UKl'imi.Il'AN. CLF.AHFIKi.P, Ta. wr.Dxr.inAV siohxino, ft.ii. ti. wt. Terms of Subscription. Tf paid Id adrennr.or within three months ...ft OS Ir paid arier mree anj m-inrv m monim.. If paid eAar tbeenuiration of lii Booth. t id 3 00 a7 All articlve to Inenre itieertiun In tiki pap .' ihould bt handed Id early on Tiieatla.v Bornlng. si wi gi to pre.i at 1? o'clock. Inoon.) REI.ICIOl'fl NOTIl'l. Methodist F'.pl.copal ChurchHer. W H. Kilt Pmtor. PaWIe Berries ater Sabbath at 1114 A M.. anil 7 P. M. 8l,h.lh School at A. M. Prer Meeting ever Tliuriiln. at ti P. H. Cniumunirin Servian, ftrat Sabbath of arer nnn'h. at In) A. M. Ht. Franc 1.' Church CatholicHer. Mr. 0'Ba.ioAf.--Ma!a at I14 o'eloek A. M., on the seenod and fourth nnmta. of rneh month. Bt. Andrew's Church EplcnnalTte Qrosor Hall. Puhlio rJervicn Sunday morning at in o'clock, and at 1 P. M Siinier School at i P. M. Prayer Maating Wednesday areolng Ml T 0 einea, St. John'. Church Lutheran tier. Mr. IvixooRrr Publio Bervlca every Sabbath, morn Inr anl eveninr. Prr.hvterlau Church Iter. Mr. Bi'TLta. Pablio Scrriea ever tfabbath, morning and eron. ing. Tlie tunpernttire and connonling Influences of Altintlny nd Tuesday, fully eKlnblixlied the wisdom of the "jfrotind-hojr" in sc-rrctinp; himself for hia annl six week, although t lie weather had been rather captivating during this winter. Eii.lid. Wo Irurn that Wlllinm Wilson, formerly of Hoggs towiiHliip, wai killed on a log job on Anderson's creek one day littl week. In trying to eC!ipe from a fulling tree he was truck on the temple by a limb, breaking hie skull, from the effects of whii b he died in a few hours. Tbs twenty second, Washington's birthday, once so nttraclive to Amer icana, pissed off like any other duy. Ho who waa "first in war, first in peace and first in the heart of lii countrymon." has bi-en rendered obso lete and almost forgotten, though the baroc made by the moral and politi cal li moon which bin iwept over the land of bin birth. We direct the at tention of that class of our reader and all others who purpose going down the river, to (he -ard of Mews. Frasicr k Hoover, at the Big Busin, who aro prepared to accommodate rivormen. In Hilililirin ta rmni'lnv fl.o Kami. bar at thut place, we are informed that the mcks have been blown out, which afford both a safo and easy landing on either side of the river. Cbpsiied to Death. A young man named Jacob Beans, of Centre county, whs killed one day lust week in Chest tovrnsip, thi county. - lie was cm ployed hy Mr. John Hipp as teamster. And fell effa stick of limber and was caught between it and it tree, mid whs o crushed that he died in two hours. He was properly cared for. and his remains passed through IhU place on Saturday for interment. Accidf.nt We learn that William Dulls, of Glen Hope, while chopping wood on Tuesday a week, received a severe cut in bis foot. His axe struck the fence, while be wua in the act of wielding it, thereby mis-directing his aim entered hi right foot immediately bsck of tho great .too joint, almost severing it from the foot.' It will Iti all probability iity hiio up for several months. Recorder's Office. Bolow