I . 20 HI j .101 77 ! . 13 II 1 , tt 62 I 40 SI iuhi 1021 isis Men :n;.,7 :i.i:u tin lie 4I'S ico 114 t.i. itv 10 7-.'t f.l 07 " " r.s 411 " - :: B7 " " 50 I'll " " - "I 07 " HI 07 " " - 47 00 " ' fiO 17 " " - 11 (17 " " f. SI " " - r,i (,7 " " 55 60 " " 01 07 MnrriilSlewart 10 411 i 72 04 " Jil 411 " " S7 74 " 14 Ml " ' il r,i 1 71 4:1.1 153 l.afirlln Ji.rilan I' l ?4 inil llnirv Ti.int 23 40 423 153 Caleb Kiuilk lull 4" ' s ,4 153 (lenrse H i'.enlt S2 S4 I Jil l.i3 (Iriii'ire rihi oil S2 13 Jubn llnyl 52 07 Pimmnm Wnrd 24 (13 llni t .MaiyM'Ciiriui.-k ill 611 Ateiamli-r llunti-r 14 ill! riilm Wileol 31 III l.abella Jurilun il 2U II i.ii ry Trout 4 fls Jubu l'iron tij 27 I'Swrenro. Ac. I'tr. Hurrnarre, Geo. JHoad Ml 255 no 2,i0 211O 40 Jul .vim 1 mo i.lil 1 1 110 I 119 J"l,n Ni,'l,lM,n 53 117 1,0 4.13 2.2 03 nil .31 V0 411O 203 K,i.Llii,.i:r,n,il. is 'it ll.nj (lilil,. 130 SI 1 20 lli nry lln-k 6" 22 6 17 25 IH .... 20 (il 1 iZi KtrVlinstirifflib 22 ' IS 41 63..7 31117 IS.'O 3ll IS 10.9 I soy IV'.'I) lss 1017 3r.'iii is-,? loit .v. .Milt Henry Berk-... J4 00 ! 5 ,7 a 1 1 10 104 21! 7 12j 22 40 .'::l 117 I ni 37S 3I ins 4 9 50 Ae. fi:i tiro. Mead.. " ' 241 20 " " 214 2n " 2JI 20 II M,irri.dSlenrt 7 24 " ' 17 SI ' 21 KS " 2 47 . Berthaiid rat. 13 Si K Ilertimnd 7 .' jJiirritAMewnrt 27 0(i ' " 28 Cl " 8 s( " ?3 7i J 70 C;oihen. Per. WiirrvHlel. Ueo. le.d... Per. Hoetxo. Irirro.ee. Ji hn Thoma... . SO 20 7ft J11. .h llrenkor 47 so 70 II. ri. Hrrnker SI (II W illiam U Uoruiiik... S3 01 "aney lli,,.-" SS no 41 M.l.ulin M'llunald... 41 John Byern ll.rl.ary S"inider tli-orca lloutinan-.... fiiwir-jo Aver. 21 William Troutnino... J ,ho U'-atn.. llanpnh Stewart ?7 Jutin M-nirjoniery.... llatbarr Snydi-r lliair J Litnahan..... i.l.H Inyy i.i 10 low i.iL'O 1100 61121 I "OS 5323 II US i:U4 7nO i.,li 111,0 ,:il 1 1 , 0 .. .'.S 41 .. 00 0:1 .. f3 8 .. 0.1 S3 6','Ua I H O B mil 1 1 HO 6.100 lino .I3il2 I 1 110 5:103 lino i.l"4 1100 5,1115 111,0 53110 11110 .',3117 1 Kill 6.1"S I li'O 53H0 1 1 HO .'i3lo lino 5311 1100 5202 1100 52H4 llllll 5 . '05 I I no 52:1.1 I 100 6103 1174 620 330 ly. M 1VV5 S1 22 1 4I3 2003 ll'.'n 00 2.-5 74 .8 II 2 41 II) 5700 4h 620I lino 6t III 1006 100 1017 03 SO 1 s si i "V13 03 50 17.4 174 lit 37 100 35 s SS 1 5H?4 1 1 HI P(! PS I i:ul 1 id Jll On I 5.125 2l"l 33 OH i 6314 :il0 I Oil I l'J12 414 64 00 ss4 00 00 I I1115 III 00 ! 6324 1213 34 SI I ;:'.'. lino I SO 1 5.127 till SO SO 1 M-0 I luo " " 06 00 1 " " 127 60 " - 127 .'( " " V3 60 0.1 60 " " 27 in 1 William M.i,i . 3S ?i ' Uurri.istenart 37 23 ' 430 15S " " it 84 1 67 Geo. Mead... CO t ' ' 00 OS " til 011 11 ' 00 OA " to Oft 1 0 Oft i. (10 Oft " " no on " (10 Oft ' to Oft 1 " (10 lift (Ill lift " " to Oil " (10 eft 00 os " so on ' Sll Oft - 21 1H " " 102 02 so Ki boru A Fox, 0:1 80 B 00 lluj-h Jord in .. 2., si Jubn Heed 4S 0 00 I:,. I, en. K.,, 60 so Hubl. Mltrhell, 35 0'i W Miin'riinery 44 4ft J M. Macumber 17 2" J. b. Uurriann.. 7 I W. W. Snyder., i 12 Iaae Cnnkliu.. i 02 1. E. Fb.w 3 02 I.rael Vch -I... I ft Oeiirgt i'..a3...K2 47 " 813 20 Tlndi li b I.ilH . 3 nr. Flli.lrwlr,t-on II 01 J 60 ' - ZD IS 4 II r so 13 77 1 07 occasion. And we cord. ally invite all to come and bear for themselves. Lev. James Claet, Tastor, ri.rfil,t Cirvnlf Pi tthnri Tlt ri, i Mr. anUMrs Hawthorn were slecii ling, and catvhing Mr. II. bv the neck 1 deslt him and Sirs. II. svero blows .1 was tier uroi ner, wtio was anient, ,..,, ia becauso she ana callea to lum, wi.cn tbe robber j bllK jjberately niado her n lis w tri. u (Ciuuji; uu i an y iun-fc They then entered the room where 427 Ji.nat Strir. bei.rr M 20 4 , .111 1111O 9S 157 liiebard U'n le 20 2n ; .. s n0 tt Jatuel C. .In. ml 20 20 1 ll'.M 1..S 218 Munxio 43 20 j IV2I 2i 126 (leor-e ll.tiitruao. 2j 1)0 ; IwlJ 2ml If.J Jone.b 11.11,1 IJ e0 ' 16 VVU RccoRDta's Orricx. Below will be found tbe nnmbcr of Deeds entered in the rare, telling them that if they would be quiet ami give npthoir mon ,v. for record id this oRico for the week t,y they would not bo harmed ; hut if ending Monday, May lGth, 170, i they made an outcry tl.ey w ould set together with tbe names of tbe grant, tbeir hash" with ihe pistols and , . i .j knives which they carried. After get- or and crantees, where iituated, and . .. ,. ,. ... ' , p, "Si tmg all Mr. II s. money, $.!., and a so the COOjerat.on : Uiu'dnlLnrs Ixihinreime to nnu nf lho Deed of Harm t.-nA j. fh..l ' daughters w ho had boon from home. John Hooeer. foe lot of oroond in IIith tp.; H. I . 