Tin: hepudmcan; CLEARFIELD, TA. wFrixts-PAT vhumvu. mk 4. i:o. Terms of Subscription. Tf paid in l-lienc, - or a iilun there month!... ? 00 1 ' pel. 1 alrsr ihri-c in I Lefore "II monthly... 2 AO If pal 1 after the etmralR'n of m mollthi ... X 00 ,aT All nrtir'd to inform inerrtii.a In thii pnoer ihuuid lio heodi-d ia enrle on Toerdar t iminf. ftp we gn o pretm ot 12 o'elu.-k. fm'-0.1 HKIICKIIS M OTIC I 8. Methodist Fpteropal Criarrlt Bee. 3. n. MToan, P-utor. P.il.lic Kemco eeere Sabbath, tit l( A M . end 7) P. M. 8l.'-th School at t A. M. Prneer Mrs-tine, eeery Thunder, at TJ P. M. Com3ionir.n Scrrioe. rat Bibbalh of ovary month, at ll'l A. M. M!. t-'ratirie' i hurrh Catholic .Itee. Mr. (I'B'iiinr-XiH at lu o'elr..-k A. M , oo tl.e and f..nrli Hnntnei of en- h tiionlh. Hi. Amlriw's (hurrh l'.plsci. pal Rer. Qaiens lt.tl-. Pul.lie Service Son.lav morning at to ai.i at 7 I . XI. Sander School at X P. M. Waver Meeting Wedoeiiar oreuiu, at T o'e'o-h. Ht. Joha'o ChnrrbI u'heraii Rer. Xfr. Nixn.mrr Pu'iiie Service eeerj Sabbath, morn iur an4. m;r:. PrnebytttrUa t hurrh T.rt. Mr. flrn aa Publie Semen eeere &alibatb, morning- and oeen- Mr. Forct-y wants n Miller. Sec ud erliscmcnt. lOHummlroffa). firm. E.litor ClritrMJ h'cyublicin, Tit VmniMe. TR.n n IARiSiN: With jour permission lkb. An cfl'nit ii Ninir I tiikc oicKsion lo ny wnnl Jhrmifjh I muilo liy Mr. Port it, a tlio culuinui of your witlnlv lifinli.ifj (Viiirrpaairii.al a,,..i'i,... jQiirunl.conoerninr; tlio Ikss ot Itimlipf ! f'niin Vir.-iiiin. to Imvo iK-casitmeil hy nnrroiv i-huta ntuiig ,,, tintuiiiul lri;is!,iliiin llio Stisticiiiiiina liver. Vou ire rtmdo fur tlutl Statu l.y llio (TtiulitlvM awmo tlutl it has Lien 1 lioconst ruction 'i.u...,ii. customary lor a number ol yenrs to run two rafts "alin-ast" fiom below tbo Fulls." but nt IJneens' Jinn an.f f.oilt Haven llama 'I'cnt crowds col- lit-l Irtim being toiiiielloJ to ''siiijrlo tfe on llio ntcotitit of tho Mayoralty troubles in liiihiiium. Wo hope Cun irivss will be very tlinry in goni into such busi- Trcasiiror of diMriets gramme this lc;iso remember the time. out to run the nnrrow sthulcs, and ! neH. Tlio lietiubliean u .ti j - i . i ni iii urn uuiih Having a narrow party lias secured llio fir achute; and it often happens that teemli nmeiidmuiit and rufU brcaU loose and go over the brotifflit till tbo States tluniH, and in somo instance) are losi back into the I'nion very to the owner. We wero delayed lliis : suceensfully on tlio recoil spring nenr three days nl tlio above jntruction platform, and mined points, on this account. .Now, they now huvo other work Mr. Ktliior, wo know there ia a remedy to do. They have sotieezeil for Ibis grievance if it was enforced, lull tlio juice they need out In an et of Assembly was ! of reconstruction and there passed requiring all schutcs to be i is nothing left of it but the made sixty feet wide, which law is bitter. They can hopo to to be found in the I'ainphlcl reports of I ict no more good out of moi, pago looa, o. i.n, ciiimeu AN ACT RrRulatirif Iba wiitb of acbatef ia Iht Gutque hannm rircr. Eix-Ttoa 1. lit if tmtltd, That the owneri of all datua, wliribrr ioiiiJiiala or eorporalioufl, wbicb r sow, or ajar ba hcrfter. treated in Ibe buatiutbauna rircr. lrom the mouth of fcaiiiiy mn, or the Weal lraneh, in C'lcarticul oounly, to M.iri i:a. in lncatcr ct'untr, aliall he required lo Bke the achulrf in aaii dainf, at leaat vlj feet wide, thot enabling IL aaio trmnamisiion of rattt raid lumlier. rrc. t. That all iojirijuall, or corporator., h iLall reluae, for a periled of three monllii Flegal, adds a number to his collection pro week. Taxpayers will !"'" P" "f""" '" "p'x '' TREASl RKU'S SVI.K Of Uuscutod Lands, "VTOTlrl! ia herel.T len Dial ia 1 piiraiitinft et an Aol i'f Aaaemhlv. pnkid on lite 1'Jth dav el June, A. ll. 146, entitli-J "An Ael to amend an Art di.vrtiiiK tlie mode of aellinr an. -eated land is t'learSi Id enuoty," and tile levoral npplenienlr tlioreto, lliere will lie eiponed lo pnblie anleoruut. ery, at the Court Honne, ill the hnrfilieh or l learllfld, on thi'Hrroitd Xtonday of Junr, A. I. Into, the f..!!...,,,, traele of Uliaented land ill aald county, for tba Uxoa dueatid snpaid thertoD : Herrarla. Ar. Tar. MPirrriKlr. Tnr. H Petir -Miller tin CO S3 J..hn Waller JS till ?4 tl) l'red k Itul.leT. 10 10 H 2 John lt.n.iiur... t2 ",l V Frrd'k llawuian SI S lo 113TI. H llillinntou ti (( "! MJ P. Mysoneupa ? If. li liO . .1. Mvei.nc.pe 4S 60 5 R0 Mi.U iel Muer IS X4 A ....141 S2 I : land ,fatn. Thomiie MwirUo,, JCand ,fatr. Knot, A. Pf. H'....ie. 4 l? 4K Itenlirh Maine'... .1U III 1 h .ma. hdmnnd-...l;i m i ,,,, n ,be M. rn 4'i(l Cnmii.t llaml.ht.m I? (i lu j.,,,h h. I'm) 4'apar llain v ?-l IlillHTt auI.L I"l mt J..p. .b llariiaua 'V vk urn so " - ;i a IliS W4lliatn llo..er H M Thomai e'irardn... I A S.i S.l i: J..srph Whitehall H J2 Jl Jonathan Ne.M ih (It) 13 Ahr.lianilJiliallo.i4IS1. IIoi'SK l!i:n.viD We learn that the dweuiaj; hointe of Henry Sy kes, reeid lag in the neighborhood of Troulvillc, was burned on Sunday la-t. The fiio caught from the stovepipe. Tho con tan ta of the building were nearly all di-Mrnyed. ' The Lu.ily wero all ab sent except a i;irl w ho fuiccded in aaviiig a email quantity of clothing. Scno.'L ro Giri.s. Tho Iat half of the Spring term of Swan "a School for gills com monies on Mon day Way Ptli. H'e can freely say that Lhis i one nf the bet opKirtuni ties now ojn in h'e who denire to end their j;irl o a first class hcIiikiI. JIi Su uti is a teat her of great cx perirnee and succcRful throughout. See her terms of tuition clee where the I he liable for all dainarrs auttainej. cither to perron or property, eauari by their return! ao lo eoniply ; tbv ilauia'tf alorcaaid, to be lued tor Slid collected u uthrr