J.ElRNEt. REriBMM." RtTAnilKIII I) luff. largest circulation of any News ppor in North Ceutral rcnnsylTania. Tonus of Subscription. If paid jo i Iranes, or within 3 months.. ..A? OO If paid after 3 and before 8 months 2 AO 5f paid after lit aipiration of 0 months... 3 OU Ratos of Advertising. Traneient advert isementi, per square of 10 If net or lass, 3 ttmti or lew $1 50 For each auhieqiient inaertlon 50 A Iministrator' an J Executor a' notice.. 1 60 AoJiton' DOticci t 50 Caution i an J Est ray i. ftfj inaavlution notice J 0 lUxml noticea.per Una 15 Obituary noticci, orer five linei, per line.., 10 Prafaatiunal Card a, 1 year 00 YEARLY ADVCHTISEM7INT3. 1 ituara.. ) tquarea... V lojurej.. 00 I 15 00 .....,..?0 00 i column fzi 00 i column.... 1 oolumn.... , 45 0b , to 00 Job Work. BLANKS. Bae;l. quir.. 'i 50 I 6 quires, pr.qu(r.,tl 75 ,t faitaa, pr, quire, 1 V" 1-Uvar , pae qoira, 1 HANDBILLS. sheet, 25 or less, U 00 ) sheet, 54 or less, 00 sheet, 2i ar lets, f 00 I 1 shoe!, J5 or leas, 10 00 Over 25 of each of abovo at proportionate rates. GEO. B. (lOODLANPI'.R, Editor and Proprietor. Cards. WILLIAM A. WALLtCK. FAAXK FIRLDIK6. WALLACE &. FIELDING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Clearfield, Pa. jreT-Legal business of all kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. Office in residence mt W.lliara A. Wallace. Jaul2:70 A. W. WALT E RS, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. 'bv.Offiee in the Court House, daea ly H. W. SMITH, ATTORN'E Y-AT-LA W, jeSO Clearfield, Pa. ly ILI UH A. WAI.LACB. ! DLAS WllTni WALLACE & WALTERS, Haul Estat. Agents and Conveyancers, , Clearfield, Peata. Vtt-Resl Etate bought end sold, titles exam I ne.l, eonvf rnnccs frr;Hrrd, taxes paid, and in;u- ranees tek.n. Oilice in m w buiMtu, urarly f) site t'ourt House. janl,70 ISRAEL TEST, ATTUHN KV AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. i -fj-fllipe In the Court Ilcmsa. JyH.'tT - JOHN H. FULFORD, ATJ'HKXKY AT LA'-V, ' Cleai licld, IU. iOfflreon Marktt Ft, er HartiwKk A Irwin' hnn t?tre. r-fr Prompt attontioa ffirm to the iocarina; of R'-antr. Claim. Ae..and to all legal buatneaa. 7 Mirth I HrtT ly. ROEERT WALLACE, ATTOKN EY -AT- LAW, , Wallarelon, Clearfield Couuty, Penu'a. &-fa-All lr-al business pron-iptly attendi-d to. , WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . OAe. an Reoond Su, Clearfield, I'a. fntTil.lWI JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LA V And Real rotate Ageut, Clearfield, Pa. 09ieB Third atre, bet. Cherry A Wlout. jft-RepeHfully nffera bi aervicea In collinf and buying; landa In C,rQeId and adjoin in n uatiea ( and with aa experience of over twenty yara as a itirrejor, flittera hitniolf that be can r (D dor tatisfjctioa. f. h2S.'3 if WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTOI1NEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. OSet on Uarket street one door east of th. Clear. OcK County Uank. (mays,' J.hn II. Onia. C. T. Alexntidrr, ORVIS & ALEXANDER, A ITnl NKYS AT LA H'. Itelleluiite, Pa. srplJ.'ej y E. I. KIRK, M. D., r H Y S I C 1 A N AND SUHOEOX, I.uiberabur;, Pa. JMVili attend promptly to all professional alia. .u'lb:lpd DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN k SUKfiKO.V, H AVISO loeeted at Kvb rtown, Clearliild eo r"a.. (iTer, bis professional scrvics to tbo p.-onleol the surronn'-; country. . pt. 2V,'C9-y DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYS1CIA2C SUnOEOX. Ilaiitif reifiorM to An-tunl! Pa.,orTff Mt 1 of that iilnre pro(rfiitial nrvirea to the prop and ibe earronnlnf e-nintry Ail illk promptly at tended to. I it. c. 3 eta pl. J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TTAVIN'tl locsled at Prnnfirld, Ta., oC-rs bis I I prnreninnal .ervirrs to the people nf lliet in, and surround. ( country. All esll" promptly tten'lr. to. oet. I) tf. JEFFERSON LITZ, I'll YS1CIAN A SURGEON 1 1 profcs.lon.l -or. Ice, lo Ihe peopl, of lh.1 j .Ui7 and ser.mnia .i-wnacT. a.lll calls rroiii.itlT attended in. 4fT.ce a A .a aru...U Ba ntTra !.( and rasienea aa Curtis St., lornrerty necwpied (hy Dr. Kline. myln ly DR. S J. HAYES, U BO EON DENTIST. fllTiee on Main St., farwen.ville. Pa , "tT ILL anas, professional visits, for lha eon ) reeitnro of th. public, coniuicnciog ia April. le. aa follows, vs ' l.wtlier.loirr- First Fri l-.y of rt month. e.onvill Fir-t M iid.v f e.ery mon'h. l.uinHrr llv Pir.l Tflur.dsv of .V.M ISiOlilh. Sri,.l,nc two'dnss in .iiher pl.ee. All or Irrs lor work should be I'r.-eenled en lh. day of b'l rrivsl al each ploee. Teth eatrecled bv lha application of local aliTS'besia eooiparatlvely without pain. All kind, ol Pint-l worn guaranteed. V II Tha pal lie will plense nolica.tkat t'r II.. when not enraged in ilia ahov. tisHs, may be .i.uiol in hi. ofrire, in Purwensville, I'a. Coraen.ville, Ft 4, 1. f ,J DEliTAL FARTNErSIIIP. Du. A. M. HILLS, sneslres lo Inform bis psir'.ns, and the ssMn ,.nelly. '1 al he hssa.eoeisled ama bias ta tht praoiiaaof P.nt'etry, S P. SHAW, D. D. S , Vhals a ,radnaw of lh, I'hllailslphia Pealal . Cvilleja. atd Ihenfor. has tba kihsl atl.sla tines of rrf,..loa.l .kill. All work d.ma in lb, allie. I will held wivalf parsnslly rsKinsl bla lor heine dune in tb. rat astir.aVory aaaa . Bar and aiifhaet arder af the pnlioa. Aa e.iauinbed pracltra of tweaty-tw , year, ia this place enable. ae ta .poak lo say palliats avirh onfidewea. Knraff'-tnenle frn a dioanea shnw'4 b. ada by lall.f a few dayl bafara IS. patient doians euini. Jas , IMS J. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, rror-rictor. V0L-1'MVII0LEN0.21CC. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lite Surgeon of th. 83d R.('nnlt P.nnsylvanla Volunteer, having returned froos th. Amy, offen hi professional a.rvle.i to U)t citilcns of CleariloiJ county. ar Professional calls promptly atten Jed to. Office on Socoad street, formerly occupied by Dr. Woods. (apr4,'6-tf DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SCI.ai.OX, Second Street. Clearfield. Ta. Q, Having permanently located, he irw offer hii iroff fnioual rmeea to the eitiiena of Clearfield and vicinity, and the pubho generally. AH ealla promptly attended to. oet2V-y GEORGE C, KIRK, l.u.Iiert.burg, Pa. All bufinraa intruated to bitn will be promptly attended l. I'eraoni wnthiriR to employ a rur veyor will do well to give huu a call, aa be flatten hiutaril I .ml he ean rvudcr BMtisliietioti. Iicrda of eonrcyam-e, articlea of agreement, and all Icfta! papi'ra, pruuiptly and ucally executed. tnarSityp HERD . Co., LAND AGE NTS, Plilliiuburg, Ccutre Coui;ty, Pa. ATS-Real E.late nf all kinds bought and sold. Also, dralcrs iu all kind, of Lumber. tu",70 DAN IEL M. DOHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND b'THKLT, jy:r, ci.r.AnriEi. i, pa. tr CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER 'BREWER, Clearfield, Pa. n AVISO rented Mn Entres" Ilrewery h hopes by slriet attention to b:isin'ss and toe manufacture of a superior article of UEKK to receive the patronage of all the old and uiatiy ncw customers. Aug. 2i, tf. THOS. S. WASHBURN, SCALER OF LOGS, CI en llupe, Clrarflcld County, Pciiii'au rilUE euhfAriler kaa devote! much time and X attenilon to the Ht'A LI NJ OK LOtJS. and takra ihi metht.d of off ring hia arrvirea to thoae who may need thrm. Any further Inioimatton oan ba bad by addreeiig aa a bore, Jc2o -tl SURVEYOR. DAVID UEAMt-, l.uthcrrbuij. Cleailltld Co., I'a., offers bis services as turvejor in the Must end of the c -uoty. All call, will be attended to promptly, and the charge, moderate. l-.iVul) SURVEYOR. fflllK onderaipned olT'-ra Ina pervieea at t?ur I I ....... I.. f...sn.l t htm Mlitianfaal 111 Latrrenoe townaliip. LrtUrrawill reach bin di rect.-! toCIcarCtlJ, Pa, ayT-tf. JAM Ko WITCIIKI.L. THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, IyAVINti recently located In the horoujrh vf j Lu tuber City, and r'iuund llie practice ut Laud Hurvrvint?. rfFieutfully tendeti Itia prt.fcn- aional aervitra to the nwnera of and rpcfnlatura In landa in 4'learfitld and adjisiiiitiB: ton it iu a. 1'ecda of conveyance oratly esiTUted. Ofiiee and retidiaee oaa duor caat of Kirk A Fpenccr'a alore. aprU.pd4m. N. M. HOOVER, V holcsal. A ltetail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars and SnufT, Two doora eat of the Fnat Oflice, MARKET fiTUKLT, CLLAUnLLD. PA. "ii,A InrBeaMoriincnt of 1'ipea. Cigar Caff a, Ac. alwaya on hand. myllt ly J. K. BOTTORF'S PllOlOli RAPII GALLERY, Market Slmt, Clearfield, Pa. "V'EIATIVES male in elnudy, as well aa In j, clear weather. C"n. lentil on hand a "ood a.eorlment of Fit AMES. STKHKf L'OI'Kei and lEHIXlSCtll'IC il.Wrf. 1'iauics, fium any style of moulding, tuadc to order. .pr2S-U REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penu'a. Jft, Will exeeute jobs in bis line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. a r,G7 THOMAS H. FORCEE, tiKAI.Ka 1 GENERAL U KHC'H ANDISE, CliAHAMKlN, Pa. A;so, extensiv. rnsnufa-'lurer and dealer In Fnare Timber and Pawed Lumber of all kinds. HMr-Oruera vilicitcd and all bills prorrptly filled. Uj' Inly tro. atariiT ar-rnr Ai.ar:nT. w. Ai.ttni W. ALBERT &. BROS., Hsnnfaturers A aitensir, Ixaleraia Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, WOODLASI", PtSX'A. t-Order Ki'.ieiled. Dills tiled on ihorl notice and reasonable terms. Address Woodland P. Clesid ld r ... r. 111:0s. JcJi-lj W MJItlU A mANC'.S CCUTRIET, M FliC'H ANT. I'reiictiillle, learlleld Couuty, Ta. Keeps eonstsnlly on band a full assorluient ol prv (ioo'le. Hardware, tlroecries. and r. cm tli;!,f u-unllv kcit in a m.il .t ire, which will lie sold for ..th. as al.cep a. elsewhere iu Hi. county, Frencin ille, June J. , I si,, ly. C. KRATZER Cl SONS, M K It C II A N T S , PRALKnS IB Dry C-ccdf, CktLirg, Earclware, Cutlery, Queeoewtre, Ornreriet, Provitient and thing!.-, I lrartirld, Prtin'a. frf- At tbfir new i"f mnrn.nn Second afreet. Dear II. F. Uil.r lo's Il.rJw.ra stor.. IjanH MOSHANNON LAND k LUM3ER CO., OlHE'iI.A FTI'.AM HILLS, aAxi rAcTt vr.t LUMBKR, LATH, AND TICKLTS II. It. fitllLLINIlFORP, President, Ofllee Forest Place. No. 115 f. lh St , Pliiia. JOHN LAVtsllli. 8iiperinlendenl. Osocola Miils Clearbrld county, I'a. jeoTi SAMOEL I. SNYDER, Practical Watch Maker, Opposite the Coart Iloose, FECOND STRKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA. MT-AII kinds of Walehea, Cleks and Jewelry nroini.tlv repaired, and work warranted to coc ir. I cEllol.I) liOOI'S ( ariicta, oil cloths,) smdow blinds and S Mures, wall paper, ru.. Sc., M reilueed prieas, at IK. Ai . ipposila Jail.) C. riRATZER S. irAkiTI'.l-l(M).lrtM Ka. I .ichteen Inch l MUNULhS, l.r which Iba bis-hoel price .,11 ha paid. W KAVLH ULlo. Clearield Jal; l, ! tf lisrrUaitfous. 17. APRIL. 