Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 23, 1870, Image 2

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GioiuiK D.Uoodlamdkr, Ktlitor.
WEDNESDAY MORNlSfl. MAIiril , i;o.
i'onicrr!tlonnl llnncality.
Our readers nro no doubt awnro
tlint bini-o (ha advent of Kudionllnin
to power, nil manner of crlmo is
practiced in high places by tlio ofliccrs
and agent! of tlio Gnrcrnmont, tlio
."government" itself not being proof
against presents bribes.
One. of tlio evils which seems to
liavo afflicted Congrospinon for the
past ten yenrH, is tlio snlo of Catlet
' bill ps. Many of tlio members enga
ging in it os a matter of merchandise.
It i eh men Helling tlicir sons to Con
gressmen for West l'oint and Annnp
olirt, furn prieo, like so many horsos
or oxen. Those paying tlio highest
prico securing tlio placo. Dollars and
cents being substitutes for merit and
honor. An investigation on tlio part
of a Congressional committee shows
that moro than oo-tliird of tlio mcm
bor in lit 0 present and past Congress
had engaged in this infamous traffic,
but the meanest scalawag of tlio whole
tribe has really escaped expulsion.
Wo refer to R. R. Butler, of Tonnssee,
sculawag of the deepest dye. This
Duller was a Confederate Colonel,
ono of the first to go Into the war,
and stuck to it until the surrender,
lie however, soon oflor turned "loil
ist," and was elected to Congress by
the Jiadicnld, but having been a "rebel
Colonel" bo would not take tlio iron
clad oath, and hence could not tuko his
scut. His "loil" brothers soon over
come this difficulty by passing an act
rclioving him of all penalties, and
allowed him to tnko his seat without
taking tlio iron clad oath; yet, while
Kev. Wbittoinoro, Dewees, and other
scalawags and carpet-baggers have
been expelled for selling Cudctships,
this meanest of all scalawags, ictains
bis scat, merely iiuckcting a voto of
censure, and ready to sell another
Cudctship. The voto for expulsion
stood, yeas 102, nays 08 this not
being two-thirds, the question failed.
Tho voto of censuro was however,
Ono of tho jokes which occurred in
tho midst of this carnival of crime,
was, that this very sumo Duller voted
for tho expulsion of poor Whittcmore
and Dewees.
Tennessee Duller, the Cadot seller,
testified that ho could not find a boy
in bis district, qualified to send to
West l'oint, henco bo had appointed
u son of Gen. Tyler's, from another
Stnto, and tho General testifies that
he gave Butler $2,300. Xo wonder
Butler gets to Congress from tho dis
trict he represents. So boy intelli
gent enough to sond to school at tho
Military Acudoiny ! Liko boy like
Congressman. Loyalty must be in a
blissful state in that district.
Grant Economy. President Grant
has actually shored an act through
Congress, giving Stanton ?fl,0UO, one
year's talury as Judge, when it is
notorious that he was dead before his
commission was mudo out, besides, bis
brother war thiorcs have givon his
widow $100,000, being something near
tho profits duo him realized out of
confiscation and general plundering
during the war.
Tho new Postage. Sumps will prob
ably bo ready for use in April. They
nro said to be much better than those
now in use. We cannot see lhat they
could be much worse, and as we have
had soveral charges lately we hopo
the national designer has pitched this
lime upon slamp that will stick.
A llow. The scalawsgs and carpet
bagger are having a fine row over
municipal ofluira at Richmond, Va.
Two Mayors and two sets of Police.
General Can by backs tho one park
nnd Governor Walker tho other. Go
in dorks, and misccgcnalionists, we
don't care which whips.
If and Ir. Congress has now cs
tablished tho fact that it is a crime to
sell Codctxhip, fur tho sum of 1850.
If this is so, what shall bo said of the
President who sells a Cabinet for
$100,000 f Why not settle both cases
while they hnve their hands in ? Say,
"foil millions ?"
A Murderer Endorsed. Gen. Van.
. Sickles, has at last been confirmed
by tho U. 51. Renntc, as Minister to
Spain. It was heavy work, but it
vent through after much labor on the
part of thoe "controlled by grand
moral ideas."
Going, Gone! It is said that the
nolo of Cadotships will bo very bi Nk
this season, liicli fathers had better
nee Congressmen in timo, or the price
may bo run np to a fabulous point
by next fall.
WojfDtRrui! An exchange, annonn
vea that the negro Senator, Itevcls, lee
lured before a Baltimore audience the
other lilghl, one fourth of the specU-1
tors present, being tehHe ! j
An exchange says that if General;
Grant is anxious to py the national
ilcbt at onto let him stop the pay of I
his party for two hour and ft half. J
Grant has hreu iinint-vil to niT that1
lie didn't know n much about fknnco'
as he thought he did when he wrote,
hi amsa."-' .
Ittrtt .nV n Hptnh.
The negro Senator from Millppl,
regnh'd his brethren with a patriotic
perch tih the ITlh. He nVtniinitrfttcs
viy conclusively tlmt tho fi() 0011
nluers who devoured tlio Govern
imlit rations for several years tinder
tho giiU of soldiers, wero tho rhnp
who overwhelmed the rebellion nnd
saved tho Union. According to his
lino of argument tho "wlilto trash"
lire under obligations to the gentlemen
from Africa for their bread and butter.
lial lit creation wero tho ono
million of white "boys In blno'' doing
wliilo tho niggers were putting down
tho rebellion 1 Hut to tho speech.
Hear what tho Iter. Kevcls says to
his whl lo associates:
I remarked, Mr, President, tlmt T ens to plead
for nnitectlou for ft defenseless raoe, who now
semi their delegation to the seat of Movernment
to iuo for tti&t which this t'nnjrron nloue can se-
core for them. Arid hero let me say further, thnt
the petipte or the North nwo to the colored raeo ft
deep obligation which it ii no euay matter to fulfil.
When tho Feilornl ftrmy were threatened by denlh
and disaster, ami rolnliro clouds overhung the
lengtn and hrcailth or the Keputilie, and the very
air waa pregnant with rumor of foreign interfer
ence) in thoeo dark day of defeat, whom metno
oriei even yt't haunt ui at an ugly dream, from
what source did our nation in i tit seeming death
throe gain additioonl nnd new-found power? It
waa the eulile inna of the Houth that vnlinntly
rualird to the retoue, and for their intrepidity and
ardent darilift mnny a Northern Breiile wuuld
raise to-duy paternal eounael or a hrolher'l love.
