aw ffifiHJWVlW Till) HKITULK'AN. CI.KAIM-IKI.I), Ta. tvrnNF.MMr moknikii. march n. uto tiii: ruiM i k. Whrn other. liuniir.l llt uiiirkT Vt, M bTP tlmth on Hh " nriK-.taina;, (Irmt Franklin to fly hit kilt, And bottie p;. And -.nrv that tlmo, when fiirrt opprci". And The hnrtl time kit tirhieniug, The (rioter leeka lu drunn nit wtwi Jit draughts c.f "battled lightning;." When ballv (altered hli warm heart A plaie Iur griof to rank I in lie takea tin ''lightning,'' Stfi hit kite. Ami think biiunelf a Franklin. WOMAN'S EEAL EIGHTS. Tlio New YojU Herald anya: Tlio Jcsuitn linvo a ninxitn thai thure ia no proutor enemy to religion limn nn urn-pioiu "'fiiol. Neither in there n groiuer enemy to Immunity limn yfur "over-maudlin liuninnitiiriaii. We (eel an almling conviction that, witli, we ure willing to believe, tho most nmla- ' Wo inteniioiiH, few men linvo dono more niincliief than our wliitu-conted friend and philosopher, Iloraoo Oreo Icy & Co., by oneouraing Fouricrism, freo-loveiam, woman' rilitiums, and ill (li 08c other isms of which tlio Mo Farland nnd the uuiny caos that every hour tome up of the wild justice of revenjo lor domestic wrong are the natural spawn. Scratch any of theito cases and you are niro to find Rome Tribune man underneath. Indeed, lloriiro himself acetna gradually com ing to this conviction. At the last feast of tomfoolery and flow of tu over which he presided at Delinoiiico'a lin inritml M ita Aiillinnr- mill nnv number of tliona lovely advocates of ... . .,.,.!. ...I Wllllllll a nyrim null rjiLt.iui.ivn tuiu huge hoaduchy AlasaaelmoeUa fore-1 heads who were around him to take .natxii and nntta ft forenoon in his t , .'.,. ,. i.ti. " i,. lUlirii lit " KQIV IIV-CIIV1 . .&IIVII, II V aid-d- brute-hU somewhat stincing irony. "vou can exorc se " "8"" "J"" uimu "in and find no ono to interfere with yon." They havo some brilliant examples. 'The Englih Premier at last accounts was found by a wandering interviewer hewing down a tree nt H.iwanlen, nnd Miss Anthony, roaming liko Lady iiandolpli, through tho woods and wilds of Westchester, would form a lovely cabinet companion to tho re cent picture of ,;JInrneo and his axe." In such healthy cxetciso they might, too, while assorting their rights, ex change for a somewhat rosier tint tho - present rather buckwheat cako char rt . , i ...ii acter ot their complexions. Ilicy prefer, however, nt present to wheel round and round liko a lot of rooks, tawing incessantly with shrill cry for their rights. They will however, soon exhaust themselves. Lenvo tho litllu lambs to fg-k about awhile and they will soon get their nails in each fither's fleeces. TheSorosishasnlresidy been washed by a shower and bent Jown Its beautiful head. Tho fact Is, that even in tlio very highest walks of womanhood tho age ol Clenpn Iras, Elizabeths, Mary Stuarts - and Mcdit-is aro gone by. In our age tho world honors Queen Victoria fr hi r homo beauties as tho good wife nnd mother, and all her genius for l he graces of the toilet could not win for Eugenie tho affections of France nntil she was found at tho bedside of suffer ing in tho hospital, and with her bas ket bringing comfort to the dwellings of tho poor. The conspicuous women of tho past even did not so much to challenge tho admiration of tho world for great womanly qualities as they startled It by their absence of woman ly qualities and by tho unnatural ussuniption of masculine craft. Mod ern civilization, in crowding woman oat of tho unnatural position into which feudul customs had occasionally thrown her, admnnishes her that to enlist the sympathies ot tho world she must bo content to adorn the sphere for which sho was designed the moral sphere, the moral agent in the family circle, and as such tho most powerful and graceful moral agency in the! world. 'Xatnre moulded and marked l,r in h il.n nniln ,.Hm,.,,l.l i.J sweet friend of charity and love, the ! i tnli-fn i iif al.lo tenclier ol licr childrrn llxi lieali'r nl tlio anfl'i-iitix (if llic rviiluw, tlic lii'lplrHs uriiitn, tlm iinpu ionl ol.l, unci ol' nil ihoxo strickt'n .liiiun liy llio stem ilccrves nf nitttiro or ot fsie, us fur rts it i in Ikt oivfr, villiuut noKlecliiifr those who, by tin music of tho blood ami liv the links or sympathy nnd fncn.Miip, uro entitled lo itvtcdi'nco o( affoetiuii. l or oui'svlvi-s ws know r nosphrre "In whii'li a womiiti mn better exirio ,. bur rights or which bolter exhibit lipr noblest, qnnlilies of linid und buurl tlmn tho Ibnndution and direction f sum cluirilies ana ioiiIhIs its lire ihe prido nnd omnrnent or our city. Such work aro not, bo it remembered, jnero impious to ditribiito. They alioi'd tho industry Mi:d ability lo orii nulo, lo oraiiiie. lo develop nnd to direct. 