Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 27, 1870, Image 2

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    Veal fJ- T .
Gobi B.Goodlandsr, Editor.
Mr. llooro'i new Sun will nppcor
on the 2d of Mty next, nnd promises
to hliino for nil.
Tho bill restoring the Spring Elec
tions failed to puss tho Legislature,
as did mso die bill Increasing tho num
bcr of Judges of tho Supremo Court.
Whoever roeciree a circular saying
that 160 acres of land have been
assigned him or her, as hoir of a
deceased soldier, and requesting that
$30 be f.irardcd lo defray tho ex
pense of sale and transmission of the
proceed, will please hold on to their
money, as the thing is a cheat.
ICo!.YNf. Some of the Western
tiu.'S are utterly-insolvent. Galena,
III., cannot pay" tho interest on its
debt ol SJ.titW.UOO, and the valuation
of profieriy, svfcieli in 1850 was
2 Is. 074. m now less than half a mil
lion dollum. Exchange.
Tea, and their morals are at a
licnvier discount than their finances,
but they are generally "loil."
Toat Ket The key of Libby
firison is in the pmeossion of Dr. llol
isler, of Euston, Pa., and will be kept
for exhibition in his museum Ex.
It should have bern buried in the
prat e with Edwin M.Stanton. Craw
ford Democrat.
Wait until Seward commits suicide
then tho key and hit ''little bell" can
lll buried together.
Lotal Chiais Tho Itadicals in
Connecticut seem to be at great ras
cals as iu Penntylvania. In making
the apportionment for Senators they so
formed the districts that SC.235 Hudi
cnl voters can elect twelve Senators,
while 61,450 Democrats elect eleven,
15,000 Democrats are disfranchised
through the ingenious gerrymander
ing of the State. Such work may be
loyal, but "by the eternal" it it not
Do not fail fo read the speech of
Congressman Stiles, and tho article
copied from the Patriot on our first
page, bearing upon this species of
Hadical rascality.
,'Um,otcn at." Another Radical
leader hat lecame "unfortunate," as
tjreelcy terms a hundred thousand
dollar theft, if carried off by a loyal
ist. John Spear, tho Collector for
ana, is niixsing, und bis account is
.!rti.l.M" . u . . . . r f inn,AAn
Tho fact came to light from the largo
number of citizens bring called upon
to pay their revenue tax for 1S69,
they having been reported by way of
explanation on the Collector's books
at dead, absconded, etc In every
case receipts from Spear or hit deputy,
or other evidence showing the pay.
ment of taxct bad.been produced.
Unfortunate Mr. Spear." This
pcar wnt evidently too sharp oven
for the Solomon in the White llouae
who should have noticed this irregu
larity even in Kansas.
A WoNDtarct. RkronMATioN. A
nombeir of negroee and whito loyal
ists held a joint caucaa in Philadelphia
on Friday Ismt, U peifett a plan to
cavo the Statu from total loss. They
agreed upon a plan, which is evident
from the following from the Trett :
Il it a part nf tha t.laa ta tarry Ilia system
Into lot moat reanoas and troladad fiart af the
Ftat aad anlist tbo antir fore of bonest and
Intelligent taea ia lb eaten of tht ooaatry frost
lb danjara vl politieal aenaptioo.M
We merely ask whose hen laid the
-gI and bns hutched out this "politi
cs! corruption," from which the Slate
mutt be rescued ? lint not Camoron,
Forney k Co. had control of the
"machine" for ten year paetf Aro
they likely to improve matters even
with the assistance of negroes? Who
among Ihe horde of political buxtards
who are devouring tbo State and
breeding "political corruption," are
likely to reform. Will gomo ono
please name one. "Our colored
brethren" may bo honestly inclined at
present; but if they cohabit and run
one year with the crew at the head
of public affaire, every nig will be as
corrupt as Cameron or Forney.
'In Ihe I-ait OUeh."
When Lincoln & Co. plunged ttie
conntry into War in l&Gfl, Forney,
Col. John W. Forney, declared it to
be the height of his ambition lo "die
in tho laat ditch," whilo assisting to
"crush out the rebellion." Hut ns
mimy of our readcrt well know, the
heroic Colonel never went near tho j
affair, although the opportunity laatod j
for over fonr years. Like Rub Acres. I
bo allowed hi patriotism lo 007c out j
at his finiriT S ends, nnd rinw hta !
whole lime is employed in revelling
with ihe negro Senator Revels, nnd
tho sweet aceiitptf si si era of the colored
permission in the National Capitol
Forney hot found his level in Ihe
ditch with bis colored brethren and
siaters, jual where every scalawag
will wind nn who betrays his blood,
kindred, race and country. Forney
raiicu.sing with niggers: Head, think
bntk fourteen yenra. Reflect awhile.
See where Ihe deiiiai'oirne bus IsnJi-d i
Wlml t irvarr
fur a whito mm,
Jfca.lpr, rcflw t.
n-1 a . ...
- nt.p utnr jtr frM t-ta vrr
nl wotk in tlie .mrripft. Int I
it. n nuro lvivnne lUt rxtlHl,-l
rtvlllatunlt- Lull.,... . i'
SSXi UU0 l,nW,cr ,hd !
' ' "
Hum nnnj Hnmtta-
. , i i ..In I,v Ilin
A Imire tliuti i i" '"K ' " J i
l!,l,,l. iIiiomhIi tlio li.J l
to owl" "lfl na'r'" 1"
idem Into their o"11' nvi'li'tf i
wunii, so nt to innUo utro of their
votes this Tall. Senutor Itevelf, l!ev.
J. M. LnngMoii, KroJ longlasi, nixl a
lew mora rhoico noirrms toi'iiui
with John W. tiemy, ex (iov. Newell
of New Jersey, itnil ft number of
wliilo lojiilids, nsKeinlled in seeret
conthivo in Wushinglon, lust week,
for tlio purpoho of putting in opera
tion the machinery to cut.!, every no
o voto for tho Huiliciil tirkct. e
hojio they will succeed, becattso no
negro in Pennsylvania is qualified, by
natiiroor education, to voto tlio Demo
cratic ticket. Tho Ifudivnl ticket is
tho negro ticket, nllliough tho white
lenders of that party havo for years
demanded that intelligence and educa
tion should bo made tho test, in the
cxercieo of tho electivo franchise.
The Radical leaders a few years ngo
howled thomselvos hoarse over the
"ignoranco of tho Irish, Ducth, Fronch,
etc," demnnding that they bo der.icd
tho eloctivo frunchiso, because of
"their gross ignorance." Yet, these
scalliwagt, now demand the ballot for
the negro; who is endowed by na
ture with ignorance and can neither
read or write. Tlio African limy prob
ably be reconstructed, by mixing pro
fusely with tho "loyal millions" and
become intelligent enough to vote tho
Rudical ticket; but they can never bo
elevated enough to voto for Demo
crats in Pennsylvania.
Wo cannot believo tbnt thcro ore
wbito men enough, iu this Sluto, who
aro willing to compromiso their race,
coalesce, associuto and cohabit with
the negro, and thoreby carry the
election. The Radical leaders will
find by the lime '.he election is over,
that whilo the League has secured
one negro, to vote their ticket, five
whilo men will have deserted their
ranks and declared for a "white man's
government" on this continent. No
gro suffrage, may do in Africa, or, in
other debauched tecliont of the
Globo, but it will norer succeed in
Pennsylvania. Mark that, Samho,
and ye white scalawags who think
yourselves no belter than a negro, and
are inculcating into the minds of your
innocent children tho story of equali
ty 1 Look at Africa, Mexico, Central
and South America, where two races
amalgamate ? What is the result.
A man that w ill not heed tho lessons
taught by tho violation of God't law
in theso sections, cannot bo made
wise and must bo allowed to follow
hit taxlo and final extinction by
commtling social auicido.
