Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 02, 1870, Image 2

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li -r.M.
Geoiioi li.Uooni.ANrtMi, Kdilor., 1'A.
W ore informed llml tho Union
Pnci6c R. It. Compnny from July 28ih,
'C7, to Jan. 8M, 70, o)d 134,0l'5 acres
of land nt iin nvcrngo of 84.60 per
Here, amounting to ?0M,P93.85.
Tliis howi conclusively thul Home
body it buying land and fit a very
fuir price too.
Heeds Attention. Uuder tbe in
ternal revenue lawn all miction piilos i
nro utjcot to Uxution. lloncbt Jolin
Covodo, Carpet-bog Whittrmorc, nnd
other truly "loil"radicaln,bnvof.iilod to
make any return of their sides of ap
pointment to tho Military Academy
t West Point nnd the N'uval School
at Annnpoli. The revenue officers
(houldgive this mutter strict attention
beenuie John Covodo and Drothcr
Wbittomore hnvo no moro right to
ppen a broker' ofHco fur tho "snlo of
human flesh," without paying a license
than other people.
Pranciiino Oct A body, the
clergy of tho M. E. CburcU buvo for
many year dubblud in politics, with
about a much energy at repulnr poli
ticians. A Convention of 103 divines
and 80 lny delegate assembled in
State Convention at Syracuse, N. Y.,
on the 21st of Ful ruary lust, to get
ready for n regular political cumpsign
In thtt Stato. This body resolved to
attend caucuses and conventions and
toe that none but Christians and Tuin
perance men are nmninuled fcr office.
The Lord having hired tlit be men to
labor in His Spirituul Vineyard, what
a pity it is, that ho cannot give them
employment enough to keep them out
of mischief. Wo hold that a political
clergyman, and a Christian hypocrite
are synonymous.
Back Again. lli'mi.iil is buck
In tho Union again, according to "loil
ethics. Tho negro clurgyman, who
gobbled up the Church fund at St.
Louis, and Heveltd n tho Sacramen
tal wine at Lecomplon, lion (!) Hi
ram IZ. Revels, w as on the 25lli inst.,
admitted to his neat as a United States
Senator from that .Stale, taking bis will of course form nn ullianco w itli
rat along side of Brimstono Blown-j il,0 negroes, for tho purpose of pTuti
low, and that upright patriot, Senator j (hr, but tho people who pay tho taxes
Fonton, of X. Y. Tho result of Gen. n; not bo long in discovering that
Amc' policy in thul State is, that bis neither their persons nor property,
bayonet buvo landed a black nejro I n bo safe in tho hands of men wjio
in the U. S. Senate right between two arc mere plunderers and wholly igno.
vAi'f niggers. , What "a grand moral , rant of nil forms and shysters of polit
idoa!" And, yet; what a burlesque ' ic:I economy.
upon tho while race and free govern
A Glokioi-8 Party. Rev. Whine
more, the South Carolina. Congress-
man, who had sold his cudetsbip for:0 r ,C bl.Uer rutlt-
an ft.A I I. .1 A . .!! 1
$2,000, and expended il for "religious
and cducationul purposes," was, on
Thursday last, expelled from bis sent
by a unanimous vole. Some twelve or
fifteen more of ihe same sort bold
their scats. If theso scalaw ags nnd
carpel-baggers don't look sharp they
will lose their two-third power in
Congress, if they expel! all the "loil"
rascal. What glorious fruits loyally
and reconstruction is producing
Through tho icstrunicntulily of cur.
pet baggers, scalawags and negroes, :
and a puirof shoulderslrap to oversee
tbcih, tho "muchiuo" ia drilling hell-1
ward very fusl.
Dead. Anson G. Burlingume, (
uiuny vaia a iiiv-iiiuv.-r ui iyun;n:p
from Massnchusctta, and appoiutod
by President Lincoln, Minister Pleni
potentiary, to China, died suddenly at ,
TV . I - TV - .1 o.i.i ni- i rseiii. owe, ill iv Usui lie iwil- ilULCil
bt. Petersburg, IIiissiu, on the 2Uili of ; , . ',, h , ,
... , July -o, lMi!'. Mr. Dawes, chuirtiiaii
leb. He is the individual who in ay ,,e Co,nlitto on cleciiona made!
speech in Boston, in If .10, at an Abo-1
lilion mass meeting, demanded "un
nnti slavery Constitution, an anti
slavery Bible, and an anli slavery
God." SoOll after he arrived ill China ! ertpeeu havn.g conlonue I lotliannireuieiitt o
t:K' M,..H..A.I 't.:n, I law 111 ti er I to t.lie ejf.aiMioa of tbar Mate. '1 or.-,-
a our Minister, bo tcrned Chinaman, ! r,wJ uk, ,c a.b t).,jnu.a
and wa actually appointed Ministerjoi July 2, l'i2. i
back lo this country and all Enrooc.l
at a salary of 70,O00 in Gold. Our
reader no doubl recollect the se'"1-;
tion he and twenty other pig-tniled
Cbineso, created when they arrived
about two years ago. After making
.... .... ,, ,.,.,.
luur ut tills i-ouim 1 , tuu out 11 auuuu
. . ..
for Europa wliew lliry wero i.en
Chinese GoM nt !e litnc rf hU
Thus unothcr anli slavery trader has
closod his career under
that no gcntlemnn can admire.
t ti . 1, p ,..!!:
LoVtLT. Aim .black
r f i
Convontiun of t.-o Stato of Jmluiha,
neiiibled at IlMliutioMli, C'ti l.ic '.d
ultimo. I ive nero delegate m i re
prevent, ono ol horn
ol who'n vu circled
Vice I'reiident of tha Convention,
amid tremendoiio rj'i'Iuii'.c, ufler a
caon of hiij;girj; and ki'i-it-g was
iDduljjedin by thu black unJ hite
, , Ci t .' 11"- I'm) 1 vii.-i, . '-i .,,,
Tli rcrorntntion in tin tate 's lycl ihcilcire'J end ill not bcntntincl
truly wonderful. Until within t tij'J',0 cN-pcriinent I u. hen tolore been
year, itrgroe were j robiliiled by the I tried in other Slate und in rcrtuiu
Coiitiliioi, under xevera jeti:i
(rum coming into, or resiJm); in iliu
Stale; now they uro "mni nnd breth
ren." Such i fatiutici'm.
Mr. Well, nl MiKonri, ha tloro n
nio tiling in iiitrotlucinj a bill Itnnd dfi-inihlo reull never bu been
reduce Congres-ional a!ark to S.fCO. j"'l never w ill bo aeromjiliflici by
Ketronchiueiit. iiho cl uriiy, aliould
ben in at home
John II. Surrutt, i" now ninning a
giK-vry iu Jluii.ii. ii., ut.u lniii M.
Btanton i uppo0(l It bu in
whf rvf r LtnrMn U
How ( n oi! - l' Tmi' Siiinho wi
1 1 m i i k 1 . 1 of mi li Mill r, the (tipiincnls
oft he IViiihi mi y nl nys tlniiiicd that
the right to vole should he lncil
upon ltili'lli-i'iiic: That n party nti
slilu to n ad the Constitution, or nign
his mime, should not vole. 'Iliis was
a great hobby for years, uiul particu
hirly aimed si foreigners. Since the
"gentleman from Africa'' has been
transformed into it voter, we hear
nothing about intiUijrnec, or of the
Ignorance of our foreign population,
liut ignorance ami loyally having I'ecn
fixed upon its ft basis to build up and
strengthen tho JSlack litpublicuii
party, a new scbcnio is boing adopted
with a view of dUd-niicliioiiig those
who seek frecuom in this country.
Congress is about abrogating the
present Naturalization lints, luLing
this right from the Stato Courts and
transferring it to tho United States
Con its. All theretore, who reside in
Pennsylvania, and desire to to natur
alized, would, niter this change, be
compelled to travel to either Phila
delphia, Pittsburg, Erie, or Williums-
port, nod t:iko two witnesses with
them, when they apply for their first
papers, and then wait fuur yean
before they get tho lust. Such is
Radicalism, in our day. Imposing
pains and ponullies upon Intelligent
white men, and embracing the igno.
rant and depraved negro, thereby
debauching tho nation and kindred.