'J hey call for all i'.ioko ejtiali lies which aro mosl lovely and bet in woman tho richness ol soul to in spire, tho elasticity of intellect to con ceive, tho fulness ot heart to mellow, tho centlo firmness to control, the ponim ol'lacl lo direct and the intense j devotion lo ondiiro. It is when 4'lothcd in such beauties that the small white ham! ol woman waves dominion over irnin. Tho strnile jipiiimt it is in vain. II o is hut Jacob wrestling with the nni;cl. Modesty -find gmnlness ever travel band in bund, and I he many nobln women In our city enlaced in ibeso works of charity instinctively shrink from nolo l ii ty nnd flfwrc to ilo llnir horciin j 1 nk na n ni in lilti innltpr of ai aa t v nml r,l'! Iiivo. i'lui iitiino of Kliirtiifo Niilit- 3 niriilo will fliinrihh lien llmmj of Nitliola nml Nupolpnn nro luilf nr iiltrn, nml I In' tirjrost (1'iinira of the Cnnii'it Iibvc liidi'il Inloa nnily ilrcmti. I'll', for ono riiirriioe Nicliliiiffiilo, at liuao iminp rio lip lirl'irp iIip wnrlil, liow m:iny liundicd fire llicie In our I iiwn, nml, nn e In-licvp, in oilier i t ilioa, Iki, M ihrir iiniiasiimiii jjrnlle-1 i.paa i, tmiiirej (Jul not cover tlictn n Willi n olili I.I. .., 1,1 ,ln..r, ,,.. .,f, llio praise nnr n.lininiiinn liii h Fl-.ten.e NiKl,lii,j;alo mi worthily ! Viumf Wei never ace aneli a wonuin iia round on Imr m!ion nf Kdi.dnem I I'tit nnr hand iteliet to cliudi ono of llioc finrao i rem urea wlioaerram for I wi.innn a riirlila and any to her, "lio I Imn ninl do likewise." ' , ia liko tho dm In ail ...ler Npon at rm k it weat into th lile, nnd the nmrtii it ninkea enn never lie t ffni ed wiil.i.ut the ,,i, ,nd Urn. , lin t' of aelf di mill ar'l iliniiii. . : i ... ,, , ,. fiienl uieu i.iik 4 ilnj a are firal viewed, then rtt ir rd,iiiid finally "in crviewH " I ko help nmjirt rcorLE. lnya into week a Wei li into mmi .Month into yeiiia t And what Ima (inint or his A ! it ihtralinn dono lor tho people f Taxation 1 Tho greatest General of tho an is PiTsiili-nt ol n former licpttMic has been for a rear and whose prosperity has been enhaecd by ihe Adiiiinislrii lion which wan to "Let us have I'euco" ? Tho President is richer by nresenla. The bondholder is richer by his untaxed interest. The fuvorito thieves In ofllce are richer by unrestrained plunder. Tho prostitutes who live in tho cont-tuil pockets of pious Congress men, are richer in dress. Tho carpetbag snoopers nt the South are richer by their stealings from the blacks and whites. But what havo thepcoplo gained by Grant's administration f Taxation ! And days run into weeks weeks into mouths months into years, as the country is being run in debt, as the administration strides with reck less, careless, usurping, dishonest, speculative, ignorant, deceitful, greed- loving, tavorite-supporling, Unci pro tcctinir, Constitution-haling, Union destroying, state-murdering, law- breaking, pcoplo-robbing, Inbor-tax- iiiz, tilundurgnthoring, gift-taking, posterity-enslaving power, regardless of tbe right, indifferent to the future wollaro oi our country. Oram is President. Tho liepublican party is in power. The present administration is about closing books lor the year. Who is tho better oil 7 Not tho millions who toil to add to their happiness to the country's I f,"fatncs-to home tho c tlio beauty ot liieir addini; to the fruit of their genius, labor, economy and enterprise. The plowholders the '"""en.-u.o .arme.s u. m i i .... it., p.. - r . i. the operatives in mills tlio miner I , , . I. I I FYM and tcor,k" 1 c"u n,c" uvlv;' u" ",H K,c"v S61 " tale But tho bondholders are richer. The President is the richer from turn ing the Executive mansion into a "fence" for - stolen property for making his office a broker-shop fjr making bis administration a huge black-mailing swindle. Tho thieves of the great God and morality party aro richer, for the recipient of their gifts has protected llicm by law and by bayonet. The millions stolen by Grant's ollioe holil crs from the people havo made his brother cormorants flitter, but the people have as their portion taxation: Tho national bunk owners who re ceive interest on their untaxed bonds interest on their currency untaxed profits on their stamps and gold for paper, ure the richer by millions upon millions, as they will grow richer till wo havo a uniform currency given us fur the lubor-robbing bonds, and that in sufficient amount to carry on the business of the country. What has Grant dono for the country f Nothing! His wur was but an inhuman butchery of poor men, of honest men, of patriots, to enrich army thieves, speculators, bondholders and cock eyed plunder hunters generally. 11 is butchery of troops his squan dering of millions did not roslore the Union I Then w here did it benefit the nation T lid not lessen taxation '. Then where did it benefit the people f Did not equalize the burden of taxa tion ! Then whero did it protect labor? Did not exempt those who fought and were wounded! Then where did it benefit, reward, or en courage patriotism? Did not give peace, lo the nation ! Then where did it closer bind interests, friendly till the Republican party came in power? His war was a swindle his great ness a delusion. His success in the nnmcrirnl strensth of his armies, toss ed like bundles of humanity bv a rot ten administration, intent only on keeping an infamous party in power. Ho was the idol, the Juggernaut, drawn by an irsane, reckless, fanatic nruriatel national mob over the very bodies of thoso who wero bciidini; their bncks to Ibcdruiiht.and leaving a lei'ncy of debt to Iheircinlilrcii, while tliu chihlreii ol'n new BriMm-racy wero to be kept in idleness! His udminis (ration, so far. is u success only lo flrant nnd Ilia tldiil ivea .Ilia f.rlw.i,. holders, tlio bondholders, tho bank, owners, tho speculators, the lobbyists, who toll Congress how the better, to rob the people, nnd run tho country Mill further in debt. Our Govern ment expenses aro greater this yenr llian hist. Our t'onuress more) corrupt nnd iieculiillvo than Innt, Diir incomes ns business men less this year than lut. Our men tint of employment tl is year (jreater by forty-seven per cent I h u it hint. 