The ,Ttrt CottKretMtnan.
The Blaek Republicans in this Con
gressional District, aro in a quandary
over tho next Congressman. Many
are opposed to Scofield, who snnd
witched himself in two years ago, by
---Bl-,","r . i -
last and Walker. Since that time
Scofield has bought off nil his com
petitors by having them appointed to
; office, except Souther, who is still un
provided for. An attempt was made
last week to spike Souther't gun.
Scofield and many of hit bosom friends
culled upon the l'rosident and request
ed him to appoint Souther to a judge
ship in Washington, made vacant by
tho appointment of Judgo Fisher, to
tho Marshal ship. Our Congreisman
and his backers brought ovcry gun in
their battery to bear upon "tho gov
ernment" for the purpose of getting
Souther out c f tho way ; but il did not
surrender. On tho contrary, Grant
appointed an Alabaman, Darned llum
hreys, to that position.
Why not send "Hank" out on ihe
plaint and have him tomahawked by
the red skim? Ho is only n bother
to Scofield and his corrupt ring at
best. It iia piece of impertinence for
any Radical in this district to bo look
ing after a seat in Congress before
Mr. Scofield is satisfied. All such as
pi rants should be sent to Fort Lafayette
until after the election.
The Supreme ttrneh.
The United States supreme bench
is onco more full. We give a list of
the Judges, with their ages and the
dates of their uppointinoiils.nt follows :
Falmon P. Chana, of Ohio- ..II
Nathan ( liff.trd, of .Mainn- ra,
Samuel Nelaon, of New York 77
liarid I'aTi. ri llhnil.....
Noaa II. .Swatne. tif Ohio .fi (1
Samnel F. Wilier, of Iowa hi
le).be J. t leld. of California VI
Wia. Str.rtiaT.itl Prnnt lvama..n M
Jos. V. Ilradley, of New Jt-rary i7
Of this number ClifTuid and
1 -l.l
I "..',-
JJ, j
aro Democrats, wliilo tho bulunco are
rtndicals. Tho unanimous rofusal of j
ihe Court last week to
legal tender" dctinun, in aeeordanee j
with the Uemnndsnl Attorney -Oeneral
Hoar, looks at though tho ConMitu
lion nnd their oaths wero rcecivine
somo ConKideration on Iho rnrt nf the i
a TI.... II..- : r. I
vuu.a. a 1 1 i Aii'jii , in uiiiipi luiuiin m
hit ndvcntnrcs ilis fl j 000 iihmi v
, . , , ,. . . J
e 'v
no aveight ol tho W Into House, '
II o was Vic ked out of Iho Supreme
Court about a year no, on account
of his impertinence nnd bootinh man
ners, rejected by the Senato for n
Judgeship, nnd i:nvr kicked out (if
Court npnin with his leal tender
stliinplasters, fur w liich ho was prom
ised a larro fes by tho pamMinp
nniernity 11 no wou.n Kei inc i. oun -
to reverse itself upon this tubjecl.
Cfld nntne,l,encc tho repented fnilures.
a "
The Age My : One Major Calhoun.
of Ihi-cily, takes occasion nt ull meet-1
intra of nrL'roes and Radicals to Main :
tbartheonce relnntred to tho Demo-1
crnho patty. We supposo il is upon .
the aame principle w hich nmkes a '
' , 1 1 am i.vniTv biio iiau a irtuoua
. mother.
The lamoii. I..m.l. .!...l.,t
r i a '"""r " ' "
X ,ow' ,lou, hMn
ca it xo snuTTJ one ol lha inftmrvr -
)nii(ii(.'ii IIVmmiii.
tiinlof Mi rnilntiillnn'li'V
J I..
i . ... ..r i ,ii i.i mp i.i' in vpti ii
" ,
1 ,o
I'Xtst in llii" rilVi
inilee.l, lin , nero
ill tlio worhl. V M'Oko IubI ii-U ol
lU letter from Hi- hnnlson to Mrs.
liioiiuii ...
V.U-I..H.I. written to her Whilo slio
. ... s. ... -;r.. ..r mn
hv whom the lellow was iifterw arils i
l!ut bail os that was, il wiih no I
worse thon tho letters since brought !
lo light from women educated, tnnr
l ied women in this city, Written to
Mrs. Mcl'arlutid, for tho purposo of
inducing her to desert her husband.
Ono of theso lotters contains tho fol
lowing counsel :
'Mv ili-nr, wliftt are yml soinK to it.T W'liat
vir v'U ili-i'itl ut'H of iM'tir.t) four fiii'ii-ii
your true frii'li'li Will arcrjit. Hilt l do hiif
you will nt't Willi flrinncMaiiaiJrci.iioii. It .win
iu ma Hint ono nral fftorl ! only a qit'.-Miuo ol
limf, ami tlii .noiirr it U iimlc the b.-licr lor yon
and vuur cuiMrrn. lo not for one niomi-iit Ion-
prer eiiterliiin tliat morliid iila llmt you aro ri--pouuuie
iur tlio tile of one who ii ure to brenk
you ilonii eomjililely ami ruin, rrh... your
ehil-lr-!), if Itiey oontiuue lo livo Willi iinii. It
will kill you to live 'lliil way, and. you murl
not do it."
And this is written by ono married
woman to another, adjuring her to
break her mnrriugo vows! lint the
other letters from a woman who says
sho is a writer for the Independent
nud tho TWiune, and occupies pew f-0
in Mr. Frothiiighnrn's church, is far
ahoad of this. Sho plies tho wife
with tho most fulsomo, naneotis flat
tery to get her upon tho staijo ns nn
actress, tpcaks of ihe actor llooth us
"n divino man," and addresses tho
wife sho would lead ustruy in such
words as these :
"It Ii profanation for yoa lo alay wiiu
man you not. No woman oogln to put uer
womanhood to open luatiie, aa you havo been
foreeii to do for yean. It is moat cnul, m-jst
drviliitl. You eannot work, you eannoi adrauee.
you can make certaiu of no luturo lor youroll
and Ilia children while you lt:iy. Tnt-ra ii Do
juitice, do reason, no hope io your doing it."
'Tho letters liavo no bearing on the
question of McKarland's guill or inno
cence, but they nro before the public
as illustrations of a class of women,
and of men, too, whose writings and
touching and example aro doing
much to corrupt society and poison
all the sweets of domestic life. This
is the literature of the r ree Love
school. It is tho sentiment of the
sentimental reformers! of tho present
day popular too, with powerful now s
papers, political und religious to
pander to their purposes und afford
them means of reaching and corrupt
ing the public mind and heart. These
vilo letters all right minded women
would blush to read, but they are
such letters as nil tho Frco Lover,
men and women, approve. And
there tiro no women mora dnngerotn
and mischievous than they who thus
buay Ihcinielvcs in perverting olliera
from tho path of virtue and honor."
X. 1'. Olterver.
Wo approve the foregoing fully
But the editors ef tho Observer should
havo gone farther, and told tho "whole
truth," by giving tho names of these
"edurnlcd, married women" which,
now under the circumstances devolves
upon us. Ono of them it a Mrs. Sin
clair, wifo of tho Publisher of the
New York Tribune, tho other is a
Mrs. Calhoun, w ho with Vico Presi
dent Colfax, took Mrs. Mt Farland
to tho Stute of Indiana mid had lior
aivoreeu. caiiiouu tuiu ms mw mii.,
belong to the editorial stuff of tho
Trilvnt. These two "educated, mar
ried women" ate tho leading fcniulc
writers for tho Tribune and the
The former is the acknowledged
organ of "the loyal nnlliont of the
radical persuasion, in polities, nnd the
latterls tho orgnn of the semi religious
radicals of the licccher and Frothing
ham c!as.
