JhccinibHran. George B.Goodlanukb, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. wedxEoTiat mohnino, mat ii. iro. Just at lVi Vredirtrdt ' Tlio Democratic) party liavo, cvor since the war began in 1KG1, told our political opponents that tliey would never be BiUiKlied with tlio abolition of slavery alone, and now that fact is fully demonstrated. Not withstanding the Constitution of Penn sylvania expressly declares that none but (he free white citizens of this Com momecalth shall be voters, the Radical party who liavo had control of tho reins of government sinco that lime, have at Inst succeeded in foisting Negro Suffrage upon the country without tho consent of the pooplo. Upon this subjuct the Bedford Gazette Am ts Ita ibduu, OUJ e . "Oh! how they used to deny it! The negroes would never voto in Pennsylvania, at least not without leaving the question of their right to the bullot to the voice of tho people ! Such was the positive and solemn ussurancc given by tho Iladical leaders to their trusting followers. Hut now the scales are fulling from the eyes of tho betrayed and outraged masses I" thoir party. .Many "Republicans" who came to Bedlord on Tuesday of last week, be lieving the talk about the adoption of tho fifteenth Amendment to be mere "copperhead lies," witnessed with their own eyes, tho negro paradein honor of the consummation of tho stealthy trick by which the whites nro compelled to stand on the same polilicul level with tho blacks. Tho unbelieving are at lust convinced. Demociatic prophecy has been fulfilled to tho letter. The assertion that the llitdicul leaders intended to force no gro suffrugo upon tho pcoplo was not a "copperhead lie" after all, but the truth, tho wholo truth, and nothing but the truth. There can be no denial now. There can be no blinking a fact which siurcs all men in tho fuce. The negroes of Pennsylvania, arc now by tho action of the Itudical party tho political equals of tho white men of the State, and they have already been tuken in full communion by tho leaders of that party. Tho amalga mation of wbito Radicals and negroes is now an accomplished fact. It only remains for tho white men who for merly voted theso culli'd"Bt'publioan" ticket to decide whether they really consider themselves no better than the negroes whom their lenders have thrust upon them ai their political associates." A Vivid Fictire. Mr. Marshall, of Illinois, is said to be ono of the - -' "a lie is a man who sots his face squarely against the iniquitous tariff which Judical leaders havo imposed upon the peoplo of the. country. The following paragraph is from a speech ' made by him in tho IIouso the other day, and fully attests his ability, as well as his abhorrence of this scheme to plunder tho peoplo : The farmer starting to hit wirk baa ft shoe pnt a hit horse with nails taxed 67 per cent., driven by ft hammer toted ol per tent.; cute ft atiek Willi ft knife taxed Ml per oanl.t hitches his burse to ft plow taxed S-0 per cent., with chains taxed 7 per eent. lie returns to his home at night t lars his wearied limits on ft sheet taxed e per cent., and oniers hiins. If with a blanket that has paid 1 it per eent. He rises in the morning, pats his humhle flannel shirt taxed SO per erui., bis ooai taxea w per eent., snoes taiea Jer cent., and hat taxed 70 per cent.; opens emily worship Its a chapter from his Bible taxed Is per eent., and kneels to his God on an humMr earpet taxed ISO per eent. He sits down to his hanible meal and eats from a plata taxed 40 per .cent., with ft knife ftnd fork 3A ier cent., driuks "his cop of coffee taxed 47 per cent., or tea 78 per float, with sugar 7t tier cent., and seasons his food with salt taxed 1 lt per oetit., tapper 2V7, ar spire laxeo jyr per oeni. lie looks around upon his wife and children, all taxed in the same war; takes ft ehew of tolwoeo taxi d loo per eent., or lights ft cigar taxed 1 j0 percent., and then thanks his stars that he livca in the freest and best Uov ernisMit nndor hearen. If on the Fourth of July tin wants to bars tha star-spangled banner on real bunting he must par the American Hunting Company of Massachusetts l"0 per ernt for tin. glnri-iua privilege. No wonder, sir. that the far sr. or is struggling in poverty, ftnd conscious of a tsrong somewhere, although be knows not whence due Mow comes that is chaining bin to a life of endites toil, and reducing his children to beggary. Negroes Now Demand Office. A npgro orator from Washington talk. d very plainly to the white it.idimlt of Cbambershurg at tho cclvhrtilion of the Fifteenth Amendment, lie in formed them that tho colored voters held the balance of power in Frank fin eonnty, and that they would do mand a share of tho offices. It is likely thst they wiil insist upon being represented both npon tho borough ' and the county tickets. That is no mora than was to havo I con eicrt ed. The nrp-roea will not con-rut to do the voting without sharing in the spoils. There will bo plenty of as piring darkeys rt-ady to force them selves into positions of honor and profit, and tlio Radical party cannot consistently dot-line to recognize their claims, ji nicy oclievo in the pro fessions they have made, tho Itvpiih I icsn ft mut consent to share the spoils of o 111 t.-o with tho negroes of Pennsyl vania, (iovcrnor Unary has altca'dy appointed one black man to the re qronsiblo poi.it ion of Notary Public In tho City til" Phih dulphia, mid there will bo many aepitants fur political preferment among (ho negroes throughout t!.c Slain. Ict them put the honesty of tho Radical party to the test. Lnneastr Intillnjrnecr. Xe.ro SiiRtvjAcv i.i Mississippi. Tho llrookhaven (Miss ) ( ittzen states that the colored men, having a innj.iri ty in the Board of Commissioners iit- l-'.iiiled to ly (,fr tho new county of Lincoln into diniritu. organized bv 1 ting tho President and Secretary, both ltom their own number. The Citizen suegest that tho white draw off Olid let their colleagues "do t)C liHiuuliHK, by way nf illuiliaiing tl,e w isdom il the Lvyii-laluro in making lot. appointments. In other words, the Citizen recommends tho whiles to "hi to their noses off to spito their fuces." Having once entorud upon a coinniission iu partnership with ne L'Mvon, the m hiies would make noodles , .1 i , . , I ol thenm