'J'he States Grant's tvsrlike slrntey restored so perfect to tlio I'nion are worso off this year thnn last, so fur ns their rights urc concerned. What ha Grant done for oar conn- try f Kept faith w ith bondholders, b"J, wjl1' !l,c rol'l- Polilical thieves in office, but not the peoplo. r.nriclicd tho rcw.but not the people. S t much for ono year ! A nd w hal for thu next T More presents .' More robberies 1 More taxation ! Moro lU'iiioeralin victories, as the peoplo tire mid sicken of Grant and ''' ntltiiinislrallon. I'omrroy't Demo- r7r. A TnrnT CoNvr.nT Fo rnpij ia (lieir wny of fining tliinga in Cliirnpu llntl, ln n n man nmki-a up liia niinil lo nilorm (rnlhcr tonirh jnlii, it lip. t r itiiportmil lo fix liiin promptly. It is thcrt'liiro nrcramiry. nt linicn, lo iiit a liulu in tlio iro io piTHinn the olointi ceremony of Liiplimit. On ono of llieso oeiiiKintu n convert, tvho Imil Kit tlic nm-pHniijr of Uiat rile, na miinoieil, mill On comiiiff out ""o 1 ')' 'll0 niinialer, "How do yon '''', m ll"'l",rf" "Hctter," n-na ",0 r''l''3'' "l,ut n, 'n nenin." The i'f,"','l w" complied with, nnd niter ",0 d'I'i 1,10 Uellon wna r"Ponled, "How tin Ton feel nmr ?" ' ' L'"lr' 'r"'T win the renonc in n tolemn tune of vcico "thtJmitmay ;r.i now I" "T " ,,,e J,,u7 PI"nl nl l l" jeiiiro, eonvorl ', T- . . . . ... . woo'nR " "Humnier illll : II nee on I , uronn,! . ill In !'. and then a alight ii1(J conif, nnd awar it ia pone. Motto Iter and old I aihel ir lc juat and leaf riot, tTwaarrwrat tMnrutt. eaawaaa Stirduaif, Jimiarf, tftc. G. S. RUXJAL leULICIt IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, and m.iii rACTi nta or Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, riilllBburi;, Outre co, pi.. lbs publia tbftt bs blf on hand s are. ruilj-felrctad and woll alio rod stock or Slovaa. Uia variatjr ounatitt of Ni HIE CELEBRATED M0XSIPE3, Which haro nerer failed lo giro parfact aaliifae. tion to lbs moit faitidioua of Ha parrbaeara, Continental, lohirh. Farmer, Darlifht. fipeari' Anti-lleat, Niagara, Cbarto, Herald, era., vttb every variety of tbe boat Pittaburg Manufjotura. k-The Tin and ghoot Iron wars given with Iba r-tovoi la made of tbe beav'eat and beat material, and warranted to givo perfect eatl. faction. Uia atock of FARLOR AND IIEATINQ STOVES Ia larger, b'tter sod eheaper than over before etbibited to tbe public. Jle denol ooinpeUUoB eitber in variety, quality or price. lie la alio prepared to faralah n eomplote eMortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeaale or retail, manufactured neatly and vrilb the aole vto lo service, frum tbe beat u terial in the Market, PLOWS, PLOW POUT. 1 COPrER, BRASS Of overy deeerlptloa eonaunlly oa hand. LIG B I N I NO RODS, ' Superior point, pnt np on ahort notice. The Point he ofera to the pablie la the eame aa la now need by the Penoeylvanm Kailrona to., vs their buildinga. ORDERS FUR SrOL'TINO, ROOFING And other work belonging to hie hnalneaa will bo promptly tiled by eaperieoeed and akllllnl workmen. BRASS, COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken In oscbanga for goods. JHSMTe eaperia'.ly Invitee tho attention of Mercbanu wiahing lo pnrrhaao at whoieeale. aa tbey will Sad it to tboir ndventare to aiaoiioe hie atock before parcbaalng elaewhero.' U, S. FLKflAL. Philipahurg. Ang. , 1S. JvJltST . tattnitfrgrr & fo. BLATTENBERGER & CO. OFFER KARI HVDVCEHI E NTS TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TDBIR MAMMOTH STORE IK- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Oaeenla. Prccinbrr Ii, lsr. MY OWX H(M)K.-. , HAVlNll p.rrSnaed Ihe entire el'krk of food, al Ike tll eland of Kirk Mprnrcr, I intiiid to coal imae th. wealaee aa kemnOire. My aioti. le I. eell "raraa roa naa." Thanklne onr friend, and rnatntaiere fur fwat palronaire, I enilcit a colitmuam nf the Mmn. J.-AAi: kIKK. l amber Hlr, fpt. i! tf. nRIEn FRVIT.4. Apples, Peaolwe, fraaes Cberrioe, Ital.iiia, t-arranla, de . mi UlT'aito Jail.) a KRAIItRf. all urnlturf. Clicni Fu mil ur. JOHN (irUf'H rxtSlllKH le inform hlf ol.l Meade and caa 1 J tcmera, thaat having enlarged Me ahop and mrroeerd hie faelliliea Iur maouiarlitring. he le now prepared to make loorder anch Parnilnreaa may be dfalre.l, In gond alyle and at eheap raloa fi.rt'AHII. He generally hae on h.n l. at hla Fninllora rooma, n varlea t'inmwni ai ready made fnraiture, among which are lil'HEAt'S ASM) SIDE-nOAItDft. Wantrtiheaand Ilook.Caaee! Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Urea fa it nod Dining Kiuaelon Tableai Com mon. French poat. Coiiage.Jenny- Llnd and other Beilileaila Hntaa oi an ainoa, ntia aianaa, llat rnrka, Wab alandai Hocking and Ana t'balre epring-aoat, cane-bottom, parlor, com mon nnd other t baira ; Looking-Ulaaaai of every dearrinlion on hand ; and new glaaeoe for old frsmoa, which will he put In on very reaaooable ternse on ehorleet notice, no alao aeepe on band or fornWhee to order, Corn hoak, Hair and Cotton-top Haltreeael. Coffins or Evf.ry Kind Made to order, and fnnerala attended with n llcarae whenever dcaircd. Alao. llnaae Painting done to order. Tho eubecrlber alio tnanulao Inroa, and baa eonetaotly on band, Clement'e Patent Waabing Machine, the beat now in nae ! Tboee oaing ibii narhlna never need be with oat clean cloiben I He alao hae Flyer'e Patent ( burn, s aupcatar nrtiele. A family laing this Churn never