Theso two journals, of large circu
lation, aro chiefly edited ly lewd men
and women, and ono or tho other, if
not both, tiro found in nenily every
clergvmnns family. Is it therefore,
njr wonder that tlwieal clojicmcnts
nnd toducliont nro frcnucnt, nnd tlie
country demoralised throughout. If
ire mitlake not, the country is trap-'
inp a in h hnrvc't of (Icliaui heries and
irima tlironi'li I ha itislrumentialilir
of thr3 "educated, married women
,.".. . i
! and their male assistant, Greeley,
i ilton, J.eccher, etc.
Money or Rlooii. Tho Ohio flov
ernor of South Carolina, is organiz
ing a battalion of Winchester rifle.
r , . . e , a , , ri ,
icn fnrAhccoiintyof hdi-efle i ,Soul h
,. ... J r ' . I
arolina. rivo companies meet t tie :
demand of Meti.lor.a s military jud;;- V 'l'" l" m "
. ., , ,.. not this repudiation : nnd that, M'O,
merit as reouiMtc for nn itarv puriiOKi . ' ... . ,. 7.
.. . , fr , ,' ,' . not whilo tho nncitmn Mat ppeii to
Tin hattuilion of four miidrei I men. , , i.e. -. l i 'j!
, .. debate, but after it has been diler
enn dr iver five hundracl or more ilea . . , ., , . , . , , ,, I
, . . , l- 1 1 1 1 mined bv tho hiL'rest lecnl nuthn, v,
shot in nn hour. Five hundred per L , , -, . - ,. J-
, ., , . ,. .. , ,'. ; and hna becomo tho fit nlly dtuca-
dny was tho utmost limit reached bv , ,, r,. , . J ,
her of men. Tho l!ailic:il jiroresa is
renllv delightful. Scott in t-'otith
Cnrolina, liullock in (icorgia, nnd ' -
iioiiien in .orin
Cnrolina, and all !
Whilo Ihe peaceful
nnxious (or ar.
farmers, shot ked and intimidated, con- -
lr-,.1 II,,.;- n..,.in.M.. .,,.1 ll
, . , . h. n, ,. , 1 ,
lanpiin-lunc, ami dull, ilrnifa a slow
length nlonp; nnd rnpitnltnta nrnin
irroir il.o.. ..f ninnre L.o.linrr .I...1I.I.
...i r -i,,!,:,,,,, :.., IW .ir,,,,, ,1,,,. I
the pnrsu strinrrs nnd zeal them in I
double cart iron boxes : thec valiant
i . .. i i- . . . 'i . .1 !!. . I
promoletS of reconstruction Cry Put,
the combat thickens ! Un ye liravc : ,
Who rush fur creenhncLa or the
irrnve : with Iho lull liopo and c&nfi
ilot.L eTnr.(.intinti tlmt llm lovnl il
1, n,l aiinvi..llP I I.e.'
i-'. i
" IJ ri',r,,in : 'av 1,nv" 11,0 ,iovc'
and hoe! Tuko lip the pistol ntld the ,
, u'un ;
I'lin ! No moro bard Work in tlio Cot-
,n row March ! by tho bnrlo nnd
tho drum ! "Lot us havo peace," nnd
plunder, or glorious war is ro ei honl
Irmn tho ( in unifctenee lo the centre
of progressive Iladiculism. Gerjia
M l l I'll M.E A recert Wnshinrr.
Inn letter lo iho New Vi.iU Indepen.
, , . , ... ,. ,'.
il.nt reminds usol two hi tie menlenta, 1
the one in the life if Senator lirown-
(,v nn, ,,)0 in hnU,T Senator
Ihake. '1 hce men ure now hand in-
, (.''"o with I!i vela mid his Knalii-nl i
1 i.illeniirs in Contnso, nnd yet n few
'vet." eUo lVoivtilow praycl ll.-.t if
IP !",, "t "rtli Ins ccdm nii.;hl
bo left open nl fine end so that he
rp,M" erawi nwny Horn tne Aloilition-
'' i and ahoul Ihe anine lime I'raU
introilut - ed a bill into t!,c Missouri '
pe,,.o in that Slato lo bo sold into '
falnvrrr ! Sik-Ii ia llm lrk!i mil f.r
- i..,,,,,,,
wlsverv! Such is the
.i.:i.'.i.. ' .
" " ""u nu linusilll icuill'ra
manuf-UurcJ. A compound of
,f If I nA nn.1 " " '"'
A h n liti liepiihlH-aii J.iiiinnl, m rr
frtiin lii some '
ial cases of ('en
!i.,OeMi.lllll nnil Mill" "'i ' "", ,
- - ' . !
... ;;. :.....i ,i sun
i. .in i i ii'ii m in i i
, ... ,i,...i,0 a ,,,i "it. seems ns II
,i , v .rv ,Uncsi.l repnlHu mi pntcni-
ment with poiwiiieil, inul Unit ll'ex-
. . . ".. .ii ini.Mituani ii. '
perimeni in B""V. . .- .
'"l,1,,lu iu.....v. V ,. , 'Tiit
.11. 1' 1 It. lit llll illlKM
,(0 f.nMwl ,m n-inil lh .iial i i
Mention of tho eountiy ns full of Jan
ger," mid l.ellevet
t hat "unlest ssine
ellcclivo H speedily fli!icl ,
tho evil will I.e-omo fhroli.e, nJ j
linallv will reqiiiro inul eroin nai- h.i
nient: which involve lorce und bljod- !
sh.,1." And he adds that "tho fclinglJJ
is iiitetisilicil almost to thocxteit ol , u
dispair bv tho knowludgo thnl the
I , . - ... ,,-,,i,, it-liii'l fit., ' t-t
revelations llil coii.i'.i v
v-nni liMalLil to l lO lillbllU UIO DUl ISO
luted instances of tho demoruliz.lion
which exists, and thai the p-oplo , u
huvo reason to know that lor eery;,,
caso which comes to their knowlulje, n
hundred escupo detection." ,4
Another Rudicnl paper clmrgestliat j
seveiit v courtesans wero uiui to ,
Wushinglon City to infliicnco lejibla-
tionontlio Pacific lluilrond sub idy.
Tlio saino paper nlso charge Unit
$J.r),0UU were recently divided onor.g
tho keepers of houses of ill fiimi iu
Washington, w ho w ere lo coerce tin.
dor penalty ol exposure, tho supvirt M
by Congressmen of u bill proviling
Iur Indian opproiriaiions. nui 11
was not long since w o publishei n
Wushington letter lo u Jicpublimn
paper td' Chicago jtivinj' an uccounl ol
the easy access of women of aloulirml
repute lo tho unto rooms of the Sen
nlo und House, und tho familiarity of
thoso samo women in tlieir intercourse
with Scnutors und Representatives.