lve. by ,, .nS and l. v,ff the Uolo ooiicern to the luaii-puMiun Vl thcdiit'!. Orretitrnrt mt RrpuHlranltm. It Is Interesting to look over the He. publican journals and deled all through them their lenrs that (heir party i "going to the dogs." The I'rrnt is particularly nervous on this subject. It Buys: "Tho Republican parly givet evidence that It is coin posed of elements not tub ulated to givo strength to a great political or ganization." And tho reason assign ed is tbat thero is not enough submis sion to tho Republican trailers. There is too much l'rco thought, too much porsonni independence, and too many delight in displays of "magnanimity," which in such cases means little more than allowing opponents to tuUe ad vantage. Tho Press soes tho question clearly, no doubt. During tho war, they could by forco of military hon ors, profitable positions and power of tlio uayonel lo no men luio mo uu nublican party, and hold them there; hut since tho strong military arm has relaxed a little its bold, men aro be ginning to think independently j and tho moment they began to reason among themselves, that moment the ICiulicul purty uorun to decline, and soon, very soon tho country will wit ness its full. Although the Press may consider ita duty for Republicans to nurse their hato and passion, aim blindly follow Radical leaders, they havo Forney's history to back them in leaving a party that believe to be wicked and corrupt, lie wasoncoan honorublo leader of tho Democratic party, respected by all ; but he trans f'erri'il himself from lturhnnsn'a mi ni inistmlion to (he enemy out of spito to Mr. Buchanan ; but he hopes to see his party perpetuated ; but be fears and probably knows its near tlissolu tion ; nnd ho sees the timo when ho will stand "a noblo wreck in ruinious Perfection" in a dilapidated party. 'hercforo ho tugs und struins both tibro and brain to arrest tho tendency to abandon tho party without much age, and no history, but of blood, tur moil, debt and dishonor. But he asks lo have the party saved only from personal motives. II o dreads to stand as a centro pole the negro part', llo sees his whito associates leaving him alono in his clory, and he cries out in anguish not to bo left alone. But his party will wane faster than tho years, nevertheless, and if he lives but few moons ho can sur vey himself a wreck on the Radical shore. His followers of yesterday will have boon taken up by the party with an honorable history, and of a bright and vigorous future, tuo good old Democracy. Corrupt Lrftslalton. Sinco the adjournment of tho Leg islature tho Republican newspaper press ot the otato lias denounced it without stint. No term has been too harsh to bo employed. Tho whole vocabulary has been ransuked for terms of opprobrium. This whole sale denunciation of a body in which tho majority was largely Republican, has a show of honesty, but tho virtu ous indignation of our Radical cotcin- poraries seems to be somewhat out of place. II certainly does sound strano ly to hear them abusing so vilely tho men whom they pronounced to be all that was virtuous and wiso during tlio canvass of last lull, ihe 1 lulu delphia Day, a paper published by Republican, but not professedly a pur lisan organ, takes tho proper view of the matter. It says : ills ,ir et,A n TnthilHT n t h press of the i?tate elected. It was the creature of the Republican press. inc. coiiuuciori 01 mo press knew what they were about. They know that many ol tlio candidates were not good men, nor honest, nor ablo. They Knew mat tho nominalions wcro mado through corrupt bargaining in some cacs, and barefaced lying in others. I hey did not, cenerallt-, urco the pcoplo to put forward their best men lhe Republican press deliborutelv furnished an unreliable majority. In attacking it after adjournment they piiuiisn ineir own anaiiie, ana empha size incir lnnueiity to the common in terest. lo defend a corrupt agent wimo you are using him, and curse him for a knavo when you tan use him no longer, may be human nature but it is not decent. There is nn abundance of bitter truth in that paragraph. Tho Radi cal newspaper press of this Stuto fail cd to expose corrupt men when they were re nominated lor tho ticgisla turo. They choso to risk tho best in tcrests of the Stato rather than en danger tho success of their party. i.ei tlio words ot tho Day bo laid to heart by tho Rudicul press and by the peopie. MAtncinier intelligencer. The .Invrlrnn Viry. J-or all our great expenditure dur ing tho war, il seems we really have nothing to show but some iron clads that are only raluuhlo to defend our ports, and aro worth nothing to main tain our rights at sea. So says the .Secretary of the Navy: and Wash- burn, of the Commitleo on Appropri aiions, recently said Hint our navy was tlio derision of r.uropo. Mr. Hale, in a recent sicech. com pared the A mencun navy with that of other nutions. The British r.avv had a total of 71!) vessels of all classes with a tonnage to its commercial of one eighth, lhe French navy con. sists ol 4.'I0 vcssi ls, including 60 ar mored ships. Iho Russian fleet In tho Baltic alone consists af M vessols, with a tonnage of 1 12.017, nearly uouute mo lorce oi tlio wholo Ameri can fleet in all its squadrons. Spain had J:.' vessels, and had now in the Lulmti waters alono CI vessels mount ing MKI guns fire per eent, more of naval power than tho I'nited States eould bring against her if all our squadron wcro scoped togcthor. Fven Prussia, which had iio naval outgrowth or ambition until roecntly, had a :avy of SO vessols, carrying 547 guns twice tho number of ves sels, and ono and a half times the number ofgnnsof tho American navy. Kvcn little Denmark, a fifth rulo F.u rocan power, on tho verge of anni bilalion, had a navy of iI3 vessels, carry ing 400 guns. Well, if we have not as big a navy, wo havo at least as big a debt as any of them. And we ran pay as much money in taxes every year even if we can show very little for tho taxes, savo a lot of blunted spiders, called office holders and contractors. CCRIOIS COMPI'TAHON. Wo SCO it stated thst in coinincing tho number of miles to be paid for, (sapposed to lie the number (raveled by the Depu ty ilarclisl") in taking the cei'sns, the billowing in the formula: "Multi ply the sotiare root bv tho number of dwellings