I i ! THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, I'A. WKHVErDAT Ht'MMXO. MAT 4, l,0. TBIXT IN Ci(ll. Trn.t In fii'i' "' "''"' w" ,,,,ri,h :.l n4 fondest, soonest Mh Hopes the brightest quickly fly, Friends 'I" Tui'it, eaily die, Hut v. lien hopes nnd Joys dMit, Friends nil bindred pus away Trust In Hod ! and he will b. Worth the worl.l to tliro. It Made all the Difference. Mr. J. IInlo Byphir vcrv nearly bet-time u Conpressinun on VeclnMcl;iy. Mr. Syphcr is ti lVfinnvlvoniun, wlio run for Congress in n Loiiiniium Dis trict anil hiid tho mWorluno to bo mulct) by bin competitor, Jlr. St. lUnrtin, who biiJ wluit wo would con itirr in lliis neiirliliorliootl a very Jianil-'onio iniiiot-iiv, it ln-ini 0.014; tlio Election L'limniiUeu of tho House of lU-prem-titntivcH eccim-d to llnuk it of very little tit-count, and calmly pro t-cctli'tl to wipo it entirely out, und to find a majority for Mr. Syphcr. Tliey reportod to tho lloiieu tliut Mr. H., wan elected, and on Wednesday that body by a volo of 78 to tamo to the uiinio conclusion, nnd the Speaker culled on tlio Honorable Sypiicr to como forward and bo sworn into of fice Sypiicr stock just llion was high, but in a moment, in the twink ling of an cyo, it went down to icro nnd came to nnunlit. It must bo known Unit tho bigll lnriff men and ! tho low-limn men are pretty evenly divided in the iloiirio, tlio duty hav ing been lowered on liijr, iron tlio oilier day by a majority of but two or three; inle voles are therefore important. So that when Mr. Brooks, of New York, arose on Wednesday, as Mr. Syphcr was coming up to bo sworn, nnd objected on tho ground that a bargain had beon mndo with Sypiicr by the iron interest of 1'ennsylvunia to have his vole on their side, there was great commotion among the free tradu Republicans of the West. Our Philudelphia Kelly had been indis creet, and bad been overheard telling this arrangement to nomooi'liis friend. 3 lio fact that Mr. Syphcr was a tariff Iniin, worked a suUilen chango in the belief of his Radical fliends as to the legality of bis election ns a member from Lniiieiunn, and Mr. Moore, lladi--cut, of Illinois, moved a reconsidera tion of tho voto by which lie was de clared elected. The motion was adopt ed by 85 yetiBto 59 nays. The rt con sideration being thus carried, a reso lution was at once adopted by a vote of 100 yeas to 6!) nays, that there hud been no valid election in the First ConcTcssionnl district of Louisiana und that neither Syphcr nor St. Mar tin vcro entitled to tho scat. The peedy chango of sentiment and con version lo righteousness ot these Jli. publicans is very remarkable; it bus no rival in its Biiddetiness except that of Suul. It is a great pity their eves bud not been opened to the real merits ot these Louisiana contested cases a Week ago, when they put out Hunt nnd put in Sheldon, although ho wns beaten by a majority of 10,(il5, thousand more than wcro recorded ngninst Syphcr ; but then Sheldon had kept his mouth phut tibent the pro. per rnlo of tariff on 1'ennsylvunia iron, mid that made a difference. Hut what a flood of light this inci dont throws upon Radical honesty and Radical principles ; it clearly demonstrates that they know and will recognize no rule of right that con flicts with their self-interest. Lan caster Intelligencer. Fashionaiii. Women Fashion It tilts more women than toil or sorrow. Oliedience to lashion is a grculertruns gresaiou of tho laws of woman's na tare, a grcau-r injury to her mental und physical constitution, than 4ho hnrdhips of poverty and no gleet. 'J'hb slave woman at her tusk will live and grow old, and seo two or three generations of her mistresses fudo and pass away. Tlio washcrwo .man, with ncarco a ray of hopo to cheer hor in hor toils, will live lo see her lashionulilo sisters nil extinct. The kitchen maid is hearty and strong, when her lady has to ho nursed like a ick liahy. It is a sad truth, that lashion pampered women are ulmost worthless for all tho good ends of life, lhcy have but little force of character, they have still less power of moral will, and quite as little physical ener gy. They live for no great purpose in lifo lhcy accomplish no great ends. They arc dolls, formed in tlio hands of tho milliners and scrvunls lo he dressed und fed to order. If lhcy rear children, servants and nurses do all, savo conceive and give lliem birth. And when roared, what are they f What do lhcy amount to but weaker acions of tlio old slock f W ho ever heard of a fashionaule woman's child exhibiting any virluo and power of mind for which it becomes eminent T ltcnd Hie biographies of our greut and pood nu-n nml women. No one ol tliem hail a fusbiouublo mother. They nearly ull sprang from women who bad about as little to do with fashion as with tho changing of tho clouds. Hawsidal'sSkf.i.f.ton. Thoiiands of persons throughout tho I'uilcd States, who have gar.ed in wonder up on the collosal proportions of Vun Aniburg's famous elephant Hannibal, on exhibition in this country forty-six years, the largest specimen of the spe cies ever imported into this country or Europe, w ill be interested in the final disposal of his bones, w hich, we understand, aro to bo added lo the Zoological Miriositics of New York Central Park. Ilaiinibul died at Centrcville, Md., jn about the ninetieth year of bis age, in