Nor is it ull. In-tead of an eUirt
to strengllicn tlio grotinu-woiK uiou 1
which tho new llepuhlic is to rest un- j
til tho next chnnge, it bus been yon-
lonlv cveaUened I v tho inlrodut ion
into it of un elenicnl w hich ncvel vol ;
I ...1 ... . . 1 .. ,,. ' .1 i
politicul insanity. Wo apeak of1 the
negro element, which, in tho Status
where il is recognincd with oftciul
position, has shown itself to bo utter
ly corrupt. Tho infusion of this new
clement into the social and poll icul
body not only debases il, but dclens
the priJo of tho while element bj nn
association repulsivo and demoraliz
ing. So wonder, therefore, in view
of tho wholo field, llmt Iho feelilg of
ull good citizens is "intensified ainosl
lo the extent of despair," nud tint "it
seems that tho very sources of npub- i
Iican government wero poisoned mid
that iho experiment of selfgern.
ment wus a lamentable fuiluro." Such
is the tone that sham Republieinisui
has imparted to tho morals nnd poli
cies of Iho country during the nine
years it bus becu in power. ('inrin
ifi' Enquirer. j
MUtdital ilrpudiation
What shape will now be giten lo
tho Radical revolt against tho lw as
declared by Iho Supremo Coift we
cannot tay. Tho attitude, of llailieal
officials in Pennsylvania is Uiat id
open resistnnco to tho law, ti laid
down by tho highest tribunal, nd in
a manner too that affords a togual in
stance of Radical hypocricy. The
party not long sinco professed to be
so bent on paying specie thai it stig
matized us repudiation tho prrfeclly
legitimate suggestion that bciida f"r
which paper dollars were proniise'd
and paper dollars paid, might be prop
erly riiHchnrircil 111 the a:tmo paper,
behalf of tho bondholders. Not nly
tho bonds made beioro Iho rreatiiu or
legal lender money, not only bonds
that stipulate for '.'old shall bo 1 i . I ,
in coin; but bonds issued after the 1
creation of legal tender money, and I
not stipulating lor gold shall als ' be I
nnid in coin
.Not to do this was re-
. ,niintion. That was tho rrv of iheir
lust political campaign. Now.
valo citiiens liavo at last obtain
licnrin in tlio Siijircmo Court. ( li
ilrciili-il, first, that wlioro pM oa
ppi-iiillj; stiiulnlod, polil could l i re
rovorcil, or tlio value ol t
ri.;. ...r..H..t il.A I
"... r... r j; 'I' (
contract of tlio lisrtica. In ttio irxl
case, llicy dcciilcil tlmt nil rontMcIs
nunc odiiro the . tender act vtr, I
in fact, conlrncts fur srxKie niri-1
j oni n,,d Met; thertbre,
i savs tlic b'titiremo Court, such i'n-1
I ' "uatta discharircj in .,, 4.or j ZtnXZ
."" T" 1 ' ' T'Tl ' ' tp"-i- '"-' wi
i Hint that HlO Jiudlt.lls havo riSCI llllparnes. Ilelernea tieliante.l. Applt lo, or
: ri.vot . invo lacked tlio Sun: sine ' aJar imtoediaieiT, i. rAi'Krii a a,
. .' . .... - J-.a-j I onunenial Mill.."
cciirc. nnn mauo an un pitcvocucu .
cflurt to reverse l.y that meant il n-
njl decision. They now cry j npr iar I
illdiviiluills, hut pi'ld lor liDtlilllul rs. I
Yt surely tliisopvna them lo ueir
ow n cill charge of rcpmlintion. It
not to pay a live -taventv bond in ip
' iv in i .-iiiiiiiuiiiiii, w iiuv in i iu rvin
,. , '. , . ., . 7
tl.e le-'iil itiil-'mcnt thai exprcaa p am-
- .11 ,.1 1
trtr ilrfitisrmrnts.
l.',l"-v ;o
V 'rV' "
pet bu.bel l,r
" A. M. IIII.I.J.
at. I lt-
11 froea the Hhilaite'pliia liar.tena; ala . Ilia
. .i,r,.i ho.-b I'oiaioks. tor ..u M iu
! It.. More ..t IIARTSU 11 k a ikwis,
p-iJ7 Clrarfielil, Pa.
, ,. ni i mi u emu i-.:..", '
''5""l b-'mf diatoaH of bi. intereai in in- anil liarneaa Miatneas in l.alheralinro. re-
.,7 Z, patro,,. . Z ".'Z
lied aei-ounta to eome lorwaij and eloae lliro,
"""r l".""lt np or ttinr n'e..
I.nlhert'.iar(t. April 57
I870 J,.
; lM l TIIR-aj MTI l-.-Wbereaa U
1 "."1 '' an lh. eatnteofW I I.I.I AJ.
n. I'ull 1 l.H. late ol Ilia town. hi, .r I., a.
"rn rr.nte.1 t n,. ,,rr, rn,
andall per.on nl.-!.,d loaai.l estate arareirti
J"",, . .' :
auih.... rated, for a:t kV '
".TIMN iloolll:'
wrampian II 1 4
April J7. ls;o Si.,tr.
House nud lot lor Sale!
rpilR nn.lera.pred
I aeH al 1 nt ATI . 1 1
lli.nw and I .1 No. "I in the l,or..s .
earfi.M. Soiiih I'onrOi Stref. l ot sa I a.
J"!' "''h "" I1-"" "'" '?
'eet, new and li. f ,,nnC ot eiirllem .,
, i, theen.r. !,., ,,L., ..."
Ileal l.lah. AcenN.
April 57, isrn 41. t k-artield. Pa.
VftIUilll0 (il'isl Mill PrtllMTli
linfAii' '
rri'r, ih, .,c1n,Mir
tira.t M il lvP..,i,- ,. ,hB , ! ,
' tbe Tr-ne A rieatflraM K.,!.! i. .
with rm-lt Int rl-nrn an I hMlan fTtl ...I.'
ui,i 1
s ;" f'
'tne aM Hcialork timU r, viiib (ir.-t U.ll
. Irri, Ihref en.rirt h ch. t" W" rxf rtnrh '
, d'ltthle fciilt, tl ittlirr II mi am tkii . I
Z m? ! .,
--,. .... ;
KTr. "d ""'? '
"'' npp'y re, or at ire..
walla k a wai.tkrr, j
....... w raie
IWu' !:Unti'.f;nrtili
L.isl of Retailers
hrtii I1 in the
n. i.i ...t
In 0 r ('ft mi lit
i .in.n iur the is;u:
I I W in. W irr F in, t
I a wnrM r.
... ... '
?i 1.1.1! I
M oitttia.
I I .lona ' oi. 7
II U ouanl K 1. r 11)
i:t JoIitinoiuKiiH. rly 111
II II. Il A J.ll.llru
loik.r 7
W null A l O.
II ti. M. Illi.lilll T
t'J hnuil llns;i'rly..ll'l
- t J
tt ruiiou M r.iiUU
II J. I.. IkIIwi
All) .
j J:; VLl'.
it. II. M..n- m
- - ' - ;
j. a. Torpe lu
Jnckioli rait in n It
1 llioa. Ilrii.lurill,
II John M. I lin.r....
10 Wiuvrr A llillt...
I t I. I.. Iti-iarlinU-in.
11 II llridtfr
It) W illiam II r.l
II Mia. .1. I!. Mai.o-i
orace I ili-ltru..
1:1 .InliK-f M I:iit.i
m w iitiam '. Inin, 1"
;,' ,llr,v..
V. A. It .rnljiitii;h,
lu,,d n.-it
j n Co
III Jos. A ol
lli lm- I Jloaanp.. i'l
I I II. r'. Nii-JT'e "
? J I J lirtitii.m A oiie...l'-'4
13 WiuM A Soii....l: i
I0l:l U.K. lliclrrA o. Id
7111 t'. K ra:tiT A Moua l.
i;i Ai;ri Hr
" l;' "",!lj
u 4"jf"
III r. Luiitir '.U
11 l. li. Nuliuir IJi
II .Mi.-c-i IU mar A
l.oiiii-li 7
13 Itoherl ll... 10
ri Hl Kit! II I.K.
IS IlurUoA-k A UouJ-
Will li')
I t tletnmi; A ll..el.. 7
II II. Soper 7
li Arnuldallamh u.121
II! Hioiiipaoii A Co... 'I
our... i
I! 1 1 nr.l A M lier....UI
U William HiiiitiT... i
II Jll.llU l'llllit'il '
1 1 l-'runeis I'oikIi iI..
- t'oulriet... I
U fl. H. ('ran. ton.