Tim- 1'tEL Happy. Tho anticipa
ted bayonet adoption of tho Fifteenth
Amcndmen. makes tho leaders of the
"loil millions" feel good. In order to
be fully understood we lake tho fol
lowing extract from our neighbor of
tho Brookvillo Republican, who spcuks
tho sentiments of his party :
Tbc- FifltantU Anirndmrnt will confer Oielinllttt
oo not lr,i than Hui'.IMiO urjrruri, all but 1 1'U.lii.y ut
wh"iu ara in llio hulilli. ll n'rolulii.imti imlirii.
is Rrutiuky, ami prutiablr ari'iirr, l-irthe llrjiuii
li?an. our, il Dot two Cun,; illitrictl. now
ri'firt'.iutril by tha llrmuviut.. Willi Ibe pi-giui'i
Vutin, Marvlutid ruui'l. a rimiJ ciiauuc of uruoiii
Ini; s llc(uLlicaa Htalt'. On;iiR to the ill u.njrr
lliuy lluvu rouviviMl from the l)tuiH-ratie Jinn?
.ineo (lie latlir ri-oovrn-d ntwvr, (tie ManliuiJ
blarkn will, to a man, vote the lt('juuliciin tk'kcl.
According to this, every sou of Hum
must voto the ltudicnl ticket, and all
tho wliito men thul have heretofore
done to, must continue to dothesumc
We shall be very much mistaken if
this progi amine succeeds. About the
time Sambo walks up to the window
to deposit his ,-loil" ticket, the decent
portion of tho "whito trash" will have
their eyes opened, if that thing docs
not happen sooner; and where one of
tho former marries the Radical party,
two of tho la'.ler will be divorced, and
join tho Democratic party. Tno ig
norant, bigoted and revengeful w bites,
Tw in. Three fourths of the bogus
nickel fivoccnt jiuces are worth us
much as the genuine. That is one of
tho beauties of our oroide currency
liligious sentiment ''in God wo trusl"
docs not niako tho bogus trash any
bettor. In fact tho counterfeiters
have improved on Pollock by enlar
ging the quotation so thai the old as
well us tho young may render due
Loyalty. In 17Td il consisted in
adhering to King George, and helping
the Indluii and Hessians to tomn
hawk, s nlp and burn the buiics and i
bun s of our grandfathers. In 1SC.3
it was freeing sluvc and murdering
our neighbors, nnd burning their
properly. And now In 1S70 it is,
ill's fi u tic li : ai ii
v hi to men and rn-
IfauuUWwg neil,oc
A.N ULY RicoRD. 1 ho following
ugly record is luken froni the odlcial
published proceediniri of the House of
I !..... . ... II' ..I I......I
tho following report :
I am inernct.,l by Ihe rimmitlee of Etion, j
v retool li.:k the eie.lciitiU ol J. . Chit ami
t'. It. I'rioco, tn'-nilK-tii el.vt from the Stale ol
lic.tica. Hint State hai ing ratihed the Pi rtc. nth
tnr.ln.hl In tk. Cm. til... an. I In II nO.n-
' refnrl was agreed lo.
... ,v .' I. ,
I - "",, . r"". nPlvnrP''
: nnd wn qtmlined. i litis, by action of
Congress, (ieorgiu win fully restored
1 1 tho L'nion was pluccd in the same
j position she was in beloro tho w ur,
nd I ho same s every Northern Stat.-.
Nrtw Congress thrusts her out of Ihe
: , . .
: I ninn.
If fhia f-iin hi ilnnn. 1 lion
St:io UnUU it, ,,W in tl.
fnmn t the will of CoeigreM!
T,'K i'W i5n-i-. 'J'ho propomM
iu in the Ildiir.o List week, wan vtt
amended as to utibtml ihe ( i oKt d i ( t
' ... ,, ,. ' , .
("nt-efiHo or 't.o Ik oiihu ' to a voto of
tlW wove (,f in. entire eounl v .iiiHtcnd
. nl lo tho ii'('p'e of u Imm'iiii:;Ii, n iird fir
townshtji, us was J r-jvide-1 in llio oi -ig-
'""i inn.
ui ate ono oi innse who nenere
llml neilhrr Hie peotiie ol a T:le, nor
i f anv counly in u Slate, enn be lejit
LiU J into a bliM'ul Mute of tcinn r-
i unce, or, morultty. J ho l.ojjoUturc
nitty etiiit t hiv nfi cr hire on ilii tib
...(;, .... .. .1 V im, ... ....
loC'iutie in our own ."Mine, mni mi
iri fiillcd hi lameiiluiilc and ili'iintruiiM
ifitiltire end vtill, i b'tii; . nrilfnl wilh him. Will liudii til join mil. iin evety milrund in tho United Nutc."
atiiit continue I ' be munufnettireJ. 1 pencil tin ir o n w ilnc( ? If . not, Ye, nnd liatlienl ollit inl and con
: M en itmv bo fli-Miudfd Irom their ue I llicn theV limit conl'i ss thul their pol j tru 'luin Mulo more than was peiit and
ami ii,il.H'i, iicilher lo loucli neither lo touch, tn-ite
noi l.tttirll , but thut nmch nui!hl lifter
i Icul mat linen!.
llevel. Ihe ' I iftorntb Amenilment" firm lha nnti I f nominate fur leirilo- j tery imturiil he hnuld ha dipli-n.fil
Seiiu'.or limn Mi.ia.;ppi, wu a ub jrial oliii ia. l'cor Aahbr i now en-j with lhiwe. (irunl bud a niariiili
Mitiit tliirin tho war. and ;jnyin; an experimental nctiiaiiittnne cent blown up bladder, and lhiwe
many a "loil colored brother" did be
niiinipululs into the
"f- oght brv'y "
H'lvice, who
The Ihmorrttllr Vnrly. tutflitrnl In Ihilr M',tnf of
Ax t'M'Miin nm Ahmk nv a t'oHnlilnltounUiu,
l( l'lt'At. SfNAToii ami A Si'M li i nii The Contention tlitit liomluateil
Ii'km.v -A Rimini or Si m y YkaiisIi'ii. (iruiil fur Presidenl, uilnpteil
I OMI'AHI li Wll II A R l-i 'nn n or Nine. ' this pledge to tho A iiierieiin peoplu
I'tn ing n recent ih bate ill 11,0 -t,.t. I "'He jitnti Li Cmimi i.r .uiTi?.
- .. j Im all Ui il turn itl 111 S.t III wm ,. i,ihi,., . ,y
nte, Mr. .Vlonil, ot eriuont, made ! .. ,..,n-i..r,iti..n nf p.i'.li oil' I), d ,'.,
a mi.H insulting aiol unw arraitted "'' V J"."y-' 1,m,,!, """.".r1 ! ' '
3 1 u (lliil "I ti.f.i.)f III ult llr Infill !'"(,. .,r, ,rl.
atl.tck upon tho lienmcratli' larty,
which was very justly rebuked by
Mr. Siiuls-hiiry, (,f Delaware :
Mr. Moi ril, of Yermonl I have i
ne'.ily ns niueli cunlh lento in the
Vehels of the Son' h ill relation to our
financial policy us 1 have in tho Deiu
ocralio party. 1 believe that they
will support t li o houiii' of tho coniilrv
til unit, as faithfully, perhaps, ns well
us tho Democrutio party, and when il
comes to tho question of tho einauci.
nation ol'llic. colored i iicoul the South,
1 believe the Southern rebels will
bo us true, if nol truer, to tho
cause of Freedom than tho Northern
Mr. Siinlsbury Mr. President, the
silence ot the Detnocruliu members of
this body during this dchulo has on
Severn I occasions met wilh uniinud
versions on the other side. 1 lor my
self, sir, nm tired of it, or rather, I
should bay, I am tired of some things
which constantly, notwithstanding
our silence, have been in reforjncu to
the piirty to which 1 belong, 'i here
bus not been u single day sinco thin
debate coininem eU tlint some persons,
very w io iu their ow n conceits, have
nol seen proper to speak in very dis
paraging terms . ot the Democratic
parly. Wo have heard to duy from
oiio Senator thai ho has moru couth
dunce in the people of Virginia than
he bus in the Democratic party
I do not know what his contideitce in
tho people of Virginia is, but his re
mark evidently was intended to nutin
thul thcro was nol much coiitidence to
be reposeil cither ill the ieo;de of Vir-1
. - , , - - ,
liitmi ur tno i.'eniueruuc pan y. l mil
exceedingly orry that thai Scnntor
made thai remark, s.iowing his want
of confidence in the two million ol
Democrats in the United States. Sir,
when thoso I wo millionsof Democrats :
shall hear it, when llio lelegiuph shall
Hash the news to them, 1 am nftuij
they will bo terribly pained ; I am
not afraid they will weep at the idea
that confidence from so distinguished
H source cannot bo accorded to thetn.
