0 a n b ri m t A tli Y. CI hi ra Al int inl !iv (Jr lea am fac dot bo Oi. "lb liis Wh nail is net con it lit cnit mul is, I tliti lies, cert j.rng 1-ollt nppr freed court llien (ubir nj race, must f SB niiar our i prop Along faith lrp Ehc IVqiublirati. arr:-": Gioroi H.Gooplandfr, Kilitor. CLEARFIELD, TA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL IS, UTO. Congress in tinkering ttwny at tbo tariff question, ono of tbo grontcst frauds of tbo ngo. "Our colored brothren" are having n good timo till over the country colo brnting thoir transformation into the ground. After an absenco of over a month, the Philadelphia Age is ngnin upon our tablo. A corluin Democratic ad vertisement was rather hard on it. The sudden death of Calvin Kings loy, one of the Bishops of the M. E nurcii, is announced, wisnop mump- son, of tbo tamo church, died a few weeks ago. Speakfr. Gen. Harry White was elected epoukor of our State Senate, by the Radicals at tbo closo of the itpaainn. The Democrats cast their votes for Senator Wallace. Crowino. Either Grant' XVtli amendment proclamation or tbo Demo cratic victory in Connecticut hue brought out quite a large number of roosters the past wook. If tho XVth amendment carried Connecticut for tho Democrats by 1,000, a week after it was issued, what will bo the Dcmotratio mnjonty in Fonnsvlvania next October T Answer 25,000. Mark the prediction. ADJOURNED.-The Pennsylvania Leg islature adjourned on Thursday last. Tho presentation of gold watches, gold headed canes, silver tea setts, 4c , were fullv in order in the House. Ko presents in the Senate. Co.mhecticut. Tho democratic ma jority fur Governor, and the whole state ticket at tho lust election ranges from 793 to 2000. Wo have gained three Senators and eleven members of the House. This is pretty good for a State that guve Grant 3000 ma jority and the "pet lambs" to boot A Fiend. Tbo murderer, Thorns D. Carr, who was hung at St. Clair- villi), Ohio, last week, for tho murder of Louis C. Fox, left a written confes sion behind, acknowledging that he liad committed filteon murders in a JJVIIUU VI llllio J Gill I. 1110 gUUOWS seems to hnvo hud no terror for him. The Herald's Washington special givos a rumor that Attorney General Hoar has signified hi intention of retiring from the Cabinet, and tho President ha agreed to accept hi resignation. We presumo nobody will cry when ho leaves. He might have taken tho bint long ngo that he is not wanted at Washington, but we suppose that the $15,000 present be gave to Grant still keeps him in place. Good! Gov. Geary, reappointed Col. McFarland, Superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans School ; but the Senate beforo adjourning rejected him. A greater demognguo I not to bo found, than McFui hind, and ho is the Godfulher of ono of the greatest rob beries that wa ever pcrpvtratod upon tho taxpayers of tho State. The Sol diers Schools are fraud and tho soon er they are abolished the better for (be taxpayer and the children. A Messaoi. "The decline of Ameri can Commerce," has caused Grant to send a Message to Congress asking that body to look into the matter. This branch of business, as well a the morals of the country, have boon sorely effected since llio advent of loyalty. Neither Grunt nor his pesti lential followers can give rolicf to the country, because, instead of expand ing buviness and trade, they aro con tracting and demoralizing every ave nuo of prosperity by their systematic robberies which they will never quit, whilo in power. CaVt Do It. Commissioner Delano and his man Friday have requested ns to act as their agent in this place for the sale of their new Infcrniil Revenue Stamp Canccllor. Wo beg lo bo ex cused, as we never join hands with eworn Government oflicors lo rob Ihe people. Wo cannot walk into a busi ness man' office and seize and confis cate his stamp canccllor, for w hich ho paid $10 a few jenrs ago, and roinpcl lum to liuy ono from Columbus Deluno & Co. This loyal system of intimida tion, robbery nnd bribery we do not nndcrsland, and niichl muke a blnn- dcrand get oursdf and Columbus into trouble. Ox Trial McFarland who killed Richardson, in New York, sometime ago for marrying bis wifo, was placed on tril for murder last week. The evidence in the enso shows np the "grand moral idea" forces in their tras light. It acorns ss though the line. I I . . ' . v.. l. T I r. V 7 1 iune1 estal Jlshment, Sinclair, keep kind of harem, where Mis, L'ulhoun, Yum President Colfax and other men and VI "' ihiivbv ui liiuuig uut anu canvass- ing the cl.sractcrs of loom men and women and- loyalty, in while the Tribune wm to particnlar, l.ciheCut - for through which all their .WM I' Jjnni U J UV..V tllnri 01 HnltrnaA. Gov. (ii-nry done a "land office html .. , .1 . . . it... ........... 1 .. ii, nres mine veiu nnr, I'mmi. closo of the SoKsion of llio Lpginlutiirc! distancing "Andy" Johnson in his pal miest days, Hcmling a down in one day. Wo know not whether this be trnvi llio ignorance and vcnalty of the Legislature, or establishes the in tegrity and Statesniannhi) ol his ex cellency. Asthcfurturo willdevelope that moro fully J wo will let llio gen eral subject rest for tho present. His veto of tho "omnibus railroad bill, as it was called, was entirely uncx peeled, bcciiudo in tho prcsenco of un impeachable witnesses ho hud time and again said ho would sign tho bill. He seems to hnvo bused tho veto ol this mcasuro nearly wholly upon Con stitutional ground. This wo ndmiro, if not used as a mero pretext. 13ut 11 Now York interests, or tho intorosts of the Illossburg railroad (a rivul con ecrn) company paid him for tho veto it is damnable. Wo have vcrv litllo faith in tho Governor' respect for tho Constitu lion, because ho has too often viola ted it within tho past ton years. Neither do wo place any strong roll ..... -.- tL.. ,l,n V l...