1S70. RECONSTRUCTION! Will Fight it Out on This Line! MARKET STREET, CLEARFIKLD, PEKN'A. Dress Goods, Fancy G00J3, Notions and Trimmings, LADIES' AND OE.NT S FURNISHING GOODS, MSttla and Caps, Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES. &&,The entire stock on hand will b. .old at a reduction to present value, and 1 will replenish tha .lock every flxty dnys with eholce styles of tha best foods in tha market Near tho Poitoffice, CLEAKFIELD, TESN'A. J J TIIE FIRST ARRIVAL! Spring MillinGry GOOdS I Juat r.eecired ut Mrs. WATSON'S. VLL the Ladici in Town and tha Country are Invited to call and toe the 3irin; Stylet In BOXNLT3, HATS, FREXCH FLOWER?, Ae. Wo have to luit all a get and aiiei. VTe intend keeping our itork full ai d complete, ao that all on be acremmvdattil with tha beat and newett tylci of catli aeaaon, and at tbe lowiot price. Alan, new indunementa ofl rrd in tbo way of I)Ri;s.S MAKIMI, In tbe mn-i Hrfrant and fah. ionable ttykt, on the ahortcst notice pou-iblo. rtcmt ruber the Place : Uain E treat, oppoaite Moaeop't tiara, CLEARPIELP, PA. mar?3 DVVID BEAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NEAR LlTHER.nt Ra. FI'XN'A. MANfFACTl T.K3 al! kinda of LumVer for buildinj purpotcB, Alwayt on band LATH FOR BOOFI.XQ, PLASTEniXO LATH, PALINGS, A., A. Hit Plastering Lath are crenlv tawed and of ditTcreot leni;tba, to auit pnn-haiertt tba Palinaja are four feet lonj and ready pointed. All kinda of Sawed Lumber will be furnlthed to order, and delivered if ao deaired. Prieaa will be liberal according to quality. .CuAll kindt of (.ill A IN taken in exchange for Luiutxr, Lutbcrfburg P. 0., Jan. 19, 1H70. 7ov i sow 1 1 sow : 1 1 JOHN' A. STABLER He peetfully informs tbe eitisens of Clearfluld and vicinity that be haa rrlnoTcd hi. Il.kery to tht building on Ihe corner of Market k Third Streets, formerly occupied by John Ilillburn, whera b, keeps eonstantly on hand all kinds of CO.NFECTIONEMKS, BRKAD, TIES, KOLLS, CAKES, Ac, Which will be sold at T,ry ressonable ratea. BRKAP O.LT TF. TENTS A LO.tr. ATTENTION-, RAFTSMEN I Itsftsinen ar, informed tht the best ana cUapi"" ...ad oaa at all liiun be bad at FTAlil.ER'S r.AKFRT, l learlieu. l a. miii ara . ,7 , i m . 1 I lllllll, (Ultl WI Ollll initial Reqoires immediate attention, as negldt orten results la an incurable r.unr Iiia.e. Brown's Bronchial Ttochrl ill Invariably giva instant relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coosnmptiva and Tlirout Piseases, tliey have a oollilnjr .(Twt. 9.nerl and PuliKe fpcalo-rs lis. Ihem lo clear and strengthen Ihe voice. Oninn to th. good repntalion and popularity of the Troches, many worthless anit ehe.ip imitations are offpivd, vihieh are good for nothing, lie sure to ot.tain the troe rmow.vs nnoNrniAL troches. fold everywhere. hovlfl fno THE OSCEOLA HAKEItY! C. J. EIIOFF, Proprietor. T WOt'I.P re.pectfullr announce lo Ihe old ens. I lor mers of Slo.ll A o'Hrien. and Ihe rinsens ol o-sewla and TietnilT Iri peneral, thai I have be oom. nil. proprietor of II.. I" JlekerT. .d propard lo (urn.sh Ihe ' otriir i,irs, a. well a. lit S.I Ah l.s, a of .very d, serin, lion, in any quantity and on short notice. tlMeola, Jennary IS, 1S7S. Furniture'! Furniture! T Wo LP rr.pcctliillv inform Ihe public thai I hare on hand, al mv lurnttnre roovns inWAL - IMI hi ON, a lare. ,Uh of fnrvulnre. such rhsirs, Hcd.lrads, funds, Itockina chairs. An., which I will will cheaper Ibaa they oaa to boughl anrwher. else in t'harlicld oom.lv. lli.e roe a call. ISAAC SHIM EL. Wallaceton, Jan. 1?, 1$;0 Sis. ))AIKTS Linscesl Oil, Spirit. Terpentine, (Opposite lha JaiiprS l PRINCIPLES CLEABFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1870. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNKSDAT MOKNINd. MAY . 18T0. niPOHTLXITV. I've waited lono; enonj-b, Katlilc.n, The winter'! tnirly paat, The laioba are playing on the groen, 'J'bo awHllowa cuine at laat ; The vine ia leafy round my door. Tho biuafioina on the Mtty, Tlit wave coine dnnrint; to the nhore Why don't yun name the day? Von know you put me off, Kathleen, I'nlit the early fjsrinp, ..T'M- kio an MaUMuil au iL awraaa. The iK,a are un the wtiitf, Tiie (liber apreala hia little tail, '1 lie ujowi'r'a in the buy, Thf primroae bhHiKfinji in the vale Wliy dun't you dhuic tbo dayf The thnixh i but hii np on the thorn, Among the wliiipriuK leave, Th lark ia bunt in tlin corn, The martin 'nratb the enveat Th litlla bird don't build in vain. Their matea don't any tht m nay, Urwiire! 1 may not ak ajjinn Why dun't von name tb dav t OUR SOCIAL PROBLEM. Tlio nofrro clement on tlii continent celt'bnilcj llicir first Jubilee on the "(iih ultimo, which wo liavp no licsi tution in k inir is tho dawn of their (Iciline if not extinction, inxlcuj of tliuir liberation find mtilti'tlicntion. Thoy aro doomed to s vorm slavery than that from which their peculiar friends liberated them. If tho Mongolian and Indian can not enduro competition with the Anglo xaxon, liow will tho more itln pid African faro in tbo rcut contest awarded him Ly mistaken r.eulols? Tbo following nrliclo which wo tako from tha Ilarlord fMd. Ih'mnrrnt is worthy of pcrunul : "A hill is now pending before the Legislature ol California forbiddnie all otirporntions or indi- ur ,ue counties l.ir th, conMrmtion of railmaiU or or Alotijolmn laborers ujton sm-h work." Ejr, llK-ridan to Ors.it, l,tu tlctuoer, 1 Mia. J I Kilrarts.) "Lieut. J. R. Wi ier, my engineer ofiirer was murdered beyond liarrisonliurr;, near 1'iiytou. For this atrocious act all Ihe hoasc. withiu an area of live miles were burned." In the ..me report he adds : "I hare ib stroved 2,Ht'U barns Sllrd with wheat, hay and fnrminr implements ; over 7 is wills lilted aitb wheat and flour; bar. driven in front ol th amiy 4.0eu biad of stock, and kilbd and issued to the