1 , , . , - . ., I lains went op stairs to the room of the Iieed of Jaroet S. Mar.k J olkera lo 1. F. EtiiU. for l:t aereo Bell l.rn.S,i; Ht.Ont. Itero of Maoooi t). Bloota U Juoe.h R. Iro.a, for tot in (Srorenarilre Btrourh ; $50. Ieed of at island skew lo Sylveotor U Carpen ter, tnr lot n Oveola : (135. Ilee4 of John W. oad W. M. W, bl te filrea tor Coroeoter. for lot in (Sjorvla : $125. IWd of C. II' we. nuerif. to Jbn II. l ulford. for Si area in I ri rutoa uwn.hip : $104. absent sun, but, of course, found no one there. They both wore black masks and were armed with knives and pistols. After petting all the money in the hoiioo they coolly bid the affrighted family good tnht, and Peed of Walter llarrett to T. II. Mnrray. for ) , U-hliroukrillt R. I'UbllCtin. Iiiu on , irmrana p.rai;i . W ' ' Ittri of W an. leriKiek to Hli.ha Anlery, for lot ib Cnrwenorille Romnck ; 13.45. Iieed of MirkaeJ Yinrlma; to Hannk Tmg'.iuf; rar s aere ia bnraniae tnwnabin : $.0. ted of Warn. Irwin to Robert Leech, for lot in P.ko tvn.bii; 10. l4 of Wm. A. Wal!e to FraBeia Fbort, for lot la leorti-id Bortmrk .- IA, Deed of Saajoel Clark to Jalaeo M. W eleh. for lot la Ctra-ratrillo boron fk ; $1,71. On the 3d of M.T. 17. hy Bet. W . M. Graa-a-riaui. Mr. JOHN M. XAC'i'MFFR, of Clearfield, to M.ra KI.LIK OWENS, of Cnrwenm ille. On tae Sth of May. 1S7S. by Juns II. Rnwi to, Eaq . Mr. W ILLIAM M.HSS. of lo Mi j ELIZALET11 Tl IlIIS, of Frrgasuoi towo.bip, ! all of Clearfield eoontr. Pa. nnouafrmruts. O'Briex'i Geaxd Mckaukric will exhibit in Clearfield, to-morrow, and from the descriptions we have seen of the display given in other places lead j Primary Election, Saturday, June 11. os to expect a truly startling spectacle. With a desire on the part of the manager to give increased respecta-1 ti!ity to this marvelous and moral Amlitur. Coroner-.. l-mTER-S FEE. AwmMy. -....$10 I !itrii-t Attorney. Sberiff. 10 CoDiani..iniier 6 Jury I omm.K4icr exhibition, we are requested to partic- I Thit inelodet S.OOS lirketa for etvh eand. late nlarly announce that uo circus is in t T .tiii atom w,u a. cbarj 12 per tlma ariar a-tv Mnniel rt ttitri 1 1 1 1, ,1 l ike ea.h aeeoonianieo Ike ordvr. affording all an opportunity of seeing i - . . the wonders of Nalnr without being I flli;mFF. brought in contact with those objec il FoRtiE P7RA w, nt l'" town.hip. & , be aeandtdate for Sill. KII F .oljeet t. l.onable festnres osually witnessed in . of tb lieanorraue party a n. Primary I j j Stiles, I'ennsy Ivniiia: traveling exhibitions where circuses' " lion. C. A. Kldridgo, Wis- . .. . . I WILLUM TI t kill, nf t learS.l.l. will he a .., . H. in T Me mod menageries are combined. The eaniLdate f,., sni.KitF-i.,ee. to u,.;1 1 r ' animals and birds in connection with "" I'-tooeratie party at the Primary i .r'-''i". I .Imois ; 15. 1 , , ... . r. r i t iertma. ItigLT'. I'eiawure : mm. i . it are of the rarest kind, ana Trof. -- . U-.. Tm,n in.;.. - lim. TAJIh-l a.tl .4 1 . K. or rw w aelnnfloa. will I'l "y, b aeandi lale for MIEKIFF .nl.jeel to the Charles llalgllt, XvW Jer- y ; lion. Oeorgo iaw- son t oiemnn, in'nanon; aand ei Ira. No nam will be ajiavuaeod anlraa aill t Ui tbo sell by her foolish extrav agant habits. It is anoth er picture of the beggar on horseback. Let her be told that she has no claims Her husband was tho tool nf m liiiMf- liiaei e wliii-h lias pauperized tho whole nu-i lion, and destroyed a mil lion of lives, each ono a .(-. vast deal moro J rccious ' J'J than her own. Yet alter j j', all lien Puller, Colfax, ! 175 tirant k Co. last week vo- i '" ted her H-nion of 3,i0 I a year for life. Had some ' in w idotv ho lost a husband and threo sons in lho ar my, possessed tho imper tinence to have applied for an extra bounty ol only she would liavo been ordered out of the Capitol by these worthies, while this "harem scjircni" is voied ber S 1,000 will, oaso. A Brilliant WtbtuNn. The n.arriageof Hon J. Haldemun with Miss Maggie Cameron, on Thursday cveuing, at the residence of the bride's father, Senator Cameron, passed off with great ri-i.it. Tho groomsmen were (ieneral P. H. M. Young, Congressman elect from cieorgia, mm vuinenni jj Biirnsidc, ol this city. The ' j bridesmaids wore Miss Liz zie llaldeman, ol this city, and Miss Lmighridge, of Baltimore. Among the distinguished gentlemen present wero Gov. (ieary, lion. Eugene M. Wilson, Minnesota; ex Governor .Snuiin, .Maryland; Jlon. 3.' 2 li 13.'. t '811 111 Jjimi itmj i;. ItliHIBI. Per. hnrrdalw. MckliiitHrimrk 41 CO I. V. ri.uiib 47 ft.i A. K. WriKl,t... 22 20 Kirk a Wlinaier 37 30 r riilulit.s.eiicer S 22 UuU rt. t lux... 12 20 ...114 61 100 1.0 Jamb lli'c.-r II If Iitvid lriu eat. 04 in llradlnrd. Per. M .irmalre. lluih Ely 35 Jubu CampbelL. Hall A llu. k J,,hn Yaiixibn Iltair A M'Lonalian-... 17 l'.'I'T M l.snal.an An In a l'etera AUMiiaa si 1 uijker., Ae. ivl llil 1 Mi lit .140 181 I 111 10 I 1U.1 ; ixo 43 i? 41 IS 74 i iS 20 so 32 4.i S 70 31 so 67 ns Is 47 ..3I 712 ..2-0 60 ..2-4 S3 2-0 6(1 A Inn Reed..., II AiherlAUroa. 3 III W.A.Vtallano... 17 00 lI'iriiaAStewsrl I.j ill li tilling ailiar i Idi S3 Oraharn. VI nrrnaieo. Thoni.a 1. Ci.,e., Jubn sk.imn.- Thorns. Cope Usurer Miime. J,.a.h Siuniiobt., Bi nard Urst! Henry Mead.... Moreen Out Lut Hord.oai Shirk Itlorrl.. Ae. Per. trarruofre. 402 (leorse W elil , (14 51 20 William Werlf. . 