Sir, il is time that such remarks hud
ceased to be mudu iu tho Senate of
tho United States, especially when
nothing is said on our part to provoke
them. Who cures for l ho lack of con
fidence thus expressed f Whom does
it hurl? Mr. President, when the
parly to which these Senators belong
ha done as much to exult the char
acter of the nation, to build it up, to
make it respected at boinu nnd honor
ed ubroud, ns tho Democratic parly
has done for it, then il will bo lime
for them to Insist upon a comparison
between their party and tho Demo
cratic party. Sir, llio Democratic ar
ty took tho management of jour
country in hand when you numbered
but fifteen Slates nnd sotno fivo or six
million people. Every loot of territo
ry thul has ever been added to the
United States, bus been added by
Democratic administration. Every
foreign war thut bus been fought, he
roically fought, every tiiumph over a
foreign foe tiiut hiss ever been achieved
has lieen achieved under a Democratic
administration. What has llio Re
publican parly Juno that lis advocates
should taunt Democrat on this floor
with a want of fidelity to the country
or that it should set itself np us the
groal judge ol tho Democratic party J
A brief existence of eight or nine
years ; a land dilugcd in blood ; ul-
..r i i i
tin isw ei eiy uei v ui j out oi.-ii 1 1 esneiicil
wilh graves; a utbt amounting to
bi.lions ofdollurs ; a people crushed to
the earth by onerous taxation, and
every salt-guard of civil and couslitti.
Hot, nl liberty set ut defiance, Ignored
and trammed upon.
These are its
achievement, inn cannot look at i than deleiiding tho Richardson mar
the history of the Democratic party liage.
and charge it Willi tiio violations ol
the fundamental law of the hind of
which your party have been guilty.
During the period of sixty years that
tho Democratic party administered
the affairs of this government it never
arrested one no, not even tho hum
blest American ciliien, and tried hi in
on a criminal accusation, except by
due process of law. No man's house
was ever iiivnde l, except under legal
authority, during tho whole sixty
year that the Democratic nartv ad-
mioisteied Iho government: not one
palilic press w as ever suppressed, i Ins
party of yesterday, when they came
intopowir, found a constitution un
der which the peoplo of this country
had lived for seventy-five or eighty
yeur in tho enjoyment of ull the bles
sings of civil utid constitutional liber
ty: they found this Cotistilulion.niade
by tho great und w isc men w ho laid
the foundation of vour rrnverntm-nl
j j( llu pPi ,i-t I.W-t of COCM Itll tiollal
, 1 , .
liberty, und w ithout any experience ! about succeeded to their heurts coii
iu so great a work they set to work lent in thut direction, they try their
patching il up, until now, ir tho ureal ! bauds nl uboiishing some of the i'rij.
j men who inndo il could rise froni the
dead, or uescend Iroin Jlenvcn, they , are crushing out Iho spirit and mile
would scarcely recognixo tho inti u-: pendemo ol the peonle, to w il : Abo!-
incut they loci inndo. But, sir, I w ill
1 not, unless luitiicr provoked, indulge
longer in this lino of remark. Ills
foreign, 1 admit, to the subject which
ought to be tho legitimate subject un
der discussion. 1 buvo only made
tin " remarks bet aiise, day niter day,
we in Ihe minority of this chamber.
1 I. ...... 1 . 1 1,.,,. r.f 1 1... ,.t .
j t n'l.i.-U it i ..ur pridu anU our lM.i.;r
t to belong, ly y.i ntloiinn on iho otlitr
juido (if t tie ttnirnhi-r. Fir, if htown
, lll0 i..aiVr givi-n, Uuws shall hu
- - -
Tim own !TM,s Svn:lor
.. , , , r , , .
Moi , ro!tnvl. (it lritiia, lulelv
' mok tho Mnnd in the lly o( uhit h
ho i u ineinber, und fib-rid k' run;
ti imotiy ui;ninnt Ihe ellecl 01 liudi
je.-tl 'i;" " uiul Inliileruiiee in liitil
i Mam. lie iiei-iurea that ulluirH in hi
aei v.eie in a wnlullv disleinii'r
cd con.litiiin, oxvin chiefly to the
fact thul ni'Mlemeti ol "lanUiiij;. chur
titter it 1 1 .1 in fl iii'iu-o ero ext'tidcd
ruin i:irt i i'iit mil in pul'lu- liiiMncs.,
M.i,. I1...I 1.,, l..n,-... ... I...
, ,I,IJ , tit. l 1 " nil, 11
an extent thut .runtiy utnl lilo were
j itiai i ure, und In n be came In Kit h-
j nioinl lo fnllill bin duty a a Seiintor,
lip le 11 11 iiecc-'iiiy lo orin nil i.ih
l'oo.j., i hattci. 111 il iiroiiul 'ri 'crlv
icv i inot ilfilriiflivc to the wcllare
nl both race in Virginia. .1 je.
J i in Ahlcy, (iovernnr of M n'a
. . . - .1 I. r . I i- II
is lien up. i ii'j ieiM.miiv iii .nun-
tun bein I'l'tiim rulif, lelti-f. Iiienn -
of ihe tninoi itnce ho heliied to iinnme
on Anny john.on.
ChicLcl w I!
litluliq to Ihm Itti'l'l nf ttiie ,S'f.fn."
Tho forcing of Negro Kullrugo on
Ohio nnd oilier loyal States, is a lit
eoniinenlury on this iledg. Tin,
sumo liailical Convention tlitit nomi
nated (limit, uiiulo this pledge to tho
people :
'The Covcmnlrnl of the t'iilte-1 Hliea ah'iuhl
lie itilininiiileri'd with tliti atrictcxl: eooiiouiy, and
llio eiiriiiitiiinl wliirll liavii Iiooii to hiuiinl'ullv
iiurmd and fudUirvd by Andrt-w JoIiumiu whuiii
tlu'.r tlirumlvra vli-c'.e.l, cull luunJIy for rtidi-jul
The fuel that Mr. Duwes, tho ablest
Rudicd ot the Kiulicu! brood in Con
gress bus been forced to denounco the
A i ! ti i i ir. 1 1 u I i o n for its wasllul extrav
agance, greuter limn thai of Andrew
Johnson, is a til commentary on thin
pleilgo ot tlui Radical leudcrs.
Tliosumctiiantiiud Collux National
Convention it L Chicago, bus this plank
in its pluUoriti :
"Kttotcrtt, That we liiilily cointnend tiie tniril
of iminmiiiiiity and forlHuiranoe with wlii.;h men
have nerved ill the rflii-lhtin, Lut who now
Irankly nnd Imne tly cooperate witli u in rnntoriiiK
(it'iico ot tne eountry ami rveoiidtruHuitf Hit
.)U'!utii Bdito governim'tita npou the la.iin oi
ini.nrliiil judtiuu and equtil rixlilH, am rm'oiviul
hu.ik into the ooiumuuion ol lit- loyit) peojd", anil
Hi' favor the rctnovul uf the diiiuulilii:aliii and
ret.trietinn-H iuiion,.d upon tho late reoeU in the
mine mcaMire aa tln ir niirit ut itivalty will tlir.
and at may ho coututeiu with the ealety of ttW
Jlow shuiiicfully this pledge bus
been broken is seen in tho laws pro
viding ior tho ro ndniission of Virginiti
into the Union. Every condition that
hml been imposed on her, thul. Statu be
lieving that her Constitutional rights
would bo restored, accepted and cur
ried out in "ood faith, nuil slill her
,i, '..i ;'i , , , .. ,
could bo prepared, and new, ubsurd,
infiiiiioiis, unconditional enueliiienls
uiailo, to maku her nnd her people,
Union and Secesh, drink the cup of
dogrudution to tho dregs.
Another plank in that Chicago
platlorm rends thus ;
"It it due to the labor of the nation that filia
tion nhonld lie Dpinliri'd and minced aa rapidly
a the natioufll faith will permit."
To break up tho present high rate
of tuxulion, tho Secretary of the
Treasury pays tho national debt with
one promise to pay in another promise
giving ono bundled and twenty dol
lars in greenbacks for every hundred
dollars in bonds extruvnguneo and
corruption spends the money of tbe
people, almost ns fust as it is rniscd,
nnd (en. (iiniit, who was nominated
on the phi I form thut promised labor
that laxulion should bo and
reduced, recommends that the present
larilF, made for New England alone,
should bo retained, and that tbe debt
of tho tuition, runt rafted to be paid iu
greenbacks, should be paid in gold."
Still, with nil these lactn ami many
more that miht be adduced, of broken
promises still tho Radical pnity is a
coiiMi-tent one consistent in its own
inconsistency. Mtffltntmcn Register.