anny not less than 3.000 ,l,ccp. tieu. tlleridao's Piejrun Ordir. aIii.itsiit Ilnihioa or iiik Mis.orni, ) t Incngo, 111., January ij, .h;l. Hrevet Major l. nrral Janus A. Haiisc, Fort Hiaw, Moutana Territory : It the lives and properly of eitisens of Montana can lust be protected by sttikiiiK the Indians, I want tbcia struck- Till il:iker to sirike then, hard. J1- iL Stir iiiiiak, Llrntinsnt (leneral Cotuuiamiiiij.. Wo bnvo thus grouped together a few undeniable, but Very significant facts for tho consideration of those who desire to anticipate tho prohublo solution of the great "social problem" upon which tho people aro now enga ged. The first is n matter of general notoriety, as well cMubliidicd as any fact can bo by newspaper authority; tho second and third aro contained in tho ofiicial report of a subordinate officer to his commanding (icncral ; and tho last is tbo military order of a "Lieutenant lioncral t'ommunding" to bis subordinate "Major General." For tbo solution of any problem, moral or mathematical, ono well es tablished fact is worth moro than an infinity of theories; and ns those given above, tuV.cn ulmost al random, ull indicate tbe snmo thing from distinct and remote points of view, their com bined forco cannot bo disregarded It is nol our present purposo to cham pion tho cause of our "Chin?e or Mongolian" fellow-citiucns of Califor nia ; nor of the sturdy farmers of tho valley of the Shenandoah j nor yet of tho red skinned victims of tho Peigan mussucre; but wo simply pal them upon tho witness stand Unit cucii may testify ns to tbo value of tbo "inalien ublo rights nf life, liberty and tho pursuits of bnppincs." It is evident in tho case of John Chinaman that ho holds bis " i 1 1 a I i o 1 1 u 1 1 1 o riclits" by very insecuro I ami to whenever ho! comes into competition with his neighbors whose rijlt happen to bo a lilllo more inalienable; while the j smoutneriiig luiua nun m uc.-ei icu . heai lli-BloiicH of Vuginia bhow tlie possihlo value of such ri'lhts to pure i blooded Anglo snxons under like cir-1 cumstanccs, nnd lho ghastly corpses , of squaws and papooses on (ho plains i of Montana, tell tbe rcai.lt nf it.; ton. ;, " ..rji,,." when iliaci.srd. half. frozen and defenceless Indians bap- lien l oo ' " "niw '.ov 1 " " .''IT'"1" u,m "unjecv nt.v us , apologist nnr as seniiineniaiisi ; we are not the author Clllier Ol me j Declaration of lndept ndenco rr btl man nature, nor do wo recognuo any : absolute necessity that llio divergen- cits of (ho two fliouhl bo reconcilett, bnt if they ran bo wo leavo tho task, most cheerfully, to others; so shall bo fully satisfied if, by correctly inter preting men's anions in I ho pat, we tan truly anticipate) what they will do under similar circumstances in the puro, It is possibly true, in theory, that all men are by nature endowed witli certain inalienable rights; "Hut och! mankind are nneo weak, And hole to be trn.tcd i If self Ihe wavering balance shake. It's rarely nehl adjusted." In Ihe eyes of the Sovereign of Iho Universe, probably, the rights of In iliuns uro as sacred as lho "lives and properly of citizens of Monlai.n," but . tint SO III the eyes Ol tiCliel'.ll Miel'ldan or ill the ealillllllion Of the W lute race, ..'l'..l Baker to Striko ll.m hard." is , , . . i me oruer, anu lite result is too iresu in tho memory of all In require ro tating here. It is uiflicult, to see inw thu inhabitants of (ho Valley of (ho Shcnnmlotdi had, in lMil, forfeited ; Btly 0f H,T turnl rights, much less 1,, .. , . , I ' Uro watiennhe, lllld Jet tho ofiicial report published above shows the reaped which was paid to those which seemed to imperil tho supposed rights of the section to which "Lieutenant J. Jt. Meigs, mv engineer ortleer," belonged. In Cali- I tno wavering balance, and it is hardly 1 NOT MEN. probable (lint it will ever bo "j-ilit uiljued." Tbo lesion taught, not only by tho few representative cases wbiih wo bnvo "elected, but Ly till hioti ry, is that nil men innlinctively protoft their own supposed rights and intorests without regard to the consequences to anybody clso. Vie hiivt purposely chosen our illustrations so ah to show the result where three distinct ruces wcro tho victims, nnd at luces widely remote from each othciu Can it bo supposed that in circiintMuncoB at ull similar, tho nero race vwll faro better than cither the Moiiirjfhrin, tho Indian, or tho pure Caucasian? Can it bo supposed that a peopla who resent so recklessly all nncroiistunents fiMm other sourcos will Tnh'ITifcuniittd" seo their lights andt"1'1" "M" of tho " tiiHUIinfrTsW-tlicri1 their interests made subordinate to an inferior and a bated race ? Ono can hardly imagine that a conflict of races hero can bo really desired by any ono ; and yet tbo diligent and systematic way in which all tho rcgtilur antece dents of such a conflict are bcinjr pro purctl almost compels ono to such n belief. Tbo commonly used phrase, "arming the negroes with tho ballot for their protection," is stifjojeslivo ; but in addition to this tho issues must be mudo up in tho interests of tho ncL'roes as distiniruinhed from those of tho whites, in order to secure their united votes. Tbo ri;ht of stifTrngo has been conferred upon tho ncrroes avowodly for tho purpose ol controll ing elections by their means, but this can, of course, only bo dono by uniting them all on ono side; and if this is accomplished by making the negro interests paramount, then whut becomes of their whito allies t If, on tho other hand, both parties