- Till: HKI'UJIUCAN. tLEAUFIKI.I), VA. MTKDXESDAT MOtlXISO, MART II 10, lT. Ter"is of Subscription. If paid in e,lenc,or wilbin throe months ...t S If pai.l after three. n-l before .it montha S at) If paid flit lb riniration of ail months ... S II t All article, to in. nr. iutertion In line paper should bo handed in early on Tuceday morning, ae we gj to prcti al 12 o'clock, (noun.) HKI.ICIOIX NOTIC'If. Mcthodlat I'.plsrnpal Church Rev. TT. II. Hill.. Peetnr." Public Service every Babbatb, nt I0 A tl.. end 74 P. M. . Sabbath School at A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thuredny, el 71 P. M. Communion r-ervice, Aral oabbath of every laonlh, at III) A. M. HI. Krancl.' Church Catholic Iter. Mr. O Mui al Id) oelnrk A. M., on the ec-ond ami fourth 8tin0nye of each tnonlli. Sit. Andrew1: Church KpleriipaiMller. .sonoa Hall. Public Heme Kumlay morning nt It o'clock, anil at 7 P. M. Sunday rJehool at 3 1. I. Prayer alerting rdiieaday evening at 7 t eloes. 81. Johu'e Church Lutheran Rev. Mr. hisooarr. Publio bcrvieo ovary Sabbath, anorn law . d tveninr. Presbyterian Church Ret. Mr. Burma Pablia bvrric ovary Sabbath, morning and eveo-I- fihswls, white poods, linens, notions, trimmings, embroideries, laces, edging, Indie and gentlemen' furnishing good, 4c,, at Reed's. ' ir. Lawrence Flood, whom neitrly 41 our rnltmon know to bo a clover .fellow, gives notice in our advertising columns, that ho it fully prepared to srtcemmodato those who may favor bint with their patronage during the rafting season or at any other time. To Whom it Mat Concern. Those of our subscribers who now receive the Republican cithor through the Clearfiold PostofBc or by .Currier, who Intond changing their residence on the 1st of April, wilt please inform .us of tlio fact, that we may make the necessary changes on our books. Tui Jiiw Firm. The substantial and enterpriaing Hardware and Tin ware Manufacturing firm of Messrs. Merrell k Dialer, lias been succeeded by Alcssrt. JI. F ttiglor & Co , who are now ready to wail upon their riumeroa patrons at the old stand on Second street. Seo their advertise ment elsewhere. . Pat Yocr Taxes The now tux bill passed for this county, will bo found in tnotlier column. This meas ure should receive the attention of every tax payer, because all hare a joint interest in know ing what duties are incumbent upon them, so us to enable thorn to p:iy their taxes promptly in compliance with tlio act. Not DEUfbED. The Licenso ques tion i still undecided as wo go to press. Should the Hotels now apply ing.fnil to obtain licenso wo will have a mighty dry season in this neck of woods. There will bo a grand open ing for somo ontdipiising Good Tem plars, who do not drink, to carry on a lively campaign against King Alcohol, while dirtabled in this manner. Prints, delaines, ginghams, muslins, drefs goods, Indict' coatings and coats, at Heed's. Accident. Mr. Joseph L. Thomp son, of Lawrenco township, got one of hi' anklet badly hurt on Friday lust, while rafting in timber, lie seems to bo particularly unfortunate His wife and several members of the family having been sick nearly nil winter, and ono of hi children died a short lime ago; benides, ho also lost a valuable horse. He is an honest and industrious citizen, and deserves the sympathies of his neighbors. ' ANoTiiEa Lawteb. We learn that Mr. James S. Smith, who tlio past season lias taught the High School in this place with great natisfuction, was last week, sworn in at an Attorney, and is therefore entitled to practice in all Iho Courts of this county. It is roporfed that he passed nn examination highly crcditublu to any one, and will thercforo muko a ' good lawyer, after a liltlo practice and attention to business. Having selected my stock with great tare, purchasers will find as hnndiomo a lino of goods as can be found in any market, and Iho prices will speak for thennclvcs. Wm. Uied, Market Htrcct, Clearfield, F. In a Qcandart. Our Pliilipsburg Mild Rii-Ii lowuship neighbors arc now labnriug under a now county nnd on iirxaltmf exuilemont. Common sense nnd littlo time n:td argument, will .kill 4ha former and af coniplish the Ultor. The territory of UiihIi town whip, Ccn'.re county, was assigned to Clearfield county by tho Creator, and ilA nlliuuco with Mother Centre has nlways heon unnatural and burthen Koine, and its annexation to Clearfield ii but a Question of time. I. is the Interest of nearly every citizen of that territory to belong to us, and its an nexalion can work no harm to Clear Cold, while Centre would get rid of on unnatural alliance Tho PhilipsburguurKi, in alluding to this subject, say : 'If the organization of a new county is inipmctii-nhlo, then let us have (uccksioii anil annexation tot Icarlield At present it takes us much li mo to en tu our county lou n and return n to go to riiilniletpliia. A quick trip nn biiMiiets requiring only nlteen mimiles in an office, will ronuiro nn rxpon!o of nbotit ten dollar, or cIm) wo must adopt the economv of the Pcolch higlilnnder nnd take a "hunk of bread and moal" in our ocket nntl eat it by the wnysido. If nunexed to t leal fii Id county wo can go, trammel liusincm nud rclurn the tamo day, widi but lilllu expense, except hotel bills, which ore a liltlo Moep. Wo aro of oiininn, then, and U appears to be the prevailing ono with oiircitir.cn hero, that wesliouldslrikcfura new enmity, and if we should fail in that, then to - go in for apnc xatiou to Clcsrfield. fanfrrturt .fitesoiasfmre,. Tlio I'lrrjrymcn of tlio (Vnttnl l'l'iiti sltnni Conference of llio Mcthoilisl Kiiciiil C'lmrtli nsMinliloil in Lew Mown two weckfi),'0, nnil tnuisnctcil tlio usual CoiifiTcnco business. The next csitn will to liclj in C'nrlixlc, Itt., in Miirili, 1871. Tlio ful1owinK aro tlio statistical return lor the imsi year : Members IJ.JGO Heatha j;o Probation. 