A TiiiE Picti rk Tho New Y'ork
Tribune thus sketches tho business ol
Radical members of Congress, who
arc constantly prating about retrench
ment, economy nnd reform: "One
wants a new Judicial diMricl made,
wheieof his brother or best fiiend is
to bo Judge, and his cousin or next
friend aspires to bo Marshal. Another
wants to increase the salaries of the
United Stales Judges generally, or at
least thoso of Ihe highest class. An
other wants a liberal suh-idy for a
railroad, iu which ho is interested, or
which is calculated to enrich bis con
stilucnts. Another goes iu fur a river
or bin bur improvement, advantageous
to his district. Another wants a
steamship lino established and sup
ported from the Treasury." This is
i certainly good for the Tribune. Better
Tiiikvf.s im Orrii'E. ''It is notori.
otis that Democrats in office under
Johnson stole so largely thul during
his whole iidmiiilslriition tho debt
went on increasing from month to
nioiith."--,'i (tiling Timet.
To the above, the Reading (liUetlc
replies ll.usly ;
Tho stealing under Johnson was
ibuio by Radical ollicialu, whom the
1 resident was not permitted lo lo-
niovo. Iliiiidreds of notoriously -or-
! rupt ollieials weru retained in nfllce
.... I .1... r. .1 - i ... :.. .
under the Tenuro of office Act, against
Iho w ishes and remonstrances ot Pics
idtnl Johnson. Who did the internal
rovenue stealing iu Beiks county T
See record of tho United Slates Courts
in 1'hiladclphiu.
A Hint. --As Congress seem (lis
pined lo abolish every gisid thing they
i hnd in our form ot Governinetit. we
i WcllU Sllirgcsl, illUMIllll II us ihev IlllVO
i i .1 1 " 1
-'or luxes und te:iiili:ct frauds which
, ish t ho tax on enfire. lea, nnjnr and Sii(.
Alioiich XittiuHttf Ifank and their cir
culuth-ri. AholtnU the Itrls hrlj for
the hjuiks, hy Vyi,,ff them off wilh
rejoit o, and justly rrjii-o, for then the
day of their eninieitaliia now thul
Inn nl eurk in al u jireinium will have
begun lo dawn.
are norry to record Ihe deiilh of a little
child (:i btitit tuentv ttvo month ohl.
of Mr. .stmiiey, re.-iding in ibut jinriiTo the Ladies ofClearfiolJ and vicinity.
of Third Wnrd kmnvn u Smiihiield,
which occurred on Fiiiluy luht, from
il 1 ariiihtt ion. It niu'8 thul I lie
child li.'t'l Inched up u Pinilll a row,
' 1111J t-hihl like, 1 11 L it in its innuih,
j troni liottee it tliied 111I0 lis thnmt
! aim Imled lliere. All cllurl lo rxlu-
. enle il wt-ro unavailing. 1'r. l ln i-l)-
wu imnieiliuielj' miniiinnctl, but (he
little one m a ahoiil breulhiriir iu bil
w hen he arrived. Mlonna 'Jribunc.
No IVu rtr Tai E The New York
I . I ' . .. t .. I'... ....!..
Mil ' I'll, J t ' 1 , 4t 1 II .11 1 II J l , r.l I .
i " We sjM'tit and wusled in ihe'bite
I wur money eininh to build ninety
i liarien bip ;ui:iis; or to build a
1 iimi'irea 1 111 Hie railroiuH; or nine
iinif ai unit li ns would ilniibla trtnli
(ion. (irntit i tliplcaaed witli Mr.
I 'a we' pee( b, howiit); up the protli
, . .. . , .
aiity anu ''otrupiHiti oi in AUniiin..
! trution No wonder: indeed, it ia
1 w Ihe only man in Iho Itudical rank
1 that bad the cntirii;e to put hi bod-
j ti in sa 'under it
f k OfoiiM mf m mm,
.1 I'lffiihioiis on f f riar.
One of tint most i, ,,iioh of the
petty outrages which Imvn been com.
milled by any committees of Ihe
lliiusn of lieprcucntnlivcs, bus been
pel-pel ruled hy ihoCnniinitleeoii Con
tested Elections, in their report to
oust from his seal ns the representa
tive of the peoplo of tho Eleventh
llistrict of this State, tho Hon. (icorge
W. (i recuo, Dcmncrat, and install
therein Charles II. Van Wyck, Repub
lican, We cannot tell what 'round their
nclion is bused upon, nor what possi-
niu excuse lor sticli u pulpuhlu outrage
mid ghtring inf.imy. Kvery proof nnd
precedent is against .
Tho .Eleventh llistrict is comprised
ny theeouniies ol Urangeand Sullivan, i
which, united, have given Democratic
majorities for many years so lonjf j
back as wo have any record, mid in
most instances the Democratic maiiir- i
itics have been larger than that given
in ISM for Mr. Greene.
Iu IMU, w hen there wit tho excite
ment of thu war, and Lincoln, with
bis cry of loyally, twepl the country
ulinost us a simoom, thu Eleventh
District wu9 Democratic by the follow
ing vote:
Oranpe. fitillivan. Total.
MeClcllan n.(l;tH 3.;, Is lu.lsil
Lincoln 6,7bi 2,1U tl,7a4
MeClvllnn'i majority 410
In 1807, Homer A. Nelson, Demo
crat, for Secretary of (State, had Mtit
majority over Mctvean, Republican.
In 1XUH, thu sumo year in which
Mr. (jreeno was elected. Horatio Sey.
mour, Democrat, for President, bud
1 25 majority, over Grant, while John
T. Jlotfinan, Democratic cniididulo for
(iovcrnor, beat Uriswold, Republican,
by 414 majority. The majority for
Mr. Greene, over Van Wyck, ut this
clot-lion, wus i)"2
Then, ut llio last election, Novem
ber, 100, it wus still Democratic,
giving Nelson, for Secretary of Stulo,
4!t- majority over Sigel.
Such attempts to nullify the wish
nnd cxpresaion of the people arc reptil
sivo even to the moro decent Republi
cans, nnd Mr. Paine, tho Chairman of
tho Committee on Contested Elections,
hits dissented from tho report. The
voto of the district for tho past yours
which wo give is suflicicnt t; indicate
that the people are in tho majority
Democratic, and thul tho forcing of
Vuu Wyck into tho scut us their rep
resentative is a dumnublo attempt to
deprive tho majority of tho Eleventh
District of representation. X. .
Sad Acciuknt. A child three year
old, son of Henry Brown, living nenr
I'oltsgrove, died on Monday morning
last li'inn strangulation. During the
temporary absence of its mother from
tho room, Ihe child swallowed a hickory-nut
with which it wus playing,
and was found by its mother on her
return, to be nearly dead. After sev
eral attempt tho nut wn extruded
from tho throat of tho suffering child,
but wilh one or two spasmodic gaps
it yielded up its innocent lilo Mil
Ionian. Umti$cmrnts.
IXIXUTOirH MTM K.-Whrrra.. I-t
J ter Teflauienlary on tlieeitale.if O. PHILIP
Ot J.K'lf, late of the township of Lawrence, de
ceased, have been granted to the witdcrirnt.,l,
and all prrenns ind-l,ti-d to eaid relate are ri-'piet-ed
lo auatte immediate payinrt I, and thote nanna
elaiini ai;aiinit Ihe aaine will prcernt llieu, duly
anlhrnti.-ated, for rettlcinettt.
uiar:.(ll JAM HIOI.LV, Hieculor.
Tlt l'.Nsn NOTU'IC!. The fiillowinn per
J rone have filed in Ihe ofni-eof the Clerk of the
I ..tirl of Ooarter SW-rniona of f learfield eoantv.
their pelltionii and bond for Lieenae, at Ihe
! Mr b ae.iion ni'tl. agreeably In Ihe aet of Aa
. eeinblv, enteled "At A. ! to rrgitlato tha aale of
I llitoiii-altng Li'Uor." ie:
iiotrl i.trtvhr.
S'haw A Wallace
Win. Hrtiwem, if
Ucnrpf Knirr
K. I. W'illinm
)nnirl pHiiihuuiut...,
John puitctti rtr
Ia id Jolitit'i
(i. I. Um.dlHlow
Jiiti K"utr
Wm. M. Jfrin w It. Itcrcrr
Arnll f('!marri
I'-ier Oaniifr
W in. W. Irin.,,
Williim ItiUJIc
Jural. Slint
Hirum 8tmw.
M m. H. KnkT
Wm. Prlmarr
.lainM Itiiim.
Thomm F. lluahck...
Jtihn Mi tJurr
I'utriik lrriinB
Jmr Kliiin
J'thn SliPfifT
Httif Hoffman.
Sun net HulMmn
K'irrrl KUnflrro
K'litrl .tftlli.nry
Juhn 1'. lli'iiJrrwm...
( Imrfi. I I.
Car irtn!-it Ir.
Odrwenn ille.
nr. in AUTII.B LM rKC.
L M. Cittnlrift rorinjrton,
mi-?.3t A. 1. TATK, Clerk.
Practical Watch Maker.