ignore negro interests alike, then what bo coniesoftho control of their votos? Tbo two races aro about as distinct as two things can well be, and must certainly remain so; if their interests aro not also distinct, then their votes will naliirnllv divide and the hones of , tho radical party must fail: but if i their interests are distinct, or can be mado to njipcnr so, then they may rely upon it that their rights will soon bo as littlo respected by those who have, cr think they have, conflicting lights as were ever those of Virgin inns, or tbo Peignns of Montana, or tho Chincao of California. Our radi cal frieads bavo won tho elephant, and mint sincerely wo pity the poor elephant. The Negro Suffrage Amendment, On nearly every State occasion. Mr. Grant linn rendered himself ridiculous. As President ol a great I'cpublic he has boronio tha latigliinu; slock of tho world ; but to our mind, no act of his has bad as much of that quality which mixes pomposity with igno rance, as his lute negro proclamation. Look at it : The idea ol characterizing the ratification as a "measure of grander importance than any since the foundation of tho government!" To duu tbo merest pieco of clup trap, absurd as it is uncalled for, w ith n comparison so unwelcome, is enough to ninko the bones of revolutionary patriarchs rattle in their Collins. The Presi lent does not let tho fact go forth that iho Amendment thus declared to be a part of the Constitution owes its existi nee to the pretended ratification by the States ol .Vow York, Indiana and (.corgia, and the Southern Stales which bavo been under duress since the cl wo of the war. The liadicals may howl with delight, they may even "hail to tho llcpublic I" but for all they nro conscious that tho validity of the amendment is in doubt. It is. in short, an infamous fraud, against which n largo majority of tho Amori can p t'plo protest one they would bavo utterly annihilated could they have tad the opportunity. It was never 'ratified by two-thirds of the tatc. n the manner provided Ly the Const Jution, and is an infamy placed , upon bo people Ly tho Usurper who aro ri'iuiy destroying all that re- mainfio us of tbo original Confedcr- ai li rornment, tho sovereignty of i (ho Stiles, and Iho rights of tho peo- nc. I a,..A.vi.iBam.ti,.mM I mi. haa . I .... . ... . , pomt.i j,lto tho Constitution by un in 1 1 v mtt. , ...i.i.v. ... vv, , iion HIV..,. - eonHtilittonal and tyrannical means! , d)t n,, 1,0 enforced. J he thu kt (tvill bo allowed to vote in Tenn. ..volj, il,j. tu II. and Iho opinions of lho rjm-ity of tho people of this Commonwealth will bo utterly disre- (,u'rdcJ b Wmling force of this legislation will h ug bo doubted by good and learned men, beeuuso ita proteniieii , ralirie:ition bus been irrogulnr ami I (olv.,.,lj ,, lliut m direct opposition lomo expressed win oi tnc .eop.e . Il til conceived in fraud and Lroii lottli in iniquity and oppression. Il ha- never received tho consent of llio pe lie. It bus been fixed liko mi in cu'bus upon their inlelligenro anil en jrprise, upon their right of self- go Vi nniciit by the only weapon ly rails use the bayonot in Iho hands j of i nnlitaiy organization that over-1 ricdsnlllaw nnd right, declares all laM'' customs null and void, ami su Itilulcs in their places llio uliso Itud nnd tyranicul control of ono man, a i.jililary chieflain, under tho guiso of tiianial law. VVhiil the result of the enfoivomcnt ofilie Kifleenth Amendmenl On tho pd die d parlies will bo cannot now i ea-ily bo told. Many belicvo thnt in I the .Northern Males il w in mane a revolution in favor ol lho Democracy, wi de in (ha South, as soon as lite bavon -l is removed from the throat ol tho people, Iho Democratic party , will carry llio election beyond ' .lol.l Tl. h.,l,o hilil ioa arc t liaL np. I uioi.... j.,, ......... ... gp suTrago and lho persecution of loroigncr are lho rocks upon which (he plundering, rotten, old ship of lladicalism will founder and sink, and tli 3 polluted channel through which il hns run bo ever a'terwnrda avoided, and only bo frequented by tho ghosts of the murderers of Mrs. Surratt and the evil ones who would destroy ev ery vewligo of American liberty or greatness. AUcntnwn Ih m. A man who owes for hia shoes, can rot say thnt fiis solo it bit Cwn. 13 J-;J.U; An Attempt to Rob a Bank. The Philadelphia Aije states thai on Suturday ittIi t an atiempt wos inudo to enter tho Southwnrk National Hank in Philadelphia. This banking insli tution is located on Second street, below South. Tho nifjlit watchman at 10 o'clock, P. M., stepped into tho watch box, placed oguinst tho southern wall of tho bank, nnd in close proxim ity to tho vault. JIany minutes bad not oltipsed before ho was disturbed by a suspicious clicking, as though munis ono was tampering with tbo vault door-lock. Tho watchman went coolly about an investigation, lie firnt notified hia confrere who was stationed on the informed Cashier Peter Lamb, who resided next to tbo bunk. Tho trio softly approached tho Bide entrance of tho institution. They inserted tbo ucy in tho lock ana met with an ou struction, nnd after working it they managed to push out n Uoy, which hud been inserted in tho inner siilo of the door. This alarmed the burglars. Ono of them ran to tho door and kept it from being opened. Tbo watch man broke a pane ol glass nnd at tempted to put through a lighted cundlo. From tho insido tho flame was extinguished, nnd tho cundlo knocked out of tho watchman's band. Tbe trio then commenced bombarding tho