(5" objections to the act in question, bo cause nearly all such rcBido in locali ties whero tho Stale has been sys tematically robbed for thirty years and they havo grown fat and suury upon tho ofTnll. This spasmodic def'onse of the inter ests of the State, to the groat injury of those sections which huve never re ceived a dollar of Stato aid for public improvements, on the part of the Governor and his backers, is very lame affuir, and wo shall bo very much surprised if tho futuro docs not devclopo the fuel that the whole oppo sition originated outside of the Stato and in tho interest of rival roads. Wo shall treat this latter portion of tho subject at length at sumo future period when wo have timo to "read up the case," togthcr with tho policy contemplated by the bill. Settled. Tho Senatorial contest in Philadelphia, between Diamond, Democrat, and Watt, Radical, under investigation all winter in tho Stale Sonato, was closed out a few days be fore tho adjournment by awarding the scat lo ibo Radical candidate, al though tho Democratic candidate had a clear majority of 224 of the legal votes cast. Tho caso was wholly set tled in favor of party interest. Had Mr. Diamond been given the teat to which bo was clocted by his constitu ents, the next Senate would have been Democratic, hence loyalty, perjury, and Radicalisms bad lo do its dirty work to continue in power. If this modern modo of perpotualing party power does not soon change, Demo i ruts must put thoir officers in their scuts vy mu jui 11 1. ui uiu ua uuub. n "military necessity" will bring about this result. Now Ready. Commissioner Delano and his man Friday, Wheeler, have their now canceling machine roady now, and have issued their order to tho effect thai no other canceling ma chino dare boused after tho 1st of May. Lincoln's Commissioner and his cro nies made a million of dollars out of a canceling machine, and now Delano and his clerk prohibit their use, and compcll business men to buy theirs Hour humiliating that officers of Gov ernment should engage directly in rubbing tho peoplo ! Delano k Co. will mnko a fortune out of their can ccllor, but, as they are "toil," it is of course all right. This clasa have the right to client and rob tho taxpayers, so that they aro "loil" to themselves and their relations. Ti'rxed Our. Ihe Boston negro lawyer, Rradly, who has been hang. ing around Washington, tor a year past, fur ihe purpose of being admit- : ted as an Attorney to practice in the Supremo Court, was kicked out on Thursday last. He has withdrawn his paper, and started for Hosting, wliero "our collorcd brethren" aro on a par with the "whito trash." Plavino IIanuiso. Thursday last several young lads conceived the idea of a gnmo of hanging nnd at once re paired to Mr. licnj. Grafllus' yard lo complete tho arrangements. A gal lows was formed Icy placing slicks across tho trellis of a grnpo arbor. I'pon this plutform a lud named Cun ningham was placed, ono cud of a rope adjusted around his neck and tho oil er end fastened to tho cross beam ol the arbor. Tho strips upon w hich he was standing were llicn kicked from under his feet and he fell as far as the rupo would allow and for an instnnl hung by the neck struggling fcr life. Fortunately tho cross piece lo which llio ropo was attached, broke, or we would have to chronicle a sad death today instead of this narrow escojie. Young (V neck was quite blue and but a lew moro seconds would have ' caused death. Huntingdon Monitor. Our lute Minister to England, Mr. Iligelow wants to explain, in relation to llio three thousand dollar which should havo been psid to the United ' Stnl' K,'vcrnmmt, as tho proceeds of a certain transaction in Pari, but was not. He is in tho condition of the man, who w hen taught with two jack tip his coal sleeve, exclaimed, "gentlemen, I think it i about lime for an explanation." A Syracuse family have broken up housekeeping, just becauso the bus band came home unexpectedly, and I his wife wouldn't unlin k the door un- ' ti she got dressed, for fear of taking : cold ; and when ho burst open the 1 door, found a neighbor with his pants 'f' '""'u' trying lo hsllaiicc him- 1 ri-H UU mo W lllllUW SCII. JlOW SIIS ! Ilil'llltlk C . . .. n I.... 1 t . I ; ,U,,n ,ni ...... I. ... j counlrr Lou-ni '. I 1 -r . 1 ""9 n'!"",n a hnir of d..i 'h",,",ct!l,'1,Jf'1Ito1ll'e aetlWicnry I One million half of dollar j ..1. 1 "' , .. ll, K.. ..1 ..... ,'e cnVc. of Z'Z Tht IIVisj Iht .Monty ttot. IlilU providing f'.r tho following ap propriations hue been rend in I he Hmira K.'imto via I l.'.OOO year, lor lilo, to Jtr. Kin- coin. . , tS,000 lo Mrs hdwin M. runnton. $:il),t0U to the poor negroes of Wash ington City. Abraham Lincoln (lieu, 11 w in uc m- mombcrcd woilh about one hundred thousand dollars. During his admin istration, his wife and children Had managed to rcceivo 11 great many "presents" from jolly contractor many Ol lliem very uiuui.iu. uuu Mm. Lincoln left tho Whito Houso she stripped it of everything vnluiiblo .. . -. U., 'I'l.o.l KL.rnna lllal It cumuuicu. .j,...-..- said. It is safe to any, therefore, that the Lincoln left Washington worth ono hundred and fifty or two hundred thousand dollRrs. And vol, noiwmi standing tho burthen that aro upon the people notwithstanding the enor mous and opprcwiivo taxation iiini in imposed upon thorn our lovnl Sena tor propose to cive llio rich Mrs. Lin coln 82,000 a year for life I Tho poor widow who I Ob I her h u huh 11 a in mo war, and who is now compelled to mnko her living at tho wash-tub or with tho nocdlo gel nothing. Kii'ht thousand dollar to Mrs. Stan ton. For what, pray f At his death Mr. Stanton was a privuto citizen ho held no position under tho govern ment : ho was worth, it is assertod, eoiuu i.iy iiioubuiiu uuuurs. oinco his death his friends rex-contractors and otliors) havo raised for his liiraily $150,000. Ho had an insurance on his life- (wo eo it stated) for $10,000, but tho company in which ho wo in sured rel'uso to pay, becnuno of tho im pression that prevails that ho com mitted suicide Leaving $10,000 out of tho count then, Mrs. Stanton iB worth to-day two