May 1ilt. The complete skeleton of an clephnnt being very difliciilt to obtain, the bones arc correspondingly aluable, and great precautions were, mi vMisi-qiioneo, taken to preserve those uf Hannihnl, and under the charge of Albert Townsend, tho car pass eras dragged to a field about a mile from the village., and a large etrong mausoleum of masonry rreclcd over it. There it was suffered lo ro main until the flch had wst0, ,.,,. aufli. icnt to ).orn,ii of the removal of I he bones. So great was t10 ,,, iimi noi until lew days since was 't in. .nr.,, i uuvisaoie to open the tnmb, lt -tir. IljitU J" Hist, dlll'Clr li tl,e ! - - - 1 . , HQ . fneiiaurui, is due llio conccntinn of the 1 j'!e . vnl,.,,. .. .rccnl I., lliu t y .t.. York. II ...it .. ... . l . " " Ph (HO IIIIINT41VC IHIIH'M I WlllliaVO litf.ii ,.,.uw.( ...i I' Om Outr i P,vW h n r.-i .tn it... Ciwiltf ,ll 'lMllllivl. 1 , ,.-1.1 I,, r.. main mi oI.ip. 1 ol' i..,.r,-M tit tho rii i"r until ii,t I. .(.tli f lllll0 thfta to crumMo to dust. C'UU'H.'K : Jlrjt CmHi, Crt(txtt, CMC ... . aataia., ..1. 4. J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET STnrtT, CLEARFIELD, Ta. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. TOR subscribers harlfig entered Into partner hip for the furpnrt of carrying on tbe business of Merchandising, now offer a Rood ind rare opportunity to the cltlsene of Clear Hold and Hjololiijt aountlos to tuj itoro a;oo4s At wholesale or retail prices, that will astonlth tli uninstructed. Tholr goods will bo particu larly elected to suit thti market. Every Intly will, therefore, call tbe attention of her hnsbnnd to Oils fact) because tbU branch of our buelnes will receive spoolal attention, and eTerythlnir needed In a well regulated household will at all tlmei be found In our (tore, DRY GOODS: Our stock of I11 Y C.OODS ihull not ba Mir- passed, either tn quality or price, ond will em bruee, In part, Prints of every stylo, Ginghams and Lawni of avory quality, Moulin of every grade, De Lainei adopted to the tastes of the old and young ; and every artlole of any kind of good they eell Is to bo ai represented, and wir ranted to give satisfaction. DRESS GOODS: Al to 1)1! I S CiOOOH-we have a splendid assortment of Alpaca, black, white, and in col on; roures, 6ilki, and in hort all tho nsweet tylei In tho markeL We drlre thii faol to become known to arory perion In the eoumy With our new and oatenaive itock of DRESS GOODS, the lndica can all be aulud by junt dropping in and getting a nlet dreti pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which Is better : give her a well-filled purae, ond she will find good and paying Investments In embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household necessities. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what we have already enumerated, wo keep all kinds of CENTLE Mi:V( W EAR such as Cloths. Casslmeres, Satinetts. DiU, Boots and Eboea, e besides, a nice assortment of Made-up I I.OT.IING for Men and Boy a, manufactured oat of the vary beat material, which we will sell for cash or exchange for country produce at prlees wLlvb wilt astonish everybody. . SQUARE TIMBER: Wo ara nnw largely enpjrfd ta buying and telling Mt('ARl: T1MIU H and manufae tared LlUIlKK, and will glva this branch of business special attention, and therefore make it an object to every one who has Lumber to sell to oomo and deal with as. GROCERIES & HARDWARE : We shall also keep convtaatty on hand a goneral BMnrtment of C.KOCI.RIl-: and HARDWARE, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prices. Wa also keep a full snor; mentof (il'l KNSW AIt TLii department will bo kept full aad oomfdeta, and all who contemplate boustikeeplog, will find It tu their advantage to come and trade with us; beeause wa are so situsted, and, from long experience lu the business, so well acquainted with the wonts and necessities of this community, that we feel oatiefied if every man women and child only makes It a point to buy their goods from i, we can please ihom both as to quality and price. Therefore, come along and buy your COOTS HIOKS, II ATS 4 CAPS. KEADY-MADE CLOTHINO, and everything yon need ta ren der yourselves and families comfortable, from JAMES B. GRAHAM & SONS, oel CI.EAnFIELt), PA. J7 'iltcfliral. P. T. I "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. ik. itoYKira run WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 safe. pore, pleasant and health-glringTontc J.. ttrietly vegoUijla, and manufactured fnm tbe snout pure and elm ire materials is not a spirit drink nor sulmtituto for whiky, but a scientific compound, fur the protect ion of the syotcm and the core of di-cane, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely freo from fuiil oil or other Irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or oflend the most delicate stmarh. A long private experi ence has atteMed its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Hitter at present offered to the poUic cniain much oindieinal rlrtiit, and yet to snfr and plcaxant to take. It's ne is to pure di . and it will not create, an appetite- fur FpiritoouF liquors, but will cure the efleets of dissipation. To increase the Appetite, X'FE IT. To pmmnte iJicratinn. I'FE IT. To cure Iyfpepia, VSE IT. To cure Kerpr nnd Agu. VPE IT. To eure Billiousnevs, V,E IT. To rur Constipation, H'FE IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhea, I'RE IT. Tn cure II part burn, VPK IT. To cure Flatulence, I'SE IT. To care Ad Kructatina, f?n IT. To cure Nermns Iphiity, VfK IT. To cure Hypochondria, ( mi jj. To eurf Psllownciiii of Crimplrslrin, t'PR IT. To cure Tioiplci and Blntrhee, I IT. F-r (leneral Troatratinn of the l'btpipal powers, VPH IT and it w;ll pure yon. F.ild cTcrrwhere. at $1.00 per bottle, .Vinu facturrd ecpluin1y by A. I. S II A W, Ilruxift. Cl.r.At;F!l:l.l, TA., Who offers liberal inducement to the IraOs. OeL s:, isc:i tf. FOR SALE! 4 VAU'AIH.K IMKII I HTY in lb viPare of l.ulhaTfiriire. t'trnrrn.i.l eauhlr 1. 