door, and being reinforced by Lieutenant Errickson, ot tbo Second district, soon burst it in. They entered tho building just as the marauders left it. A rope was found running up to tho roof, along tbo stairs, by which tho exit of the burglars was accelerated. Lieuten ant Kmckson followed to tho imp door, from which bo speedily emerged on to the roof. Ho crossed each ad joining rool, trying tho trapdoors. He found them ull tightly closed save that of 'Mi South street, which was found open. This was possibly the avenue ol escapo. He saw a light in Iho room below, and upon descending, it was extinguished. Upon entering tho apartment ho found a man who represented himself as a doctor, lie was taken in custody. Another man, w ho was closing tba shutters ol the bur room, on the first floor was ulso caged. Iljva clour to tho Lieuten ant's mind thai this building had been used ns a means of cxil to the street for tho burglars. During tbo absence of F.rrickson, (he cashier and tbo watchman exam ined the bank. This presented no satisfactory picture. Tho doors of ull Iho apartments bad been forced open I by huge jimmies, and the rooms had been thoroughly ransacked. In tho same manner mo room oy wiucn mo ' sufo is reached, was entered. Tho I floor was covered w ith brick and inortur. They had worked through i threo layers of brick ciicusinir tho fire-proof. In their flight they left ull their appliances for smashing safes, consisting of sledgehammer, jimmies, chisels, augers drills, saws, Ac bits, fuses, powder, in this city, taking tlie church bonds of tho finest work- in return, which be has either return ed in his accounts as cash on hand. mnnship. that the scheme to rob this bank was well digested, this one fuel will ctttlo : Tho roof is of tin. The bur glare did not make their ingress and . egress from the trap door for this was ! eusily disccrniblo from the lower floor, wnere tno oiueers congregated aany. i Any displacement of this trap would have been quickly discovered. Tho burglars knew this. To gel in they cut a circular plate out ot the tin rool. J This (hey did so nicely (hat the pluto could bo set back. After re-setting it, after due observations, w hich wcro nightly, the burglars would cover up tho crevices, made by the knife in cutting, with wax. The opening (Inn made led into a portion ol tho loll rarely visited. This scheme was a bold nnd thorough ono. Tho sharp ness of a watchman's cars, however, led to its defeat. If they bail, undisturbed, worked their way through the casement of brick, the burglars would have discov-1 wero erected thereon built ol lumber j Iritdnlivo branch of the government, ored tho hardest part ol tho job still belonging to the government, and I tho belter to enable it to destroy the before them. Tho interior of Ihe fire thou let or sold to freedmen at exor-1 Constitution of tbe luthers of tho He proof was lined with hulfinch boiler; bitiint prices; and that bo and his ' public nnd establish a despotism. trnn - " -- It would not navo lecn easy to , , . . . .. tUfc Ulloilil llin. a, ii.,,, oii-o ,,!- u stood a great inirgiur prool sale, wild f J.iO.OOt) snugly stowed in its several compartments. No further arrests bavo been mado. Tiiinus wi Like to Sm. Wo like to sco young ladies who are bitter en- nies Lisa e-ieh nthrir vorr alT.ictinn. nl,,v w,on turv meet ! it reminds , 'ra man named Judas, who lived rr,r ,.Br, ,,,n ; vc like to aisn a foahjonubl v dressed lady promenading ,10 reo. wearing a Idue-silK areas, ,n,tg a yard behind her in the mml it cleans (ho streets so nicely: c liko to see a young man very pnlilo and obliging lo other young Indies, w hile ho is scarcely-civil lo his sisters at home it proves thnt (he lords of creation are void of deception. We like to see lilllo bova come to church jq tie ovening, and amuse themselves b mieking pins in their sleepy neigh- burs it shows that they are not i "burying their talents in lho earth 1" Wo like lo see a man invariably t hrow his newspaper, boot and bnt in the mi.ldlo ol tho floor, for his tired wife to pick lip it is evident that bo re members his promise to "cherish her!" We bite lo see Oie choir siiend the (imo during divino service in whisper- jnjr ,n, tcliiiiji; stories it helps us to appreciate lho sornion, and convinces j us lliat they are cnpnblo of singing i "with lho spirit and lho understand ing ulso!" Wo like to see young ladies b..lr, ..;r j.,wa ,n constant inolion endeavoring lo maslirate a huge ball . r . i M :. Ib m l.W.. II b a , 01 riiea lli j;hiii . v w if.-. . n " - t y, , a man sporting fast 1 horse, while he owes lho prin(er,and , rjives nothing to tbo minister il looks hnnorahk t There aro many other things which wo would like to aoo. but wo forbear. Itudton Jirgitter. Tomiistonk. French sorrow and sentiment are illustrated at Monlmnr (ro cemotery, where a loinbslono bus boon erected, with a colossal tear carved npon it, and, nnderneaih it, theso words: "Judge bow wo loved biro." TERMS$2 per annum, in Advance newseiues-volio.no. 11. The Praying Howard. Our readers uro no doubt aware thuttho military humbug, Howard, has been boss of tho negro bureau evor since its invention. Tbo charges mude aguinst him aro rather heavy for n niun that prays excessively loud, not less than three times a day, over tho "pet lambs." Tho fact that he has got very rich within five vciuu. and has deall in nothing hut F'hilun ihrotihy, is what has given rise to tho trouble and charges mude against him. On Wednesday of lust week, Fer nando Wood