hundred thousand dollars. And is to receive as a be quest from the people's treasury 000 ! How thoughtful uro our law maker of the rich. If our lludicul members of Congress want to lavish money on rich widow, let each ono appropriate a few thousands from his own stealings. As a tax payer we protest acainst appropriating ono cent of the public niouey upon such objects as these. Thirty thousand dollar for the vagabond negroe of Washington ! Those negroes, for tho most part, are strutminir fellows, abundantly able but loo Iuev to make their own living. Thcyare induced to hang about Wash ington lo do the voting tor the Radi cal thieves in that city. They are kept there at the govcrnmcntcxpense lo vote down tho real citizen of Wash ington. During a recent visit to tho Capitol, wo noticed hundreds of these negroe lounging and sleeping in llio gulleries of the two Houses. And to theso worthless mucus tinny inoussnu dollars of tho people's money is to be voted! Not acent to poor whiles, but 830,000 to lusy negroes who vole tho Radical ticket ! ell, well. Per haps tho people will get thoir cyos onon after a year or so moro to ihe villanic that are practiced upon tbem. If they continue dormant, however, and permit this Radical negro pnrty to continue it assaults upon w hite men, and to uso the publio treasury for party purposes, llicn they are slaves, degenerate sons of nohlo an cestors, and disqualified to bo the guardians of afretpooplo. American An Extraordinary Case A won derful inslanco of eustK'ndcd anima tion, if it cun bo called such, has just had its occurrence in Jackson town ship, this county. On last Saturday week a young son of .Mr. Martin Muu day lo all appearances died, and the body was prepared for burial, but when tho funeral was about to take place, on tho Monday following, it was discovered that tho body retained con siderable warmth nnd elasticity, and even emitted a slight prespiralion. A physician, summoned from this pluco, examined tho remain very critically, but could arrivo at no other conclu sion than that tho body w as dead ; still he advised the postponement of thu funeral until decomposition should unmistakeably set in. In ibis com atose condition thu body remained until last Saturday, the limb retain ing their elasticity, tho warmth and prespiralion being still percepliblo, and no sign of death other than the sinking of tho eyeballs and parting of tho gum Irom the leelb munitesting itself On that day, however, decom position rapidly set in, and thcro be ing no longer any doubt about death having ensued, the remains were in terred on Saturday last. It i said, we know not with what truth, that a quack doctor in the vicinity had prescribed for the boy, and that ani mation becamo suspended, as slated, shortlv after the administering liv w f r him two or thrco doses of medicine w hich ho had prepared for his patient. Elxnsburg J'reeman. Tut ArnicAM Rac i Tho Columbia Guardian, in an article on "Tbo Xev gro in South Carolin," date tlio bo-! poinlincnt i and it is also true lliat ginning nf liis liislory with usin lG71,jhe rumor prornilcd cxtcnsirclr, that being ll'U year ao. In 17S7, South ! ihry ooultl not bopo lor a tonorraa Cnrulina tlosid llio slave Irado by b-g- i tion unless thry gave aKsiirancr that islulion, Iwenly 3-cnr tircriou to any direct mcti'urc against the slave trade by either (ileal Itrilain or tho United Stall's. In 1PG0 tho two rice stood colored, 41 2,y0; white, li'.U.SSS. In iHiifl tho two race stood colored, 38li,l:i!); whit, 274X12. The writer very reasonably attribute lit de crease in tho w hito rare to the war, and supiiose tho colored raco lv deaths since the war, crowing out of tho want of proper food, clotliinir and medical attendance. If this be the true au ripot-i tion, and tho registry of deaths in Charleston appears to cor roborate it, the colored race ia rapidly passing away. Jladitalism, loyultv and freedom is doing it work. The negro has been placed on a line of extinction by his IK-culiar friend, and tho race will find (jrecley cV Co. the hardest tankinas- ters ever drearard of by Mr. Slowe oranllo. llio cet.aus of 170 will give atruo picture of "the equnlily of un men, a wrought ly UaUical hands. John Snxton i said to be tho old est editor in the t'uited States, hav ing published tho Canton (Ohio) . poittury for fifty five conaeetitive years. Hit story ia remarkable in that ho haa never been absent a w holo day Irom hi office in all that time. j. 11 .1 , ... ... .. . "Mother said Ike Partington, "did n know thnt tho "iron horse" had yon tiut one ear' -Ono carl mercifu grncious, child, what do yon moan !" "Why, the engineer, of course." Generals HNil Ihiko and Simon rtolivnr llucknrr havo both declined tho oflic ol Chief of Police nf Louis- . (.nlnr.i tiohhlrr nt a Malt IHnnrr. Mrs. Senator Revels, the wile of Ihe listiiiL'iiihcd "I"""" and brolhiT" who . . . ..r t,.ITi,itn llnvla In sits 111 me i"-nv n .. .. . ... ... the I'pper Houso nt nsiungion, ar- ived in that my on Jhursday last, 1 1,,. Kill Inst., and was entertained the next day at a Stato dinner party hy General Grant. Gn. llutler, Gen. Srhcni K, Gen. Garfield, and older mil itary imbeciles of note, accoinpunicd l.y their w ives and daughters, wore among tho company. Mrs. Hovels passed from tho drawing room to the dining room on tho arm of Senator Sumner, mid occupied n seat at tho tablo between that gontleman and llio President. Her conversation charmed tho company even moro Hint, her ap pearance, although tho rolincd and in stinctive insto in dress in which tho ludies of Guinea are distinguished was I sweetly apparent in tho decoration of j her person. A (urban of mild scarlet .1 .. 1 , : "... with yellow uoruer a crimson inuuu antique, with bluo and green flounces and bnttons of dainty brass rod slip-! per w ilh white rosettes will a mas sive necklace of barburio pcuils half a dozen broust pins of curiou work manship a few neat ring and n gilt boll, united to form a toiletlo in which purity and simplicity were exquisitely united. 