irn,i' THE HEl'UlHilCAN. :j5jja" CLEAN FIELD, Va. WIBllIflDAT MORKIWO. APRIL tT. ?. RuritoM my time 'iy Your doll should break her head, Could you ' " whole by eryinc Till your eyes and nose were redf And wouldn't it b pl.eenotr To treat It u('kl; And lay yosj'r. glad 'twa Dolly's, Aad nut jour bead that broke? Suppose yon'r. dressed for walking. And the rain eemec pouring dona, Will it clear off ny sooner Bmoh Ton scold and frown f And woulda't it be nsoer For yon t smile than pout. And lo make sunshine io tbe hou. When there is nun without t Suppose yonr taak bit little aa, ( very hard to get. Will It make it any easier For yon to nil and fret 7 And wouldn't it be wiser, Thai waiting like a done. To wo to work in earners! And learn Ibe tilings at an SnppoM that nmi boyi hare a bore And KM a oonch and pair, Will tt tiro yon leu while walking To aay "it isn't fair f" And weeldn't it be nobler To keep your temper sweet. And la your heart be thankful Yon at? walk upon your feet? Suppose the world don't pleaee yon, hot the way tome people do. Do yon think the whole creation Will be altered Jnst for yon f And lint it, my boy or girl, The wieeet, bravest plan, Whaterer eoroea, or doesn't come, To do the beet you oan f Whiri the Blame Lies. The Philadelphia Day, remarking on the bad character ot the ijegisiaiuro.poi nts out the quarter where the blame lies, a follow : ".Now let ua go to the bottom of th iB actons of virtuous in dignation. We aball admit that the Legislature just disbanded was bad enough ; yet, that, it was worse than ita modern predecessors, does not ap pear. It waa corrupt, no doubt. It was unmistakably reckless. It was guilty of many ains of omission and commission, and of wbicb most wo Cannot say. Tbe point we make is, that it was jnst such a Legislature as the preas of the Slate elected. It wus the creature ot tbe liepublican press. The conductors of that press knew what they were about. They knew that many of the candidates were not good men, nor honest, nor able. They knew that the nomina tions were made through corrupt bar gaining in some cases, and barefaced lying in others. They did not goner ally nrge tbe people to put forward their best men. The liepublican fires deliberately furnished an unre iable majority; and its conductors are estopped from complaint of the eta of that majority. In attacking it after adjournment they publish their own shame, and emphasize their infidelity to the common interest. To defend a corrupt agent while- you are nsing him, and curso him for knave when you can use him no longer, may be human nature, but it isnot decent. The Chinese Mind. Lord Elgin says the distinguishing characteristic of the Chinese mind is this: that at all points of the circle described by roan's intelligence, seems occasionally to have caught glimpses of a heaven far beyond the range of its ordinnry ken and vision. It caught a glimpse ot the path that leads to military su premacy when it invented gun pow der soma centuries before the discov ery was made by any otbor nation. It caught a glimpse of tho path which leads to maralime supremacy when it made, at a period equally remote, tbe discovery of the mariner's compass. It caught a glimpso of the path which leads to literary supremacy, when, in the tenth century it invented the printing-press. It has caught, from time to t line, glimpses of the beauti ful in color and design. But, in the bands of the Chinese themselves, the invention of gun-powdor has exploded in crackers and harmless fireworks. The mariner's compass lias produced nothing bettor than the coasting junck. The art oi printing has stag- nated into stereotyped editions of Confucious; and tbe most cynical representation of the grotesque have been tbe principal products of Chinese conceptions of tbe sublime and beau tiful. ' A radical cotemporary calls tlie President's Fifteenth Amendment Proclamation grand "climax." It is tba climax of fraud; the climax of force ; the climax of negro equality. Mexico bad such a climax, and in after history is written in blood upon tbe records of thut disjointed and piague smitten nation. A dentist presentod a bill for the tenth time to a rich skinflint. "It strikes me," said the latter, "that this is a pretty round bill." "Yea," replied the dentist, "I have ent it round often onongh to make it appear so, ana 1 hare called now to cave it squared. A Slight misunderstanding. At a temperance meeting a number of la dies who desired to throw their influ ence on the right side, camo up to ign the pledge when a son of hnn exclaimed : "Be gorra ! who would think so many fine looking Yankee women anna r An Irishman attending a Quaker meeting, beard a young friend make tbe following announcement : "Breth ren and sisters, I am going to marry a daughter of the Lord." 