Sir, I repeat the fact that the eolored roee eared
to tho nohlo women of New England and the
Middle Ktatef the men on whom they lean to-day
for eeearity and tafety. Many of my rare, repre
sentative! of thee men on the flehi of battlo, lieep
in tho eoiinllee grave of tho South. If those
quiet resting plaeea of our honored dead oould
apeak to-day, what a mighty voino, like to the
mailing ol a nighty wind, would eouae op from
thoae sepulchral hotnre. Could we resist Uie
eloquent pleadinga of their appeal ? Ah, sir, J
think thia question of immediate and ample pro
tection fur th loyal people of Oeorgia would loae
it legal technicalities, and we would cease to
hesitate in our provision, far their inatant relief.
Again. I regret thia delay on other ground.
Tho taunt ia frequently flung at na that a Nemesis
uiorc terrihle than the Ureok personation of the
anger of tlod awaila her hour of direful retribu
tion. W are told that at no diatant day a great
uprising of th American people will demand that
theae reeonatruclion act ot Congress lie undone
and blotted forever from the annala of legialatire
enactment. I inquire, sir, if thia deluy in afford
ing protection to th loyaliet of the btate of
Georgia doea not lend an uncomfortable signiu.
cane to thia boasting inecr wah which we so
often tweet t Ielay ia periloua at beat, for It ia
a trwe in legislation aa in physic, that th longer
we proerastinet to apply th proper remedies,
the more critienl becomes the malady that we seek
to heal. The land wanta such aa dare with vigor
esceute th lawa. Iter festered members muat be
laoced and tended. lie ia a bad surgeon that
for pity apare th part eornmled till gangrene
spreads and all the body perishes, lie that is
merciful unto bad is cruel lo good.
There, whito soldior, what do you
think of the allegation of brother
Revels. "Tho noblo women of New
England" we suppose will lean for
nil futuro lime on the arm of brothor
Bevels and his fighting hosts. "T h
colored troops fought bravely" ac
cording to this sable Senator, but if
they "saved the nation" somebody
has been lying liko Tom Pepper,
and tho whito "boys in bluo" have
been cheating all around tho board.
How fortunato for "Old Abo" and
tho country that we had a few thou
sand niggers on hand during the late
rebellion, and bow very satisfactory
to learn even at this lata day that
Sambo was tho "individual" that
"hung Jeff. Davis on a sour applo
tree," while tho whito Yanks were
fool in' with him.
I.o-.rry on Dearon Bergner.
It is on old saying, that "when
rogues fall out, honest men get their
dues." Tho family quarrel now in
progress among the "loil" and Badi
cal corrnptioniiits at llumsburg, is
being waged rather bitterly. Senator
Lowry, of Eiie, is engaged writitig
letters to the Philadelphia Tdrgraph,
portraying the character of George
fiergncr editor of tho Hariisburg
Telegraph, tho "loil" Slute organ. Tho
following is a specimen of this rich
and racj correspondence. Lowry and
Bergner aro representative men of
their party, and aro therefore speci
mens of modern loyalistsand Hessiuns.
Haiuusul'ihi, March 4, 1870.
Deacon George Bergner : I salute
you nguin this morning, having re
turned to aity and Legislature which
you and your associate, are fui-t
making odious and infamous by your
vilo practices. So infamous, thru tlm
public, when they tee that you, you
voursclf. without exposure nnti! now.
have mado a sura out of the sweat of
tlio people sufficient to build t State
Capitol in any square in Philadelphia,
will he astounded, and you bad better
prepare to meet the scorn and right
vous indignation which your conduct
so justly deserves. In my firf,t letter
I promised to give the people some of
the items from tho Audilor-Generars
ortice of your recorded peculations
The unrecorded ones of which I spoke
will, in all probability, be covered by
an impenetrable veil until tho great
day of accounts for under tho laws
of Pennsylvania you aro a close cor
poration. Jlracon George lierirner.
stand up and listen to the following
statement from the Jleeord :
la ISM.- F'r famishing Ornate and
lloua with stationery mad
printing the Arewrff;
"A, .
la tail.
In I Has.
In las I.
In I'-f.J.
In I'M.
In 1W17.
in I to.
In lfCII.
Total, i:,g. sun
U must be borne in mind, while con
irmpluting this vast sum, tlmt you
have claimed nnd have been allowed
tlio monopoly of furnishing all the
departments, wliilo in the hands of
Republican, with nil the stationery
used therein since 1 !, which may bo
safely nggrefrnted at, for ten years,
the sum ut S:ill,lMlU, which, added to
$150,5110, makes the princely sum of
S0H,,r,(lO you have drawn from the
Stnto Treasury since lfGl, saying
nothing about tons upon tons of your
Woi'thless Lfijwtative llecttrd w'lticli
you sold lo tho piiier makers, and
pocketed tlio proceeds, tiller you had
received pav from tho Slate at the
rate of filleen dollars a page.
In addition to I his, Deucon Berg
ner, you havo been Postmaster of
llumsburg tor six years, a placo that
a crippled soldier nnd an honest man
should have rnjnvcd. at an aggregate
salary or cl8,:iii(f. While Postmaster
you hud a share in a majority of tho
cotitntcts given during the I'cMlion
to a lurorcd class ol Beptiblicsns of
Harrisburg, from which it is popularly
aeserted and behoved yon mudofl.V),
OHO. You have had a monopoly of all
the advcriising done for tea years past
bv the Uuiled States Government at
llarrisburg, w hich practical printers
aasuro ms waa worth lo yon $ 10,lH.
You have been doing tits printing anil
advertising for ilauphin county for
fl linen yctir., fur t -hit h yon received
H,(MM) profit. This shows, In round
figures, ihol j om have rercirH froin
the National, Htnlo, and laphin
roniily treasuries, In len years, the
sum i.':ili(l,H(Ml.
Mor is (his all. You hnvo had a
profit on all the coal furnished to the
Stato of Pennsylvania, for uso in the
Capitol, d a rid u the sumo (en years.
Von tindoublcilly made money in fur
nishing tho Legislature with posingn
stnmps (of which 1 shall speak in detail)
while you wero Postmaster so that,
aggregating nil tho protlts, you have
reaped from all the ptiblio treasuries
into which yoit could '''lingo your
arm, it is snfo lo put, dow'n your totnl
of clear gains, independent of your
1ogisialive jobs, in ten years, at
27ii,OUtl! And you aro not done or
sntihtlotl oven now, boeauso vou still
hnvo a monopoly of tho potronago of
the clerks ot bold branches ol tho
Legislature, nnd nil tho departments
oi tlio ol ii t o tiovcrninciit., are Post
master, and do all tho advertising at
llarrisburg lor tlio united .Mules
Government, so that yon to-day, inde
pendent of your publicly plundered
fortunes, enioy nn incomo of clear
proHt from oflieiul patronngo alone of
not loss than nil.ootl annually 1 You
allow no other Itepubliean to claim
any shnro in a Hcpiiblicnn victory.