32 i 1127 Chri.lian Werti 61 fit 371 Psvld l.auel Ml 04 4.11 fj Ju.e,. Turner- 9 .il 410 luo s I 340 20 " 64 72 473 (leirre Habeeker SI S4 314 01 J' lii. Iliad S! 73 272 1ft Hubert IJIenn 43 35 4IUI J .hn Houaier f.3 Jn 210 50 I 433 l.i.1 flim Clinker SO 42 Hi Oil I 413 l.iil John Vauvlin SI 42 4::3 Iii3 .I.M.allian Nr. bit CO 42 ITS lliair M'Lanahan S 71! 2I'S W illiaro Mewurt. 47 10 4l'7 139 K. It. Smith.. 15 SO 2.4 Jstiii-i rliintb 10 27 2.11 f hrialiipher llarker-... 9 17 124 (ieoree lialra 01 1 112 llvman (Iran 17 J . 213 40 Ctirnd Pwartt. .. 73 SO 10 17 John llralT. I (19 137 Nielmb. Ki-i l, n.iur ... 10 SI Jo...b Henry ... 41 S3 ... 2 01 ,-. 2 3f, ... 20 31 ... 40 -...H'7 "I .....! 12 IV3 30 3 78 S 3u 53 200 ll-O J ri 1 1 no 50 56 127 Si 10 40 Si 2 171 2 4ft 50 40 SO .Vo. 4VJ f.ift 5l 52 Franria Writ Nli-iietumh Miau... Thomas Hull liand Mian. Joeiph I'owill 1Isi,m) (trahru.... ll. r.hn II. 1. II.... V. II. Ili.lt William (iiaharn-.. A Irtaiider llallas... hn'anna Ravtur..,. John llamia. Riilierl lliair Iotiard A Cltde-. herrold Kenn Joim II. Ilrav kliinleeai rili.ik.... tieoree Turner-.... Aodit-w Pi-ltil Ilrady. Ae. Per. Wttrrnntre. Chart.. Hull C. J. Allporl John rkrrow- (iilllrh. Per. Uurron'ra. Bi-njainin W ilann.... Rirh.ud Atlierton.. 4S 114 tleoreo Moore.- 3 IS '! " " I'll Philip Olaulneor.... l.il John Jl t aliili Ae. I 1 1 itt M SO 4S1 U3 K..,d Hand.. 17 40 S7 II IT f III Si; 1 1"! 2al VI 12 IIS Inn InS 170 John M ( .In n. John l.siiii.Mai'k ltrnjamin H ll.na. John U ilimiro.- 23 W 14 70 7 3n S 5j IV 63 4 3i :s ti :i. i-n , 0, .i7i 1041 to so SI 77 34 ft" 15 42 4 6l SO 20 H 70 13 77 110 21 34 4 11 4i 35 01 SI 74 72 r 12 .17 21 19 01 21 70 B 20 3 VI ... 0) Ri.lirrt Cnrann. . 4M 117 N. R-ilmiiur ) 114 ,J 37J Mathias Flouel Si SO 25 llemy Hrinker T 14 400 Fredenek lluldey 73 S Mail.iaa Sl..n-h 5 SI 1110 William Ilifler- 15 SO Oft Jii.e.h Poller 4 ft 13ft Frniieeo Johnson- 10 75 M " " 4 0 ISO Ra'slun A lloiirer It S3 Prnn. .Vo. Ae. Wnrraittee. Hi Creenw.s.d Hell S3 81 6082 SS Flijsh lloalh .. 12 7: .Vo. l-. I 220 IH5 I .',73 10.1 ' 5H74 IS4I I? S5 21 83 .104 Hi 000 i- 5--S1 323 in. 105 2IS 20. I) 13 3 -32 I . 10-S 1 l"0t Sf$ M3 JS1 lull 77 501 11 .0 421 , 4U0 are of the rarest kind, and Trof. i Wbitnker, the eminent explorer and aoorrrapher. of the Philadelphia Acad- '-""- r '" i"!wrm,'e P"J 1 i , 1 I J. nr.. ni Hiram lown-nip, win ne a eanai-: n(j lln. Jolm J . 1 earsoll. lyvii, r. t tair .14 sin.nir r sui.ie.-i 10 ine aroon o. ; ... . m V nf Xnlnrsl S..irnrei ar tin ta iwie. ! j , , . . fectly conversant with tho su will in a descrintivo lecture on toolot-v. ! " '"''"" l'nJ '"""f Eieetmn. a . explain the varied traits of Animal Life. Wc are also requested to make known that tbe manager has made an arrangement with the Lower Bridge tympany tO thO ttTCCt, that It Will be ii..nof Ihe lnojoernlie parly at the I'r.inary fme to all going to and returning . Tll.l.l M A. RK.I. of l.awrenr. Inwn.h.p. will he a ean l .late fur S1I1.HIFF eulje.1 to the aHtren of tbe l.eaaoeratie party at tbe I'ri BiarT Llertioa. NPI, KW lil NTFR. f Morris township, wilt he a rxn.liilate fat Ml 1. 11 1 r F snl.jr-it lo II, e A going from the (how. Exhibition place : O. B. Memll i lo West Clearfield. I t NIHIKW 11 NT.. JR.. of i- Ir ti.wn.h,;.. will be n eanHi laie fur SHERIFF sul,,.-,-t to .be ai-tion of .be Pi-moeralie party al the Pri mary E lee ma. (OHMUMIIMll. It. Bt'CK. of fh-arf -Id. w ll he a eandi date fwClif.MV ( ! M IsS INE H snh ieol I the k-t,o. of tho l.ncrai.e party ai th. tune during the cvenmg,so i 8J 1 am loll, I ii c iiiaiiiiunc-s ' Irovi50 Slowlt. We noticed TanieJ Livingston, Esq., Internal IZevcnoe Assessor for this Congrcs- sskinal District, on onr trcels one day , Primary Eieetion last week. lie lias underwent a long )FMiVlN ki.ini.er. of ..-.i i...n.i,ip. . ,. ,, , , . ! I w ll lr a ran li lste f..r Cot NTV CnMMIS. nd wasting spell of sickness, and is . , ,h, ri lnt io,, just DOW getting ablo to be about. party at .he I'.uuarr Eiectim. We regret lii$ dtM-ltning health very vi,viti t;E much, t-ecause be may be compelled .'."i'.'J?' lho entire pitrtv, with a few exceptions, are slop, ping at Bolton's Hotel. lljrrtthuT J'litriot. "Pake off Dew Ciflzt." A correspondent of the Fredonia AJrrrtttrr re- j lutes ihe following inci I dent in coniiet tion with tho lalo equal rights celo ibratinn nt Corry. The question now arises who was the livery stable man : 20 1 1. 1 -a 2i.ii 11 27 I. 5 27 02 110 Ae. 2" una 321 10S W. Kirkiistrirk. 75 Of. fuiirad Lonji... 61 32 j J. I). Muilb 40 lo Henry V.-ko!r...oO 5H John Iliinlap . llS I larper Stovr... 17 10 ! " ... II n Cliristian IiwurUl. 40 Il.ilieilsl l.u.,.25.1 50 Christian LuwriU4 21 " l.' lo Ri hertst Fot...!42 :.t I " " ...2n 41 I .'.088 5tir.7 1.S72 42 .7 424 42no 41-2 4 1 no 4100 42., I 400J 42 ft 422i -014 ;cftj 4?n 471 587 7 Paniel Fulkersnn.... I'.i.bert Hi uiliTSUD.. Hilstnn. Per. H.rmaW. J. (I Kidder.,,. .8 40 Parid Caldwell 40 14 MuorrtUelany 5"2 7 2'i2 7 " 2.1 37 WilliarPiirr:jl 4 " i'.l til 27 MonmPelnny SO 87 li James Wils rn, '4 04 - 1-0 til 0 0 S70 317 t1 ooo l'80 VO0 .01 40i ooo 420 400 740 BIO 0'JO 37i mi I.o 6,0 647 147 l.'li .Ni.ikiin A llriCltl.., 30 69 Pike. .Vo. Ar. Prr. Woir.isree. 