need be nllboul Hilar I All Ihe above and many other nrtielae are far niebed lo euetomera cheap tor Cass or exchanged for approvod country produce. Cherry, Maple,, Linwood and other Lntubor auluhle for Cabinet woik, taken In itchaogo for furnltu-e gCvT-Rcmrmber Ihe thop U on Market etreet, Cloarheld, Pa., and nearly oppoeltotbe"OldJew Store." JU1IN UVLIUU. fiovemher IS, I8SJ y UlSfrtl.inroM3. H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AM) MATCH MAKER, OProffTH TBI ',TT--rt, H AIlKKf ITHIIT POST OFFICE THE iuhwriher nrpertlullj Inform Ma oli palroni nd lh public fcnrilly. that b LaM on hand, (and ti euo-Uotly rceiiog otw ddittoBf thereto.) t Urjt itock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. pl p Jewelry In all Hi forma aaJ of diarrBt vaiufi, cilhrr by tht pier or ml WATCHES A fall aacrtn.ot of either Oold or tilvtf, atde by ibe beat Averiean and for eipa nanuftvcigrera. iDeladinK fiat lot of goid and ailrer banting caa. lull jeweled, Faiest Levers. CLOCKS Of a'l Jeetgni, onllinjr of eight, day tad lh(rt hour, of either weifbtt apriog or lerera, an both atrike d alarm. REPAIRING. All kiadi or Watchee and Clecbi Repatted, tad warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full Bfturtoient of toPKCTACLKii, Mlord and plain . Alao, OOLI PENS and I'KNCILS. 8P00NS, FOKK-, Iiri TKK K KIVKS, and in faol ererytblnx D the Jewelry line. If I fail to have on band )uit what a faiomr may need, 1 wul order per Aral oTproM, witboutextraeha'fo. A Tberjl ibar of patronage te aolitited. Mi) 7, 1f61 y U. r. MAUULE. READING FOR ALL! ! BOOKS dr STATlOSEIt Y. Market Nt., Clenrflrld. (nl tho Foot Offirc.) 'VIi noderaifood bege leavo lo annonnee lo i tbe riliirne of Clearfield and vieinily, ibal ho hf Sited np n room and hae juit returned '-out tbe city with Urge amuunt of reading, i oatuting in part of Bibles and Miscellancoas Books, Clank. Aeroool nnd Pa?t Booka of every do c"piWu i Paper Mid Envelopea, French preaiod and plaint Pent and : Clank. Legal Pi peri, Deeds. Morigatvjf Jndrwent, Eienip lion and Proniiaory nvtee j H btte and I'arcn, vent Drier, LeitaJ Cap. Record Cap, and Bill Cap . Sbool, htuiie Iur oiifaer Piano, Flaie or Violin cootintly on band. Any books or atatlonery deairrd that I may nti havo on band, il) be or ordered by Irai eiprece, nnd eoid at wboteialo or retail t nit CiiiuaierB. "1 will also keep oorlodical liiomtnre, inch na Maatinoa, Newi-pal-, Ae. p. A. UAUL1X. vivarloid Mtf T. I'M If JEW STOKE ANDNEW GOOUS. JOS. SHAW & SON llave) just opened Ntv Stok, on MaioSl., CLiatriiLo, Fi., latclr occupied bj Vim. F. IRWIN. Their atock coneiata of Coctt:M of the beat quality, Qleenswarc, Boots and Shoes, od eterr article arcraaarr for ooe'a coaifort. Call and cxamioa our atock b(or pur- cl.aalnj eilaawliere. Maf 0. lHOrt-lf. COLLINS A CO'S AWARDED tha PRIZE MKDAL, At tb PA III CXPOSITIO.f Warrantee), a''Sconr'r'orrlpnal (heanae-ltra in tbe atioklcat Ixail. They Draw I.Uhtrr titan anf other I'lovr rutting amue alcrd I'nrrow. The Rharra are eaaile; aharax eneel, brio made r good Caat MteeL Clrraalaea lTlf tall eMrttoalan aeal lea aaJI aha apply tea COLLINS & CO., 213 WATER ST HEWTOBK. ,, IK,, tia. m. ai aear..... . t,, T. rna. IIUHERT & YOUNG, Stono-CuUors & Stone-M.isons, 11? ILL eieralrall w.rk In Iheir Una al d t ? atata ptieca aad la f IHI CLASH alyle. Architectural Ornaments In AM. PTTl.r. g, tlrraaie, uf eeerr deec-Tiinn. and all kinda of eaaaea w.rk ... traded for ia ornoiof the enanly. Any perarr wiahing to bar. re.pecuble maaoa wok and etone calling done, will find it to ial.rrat j to eai apna ae We wun'd alo inform tbe pab ' lie thel w.eaa dclli-er an, qoantllv .r elaaa af alone desired, a, w, ar, tba awaer, of a i F1KST-CLASS STONE Ql'AIJRV. Otden for work eaa ha addreraed ailker le Clearfield or Latberahu'r. marilK - - HtT.KRT A TOl'Sfi. irirTAYLOli'S LIME AND COAL YARD, Nrar (ha Rail rood Iqm(.) C l.i:RI II.MS PKKKV4. ll nf infnronlnf lbi ulilie, (hat I haro orr-nd art a Tord fur I ..le "f wood or roal burnt I.I M Kami Anlhra, IHAU In Ihe borouih of t'learacld, and ha e aomplelril arraniri mrola with eMatrrn dralrra rr wbu a I can kerp a fiilla!i,nli rfin.tanlla on hal I. s bfrrh will be diaHieed ol al rmennable rslea. i v Ihe Inn, burhel .tt car Inad, In anil perchee... Thie al a di-lane pen ad.liea. me ba Idler, a d abiaia all accaaoary inforinalioa be worn It. B. TAYI.OH rirartlcld, Pa., Frb. Jl, tSBU lf SHALL I'ROFITS! QliTiTsTLEN! oa i HAIlT.sWlCK & IRWIN Are aonalantly mplealahint their etook of tnlri, Mrdlclnra, Ae. Pnhowl Itnoke and autinnrry inelndln Ihe 0 fd and JCalioaal Scnea of Koadera. AIOO. TuliaMk PiaTmral nf llaa. Ivaat m.-a.m.J. I 1 k. i..Mi miM iff the loweat prices. I I Call aed is. t , Its . r. norvrori , , n, rm n BOYNTON L YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer of rOETABLE & STATIONARY STILVM ENGINES Comer ot Fourth and I'inayilreete, CLEABFIELD, PA. nAVINO enrarrd In the manaractura of (rat claae MACIIIXEIIV, we reaiKetfullv inform tbe public tbat we are now rered to III all erder. aa cheaply and aa prompllj; aa eon he done a an j oi lae cilira. aaanufarture and dial in Muky and Circular Saw-Mills, Bond )looaa, Water Wbeele, Shalinn Pullrya, Oiford'a Injector, Pleara Oaugca, .Slaau fl'hiallee, Oilera, Tallow Cuu, Oil Cupa, OaoRe Cocke, Air Coi ka, (J lobe Valvea, Check Valree, wroagut Iroa l ipoa, Mean Pampa, Boiler Feed Tampa, Anil Friction Metree, Rvap Slone I'ackina. (ium Pack lS, and all kindi of MILL YVOKK tojHlicr wuu riowa, Med eolea, COOKAXD PA RLOR STO VES, . and oiaer CASTI.N'OS of all kinds. Order aolicitrd and tiled al eitj- prlcea. All letlera of Inquiry wilk rcforcnoa to machinery of oar manufaelnra prvmpll anawmrd, byaddrea ing ua at Cleartcld, Pa. derlS-u BOV.VTO.V A TOrXO planing HilIj,. 