in a district by tho sipiarc ... sue nu in i.er oi aquaro miles in the district." This is about as sensi . . " ' is lui'Ul ae si iini - ,!e ., ,he mod. adopted t .nportion tlia tiralt quota anion,, tha Sulci aud di;tri(tS. (Illlil.p ths ... herebr cautioned i against iiun-hs'intr or iu any war med'llitig with a certain rose ol three teitr old Hrd steers, now at Uvorge Vieiser's.tn Hrs'llord township, ar the same belong lo sua and are nnlr left on his pn-nuses. I'oHTKK WHIr-KH. Hoggs ip . Mny il, l are itpd. V' PMIMslKATOII'tl MlliC Nollca is hereby given thst letters of administration on Ih. cute f II.1.IAM C. lllVIN, dccasiil, Ute of llumaide township, Clearfield county, I'a., having liern duly granted tu the undersigned, all icreons inilchti'd lo said estate will please make psvuieiit, and those, haling claims or demands mil present them properly aulhcnllfslH for set tlitniuU I'liKTHK KINl'OKT, JOHN KAfO.N, May II, 1S70 6tpJ. Administrators, DUKlM'TMIN IIP PAHrK-.IIHIIIs. The partnership heretofore existing in the UH-roantilc iiu'ini'KS hVtween J. II. and P. L. Fer guson, nnder the firm name of Ferguson Ilruthers, in l.iitiilier City, was dissolved on Monday, Msy it, 1S71I, hy mutuxl consent. The business will 1 continued by P. I,. Ferguson, who will settle all the ftccuunts of the Inte Ann. All persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and uiakt Uu niediate seltlvlnrrit. J. it. FFRtit'soy. May I1,1R70 Jtpd. II. 1.. FKIllU'stlN. IN Till; ('(II KTIIF COMMON PLIAS ol Clearfield county, I'a. Audrew liregg, use, ) ts. U'n.si.,No.l3l,Mc'hT,'70. Henry Groa. I The uuilersigned Auditor hftring been appointed to nako distribution of tb money arising from the aula of renl cstata on tha abovo writ, gives no tice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his ofliee, in Clearfield, on Saturday, May Sstlt, at 2 o'clock, p. n., when ftnd whara ftll par ties interested may attend. rn.vll-.lt A. W. H'AI.TKIIS, Auditor. IN Till-: ( Ol'ItT fip COMMON PI.CAS of Clear-ield oounty, Fa James lorrest ) vs. Ven.ei..Xo.o7.MarehT.,lS7. aaines oi. Shaw. I The undersigned Auditor having baen appointed to muko distrihuliou of tha money arising from the ante of real estate on the above writ, gives no- Hoc that he will attend to the ilulies ot his appoint ment at bis ofiioe, in Clearfield, on r-aturduy. May 2Mb, at 3 o'clock, p. tn., when aud where all par lies interested may atli-nd. my 11-31 A. W. WAl.TRItS, Auditor. T N Tllli COtHTOI' COMMON PLtKAH of Clearfield oouuty, Fa. Tames Forrest 1 vs. Vtn. ex. No. US, March T.( 1870. Jacob llaney. ) The undersigned Auiitnr haviug been appointed to make distribution of tho money arising from tne sale id real estate on tbe abovo writ, gives no. tioe that ho will attend to the dutica of his aniioinl- ment at bis ofliee, in Clearfield, on Katurday, May mm, at ociort, p. m.. wucn and where ftll par- lies iiieresiou may ftllcnil. myll-3t A. W. WALT EltS, Auditor. 7 HJ T1IK MATTKR OF THE ESTATE OF X Theodora Feoples, lata of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, dcaeased, tba following order ol Court was decreed on the report of the Apprais er., eriiing out ino real estate to asary jane pica, widow of Theodore Peonies, deceased : ", March Z 1 at. A. 0. IM70, publication in at least one newspaper, for throo weeks before next term, published in Clearfield county, is here by directed, notifying all persons in interest that tha real estate of Tbradore Feoplos, lata of Lawn-pea township, deceased, will be oonfirtrad to her and tha report of tha Appraisers approved unless sufficient cause to tbe contrary be shown by the orat uay ol next term. Dy tha Court. wiTll-; A. W. LEE, Clerk 0. C. UI,(.I-.Tl:H XOTICIV-Notioe ia hereby given that tha following accounts bava bean examined and passed by me, and remain filed af rrcorj iu tins oljca for I liw inapccliun of hairs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way iiitorrsteil, and will be rresentcd lo tbe next Or phans' Court ol Clearfield county, tn be held ft! tha tourt House, In the borough of I. learfirld, com mencing on tha first Monday being tha Oth day) of June. A. il. 1ST 0. Tartial account of 8amnel Ifagcrty, executor of r-amucl llagcrly, rr., Ute uf W oodward township, deccwi-d. Final account of Henry and Jacob Mohrwine, executors of Conrad Mehrwine, la, a uf Brady wwnMiip, ueeeasdl. Finaf Account of Frcdcriok Arnold, administra Inr of Fetcr Arnold. Ute of Itrmlr township, dee'd. HrotsTra'a Orrtcit, 'l A. W. LE8, Clearfield, I'a., May II, 1870 to. J Rrgisfar. IN TIIR MITTI H OP TIIK APPRAISB 1 rnent of the Heal Estate of Peter Ashonlelter, talc of Itrady township, deceased. To tbe Heirs and Legal hepresentatlvea of said Whereas, at an Orphans' Court, held ftt Clear Oclif, on the Kith day of Januarr, A. IH7(I, a ro-tition of the heirs and legal representatives of i-eicr Asneiiteitcr, tlcccascd, was read, aching for partition ol real ratal of said deetcdrnt, and Ap praiscrs appointed lor the same, who at Man-h Term, IS7tl, filial their report ; wberctiMin the fol lowing order was issued by the Court : March 21, lf71l. Appraisement Is confirmed ni. si., and ft rule is granted on the heirs and kgal representatives of Peter Ashcnfelter to come int tourt on the first Monday of Juno Term next, at 3 o'ctork, p. m., and accept or refuse to take the premises at the valuation and appraisement, or show causa why the same should not he sold. Personal notieo to all parttt-a iu tbe oounty and to ncirs out ot rtate liy lour consecutive publications in one newspajicr published in said ouunly before nexv lerm. Jiy tbe court. mll-to A. W. Li:E, Clerk 0. C. Tlic Ellpllc Sew Ins Machine! rpiIK hfft dnnlilr llirr irBchinc now (n na' X H void lowrr than mny oth-r nsvbinr tioirhH is like innor sotl doinj ihf mnt ranjr of wt'rk. Murliinft pub be I the mure of I nnmptun 4 ( o., ( urwfnrill, or nl tli rrgijrnoc or ttia undrrtirnrtl at Uloom'ii UriHjr. Msy II, lr70-3m. LKWI8 C. BI.OOM. House and Lot for Sale! fpilR undersigned will sell at Private Pale t 1 Honrs and Lot in the boroueh of ( lr.rfl.l situate ou Lorust street, betwren Third A Fourth streets, in ft pleasant part of tbe town. House in good repair, and good stable and other necessary out buildings, lvket fence all (round Uia lot, .no. a wen in ricrllsul