6,ttH lioral I'rcarhrre 'l'n Adult. llaptile.1 1,0.1:1 Children li.ptlard )(1'I2 Chnreliec... .v.;; Value 1933,700 00 1'areonngre ns Valu ..13,J0O (10 Conference collection..,, 4,061 63 Mie.ionary collcctioua: l hurcbee Huinlay Kchoole , Church eitenaior Tract eauao Itilila eauce 8. K. I'uinu Number of Sunday Holioole III.M (IB d.roo is 1,278 21 415 1H 0 SV ib .1.1 42i Officer! and Teacbora. . Tlio following appointments wcro mudo by tho Confercnco previous to adjournment : WILLIAMSPOIIT disthict. J. Ci'sss, P. E. Williamfport: Pine atroet. W. tlanlcn. Mulberry atreet-... W. 6. Kdwardl. Price Chapel. J. F. Orkorman. Third street J. B. Polagrove. Newberry B. C. Swallow. Williamsport Circuit, To be aupplied. Dnboia A Kocktowo. 1. F. Uaria. Slontouraville i. A. Ucrc. Ilugbeaville K. at. Chilcoat. Tivola I. I,. Chandler. Muney... a. o. V4J. Wataontown F. Oearbart and J. 8. Comp. Milton W.A.HouekAD.C.Joho,aup l-ewiaourg s. creigntoo. Mifflioburf. J. Uuaa. tialladaaburg (1. Leidy and J. P. Bobb. Liberty Valley 1.. O. Heck. Jaraey 8 bora. J. A. H click. Jameetown J. B. Monrr. Ureal Ialand-..-.. A. . Taylor. lck Haven J. W. 1-uiglry. caluoa M. P. Croathwaite. Hciuer R II. Culbsrs. Rrnova A. M. k'ciler. ' Weatport J. Y. Rothroek, sup. Leidy K. W bile. Sionewaboning L. 8. Crane and W.V. Oasoe. EmporiumH. af. L. lrum. Caledonia A. B. Hoover. W. L. Bpottawood, Preaident, and II. A. Curiae. Prufeaeor, in WiUiamaport liichioaon Seminary, members of Mulberry btreet Quarterly Conference. DANVILLE DISTRICT. B. Biani, P. E. Danville: Mahoning atreet... F. Hodgeon. Trinity atreet A. M. Crcichton. Northumberland B. F. Ntevena. Waahingtonville II. Wileon and T. 0. Cleca. Bloomaiturg R. II. Crever. Knpyand Light atreet W. M. Meminger. Orangovilla J. F. Urowa and I. Sdwarda. IferwK'k Berwick Circuit , Bloomincdalo F. D. Kiddle. A. Brlttain. B. P. King, ono la be aup. II. B. Former. E. II. Yocum. W. C. Ileaaer. W. W. lleeee. J. T. Wilaos. ' F. E. Crever. Muhlenburg....M...n, Sbickahinny While Haven. Hickory Hon. Wcatherly Hailflton Jeaneaville A Audett- ricd.. E. T. Pwarti. Conyngbata .. N.W.Colbam, A.B.Bowman .. II. (I. Dill. .. II. B. Mendenhall. .. N. 8. Buckingham. .. A. C. Creetbwaite. .. P. F. K er. .. A. W. (layer. .. J. V. Craig. .. II. II. MrCloaky. .. W. W. Kvaue. .. O. V. Miller. tawiaaa.w Klyaburg Hbamokin Cfolralia Mount Carinol Aahland . ... Trovorton Snvdcrtown .. burv Sclloagroro I. 11. Torrcnea, Secretary of Peanaylvania Bible Soeiety, member of Trinity Quarterly Contareooe. CARI.ILK DISTRICT. . T. AllKRILL, P. B. t'arllale: Firat Church II. C. Pardoo. Kinory Chapel W. Fryainger. Ml. Holly J. M. Lanta. t'haraberabnrg K. W. Kirhy. becoad Church... J. 1'onattue. 8bippeneuurg II. M. Aah. Circuit 4. a.ioya. Xewnlle k Rebeboth W. II. Keith. Mcchanicaburg.. J. II. McUarrah. New L'umborlaad.... 3. l. Clark, J. 0. Sharer. Iluneannon ..m O. T. tlray. Newport A. It. Miller. Liverpool A. II. Mensrh. York : Firat Church. W. M. I. Ryan. Iluke 8l. Church... O. Ii. Pennypacker. Wrightarillc J. W. Olewine, 8hrrwahnry W. A. McKee, one to be aup. Caatle Fin J. A. McKlndlree. II anovor A N.Olford J. A. Illlon. York Kpringi... T. f. MoClure, J. B. Young. H.e.Chcoton, J. 11.6. Clark.. J, W. Feight, J. A. le .Moyer. J. A. Woodcock. (1. W. Iter. II. Liou, I A. Rudiaill. tlettyaburg Mont Alto.. , Wayneaboro'.. Ilreencaatle Mrrcoreburg.... M Cooocllsburg 8. L. Bowman, Prufeaeor at Dickineon College, ember ol Kmury Quarterly Conference. T. P. Ere. Preaident of Irving Female College, member ol Mecbanicabnrg Quarterly Confercnco. JUNIATA DISTRICT. B. B. HaiiLia, P. E. Huntingdon Petereburg M. K. Foater. M. L. Smith. W. Clwrn and W. Ely. J. Moorehead. J. P. Moore. A. II. Yocum. W. i. Owens. 1. Tbrnah. (1. W. tiualap. J. R. King. A. M. Uarnitt. J. Orav. Manor II ill Mount Cnioa. Newton Hamilton... M'Veytowa Uranville Iwiatown. Freedom Milroy. MilUin. Thompeontown. Tuacarora. C. Orahaia. New Hloomteld. 0. W. Rome. W. Schribar. Concord Shade Dap ... Sbirleyabarg ..... Soottaville Caeaville H. A. Crereling. W. H. Stevens. J. P. long. E. hhocmaker. A. W. 1 e,ker. J.C.Clarke. C. V. Wilaon, J. R. Akors. II. W. r. Vanfoaaen. II. II. Wharton. A. W. Oibaoa. W. K. Wbilney. J. A. Koaa. Markelaburg...... Satton Bloody Ran Rev a Hill- Bedford Rainalmrg.. Schrllaburg ALTOONA DISTRICT. J. 8. Mi MrssAT, P. E. Altoona: Firat Church...... Eighth Avenue.., S. W. Peart. D. 8. Monroe. fl. Warren. W. II. Noreroee, J. W. Leckie. J. Stlne. D. Ilartuian. Hollidaraburg Iluncanirille. Martiniburg Williamiburg Logan 'a Valley Ty rone T. Uarnhart, Oeerge Ouyer. J. II. Akcre. J. W. Cleaver. J. W. Ilorblev. L. R. II Ithodea. J, W, HaughanouL J. Mulhn. R. Duller, fl. A. Finger. D.Caitleraan,tV.C.Kobuina. 11. R. Wilton. R K.Kelly.T.II.Pwilacr.aup. 1. V. Bell. J. II. XI. -Cor J. W. A. Cltppinger. W. H. Ilaialm. I'ort Matilda. Milealiurg Howard.. Washington Penn'a Valley Ilrllcf.mle.... .... Half Moon Warrior'a Mark. I'hilipaburg Ilrahsmton. 