Opoil K Got. Biglrr't rrtMrDr,
ff-frA!l kirxtp flf Walrhra, Crk MBd im-Uy
pnniiitf rf jiairrd, ani rk ariantl to fur
krttifiariit't.. mar2.T0
'nrm; ui br k.u t im.
.li r.-f ft V. At tair. in l.a
hr Hair, at (lir wi-
on f.MX HIMV, .VAKi'tl !SMh. 1T0. tti follow,
itiff rif-ntl I'Mi'rrH Two hnroa, two on
t. . tin eg v nn. I tmrnefi, hnrt fnrp, lnwt and
timrim, fulttrn'or, one Hmliti ahnrr plow, n
timHrr Hied and I" I rbain, grain rrinll, ix)lbi,
iti' Ji c!iiiitV, two rot.kinn ituvrii, one pinr Ule
loir, W-t-lca l, tal r, and Dn mhrr aitirlit
(M tiiinirrn o fiifntioo.
iVlwaie (o pomim-nf at t 'r'n-k p. m., of raid
iio, ilirn (lie tc:D.i m:i t madr knwn.
mir::t ai.Mrv.
lri;ss maki(j.
ON the Hill inatanl. Mi.x-a limit llalfirlil.
lllntK-na DIM' MlklMi I.XTAII.
I xIMI.T,.n,r Mr. 11. IlriJc l Tailnr Shp.
and r..'.tftil!tr aoticit. thu ..ttn'tinra of the
tailiit of rirarflilil an'l M-init.T. 1 ha wh.
pntrnnitf Da may Hi-prtiil npn hai ir.f thrir work
d n lo or.Irr, Imlh ai In atvle or fa.hinn, anj
Willi tii-alnr.. anil iliati-h. mar. ?:lt pi.
1) Y Tirttic rif an unlrr tanril nut of (It Orjdiant'
Court i ! thr r umtv of t trarfii-l l. In tlir C'.m-
i nii-nwrnlf h "f IVni li ania. tlipr will Im rxjniwl
j to PiiMip Salf at tf Ciiit HnuM in t'U-arfrl J, od
MiMiday, Im-rh ! 1hK, at P. M.,
Thf MlMwinf .li-arnWJ RKAl, KSTATf., lit Uir
ir'jrriT of Uwrgv (i. nival, JvN"aMM
AH tl't rt-rtniti tra t or : of mtt , itt
in Urn J trt nwii-ht. In ni4 wmntr, ImnndrH
1 nnt i ri'ir'l n ft.U-WP U-f ttinieft ttw
ion Iinrbffivn ttitlurl anl lcr tiwninp,
! lltrorr H"rth I'J .li jrtr, wr 34 hrr- ti'-a to -lirl-li
'it : thitf val I t Ian4 f 1 hotni Hnt '
t' ir, I 4 V t 10 prn ln lo atakr i thrn aotnh lit
I la nl of i:ii.)h hmrat, V rn-, tmM l.4 prrrhr
I in takr; thneo rl UV Itl pvrvhci to Ibt pi art
I of lira inning
I Containir.g about 124 Acres.
1 Ttin'T ft' nf wht.b arv rlaarfl. harinc lf
'rn-rliti lln-trn, atxl tli r of mid lnn-1
hriin wrl ttmKTft n netlfrlaid with ftml.
Till nJipoiat.l.
rTI-llMR AND CnNMTIOXfi : Aiw-lhiH
In hn4 anH tt W Unp in twn nnnaal fia men tit,
rrort-U It fccitJ and nort aff on lb pnniMi,
sJtl A4a f 4- O- Em?l( tro'l
;ilcu' (IVflllfiCIIUnH.
VVAI.I AIU.K I'Hnl'HtTV la Ihe tillage .1
l.illlieiilinrir, I'l, ai t) 1.1 rnwnly. Pa , rwn.ial
nK of two 'loan .nu. a late frame lw-llhi
lli'ilie, IS by 3A, well tim-hed. wilh eellar Amleri
lmvitK alt lha sc'ea-air nathtiil.liiige, each aa
Slahle, Coal and W ood llouae. Alio, all Uftiee.
IX by It, and II Rood bearing Appla Treea. All
of which will be aolj eery low for eaih, or on
ti-rnia lo uit llit furebneer. For partieulara apply
to lha lubivriber reridiog on the premif-.
Luthrnbutft, Marrh 2, I! 7" Jin.
of Mnry E. Fim-nl, a-liniitiptratrix, tnJ Kl-it-utiil
Willuiui, aittnini'tititcr, of K. Hinrnl, Imii
ul H'Wif t(ri!fl,i, 'fffCHI, irn?iiiff iImtio Iwr
itpct-itin lKrliirimini ot' toiiir.':nt lirtwu-n tlvoritf
ti. Hini'iit, t.ilo uf ltruHfuni tuwiifliip. dwt'ninl.
ami in ii Klijnta hiuial, ilcocnunl, for the jj tl r I": ?
nml title a crilaiii tU cv uf lanj nttiatc in JJiad
lufl tiiwiiltiji.
W lirn nn.thr art id ailfttinictnidirnof KHjIi Smral,
Irr d, r,-r.:nUi a pi'iitinn to Iht- Orphan' Couil
fur iin tenuity ot t'ln.rflfl'i uu ih 1 4 1 b ot Jniiuitn.
I 7 1, BtttitiB lorlh I hut llio aniil iienrt (i. Hutui!
htid in hit lilriimr, lir dml win tract, nlil anl
ImmihU liimm U to ixtnvf y raul luu i buumttil anj
ilomrilii-J follow: t rfiiirijii at ft wLitf ojlt,
nn liut of laid of J. W. J'tirmr. iwnee north fl.-J
tlrjfrrrt', it 41 pfrchcn, to Hufnnnnti ltarnr ur
nifir, fii hi ih 4ti (l'((r', writ
Ail prrt-hoi tu maplt't thfnttt nortli 4.i ttrprrtf,
went 21 prrchf-a tv ponl : then along line ol Thoi.
lUrrUon tract, aouili 97 di-nrv-a, teit Id pm l.ti
lo pot ; Ibcnov mm 71 perelim more or It m to
t irch, ntsar run ; turner up run 12 perch- tu pint ;
tlit noe eaat 27 pircbra to atuinp.aad t tyrant- north
17 d.-Kreff, ra 77 pmctirnto Mliilt-oak and plarr
of kcKiDnititf; euntttihmr; 37 artl, more or Ir.i.
'I hut in purauanuc ut ni t (H,iHrK-t taxi Klijah
tneai looit poHptt-tilun ot mid pmtilMca, madv val
uahle itiiproremfnta therwut, and paid m concid
lahlt puritun of the purctiaae money. Aud lur
thtr, loth aaid partiea to auid eon tract baring
died without any provision being made for the i
fiTruianre ol laid rontrnet. W'ltemupon aaiJ
Vuurt .tlrW and direct! thai mlaAion be
liued and arrted upon tbn dininutratom, widow
and lie ir of Umrgm ti. Kraeal, daoeard, hy reail
ihK or copy thereof, and not ice lo all olhi-r 'partiea
in iutortit hy puhlication in one neipm,-r for
three, wet-k euhaeflutively. to be dirmtetl to the
helm and lcjfl rprrat ntHt ive of atd dtrnti ol.
eoniinaiiiliu'C thvin to appear on wc-uJay, ilunh
2lt, A. It 17(1, at en Urphani' Court then to be
held t (' tartreld, and abow eaue, if uy they
have, why tatd rontrart ahuuld not be ppecifieally
pirforintd cronlmg to the true Intent and mean
ing thereof. Of all which the nol bui and par
tita iutertated are n mated to take but ice.
ItjT the t'tmrt
Birl.3t A. W. LEE, Clerk 0. C.
Sheriff's Sale.
Y eirtueof aundry writ a of VthHttioni Erpomnt
iprvfd out ot the Court of Common Fltat of
Clearfield eoontr, and to me directed, there wil!
be exnoaed to puhltc aate, at tbe Court llouae,
in the borough of Clearfield, un Mondav, lha
1IM dy of March. !H7ft. at I o'clock, p. m,
tbe followiug deeeilbed Heal Ettate. 4e wit :
A certain tract of laud aiftiale in Covington
tnwnnliip. Clearlield county, l'a., buundi-fl on Ihe
Koutb by the rtuithport turnpike, weft by John
Keitrr, nortk and eaat hy Karihaut land t con
taining luu acren, wore or It-: alniut 2j area
cleared, and having a young heating orchard and
a tuall frame hiue erected thereon, l'-itrd. taken
in exerntion and to be told u the properly of
iicnrjr jtr.irr.