dehta are new. hy law. recorerable; and in all ac'.iuns brought for dnuiaeea. received at Any of aid done, proof of failure lu eutuply with the pruTisiona of tba first aeclinn of tl.ia act, flbaji he eunelunre eridenee that aueh dnntairea wera csuaed tbirel.y. JAMLs It. t.l.Ll.f A, bpCBAerof tho Ii-ju.eof Krpre.cntntivca. liAVUl H.fcJ:lMi. Kpeaker of the bcnale. ArrnoTrp The teeenih d-y of January, Anno Domini uno tbouaand eight hundred nrJ inty aareo. A. G. CI' 11T1.N. .Now Mr. K.litor, I write for infur mulion if this is a htw, w hy cannot it bo enforced ? It would be produc tive of great good, m it would entirely do away w ith the largo "jams" hick arc now so common in thoic dams and e-ave two or three cuys oo a In;: it, and they mot leave irginiu and Tenncnseo alone, as, eio this, they have found they should huvo left (jeorgia alone. -V. Y. llrraU. A "National" School Room Sckxc : Instructor Sumner Highest class in Kcpubli cuiiisin, stand up. Give nio tlio grand result of fivo years war, half a mil lion dead, two hundred and fifty thousand maim ed men, and twenty-five hundred millions of "debt. t ..It ... .. r.l. v uin.-. taii .iLvi'iu nun I enuiusiasni; A rci;ro L'nited Stales Senator! Inslnictor Ilight, my children you may re sume your studies on Tax ation. Albany Argus. The lVnnsylvaiiitt Leg islature sal sixty-five days. bills weie introduc ed into the Senate and JoS into the House. 14.i were passed and sent to the Governor. Hundreds I :u t of bills were passed by the , 43 4.'ld lJ John rnrdnrv 3(11 1S1 I'll 14 315 4HJ A,. 110 J.iSn W iltnore.. ISS .1'.' i 62H4 luej II. Wh 'more Ill Oft S.ICJ TJI tVnt. W .Ion 40 4 jari lilM ... 4.1 I! i i.Ht.1 1 loo 2l-0 hamUilMLatriin.... 17 J.haiipoa 7a l)aid Marl..... l-rp;tiaiu At. Ptr. Wmrrmtttt. t Mathiar Hloui;h...... 4.'IX 13 George HnM. Lew la Jordan Hiram Perrmrc... John llanubriLt . Adam hcifart-. T3 John lourhtoQ..v.. J. II. rir;j.on-.... Olrard. Ptr. M'orroeret. Oeo. MeaiL.... . :i mi IS : re . It 45 . : it . ! HII , :i o . is o (5 IT. 31 40 ll.S .. ft .. K4 41 .. l 41 ,. M U . H 44 . S4 44 . M 44 . M SS .III .1:1 "itr P.1UST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT Till in) 3V1 .In 174 176 lut) m A'.i. 3; .i oVIS Milt 47 bnl SUMS 5WU7 4I"T 4SfT .. S3 40 . el) Sit ..101 It .101 II . 72 . 81 SO . Vfl 00 . 71) ht) . 13 3D . 31 40 . SI 4s . I 71 . 47 .IS . f.7 02 lv::s IV24 I .OS lV0 neT 4::-1 It soems straiiire to us that owners ol mere reading of the title, lumoer llirougli our representatives do not havo-this act enforced, when it would be to the interest of the people of the entire county. Vi ill it ever be done ? Kcspeclfu'ly Tours, liAFTSMAN'. The comph.ints entcied by our cor respondent are just, and the facta so patent, in the los of time and prop erty, that we sometimes wonder how ratlmcn snpi.rcft their wrath on Notick. The School Dirrctors, Sa pervior. Aidi!n and oilier Imroinrh and lownl.ip ofllccr arc hereby noti fied tlis' the C'tii.'y Commissioners Jisvc sent a coi.y of the iljiiled a- fCHsincnt r--r 11 J to the aJJrcss of! account of those dami damt; but j iniiriinmcnt, lur lurx-eny -i . r :i ... e .r ..,-. i ... l.i . i...;. i and felonious assault ou J ' . .!r. lltt.iis rif AIaiihr.im tho title being changed in many cities alter tlio in troduction of tho bill, ao as not to attract attention. Thus important measures were "uaked" through, ana this is calhd legisla tion. I'icd is Tkison. Thos. F. Hamilton, sentenced by the Court of Quarter Ses sions, August -lid, to t years and G months i in J Acwb K rnir.... John ijiiiflon 7 ll..l.ert Wil.on j3 William Orej 431 John Miller , .Ii) SO John Krtland , 3.':0 l.3 Mirtin Katiti !'.io l'.'S Jacol- Futa- 32S l:3 lieorfe Muaer 74 3 l liouiai tiihMio John lleanta Jncub Krujr. Wm. Plaukett A. MeaoneofK 47 J. Myaoiicope Keae-ry... Fee k IUtB. Adam Kuhn- Tboa. llillm);too... John llcaiua Hell, jte. Par. H urmaeee. 00 Henry Heck...l0l 77 71 .... IS ir, I ll' S7f. 1000 " - i... 1)2 b i f!ll fnS " 4... 4 SI I K.I 118 John Nieholi.n 43 S7 I Is" 1.0 Nicklil.4liriff.th ? 70 ' IC'T 413 lleuj Utl.ba 131) SI ' 3(.j0 141 10 Uenry l!eek... 4 I l"7 BJ IIS - 17 5i 1 101 1 " ' 10 SI I .'I 1-5 XirkliulUn&lll -2 t " 111 41 4" Henry leelt 74 f loj - - 3s 40 nopgm. A'e. Ptr. Borraetea. IKti Joha Thonaaj. ........... St 10 7S Jo.-ph llreoker 47 I 76 II. S Ilrenker . pi l W illutn XI Tomick ?"anre I:..fr f. 67 i. 4r, : s: i 20 01 117 4171 lldj " f7 llll) ill . 47 On i.171 10S3 " I 17 .;: ll no " " ,, 07 43 .S ltltS 6 SI 4344 lodj c 07 4 '51) lOoS - " ij 40 4344 lloo i. , - IS-H 1..0 UorriaAtewart iw 40 IK3I 44D lit - 1 04 4.5 " to 4nA 100 " ' ' J7 74 114 " 14 So Sj4 120 - 41 04 ' " 71 7HS Oeo. Stead. 178 U " " 244 20 " 144 SO " 214 20 81 XlorrialSlrnart 7 It l!i " T7 81' if " II s " " I 47 F. lienhand til. 13 85 8 llerthand T 4 Xiorr.ii.-lr wart 27 V " 26 01 " S K4 - - S3 74 X 70 4.;3 1.M Jo..ph lliliaol... 4.1J I .IX Hnhor) lire? 4:'0 41 John Prinkurtt. 4: lti.1 Sarah .-I 4 13 I .S3 lleorire F Hy 41.3 I 3 M.Kire U hatton.. 7:i3 143 Oenrira AhMn. .. 4.1.1 I VI ili.am lUliter.. ::J&r:::::..?2!KEYST0NE STORE! i..i i.ra.'i eion'm id 373 143 Mania Perrie IS SH 72 Thoma J inln 14 (I 433 143 I-.t-l, Jordan !! 14 100 llenrr Tmut IS 40 4J3 13 Caleb F'.ulk II S 411 3S4 153 llcorjre Wrreoll H S4 153 lieorfe SbealT H I.I John Uot.l 51 67 riuaam.a Ward 24 C.l (iro. a .StaryM'l'onmrk 4S 3 24 40 40 ( 4.l7f. 1 10(1 80 28 , 4353 1100 ill !i ; 5::..7 ins :ot7 1114 l 2.'7 2-1 33 is 105 37S 316 In 14 til A". ilc. 4313 t.53 4117 10. t 5;. IS 1IV9 i.19 luyf 5.1'0 lloo 431' I H i3l 1114 4.114 71.0 S3 (I 4I4 lu. 8' 00 ! 