'Tho devil von arc,"eaid Pat, "faith and be jtv ben and it will be a long time before ye'll see yer father-in-law I" An editor thus ludicrously describes a primitive cbnrcb : "No velvet cushions in our pews; we don't go in for style. The faticst person ha the soiWt seat, and takes it oat with him at the elose of services." The test of Thomas Jefferson whea selecting men for oflico was : "Ia be callable? Is lie bonest f Is bo faith ful to the Constitution T" Grant in quires, "Did he give me anything P "Boy, you are not far removed from fool' Well, aa ws ain't more than three feet apart, I give in to that," was the MP y' . A western editor, in response to a subscriber who grumble that his pa per ia intolerably damp, says: Thai'. r?C5s i!iv sis o mat h due on it." B always sure of doing good. This will make your life comfortable, your death happy, and your account glo rious. A man who owes for his shoes, can tot My that bit sols ii bis own. ftjl floods, tfrorrrlfl, Ctf. t .... a. a. J.B.GRAIIAM&SONS, MARKET STREET. CLEARF1KLP, Ta. Dealer? in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, itc. Till n hip IIK ubjerlbers beting entered Into partner it parpen of carrying on tbi holiness of Merchandising, sow offer a good and rare opportunity to Ibe elllsens of Clear. Seld and adjoining counties to rey ilore good. at wholesale or retail prices, that will aslonith the nnlmtrneted. Tbelr goodi will be partle. larly (elected to rait tbli market. Beery lady will, therefor, call tbe attention of ber bnahaad to thll fact, because thll branch of our business will reoclre tpecial attention, and everything needed la well regulated household will at all tine! be fonnd 1 our ilore, DRY GOODS: Onr store: of DRY HOODS (hall not b rur- passed, either In quality or price, and will em brace, In part, Print of every style, Ginghams and Lawns or erery quality, Muslim of av.ry grade, D Laines adapted to tbe testes of the old and young and every nrtlele of any kind of good they sell Is to he as represented, and war ranted to fir utlsfactlo. DRESSGOODS: A to DRFX HiOOrm we bar splendid assortment of Alpacas, black, white, and in col orS Armuree, Bilks, and In abort all tbe newest style In tbe market We desire this fact to beeome known to erery person in the eonaty. With our sew and extensive stork of DRESS 000D8, the led lee can all be soiled by Just dropping in and getting a nice dress pattern, Uoe sell, kid gloree or by doing that which la better t glr her wcll-flll.d purse, and she will find good and paying invnatmonls ia sobroid rioa, edgings, ribbon, glove, hosiery, or ny othr houehold aoctwltl. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what w hare aires ly enumerated, w keep J1 kinds of CENTa-aS-MENU WEAR such Clothe, Caaalmerea, Eatinettt, Bat, Boot and Shoes, Ac, besides, aio assortment of Made-up CLOTHING for Me nd Boys, manufactured out of tb very best material, which w will sell for cash r xchange for eouotry produo at pric which will astonish vrybodv. SQUARE TIMBER: Wt ir bow largely engaged ia baying and ft Hint QUARE TIMIII.R and tnanafa. tared LUMBER, ud will glr tali branch of, bnilnoH fpaeial attention, and therefor Boko it a object io rtrj on who haa Lumber to it II to ootoo and deal with aa. GROCERIES & HARDWARE : Wo thill oho keep eonitaatl oa bond o general OMortanent of C-ROCICHIIiS and HARIW AKK, which wo will Mil at osoood ingly tow priooi. Wo also kw a Ml aiiori. Bt of Q.I tKXHWARC TtU department will bo kopt fall id eomplfto, and all who eontonploto houiokooplDg. will Iod it to their a d ron U go to oomo and trado with boeonio wo art oo lituatod, and, from long eiporioneo In tho btulDOM, io woll acquainted with tho wants and noeaiaiiioi of thll oonaonltv. that wo fotl atlified If orery moo woman and child only makti It a point to hny their goodi from oi, wo oan pleaio them both ai to quality ond price. Therefore, coma along and bay ytrar BOOTS 4 BJI0E3, HATS A CAPS, RKADY-MADB CLOTUINO.aod ovorytbing yon noed torea dor yoaraolvoi and faoiiUoi oomfortahlo, from JAMES B. GRAHAM & SOKS, oet CLEARFIELD, PA. 17 fHUral. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Mrmities'St. Paul, mi. iHYj:nN PCR WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleaeaat and health gi?ing Tonic trictly vegetable, and manafactured from the noet pan and ohoiee material! ii not a ipirit drink nor eubstitute for whieky, but a eciratifie compound, for tho protection of tho ayetea and the ear of dieeane, made from ehemioally pure rpirtti, entirely free from funtl oil or other Irrita ting propertiee, and will Dot diiagree or offend tbe most delicate ilomach. A long prirate experi ence haa at letted lit Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No B Utere at preeent offered to the pubtie contains so much medicinal virtue, and yet so safe and pleaaant to take. It's ate is to mire disease, and U will not areata an appetite fur spirituous liquors, bat will ear the afleota of dissipation. To Increase tat Appetita, VPS IT. To promote Digestion, VPR IT. To euro Dyspepsia, CSE IT. To cure Ferer and Ague, I'FK IT. To ear BilllousneM, VFB IT. To cure Constipation. VFE IT. To cure Chronis Diarrbcea. VPE IT. To cure Heart burn, VSR IT. To cure Flatulence, TTFK IT. To euro Acid Eructations, X'FK IT. Te cure Karroui Debility. I'FE IT. To cure Hypochondria, VPR IT. Te ear Sallowneas of Complexion, L'FK IT. To cure rimplee and Rlntrhas, I'FK IT. For General Prostration of tba Physical powers, TEK IT, and It will euro yon. Bold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottla. Mana fac'ared ttelatively by A. I. SHAW, Prnncist, CLEAHFIKLI), TA., Who offers liberal indnrrmente to Ibe trade. tL J7, ISSSrif. FOR SALE! i VAtUABLB FROPKRTT in tho villa of Latboniburg, Clearfield oouniy. Fa.,onnifit ing of two Town lota, a large frame Dirt-Ming House, 18 by S6, well Anihv, with cellar under; having all the nrttaary outbuilding. eu-h aa Hiable, Coal and Wood llouse. Aleo, an Office, ' kT 1. 