wsler at the kitchen door. rnr verms, apply to JOUN W. HM'UF.llT, May II, ls7l) 'pd. Cleaiweld, Ps. Select School F rpilK Pl'Myl KIIAX.NA hKl.tt T SCIIOfiL JL at present located at Unniside. Ps. will ntM. for a ecsion of sixtran wcks, on Movnsv, Mv .Ulih. 170. with vacation of two wrs-ks lo o,..l. summer. The price of Tuition rarica with th. n I advancement of the nunil. Il.,.r.l,n. ... k. had in town on rrawmalde terms. For further particulars, address J. Svlr. Smith. Curwenrvilla, '-.or JAS1K.S lo I.Kit sv May II, IS70.JI. llumsidepa, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE HV virtue of an order issued out of lhe Orphsns' Cart af Clearfield eonntv. Pa . oa II,. ...... ol James A. Kishel, lets of llrady township, dee d, there will be exposed lo Public rle, at Sthwem s iioici, in l.ulbersliurg, on Saturday, the 4th day of June, 1870, At ! o'clock, p. .. the following Real Estate, situ ate in Brady township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., and described as follows: Beginning at a post, thence south lis .i. along land of Kliss Hlshel t.i a t thence, by land of Henry Hcbrwine. east OS perches to "pnst: thence, by land of Thomas Carson, north Kill perches to Klk wood thence, hr land of John oiler, SO perrhra, to place of bcgiunme coa. Uining til acres and allowance. "TEI!MS Cash en eonfirmatinn of sate. liAMKL UISMEI,, May 11, 170 4t. Administrator. NEW XAUI.L.1: WORIitft.. CLKAFIKL1, TENN-A. (tttl nd sea lhe new MARftt.R WOItK?, J on Market street. Ol.liesile tlie J.il MONI'MKXTS, (IIIECIAX Towns, niExni rori'iir:, TAllLli TiP;, MAXTLK.-, OAIttU-N FTATl'AIIV, Tt:illlA Ct'TTA WAIiK, HEAD ft FfMiT FTIIXK1, f new and aeauliful oVatgna All of whieh will be sola at cite rrlces, or ii ner cent, less than ftnr other asulilislinirnt is Ibis eonntj. Satisfaction rnaranteed in all eases. Orders thankfully received and nromntl tiled ia the best weritmaa-like Manner. . A. GIBSOX. J sues H. WiTne, Aecnt my Illy iySTI:IMA lillertorun.)ri.t .Mill- T most brine wood reeonimenit.i,... i lersns. ap,,l; SI once to T. II. FflHt'ET tirahatnion, r.. -I M THIK.-The pol.lie Is iv r'd.-'-:s '.';.: 'BRIEN'S CRAITD GABAVAH ;$ MONSTER AND STRICTLY More! Exliibition. Tie RictoliJlVorld! Tie LuFja ltcUiii?cr:c! ANuwL'raiiiAEiracitu! SajsrlRcpcEtcricrVKucrs! Pleasure anl Iintrcclicn C-nLnci! Thin 1 " limtllutlon V-tl th I'rttprli-ior ri dtfr. Itniiln'tl to nttt.n 4 olnp lit (t Vrnpnr ttona ainl l'i ruinufxi In ft 1 iiHuri r i.l miitr-,r la niii.tt. iu r.. in, 4 yiorai La.t will ! t ifdH rirtii'1 tu -C'lvmr ti.ilrrih (riirl' vi t (liT lie pn Ir-tiDlt (TS i iit mli. il ! mi-mi ihwi i-y li-sisiitia ( fn:iilfcl. lin.tf i Ut r ti r-. I'i rfmrnsii'ict rc pc itili; . ;l . Ah li.i hm lu coutifciioj wdlt tin A niiiii'acr f ITtU ln lnirinhirt l, hlouliht 1 lir h rt 1 in I t-ltnft"i i;u ileV..se.Mi l'4t!da H" . S tl.fct fc.t .UtaU aVl.Ui.C- iNxocrr' r.ii'." r.rATion ! esn Ix-r-atiSe I. A'l ns-ts orttie V'o I I l.s. . cr.tilititd to mi.l stiu'lUK l.Alll.i;:,! ai.ii S., T iAIUIil.1: COLLl'X'TlON IN 'illi: WORLD, AMASSED CPLCTiDOnS tilths a:. IMALKl.MJlioK.arsmost'y F?ECH F31.1 Tlill.T KATil'E V!LD3 And th IiWI lprratewi.tRitliii of ttirlr oprrlni trtr petn I.i jill. it. -im-f iiiiL.,1 B'ji.Uitr .I'MrT.i C-n rln ,i. T-i tv -Mt li li inu, rMTl'T.K I...irr. ( w rtl h wpi U i.i.r.l hi. ft Ix'tiiuiml ha.nl. ttii'1 i:m iti in.rutrj rt. ul' jiiltfl. i, ,, etiurnintiM m nrinJi. THE PilEGQKi'lATih'G FEATURES Arm Trrf numffuui ftd-1 tfrsirf It Intfritli f Amuiit tif ii ' t MniMt.ti.th ityUm fclf- tlMMl, L,"fti ( (j, ',f r. I .t tfH'14. lit Aatutli .lrtlsil. " I'lt I I rV . :J lh-f'- -l-lt i-.i4.i, I.ITTI.I IsUlelelfce" IfatJ lilklli t tie . If tn-UK,.t Id Itlll r. i j.r . ul ft it..i ,ies .kHk1 t i ft i Mijrni, Afrl.a ttnd AsUiU- l.'OV-, lfn;h mx.i ItkA U, M (II. L-.K.hIoii.-i (..urn. ..! (.., SWliVsJi'l' r,;j' ' 1 ' ' f ! ' t M umr Aiilmnl-.. l:.ftZKLJ ANTI Ar Ar , ttA H- A Pit hj.! lrHSliKV-, i mlp..,. ,. Ur fftw.f-ii . , i m. 4wtis. lirllMnntlr I'lamatirrf PHI)H inuu tiir T"pV IWn-u. i A yrj rvt AuiffiKt frt.m Hit ii fit mat Lake VmuL ktjiiAvvtjru AL tea. The Gnu. or Horned Korse, U air. to tf mwii altrt In this Great Moral Exhibition. BOLD LION KING ! WboM nrxftmplMl ftonrftfn KOIISI) l(.! It)l lTS STICJt Will cntrr U DEN OF SAVAC E BEASTS, A4 rret-wji wtvli tT.rrn Transfixes ull Opectators l-or m oiieou sfleillUi UaltOlt AC T tcmilualcs. rnrri VT-rssJ'T; . s ri-SL,rx i: .a.'. Prof. Vhita!cer, tlrlphlft Ar.li niT "f N'n 1 hrl. -nf-, bo1 ivr. ft nlr r.n.v. ni t m I r j , bu')m i, m 'U a ltcr'ptlT r-rt i oi 7f...nv, riulft.4 Uii rartca trU. oi Auliusl Hit, all tna DISCIPLINED A NIMA LS, Tha Elephints, Camel, tho Tiny Toniea and their Monkey nidera ITItl h tltrrtniNt1 tn th ftnd 1ln1t.T 1h ritr (.rUluaif pri.tififtirti' i.f n,. ti 1iinn-ta ueisU ol rcaauuiuc fttcuUlttsv The Grand Free Display ot u ttmittti rnARtoT. rw, ruir and VANS Li lhe atrvorti 04 the uiuruhit of i:UlaTI I'lOX DAY! WPt tnrpM It pranrtf-nr rrrT l-nlliir fan 'I r-rrr M 11 1 t .1) r.. ...t'v. T 1 t r th'r ,.. I I .ipral. a un i mpi-tlor.tl.j vtut r, nurc TIIH (J HEAT MKNAfiKLlK! Will tmft' t tnin rrqtiiilton, nl.lftl hx c-e. irT M' iill,l tt p tumf pr,m p'tvll 1 4 utnif ttin-ent t Tsrti.i 1 1 t.i.nttiif e.1" r.ifii .-, 1 h i:irp)irilni. i atnu In uii t.tht-r A t lukli will h pimrlrti l 1 Hi.. CriK-Mi,,. T ftstii MiM'U r'inrrtrtiTitlf ffltlurit cf j t ltd hup r;al I'-fiiit, 1 Tb IWmooi Ph iladr IpV a It 1 1. 1 T 4 KT I1 A oT , 111 OPCttpT (lis e -l ( Oeir of tlio TVXixnen, Whlca viU kfl drawn hf T.rac, liipirii'r Aiparl 9 i:xniniTTi.vsDAia.vl Afternoon an-1 Ni(-ht. ' Isrs eees ul 1 nasi e'doilt. Admission GO C'tats Chilc'ren nmlcr 10 j-mrs. . ..25 ceat a S.t orr eliare. Alt t s. i... i,. s.T.v.,.. . of ft. .1 id i .I., , i ii,. V ,.-, I i e t i , c,,i . vil' til, i, c, u s. s mi. l..r 4 .i 1. i, , av .. It V t .p.--inr.a,..a ,pr ,.r I't. I.a ,.rn, ,,. I sn'l I, ul I s r.,-..t.tl pr -rl It il. p r. riiliysT)';, "WelacedUy, Jday 1 8Ql Cloarfiold, Thursday, Hay lOtL LuticrsTjurj, Friday, Hay 2 OA. pVlTHK T C OI BT tF THE IMTKO 1 ptatcs. for His H astern Histnot of IYnn-tl-.aula. In llankruntrv. T In lhe nialtrr of Jaiu.s II. Iiale, Ilaiikrui.t. Western liislrief of 1'ennsvlvania. as i I A warrant in Itaiikrui.trr lias been ies-te-d .v aid C,.urt afainst Ihe rstalr of James II. i,, IhernunlTult 1-arfieM. ami Slateol I'cnn.i I, , j, in said district, a ljnifre.1 a Itankmpt n,.,, lion of onenf hit ere.ilors. and the faiinrui wf anj il.