Not satisfied with your gains as 1 have
given them, you uctually started a
kind of book, bank, and shaving shop,
to carry on the business of which du
ring lust year the first of its exis
tence Statu Treasurer Muckey al
lowed you to uso, und you are still
using, $0,000 of tho people's money,
which you loon thorn (their own
money) at injurious interest.
hat can tlio musses ol tho Ilepub-
lican party think of the picture? I
gain my kuowledgo of tho amounts of
money you drew Irom the Htnte from
tiio reports of tho Auditor-General.
On ono occasion, after you had been
paid an account to which yoa had
sworn, it was discovered yon had
fraudulently drawn more than you
wore entitled lo, nnd were compelled
to rotnrn to tho State tho sum of
which you sought to cheat it, and it
was no easy job to compel yoa to
disgorge My information as to your
other receipts of publio money, I
believe, is correct and reliable. You
muy havo been in secret schemes of
plunder outsido of your low selling,
with which I am iiot acquainted. You
certainly aro engaged us a constant
borer in tho lobbies of the Legislature,
where you pass your time during iho
session of that body, instead of re
maining in Iho llarrisburg I'ostofUco
attending to duties which you thus
neglect, and for which you receive an
annual salary of several thousand dol
lars. The Postmaster-General ought
certainly to know that tho Postotlico
nt llarrisburg is, to all intents and
purposes, conducted without Iho prcs
enco of its legally appointed Post
master; ono whom nine tenths of the
decent and respectable ltepublicans of
tins city repudiate, anil who, it they
had the power, would hurl you from
a position you disgrace In conclu
sion, Ucacou llergner, let me whisper
in your car, and suggest thnt before
you go henco, you sell yonr ill-gotten
lands and newly-constructed blocks,
and have tho proceeds ready to do
posit in tho ample pockets of your
shroud, nnd in a strong iron sale in
your gruvo, wherewith lo tempt St.
Peter, as you hnvo often tcmptod
members of tho Legislature, and be
prepared to cheat tho Devil, us this is
manifestly tho best uso you aro likely
over to nuiko of it.
As I intend to bo ns radical on
thieves in ponco as I was on rebels in
war, I shall continue this subject.
1 am, Deacon, as ever, faithfully
yours, Mobrow B. Iawhy.
Tho bill introduced in the Homo at
llarrisburg, relative to tho Heath
Penalty, id a step in the right direc
tion. It authorizes juries in cases of
eiouy, puniHiiaoia wim aesin, to ren
der a verdict that the prisoners shnM
either suffer death, or may be impris
oned to bard labor for a term not less
than fifteen years, or the natural life.
No prisoner lo be sentenced to death,
unless the jury shall so dotcrmine
Wo aro glad to know that tho bill has
a good prospect of passing.
Globtino in His Shank. General
Sheridan bas issued an order of con
gmtulalion to Colonel linker and his
command on the result ol their cam
paign vgairist tho Piegan Indians.
As that action is being scarchingly
ventilated in Congress and elsewhere,
and is severely denounced by some
persons high in authority as inhuman
and barbarous, we think tho Lieuten
ant General might havo withheld bis
congratulations for a while.
CiiFATiNd Ch AniTV.The New York
Herald says: Tho trustees of the
Avondale lielief Fund compi.;in that
a groat mnny of the subscribers to
that fund have not paid up.and threaten
lo suo tho delinquents. Suits to re
covor promised gifts would ba legal
oddities, and it is a shamo that nny
question of them should been mo ne
cessary. Would not a publication
of tho names of the delinquents have
a good cfTecl f
Loyal Huron M. IJeforo tho lule
civil war hnd demoralized everything,
what would have been thought of a
member of Congress who should tell
to sonic of his wealthy constituents the
appointments lo Wost Point and An
nu poli hi Why, such a man would
hnvo been hissed Irom tho Congres
sional halls as corrupt, and until, to
nssociato w ilh honorable men! but il
Is one of the dishonest fashions of
nnny in this dishonest Congress?
Til CaiiST Thaii-ic If John Co.
vodo is a poor speller, ho is sharp.
ai.i I. i: i .
business there is plain evidence that
nno thonsand dollars was paid by the
friends of the vnutirr man who was
f o
appointed by Covode, the money can
nol bo traced to Honest John's pocket.
The old Alligator is smart enough to
take hi bile and havo no trail.
RrroNSTntXTloN. A negro in Mis
sissippi, who murdered a wliilo man,
has been rewarded for Iho noblo deed,
by being elected lo the Legislature of
(hnt flute. Tho carpet bag niggor,
Kevcls, who in in Iho I'nitud Slates
Senate from the same State, appears
to be a fellow of tho most slinky
character. Reconstruction" lias done
gloriously for Mississippi.
Old Grant, tho father of tho gov.
eminent, seems to be a grent nuisance
in Covington, where hois postmaster.
The citizens petitioned tho "govern
ment'' to remove him, and wnen he
Innrned if tho fact, ho rushed Out
threatening to cane every man who
signed tho petition. As an insuffera
ble ass, he is a iierieelly.worthy father
of the "govornmsnt.' "'
T'Ar afrfm'Mlort pt Itrrrl.
Tim rii'irrn Is bus been sdmllled
Into Iho Senate of the I'niled Slates
by a strict pnrly vole, every U-pbll-can
votliif for him nnd every Icim
ciol against him. In vain did Iemo.
crnlif! Ho ii ii tors nek that Iho esse
might h trlerreil lo a coitimlltco lor
Investigation. The Ifadicnln knew
very well that nu ll a subject would
nt bear much handling Having
taken Iho stand tho party now occu
pies they were compelled to admit
Itcvols lo his sent, or to go back upon
the professions they hnvo bceu mak
ing ibr somo years past.
Hovels Is a bktck carpet-bagger, and
his past history has been fur from be
ing a rcpulublo ono. Ho was once
pastor of a negro church in Leavens
worlh, Kansas. Ono of tho leading
members of tho congregation accused
him for embezzling tho Church fund,
whereupon Jfev. Hovels sued tho
brother for libol; but a jury found
a verdict of not guilty. Tho following
enrd, signed by ono half tho jury has
been republished lately:
LKAVENWonni, Aug. 27, 1807.