II Clillllalid A llerk-
tndoru M. t
crt li :i.
IS P. A A. Hiiio....U'l
II T. A. I'ri.lraut... 7
la Al. .AIUi J- in
II It. K. Mrwart t
l.l W illiaiu U llndr, 111
li joon iiti -1
IO U A. I.v.n il I
i.t-Mni-ii iitt.
1.1 !. Itiik IU
U Aug. l.aionle
11 T. II. iona-y
II K. Irwin A r-ou..
10114 Irriruaon tlroa 7
U J. rercnaon A I o.ll'i
arw a ahiii.oTi'X.
I Satniirl M'l'nne... I r
7 ID M MurryaM.t.-lnlU'l
oi ror A.
i:; II Mra. T. Ilurl,le... 7
HI iTnn,
12 r. t: iiowman...
14 " '""
,3 j,,.'""......
f AiirllAt a.
7 12 A.e A Ki-llr
III K' .tier A Ilr.jllu r
111' i l. A. iSloneroa.!...! )
C liliittcilhrrC'-ral'o. U
13 M l s t'oiier ll; II Wbii-wsibtT.mii
II W . J. 71 mi l
II Wm. F. Sankey... 7 II W i-ilP A 11 -i iu . ... 1 1
II Jme Wisina... 7 II John W. Waple... 7
uxtail brai.tiis l.f i-atkxt usim-nr..
(Voaa. Liernat-
4 T. II. Koreer, Craliam :
4 Hr. II. It. Loo.1. tiaenila- A
4 Joaepb H. Irwin, Curaenarille.... &
4 llarliwn-k A Irwin, Clearfield A
4 A. I. thaw. do i
ansa rna.
13 Peter Ciarnier. Cotm-ton H'
10 Iripoldt A llelaeothaler, C'le.rlield........ l-
III C horlea N hafi r do Ill
sti.i.iAHp- siionas ann yra rtv allkts.
rMili.mon N unainaker, Oaero'a. I ailey Sf
II. U. iullA-rlon, ClcwrUeW, 2 talilra and I alley, 6V
cimrteij County Bank
r'prcTior.nn:! t quo cttiFt.
4 W. V. M. i, li orarm ,
4 JamMi Tlf-mpaHn, MiTfif.... ,
4 John O lull.. do
4 i biiilian J. hUoO, U'eulav. ..
Anna It a'u-h ... ,
lalnrk !mm' A- ,
Mm H. M. .Hillrr tin
I'r. 1. It. OtKiii. J
ilnahua HftWtl (liM
L.lward MitT.
J. llrUM-tniK k '., i:ralv ,
Jatni-i Jllin. l"rn
'ihiiritc tirafl, ( ui wi nir die
J. II. JenVini
F lwani (J;tlia '4n
J. II. Irn.B A'K.
It. S. I I olner -I "
4 Jninn ( ornelv, V. on. I wars ,
4 Wilhan M. VtUr, Nr Washington
4 Thomat W. Mfw-, I.awrr it
4 JUrtfWi'-l, A Irwu, (. lrr-6,l.l
C. Ii. Wain m io ,
V -i,,Ml Kultri Irt ,
N. M. Il.mcr tl.i
l'rttr A. liJiuItn li
Alrtanlt-r lrto 'Ii M h
A. I. Shaw tl i b
1. H. 1 ii ;.it t
John A.h-a.llrr- i
M. Nt io. A i o dc t
?-An Ajiftal W lu l-t at tht r'-iunmMn-r'
I'lrr, in ( ka-fl,i, on M-iflar, lh J.'.-l timr
-f i, 4.. t Tt, wh-n k where )) itAHM
Kl ttui -..i,. M. , m a. S-t,
lw. J. 11. MI AW.
ir2T 4t ilerrantile Apprmttrr.
rIIK nn-l-r.irneJ, Kternt.r of the ea'at af
1 llli(h M. Mullen, offnt at PrirtteRalt
A Farm Containing 100 Acres,
More ar b-.a, ailuale in I.awreae Inwaakip. aiiaat '.
ihrea niil. B Iron) C learf a I, a Ijoiiiina; Ian It of j
Ai.rariam Oir.lrn, Joaeph a'a .n. Orr, and flt tier. '
About 40 arret ara nnder eullirnlion, with a lf !
jsarlor furtheT partirnlart aa.l apin the an- I
B,ni4 ,to ,,B tlmStlj f, (,,
Alll'.AIlAV Oiil'RV.
April s:, i:o 2ea
QOf.n - WT,:"- ?"n '
' '" To aiiiia'.ie men we iii g-tt a aaiarr of :l li..err. New .ork.
a r0or KXPANMKfl f i ltivaiors
11 Jait rcrtirrd nH for tale by
II. r. tiMLElt Ci.
) AR ino fcXTANnlNO Cl I.TIVAT0RS,
1 1 Jnat rtrcirtd trd 'r rale r.v
II. F. JII 'iLKn A CO.
S Ol.lll
hhartl I'lvaa
eal by
Irta and Wood Framer for
II. F. LIiilhR af TO.
X leelfe Jait reetived and for salt bj
bbotel Flew Uladet for eal hr
1 Jo! reprd and foe aale nt-
April ;o. i ;.
II. F. lllUl.Klt A CO.
O fr ot eirhanirr at
jan lt i n LIVERT FT4ni,R.
Ml TIN Sllliri
Manufaelarer af
Tin, Corner and Sheet -Iron Ware.
Rooting, Fpnaling and job work doneoa
I'tAtosaai.s tr-aaa.
Fbop on Msikel St., nettly opposita lb Jail,
40 r ci.rARi iri.ti, r..
nlMl.rTHi Ol PAIITM.lta.IUP.
Tlie eo partner.hip heretotor eiiatina ba-
"" ""drrnanM. in Ihef, nn.lrt b.inetal
I nrwen.ville. war dia.i.lreil by mutual consent
oa the flrei da of April, A. i. i.;n.
and paper are left With J. II. 1 hi.m.m for eel
Urmml ml enllr.iiM, H.u 1. - ,.i i
,r.u ti, ,11 :,. ., . .i
narr mrra elole I op.
John ri. TnoMioy.
JAM h 1 III'M I'.-uN.
The li.ine.e Will lie rontinneil al theol.l atand
M me nn'ler-aienrn, noere all Ihe old and new
a ill prove neiiefirial to all in the future..
J .!; Tiin.MrsoN.
Caranaville, Apiil SO, I "CO 41.
otico to flic Public!
7 T. the mirr-irned T-ltcktmit h of thr W-
f.nri f t'trarfirH. hert)i ml nut th fnl
i (owinit wru f r w.irh an1 rulr with ncsn) to
rrunrit it (nr nnr Ulr. mii tr rirh rtlr.lre
"r h"n"r 'n irhai.w In arihe-v to anl
All aork Junr at iKriBe hotw mal ta hail
for hn Ihe i.rk dme, at I be tulluti mi rtre :
Urttthf Nrw b..f in (Vnlt,
K t Itintr Kkis t i
N" rd'!. " W" f"r ,h"
:'.- :.'!!M..11R. C. nti:i
A M IS K 1 V K II. 1 III! H s s RI'll LV
J. mii nkii.i:h. u! k i.nm:;U'
p'atrona will plraa, repair. Thankful lo pat ror, a """''"H 'a lb di.lnla I
lor paM,,, h-pe a rieilmaaar at Ihe samt i ' Trea.nrar. in aoronl.
ll llliaj. -Tlia .llr ia lierrl y raollonril
' ay.-nl t.'ir-lia.n r In ao wt w-I ll'ff
.Ilk a Unit: for ? Inl'd Mi.r. h t. 1-70, IU monlii. afl.. alnlr. l. n l.y the ah
art 1 1. I loll- haul Walk.aa I hair feeiaed
t.!il ..r lli nam, ami will n"t par II folra.