431 H'lO Cofthea PtT. HarewahSj. Geo. Xlead i.'j) 1 1.0 43O0 11(0 4300 1100 MHO i'.03 1100 4314 lino J305 1100 1106 IIM 5307 1100 5 1.8 111.0 4309 11(0 431 no ilt 1100 4:m 1100 42U4 1 1 00 i so 52'.IS 1 100 4211.1 .".74 42MI J3 yu5 34 in 411 2003 1020 . - v 14 !4 46 1 4 I I 5?0 48 4ivi not IW4 170 UoS 178 IV 17 111 IV 13 17 l13 lo Ji Out Lot Aleian ler lluntor...., hltiif U ilcol J.ahctla Jordan H Henry Trout , Jotin I'ir-in , I.awreure. Ac. Ptr. H aeraaree. Oao.il and 14 Co 31 2. 31 20 4 6 84 27 riHR artderilaned, Inlendlnf to rettro front tba -S- mereantila bnaineii, it now doling out liia entire ilock of goodi AT AND SELOW COST ootnpriling SJkl, TTool Delainel, Jierinoef, Toplina, Alpacoai, Enprasa Cloth, CO If. " SO 06 " SO 06 " 60 Hi " " ...... 60 18 - to 00 60 06 w 80 01 SO 08 " 60 08 60 06 en o so oc 60 06 " ..... 60 08 SO 06 - " oo 08 ' II IS " 101 02 80 P.oherti k Foi, 6 03 60 ' "6 VV Ilurk Jordan... ij 84 John Heed 4S 30 Mohrxiue..,,: ..iladees' & ceildeeo shois, rIen's & Eoys' Cassimeres, CloOii, fiattnitli, Don in i, Kaotnekj Jaana, Idiaa Clookillg, Coall, fba.li, Ae. 1 fell linf of Domestic Goods, 6bcctlnr;a, Oinsbami, Delniaoa, Flannela, Cotlea Flannela, Ac, ke. W . M ift'a'oaicry 44 46 J.M. Maeumbar 17 1 J. Ii. Oarrix.n. 7 IS W. W. SnyHer, 1 1! Iianc Conklm, 1 01 J. b. fhaw ei j Irrael Fitefanla.. I 46 Uoorra 51ead...ll 47 " 143 1 KlliaIrwin4Ma II VI - - 11 t JH$ $6is, C'.icrr.irf, tU. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! C KltATZIaie, Market Stroot, CIcarColJ, TcDn'a., (Oppoalto tbo Jail,) IiOtftxf. the smith nous:. Vtlj.p'.eiS. the l'ai.enrer lle.ul.) 1 1 l:ltl li 1 11, i., r3nR anterri;iied. raring leased Ihla bauat S I a lenet of yean, it reedy lo entertain II K 11 and tiareleri geaeralrt. no-l lfc-eef..re loloa .J' iirni-n to give Inn a call, tin Toi.lo will lt..lMd ailli the lcfl the market itTontf, and h t llir a. II contain thechnieert of atnei and hqvt The I...DM., tiiitntiire, heili and bed .line are entire ni a, a Inch alaaria.1.11 lo the comfort of Irareleror ahile the ital.tiim aliai-ked ia large and rf.''B ju.t lulled far reain.iira. ri.arirrl moderate. J.i.J ! ILI.IAM 8. IIKAlll.ltr. 4'-'7 ( ",f6 1S 41) 4 4 4: 41 MJr.l.a M llonaJd.... S M 432 41 John llyera M SS t 4i31 III' llarl ary Snider 10 00 j 4324 20 l.eoree' llootaiaji 33 CO1 4314 X1 Wrorre Ayero. 11 W iii.am TroutVLDC-... John M.am.. . ltannih t-tewart. ...... 27 John Vi' -(.mere ltajsarr Suyder l!lilHUinb. Jonaa .ielnbe,aer ii 41 y 03 " 03 S3 a. at 11 11 " " 1'.'. 3 8 i 11,11 n"TT -'"(t-. ei m ... f(4 SI j Xlorpan- .... " " 1'.'.'".'. t3 40 Mordccmihirk " " '. v o i "dUirrli. " " -..127 40 i Ar. Ptr. N'aeraaM. " " .!... 117 40 ( 402 George W etael . 14l,lr6 ili.am Werta. 13 40 ; 327 rbriatiaa Wertl 27 40 ' 37 larid l.ineh Willi Mapee. I 24 : 419 64 Joret k lamer. ICI1 431 . XJorrilAilea.rt 37 t.' . 440 lr - - 1M.4 I . . ... I 34 1 " ft ! 1014 1 j 423 Oeorge IliWckit U ft ! 4M4 I2IJ 67 Geo Mead SO SI i 314 VI John Head SI ti ; 64 CO IX 147 Itiebard Wirle.. f 21 Slio.il Hoard in the coonti which they w ill l.c enabled to make out tin ir rospei live duplicates. Srop Ir. S me l.iii" Post Master, or mail a ;ent, has been in tho habit of stealing the daily Age out of the mail, ent in tl.e ad Irons of the lie numbers since the first week from 1 duty. A law has been passed by them ' r - .1- . -. r .1 I 1 ior lue prt'tiiiion 01 me luniucring interest, and now it remains for the people to demand their rights under it, and the Courts to enforce the law as enrrrossed on the. statute book. The OU Guard for Hay, has been V l,.r. ..i r.. ir-..i i.e. 1 roeeived. It contains but one article 1 ,.T ;n.t,.ll..n..i en.l ll...l la !l. 4. .f in v ..a Itart h. We Iiok that the party will i mcr ta,u,r- m""? continue to read the Aji, to this we I l'cd ' M.-nnrchism in Ucpublic." ll will net ol-ret l i but ae Lois he w ill ,ne of lI,e lraightest and most township, died of typhoid lever in the ljiiicasier Co. 1'rison. lie was year of ar;o. Two Sundays. Wes tcrly, 11.1 , has "two Sun da s come close together." Mearly half the npulation arc Seventh ay liaptieta, and on Saturday half the mills, shops, and other . laics of business are closed, and half the churches are filled with norliiKjr, who on Sun :i 4 .:.' 1100 80 4327 11 11 S Sil i 5l. . t 4 10 I 5330 1I0 20 2u ; lsi.8 lie IV 23 IS21 IVtl lis 10 20 . 43 U 25 00 ! 13 80 i not keep lhe paper lou, let it come i I11"""1 article we hare rend in , day resume their secular many oay. me anicies air. iiurr uccupanuns, wuuo meir contribat'es to this maeaxine render it j "eisLb" relifioD one of tho recognised guides of tie ir!x b I Tt.o 1 1 Uerarxrarv. alone; so that we ran get a sight of x-caioDullv. CnANoe or Ci'iRT An act was passed last w inter chacini; oar June Court from the third lo the first Mon day, and to (iii.linue two'weeks, and jurors have been drawn aeeordiiiL'iy. The ahruptnos nf lhe change loi.k to as as I ! -ii ti l.ui little bs'-iness will be done, because the cases a Inch went orer trout tiie Mnh ti rm were con tinned to the Cd M.ndv, and all the writs and ptetvpu iesued are to that j Wcelt We presume, huaever, that1 the "Court l.'iin- ilsiif,"atid the charge may be fur lire bt-e-l nf;er ail. Sew, Stitch, Srw. Through the enterprie of our fi iend Jos. S. Show ers, our county has been blessed with quite a xJioircr of Sewing Machines, to tho Treat relief and benefit of housekeepers. Those in need of a Cd machine had better apply to him, becauo tlicy cannot buy them ; longer need tho Germans, any cheaper iltw licrc; besides, he j "I'd in repeet to them no delivers '.hem nt your door. Head his advertisement. Ar. 324 111 1.. 174 loo it 4.7 It 48 30 20 In t Ct ISO- so incinnaU 1 o.is- 40 W..'f, a loading Germun 127 i... 1. ....1 .......... .1 . 3V..i s jmiwivw, tuj.vi in iud ii in., j begins l see how the j ,1 Kili.l id Itl.iU. irire in INi.li. I S4. cal quarters, and sny : Those leaders of tho We nubiican iiarty commit a threat fully who believe I that, since they have got I the nero 7iie, the v no Jamel C. W ilUajal XI OB HOB . . liaorje 1 1 nil man.. Jorenh Hill. J UldOM, jle. Ptr. Ilo-eaarel. 