"We, tho undorsigncd, wero jury
men in tho caso of tho Stnto of Kan
sas vs. John Morris, in which one
Hiram li. Kevcls was complaining
witness. Said suit was instituted by
the snid Hovels in tho form of a crimi
nal prosecution, for an alleged libol in
charging iho said Hovels wilh embez
zling funds of his church ; wilh fulso
hood and hvnocrisv. in n certain nam.
phlct entitled "A lliimbug."
"J 1)0 tlcloiidunt (Morn), took the
ground Ihnt tho alleged libel was true,
and proved to our satisfaction that the
saidllirntn It. Hovels had embezzled
certain funds belonging lo his church,
and has been guilty of falsehood, and
had unnecessarily forced a quurrcl on
the said Morris, thus compelling him
to act in vindication of his own char
"In short, wo found that the nlletred
libol was true, and that it was publish
ed for good motives and justifiable
ends, all of which it was necessary to
prove to socuro an acquittal in a suit
for libel. '
"H M. TtAXKIX, Foreman j
'J. U. PL UNO."
This follow Hovels will prove to be
a fit companion for certain whito Radi
cal Senators, who have mado immense
fortunes by selling themselves to rings
and lobbyists of every description.
VhUnrauhtur Extraordinary.
Tho Congressional artists havo out-
dono themselves in their last applica
tion of tho chalky fluid. They took
hold the gold pnnio investigation, and
went at il wilh will. They found
in it nn ample opportunity to throw
n their lancy touches, and lliey havo
Uono it in Iho highest style of Iho art
Jlr. and Mrs Grant, becrcturv llout-
wcli und Gen. liuttcrfleld, ail had to
bo thickly coutcd, and it was done to
perlcclion. Jo heighten tho pure
whiteness of the immaculate quartette,
tlio commilteo tustolully and consid
oratoly blackened tip Corbin and sot
him up to inako tho contrast moro
Unfortunately for tho committco
ana Hie purlics Interested, however,
two members of that commilteo could
Jivo honestly without going into tho
nino ana water business, and lliev
have mado a minority report which is
lulry sustained by tba avtdoiico
which tho minority report is nol and
they placo Iho President and lady, tho
:-ecrcUry ol tlio treasury nnd Im cx
assistant, in no very onviullo light.
ihey dcclino to tuko the ground that
every man who testibcs nguinsl hiih
radical odicials is utterly unworthy of
creuii tnougn tncir testimony is con
vincing when it affects llioso tiicy
have no interest in shielding. Tbo
nmjorily of tho committco assume lo
diserodil tho testimony of Messrs.
Fiok and Gould whero it compromises
Iho t'residuiit, but deem it amply Bum
cient and rcliublo lo condemn Corbin.
Of course, you know, they aro not
worthy of belief against high dignita
ries, lor does not every ono know that
Mr. Grant would-nol accept anything
of any one, much less a largr profit in
gnld? Whoever heard of tirant re
ceiving anything since ho has been
President t Of course not.
This conclusively demonstrates that
Fisk and Gould lied when they reflec
ted on the Presidenl, but their testi
mony was fully effective- to send poor
Corbin "where Iho woodbinotMiiiclh."
Ah, these minorities nro Iroublcsomo
things, und tliid one is likely to damage
tho President to such an extent thai
his whilcwnslicrs will havo to throw
on their milky coatings with buckets,
im teiid ot brushes and keep (ho pub
lic mind occupied wilh the csdetships
until they finish him upforcxliibilion.
Expel another cai'ivt-bagrpr, and in
being virtuous strive to bo happy.
jlt. Telegram.
Tho Cnrpok-Bugircr Wliillcmore
will bo satisfied with not B
seems, than n re-election tothollonso.
His opinion is lliut lis was ousted by
the Inconsiderate action of "a few
Hotspurs." Tho absolute shameless
ness of tho carpet-bagger was never
more apparent than in litis. 'Neman
hut of thnt class would care to show
his face in Washington within public
remembrance of his expulsion from
Congress for bribery. , .
Tub Black Capet. Tho poor no
gro hoy who hits been appointed to u
West l'oint endctship, is more lo bo
pitied than bis whito fellow-cadols.
It is to bolleured that ho will have
"a hard rond to travel." Ho has name
enough if that will do him any good
Charles Sumner Wilson 1 li thai
high sounding senatorial namf does
not nnss him in triumph over till ob
stacles thuro is no virtuo in Mawm Im
pel ts niggers. .
A few days ago somo leading politi
cians called on Governor Hodman,
and after some conversation Sua of
them said, "Well, Governor, Il you
won't do what wo wnntyou to do, you
shall not bo Governor for a S'conil
lerm, I can assure you of that."
"Very well, gentlemen," rej lined
Hoffman, in his usual quiot Wiy, "1
intend to bo Governor lor ono term,
at any rate." j
Tho action of tho Houso in refusing
to expel H. It. Butler, or Tennessee,
for the sale of endctshins, meots wilh
disapproval among tho leading It pub
licans of this city, who sny iho jarty
cannot afford an answer lo the p -oplo
for such nn implied endorsement of a
gross moral misdemeanor. J
A former resident of Philadelphia,'
a naturalized Spaniard, turns Out to
he ons of tho Masons recently mur
dered by the military authorities of
Santiago de Cuba.
f.nrtef Owssri k, I Ik lint.
Bt sr) ast ef the f icglslnlnre, sp
prnvr Snih May. I "HI, sided by sup.
jilcmenlary b glslnllnn ths Surveyor
General was directed "In calculate lb
amount of piirchnae money, interest
and feci due on cat h unpatented tract,
and after tho descriptions of snid tracts
havo been transmitted lo the Prothono
turies of tho rfpeetivf. counties, and
entered as hereinafter provided, the
amounts so found to bo duo, together
wild five dollars for tho labor nnd
costs of making out and filing, shall
form an aggregate turn, which shull be
entered in a lien docket to Lo provid
ed and kept fur that purposo ; and the
taut turn shall boar interest at tho rulo
of six per cont."
In conformity with this law, lion
dockets liuvo been forwarded to each
county, nnd on tho 0th of May next,
and soon to the 27th of Novombor,
tho Attorney Goncrul may commence
suit for tho rocovory, ns is provided
ty tho Acl of 8th April, lHd'J, of the
amount of lien, with additional costs.
