THE KKrUIJI.K'A. CLEARFIKL!', I'a. WFPNKSPAV HdllMX". MARCH in. i;n Winter n.'l not Init ferfVrr, (i.riti will m'ii cnif forth ftgtio, An. I with fl'.wert of rvrrv color. Heck Ihe bill.tdr dinl ihr pliiin. Limit., will mmiii in lie .porting, Uiriit rc-ei'lio from ceiU tree : Wiiilm ' riiai ! iti ilatt arc en.lril, Wc ere Imppv, we mi' fi n' ! llnljtr ml In will mnn he budding, rWn with leave, he covered o'er( Winter ratiiiot lart forever, Brighter davt are vet in ttoro. Sorrow! will nut lal forever, llngolcr unvt will cume nirein, Joy our every grief Micoecduig, A tlieimi.liinc ifllT win, A. thr mow end ice winlrr Mi ll m lb" riroi'l "f 'pfing, Fo will our can 0,1,1 trial, Juv, and peace, mid comfort bring, Win n tin heart it red nd droopinj. Think, llniuph yon lie vexed tore, Sorrow, rniuiut but furcicr, llriglittT day arc vet in it ore! Sunday, After Dinner- We talto tlio following from llio New CiiHtle tiazette and democrat, mid commend il to tlio liivorr.blo con sideration of ult. It U a Iruo pen pic ture of every community : SI any a mechanic finishes liis Sun lttv dinner uitli tail, ".nd feeling. lie hurl lind a dinner hi homo villi hiit loved ones a dinner that be halt paid lor. But a lot of thought will bother him n he eillier rHttiU out to walk wilh Iris children, Unit nro the dear, vu'cct pledge of his and their moth er's love, or lies clown on a lotnij'e to feel himseira child again In the sweet compunionsliip of tlioso ho does so much love. lie couldn't get liis pay last night from F0 many customers that should have paid their bills but didn't ! lie had bills to pay. - ; And he paid tlietu. Jim how P By borrowing money. And why f Because thnfte who owed him and tould but would not pay! Ho went to his customer on Satur day ulternonn wilh a bill, maybe of 1.00. And it wan'l paid. Then he went to another wilh a bill of$G.5L, and to anoihur with one for $10.00, n n J to so.iio one for a bill of only $I U0. . , . , . - -Ho needed 820. ' . . .1 'i And ho iit t'-i. Then ho hud to borrow $17. lint, if ho had been paid bis dues he would Imvo had $7.50 to lay away. - Now be is in debt ( but lie does not feel liiiiintdf so; bee.niM liii debtors owe lit hi so niucli more 'iian bu Owes liis creditors. Knt why didn't his customers pay him yesterday ? He had been to church to day ; and, on liis wny, ho met one of them who carries a jjnld headed cane and very x pt-iisi io lur. Ilo met unother who hired a very fine livery r:r- Antl one who was out showing one of the finest suits ilinl could bo bought . in town. ; : i . And one that hud a $00 proonbnelt and was liunlinj; lur tome one to play a ff.itno of poker. Then our mechanic went to church and Kitt down beside bis customer that owed him $4. (HI. Ilo said be hadn't U on Saturday afternoon when the mechanic needed it. After tlio" ser mon the pitslor requested a subscrip tion to a very worthy object. The niecliAnio bent his head to tlio pew before him, put up a very carncxt tliotifjh silent prayer to him who seclh in secret, for tlio object of the -subscription, and then modvstly wrote Jown on the subscription paper Canh ...... paid 10c His customer wrote mi.l tlO.OO . As ho sat there he taw, the admired of nil tlio church. gninjj admirers, the family ol the man that could not puy him $0.50 on Saturday; and ns he went out of the church yard to the pavement, ho wtm very rmlily told to "stand aido" by tho driver of that man's carriage that could not pay him lio $10. And as tut moved out of the wnv, be beard the remark, IIow lib v nil is Mr. (tho man that could not pay $1 that lie owed; he gavo $5 to day." . ' The poor mechanic thinks that il more of that money hud been used to pay Inmost debts, instead of making demonstrations and display, he could ' have more cunfiiletire both in the hon esty and piety of those who make so much display of both. Tho mechanic, that Sunday after noon, was wakened out of his sleep by (he child of n laboring nun, across tho street. They were In want. Kat her bad worked what ho could , during tlio week ; tint Didn't git hi puy 1 Tlio man that owed tho mechniiic fl. and gavo tbn cliurcu $5, owed tbe laboring man $4 ! As tho laborer and tho mechanic went to hi in in the evening for reliel fur the former, be wns at. wnrbip witli his family, and they beard biiu pray "Do thou bless tho poor and the needy, tho sick and afflicted ; feed the hvntry and clothe, the naked." And as the two went uwny they said "If such would pay their debts, llicrn would bo no hungry to fed and naked to clothe." 1'kanki.i.m Ouidodk. lin tun e wrote : -Hen. Frank- "Hp wlin Iit the filow would thrirp, Mnr-t tlinmll cither h'd j nt drive." Tbeso wens very popular at the time when men wore knt-e-breethts and long cues, and wailed months lor the mails but some person bnseclipscd them by bringing out tho following: 'Itr wlm Wt hit kit wm-ld rlw, Mutt cither butt or Mterttt." In general terms, tbe more a woman liason, the worse she looks. Of coarse we do not lileun that the less slio bus on tho belief, simo this would be indorsing the prernt undo fashion What wo mean is, ilm gulden mcun simplicity, combined will- fiiness and taste. A Vau ablk JoKr. Senator Ney carries in bis poc ket book a note (mm tlio late IVcsiilent Lincoln, wtillen in penc il on tho fly-leaf of a book, which rnns as follows: lenr (ienptal: Conic lip tonight and swap jukes. Lincoln." A New Orleans woman used kern, sene to kindlo the fire n iih. mid n'iw she is gone whern the ijinpe-tiiie riin.tteth. and her hnhntl i l,,i L;,, v for a woman just ber size to wear out' bar calico drenaea, etc.. j Encitin? Rwo Brtwern ft Drove, of Elk anil & Railroad Irani. The pnrngnrs on tbe train h-nviitg Ibis city lor Cherokee on an Iohii Fulls and Sionx i:ily railroad were nlv soeetators but titirticiranls in one of tho most exc iting rac es that bits como willnii tlio rangu oi nu peiienco. One inortiing, when between Lur . .t n.r.,lrii the train in round- liinn iiku v.