in his pluco in Congress mudo the following specific charges EguinstGcn. O. O. Howard, chief of Iho Hureitii : "First. "Thai TifJTifirrTincenfrom llicl appropriations made for, and tho re ceipt of, that liurean inoro than five hundred thousand dollars, improperly and without authority of law, lor the Howard Lnivcrbity bosptlul and lunds. Second. That portion of the land al loged to have been sold or tho boncfit of tho Howard Ui.ivcr.itv fund were disposed of improperly to members of ins own family ami officers of bis stair. Html, that bonds issued in aid of the I- irst Congregational Church of the city of Washington wcro taken in payment for a portion of this land, which bavo not yet been redeemed or puid, nor bnvo they been returned in bis official accounts as such. Fourth. That tho University build ing and hospital were built of patent brick furnished by tho American liuild ing lilock Company, in which General Howard, Charles Howard, General K. Whittlesey, and C. W. Alvord, all at tached to tbo Bureau, wero interested as stockholders. Fifth. Tbut specifications for the construction of theso buildings pro vided that tho material used in their erection fchould bo taken from the brick made, by tho company; thus preventing competition, and securing the use of that brick, and no other for that purpose. Sixth. Thai the brick so used was unfit and nearly worthless ; parts of the building bavo fallen down in con sequence, and other parts have since been repaired and rebuilt, at an ex pense ol SPUHii). Seventh. That by his consent and with his knowledge lumber belonging to tho government was used by this company nnd appropriated to its own benefit, being resold to its employes. l.tthth. 1 hut ho pays rent to thoinow Howard University from tho funds of tho Bureau for the privilege of a head- quarters. AinfA. That he draws three salaries, namely, one n a ItriacJiur Uaneral in tno united Mates army, another at Commissioner of tho Frcedmcn's "a- reau, and a third as head of tbo How ard University. Tenth. That he has paid from the funds of tho Bureau over forty ihou snnd dollars for the construction of tho First Congreirational Church, or sent South for the purposes of the Bureau. Eln-enth. He has advanced a large sum from tbe funds of tho Bureau lo tho Young Men's Christian Associa- (ion of this city, taking their bonds, in payment, wnicn navo oeen seni lo Tennessee lo help the Ireedmen's school in that State. J'icflfih. Thai he caused or know- ingly allowed lands in (his city, own- cd by an oflleci of tho Bureau, to be transferred to a frcedmcn's school in North Carolina; theofliccr taking the money appropriated lor that school, and the school tho lands in this city ; ' thus perpetrating a fraud both upon I tbo government and tbo freed men Thirteenth. That he wns interested in the purchnso of a farm ol about threo hundred acres near the Lunntic A'vluin in this county, for which the public funds and oilier property of ihe government wero used. Buildings brother. Charles Howard, wero per-1 sonally interested in this transaction as a private pecuniary speculation Fourteenth. Ha has discharged the duties of the oflieo of Commissioner of the Bureau with extravagance, negligence, and in the interest of him self and family and intimuto friends. Fifteenth. Thnt he isone ol a "King" known as tho "Frcedmcn's Bureau King," whoso connections and influ- ences w ith the lioeiimon a aavinira j an, uu.lull v unnnn.if ru. nnu nero banks, lite freemen s ax liools ol the j Jackson protected both the Constilu South, tho political machinery of a i lion r.d tho Union of lho Stutes a party in tho Southron Slates; and. wluw0 pcmtlwn has been to devote Ihe tlicil autboritr and ortir and power ol the Bureau to personal nnd political prolit. And I now offer the following reso lution : UeKnlved. Thai the Commiltee on Froedmen's A flairs Ins directed lo ex amine inlo and report whether tien ernl O. O. Howard, lho Commissioner of the Bureau of licfiigecs, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, has managed tho funds intrusted to him as com missioner with integrity, and whether monies npprnprinted lor nnd received by (he Bureau have not been diverted by law ; and for this purpose il is au thorizeil lo exumino lho accounts in tho olliee of (ho Bureau in this city, and lo report at any lime. On motion of Mr. Dawes, the mai lers wero referred to the committer on Education and Lnbor. Never bo cast down by trifles. If a spider breaks his inreaa twenty I times, twenty times will he met.d . i :...! again. .Make np your mtnti to uo thing, nnd you will do il. Fenr not, if troubles como ipon yen; keep np your spirit, though the day be a dark ono. Govmimsnt The early aelllers of Connecticut proclaimed that lho colony should governed by the laws of God, until they had lime to make belter. Punch says that Gertrude of Wy oming can vnlo now. The woman tfaff.-sge hill cilawt hrr. TunroucY. . . - - a the f'.reort.lle I lit ( seenlh, I awasols. t-e It. tl.