will be found the number of Deeds entered for record in this office for the week ending Monday, February 21t, 1870, together with tho names of the grant ors and grantees, where situated, and the consideration : Dood f fiamoel W. P,lim to J. A. PearloU, for one aero In llnatua towulhip; fill. Heed if Latanip ArBitrong to Harvey Paarmoro, for l;i acrvi in Lawrenea townihip; f&,lilHj. ' lxl ar Ueorv gaa I ioba H. Itiintat, for 11 acrea in Jordaa townabip; $l,2utl. Ilrcd of Dr. Paaial Ilouli to llri'hia. Unod and McAttwr, for 240 aorna ia Woodwaid tp. fVU,OoO. A Maicu Sric. Manitactort. The Bcllefonte Watchman says: ;A new branch ol industry has sprung up t Gilliland town, in SnoWhhoc, this county, litis consist ol a match stick fuclory, where are made the stick or ftplini from which mutches are pre pared. The business is carriud ott by litirxihal k Co., who already employ tsliout 30 pvrttona, musily IuiiimIvs They make thirty five thousand nf these sticks or splints per minute, and ue six thousand feet of lumber per day. Afler they get fairly stsrtod, w e aro iulormed they expect to ship three carloads of sticks per week. Here ia a business that looks as though it tnight develop inlo some tiling extensive and we sincerely truxl it will abundantly reward the enter fjruto nianil'etlcd in Us inaugutution. CvikENrLT ' U.II'EB A Cuni)" Kouiouf ike Belli (otite editor a few j weeks ago .discovered "a mammoth j cava" near that place. We au-pocted that there was more vinl than nb isnce about the matter although it Furry otssly and fearfully de scribed. The Bellefuiito ItcfiuLliran of last week, ssy J W advise Editors outside of Belle fonte. mil to plwe too mtirh ivliunce m the stnrirs published aliout the dis covery of a wonderlul mainnioih cave near Ibis plare. The aforesaid rave not being large enough for a cheap boy of live years of iiga, to crawl into ten teel ft ntu its nmiiUi. In fuel, it ia nothing but a tacnnrr in the rotk whii h is uftcti Inand wtiere bine-lone alwiiiids Timse who first mndc the woitoerf ii!"Miscovcry, and afterwards ptiblishtHl it. aru in ihe habiiol set-ing mnny tilings not visible by any other mortal." Btniirn.- Gov. (jesry has signed the iHialh Warrant of Bohnor and Von B' 'den berg, lbs murderer of the I'eiglital family, near Huntingdon. They aro to bo hung at thai place on t"! Ptb of March, osjt. THIS 'Ina War. on Whii JUrx.The ill' ;il policy hni tilMiiys I. nil two aims : to make cilir.ens ol neL'l'oea.uiid to Inke b nv and oli-nin t t be ciiiaen. nhip of wliitx men The laiirt ii 1 U v ti 1 1 it ol 1Im oVIraiii'hliHonciit 11 ml ex elusion of tho whiles of lfu Mi.nili; and all tho mschinery of tho test onlhs 11111I pardons work to tin enil. A new bill, just reported by iho Jtnliciarv Comtnitlee, begins a new proscription of the Kiiropciin white num. It vio- lares the pledged faith of tho govern nient by rendering null and in opera live I lie declarations of intention hith erto nmdo under tho luws of tho I'ni led States. Is'ew .declarations will luivo to bo made to count front the date. Tho proceeding is protracted, and confined entirely to tho Federal courts, winch are lew and lur be iween, and this alone will te a serious obstruction to naturalization by tho oxpense und Attendant on going to toe Court with tho witnesses whose testimony is required. The bill is a piece ol political villainy to which the Democratic press and Democratic members will do full justice. 