0-ee.ila ClearSrld ClearSeld Circuit Snowinoc Curwenaville.. W. ti. Kergttaon. tilen Hope. R. Maltaliru. New Wa.liinglon..... L. N. Clark. Lainber City l. L. Oanoe. W. Fm.haw. Chaplain U. 8. A., member of Warrior a Mark R. C. D.SheDer tina(.rred to t'pper lowaConferonee. K. J. Oray and D. II. Carroll tranefcrred to Daltiraore Conference. No-F.xrLosivi: KrRosr.m Lamp. Constructed on Sir Humphrey Davy's plan. The most eminent scientific men pronounce it aluolutcly safe under all circumstances, both from breaking and explosion. It gives twice as much light from same sir.ed wick. It uses 38 per cent, less oil. It is oriuimentnl and durable, and latts a lifrtime. It give no odor in burning, if turned ever so low. Tho steadiness of tho finmo is especially wonderful. It is a successful rivul ol gni at a trilling expense. Cull nnd examine tho article. Tor Bale by H. V. Higlcr A Co., Clearfield, To. Tho firm of Fullerton A McPhcrson has been dissolved. The business will be carried on at tho old stand by Mr. McFberton. See notice. Tfl Hie K lli it of the RcftnMlran, f 'rrt upon fit nrt. Tho liaftauiaiis editor dabbles in Divinity '1 ho Cimlnnsli School I uuo .Misrepresentation of the Culholio Church. As Mr. How rcflisrs ij allow any rcliitiilinn of his defamatory nsscrlions (mudo in hit paper L'ild Kub.) against me i. nliioiit.'S ol Cincinnati and their religion, I hopo you will excuse this inirtiHioii on your valuable space Mr. It's refusal was very ptilitt ho sum lliero was no injustice lio could not publisl) nn the School queHtion n;;aii, ho lutil too much troublo on that sulijoct last year. Ho cannot say that I refused to pay him lor hit trouble. Nor can ho say that 1 began tho "troublo" now or then. Requiring Catholic teachers to lis ten to 1'iotestniit prayers at the Curwcnsvillo lnslituto wits tho cause of tho troublo then, unjustly blaming me c auioncj 01 cinciuuaii anu llicir religion for tho Into legal controversy concerning tho exclusion of tho Pro testant Hiblo from the Public Schools, causes troublo now. His Christianity is ns unchristian as tho theory of Hev. Messrs. Williams, Hays, Buckley, tinyor, Ac, tho causes of tho trouble Inst year. In ifiiVtlie liiblo is not sectarian, which version is the Bible itself. Can tiod bo tho author of both? This would bo blasphemy, as that system would muko Him tho author of con tradictions. Tho liiblo "is tho focus of all sects" if so, it mtibt bo an mIuo, for Be. Pwwl e-lnoouei "cily, murder, drunkenness," Ao , with sects, (Jul. v, 20. "All the socts cluster around it Iho liiblo as they would around God in tho word." tiod nnd tho liiblo and ull sects what a collo cation! all equally pleasing to Him. "Many think that tlio question just decided (that tho Protestant version of the Hihln. should bo reud in tho Public Schools) is tho precursor of host v h'cli Catholicism threatens to drive down upon Protentar.tism." Vi hat i tho cause or tin insulting hypothesis? Decauso tho Catholic minority ol tho Cincinnati bcliool Board voted with the Protestant majority. He thinks that decision "proper." If Catholic Boards or Governments compelled Protestant children to listen to tho reading of the Culliolio liiblo, would lie call it proper f or that Christianity bo part of tho Common haw. Catholics aro not satisfied by the mere exclusion of tho I roteslam uiulolrom tlio schools, because like other denominations they believe their children should be educa ted in their own faith ; but unlike Mr 11. they do not wish to imposo their Bible or their creed nn any one. K. U UUAMliAA, It. U V. The ,Vip I'riton. Kartiiacs, March 25, 1870. Mr. Editor: Sir Tho now Jail question is agi tated and discussed daily among us. I he tax paying citizens in this part of tho county aro pleased and think it wise in our County t omniisstonors that thev have nostnoncd the huildinir of a new Juil, while, tho pcoplo aro tnirthcnctl with taxes and tlio county is in debt. Any higher taxes the pcoplo aro not willing to bear, and therefore it is folly for tho Commis sioners now to proceed to build it. As it is, they can nso the county funds sparingly nnd economically for tho necessnry purposes, and liquidnlo tho count)' debt fint, before they entertain tho idea of an additional expenso to tho lax pnycrs of tho county in erecting a now Jail. J. lie times must chan'O and becomo belter before tho pcoplo will think of build ing at all ; and that will not be, before tho bad men in oflico at Washington, areturned out, and honest men elected Tlio public affairs through radical rule could not hnvo been worso, and is approaching . crisis that will nppnl nil honest men, and tho sooner tho pcoplo learn to contcmplnto and understand it the ncltcr. Your licspcctfully. IUcohufr's Orricc. Below will bo found the number of Deeds entered for record in this offico for tho weok ending Monday, March 28tb, 1870, together with tho names of the grant ors and grantees, whero situated, and tho consideration : Deed of l,ewie I'lubell to Joseph Riqaet, for K8 perrbea in Onvingion towntbip; ((ilru. Deed of Richard Moaaop to K iaabcth Qlenn, for 10ft acrea in Hell townanipi $1. Deed of W. M. Dickeman to A. C. Hopkins, lor 24S acrea in Jordan townahip; iA.OOO. Deed of William Jonea to Waller Barrett, lor tve Iota in Clear6elJ: SJ.100. Deed of Munton A llimp to Dolph Brothers, for lot In Chetter Hill 1 (100. Deed of William and George Albert to Henry Allien, for 10 acrea in 11 ad ford town.hipi m. Deed of Maria and Henry Waple to William fleorge nnd Henry Albert, for undivided one. eighlb of ISO scree in Dradlord townabip j 2.'0. ewe ItoaamLt Death. Tho Elk Demo crat says : "Another sad accident oc curred in this county on Tuesday last, this time at Mill Creek, by which an interesting liltlo daughter of John Alt, aged three years, c.imo to its death. It appears that at about four o'clock on tho afternoon in question tho mother it tho littlo sufferer left tho child alono in tho house,, and pro ceeded to tho mill, a short distanco awny, whero tho husband was at work After a lapse of about