Alan, a certain tract of land vituatr In Ccinrton
townahip, Clearfield county, l'a., bounded on the
nouth hy the hmithpnrt turnpike, went hy John
Hider, north and rant by Kartbaua lands; con
taining 1UU fr-rea, more or lew; about 2b acrea
cleared, and a mi II ftaine bonne and young or
chard thereon. tMted, taken in c ecu I ion and to
be aold aa tiie projierty of Ilvnry Kidrr.
Alao, a certain trart of land tituate iu Drady
township, l learrirld county, l'a., bounded on tbe
north by landi of J .hn Uumhargfr, wcat by llev
erling. a.alh by Cation, 4c, and cant hy Kiaith
amftotWra: containing I ho acrea, and having 25
acrct eh-ared and a h g hnune and barn erected
thrrenn. Seiieit, taken in circution and to be
aold aa the rwrt.wrty irf Jaiura A. liiion.
Alao, ajeertaio tinct of land situate in Wm.dward
town hi p. CU-arhrld counly, l'a., Ifcgioniug at a
corner o landi of Ucurgc ilorkr-nterrv. thence hr
i land of llkei)herry to land of John" Alexander ;
thence l.y Unit ef ALexawler to corner of Tavtor'f
land ; Iheeoe by land of Ta viur tu corner of Conlcy
land: them-e hy Coiley 'a land to corner of . A.
and J. I). Whitcttidv'i land : thruce by their land
to Whttcttdei' etirui-rt theoce by land of White
aidtt to place of bejnnnirrg; eontaiMng 2041 acrea.
more or lea; having about ItiO acrrs clean d. a
good bearing orchard, two-itory dwdling bouae
and a good hauk barn thereon erected ; being part
of two purvey a. -iarl. taken ia eiakrntioa and to
be aold aa the property u4 ia)d Akry.
A I a certain tract of laud ailuate la Srrb
town.hip. Clearfield county, l'a.. bounded aa fol
lows : lit ginning at a blai k alder, thence nortli (
dt grrea, enct 'Si perched f thence aouth KA drgreea,
eaM 2'2i perch-i; tbt nce outh .i degrees, eaat
perch j thence anulh K d greea, east 32 perebaa
to Mst ; thence south .17J degrees, east 72 perches ;
thence aoutb f. drgreea, ea-t fi2 perches ; thence
north tltgrcfs, eat It per-he: thence north
2-'$ degrees, eaw Jfl pert-he : I hence north 7J de
ffrres. cat ail Mrcbea to a ehratnut ; thence north
CO dt-grera. west four perchea to a po4 ; thenee
south 7" degrees, wet 1 1 perrhw tu a piist ; thence
-'J degrees, west I2 pcrchei to a post; thence
north K'i deifrees, west 1(4 perchee to atones:
tht noe north 2i d( grecs, oaM S perches to a white
oak; thence nrth h7J d grecs, eaat Ml perch ct
to a ptne stump; Ounce aouth H7 drgreea. west
etglit; then-e eotith Si) degrees, east 2.14
crche; tlirnne south 4f degrees, east 31 perches;
lhec south dt gre a, eaat 4.1 perches ( theoce
south h, J drgreea.eaat II.' perches to stuoea ; thenee
nirth 624 dgTes, eat Vi perches lo a white pne
stump; Iticn 37 degrcfs, rast 34 ptft-hos to
I, and thence aoulh 21 degrees, west 1 10
pcrciiea to the I. lack r a'td place of beginning ; l acrea and 67 perchea, Kurveved
1 1th Noreinher, lMHJ. on warraai granted to Henry
tlroe. Heiaed, taken in tircuhou and to be aold
aa tb pmpcrty of Henry tiroe.
Also, a certain Iracl of I a hi situate in Chester
tillc, Iiecatur tnwnalitp, Clearfield county, l'a.,
btmnded and dscnl-ed as follows, to wit : Front
ing on atreet (10 feet, and on Alton atrert ;a
I leet, hack to Cl'.ver alley ; Iwing a cot nrr lut, and
, knwn aa lot o, 7fi. and Joining M No. ?7. in
sid town plot, and baring a two-rtry platik boute
erected thereon. 8riaed, taken ia execution and
to He aold aa the property of Edward Hill.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in Tloggv
townhtp. Clrarfltld county, l'a., beginning al a
white oak Corner, thence north Ij7 peichee lo white
oak : thence by John Taylor surrey, west
perches t pot, and earner if John W. Kyler;
thence by tame, south 1 j7 perches to pnat ; thenee
east J.tfl perrhes to white oak and place of begin
ning : containing 2IN aerta, more or leaa ; baring
tlirreon envied a log house and barn, and a large
bearing orchard and ahout 70 acrea clear "d land
Heiactl, taken in ricentinn nnd t be told as the
property of James M. hhaw.
Also, a certain trncl of land liliiate in Osceola
Ikorough. Clearfield etnuity, l'a., bounded as fol
lows : Fronting aoiith nn I.ihgle street fet. and
it taring a mi l llr M, B'liointng lots So, (t and ;
it leing lot No. f7 on pt-at of said borough; with
a good two-story plattk bouse and tuber out -build
inga erected thereon. cVitrd, taken in execution
nd to be Bold ai the property of Murfdiy A krrin.
Also, a oertain tract of leti1 situate iw P.ggs
t')nhip, Clearfield eonoty, l'a., bonndesl as o
ow, to wit: Itrginning at the aoulh cast corner
of the survey. Ihrnce north ?H perches, along line
formerly mnde for Jowph W il!nm, and afterward
e. in v eyed by Charln Hird to John Mitchell, to
post comer; tlirti'-e west by lands of I'hilip lteu-
Ojh" atvllt 1 1-arrhM. and Still We Ul nf l.umt'due 4 pen-hfa; Ibeacc ajrmn Weat ,S2
perches t thence west 16 perchea to corner of land
of Andrew t'mo , thence along his line, aa ctu-rcyi-d
in 1s5?. ainh l .sj pcrchfs to post ; thrnce
by other lands f A. C.'rwaa, east t2 rmrehea; cn-U-nittg
V.S acrra; being tbe largest portion of
snn ey in the name oi Adam Mraart, and patented
ImiIi ' i!!, ir?1 ; rtMHy all cienrcd, and baling a
trtall bouse anij baro e-tcd thereon, feitet,
taken in eteeutlcn and to be aa the propertf
of Jactb Haney.
Also, fonr certain tract of land, situate a fol
li ws : Na. 1 situate in Hradtoid townihip. Clear
B. Id county, l'a.. beginning at a htacfc oak en the
haik of Ihe rnut hanna riter, thence aouth nP
d grees, west U'Ji pen-lies to a pnt on the original
line of sur.ey; lln nce ao th 22 degrees, west I ?n
fterches to pitch pine comer on the W est H'anrh of
the hunhnniia river j thence down said river,
its se.rral eourees ami diaances. a I out 34.1 perches
to the place of h-e-nning ; containing tr.2 acre
and allowances, with 2i perch , and having there,
on erected a small b g hone and bam. and about
74 acre rl. ared. Tra l No. 2, situaltl in Brad
ford townbip, t liarfi. ld eonnty, l'a.. beginning
at a eucitmloer, on the W et llraneh of the Hnnue
hanna, corner of a larger trwl, of which this is a
j part : thenee north nS degrees, mrei ,' porhea to
a post j theoce sonth -aVtf rtr fiP perches to a poet
eftee north eaterle Ad peri'hes to the river
I lb. nee ah'iig the li er. by it e several conraea and
distances, tti the cic umlMf and place of Ircgtnning ;
j containing aUiut 20 arrs, more or less, all cleared
j 1t nd. No. a tract, situate in Karthans fownahtp.
I t learflt-ld County, l'a., bounded on tiie east si.le l.y
; the t hnton eninty I me, north by land of lltih
Mctlttpigal. West by .loha MrOonigal, and aouth
, by land ol Jeremiah tiainea. entaiiiing alout .Ml
j aerea, and haung ereeted thereon a large two
slt.ry frame hou a frame tank ham, and a good
I beariht on-hard, and being all r lea red and under
a gl lence. No. 4 tra t. situate in Karl ha us
toanslnp, Clearfield eonnty, l'a.. admin the above
I de-eritt ha a- rea, and btmg all cleared. Heited.
j taken in esecution nd to be sold as the property
of I fuse tiainrs.
I r4T Bidden will Uke netiee that 15 per eent.
f the purchase ntoriey mut be paid when the
prcrerty t knocked down, er it will he rut np
j again lor tale. C IIKMld II nWK,
8unirr't Orrit k. 1 Sheriff
Clearfleld, l'a., March S, I 74
I-"! and l- fur aala at lha Piot nflra.
I'rtoa U nan. Mailad ta aa; adtraaa. af
31 nv dvcrtlrirmfnti ,
Sheriffs Sale.
HY float f sundry wr'.ta of Flri frims.