1 Mrs. Revels partook freely of tho Executive nourishments and avowed her sutiBfuction over tho cookery ut quite rclrcshing in tho saloon of tbo tituto. "Hoo heah," sho remarked, as sho passed her plate for anoihcr cut of ham "of all dom dishes guv modo hog and hominy uolly ! but dtl a sweet piece of bacon : 1 ah : 1 all I it minus ino 01 possum mi. J'iso is good cookins, Hiram." This last oh solvation was of course addrcss.'d to tho partner other bosom. Thorowas a central feeling at the table that the "Court Circles'' had received it this estimable matron a remarkable addi tion. On her dcparluro at tho close of tho entertainment, lienors! liraut, with bis wonted urbanity, rcmirkcd that he "icouid like lo tee more o, her," to which Mrs. Revel, uncoinnioi tact, relied: "lob! 1 uu I Can t ro 1.0 mure of mo dis time j but I'sc gillen low-necked dresses. Dis yeal high one was inado down Souf. Alston Argu. Tie-oi's Negro Leoislator-Dc Largo is a member of tho SoulhCuro Una Houso, who brought an tippo pie into the chamber thu olhor dut, and generously divided it among thomem. hers occupying scuts near him.j The dainty lunch caught the eye oflliot, another negro member, seated at a distance, and bo rushed across tSo hall with the demand, "Gib me somlof dal pie : As tho pie, so ie i,nrgei noer ality bad diminished, and then being but n single slico remaining, hercplicd to Elliot' demand by rauimiag that hastily in his ow n mouth. Kllol was not to be so easily robbed of iis ex pected treat like an eagle he piunccd upon tho member from Chaileston, and, grasping him by tho thnat, en deavored to choke him into 1 moro generous stato of mind. Uoitg the sloutrr, and having the silvan ago in position, bo standing and tli other sealed, Klliot succeeded in jnnming Do Lurgo's head down upon liisehair, when tho latter ended the enciunter by using his knifo on his antu mists ftnniljntf him .wv tn III MH.mirt tho laughter of tho Houso. , t . Next lo boing brother-in-law to the President of llio United Stutif, tho position of cousin to the Ontn of Great Britain is tho most ir fltablo tiling a joimg man without mean ran embark in The Duko 0 Cam bridge, a slout, bald headed gentle man, with llio largest beard in l Eng land, has, as a grandson of Geoif III. an allowance, of $ii0,000 a year out of llio taxes ; $.'5,000 a year "as 'Isttger nf St. James, the Green and Hyde Parks; $ 1 2,,ri00 a year as Raider of Itichmoiid lark; a ricld Jl.rsh.-ill Commanding tbo Army bo ha 10 fs. fld. or $7li I'll a day, w bicli $37, (Hit 50 pir annum. Lastly, la has $10,000 a year as Colonel f the Grenadier Guards, of Royal Ijorse Artillery, of tho Royal Kngince : and of the 70th Rifle, and $5,000 a Gov ernor of Woolwich Militury Aca!rny. Those sum tnuko an aggreg.fc) of li'J,oiin on, which is tho anniul pay of ibo Queen's cousin. Courier lour ail. I J 1 001. est. Spcnking of the 'rfmor that a reversal of the decision it ihe Supremo Court upon the le:al t'tidcr I question, may bo expected, tho New t ork lnliune snys : 1 We shall bo very sorry lo s the day when a decision of this trrHinal could be aafely predicted from slern tiny of tho opinions held by Kiiicul fiic mis of the Judges before tlii'f ap poinlments." j Nevertheless, il is true that lliilwo new Judges are expected to nVerso llio decision which was rendcrrt by I 'I'0 t-'wurt juM previoua lo thoii np- thry would revemo nM decision. Wo liofio Mcsnra. btronir and JlradW may givo the lie hy their notion to thr ugly report wliidi liavo been no freely .ir. culatej. Lancaster Intclligenaf:' Tin Lost Steam mi. All hopes of thi missinrr ship.it nppcars, arejjiwn up. Mr. Inman, of tho firm owniig the line, is of the opinion that she was '1'"' from a collinion with an ieelioig, two or three dny out from Halifax, ml in this opinion lie i probably rt r rect. The sail out lor two or tlir day from Halifax is across tho (raid of the icebergs which como down n the Arctio current from Unftiu's ll:.y into tho Allnntic with tho npproiith nl spring, and thence till the return of summer. The City of Hoslon whut ever tho enusc may bo counUd ns ono more to tho melancholy list of Atlantic steamers that hnvo fonc idown in the deep sea and loll no iv. ing soul or veMigo nllost to tell ihe.r dreadful htory. -Nearly IJOO penont wcro on board. .Y. '. Herald. llr.MABKAiii.K Mr. Geo. 11. Me- tnriee, wilo of tho chief bureau of printing and engraving at Washing ton, bad $l,7t0 went her in a bo,u't the other dny. This looked so mat h like an attempt to bribe him that Mr. McCartce turned the moner ovit in llio trmaiin iliti,.Hmnhi U'i i. ' -...-....T u.-... ..,,v,,v. i, iiii-ii ' prove that there are yet tomo li me-l . men in thu hind and even in tho lludi- cal party. Wo stick a pin hero Who ever beard of Grant on.lm.. anything hack. A negro near Kit hmond ha heen hanged by a mob for outraging tie while girl fivo year old. W here Tht llntflrnl triisnrfr. lid) Ing upon the negro vole, the IhtdiciiU of Indiana hnvo commenced s rrn sade against tho Gorman nf thai Stato. A lending Radical indianap !nli recently declared, nnd no dmilil I tio expressed the sentiment of tho leading men of that party, that the Radical had "stall fed theso JMitch long onou;li ; and now, a il had nig Kers enough lo offset llio German vote, tho Dutch might go." Acting upon this idea, tho Gorman woro ignored in nil tho nominating conventions which hnvo been held in Indiana, while tho negroes wero flattered nnd denominated thu "coining men." This elevation ofnogrocs over white men by tho Radicals of tho west will bo follow ed in all tho Stutcs. They halo tho "swnir-bellicd Dutch" nnd the "onion- entinir Irish." but will tuko to their arms the negro, place him in olliccs, forco him into opera houso, theatres and nil oilier places of amusement, I I.-. r,rl,nto!e in Br.nl lliplll .cuinrci u. v,. .. vi u-.