26 '..VIielliriHih 41 t 3-2 J. W. iaillb... 47 64 I'd) A. K. W ntht... 21 2 135 Kirk a hilaio- 37 ." KeitanaNt.ener 1 22 111 Uotru m tol... 12 20 3y 14.05 14 ...114 4 I lot XXI 104 Jaaa r.itrer.... II 10 i 1. 0 3 liarid In in rtrndlord. Ptr. Remaee. Ilnjb Ely 34 Joba ranir.belL...... Hill k l-ark J..bn aochn...... 1 -8 ! . 1- 4 171 " " 14 81 I 4o0 " . I 4 " " 2S 40 Anna Heed X5 00 4i.AISenAU.-oa. X.' 03 W.A.Wailaee..'. 17 4M) MomilMeaarl 14 4 0 IS 4 31 7 80 13 77 1 W 64 41 72 4 41 6 it 04 51 61 41 44 71 68 84 SI 71 41 14 CI 10 M 42 W9 11 (..liaj miilua 1C S3 ' 244 ti 1 Robert l.leea......, John Hoaelar. ........ 431 143 Ira . Mocker 4.3 141 J..ha Veurbo (4 41 4 3 143 Ju-.aihia .SceleeL....... CJ 4! 170 l;.air XI Unakao 73 2vi W ilh.aa Siawnn .... 47 19 4L7 IX K. IL limits 15 6 4K.4 3611 le. 2V7 lv 1 144 l 340 . t 40 10 348 I I "8 43 f 41 IS 74 i . 20 S I C.rahsm. Sareaifeo. Tbnniaa P. Cne Job! r-kyrvo Thomnr rO e lieorre XI. men.... J.er.h S.mmaata. llenird Urata... Joerpb llenry.... fbarlee llall C. J. AtlfMirt Juki t-kyma (iulsrtl. 41 88 : 2 01 I 36 2 14 4 127 S4 I .....I3l II i ..!! 30 j ir H 77 xi 6 : 14 42 1 Janiea fcwub. 4'hr.ei. ; bee hacker, tieorye l, ale H'laan llrart I 17 17 I H 17 6 114 71 40 r..iei.l Swirta- 31 t 17 J .hi li-a. 1 I S'leholai Iteideooar.... 1 01 4 Kiherl I'amn 117 8' Krid.mr..., Malbiai S'nasb. . 18 6 llciry Iirii ker .... I'eedeiick llahley... Mathiia Skai(h.'. dl.am Licler . Joaer.b Potior. I'roaeeo Jahaaon.. Blair k M'Unnban 17 Polly XI Lanibu Andrew Petera....... Mathiao Mot makorw. 41 Franria Wet. ...... Kiehowiieb Memnl..M. Ibomai Holt.... . Iiavid Xleaat.. 17 40 I ;f.a it i; ; ! Joseph Powell. .... U 4 j m 32 44 j jc. Ptr. R erre e-. 7 ; JI4 rtrsjamm ileon. 31 SO : )i I'.irbard Albettt ... " ' 4 114 Oeorgo Xlooro . 18 47 I 548 SI a " : lit 1'bi! i r :iiniSfeK 3 Sa Jk, XCl ihea......... ' 8 I 4jj 141 td.ird Head Aa. 4fl 1 174 2't 40 4 49 S ianul l.ra'-en. Ilora:i tl. nU . .v. n. lion William ttrabam.... At-iar ier lialu- . f-BkUtna Rayaor John ll.nna ...... lU.oen ll,r. ......... Leonard k Tlyde- Iteynold K can . J-1.B ll. t.riy . Mordrcai eirk. e :' 23 j 14 79 7 Xo S 45 I 43 4 io I Ti In 34 SO 16 7 I S John M t ahen. Jobs ljaipaiek.. Deniamia Wilaan.. Jobs W ii more 10 Panic! Faiaereo.. 170 lVvbert lleadirsua... Ilnloa A a. Ar. Ptr. Harraarea. S.'O 8 29 16 7 11 77 11 11 38 4 00 01 8 tl 74 71 2 Ml777 -7 II I 19 tl lt S8 7!1 1 1 li-' 11 4 4120 lienrpe Turner....... II r i Andrew Print.. Ilrad). 21 89 AV jle. Ptr. M'arraafar. Evr.BTTni.Na Js'tw. The proilsma lion of Xlessrs. llartsock 1 Goodwin, I j .f " ii r..nir iit. m-liii.li finrwi.iro elie. where 4V2 f.?8 5-81 rBiwsr.r Ei.ic7ion. Our Pern era lie friends j-eiicm'ly, mid the Chair man and inemlirf ol ihrCi-umy Cntti Initlce in pariM iil: r.v. nl. we hope. beat 7. i.i it r.;... ' ! lira' fealurcs they present to the vicsv nil.u Ijinuuii ei ii. i'c nr.a im. i . ni vn.7,ii- Ioiiiht iiiiiioso anv re-1 elramt upon their iitttiv- j 7T 1 ism and l.ypoc! isr. 'lhis j cup of nero equalit v w ill , ,s. yel bo returned to lladi cal lips, with intetisitied bitterness. The yVrAxsays: "The investigation ot the charte- f8 114 9.J W. hirk'.alnck, Conrad I or g... J. tl. !-.. b 1.4 ! 5671 1841 i 4674 IS4I 5874 141 i ive : iart7 ! Mtrl 142.7 42'l : 42l'd 51 32 41 10 appears ll.ia iasno ri.l.-i.t!i mmm ' l.o.ii.naa rTlia ttrtr arrl rl . . ur r. aru e.l i , ' , i i .i ., es spainst (iencral t). t. ! tendency of prices, besides. the oll,cr ; n0,Vard, of tho Treed- I I. : .1 : i uurcJiu, is ura'in of their i usloincrs, are attractions , aloi ; at a tedious rale, and y tho evidence strorirer that Ternando Wood is on a regular wild xrse chnse." Mr. Wood will make the Kreedmen's Hnreau fnose nroay. u.e inn uay oi .une, nexi, .,,. irrn , every d and it w ill liienf irt) he in order to, . ... , I becoincs Ol liuutie ii;iinium?. announce the mimes of candidate on i , ' N , anil afujr the li th of Miy. We hope j Fcx Ahead. It wiil be seen by good men will I nclcr-led by the j programmes snd posters about town county ConinnUee ami pi.n.-e apon . that tlie renowned I'.netie lilill w i.l (.urrv a lower head belore the Viihinee Conirr ittei's in the sev- j i;ire one of his 4'nniie exhibitions in the invrsiialion is ended, erul uiatiit ls. The ..Hiecw to t filled ! Ihmw's Hall this f Wednesdsvl evi-n-! It ' 'ieral Howard this full are. A-etnb!y, Siier.rT, liia-! inrr. Go and hear him. Admission trict Alitiiiiov, County Comniisr-ioner, ! 25 cents. Commences at 8 o'clock. Jory Cornnvf-ii.incr, Cofoin.r and Au-j 52X 3".l 194 1" Ivi 77 218 !.o 700 CO 13 421 3:.o I I r-l"" Mt .".rl 1010 f'4 3. so O'j 2009 l 27 2.8 144 134 IT 471 91 S3 54 !: lis 8 111) Is! . 4 1 '.'9 ' 4H9 I 42.1 Henry W, k.,ff.rf-tl 48 4S0I I 42 6 ..v. r.,. ... ..!" larjr Slirt:... 17 30 - ... II 08 Chriitian lxiwerll'a 40 hotn-r.. , Foa...2a3 40 I I tin. , .el. L..I er 1 7 4 2 j 404 :04 ti lends w ho cause tho in vestigation to drar;. They arc trying to tire lhe pros ecution l.y delays. A je. " l. l r.cherlu F..8...14I 2 " .2:6 44 91 ' .. s 16 " ...7"8 SO rtrniantir Henry 09 84 t'ifr Mnir... .-2 S. Ca.f.er M.eer.irls4 OS C3 lleorpe M.aler T.l 3S K S a J I aihen 19 H 1:14.. l ibera f 14 Henna Is 38 N liairr .- 11 48 Chmlien Lower S 44 Tlunialdra Ar. H areaa'ee. 1' Fnyder k Pnn.a..... ..fi Jeiemtab Williamat 324 Wary I raaford lo Loonard II tilits .... ChntU A. Prr. H'aemefcr. 67 f47 fs 990 l v.-o 49i 4l4 9X9 470 1.0 74 I try 1T4 ll'l 4 447 147 ht..t 11.41 141.1 347 ! S.-.SS .-. 2w o i:o 2fi. ! sv.j o 1VS4 479 420 11 41-8 14 4IS8 50 4181 4i . 3. -.5.1 ltl.0 I 3l 4"7 j S M 89 14 J .78 731 8 T e 19 I s.94 mi J. 49. k.Her.... .' 