Such a lien docket is now in this
county, in tho osicssinn of Kmanuol
Kuhn, from whom nil persons cun ob
tain iulormntion as to whether there
aro nny hens of thislgnd upon their
A memorial hns been signed by emi
nent citizens of Philadelphia praying
the legislature to pass iho requisite
legislation lo prevent tho prosecution
of suits at this timo for the recovery
of theso clnims. The language of the
memorial expresses its object so well
that we use it bore i "The Slate
should roceivo her fair dues, but il is
not just that after having so long slept
upon hor rights, sho should, at this
lule day, prosecute a suit to recover
against a citizen a claim, nearly all of
wincu is in some cases composed of
mo accumulated interest ol moro than
a ccnlury and a half, and in most of
over halt a century a chum which
in some instances exceeds tho present
salable value ot the land.
"Much of Iho land has passed through
many hands since the originul warrant
was issued by tho Slate ; much is
owned by widows and orphans ; much
has been sold for taxes and is held by
a county tux title, and on hundreds
of tracts moro monoy has been paid
for taxes than would, wilh interest.
amount to treble the present value of
the inna. Ana it is a grnvo question
whether, should the hind bo sold un
der this law, tho holder would not
havo a right to recover from the coun
ty all the back taxes bo has paid.
"Il is manifest from the report of
tho surveyor Uoneral, and no censure
should bo imputed to him, that the
greatest possible confusion exists in
some cases ns lo tho location of land.
In his report of this year (page 4,)
ho says : "perhaps tho most trouble
somo feature connected with entering
up the liens was, lo gel at the present
location of tho tracts, as many of the
warrants and surveys aro quite in
definite as lo silualion, or to refer to
somo point or object only known to
tho people, who wero cotcmporary
Willi tlin lltiln fif lliA fifl!i-n ri,rl,t "
P ....! r . n "...
niioiuer source ot contusion arises
from what tlio Surveyor General call
"interferences and conflicting rights,"
or over-lappings of tho survey. Whore
the lien only tor tho amount of patent
tecs and iiurclinso moneys, wilh the
proviso tlmt if paid without interest
within nny time prior to April 1.1873.
and if nol paid at Iho expiration of
said period, that then the lund should
be sold for Iho amount thus due the
Commonwealth, the immense amount
of injury which w ill arise lo counties
from tho unsettling of titles, and the
great interference wilh thoir progress
and prosperity that must ensue if iho
present law is enforced, not to speak
of tho oppression which otherwise
will be wrought upon thousands of in
nocent persons, would bo averted.
We would therefore respectfully ask
Iho passago of a law to lhat effect, or
olhcnviso tho cntiro rccal of tho
special legislation on this subject."
All Iho influence of our people
should bo brought to boar upon the
members of tho legislature loaid tbo
passago of a bill such as thai prayed
lor in this memorial.
A TmrviNo U. S. 8eAToa.. The
Radical Senator Harlan ia accusod, on
first r.ito Radical authority, of being
ono of tho boldest and biggest land
thieves in tho country. While Secre
tary of tho Interior, he was largely
engaged iu tho business, and ho still
keeps it up. Ho has managed to
appropriato and to parcel out among
a small and select circle of loyal
rogues liko himself, tho entire reser
vation of Iho Kaw Indians, a tract of
ferine land lying south of Kansas.
The thoft was committod under iho
gniso of a bogus treaty which tho
iribo declare they novor signed. Tho
Senate ought ut once invcsligrtto the
case, and to expel this unworthy
member, who appears to bo a much
greater villain than any of tlio mem
bers of tho House who havo been on-
gaged in selling cadctships. Lancas
ter intelligencer.
QrtRTi Did Young Rcmuck of
riinaueipnia f wnose luiiior paid Il.lHrO
to havo him appointed a cadet) ever
rmdem this District f CouM ho, be
ing a mi tor, obtain a bona fide resi
dence in Ibis District, his father re
maining a resident of Philadelphia f
Will Uovouooranvono of his apolo
gist pleasonnswcr. UreentOurg Demo
crat. Rcnntor Revels, the colored man
from Mississippi, in addition to his
other Senatorial duties, now lectures
in publio. Ho evidently intends to
pultcrn after Senator Sumner. Il
would be well for Iho two to truvol to
gether, Sumner to deliver his lecture
on "Casio" and Revels to officiate as
tho "bright example"
A Radical paper tells how Senator
Hovels studies tho C onstitution dil
trcntly all tho time when in his scat
But wo learn from n woman who look
ed over the nigger's shoulder that Ihu
book ho is studying is ono that inter
prets dreams. Wo don't wonder why
theso loyalists confound the constitu
tions wilh a dream.
An Old Hinr.. Francis P. Blair,
Sen., and his wifo, who have been
married over sixty years, rtslo on
horseback, reeonlly, from Washington
to Silver Springs, distant fifteen miles,
and returned to Washington with
out dismounting.
Hon Piatt says the conclusions of
the Committee on Banks and Bank
ing, in regard to (iranl's connection
with thegold swin dleof September lust,
reminds ono of tho verdict of the
Scotch jury, "guilty, but not proven."
Georgia Is known in Washington as
the political "What is it?" It is nei
ther Slate, territory, military district
nor anything else, save the victim of
Radical spit. I
tYtithl Trmnnpmrlmlton.
CtiMrilH MVnl.l'tlo." TM Mil IA-
fAtt Tn Srw tnSR I ri'BTT (. PAYS
Commercial people cannot have fall
td to remark the complete revolution
nut only In the method of transport
ing freight from ono ocean to another,
hut in tho time occupied In the trans
port, by tho facilities supplied in the
great railway lines now spanning th
continent. An instanco in point oc
curs in tho conveyance of the cargo
ol tea brought from Yokohama by
tho ship llencfactrcii lo Man r rnncisco,
Tho owners, Messrs. A. A. Low Co.,
tolegraphed her captuin to suil from
Japan, after his ship wtis fully laden,
to Sun rrancisco instendot iow lork
as had been previously arranged.
Arriving at the metropolis of Culi
fornia, the entire cargo consisting of
eleven thousand packages or tea, was
immediately placed aboard tho Call
fornia fust freight line, and despatch
ed lo riew lork, being partiully dis
Iributed at Chicago and othor points
by tho way. A glance at the time oc
cupied in this mailer will ho instruo
tive und give'occasion for somo reflec
tion. 1 he ship s passage from Yoko
hama to Sun Francisco was mado in
20 days ; the timo from San Francisco
to Now York was 15 days j allowing
in uii oniy ii auys lor a lull cargo con
signed iu Japan to bo dclivored in
New York.