- ing a curve thundered down on a drove of fourteen large, nut grown cllc, which were iinietly browsing on the open prairio about fifty yard west t. ihu track. Slartled thus suddenly from their quietude they immediate, ly started oil' on a full run, no doubt expecting to distance the frightful and fiery monster Hint had so suddenly ilmm while tbcv wore eating their morning meal. Forward dashed tho elk, wlnlo cioseiy ioiiow ing in their wake came tlio fiery lo comotive and attendant cars. Kvery person on board the train immediule-u- -Im.,I to tin. windows and the libit- lorms nnd became excited participants tntlieraco. Al Itrsi inu em Ku...vv on the train, but engineer Fix-scott, iisclodisluntslcum, let on a littlo more of the hitler, and the engino again commenced to gutn. Occasionally tho elk would sheer to ward tho track with the seeming in- toniinn if f-rnasinc it : bllt a "tOOt" from tho locomotive's whistlo would deter them from their purpemo. 1 lie race continued for nbout six miles over the level prairio. Tlio train com ing to down grade gained rapidly on lite affrighted elk. liocoming satis fied that Ittrlher attempts to distance the never tiring pursuer would be use less, they sheered off into tho open ...... i,.n t.fiftr Ittii-iior knot tlio leud for I . . . . i . . , upward of six mile. Sioux City i imes. Certain Signs. When tlio roosters aro observed before daylito in the morning soroing amung the klotnls, and uttering lumen tutions, then look out for some sucLJen weather and a novcro pucker in the money market. When yu sco 13 geese walking It. inn lilo and toeinir in, you can deliberately bet yiiro last surviving dollur on u hard winter and a great tliiclioiibncss during tho next season in the price of cowlndo boots. If pigs sijneiil in tho nite, and grass hoppers como oidi ov their roost und minglo in a free fight, you may hope lor bigli winds in a tow wet kit, and also the typuj fever in yure nabor hood. When spiders arc seen climbing up tlio wall backwards, linu Irogs cougli us if they bud the bicttps, look out lor r.tin. This r. also a utro iin that children will havo tho measles light. II bees bang around theirhives, and mules are seen in a brown study, a storm of some kind is cooking, and yu will notiss the market for herring is very etidavcrous and chill. Just before a heavy sno storm, of 3 feet deep, cliitublv swallows uro un common skursc, und in tho moral world thcro i a grate lar.yness in the agvliisbiin ol tho temperance question . When lions lay 2 eggs a day, and men ceaso to brangatid wiinniin cease to cackklc, then Injun summer draws ni, ii nd the Milleiiinni ain't fur Uih J-rumJoth liillinij Almanac. r.KPANC v. A lew days since, a newly. wedded couple from the interior of tlio Slate, arrived at the Iiuriioll House, and look apartments fur the night at that well ordered hotel. The rooms, tbe corridors, and marble floor gorgeous drawing room and well t oread tablo of tho hotel drew from siicm tho most i'tgenioug remarks of surprtso. In the evening they visited the Opera IIouso, and wcro so aston ished by its magnificence that even Mrs. Waller's wonderful impersona tion of "Meg Merriles" almost failed to interest them. Nothing more was thought of the vcrdunt pair till about one o'clock in tho morning, at which time the boot-black of tho llurnett House, in making his customary rounds, observed tho Benedict sented in the ball near the door of bis room Hi, toiivr-ll MsLed the rtolisber of the iindet'staiidinirs il he was tho clerk. lieceiving a negative answer, ho in formed tho boot blac k that he should like to see the individual. In a few moments the atU nlivo ollii o man was at his side, and politely asked what be wanted. "Couldn't yon make mca bed in the parlor; cried tho tlisconsulnlo indi vidual. "In the purlin-!"' echoed the clerk ; "I m alratd not." "Well, Id like to htivo ono spread down some where." "Why don't you go to bid in your own room ?'' asked the clerk. "I don't like to," said the bashful young man. "Why, what is the mat ter," continued the clerk, "has your wile turned you out of your room J" "Nn, no," srfid he, drawlinir, "but vou see 1 have never been iiiurricd before, and so 1 don t much hko to go in, par ticularly in a stiungo place." Oh, go right in," said tho clerk; "Sho won't think it wrong." Here the door of the room opened about an inch, and through tho aper ture citnio a voico cnaxingly saying: "Do como in, John, I w on't hurt you. I knuw'd they would think strange ol your Handing out there. Como in, now, won't yerf I buve Mowed out the gas und it's ull dark in bore." Tho odor of the room assured the clerk that die hud, indeed, "blown out tho gu," so, pushing open tlio door, bo stopped the flow, raised tho win dow and returned to I bo bull to per suade Ihu vcrdunt husband to letire wilh his wile. All nrgtimenls were fruitless, however, and bo was com pelled In assign the simple, individual a separate room from that bin n ifc was in that night. Cincinnati Com mercial. pnn Piatt tells this story : I was walking along K street tho other day, when v e met a gentleman in nn un buttoned frock coat and ill-fill ing pan talooim, wnfo his stovo pipe hat well dow n on liis head, and walked illi bis ungloved hands clasped in the small of his luc k. Sly iiicnd is a strunger to Washington, and ilk the nUivu described approached, I Raid. "Look nl this man, and tell mo what you think ol him." My friend looked steadily into tho dull, glnr.ed eyes and common plat e countenance beliiro us, and, alter It had passed, remarked: "What of biiu " "Oh! nothing only 1 wished your opinion, as you arc a shrewd observer, and have seen A good deal of humanity." "Well, I must say I don't see anything remarkable in your Iiicnd W ho is he?" "I' lya ses S Grant, President of the foiled Slates." "The devil." Til leaves of llio fiiroat tniw.l.n.t l,r the nittumn freuji, ro like our jciye aecm linlitt'nt ttlion ilcpartini'. 