'J but it w ill pass both Houses of Congress we hould think incredible, if we hud nol seen so mtmy nets pnssed by the Jad icul majority in definnco of justice and decency. Aae. The Georuia Skwators. Chief Justice Brown and Asociaio Justice U nmcr, both appointed under Kadi- cul rule by that prince of Bnilieals, roster lilodgett, have declared that under the lieconm ruction acts of Con gress, Messrs. Hill and Miller were duly und legally elected to represent (teorgiu in tho United States Senate. Iho Governor elected by negro voles certified to that fact, and the United States District Attorney hold the same opinion. Kx-Goternnr Joe. Brown, rendered his opinion after Mr. Hill had been elected over him. Yet, with all this on the record, and atarinir them in the face, a Kudical committee of the United Slute Senate decide that neither Hill nor Miller aro enti lied to their seal. There waa a lime in this country when Seuutors of the Lulled b lutes regarded their oath and wero controlled by a sense 01 honor, out lliut was bclore the Kudi- cul party obtained control. A Loyal Senator. The York Gazette says: "If the churacterof Sen ator Pomeroy, of Kansas, as pictured in the Leaven worth TVmrl'. an "awful" Hudirul journal, bo correct, it is no wonder the people exclaim, God uvu Ihe Republic 1 The Senutor in qucs lion is accused of selling his vote on tho impeachment, is called "miscro- ant," '-wretch," "scoundrel;" is uid lo own Kicknpoo lands, Pottawatomie lands, n slice in all tho railroads. steamship lines, cables, and to be the very prince ot jobbers and dealers in legislation. This is a family quarrel, in which we have no desire to meddle. only remarking that this is the clusa of men Radicalism, raised to power am Keeps there In the luce ol their o An coiilcsMon that they are wholly unworthy to hold ihe smallest part ot power or responsibility. Weathercock Statesmanship. Congresa has a refreshing way ol manipulating and fixing the .Supreme Court of the United Stales to suit itself. When Lincoln was President and had the appointing of Judges, it made a law to increase iheir number, and when Andrew Johnson became Picsidenl, It made nnouier providing that no more Judges should bo tip pointed if an incumbent died. Now again, when Grant is in we find another attempt made to increase the number of Judges, that certain par tie of the loyal persuasion may get places. Radicalism and rascality go hand in bund. The most natural thing in the world for a Republican to do when a mem ber of his party dure to scnk out against dishonesty and corruption, is lo charge that member wilii going over to the Democracy. They scorn to consider it ullerly impossible fjr a man to oppose corruption and main tain hi poHiinn in the Republican parly. Witness what such papers as iho Pittsburgh Gazette say ol such men a Geary, Lowry, Billingfult.aud all