40 lurid Caldwell 41 14 XI art a UilonjS't 17 a II 17 - - I I 37 Ti!lianF..we7 I 4 2 I 48 17 XloorraTrlany si ; 14 Jamoo H Ilea, -4 94 " ! 01 174 14 llcarj lni ker . 7 14 40 Feedeiirk llaoler 73 ! 16 Mathiaa M.rb.'.... SI let wdl.im Licler .. 14 80 9 Joaer.b Potior. ......... 4 89 1.3 troaceo Jahoeoa. i 75 1 - t IS KaMoo 41 Uaorer 1: 13 Prnm. Ar. M'mrrmmrrt. 166 Orcewwial Ben 13 81 3 Kl iah lloalh II I. 134 .Niekl.o a tiriailb... 1 19 8iaa. .A'a. Ar. Ptr. Sa.r.ala. 42.1 ..? 84 Jaa.ee H ilwa. 91 X 419 11 Jibs Kicbaloon 41 29 414 12 - - 41 IV 79 8. Bld-el ( 04 15 J hi P Hart.. J 9.t Jeueo W il'.n.. 7 S3 1. 5 lirorfe Jamei.. 17 4 W. !. I;..hrr1i... 60 f. 41 Jl.et h III. Ire... ?S S3 JVi K W M N.ul... 91 10 4 XV XI N.nL 31 17 J-7G 77 John Nic!...le..n rj 5776 17 J A ("I'Jaell... 44 67 4'7 1 J hi .VioSc:.,a 35 71. i77 JVI - II 49 477 1 - I JV t'rilon. A Ptr. Wienelee. j 9e9 j r.Wru k K.-i.2t e llata sud Capl, tlum sod Arctic Ororilioia, Table sad rioor OJc'.ilha, Wall Taper and Window Ebaiiea, Carpet oil widtLs. A nd a grant variety of Iloaiery, Sotieoa and Trta ucgo of orory daaeription. Ladtea Trimmed llnta, Velrell, lUhboni, llalmora! Fkirta, Iloop S'kirtl, Linen Tahlo Cororl, Wool Tahlo Corara, Nnpkina, Coonter.nnea, Tow lea. A Urro niaortmont of Latiet' nod Cbildran'l Wool llooda, Nnliaa, Sbanla, Sc. Peiaont in want of northing In tbo shore line of foodt nro iniited to giro mo s eaiL and oblsia goodi nt wbolraalc prices. JsaT"Ornin sad country produce taken la ex. change fir goods. r. c. sivlinc. Clearfield, Koecaber 10, 1 SC9. j. r. wxaiis .... mW. w. SITTt. lVEalYJCK A BETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are of rrtrr, nl tba old Hand of 0 L Read k Co, Ucir atoeb of gooda, oooaiating of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS k EII0ES, HATS CAPS, T1AKD.WARB, t EK-VSTTARB, .V. 3i.3 3.9 3. si 3 "I i 95 ' 7V9 174 3. ls7 Si 117 7f .'1 J 9( 4721 47'8 sCT 4f.77 51 8 M a. , 77 'J ,1 47 a at .t ar m ei T 111 simolward. W. Wil:ib '1 (I I Prr. Waeta.ee. Jau.ee Wuoaa, vi Tl 4" lilj-hn Vmeht ...179 21 - I 96 . 4 14 J'-Lu Walla I ss H WilliamPoWanl l 1 J l J"b" l " J I 41 i 1" h'l.ui Kilai .4141. E fbaemalrr l 74411 John I ar.on 1327 4ia lnei a neairr vs 81 114 4 Itiamaa S.ri 49 4: M l.li llrfaian 13 8 14 XI i-y S.et 64 S S t pea aintn Jokreon... 107 19 38 llarery 13 14 401 Xlaikiee lien, a 11 46 311 145 John M C aher VI 72 47 111 Mirt Onnellr 16 75 FLOUE, FEED, SALT, 4c, &c, At tba moot reasonable rates for CAS II or In oicbaogo for Square Timber, Boards, CLingles, or coiwtky raorifcE. JEST AJratvel made ba tLoio cng-cd in get- t t.ng out nqnaro timuor oa tbo moat adenctageouf na. January I, 11-70. :1 ti Jsmoo Wileon, 35 rl 40 91 Mooreabolooy 'I 9; 81 - : 2 91 - - - I 17 17 J.llw'll I 44 23 Eoberu A Pol. 1 -4) 7 - - A 90 " I 18 a a 2! a James Wiloaa, If II. 1 -1 ( I ...I lis 69 KiWroi Fox.l 20 -a j:. . ti . .1.. .: ::i .1 t. I Et opr.MD ll wiil be noticed by .... . .....'v ' ii' ..r. a.,r .v. ...... a, .. a.r . ,,,,. tl.,.l! , V J ' I I' 1 3 Join V- rd teld on the S.itnnlav ofthc first Court , lHru eifc-.n, , ...-i who wu pronuso 10 vote 141 J.a..b 11. has became the host at tlio J.n'-le lhe IwuClital ticket, arc 10,433 ...I 04 (41 ...I l 05 . . ,,, ... 31 4 fej I 3.SS4 K-2 I 15S le29 Hotel in Curwensville. "Jack" knotvs how lo ron s public honse, and we ' have no doulit but that the travelini; 'public wiil realixe this fact by giving him a call. The card of James C. Carroll, Esq., i cj min. wrtM-k, and tho Return Judges will meet in Hits ).l.-ee n M miiay of the ij week of ' "rati 1 1. , The fee hir aiiiuiiini ioir the rami sind printing h lets will be aa follows: for Aaai'iitdjly or Slier It. (1 j., iislrict Atlorner ur Cooniy Commissioner, S3., and $3 for the balance. o . Jntice or tlie x'race, ana an cxpen liime w iil appear in the f.rj u tii i a . need colla tor, a-ipears elsewhere, until the fee is paid. ( lie is prompt and reliable. The Administrators of Godfrey ! Weaver offer some va'unblc real . I a-la t. .a eilrerlia.mf.Til rtaec lol bi l l. ru Wcdr-by last j "Lu" " ' " J while at work on G.a-.irei'ow' ; 2 ..s I,., ....n.l 4". .a t. ..! ihnia r.n. ., 1 4: 3 151 J..hn rnnnn.rham hlical rights protected by 1 4-a 153 J..hn ( -a...... lhe Iladical Cily Commit- 4.-3 11 J.-ps I a, ton (lllinrs linial. nil."" care of themselves. This is w bat the iladh ais cull a free ballot" fur the color A rjrsini.r. Aotimxt. J.ihn Ilrxiv. j t asr residinc i.l. in t!.i I'e'n.i'.es of lhis. I 4J3 100 ! I4S i!21 I jot 1 4: 1 I ! ! so 1 !t 47 1 14 .nee. 143 Th..mi Hamilton 10 71 Jonai Uriel IS7 97 115 19 .1X4 9 .1-4 se I. 4 If laae K irk A Ca 1' 7 tt 31 Henry Pole 4 7 6.- 1 alien XI illef A Canal 34 . 64 64 1 I 7 41 40 sent 8S8 13 " 1 9 4 i .. 131 91 ; 4o8t 287 William Pewera 4j Hi 4191 977 IS Jamei VSi i n'7 11 476 9 114 a 4- SJ 4.' 4 777 24 a 17 n Pe'ind ranr. h i llooimin. Xlarysaniiai k...... Chaon.-e.y Ki.krti... Cha-lei llii'.t a.ei Tc:n. I'etwr l.w.lrr .. 41 4 .. 91 . I 4 .. 48 II ... I 11 ...It ! 64 .. 9. OS 44 E.A.IRVIX&CO., crRir.xviLi.n, pa.. Being rp-eislly engaged is tbe bua.neei of Buying and Sellirg Squire Timber, Cna-lee Lea ler 31 19 Wo,u .,,,,,, ,ha ,,, no. Br,lred It .litem W i:cr T 34 r ' 27 i ' psrehaee Timrer delieered at either Corwenerille. H ; Lock Ilarea or Xlanrtta, (or wlU take it nt any 41 411 ' of tbeae point,) and eelt on eommiaaion, making an-b sdraneeo aj or aecetaece. 