-n ruin etnlM, the I Smn.il. liOb eialltt of the I' itireuth AmeaSmrnt - lb. Strgr,. .n roasted and IIS rije. Hon lernnimrh'it-iL An Important mcrtlnii of tiifl J)emo n nil i (.'iiy Fxcciitive ('ooiinil too was held yesterday nftiTiionn at two o'clock, lit the 'cl hot-ill House, San- sum street above Sixth. Isuae Leech, l't , in the chair. Messrs. Kugeno Woodwind ami A A. Laws, Secrela r es. Mr. J. K. Chudwick, Chairman of the Spiciul Comniiitee, to whom was referred tho quotum of negro ilffrago. reported the following, w hich on motion, was unanimously udopled by tho General Committee The City Lxecutivo Committee of tho Dciuoi ratio parly of Philadelphia, representing its principles and pro tecting its interests, and defending both us exigencies require, deems It lo bo a solemn duly ut this timo, on behalf of iho Democracy, 10 declare : 1. That the Constitution of the United States wns ordained by the father, of American freedom to be the basis of the system of represenia tive democratic trovernment, by which tho sovereignty of the Slutes could only bo maintained, tho Federal gov eminent established, nnd the L'uioa of these States preserved. -XI. J hat llio JJumocrnlio parly was created to procluim and defend this systuiu i. ovcrutueiit, aud ior more . liiun lialt a century tins great patriot ic party gavo tho blessing of consti tutional government to the pooplo of the United Slates, from Muiuo to Texas, and from thu Atlantic lo the) Pacific. III. That the strength of tho Demo cracy became its weakness, and by an unfortunate division in ibis nitlionol party, the enemies of tho Constitu tion (a minority of the people) gained the political power in tho Fedei ul gov ernment, who, when thus enabled to rule, began u scheme to establish themselves as tho government, in de fiance of tho Constitution of the Uni ted States. IV. That from 1SC0 to tho present hour the enemies of the Constitution, in Federal Congress and in the State Legislatures have dowsed plans from timo to time, which, by frauds tho most wicked, force the mast brutal, violence tho most wanton, and ull in nltor and open violation of tho Con stitution of tho United States, have subverted the dearest rights of the people, destroyed the inalienable rights of the citizen, nnd aro now maintain ing power, thus gained, by tbe force of arms. Y. That droading (ho retributive justice which though slow is sure, and w hich isprepnring iiscit lo overwhelm (hem, tho enemies of the Constitution of the United Slates have undertaken to justify their acts of fraud and revo lution and violetico by m pretended amendment to this Constitution, by which they hope to gain exemption from tho effects of tho sober second thoughts of an outraged people. VI. That the Democratic party, re lying on tho power ol the people, which, misdirected by error, will cer tainly bo led al least by truth, does proclaim thai theso so called amendments to the Constitution aro unconstitutional, void and of no effect; becauso they uro not amendments to the Constitution as that instru ment permits, but arc merely Con- oroaeim,..! rieitrrit t i nnfc fm isimi .not tA by fraud, force, revolution and vio lence, in open denunco ot too letter and spirit of tbo supremo law of tho land ; bccaiico they never wcro sub mitted to tho Slates, or adopted by the States which tho Constitution re cognized as sovereign and indepen dent governments, but were forced upon a subjugated people Ly military despotism, and can Hover bo main tained as tho acta of separate and sovereign States, und therefore are nol and cannot be proclaimed as the supreme law, which only can be or dained as ll.o Constitution provides it 01U(a be ordained, by Slutes de jura and de facto represented by tbo Fed Cml government on the basis of sen arate sovereignty and equality. VI I Thai on behalf of the Demo cratic party of the city of Philadel phia tho Cily Kxeculive Com mi it eo hereby protest against the frauds, violence, usurpations, and revolution ary acts of Congress in forcing its usurpations, under the name of the to talled amendments of the Cnnsli- tution, an lho pooplo of tho United Stales. VIII. That the Committeo hereby protest against tho acts of Congress whereby lho Federal judiciary haa been corrupted, overawed, and subju gated to obey tho direction of lha 1. That tho Committee proclaims its abhorrenro of tho fraud, force and violence by which Congress is usurp ing all tho powers of the government; and it deplores tho weakness, folly and incompetence of him who now occu pies the Kxccutive mansion, where Washington watched over tbe first ex periment of constitutional govern ment : where Jefferson proclaimed true principles hy which it could be union the Constitution only could cre ate bv bis patriotism and firmness. X. Thnt ihe enemies of tho Con stitution having failed tp "restore tho Union, re-establish tho government, and give tho pooplo peace," now de clare (hat they aro unequal 10 the task and seek to bring to their aid and aid which lho Dcmtscratio parly do nol court, a race, which is only to Is?, in fact, tho instrument by which tho enemies of the Constitution can main tain power at tho sacrifice? of tbe con stitutional government established by (he fat hers, the Dcmocratio parly ask Ihe governing or w hilo race in tbo United Stuli's to savo itself from tho debasement of being ruled by the negro and thus forced lo live under a system of government which Toland, Greece, Ireland, and Cuba would re ject. Twin Black anb White. On Monday, tho llh instant, a colored woiiisn from Bath county, Virginia, it! gavo birth to twins one thick and the other while. 1 Ins is ainctiy in accordance with tho reconstruction laws of Congress, recognizing tbo pot feel equality ol l aces, und making no distinction on accounlof"raoo, color or previous condition of scrvitudo. Mr. Frkskino once prayed thus: "O Lord, huvo mercy Uon all foola and idiots, ami particularly on lie magistrate of Fdwhurg." John Bolinger, uear Beading, killed a pie last week, wh'uJ. weigh.., dm , dressed Z2 pound.