0. L. rtced. JNOTICEKv-v: Powell. J. r. Wearer, IlctU. ti. 1j. ici:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING 31 ILL ALL RIG HTI fTMIE proprietor reepoetfully Inform tbe oitilcaa A of Clearfield eownlr. thai IK. .... refilled thia ealabliahmcnt with tbe laleal impnred wood woikinf markiuerjr, and ara now prepared to execute al) ardera ia their line of baaiaew. They will (ire eapecial attentioa to the manafae tnrt of material for honae bailjinf, anrh aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, . SASU, DOORS, BLINDS, BH.iiHt-Ts .yiovi.ot.rus, OF ALL STTLEH, We alwat hare oa hand a larj. atock of DRY Lr.MDEIl.and will payeaah fw all clear Loiabcr. One-and a half lark panwl atuf preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eirhanfcd, to nil cualamera. S.0rdrra eulicited, and Lamber furaiahed oa thort notice and oa reaeoaable tenae. O. L. RLED A CO. Clearfield, Jior. 7, 1S47. F. B. Pattob., . A. I NT in.,,. loan Pattotj, E. B. PATTON & CO., Haling Iliad up a tret etaea PLANING MILL Are prepare! lo furaiak all kiad, of Manufactured Lumber, tnrh M Flooring. Sidioff. Sarftee-rresied Lam ber, Still, Poors, Blind. AnJ vtry deritioD of FLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. -rfltri will fn4 It lo ihtir ad r ,(.( to cotmolt Hir rtaca bffor prrhinf tltowhttro. Cnrwrittrilto, J, iHAX-tf CWflrld roantv, Pa. (Tlotbiug, How to Nave Jlonov. THR time, ara hard: yoa'd Ilk. to kaaw llw yoa may yo.r dolbu, : The way la d. it I will enow. If yoa will reed what followa. A maa who Head aot far from hers, Tho worked hard at hi, trade. Rot bad a hoae.bnd I. aapp.rt Tbat aipaadersd all he mada. I met him one. Raye he. "My Mead, I look thread bar aad rough i I, tried lo fal myeelf a aail. But eaa't aaea ap enough.' Sara t, my friend, kew much bar, yoa t I'll tell yoa where la yo To ret a .nit that', enand aad aheap t T. RKItENSIEIN A Co. Be look what little ka lad eared. Aad wenl la Keii?aMeia A Brother,', Aad there h, pot t b.riM,.,, For half ka paid to albert. Kow he le koma, ke .ooka eo well, Aad their effect ia escb, Thai whea they take iheir daily meal. They doa'l eat half aa macb. And new be And, oa FetardaT nlfht, Wilk all waata eapplied. That b. baa money left le apead, Aad aom, ta lay aaida. HI. yood eerre-ea. wlih cheerful anile, He gladly telle la all. If yea "d eare money, go aad boy Vonr etoibee al hma.vsikiKfl cwrnno nALL. Where the eheapeae. aceat aad beat Clothin. aad irood Faraiehlat Oooda eaa be had t. aa l eeery uale aad la every aiyl. aprll,'(l7 Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Ao tut roa CbicVfrlp.1'. Ffalnwa "i anJ Kaiorna'i Piaaoo ; tfiaita'a. Matoa A llatalia'i aad Paloaaoi't Utgaaa and Molodfoaa, arid ttroror A Oakar'a tSowina; lUarhlnoa, rait a an ar r ano, flaittr, Orraa, llaraiori and Voral Na aio. No nfll taaoa fr ! ihaa half a torra. yfHonma a it df ta Piral Naiioaal Bank. I loaiflcld, May i, I.H1.9 if. 4TH-l(MMNlO No. I oitrktooa nc .lit, pari. WkAVkR A iJl-TTS, .ra.4 t?ioartti'ld Ja'T 91. H9 t, rTK M' oifiTni i:t kki; W hat frinifM. a mf aaaiWr of tho tx KK Itll.L. aed will oa the rwupt af tsenlv. I atata, Bail t r-wy ta anr aalrtn. ny2 J th, jpiBfli ytrfllrlnri. 11 K M O V A Ii. HARTSWICK 4 IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Ifarfett Slrtrt, 'lrarfl$If WS beg leave to inform our old and new enitomera. tbat we have removed or oa tabllihtnent to the iriactona new bulfilina; Joat erected on Marked atreet, nearly adjoin. m the Mantlon llouao on the weat, nnd opposite Meaara. 0 rati am A Bona etorej wbero wo respectfully invite me pauue coma ana nuy tneir Drugs, Chemicald, Patent Medicines, OILS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Oar etoek of Ira,ra nnd Medlelnea eon si ate of everything used, aeleoted with tht freaieat eare, nnd WARRANTED STRICTLY PUEE! We alao koop n foil atoeb of Dyes,, Toilet a rlicles, boapa. Tooth Rrurhes, Hair llruahea. Whitewash bruahee, nnd every other kind Uniabei. We bnve a lare lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTIXB, Flaiaeed Oil, Palate, and In feet .eerethlaf teed Ia the painting aaaiaeee, which we eder at City ptloaa t. each boyeri. TOBACCO AND SEQAUS, ConfeetlcBery, Fplnee, and the larfeat aloek of earietiaa erer offered ia thia place, and warrant ed to be of the heal the Market afforda J. 0. IIAHTSWrCK, Not. til, 118. JOHN t. 1KWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (late powell'b,) For all di?eaea Incident to Iloraor, Cattle, And iiumaa Fleab, reqoirine; the mao of aa iternal applieation. Tbil Embroeatiun was extensively need by the Onverntnent during the war. Fer eale by Hartawiek A Irwin, C lea field. Joseph R. Irwin, CarwenaviUn. Io.eJ (Jood lander. Lnihorsbarr tt C. KRATZER & SONS ARE RV.CKI VIXO A RPI.EVRIDSTOCK OK CAUPETd AM) OI L CLOTHS. WALL rATEUS-GILT PAPEK, rf-o. LACE CCRTAINS, WINDOW SIIADES- COUNTESPANES AND QUILT3. LINEN TAELE CLOTHS A NAPKINS LADI ES SILK COATS if OVEUSKIRTS. ELEGANT 6U AWLS A LACE ToiNTS. LADIES' ttV CHILDREN'S TRIMMED 1J A T3. DEESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVE -LADIES GEN. ITEM EN S AND CHILD KEN '8. CLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. UNEQL'A I.T.F.D STOf'K LADIES' AND CHILDltEN'S riUOKS d UAITEKS. MtN'S CALF tf FRENCH KIP BOOTS. HEAVY CALF T-OOTS. $i. MEN'S AND Bci'S' FIN E AND HEAVY SHOES. cass;meres very cheap. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, ?S. GnoCF.RIF.S. FI.OfR A- PROVISIONS AT LO WEST KATES. LIBERAL DEDt'CTION TO THOSE BUYING IN yUANTlTY. WOOL. M ARKf TINfl AND COCNTRY I'KobL'vK WANTED. ClcarCcId, Jane IK. TSfO. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKHIHUl S r ctlriftin my Homo, aad kauBiof lb ere raa l. no bilirr tribalr u riwaa-t to ihe mttmitry of th drrrrrj aad Itnrit-'l (rirttdik, tkaa lo erert orrr Ihtir a arrow b.inir a rnl(turri 1b of entiarin; narhlf, thai poial firrrtT to tfeo Ptflinjf; pc of tOuao W itivr; beg leavo U my to all who ih to fhow b-ir orlfirua for Ihtir depart c4 fnmd aad Liiid-r-i, I hai ihff raa aow havo aa or-poflaniiy of 4tPiB n, hy ftaltinf at my hhnfi oa Tooa-fton MrrH. CarwrnrfilrT. Pa., ai I at prfpajred to lurnirh lo, MONUMENTS, CJSADLR i BOX TOMBS, HEAD STONES, 4c, of an df or aiae, al rraannaliV ru. N. P. I tvrrn oa bind lb brat Farrltp IKmrvtlr Marble. All wora titrmitd ia tbe acM philllal ana r. orr. 1 will ato drl.trr work to anr point to Clrarfirld or iiljoininr mnntiat if drfiird. . tX'LBl KN. trwaiilk, Ort. 10, ISV-tf. Paints for Farmers and Olhers. nHR (Irttftfta M;crrtl Paint Compinj ar aow I aaaaaracinriiiz tba brat. cbtatMt and aioat uursnio rami in ao : iwo tai wm tput oa, nn. od with part Lmiwd Oil, will lavi p or li Toara : it ii of a li-bl hnrwo or tx-aoti.'ul rhocoUle eolvr, and caa b rh.ncrj to trw. ttMi, drab. oiito or ertata. 10 ton ibo UMrnr tb onnauiarr. II ia valuabrf tor ll-avi. Dim. Pt tKrtL Cornare and Car amkm, Paili and Wtxdra ware, Agri. rallarol Implrmenla, Canal l.oala, Vcaila aad Mtii' ll.ett.tina, Caaiaa, Urtal and Shine- Kot.fa, (il briajt Brr aad aatrr proof.) Flor Oil Ootlia, (otto aaanofartar-r faavinf ttaed i, bairfti Ihe part jrrar.) and aa a paint fnr mny parpoc ia aa-turpari-rd fr bodr. duraltilitt. laMwilv andadhr itaMrOaa. P nro, (US pet barrvl of 50 Ibm.. whirb will vappty a fmrwM-r fr rr t com. W arranlrd ia all raM aa abort, hr-ad for a cirrolar, which tiroa fall partiralara. Nnnv rvnaine ontru braod r4 ia a trado aiark. OraOoa Mini-ml Paint. Ptr aunt raa order tho Paint and rrait tbr aioDj oa rortipt of fwoda. AdJra. ninwtLid 4 CO., otI tm Ji PrwH tlrr-ri New Vwrk. Xfff f 'nblnet ! MOfiHAXnx LAND AXD Lrtlta COM. r A N V olcr fr nle Ia j 1,., i. ,h, k """O a leereota, Ceasrar'j rmlr. Pa., and aim N tt lo iint i-arrh-'cra uauiJo ib Itniti if ....i tnnn;o. u-tNi.a it liaatrd oa tho Muhaaaua Crorh, in 0,9 rirhrot prttoa of tb onitniy e rii1,lt. on tho liar nf ihe 1 tpob i rLrrft.i.i nailnaa.1, hrr tho MhanQia and Deartro hnia-h rood iotrraoi-t. It ta aluo ta tbe faoart ol iba Jdnbonaoa ooal baaia. and larct hniM e4 ahlto in no, hmlurk, oak, aad ither liail-rr wur Mand it. Ont ol tbo larrt-at k.tatp"r ataanfartar inf otarlthmiili ia tbe State ia k-ratisl ia tbt toa, trbilo thero aro manr other liiatihor and hiie le mill aroand it. Tba toora it bat a rear uM, and eontaiaa a pof ataiioa of eat ttoa olid InhatMlanla. JfKitr farther In forma lira - at tho oCrt of the abort ooaipany, J0T1X tAXTSHK. p'l ' t?nporintendenl. Democratic Almanac. TllIS iava.aaMe aaMail-n it for ale at tho J fioaineine. It ivht.alit be la tho banil.i.rrerr ! Pfnu-rml. li onntaini full rftiiaa retnma fmi tiarr fxtttntt in tho I n tied Htateo: heite, tho a nin her lor I Hfia enntaina a romplelo list of the namrtol all leiwtprMat'i.rtwiw-J and atnhed donna; Lincoln atlmini'tration ; and thai for 1 sit; l.'Bi the aaate M alt Ibooo otntifttta who wero iaWiiriannfd duririf the aaiae fxtriml. Throe two luta, fur fuluro rrfereno, aro worth atore than Ihe price of the pnMiratmn. The nn ruber for ISfiH U alao foil of Tralaohle atattatira. Anrnneaeatltna eon l a to the lvt Master, will recctre hy rwom Mail a erT for oaeh Tear, frre tvf rotadr. ( Je2:tf Ijlvery Nlnblc. rpilK aadoreigned bees lea re la inform tbe pub- M. lie mat ae ia aow lull, prcparril laamaaii. dele all la I be war of furniabing llnrsea, Rncriea, .Saddle and llarnere. oa th. ahorleet aoticw aad oa reaennahlelerm.. Reeidcncaa Locual atroet, belweea Third aad Fourth. libit. W. UEARHART. "IcHteld. April II. lbdj. I Hm Al.l'U-Whita ijd. Eiaa. PaiaTTLia. ared ti'l, Tareatia .f all kiada, Uilnre ia Oil aad l)rr I alnt. X araiek Rrn.bra. wineA HI RTSWIi'K 4 IR IX rrirwasca and abd.mln.l . hind lb. uiieel inseor.-.. ....,. ra Srorraf HARISWKK A UWJJI. ' Jirjj ooi!, C.iortrlri, Cftf. Xrw Sloro In Mulsonburg! Ia the reoat formerly aeenpled Ly P. T. Ilrjaity. L. M. COUTRIET fpAKK? this method of Informing tbe eltitcni X ' tunnton, Karttiaus, Uirard ana tbe aur ruundinf enntrv, that he has Just opened a large aiocn oi Bi.Mt-.K uifupp. wmrb be is 4tr mined to aril TKN V I. II CKKT CIIKAHEH than tbe aame quality of (ioods ean be purt based for in any other store in tbo nei(hOrhvod. 