1.T.1 11 atMM (MM I Hat aftllftia T T W. All of whlfb will bo cold very low for ennh, or on tarwifl to euit ihe purr haaer. For particular apply to tbe subsciibur residing on tbe prrmiw. Dr. ttKOHUR WILSON. Utherebarb Mh I, 170 I m. rpraaea east abeloailisal sapportrre ot eeere X kiast efttie latest ItanneereenU, for sale al Ue Drng Sl.reef HAKT8WICK k IKWIH. Sraiiio srvLKs or bric hats. At C. SIA1 AIZIE'l. ftufltfiuf, SJlnnnrf, (Mr. (r S. FUWAL, litAI.KR IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, AND M Altl'FACTl'RER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Ihlllburj, Centra ro., Pa., rpllK nnderslgned respectfully announces to 1 tbe public ibet be has on hand a cere, fully-selected and well aeeorted stock of blores. Ills rarletj eonsist of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whlrh hnre never felled to glee perfect satisfac tion to tb most fastidious of iU purchasers, Continental, Lehlih, Farmer, Daylight. Rpears' Ami-Dust, Niagara, Charm, llaiald. it., with every eariety of tbe beet l'ituburg Manufacture. tn-The Tin end Bbeet Iron war gWen with the Cloves is mad of tb faearfest and best meterial, and warranted to glr perfect satis taeiioa. msitocioi PARLOR AND 11EAT1NQ STOVES Is larger, better and cheaper than aver before erbibltod to tne puonr. sie uuDee ousnpeuuun either la rarialy, quality er price. lie la aleo prepared to furnish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Wore, Wholeeale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to aervioo, trum the best ma larial in the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRASS AKD IKON KKTTLU6, Of errry description constantly a hand. L1GUTNIX0 RODS, Superior point, put np on ehort notice. Tb Point be ollere to the public is tte seme as is now need by tb Pr.neylraai ttailroad Co., on their building. ORDERS FOR BfOUTlNO, HOOFING And other work belonging to hie boalness will be promptly filled by eipeneoced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken la txchang for good. 4rn especially inrltea the et ten lion of Merchants wishing to purcnase at wnoiesaie, ae they will find it lo their advantage le eaamine his stock before purobaeing eleewbern.' U, 6. 1 leu A u. Pbillpsbnrg, Aug. 6, lBCS. JyJItC? rainls for Farmer and Others, rpilK Grafton Minrral Paint Company ar now X manurarturing the brit, cbvnyert and mot durable Paint In ue i two ceti well put on, mii ih with pure I-iimrrd Oil, will lt lUnr U yean; It le of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and nan be changed to gmn, lead, atone, drab. oUto or errem, to vuit the tapte of the etinvumrr. It il Taluable for HoiiMt, Burn, Frncre, Carney and Car anakore, rail and n uudrn ware, Agn ttallural In.plvtnntt, Cennl Rnate, rle and Sbint' Uottomi, t'aovas, Metal and lhinrle Roof, (it bfinr fire and watr pro.f.) Floor Oil Clotlm, (one manufacturer bavmjt uod t,0)0 barrrli the part year.) and aa a paint lor any purpoac it an uniafcd for bodv, durabUDr, eUft.- hT n4 4h eirrneM. Price. $fl Trr bartrl of 3W lh., which will tupply fanor for yrare to twine. Varranti'd in all raea an alwvn. Hrnd for a cirrular, whirh rirra full nartifularo. Xone rnuin unlM brand ed in a trale mark. Oration Minrral Paint. Per one fan order the Paint aud remit the moaey on receipt of good. Ad drew. UIItWELI. A CO., novlO Urn 2.r4 Pearl Strrrt New York, The Lightning Tamer. THE andcrljtnd are the sole Agents In this eonntr for the ''North Americaa tialeanitrd LlOHTMNa Rons. Tiiew are tbe only safe rods now la . and are endorsed by all the scientific aien w the eeuntry. Wo hereby notify the eitliens of tho county that we will put then up a bettor rod. and for less money, than is eh a r red by the foreirn agents who annnally traverse the county and carry off oar litue cain, never to return. EXCOUJIAUE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightalng Hod erected an their buildings need but address as by latter, or call In person. Wi will put them up anywhere ia tbe county, and warrant then). Tbe Hods and Fl i tores eaa be eeen at any time by celling at oaretora. II . F. blULLR 4 CO. Clearfield, March 10, 1870 tf Xew f 'nloiiiet ! MnPHANXOX LAND AND I.rMBEIl C')M I'ANY offer for sale Town Lot in the bor ough of Osceola, Clearfield county, I'a., and aloo lots to suit purchasers oulide the limits of said borough. Oeor-ola is situated on tbe Mothaanon Creek, In the richest portion of the county of Clear-old, on tho line of tbe Tymne A Clearfield Railroad, where the Mohannon and Bea virion branch roads inferect. It is also in tbe heart ol tho Jdnthannon conl basin, and largo bodies ol white pine, bemloek, oak, and other timber sur round It. One of the largest lumber menufaetur- ing otal.lihments in the kSlalo is loeated in tbe ttwn, white tberw are anaoy other lumber and sbingle mills around it. The town Is hut se en years old, and contains a population of one thou sand inhabitants. J&nt further Information apply at the offloe ol tbe above company. JOHN LAW8HR. aprH Superintendent It. U. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tha Railroad Depot.) CI EAWFII i n. PKSA. TFM poh TIRACR this method af Informing the pa hi to, that I have nnener) nn a vard for Ihe nla nf wm4 r ml hitiil I.IMkv and Anthracite Co A Is, In tha borouRh of ( learftelj, and have eompleted arrangements with oastern dealer by whif-h I can keep a fullsupplr conatantlT on band, Whieh Will ho tipope of at rvaaonal.le rates, by the tun, bushel or ear load, to suit pnrrhasors. ThntHi at a diPtance can address me by letter, and obtain all necessary information bv reiurn mail. H. D. TA. tOH. Clearfield IV, Feb. 14, IRfiU tf' SMALL TROFITS! Ql'H'h SALES! IIARTSWICK k IRWIN Are constantly replenishing their stork of Drugs, Medicines, Ac. grbool Books and Flationery including ihe Oi- ' good and National Series of Reader. Also, Tohee.n and Cigars of the best brand, at tha lowest priests. nl CALL AND SKK. fit KDWAUDrEIUCS&CO., Flour 7Iniiiiraoturerit, And Dealers In GKA1X OT ALL KINDS, r hi li rent; no, pa. A Fri t, Sl Pl'l.Y of ri.Ol R, WHKAT, rtlKN an HOP aonstaaUe em tuna, anrf for sale nt rates remarktUr low. f bl U flHF CE I, EH RATED RICilARDSON nnnTH, X Llirht Kin ,5 00. rrencn Ktp , French Calf (Opposite tf (l. t . At C. KIlATZER'ft. II'BH WAiTl:l), The nndersifne,! will psv th highest CASH PHIt'E for all kind. ol TVHfi and llEKR PKINJ. Oire n,e a call Olaariald, IS...11. I. L. EEIZEMIE1X. innUitif. l lini riirnHiiri'. JOHN (il l.H It ntlBF. le Inform his eld Mend a sat lomert. Ibet bating enlesr'd Ms shop ar,i lurreesed bis fecllltlee f"l m.nulaeluHsig. he le now prepared to make loirder each Fiirnlle.,,, may be deeired, in gooe ! forCAKII. lie g-n.relly bs n head, i h e Kemllure rooms, a Terled essorlment or rtsdy. made furniture, among which ere H' ( R A L'S A N I SI DE-BOA ft US, Wardrobes and Hook Cssea; Centre. Unfa, Psrler, Ureakfe.t and Dining Eiteesion TuMes Com nson. French post, Ccltage.Jenny Llnd and other lledslrads 8' fes of ell kinds, Work vt.nds, llet rarks, Wash sUn.tsi Honking and Arm chairs I spring seat, rane bottom, parlor, rota mon and other Chairs Looking-Uleseee of ,rery description oa hand j and new glaese for old frame., which will be put in on very reasonable terms on shortest nollre. lie also keeps on sand or furul.bee to order, Corn-husk, llalr and Cotton-lop Mattresses. Coffins of Evrnr Kino Mad to order, and funerals attended with Hearse wbeaerer desired. Also, House Painting done to order. Th subscriber also anairefae turee, and baa constantly on hand, Cleiaeot's Petant Washing Machine, the bast now ilnse ! Thoe using this marhine never need be eilh out clean clothes! He also hae Fiyer'e lslrnl Churn, n euperior nrtlele. A family tiaint this Churn never need be without butler 1 All th abo and many other article an fur nlshed to eustomere cbeap for Caan or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry ft'sple, Poplar, Llowood and other Lumber suitaba for Cabinet wosk, taken in exchange for farratu'0 4rRemember Ibe shop Is on Markef street, Cloarncld, Pa and noarly opposlts the "(Ml Jew Store." JOHN Ul'LUU. iVoremher Sfi, 1SSJ f .tisrdlanfous. H , F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAkER, orrostvi tb AnxET sreaar POST OFFICEi-U: -x u s. ft a n r i r. u u TUB Tt?prtiullj informi b old patron end the public frmerally, Hit be h on hand, (and U eooetantly receivia); new additieni thereto,) a large lUick of Clocks, Watches and Jeweliy. JTI keep Jewelry in all tte forme tod of dioereni vamee, euo-r j me ica r WATCHES A full e'tortn f nt of either Hold or ilrcr. made br tb bit Atrertean avl for- ijEn nanufaeiurere, ineludinR a fine lot ff(T"ld and ulTor hantiux cut. lull jeweled, patent be Ten. CLOCKS Of all dMtfrni, eomlrtlnf oM(tht- day and thirty-hour, of either weight, ipmg or levari, and both true ana alarm REPAIRING. All klndi of Watckei ud Clocki Hpaired, and warranted. In addition to what T hare enumerate. I keep a full aortuent of M'KCTAOLES, eolrfd and DlaiovlaM. Aleo.UOLD PKNS and PKVCILS 6PU0NH, FORKH. UL1TKK KNIVK4 and In fact everytbinc in ihe Jewelry lina. If. fail to have on hand junt what a cuitnmer may eoed, will order per oret exnreie. without eitracbarre A liberal there of public patronegr te ealieited. May 7, 1868 y it. W. haimi. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS it STATI0XEKY. Market m. I Icarrtcld, (at Hie rort Offire.) f 1H K undersigned begs leave to atmonnce to J tho citisena of Clearfield and vicnity, that ho hss fitted up a room and has Just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting in part of I Bibles and Miscellaneous IooIcp, Blank. Account aad Fats Books of ivery da acription j Paper aad Envelopes, Frontk pressed and plaint lenoiisj met. Lega Ftpers, Deeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Rseup tloa and Promissory Boles t White wd Parch moot Brief, Legal Cap, Ureord Cap. ant Rill Cap , Sheet, Musio t"T either Piano, rluuor Uha contantly on hand. Any books or stationery desired that I may not hare on hand, will be or ordered by Irst express, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will alio keep periodical literature, each as Magatlne. fm. paper. Ac V. A. UAlLi. Clearfield May 7, IfifiS-tf GREAT EXCITEMEriT OX SECOND STREET i'lrarlrld, f. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. fTMR nnderslrned respectfully Ineltstb. at 1 t'ntlon of tb a.lie (eneratlT S Ihetr splendid aesnrtment of nercbantliee, isL sh they are now lelllnf . AT very tow rnicE Their toek tonslst tn part of Dry Goods of the Best Qualty, j Such aa Prints, He Lelnee, Alparrae. terinoi, Uinpnera... Marlins. (Mvarhed aad nn:.arb. ed,) Drillinjs Tlfkin., eoilon tnd vool Flannels, K.lnr lu.C.'simer vuK.'n.uee, s.eoiee enessii Kntilns A Hoods, tlslm.rsvl and Hoop t-kirts, Ac., AlsOy n fine aeeortment of Men's Drare and Mmte, 11 .U a Cap, BooU A Be. all ( eehirh WILL BE SOLD LOW FOU CASH Hardware, Quoensware, Glalware, Groceries and Spices.! INSHORTA GENERAL ASSOSMENT Of ererrthlnir nraally lepl in retail Ilore, all lURAf 1UH t AHIa er ei eoi;rr pre duo.. A. K. WRIGHT i TOSS. Clearleld, NoT.t , IS67. JsEW BTOKK AND KKW (JOODS. Jos. siiaw & sox liar just opened a N Stoss, on MinSt.,CLiARriii.D, T., latelr occupied bj Wm. F. IRWJS. Thrir (lock cotinists of G of th brtl quality, J Quf.ensware, Boots and SllOCft, 1 and wry arliols BrK-psjiarT fbi one's comfort. Cll and sxsroins our stock b(ors ruf- eliaiiDg elsswheire. My 9, 16-lf. Pi & FAIRBANKS' !v SCALER. -r. ' or ALL lisni; HagaKe Harrow, Warrhone, Tnirk Cs.p.Tlng rresaea, Imprnred Money Drawer, Ar. ron sali ar in o L e u & II. F. co. .. us as.rawarsi. mch.10:TI If Second Street, Cle,,(l.l,l, pr. Tl aTICEJ! eV CO'tTAm I . kkijs, t i oWs',h"r' rri""K' '"It nnmher the nrw rt.B lill.L, and will on ll. reoript of iwrntv. ve eenls, mail a opT to anv address. mji C W I M P A i At l: . Kenned,', Medical J Ulseov.rr, llelmbold' Hoche. Il'.k.r. Cod Liver Oil, J.vne's and Aver', m.dlelnes of ev.rf kind, for sale be HARTSWICK IEWI!. Pinilili unit I.Khliif ,1oi. a. r. ,,to,l oro. I. tioo BOYNTON &. YOUNG, FOUNI)ER.S Si MACHINISTS Menurafturrrt of TOETAELE & STATIONARY STKAI ENGINES Corner of Fourth onI Tine Htrorte, I.f.AR! 1IM, PA, nAVIXO enirafted In th rntnufaxtur of flrst elaea MACIII.N KKV. we respectfully inform llio public lliat we ar now prepared to All all order, as cheaply and aa promplly aa can be dune in any of tbe cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Jdills, Uead Dlorka, Wator Wheels, fHiafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Fleam (laujrcs, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, (iuufre Cocks, Air Cocks, tflubo Valves, Cbcvk Valves, wrought iron I'ipr., Bleam 1'uoips, Boiler Fid I'ulnps, Anti- Friction Metres, 8oap Ktone Fackinir, tiuio I'ack injr, and all kinds of MILL, WOKKj tugrther with Mows, Bled Boles, COOK AND PARLOR STO VES, and oilier CASTINUS of all kinda. XsJ-Ordcr aolicited and tiled at citr nrioca. All letter of ioauirr wilh rcferenee tn snectiineev of onr manufacture promptly answered, by addrce inf ns at Clearseld, I'a. BOYKTftV A VOt'KO ginning "Utls. J. F. Weaver, lWA ijLt. W. W. Il.tla. H. I,. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! flIIE proprietors rectfullv inform thecltiscns -sl of Clearfield county, that Ihry have entirely reStted this establishment with the latest improved wood. working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all orders In their line of basinrss. They will gire especial atlenlion te tb. manufao turn of material fur hour, building, such al FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING. SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, 0 9 ALL eTVLEH, We el ware bare on hand a larpe it nek of DRY Ll'MllER, and will pay caah for all clear Lumbar. One-and-a-half loch panel ituff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or cirhanptd, to fait eoitnmera. "iiU.Ordere eolirited. and lomher furnlihed on abort notice and oa reaaonaMe leraa. C. L. REED A CO. Clearftrld. Not. 1, 17. (T lOt 111 111. lion Io Nave Jlonej THK tlnei are herd t yua'd like to know How yni nay NTa year dollar! The way to do it I will ihotr. If yon will read what fellow. A man who Head not far from bora. Who worked hard at hii trade, Bat had a anneehold te aapport That squandered all ht made. t airt him onea. 8a ye ho, "My friend, I look thread hear and rough J I've tried to fet myaelf a euit. Bat can't ftara. vp enoush." Bare T, my friend, how much hart you f i'H tall yva whera to (to To t eol that'e enund and ohoapt To RKUKNftlEI.N Co. Be took what little ha had tared. And went to Reiieneteia A Broth ere, And there he (rot a haDdaomo mltf For half he paid to o there. Now ho Ii home, ht .ookt to well. And their e fleet fa eueb, Tbat whea they take their daily meal, They don't eat half aa mack. And now he flnrfi on Retarday night, With all their wanti .applied, That ha haa money left to (ipend, And acme to lay atide. Ble good MPftn, with cheerful amila, Ho gladly tell, to all. If you'd taTO money, go aad buy Your elotbei at RKIZENSTEIN S CLOTHING BALL. When Ihe eheapeat, (Inept and heat Clothing and good Farnlebing tioode oan ho had to rati every taato and la every ityla aprll,'6T SAWS1 SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUil BKlSME.'i I . nvt'OLtTio.r i.v s.tirsi EMERSON'S r A T E X T rERFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular aud Long Saws, (ALL OI MlilNO AVOIDED.) A 1,80, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For FpraadioR. 