From Now York to London is. nv
twelve days, which would make tho
lime necessary for a consignment to
reach r.ngiand irom Japan but fitly.
threo days all told. Such figures
demonstrate more powerfully than
nny trcaliso the marvelous progress
of science, the immense saving of timo
and tho great revolution in tho Chi
nese and Japaneso trodo, effected by
Iho construction of tho Pacific roads.
Tho annexed telegram shows still fur
ther how near Boston is to the Cali
fornia cities, it being stated thnt a
consignment has been received at
Sacramento in fifteen days from that
city. It reads as follows :
(Cony) "SACRAiirniTO, March 9, 1870.
"To G. T. Nuttlo, Agent California
Fast Line, No. 229 Broadway, New
York : Freight is coming through
from New York by your line in seven
teen (17) and eighteen (18) days. One
consignment for Levi Strauss & Co.,
received In fifteen (15) days from
Boston. "A. S. Towno.
"Gen. Sup't. orCentral Pacific R. It."
The above is proof sufficient of tho
capacity and inestimable veluo of
these roads. Seventeen days from
-ew lork and lillcen Irom Boston
bring California almost within hailing
distance, or at least mako it practicul
ly a suburb of the East, instead of a
distant country requiring a passage
around tho Horn or transit across the
Arrangements havo been made by
wincn ail loreign goods arriving at
acw i oric or ikisioii are takon through
to the Pacific, const in bond. The
California Fast Freight Lino makes
tho regular transit, with only one
transfer, via. tho Chicago and North
western Ruilwuy and Uuion and Cen
tral Paciflo Railroads.
TatAstRT Towils Tho extent to
which tho United States Treasury
seems to need towelljng is something
appalling. Mr. Boulwull has just sent
to tho Houso of Representatives a
statement of tho incidental expense
of his department, wilh a grand totul
of fifty nino thousand dollars. Near
ly every conceivable articlo figures in
somo itoin, from flower pots to fans
and alpacn braid ; but the great item
of constant recurrence is that of wash
ing towels. This hint of cleanliness
not only occurs on every pugo, but in
every second or third line. Il is the
monotonous echo to everything. It
will givo tho iiconlo a satisfvinir idea
of the fillhiness of tho national lucre
to hear that this towel washing for
one year amounts to tlio snug sum of
one thousand eight hundred and forty
fivo dollars, and that tho number ol
towel wushed is upwards of thirty
thousand enough to give the Treasu
ry people one hundred clean towels
every doy.
His Cost. Revels, the nc,iro, is
now Senator, atacost of three thou-
sand million dollars and tho lives of
nearly a million whilo men. Think
of it, yo ' Boys in Bluo ;" count the
cost ot tins negro s elevation to a po
sition yoa dare not aspire to, ye crip
pled organ grinders and maimed sun-
plicnnls for a position of tidcwalcr or
letter carrier, and then walk np and
vote siue uy side with Ins mnkeshtp.
Tho Miniiter from Venezuela to the
I niled States, Senor J. J. Paul, died
oi apoplexy, in aslnngton, on Mon
day last. He hnd just been appointed
to this post, and had arrived in Wash
ington in tho morning. In the oftor-
noon he was dead. Mr. Paul was an
eminent lawyer in Venezuela, and
was forty fivo years of ago.
If the snlo of a endctship entails ex
pulsion from Congress, why should nol
tlio snie oi l sinnel offices insuro ox
pulsion from the Presidency f
1 j
$rtt dmttsrmrnt.
I1 Th n l.rtr kail, knows as LBAVTH
li ALU aeer C. K raiser A Sens' etnea. an Keervtid
It reel. I'laarSel), Pa-, I eoer altered fee real.
tar terras apple tn JAMKS I. LltAYY.
ClaarSeld, l a. Men 1.1 41.
The en partnership herrtofor riistinjr be
tween Thnma lej ana John Ardell, Jr , aader
the nana and Sna af T. a Ca is, tins, the
ISisj star of Daren, A. P. 170, diaselrad We saa
Inal ennaesit. Tba. Long will Mills the eoeoaell
of the lata Irra. TlloMAM I.oN'tl.
IXM-tTIWa) NOTU ll.Notie llhere
4 he ffieen that letter testaenratarj beting
Iwen trantrd tr the snhseriher aa the ewtate nf
Ut'Ull ,UrMl I.LKN, deewaaed. late of Lawreoe
township, Clearfield eoantr, Penasvlraaia. all
persons indebted to said eetst are requested to
sake Imsaedtst barmen, and Iboa harlna-
elairas arainal th earn will pre sent them dole
aalhenlioated frr settlement.
ni-l-Sl AUHA1IAM OfiPKX, Eieealor.
HERD & Co.,
rhllljibrp. Centre Oant?, Ps.
JfsyRral Kieafe of all hln la boaght and said.
Also, dealer In all kinds of Lumber. snJS,;
Slonr-futtrr and Stone-JIason,
WILL eata all work In his Una al Bed
rat prices sad la riBSI-CLASS stela.
Architectural Ornaments '
la ALL STYI.K9, Stoat Previa of trer;
dearrl-ylow, and all kinds of saaeea work eoa
traeted for is or oat el lb aoaatjr. A person
wi.blpj lo ksva reapeetabl saaaaa work end
;ne.enitia Jane, will find II te tnslr latere,
to mil apon est I weald air Inform be pab
I tb.t I ana deliver any qoaailte ar elasi af
;aa deiired, as I an lb f a
Oieisrs far wark eaa b adirsd to
Cavih yolko,
n.' ClaartaJi pa.
Jlrir difrtlirmftiti.
Spring Millinery Goods
Salt Reeelred at
A LL lh Ladles la Town and lbs Coeotrr ar
-is- InrileJ I call and M th Sprlnf Stlet la
W bar to salt all jes and sites. Ws Intend
keeping aur stock fall and aotnplete, to lhat all
eaa ba aoeotnmadated with lb best and aswsit
styles of each season, and at tba lowest prieea.
also, new Induoenetttt affered In tht way of
DRKH3.MAKIXO, la ths nost elegant aad lath
lonablt styles, oo the shortest Botio poitlblt.
Remember tbt Place i
Main Btreot, opposite Mossop's itore,
A valuable property la tba tows of Oaeenla,
tlearteld to , Ha. consisting of a large MOl'bE,
desirably loeated, well painted, plastered and pa
pered, and bseina a guod cellar andar it. Good
out buildings on tb Int. Fur further particulars
Inquire at Ilia office of the saUoriber in snid town.
iIJ-4tpd. pi. p. 1). KLINE.