1 1. At of two Town l.ntt. a luri-t. frmm- hav.eg all the nne-a-ary .,U(l.uil lingn, tu n sais MIC 1.-1,1 , IIUIIIUH llllji l'w' inm "n '" Aino ?b.?b"Vra ri"!i.iP' t '.rrl,..r. F,.rp.nir, tifiiee. t Tfr. A II cants, or on i r . i i.. ! Ihr . .. ' 1 1 ' .iwr rraian.g on ll.e prennrn. 1'r. tilnlii.K WILSON. L0th.-r.bnr4 V,, !;', ,m. 1 'I Vm-. and al..B,l,,. .U.p,.rt,re ol .very bin. ot Itie lu,. I.nm,.,... ... ..I. - I Ui. lira, 8t,.rr.l llAKI.lH IrK A lhVl l.V. O PIUXU STVLLS or f I1.K II T. & Al C. kkATZEM JUuUvnrf, Jliuvaif, Ctf. G. S. FLKUAL, MtAt.rn i STOVES AM) HOLLOW-WARE, AND M A !l I' F ACTU P. KR Ot Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, piilllabur, Outre Co., Pa., rplIK ndi-rl(jnd ranjneirnlly announnra lo In. I'uMio that h. ha on hand a oart-fiiliy-aeleflted and well anurtod itook of Stuvui. ill! Tarlttj ooniiilf ot 1UE CKLECrtATEI) IRONSIDES, Which barn ni-rer fallfd to gl perfect iitlnfao tion to lb. molt faatldioui of Its purchaiorl, Continental, Lelilfh, Farmer, DaTllRlit. Ppoati' Anti-Dult, Niagara, Charm, HerulJ, to., with every vartely of the beit l'ittkburg Mauufaoture. ta-Tlie Tin anil Sheet Iron war. given with the Home ia made of Ibe heav'evt and bent material, ard warranted 10 give perfect aalit faoiion. ilia atock of TAKLOR AND IIEATIN'O STOVES Ia larger, better and obeaper tl:an ever before exhibited to tbe public, lie duhea eouipetiUoo either in varieljr, quality er price. Be it aleo prepared to furnlih a complete auortmeut of Tin, Copper, Shoot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wboleial. or retail, manufactured neatly and with the aol. view to lervice, from the beat ma terial in tbe markeL PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, t COPPER, BRASS AND IKON KbTILES, Of evrrjr deiorlptlon tonntanllj on band. LIOUTKINQ RODS, Superior point, pnt np on (hart notice. Tlie Point be offere to the public ia the aim. ai ia now need by the PeLntvlvaola Kailroad Co., on their buildings. ORDERS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOFING And other work belonging to hia bnalnwi will be promptly tiled by experienced nnd akilllul workmen. liRASS, COrrER AND OLD METTLE Taken In .xebang. for g ooda. yr-ne .epecla'.ly Invite, th. altetitinn of Merchant! wiebing to pnrebaite at wboieeale. as tsey will 6nd it tn their advanta-e to examine tis atock before purcuaiiof eiaewnere. O, 8. FLEDAL. Pbilipibnrg, Aug. 6, ISoS. j 1 tC7 Paints for Farmers and duel's. IHE (Irafton Mineral Paint Company are now manufacturing the beM, rhcapi'St nnd umttt tliiralile Paint in uw, two Pnls well put on. mil d with pure I. in need Oil, will lat It) or 14 years; it is ol a litllit bruwn or tn-nuiltiil rbofilutc color, and ran bo rhanfrM tn green, lead, stone, drab, olire or cream, tn mi it the tnte of the consumer. It is vr.luaolc tor ...nines, Pnrnn. IVnccs. Carrispe and Car nmkers, Pails and W ond m ware, Agri cultural Implements, ('-"-.1 Ilnats. Veneln and Shin Ilottums. Canvas, Metal and Sliintrle Knts, lit being fire and wnt.-r pnmf,) Flnr (HI Cloths (one mJiiiuftictuTcr having wd 6,tMi0 barrels the nasi Vtnr.t and nn a IiriliM f'r mi ntrpte If an pnr).afrcd f'r biedy. durability, clsitiiiy and adhe tivcneii. Price. per liarrel of lln., whirb will supply a fiiruier tor yearn Income. M'arranlrd tn all ea-efi ahuvo. rend Itif a circular, wincn given full particulars. None renulne imleM brand ed in a trade murk, (Jrnfton ftlineral Paint. Per sons can order the Piut and remit the money on receipt of goods. Addre. MMVKU. A CO., novlO dm Til Tcnrl Hircrt New York. The Lightning Tamer. rilHE nnderl(rned are tbe sole Agents in this X cuptv for the '"North American Galvanised LltiHTNINU Hol)S.M Tuepe ara the only safe rods nw in une. and are endorsed by ail tbe rientinc men In the 00 n try. W hereby nmify the cituene of the county that we will put them op a better rod, and fur lets money, than is charged by the foreign agents who annually travorae the county and carry off our little cash, never to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing 1 tphtnlng Rods erected on their buildings need but addreis as by letter, or call tn person. Wa will put them up any a here In thecouniy, and warrant them. Tbe llnds and Fiitures can be seen at any lima bv eslllng at our atom. II. F. P1ULEU A CO. Clearfield, March 30, ISTO-tr IJcw Cabinet ! MOPHANNOS LAND AND IX MBF.K COM PANY offer for sale Town Lots in the hor onb of Osceola, Clrarhrld county. Pa., and alno lets to nuit purchfM-re oatfide tlif linnti of taid borough. Osceola is ilunted on tbe Morhannon Creek, in tha rirhett portion of the enmity of Clear fM Id, nn the line of the Tyrone A Clearlield Hailmad, where the Mii'hannnn and Pen vert on h ranch road m te meet. It is also in the heart of tbe Mnliannnn coal basin, and lare lmlies of white pi no, hemlock, onk, and other timber nur round it, ttne of the largent lumber mannfaolur ing tAlli"binenls in the Htate i loenttd in the town, while there art many othrr lumlser and hingle mills around it. The town is but ae en vcam old, and contains a population of one thou and inhnhitants. JTKor further information apply at the office of the above company, JOHJf laAWPIIR, prl 4 Huperiutendent U. IJ. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Ilailroad Ilepot,) c 1. 1 : Am i i' i n, r i : x a. T KM1IRACR tbl. mtihnd of In Tor mine the 1 r pmrtte, (lint 1 linvr r.,nr m TWrl fr 4lo ot wood mr coal burnt I.I.MK and Antliraeile COAL, in the. horouirli of Clearfield, and have completed arrangemenu with eastern dealers by which 1 can keep a full nij.ply oinntanllv on hand, which will h disponed ol at rrasonalitc ralea, by the tun, buhel or car load, to suit nurrhnMra. Thoae al a distance can addrens me bv letter, and Diam an neoessary tnturmatinn hv r-turn mail. R. B. IA Lolt. Clearfield Pa., Fib. 51, ISfiy-tf SMALL rROriTS! Ul'ICK SAILS! HARTSWICK k IRWIN Are constantly replenlphlng their stock of Irug, Wnlicincfi, Ac. School Ilrboks and Fiatinnery including the Os gnod and National Scries of Itradera. , Tracco anl Cigirs of I he bent the lowept priepn, CALL AM) FKK. trend, at i: dward ri:RK.s & co., Flour JJnr.iifiu-turorH, And Ilcalcr, in G H A 1 N OF ALL KINDS, ruiLirsoi nn, r. A r fT.T. Firri.v or Ki.nm, wheat, milN and C'll'iPonnatanlly on b.nd. and hi sale at rates remarkalil, w. Ieb4-t 'pilKt F.I.KIlltATKH IlICHAHDKdN ItnliTS, J. I.it-bi Ki, ,.i hi. Frt-ocb Kip , 00. r'rcni-h ('.If 5 ,o. (Opposite Jail., n( Al C. K 11 AT7.FK X. 1 n UAr.TI--.lt.-Tbe nr,ler.i,:n.d vTni ' per the Inrl I CASH I'lllt'i: lr :l lin.ts w Tl RSand IH'KR fKIVM. Hiremeoe.il ! vrfarieie, I'et il. 1. L. SilZESIIEiy. wrnUMrf. f'linip ruriiHiiiM'. .ions tifi.u it IT SSlltl'S to Inform bla eld frlendt ant cue timicrt, that haling einarg-a en pnup ana ii,creaeot nil lacinnri ! now prepared to main to order nch urnilur. ai maylx de.ired, in " atyla nJ at ebeap rat,, lor CAHII. He generally baa on band, at bit furniture rooma, a varied aHorlmenl of nadjt. made furaiture, .mon which are p.ritEAl'3 AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobe! and Rook Canal! Centre, Cofe,, Turlor, Ureakfart and Dining KileTnlon Tnlileaj Com roon. French pot,Cotiare,Jenny Llnd and other lledileadal Tea of all klndi, Work lUndi, lUt -rackf, Wafh iUnda: Hooking and Arm Chain I apring ieat, cane bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chain Looking-Ulawei of every dear ripllon on band i and new glaiiel fer old frame., which will be put In no very reaionable termi on hortoat notice. He alto keep, on band or furolebea to order, Corn-huik, llalr and Cot-ton-top Maltreiaea. Coffins or Kvf.iiy Kino Made lo order, and funerali attended with lloarae whenever de ilred. Aleo, llouae Painting dune to order. Tbe eulxeribor aluo manulae. turea, and hai ennilantly on band, Uleinent'i Patent Waaliing Machino, the bet now in use I T!,,.. neine itui miriiine never need be with out clean clotheil He alio ba Flyor'a I'alont Churn, a eupcrior article. A inmny vaing tut, Churn never need be without butter I All the above and many other arUelea are fur niehed to euetoioer, cheap lur Caan or exchanged for approved eounlry produce. Cherry, aleple, PnplMr, Llnwood and oia.r Lumber euitable for Cubiuot wotk, taken in txubange for furuitue. Mrltomember tho ihop ia on Marker a'reet, Clearfield, fa., thd nnall V oppoeite the "Old Jew Store." JU11N Ul'LICU. Korember IS, 1J y pisrcUanfous. H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orrollTl vox fHmt, !" atnnit POST OFFICE&isiifci$CLKARFIELD rpilB anbacriber rerpeeUully inform! bla old X patrona nnd tbe public generally, that be baa on band, (and is eonstantly receiving new additiena thereto,) n large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Mr I keep Jewelry In all Its forms nnd of diOerent values, either ly the piece or eat. WATCHES A full aeiortn ent of either Oold or Silver, mad. bv th. brat Anerican nnd for. eirn menufeeiurers. ineluding n tine lot of gold and silver hunting case, lull Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, aontlitlng of eight day nnd thirty hour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strik. nnd alarm. KFPAIRIKO. All kinds of Watcbss nnd Clocks Hepalied, and warranted. Tn addition to what I have enumerated, I keep n full asaortment of M'KOrACLES, colored and plaint-less. Alen, OOI.IM'KNS and 1'KNCIi.S. SPOOiiS, FOHK1. DIITTKK KNIVKS. and in fact everything in Ibe Jewelry line. If I fail to have on hand just what a customer may need, 1 will order per nrsl eapress, wilhoutexlracherge. A liberal shar. of public patronage is eohcited. Ma 7, leOS-y Jl. f. KADULB. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOK'S d- STAT10SER Y. Market 1 , C learflrld, (at the Pot Office.) fpilK underaignad hegs leave teannounpete 1 tbe eitirens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he baa fitud up a room and las just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consiating in part of EiblcB and Miscellaneous Books, Plank, Acpnant and Pass Books af every de scription ; Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Blank, Legal Pipers, lerds. Mortgages; Jndginent. Eiemp tlon and Promissory notes t While and Parch; ment Brief, Legal Cap. lienor d Cap. and Bill Cap , bheet, Musie f r either Piano, Flute or Violin conniantly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may not have on band, will be or ordered by first eiprese, and sold at wholesale erretttiltn suit customera. 1 will also Iriep periodical literature, such M Magaiines, Newt, papers, Ae. P. A. UAULIM. Cuartiald May T, inns tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STriEET, tlrartirld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW FRICES. fflTTK undersigned renpectfully Invite the at 1 t'ntlnn of tha puMie generally to their splendid a'-nrtment of merchandise, which they are now selling AT VERY LOW TRICtS. Their stork eonslsta In part of Dry Goods of tho BeBt Quality, Such as Prints, Pe I.alnes, Alpnecae, llfrlnoa, uingnams, muslins, (hiaebed ana aabl'-aea ad,) Prilling, Tickings, cotton and wool Flanaels.Satiat ttn,Caimres, Cottonades, Ladiea' (Sbawls, lSubiai A Hoods, llalmnral j and Hoop BkirU, Ac,, Also, a One M'ortment of Men's Drawrrff and bnirls, HaU A Caps, Boota A Shoes. ) all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. :S SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT I Of even thing arually kept In a retail iters, all CM KAP FUR CAbU or approved country pro duea. A. K. WRIGHT el JONS. Clearnetd, Nov.T , 1 8117. TEV BTOKE A N D Mf wTTuOI is! JUS. SUA W & KO. Hare just opened a Nisr Stori, on Uaio Sl.,CLiAitriKLD, Pt., Ulelf occupifj l,y Wm. F. IRWIN ' Their dork cnnaisli of ' LDIXia C23 CD CD I-d 33 Gaorr:u of (ha be-st quality, Qucenswaiic, Tools nnd SllOfJ, and rvcrjr arlide Dor-eisar for onc'i pomforl. Call and examine our atork befora nur- cliasing elsawhere.. May'O, lSGi-tf. FAIRBANKS' STAMiABP SCALES, or All. KtNn; Haggn narrows, Van-hnnsa Truck C,pTig Presnet, Improved Alruey Prawer, Ac. roa salk ,r UIGLER & CO., Isralrra In Hardware. II. F, roehno ro tr remnd htppet, CiearfiM( p "I I 'TK I roTAIII.IW i pi-s. T v I V "f l ae. rr.h llll.L, and will on the rreripl of t.mi,. Bents, mail a enpy In anv address. my SW AIM Irt.eitv.rr, PAAl:.Itenne.ly'el,d!e.l llelmhold's lluehu. I , ' leer till, J.yne', and Aver', medieine. of evert , ktal, fereal, by HARTSWICK IRWJJI. ' ..or (i. . oi at BOYNTON 8l YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE &, STATIONARY STKAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets. ci i:ahi ii:m, pa. TTAYIVfl engiged In the manufacture of first XA. class MACllINEnY,we respectfully Inform tha public that we ara now prepared to fill all orders as cheaply and as promptly as ean be done iw nj urtne ciuei. we luanuucture and doalin Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla, Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pallets, Oiffurd's Injector, Kteam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, (iaugo Cocks, Air Cocks, (tlobe Valves, Cheek Valves, wrought iron Pipes, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumpi, Anti Friction Mutres, Boop Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WOltK; together with Plows, Bled Boles, cook Ay v pa nzon sto ves, sail other CASTINGS of all kinds. O-Onlcrs solicited and filled at eiry priees. AU letter of inqulrr with reference to machinerv of oar anannfaclnre promptly answered, by addre. inf us at Clearfield, Pa. deelO-tf BOVKTOX 1 VOIXO glairing UUs. I.. Reed, F. Wearer, NOTICE. M ell. iletts. . id. i:i:i;i a t o. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! THE proprietors respectfully inform tbe ciliiens of Clearfield county, that they have antirely refitted this establinhment with the latest Improved wood working machinery, and ara now prepared to execute all orders in their line of baiioose. They will give evpocial attention to the manufac ture of material for house building, aura as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, BASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nnji HKTs k .voi t.in.rcs, OF ALL BTTLEH, We always bar. on band large stub of MIT Ll'UUlCK, and will pay cash for all clear Lumber. One-end-a-half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit eustomora. H-Ordrr eolicitcd, and l.umW furnished on short notice ai,d on reasonable terms. c l. i;i.i;d a co. Clrorfcl.I. Nov. 7. 1W. Clothing. Hon 1o Nave floury. Til K times ara hard; you'd like to know How you may save your dollar ( The way to do it I will ahow. If you will read hat follows. A man who Head not far from here. It ha worked bard at his trade, But had a boonobold to support That squandered all be made. I met him odp. Pits ha, "My frlead, I look t broad bear and rough I've tried to get myself a suit. Bat aaa'l aava up enough." Says T, tny Mend, how much have you f I'll tell yea where ta go To get a nnlt that' anand and cheap t To ULIZKNSTKIN A Co. lie took what little he had nared. And went to heiseonteia A Brothers', And there he got a handsome suit, 'or half he paid to other. How he Is home , he looks to well, And their eflect Is each. That when they take their dally meal, They don't eat half a much. And now he finds oa Saturday Bight, With all their wants supplied, That he has money left to spead, And aoma to lay