39 75 I The card of Airs. Jones and Mi1 Geary, Milliners and Ires niukrrs, will be found in to-day's pax'r. ri.r on !... :ie! ow ,-aw- JUill, nn.hr the f.i'luwing eircurnstan 424!: lie went t:- tbo m.il :.t.ul nine vl,.,l ar..l r..t f-ori.tf to dinner v t ..... , . . - - - a - , someone r--p irrJ to me ni;.i. atniui , iKta. Oive o"llo. b, ami there fnund Lint cord- , At V-a WuKngton. on the !4'b of Ap-U, 17 mi on the Ud'.w heel, dead and niutt-1 P.TM'.T LTXS. o.ief Hint D ... , .i. 1: .... i.1- Re" frlell IB tlie niei n'n-r.i"i- aiaooci. . snrw-nrrd from tlie M.rnui.d'.ii lhal 11 nod AlaTiLSa aj-d 3 yean, 4 month and 9 dart. In ljwnee toansliip. on Sfondae, April. ISth. le7,X!AEY t V V A, daughter af MarTrrwTaT- the OrSl tbiog hr d ne after he swrlil , M , ae-a 13 yea-a. 4 maalk- ial 16 darn. oa ths miil. was tj draw a 1" out of jiond ; and in altempttnj lo pewenl Abe rope from "'j-ilnij Ui" on the wtbecl, he was cvi.h t'tly tauchl by the band erd draw n ttpon lhe when 1, c- ' . .. . I - - !- mnu tae r.ijie ar.;.ie-"l wrniiiu inrn. Hon. Wm. Montgomcrj", ex-member ! onu'rees, HuhI at his residence in Washington, l'a., on Thursday eveninp. l!r . j Moi.t jpnicrj hud been an invaiid f..r a lonj period, lie w as at one time a very 1 popular lVmocratic puliii- ciait. , A Virginia planter. j whose sheep disappeared . i- in rrr ms-sleiioosh. watch- 4118 i8 led "his" floiks by iiiht ! w ilh a sliol pun. Jsoxl ' dav tho doctor was busy ... A'. :..i.;8 ."'l .. 73 III' .s:.-4 1 :0 MOS 1 1O0 9 1"48 MehatTey A Mitchell. jriatb.aa Moifh John I'im.ih ail JI mn A ll-i -r llreth tsamoel N Cune........ Jnha Winner W illiam r...:.nd Joatph R. H Xlome. olliiconu Ptr. Mereallfa. 37 3 I 1 16 74 ! 2 ; 4 9 40 ; S9 94 i 16 44 4 21 ! I 4:71 49 74 Ti I it Ja I Oi - . Ar. Prr. 10 2j .'.879 1041 81 teoraTelaiy,IS- 79 lei IS John I'eel.e... 6 9 419 Iiooe.l A L.i.11 14 Rerwaldi' lib die. 94 of J.Mrnatraw r 9' X9 - 62 184 iS , s 4 i 8 - I 34 II " ll! 494 Jaueo WiletA. 4 ! 4:!87 .s::78 5104 pickinir buckshot tint ot a I MJ ,-s Jti lilleenlti amenrtmeiil. Senator Caqienter, of Wisconsin, who is an able lawyer, admit that Kadi- caiiain is the meanest cli 1 ent he ever undertook to defend. j The Ijoiilsana drlecation are msUinrj a dead set up on the President and Sit I. outsell for llio removal of the collector at New Orleans, w ho is a brother-in-law to (iencral lirant- . .. - . . 1M r.o o.lhen I vnargtis 01 corrupiHiq are Th i, ,,. preferred areatnst in tl 1 1911 so i 4.-77 iaanrtal. Cl.O.-INO PKIl'KS or l'liiarri A Roo. So 40 81 4 4SJ T.ii 1IX.J 2"8 lsl Is.". 1 1 no 177 S"0 1.4 .V. Prr. Oeoepe XI rod.... Fmerieiallritro II RirrHt Chirlee Ilrowa. tVeoiMr Ilia lef-i. lo ad ai d i'm were till yMMndcd it-toe ji tly. canfd by slrikini; the timlara while rev Ivin; arrnnd nyilh Die mil.-..!. The r .pe had hmke. tut be was nh : el l ;ibt lo the wheel when foond. Air llimvcr was a sinjjlo ma B aU-nl T. ear ol ao. ll is not lonj since a ih-mh entiacd al Misasrs. I'..;li- a M.ll. near ll.ta place VhrOtlj-h aiOitaaX tai-ieaaacna. Svatk Third Si, Pbilod-lphie. April 18, 18-0: .. ll-i 1161 1I4 1141 11 o -. new . " '67. new " 8 a. 10 40 a I' 8 3s Tear par neat. Cwrraney lae Comr-earnd lotoraat eera (i-U . 113 lf.i . ll'l 1 14 . 112J 1111 . 112 111 . 1111 1 19a 1 . li.7 107, ; . ml ii7 ' . 11 1 . :i4j 11M ' . 1"8 114 78 26 " 87 X4 " " Z..Z.'. 6J 4j " " 73 SS " - 17 55 a a 8 4 " ZZ.Z'. .'.9 n a a ) p. 71 4- 1 511 9 11 XlerriaeFlewart, 15 7S 4411 lie 1 I 4411 '47 " " 18 17 I Mil l43 " " 49 i. 4n I a 77 44 -S414 ll 8 7 i 4404 l7 18 10 , 141 I (.95 1.97 1197 I07 Jonlaae Waeewalee. 774 K'3 R.rbaed Peters..... 4 .3 1.1 I eler kt.i K'9 Kirbord Petera.... 4:3 1M Tharnai Martin... 4 s: John ltwa.... l.eari'oi. R-land r.ian. lt-njamm JwCnooa.... Xtarr i-l Il'obrn Haini 141 76 Luke Hornet 139 16 tieorer Aehtn .. 27 60 l.t.VUl M.li, 8U Ap'il . I7l- 1 Tremmree. 'XU lT9l RitlTIl 4. Notice II berrSe airen that Let- ure Terlametay ban haen graaled to the vn.icrs.ened an tha etale ol JiisKl'll 1.IN kS. deceee-l. iaie aj Mrady taaa.a.a. l-taaraeS4 l-a., l'a . and all perane who are tndcuit le laid eilaie ore lrqnete.llo make tin Wied-ate patmewt, aed tbaa baring rami em) prevent them duy nu bra ticated lor artt.eenetit. J4S-K IVFJ. liAVIII HRKsst.pR. R.0.1T Ip- Xlltrk 6u kternlwrl. . n ti ll So I Si 39 . .7 91 l.y , 3! 2sJ I'.Wrl Xtartia 4t I- 91 XU Phmp lirc. a. 21 27 49 W liliam Ji.hneton.-a. 4 1"0 J..WH heo Jooai a. 1 4 le l.irhard tlarlia a. 71 le 189 - a. 71 Ij 4,1 143 Jakn Lnwood.a.. edit 7 Ksiihaan. Ptr. Mareaeree. Geo. Xlead-. ;:iilii s ; T 4 17 it 4 it 46 , 11 Oa ;i 70 51 46 .1 46 I 4 I 40 Ar 241 47 Jnn !neker 94 75 171 Jf.ho Ske.M, .so 4 4o 1"7 liirhard I broaaa...... 1 .? 7el I:. 7 Jacob 1r.woinc 146 61 1(3 1.1 lliifk !.!-......,. . t-3 I 116 115 J. lian.ilion.a. 4 1 47 49 41 J"hn Skrrao 1; lo 89 W tlham Moalpianery. 14 f.s 1 Thnn.ai F-.lnv.oeow 79 91 j SO J .l.a Aodrr.....li 7 61 ..1SJ now him. tien. Biillcr's ncpro ca det has hern rejfK-led be- TniM r.r k. P.. let Xlort. tl.nd. 6 SSO , ""- r...-Mk... CentrJ Pi' R It 924 til I A "nv? f ol f-l- r. rV.t. Los 8 real Bond 77 TS j lin6 r'd 0'" tjoeslion. 3 h-ame r-iewardaem.. 17 48 Rotaal flaltaawewr . 13 74 Xiery Xt lumbal...... 73 72 41.4 Ann M Unahaa 91 91 84 1 Jna.rk v bilrball. XI 47 ?. Starr M Leaehaa 4U 70 104 JeroS lwning 40 11 71 J' ek tsiaeon t 19 T SS liimm Swaamw XSSI W,,nm sin ib. 7 SI 97 12t (karieo Wil'.rt o si 171 - -11 30 100 " II 14 11 14 " 7 1: 4 I P. V Tla.ley J, i Wm. Xla-Se- It Sc lr4 la XI ( la.t.al 4teri. so l..t. 1.4 U i. H.11 ... 4 7t K" 14 Ckerlee W ,1 ok 1 41 lf?t 6 - 5 4'S T A S-bao-r'o ee 171 lleoiel 1 etSce. Is S6 63 Van F.-rae. 10 14 S T 4 1.9) 'e... ao j l - 77 - - . 7 4 1.3 rhnM.sr R-awn 76 9 l.i Jemn li.lh an. IT tl 144 - 11 ll Oiieee Haaea... (s .'A Jao WNiaeerit 09 l' M. t. V .rli-eK. 10 14 II lioar) Toobms. at t c -a c " F - - e ; - - p- j:! '-:--';?. 1 r! JiTi7 ; i- - 1 t-a.5-ii!lim 42) I si"; , t sis-J, ; ' e a I 5 j 5 r ' .. a ai 7 w : 4 I N7 a) r - a. i ; I 7 2 - c 1 . e -s - : s - f . a at - i v. T z til : t - i - J z .t.Til. RrS I St Tatof rfl ia pfttiof Tiwbr will fnd at oar Mrt ia Carratili, rry rg ttcx-k of STAPLE GO O D S Of nil Ireacriptiooa. ALIO, flour, .Vital, V. Ons, rorit, And ororything noiooaory for an of Lambormew. RAFT ROPE, f all tr, ktj't oa a and ia Urpo qaatitiM, and oU at tmall aJnr o tbf eiL AIm. TnUtj Bloeka, Bm Tk To, e. xf.prci4tL inrtFMr.Ts ormi to Ifanor maaarssTttiririg S jaan Timf. r A. IRYItf CO. Cyrrarilrt, Janaary 12. 