OLKIGII.Pu,, bow ausbioned SLEIGHS
KJ ur sale
l or xebanre at
rpoBACCO Prise arttel of Nary, Carendisk,
jl npuu jiuu ana n aural bear
alan, Cis-ara.
bnun, Ac., at c.
(Opposite tb Jail.)msrS:lia
X Light Kin $jo.
Frencb K ip SOS.
French Calf. ... t OS.
(Opposils Jail.)3:ttr At C. K KATZER'S.
i.1 Tb onderaisoed avails biraeelf of this
saetbod of laforasiug th Itaftmoa that be has
sad ample preparations at Fulton's ld Water
for their aooonsnodatioa and entrtaiBaot doting
the coating season, and invite all to giv bias a
oalU (m4t) WM M. JOUNSO.S.
The andersigned will aell al Private Sale
bis llou and Lot, situate on Locost street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets, ia th boroogb
of ClearSeld. Tb property i in good repair, aad
i a vry deairable lueetioa for a residence Will
b sold at a bargaia. Terras easy,
IjIXECUTOItre NOTICE. N olio is bar.
J by given that Letters Testamentary kaviag
lio-a granted lo tb aobacriber, oa the Estat af
JKROMK KOUISON, deceased, lata of Bradford
lowaship, Clearfield coanty, Peanaylvaaia. all
persons indebted lo amid Estate are reoeeated te
snake intnediat paymant, and those having
claims against th same will present them daly
aetbeaticalad for settle anent.
Bradford Ip., March 18, 1970 St.
1 T Tb andersigned having erected s cvw
and enmmodiows house on the river bank at Horse
hho romt, pposit tb Moibannon, and having
removed those large rocks so that raits nay land
with aaen, wcw'.d call the atteation of Watermen
to tb aUvaalages of Ibis point for lying np after
a usy s nil iron above. -J a tatl will b spread
with a bountiful head, and the bar veil supplied
wiia ooosrs uquera.
Fart haul, Ifarek I, IST0.
J hotiee is hereby gives thai th perlaerahip
heretcfar asicting between O. B. llerrell nnd
William Buler. known as the Irs af llerrell A
Bigler, dealers in hardware aad manufacturers of
tinware, Ae., in Clearfield, waa dissolved an Iba
12th day of March, instant, by the cue sent ef both
partiea. Tba basiaes win bcreaner be earned on
in all iu branches aa heretofore by U. F. Bigler A
Co. The easiness of tba eld Sna will aa settled
np by 0. B. Merrill, at tb oAc nf the old firm.
o. II. Mr.KKrLL.
Clearfield, March IS, llTS-St,
O X I) N
At Merket nates.
Pacifio B. R. Bonds Eought and Sold.
e-STOC kS nought and Sold c Con.
snlseloa ealy.
-Aceoaau received and Interest allowed aa
daily balaa, subject te eberk at sight.
:ly 41 Sentk Third Street, Philadelphia.
JOHI NOW 1 1 NOW til
Sarpeelfally I a forms ths eitiaens f Clearfield and
vicinity that he has nmoved kit Baksry te lb
baildiag OS lb corner af Market A Third Streets,
formerly occupied by Jobs IMIburu, where k
keeps anasuntly kand all kinds af
Which will he told at vary ressonabl rates,
litis ojlt ti curt a La.vr.
Fsftamea are Informed that Iht beet aad eheanett
uread eaa al all time b bad at
CVsarfisId, Pa.
To the Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity.
ON th lilh Instuat. Ml 'see Reeved Hatfield,
will.rn.l)Bl' M AKINC. FJTAIU
IJOIIMKNT, in Room Xo. 1 over llarts.lrk
A Irwia'l Drag Store, (formarly aaed by T. II.
Murray a. a law aBe,) Market SL.CIearfield, Pa..
aad would reepactrully aoliclt the patronage ef the
ledlea, ef Clearfield and eieinily. Thoae who
patronii as may depend apoa having their work
dons te order, both as le style or fashion, aad
with neataraa and dispatch. Alee, agent for the
celebrated llow gewinf Machine, which wa will
aell al very low nrlee. marl it nd
Practical Watch Maker,
Opposite Ei-Oov. Bigler's reeidrac.
SMy-AII kinds af Welches. Clocks aad Jew.lrv
promptly repaired, and work warranted to ei.e
ealislaetioa. marJJI
And Wheleaal Dealer In Daeoa. Meea Path
Lard, Sugar Cared Hams and Beef,
Xo. ;S Liberty Street,
It riTTSIll'Rfl, PENK'A. 1.
yXECUTOH'H lkOTKU-VTherca. Ut.
I J rn Testamentavv nn tba relate r il Pllll is
Ut Lit II, hat nf tba lown.bin of Lawrence, de.
leaeed, have been granted to the undersigned.
aad all persona indebted lo aaid estate . .
edlomakeimmediarepaymer t, and those haviar
emims aiainet th aame will nreaeci j..;
latbentieatcd, foe settlement. '
snarl H JA H W.i W RIQLKT,,
flMIK liRkinraaTtn Ii . . "
P ISS1 d ALMANAC for lr.S
I ITOIaad lel far sale at lha Peu ni.
PrW II Mats. Mailed la aae ,0Jm. (j.,.,, I
ill I I. an a. I m,!,,
T Y n 1 1 I V - .
nl.m ohm .
v M4 an aa, at r t r, t D,
Deafers in all kinds of lUM:
Goods. Groceries,
, I ins a. oaeriDere Bavin sat.rJ t I
-l Skip for the parpen of ,.
. aev if ,
ana rare opportunity la Ik. titil.
laid aad adjoining eoaatlsi ts Is; J
as wuoiveait or retail prtesi, nt tjj,
th unlatra.t.d. Their goods ear f 11 K
isny s.iretel la rait tbls Bsrkst, l
will, tharefora, call iba attatleifltt
to this fast, bseaeae this breach of
will reeeiv special attention, act
aeeded in s well regulated kousheli,
limes be fannd la ear stare,
On stock of PUT COODD sbtll ;
pssaed, ilthar is quality or pries, sel
braea, la part, Prints of avcry stvli,
and Lawni ef vsry quality, Mailim t
grade, De Lalnei adapted lo tb taita)
old aad yog) nnd svery article of nj
goods thay aell is to be as reprearaud, J
raaua le glvs satisfaction.