aside. Dl good sucre, utih ch earful amllt, lie gladly tells to all. it yu 4 Bioney, go and fcuy Your clothes at REIZKNSTKIN-S CLOTfilNO II ALL. 1 VThere the cheapest, finest aad best Cloibina and good Furninhing Uoods ean be bad to suit every tail and ia evary ei;:e apt 11, 7 SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN ! - ni:roi.t Tia.v i.r s.insi EMERSON'S r A T E NT I' E ft FO H A II A T K D Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL QI MMINO AVOIDED.) A LBO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For tprudln,, Kharpenlnn, and Fh.plc, tb. Teeth of all FplilUng Ssws. V.Pend for a Deeeriptlre Cireolar and I'rie. "l- II. F. IUQLEIl A ro. bsn;7 naneral Ap.nta, Clearfield, l'a. ( IdlvTj- Stable. rTHIE nn.ler.lened We. leare to Infnnn lb. 1 lie lhat hr is now lull v prr,srr.d lo accimrnn- ii. le all tn the wav nr rumi.lnne llnree.. It,,,.,... " - '"'! -'-. . 'He shnrte., ...ti.nj i on reiHtnel,le term. lle..,t,ne.0B L-u.t street, Ijetweon Third and Fnurth. tiKO. W. OKAItllART, riearMd, April 11. 1SC7. "0 MY 0W 1I00K." HAVINll purchased the entire Irtoek of good, at tbe M .iui r Kirk A rinrn-er 1 luu-nd to eoiumue the business ae berel,',f,ire. air mntio is lo sell "i nur roa rasa." Thanking our friend, and en. lower, fur put patronage, 1 solicit a ennlinuance i.l the .. , ItiAAC klltk;. Lumber City, frpl. 12 If. Ion JAM-.-whit, i.e.,1, nB, r.tt, ,,,. seed O l, Turpentine, Vartn.be. o all binds t.rlnr. in Oil and llr.v I .int. Vami.h Pro. he. ' r UARIiWICK 4 IRWiy.' 4 vlxKrTi JHufli Mfitlrttiri. lt K Jf V A li. HARTSWICK 4 IRWIN, 1) ltUUOISTS, JUarkcl Slrrrt, fltarltld, Fm. f B beK lesv. to Inform onr old end a," 1 ? eartomera, tbst w. have removed our as. tehli.hment to the apaeioua sear building Just erected nn Marked lre t, nearlv adjoiniet; th. Mar.lon Hone, on th. west, and opposite Messrs. (reliant A Hens' store; wbsr. we respectfully Invit. th. public k eons, and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, TAINTS AND VARNISHES. Oar stock of Praps and Medicines eoaslsts of everything used, selected av lib tb. greatest ear., sod WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! Wa also keen a full stock of Iyen, Perfumeries. Toilet article!. Fnapn, Tooth Hrushes, Hair Rru'hea, Whitewash Uruahes, and every other kind Uruihes. Wa bae a large lot or WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flsmeed Oil, Paints, and In fact everything t ted in tha painting holiness, wLioh we afler at City piioaa to eaib buyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectltnery, Spines, and the largest stock of varieties ever offered in tbis place, and warrant ed to be of tha best the Market affords. J. (. HARTSWICK, Kut. Jl. ISM. Jo iiw r. inwrif. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all diawases incident to Homos, Cattle, aad 11 u man Flesh, requiring tha ate of aa a i tern al application. This Embrocation was extensively a aid by tbe Unvernment during the war. For sala by flartswiok A Irwlo, Clearfield Joseph H. Irwia, Curwensville. laniel Good laador. Lot bar burr ir . Stattrutifrrjcr & Cc. BLATTENBERCER & CO. orrsa SAiti IXDVCB9 E NTS re- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TI1III MAMMOTH STORE 15- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Oeeeole. Ileeeniber 15, ISfiO. Curwensville Warble Yard. D1.SIRIH s of etendin my hn.in-is, and bnnwin there ean be nri hiflier Iribnle veepeei i I he rnemnry of tbe iteeased and ""i inenn.. man tn ereet over their narrow hna.ee a eenlplonKl slab ot enduring marble, that point, forever to the rr.lirn place or tli.ne we l"ve: I be, leave to aay lo all who wi.a In show their e(Wt,n for their drprhd fnrad and aindrrii, thai they ean now In, re a. opportunity ol dolnir .... bv railing al try Shop on Thompson tree!, fnrweii.. .lie, l'a., as 1 am prepared to fumi.-h In ortler, MONUMENTS, CRADLE & BOX TOMBS, HEAD STONES, Ac, of any dcMtgn or vise, at rcainahlc rate. I 1 fenep nn hand the Wei lorrtcn and """""; Marble. All work eaeruted lo th. m elillfnl manner. 1 will aim delirer .!. I In anv point in t'learlield or adj .ininr eonniie., i St. II. CllLIll hN. Curwensville, Oct. 30, ISt.y-tf. Democralic Almanac. rniiN i , ... . . " 1 "., , 1? lh..,oer.L It e..nt.,n. f rlrei,D ret,, every eonnty In the I ruled ht.tee, bwidee, the number lor 1 eont.in. a onmplet. I, f ,h. name, nf all I he nepnper sappreserd and mnl,lM during l.lncln'e adminivlratiuni aad that r.ir lsr,7 e..nln. the name, of all t bow elvihar., who were impnemied during the same period. These two . " rrirronee, are worth more than he pnee f ,hr phlic..,,,,,. The number for In" I i aleo roll nf v.loahl, .,.!. A . HO eent. , the Pos, , l..rer. wi, ,ree,v, bv return ui.U aropy for e.cb ymt. frM1 of 'il AVA5J,:l,,'WM-0N,,p,,"inVR!t. 1 1 Th. ander.ia-ned berrhv gir. B,i, , tbev -.1 p., k,rt " ," ,.l,lval UiNt. SIIINviLKM, and lh h.t, such lor e-le. will led It to thr-i, luteres, , . . them a rail beroe. wlliag eUewhere 1 ne.r.eU.M.rekJ,,. nrjj roofli, tr.rvmlfi, Ctf. C.JIIIMT 11A1U4A1MH Xrw Slore In MulsonliurR! In tbe room formerly oec.pled by r. T. Hrfarty. L. M. COUTIUKT 1AKKH this method of In form lug the elllscns of Covinaton, Karthaun, (lirwrd and the sur rounding eonnlrv, that he has junt opened a large atork of BI'MMF.K tiOtlUH. which be in deter miued to