-l.ts and the deliverv of anjr s.ri.i.er,T e loneinn to sai l llanknipl. le lum. or to bis' ise and Hi. transfer of anr properts bv hira. s-e 'w hid len hf law. A uiceline ,.f tl creditor, of ,d bankrupt, to prove ll.r.r .1. 1,1. and clioo.. , , more A..m f ),,, ail n, ( p, f Pourl of lUiikrnptcv. lo he bnldin at 'lr,.fi,, in aaid district, nn the Hlh .1., of Jn,, A , ,., at I o clock, p. wi.. at the ..(lice of tln. II i ; J-oope, l.efre S. K. ..,lrS, one , U,e llegi.ters in llsiikrnj.lrj ol said di.tricf. A. Ml HHIICC -'8t f - Varshall. a. IIh.,;. HILLHEns&MLSS-SIAlEBS! MRS. J0XE8.. MIPS CEART. Market Street, Claardeld, Ta. ("1 I V he found near the residence of Mr C f j atson. between Third nnd Fourth K:,.. " " niasers wanten. mjl It 4 finon- fl A It 111. ai i.;i)wririi T from the Philadelphia Hardens: ,M ,H, celebra.ca IlllhB POT A Tt .ICS for , I'm, more of BARTSH'U'K A IKH " Clearfield, p,. J0LID STKKL PINOLR Ah'O COLDII 3 fbwel Plow Bladee-fo, ..I, by VUW a. t. BIQLfR A CO, AT l wk IIP iKzj-rV;1 re.-)'.' mm - rl- -':Z j't!' ' f.J .nidrrUnnfouu. List of Retailers f Koreien and iiomestle Merrhsndise in lbs f ci.iiiit.v of flearhihl suhjret to the pavment cl ii-ea.e fur the year ISitli T'lWNHIIII'H. I SI1-'ARIA. f'nss. .iceese. 1.1 W. 8. Dickey flu 14 A. Moiitffutuviy... 7 1.1 J. II. (Ils'tow Ill II Simon M Karland l: II J. E. IL Urn 7 Rshr. 13 P. flooillander 10 11 1.. II. t'aihle 121 12 ('. t II. hweui..lL'i l:l It. II. Mimrc In 14 J. Kuntt A Son... 7 14 John Hcharirh..... 7 II Johnt.'arllle 7 13 J. A. Ti-i.e... 10 fti-Rnstnr.. 13 Jackson I'ali'hen.. 1 II Horace I'nlolien.. 7 18 James M'.Mnrrav, 111 10 William C. lrvtu, 10 net L. 11 R.iIhtI .Mehafley.. J II I'. A. Horabuugu, 7 II David Hull 7 SHUUS. 14 J. R. Head A Co.. 7 SHAiir-uub. 13 Albert A Mros 10 14 K. II. Williams... 7 nirsT. 14 ltosa A M'f'une... 7 13 llurd A M Hoe.... 12) 14 William Hunter.., 7 covieiiriis. floss. treess. SSIIT 11 Wui. Wi.s 4 Hun LSWMSsrn. 13 James furreat..., 10 Mnania. 14 Jonas M,ns Ii Leouard kyler 121 rass 13 Johnsons llatferty 10 Usui. II D. E. A J. II. lira baker wnofiwAnn. 1 1 (1 M. Hri-bin I J Satnuel HnRerty12 II Thus. Henderson, II John M. I'tiaer.... Itlllllll lillS. ci.RanriNt.n. 10 Weaver A ll. lt 10 tl I. I.. Hrisenalciu, II II. Ilridire. 10 William hcd...., 20 II Mrs. J. E. Watson 10 Jos. rihew A Kun, 20 Hiohard Mossup. 2i II II. r. Piena-le Vi (Irahaia A Sons...l2 12 Wriulit A Ho It I, 1.1 II. K. Itiaxler A l o. 10 II C. K raiser A Buns Ii 10 C. Kratser 20 11 I), ti. Nirhn-....I2) II Misses Kyuder A l.anicb. II Justin Plnbell 14 Francis f.'uudtiot.. 14 1.. M. fjoudriet... 14 rl. H. Cranston U Uilliland A lleok- endorn imrart's. 14 J. A ll. Kui(bt... 13 Robert Mitchell... 10 rtTHWKMsru.Ls. 12 Ilartsock A Uood win 12) 14 Flrmini A lloel.. 14 L. V. U. Super 12 Arnuliiallartsh'u,12) 12 Thompson A l'o.12, 1.1 William M'llride. 10 12 Jubu Irvin lot, 10 K. A. Irvin iftl Qlurll. It I'. A A. Flvnn-...12 14 T. A. 1'ridraua... 7 13 11. Alleman A Co. IU oinann. 14 R.8. htewart 7 Li uasa CITV 13 Isaac Kirk 10 14 KerS'USun Urns, 13 Aug. Laoonta... ClHASaH. 10 12 J. Ferguson A Co.l2 saw nsssMuro. IS T. II. Forccy. .... 10 11 hsvnuel .w'f'une... IS 10 M ilurrn.Milch.ll2U nnstias. 14 E. Irwin A Hon... 7 HI'STOX. 12 F. 0. ll..wu.n...12i 14 U. W. Urowu 7 JoniiAM. 12 Henry an 121 a AUTHAta. 13 M'C'loskv a I'oller 10 14 W.J. HolTcr 7 14 Wni. 8. Kankcy... 7 14 Jainea Wiggins... 7 OHrruLA. 14 Mrs. T. Iluckle.., 12 Ape A Kelly 124 14 Kt-pnerA liruther 12 L. A. Sloneroad...l2l S IttaltrnhersTcrat'o. eO V Vi bitootuha town send ti II Wells t llcims.... 16 It John W. Wal.le... 12 M'liratkA Uarry,12 IIKTAIL liKALBRI IN rATIXT BEDICIVKS Cfass. .t'eeiise 4 T. II. Forcer, Graham ftt 4 Ilr.D. R. Uood, Osceola. a 4 Joseph R. Irwin, Curwensville- 4 Itartswick A Irwio, Clearfield 4 A. I. bbaw do , 13 refer Oarnier, Covington 10 10 I,eipildl A lles.enihaler, Cleerfeld. ........ 15 10 Charles Schafcr do 1I.1.IARD SAl.noVS Ann TKR rtR ILLITI, ftfdomon Nunamaker. Osceola. 1 alley 30 l. R. Fullertots, Clearfield, 3 tables and I alley, eO a eitRRa. ClearCeld County Dank SO cosrarTtoaBRlll aid aftoriftlia. 4 W. C. Mets, Deocaria 4 James Thompson, Morris 4 John O'Dell do 4 Christian J. fhofj, Osceola. , 4 Anna Doalich. do. 4 Patrick Dunne do 4 Vns 8. M. Miller di , 4 Dr. II. ft. flood di 4 J"buft Ilrown do. 4 F.lwerd Hhofl do , 4 J. lli berhng A Co., Drady , 4 James Flynn, I'cnn M , 4 Catharine IJrelT, Curwensvillc , 4 J. R. Jrnkin di. , 4 Klward tlsluney do...., 4 J. R. Irwin .do. 4 D. (. I'lnlner do 4 Jnmes Cornclv, WuudwrtH 4 W illiam M. Foster, New Wahingt.,B.. 4 Thomas W. Moore, l.umlr City. 4 Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield 4 C. 11. Watson do 4 Wendell Kiitrcs .do. 4 N. M. Hoover do 4 I'eter A. Oaulin .do. .. 4 4 Alexander Irvin do. 4 A. I. Chaw do. I 4 D. R. Follerton. do. f, 4 J..hn A. tSta. ll.-r do I 4 J. I. etisw to., Iloutsitale. 1 L.An Alincft) will he held af the Cm,..;. era' othcC. in t Icarfleld, ou Mondsv, the 33d dar of May, A. II. 11.711, wlira and where ftll parties feeling aggrieved will pi. an attend, according to j . it- sii . n aprJTIt Mercantile Appraiser. iv iiori:i NEW GOODS!! NEW TRICES!!! HARTSOCK & GOODWIN, CUKWEXSVILLE, PA., Art low receiving, direct from Del tl more, Hew York, Boston, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, aa Immstiie stork of DRY GOODS, CLOICISO, GENT'S ri'RKlSUISO GOODS, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS at SD0BS, CniXA, GLASS A Ql'EEXSWARI, J1ARDVT ARD, GROCERIES, At., Donghl at lower priest tbat bars keen mads lo any houst In towt since lbs good tld dayt be fore the lata "oaplsasantaess" all to at dit trituud te those who risll Curwsnsvllla for snpp'lrs, it aeeordanet with tha great tacritee tt which they wart nought. Tbs Ladles trt particularly Invited it tall ftt llarteork dt Goodwin! Cbrap fJtorft to el amine tha splendid stock af DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, 8I1AWL8, FASCI GOODS, At, atw tt eiblbltlon. Tliry Icl rompctltlonl Parties cannot do themselves justice it buy ing the necessaries of lift wltkeat calling on HARTSOCK 4 GOODWIN, Curwenerlllft, Peat'. aaylJm Pay Your Taxes I TN" accordance with an Act of the General As sembly ol this Commonwealth. mim, .... 