6harpeninr, and Fheping the Teeth .fall Splitting Saw. YsowBendfor Deecrlpllr. Circular and Trie List. 11. t. BK1LER CO. nirb"0;70 fleneral Afenta, ClearSrld, I'a. 11 very Ntll. T11K nndcrslpned beffs leave to Inform the pub lic that he is now lulls tireitarrd to arcnnno- dele all in the wayol lurni.hinp Harare, llupit-i, haddles and iiaruees, nn the shortest notice and on reaeoneKle tenns. Ke.idrnc.on LHust street, Dciwoen iuira ana ronrm. UKO. W. GEAKflAUT. ;iearneld, April 11, 1W. M0 MY 0YV HOOK." 11 at the old .tend of Kirk A spencer. 1 mlrud to continue the htisine., as berrtolore. Mv motto is lo sell "( Hkaf ron rAen." Thanking onr friende and customers tor past patronage, I solicit a continuance ol the snme. ISAAC kIKK. Lumber City, Sept. t! -If. 1-MR IU.K While Leal. Eine. Paint, seed Oil, Turpentine, Varoi-hre of all kinds, Dolors In Oil and 1'rv I aint. Varni'h llrnshcs. is; HAHIdWlck 4 I H M is. "i H--" 'V'i.. lUflt A WflllflllfS. it i: ,1 o v a 1. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, HUtiUISTH, .Varliit Slrrrl, (Irarlilil, I'a. XIT'B bee; !.r t Inform our old end new 11 ceslcniers, that we have removed our es tablishment to the sparinna new holMlne- just ererlrd on Marked etrert, nearly adjoining the Mansion Hone, on the west, nnd opposite Messrs. tsreham A H"ns etoret where we respectfully lorita the publie It eom nd buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VAHNISI1K3. Onr etock of Dros and Medicines consists of very thing ' need, selected with tb (realesl care, and WAE ANTED STEICTLY PUEEI Wa also keep a full stock of Dyes, Perfumeries, Toilet articlee, Itoaps, Tooth Brushes, lirslr ttrnshes. Whitewash Itrnsbes, and every other kind Brushes. Wo bare a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaaeeed Oil, Paints, and in fnct everything t eed in tbe painting business, which we flcr at City prices to easb buyer. TOBACCO AND 6EGAH3, Ocnfeetlcnery, Ppleee, and the largest 'etock of vartetiee ev.r oflered in this place. and warrant, d to be of th best lb Market affords. J. . IIARTHvTIOK, Not. 18(18. JOHN F. IHWIN. Beale's tmbrocation, (late row ell's,) For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human ele.h, requiring the we ol no llernal application. This Embrocation was need hi the fsovernment during th. war. For sal by Hartswick A Irwlr, Clearfleld. Joseph H. Irwin, Curwensvllle. lianiel Uood. lander. Ln'.hersburv tf W. g. lUattfnlifrjtrr & (To. BLATTENBERGER & CO. OFIIIR BAHB LDII CE 31 E1VTS -TO Purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -n- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho times! Oereola. December li, l.'f.O. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKSIKOIH of extrndmg wit bii,net, and knowing tliere can lie bo high. tribute l tTFprrt to the Birmorr of tbe dfmwd and bnrii'.i fi irnda, tbnn to rrort over th"ir nim-w homrv a prultiiml lal of rndnring marhlr, thru rointe foppver to tbe rrntinp ilar of thntw wr rr: I hfg have to eay to all who wib to fhow Ihrir allwtion fur their dtinrtN friradfi and kindred, tbat tbev pan now hare an ornortnnitr of doing an. hy railing at my Fhop on Tiionifaon etrwt. ('urwennville, I'a., u 1 in prrpaml Ui furnish to order, A10NU.M KXTS, CIIADLE k I10 TOMBS, IIK A I) STONES, Ac, of any drign or aiie, at rrnionaMe ratra. A. U. I l"r on hand tbe brut l-'orrlim and !tHme-.tlc Mrtihlr, All work eifH-uteU in the M skillful manner. 1 will alo drhver work lo any tuint in I learfield fr atlioinihf ronntire, if deumd. V M. 11. tul.lH KN. I'arwroa.ille. Oct ?0, IftdH-tf. Democratic Almanac. riMIIS inv.luel'le puli'ication is for sale al Ibe 1 post ofiice, llsbonld Iwin Ibe hsnil. or erer lscmocntl. It contains full election returns fren everv ennnlr In the I nited Metes; Iveiiice, lire nninherlor I8HS csintaina a complete list of the nameeof all Ibe newspaper, suppressed and ntohlied 'diiriii)r Lincoln's adunni.trat ion t and that for IS47 c,nleins tlie n.mcs ol all llioee en iliatie who were imprisoned during the eetna period. Theee two 'r iNtore isis,.iTt .ee nrth more than Ihe price of Ibe siul "alton. The unnilier r,,r ISils l.aleo ioll of valuable slr:t,c. Anr otic sndins; HO cents lo the Pn. Maclrr, will receive hv return nail a eopv for sch war, free of postage. '( eJS:tf "V ATI:ls IIXl.tVMM ON ) slIIN'tll ,ES. j 1 f The underpinned h,Telv jive notii,, tb.t llier wil per Ihe hielie.t market price lor a rued qoalitrol l.tlNit MII.VtiLhs, and tbo heviiif such for eole. will find it to their intere.t to live tbern a caJI Iwfore selltnfc eltenliere. "''AT A SON. Clearfield, March lstl ;iti:vr iiai;4AIn Xrw Store In MiiIsi.1ui ! tn Ihe room fonniilj wcrnj.ifd hj V. T. Hg.riT, L. M. COUTU1 KT r1.Kr Hill method o Inf-rtnlng tlirilirni 1 of Cm. iMf-f on, KaMhrnts, tltrnrd and t lie ur rouriiliiig ftiiitlrv. that hf hti J itt itprr4 a lrjf -t,M-k i f I-1 HOOIiH, whls-,1 he f .M. r. mim-.l t ef II 1 K.N I'KK ( I. NT I III; M'J It it, mo the mttte iiality ( mmhi rin I"- mr''lij"l ftrr in any Mliir 1oro In the niililtorhooj. lin it tick connirti of Dry Goods of all kinds, Such aa Fatinett", Ca-lmtrea, Mtulinn, Dt-lainer, LiUeO. aJ.'ii.M'ifa, falterit-K. '1 1 iLULU itigf , Ril.honn, l.are, BKADY-M A IE V LOT HI NO. I.O0T3 k KlJUii.S, HATS L CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. CoflVe, Tea. Fnrrar, Hire. Miilneaea, Yrh, Salt, Linseed Oil, Kith Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quccncware, Tinware. Catinp, Plowa and Plow Vmix, Nailn, Fjiikei, Curu Cultiratore, Cider I'rvntM, and all IxiniU