aril 1 KN 1'Klt (1ST I UKAPKH than tha lame quality of (ioods can he pun-bati-d for in any other it ore la tha neighborhood. His stock oousists of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Patinrtts, Casalmrres, Muilins, Delaines, Lmen, Drillings, laliooea, Tnmiuiogs, ltihbous, Lace, READY-MADE CLOTfilNO. BOOTS I SHOES, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Co (Tee, Tea, Pujrnr, Rice, Molnsscs, Finh, Salt, Li ij iced Oil, Fisb Oil, Carbon UU. Hardware, QucenBwaro, Tinware. Castings, Plows and Plow Castingi, ails, Rpikes, corn cultivators, inter rressea, ana all kinds of Axes. 1teviy Plows ara of the Curwensville and Centra oounty make, and) ara warranted to ba of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Vaminb, Glass, and a general assortment ot biationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on hand, and will be aold at tbe lowest poesible fig a roe. LI q i ons, Such ae BBAKbY, WISE, GIN A WMSKY 60C0 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. CLOVER SHED, Oa band and for sate at the lowest market a rice. Also, Agent for Wilton's Strattonvilla T II E S II I ' G MACHINES 7fACal1 and ear for yonrsclres. To. will find .very thing usually kept in a retail etore. L. at. COL'IIIIET. r'reDebcillc P. 0., Jan. 1. 1W,U. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COrilSK THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices! 17E are now opening op a let of the beat and v T moat acaaonahle GimmIb and Waro ever Acred in this market, and at prioea that remind on of the good old duva of cheap things. Ti.ote who lack faith upon this point, or dw.tn our alle gations atticrQuuut, need but c.ill fr at n sTonr, Corner Front and Market streets. Where they can see, feel, hear and know for them aelrea. To fully ond em tan d what arc cheap goods, tbis mast ba done. We do not daesn it necwaaary to enumerate and itemise our stock. It is enough for us to state that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed tn thi market, and at price that aitonmb both aid and Tounr. deo2 JUt-LP II SHAW A PON. FLOIII,ITED AND PROVISION STORE, TnK andersiimed bar. jaiat reeeived at tb.ir aew stand ia V allaeeton, a lull aupply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &&, COAL OIL, (at redared rates,) A food article of TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO, eoastantly oa band. All nf which win be aold at LOW RATES for CASH ar give, in exchange for SUINULES and LlilllEH. Ti e resp-tfii!!y a.k tit pal lie to jir. a, a trial before parchaeing alsewbera. J. II. READ A CO. Wallaeetna, April 7, 1M. C. KRATZER k SONS ARE RKCEIVIXG A Sn.ENDI I) STOCK Of L'AIU'ETS AM) OIL CLOTHS. WALL rATEIlS GILT rATER, f-a lace curtains, window suades cou k t e rr a k es and quilt3. lines table clotus i natkins ladies silk coats rf overskirts elegant sua wls k lace toints. LADIES' rf- CDILDREN'S TRIMMED 11 ATX. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVE' LADIES' GElw TLEUE.N-S ANP CUlLl'IiE-5, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. CXEQl'AI.I.ED STOrK LADIES AND i-iiii.DUt.a-s &UOFJS d-UAlTERS. MtN'S CALF it FREKCII Kir BOOTS. HEAVY CALF BOOTS. 5. UKVS AND BOYS' FINE AND 1TEAVY KIJOLS. CASS2MERES VERY CIIEAr. BEST STON E TEA SEITS, . GROCERITS, FI.OrR 4- rr.OVISlONs AT LOWEST HATES. LIRFSAL PEDrcTlO.V TO THOSE BUYING IN QUANTITY. WOOL. VOOL. MARKKTTNO AND COUNTRT FHOITJE WANTED. ANTED. Clearfield. Jane 1. !(!. Xcw Wlnr aad Liquor Storr. I. L. REIZEiMRTPiM WINES Sl LIQUORS, MARKET ST, CLEAPFIELD, TA. andh"."? ' """"' ti.H . alwara on b.nd. rpec.l .,,,, paid , .,, . ran ,rjc,e it (im Miss E. A. PTRynderT ic.e-r ro inieaerlng .. Rt.in..,-, ,Bj T.m,,; p,.M . Hrelth'e. Maena 1 II. mile'. ... u-.-' Orgawe and WeVdec,. , UnT . Baker s Newiag Alaehlnao, s lo Taenwaa ar Plaa. Oall.,. Orraa, H.r, nt M N. pup,, ,.., f, lrm ,h (CS:,7a,"": TJ' Hank. . -J , -"F (I, H vsau. Hailed b, tiinm 51Mlrej(l. rmSYLYAMA RAIL. COM), TY HONK CI.KAIlUKI.n rilANcii, ON and tCXft Mi.n.lay. A I" It I L S, In,,,., pasM-nircr Irani, Will run d.ilv Hon'l.is) Ireiween lrprne sril l.e; k 1!. one I'aeernfer Train bflweco Tj n,ne anil ll,. Held, aa follows: I.KAVE MUTII. I.KAVn NOI'.TII. ClearuVId l-4 r. T.rron. o nr., I,hllip.buri,sr.1.!'ll, " . Il-ela In n, lt3.:3, - I niiipmi r, ar I l.lu, " O.ceola 4.16, " " l 1 1. is, ' Ttrnne a .Ml, " ricarfelj I? p,,P , FAKE ANU IiiSTANCi S 1'IIOM CLKABF1ELU. HiiiM Tl ROM. ?i Btatioos, ? J r1 ; ? 1" Intersection 4 J Jt' Vanncoyoo 7 ; J ft (Jardntr 8 2( Sb Ml. lMeaaut..ll t. 40 Summit.. M ,li 60 SanHy Liof... t.' m l'nwllton .17 4i mi ('areola V C3 J5 I'nnhnr 31 f,o 7;- Hteilier'n 1 fti Ht- rijlii)fhorn.'4 70 Sf Itlue ball h i" fcO V Watlacwton. hi I (10 Hifcli-r M 5 I 0 Wood anil Si (I C; I 16 Leonard .Id I U Station. Leonard Woodland Mirier , 1 , t , .11 VYallneeton Illne Hall.. l"lilllpl)ur(- IT Hlciners' ..in ..5l il ..J ..21 ..27 ...10 llunlar KrelaH I'oweltrr.n Hnnily Kidfrr.. Huiuinit Ml. 1'leaa.nt.. tlardner VanscoV". Jl Intereoltoo....t7 Tynme. w I 'ZU ( Icartictd Al I 'iO FAiiK FJiOM CLKAKFIELD, TO Ilellefontc, Pa $3 .' MidJMown i ft Iock Haven S 70I.Marietta Williamsnort.. S 6o Lntieantcr . ft 1 Huntingdon.. 1 0.PU1LA1KL1'111A T f 5 Uwiiiiinnn I fo j Alloor.a 1 ti Mnrysville 4 6t) Johnntnwn J M HAJtltlKHI .Jtli ... 