others in that parly who oppose corruption. Interfered With A strumrrr visited the midday prayer meetings at Ihe church, corner ol Fulton and Wil liain SI roots yesterday, wua assaulted and put out of tho church by tho sex ton because be iwrsistcd in i rsvini' aloud mora lima ihe five minutes stip ulated in me rules, "lie not weary in well doing" is ihe Scriptural injuin:- ion the strnnirer was lr inir to lultill but he did noi calculate on wrestling wort me lyora ana the sexton loo. X. Y. Jicrald ol the 19th. Rrrt SES A PrLSEMT. Tim first ni-ea. ent Mr. Grant has declined arrived rrnluy by express from Cleveland. This was a doir diroclnil in tba Pm.'. dent. The expresschargson him were eio. air. orani reinsej him at thai price, saying there was no usefordo.s al the Executive Mansion, w hereupon the exprt-K agent retired muttering, and stilt keens as a memento ilm one otfering which has been tunieil awiiy 1 mm me nit nonsv since the 4th of March. Tnr National Warps. A meeting of Radicnl is culled in Washington lo take into consideration the "political condition of the colored people of the South " la it not about timo that something should be dmio for the moral condition nf these people f It is deplorably low according lo reports from all quarters But it the Jiadi e.tis can gt I ho votes of the negroes. they care not bo gets their bodie or soul cither. "Ixmi" Too A clerk in the Inle rior Depsrlmenl al W nshinglon swore hat Whittcmore, a reverend carict lotg member ol ( 'otigresi, from Sniilli Carolina, offered to appoint him to the Naval Academy for two thousiind dollars. This is the man who preached to the negroes against i,e sin of liv ing in an unmarried rondilinn, and then joined them lor one dollar per pair. He is "trooly loil" of course. An exchange says: Grant hns de clared be will pHiint no man lo ihe Supreme Court Bench w ho is not com mitted to the sustaining of nil rccon sirirelioti ucts missed or to bo misseil by Congresa. lit should also require tnem 10 eweur titer will sustain mu st tempt be or Congro may make lo overturn the present giivernmeot and establish an empire or despotism. Tho Hartford W suggests that if the rndicals Hn riot olil ain m atiffli.i.tii ! number of military district lo rarrv I ii.. t-:n .1. 1 . . sun 1 utcvnin Ameoumeiil, that the thing be run through a fw Women's 6ig.bu Conventions, to complete it. . f'rtrot. It'. I: f h.r Ilin ls-fn nirMlnnVi r!i"i;li to Vtavn bad inr Mills 1'itmi ! nt,i IV. a . ,,.in ,t ,j ' ' y 1 ' i I ' y 1 !-jiu m tliaiiH in On- agi-iita of tlia Ni'tlli Airi-ii.ian nnl Ktmililin liiMir.ini (.Vmpaniisj of I'ki'a lclpliia, In which I ua1 sit prnprr'T Ititnmt, fur tha prompt arttlfiaciii and parmrnl of a; !ain. J. t. FTnxna. PM;ipknrg, Feb. IS, :. Jiifd. In Lawrrnca townflilp, on Thuraday, Fcbrnar Sit. l":o, MARTHA ANN', daiinhtr of Joiars I.. suj Kuulrtll Tuosraos, aged uiua fcara, four inonlha and flva dava. . ' i.J J jrtlartftu. Clearfiold Markets. Con-acted wacklT by Hu iunn Nimmr, Wholcaala and hetail li-alur iu llry UikhIa, tlrocarlra, Pro- Tiaioui, sc., Jlarkel tract, lltarntld, 1'a. CLSinriKLD, Pa., Feb. J, H? Aplas.greeii,OU( 1 2Aj Dried, tt I24! Ant.le butLar.Wiral. I Oil) lluir'i dreaaad Ilidoa, praan. Ilnma n...U0(in Shoulilcra....SIItrw Butler. Ul(jj) 40 Ileum 0 0U(ij 1 Ot'j buckwbent 1 2&I Uui-kirheat flourlb. i 8idea. 0llu) Lard " Men D0lk.Dbbl...37 tin lleef, rlriad. 