of Axea. t-X? riows are of the Curweniville an-l Centre county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint. Varolh, (ilane, and a general a"ortinr.ut of tiutiunery, GO OJJ FLOUR, Of diftVrent brand, elwnyi on ham), and will be old al tbe low r it poitiitlt- tigurei. Liqvons, Porh ai BRANDY, WINE, CIX A WHIFKY JOHO pounda of Wool wanted fur whieh the higtivat jihue will be paid. ci.ovi:r sr:i:i. On hand and for tale at tbe loweit market price. AUo, Agent for Wileon'i Flrattonville TIIKESIIIXG MACHINES. lL-Call and sec for yourselves. Ton will find everything nsuall, krpt in a retriil etore. L. M. COLIRIET. Frrncbrille P. 0., Jan. 7, lf,. Down I Down 1 1 THE lTst'IrRIVAL AND OF COfRPE THE CHEAPEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices! 1TE are now opening un a lid of Ibe beet and H meet aeamiuaJila (JckkIi and Wm-ra ever oil err d in tbie narket, and at ihtve that rrmind one of tbe r"d old days if rbap thirig-n. Thie who lack faith Drn tbin )nint, or derm oar aile gattoDB aupt-rfluotiH, nod but c.r. .r ortt &ronr9 Corner Front and Market atnetn, Where tby ran tee, fift, har and know fur them eelrea. To fully andervtatid what arrehfap gK.d, thil amnt be dune. W e do nut deem it .rrriurt to enumerate and it finite oar itock. It it enough for aa to Hale that We have Everytliing that is Needed and mnumeil in this ranrkct, and at j.ricea that ajttoniwh both old and Tnimg. dejStl JtiSKl'tT FIIAW A BON. XEW VLOriieFGED AND PROVISION STORE, THE andcr.irned bar. jnst received al their new stand in Wallaccton, a full supp'j of Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COA L OIL, fat reduced rale,) A food article af T0HACC0, CIOAHS AXD SHOEING TOBACCO, constant! OL band. All of whirh will be sold at LOW RATES for CASH ar iven in exchange for 6IIIMJLES and LI Ull Kit. We rerpertfullv ask the pul.lre t (iv us trial before pwrchaaing elsewhere. J. K. BEAD A CO. Wallaccton, April 7, 18SS. (TKuTrzEiTTsoNs ARF.RKCKIVIXO ASri.ENDinvTOCK UF CAKI'Eld AND OIL CtOiUS. WALL FATEHS-GILT rATER, rf a LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHAPE.- COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS & NAPKIN'S LA PIES SILK COATS if. OV ERSKl IIT8. ELEGANT SHAWLS t LACK POINTS. LADIES' rf- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS. DRESS GOODS AXD TRIMMINGS. BFST KID GLOVES-LADIES' GEN. TL EM EN'S AND CH ILDKK.N' S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. UN EQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CIULDHE.N'S SHOES f tiAITEKS. MEN'S CAI r.t rKKNtll KIP BOOTS. HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $j. M EN'S AND BOYS' FIN E AND H EAVY tiliOES. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, JO. GROCERIES, FLOUR .t- PROVISIONS AT LO H'liST RATES. LIPERI, PEDPCTION TO TH0E Hl'YINO IX yl'ANTH'Y. WOOL. MARKFTIXO AND COUNTRY PliOlUVE WANTED. ClearAcM. June Ki, lR.ld. pm Whip and Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, oiAi nrii in WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET FT., CLEAPFIKLP, PA. Full atoch of Wine, Trandr, Din, WhlpkT end Alcohol, alwavt on hand. Kp-cciaJ attention nnid to Mciirtr.iT a nnr mrtirt-n fr Kf-tan..,.tl and Brdioal purpuMn, jan'JI-tf Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aaaev enn ChlcVerlnir'e. Rtelnwsv's and Emern's Tisnos ; Smith a. Meson A Hamlin's and Pelo.het', Or((.n. and Melodenne. end Orover A Paker' Senlnf Machines. ALSO TRAf'IIKR UP fiano, Ouitar. Orran. nertnnne and v-.l 11. sic. Ka pupil taken tor less then half a lerra ?7,"".",,t F'r" NUol bank. I leer Bold, Mae a, lunttf. 'IMiK lit.JK.l-HATIC ALMANAC for nt i s-c, an. ir,s (nr M, I'nee ii eenvs. Mailsjd to aajr addnea. js ni i. w.iiejow, n sua. wwig mm, 5lt';ttc?(l!t. ri;usuM RMr.r.tun. IVIiUNF, A ( I.I.AHI II I. Ii I'KAVrri. ON and sl"r M .o,lr. A I t'. 1 1. J. !, Imt l'.s.e,ir'r I siiii oil! I, a .(, ..,M, "on't.'Sl l.ewc.. l wne .,.4 I .e. k II.,, one l'astir,r Tiaia brtwuu 1 r.,i,. 6.-1 I. as f..l usi I.IUVK Hil l II. I.I AN B Mjbin. Cle.ificld It.', ps. Trrone .. l'bili., -,!,. .Ii. .., .. i II le - l Ii; I- ' . .. I.s Rn.Vg. . " I, .I..'-, " , I'liilip.l, ,t . o.ceola i 15. " " b Tvrone &.;!, " l lcerfi. 1.1 I'AIIK ANI MSI ANC HtdM CI.KAIiFIKl.K.' FK".M TV Elation. z. K i Stations, - s f1 ; Ifftftrd 3 1" !ntereeftiuD. 4 t Woodland 6 J" 'ancojrto y ft tii;Ur g Oardnrr. j( Wallarelon 1 S& Mt. I'l4'aut....)I Itlur Hall 1.1 4 huDiniit....MM.i4 Ik IMilllprxburp. IT ftO diHlr KiUe...ii 40 Klt-uiere' IS r(.wllf(io 17 4', Purilur ?') f.o Owrola Ui fig Hcroli. "it . Imribar 2 M I'.. lltcn. 4 J.i Sicnit-r i '.'5 t, Katxly U i.l ... 1"! J IMitli f.Kt.ui f; :H -J,) huuuiiit 27 ' Illui' l.ill - .1- Mt. I'lenkaiiU, W- .Vnllacctju..H...."c fc (Gardner .I.Tflfft Itifkr .-3 n ancorHJ .'ii J Mi' V ioi:abJ. $1 (tO IrM'riHK'tiOU.....17 1 I.Miniird ,',j f Tri.f. 4JI I lHt i Irarlii-lil It m KARK FJEOM CI-EAKFIELI), TU Bellefonte, Pa (? 0. I Middlrtown fi ( IWk Jlaven 2 ?U Marietta a aO Willinmftort- 3 in LanraPirr I ia HiioiiDgtiun se 1 H .HHILAIitLHillA 7 Kewmtown I t0 Mltoona 1 ii MHryivill 4 60 Joltnrtown JH HAJlltlf-IH Hii ... 4 7.ll'l 'IT.-ltrii. ft le C'wN ff i'TITl.