Issued out of tha Vmrt uf fcmwun flaaa uf
Cteatfla'd county, ftd In directed, thcra
will be atposad lo Pl'ltLIC PA l,K at the C ert
llousa In tha borough of Claarflald. on Monday,
tha Slit day nf March, tffTO, al oaa a'aloeh. t
hi., tha following Heal Kit ate, to ait t
All IMrndant'a Intenit In a certain tract of
land fitnate In Itumai'lfl township, Clearfield
onuoty, l'a., bounded and dnaeribeij as follows, to
wil : Ilegiiiaiag at poM, thenee north ?( drgreea,
eaat 191.4 p'-rche-a toatones; ttien -e south h7J de
grees, east BH I't-rehe to a post ; tbmee sath 2j
degrees, wtst I"J pirches lo tonn; the ac north
hM decrees, west 24. T lurches to gum; thence
south 2" d grrt-a. eunt ti perchea to white oak
grnbf thrnce north ID degree, eaat 10.9 jrt-nhei
to atones ; thenee aouth to post, and thence aouth
H?l decree-, weal ltlf..T p'lrehea lo the place of
beginning; eontaiuitia! 9j acni and allowance;
having iul 2.i acrea cleared and a house erected
thereon, Ktiit '1. taken in execution and to be
atdd as the property B. T. Mitchell.'
Also, all thote certain p. pmifrca siiuate in Clear
field county, in the Suit uf Pcni.:,vlvania ; one
thereof ritiiitte in llnton township, in paid tcun'.
Iicginning at a fpunUh (ak, cortitr uf land of J.
II. Kmith, I hence north 70 degrees, cast perches
tu post in small run ; ibenee north 2 degrees,
west 379 perchea to post : thene m"th 7o degrees,
went I S pertdirs ; thence south 20 degrees, east
3711 peri-he, by land uf J. 11. Hitiilh, to place of
bigiuonig; cnlainibg 24 area and allowance;
being ttia aaiae premiae conveyed lo said Iavid
T ler by D. Ilairo A rit.ns, by deed dated May ?vt,
Ih.'7, rcconted in ded Look 'H," pge o4j, Ac.
AImi, I nil acre uf land MtuuJe in u.ic township
and partly 111 Jay township, Klk ctiuuiy, being in
the north west corner of lot So. 4'JH7, bounded by
the first descriled premiata 011 the eaat, by lands
of Hewitt on the south, and tetng the same prem
ises conveyed to said I'avid Tyler be M. Nichols
and wife by de- l dated Mareb th. IhftS reettrded
in deed bouk U," page 41, Ac. Alej., another
piece in Huston tow 11 1 hip alitresaid, beginning at
a pnat by two ainall" hickories, tbrkT by flrat de-
Mrttwd fteoe, north 70 d grees, cavt S n rchc to
beeeh: tbenm atill by Tyler, aouth 20 degree',
fMst 212 percbeH to Spanish oak ; thence aouth Tu
ilegrees, west 3 nerrht-s to poat t thence by John
Hewitt's land, north 79 degree, went 212 perehrs
to place uf beginning; aontaining u ac.-ea and
ift p'-rehca. nelt uiearure ; being tbe aatne premi
ata eoneT-l hy At wood llui.dr and wile be deed
dated I4tb May, lHfll, recorded indeed book T,"
page 343, tu aaid I'avid Tyler. Also, two other
pieces of land situate in Huston township. Clear
Aid eounly, and ia Jay townahip, Elk county;
one thereof part of lottery warrant No. i3S, dated
May 17'h, Kfti, Ix ginuiug at a post in tbc run an
the aouth side of Bennett's branch of the HiniM
niahuuing Creek, at aouth -eaat corner of other
land of llarid Tyler, thence by aame, north 2fl
degrees, eaat S7 Hrchee to atones; thence by
land formerly of kidd A Co., nurih 7 di grees,
eaat it) perebea toa'ouas; tbeooe aouth 29 dt grees,
cast S.'4 perchea to hcneJoeb 1 by other land
of l)arid Tyler, aouth 70 drgreea, west JX percbet
to white oak ; thenee aouth 20 degree, east 24
erchea to a birch 1 thenee aouth ftl dearrora. weat
12 perches lo place of beginning; containing H6
acres and allowance 1 being the came premises
conveyed to the aaid Iaid Tvler b? Haml. raTer
and wife hy deed dated July 27th, IN'7, rtovrdea)
at i. tear Held in deed hook "It, page 423, e. The
other thereof beginning at white oak. the aontb
eaat corner of the tract, thenee tout a 79 degrees,
west 21 perchea u whita oak; thenee aouth 2
1greea, eaat 3i perchea to white ash; thenee
outh 70 degreee, went 33 pereliea to poat thenee
north 21 degree, weat 3 j4 perches to poat ; tbeuc
oonn e oegrwea, eaat as perches to pott, north
east corner uf tract ; thence aouth 20 drgreea. eaat
320 perebea to p lace of beginning; eexUtaug 109
acres and allowance; hting the same premise
conveyed ny aaiu naronei Hay er and wtfo to land
Tyler by deed dated November 9b, 1 SO I , recorded
at Clearfield In deed book K" page 467. and
having thereon erected a large brick dwelling
boose, one large frame dwelling bouse, one large
iraae nan nam, ana many other not buildings:
alao, a large bearing on bard. Tbe above 191'
acrea being nearly all cleared and under a gotid
lata of cultivation. Keiaed, taken in eicruiiua
and to be aold aa the property of Iavid Tyler.
-e-mauera win take notice that 13 per
cent of tb purchase oney must bo paid when
tb property I knocked down, er It will bo pal
op again lur aaio. tIKHMIS UUW K,
hiEnirr i Orrira, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pi., March 1, 1670
Jlrg (Doottj, ftrorrrifi, Cftf.
V. Itlt.lTZEIt,
Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a.
(Opiwala, lb Jail,)
T HAVE bow tact Inl claaa dock af
i- r sod i, aahrt l Ut, wania af ik, III,
My tlork Wing lar,, tti hj aii,tall. aialiia,
addition ihrralo, I aa. la apssaiaaal.
all aba ai.i faior aaa bj calllB(. I bar.
N.tiaoa, Oinghaaia, Clotba, PriaU.
Dtlalo... Ca,.lai.r,a. Silka. Rrt.
Saliatta, Caakaima. Twd..Cnkarri. Alnaraa.
Mi.bair, Laaall-a, Maallna, Flaaaal .aa,t,.
Kllboa., Cloaka. Balnoral Skirla. Bona Fklru,
Ebawla, Prata Trlajmlcji, Iliad R,ia, Cap,
Cartata, Ol.Tn, frarfa, C.llara,
Ortcadia, Vtila, Tab), CaTfra, do.
CaaU, Pan la. V,U, Cr-CoaU,
Of al'l FhaaU, 6hirla, Hal., C.p., t'ad.r Sbirt.
act Drawaia, Boot, aad Bkaaa, 0u Sho.t,
Crafata, 6ok, 0 lafaa aad CalLra.
Tta, Cafra, nar, klolaia.a, Palt,
Caadlaa, R. a, Floar, Baooa, Fi.k, T.baeta.
RaJ.laa, Carraali, 8iirat, Crark,ra, Vlarfar,
Oila, Varai.h, Ptppar, Alrobol, to.
Carnata, Oil clalb, Dm,, at, Clarka,
Laokiai Olaaar,, ("karat, Bark,u,
WaahkaaHa, T.ka, flat Iroa., Pbb,, Wiadow
B.iad., Wall P.B, ca! Oil Uaaca, Brd.,
1'aibr.naa, Kalraa, Forka. S poo a a,
Cratk,, Flora, aad Slera Blacklag.
Qaaantwara, Tiawara, Olaaiarara, Capaaraara, Boaka. titalloa.r;,
Ma.iral Ooada, Trunk., 8kal., At.
-AII af ablrk will k, ,ald oa Ik atoai na
aoaabl, Uraaa, aad tt klibatl Barbal prir paid
far Oraia, Watl aad all kiada f foantrj prodara.
(nppo.lta lha Jail.)
Saddle and Harness Manufactory,
LtTIIEnsni Ril, PA.
rpSIK on lrrairBI rp'lfollt Inform, lb. rill.
1 arn. of Inan.h.p. and lha i.,SI,r g,,.
...lit, that k, i. fall, prrpanM t. a..n.f,rr,
oa .liorl Bohr.. fn.Bl lha brat of malarial and al
rrrr ralra. arartlbing ia bia lioa.
Bfairmg duna pronipllr.
'1IKXRV W. FHOfll.
