it m TIIH UKPUHMCAX. CLEAHFJELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY .!' !:.'.'!.T(i, MARCH MTO. Terms of Subscription. f( paid ia ad .em.. or within three muni ha 0(1 If paid after th.e.plratlon of aonthi!!! I M p All article to tiifnrf Insertion In tliil paper ahoold b. handed in early tin Tuesday morning, as f go lo prris ot 12 o'clock, (tun. 11.) " 1 i. . RI.I.ICIOI SOTICI S. Mrrthodlst rplici il Chun-hRev. W. B. Hill. Paator. Public gervlo. vry Sabbath, 'UHU M . ud it P. U. S.hl).lh School at A. M. Prayer Minting every Thursday, at l P. M. Coinniunion bervic, flrst Fabbath of .very : Month, at in) A. M. Ht. fraud' ttiurrh CalliollcRev.Mr. " dilution. Mm al II)) o'clock A. M., on th eoood anil fourth Stindevs of nci month. HI. Andrew'! C'bnrch Kplempalriev. Oman. Hall. Public Service Sundav morning t 10 .'clock, and at 7 P. M. Ruudav School al I P. M. Prayer Mealing Weduosday waning 1 a r rwi. . Ml. Jokli'a Church Lutheran Il.r. Mr. Xixonarr Public cjrvie. .very Sabbath, uorn i log and evening. Presbyterian Cbtirrh Bar. Mr. Bctlm e.Vua Service every Sabbath, morning and even- y- I'lifuWy Shan-la, very low, at ' fleet', Mariw; Street. To tho in want Of dosirable lioose nnd lot situate in Lu'thornburg, are invited to the rard otVr- WiUon. We direct the attention of our iu.T f.lendi to the card of Misses lleove & j Hatfield, who are about to opon up a OrM Making Eetablisliment in our j Boroojfh. I Mr. John Holt, Administrator of the estate of G. G. Smeal, deceaied, . offert for tale, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, some valuable property in Bradford township. It will be seen by reference to our advertising department this week, that Mr. Elialia Ardury, of Lawrenco township, intends telling tome of hit personal property at publio outcry. On our first page will be found a variety of Interesting miscellaneous natter among other things, nn article -, on the subject of "the origin of local Mates," is well worth a pcruaal. m . f Wt call the attention of our readers I to the card of Mr. Samuel I. Snyder, i who hat permanently located in this I place, and offers his services to the I public in the capacity of Watchmaker and Jeweller. Mr. S. hails from Tren ton, 1 . J., and comes among as h igb ly recommended a a citizen and good mechanic, by those who have known him for many years. Give bim a trial. - Accident. Mr. Isnitd SJwailes, of Lawrenco township, got one of his hands badly hurt while hauling timber one any last wee it llo was going down a hill with two sticks of timber upon his bled when the thsin broke, and be was thrown off, and in the full bruised and sprained his hand to severely that medical aid has been called upon. It is fortunate, however, that he escaped with sn little injury when both ho and his beam were in ueh danger of their lives for whtu the fastening gave way the limber passed on over the sled and by the Dorses tome distance before it flopped. Any ono wanting a Hat, can have one at any price, at Heed t. Fiat. Wo are Informed that the Ohio School House situate on tlio farm of Jesse Goss, in Decatur township, wat consumed by firo on the 22d of February, last. There was school in the honse at the timo the fire wat dis covered, but it caught In tho roof, and they were not prepared with ladder or buckets, and no water near, were unable lo save the building ; yet some of the scholars being resolute, deter mined to save what they could, went to work and carried out tho souls and doskt, with tome ol the windows and shutters, and even euccecded in saving the door of the house. This it quite a I )st to the inhabitants of that soc- ' tion, as it wat a well finiidied school S bouse, and their only place for reli- gioui worship. Orria Declined. For soino time I back many of our cilirens have been annoyed wilh circulars from New j York, offering to tell thorn counter- feit money. - Thoee scamps proposing to 'furnish them ; with counterfeit J (Tree n backs, no well executed as to I defy detection by the most expert 1 detectives, at the same time requesting tuem to keep the matter a secret, il I they did cot wish lo engage in the J business. Circulars similar to the l obovo are being sent all over the I country, and no doubt will full into j tho bands of rogues onto in a while, who will willingly engngo in tho btisi- iies. We are satir-ficd however, that !n nine cases out of every ten, who mny be foolish enough lo send ihosc villains ibeir money, it will never be beard of again. j A Xiw Ivn. tiipsisn. We are ) pleased to learn that a number of capitalist have associated themselves together, and organized a company, - under tho name and title of the "Roaring Run Coal Company," with a capital of tlOU.OUO. This rompuiiy has secured 400 acres of land along the railroad, about 2J miles east of this place, and are now operating. The veins of coul aro between three and four foci thick, and yield n very superior quality of Bituminous coal, - and by the time the Kpring opens this company will ship a largo quantity of coal. A lilllu prospecting hits demon strated that every bill on both sides of ; the railroad on Roaring Hun, is full of coal, und that it can be mined and ,' taken to market every dny tho year round, at a bundsomo profit to the operators. SSa-vls i.r.1 Fors at cjt, at Heed's (,' n i.ii.i ni. II. Ii,cuniniriii eil u protrnctc.l mortiiifj on Mtmdity !:.