-imc ot their tables, niul locate ins cuu- ilren In the publio si hould. I Ins I tlio Radical iamo in connection with t'10 negro. It has commenced in Ir diuna. It will bo followed in thi Stato. Negroes will bo placed on tho Radicn tiokel. but no "stall led Dutch "need imply." They will bo nominated for mombers of Coucil,for AlJernien for School Directors. J heso rcspoimiblo position will bo luid nt tho lect 01 negroe as n oan 10 secure ,viVd. AIIU 1tlllb Will fttllLV men answer to this movement ? am they willing that tho steady German ind tho industrious and intelligent Irishman shall bo pushed asido to inuko room for negroes ? They will hnvo to meet this question at the polls, to tuko ore side or tho other of tho line drawn by tho Rndieul part)'. That party is not content to forco tho negroes upon tho country by fraud nnd force, but they aro determined to drag down whito men who aro op posed lo negro suffrage nnd its atten dant negro equulily. This is the pith of tho neirro movement, and whilo men must fueo il firmly. Cm 11. and I m politic. Tho leading journal of tbo country tbo support ers even ot the present despotic party in Congrcis all, whoso opinions are supposed to havo weight, condemn the income tax law as "cruel and impoli tic." Tho most powerful protests havo been forwarded to Washington to cither stop thi tax, or to greatly modify it. And tho only response has been, tho reduction of tho five per cent, to three percent. Ono hundred thousand mochanics nro out of employment in New York in consequenco of the depression of business. Theso aro G'ranf times. Nevertheless, let all loyal men "stand up to tho rack, fodder or no fodder," and vote tho Republican ticket ! When will the workinumen ot that party get their eyes open ! Good Example. Revels, the negro rtcnalor Irom JuiBsissippi, set an ex ample by hi speech which Morton and Sumner and Wilson, might profit by. Ho devoted a long speech to tho defenso ol lusraco; dure the white skinned Senators do as much f dicrtisfaifnts. I AI TIOW. The ral.lie II tierel.y oaulloned 1 , aram't porriiKiitr or In any wT vtedMhnc a ."i a railing lor aulea Murcu a, 157U peralilt lit mnnthi after dale, eirra be the lub arriber to Hlrhard Walk, al I hire not rereired raJue for the aaaa, and will ant pae It anion rompruia ij iiw, 1,1 l I.MIA I..Mitin Morril townlhip, April 13, IT! llpd. "I ti Till; t l RTOP COMMON PLIiAH X of Clear&cM enanty, PeoniTUania. lit Nat l Il k of Clearfield) No. lift, Kirch Tarn, ra. I A. H. ISC9. George W. tbiaimel. j Doairilie Altaehaiaot. All Ikiwi Intereitrd are berel.r nolified thai the partial aeaoont of tbe Trmteei In Ike aboee tated eaae bal been duly Slid la ttiy affira. aprl.".:lt A. L IATK, 1'rothonolar.T. 7 M TIIUt OI RT UK COMMON PLI.A X oftlearneld eoonlr, rrnnryhania. Ilarriwa A O nll) No. 141, Mareh Tarm, A. D i. I t). Job Turley. j Uoariue Attaebnent All wenone Inlereil. t are kerelie aotlliaJ iK.l tha Anal aeeosnt of tbe Truileea'in tbe abort lalM raie baa ueea duly Sled in my nflire. apr!3 4t A. O.'TAtK. prolhoaotarT, 1) VlOM'TIOWt Tbeee partaenhili hrrrtof.ir eliding be- tftB Leri and ro'(ff W. Urarbert, Ihii day hit txra ditMlf4 hr a utual ronanU All f.ertnni holding eliro aicnmiit Mid firm or ar ludrbted to ibe aro, will prfifiit llwir rlaiint to tor, a tae noolf aie lrt in hit hnndi for ulftnrt.t. (.Ki'lti.K W. UKAIIIIAKT. rtiilipihnrf, April l"7 4tpd. DlOI.1 TlOf OP PRTM.KHIIIP. The partnrrtbip brelf.for ri,itir.( Ktlwrri Hi andrmxned in the (-ractireof tbr law, wn diioird on tbe 12tb dnj nf April. 1870. Tbr booki and arrountl of the Cnn n il be trifled hj tbe eemor partner, and the hattnrti of the office eoadnctfd by kita tn the fat urn. T. J. Mrrt'M,Ol'Gn. P. L. KHF.lttf. Clra-field, April IS, 1S70 4t, Corner of iltrVet and Front RtrIf( ( learllrld. Pa. Thit wivunfipeitt Hotel it o tire It new. ro--lele in all III appointmentt, and aonrenient to the Court Hunt?. A fre Omnibiit rant to and Irnai the Iepot an the am ml an ! drfirlnrv of racb tram. OLnitOt V lul-IU UN, April 13. lS.O. ' Proprietor. S The Best Sewing Machinoe, ( Fur ever pair"",) IS" IHE AlABKRr. t aava (he anenev fur lliii ajerhiae, sad wi.! keep a fall Mapli on hin t. JcKI'n F. FHOWERS. n.arfiel.l, Ta., April 13. IS70 if. Rule of Court. VpOrTkl) Slit of Mareh. All peranns Interested are here tn notiflrrt that anv eooe. oner ploeetj on tbe trial del, shall not h o ahoued bv ontiseni of the partiea or their a?trnett mure than one withool leore of ( onrt. Ilt.l the attor. nev who hat plueed the earae on thr trial ltd my wit hi) raw it within thirtr-Gre dy before the term when the saine wnnid be pat on tho litt bv the Pruthonnterv fr trial. y giving nulirt in writing of anij withdrawal to the Pmtlv-nnfiirr, t be CUd ia tho eaner. i h M U r H. P. J. PAVI KI.tI.YitK, A.J. Attest: J. U IMIKLM A J. A. O. TTr, Prothnnntary. apl3 3t Pay Your Taxes I artMirdanee wl'h sn Aet of the tteneraj As- semblr d thit frnnmonwealth, approved the iA dav of Mareh, A. P. 170. dialing tn the collection of Usee ia the enanty of ClrarfieM," notice it tl.errf.rrtt herehy given tn the taxpayers rrtiding in the di'triett below named, that the C-voaty Treaenrcr, In aeroHanoe with the second I anetion of aaid Act, will attend at the place of holding ihe iMironsji anil towntntp elect inns on the ."Hewing name.) dayt, fr the po'-pooe of reei ing Ihe County, !lrnnty at.d F'Ste talcs nnd Militia Fmos atteod for 170: I or tbo borrnirh of Clearfield aad taowrenee town ship, on I'ridav and Halnniay, May 13th A Hlh. Tor I ike tnhip and the t-n.oph of t'orwertt. vtlle, on Hatnnlay and M ntity, Mar ?tt A t'.d. For Karthaaa, on tne-.Uv, the I Tib nf Ma-. Fif Covington, nn WcdiHtday, tha IPth of Kay. For titrnrd. on Thnrwdav. the" 19th nf May. For tnhn, on Fridnv, the -mh af Mai.' Ins t.rahasa. oa Tuctilyt tbe 4lk of Mav. For Mums, oa Hettaetay, the JSth of May. Far leeatMr, on 1 hn;day, the Ifi h nf Naj. Fr 0arsnia, o Fridav, the JTth nf My. For Bogi-i, en Koianlay, the fMh ol May. t'pna all taxes paid on Ihe days deaignated there will be a red net mn nf fl.e per cent. Ihe balance of