-S Parpen;?!". Icnring Clearfield at S.SA p. m,, Phil tinhurir at l.!b r. in Oeoula. m i I!, r. arrive at Tvrone at p. tu., aiukiiig eoanefltiua with finrinnnti Kxprrni. mt at fi.17 i. aa., and wiMi Mail W it at 6.41 p. in., on Mmo a'o with JiaKI J'.le I.rir4fr.i. IcaMntr Tyrone at 7,1 p. m., arriviiiff at llflJc f nle at 8.4.'' p. n., and at l.ttfV llarcn at p. tn., eoDnerting With Erie Mail l,ajt on tlie Phitudftithia and i.nt Koad, al 1 l.l p. m., arriving at n uitaniprl at Il'.40 a. aa. I.elurning. ynwi,prr iaving n ilsianirjisrt at 8.1i a. m., on trie Mail Wt, arrive at 1 1 av- Tcn at V 31 a. ni., connecting willi Pitl kr-u Kxpreaa h aving Luck lUven at 10.2 a. n... ar- ritirig at llrllifonte at ll.t5 a. m., Know hooe Citv at p. au., and Tvrone at 1.20 p. ro. A. CArt-ATT, O corral Kupcriiiirndeat. CE0UOK C. VILKI.Vo, air It tf hurreniiteitiitil. Hants. Clearfield Counly Bank. riMIE Clearfield County Bank ai an iBeotrera X ted imtitntion baa gone out of exiteDre e: tbe rarrenderof iU charter, oa Hy 12, llfft All ita etock ii owned by tba aabicribers, whr will eon ti oue the Backing huiifieffe at the inai place, aa prirata Banheri, atider the trm caa ot the "Clearfield Coootj Bank," We are ra rponalb. for the debta ol the Hank, and will pay iU not-eon devaad at tha eoaater. Ifpoiu received and intereat paid when money ii left (er a txed lime. Paper diecoonted at lix per ecnt. aa heretofore. Oar perron a I reeonibilite ii pledged fr aU liopoaita reccited and bo-i'ne-i tranictd. A eonlinnanea of tbe liberal put roaife of the bo tin eaa atea of th eountj ia re fperUully eolicited. Af Free i dent, Ca hie aad offireri of tr lata Clearfild Coonty Bank, we require th notef of laid Bank to be preeented ftir redemption. JAR. T. l.KoNARD, BICHARD PHAW, WM. POhTKR, JAB. B. OK AH AM, A. K. WK1UMT. ii. h. KKhi, WV. A. WALLACE. The barinear of th Bank will h eondnetd It Joba M. A da an f., . a Caahier. (Junla, J. 1. MO irk. Kdward Perk. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGIRK & PERKS. Suooeaaors te Faster, forks, A Co Plilllis.burr-, Centre t'ouutj, Tt. TlIKItE all Ui. hnsines. of a BanLmg li'i ee will re tran'acted pronij.tlr and upen tk. Wiort farnrastle ternia. tear! tr County National Bank. t 1.F.ARHK1.P, TA. TI1I3 Bank is now open an reedr for kal ness. Ofiico on Ferond suert. in th build ing forincrlv eeeunirii bj Leonard. Finnev A Ce. ntnprma Ann ornrrita. JAS. B. GRAHAM, RICIIAKP FIIAW WM. A. WALLAIK, WM. PuhTK't. A. K. WlllUllT, 6KU. L. KCLD. JAS.T. IE0XARD, Pres,ear. W. V. PHAW, ju:S, Cashier. jClartsiaithing. Aeiv ISIncksitiith Mi op. FrCOXD FT., CLEARriELD, ti. THK nnolereirmerl lo inform his friends, and tba inhabitants of the of Clear, ai and snrroundins. neighborhood, that he is tow readv to caecum all orders either ia iron or steeL U0RPB EHOEISd .a th most annrovaA itj stvle. ALL KINDS OP f AW-MTLL ITiOKS nasi Ell 1 N B work, locm.a's tools,, grabs, Ac. Steel tool sf all kinds so.Js ef hsst Inglisa or American steel. fefvAll nnr work is .srrarted t ie. eetis. fectti'n, or ut charged for. oct :t AMOS EKKKA1D. Ilojjgi To wnsli Ip Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERSS ! T?VERTB0PT trring to ret ther flret, J J of being erowded oat into th eclj. it you want good baoeing doae. ga la Ebbwi. If joawant jour Sle4 ironed right, go te Bceaa. If yom want good Mill Iron, go t Baaas. If yru want your we p a iroaed in the be it tyle and workman!.'", c te BaBni. Itraaa anake tb beet htuoip Mefhina n th State, aaddoa all aiadiof HLAChMlTH I Q a ebeap aa eaa he dona ta the roan: for t'esb. My ?ot Oflic addra le Clear&eld Bridr. THOMAS BhhKS. Berg Tp Dee, 19. S67-tf. Southern land & Enilgratioa r o m p a v, WASHINGTON, D. C. ORO AVIZ1D and established for the Tarehsse and Sale .f Kanrnni and Mineral Lands, and improved Real Estate in tlie S.Milhrrn Man ItlOMASs K. M.llltllM'K. freslihtl. JO. SKt'KKNS, Vie l'-.d,.t. J. HENRY AK1,, President Foirth Naiioa.l lUnk of l'hildel.hia. JOHN Mulllils. e,, Tilt'S. C. MAt'lsnH hi. I.. Altonsev and Couneelier. Office Washington Ruihlinr, Comer Frveai St., aud Teunsvlxania Avenue, W'aliiri;t.B, t C. arrrnrnrr. : Oov. John T. Ileflman. All.anv. V. Y. Ex-tlov. Wm. Hurler, t'lsrtirlii. Ta. H"t. T. F. Kandi lr-b. Trenton. X. J. Ki-ltv. Wm. K. l'akcr, VI itharrsrort. Ta. Prl.t. I. Yd-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOl'UAGE HOME INM sTIIY. fpilK nndrrelrnrrl. havlnr wlablished a No 1. eery on ihe Tike, about half was het.cra Clearfield and Cnrwen.vllle, is prepared to f,:r nlsh nil kind, of ritl lT TR EES, I stnerf.rd srd daarf.) Ererreene. Shrubbery, U.e X'ires, tlooseherriee, I.e. Ion lilac. berry, Sir.w.rrT, and Rnsberry Vinee. Also. Siberian tVel- Trees. Wuinoe, and early eeirirl Rhubarb, Aa. promptly atleuded to. Addn ss, J. 1. WRMI1T. eepjn .jr Ta Limo for Sale I fTl K nndreinl, tffi.ting near ibe l -pt Va Jl wind iMvntplrte arratuitnent' wi'k 1 nt-e Humeri" et o4 tKf nouutatit, wherrl-r br i hied to keep ronatantlT on hand a large quant iti ef P i" i; k LIME! whlrh he oflVr to farrorn. and buil.b n at a tr fle abiwt rnt. 1 hi in nrn-d ol tlie urt.c!- mit.a i Woll to give me a rail, or a-Mrm mr I r Utter. e frr negttitating their lime. til'O. f. PASSMR1I. Clearfield, Pa , June 0, lf t ir AXTI'.P One good BLACKSMITH " il one man tn woik in wood nkmi; Iiei. Wagon. Stun'p Warlnne. Ac. Pinge sn r tn f n With amatl famili. Aj't tn litH-TH A KI WRABuKr.. aaglntLf JeCeraoa Liae, aiearliaid ewaai;, Ffc