(., whiili will continuo in 'irogivxa every pvoninjr tl!i tit .... I .-11 L. .1 . ..... mi.. v in'itu il Miii im uit' Chune 01 uuinir iniu.U iroml in t im' coiDtiiiutity. On Sunday IMIowiuir, tlio Hiiiiicriiiy ii( tlio .M iaintmi v f5ull'y uf Suniliiy .Sellnul will l.u will be nciu dud tloik, p. tn , whci'u ull arc ahvnys welcome. The regiilurClinrcli nnniverwiry will bo held on Subbalh vveiiinjr. RtcoiiDtii's Ut'FiCE. lielow will be found the number of Deeds entered for reeord in this oflito fur tlio week ending Monday, February 23, 1S70, together with tlio name of tlio rjinnt- ors and grantee", whore nitiiuted, and the eonniderulion : Ted of .lohn Mi Cord to Ellen Ilawion, fur ICO acrri in Chat tr.; f ..01). Llccd of Andrew Wilton to Jauol Milai. for 1.'7 antra in Urady lp. f 2,100. l)ecd of Mahlon Fulitr to John C. Hopewell, for tba undiviilri J part of U tiaoti of land in II mum tp.: I,w.u. Deed of John C. llnpenrell to John 0 Heading, for LIS pnrtof 14 Iraeli eituatam lim'.on tp., and part In fclk county 110,000. leod of Auffualue lleberlina; and wife to Jacob Funk, for I aorein llradjr tp.: $280. tlerd of Jacob V. Juuei and wife fur O. F. Hoop to J. C. Allport, for lot So. ii in Cheiter llill, Decatur tp.; 1,1(10. Deed of Jacob Mock and wife to J. C. Allport, for U acrei in Deontur tp. $;1.UU0. Deed of John J. illmnu to Oeor Bloom, for 2 itt ittuate lu Aew Millport j IvuD Comjno A certain traveling Doc- ; or namc1 w-ll- Wliitmor, who has, a he stales, passed through nearly all tho j'ospilals in Europe and Amer ica, Army Navy Surgeon, uses no patent medicines, cures "Dyspepsia, Melancholy, Aberrant-"''. Hheumatism, Epilepsy, Female diseaau'," and we prcsumo, will malce wise all t.. fools who may present themselves. JIo hat also discovered a new rcmody for extracting laps worms, can speak nearly all languages, and to oar mind, is a firstrduss humbug, and if em ployed will be more successful in extracting "greenbucka" than tape worms. lie asks uf to glvo him a local notice, but wo cannot afford to give him a half column advertisement. Xo charge for thie "local." 1 ' Bouts Explosion. The Boiler on land of McCuIlnngb, MeUuughey.Kco field, Huina and Colburn, of Clearfield county, opposite tho residence of Eq. Baily, in Lawrcnceburg, exploded on Friday morning, tho ISth of Febru ary, at 4 o'clock. Tho boiler was blown out of tlio Engino house, past the Derrick. II r. Jiluck, the engineer, who was lying between the engine and the boiler at the time, was scal ded to somo extent, but not danger ously. Mr. il Tillinghnm, hu'bjpthc contract of sinking tho well, and had sunk it lo tho depth of about 800 feet. His loss will be severe. Somo attrib ute the accident lo tho curelcssn uss of the engineer. Others contend that the muddy water used in tho boiler would deceive any ono and gives tl.cj boiler tho appearance of being full ol water when it was really or nearly ompty. Lavrencebuig Independent. Pittsburq Female Colitoe A Pittsburg cotcmpornry suys: "The present term of this sterling institu tion will clnso with the Essay contest by the members of tho senior claps, on the evening of the 1 1 tit of March. Preparations aro in progress for the closing exercises which promiso lo be unusually attractive and interesting. Wo are pleutcd lo learn that the term now closing is mnro prosperous than tho corresponding ono hist year, and that the prospects for tho sprirg term, which will commenco TucMlny, March 22, ore unusually flattering. Applications for tho admission of boarders and day pupils are received almost daily. Though a month will elapse before tho opening of the spring term, but very few vacancies are left. Ws trust our readers will understand thut wo mean what we say, when we stato that persons desiring oi'mission lo the boarding department must make early applica tion. Tho continued prosperity of tho College, while so many schools aro declining, is tho best comment on its excellent management. It richly deserves itslargc and widely extended patronage." Bold lionin.RY. On last Thursday evening, Feb. 17th, a darinu robbery was perpetrated In our midst which would do credit to New York Cily. At about 8 o clock in the evening two strangers entered the boot and shoe shop of George Miller, on Allegheny Avenue, in front of w hich pcoplu were passing to and fro, and ono of them asked to Imve his boots Cxed. Mr. Miller being absent, Mr. Cross who was nt work for him, and tho only uiuii in the shop when tbey came in, repaired the boots, but in making chango ho unlortunolclv exposed somo bills in lii pot ket book. After paying for tho work they went out, but almost immediately itt.uncd and ono of them asked lo ho measured for a pair of boots; us Mr. Cross knell down to take the measure ono of them itruck him over Ihu head with some hard substance, knocking him sense less, thoy ihcn relieved him of