2.SI licet, frcih 10(a) 1J llaarda. M 12 OUi.lIS OiiI Oat (In Ooioni 1 1,9 Potntooa 0l(jj, 1 Oil Peaobcl, dried, lb.. Ii l'laater, bbl I .Ml Corn, abcllod 1 20 Corn, anr OnfaJ Sn Corn maal, kaaok, 1 7l Chop, W cst2 4li(ul S HO Kya Itagf, R, SMI. Wab 1 25 I Clorarauad n B Oil! , S 00 Checae 2j Charriea, lb. Outof J" Chickena, drad, th, 16! Kf ii' Flaxacod 2 00 Floor 7 Ollfti 7 ill' Hay IS 0(n,!0 SOI HhinKlen,lS in.Silav 00 Nh!nirlcl,2S in IUjy 1 1 oil Timothy iced (l Tallow J Wheat. 1 id Wool . nMt 4n Wood, V oord II in A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat I.Muirea ImntUiftt svltrntioa, legleot oflea multi io vn inearaUi iUQf DiitAM. irown't Bronchial Trochei will Invariably fir Initut r1if. Fur BruDcbifii. Anthma. Catarrh. Coaiumptlre and Tbruat Puriiri, thry bavt a toothiog fftn.-t. 3iofri and Tubllo fipeakert aw tbca lo clear and itrtnjthen tb ?oio. Owins. to th ((d rpoUtLoB and populirity of ih Trocbtt, mtny wortblon and ohcap mltatiooi aro offered, which aro food for nothing. So ooro to obtain tho trao BROWN'S BK0XCIIIAL TROCHES. Sold ororTwboro. hot 10 -6 a BARGAINS! BARGAINS! c. Kit atzi:h, Market Street, Clearfield, Pcnn'a., (Oppoait tb Jail,) T HAVE w aa band a (rat alati a'ock of goodi. Bulled Is tka arania uf Ike pallia. My atck being larga, and hj enailantlr aaaklsg adilltlona tboreto, I a a ahla to aeaomaodaia all wba mtj tat or ni kj osJIing. I kara DRY GOODS, Mariana, Olnghama, Clotln, PrlnU. Ilelalnaa, Caaaiaiaraa. 8ilk. ft mi. 'atioeta, Caaboiaraa. Tnaada.Cobarga, Alpaaoaa, aiair, Bfaillna, ri.aneU, Bonaete, Hibboaf. Clnaka. Dala.nrol Fklrti. Iti,n Skin.. Shan la, llrail Trimoiingl, Hi ad N.n, Capa, I'oraata, Oloaaa, Pcarf., Collara, Graasdisa Vaila, Tabla Cereri, a. CLO THING, Coau, Panta, Valta. 0r-Caau. Irst'a 8bawla. ShlrU, lists. Cant. Uader-Fhirta nd Draoora, Boots an Shoe., Dam Fhvaa, Craeati, Boeka, Uloaaa and ColLrs. GROCERIES, Tea, foffra. fngar, tlilaiea. Rail, Caadlat, HI a, floor, bsooo, Fi.h, Tobaoao, Ralaiai, Cnrraata, Bpicoa. Crai-btra, Vinegar, Oils, Varal.k, Pepper, Aleokol, as. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpetl. Oil olalb. Draggat, Clacka, Lanking OlaMer. t'baraa. Rackala. Waabboarda, Tuna, rial Iroaa, Pant, 'iado B.isla, Wall Paper, Cos! Oil Lam pi, Btdoorda, laitrellaa, Knieas, Fork,, Spoona, Crocka, io?aa and Stat, Blacking. HARDWARE, Qaeanevara, Tinware. Olawware. Waodeaara, Copparwara, Bka, Ftativser;, klarical Uu.di, Trunk,, Skatat, lo. MWn of blck will baaald oa tha moat ran. eaoable taraaa, an I o fclgkart Bark at price paid for tirais, Wotl as all kinds of auaotrv prodnca. BDIEMIIER THE PLACE: C KRATZER'S, (Oppoillo tka Jail,) CLIARP BLD, PK5N-A. I I T DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, vtah i.rTin;n.