the ditdirtt will be einitred in dno time. l.kVKH t i.K.. 4K JlfU' rtl'fltl'SfllKllU. A GRAND EXHIBITION I HAVINll Jm.I wtiirnnl fo.is N Yoik sml l'lMl.Wihi iih iiws "f '": w.iKhI lo S,,( ttA Summor Tnnlr, nJ inn -hawd ii"i !' diK-lms In rl'l. " miily In hil.ll His ii ' "i uil "n Iiiik'I. Our moilo ia - ' Al Kood thr brl, sml si clii'sp s die chi spMl." We rflyni llmntt In our msny rualoniTf who (HI 111 llnir hbfisl ilroii; dunlin Urn Inl y,-r, on. I trust we cen oltir gin-ill t iti,'!! prircl a'lll Induce tlirn to ecinliniie lo di sl ilh v. To tlioe nUo mvo nut our ruft'imiiri wo would lay. Kite in (rill, "d wo Micro we cu uiLo It lo yimr ilitcreit. We privo ipecinl lui itstion lo Hie Ladiei, Slid trn.t (hey will cull ml eisranio our goods nd pricei, which we will lke ples.ure to eilnliit. Our Klock il full, Miilirwiug in l'r l'. "oodi, Nolioni, IJr'K-erici. gureniwere, llootl snd Hlioci, Clotliiiix. lists snd t'i, 'finwsre, Wood and Willow Wire, Unit, Flour, Prird Kmit at ill slndl, Pnif , I'ainli, Oili, flsiler by the bag or ton, Ac. We alio manufnoturo llootj A Shoei of the very belt stock, and keep eonitantly un band Leather and Findings. "SOTho hiicheit roi.kil price paid for Produsc of all kindl. Ilemeuibertliiplaee: Onedooreait of tho Bank. Formerly ooeupied by Ten Kyok A Thompson. TIH1MP8ON t CO. Curwcnirille. April 13th, IS70. THE MANSION HOUSE, Comer of Hrcuiidand Market Streu, t i.i;AitMr.ri, pa. f1III3 old aid eomroodioni Hotel bi. dnrlnif i. the pt ytmr, ben enlarged to double iu furmer flapaoitjr fur the ntrUimDi.t of ttraa n and ueau. The whole b oil Jinn B been rofurniibed, and the proprietor will 'pare no r.A. - hi. .4.st wLii ilaya with him. ' .. .-M-ution Ilouie Oronilmf mm te ana from (be Deputan Ihe arrival and dVparturt feaehtrelo. JOHN D0CUIIKKTY, aprfi-70 tf Fropriotor. $10,000 guarantee! BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead I lit. For In Unrivaled Whitman. id. For ita L'orqualid Dorabililj. 3d. For Ml t'niurpaned Coieriog Property. Laitly, for III Keoaoaty. JUTll eo.u Irn to paint with Bu'k Lead than any olber White Lead eitant The lame weight eo en more inrlaee, i uvr durable, and nakei wbiiar work. Illilt l.l'.AI) Ii tbe Cbiapritani B.iL $10,000 GUAKANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs I lit. For ill Eaeqneled Dorabllily. Jl. For lu Uariraled Whilenen. Id. For iu Uoiorpmed Coreriag Property. Laitly, for lu Great Eoonoiy. Bring tbe Chnpeit. Haadioneit and nott Da rabla While Paint la the Woild. Buy only HL'CK I.KAD AND BUCK ZINC. Try It and ba Coarlneed. EatUfaelloa Quaranteed by lbs MinafuUrcri BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared eipreialj for Paiating ColUgea. Onthnildinrl of every deeerlptioa, Feneei. Ao. Thirty five differeat eolori. llu rabla. Cheap, I'aifurtn, aad Reauiiful Shadri. Sample eardi eeot by mail If delired. Deal an' Orderi will ba promptly aiecated by tba Baaufaetureri. FRENCH, RICI1ARD3 if Co., S.W. Cor. Tertb A Market lire, ti, Philad'a. Furiale by A. I. 8haw and llaruwirk & Irwin, Dealeri la I'ragl, Mldieioei, Paiata, Oili. Ae., Clearteld, Pa iprll 7" ly gOMliTlIIVtJ M-: AGAISI C. D. WATSON Wl.bei to inform a.a old fritndi aid tha pa b lie gep trail that bi kai offneJ ut a ae Drag, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, la hit old itaad, oppotltt tba Court lloaaa, fUCOND CT-t CLKAHFlbLO, PA. Hit stock i all bow. frh aad of tho rry boil qnalit, and will bo sold tataa for CAiU or approved Country Prvdueo. If foa want ptro Dniftt and Palont liadieinai, Oo lo WATS0NU If yaa van! Ccnftftlonfrtea, Caanad Frnitt, Ticklti aad Je'.tiaa, Vut. At , Af., Oo lo UATSON'S. Ifyoa want tho bait Roaited Ctffrt. Giioaco of Ct.ffVa. Fpicfi of all kindu, eh tap, Goto WATSONS. If joa want Fancy A T llft Soap, Flavoring Eitracti, Ae , Ac , bi cur a to Oo to n ATiON'8. If yoa want Fanrj Pye Colors, Clark's rat Ma ebino Thread, Pins, Ktrdlrs A Notions, Oo to WATSON'S. Chawert and Snookers, if yoo want lbs best ia tbo as art. at, Boy at WATaiON'S. wbero yoa can gt Pipes A Pipe Futons. If yoa want to get clear of yoar tamps. Cone to WATSON'S. If joa want to spnd a foa hoars of an evening with yoar frUndu, eomo lo WATtrON'S old stand, whore yoa ran crack Bats and eat Jokes antil t o'clork, a at. Arril 13. 1179. f 1 It K AT ItRM t'TIO.N in firieea of Coffee, T Tea, Pnrar, Mulaiiei, Hire, A ice. al H.pota Jail.) C. KKATZEtVS. O l.l;K.II. Poor new eaihtened M.tllill? O far lale ar eirb.ee. .1 J.ni I.tAV V S I.IVKRT STABLE. 1 I Ot fEIIOI.D (HIOHS Cabell, oil elilh,i I l window blinJi an Btlaria, wall naper, rur., Ae., at reduced niicea, at (Olpn.neJ.il. I C. KRATfEIt'd. JtlU IMKTI IKTi:l Corner of Third aud 8uiithfitH S:retts, riltfburg, Pa, 4 C TO I. JOHNSTON A FONP, Proprietors. IXF.CTTOIW XOTH I. XotieeiP bar. Aj by given that Letter Testamentary having he-n rrmiteil to the subscriber, on the Flate ot Jr. IU 'Mi. Ht:lSilN, deoeaaed. lale of Rradfnrd townvbip, ( learnelil rooTity, Penny U ania, all perenn inlebted to taid Kitate are re jmied to make Irotneuiate psvment, and thotae having oUimt acml the fnme wit? prttent Lrv 4lj aathentiealed for aetlUn-et-t, JACltll I'KAIKT., Exe?tor. !tradfrd tp , March U. IS70 Ct. Normal Institute I flMlfl nndert'ned will open a Normal lntitute in Clearfield in npper mm of lwn lla-l lu eoaiwienee the Id of Mty. I "TO, and eontinne frrm nine to ereven woews. Paint will h taken t naAa tht eoaraa thorniirh an ) prartieal. UKUlK.R W . SNVl'l.R, April 8 It. Co. Superintendent. Von due In Morris Tom nsliip. rI"h un'lerttgne! will offer at pui Ih unlerttgned will offer at publie onte I hit rrt'tenee in Mrvit twarnp. on Till' 11 1'AV. APKIL 2Mb, 110. tho following iertonal priiperty, te. wit : Ihreo borer and hornets, two wa(n, tledv, plonghs, hairows, throe ew, one fod'ter tntter, reoner and tnowor. bay-rake hay fork, eider aiill, tiovra, bureaot, enaira, bels, and other artielet to nnmemut to mention Hale to eowmenee at Ite ebwk, a, of said dav. when ttrans will be made known. aprila St tOIU-C PR AM. JtW TIN MIIOIM FKED. SACKETT, Manafaetnrer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Waro. ltoatier;, Rpoalin and joa weth aoneoa Bbnp en Xlaitrt St.. near! appeeita tba Jail, 4: n.r.Annri.n, r. JOI1X T110UTMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Market Klaail .