fifteen minutes sho returned to Iho houso, whon slio found her liltlo (lui liuir lying upon Iho floor burned lo n crisp, yet still alivo, but human skill nvailcd nothing, as il lived but a fow hour, when it was relieved from all bodily sulTenng The exact cause of tho accident is not known, but il is supposed tliul while playing with tho firo in tho slovo its clothing became ignited, nnd in the absence of its mother was thus shock ingly burned " Tur. pROPtiKrs at Faci.t. The lamentations on tho part of our lum bcrinen during tho past winter with reference lo a flood has been dispelled, and they aro theroforo ngrccably (lis appointed. The Bl reams in this county, have been, for several days past in an cxccllont rafting tlago, and much lumber in tho shapo of sqii.iro timber, logs nnd boards has passed down. Whether Iho prices realized will le remunerative wo nro not prepared lo stato at this lime. The card tf George C. Kirk, Ksq , will bo found in this issue. Mr. Kirk is n competent nnd worthy man, nnd will do all in his power lo render himself agreeable and prompt in bus iness. Spring Styles Now Goods at prices nearly and many goods at low at befor lb war, at RriD . On Ttnirfiy tt-wlttf, Murrlt Iriil., Mr. 1'. I., r. nm, .i , Mr. I'Kll'H A AITI'SKH, f WooHftrd lown-hip, to Min IIRVflUTTA A HI I P, f I.twrriw tofinihlp. T-i CUrirfi.ld, on TuwIaT, Mrnh I5tht 1.0 IWIk' U .1. ....I.i.. ..f 11...... ...I Uist E ftnninr Rg. d jrnr, Ifl nmnlha ml S 'lyi. In l.Awn-iKTo (iDhii, on iUrch 2rd, !HTA, Mr. KIJZAIIKTII I'KKftU'K f-l 9i part. S Ol (Hi till ft u J IV tlav. At liiit rrgttine In laurniltlr, on Ttwtdar. Aiftrin ir70( u 11,1.1AM c. IHVI5. in m .ii jrnr of nil fl(r( iu;uuiiil. CL0SISO PRICES or Dallavss k Duo., No. 40 South Third St., Philadelphia, March SO, IS70 V. S. I'aof 'II ll:i 111 " " '61 109) 10V1 " " '01 lul 1USJ " " '05 I0S I0k " " 'S, new : lorj 1074 " " '07, new 108 10J " " 'OS lOSt IDS " 'a, 10 40 a. 1041 10J U. S. 30 Year per cent. Currency.... 1121 11.1. Due Compound Interest Note... 1 Gold i nn S'I'ar. 1 n; t'nion PaciBo It. It. let Mort. Honda.. 110 860 Central PaciDo R. R 020 030 Cnion Pacite Land Urant Bond. TOO T70 larlirti. Clearfield Markets, .J li Li. b nicu.NU aauaaor, Wholeaale and Retail Dealer in Dry Uooda, (Irocerlra, 1'ro Tiaiona, Ac, Market a(rce(, Clearfield, Pa.' CisinriKLS, Pa., March it, H7. Applea c;recn,00(j 1 Si llig, drcaaod 14 Dried, wm 12) Midca. aretm.. t Apple bailor, $rl, 1 !' llama 10 i!i bolter. UU(u) 411 MioulJ.ra....U(, , IS IU am $0 11111,0 S 01 Sidea 00(m . 18 Buckwheat 1 1! Lard ' 26 Buckwheat flour lb, a; Meat pork,E bbl...3& on Beef, dried Ii; Oat 00 S.if, f.e.h !' Onlone 1 2 Boarda, M II 0U($ U OS Polatoel .001101) Corn.lllclkd... 1 20 Peachei, dried, lb.. lii Corn, ear Ouita) 0V lMaeUir, V bbl 8 10 Corn meal, Viavk, 1 0 Rye. Ji Chop, V ewti 4li(o I 00 IUK.. fl lb i Cloveraced. 00 SaII, l tack t 00 Chocae. li Shiiiglea,ISin.$4fai 00 Cherriei, lb. 00C 10 1 Shtnglca,2a inl0(o 1 1 00 Cbickene, dred, lb, la1 Timothy seed ft SO Egg 2,i Tallow 121 Flaaaecd. 1 00 Wheat 1 SO Flour I OOfiu 0 SO Wool 40 Hay 18 110 (n 20 00 Wood. V oord 1 SO (fdurationnl. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLRARFIKLD, PA. THE SPRINtl TERM of twenty two weeks, will eommenoe on Monday, Keb. 21, IS7S, A Primary department will bo added to the School tbia fall : for which the eervieee of a com potent inatrnctor have been engngrd. And no effort will be eparcd to render tbia department altraetns and inrtruetive. . TERMS OF TUITION. P.eading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lea. anna, Primary Arithmetic and Primary tocography, per half term, (of eleven wecke.) 13 00 llittory, Local and deecriptive Ueography with Map Drawing, (Irammar, Atcntal and Written Arithmetic 60 Algebra and the Scieneca , 9 00 Inalruetion in Instrumental mu.ie It 0 Oil painting 11 W work .. I 00 For full partieulara aend for Circular. Cleartrld, Aug. IS, S9-pd. l CLEARFIELD ACADEMY Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. rpiIB THIRD mtSrWOIf of the pr..l ariw X laatie year of this Inatltulloa will eetnaaaaee oa MONDAY, tba Tih day of February, IH70. Pupila ean enter at any time. They will ha charged with taitlon from tbs time tbej enter to the close of the Seaaion. '' T he eonrae of tnetrnetloa emhraeea every thing Included In t tboronh, practical and accom plished education for both aeiea. The Principal, baring had the advantage of macb oiperieoeo in hie profeeaina, aeeuraa pa rent! and guard ana tbat his eallra ability sad energies will be devoted to tho moral and men. tal training of the yooth pieced under his charge, HCMM OK TUITION. Orthography, Reading, Writing, nnd Primary Arithmetic, per Seaaion (II woeka) $S 0 Oremmar, Uoography, Arithmetic, and llittory t Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men. suratloa, surveying, rnuoeopny, rnyat ology, Cbemielry, liook Keeping, Dotany and PhTtical Ueogranhy . . It t Latin, Ureek tnd Preach, with any of the above Dranebea - - 111 0 MI'SIC Piano (10 leeaona) . tit 00 04r No deduction will be made for absence. ST-Pcr further partieulara loquiro of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., Feb. 1. IST0 tf. Principal. oots and SliorS. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS juat received n One lol of French CALF SKINS, anil la now prepared to ananarae. lure everything in hia lino at tba loweal (garee. lie will warrant hia work lo bo nt reproaenteo. Ho reepeoLfully aolleita a call, at hia ahop an Market street, aocond dtor weat of the po.tvfnee, where ha will do all In hia power to render aalla. faction. Some tno Ueitar tope on hand. mjll,'S7 y DAMKt, CONN b'LLf . PE.VCE PROCLAIMED. . THE WAE OVElfnr CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Adry all the Contrabands going back to their old masters; hut 'nary one going to old Massachusetts, where they were loved so long and so veil. T!f conaennence of the above facta. T. unnftT, J. of the old "Short Shoe Shop." would an nounce to hia numerous patrona, and the people of Clearfield county at large, that ha haa new firat rata lot of good material, Ju.l received ma the Kaat, and ie prepared nnaoort notice to mace and mend Uoota end Shoea, at hia now ahap ta (Iraham'a row, He it tati.Oed that he een pineal ell.fonleea It mlehl he enme Intenaely loyni atay at homo pulrtnte.) He la prepared to tell low for Ca.h or Country Produce. Don't forffet the Shoo neat door tn Showers A flrahom'a alero, on Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa., tad kept by a fellow commonly ealled jyl.df-y "SIIOUTT. XEW BOOT AJD SHOE SI.01 EDWARD MACK. Cos. MARKET A 3d Pts., CLEARFIELD, Pa. 1VIR pmprlttor haa entered Into the BOOT SIIOK haelneM nt the nbovo aland, and la determined not In bo outdone either in quel ity nr price fur hie work. Special attention will ha paid to manufacturing Sewed work. He haa on hand s large lot of Krrnch Kip and Calf Skint, of the very heat quality, Uteeltl lent of Clearlald and vicinity are" rupeetlullj Invited lo give bin s trial. No charge for c.ll. noT, tr XEW HOOT 7YDSn0ESII0P. X Hoot ana nno rmtp in uBrwenBTiiiti, on XUin lrfl, nfipoiiiu Jo.h II. Irwin'i Vmt tnr, rpeHull nnounrei to iht ru.l,p tlmt h It prf purtH. to mna'vr'tari nil itjrloi of Unntf .naiw kknas atki4 an taaj t L lnar L . hi llnaa. AM alinrt not-tio, IU nine krtpf on hanti a fo 4 .rl- mni 01 r.'a.ay-ia.i(i4j warn, wntra no win " cbeop fnr eh r eon n try pro 'up. oriif ii n: 13 1 lift" is iiw.-f. 1.1 RtMl S Cannel Rtrnwherriea, Lima Dean", Corn, I'enrbea, Tnmatoea, Aeparegne. I'ruaea. t herrlc Hnecote.h and Apprienlai I'rcrted I'runra. Cranberry Pane, -li llief, I'eppeT fiauee, Mirabellea, t'attnp, alualanl, Ac, for talc br (Oppoaile Jail.) C. h HAT7.ER. T 1IIK CKLKIIUATED RICHARDSON DooT.', Light Rip.... t s. French Kin . ( 0. French Coif a (Ml. (Opp-aiia Jall.U-ttf Al 0, KRATZLM Vhil,idttilil.i (lvrUlsftiiniK. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mils. M. A. IIIM'lIt hi. Jm.i erihed fo.ra ISria and l.on-l.in with lb. Iilral daairoa, pT.nally led fir-m the gieati.l io,tli..; alan. the moat eli'gant Ttiwimina: to Imi aecuri'd In I'alta. auch a Hi ts, uiiinoNM, vf.i.vktc, ri.owi:Rg, IINII'Sl. VKIM. KINK .IKWKI.IlY. and IlllMVin I'AI'KII CATIi:llSS, D R l.aa and CI.OAK MAklMI. t.tcliiaivo agent for Mra. M. Work 'a ealclirali'd ayalein forenlling ladic' drcaea, aae.uea. baafpiea. o. fi. w. oornur vf lilevenlh and ( lieitniil bla. I'hll.drlpliia. (Hcpt JJ, '(10 tm ISAAC K. STADFFER, WATCHES & JEWELRY, No. 118 North Scoond Street, Corner of Quarry PHILADELPHIA. An a'aortmenl of Walchca, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware eonetantly on hand. Repairing of Wal.hca and Jewelry promptly attended to. '7 8. Silberman. - 0. Kltilner. . II. Silbenaaa. S. SILBERMAN & CO., lMrONTKII AKD JOBBRHI Of FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTION S, AC, ID .Vorlh totirlh ftlrttl, myH PIIILADIil.PlllA. lypd T. C. MYERS, WITH wm. w. rarjL... , . I. soas. WM. W. PAUL & CO., WIlOLfSALG IaOOTjlKIlSaUOX V1ltE IIOI SV, 621 Market St. A I4 Coaamarc SI above Slllh, ylO PIIILADBLPIIIA. ly i. SOLLOWBt'.n a. navti cansr. H0LL0WBUSH & CARET, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AKD STATIONERS, 218 Market St., Philadelphia. Paper Flour Rack! nnd Ragt. Foolaeap, u l . . ..J w.ll Letter, hole, wrlpp,ng, Curtain and Wall Papera. f.l.Jt ly DREXEL & CO., No. 34 Houth Tlilrd HI root, Philadelphia, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furniaked. Ordora aolieilcd. aprll-lf BENSON, CAMPBELL t Co., No. 17 N. Fifth 6t and 424 Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Fa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, ron tns saL or Wool. Qlnaeng, Fur Skina, Feather,, Leather, Flea Seed. Ilried Fniita, Clover Seed. Roots, Deer China. Hatter, Beoewai, Sheep Skina, Egga, Ae., e. Aa. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price ourrent forwarded aa requeaU Jess II. ISSI ly:pd ftlfdiral. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Iufiriuitleo."- Ct, faul. 1II. BOYEIff PIRE WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vnfo, part, plcaunt and btmltli git ig Tlo tried trgetiaUe, tuid in.avfaulvred frun th most prr ui'l cboieo material-., not a pril drink nor lubftituU fur whiittj. but ft kvientific ijorijroond, for lh protfrtion of lha tyrtvm and the eur of dlfet made from eiicroieally pare tiirUt, eotirrl fr from futil oil or other irri la tin; pmptrtici, and will not digrcf or offrnd the it delicate ilonaeh. A long private experi ence baa eiteitrd ltd Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. to Ditlrra at prreent offctrd to the puWt eotitatni w much nedioiDal rirluA, and ytt eo aafe an t plfUJint to take. It'i in ii to cure diaeaae. ai l il mil not areata an appetite for rpirituoua H'lorf( hut will cure the e&ecti of diiaipalion. to inereaee the Appetite, I'SB IT. o promote Digretioo, t'FB IT. o cure Pj-apila, t'fE IT. o eure Ferer and Ague, CSE IT. o cure BillioaitteM, USE IT. o rare Constipation, VSE IT. o cure Chronic Marrhora, t'PE IT. iocura !lert burn, l'sE IT. o eure Flatulrnoc, t'?E IT. to cure Aoid Eruclatiuna, t'SE IT. To eure NerToua Debility, VSE IT. To eure Iljpochondr'a, t'HB IT. To eure Fellow neat of Complexion, VFE IT. To eure Pimplca and Dlotchn. I'EE IT. For Oeneral Proitralion of the Thyairal powen, VFE IT, an J 1( wilt our- yom. Sold ererjwhero, at $1.00 par bottle, liana riMtared f eloiiTly hj A. I. SHAW, DrngRitt, CLEARFIELD, TA., Who oflcre liberal imlocemcnte to Ihe trade. Oct. 27. lf9:lf. "tiHcrrlinnt (Tailors. II. B1UDGJ5. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Flora one door eaat of Clearfield Il.iuer,) Market Mrect, Icarlield, Pa. "T r EF.rS nn hand a full aaaortmente of dent.' IV Furniahing Onoda, aneb a. hhirla, Linen .nil U'oolea tindrrahlrla, lliawera and Socka, Neek-tiea, Fockot llanilkercbiefa, Ulovet, HaU. t'inbrcllae, Ac, In great variety. Of I'lvt (looda ha keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," .k fll.ek Ilnetkln of Ihe Tory heat make; l.ncy Cenlmcrc, In great verlely, alto, French t .,.,1.. tl..vcr. PiloL Cblnrhilla. end Fricolt a.arco.tlng. All of whirr, will be eold cheap for ( .b, and made ap according to the latett Xylea by experienced workmen. Al.o, Acenl for Clearfield county for I. M fincer A Co 'a. celebrate Sewing Machine.. Nov. I, ISSa-tf. II. DRtDOK. Atr At'Ti:niM).MKLoN. fhinoles 1 The nndevrianed hercbv giw notice, that Iliev wil pav the hir'iet market price for a good qnalitvol I.OXtl fifllNULkH; and thow having "i-h for aalc. will nn.l it to their Intcrcal lo giro Ibr-m n call before selling eUcnbere. .10.. M'At A SOS. Clearfield March , IFSt-tf MfrICAL flOODS-Violin.. Flutea, Firea, Aeconlconr, Clamneta. llaimonleaa. Violin Mimga, llri'lges and Tnll Pleea, Keya, Tuning Forks Percepleri nnd Muilc Taper, at lOppoalte Jail.) C. KMATZER 8. 'pIIK DKMOCRATIC ALMANAO for tflt X I A7 nd lfir" fnr aalc at the Poet f)Hlc. Frico U eoa.e. Mailo to any Mrm. fle MUST DC SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT TDK KEYSTONE STORE! TlnE underaigned, intending lo retire from the X mercantile bualneaa, is now eloaing out hia entire .look of good, AT AND IIELOW COST comprialng S.lka, Wool Delainea, Ucrinoee, Popllue, Alpecoaa, Empress Cloth, Men's & Boys' Cassimeres, Cloths, Ret incite, Deniraa, Kentewky Jeana, Ladies Cloaking, Coatt, Shnwla, Ae. A full line of Domestic Goods, fllteetlnrs. Delainee, Qinghame, Flaonela, Cotton Flaanele, Ac, Ae. LADIES' 4 CHUDEEN'S SHOES, II ata and Cape, Unm aod Arctic Overaboei, Telle aod Floor Oilcloth a, Wall Paper and Window Bhadea, Carpeta all wldthe . And a great rarietj of Hoaiery, Notione aad Triea- aiinga of every deeoriptton. Lad lea Trimmed II at a, Velreta, llibbona, fial moral Pkirta, Hoop BkirU, Linen Table Corere, Wool Tabla Corere, Kapktne. Connlerpanea, Towlti. A large aaaortment of Ladiea' and Children Wool Hood Nubiaep6bawli. Ae. Pereoni in want of an j thing im tbo above line of goode are invited lo give me a call nnd obtain good, at wholcaale prioea. Jr-oT" Grain and conntrv prodnoa taken is ei change for goode. D. C. NIVLINC Clearfield, Keveaber 14, ISot. J. p. wtAVta.. w. . aiTTi. WILi-YElt A IIETTIH CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, nt the nld stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their atock of good., eonaialing of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, COOTS A EI10ES, II ATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QlF.ENSTAr.E, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, etc., &o., At the moat reaeooable ratal for CASH or In lehange for Square Timber. Boards, Shingles. OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. BttrAdrinori Made to tboae engaged In get ting out equare Umber oa the moot adrantageone term. January A, I tSTO. stiTAiti: TiMitr.u! E.A.IRYIN&CO., ttRUE?lVILI E, PAn Being epet tally engaged la the bufflneu of Buying and Selling Square Timber! Would irpreeent that they nro now prepared to pwrehaee Timber delivered at either Cur wen av ilk, Lorlc llarea or Marietta, (or witl take it at any of theeo point,) and aell on oommiaeton, making aueh draneet aa aro Bceeaaary, Tbo engaged It getting out Timber will And at our atore in Curwenaville, ft very large stock af STAPLE GOODS Of all Descriptions. ALIO, flour, JItal, Oats, Corn, And every thing nreeseary for asa of Lumbermen RAFT ROPE, Of all aitea, kept on hand In largo quantities and old at email adranro by the txtft, Alao, fulley Dloeki, fiinall Rope. Ae. flPrriAf, lniTr.MI?!TH offered to thore manufacturing Square Timlcr. R A. IRVI dk CO. Curwemritta, January 12, 1870. tAMOl I TIOX tP PARTNf.RWIlIP, 1 Notice it hereby glrcn that I he parincralnp h-'retrfom ei-titig between O. R. .ferrrll and WilMam Pigler, kitwn a the Arm of Mcrre,!' A Ri pier, dralem in hardware and man ttf net:, -ere of tinware, dr., in ClenrfleH, waa diiar',vr nq (0i ll'h day f March, inatnnt, by the tsinae-, uf partire. Th-j hnlocaa will ri-re-flc tvcnarrle l on ia all r hranchea aa herrto ,j . p, lurx A Co. The hn.lnrea f th gTIP he CawI tiro) np by O. R. Mtirrell, nf the nhl ftita. O. U MERRltU. William ihii mi i 1 1 ii iiiiukaasasttiianmsfinna. Di ficcfli, errir,fi, cT If. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! v. Hit ati:h. Market Street, Clearfield, FenD'a., (Oppealta the Jail,) I HAVE aow es hand s frit elate alock af (aode, soiled to lbs wanta of the putlle Uy atock being large, and by eonatanlly making additions thereto, I am shla to sceomnodate til who may favor me by calling. I have DRY GOODS, Merinos, Olngbams, Clothe, Prints. Delainee, Caaalmerea, fillkr, Kept, Satinets, Caabmaree, Tweede, Coberga, Alpaeat, fdchair, Lanell.a, Mualins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbonr, Cloakt, Balmoral Hkh-ta, Hoop Eklrts, Bbawla, Dreia Trimminga, Iliad Neia, Capa, Coraata, Slovea, fcarft, Collars, Orenadins Telia, Table Cevera, eta. CLOT n IN G, CoaU, Panta, V.ata, Ovor-Coalf, Oent'a Shawls, Fblrta, Bate, Cape, tinder-Ehirla and Draweia, Boots nnd Shoos, tlum Shoes, CravaU, Socks, Olovea and ColLrs. GROCERIES, Ten, Coffee, Sngar. llolaseee, Ball. Casdlei, Rirs, Hour, Baeoaa, Fieo, Tubneeo, ftaiaina, Cnernnta, Spieas. Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Varatab, Pepper, Alcohol, As. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil elolh, Drngget, Clacks, Looking-Olaeace, C bare a, Backats, Wnahhoarda, Tuha, Flat Irons, Pans, Wladew B iadt, Wnll Paper, Coal Oil Lnmpe, Bedcerda, L'mtrallae, Knlrea, Forks, Spoons, Cranks, Bovaa and Stars Blacking. HARDWARE, Quaenawara, Tinware, Olaaawnra, Wsodenware, Copperwnre, Books, Stationery, Jlualcal Ooeda, Trunki, Skates, As. 6-A II af which will he aold on lbs moat rea sonable terms, nnd tl a higheit market price paid for Grain, Wotl and all kinda of country produce. REMEMLSR TUB PLACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Oppoalte the Jail,) CLIARFIELD, PBltK A. t 7t u MITEU STATES It O X I) H BOUGHT, EOLD A EXCHANGED OS MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Ha lea. COUPONS CASHED. Faoifio B. R. Bonds Fought and Sold. r-STOCKS Bought nnd Sold oa Com. mlaatoa only. aT-Aeoonats received and Interest allowed oa daily balances, labjeet ta cheek at sight. I ;!y ;t South Third Street, Philadelphia. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, At tSa Sew Tobacco tnd Cigar Stars est .-. .v. tioofcn, Two dears Eaat af the Poel.USce, ClearBeld, Tn. Conatantly an hand t finn saaoHmcnl of Ksvj, Congreea, Cavendieh, Cable, Spnnroll, Michigan aad Century Flne-ent Chewing Tobacco, Ac. Alee, a large and well selected slock af Imported and nomcatlc ugare, emoaing looaeooa, Meerachaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe Itturca, Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Tlolilera, nnd everything generally round in t well regulated Cigar sot Tobacco Stors. P-Remember Ihe place: Twa doors East of the PeelotBce, Clearfield, Pa. dec! jtowi sown now in JOUX A. STADLER Rerpeetfnlly Inform, the citiecnt of Clcnrf eld nnd vicinity that he haa removed his Bakery In Ihe building on Ihe corner of Market A Third Streets, formerly occupied by John Hillburn, whom he keepa annolantly an band all kinds of CONFECTIONERIES, BREAD, PIES, ROLLS, CAEES, Ae. Which will he said nt vsiy reasonable rates, sans tsiT Ttv ct'Ta A loaf. ATTENTION, P.AFTSME!. I Raftemen are Informed that the beat and cheapest Bread ean at all limce be had at STADLEIt'S DAKFRT, ClearAeld Pa. a13t THE OSCEOLA BAKERY! C. J. CHUFF, rroprietor. T W Orri- irnnihPtfnllr nnnounN to the nld roe I tnmere of Mini. A O'llrtrn. and the eitucna of tftweola and vicinity In general, lhat I haw be- Furniture I Furniture 1 1 WUL'ieD rrapeoiiiilly Inform the public that I hare n haml, at tnv furniture nt'ima ia W AL- l.ACKlV, largr1 aiisok nf Furniture, nch at rhalra, RflMrada, Pianda, Rocking ehnira, Ae., win oh I wi'l aril oheapet than they am b bonght anywhere det la Claatfleld enmity, tlre me a call. If. A 0 SliiJlKL,, Va!lae4ca, Jan. U, 1R7A am. B I.AXK (OXtrABLC KALE ICR Sale t tbll oTA-a. come sole proprietor or tbe li.ec,l. ii. aery, ami , , L. V ,, , ' Z am prep.ee.1 lo rarnith tho"rTsFF OF I.IFK." ""pie, I" commence work on, aawcll a. CA KKS Ac, f every weect.p. " f,J,'"f ";''"'"" t..n-... lion, in any qa.ntltv and abort not..-s, ' " "J ""' .' -''t'"!"-" I Oeccola, January , 18:t. Hthcd-e.ll sect free b, ssul. l eader ,11 yon want ' ' nermancnt. profitable work, ltddicaa K. L. Al.LhX THE SMITH HOUSE, (". p. nil. tbe etwf'r P"M ) c i fURnr 1 1, ta. rf f. It wrrrrt4 nvmtt I aai A thia hina for f a erriet 4 rer. la rra.li to er'ir(ain tiraa t re and trufF-tetw crnerallr, and tfcrrfre eulMMe f)f nrntt tn gin ntm a ealt. Ihe Ta'l will W I'tpi-ti-d with lit hvt ihr market flttp, and ha Hit nill contain the rlioio at ot nins-aainl linnre. Th hiiiP. furniture, hnla ami irtvMttit; are rulirtlr nt w, hch alii ntbtt to I lie dm fori of trertlffi while tl.e atkliline altacbr l la largo and roontr. u( atilfrd fur traiuslna. Ciiri;r nitili jar-A Te IL.LMM 8. HIMl-LKV. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Near the HaUntad Ilepotj REED STREET, CLEARFIELD, TA. C. D. .OODFl:riO.V, Proprietor. & NEW (Irat-elaM Hotel In orrry YpH V e-.nMoriat.ie nMimn ail I lit m.xlrm impreve-Hic-iill -the beat of LIQUORS- prompt allcnJ e nee, and reaaonalde charjffi. The pal rone ire of the pultlie ie reapreifutly eolteiud. Tee meter e will blcaae take notice thai a larfto harn bae Juat been erecti-d for the alieltering nf horvca, ludd weftnawideerriaa-haviiir aeommodioua yaid adjeoMt to Ihe Krjlit and i'at?anger dpt, jc30 THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Second and Market Street a, ci.i:ari ii;li. pa. IItH old and eommodloua lintel haa. dorina; the peit year, been t nlarereil to double it funaoa cayaoity for Ihe enterUinmeat of atran. gera end guttata. Tbo whulo bo.Uing hae boon rcfurniabed. and tho proprietor will a pare we palne to render hia gucete eomfortabio whtle etaylac with bim. ptf The MManaion nouie" Omalbni rwna to and from the leotoa the arrival and departaro of each train. iAVlD JOIINHTON, n f Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLc.AItf lF.Ll, rA. TRB awbecrlbor baring lenacd for n term af yaara thia well known Hotel, ikept formnny years by Mr. Lanieh,) aad ra-fllted and refur nlahed it Ihronghout, la now prepared to enter, tain tra.el.re nnd tba