11 in Kock cvnaiid of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such aa Sallnrtla. Caaelmerea, Mnalina, tlelainef, Linen, lJrillinire, Caticoee, Trimming,, Kibtjonr, Lace, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, BOOT3 A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Toa, Snr. Rice, Molaeae. Fi"h, gall, Lineecd Oil, Fub Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queens-ware, Tinware. Caatlnge, Plowe and Plow Caatlnr., Kaile, flpikea, Cora Coltivatora, Cider I'rcaaea, and all kinda of Aiea. fe.My Plowe are of the Carwenerllle and Centra coonty make, and are warranted to b. of food quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Painta, Varalah. Ol.aa. aad a .Deral aaaortmeat of liutloaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different braada, alwaya .a hand, and will be aold at the loweat poaaibl. Igurca. Liqtons, Such ae ERASCr, WINE, 015 A WHISKY o(l pound, of Wool wanted for which tbe bigbeat prie. will he paid. 8EF.D, Oa band and for aal, at the loweat market prioa. Alaa, Ageet for Wilaoo', gtrattoaeilta TIIHESIIING MACHINES. taa-Calt and aee for roareelm. Toa will Ind ererlhing aaaally krpl ia a retail alore. h. at. COITHIET. Frenchrille P. 0., Jan. J, 18f,. Down I Down ! I THE LAST ARRIVAL AtfD OF COtR.SK THE CHEAPKT! A Proclamation against High Prices! "VTE aro now opening- ap a lot of tho beat and T f a"ft acaauDablo Uuoda aad H'oroa arvr oflrrcd in thia Market, and at pneco that remind ono of the food old dayt of chap tbmga. Thoat who iax-k faith upon thia point, or docut our aJJo- frattoaa upemaona, Deed but C.tLL .IT Oltt STOKE, Comer Front aad Market ttraeta, Wkore they eaa aee, feel, hear and kaow foe them, acleea. To fully aodcrrtand what a re cheap gooda, thia msat be done. V. do aot deem it necMaaty to eDumerale and Hernia, oar stock. It ia enough fr aa to atata tbat We have Everything that is Needed and eon earned ia Ibi, market, aad at price, that aatoaiek both old and Toung. oj2 j'unEpu sruvr a sos. NEW rLOlR,FEED AND trovision store, THE anderalgsed haea jaet repeired at aew auad ia Wallaoctva, a fall aspply of Eonr, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at redared ratea.) A good artlrl. .f TOBACCO, CIGARS ASD FMOKINO TOBACCO, ooaalaally aa hand. All of whirk wiU ba aold at LOW RATES for CASII or gircn in eichange for SHINGLES and LIMUEII. We reipectfally aek Ike pablie ta (ir, a, a trial belor parchaaiaf tlnaber. I. R. READ A CO. Watlaeeton, April T, 18M. EDWARD PERKS & CO., Flour Inuufnrturera, Aad Dcalcra ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PnlLIPSBCRO, PA. A rn.L srrPLT .f norn, wheat. CORN aad CHtlP ajoaelaatiy aej kaad. and lir eale al ratea remarkably biw. Ifrb4-tl cw Mine and Liquor Slorc. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, WINES & LIQUORS, MAREET ST, CLKAPF1ELD, PA. VtFii1I alock of Wiae, Rrandy. Oia, Wklaky and Alcohol, alwaya aa band. Special alleallon paid to aaranag a para arlicla for 6acramcn-ai and medics! pvrpoera. jaaSl.t The Lightning Tamer. rytlt aa-fir, ,r, Ml, Ageata la Ikia ,1 'war, for tbe "North Amerieaa Ualraniaed bltlllTMNa RODS.- end, aow ia ae. aad ara eadoreed b, all the arlratiae mea ia iba eswairy. n'e bervky wtlfr the elaieeae af tba aasaly tbat we will pal ibem ap a better rod. aad lor ,r' aaa ft eaarrod br tho forotaa agrau who aaaaally trararaa the maty carry af aat Intl. caab, aerar ta return. aad EXCOUJIAfiE HOME LABOR. aiabing llghtaiuc Rade .reeled aa their hall dirge ad bat a 4 a rare aa by letter, w call ia pereoa. Wa will pat ibem np la laeeouaty, aad warraal ibem. Tba Rode and rittnre, eaa ba rea al aot line by railing al saralore. M EliRELL A 11IULKH. Clearfield, Jan, 11. I, ll NOTICE. VLL prene era hereby aotifird wba hae, M-ered Harking grrand at or near the moalb ai M huarrr nia na Ihe properlT af tiroom, Ptck. e A Co., Ihal all ha. k pay ami b. paid ap be fi re ear more graund r.a I sbtained. And all per.,,aa barkiag timlier or ke ar anr .thee lumber oa lb alorreaid property, wlib.'erl per roia.i.n. sill he held l,,r lrr.. "I!"?"; bflr dollar. Ml r.ft for asi.l ,..J ...!" , , . 'sffirramllltml T .' ' U "'d' ' W- l"'y. i t.lea li, Pa. ' a. . I .... . UKU0. MCKEY A CO. Rept. 1. If At-Am. a. a. rrmina . XFiM'JIRji, niLLEKTON & McTHEKSON, KEKPoanttantlr oa hand aad for aa Frrah taoata. tack at ' BKEF, VEAL, MITTON", Ac, Preah Fi.b. and all Vegetable, la aeaaow L, I T w Z L' they Will aril at Ihe loweal euiee prtree Caab paid foe CAU LIl. il TTF.R, Ae, nooaa OB Marbe Kim wa. llraraeia. Ha. fw a, ... . irwartg, ra. 1 1 I - Kl ' M. IVimlnra. MabWlisT ItrlbT". V" Hen..d-,8,r.,.rll!:,i"i:J - lit MIBAtmMa Rrikue. . .1 . . . kiad". f nZJTZ Su " MARTSWICE A IRWIrT, . cSS- ? Ctawldl, L L. KIlIIJiftEl,, - Jlaltronde PE.WSTLVAMl RAIL Roto! TYRONE A f f.EARFI ELD ;DRa OX aad after Monday, APRIL M. 1" ,M Paawwavr Traioa will na it euiidatai between lyrvaa and Lck llarfw TJ: one Pae.rngrr Iraia Iniaeaa Ijret.a an, leld. ae follfwa: LEAVE SOl'Tlf. LKATE XOkrii' CLarleld. t 4i, p a Pbllipaban.arl.ell, " leiet, " Oaceola .!. " Tynme J.n. " "f froae .... Owertla.. H 4tt Pbili,.b,, aril ia I a le 1 1 l e' Clearf eld I? 1.J, v r'AKK AND DISTAXlK.S fllOV CLEARFIELD. FROM TYROM at i ,. 2 ,. ,. I .11 .1.1 Stalioa. Btatioae, Laard.... Woodland.. n'r'cr. Wallaeeloa Fllne 11.11 .. 10 Inleraeelioa i(' Vaaecyo..... Oardner.M..,. It ? ir M u 41 41 4 M tk Ha ll li 15 Ml. Pieaeaat.. 40 hmmtr..M , AO .ndy Hidte...l4 i., rwrlllon IT to Oacaola tin hi 1' II 7;. Piete.r'a; J1 I lliee tUII in Phlllpabwra; IT Pleinera' 1" llnnlar IHreola 91 Powellnwi.. 14 Sanly RMj ....tfi Knmmil ....w.27 Ml. Pliaai,l.....'!(l ai. H'a.Uctiw.. .la llardner Si (,, Iliclcr J.1 li anacoyoe U lac at ood anil. ....; ft' Inleneioo...T I 14 lonard ....... 