(Ihe Allrtieftv Il.ure, ( l l tRHKI II, PA. T KKItPoa hanrl all kieJi f Faruilvre, In Mill X ar bv the linplr arli. le. 1h er la nrej ot aav ; amele of Foruitnre, will And It to thrlr IntcreM I t ..il n l .f.a-i, -w. .n u jUl5i(U.1Uf0ll5. i l-riiiGlKirtTca, mil.i ill II A It 1 W A It K, Alio, staawfselurortof Tin and Shcel Iron Ware. CI. E Alt ME LP, PA. A LUX Ol' SADDLK-S JlKlDLKS, Itarnni, Collari, tie., for U ky II. F. IUOI.KR A CO. pALMERS PATENT UNLOAD- log Hay Fork i, for tale by II. F. BIGI.EU A CO. QIL, 1MIXT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kalli, to., for bjr II. F. BIOLEU 4 CO. JJaIINKSS TRIMMINGS & SIIOE Flndlngi, for lull by II. F. r.IQLF.R 4 CO. QUXS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For ile by II. F. DlGLF.il t CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND ti tel. for aala b ji. t. uiuiitu-a u. ' HON I IRON ! IKON ! IRON L For lale by II. F. DIGLER I CO. JJORSE SHOES A HORSE SIIOE KAILP, for aala by II. F BIG LEU A CO. pULLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Wannfaclore, for aala by II. F. IilGl.EK k CO. rpiIIMBLE SKEINS AND PirE BOXES, for aala by H. F. lilGLER 4 CO. pODDER CUTTERS for sale by II. F. UIGLEIt CO. READ I READ II Valuable Eeal Estate at Private Sale. TIIIIE nnderficntd hm ronfludrd to dirposc of bis r A ttM and lIMttfcl. UMJn, snoaia in lnn lown.i.p. ( Icarfirld county, 1'., contain ing 13'A AC H ICS, aJjoining lands of Patrick I'aily, Jamca li. Clark and others. Tiie farm is in a good stole vt cutli.arioa; g"od dwrlliny bruit, larire iarn. tnt boat, orrlurd of chuicc frait, and a good tpring of never failing water on ths prcmines. A school bouee within two miles. Part of the tract la heavily timbered, while the whole is ondeT.iid with a vein of coal, which mart in a short time be a K'oreo of great profit. No better in rent men t coald be made, and no trart of land in the coonty offcrt greater facilities for making money. Penont wiphicg tn learn more particulars ia regard to term, Ve., eon call on the pr mites, or autireta tks ondrrs ijoed at (Jrtimpian Idlli P. O JOHN McINTYRIb. Pen a tp , Mareh AO, 1S70 Smpd. A YALl ABLE FARM FOR SALE. CONTAININD ISO ACRES. riBB aadertigaed, having determined tn die J poo of fail property, oflert for ono of tho wuet deoirahU formt ia Lawrence townthtp, lita sted within two nilei of tbo borough of C leor&eld. Tho trajl coiitns l?1 sxren, i of which aro el eared nnd aader a good state of raltiration, and baring tberooa a dwelling bouse, hank ham. stono spring heuae, and all of her neery oolboildingt : togothsr with a Ana orchard of excellent applet tad peachea. It will bo hold for ealt until the fir si of April ntxt, when if not sold it will be rented. ot" Terms eatr. For farther particulars ad drofs tho snhember, or call porsenally at tbe pretnites, near ClearCeid. 3 1 JOllX HHAW. fir. GOING IT ALONE! Saddle and HarneH Manufactory, LUTUinSDlRO, PA. IHE nnderttpned revrteotfally informs thsoitl tent of Brady town hip, sod the patriie gen oioMy, thtt he it fully prepared to manufaetaro, oa snort notice, from tbo best of mtterral and at renr reaJonaMe rate, everything in his line. Itrptiring done prompt I v. It 70 11 EMIT W. BIIOCH. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON if- HAMLIN'S, ro sat r B. J. IIATKS, Carwenivltte, Ta. SAMUEL I. SNYDIB, Practical Watch Maker, Opptsits Es-Oov. Bigler's rcidrn?a, FKCOND f TREET, CLEAltFIKLP, PA. All kinds of Watches, Cloels and Jewelry ! Pr repaired, and wo. warranted to g.vt inr.n'j W. E0SS McFHERSON, KEEPS constantly oa ban j and for sale. Frrth aieats, sack as BEEF, VEAL, 51UTTOX, kc , Freh Firh, and all Vcpe tables in aeaaon ; Canned Fruiis, Hatter, Lard, Ac nkich they will sell at the Inwrit ma-liet pne. Cah paid fr CATTLK. LI TIER, Ao. Room on Marhct fclrcet. orpottte tha Coort Hnuta, Clearfield, Pa. rprtiTO FULLEETON'S RESTIBVT& RLIRKUHEM l o w . lZ J.eavv'i Kew Ttutl.linaT. (forroerlj aeeapied hj Mn HVtlanphrv,) FKCOND ST.. CI.KAHI IKLP, PA. ("10XST A XTt.Y an barilla fine te!-tlenaf CAS ; P1K. m:ts. no a km, tobacco, . A I.... rHKSU (1KKS reeeived dailv, and M-rved np to foil Ihe laete of en.lemrre. kOtllLI I Altl) HI,IOon aeeonditorv. apr:;: D. It. ITU.KRTON. loltlloM Ibe co- par oerfh ip hf rata fort stilting be lwia the andrrtigned ia tbe foundry butitrtti in Brady tnwnhip, i ditsnlied bv mutual content nn the 30th day of Nnvemltcr, lSf9. The bvukt and acoantt of the Grta are in the band of Jacob lleherlmg for seltlrmrnt. jAt ttp nf nna.ivn. am; mum iii:m.kunj. CHART. EH ltl.NCO. Jefferana Lino. March SI. sipd. DI?OI.ITION I The partnership herrinfort slitting ander Ihe name of I ullerton A MePherton, In the botch enng bntnes in I leartietd, wat, on the 2Mh of Man h, MTA, ditsidrcd by mutual ooncnt. The benVt of the late flmt are tow in Hie hands of I). H. Fullertos for settlement and cHrt iin. It. H Fi l l I RTOV. tt30-4t W. R. MepllEKSON. IWI1.1TI l)V IMRTM RMItP. The ee arlnerlhl herelolnre eaiitha ae. wren lacrnu lne and Jotin Ardell, Jr.. an.ter the name and fiira .( T. L'tng A Co., ti. Itui. Ihe mill div al .Mareh, A. II. IVO. dlonlred tv m. ta.l enneeat. 1 tioa. Lon will eetil. the aeroantl t Ihe lata Irai. TIIUM AM I CM). HH JnllN AlUlt.l.L. Jr. 1.1 The laherriWee adopt! thu wielhod of In lorreirif Ihe l.awhermea that ke w.ll be foand, ae heretnfora, fall, prt pared en aeeemra'ale end .ntertata them, at hi. old Hand al the month af Sandy. A literal ihar. of i.itrnnif- t.tirttrd. I.A It L.N I K FLOOD. Freni-hville, ktarrh 0 Jt. " A N'TI'Ii Itkfl.tMMi Kn. I eithlre Inek l FIIINOI.ES, f.,r whlrh the hirr. price f hr.l rriee 'ill he tit l l ' yhi:.Ht(ll!llS fll'dtiSMIUBl Isaac K.fiTAcrrrs' C-7MATini;s v jnvm tr Ko. IIS Koith gteond t iret, Cornor of Quarry .... I'll 1 1.A I f f An a"rlni'iil of tVntrr.