42.1 0.7 Si Jaine. U il.on... 01 ft 12 John Nii-hnlsiin 52 7V 12 ' - 61 j P. Blude-t s 114 John P. llnyl... SO Jaiiiea Wilmn.- S7 ,4.1 tie, .11. J:imes, 17 S W. h. fl.ilH.rts.., fiO 80 .loe.h llslley... Ill SI It. W. N'Naul... t. M'Naul John Ni.-hiilaiin J. A.Cal.Urll... John hirhnlsua 5777 1777 1 12 J 4200 4l'20 677 i 577 i 57 7 i ;,77 I 4776 4111 410 70 ti O'.'O Mi 47 4IIU 108 480 27 17 140 I"l l a II 10 .11 17 SO 41 S7 Si n 14 50 14 li - 41 S - ' 77 OH " " 3 :,7 - v.3 57 " 1'7 II W Willlnk 3 nl James Wilson, 12 71 " 1.0 S8 WilliamPowsrsrS SI ! I 41 I 71 71 24 .Vo. I .380.1 .l.'.HO 3 .12 :l..s I J. 04 04 nso is i " " ...2 ,1 .Ml Benjaroliillrury 00 SI Cs..er S'oer... .'.2 ftf, j (52 lie,.',-. M..,L ."2 .H 'f. R S J.Cs hers 19 01 llnht.S. Calhirt SO 14 Pauin 2s .'In M tiairy 13 ill Christian Lowir 60 44 Flurnilitr. H orroeiee. Fnyd.r A Hums 52 r-0 Jerenimb W illiauisun... 1 Hi f.li ii'ilS 1141 lt-1 47 .1.0 S.ft 2i no 1 0 20 2l.i, I ln-0 8502 yns E. Shoemaker. M Jamat Wilson, SI MonrrtDelany I 81 ' 27 J. Wilson's est. 22 Roberts A Ful. I'tiliin. Ae. Per. Ha.raalH. VliU l.il Rulierls A Fni.?s B0 tuft 700 125 3.0 1 17 88 247 70 .31 00 75 98 78 WaiT Crawford.. luiiard ll,,lha.-,.H I'hmt. Ae. Per. H'iirri,M,ee. 1HS 1..3 J.iha H ! I .113 151 J.i.iah lls.nes HI I., 3 Ihunia. Ilalnil.i.a . 2 .1 Jonas Ri... 4. .3 I '.l John f onnii,ttam.. 4 ..1 153 John fr.k 4..:i 1,1 J...i-i.h baioj 4 1.1 153 V illiain ( ,ink 11 a . Kuk A c..-.., Inn SI ll nry I'olr 110 1 .Hon 2. ft Miller A Christ .114 u.'. . 31 to I 22 2i0 Inline ii laughable aftVir t-J came off in the bull some ' . s.RH.s.RT. of 1-siKtnr town.hip. eati Malo f-w OH MV ' I'MML- ,1 to the artmn of the pemucratrc 0 resign eventually, and if W O arc tO party at the Primary Eelcet.a. tSe tormented with Tnitrd Plates As-, tv-nMirs io the future, there is no He publican in the district whom we would ralber see in that position tban Mr. Livingston. Besides, we believe be discharge his duties, disagreeable of which, I cannot vouch tor, as I was not there. It occurred between the manager of lho dance a very nlile darkey and one our livery men, who had, during tlio day, ! received no lutlo atten tion from the colored boys 67 150 IUKTRirT ATTORXI.V. T 01IN I- ct TTI K. of cie.rft.ii. w,n be a ean ! in the way of patronizing dol.ie for P1STI11CT AIToKMll-'ui.ieet lo tbe netM.a of the liemoora.io party at .he ln marf Kieeti.m. a. .l.r-r mar la. anmsliniH.. imnartial- "'Jrt " " "-"' T7 HI RXT1UL W. SMI Til. of (Tearfteld. wll be aean.l.d.te fur plsUlP T ATTORNEY lv to the citizens, fnithful to the Gov-: cm me nt, and with honor to himself. Siak, CnARWiio. Here iFan item , for those who are sceptical concern-1 Ing the charming power of black I snnkoa. Tbe roungesl son ol Joeph lEidcn, near Keller, was playing a short time ago, in field near his father's house when he alarmed the! teii;liboi!iood by his loud streaming the Primary Elect. on. :,.is ii.sj ...73 IK'S ...174 lliO 5 Oil lluil 5H 0 ll'44 ..nit I no 5410 111.11 i.ii.7 si 4 5.IT4 4M1 his s'ablc for rigs durin i m4 375 the day, and thought it would tio showing themiu4, , nrotu r reliet t to make bis , lo.l 1-3 1 . ...i.ui . . I l.n l.i. II ' ' the little .Metis (Toy A Mllebill Mnlhias Sl'iueh , Jnhn llrennraian J hn A ll.-nry Itirlh bamui'l M C uue ,llin Wilmrr William Hol.md J h K. 51 ilun.y Cm luirioii. r. '.r. II iirrwslee. eo. M ml .. 41 ;.c ..131 01 ..1-0 71 ..107 07 ..I IS Kl ..114 Se ..l.il so ..14 s .. . SO .. 17 ri .. 37 3i .. It'll 24 .. 9 23 .. 40 ill .. f0 0. .. 18 05 47 470 J,0 140 I..0 4"i 020 417 20 BH9 150 7.1J On Itt mo. i,2ii SO 3 07 SB Si 1.87 Sli i S'.4 11120 4 3 is 4 1020 4 3 I'l BO 13 4088 207 IS 24 y 60 'S 9i 12 ll 17 t. 44 iV : it wo 1 I) 18 1 tl in 4 10 41H0 4 1st 4 IIS 4111 II. '.HI .vol 3i.no J .74 S.,7 James Wilson, lt 60 " " e 84 - ii dj B,t i. 9 44 0 RuberUt Fnl .t 78 II 7 21 1 61. YY Mid ward. Ae. Per. Wormaf... 4.U 153 John V.uzhi 170 Jl 4: 8 150 John W all. 118 SI 4113 I.i3 John Bull 170 SI i n William W il.uo 41 4H 412 John Cnniion 1:12 S7 4i li.3 1-rael Wheeler- 09 (II Il.i b Tli-iitios Niel 49 42 n I li II. ii, an 1 so 10 1 Mary Niel (14 ftl 3.",t ll. n.iamin Juhtisou 1 T I'.i .,34 llaerrty 103 II 4i'2 Ma.hiaa llartun ..l'l 48 .'111 115 John M l lhrn. 67 14.1 Mary Conn.lly li.n 121 l"t 214 li 211 ll.iland Kisn. Fli HiMiluian Mary hundwi. k Ciiaunoey Hnki'ts.. I'l B3 I 48 Si 1.1 7 1,1 ?1 " ' Iill4l WilllamPiiwrrs t. 62 4 I U.I 977 IS Jarrot VVils.a.l7 21 4 2.. Bss 111 " 8: Ml 42 4 027 24 " 17. Jl 879 Mil Bl MooresTlslanxl-t 70 152 nS J..la Punlap.. 44 0. Luo Puhuis A E....1I0 25 Hsyar.lds' sob. 81.. 05 of J.Nirholtot 20 t' 22 2- 76 70 34 in 25 117 10 2 4271 30 ini 109 4 " " i ii i. 110 " 405 Jamot Wit. 405 122 Morri't Stewart, A.: 5377 1-3 lino 127 10 le nppf aranco and psv tlirni entraneo fee in return tor W . WALTERS, of (Varftell. w ll he a ean- I ,ir.jr i.pB sl.1Mirt. Mr. dilate f-nrPlsTK .T AT I oil 1.1 ta- j .ircrrninn hili't more ,i,. lo ir.e aeioin ol iwe iw. i , . - , . . , Primary kwi.. j than tukcu h is siat, and - I ILey were lorming a new i wins in .ii-.