At ta DREAM GOOD w bars , J
aasertment of Alpacas, black, white, ut
ers i.rseur.a, Bilks, aad In short all U,
tylai ia Ik saarksL Wa dssirs Uu
bee one knows te every pereoa Is tk, j
witk aur saw sad stock
OOOUS, th ladlea ran all he suited H
dropping In aad galling s aiee dress
lees sett, kid gloves or ky doing that.
better t giro hers weU.lllad pti,atid
lad good and paying iaveatmeata Ii n,
arles, edgings, Tlbbou, glovss, kuitrr,
other keaseiiald aacessitko.
And I a additloa le what w kaT
enuni ated, wa keep all kinds af CEnJ
nc-a a. ev a. a ii lack ii cloths, CMial
SaUistti, list. BoeU and Shoes, ie.
. . . u . V 1 ,'1 BU ' U U LUUM
tor Urn and Dots. .e.r..i...J ... .1 ,i
bell awt.rl.L which wi will Mil fr r
icbseg for eetmtry prodas at pricM
ill astoDish svrybody.
e mrm aew largely angsgea la Mvu
s.niag euiiAst nnHEH and
land LIMBER, aad aill giv. this bru,.
bsini special alteutioa, aid therefor, a
as vuiavxja, ld aawrv dub H a.una & 1.
coma aad deal with a.
Wi shall ilea keep lonstantly ca ku
eeneral aaaortneat mt f:Dfirrair
iagly loer prieea. Wi ils kp a rail u
meat of QrEENMY ARE. TLis drsana..
am be kepi fall aad aemFlrte, aad all i
aoatemDlata koneekeanlne will S.J ti ,i
aavaatagi le oome aad trad with as; Way
wa an a situated, and, from long einaruin.
the bosineis, ia w.ll acqaaialed aith Ik tar
aad aeeesslUei a this eemaieiuty, tbile.k,
astltCed II iviry ms a woeasa aad child ar
maki It a point t kuy their goods froaj u,a
eaa plealt them both aa ta qaalily aad ptia.
Therefore, acres aioag aad hay year
CLOTH ISO, aad everything yoa aaed bra.
der yeureelves aid families lomforUbla, ha
TUB anderigaed, hariag determined Is f
pov of bis properly, oflcrs for sale aae oi ts.
aioat desirable fanna in Laurence teweabip. am
nted wilbia two mile of the borongb ef llesiira,
Tba tract eoataias lit aerea. It of as irk
cleared and ander a good state feultivatm.aat
having thereoa n dwelling boner, bank bars, sues
spring boose, aad all other nereseary oulbaildissl;
U'gelher with a fin orchard of excellent spew
aai peaches. Itwill be held far sale antil Ike ant
of M.t. .L. if n.rf il milt h. m.1
- dyTerms eavv. For further particulars sd
dreas the subscriber, ar call froaal!y al ta
premise, near Clearfield.
Farm for Sale!
THE andersigned offers at PRIVATE BALI
the following described Real Estate:
A certain Farm, sitaat ia Moatgomery tee,
ship, Indiana county, Pa-, 8va miles tisa th
Sasqaehanaa Rirer,
W11 timbered witk hemlock aad pine. Ta im
provements are a good dwelliag koaee and ears,
A yoang erebanl and never-failing iprin ef vs.
ter on th premises. Th land is andcriaid with
a vein af good coal.
f9-Ttt farther particular! apple t lb sab
acriocr. DAVID A. Bl tUANAN.
Jani.Jia Cask P. Oa Clareld eaaaty, Ps,
Fnrm for Snlc!
Til E snbecriker, being deairens of goiag west,
will aell his FARM, silaata oa Ik wssl rid
ot th raaqnehanna Ilivr, ahont Ir mile ftem
Clearfield, CONTAIN1NU 3 ACRES ef good
tillable land 11 acre af which are cleared aad
ia a klgb state el vullivattoa. There Is erected
oa the pier a Frame llvase, wilh a kitchen aad
ether owrnailtliegs. aad a good well of water under
roof. It will be sold at a bargaia for lark, or Ihw
terms will be msde to suit the parehaser. Poose
sioa giren at any time. For further particular!
eall apea lb premise ar address
March 1(1, Clearfield, Pa.
WHERE will be sold at Public 8.le. at the real
X denee of the euleieribcr, in 1 ..wren re township,
aa FRIDAY. JIARt'll Juk. IMS. Ihlfcllewiag
percnel property t Two horees, an yearling celt,
on milk sow, ana two-veer -aid steer, see two
horse, on dearborn wagon, on baggy,
an lrigh, twin sleds, plows, harrow, cultivator,
faaning mill, enttlng bus, two griuilstone. hay
by the ton, ears fodder, rye straw by the baadir,
short atraw, core in the eer, cats, rye aad potatoes
by th tiurUet, ihaiaa. horse geva, saddle aad
bridle, hlitrn!o ei,be, grain cradle and errlhe, a
large mrlol bell, iron kettle, a lot af seasoned
hailding lumher, nnd sam 18 inek sbinglrs.
Also, the following articles af household feral
lure: Twa rook tag stoves, sua Ha plale atove,
bed aad hed ling, chairs, and many otheeatklct
too nnwieroua to nirnlien.
Sale le commence at I o'clock, a. ta., of said
day, whan the conditions ei'l be mads known by
Lawrraoa tp , aiarrh Id. I t.
la Leery ' Kaw Bunding, (fotmarly accepiod he
Mr. Rote,)
CON5TASTI.T oa kand n fine selection of CAK
MKs, Ki;vs, nuAkS ToriArro, Ae.
Also, 11IESU OYSTKHS teeelred dnllv. aad
served np to suit the tastes of customer.
.IIILLI AR1 NA1,(rnlon seeeedvtory,
dec 10 if DAVID MetiAl aUST.
VVAI.r ABLE PROPERTY in the village of
Lalberet.arg. Clrnrfield county, Pa.ewn.lel-
"'S t Iwn Town 11. a targe frame Dwelling
llou... li be M. nail wlit, n.. .
having all lb nesrasarv ealbiildinga, each as
I Si.hl. l-ual and W.,A ai.. vai
, , d 11 goM bearing Apnl Tree. All
af which will be so'd ry low l, .,h. or aa
,,rulSlosnittlleareaBe P.irpartlcnlarsapply
to Ibl lubscriUt re.,Ui-g th. "
n-'IrooJe .a
-i ..rvmin iwvi, .
Istkarakarg, March I, ISTS-tm, .