2..J day of March, A. II. 1870, relating to ,(,, collection of Uvea in the county of Clearfield," nolice is therefore henhy given io the taipaiere residing in the districts below named, that' the County Treasurer, iu ei-er.rlance with the second section of aaid Act, will attend af the place ef holding Ihe borourli and township elections on the I, .Mowing nauied days, for tbe purpose of reeeii inf I be County, lli.unly and Flair tales and .Militia Fines asss.rd for 1 s7(j ; For the horrnch of Cleerf.eld and Lawrence town ship, on Fndsv nnd Saturday, May l.llh A 14th. For l',ke township and the horourh or Curwens Tills, on Patardit.v and Mondar, Vay 21.1 A 2::d For Karfhaus. on tnesday, the I7:h of May. For t'ovinilon. nn W rdneedav, the iMh el May. For l.irard, on Thareilay, the lath of May. For llo.hen, on Friday, Ihe 2'Ub ol Msv. For flraham, on Tuesdvy, the 21th ot Mar. for .Moms, on Wcdomdsy. the !iih of Msy For Decatur, on Thursdav. the Mih ef May, For Osceola, on Fndsv. the Jrih .1 M.. For Pott', on Rstnrdsy, Ihe 2th of May. For llu.ton, en Monday, the Sllth of May. For I mon. oa Tuesday, the list of Msy. Ke Mra.lv. on eilne.,ay, the 1st of June. rnr moom, on .hursdav, the id orJune. For I'cnn, on Friday, Ihe Id of June. For Lumber City, nn 8.1 unlay, the lib of June, .ir lirn.llnrd, on Saturday, the 11th of Jnue. t il isens of p,nn and Ferguson a ho tnd It snore convenient te meet the Treasurer at l.nmher City than at their elect inn houses, can avail themselves of that pri. ilrge parties can also pav th. tr tales at the Treasurer's office at act time from Ibis for war.1. 1 pon all laves paid oa and previous to ihe days de.ign.1,,! ,hr mil, w , urt.on nf five per cent. The bal sore of the districts will ht announced in due time. LEVER FI.EilAI., Treasurer's Ofliee, ) Treasurer nearjeld, Pa, April I J, l-. J T 00 D R X P A N D I N Tc i-'ltI va to" kb 1 I datt received and for celt hy II. P. BIHLRR A CO. ii.l.ll.ll,-pi Brw cabionad FL1.IU1IR s.y im is er earn chance at ,ar. LEA LJTlRt 5TABLP, UsftUnnrou. THE SINGER, SEWING MACHINES AHI:AII IIP ALL OTIIKRl Eighty Six Thovsaml, Seven Hundred and Eighty-One Machines Made and Sold the Past Year! I This number exceeds ly rloasoaos tbt tales of tne other Maehlnt, tnd tbt daaifttd Ii tttll Increasing ! THEEE THOUSAND PER WEEK Art now being made tnd sold ! THE RE A SOA'S irF; Beoftni It m bod lei otUl prloeiplei mot foood In nj tbtr Macbistj binnii of tu Itrplicitjr of eonttnilioB. ef eptrttloo, uniformity of preciM 101.01 it ny ipood. ond otpeltj for tho frootoit roof 0 and varletj of work, fino or octno. Portico wliblnf to pore but should mot Ul to cikBino tbli boat of oil 6wiug Maoblnoi. I haro Uo ogeaoj for thii Moobiao. sod will koop 0 full tnpply on bond. J. B. SHOWERS. Ky 4, inO-tf. Clrarl.ld, Pa. KltC II A NT) HOTEL. Corner of Thirrf MS esllkftl Btreets, rittsburg;, I'a. I::70 D. J0IINST0X A SO.V, Proprietors. gllAW IIOLSil'. Corner of Market ftnd Front Streets, I'letrfleld, Pa. Thii tnat-nilloeut Hotel la entirely new, com plete in all its appointments, nnd convenient to tbe Court House, A free Omnibus runs to end from the Depot on the errivsl aud departure of each train. OEOItOK S. COI.BL KN, April 13. 18M. Proprietor. JEW TIM SHOP I PKED. SACKETT, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware. Rooting, Spouting and Job work done on RiAtojAtLt renna. Shop tl Market 61., nearly apposite the Jail, 40T0 CLEARFIELD, PA. F. B. READ, M. D., niYSICIAN AXU SCR0EOX, KylertowB, Pa. Rrsptctfutly eftrt his services to the eitlaant tf the surrounding tenntry. tpr?0 6ta:pd. otlco to tht Public! XITE, th Bflr!(fij?d Blaflknaiibi of th bor If oorh of Clrnrfirld, brrrbv adnnt tk fol- lowina: met for wrk and rulf-i mitk n-ajwd to reurinf pavjr for oar Ut.orn, sod w each pi J (re oar punor nro ana Bioriieinirri to arthfrr to anil en fort th vau from and aftrr Mj 1, 1M70. All work done at boring horart Biut b paid iur wnn irr win n ooo. mt .ft lultowina; ratr Pftiinn X Sto JO (Vnt. Ito-atttina; 8ho 30 Oata. No errdii to be f irea for a lunger period tliao K!. P. PASSMORE. C.OWRXR. AS KKNNAHU. THOMAS RFILLT, J. HHl .NKWU.KH. o. It. LAMCH. tlKOhG K C. PASMORR. Clard, P.. April 20, 1870 la. DlMOl.tTlOK W PAHTKKHIP. The co partnership heirtufore ent-ting b. twoen the ndrrnicnd. in the roandrv bnai neu at i urwensTitie. was OissolreHl he mutual consent oa Ihe Irst day of April, A. II. l;o. Tbe books and papers are left with J. I). Thompson for set tletnent and eollcction. Those having unsettled accouma with lhe tnnwill please call at once and us., term ciusel np. Jons n. tiiompsov, JAM KS THOMPSON The business will be continued at the.,1,1 n... by the andersignrd, where all the eld nnd new patrons will phase repair. Thankful te patrons for past favors, I hope a ennttnusnce of tba same win prove beneficial to all in the futnre. J A KS TUOMPS0X. furwansrille, Apiil 20, lnTI) 41. jUfat (fstaff for a!f. GUARDIANS' SALE OF VALI ACLE REAL ESTATE I T ) V vlrt ue ef an order issued out of Ike Orphans" I Court of Clrarneld eeuntv. In the rnau. ealtk of Pennsylvania, oa the estate of llodrrey Wearer, late ef Brads townsbln. decease! there will Herapoeerl to Public hale, ftt Sekwca'i Uolel. in Ll'TliiiHSIIl ltU, oa Monday, the 28th daj of May, 1870, At I o'clock p. tbe fellewinr Real Kalata. situ ate in llrady town.btp, C'lcartirld eounty, Pa and deserilied as rollout : Trnrl N. I contains IU aerea. and 1. Imiim.1mI on lha nnrtk by llodfrry Xilltei, Jr, nnd A.lasa niirv. eaat ny Henry weaver: south hv Peots, and west bv tiuMie road. Annul at - eleared, wilb II acres In clover and meadow. A rood on-hard, bewed of house l.i fsarn. frame slat le, train house, wood bouse, end toed spring and sprint kouse convenient lo lhe buildings. A school house on tbe nortk-wcM corner of the land. The balance of lha tract is well limhereH wl.b and kemloe'a, nnd within mile of three aaw mills Trart Ka. S coma ins Ml aerea. and u k..i,u nn the north by land of Frederick Eeieler.east bs rrrdsrick t mreiceontb be Uenrre H.rt.lelL .0.1 west hy Henry H eaver. About eie-ht acres olearerf and under eulliration. Tbe balance is covered .lr.n;r..lt -'!. I..M,lMb l . . . .1 . ... ..