his pocket buck und money and then left. When Cross enmo to he found Ihe light put out and tho men gone, he crawled up on to a bench und us soon as sullieienlly recovered went to Cook's Hotel uml gave the alarm. Of ficers Kiuibull and Nelson nrrostcd a man answering tho description and upon boing taken before J. M. Jmld Esq., was idcnliGcd by Cross, anil in dcfuultol bail was sent to jail, be gave his name as James O. Box lo.' On tho sumo day unolhcr party was arrested ut Cameron, and on being brought , ., . , , . here was also idoutified by Cross and in default of bsil was sent nn, lie cave I i "-b" his name as ticstcr Lane. Cmnrron Itrr.llJ. . . uih.i1- U.r :i v( . u 1 ,ini,;i- t Ki tint of T'iuhIik. Tlic hK'hiU'lo ( I (I,.. n. aifVU (' "i -i. I- l.l III" l It'll 1 lii'KI I i : m l I'mh-I wilt ri turn tlicir many tlinnk't tu Mint (Tu It, lm-1 or viilunljlu j nwinliiiiti; on tlio m c tin1 i . '... 'I... 1 . . . ti-i 1 r-,l'L" 1 iit'Miiiy i'veiii.i, I'uhiuuy I'Vt'llll - .i : lu . r m. f,.r il, ' tf tlio pinnti, find to the p-iitl.-ini-n i lio no LinJIy l ioli duuo of llio I ilDors nut lui'.-i luii ll ('(tint V ('oiiiiiiUsi(Miri't) lor the line of the Court House, iinU 1 l,o inhiibiliiiilH of Clear field nnd vicinity, for tlie liboial sup- j port they received, tlicy inuko their btbt. Low. j;am. Abound Aoain. We learn that the liev. J. J. Shorlhill, tho Baptist clergy man who created quito a fensation ut PunxHiitawney, about n year ago, by leaving his wilo and eloping with a siBtcr of his flock, Iras been seen in lliat neighborhood lately, and that several goiulcinon wore hunting him with piflolsutlnstuccouiiU. Ho will probably steal another mother from her children and render her husband disconsolate. I, ILK or Court. His Honor Judgo Jluycr at Ins last term of Court ut Lock Haven, promulged tho following new rule of Court: "Noenu, once Dlaeed unnn tbi. tri..l lit .I..II be oootioued by eonarnt of the partiel or their uigir man ooce witnoui li.ave ol t iiurt. but the atturui-v who has ulitoed the PaVUIfl Ull lh trial IlK miT willitlnw it williin ihirtv-Gv iUvp helorr tlio tna mhcu tli aui would be put on tiie lut Ly Hi Frotiiouyurr fur tnl, by giviug uu"w wituojt, 01 faiu wutiarftwni, tu tba Fru tboimtiiry. tu be ttlsJ m tl cuc." On Tebruare 8th, 17, b7 Iter. Whliax M. ! BmcnntLD, Mr. w. v., of Formou j """" "zzie jou.nston, of pt...n j township. At ht reiidrne in Lawrcnoe townthip, on Fcb itJftrrSAtb, 1R70, O. 1'HIMP Ol'LR'H, ftged 61 yean, M moo tin uid 11 dny. Io ClAt.' .'Md.ftt tb rrtitletic of har it.n id law, Iiuel Tic.. oo the oiglit uf the 2iM ufFub., LYMA M.'LK.'J.AX. ooii-ort or Jauk 3Jc-I.i-I.Lin, a;:d 6 if yti,, mgnilin uJ 0 day. In Lawrruct towniLta.1. va Tburniay, February 21th, 1ST0, ot Portinionift O." iH Lunfrp, MAF.TII.A JAXK, daupbtrr of E. U'.atvl il bgabkt UfiooKn, aged It yoaj-i and 2C day. In Graham tuwmbip, on February 20ih. 1870, JACOB ni.KRY WITJirLM, ftfivd'u year. 7 montU and 20 dnyi. . I-ftr Fiery, thntt hunt ! ft uf, And fui to rt-at above i Io Hnrn we lnj.e to uiet (bee. W bcro all ia nct aud lovo. Io Hradiortl tuwnvhip, uti the li-th of Feb., aft:r .iogerinf illnra. IATINDA, d-iughtrr of Jofirrn Wixmr, ftd 19 ytara bd i 4 taunt!,,. Fnrvwfll, ( .ball we moet in lliaTon above, And there io umm ifeet, aing ot a riviur i oe; 'Ut thun. farewell. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by P.ti nirn Mojsor, W,olra!c and Hetail Dealer in Dr,v Hoods, Orooeries, Pro tilionr, ie., Market aucel, l l. arbuld, Pa. Ci.asriRi.D, Pa., Fih. J2, ls;t.,00(ij I J.'. II. .K, dremed Dried, 'P R I'.'j Hhl-i, grri-u Apple buticr.fiiriil, 1 On IUms itodjj Butler oi'r.( 40 li.i,,l,i, rl nor o Deans SO (Wit S tl'i Sldr. Ocdn Uiirkwlieal I 2 Lard Dui-kwhi'rtt O'lurlb, fr. Mess pork.p bb).,!a llerf. dried 2 ')ats Itref, Ire.h Itl'il) 1 Otnona 1 iO II. rj, .M li U0(vl5 (Hi 1'otalori Otic. 1 1)11 Corn, ear UtK I'laMcr.V bbl' " It r.n orn meitl, "pi aax'k, I Ti ftyo riit.n Vt full JiiCi. i mi u L h. I 2.' norerarcd... 9 t'j s. lit, tBrk s ftn i Cherries, Chickeni, F.-V ymlsivij.. flour liar lb. 0O'i4 ill hllti;li.s,Vllllill(.j,ll on drsd, Ri, S 'I injolliy seed nil Hi Tsllow 2 ! Oil Wheat. 1 ill ...7 !' 7 Ml Wool 4n .IS Illli,i20 00 . Wood, Y cord 50 A tonsil, ( old or Sore Throat Kenirra immediate attention, as neglect often rem Hi in an IncuraUle ung I)iKeai. Brown! Bronchial Trochci will invoriaMy give instant relief. Ir lUonchitia, Acthuia, Catarrh, Consumptive and 1 hroal iMsraaei, thry have a soothin" cITtct. Singer and Publio Rpeakera nte them to clear and ttrengtben the totre. Owing to the good reputation nnd popularity of the Troches, many worth lew and cheap imitations are offer!, whieh are good for nothing. Be ture to obtain the tine IlUOWN'S BU0NCIIIAL TWOCHKA Paid ftrrrvwhere. novlO Ara kAML'f L Alt.-voi.p... ,.w. aoa NAitrsii'iiiM. WINTER OPENING! ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, CTRWBSSVILI.E, PA. ArB IIAVK JfST OPEN CD larj,. and most I T complete stork of DflV OOODf, HATS 1 CAP, BOOTS FIIOR, IIAKDWAItlt, QlTKXKWAItE, BACON, SALT, onocKRirs, DIIIKD 1T.IIT, Ac, 4 e., te. .