-... isei, wnen mo malinger ; 1S, , ,. ji, . ACi.R 4. F8'iT. of lleaefrld. will bea -.n !,., p (0 ,jin ,o ing ' In I I .4 lluch I d.d.teforJI R I m"l '"-'r1.,,,! ..,., ii.,.,r..e.. ,.lit,.lv. " ' "l',"t W I "V ' and addressed him in these words ... the aenon of Ihe Pmn--rai marr Eleetma. fleorce Mesd.... Frneni k ltt-iUir ll.lliiir.lt Charles llrown llrralur. H'irmtre. 47 J 'ho PrinkiT John skvrun 4"4 H7 Rii hard TI11.111M. nine.. 7(1 ? 7 65 n i i. 17 64 71 14 7 56 17 ii i'l f.s .14 0 22 !'2 71 in 4 ?.. 9 2.i in 87 50 :ii 77 65 B 97 24 .0 60 aTnntan. Ae, Per. R iiprnsrer. 2.'l I..3 Cirhard Piters 4 1 I :.3 IVer Knhn. I 200 Hi-bard Prlers I 1 11 l.'.S Thsmsa Martin.. 2-11 I: IhtI Martin tl 1.15 l li l p l.i.a.l 40 w illiam J,iliiiton. 4. I -0 Jonathan June.,,,.. 4. I t Ri. hard Huron.... i. In 4::j 153 John llanwoodie I (.2 21 81 M I 34 54 28 4ft B2 48 hi 13 II t l Of. 41. ! S3 i.,1.1, .10 s). Cl 21' 4. 71 22 4. 8 61' 18 50 1"! J - . 1'J 2 1 .115 70 ,. 92 72 ,. 18 75 . 41 40 . S 02 ,. 14 40 . 4H 12 . 1 31 .10! ft . 94 OS . 64 75 . 34 '0 . t 3 . 27 SO . 27 00 . 13 21 . 41 411 . JH 74 .14" 7ft .1.10 in 27 S11 Charles llir'it , V..7 Paniel Tinner 170 Pen-r Euador 01 CharliB loader , 40 11 illi.on Willi, , I '-0 John l.i'We , lo l.aaillii.. 71 Roland Ei aus I'O Id main ,ti J dilisun.- 0 Mai'y Niel 437 llrui n Hani, t 4.il LiikoMorriti Iu0 lie.irce 4.M .11 LEX Ell FI.I'.HAL, Apiil , I47U-91. T.ia.urer. Tll' MIIM I', is herel.y firm that T.et Ins Te.tainentary hale la-en firante.l In Ihe nn,ler.iTieil on Ihe r-lalo o( WM.tt. Pninmi, ib ceased. Isle of Vnn tuar li.ll .p. Clearfield Co., I'a , and all persons who are iti.lehled to .aid c.tale are reour.trtlln Innke tin I oieil.ale pa loent, and Ihoae hanne , claim will ,ri'ent llii-m dit y authiu- i liealcil for s, l.lemi lit. W M. F. JOHNSON, N 4 THAN XlooKK, April t7, 1S70 t. Etcntors. I 13 1 .4 ' 1 1 T 4 Notiee i s" A C e .Vs. Ae. 5 lc linn 6.11 1 no 5412 747 ..II I Intl. 6 Oft lint 5111 IH'" 5 105 H7 ; Ar. r.. 211 123 party at the Pri- "Ahcm! Mr , Al IslToR. I ar berry sorry, sar, but " A - ,. . 1 11 I ASSOK WISH. W SWI roww.n. p. your CKiSO IS SO Strt.IlglV Jin. la.ner ran .. .... 1 1 . a e..d.4..e f..r nUAIl Al in fl.,v(lrri) ,,,, bnrnMl H nitTI garinrr air-auov lino iii 1 i.h,a 10 ine acaoea oa un, iww-,i. e- " Mack snake, without power to remove the Primary Eiccoa. , .1 S-.l ... Il-I ri lilt eves irora ii.tis-s hi ..ic siiaais. -jv , was romnletelr t bantied. and had not '. . 1.1 4Mri Ms erics urougni assistance ...u mM m ,.,, (w ,.,,oner- have fallea a VH'tim to the aerpeni . ,t(j in tbe acooa of tbo pem-cranc party si fcijs ',i''e.""l iVsw-k-o-rrf. I (bo Primary Eleot.oa. tllKOVES. AM EEL A. CAI.PWFt E. of Rradford trot- it oflensivo to do ladies You will babe lo go down stairs " (JT.Hltv's Grand Me nagerie will be hereto mor row. l.son'1 fail to see it. Itift 11 : J. Hamilton.... 49 41 J .hn Skrron ., .14 11 illiain M'ln'ffoincry. 73 Tloilnas E ItnollBun 4.1.1 St .1 hn Ardrr.oa , IM f.l liillierl Vsnht .111 159 Thomss lliliineion.... In Thomiis Slewardaon... 60 R-.lrt llaltmncor 201 Mary M Unahan 4i'4 Ann M l.anahan.- s 137 Jiuoph Vt Int.hall Ill 57 In Mary MT.anahan SI 70 pit Jaeoh ll.iwnii.c 40 31 10 .In.cph ssnwii. 20 7t tl illiam r'assoa $5 04 75 50 44 187 07 1 Id 81 S3 IV 4.1 42 in 12 14 0.1 70 91 li',7 S2 5.4 .12 LIS .17 87 40 13 75 tl. 72 01 01 1410 I .'Hi I' Oi H 07 1' 07 1007 I'ni 1884 I' 07 100 2 1 Karthans. Prr. Miiecoaref, j lien. Mea l 51 48 " ... -I. .',1 48 " " . . l mi M ;t " o..f I I 48 ' . ,. ...1 4 4 in f7 S? SI 12 SO " 1114 " " II 14 " 7 12 I R. VTIoiley I p W m. Mirhse ... Il .40 M t'l.i.kisl' Hen- so II P. Hall.. 5', ;n fhailet V ,1'is.k 1 S4 38 T A Rdi-mr-iCo Bl 00 iialiiel 1 utl.eis- I'.i sft Mary E.-cai" ... I" 14 T. A J. H h ie... 9 t o " "... 1 JO "... 7 55 Chrlslian Tlrows 2 90 Joha liilliland.. 17 01 III SI (Miter Moore.... I Jno. M Donegal t 00 M. E. Mlrherla. It 14 Hiary Vofhora.. 49 William 07 120 C harles il nk 172 1811 e ei Inn w SO " - 2"it 308 3,0 24 8 5n 122 B3 H 14 7 l!3 255 144 14 It H'l II : - -a c- V. - I A e urn ' f r Z ' -r . A C C rj 1 a : J : 7 ' srl-iTiz'C-i: -caa . "1 1--0 a- M.tlSnLa s- f . - t : I j e tU'u 1 its . ti t2 2 i kt i ; ' - -; I C !-c-fi 1 : - at t- K t i I i . 5 Ssp-Ji C: !si: KJTs I -.' t I I.o Ha. 3! . C.S M2 o. ac O -) K T - -is St s: S.8 P.'H C'miH, rofiirs, tTtr. M.I H A Hint ft ,..,,. Hdtll HAIITnotllf. "( licaper Hinn (he ('liciiiost !" GOODS AT BFiDUcKI) PltlCKS jrnf It I (' 1 1 V K D fct Arnold llnrlHliorii, (One door weit of Firrt Katloail Dank,) li'RM i:n iim:, pa. HAVING Juit roturnprJ rrorn th eu-t with I e(imp1(ta rtinpnl orOimili tutubla for Fprinf nd Pumroer trude. w art now rckdj to furnltb all kin ill of flood "Cheaper than tho Cheapest!" And after thinMnf oar fluitoucri Tor Iboir liberal patroa.g during tba punt yaar, w would tnotit roj ctfully atk for ft eontUuanflt of tin iain. Our Stork coniifti of ft couplet atiortment of Dry (loodf, Notiooi, Uardware. Queeotware, U'lllowwnre, Qroeeilre, Hooti f Bboea, Ilata A Co pi, Cluihinff, Tobareoa, Ao. Alio, Flour. Uncud. 