,.,.. n.. I l.v li.. Il lM I VI I . 1 1 .
M .nl. Ii anahip, April 1.1, .lip I.
1 1
N 1 hi: I H II Till' ( IIMMIIN ri.i:AM
I of Cli-Ain.'I'l eoiinly, I'.-iiii.j It anl..
I, I Nal'l II k of Clr.rfl. I.I
No lis. March Tl-rin,
Iloiai-ifie Allrtiuicut.
t .
tlrorire W. Hl.iinnn I.
All prr.oiia Inlcri-.'i-.l are lirnl.y notioe.l that
(hi. p.nlinl ai-onot it l!ir Trn.tria in I he auoie
atalxl et.e liaa bei-n ilulv li'.il in my onii-i.
,il. It A. L. TA I t;, I'rollionolnry.
1i Tin-: rot it mi' imnnix pli-:h
ol CliarneM voiinly, renn.ylvaniii.
liarriaoa A O'IMl I No. Ill, tlarrh Tarni, A. 1.
... lCV.
John 'Jutly. J Ionica:i9 Allar-limrut.
All pi-raons inlareati d are lirreliy bolillad that
III Srml ari-nunt of the Truilrrs io the abovt
Elated r.i-a has hern d.dy Sled to tny offli-e. A. C. TATI', i'roluoiiotary.
l llt'lllMH IIOll.l.
Corner of Third and StnilliflelJ Btrealf,
IMllaburg, Pa.
: I). JOHNSTON A SON, Proprietors.
oi'mi: ami lot i'on HA 1 r.i
1 he underained will l.ll at Pritatarialr
Ina Ifon.e and Irnl . ailnala on Lofuat street, he
Iween 'Ikinl and Fourth a'reola, in lh borough
of Cleatlirld. Ill ptoperly ia in food repair. and
ia a rery deairahl location for a rtaldenoc. Will
n aold tt a bargain. 'Irraireair.
mar CIIAltl.E.s I.A RR1H Ell.
IsMII.I llll.M
The 00 partnership bertlofura atittina tie-
Iween Levi and (ieorge W. Ciearhart, Ibis day bas
i.. H,.... k. All
u ... . . , . . '
... H.L rrf.u., iil pieaeiit llieir clailna to ant, aa
Ihe booi.a ar kft in my hande for settlement.
lM.ilip.oiir. April 1.1, 1970 llpd.
Tft part nrrfliifi htrtylorr rX)lin(r ttetwft?ii
ilif uiKl'Tfi iMj in ilin Tat?lf- of tins taw, wal
.i.HM.Ur.l on Il,4 12lh dr of April, i-70. T lir
ii mltt aiij arr'-untt of tiit mil arttltd Li
iiior I'jrtnrr, ati l the tutuifsw of ttit o3icf
couJu.trJ h) tia iu tit ftiturn.
t. j. .MrrT i.i.orou.
T. I.. KUElt.S.
D'arfru, April ii, ie;b iu
tr Riven that l(tr litaoititrT harinc
tr-n rrutitrtl to tht uiiacriOrr, on llit Kttlatc ol
Jl.lvUUK KOIUSftN, dawil, Imp of Hr4lurd
townnbip, Clt-artii-M ennntv, Ftnnlan.a, H
prrttuns inilcbtt(l to laid Kttatc are irtftieeteil la
make inntJiate paviumt, aaJ thoft having
elimf aainot the auia will prracot tbem du1
autbtnticated fur wltlfmi-nt.
Pradf.iH fp . Varrh 1T0 flt.
Cornr of Maiket and Front HtrtU
CIcarlirld. Tb.
Thii lintel If nttrely new, com
plete in l in a, piininirntf, and eunremt-nt to
tue Court llonv. A fire Uoiaibofl funi lo and
trom Ihe Itpot ou thn arnv ni departure of
each traio. OE'dtUtt N. COl.l.t lt..
April 13. IfrTO. Frwpne(r.
'Inckh fii:ni(; muhim.hi
The Best Sewing LlachiEes,
(For esery parpoae,)
I liara tha afency for Ibis marbint, and will
keep S full tuaply an han4.
.''Si:riT f. 5II0WERS.
Cl.arflrll, fa.. April 13, IB.O if.
un the eitale of JOS. II. I A Iipo., dr'd, tato
l llrll township. li-arlWld county, renn'o.. hav
ing rfra 1uIt crantrd to the on.ltrfipnrd, all per
out indfhird to laid eitat Will nlraae make ntr.
A ! ment, ai4 the batir rltimi or dfmandt will
A ' nrrent Ihein rrot-erh ant hrut.tattd furarttlamcit
and allowance wiihtit d Ur.
UHY J. hVinOV. AJm'i.
Vhett P. April 20, Cl
F. B. REED, M. D.,
I'llTSIClAM am- nctiotMS.
kylrrtoan. Pa.
Reipeelfullr offer sit srrricts la Ihe eiiiatna of
tb aarrnaniliu eountry. aprTO Sna pd.
Hariri MrrH, C Ifarfirld, Pa.
TWOfLD reaptvlf.llr laforai tka eili.eni af
Clearfield rnon't Ibat bar,ii parobaaed Ibe
lotereat and situation of K. H. L. toocbtoa. I
m ""w ar'fared ta eaaia ap. ia .b ago I faab.
'"naM manner, and oul nf Iba beat tnatarlal.
' amoa ni inmini mat casiotners aaf dttira.
' kata alaaa oa kaLd
PlMlin n..l.;. ..J
wiviao avui;ca.ii.a caliu uaiiiiC;iClK
From wkl.'k raitoratrteaa snake tbair atleeliont.
Ona doer caat af lha PottoSe.
ClearB.ld, April SO, 170 If.
... lost aiitioaa.
"Chcnprr than the Cheapest !"
irtt aarciTaa t
Aniol.l & laTnrlsIiorn,
(Oat door weal af First Xatlotal Flank,)
ci'RnrxM'ii.i.c, pa.
KAVIXil jail re!ornd from tkt ta-t wlih t
aooiplf ta ariarttntnl af Ooedt tutiabl for
Fpriof ar.d Funvnar Irtda, w ara low rtadv
la furol.k all kinds af Goods
"Cheaper than tho Cheapest!"
AdI after thiaVinif aor ruilomart for thtir
liberal patroatj during Iht pat ytar, a 4 fett retctfulljr aik fur t eoeilnnaaet
of tht tame.
Oar Ftock ftntlrti ef exnijete ttortBeiit
of Xry Goodf, Noliotit, Dardwara, Que e ne ware,
n Hlfvare, Orotai let, Hcoti f Sfcntt, Tlaii A
tVtft, Ctothlnir. ToKaefot, Ae. Alto, Flur.
Bra, Vail, Fuh. GraJo, (.
All of liib will b tola1 tkt to9ti reatoa.
ablt tenet, and lb bibet ttftiket .rle paid
for Orain, Wool tad all kind of La&bcr ftnd
Ctnitlr; Product.
pVtf (tltt tlieill Vtfurt farth.ilni
Ittwhtrt. Sat.far(ic aranied M U rtc
tod quality.
Corner o( litis aad TboBijtot. Strtett.
rr" ci nwrxsviLLF. ta.