O 1 l.l(.ll.p w w,,!,,., 8LEIUII8
O nit or eti-bang. al
s,w.fiws a. a Ultt
Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, D7
uoods, Uroccncs, uc.
n UK anbaeribara ba.lntr ,ntarcd Iota parlntr-J-
ship for ibt parpoaa of carrying oa ikt
bn.iaM of Mrrrhandi.lo. anw olltr a rial
inn rara opporuiniir in id. eiiiteB. ol vl.t,.
flald and adjoialnff eooBliaa ta j atnre f'Mi
al arboltaalr nr ralail prlrai, that will a.mrl
tha aalnairgctad. aod arill ka panie,.
lar'r iirlrd la .all thla market. Erarj ladj
III. ibarafora. ?H "Hanlna of bar ba.lia.,
Hi iM fant. bdraiiir lh!l braaah of oar Imnin,.
Ill rlTa apanlal atlantl.B. atd aiartibtn,
aaadad in a !! rajulalfd boaiabold '111 at all
llioe. ba fuond Is our atsro.
Onr stork of HH Y CMMIDM ahull not h nr.
paeiad, oltber In quality or price, and will say.
brae. In pari. Print of ery atyle, OingkatM
and Lawn of every quality. Muslin of Try
trad. Je Line adapted to th tastes of the
old and your; ; nnd every ariHe of any a in 4 of
goods they sell Is tn bo a represented, and war.
ranted to giv Bailsfactlon.
A to DRF.HM GNIA-we hart a rpl'fHlJ
aajonneot of Alpaoae, hlck. white, and I )
orsi Anworeg. Silaa, ad in eh art all th atn
style in th maraet W Jrvr tbls fuel u
boeoeao keewn lo rry person fn tha eoenty.
with oar itw and ztensivo stock of DRgge,
GOODS, tb ladies ean all ho soiled by iut
dropping la and getting a Dice drees paiieti,
lac aelt, kid glue or by duirg that wbie u
baiter i gir bora well-alied pun. and .brill
find good and paying iarawtnent in mWal.
erlea, edging, ribbon, glove, hosiery, er iy
other bowsekofd iceiti.
Aad la addition to abat bar, alratrf
.aaaaaralad. a ktap all kiada of OETI iV
MEN'M WKARaaab aa Clotb,. Caaaiawrai,
Sallnalta, II a U. Boot, and Skua,. Ac kr.idaa,
a aiea aaaonaaal al Mad, ap CLIiTHIKQ
for Mr a aad Beja. aiaaafMtarad aataf tkaiar;
kr.t aaatarial, akiok . ill aril lor ratk ar
aiekaofa fur aoaatrj pmduoa at prieat wkiek
ill aatoBt.b ararrbodj.
Wa ar. a laraal rarari-d ia barinj aad
arllin nQHARK 1IMHI:H aad au.f,,.
Utrd LUMBER, aad aa. i il gir, Ibi, kraark af
baaioaaa apa.ial attaatioa. aad Ibaraf.ra laaka il
aa objact la ararj oaa ko kaa LaakarloitUU
eoiaa aad daal arith at.
W, .ball alaa kaap asa.taailj aa a
caa.ral a.aortnrat af CKDCKRIU aai
II A R D W A II K, bick .ill Mil a: tiaaai.
ia(lt low prioaa. Wa alaa kaap a fall auor.
atal.f QUIvr.KrtWAitB. TIU drpanairai
ill ka kept fall aad eaatplata, aad ail ...
oataaiplat, kooHkarpini, aill lad It U. aWf
adraauga U aomt aad trada "Ilk a. kMaan
a ara ao lilaattd, aad, from long aiparuaca ia
tb, balDa, aa .U arqaaiatad with Ik, aau
aad aaoaaiiiia. af tkia aoamaaitj, ikat foil
aliatad U ararr aiaa aaiaa aad akild aaly
akea II a point u kaa Ualr gvoda fraai at, a,
oaa plaaaa tktai kolk aa ta a,aaliij aad prica.
Tkarafar,, aoaia along aad bar yaar BOOTS
CLOTH IN 0, and ararrtblni joa a aad w raa.
dor joarnlraa aad faaiiliaa aoaafortabla, froaj
fpilK nnderaignod, hariag determined t di.
X r"- f bi proerty, oflrr fw aale oo of tb
Buost drsiralile farms in Law rr nee township, ait.
aied within tw. nirf tha borough of Clearfield.
Th tract contain ISO arres, ? of which an
cleared and under a good state of enltivatioa.a4
baring tbtreo a dwelling bowao, book bara.atet
spring boose, aad alt other neceevmry oat bail dinfi;
togeiber with a fin orchard of ricellent appr
aai peoehea. Il will he held for sale until tbe irrl
of April neit, when if not sold It will b reated.
WrTerma easr. For further particular ad
dres ht nteribert or rail peravaally al to
pi-riuisea, near Clrarflrld.
S3 JOnN nAW, Sr.
Furm for ISnlcI
q-IIB nnderaigned olTrra at PRIVATE PALI
X. tb following deveribed Real Esiate:
A certain Farm, aituat in Montgomery towi
ship, Indiana county. Pa., f to mile froai U
Susqwehanna Rirer,
Vll tits or red with heaalncb nod pi. Tb in
proveaaenn are a good dwelling boas and bar.
A young orchard and neeer-failing spring af ot
ter on th prewiisea. Tho land it underlaid wiib
a rein of god coal.
aMT For further particular appl to tbe b
enher. liAII A. RICH A KAN,
jao5 Ita Cash P. O., Clear fi rid oounty. Pa.
THKREAft, no. C. A. MAYER, Preside!
Judf of th Court of Com mo Plea f
th Twenty-ftfib Judicial District, eeaipeeed of
th e own lift of Cloarfteld, Cratr sod Ciiat.a
aad Uon. Sawrtt Cltd and Hon. Jc Wit
at tit, A saoe la i Jed Are of Clear Id county,
hit Isaued their prcpt, to ana rfirecud. for tb
balding af a Court of Vmwm Plea, Orpham'
Court, Court of (d)rter eeslona, Court el Ojer
and Terminer, aad Court ol Oeneral Jail Ilt the Court llouae at rteartela.lnaad rVrta
eouuty of Cteeruftd, onnimenriag on ih Third
Monday, tint day of March, !7K and to
erntlnue en week.
NOTU K IS, therefore, hereby gire. to U
Coroner, Jastiev of the Peace, and Crest ablet,
In and fcr atd county f Clearfield, to appear in
their proper person, with their Rolls, Rrrordi.
Inquisition. Kiswmution. and other Rewiem
breneee, to do tboa thing which to their etfice,
nd In their behalf, perui U be doao.
OIVBN under my bond al Clevfteld. 0 Vd
ilaa af B' laa Ika aaaa aaa I 4 Alva. .
thenaaud Sight hundred and teeeu'y.
p r.c.iTi;R wotic n-Koticiiberiy
-B. , a,,rn T lIW"in RAToaOII ntTV vwrm
ciammed and passed by me, and remain lied f
record in this otTW for tb inspection fif heir,
Ir rat res. creditori,and all at bet in any ether way
inlreated. and will he presertoi to the nett Or
p hart a' Court cd county, to ke belJ at th .
Court House, In the horenrb t Clearfield, or.
eneneing on the th rd Monday (being tb SIM
day I of Marrh. A. I.
Kinal aeeonnt of Joseph II. Breth and Mary
William. admiBittratnraof 8atnnel W ill is ait, lev
of Burn tide township, deeoased.
Final aeeonnt of Catharine Mitchell, eteeatril
of C. C. Mitchell, late of Gam side townaMp, dee d.
Final account of John fallow and Kltta Ferra
so, eiorators of James Fi'rgweoa, late of tbe bor
ooth of Lam her Citr, deeeard.
Partial aeeonnt of Samuel llagertr, eievator f
8amwd Hagerty, Pr ml ol liulick lews ship,
Final aeeonnt of 8amnet llagertr, gwsrdio of
WiUetta C. tee.
haniT:R' Orrtrt, A. W. I.F.K,
Clearfield, Pa- Feb. 13, IPTfi te. ( Roister.
Aad WbolMal. rvalrr la Boc-a. Mr. Park,
Lard, hajar i'rti Ham. aad n.f,
Ni. l.ihfrtr Hlir.1,
tt PITTMM'RC!. l-.i!kV4. la
Altenllon, nlermrn J
rpilK amlmlgard ib t. infona all ap-rim
I al.raira Ibal Ibrr haia a f ad niai
dii.a, ki-aaa al ta. Illli B.IX. akar. ibrr ata
prrparrd ta acmainindala a. maa.T aa Bill faro,
ikaia lik a call. Th. mIi bating kra I ha
ool, it ia ao a Ttr aWir.1 Ir p'ao. l.od. al
raft, earn II, on .abar a..r ol Ibr r r.'.
Faa. I Upd rKAZlER A UWtR.