8alt, Fi-h. Grain, etc. All of whdti will be fold on the moit reaion- abl toruta, and tba Ligbeat naiket prlt paid for Grain, Wool and att kltttli of Lumber and Country Prod ure. Pleare Rive us a call before purchattlnf eUewbara. Satiifactlon guaranteed a to price and qunlitj.'w ARNOLD A HAIIT.SHORN, Corner of Main and Tbompion Btreeta, apr?0 CntWKNfiVILI.E, PA. l. P. WEstrKIt s.W. W. ftCTTa. WEAVEIt A 15KTT.S CLKAUFIELD, TA., An offer i n at the old it and of 0. L. Reed A Co., tbeir ktoek of goodt, cuniittinf of DRY - COODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS a EII0E.S, HATS CAr., HARDWARE, Ql'KEXSTARE, FLODE, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At tbe moft rraonil.!o ratee for CAII or in eicbauge for Square Timber, Boarde Shingles, on cointry rRoircE. -ftrfr-Adranrea mailt to thote mftd In fi ling out euarv (imbrr on tbe nuit advantaouf trrmiu January 5. 70. EoA.IllYIX&CO., c inni;virrE. pa Heme epei ia!); engaged in tbe luaiueiiof Euying and Selling Squara Timber, Would rrirft.nt that thry are now prepared to purrbawt Timber drliven-d at eilhw Curwftnnille, ,k Haven or JlincHa, (or will take it at an of tbM point,) end ecll on eontniteion, making eurb advanere ai are nccarj. Thoee entfnrd in gUtg oat Tirnbr will Ind at our it ore in Curwme . illo, a rtrj large itock of S TAPL E GOODS Of all Descriptions. ALIO, flour, .Trn, lf, Oat, Corn, Anil OTorything- nresssary for uso of Lnntherlaen. RAFT ROPE, Of all iiff, krl on hiutd in larpe qnantilim, and oi l at eninll a-ttanrf hj lho ftoil, AUo, rullry . Blorke, Small Hop, Ae. ff-ri 1AI. !MI ( I.Mi;NToiT.rJ to (hrtw man ufartu ring Rijiiare Ttmbr. A. ll l CO. CurwrnttTilte, ttanaarjr 12, 1870. Small rrufits! Quick Sales! 1IARTSWICK k 1RWIX Arc e.MitsUntl rt-pWidiinit llnnr etook of Inig. Nr.liriitM. Ac. Frhoo! Tlftoki and 8tn(it7 .nrtmlint the Oe- g'nj afid Nntinnal Porici" of I.ratrra. Alf", TuKafoo and Cjtr of tbe b pI brand, ft t tbe bi-rtxit prir-Pt. ult ( Al t, ANP PVT.. 9 W U JV,Mr.l-An alive man, i Vt " 'V f M. li f,mntT in ... SmtfP. In lraTil an t Ink onlcr-i IT Mmplo. fr Tra, and Si.-f-p. T" rtnlta'-l mrn will cm e a enlarr of $om tn 1 ,f.f a rrnr, ah'Tr 1mv-iinr end othr ltpcT.'c.. and a rfi.nnnal!e mminiet-iun on t-nlea. IrtiitifiHiitt apfintinn art w-h'-tlrii trom pntptr parKM. Hrf't-fn'i frliai'tr"l. pp'T to, or ad'trem immrdiatclr, J. I'V K! H A TV, Trtntinrntal MitU," aprir .It J Rcworr, Nrw Vork. C I.T1 l.l.Ml;T NOTK I--TI.I ai.J.r Tt r-ijiir.l hanon (ii.n-d of hi liitfrrnt in the ..( Ir and hurm-ae tisiinH in Ijuiht-rnbarff, rt-. rip'i-ilullr rallr np tn hi patron bv unprt- tlnl aornimli to rine I r-atd and el- Ibtm, rithvr by pejitig ftp or giviff thrir nnM. HKNUY SrllOCK l.aiborel.urg, April 37, 1S: .It. UtH n nt. n,lnr. iUhhaire. Dmke'e Hnofland1 rtwatan.Hot-tMtr'a and Or-ftie'e Oivienated f.itlsr f alee pare) tqnre, ef ftU iinde lor tLtdiciftftl parpne, fnr att hf UAKT6ICK A iHIK mr-mru mirxi-m-?-'i-z tvtwj f ?m i".co(U, c.ifrriif, tf ic. BARGAINS I BARGAINS 1 v. Kie.iTsi:ie, Market Stroot, Clearfield, Fcnn'a., (O.poalta tho Jail,) T UAVE now on land a first class tloek of 1 goods, sullrd to tho wants of the put lie My ttook being lare.and by constantly making additions thoralo, 1 am ablo to acoommoelale all who may favor no by calling. I havt Dill GOODS, Morinot, Ginghams, Cloths. Prints. Delainos, Cassimeros, Fills., Ilr.s, Satinets, Caahmorss. Twteds, Coborgs. Alpacas, M', hair, I.auetl , Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Ualu.ural Fklrtt, Hoop dklrts, bbawla, Prort Trimmings, Iliad Nets, Caj'S, Corsets, U lores, Fcarfs, Collars, Grenadine Veils, Table Corcrt, it. CLOTUI.NG, Cottt, Tantt, V.eU, Orer Coats, Gont's'rihawlt, ShirU, Halt, Csps, Uodr-Sbirts and llrawets, lluote and fiboes, Gum echoes, Crayals, Bucks, lilovss and Cull.rs. GKOCEU1ES, Tea, Coffoo, Rngir, Uolassoe, fialt. Candles, Ki e, Floar, llaoon. Fish, Tobacco, Haisins, Currants, ripieaa, Crackars, Vinegar, Oils, Varnish, Frpper, Alsohol, Ae. IIOCSEIIOLD GOODS, Carpets, 011 cloth, Drupiget, Clerks, Looking Olusses, Chores, RuL-keta, Washboards, Tubs, Flal Irons, Pans, Window B inds, Wall Paper, C,,al Oil Limps, Brdcords, t'mtrillss, Kniret, Porks, Ppo-n, Crocks, HUivct aud Store Blacking. II A R D W A II E, Qnacniware, Tinware, 01 aft ware. Wood? ottare, Coppemare, Book, Stationery, Kmvioal Ooeda, Trunkr, t-katea, Ao. rf-AH ef which will he od on tbe mf.it raa eomabla tereup, aod tl bigbevt market prlee paid for Oratn, Woe I and all kind of eountry prod no REalEMItER THE PLACBi C. KR ATZEE'S, (Oppositt lho Jail,) ci.kp:eld. pess'a. 11.70 ytsITKU BTATIS It O X 1 N norGnT, fold a f.xchaxc.f.d ox moft LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. R. Eonds