5ft:mluarf, tTlnirarf, (f it. M KitHKLL & BIG LEU, PtAI.RHI 111 II A It I W A U , Alco, KUnurnftiiromof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware., I'A. 4 LOT OK SADDLES. IllilDLF.S, ik .i Ilsrttcii, Collar, ttt , for ! tr MKKllEl.b A ni'il.FR. pALMKU S I'A'' KN'T UNLOAI)'- ln( IIJf Forkl, for ul by i MEKItKLL t BII.F.U. qIlTI'Tin T,r u tt yTlass, Ktitt, tic, for tilt lij MERHKI.L nlOLEU. JjTlV.N KSS TIUM Ml NCiS i SHOT; Finding!, fur lalt by .t r.ifii.KH. UNS, I'lSTOLS.SWOKD CAXF.S For lalt bj MIT. REM. B10I.EK. fTOVES, OF ALL SOIITS AND Elict, for ul j MERRELI, i BIGLER. JHOX: IliO.N! I1JON1 IKON! For ttlt hj MERRELL t ftlOI.KR. J01SE SHOES Si HORSE SHOE KAIL8, for tilt bj MERRELL BIGLER. pi'LLKY CLOCKS, ALL SIZES And Wit Muufftetoro, for tile bw MERRELI, A BIGI.ER- rpUIMBLE SKEINS AND T1PE BOXES, for tiltbj MERRELL 4 BIGI-EU. JODDEIt CL'TTEUS for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAVSI SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I . itEVOLiTio.r f.v s.ttrst EMERSON'S PATENT PEBFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OI .MM1NIJ AVOIDEU.) A L0, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For SprMtdlof. Sbtrpinlnir. asl Miipiof tht Tttib of all Splitting Siwi. Vft.SDd for a Detrriptlvi Ctrrulir ind Prirs Litt. MEHKELL A BIUI.F.R, Jo If Ocntrtl Aftntl, Cleirteid, Ps G. S. FLEGAL, iKAura t 1 - STOVES AD HOLLOW-M ARE, AND M Alt t'F ACT t' RElt OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, riilllpubur. Centre row. Pa rilHR ndrlnd wpertfullf annrqncM t 1 ih poblle that h on hn4 ft cr fiitly if lctJ n4 w11 nur4 aiock of 6tv. Hit Titjr eiBUU of THE CELEBHATED IRONSIDES, Whicli hftvt 9rt fslUd to f Iv ptrfcH tiun to tht motl fattidiovt of lu parrbftMrit Covtlnentat, Lehlth, Trmv, Darllichf. Rpoart' Anti-Lgtt, tiir. Charm, lUtalJ. 4o- vltb 9ttj tariiy of Ibt bel PUtibarg Maoufjctar. l,Th Tin ind Fhftt Iron wort fiven with tha Hotvo ( wad of tbo oaovt mt4 bcM matfrial, and warranted to git 4 ptrUel aalii fact t oa. Hit uck uf TAULOn AND HEATING STCVW 1$ Uritar, fr and rhanr tfa tver hftcr tbibiird to tha pubho. Jit dtftri Ciipatitioa nbtria Taritiy, quality or rle. Ha ti alan f wparad to far n iih oompleto aiaortmenl of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wfcoltnlo or retail, warmfrttiM(l oenlly and with tbo aola vtow to aorvieo, fru tb be it isa torial Id tba aarkak PLOWS, TLOW rntST. A TftPrER, CHAS! AND IKON KKTTLKS, Of orcro dfrrriptloa aoafUctly tt band. .LinUlNIXO ROUS, nperfor poiat, pot i rhftrt nMlee. The Point bo uffer to tha ullle t tha tm at It aw aaed hy tht I'or.opjrlraoio Hail road Co., oa ihcir baildiagt. OliOERr KuU srouTiNn, RooriNii And other work nelnnclnc to hit bstlnep will h prompt 1 flllfd b experienrod aad ttUIUttl workmen. r.RAS, Oiri'ER A SI) OLD METTLE Tiktn i. -hing fur goodi. Allti ttnerti!l InTttM thi t'tcntlftn f Mrrtiintt wishing to parrtii"! it wkulMl, n try ill Hn4 II t t htlr ftilTantic tn lltnuni til Hack bvfura url.aiiD ilMwhtrt.' II, B. ILH.CIAI.. Phillptbarg, Aag. t, Ut. J)3llf7 FAIRBANKS' PTANPAllD SCALES. "tM-- or At t, atint IH;1 Iiartxs Warrli.iBfe Trwk. Cop ing rrcaecu, Imprvrrd lionrv f rawer, de. MKKRKLL i DIG LEU, Ir4ler In narrtvrartt' ( je"0 If tM-cnnd Hlm-t. CUarfield, Pa. -01 MY )X lUMlK? HAVINU nrr4tnel th erflf tttrk of foHi at the old aund f Kirk rr, lutt-iMi to renrmne (he btjiitee a Mt tn(to i lo veil "f nrir roa n.,f iir our frlendt and eu" for patt petronnice, 1 anlicit a ennlinuane of tbe tame. LsAAC WIKb'. Lumbar City, rVj.t II 4f a uintturf. C'liru, Fiiriilturi-. JOHN CUMfll n CSI RES 10 inform till clil Mentt to 4 eu li niort, tint bttlrig anlargtrl hit thiip ant li.rraltrtl hit fhclllHri fur ininaliu-lurlng. hi Ii eow prrpartd to mi tour.trr tunlt r'urnlluro it onvlit dtttrcit, In r"t ll "J ratal lorPAHII. !! gnlly kl on htnj, at bit Kurnlluro roorat, a rarltd a-tortmont of raadjr. aiada furiilura, among whic-b ara WHEAL'S ASP SIDE-tlOA 111)3. !took-Cii; Cfnlra. Bofa, Parlor, llMlkfMt and Dining Kutaiiion T.l.lni turn mon. Frrnrh r"t,.