-i:iiio., M AXt TACTVRE8 all kindi f Lambar for a-'l. building purpoara. Alwara as km I.ATII FOlt RO0FIXO, 1'LASTEUIXO tATlt, PA1INUK, e, . Ilil rUtterlng Llh are arenlt aawe an of different lengtba, In anil porrbaten; tba I'alinei are four fes long an read; pointed. All kind! of Hawed I,ubIt will ba furnitbrd to order, and d. l vrrrd ir n, d.iln-d, prieoa will ba lil.aral, acriiing to qualitr, t.AII biada of GRAIN lakes is eaehaage for l.unilier. I.athemliorg P. 0, Jan. ttl, 1TI. GOING IT ALONE I Saddle and Harness Manufactory, LlTIIEitftUt'RO, PA. r"pilE nndereirned rer,.fallt Inform. Ike eHll. 1 newe .1 tlrn-le lown.hip. and lb pnMia arn. ll, that ka ia fnll. prepare I. wiannfaetnre, nai abort t,c. from the best of material and al -rr re.aon.bla ralea. riarjilbing in bia line. Bejialring diiwa prnwiptlr. T IIENBT w. atincii. li LWK O!0JTABLIS SALE! FOR t a OBKB, iitmiin iwif tuaw.fy v.ooti ftnd ltof j. DA.MKL t ONM.I.I.Y, I5cl nni! S!nc Manurarlurrr, rLCAflFIEt.n, IM TTHJnn nratrcd s Sna lot nf frasrll CAl. 1 X SKINS and ti so prrparad la vanaraa ne .T.rylhlnj In bit Una al tha loM Snorsa Ha sill warrant hia work In ba aa rcpravrntaa Ha rafpcplfully anllrlla a aall, al his ahop on n arkcl aired, aerond or al 01 tha po-mniea hert ha "III do all In till pwr In randariatia fNHtien. Soma Oca Uaitar tuna oa hand tnjV7 Jf DANIEL, CON.NEI.LT. TEACE rilOCLAIMEI). THE WAR OVErTn CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. A" Viirtf all the Contraband aoinn back to their old masters ; but 'nary one nninn tn ntd JlfilXMarhuMi'ttH tthert they were loved to long and $o veil. IN onnvoquo neo of tho nbi foeti. F. SHORT, of tho old "tShort bbo Hbup," would an Os.unoo to hli aamorona patrnm, and tho pooplr of L'lMrfUld oonnty at UrfA, that bo ba now flrit rata lot of food matorial. Jut roeivod from tho Kant, and ti prrporod nniaort notloo to mafar and atad BhiU ond Hotel, at hi now ihifp tn tirahaia'i row, Ut ii oaltiied that bo ean pleaoo aM,(ailtti-fl it Mlthtbmo Intonxoly loyal may t bono patriot.) Mo i prepared to oell low for Cab or Country Hroduoo. Don't forfait the Shop noil dour Bairi i Qrahom' More, in Market treet, Clearfield! Pa., aud kept by fallow ei urn unly eel led Jyl.'fiy-y "SHORTT SEW B(M)T A SHOE SIIt)r. EDWARD MACK. Coo, MAUKET A 3 Sn., CLEAKFJKLD, Ti- THE prnprlator ha entered Into tho B0OTf SJiOK buinetf at the above otaad, a ad i determined nut to be outdone either ia qual ity or prie for hi work, rspeeial attention : will bo paid to m onto (-taring 8wed work, llr ha on band a Ursf lot of Kreneh Kip and Calfskin, of the very beit quality. The flit ten of ClearlteM and viclulty are rpeettlly invited t rlr him a trial. o charre fur oall i ovtt.' 1 m BOOT AD SHOE SHOP, in emu iixsviiXK. TI1B lol.aerlb.T baring lately atarled anas Hoot and Mbaa abun ia Curwanarllla. na Mala atraat. appoalu Joaeph K. Irwia'a Drag iura, ra.paciiunv aonnnneaa to tha pulilie thai ba ii prepared to mans'aclura all atalaa of Uoota ssd Bboea. aa eri-rrtbinj In bia Una, na abort notiea. Ha alao k'apa on ban a goo a.aort mant of rtadjr-aiada work, vbtek ka sill aall cbaap ror eaas or aoantrv prouea. s.H7-tf :11 LKU'lfl T. H0SS. Dlfdifal. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmitios."-St. Paul. m yi:ks PIR WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vaafa. psrwt plcaunt an bealib-giringTonio Irictlj tegelablr, and Bannfartared from Iba Boat pura and eboiee material! ia not a epiril drink sor mhMituie fur, bat a aelaniiSr eompound, for tha protection of tha ajelra and tba corn of diet-lne, mail. froB ebenieally pare epltlta, aotlrelr frea freia r.iil ail or otber irrlla ting propartlea, and will not diaagreoorofend tlie Bint delicate atonach. A wog prirata eipari anoe baa atterted l:a Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Hitler, at prevent offered ta tba public oontaina ao Bucb madiriaat rirtue, and Jet no rafr and plta.ant lo take. Ti. mm I. i ai. - - - - - and II will not create an i petita fnr tpiritooai ninorl, nut will cur. tba elect! of diaelpalioa. To iocreaaa Iba Appetito, I'SE IT. To proaota Digration, VfiE IT. To cure tlirprpiia, VFE IT. To r Feret and Ague, 1'B IT. to cure Billioorncn, fsg IT. To cure Conrtipation. I flE IT. To core Chronic Dianbora, CSE IT. Ti care Mrart ban, fSJ T. To cure Flatulrnca, fSE IT. To oar A oid EracUliona, I RE IT. Ta core Krreoni Debilitr, I FE IT. To rare riepoehoiidria, tRK IT. To cure Fallowncil of CoBplejios, I'FE IT. To rura Pimplei and 111 ilcliM, fsf; IT. For Gonora Proatrnlios of tb Pkriical pooara, VEZ IT, and it will core To. Sold ererrwbere, al I.P par bottle, Vaan- fuhirrd rtrlutirelj by A. I. SHAW, Drurai.t, CLEARFIELD, PA, Wko offera liberal iadaorBrnU to tba Irada. Oct. J7, ln if. IS70. FEBRIART. 1S70. RECONSTRUCTION! Will right It Out on This Line ! WILLIAM it eki.! MARKET STRUCT, CLEARFIfcl.n, rr.MH'A. Dress Goods, Fanny Goods, Notions and Trimmings, j LADIES' AXt GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS,: ffaj flnrf (apt, j Ladies', Mlsses'.and Children's Shoes,! AT POPfl.AR PRICES, j The ratlra ernrli on hand will l r.) at a redu-tion In rmrnt lalne, and I will replenish j tbe rtiuli eeer.r llile dnjl wilb c Loire aljlr. of tha brat good, ia tba market. Kear lha PoatoBoo, JTLKARrittLD, PKSR A. SI (ll.oYlllNfl. A large rtork of Clothing wiii J ha eloand ant at a aaeritns al -tini.aila tka Jfil. C. KRATCKR'S. SI.I'.l(;lo.Fonr new rurbioned MLItlllS , fnr aala or rlehnnae al jan i.tAvt f livery sTAni.n. TIIR K'RAT1C ALMANAC for IMS l"sr ond as fo, M ,h, fM ITIa aenw. Mojk4 on addrom (J-lf thlinittliihla JVdrrrit'acmrnta. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mlfv M A. iTMi:n h. j.i.l Mrl..l frinii I'tlll '"l l.'-fi 'It With lll' Rl dt P Rli. (-I s..i. i, llr tl.-.-'ft horn the frrmun fiMilit, , , Hi) imi ekKut 1 tiikiU4ii(i to Ut eourvd li lni. lucb e lak KiRnox, rn.vKT. n.ourns. I:RU)AL VRIIS. FINB JRl.l-tiV. ond IlLJMMnr TAl'K'l PAITUINS, LRhb ai d CLOAK M A K INti. tti'Uiite aK'nt Ir .Mr. M. Wnik'l tKltbrlfd vtlrm or vulttiift lediw' dieeer, avuui, luei)iii-t. 4. N. W. o-ifut-r ul Llevrnlh aitd ('tnlnut rtti. I'biladvtpdia. lrpt S2, '6'4-0id ISAAC K. STAUFFEE, WATCHES & JEWELRY, NtA H8 North Ereond Ptrwf, Corner of Quarrj' PH.LADKr.I'.llA. An a)urtnint of Watebea, Jrwclry. Silver and Plnird Ware eantniilly on band. Hi jmifing uf Watcht and Jtwelry pmmptly attrnd-d to. Jy'.'B ly S. Ktlbortnan. O. Kitiinjcr. II. Kilberman. S. SILBEEMAN & CO., IXfORTrtR 