Bought and Sold. tTOtKH lUuglit aud od on Com mUalon only. IAccounta reraired and Interest allowed on daily balanei, aut'jrrt to check ftt igbt 5 9 ly 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excels all other Leadl lit. For ill t'nrlialrj W blleno.s. Id. For Its TneiiDalcd Iurabilit). Jd. For Its fnur,s.ed Corerlng rmprt. Lastly, for Its Economy. JttaMt coslt leas to paint with Bark Lead than any other vl bile Lead oaunt. Ths same weight eoeers more surface, Is snore durable, and makes whiter work. nrt'K LEAD is the Cheapest sad Beet. $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs ! lit For Itt t'nequaled Durability, Id. For It I'nrivalcd tthitnre. Sd. For lie rriarpaeed Covering Troperty. tailly, fur iu (3 real llrnno3iy. fleine (he Cbapet, llandnrtmevt and morl I rahla aiU PtMat ta ihe n vrld. Umy naly HICK I,KA 1) ASVt tU'CIC ZINC. Try H and be CReto(d. Satisfartion floaranteed by the M-nufartureri. buck cottagk coi.ons, Pri-pared iprety fr Tainiirig Cottagfii, Ournildtnire of fTery derription, Fent-fi Ae. Thirl? fie diffffent eolora. Pa- rahle. OhMp. Vnirorm. and HemitiM fhadra. Humble eardu pent by mail if drmrrd. I-ral ere' Ordere will be promptly eiccutd by tbe manufartiirpre. N.W for. Tnih A Market treMa. Philad'a. F.r ali by A. I. tShaw and Huruwick Irwin, Itii-ra In Iruc, Medirinea, Pafnte, (Mf, Ac Clatrfli-ld, Pa aprll 7" It TOBACCO AND CIGARSi V lIol.KPALK ANP KIITAIU At the Nrw Tol-ac-co and Cigar lore of .. .V. HOOVER, Two deore Kaei of the PoetflUce, Clrarfield, Pft. '..fi-rWT Jlolrlj. Cnniitantly on hand a fine affrlmrnt of Navy, C-jngrriM., Cavfitdii-h, t'ahla, lpunroll. Mich if. a nod Centary Fine cat Clirwinx Tobastvo, Ae. Alee, ft Utc and wll apld Mwk of Tmportrd and Imetlp Cigar. Smoking T haoaf Merrwhaam and Priar Tip", Pipe fi.iur", ToKacco Besee, Cigar Iloldrra, and eorthing grfiftrally found in ft wrll rrgtilatr-d Cigar and Tobacco Ptore, 4f- Rrnif mKt-r the placo i Two doer Fart of the PoMofflr, Clearflrld, Pa. eleel JAMES C. BARRETT, Javtlre of the Peace and I.irenard Comyanwr, I wlher.hHrff, C leftrfidd Co., Pa - CnMt.rrati A rtmittanr-e pmmptly niMla, and all knte a( lagal ibamuaaaU eie-ad ea hli el-eft, pay4,tttf THE SMITH HOUSE, ("i P'.fit" Ihe Pa--ngr H-jiot.) I I il l i, pa. rII). nd-rMrnt, having lead Ihie heaee for a f iiM ol am, le r-e1y t" "aierra.a) ira K and tfaif-lra g-neral.j, and lh-rvf.pe tulmto tirnfm to glra htm n rail, llif TeMo will h nppliffl win, ilit tfvt the tnerkft afforde, and ftl Hiir will rot Urn th rhoirrt uf wintt and Hq-iote. 1 1n' hfiuttr", lutnilur-, Isf-tjs and h4l'ing areeDtlrvi y nrw, whirb alwiiyB al,. to lliecotufortof travralnr. while tli put hng aiiachnl ie largo aod rooapa junl Riiitid fur Uniuii'riit CtiargM madrrae. inb T U 1 1.1,1 AH 6. liHAL-UiT. thYIeonard housl (Near tha Itailroad lMHr HEED STKEKT, L'LEAKFILLD. PA.. ti, !, C(HI)l'l;M oV, ProprieHor, VHV.W flrwrt-telais Hotl In every rMpaet- eotnTortadle nmnn all lho eaMem imprwvo u.tjutt the bunt f Uyl OHS iirompt attf-nd a net, and rranonable otiargci. The patronage ol (lie public ii roi'piK'ifully eolioited. Teamttwrt will pleane take notice thai a large liaro haa juat bceo eret-U-d for tbo elirllciing of hore'i, loaded watT'iDit and i!rr.uii'p having a oomuiodiowi yard adjiwent to tbe Freight and I'MMngftr dt-poi. )fS THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MAI.I.ET Ht.( CLEARFIELD, Ta. rVTH largt and eomraodUme new betol kae Uimi opfnd for the ev'enmniodatinn of the piililio, wherr tho proprietor will be glad to moel bn old fnnd, and r.-ctiv a nbare of public paU ronngf. By atrtrt pcrttonal attention to tbe W tuilrt u( his butHrn-isP, b hopei to bo ahle to reprfer aatiiTaction lo hi patrom. The TA111.lt will alwiivf be honntilully anpplicd with thahwl that ean he procurvil in tha markft. awd the BAK will ootititiii a full Hoe It uf Llyl ORH, UK Kit, Ae Uood etablins attached. CAPPER LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, 5farcb 3, lufiit Jy Propnetor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN BT, tXRWEXsriLLE, PA. HATfNO leased for a term of years tha ahoTC well known and popular hntol, kept formerly by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts.) the present proprietor bat re fitted it with the object of rendernft his guettt comfort ahls while ., jonrninn with hies. A f ae, Inrre Nuble and Yard le atuebed, lor the care and protection of horeet. eorriacot and srerons. A liberal share of public patronaire is eolieited. my4 7l'tf A. J liHAH KER, Prop'r. THE PERRY HOUSE, biahii:tta, pa JOIIX WALLER, Proprietor. n AVISO pnrchawtd tb if well knowii Urero tand and n- fatit-d and re fum tubed it, I rLpt-ctfolly alirit a due pbare of patronage.---Lunibrrmcn and KatfimiB will do well hv giving me call. Feb. 2, 1H7U-Jm. SALT LICK HOUSE. JOMEPII ILAM, PROPI.IETOR. pilE prr-e-rnt eeiiipant, like hi pTteeeaor, baa X Fperl no pain in refitting tbie woll kauwn buat-e, lituateil on the river bank at 8alt Liolt, eo a lo accoitinifMUtts tbe pablie genermlly'and tbo rafimeta and lumbermen in particular, fits tfthl and bar will be rupplied with tbe beet the market affords. A doe "hare ol public patranftgewlicitcd, bait Lick. Feb t, If 70 im. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Curvrenevillo, C Icarttcld rotiiity. Pa. TM1B anderilgned baa leaved thle aid and long eftablihad hotel, (formerly kept by Ma) or laae Htuoaa.) sttuato in a eentral portion of tbo towo. end haa entirely re-fit led and re furniihed it, ar.d re-modeled the Maiding, ao a to make li an objact, hereafter, far tbe traveling public to patn-niie Uia Urge anil oommotiioof boneo. Jan. W, 7U tf. T. JEFF. LLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 1 urneiuvtlle, ( lea r lir Id county. Pa. 1M1IS eld and well etablthed Hotel, heaaU fally aitoated oa tbe bankf of the Poaqoe batina. In the borogb of CnrweoiriHe, baa baea leaeed for ft term of yeare by tho odraifned U baa bean entirely refitted, and ie bow opea eft tbe public generally and tho travelling eomma oi'y ia particular. Ke pa iat will be aparwd to render eeta eomfortabie while tarrying ftt this bou'e. Ample b tabling too for tbe acoomme datioa ofte;im. Cbargee moderate. Jan. 1, XV if MiM. U. JEFFRIES. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, 111 MIM.DOX, PA. THIS old eitahliihment having beea leaved hv J. WoKltlSON, formerly proprietor of the "UorrtBon llouee,'haa oeea tboroogkly res ova ted and refunmhed, and aapplied with all the modern improvement and eonvenieaeoe ae eeeary to ft Art-t clase Hotel. Too dining roo haa teen removed to the first floor, and ie new paeiuae aod airy, f be eh a a bare are woll ven tilated, ard tbe proprietor will endeavor to make bi gneU perlectiy at b me. jeiA J. MOkKISOX, Proprietor. i. w. wali.aci mot. . M.v. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I utl.rrh.burf;, Clrarfield to., P. TII IS well known and long etab!iabed Hotel, formerly kept by li. . How, aod lattetly by Wm. (Schwarn. er baa beea leased for term it year by the nude rcigneJ, to which tho att on ion oi the traveling putlie ia bow ealled, and A liberal iliare of public patronage i selietted. pririnil ly.pd UlAW A WALLACJE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main st, riiiLirsDVRd, ta. rIlR nndemigned keepe eoneUntly oa kanA X. the beet of Liquor. Hi table I alwayi -upplied with the bevt tbe market alfonlft. Tba traveling pablie will do welt ta give bim ealL novl,'i,5. KOHKHT LLOVD. oot$ and hor$. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot nnd Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. n-S jntt received a line lot of French CALF SKINS, and ! now prepared to oaaanfao- tura everything in hie line al tho loweet figure!. He will warrant hit work to be ae representee. He respectfully solicit ft oall, ftt bia shop oa Market etreet, fee ond d or went of tbe potcft5ee. where he will do all In hie power tn render latia- lactiun. home fine (Jailer tops on hand. oiy,'T-y DAMKL COKNKLLT. rEVCE riJorLAniEi TES WAR OYER IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNlIir QUIET. AVi7r?y all the Contrabands gmng bark to their oil nwttrrt; lvt 'mory one gtnnj to old Miisstichu&ttts, vhm they tctre loved so long and so veil. INeoneequenoe of tbe a bore fact. F. BHOIT, of tbo uld "Short Phee 8hoa," would an- a ounce to hi numemoa patron a, and the pooplft of Clearfield eounty at large, that ho baa bow a Ami rale lot of good material, jatt reeoived from the Kat. and i prepared onBrt aotieo to make ana mend UnnU and rhoe, at bt new bnp i Hraham'a row. He ieaatit-led that he cea please all. (unless It might he some inteneely loyal stay, at home patriot,) He i prepared to eell low for ofb or t on n try Produce. lon t forget tho -hnp neat ttm.r to (Showers A tirab era's store, on Market street, Clearfield, Pa,, aod kept by a fellow otuitnumy called jyJ.'f 7 y 'FHORTT., MW BOOT KU SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. Con. II U;KI T A 3d Pm., CLEARFIELD, Fa. fpilE proprietor las entered inte tho BOOT MHK business at the above eland, and i. determined not to he outdone either ia qual ity or price for hie work, Special atuatioa wtlt be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. He ha oa band ft Urge lot of Rreucb Kip aod talf fk,r.n, nf the very hert quality. The fitl vens of Clearfle'd and vicinity are n-tpectfally Invited to give him a trial. Ko ebarge for call, ftivo, a ,f mx hoot ad shoe shop, IN (IRWEVMIUB. ppnR euhtcrlher having lately started anew I Pont and Shoe shop In Cnrwe nsville, en Main eireel, opposite Jieb R. Irwin's Pmg Here, revpectfulty annnuncrt io the pahlle that he la prepared lo roanu'ecture all styles ef !- and Shoes, aud everythli.g la bt Hoe, ea eher notice. He alee keeps on bsttd a g-oed assort ment of rsady-mada work, wMeb. be will fell eh'-in eaih or e--an try pm'ore. erljTJf ( 11 L K T. M ) TENT Vh 0TKKL CULTIVATOR 1 T.alhJaatroaalfed aad for aale by R. f. H1.LH.C0.