('""lll'"''',''"'J' '" '" Htdr(.a.lll rfi of iJ, 'b Hand", Hat raoll, W athtimdit ll. in( and Arm t'hairll tprlng toat, rana linll.ira, pnrlur, ram mooandothrt:iialrai l.ooHog UIttM nrorarj doarriptlon on band i and n glawi f,,r old trMOM, which will ba put In on fry Mrati on thoruit notion. Ha alto baopi un band or furnlthoi to ardor, Uorq-buik, Hl nd Cotton-lop Mmitriilit. Coffin or Every Kind Midi to order, ind fnncratl altandid with llaarti wbtnaverdrtlrrd. Alto. Hni Painting dona lo Tba aubaortbor alto roanulio. tnrti, ard bi ronttaniljr on band, Clouiont'i Patent Wathing Machine, tba beat no tn ote! ihoia uilng thit wai'hino never tiled bo wiih aot okan rlmhtl! Ha alto hal flyir't Patint Churn, a mperinr artirlo. A tatnil; u.iog tbit Cbum notor naad ba vltbout bolttr I All tba abort and many vtbar arllelai ara fur nlthad to euttomart rbtap for Cain or ixrhangtd for approved taantry prvAuta. ' Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Liowood and otlar Lumbar luitabla for Cabinet work, take a to xebange or furnitu-i p-Frmrinbor tbo rhop ti on Mirker itrett, Cloarllold, l'a., and nnarly oppoiite ihe"Old Jtw 8te." JUUN Ol'UL'U, November 3ft, IMS y UsrrUafott3. H..F. NAUGLE, tKHk AI) WATCH MAKER, OProilTl Till rt'-W-J, UAIUtET ITIiKET POST OFFICE ffil it 'tov CLEARFIELD j ITR tab'cribfr rerperttully Informf hU old patrom and 4ht ftltP ftef-llj. that fat bai oa band, (and it constantly receiving utw atiditiona tiioroto.) largo aUok of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, r-fr I ketp Jtwttry la !l ill formt dJ of diflerent rataet, aitbtt bj the pieta or tot. WATCUKft A full araortnont of tit bar Gold or Silver, tnado by tbo beat Anerieaa and fur tljrn nanufoeiartrt. including a Una lot of gold nd rilrer bunting eato. (ull jeweled, Paitol Levari. f ' . v ' CLOCKS Of all denlfrnt, rtntitttng of eitht da and thlrtv-hoor, of either weight tpriog or levari, and both rrika aad alarm. REPAItt.NO. All kindi of Watch and Clocks Hepaired, and warranted. Tn addition to what T have enumerated. Ik tea i full aiporttpenl of M'K'T ACLKH, enlnred ana plain gUtt. lfo. QOI.n PKNSand PBNCILh. HPUONS, F0KKS Bl lTKIt KNIVES and ia fact everything in ih Jowelry line. If 1 fail d htvt on bind just what a euitomer nay weed, I will order er flrtt oipretf, wlthnot eatra chtrpe A liberal Rharo of ptohUo ftttrontgr it enltrtted. ftlaj 7. J 11. F. NAl'ULB. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS J. STATlOXF.nY. Market ft., 4 Irarllrld. fat Hi PwrtOITic-r) flHK underirned here kave ta announre to the rttitem of Clearfield and vietntly, that be bat flitrd up a room and hai jutt returnel from the elly wl'h ft larie amount ef readinf matter, ton.ittlnt in part ut Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Diana, Aeroaat and Pmm Bo.kt of every da trriptlfn t Paper and fcnvrlnpet, Frinrb pretttd and plaint Pent and Pe.rtltl fllank, Leitil Ppert, Deedt, Mortcana Jadatnent, Rlraia tlol and J'romilAory n.tei i White and I'arra. men! Itrtet, L-ral Cap. Ilerord Cap. and Bill ftp. Hheet, Matla fur attber I'laoo, r'lnte or Viuha eonttintlv on band. Any bowkl or etatloeerj dttired that t may not have oa hand, will be or. ordrred by ttrrt eipretl, and fild at trhoUta'c er retail in tail enttomera. I will alio kap periodical lltarature, inch at Maxatlnet. Neei. pepert, . P. A. UAULIX. Cl-arlirld Miy T, t'ltn-lf JKW BTOKK AXDXEW UOOLS. JOS. SHAW & SON Hire juit opened a Xcir Broki, on Main St.,Ci.iirit.LD, Ta., latelr occurii.J by Wo. F. 1RVVIX. Their lock contiiU'of CaortfH nt tbe beat quality, QuF.t.vbWAiiE, Hoots and Shoe?, and every article neceaearT for one' oomfort. Call and enmine oar itork before fur ct.ntine eNtwtiere. May 0. IM-lf. COLLINS A COa AWARDED tha PRIZE M K.DAL At the PARIS I.XPOSITIO.t WarrnntFil to ''Scour'' or rlonn thrmHHea In the atlrkleat Sotla. Thejr Draw LUhtrr thnn any othrr flow ruttinf aaaie Used jr'Brrow. The Sharea are eaallr aharp. rnerl, being made of good Caat Steel. rirralara .iTltta; fmll Bartiealaf aeal Im avll ahl aply la COLLINS & CO., 212 WATER ST HEW TORg. IrUiiiAry V, 1,0 I'm. if. RrarnT p. toiso IlUItEUT k YOUaNO, Slono( ullf rs & Slonc-Mnsons, 11 ILL eaeeoteall work In ilielr lino at tw4 f 1 ornlo pncri and In k 1HT i LAS itjl Architficturol Ornaraentfl Tn ALL fTVI.C, Fiona Preeln( of erert dewrripilea, and all kfn'1 of niumn mrk oin irartftl fur in nroutof the iManf?. Ant pefioi inhtnt in have renp-rtuMe uinn wi rh aad I '(nr rullinff dop. will find it In Ihcir iatrrrf in ran upon vi Ho would aha Inform itie pub lie that we ran deliver any quaui.t y or Hal af looe deiired, at wa aro the owoen of F1KST-CLASS STONE Ql'JinnY. frder for work can be addretted i.tber te Ctrerltrld or Lathenbnrr. arititf in nnriT a yoi nh. TAVI-OU'S LIME AND COAL YARD, tNeartbe iLailmtd lJrM,t.) I I. Kill I-III l. riAN'A. IFMnmrr; M mttlmd of inforn H the politic, that 1 have opened op a vara fnr the nie of wimmI r rnnl-hnrnt I.I M Kami Atbni-ilc CtlAI.. In lite hnroui-h nf 4'lctfflnld, a t bte onn-plctc arratiecra.'i,tB with etcrn dc.lcr bv which I can keep a fiilleiplymnlantlv n hied, which will be dMpi.M-d ol at rcefioaMe ntc. I.) ihr Inn, bo'licl or car load, mil pu ha-cri. Th..e al a dittiiirc ran ad.lre-t me by I. ler. and obtain all nccettary tnfonitaticn bv rcln-i IAit, II. B. TA1 Milt, riearficld, Pa, Feb. II, lli-tf SMALL PROFITS! (tilt h SVLtS! iiartswick & iimix Aro oon;antly reiWiiliinn their atoek of tmff. Medinncs, do Pt-hool LVml ard f Utinery ineludinc UieC Rood and JiatinnnJ ferira of Header. Alao. Toltacfo and Cigar of the bent t'and, at the lowrt prire. i call Af n n& ft T.Vfatiijil ,fouiuhit nud U.ultlnf . hop. . r. nnvaroa ...nirt. a. vot ao ' BOYNTON 1 YOUNG, FOUNDERS Si MACHINISTS Xlunur.icttirert of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Caruor of fourth and Pine Fired I, CI.KAItl ir.II), fA. .., T7 4 ' 1 - H TTAVISO enfl In tbe mitnufactore of flrtt-Xi- cImi MACIIIXEItY,ireri.peotfully inform the public that we are now rirepared to fill all ordori at cheaply and ai prouipllyat oan be done in any or the cltica. Wo manunielara and deal In Mulaj and Circular Saw-Millg, , Hi-ad Dloclli, Water Wbccli, Shaftinj Pullryt, OitTurU't Injector, R(eum Hio?n, Hlim Wbiillot, Oilern, Tallow Copt, Oil Cupa, Hor Corka, Air Cookt, lilola) Vtlrn, Check Volrci, wrU((bt Iron Plin, Klcam Pom.t, Boiler Feed Pumpi, Anti Frictiori MetKl, Sonp Stom Packibfi. (itua Pack Inr, and all kindi of MILL W0KK; togetber with Plowt, Slcid Eoloi, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad other CASTINGS of all kind. $ -y-Ordon loliritcd anil filled at city prion. All letter! of inquiry with rtifaronee ta aueliioery four niantifiietiire prompt lyantwered, byaddret iar at Clearfield, I'a. doc 10 if nov.VToX k VOUXtl Ianiufl stills. CI. !,. Reed, ,N0TICE.w.V Powell. J. F. Wearer, DitU. c;. jj. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rytlE proprietor! ropectfally inform tbeeiti aeni X of Clearfield county, that tbey bar entirely relllea thii eetalilithiwcnl with the latett improved wood woncinj aiarhmery, and ara now prepared to eiecute all ordera In their line of baaineia. They will (five erpecial attention to the manafae- lore ol ataterial tur borne building, rurb ai FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, sash, doors, bunds, ait.icti.Ers .JtorLiH.rcs, OF ALL STYLES, Wc alwovi have oa baad a lr-e Hock of DRY Ll'MItKn.and will payeatk for all elear Lamber. One end a half Inch panel Huff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to nil euttotnera. X-B.0r.lrri l..icitcl, and LunWr famiihed en thorl notice and oa rcatouaMe lerma. O. L. RUED A CO. Cicardeld, Xov. J, IU7. K. B. PiTToa.. K. A. lnvia.... ...Jona Pattoi, R..J. K. laain. E. B. PATTON & CO., Hanoi Itted up a frit -clan PLANING MILL Are prrj.areJ to fan, iih all kindi of Manufactured Lumber, aca aa Flooring. Sidin? Surface-rrf?ied Lum ber. Bath, Doon, Blinds. And tvurj dricriptioD of PT. ATM A VT. r AlinV MnTTTTKrt. tfr ht hUn will find it to their adrantaa to Conult our prieea beffrr parrhainff eleewhero. Addre, K. li. PATToN A K, Curwenvrtlle. Pet. S, ISftS If Clrarfleld rouoty. l'a. tTIothing. How fo Nave 5Ioiiey. TIIF timei ara hard; y-u'd like to kaaw How you any eave your dollara Tha way to dn it I will ahow, ITyua will read what follows. A man who litad not far frnai hero, Whn worked hard at hii trade, B bad a hoavehnld to auppnrt Tbat auuanderod alt ho made. I met him onro. 8iyi ha, ''My friend. I lok threid hear and rou(h I've tried la get myalf a euit. But ean't ura up enough." Par T, my friend, hnw mark ha yeo f i'H tell ynu where tn go To pel a triat' iond and cheap t To HKUkNSlKlN A Co. Ilo took what little be had aared, And went te Keltrntiein A 11 rot hen', And there hi got a hanritntne tult, for half he paid to others. Now ha Ii home, he .nnka ao wall, And their e fleet ii iurht That when they take (Jtetr doll w meal. They don't eat half u jnuch. And niw he flnde on SainrHay atght, iih all their want luppiied. That ha ha mnney left lo ipend, And tout to lay aside. I1t good eoeee!. with fheerful amile, He rladly trite to all, If you'd cave money, go and buy Your rln'e at tRlKI..rilKlN'9 CLOTIUSa HALL, Whera tha ehe.arat flnort and het Clothina ! and good Purnihtnt.oodi faa ba had to tat. , Tery tnte and in oeery sttla aprt I, IT , ' i Miss E. A. P. Ryndcr, Aoaar roa Chirk or In'. Stein w) 's and reron's Pianos; bmtth', Moa A l.imtin's and Pelouhei'a Organ and Melodroni, and tirorer At Paker's Fewing Machine, ai.xt TSArRaa or Piano, (lutfar. Orpin, Harmony and Voeal iMa aio. No pupil token fr ler thnn half a term, fftreoM aeit dtor to First National llatik. t learftrld. May , l-'S tf. I TI 'FJ C'ORXTARI.r. e-FI'.?. We hare nrinted a larm number of the new ILK lULL, and mil on ilia imript of twentw Ireeenta, mail a ropy to anf ad'lia-, ai i?(t W'AM h.ll llllMKIII No. eighteen tneti I 11 rlllMiLLS, for whirh tha hif;hrt (.nra I will be ft.d. Vt AV1.K A UL11S. Cleart.14 Jala II, w ,f 1 V It K n O V A Id. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS , Market Street, (tear fie id, fa VTK )( Irovo to Inform our old and ie T T eaetnaieri. (bat wo havo rem need oar ot lnlMfhn)rot to tho iparioui new huittlinK juit errrie4 on Marked atret, nearly adjoining tha IMiDilan lltmio on tha went, and opposite Meier. (Jrahaai d 8nnt' alora, whiro wa respectfully f d vito tba pultlio ti coe and buj their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OtLS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our stock of Draft and Medlcloee eomicttof everything mod. leleatrd wUh tba greattit oan, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE I Wa alo keep a full etock nt Typ, rerfumerUa. Toilet arHrlet if . Toith R-oohen, Unir Itntehea. Whltewarh nmahe. and every other kind lirtifhei. H e bavo a largo lot of VUITE LEAD, TUKl'EXTIXE, Flaxveed 0i, Pnlnt. and In fact orery thing i aed tn tbe painting boilnei. which we afler at City prieea to eoib buyer. TOBACCO AND SEGAT.S, Confoctlcnory, Bplnea, and tbo (argent 'ttock of varietiei over offered tn thii nlsoe. and warrant ed to bo of the bait tba Market afford. J. . IUTWirK, Nut. 10, ISA. JOHN P. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWILL'B,) For all diieafiee Incident to Ilorioi, Cattle, and lluman Fleih, requiring tha vie el as a iter rial application. Thia Embruoation wae aiientirely vied by the (iovarnment during tbo war. imt aala by llaruoioh t Irwir, C leaf ft old. Jbivph H. Irwin, CnrwenivUlo. Daniel tiood lander. Luthereharr if C. KKATZER & SONS ARK R KCE I V IXO A SPLENDID STOC K OF CARPETS AND 01 L CLOTHS. WALL FArEKS-GILT PAPER, rf-o. LACE CCRTAIXS, WINDOW SHADF-S- COCNTERPAXE5 ASD QUILTS. LIS EX TACLE CLOTHS 4 NAPKINS LADI ES SILK COATS otOVEUSKlRTS. F.LEdAXT SHAWLS t LACE T0INTS LADIES' i- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED llATi. DRESS C0ODS ANDTRIMMINGS. DF"5T Kir) GLOVES -LADIES' 0ES. TLEMCN'S AXDCUILDUEN'8. CLACK ASD FANCY SILKS. FINE CLACK ALPACAS. CNEQl'ALt.F.D STOt'K LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .SHOES ft- OAlTEUS. MEN'S CALF tf FRENCH KIP BOOTS. HEAVVCALF HOOTS. ?5. M EN'S AND HOYS' FINE AND II EA V Y SHOES. CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP. CEST ST0N E TEA SETTS, GROCERIES. FLOUR & PROVISIONS AT LOH ESl' KA1 ES. i.i r.FJML DF.nucno.v to those BUY I NO IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARKFTINO AND COUNTRY TKODLVK WANTED. Clr.rC.I.I, Jane IK, ISM. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKSUl'H nr tttn.lin my hincM, and tm-winjt tln-re cno be no higher Iribatr i rr-vt in the nrmury itf the ttt-eaMrd and l-utiivl liirnd, thin lo r-rct ot-r tbrir narrow bmiir a M-nljiturtil Ijali nr rndnring aiarhle, tbnt Imin; fort.rr to the rrling plwo .f thote we ic; I l-g vv. c to my t all who wivh lo btw ihcir atlct-iiiin for tht ir dcparli-d frirB-U and kintKd. Ilial ihry now hnva au OjjKirlunilT f doing by railing at my Hbop un Taoiupt"0 arrd, Curwtnu. itle. Pa., u 1 au prepared to furnifb tn onirr, MONUMENTS, CRADLE & BOX TOM US, HEAD KTOXES, Ac, of nny dr-ijm or lite, at rrnont.M ratrr. N. Il. l kiep nn band (he beat Foreign and Domrttlr Marble. All wnrk executed ia the untt ikilllul mnnqcr. I will ato di-lirer work ki any point in t'karflrld or adjoining wnntirn, if dn.ire.1. WM. 11. t ULUl H.N. CurwrnMillr, Oct. 20, l8C9-lf. ralnls Tor Farmers and Others. fpilK tlmflon Mineral Taint CotnpAny are sow I mannlacturtng lha bent. rhea,rat and anest Uuiat'lo Paint in uiei two coat wel! (at oa, mil ed wilh pure 1 r.;-u Oil. will ,-nr 15 trnn: 11 p:;!il hn-wa or heamirul chelate elr. and can be rhanged to green. lend, atone, drab. tire or en-ant, tu mil the tjte ol the ee-nnumer. It ii raluaMe for It mine, lWn, Fmee. Carritge and Car maker. Taili and WmMlea ware. Agri Iiiiplrmenti, run a I liral. Vcel and hip' liitttoin. t'aavai. Metal and hhintte RtMtfa, (it being fire and water proof,) Plrxtr I'll Cloth, (uae manufariarrr having ared S.oo harrrl the pa fit year,! and a a paint for any purpose il on urpaffed fur bmlr, durability, elaplieit v and adlie irner. Prire, per barrel of ,100 ll., wliirh will upplT a farmer Inr year tnenme. Warranted in all eaftei a a intra, hend fr a rirrulur, uhirh give full parliulan. None renuine unlr brand cd in a tradte mark, t.r&itna Mineral Taint. Por eon cnu order tbe Paiui and rrmit the money oa rreeipl of goods. Ad tire. niDWELL A co not 10 8m l'4 Prarl Street New York. MOS1HNNOX LA N H AND Ll'MItl-ll COM IMNY oiler for eair Town ltn in thr bor wiiitU of t 'Persia, t'learflrld etmnty. Pa., and alo lot to euil purrhnaera oulido the limit of said tmrtioph. aTfed.i ii iluatel on tho Mnrhannon Crvk, in tlic rifbent portion of the minify ol t'learfii'l'l, on tha line of the Tyrone A Clearflelt) llailrtuitl, ulirre the Mofhftnnon and lteavertn hranrti road 1ntrrea.'t. It i alM in the h art ol ilia Mihaiinnn mal luiiin, and laga bodies ol bite pine. brUtliKk. oak, and .'liter liinler anr- rund il t'ne of the lMijret lumber n annl.wtur- inn estaWifhinenii in tiie Slate ia located in tbe town, while (here are mtny other lunilxr and ihlncle mill around it. The town is but aa -tn year old, and contains a population of ana tboa land inhnhilfinl. J&4-K'vt further information apply at the offior of the above rvmpauy. ivuy LAW Mlh. aprl4 Ftiprrintendmt. Democratic Almanac. riHltS InvnluaHle pal ltalion i fur ale at the 1 iat alueo. li huuld I in tlw hand of eT-ry I'fmorral. It ecmtain" full elertion return fnw erry einnty in tbe I nited Klafe; hemilr, the numlier fur lfl entiiili a roniplcle )ii at the ntnetf all (lie newspaper Mipprwed nd inoihed d,,r,r, ,',?rw,n ..; inai ht ini. "nra. n. namee ,. U wno were '"f"-; 'r'"I lt-ul. Thee, we liaiO fie fiit ura fvfefne-a.- ra tnrtla MtiitwA ttiatai Ihe priee o the puttliratinn. The number for lf(i(t t a!h lull or Tnliinble frtalinlim. Anyone sending iMI eenl tn the !! Matter, will reeei.e by return mail a ropy fr eaeh Tear, free of postage. (jrH.vtf Ijlvery Stable. Tilt; nitripne3 bee;i leave to the pat lie that he it now futlr r.r.-fnrtMl lo mvntnmo. date all tti the wavifiirnKhiaa llortea. Itnreiee. eailillea and Unmeet, on tha thorlett nolireand on reaw.nal.le termt. KetiUeneeon Loraat ttrert, belweea Third and FonHli. i.KO. W. OKAKIIAUT. "leartleld, Anrtl tt. ISf.7. 1V)H ml l-.-White lad. fine. Paint. reij "H. I nromiine, Vam.the. i.f all kindi, t.dort ta Oil and Drv I a'nt. Vavni.rr Hm.hea. Ill RT(VVICK A IHVl IN. flrittara and abdon Inal inH.rten af everv L Und oftha latett liroem.ele, f..r -ele a. 1., f,u Sajraof UARISW JC II (fw&t, trvrcrrrlra, fftr. .cw Store In Mulsonburg! In taa rooa fetmerlv owrjjiled bj P. T. Jt'firlJ. L. M. COUTRIET fpAKF8 thlf method of tnfonntng the tltlteni X of t'otington, Karihau. Oirurd and tha mr rvunding rminfnr, Ihnt he hu junt cpeoed a large iora ni pi MflMi wntrn he le 0l er mine.! to TK.V PKK CKNT CHRAPKK (ban the fame quality of tJoodi can be purchased for in any other itora In tha neighborbuwL Jlu itoek eoniiiti of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such ai Satlnetti, Canimerei, Muilini, Delainef. Linen, lOrillingi, Calieoei. Triutniiigi, KibhoBi, Lace. READV-MAPE CLOTHING. BO")TS 4 fcHOLS, IUTS A CAi'S. GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. ' CoCcr, Tea, Sa?r. Mice, alolatrtl, Fill, Salt, Linieed Oil, Fith Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Caltlnri, Plowt aa4 Plr Cawtiwaa, Katli, ftpikel, Cera Cultivator., Cider Preatei, and all kindi at Aiei. tan&;jr Plow, are ttt the CorwentvilU ana Centra eeuntv aiaka, and are warranted ta he of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Peris njery, Paint , Vami'b, Olaai, ami a general aMortmcnt of 6utionerj' GOOD FLO Ult, Of different brandt, alwavi on hand, and will ba told at tha lowrat potaible figurei. Liqions, Sock aa BRANDT, WIHE, OIS A WHIiKT ttlt aoundi af n'ool wanted for which tha hifbtit prion will he paid. CLOVER DEED, 0a hand and for tale at tba loweat asirket priaa. A lie, Afeat for Wilten'i Strattonvilla ) TIIBBSUINO MACHINES. teluCall and aeefor jonratlrei. Toa will Ind ecertluuig wiuallv kepi la a retail More. L. M. C01TRIET. Franrhville P. 0., Jan. T, IS6. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TTIE CHEAPEST f A Proclamation against High Prices! 1YrE are aow opening rip a lot of the beet and 1 ? moat aeaaonablo O'mda aad area rror offered in thii market, and at pricei that reaiiud one nf the rod old dai uf (htup thine. TJwme wno iAt a lann opoa inn foint. or aveta our al lo gin too i iacrua(jui, coetl but h.l .it on r HTonr, Corner Front and Market afreet, Where they ran aoe, fool, hear and know for them eelvea. To fully nadentartd what aro cheap rooda, thii BinM 1-e done. Wo do not deem it treccMary to enumerate and itimite our itoek. It la enoagh We have Everything that is Needed and eonruoied tn thia market, aad at pricei that aJTai'n ooin oia ana rtunjr d2 JOHKPII RflAW tt POX, NEW FJ.tU it,Fi:i:i A.XD TROVISION STORE, 'T'llE nndrnlrned have lint reeeired at their X new Hand in vt allacelvn. a fall lapplv of Eoar, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (at redaeed ratel,) A ifeod artlele af T0DACC0, HOARS AND 8M0KIN0 TOBACCO, eoattaatlv oa haad. All of which will he told at LOW RATES for CASH or 15 ivea in cirhaage (or KIIIXULKS and LIUBER. Wa reipeetfullv aik tha pablia ta (ire al a trial before parehaiing elaewhere. J. R. BEAD A CO ITallareton, April 1, 1SC9. EliWAUD PEUKS & CO., Flour Jlnniifncturer, And Dealer! ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PHILIP6DCR0, PA. Vrrr.L erppi.T af flovr, xvheat. CORN and CHOP oonitantl; oa band, and tur eale at rntee rrmarkahU lew, frbe-U Sew Mine and liquor Store. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, waoLtiiLB Mailt l WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET BT, CI EAFFIELD, PA. fX.PnTl stork of Wine, Brandy, Oia, WMifcy aad Alcohol, alwayi aa hand. Hpeeial attention pld to aoearing a para article fur Sacramental aad aiedteal purpoe. janSl-tf The Lightning Tamer. rpNK atidenicned ara Ihe sol Agent In tht rnvntv for the "North Anerieaa tlalranlted LjiiHlMNii RtlDS." Tlie are the oalrsafo rodi nnw ia na, aad ara adores d hj all the ariratiltO tnea in the euntry. Wi hereby nntiff the rilitens of tha eounty that w will put the ap a better md, and for lets money, than Is eharged by tha foreign agents who snnnally travereo lha aounty aad carry off our litlle rath, never to return. EXCOUKAfJE HOME LA BOH. Thoeo wishing Lightatnt Koda ere ted aa their baildirit need hut address us by lottsr, or rati in perron. We will put them p anywhere In the eounty, aad warrant then. Tha Red and I'iatures eaa ba seen at any nan by aMIing at ourtere. HKliHKLL A BlULhH. Clearfield, Jnn 11, lo'D t' NOTICE. VIA. pertonl ire herrby notified who have Iraird Hai.kinc Rround at or near tba month o. Vt hitnier mn on the .rMrlv of Umora, Dick, rv A Co., tbat all bark .av niu.t be paid ap he. fi re anv more rrnoeit ean be obtained. And all prrwini hankinc timber or b.rt nr any other lumber on the af..rrnii rimien.v, without er m "ion. will be held for tr."-.n.., or be ebnrce.1 Buy duller, per raft Tor laid (round. Application lor raid gn.iin.1 matt be made to W. H. Hirkev, Olen Hope, I'a. ' flliOOM, DICKEY A CO. fVpt. 1. 1tl.ra. n. It. rt'LLr.nTos.. . w. a. n.-rncnio XliW Fill 31. FULLEETON i"McrHIESON, EET ronMantlr oa t.Bd ami for amir, Freah HKEF, VEAL, MUTTON, Ac, aMb Vi.V, .1 .11 V ,-V.i.. i. Canned Frnili, llutler, Ijird, do, ntilch they will tell at Ihe lowetl atarkal prieea. t'a-h paid f..r CA1 TLB, HITTER, Ao. Room on Market Street, oppo.ite the Court llourt, t lrarltld. I'a. (May 1J, aa-tt T)l'!,!Nm. rtnwilicTi. nnbbellCDraTe'i I a Hooftand a Oarai.M lln.i.i,.-.-.-j i tuygenatad Riuera i alaa para Lio.i.ra, af all Iva purpnee.. rov eale 0 I1PIM1U K . 1RWIW, jrtfi W A"r.T-.lZrT"h. rndert.gned will ol It UK and HKKR SKINS. Hiv, ree n call i..eeme,i, W , j fc. RIJlEpFTEIJC. l.iUroidl. rEWSVLVAMA BAIL ROAD, TYROXK A CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON tei after Monday, APRIL M, ltf, , PilMiifrr Traini will rua d.ilr (..Jj frunttaTi) between Trrnno and Leek Hi tl one Faeeenger TraiB between Trront and CioJ. LKAVB fcOlTII. LEAVE .VOHTH. Clearfield 145, p. m. Trrona V o 4 M Pbillpiburg. arS.&A, " O.oeola jt- 41, ' m ' let. S, I Philinib'rgarM I 0 Oeeeola 4.1. l - tell M Tyrone 1 flearneld f Ht FAKE AXD PLSTiM'ES FltOM CLEARFIELD.) FROM TYR0XI. Station. t Leonard......... I Woodland. 6 Bieler. a ( Sutlona. fo ' Inteneetioa 2t. Yanaaayoa.,,, il flardner 14' Ml. Pleaeaal. 411 tiaraattt SO Kandr Kio M Poarellfon... It It N ti 41 ii If KV ti Vt l H at , t I II 14 Wallaeetoa ...ll Hln. ball II Hlilllp.bur(f IT )ieMMrl'.. I llanlar J It ir an (tareo!a liS l.unl'ar..... lot Kreiner'a ...ii 4reoia....SI I'owrllKia Ii 8amly II;- 1 I'tilllptliarc 84 pumnn, .a....n..77 Mf. Plaaf Ul ni nine 0.11 ... ti.l H'allaotton. . ..St tlardner J3 tl ( lllirlrr.... ..HI anteor.....M I an Wood'and, Intcreeetion. IT I Mi Iao.mI . tl tt I ia T)roue. 41 I sit Clearfield 41 ISOI FARE FKOil CLEARFIELD, TO Ilellefonte, Pa ! 