(uAU kindr of lumber and produce taken io eiehang for rMi'ls. tttr'ie n l call brfore f.uri liming elfenlirrr. Satisialii.n tuarshtcnl as lo quli!y acd price, tur",.!!,,!;, January mTO-lf. DAVID RKAMS' LUMBER F,l A NU FACTORY, kkaii i.fTtirBsnfini, rKNX A. MAXtTAPTPHKrl all kinds of ,tnl for buildiliK purposes. Alwijl on hand LATH Foil KOOl'INd, I'l.AFTKItlXd LATH, PALISliS, Ac, Ac. ftis rilHj Lath are evenly wrd and of d tp-rent leiiglhs, to suit fiun-lmr. ; Iho I'slii.g. are four fft-t lonK and ready pointed. All kinds of 8awed Lurnbcrwill he furniibed lo order, and dilivi red if so dr.irrd. Prlr, will be liberal, according to qtiali y, liu li of 0RAIN taken In ec!.arge for l.nm!er. l.nthlorn P. O., Jan. 19, THE OsSt'KOLA DAKKKyT C. J. PHOKF, Froprletor. T WOI I.D reeelfnlly annnanc to the old cn 1 lomera or Shotl A O Hnen. and the eitnen. .it , o.ceoi. ,d ,iciiT i, h.t i ' 10""" "' rTt1""1' ' tt.kert. and aa irep.eed lo furni.b Ibe "lTtr OP I.IFK," ! " I'lBn. i-asbs, a,., t ,r,r, dfKrip. 1. any nuanlltv and on (holt Souc Ov-das Jaaaary , i,-, e"?W V.oot? anil Hot. ham 1:1, co.Ni;r,i,Y, Rout anil K'ioi 'laiiiiracKirci', CI.IMIPIKl.D, I'A. II A j tf rerrtfpil ft lln lot ..f Fren h TAl.F (KlN.t. ttml i D" ri'iTrJ to m-irtnufi. 'veTTltiitipf in bi liim ut It e Icjwp1 rturei. Iie ill trnrr-tnt ht Work l It TT rn I'U O . !!? r.ri-'.iui!v inllrit ft mil, at bi tip n Murk" i nrrf I, f f t.nd Ji or woit of tho iHilufiip. "'it'" H ha T'wr tt rtinttr 4lli- I firti-iO. tS-Jtuo tie O.ttlcr (-(. ii n n.i. fl7 y 1) sKlM. t:ONM:LIY. PEACE rnoi'LAIMEC. THE WAH OVErTJi' CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIl' tUIET. Nearly all the Contrabands qoiny Inch to their old mimlcrx ; out nary one (loin to old Massachitsettti, where they tcere hi ed so luiuj and so will. IN oonsequenee of the above facts. F. 8II0P.T, uf the .ld "Short bboa hhup," would an niiunoa to his numeroua patrons, aud the people ot Clearftvld county nt Inrire, that ha ha now a tlrst rata lot of food inalerUI, j'tt received from Ihe Kast, and is prepared nn snort notice to make and mend Hoots and Shtiea, at his new shop in Urabats's row. He is satisfied Ihnt he can please all,( u-iless It njiitht be soma Intensely loyal slay, al boma pstrtots.) He is prepared lo sell low for Ciub or Country Produce. Don't foriret ihe Shop neit door to Hhnwera A tirnham s store, on Mnrlael alreet, Clearfield, Pa., aud kopt by a fellow entutnonly oalled Jy:.'t7-y "SI10BTY." SEW BOOT AXI) SHOE SII3P. edward"mack. Con. MAUKKT A 3i tiTa., CLEAHP1LLD, Pa. T11R pmprfitnr baa ntrred Into the BOOT if Mi OK butineM at the abova aland, and i determinad not lo b outdun ehker in qual ity or price fur bit work, Ppecta) attcolion will be paid to uinnufaeiurinit Stwel work, lie hat on hand ft large lot of trench Kip and Calf Hkfni, of th Tory be it quality. 'Ihe eiii ena of CieurAold and vicinity are reivpectlully invited to give biai a trial. Ho charge lor eallt novV,' 6 tf EW IMIOT AM) SHOE SHOP, 11 1 1 k v i.Nvii,ri;. 111 B auhir:ihtr having lately alerted ft new hoot and Shot h In Curwenn? iKe. on Matin alreet. opposite Juaef h K. Itwin'a D'tijt tore, rerpsctluily annnunoea to ibe pul'llo that he ia prepared to manu'aetureall at y lea of I.oot and ibuea. and everything in bia line, on ihort not ire. He alio krept on band ft good ft'iort tnent of r lady. made work, bi"h h will icll obeap for cafh or country pro'toee. octlT-tf 18:11 LEWIS ?. R0S.. P. T. I "For tliy Stomach's Sirko and thino other Iufirniities." St. Paul. lill. KOYJKK'M rir.E WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Viafe, pare, plraaant and LiaUh-givlnc Tunic atriotty rf(t?iMc, and manufactur. d frjia Ibe moit pure and rhuion matrriaU ia not a rpirit drink nor fnltituto tr whisky, but a icicntitio eontpo'ind, fr the protect ioa of I he aynten and the cure f diiaet ma lo flora chtutically pure vpirltH, entirely free frtitn fuil oil or oilier Irritu- ..... , i .... i ,i. 01 0-1 dp,ie,l atnino- A long prtvat exprri euoe ha attrstod i.i Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at pmmt oTrrd to the puMic contains so iuu"h tnediiinal virtue, and y t ao infe aid plrMant to take. It's ae ii to euro dinoane, and it will not oreate an aietile fur fpirituuu liquors, but will cure the efltcia of diinipalioo. To increase the Appetite, tVE IT. To promote Mg-sii.tD, I'.'K IT. To euro Pyiipfpfiia, I'SIJ IT. To eure Fever and Ague, 1".K IT. To eure nilliounnenB, I HE IT. To cure ConMipation, I'f-li IT. To onro Chronic Diarrhoea, I'SK IT. To onra Heart burn, VSK IT. To cur Flatulence, IV E IT. To cure Acid Eructatirns, IV II IT. To cur Nrrvons Debility, . I f K IT. To cure IlypochondHa, t VR IT. To euro Pillownesi of Cuntplexion, I'.K IT. To cure Pimple and I'lutr-he, I'SI, IT. For General Prostration of lha r by trie! powers, tVE IT, and it w.ll cure you. Fold everywhere, at fl.CU per feottle, Manu facturtd excluiivily by A. I. S II A Y, Prujpiiil, CLKAHriKMi, TA., Who ofTon liberal iodiiTmeutn (o the trade. - O.t. 27, ISfdMf. IS70. MARCH. 