Pay Your Taxes!
arfur lmipt. wlili an A 't of the (intent At- tit if Minn oiiaaraiih. ninirrti the
1 4mr t.f Marrh. A. I. I T l. "rrlnim to the
rtilrrlia nt Urt in the riirlv nf t. Icaiflehl,"
notie i thrrrf'ire hen-bt ri-rri to the laxpivrrt
Inw named, that the
nnr with the aeawnid
ekrvtum nf p.. i1 Art, will ttlend at t) pi ara nf
noiiiiri me non-turn and nmnntitp eeriinnt oa
the f low ina namcj tint , fur the wTjuee of
reri inf the t'ouitt v, tmnty and Stale laset and
Militia Kittet anriked fur 170;
Tor Ihe hrtn tich f ClearGelil a l t.awrene Iowb-
thift, n J'ri-iT anU iar.Uy, Mar 1 :st ta A Mih.
Tor 1'ike tnwnhip ami Ihe Ktirtiwih nf Curwcnt-
vi tla, on Stnnlj anil Mmnlav, It Jl-t A 2."-ti. k rlliui, on fwea-Ur. lh 7lh tif Maw.
Kr Tot iiittiri, ea W r lm-dar, the lih l Aiie.
I-or tiirnrii, oa 1 hrlar, the iVih nf MaT.
Ynr t.itSen, on I'rtJaT, thr1 2 lh (if Wit v.
rr Hrak,iii, nn TueJaT, the IM'h nf Mae.
K r ! ii rii, on 1 rtllira l,t, the Tilh of MkT,
lr lrea!ur, nn Thun ly, tiic 6;h of .Via, eiila, on Ffi-t?. 1m ?Tth uf V.ty.
tor t"pc, no Salariltjr, iht tlh df Mut.
Ypnn ' taet fitiil on the lt dettnttetl
ihn will I a rtituHton of fhe er eont. The
ha I a tier .f the dniiteti will He anti nni in duw
timt. Li; kll I l.V ii Alt,
Tfeanrwr'i Oflv-, lranrer.
nat-iM, Ta.. fii u, lira.)
II V IU (i I K II & CO.,
II A II IV A II 12 v
Alan, Manartelnrartor
Tin and Shcel Iron Ware.
c h t a a r i l n, pa.
llararsa, Collars, sis , for sal 1
II. K. niOLER i CO.
Inf Ilay Forks, for salt ly
H. F. Ttior.ER I CO.
Kails, eto , for sal by
If. F. IlIOLER i CO.
Fladin(i, for salt by
II. F. IilGLF.R 4 CO.
For sals hjr
If. F. filOLER I CO.
Eiift, for lale fc
J HQS I 1 HOS t IliOS ! 1 RON !
Fur ! by
11. F. BIG LEU k CO.
aIdi! bast llaiinfacttirt, for tals 1
BOXES, for tals by
"J70DDER CUTTERS for tale by
n. F. BIGLER k CO.
Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale,
rilflE nnd-ri(rrjed ht e(.nfIadtd fo difpote of
kn r A tt m aim Ji si ii tit .lamjs, aituate
iu J'enn townhin. Clearfield eoantr, I'aronlAin
inC 13i AC Nl-., a.lji..niii(f iande of Patrirk
baily, Jatnee D. Clark and olhert. Tht farm it
in a fd Tat of cultivation) jrord dwelling
hnttw, larfe barn, not bonaei, orrhard of choice
fruit, and a god tprinr of Drer failiog wntrr oa
the preniees. A irbool bouae witbm two miles.
Part of the trarl i beaTile timbered, whila the
wholo it underlaid witb a vein of coal, which matt
. m thort liui bo a tonre of freat profit.
No better inveatntent eould be made, and no
tract of land fn the eoont off en greater facilitiet
for making moner.
Perfont wirbing ft learn more purtimlan in
regard to tertct, Ac, can ea!) on the prrmtae, O'
addrctt tho nmJenigned at Grampian Utile P. O.
Penn tp.t March 30, H70-3mptL
And Wnolesalt Peater tn rteon, Mftt Park,
LarA, Fujrar Cured slams and Deaf.
Jio. 30t Liberty Ftreet,
li pirrni R;. PF.iaj.A. i
Withti to iafcraj kit old frltoda ttl Ika paklle
tarall ikal ka kat opettd aa t saw
j Drug, Confectionery tt Tobacoo Store,
Is hit old tttad, of poaita Ika Conrt noato,
Flit stock It all new, fre.k sad of Ika rrj beat
qoalilT. tt.l will ka fold ehajp for CASII or
aparoTed Coantrj r roil net.
If joa want para Drags aad Pattal klailitinet,
If yaa waat Ccafoetiontriat, Ca&aed rmita,
rkklet and Ja'Ji.t, Kau, Aa., it.,
If joa want Ika ktel ltoaatad Coffta, Kaatnea af
Coffea, Fpleat ar all kinds, ektap,
If 70a want Fane? A Toilat Boapt, Flaaorlaf
Eatrartt, At , Ae , kt tara ta
If 70 waat Faary Drt Colon, Clark's beat II a-
ekla Tkratd, Tint, Ntadles A Natiana,
Cltwtrt and Enekers, if joa want Ik kst la
tk aiarkal,
toy al WATSOS-S,
wkart 70a ran (el PI pat A Tip Pillar a.
If 70a want to f tt clear af voar ttasspa,
Comt to WATSON'S.
If jci want to speod a few boart af aa aaaaing
wlik joar frieude, rout ta WAT50N S aid
aland, wkara 70a rat crack ants and aat JoVae
aatll t aVlock, s. a. April II. H7t.
B. J. I1ATES,, Ta.
HETS cottttantlT on band nod Tor tale, Tretb
Keati, luea tt
Fre-h Fih, and M TefretabTea in aeason
Ctnneil Fruitt lmtr. lari. ate,, whieh the will
trll a tht loweet wtarkel pripf.
Cntt) paid f r, UTTTER, Ao.
liooni on Market Street, oppotvta tht C?uit
Honte, Cleartielil, Fa. tprC TO
la laatj't Ktw BniHinr. (forrnert7 aonpiaal kj
Mr. MeUanfrtieT,)
C10N?TA"TI.ToakandannKleeiienof CAS.
J l'lf. M'TS. I'tOAItS. ToBAfcO, Ae.
Al.o. KKKSII tlYSTKKS retired da. It, anf
atrre-l ap lo tuit tli laatea of eastomert.
i-Vlll I M AlllJ MAI IM) aoeor.d .lory,
tprt TO if t. R. rt Ll ERTON.
Market St.,eatt of the AUejtny 11 cute,
t I.KARMI J.n, PA.
IKFFPoa hand all kind of Fnmiturw. In mitt
wr by the tmile artide. 1 hnee in ned of any
itirlf ruf In rrni ore, will find ii t their IntereM
to eall awt exnnnne my tttvk, whieh 1 will aell
ery low for eik ar wirhance for tuliahle Inmber.
ClrarfleM. Pa., Af" I: if.
Carrier of he.-ond anil M arket Streala,
TMIH old aad eomoiodlons llelel kaa. Aorta;
lha part 7ar, keen inlareil In doanla lu
li.imer eapaeile for th tnarrtairmeol of slran
(rs aai iroette. Tha ahola hailjinj kat haea
t. fnm i.h.A a r. A II.. . . . i
r......-n. .arw no
pain to render kit ( aoailortakla whilt
tuyioff with hint,
r-ri.t "Maniloa Unapt'' Oasaikot rnai ta
and from Ikt Hepel a lha airlral and drpariue
afearhtr.ia. JOUS liCVttllkKIT,
P K rrr Hater
Vlilt.i(lfl)lil.l :A(lvntir.fmfiit5,
ar Xo. Ill Knrth ri-oJ fi,
t'orner of VutrrT.... rill LA 11.1 I'KH.
An aMitiaent of Watchft. Jrwalrj-, Hiint Khtj ire cnMtnlly on titnd.