-, J, Pl.i.H W are eoni'l"'" ulrr, Kditi H.mliiii of Weill Jiwrlrj ,.. atlen lid I". ' B. Hilbeiu.in. - O. Kittingir. . II. S. SILEEEMAN &, CO., . IMTOftTt-RI ADD JOBILftl FANCY GOODS, Pl"p NOTIONS, iC, , 13 .1'orlA fourth Strict w,u riui.Aiii.i.i'iiM. i T. C. MYERS, . WITH WH. W. PAUL. fi. WM. W. PAUL ii CO WIIOLFSAtn ROOT AXH HMnKKU'SC, (23 Market Bt. A (14 Commerce CL abavi Sit mjl9 PIIII.ADELPni.A. ; v lj I. lOabtwava , E0LL0WEUSH dt CAEEY, . BOOKSELLERS, - Dlanli Rc!i Manufacturer 3IS Jiarktl St., Philttlc:p!iio. .fcuPnper Flu-Jr Packl an I Br-f. Fwilii I.etler, Note, '.Vrlppin. Curtain ard Wt' Piperf. DREXEL d CO., No. i South Third fttrcct, Pklisilclpklr And Dealers in Government Securfe Application bv niail will reeeire pron.i,. imk iZrr,Zl. tion. anl all information ebeerfelly lurniii. a-ir; i tl BENSON, CAMPBELL fi. Co. Ko. 17 N. f ifib 61. and 421 CviMiaerte, rniLAMiLr-uiA, ta, WHOLESALE QEOCERS, And CoraaiiEsisa Kerclianls, . roa ma lAtt or . Weot. ftir.ienir, rur FVinl, Fellhen, 1 fata, flat Bwi. lntd Fraila, Ciovet (xed. i,, beer rkiul. Hitler, Beeiaai. kbttf fckim, y.fp: Ac, ae, A-, ,. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITEI TTatat Price earreat forwarJeil en rcinca. Jvaa 11. ms jv II. II RIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOI (Stora one door eait of ClcarfitlJ ILliij 3tarVf t fttreet. Clrarlirld, Ta. KETP3 n lied a full aiattofnti ef 0. Faroiahinir Uoodi, me al Hkrli, ti and Wooleo t'Dilf-rbirli, t'la.eri aad St Neck-tiei, Poekcl Ilaadkerebie'i, U'.'j.i, I. t'nbrellae, Af., la real Tariatv. Ut t Ueodl ha keelJl tbe Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colo Fnta al Blaek Doe.kin of the very k.it n Faaev Caiainere, la (real varietv, al.e. Fi Catiaff. lleaver. Ttlut. rbinrhilla, atiil tr overroaliaf. All of wbicb will be rntd char Cafth, and made aa aeenrding U Ibe latelt t by exerieneed workmen. Alio, AireM for ClearfeM eoonty for 6infrcr A Co'i. eetebrate4 Sewing Muebine Nuv. I, si tf. II. llHID (Ctlurnfiottat... MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRi CLEARFIELD, PA. rHE SPRINO TERM of twenty two w ' will commence oa Monday, Feb 21, 1? A Primary department will IteradUd te Sehool this Tall; f- r which tbe srrvioetof s . petent triftroctiif bate boea rnrated. An : effort wi'.l be reared to render taia o;arii--attractive and in timet ire. TKIIM8 OF TUTIOK. Rmdtnp. OrthoTaj'hy.Wrhlnp.O' jeft Let sons, Primiry Anthroedc and PriniMV Oro-raj hr, per half term, (of eleven Wfkl )...! .....a. I. Hiitnrv, Ltal end derrrtptivo Jeogra'Lv with Map Pmwing, (iramniar. iMt-btU aad Written Arithmetic I Aljrfhra and the Scieaocs ...... t . Inttramina lo Inntnioieartal mane It Oil p.. Ming ... - 11 Wn work ... a. I For fnll particuUrt tend for t ireular. ClearAeld, Aug. Sj, lfrC(. 1 . , . . CLEARFIELD ACADEH.. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. rpilK FOL'Ri'II FF.t?IO.ofihsprrrat tr X la Kite year of I Li Inttitntioa w.ll femtui ' ou MONDAY, the !.th day of April, lt;0. Paails can eater nt sty tine. IhrywjtH ebargttj wtttitaitioa from tbe time tLej entrl , oe eiuit of the czt:vn. 1 bt floor re of Instrartioa csshracej f trrr rW ." jiae.uded in haroBgh, prielital ssd aarsft J pllfhed education for both tcies, Tka 1....1H.I L.J ik. .ilrwatvCI t ,fc M , ' w.... ...,, r. , rt, m thi hif otirt mUliXj i: i frf.iM w B(.TOt)ti the inorsl and mtt- tal training of the yobih piaeed onder h'S ciarr-, I .tMa l' 1 I I I H. Orthography, Beading, W riting, ard Priratr. Arithmetic, per en ion ( 1 1 wevkt) I f Oraannar, Ueegraphy, Arithatotit, aad HUtory M Algebra, Oenmetrr, TrieaooBetrT, Men- s oration, furveyicg, -t;;o.t hy, Phvsi ' li.ry.Cbetnlttry, Itooh Keelpg, tary and PhirJ tloography - - J Latin, lireek and Prencb, altti any cf the ahf..t Prarkoe ' $l . Ml'flC Fi3o Veaoas) - - .til riNo irdtetioa Kl.l I ? faber . ctr further parjirulcri inquire o, Hr. p. L. llARUUoN.A. M , Feb. 3, Um tf. Priori a w 7 T 1 1 rpO THE noEKINa CLAP?. Wc'a.a A prepared to furnish a'l ctates with aConn eiKpUiyuirnt at home. tSe whole cf the time ot tht 'pare saaneats. ta-ir.atsafS, aV,Lf.ad ' fltai-ic. rsifntiJ oi'ei Iier trx rnvli c;irn fnie to J" per evening, sml a prx--( o'etmnW swn'b; volirg Hi, ir ol.nl t in-n.t.i C t I t.-,.ir. ia.i g'rlt .irn nearly ar much a mi n. That a'l tec thit no life tn x rend tl.cir ddrr-p,'nnd tej hninet. we mhe thu wrv-arsl1 r.fee: Tn' at are not will ratr:ic J, vc will t cd 51 th i the trouble f atttti.g. l alt pirtirulsr, a v. hie tarrjlc, atiirb will d lo cnuinirnee wor' aud a ei'py of Ve's iircmry Ctfx one of (he lartfcfi and boat fnunlv new-pop- rt libcd all not fn-e ry mall. Header, it y- pernianeal, proaittbte work, addrets E. C A 1 . A CO.. Auxtifta, .Maine, 1 2 ' DAVID YOUNG. . Slono-f uUer mul S(onr!a T ILL eleenlr a!l ctk in k! li f I' ll arata pneci aad la t lHSI.kLA . Architectural Ornaments In ALL HVLL.', Fun, rraula- of . deecnplioa, aad all kinde of naaun at.r traetedfor ia ar.al.f tie tv.t.rv. Anv p. wiihtrt tn hnra rerpeelable aeea wi.it ttoae fu!lir( dor, will 6nd it t tneir tni . a rail apna ma I woald eUn Irfrra the t trial I eaa wVliter any qiiamttv ar eli itona iletited, aa X am It:, uriw of a FIHST-CLASS STONE jrAK Order, for work eaa a,ldre.ied to IAVII Yt'fXC narr.V Cr-ar-l I A i r a rrtt ii ait i: ntio x i II The an Vr.'rnrd rierl.e er'e.1 a and f-.mmcrlinnt h,.t.e on the eirrr hr.nl et r Fh- I1" n. nt po.lte the .hvnnon. eed i I reweved thm Inrr. rorhi no that nl' rear I ! with en... wenhl rail the alrnilm ef Wat ' I to the advanlirri t'f thi pto fv l?nf "p 1 , a dfi rein fn.m al,ee. The Int. la a ill . efP with a hoantttul haud, and la. bar well U'I r 1 wtlb ehoiee liqnora. WM.IIA1I fllSlRI! Teeamim's Otfte, I Trrartieer. 1 verf lew far cath or etebange for tniiai larrbr. na!:d. Pa,, April 13, lTf ; Cbarlald. Pa., A i-" I-: tf raid. KAVFR A tt.M Jn'v tl, t. Katiharl. Mtrd , J$;,