4 T&.PITTKBI lt(i t U Passengers leaving Clearfield at 2. .10 p. m.r Phil psburg at 8.56 p. m.t Osceola at 4.16 p m., arrive at Tyrone at ft.ftO p. m., aoakmg eounectioa with Cincinnati tipmi nt at 6.1" p. m., and with Mail West at 6.41 p. m.,oa Main Line: aina with bald Kagie Kiprrss, leaving Tyrobe at ?.' p. m., arriving at Bellvfonte at 8.46 p m., and at I;o:k Uavan at 10. SO p. m., connecting with tria Mail Last on the Philadelphia and trie Kd. at 11.51 p. m.,arriTingat Williamsport at I2.4-Ja.tc. Keiurning, paaeongers leaving V iliiamnport at 8.1ft a. m., ou trie ftiail West, arrive at Lock Ha ven at tf 31 a. m., connecting with Bald hagie Kx press leaving Lock Haven at 10.20 a. m., ar rting at Bellclunie at ll.ftd a. a., Snow Saa City at b.ii p.-ai., aad Tyrone mt ISO p. nr. A. J. CAcbATT, faeneral Hiiperinteudcttt. GEOr.GK C 1MLKI.NS, my!9-tf butieita tea deat. Clearfield County Bank. rtIIB Clearfield County Bank as aa Inroirera X ted inetttaiion kaa gone owl of esisteace b: tba surrender af its charter, oa May 12, ltfi All ita atock ia owned by tha subscriber, whr will aontinue tbe Banking baainees at the samt place, a private Bankers, under the firm cams ol tbe "Clearfield County bank." We are re sponsible far two debt at the liana, aad will pay iu aotes oa demand at tha uunter. I'ep tits received and interest paid when money Is lctt fr a fixed lima. Paper d i aeon n tad at six per eaat. as heretofore. Our nersoual resnonnibilitv is ' nledird for all Ilaroaita MftHnni mud L trans icted. A coatiaoaaea of tb liberal pat ronage of the business men af tba eoanty ii re specually solicited. As Presideat, Catbir aad offieerj of tre late Clearfield County Bank, w require tb note of said Bank to be p reseated for redemption. JAS. T. LF'-NARD, BICDARD BHAW. WM OBTKH. JAh. B. OH Ail AM, A. . WKIUHT. . L. KLLJj, m v. a. Wallace. The baslnea af tha Bank will ba eoadueted bv Joha M. Adm q as Cashier. (jaaSe.'tO i. I). M'tlirk. Edward Perks. BASKING & COIXECmON HOUSE McGirk & perks. Suooeaj-ora to Foster, Perks, A Co., riillliwburg. Centre County, Pa. "XVMlEIiEell tbe buineas of a Ilankina Haa 1 1 aril1 oa tnmasaeted prutojilly and o)e ae Biost faroraole term a, snar7-tf County National Bank. CLIARJlF.Ln, PA. THIS Bank la now ape, awd ready for aeaai. sms. Oflie. .a Sweond atrwet, ia tbe baud, lag formerly eeapid by Lwiaard. Fivaey A C. ptnwrwM an orwirtna. IAS. B. GRAHAM, RICH AMD FHAW WM. A. WALLACE, M. I-OKTE1, A. K. WR1UIJT, GEO. L. RKED. W. M. SHAW, J AS. T. LEONARD, jr8, .J Cashier. Pree aal larhsntithtng. Arvi Itlaeksniith Kkop. FEC0XD ET, CLEARFIELD, Ta. TnK under. irned b.ri to in form his rereads, aad lbs inbabitaau ol tb. boroug-h of Clear id and aarroandin, aeif bborh.d, tbal b. is now ready to aaacata all ardara .itb.r ta tr.a ar steel. II0RSE EBOEISv) ea tb. aieet a r proved .;ty.tvle. ALL KINDS OF SAIT-KILL Ir.OXS aad KOINE work, lognsa'a tools, e-ubeuks,ii rea.s, fraba. Ah bta.1 tools of all kinds made .f beet kag iiak ar Aaterteaa atai. kfA.AU my work la warraaud U gin aalls. felinB, ar aol .barged for. AMOS R KKKAEXb. I5og;gTounliipAi,ako Cr.tAT EXCITEMEXT AT THOMAS BEEES'S I JJ'VERTRODT trying teret th.re lest, fm fear t af being crowded oal ant tb. a. id. II yea want gnod t-hoelng don, go Ties... If yoa want yoar Slot!, ironed riaut, .o ta fcacwa. Ifyoa want good SIU1 Ire 1M ptM, I' Tr; want yoar ,goa Ironed ialhtbtM atyl. and workmanship aw Raaaa. Raaaa .. the boat blnmp Marblae ia tb. Slatt, anddoei all kiads af iiLACkaill II I.S8 asbe., airssk, deal, la tb. rmh fw C'aak. Aly I' oat Clhee addrws ts Cle.rl.ld Rndr THOMAS tbkAo. Boggs Tp, Dec. It, IMT-if. Southern Land & rmifjralioB r o m p a w v. WASHINGTON, D. C. OR0AN17.EP and esl.Mi.be.1 the ISret.e. awd fw,h mf tmrmnf wad aiuu.rl La... and improved ltoal t.l.u- in tbe Nuuihera Siatwa, THOMAS R rir.KrNCK rViewt .10. 8EVERNS. ,os Prmowai.' J. IlENRV AKIV. T...r, rresidut Fourth Natmaa' 1'ank n phil..,.,v JOHN WnbHIS. r-crelar,. T1UI.-. C. IA Mm l.l.L. Attornry and Coaaesinrp. 0ee : Washington Puil.lin):. Cemer Sevnsa, et.f and Pennsylvania Avrnur. Wa.t,jr;'ea, D. TTVrrnr..a ; Oov John T. Horlman. AILanv. T. T. Ka nv. W m. lir. (--,rt,el,l P. l'"VT- f .""""'rb. Trenrer,. N. J, r.s-i.r-v. vv m. 2 . . J'L.-licr, V illiamsporl, . fpt. I. 'MMf. Clearfield Nursery. ENTOURAGE HOME INI-lW.T. f PUS andenigned. baring .auhli.'nid a X.i I X aery .a Ibe Tike. akoa, h,f w ( learneld and Curwen.vllle, is prepared to fur. alsb all k.ad. of FRl'IT 1 KLh. ,.ued.rd and dwarf.) Kvergrweris.Sbrui.berT. Ur.no Vraaw, (oo.rherrm l..wtoa Itlarsberrv. Hirawber'V. and Rasberry Viaes. Alee. Siheriaa Crab Ireew. Uwiae. and early eeirlei Itb.barb, Aa. Orwara promptly attended U. Addre... J. I. WRI0HT. wpM-M-y Cwrweaavilia, Pa Lime for Sale 1 THE aadrraigned, rrei.lmg near tbe depot k.a mad. eoreplete arrai.gcn,;.r '-!. L.m. Ilurnere eaet of tbe wi.antaio. wherebv be i, tmm bled to keepeoaiuntljou bead a barge aanutywf r u i: e lime: ; wbieh he ffer to f.rmere and b.Ljcee at a trit. I above eost. Thnee mneed f ;hc arlirle would dt .ll to aMe air a eall. or adurews awe by letter, to fore arg.ttatiog tbetr lime. ' -'n c. r-A-?i!or.E Cleardeld. Pa.. Jnwe I. IKatl y AKTr.nna rod CLAcKcvrrn lnt 1 t owe man to work in Wnorf-Mo.sior u a..as. M.mp M,..h1Pm,. kiuai. a ar mow v. ilk, am. I, hmrlie, Aprlr u .rf y. '"'J'U A RI'kiriAKwiRFt, aogllaf JetsrMi Uia. Cewuaid ma,. Ta,