Iti jitiirlnj of W alf lift liii Jrwrlry fr'tittl
altt-rnleJ lu. J t .6 y
R. Silbeiuttn. - 0. Kitnng-er. . JI. B.lUm
IHPORTItltl ASH JtttfcBI or
13 .Vorlh fourth Street,
my 31 PIIII.AOI'.I.PIHA. 1 j at
wk. w. ntu ... a. i. tiAa,
WM. W. PAUL i CO.,
lr.titE not si:,
873 Market SUA SU Commerc IL abott tint,
I. aoi.i-owst in
a. tans caacr.
Klauk liook Manufacturers,
2IS Market SI., Philadelphia.
kfaufaner Floor Harka aatl Baca. Footstep,
letter. Not, Wrappina, Certain and it'atl
Papera. faoill7.
No. St Kouth Third fitrret, rbtltdelpkU
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application by nail will reoaire nrompt attea-
tioo, and all information akcarfull7 farniahad.
Ordtrs Mlaaittd. aprll-U
Ka. 17 N. Fiflh EL and 421 Commtrtt,
And Comtniesion Merclaiit",
roa raa iali or
Wool, Oiaatat;, For Skint, Faatkara, Ltatktr,
Flat Sd. Dried FraiU, Cloitr bead, koola,
ilaar fikioa. Bultar, fiaetwai, bkata
gkina, tft'. At, ae.. At.
Weeklj Priet earreat forwardad at rtqatsi.
Jan II. 18(1 lr:pd
tfrrliant SaUov5.
(Bier ana door aatt af Clearneld lljiat.)
Market Mrcel, CIcarOeM, Pt.
KEEPS an hand a full attortmaat af Osate
Farnisbinc Ooodt, sack as klrts, Linea
and Woolea I'nderaklrU, Drawrf and Forks,
Aeek tiet, Poekot llaadktrckie'i, Oloret, Halt,
I ml.rellaa, Aa, il front farialj. Of Plata
Goods b kaeps Ik
Best Cloths of ill "Shades and Colors."
Poeb at Blark Doetkiti of In ery Wttl auk-:
Kaney Caetitnere, In gnU vartett , a lea, Trench
Coating. Bearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, nnd Priratl
ortreoating. All of which will botaid eheapfer
Can, and made ap nrcording to tht la-tttt ttjltt
by experienced wart men.
Aleo, Afent for Clenre14 eonntf for T. U.
Sinirer A Co't. celebrated Sewing IMarhiett.
Nor. 1. IMJ-tf. II. BRIDUI.
TI1K SPRING TERM of tmtr-twe week a,
will eonnnene oa Monday, Pcb. 71, 1ST.
A Primary department will be ad Jed tn tae
School tbti fall i for whirls tbe terrieet eft tom
peteot in t rector hare been enjcnvgnl. And nn
effort will be epared to reader Uiit dtpartMtal
attract it e nod tnttrnrlire,
Rendinf . Ortbonmpbr. Writing. Oljet Lttf
toot. Primary Artihmeiio and Primary
tieoffrwpby. per batf tens, (ef eieren
eekt. I $ If
IliMorr, Ijocal nnd denoriptire Gtorrwhr
with Mip Prawinit. i ram mar, AleaiaJ
nnd Written A rub met it -..... S 1
Algebra and tbe 8eieneei...M HVt.....,M ft
Intirvetton in tnrtro mental mailt It 09
Oil painting 11
Wa work
Fir full particular ten 4 for Cirealat.
Cltarlield, Aq. t lMV-pd.
Rev, P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal.
THE FOt'R'f n SESSIOiraftktrrattatteka.
laatle Tear af tki. I aatitatlol will faatmaaa a
aMu.UAY, tk Jilk d.j af Aartl. 187t.
Parilt eaa tater at aa; line. Ibaj will ka
ekarf ad with latuoa frost tka lias tka j tntar V
tbtelott aflka Seanon.
I k aaart af lastnirtloi enkrarat Tarr tklag
ineluded li a ikoreak, prartical aad aacaaa
pliahtd dacatioa for kolk atiat.
Tk Principal, kariag kad tka adranUft af
aaack azntrieoea ia kit firoftsaloa, aataraa pa.
re.ta aad foard las that kit talirt abililr aad
tner,iea will ka dc?oud to tk moral and tnta
Ial IraiaiDf of tk yoatk plseed andtr kn ckarg.
UHMa OK Tl'lllliaj.
Ortlorrt(hT, Beadirir. Writing, and PriaaarT
Atltbtaelie, pr Seaaioa (II aeekt) . t tt
Oraasaiar, Uaograpkj, Aritksaeut, aad
lli.lorj tt
Al)Ttkra, fltaaaatrr, Trironaratrry. Met-
aratiaa, Sarratiaf, Pbiloaoakr, Pktai.
alo,a. CkasaiatrT, book ktaatng, Botoav
tad Pkrtieal Caoirrarkj - . . It tt
Lalta, Graak and Freack, witk aaj af Ik
akora Braarkat .... fit tt
MVhaC Piato ( kar.s) . . . lit Ct
tarKo droo.lioa will kt pad far akitara.
aaT-Fcr fartkarpanir!rt irqntr if
Hot. P. L. UA RKlsON, A. af.,
Ftk. I, l70 If. Prlnripal.
5 If M M
mo Tns wor-Kie ciass.-w, m
J. r.nfaraJ 0 furniak a'.lc'.aitrl wi; fonrtml
employment at hah. ,k .bole of tie lima ar far
kt a,, rtomenti. Itaiiitt atw, lijkl and pea
fittkle. Ptraaaa af aitaar tti easily earn trr-m W.
to IT nor tvtninir. aad a nropanioaai tarn tt tav
Totlr Ibclr wbnl tima ta Ikt kaaineae. bote and
girla oara atarlj as saaok as sat a. That ail wka
tea tkia avtiea aar send llieir a.ldrera. and Ital Ika
kaainert. wt tatke I kit anparalleledotera Totaak
at ar aol weel tatie6rd. wt will tend II at par for
tht of writinr. Fall parlrrnlara. a talaa.
bit tainple, akiek will do la romaiear wark aa,
and a e. pt af fat Veie't tiler, r, Coaaaanita
on nf the lariat aad kaat fasnil y atwapaprrt pah
liahed all sent trea by snail. Header, it o. wttt
p.rmanenl, profitaM. work, ad Jrttt K. I . A I.I.LM
A CO., Augusta. Main. - 1 3( !
Stono-Cutlcr and Stone-Mason,
TI1.L all work In kit Una al taod.
11 aratt pnret and la TIRfLrLASS ttjla.
airclitcctural OrnamctU
la Alt, HTI.r, Fiona Prttalng ef rr
dtterlrtlon, aad all kinds nf aaatt a work roa
trarltd fur ia or out of ihe roantj, Aty pereoi t
wlahtnn o knr raapeelahla aiaeon Work aal
Moat eattlnr doat, will tnd II lo their Inttrtal
ta tall npon ana I wo. Id atra Infnraa ikt pak
lia that 1 tan dellrtr any oaaatltt or tlata al
ttoat de.lrtil, tt I ara tk owner af a
Ordtrt fur work eu k addroaat.l tn
DAVIli vul JTO,
Wia.rS.TI Olrarteld Ta.
"rATI'.HMI-.!-. ATTL:V1!()M
IV Ik andeeaiirned karint vreotad a aav
and eomaiodioaa hooar an the naer Bank at llarsa
ho PoiBt. lh Xlottiannon. aad katiag
removed Ihoee lare r.v-ka n rafta may laad
with eaar. woaM eall Ihe tlletilioa of Wateratta
la Ihe ad.anta-e of tins point for tying np alls-
dat'a ran ft-Hai ataite. Tbt will lioapeaal
wiih a kaad, and tk Ur wtil ta, plttd
wilk tkeiat Itaiaoa,
HUItX I. tlk-AHM.
Kartka VI .r k t. I'M