-..,...v r, n aou cncstnnt tloi- fier. and there Is ft aaw mill and a publit road -..., , mt ,ee pouia enu 01 toe lansl. These traott form a eery diilrable tnd Talaa bla properly. Trrmi and rottdltlontt One third ftt confirmation of salt, and Ilia bal ance lo ht teoured ky bond and mortenee oa the premises. IiAVIII RKAMS. WII.I.IAM WINt.GRT. asrdians of minor beirt ol 0. Weavar.der'd Luihenhure. Msy t, IcTw-tl. TRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. rjinn underslrned, Faeewlor of tha estate tf jl ..iiiu sariauiien, encn at Private Salt A Farm Containing 100 Acres, More or lesa, situate la Lawrence town. hit., shoot a li """ ,r" ,'l,r,'d. adjoinltiu lands of n,.,....m ,-ft..rn,e,.erpn naTson, tirr, and ethers. About it acres are under cullivalion, with a I of house and ft (rood orchard thereon. "For further particulars call upon the un dersigned er address him at t'lesrtleld P. O. AP.RA1IAM OlillKV, ApriUMnrntm. rcutc,. Valuable Crist Mill Property KOR RALE I 11 n' rnvate 8.te the Tadwalladrr uriM ntll 1-n.p-rty," situate nu the line of me . vrone . Irsm.1,1 llailmad. two miles west oi r niim.nure. consist lie nf V r i. j with ...... eicnrcq anu naiance covered W!th .'tine i-ine ono: Hemlock limber, with Urlet Mill leet. three stories high, two run of French hurra, double holt, and liwaliirg House, all in good order, lha we'er power is Urst-clftss, ftnd wonia he snitahle for Woolen Factory. This property will he sold very low and oa eat terms. Apply lo er address WALLACE A WALTERS, Real Estate A grata, April ?, lr dt, Cle.rli.ld. Pa. House and Lot Tor Sale! THE undersigned will well at PRIVATE SATE Ileus, end Lot No. II I, ,h, borough ef t learltrld, South Fourth Street. Lot it bv 100 feel, with large two story plank Dwelling 14 'hv 40 reet new and well hnilt. Kpring of eiorllenl wa ter In the cellar. Price low anl terms ea.y Apply to WALLACP A WALTER..' Real Estate Agents. April r.i.rt a i'k.HM,, p. norR inn iatfor mifi Th. andenigncd will tell at Private Sale his tinner and lt. situate oa Local street he of Ctearaeld. Th. property t. , , a eery deafrahl, location for rcsidenea. Will be sold at t hargain. Terms ciiARLE la r rimer, UffrrUaitreuf. II. F. Ii I GIi Kit & CO., ii a itiTw A i:, Alto, Manafaeturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAiriUD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, 1IHIDLKS, narattt, Collars, tit., for sals hy If. F. BIO LEU A CO. pALMEU'S PATKNT UNLOAD inf llay Forks, for salt ky H. F. BIGI.ER A CO. QIL, IM INT, TUTTY, GLASS, Halls, ate., for Hit by II. F. BI0LER ft CAT. JJaRNESS tkimmixgs a shoe Finding i, for tale k II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For salt hy H. F. BIOLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND fiicet, for sals he II.BrOLER l D). JUON1 IRON ! IlriRON! For tale by II. F. BIGLER si CO. 2JOIISE SHOES k HORSE SHOE NAILS, fur Mlt hy II. F BIGLER tt CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And nest Manufacture, for sale ky a. F. BIGLER ft CO. rpHIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE B0XI8, for eels ky H. F. BIGLER ft CO. RODDER CUTTERS for sale by II. F. BIGLER tV CO. READ I READ! I Valuable Eoal Estate at Private Sale, rfflHR ndtniifrn( ba iNnflodd tdifpoeof X na rnnm ana i im D n tt Lnlo, aituat In i'enn township. (;trnrneli eon air, I'a.. contain in. 133 A( MKM, ataljuinin land of I'.trirk lily, Jamra B. Clark and tbora. The fan in a food tt vf coltiintton; rood dwrllinf boM, lare barn, oat houar. orrbard of cboie (rait, and a rod inrmf of nTtr-failinf watrr on in prrmiidra. a acaoui bouoa within tw milt: Part of lb tra-t ia hrarilr timbrrrd, vihil th boi ft amierfaid with a vein of no., which matt ta a abort tim b a aonro of grval nroflL Xo brtttr inrfttrnt eonld ho Bad, and no trart of land in th eointjr offcrt (rcatcr facilitira iur BiaaiBg anonrj. Tarfoni wifhiiif tn 1ani asoro ttartitmlara In roffard to tcnni, Ac, eaa call oa tb prniir, ar vaurvas iu anaemgnoa at tiraropian iiiin r. U JOHN McIXTVRI. Penn tp., March 30, 170 Smj-O. JAMES H. PARKER, TORK PACKER, Aid Wholesale Healer In Bacon, Meet Pork, lrd, rogar Cured Hams and Beef, Ko. 30t Liberty fttreet. II PITTSIII BG, ri:S!'A. Im g()TrirrruiG kew agai.ii C. D. WATSON Wishes to inform kit old friends axd kt pa hi it (enerall tkat ke ktt opened aa a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, la kls old ttaad, opposite tkt Coart II ones, f KCOSD ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. Ill stork Is all taw, frs.k and tf tbt rsry west quality, tad wilt kt told thetp for CASH approved Country Produce. If yon waat port Brora nnd Pattnl aledielaea. Oo ta WATSON'S. If yea waat Ccafoetloaerioa, Caaaed Fraltt, licklat aad Ja'Jiss, Hats, A a., At., Goto WATSON'S. If yea waat the beat Roasted Coffee, Iissneeef Coffee, Fpirea of all kinds, ehsep, Ot la WATSON'S. If yen waat Fancy A Tollel Soape, FTerorUf Iltrtrta, Ac , Ac , bs tart It 0t to WATSON'S. If yea waat Faney Dyt Colon, Cltrk't best Ha- tkint Thread, Pins, Ntedlss A Netiene, Ot la WAISON'S. Cktwtri and Emokert, If yon want tkt boil la tkt market. Bay at WATSON'S, wktrt yea tea (at Plpet A Pipt Fiitarea. If yon want to ret elear of year stamp, Coma to WATSON'S. " Jot wtal (a speed t few hours of at tTtaltf witk weir friends, coat la WATSON'S tld ttaad, where yea eta track (ati and tat joke. aatti I a clock, p. m. Arril It, ORGANS & PIANOS ESTY'S AND MASON IUMLIK'8, rot a. La ar TiATES, Curwensviue, Fa. 6. 1. W. E0SS McPHEESON. KELP? constantly on hand and for tale, Trash meals, sui h at BEEF, VEAL, MUTTOX, Ac, Fresh Fi.h, aud all Vrretablea la ecaec v snuefl rruita. nutter. Lard, Ao, which they will .. ai me lowcei marLcf pnece. Cash paid f..r CATTLE. BI'TTFR A. Ilootu on Market btreet, opposite the Court --sew-, . tartati mill, aV. aprf.;Tt FULLIBTON'S IESTArRAT& BEFRESIIMEM SALOON, Ia Leery', New Bun ting, (formerly occupied ky Mr. Mi tl.ughev.) FECOXD ST., CLEARHEI.D, PA. ClONSTANTl.Tonbsndafnaaelectionof CAN V MRS. M'Tt. CI.IAHS TllRAOfO Ae Also, FIIKSII OYSTEItS received daily,' aad served up to suit tbe tastes of customers. Willi. M ARU a.U.H oa teeord ctary. aprll r tf H. R- Ft LLERTON. JOHX TROUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Maiket St., east or the Allegheny House, CI LUFIKI l, PA. IEERPnn head all kinds of Fornllnre, la twits nr hy ths single trtlcle. Those In need ef ... article of Furniture, will Und il tn their Interest lo call and riemiae my stock, which I will tell eery low for oaafc or earhenge for suitable lumber. issni.it, ra. av r iH;a.f. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Second and Market Streeta, ( I.I ARKII I l. pA. Tni eld aad tnmmodlnat Hotel baa. durlnt tbt past year, heea sv,lare.J j..li. .. rm.r eaparlty for the entertainment of straa gers anl gueata. Th. whol. hlJ. . ref.raished, and Iht proprietor will sn.ro ae point t. render kla wue.u .- ttavlag with klm. " fh. Manalea llflaae' n.iL ed froi Ihe Depot n ,b, ,T,, , rienarrnre ef tarh train. d"ll.1 DOt'DHERTr. cprt : tf Presrleter. TUUnitdphla ttrrrttcrwrati y ISAAC K. STAUHIR, V.T;VAT(IILS& JEMIII! 07 Ko. 141 Rortb Pteond Flint, Comer of Quarry PIIIl.AIr;.p. An nrtment of Watch, Jtlr, Jiiltf I'lalrd Har tMntanlly on hand. Hpnoir.iic uf V. aihti and Jvlr -r.. 6. Silb-arman. 0. Kitiiagfr. . If, gilWraa, S. SILBEEMAN & CO., FANCY GOODS, PIPEj NOTIONS, AC., 13 .forth Fourth Street, mvZi fllll.Allh.LI'lllA. 1.. vet T. C. MYERS, WITH wu. w. rAcu... WM. W . ' ISA! PAUL & CO.. WnOLFRALB HOOT AND NIIOI 9J jnaraet d. a re vuranseree -3U anoee etiu, yl PIIILAD8L.P1IIA. Hj 1 taint I ftnVnlfaM ..... . atllll ritaa HOLLOWBUSE tt, CASEY, BOOKSELLERS, Clank Cook Manufacturers, AND STATIONER f, 21 Varef Ml., Philadelphia. am. Paper Flour Sacks and Bans, Foelsees iuer, ivoie, wrapping, loneia anu wal fapert. feble-ly. DREXEL L CO., No. South Thirvl MnsH, riiUadelpkla, And Dealers in Government Securities, Apptieatioa ky mail will receive prompt etiea. tioa, sued all tntomaauoa oheerfally fnrnisoea. Orders toliettod. aprl I tf BENSON, CAMPBELL I Co., He. IT H. Fiflk BL aad did Cemenerse, PHILAKILPHIA, Pa WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchanta, rot rat tali or Wool. Oinaenr, Fur Skins, Feetheve, Leather, Flat 8ead. Dried P raise, Clever Heed, Roots, veer rams, nutter, neetwai, hhsep Skies, Irrs, As., ae., At. COXSIGXMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price cwrreut forwarded ta ret weal. Jane . imij tj:i saw -u-u-wasaa mmm prrrhant Uailorj. FRANK K. SMITn, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, ClearAeld, p-ft. IWOt-LD respectfully Inform Ikt tltlttat el Clenrlleld eounty thftt hftring porehftsed the iutaresland ailnatioa of B. R. L. Suaghloa, I am aow prepared lo mats ap, la .kt moat nsk looablo maofter. aad out of tke beet material, all kinds ef Clotkiat tkat easterners may desire. I b.r. .Lay. .. kaLl Cloths, Doeskina and Cassimerea, From whirk customers tat make their atkrttioat. Ont doer oatt of Ibo PoetefJce. Claarl.ld, April I, II7I tf. II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store ono door oatt of Creerfeld Bjate,) Marawl fctreet, Clearleld, Pa. KKKPS ew bead a foil oasnrlmeats e Osat Farnlahinn floods, tack at Shirt. Linaa aud Woelea tadersbirta, Drawtrt aad Socks, nvna-.ir ren.i iiss.i.rosini, utoeee, flam, Vmhrellat, Ae la (real tonsil. Of Pieee Goods be keept tbt Best aothsof all "Shade, and Colors," Sack as Black Dotekla ef tba wary best make; Fancy Cassimero, ia (real variety, also, Preach Ceetier. Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frioelt evereoetioj. All of whieh will he told eboap fet Cash, tad made ap according lo Us latest ttylat by aiperisncod werkmea. Also, A reel lor Cleerteld toanty for I. M. Singer A To 'a. celebrated Sewiag dachiuee. jvot. s. iiwa-n. u. B Rl Dub. durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Fpni SI MMEIl TFRM of twenty-two w.eks, X will eommenee Monday, May a, 117. A Primarr denartment will he arf.Usf tl School Ibis tall ,- for which tho semes, sf a eeen. potent it.stractor bare heea imd . efTort will be spared to render tbte depertmeat attractive and nastraeeiTo. TEItJIS OF TCmoW. Raadinw. OrtbographT. Writing, Ohjeet Leev "os, s nmary Antnmetie nnd Primary Oeoarraphy, per half term, (of eleven - i ft ft llislory, lsoal and deeenptiva Geography -,.u "i.p l. rawing, urammar, nlental aad VVrittea Arith elie a I. Alrehra and tbe Seiewcea Instrtrtina ta instrumental musiaT.'l'.TJ" 1 te Oil painting to wat work tt For full particulars tend foe Cireelar. Clearfield, Aug. ii, ll-pa. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P, L. Harrison. A. M., Prindpaf. Fltni FOI RTH SESSIOlT.rtbtprtasattaba X mstieyearef this laslitatiet will cemmtmed oa HON DAY, iht Jlth dty af April. 1:. Papllteaa enteral aay time. They will ba charged with taitiea (rem tba time tkty e.tet la ths close ef lhe Session. . ,,!,,"rf,",rB,,',racote.rytktat 'I'1"1'1' beroa,b, prattieal aad aooota. pllsh.d odoeaUea for both seies. j Tbt Prlaripal, karlng kad lha tdvaatag. ef mteh tip.ri.ftce ia kit amtsiaalo.. . reals aad guard aus that km satire ability aad energiee will be devoted te ska moral til an, Ul training of th. youth placed nnder kit abargt ILkMa (IP M lll.iu ' Ortbegmpky, Reading. WriUng. aad Primary Alithmslie, per See.ioa (II weeks) . t ( Grammar, Geography, ArithmrUs, aad History . . - . . . , (( Algehre, Geometry, Trigoaotaetn. Mra. taration. Suereyiag. Phileoophy, Phyil. olegy. Chemistry. Book Eoeping, Bolan. aad Physical Ueorranhe . T Utln. Greek nnd Frenca, wltk any af The ahoet Breaches ... ... . . Ml'SlC-PiaaojUleaonns). . .,,11, AT-Per further particulars laqalra af rw. ..?TV HARRISON. A.M.. Priaeipal. DAVID YOUNG. Slone-TuHer and S(one-asoo, 11 TILL sierute all work ta kit line at mod. 1 1 arate prion and ia 1 1 RSI-CLAS8 stylo. Architectural Ornament la ALL FTTLRa, Pt.n, Vr-.t m,, d,rlpt. .nd all kia.l. af ..a.:..., trorted tor la ereatef tk. mv.nl.. Any aee -..hie, to k.e. r.m.eemb.0 m.eo. JaJTTTi oae catting don. .ill gd it rt their Ittwreet II. that I can deliver an. ........ stoat aeatred, ., I m ,h, , ' FIRST-CLASS STOXE QUARRY. Ordsrt for w.tk naa be addressed so BAVID TOt'Nfl, '"',T, Clrarneld Pa. lFATKHMI-:t. ATTKV.TIttwi " V 1 h rrtfrVirnfl bmr illaT oV.awawsOLj . and comwiodioas bonse on the river hank at Home Shot Pniwl, ennositr Ihe Mosh.n. l removed thn. l.w. l . . ... - a .oa. rai.s mar laoA with e.-., would call th. attentioaof W al.rmea to the advantacc, of t!,i, rvr.,,t for Ivleg up afl.r Z. !b --pp'4 with .hole liquors. Kftrtksat. V.r k I, t, '