public generally upon norma il la hopod alike egreeoble to both patrona and proprietor. Hia TABLK aad 11AK will bo aoar-lied waeh the best the market affords, and no peine will be epered on hia part to add ta tne eonveaienen and comfort of hia gooeta. JOHN D'Jl'OUtHTy, arttS Proprietor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Sr, CLEARFIELD, Pa. THIS largo and oomnKnlioua new hotel hae been opened for the aoeommodation of tbo pulilie. where the nsroprietor will no triad to aeet hia old (rrenda, aad rnoatve a ah a re of public pni ronate. by ethet peraonsl attention tn tbo de li i I of hia bueineaa, he hopea to be alile to render aatiafaetion to hia patrona. The TARLE will alwaya be osoainti fully applied with the heat that ean be ttfoawrt-d in the market, and the IJAR will eontata a full atock of LlyL'ORS, DEER, Ae. Uood etabling attached. tAr-rr:it Lt.irui.ui. Clearfield, nfarch J, 1GV ly Hnsprietor. THE PERRY HOUSE, MAKItvTTA, PA. J01IK WALLER, Proprietor. nAVINO parchaard Ibis well known tarera etand nod re-nttcd and ra-furoithed it, I rt.pMtfully solicit n due ebare of uatronaga. Lambermca nnd Haftmen will do w.li t-v giiinj e a call. Fc. 1, 1870. jm. SALT LICK HOUSE. joscpii ;iLMi.AND, PRornitTon. THE prvaent ooeopant, like hii prederfor, baa pared no paina in refilling thit well known byite. tituMed on the river liaiik al Salt I.ir-k, eo ae to aoeotnutodato the publio renerallyaod tho ranmea ana lumbermen in particular, ilia lauio and bar will be aupplied with the beat the market afforda. A duefbaref public patronage aoliciUd. (Salt Lick. Keb I, 1H70-Sm. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, t'nrwenevllle, C'letrtteld county, t'a. rpili anderelgned ha. Icaaed tble old and long X. e.ubli.hed hotel, (formerly kept ly Major iMao Bloom,) situate in ncentrui portion 01 100 town, and h.e entlr.ly ro-tttcd and ro- furniaba'l it, ncd r.-modeled the ata.llng, eo a. to make it aa abject, hereafter, for the traveling pablia La patronise tkia large aa commodtoue hoaae. Jan. IV, TV-tC i. Jtt f uLiUvai. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CURWENSYILLE, PA. nAVINQ leaaed fur a toria of yoare tho above well known and popular hoteL kept fuftuerly by Mr. Haaon, and lately by Mr. Evan,) the preeent proprietor hae re at ted It whh tho objtet of render ng hit gueaio eom fort able while at-jonrning with hi. A Ana, larjre Suble and Yard ia attached, for tbo cam nnd protection of horvee, carriage! and wapona. A liberal 'bare ot pubiie patmnaire la oniieiteta. febZi tt juua rutin, rnp r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 1 wretciiavilln, (Jearfleld county. Pa rpULSoldand well atabliebed Hotel, boauti. X fully eituated an the bake of tbo Suanno kanna, in the borosgh of Corwen'villo, haa been teamed for a term of yean by tho wndf rtiejned it haa boon ontiaoly refilled, and ie now npen to the pubiie generally and tho travelling eonni. aity in particular, h'o peine will bo epartd ta render gueate comfortable while Urrylng at tbia how-o. Ample Suhling roo for the acoommo datton of wm a. Charge! moderate. da. I, ov-tr r. m. ju. jtrrnir-x THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, llLftTIC.vH'J, PA. flllltS eld oatabliahment having been leneod X by J. M"KRlSON, formerly proprietor or tne "Morrieoa llouaa'ba been thoroughly ren ovated and refurmehed, and aupplied with all the modern im prove mtau nnd convonieneoa no eoaaary to a Arat claaa Hotel. Tno dining room haa t een removed tv tho Aret I oor. and ia new ipaelnui and airy. The eh a inhere are well ven tilated, ad the proprietor will en dear or to make hie gneau perfectly at heme. Je2i ti M'iKKifiun, rmpneior. i. w. walla eft TBDi. w. an aw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, LutUerahurff, tlrarQcld l o,. Pa, THIS well known and ling etab.iihed Hotel, formerly kept by K. W. Mooro, and lniteiljr by vt m. behwem, ar nae oeen leaaee tor a lema ot year by the nndenigncl, to which the atten tion oi tbo traveling puMie Ie now called, and a liborml ebaro f public rB,r(,nag t aolieited. nprlo.Tttt.ly.pd fcllAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN sr. Till LU SUUUG. PA. TnK nodernipned keepe ounatantly en head the boat of Liquor a, Hte table ie alwaya aagtMd wit tho beet tba market arTnrdo. The Iravehnt public will do well in give him a rall. 01,-. ROBKKT LLOYD. GOING IT ALONE ! Saddle and Harness Manufactory, LriUERSDlRa, PA. ff 1I1K nndertf Twed rerpeetfnlly Inform! the citl X one of Brwdy township, and ihe public gen. oially, lhat he ia fully prepared to maniilaoturo, on ihort notice, from Ihe beat tif materiel aod at very reaeonaMe rate, everything In hit lino. Repairing done prompt I v. 19:70 HENRY r. Miocir. n nun rpf TflR WOftKINfl CLAP?. We are aow X. prepared to lurnt-h all elaeaoi wilb mnatant viup.oyutent at heme, the wIm?c of (he time or f,r the fptire m omen I a, Huaineea nrw, light aod frv AtaMe. Peimnaof either re I onulv earn from 0o. to I? per cvenirtf. and a pnportiun sum ly do voting i heir whole time to the bniinev. Hovt and girla earn ntariv ae much aa rmn. That ail who tve Hil notice way ariid their adtlrera, and trat tho hatinrva, we make thit unparalMcd nffer t Tu aueh aa are cm well eatiefled, we will aend 91 to par for ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASO.V tf II AMl.l.N'f'. f). J. flAYES. Corw.n.vl'lo. Fa. SW AIM'S' rNfK t.X.nnedy'eMed cal IHecverv. Ilelmrmld'e Ruehn, llaker a Cad ! I l"or nil, J.yns's end ...V, medicines of evar, ' U4, fa? saj, hy HABionricK tis"l. i I in. IPO .111. O. W.ll,.,.. .all k.rt..H .r. . .lu I A IU., An, u.la, Maine. I Jt im