05 1 Middletawa .4J M lock Haven I TOlMarietta.... IM' WUiiaintport. A aa laneailrr Hy Huntingdon I ft", PHILADELPHIA 7 It Fai..i... . i alary.ville 4 M Uoemtemrw.l' IM UAKltl.SULItU... 4 lelrlTThBCRt Ill Cihiwectiosis Pati.r,(,r( leaving ClaarwaM at t.l . . Phil b.bure il HI m. n...!. -. a .. . ' arrive at Tyrone at p. aitkinr eoaaectiea with Cinemaatl Kapraaa Caat at ..17 a. at., ta with Mail Weil al 1.41 p. in., on Mam La: alt vb.u E..pnp,, leaving i yrone at T.a. n. at., arrli in .1 kllnr..nt at a it j . Loek llavea at le.JO p. at.. eoaneetinr with trie nan can oa the Philadelphia and Erie Rood, at 11.31 p. a.(artirinf at Wuliamiport nl 12.4e.'ft. Itel.n.n . 1 It'll . a r ' i. j . iiiiaaa.pon at l.l a. m.. oa Erie Mail ' eel. arrive at Loek Ua. vea ai III a. m eowneetlaf with Bald Livla Eipraai leaving Look Uavea at 10.1 a. .. ar- riiine .1 RIUr..n.. . tl f.K l. , - ' mi., enow aaea tity al f. at., aad Tvrona at 1 ta p. ra. mifnnnA u. n lltUiAMB, General Rtiperintendcat. OEOIiOK V. U lLklNs, "til tf cupetinleaa.nL Clearfield County Bank. TUB Claarl.ld Connie Bank al aa iaeorpeea td ln.tilHil..B k.B r . k - . . . p " vh, v. . . toe inrrendarof tu ehaewr, ea atay II, IM All ita Hock Ii owned bj tlie labtcrihera, wht will eoauao. ih Banking haHaeae at tha aaaif piivtra Rankera. andar tkt trra aaaia oi Ihe "Clearfeld Canty Bank." Wa ara i. nM..ikLI .k. .L.. .L. l. - - ' : .. 'I HDvi. vi im. iu,, am p,y iu not.i oa deatand at tha enaater. Itepoitu rereirau ana laiarcai paia waaa atoaey ta wftfar a lied lima. Paper diaenwarad a lia per cat. aa neremaire. oar aeraaaat rawa.ihllity i, pledged fcr all ! aaiia raceiaed aad u. vww. n i i i noerai pat roe. re af aba baaineea oa af tha eeooty it re rpeettully aolteited. At Pretideal, Carhiee aaat oOeeri of tre lata Clrarleld Canty Rank, w reqaire th, aotei af laid Beak. I. h, proaatid for rad.aption. IAS. T. LKO-AHD, KieHARIriHAvr, WM. PORTKR. JAS. B. RAIUM. A. K. WRIOHT. t. L. HKKIh WM. A. WALLACE. Tba bo.lnett of lha Beak will be aoadarted ( ioha M. Adas... Era. ai Caahier. (JaaH.'Jg J. II. M'tiirk. Edward Perkl. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Sueeeeeori to Foitar. Porka, A C ehlllparMirfr. Cratra (oaaty, Pa. IIRKE ail tha haaiaaaa af a Banking Hearn 11 Will mm trnmmtA navwannllar anaal avrkAaa Ika. . nonif fuToraede tema karT-tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. TOtS Bank Ii aaw ope. aad ready for katl aata. OrLee aa tWead nreet, ia tha halll Ing formerly aeenptad by Leonard. Flaaey A Ca. niaacraaa aaa opriraa, IA. B. OR A HA M, RICHARD Pit AW WM. A. WALLACE, Whl. PORTRH, A. K. WRIUIIT, OhO. U REED. W. M. SHAW, JAS. T. LE0XARD, JaJS.TI Caahiar. lartsmiiUing. New ISlncksiiiith Khop. fECOXD ST, CLEARFIELD, Ta. THE aader.lried hegl ta iaforei hU frfeada, aad lha inhakilaau af the horoagh af Clear eld and iwrraaadlng aeigbborboad. that h, it raw ready la ataaau all order, either ka Ira. ar itaaL HORDE SHOEING a. thi aioal apprevtd e ty et.le. ALL KIXDS OF SAW. MILL IRONS aad Elllbi wark, logaiin'itoeli.caalho.kl.ipreada, grebe, de. Sieel tool, af all kill, nd af hut EnglUk ar Aajeriea. atoel. tfluAII my work I, warranted ta (Ira ain't faetion, er .ot aharged for. AMOS R UNSAID. ISogH Township Awake GREAT EXCITEktEKT il THOMAS BEERS'S i IJ'VERTBODT trying to gel there Irat. far fear j af being erowded oat Into the aeld. It yoa waal good rhortng doaa. go ta Biaaa. If yoawant year Flei. Ironed rtgot, goto Baana. If yoa good Mill Iro.a. ro ia Baaai. (f yea want year wagon Ironed la the beet tyla aad workmnmhtp. go ta Buna. Lain make, the hen Mnaip Marhiae ta tha !. aad doai all kindi af BLACKS wITHINal it ehetp aa eaa ha doaa fc, lha aoaaty for Caeh. My PoM Uthc, addratl It Cla.rleld Bridge. THONa.S UthKa. Boegt Tp . Dae. I, 1117-tr. Southein land & Emigration. CIIXPIHV, WASHINGTON, D. C. OnflAKrTKD and eitabliehrd for the Pnrehae aad Fale af Famine and Mineral Laade. aud improved Real Ettate la the Southern Stale. TUOhl AS !1 FLORENCE President. JO. PKYKP, Viea Prelideat. J. Ith.ShV AI-KI.N, Tnatarar. rreiident Foarlh National Bank of Phildeiphia. JOHN MORRIf, Herniary. IIIVS. C MAlDtiKfcLU Attorney aad Conaieller.. Offieet Wathingto. Buildinr. Corner Seventh St, and reanivhanta Arcane, vYaeaingtea, D. C nairavvrit: flov. John T. HotTm.n. Albane. H. I. 1 tl Uov. Wra. Bieler. Clearnel'd. Pa. ov. T. F. Randolph, Trenion, N, J. Ki Uov. Win. F. I'aeher, Williaaiaeri, Pa. Sept. I, 'f.l-tf. Clearfield Nursftrv. ENCOUHAGE HOME INM'siTRT- rpilK andrrvignrd. having ettablithrd a Kat 1 aery oa Ihe 'Piha, ab...l hall way belweea. Clearfield and Carwentvllle. It prepered to far nith all kiad. of FH ITT T K EEs, ( ttandard aad daarf.) Rvergroeaa, bbrabhery. Vine,, Uooteberriee, Ltotua niaekbrrry, Hirawberry, and Raiberry Vlnea. Abo, Siberian Trek Tree,, guinea, aad ,ar:y eeirl.l Rhnbark, da Order, promptly attended ta. Addreat, J. t. WRIOtlT. aapt ... Carweaartltt. P. Lime lor Salel THR QBdcraiinird, realJmf aror tha depot aaa made rompleta amnjrrnrnfe with Lino tturrierf eaet or tho woootatn. whvret.T bo ia ena bled to keep eoDitftoilT on baott a large ouutttr af ri'KE LIMEl which be efrrt to fArtaera aad bailden at a trifta aboiecott. 1 bnae ia need of the article weald da well to give me a en'l. or addreat aaa by latter, be fore argoiiating their line. HKO. C. PAKSMORg. ricnrMd. Pa., June I, to. Af ASTKO One good KSMrTI! and if on. man to work ia wiaid making Sledi, VTagont, Btump Machine!, do. Sgle wie, ae men with mail laa.illre. Apple to UtiuTll A KI MDAROER, anetarf Jrffva liae, CTaaoleld eoweey, Fa.