1N7. IIEC0NST11UCTI0N! Will Fight ii Oat onThisLInr! WITilallASi lfil.I2. MAI'.KKT FTRUKT, t i.i:ai:i n:WA. Dre?a Goods, Faticj Goo.Ir, Notions and Trimmiugs, LAIilK1 AND (lENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Jififs and f'npn, Ladies', MIs:cs' and Children's Shoes, at roru.AH n.!ci:!. ff-Tlic entire stock on band viill l.r told at irduclicn to prcretit laluc, snd t will replenish the etock every ,it(y diy, with choice styles of t!ie best good, in the uisrkfL Scnr t!ie poalofliM, ( !.r.Ai:ni.i.D, rv:xxA. :j ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S A XI) MASON! rf II AM LIN'S, ros sals sr R. J. HATE0, r.rwensvl la, p. rprwaara and abdominal sat port, .f every 1. kind of tba latest liapmvmnle, for .ale Ut tYsg Brertef JIAhl.WJCK inwj.f. - II I ill vi t Ji li lit .Ml I I II JIIIIIM V rALL AMD WINTER FASHIONS. II M. . IHM'l.ll In. l i t an.ted t mt I'.i.. .ii.l l...n.K"i a ilh tl.i-li ti .1 il. si fit..!r si I. i-h-d li.on tlic'.i mm-in.-. al. Ibe moil i ll irei.l Ti iiaiii.. ta te Secure 1 ir Pan.. .111, . UIM. IlillllilNS, K.I. VI. f-J. H.l'WI.'rtri, 11 It 1 1 I. VIII.-. PINK .'I W'l.l.lV. ,. HtlMMCIl I'APKIt PAl'IKii.N.-., 1'HI. "i.d t' l.u K .Villi I Nil. hcli.;, i., nt ..r Mr.. M. Work's aelelensleil si .Ii hi . i eiii i ii lailii-.' tu ...-., ea.'iites, b:ieili. it . . i-ii u.-r ol l..c. to Hi .n I l I1 .Uml mis Pl.iiad- .i.iu. i.''l VI, 'O'-i-llai " IS A AO K. STAU FFER," VV WATCHES & JEWELRY, ,. Its North Second Street, Corner or Quarry PHILADELPHIA. An a.surttaent of Wotches, Jewelry, Hilver and Pliited l are con.tnl.lly ou hand. H. piliing of Watches and Jewelry promptly atti-niicij to. jye- ly S. Silliermnn. 0. Kiljinjer. - 11. riilberman S. SILVERMAN & CO., IUPOKTKR A H( JOBDK RS tiY FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, iC, ia .f'oi7i fourth Street, myii I'llll.ADI.I.IMIIA. 1y:pd T. C. MYERS, V I T II wh. w. raoL..... P. i. loan CO., PAUL k WHOM SALE ESOOT AMI NIJOi: ir.f hi; n a m si:, M.I Market Ft. k tU Conmarea u abov. F'ulb, myl9 PHILADELPHIA. ly j. nuLLon arsil ..... s. navis t-ancr. HOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, ROOK SELLERS, Illiiuk Hook Munufaclurei's, AND STATIONERS, .llarlttt St., fhiladrlphta. iuPnprr Plour Packs and Dags. Poolsrnp. Lctt.r, Nulc, Wrapping, Cuilain and Wail Papers'. Icblly. DREXEL & CO., Xo. 31 Suuth Third Htrcrt, Philatlclpliia. W..l'iaJLrV, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reed re prompt atten tion, and al) tnprrmatiou cheerfully ItirmtiV j. OrJfrs rulioileJ. aprll-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Xo. 17 N. Fifth ft. and iH Comaere., PUILADELPIIIA, P., WHOLESALE GKOCEKS, Aud Commission Merchants, rn tui iili or Wool. Olnsenir, For fikins. Festhera, Leather, Flax Seed. Drud Fruits, Clover Heed, Hoots, Dear Pklns. Putter, Deeswav, thtep Hkins, P-egs, Ao.( Ac , Afl. CO N S I a N il liN T S SOLICITED. Weekly Prict current forwarded an reqiioit. June It. lS'.t Ir nd "4,UifUant tTnilovs. 1809. Coins It Alone. 18G9. j:. r. h. sToi'fjuroN, MERCHANT TAILOR, .lurVcl Mtrret. ( Irarlicld, Ps., HA VINO nrned tuinet on my on hftfk, at the fld aland in baw's Hnw. I therefore aitiiuune tu th public that I have nw on band ft well selected and large asiortuent of Clctlis, Cassimeres, Vestings, neave-a, and all kinds bf Oooda f ir mm and hnta wrnr. an1 am now prrpared to tnnke np to order CI.OTH l.N(i. frtun a at tin' artiel to a foil nit, in the latent at lea and most workmanlike manner, ("pedal ait-ntioa fITn t en atom work aitd ruttingout fur m ftnd boy a I -iflt-r preat barriin to ritstomer, ftnd waraet en!t palifariiin. A hlerwl abara of pulfiU putronaic i eoliuittd.. Call and ee m. JanT-tf K. R. L. ftToiIitHTOX. 11. UK I I) OK. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one dtmr east of Clearfield House,) Mai krt Mteet, Irarlleld, pa. K KIM'S on hand ft full B'..rtioonti of Oaat Fa mining (Irmds, sueh as hhirta, l.lnen tm! Woolen I ndercblrt. Drawers and 8eka, Seek ties, Pocket Mamikerebiefa, Olotct, llai. I mbrrllfla, A., in great variety. Of I'lec (JiHida be keeps th Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," ?ach as PU"k Doenkin of the very best make; Fancy Caimre, in ureal vaHrty , alo, Prnh Coating, hearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieutt nvereonling. All o( which will he sold cheap for Cash, anl made np according to the latest ttjlo by einerienced workmen. A lo, Arent ft Clearnetj eonnty for X. M inrr i rlbrated Sewing MneMnea. kt. i. H nKiixiR. tftluraticiuil. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS cm:arfiei.i, pa. 'PllfC SPHtNtJ TKHM of twenty two wks, J. will commence on Monday, Feb SI, H;f. A Primary department will he added to the S.-lmnl this t ; f,ir whirh the services of a rm prteut it utrurtur hnre been nj(.-((ffd. And no i-nt-rt will b? iparol In render this department atlractne and InMrtirlire. 1KRM.S OF TtlTIOS. ncail'mg. 