1 la Ty rvae ej go lcardeld...4l (y VA BE FUOM CLKi BlriELl""TC' Bellefente, Pa ti I Mlddletawa ti Luck Harea 7 MarteUa... t r WilliamaiMrt. I J" lnraeler t ! Haaliagiioau I M fHII.ADKI.PUU T te" Uwiituwa- IHtlAiiooaa . fly M.ryarill. 4 ill Jobnrtown t HAHKIKBI RU. 4 Ii I PITTKIU HU lit C'ONNKCrioaiat. Paaaengere tearing Clearteld al t.X a. m., Phil paburg at I ii p. m, Oeoeola at 4.11 p. a., am re at Tyrone at 4.4 p. m., mahing suaaMtiM with rincmnati Kaprae. Caat at (.If J. a, aad with Mail H eat al (.41 p. m , oa Mia Line; ale. wiia llaid kagle Krpn-e.. leariag Tyeoaa al l it p. ai, arm ing at at k 4i av a., aad at Lock llarrn at If . Ml p. aa , euaaeeling with kne Mail boat em I be Philadelphia aa.d Lrw had, at p. marririnf at liliamerwr al 12.40 a. m. Keturaiag, pa.eencer, leaving Williamaport at a. ae.. .. brie Mail Weat, arrire at Lock Ha rm al II a. m.f eoanoctieg wilk Bald Lagia Elprret leering Lack llavea at 16.2a a. m ar ririag at Bcllefoalo at a. a... riaaw Shea Ciiy al i Ji f. m., aad Twroae al I.N p. m: LliWAKU 11. WILLIAMS, ti.aeiral PoperinleadaaU GE0BO V. WlLkl.VH, mylltf eap,ialeadeat. Clearfield County Bank. Till Clearletd Coaaly Dank aa aa inmrera led Ineiiiatina ha, rose aat af ell.leeee b loe eurre.deref lu .barter, aa May li, 1Mb All lu atock I, awaed by tba euaerriken, wbc will eoalinaa the Beakiag ka.iaeaa at tba aema pUce, aa prieale Xarkrre. ander lb, (rm aama ot tbe "Cle.rt.ld Coaaly Baak." We are re apoa.ikle for th, dibla erf ihe llaak, aad will pay it, aola aa demaad at tba iHiur, Depoaiu raeeieed .ad lalereet paid whea mes.y la eflf.r a (led lima. Paper diaesaalael at eii per oral, aa brrelof'tra. Oar aereoaal reepewnbilily la pledred for all D.i.aiia reee-ieed ei.d keaiaeae tran, cud. A caatiauae. .f aba liasrel pa roaeg, of Ike kaaioeea mea f Ik. aoaaty la ra rpMUully eolieifed. Ae Preetdeal, Caabiar aajel otteera of tba keu Clrarteld C.aaty Raak, wa reqaire the aotea af taid Baak I. ba feeMattA for redemtMioB. JAS T LEONARD, RICHARD lBAW. WM PORTFR. JAS. B. ORallA, A. E. WKItaHT, H. L. RRKD, WM. A. WALLACR. Tbe baelaeea af ihe Baak will be sea darted by Joka M. Adam... K.,.. aa Caekiar. fJaall.'K J. II. M'Uirk. Edward Perke. BACKING & COLLECTION HOUSE mcgirk & perks. Soeeeesor, to Footer, Parka, A rUlllptbartr, I'cittr CeMialy, ra. T.ITIIERE all tbe bsaloma af a Baakiag Heaua 1 1 wil aa traaeactad promptly aad apM law moat faroraole lenna marT-tf County National Bank. CLEARriELD, PA. THIS Baak ta aew .pea aad ready fer baai. ae.a. OGea aa nwewad ttreet. ia the haild. lag fanaorly aerapied hy Laoaard, Fiaaey A Co. aiaarrroaa aaa orrtriai. IAS. B. OHAUAM, RICHARD RHAW WM. A. WALLACE, WM. P0RTR, A. K. WRIUUI, OEU. L. REED. W. M. FHAW. JAS. T. LEONARD. Jall.MJ Caebier. Prardeal. Jlarfcsinithtng. New ItlarkMmith Shop. SEC0XD ST, CLEARFIELD, Pa. TOE .aderrlgaed aw, t. laf.rm kia Mea da, aad tkt Iakabitaal, af tba asisagb af Clear. .Id aad taravaading aeigbborkiMd. lhat ba la new ready la a tees la all ordara either ia boa at aie.L BORSI 8H0EIRO aa tka meet aypreeed , ly etyhr. ALL KINDS OP SAW. MILL IRONS aad Bi)IKE weth, lagmea'ataau.eaaiha.ka.reada. graba, Ae. Sie.1 tool, af all kiad, aada af heal legliek ar Amerieaa areeL mm.AU my work ia warranted a (let aaala. Urir..e. ar aot charged far. : AMOS RNNNARaX Rog Township A wako SREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I fVERTBODT trying get there It,. Uf h X j f beiaf rroadrd eal la I. tbe rwld. Ii yoa waat g4 rikrin g ta IttaM. If yea waat isr aiere ir.,aedrig: I, go Btaaa. If yoa waai gd Mill I caa. g. ta ttaaa. If yea waat year wagsa Iroaed etrl, aad er.rkmaa.hip. g. t. Iltat. bate, make, the beet (-tamp M.rbiee ia tb State, aad dm all kiadesf BLACEMirule a, ebe.p ae caa ba lea, la tba eseaiy ta, tia. My Poet OBct addraet I, Clesrteld Knars, TIIOMaS BMKi. Bogg, Tp. Daa. It, I T-tf. Southern Land & Emigration C 11 M P A A l , WASHINGTON, D. C OROANIIED and e.lUt4 W ake hnau, aad bale oi baraaing aad Mineral laada, aad imprsred teal kei.i. aa iba Soalbera ktalaa. TUONAS R FI.ORKNrE, JO. t-KVKHNS. View Preerdewt. J. Ilb.VkV AhKIN, Trraewrar. Prea denl Pearl h Naiisaal Raak af Pbildelpbia. JOHN MuRRIS. mecrrlaey. TilU. C. MACllliwkl.L. Att.rary aad Csaaaelwr. Oltce: WaahinMoa Raihliu. Cm a.-.... Si, aad Peanayliaaia Aemwr, M aabiegtaa, D. & arrrararea : Ooe. John T. Albany, R. T Kl Uoe. Wau Riglre. Clrarteld. Pa. '. T. F Rendvrph, Trni,, N, J, E fiirr. Wm. F. Parker, William apart. Pa. Sept. I, 'ft tt Clearfield Nursery. ENTOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. PpilE aadereigaed, k.rlag e.i.bliabed a Km 1 aery aa lb. 'Pike, ab... k.i( ... m. ari T van t C'reld and alak all . arweseellle. le areaaasA . rM adtafFNI lT Iltti dsarf.) Eeargrwaa. Ubrabbery. lirapa Vl.aa, 'eb.rr.ea. La.ta, RkaeAbeery. tt,r..b.rry aad Raabarry Maea. AUa, 8ibiea Crab Traei. Waiaaa. aad early ee-.rVel Rb.harb, da. Ordara prsmptly aucadad la. Addrsaa, ..a a. J. I". WRtdRT. "r" M y Carsrcwrrlt!,. Pa Lime for Sale I THE aadersirard. residing aaea. tba depot kae mada to(.kl. arrsnge...u wltb Uaaa i eaat ike moaatala. be la ... aieel l. be, a coaelaailr a.. - i . .... ri'EE LIME! which aa off ere ta farmer, aad kaiMna al a lrla b,,ea.t. Tboe. iaaerd n Ihe anicU u:u. " adlrea, me by leibw, ba. 'P' !.. !.. tiKo. r mu,im Ctearteld, Pa, J.a, , ,M, ' ' Al'ARTKO-fHerd RLACESMlin aad tr'-TV "J"'k aiew,. ata with small la..w Ap ,. " " aa,1a JwTrsi U ClrwrH tPs,- ,