1979. 1I 1 V llo4ntt(4' OomaAjlMttottor'aaBd Qr-no't ui.rMtt4 F.ttcrt ; a mo LiqDM. f all iboV for roiictaal rnrp-o. fr .- o iarifT rntw ptefl cn.TiVATo X Towoja-t roifrtstt aa! fr '- f H f. 4. ML Kit 00. T HAVE now oa faacd ft lint elm itoek of X gjodi, lullrd to ho wand of tho out lie My stork being lirpe, ond by coonfinlly matting ddiliuoi Ibtreio, I u to aocummodatt oil twbo boj favor mo y ttlllig. I bivo BUT GOODS, Merino., Oingb-mi, tlolbi, PrinU. Diloinof, Citiiinier), Pilkf, !'.. Fatineti, Ca-hmere, Ttrrcdi, Coborgt, Alacu, Mtikoir, I.aiitjlhf, Uuiltnt, FUuneli, UonncU, Kibbon?, Clookf. Itatinoral Fkirti, IIop f kirU, Ebawli, Drefi Trimmlii'ri, Iliad Neil, Cajj Co net i, Olovti, iSrarff, Cullar. QrobadiDot Vtili, TaLU Corcrt, -Co. CLOTHISG, CoaU, Pontf, Vtiti, Oror-Coait, OontViSbowli, f bitli, llaii, C.pi, Voder PLirli aod Draw if , UooU and Ebw, U urn tSboei. Crarati, Bock, Ulovoi mod CoIUn. GROCERIES, Too, Coffeo. 8og ar, lJoUtsoi. Bait, Can diet, Rl , Floor, la4.oo. Fib, Twboeoo, llaUloa, Corraati, (jpieoc, Crack rt, Vtorgar, Oil, Varoub, Pitir, Aloobol, Ao. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, C.rr.U, Oil cloth, Draggot, Clack a, Lofikiof; Oltwana, Chora a. Boekota, Waabboard. Taba. Flat Irona, Pana, Window D.ladi, Wall Paper. Coa.1 Oil Laapa. Dedoorda, Vm rclbi a, Knirof, Forka, 6pooa.ii. Crtxki, 6tora ood Storo Clack i of . HARDWARE, Qootniworo, Tie vara, Glaitwaro, Toodoaarora, Coppero-are, Booka, Statloiirrj, liutieal 0tft4a. TraLkr, Bkolaa, Aa. dsfTA!! of wbicb will baauld oo tbo Boat rea- omoIo torai,ood tl o bigba.t ana riot prica paid for Oraia, Wotl and oil kmia of eouotr; prodaoo THE LEONARD HOUSE. (aNear tba Kailmad Iput,) REED 6T11KKT, CLEARFIELD, PA. C. D. COOUFLIel.oW, rroprletor. VK1.W flrilnn Uuol tii ary reiporit ootnfurlable moma nil (li nuilera itiipruvo lutiitf the bat -f I.lgl UKri prooipt attend ante, a)l reaetmalile eharK-a. Tbo patntoaf o' .be pul-l jo ia reprnifully aolicitrd. Teannaivn will pkane tuke noiico that a larga tarn b.a juat ben erecUd fur (he alirltprina; of bor-r-t, luatfoJ wi(om aiidtuirriKirra harinc acomncHlioni yard aUjcoi to tbe Fri-iglit and Paaaener d-pui. ji3i THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARKET St., CLKAIITIELP, Pa. TIT 1 3 Inrpe and commodioui tifw hotel hat htvn ofsenrd fur the aertmmodrion m tbo iubIio, where tbe proprietor will bo ttlad to meat old frieutla. and rswive a Bhare-of public pat roiiHUr. hy itrict pern'.n-t atlmtion to the de tail f bia bunin-iR. lie bopea to W atil to render aatiilaetion to hi pat ron . The 1AHLK will alwaya be bountitullj eupplied with thclest that ean tie proeurwd in the uiarket. and lh- BAE will eonlain a full itfKsk of LI'Jl OHrf, EEEll. Ao Uood Ubltoc ottachrd. CAFPEU LEIPOLDT, Clearfl-lJ, Mareb S, lifiW lj Proprietor. THE PERRY HOUSE, MAIUCTTA. PA. JOHN WALLER, Tronrictor. HAVIXO purchaaed thia well known Urers aland and re-tilted and re-fumiibed It, X rt.cctlully aulicit s dsn abare of iiatronaKe. Lumbermen and llaXtucn will do will he giriof ma s call. Kb. 2, 170 3m. EZMExtSEE 111! PLACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Orpoiite tbe Jail,) CLEARF:Et.D, PKNN'A. J?0 ITEU STATUS 15 O X D S B0UCDT, SOLD A EXCHANGED 05 HOST IIBE11AL Trn13. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. FacilicE. R. EondB Icusht and Soli jtdr-STOt kS RougLt and Sold oa Coma minion only. asTAeeoutiU received and Intotrat allowed on dailv balanoee, aubjeet to cheek at a:;;bt. BEBVEK&RrtQ 1 9 Ir ,40 Soulb Third Street, Pbiladelphia $10,000 GUA1UXTEE. EDCK LEAD Excels all othor Lead I lit. For Ita Vw.rira.td Wbiienoaa. Id. For ita I' a equaled Pnrabilitj. d. For Ita Contrpataed Covoring Proporlj. Lartle, for ita Keoooanj. jVtT'It Mata I lo Mint vftb P'k Lead than any oibor M aita Load e&iavnt. The eame weiKht auvora an ore aarfaee, ii mora d arable, and iak watier work. Fil l K LEAD li tbt Cheapen aad Recta $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs 1 lat For ha l'eqoal4 Dorability. 2d. For Ui l orit-aled WhUfoni. M. For ita L'naarpoee4 Covoring Propartj. LaMle, fur Ita Great Eronoay. Detna the Chapent, Ilanrlenneit and meit Da rt. bit W a i to Paint in tbo World, liujr only IU.TK l.KAO AND IUT1C ZISC 1 rj it aad be Ctntr.aeed, Satiifaetioa Guaranteed by tbt Manofarlorere. BUCK COTTAGE COLONS, Prepared eipre.lr fr Tainting fnttarea, Oatbaildinra of every description, Feneea ie. Thirlv-tivo diflerenl rolora. Da rat. I e. i neap, I niforaa. and Kenutiful Mtadea. haanplo card aent b mail if deaired. I'eal- eri' Ordert will bo vromi.Uj eaeeutvd by ibe tnaBuftweturera. FRCNCn, PICIURPS f Oo. K. W. Cor. T-t m ti Market treU. Philad a. For aale by A. I. rw and Hartrwirk f Irwin, Pealera in Prog. Medicioea, ratnta. Oila, A. Claar&-ld, Pa prU:70:ly TOBACCO AND CIGARS! noi.F.aALK AND RETAIL, At tbo New Tlaeeo and Cigar Start of .w. noovi:nf Two deera Eaat of tbt Porteffirt, Clearfltld, Pa. Conatantly tl band a f ne aHerttnrnt of Nary, CoBr, Carndih, Cabta, 8 poo roll, IMirhtfraa nnd Century Tine -eat Chewing Toliactro, le. Aleo, a tarf-e atiJ oell avVrti-d ati of Tmpnrtcd aod Dnmeatk Cicrn. Pmnkinc TobaJcoi, kle-rorhann. anJ Hriar Pfd, Ptj.o litnrra, T.'.e-g Beiea. Ciarr tloldera, anJ erervlblng g-ooraJlT fonad In well r-fro'iitrd Cigar and Tba-o Flore, SALT LICK HOUSE. JO MM I CILLILAM, rnoPIUCTOR. TUB preoent ooeupant. likebi fnxlfffMor, baa t pu red du pain in refit ting thia welt knows bure, eiluatod on the river hank at Salt Lick, ao aa to arRntntnodaie the public etieraHy'and tbo raftrnt-o and lumberttieo in particular.' Jlia taUa and bar will be -upplifd wilb tbe beit the market afiorria. A due thare itf puhhe patronaM m) lotted bait Lick, sl-'eb S. KtTO Htm. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, lunnnivme, viearaeia couuiy. t. THE nndenirrned hat leaird thia old and long esubli.bed hotel, (furujerly kept ty Major Itvaaa tUioooi,) aituaio in a eeniral pdirlion of tha town, and bet entirely re-til tad andro turn i bed it, asd ro modeled tho ttassling. eo aa to aiaka tt an oSjeet, borftfior, for tbo traveling pobho to fairuti)to twig largo an, eonnnudinua boue. Jan. IV, 7u-tl. T. J tr F. bLOQM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CnrMcuavllle, Clearfield coui.ly. raw qUIS old and well tetaMiafaed H.tel. beaatU X fal-V oitaated oa tbo bank a of tbt tSaeqaa aanaa, in tbe buroaftb of Curwenville, baa beai ieaed fur a tern of ytara by tho m.dtrai)cnod t baa boon entirely refitted, and fa now open to iba public generally and the travelling com no. oily ia particular. Ko paina will ba aparod to render ueet eomfortabla while tarrying at thia hoofo. Ample SuMing rtxi jj fur the aocontno dation of teama. Chargee mtsderate. Ja. 1. '6V tf WH. M. JKFFKIEtS. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, III NTINt. !(, p, THI 3 old ovtabllahiopttt baring boea leaaad by J. MoKrtlSOX. formerly proprietor of Uto "ilorriion llouaa,"baa boon tboroMgbty ion orated aod re fu mi. bed, aod rapplied wilb all tbo anodorn impror-nienu and rtiareniencee bo eoaeary to a I rat e lata Ilolet. Tnt dining room baa teea removed to tha brat floor, aad ia pew paeioua aod airy. The chambera art well tob tile ted, ard tbo proprietor will endeavor to avaka bia fuoau perfectly at heme. Jt2i J. MoKBISOy, Proprletcr. i. w. WALLAci.. ...... Tiioi. a. an aw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, lullicreburg, C lcarlirld C'oe. Pa. THIS well knows and lenf ertabMibed Iln'el, furmerlr kept by K. IV. .Mnoro, and Inttoil, 0 Wan. hebwem, rrH baa been leaird lor a Una el tears by tbo nndereinel, to wbicb tho atren. Hon ol the travelinir putdie ia now called, ond a liberal f iioro af public fatrnnacro ii solicited. aprie.'lla.lT-pd hUAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIS ST. riJILirsCUKO. TA. TI1K nnder.iftied keep, oomtantle oa kind tbo beit of Liqnora. Ilia table la niwnra aiiplird with tha beet tba market s.Tnrds. Tho Irorolin, public will do will lo aire bim a rail, aot 1,'Sa. KOHKBT LLOVLl. goots sua jehofs. DA XI EL COXXELLT, Coot and Shoe 'Ianufactarcr, CLEAKFIELD, TA. nAS Juit reeeired a too lot of French CAT.F bKINS. and ii now prepared to maanfae. lure oeerTthinn ia bil lino nl tho lowoat aeurei. Ha will warrant bia work lo bo aa repreoonted. lie rwipertlnllr ouliriu a eall.al bia abop oa klatkol atreet,aerond dior weit ol tboDoitaS.ro. wbero be will do all in bil power to render saiia farlHiB. 8oma Alo tlaitor tte ou bend. T,': jr IiaKILL C0.V.NELLT. PEACE PROCLAIMED. THE WAS OVEK IS CLEAKFIELD. KXOX TOWXSllir QUIET. Xearly all the Contrtiliamh going bitck to thfir old masters; but''nary oti gning to o!d Mtittaehlisetts, vhert thry vcrc lortd to long and to well, IN eoneeononeo of tko ohoee facta, F. SHORT, of tbo old "Short bboo bbop,' would an. nairneo to bil nnmen.ut palrona, ond tho peopla of Clearfield eonotr at larffa, that bo baa sow a Brat rate lot at rood materiel. jal reeoieod from lb. fcait, and ia prepared anaaart aolloo to m. I a and mend liuate and Shaea, nt bia now abop ia ItrahaM e raw, tie I. eeM.Sel iSei be aaa pleaas all.in.iloaa it mlnbi beoomo Intonaole loul alar, al homo patriot!.) He ia prepared to noil low for lain or loantr, Produce, pon'l forget tbs Shop noit Soar v gbowera A Urehewi'e itoro, oa Xlntkot etreet, Clear6l4, l'au sad kept bj a fellow comment oalied Jj.'? J " "SnORTT." xew boot ami snoE snap. EDWARD MACK. Cos. MAl'.Ki r A 3d Sr.., cLEAI'.l iLLD, Pa. ri'MlF proprlitor baa entered Inla lhe BOOT 4 1. 8I111K huaineee at tho ahaeo stsns. and te determined aot to bo outdone oilbor is qnal. lie or price for bia work, hpocial alleotlea will bo paid to manitfacinrin. Sewed Week, lis bar en band a iarro lot of hireticn Kip na Coif Shine, of theeere beal anlilv. Iheeill. tern of Cleirileld and eirioitr ore rorpecUnlly invited to ,irs bim n trial, h'o ebor,;. fur ealla, aor9,' t If -leaiemher tbo place: lhe r.i.t..fii-e, rieaiCcld, l'a. Two doors Tet of doel M HOOT AI) SHOE SHOP, l CIRl'lCXSVILtn. 'pilB awbeeribor haeing latelr otarted anew 1 Hoot and Shoo I '.op ia C.rweaieille, oa Main etreet. eppo.;,, Jo.,, k R, Irwin'a Pro, lore, romeetfo:,, annoaneea to tbo public thot he It p replied te uanu'arture all nileief Boota and Shaoa. and er.rrthln, la bit lias, oa short notion. Ho aleo kropaoa band a food aieen menl nf rru.lr.made work, wktrh bl will sell ckeep for eaab or ennntrj preface Mtll-tf (S1.1 LEWIS T. BOSS. 1AR llluS EXPANMM1 C11.T1VAT0R8, II dull tooeired ird (..r .al. br liOfBLI ) basest Plow tlidel-lae eale be ll) h r tiioLKB i co. It i ii. r. i l iirn a co. k CllvaTAUlC'S Li n n i't St tk I eteea Democratic Almanac. nHIS levaluals'e pur lj-atlnn Iffnrnleat tha X i-oel fiAoe. ll ahonlil Ke in the hi nil. nf ever I'cuivtcral. Ii evntair fall 4-iotiin relume fWn. c.-err enninty in the I mini Malra; hei l-a, thm nunAiier ler rontatm a eouitilvta lint of .ha I nameeof all thr newpnprinpppt'4i'rd anrl moMd during Lineolit's aHauifiiriratitin t and that ftr isnf i ennlaine lhe himr nt all iHop riTiltaon who wero iin.rttiei do''i the anie prrn.-l. Tbie tTt ( li'td. tnr futwr rf.e. ar wirb nvre thn I .i itrier -.1 . h i tt'.tirii4,n The wwibtr fr tfid ,, 4i.t ffhih itaiiviiea. Any one aeuJing ( ft eenta lo the lNtit Mm,-, will reooivc ly return as ui tp fr-r arb eor, firenf petaf-v .yodMf J