'Hthugraphy, Writing, Oljeel l.s an, primary Arithmetio and Primary fieocra; hy, per half term, (if fit-Tin wefks.) $& 00 IIitry, Local nnt ilcier.ptiv (.errnph v With Mrip prawinc, rammar, Mii.ImI en I Written Anlhiortir , A Ml 9 On to 0a 12 On I CO Alpchr and tho Heitn-p Initraniifn in tnairnmontal masto , tiil piutitg wax work , Prw fnll particular aend for Circular. t lesrlM-LI. Am. lHry-n,t CLuaKFIELiT ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. rPHE THIRD SKSSION of th, present scho X l"iloyearof this lnstilol ion will commence on MONDAY, th, Ilh day of lobrn.rv, ls;. Pupil, can enteral .1 y tlm.. Tbey Will bl churned with tuition from the tlm, U.ej tnt.r U ,Ur . in in, res.K.Q. 1 ti. course of Instruction embraces .very thin, lr.-li.di 1 , iboronh, practical and aecora. pli.hed education for both eeves, I lia Prlnilpal. l.svine, had the adranta;. of much e.perieoca in his proleseion, ...urea p.. rents and fnard an, that his entire ability and enemies will b. d. voted to the moral and men tal; cf the plsced on Icr his charga, ii I'.ih iiK n i i mi. Ortb"rr.,by, Headinv. vt'ritin. tud Primary Atilhuietie, par Itrssion (11 weeks) - $a t0 Orsmnmr, Uec,raphy, Arilhtni'ttt, snd lll't ry $ St Alrrbrs, flenmetry, Trlconometry, Men. suratwn, burveyiair. Philosophy, Phvtt. olosy. Chemislry, llnok Ke.iiig, Dotany ,cd 1'hy.ical Ueoffrnphy - $9 0(1 Latin, iireek and trench, wilh ahy nf the above llrnnehes . . . $1) 00 MI SK' -Piano (SO Icon,) . . . (10 bd v-Na di duclion will be made foe abeenc. Tf tr further )iarticulsr. Inquire of ftee. P. I.. II AIUIIMIN, A M., Feb. I, 7 if. MIE . ndeHrried tieg. leave In Inforin the puV lie i nt nc ,. now liilir i. i''"M .1 lo .."..mimo- I late .11 ,n t,r aav of Turin. bine. Horace. Iliireie. SB.I.IIe. and Harness, on Ilia shortest notice and en reaeoi;i,t,i. t,.,-,,,,, P.ciiiilcncii on Locust street, helwwa third and Fourth. tll.o. W. ar.ARtUIIT. "leaefnld, April II. iHoT. 11111 l.r.-Vl hile Lea l, XineT Paissl.tiT el II I, Turpentine, Vatni.he, of all kinds, Colors in Oil ant Drv I aiet. Varnish llru.hea. . ij KK'Ai'.K jr.;-. ot or SOLDI IV1UO I I. Urn CLOSING OUT T C 1ST AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! TIME unnVrfijrnrd, Intending to retire from the mercantile business, is now etoing out hi entire stock of g'.oOi AT AND UK 1.0 W COST comprising Silks, Wool Delaine, Merino, Popltui, Alpacea. toiprtaa Cloth, Men's & Boys' Cassimeres, Cloth, Fatinotta, Psnims, Kentucky Jeans. Ladle Cloakicj, Coal Shawls, Ao. A full line or Domestic Goods, ISbeetinjr, Oingham, Palainea, Flannels, Cotton Flannels. Ac, Aa. LADIES' & CHILDEEN'S SHOES, II ata and Caps, Gum ftnd Airtie Orerahoea, Tails and Floor Cklotki, Wall Paper and Window Shad Carpets all widths. And ft great variety of Hosiery, Xolions aud Tr'tni vings ef every deaerlption. IaJic Trittmed IIatt Vehcl, Rihbona, DaJmoral Pkirls, Hoop Skirts, Linen Table Corerp, Wool Thl Cwtsis, Kapkin, Counterpane, Tow tea. A Ure aasoetmeiit of I.adiet' and CfciJdrea'i Wool Hood, Xuliias.ebawl. Ao. Perrons in want of anything (n the abore line uf grmda are In.ited to gir oie ft call, and obtain gouJi at wbolt-salc prieee. Jfdrn and country produce taken In ei thaugo for good i. I. G. NIVI.ING. ClearJtrH, Koveftiber 10, 18C9. i. r. wtirta,.... ...W. W. RETT. CLEAKF1ELD, PA., Are olTcrin,, at the old stand of 0. L. r.erd A Co., Ifceir stock of goods, conri.ting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A B1I0ES, HATS k CATS, llAItDWAr.K, QinEXSTAItEj FLOUE, FEED, SALT, Ao., &c., At the moat rrasoiiat: rate for CASH or la exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR CJl'MItY PRODUCE. r Ad ranees Bad. to thos. engird la ct. linf .nt so u ate timber os th. most .drantagrou, 'erraa. January S, IPTO. stiiJAKi: timiikiii K.A.IRTIX&CO., llRtVESSVlLM'., rA., Beln, specially enpsd In tb. bu.lncss ef Buying and Selling Square Timber, W ould reircsrnt that they are now prepared lo purchase Timber delivered .1 eith.r r.rwensville. Lock Have, or Marietta, (or will take It St any of these points,) and toll on eonjnjisfion, making such adranera as are ncccssarv. Those engaged in gelling out Timber will Und at oar store In Curwiasi ilie, a very larga stock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Dreorlplloas. ALSO, I'lovr, Oats, Corn, And everything necessary for nee of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, kept on hand in large quantities, and su.d at iniiill advance by the eoil. Also, P. lliy . Illorke, Buiall K.ipe, Ae, rd-srt.( lt. IMIT t KMt to thoac aanufactaring Stnar. Tibibcr. lu a. mux .b to. Curwrnsi tile, January 12, IDTO. IMIIJISTIHTIIII'S MiTICr.-Notice it" licrctir iicn I list Irttria of adiniiiisliallon an Ibe cat.!, of JIHIN Hol t , deren-rd, late ot Hi ll lown.hip. t .barfirlil couiilv I'cnn a bar. l.i Wn dull Eiaii!tl to Ihe andrrrneii. all per Kins indebted . ,. .j,, f Wf fnf men), .ml those hating claima or druiamls will present Ho rn properly am lu nticaled lor aetllruiriit and ailowanca without delnr. h'. i.. tii:trrtio?c, ISAAC lint I II, Oslcnd, Feb. S.t Ctpd. A instni.UaKrr. 11I.AKK CtLUMTAJILIrd KILU TOU U ta:t at CirfJ;. a m s s M. X Vlattrnlrrptr & Co. BLATTENBERGER & CO. orrKH caiik -T0- PurchasersofChoiceCoods at Tncin MAMMOTH STORE -IX- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the timesl Osceola. December 15, lfdO. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SKCO.VD STREET, CttarOeld, lt. NEW GOODS AT LOW FBICES. TTIE aaderelgned rspectrully Invll. (j, .,. tentlo. of th. t-uKlle generally t. their splendid a.sortm.nt ef merrhandi,., wbirh th.y ar. now (ailing at very row miCKS. Their stock eonsisti la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, "Vr l Pri",!.'' I'"'""' 'Pee.a. Merino ...,....,.,,,, oteacnea a. anbleack d.l Drillings Tickings, eottoa .ad wool Flannels,flalinjlls,Oasim.e, Cotlon.dea, L.diel' Sh.wls, Nubia, A Hood.. Balmoral nd Hemp SklrU, Ac, Alio, a In f Man's Drawer, aad v.p., nooui a races, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW F0U CASH Hardware, Queonsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. S SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT "f everything asually kept la a retail Mora, .11 CHEAP FuHCASU or .pprov.d country pro due. A. K. WRI0IIT A SOS'S.'d, Nov T , lint. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WIIOLHSALS ASD retail. At th. New Tobaoc. aad Cirwr Star, of .". .w. iiooi-i ic, Tw. dean East nf Ih. roitofliee, CTiardeld, Ta. Constantly on ban. a fin. assortment nf N.vy, longresa, l.vendirh. Cable, Ppnnroll, Michigaa and Century Fine-rut Chewing Tobacco, As. Also, a laig. and well (elected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars. Flunking Tobaccos, Meerschaum nnd Briar Pipes, Pip. Caturrs, Tnbacra Boies, Cigar Hoi. lorn, aud everything geit.rally found ia a well regulated Cigar and Tcbaciw fitorc, Tff-rtcaiember tVi Two doara r th. P.MolIlce, CIciBcid, P.. deel McGAUGHEY'S R I.ST A I II A M S il L F R LSH M LM B A I. O O X , la Leave', N"cw DuU lin:. (f.i'mct'r occuiiie.l t j Mr. Hot.,1 Fi:coD ?T, CLEAHF1F.T.D, fA. ( tONTA TI.V na bend . tocsrleclinn of C 1'IKM. MiT.. l ltlAliK, 1flrMC- Ar 4I.O, HiKSH 0TKltS received daily, and .end up to -ll t the l...c. f,, " X 1 HI I.I.I Alt 1 W (M) w,o.l .-cry lf DA ID MotiAl tillKV. ltT-ATI.I.tMUIMLft J PII1NOI.KS. 1 Y lb. nnd.rei.rwd hercbv gii. ...lice. tl,.t tl.ev w.l imv Hi, bici,,.., o,,,,,,. ,,rm fi . ,,. qnalilyol I.IIMI HI I Ntll.KSi ,. ll,.. ha, ing such for .ale. w.ll , t , ,),,.r interest to give .,-. va.i uuior. selling elHiahere. "' M'A Y i '.X. TIIE SMITH HOUSE, l'i"ipiite tba PtiiFiiif r i' pt.) I I I. AMI IM P, I'A. rHK nndrmigoed. harlng ft I ihia boo fif JL a e rif uf yrT. it ret ly to etiletain itraa g.ts Kiel tratfteri groeraltr, and Ibervfure HeiH atijfnrncrs ir giva bim ft eaH. Mta TaMe wtt) be u 1 1 I ir t wiib itir btRt the mark' t all"rd, and Li Mar will cniit.titi ih" t h-tim-iM nf wines an J htioura. 1 be Ium.4', fun) i turf, lifj an I bfi'licg are eiilirrlr new, which alw)YMa I'l- the eitnfvrt of trarrtrrfj while the tiKl,nf ailar-lit-d is Itirjre and roviny, jnt pniti'd fur tamtr. fhairrna anoderaif. Jrtni.TU WILLIAM . HKAILKY. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Near the Rallroftd Ipot,J REED STREET, CI.KARHELD, PA. G. I. G()OIl't-M W, Proprietor. ' VKEW flrst-elaas Uotrl In every ratpeet tsniefortable rooms all the modern in.proTa men te the heat of LIQUORS prompt aitrnd anee, and rewnnnble ertitrt.'. The putronaga ef the pulilie ia rrp-etfut)y lieited. Teattialeis will p.eimc litttQ ico that a luia ham baa jut teen en;til fur lha tlielftiing of horses, loa-it-d WBfouaami c.i rrlii(r',s having a ronmiod ious yar't adjacent to lb Frmht and f4Min;,r il pH. ji.10 THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Heeondanrl Market btraeti, Ci r.ABHLI U, PA. ' fTHlH old aad eommadion Hotel haa. daring X h pari year, been talarged tu doublv tu former rapacity for the entartal insect of ftraa pert and true eta. Tba wbolo baiMing ha been rafurniabed, ar4 tbt proprietor will sar no pain to render fai gueau aou fort able wbil stayiug with bim. rfbe MManlon Ilnoae" Omnlbo ma ta end from the iJcpotan tk arrival end depart are of each train. UAVID JuilNMO.V, novi tf Propriefiir. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLKAHKl t-LI, PA. THE aabecriher having leased for a term of yaart this well knows Hotel, (kept for many year by Mr. lalen,) nnd re-ftted ftnd ret ur niahed it throughout, i now prepared to enfr lain traveler and the public generally opun term it is hoped alike agreeable to both patron and proprietor. Hi TAItLK and ilK wilt be ewp died with lb beat th market aflidi; and no pain will be spared on his part to ftdd t tba convenience and eimrort of hie tnt-nii. JOUM D0UUHEKTT, wet I ft . Prup- lotor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL UARkET Pt CLEARFIELD, Pa. fTMUH large ftnd eoramodioas new hotel has J. been opened for the nocommodtition of tho public, where the proprietor will be glad to meet bis old frieuda, and receive a share of public pat ronage. By strict 'ronal attention to the de tails of hi burlneia, be hope t be able to render ealiifaction lo bis patron. The TAPL.E will always be bountifully supplied with the hcrt that ean be procured in the market, nnd tba RAR will contain a fulletookof LIQLUUft, UELU, Ao. Good atabliiig attached. CAPPHR LEirOI.DT. Clearfield, March 1, IbffO-ly . IV-pnttor. THE PERRY H'OUSE, BIAItlBTTA, PA. . JOHN WALLER, Proprietor. HAVING purchased thi well known tartm a'and and re bthd and re-funnnhed it, I rvpoctfuily i)ieit a due there of watrunagt'. Lumberroin and Raftmen will do will by (tiring me a call. Fvi. 2, 170 ita. SALT LICK HOUSE. 4osi:pii cillilam, PiiorniiiTon. r'lHE preeent ocmpatit, like bia X pared no peine ia refitting this wall known h.u to, situated on the mer Lauk at Halt Lici, to a lo accotnuiixlate the public generally 'an i the raft into and lumbermen in particular. Ilia table and bar will be supplied wilh tho beat the niarkrt affurde. A due shun- of public patrouagcujlicited. halt Lick, Foil I, JSVO am. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, a urweiisviiie, .iraiocia connty, fa. FflUlt undersigned has leaied this old and long 1 eitablished hotel, (formerly kept ty Major 1mm Bloom,) sit.. I, in a central portli.a ot lb. town..nd has .ntirely r.-Blie4l andr. furnish..! ii, ad r-modeled th, staoling, so a to msk. it a. object,, f.r Ih. trav.liug public t. p.lrooit. lei, ler, aa aommodbius hnuee. Jan. I, J-u-tf. T. J fcr r. iiLOUM. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAI.V ST., CI RWENSVILLE, PA. UAVINfl leased f..r ft term of years ih above well known and popular hotrl. ik"tt furmerly by Mr. Uaann, and lately by Mr. Krans,) the prevent proprietor baa ra Bitcd il with th ohjfct of render ng hi guest romfrt able while Jniirning with bim. A Bne. largo Stahla and Yard I attached, for the rare aad pro tee i ion of horses, carriage and wagons. A liberal fhora of public patrnape i soli- it 4 lebJa ir JOHN rul TS, I'nj-r SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, t urneiitvllle, Menrflrld county. I a. Till Ift old and well srahlith4 Hutel. beauti fully situated on the baik of th Susque hanna, In th boroigh of Carwen 'Villa, ha born teamed fi.r n term of year hy th nndcrtimed It has hen entirety refilled, and is now open to the public generaily and the travelling enmmn aity in particular. No pains will be enan-d t render guest ecmfartablu while tarrying at thi hou-e. Ample Stabling rooji for lbs fteeoiutao datta of teams. Charge moderate. Jan. I, X tf H ll, M. JKKFR1RA. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, lit 1 1 A(.ll, FA. nIIIS old eatahlishment baring been Irate I X hT J. MORRISON, formerly pr.priftt.r of ihe "Morrison House," baa hoen thoronnhly ren ovated and refurnished, and supplied witk nil ihe modern improvement and rnventonee n easaary to a flrat elas Hotel. Tn dininc nwim baa been removed to the flret fluor, and is row tpacioa and airy. The chsmKert are well ven tilated, ard th proprietor will endeavor to make bis gust perfectly at hf me. JoIJ j. M'JHRIpOn, Proprietor. i. w. wiLLsct rnna. n. huaw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lwthcrbtirf;, Clearfield Co.. Pa. fH IS well known and Inng eMablifhed Hoet, L formerly kept by K. U . Moore, and latterly by Wa, hehwem, r, baa been leased for a term of year hy tba undersigned, to which th atten tion ol the travel irr put.lte ia wow called, and n liberal share nf public patronage is solicited. aprf..'i.ft-)y.pd MlAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST, PUlLirsBUBU. I'A. TIIE andersigned kepi roaitantly ra h.aot th. beat .f Ltna.ra III, Ii .Iwaya supplied with th. bet tb. market affoeda, Ih. traveling pnbli. will da well to give hit. . ealL aovl, 4. KOBbflT LLOYD. It M M fpn TIIE irop.Kl.VO CLASS. -1V are now 1 prepared to furnish allelaiata aith eonstant eitipluyment at hmr. Hie whuie of ihe time ar for the 'pare nn uient-. ilutntta new, light and pro fitable. Pf rutna of either se oaf-ily earn trum ifto, to ; per evennif, and a prportinnal fan by de voting thrlr vhi.Ietiiue lo the buin-eF. BY'nd (iris earn nearly a murh as win. Thai all ! a nee this ntire ti'iv wnd tin ir addiess, ami test the busincaa, we make this nnparttrleft otTrr : T snrb aa are nt well sat'sbed. we will arnd 91 to pay for the tmu'ile of ntin, l ull particulars, a valnft hle sample, which mil dn tn mmmcnrt sort en, and a epv el Tt l'n ft't Ltttmty tiasMn one of Ibe largest and tetl family newspapers pub lished all seal fn h msil. Hr.,rr. l yoa want permanent, peoiltuhie work. adJrtsi K. C. Al.I.EN I CO., Angi e'a. Main. jc 1m Houses nnd I.ols for Sale. IIOI-R IHil'SHS and LOTS la Clesrlleld. f-e sale on rcsniiabl. terms. Possesion givva in Ibirty data. Alan, a plot of I'd I K 1.014 .a the comer of toarlh .ml Tied streets, else, Ktv.? feel. TlireenflhrM lets .re aril located for bither lamber yard, en.) yatd, or tor haiiding ,.arpt.ars genecllv, being wilkia feel .f lb. railroad di pot. Pno. and term rea'cnsble App'T I. ULOltliK Tlll'll . ll -hid tf fl...eld. Ps. Furniture I Furniture I JWtM 1,1 reMfifnllt h f-.rmtbe that I have nn han.i, at m furniture rooms in W AL. LA( KlU, n large sbn'k uf Kurmture, such a thi ra, l"i-t'-'(. St-)i..r, liokmg ehair. de wit. h I wiH aril cbeoper than thev t in t bovflht an v where rlwr la Clearfirld riuntT. lit v a 1 eaii. . - Isaac SlllMLL. allacrt. n, Jan. 12, IS70 flm. SW AIM PAI 'K.ltonwedy'aMd (mI pttenvery. Ilrlmr-nldf Duebn, Uaier'e Cod ' Iver Oil, Jatne's d Ai etV n eiieins of evi kuc.r r . i'ARriM,;rs xr.r?.