4!D OBITR Of FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, 1C, 13 .Vorlh I'onrl h Street, my!J flllLADKI.rill A. 1y:pd T. C. MYERS, W1TU a. w. iiiu a. I soia. WM. W. PAUL & CO., WIIOLrPALE hoot am) siioj: ir.i CHOC HE, ?3 Market H.k tUCninaisrra U abora Flitli. Bill PniLADELflltll. J i. BOLLOWBI'Sn a. savi, rasET. HOLLOWBUSH & CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND BTATIONtUH, 21H Market St i'Miadtiphia. VfjL.riinttr Plnar Park and It art, FoolfHin, filter, Not;, Writing, C'urtaio nt Wall mpitrt, thz-iy. DREXEL & CO., So, 34 Houtli Third Ktrwt, PbllmJclptilm, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will raceir prompt attra tloo, aat ail iulttitnatioa tbearfully fumohrd. Urucra aoiu-iUd. aprl 1-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ka. 17 N. F.fib St. and 4:4 Connarca, PniLAI'ELPHIA, Pi, WHOLESALE GROCKRS, And Commission Merchants, run rsa a.La or VTmA. Oiaaong. Far Skioa. Faatbara, Leatber, FlalSeed. lined Frulte, Cineer Seed. Koola, !eer Hklna. Hnttar, Baeewal. tbaap Fklna. ttf, a., aa , Aa. COXSIGNM KNTS SOLICITED. Vaekte Prleo corrant forwarded as reqnaat. June . 19 i,:p4 Itrrhant Uailois. 1809. (ioln,? it Alonr. 1800. E. It. L. STOUGIITOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Stmt, C'lcarUrld, Paw, HAVING pmt4 it oa wiy rg hank, at Iba .M at.aa I--... . Mew. f -b-r-ffr. nirnaDM to tbt psihlic that 1 haft to a baaJ a wrll eUtd aad Imtf afortat f Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestixps, tfarr. and all klat of Ofnd fur xcb tmi ' nr. and aw now prepared ta ak mp to tnter CLOTH IN W, fmai a a.anla artielt ia a full Kail, ta tba latrat tytc and atoit natr. PpaciaJ attattot (ivaa lm eatta w.fii nil cuttimt-oat fr na aa) boy 1 utTar groat barcaio to raatnnar. aa4 wra rati' Mtlvfactioa. A libaral hafa af public patrnaar U foltcitrd. Call a ad ma. if R, K. I. HTOITilfTO!V. II. BRI DO K. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door rant of C!ear6r!d II juae,) btaikrt Mteot, rtaarflnld. Pa. T r KF.I' no hand a fnll aeaortaania of Oeat' IV Farntakmg oda, .era aa Sbfrra, Line and SVoelaa I nder.birl llmw.r. nnd Sueka, Nark lira, Pnekol Handkereklatl, Qlorei, ,. t'Bkrellaa, ta groat Tarielj. Of piece Unnta ka kaepa lb Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," aeh si Ulark Doe.kln of tba e.rj boil n.ka: Faner ( ae.iBrro, in great eariely, al.r,, Fraa-b Cooling. Hearer. Pilot. Chlnebilla, and Frieott oeareoeling. All ol okirk will be aold eke.n for Oaek, aad Bada op according to Ua laloit itrlaa be efnerieoeed work Ban. la. Scat for Cloorteld ooonto fnr I. M "inner Oo'a. oolebrattd Sawing Merblnos. N I. u IIMIUUl. C-rtiifJtional. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, TA. IllU f riUNll TERM of twenlT two wek . will ooaBeooaon Mandaf, Fab 21, lain. A PriBor? department will bo lo tbr 8ctiol iki. fall : for wbirk Ihe eerrieoeof a euB petrnt inelraclor haeo been anrngt-d And no effort will ba wared to render c ' d'umnum aUr.otira and in.tmetirn. TERMS OF TflTliS. Reading. Orllingr.). dr. Writing. O' lret t.ea anna, Trim? Aritlmetie and Priwary tlmffmf'br, p.r ball terra, (of alrrrn ek!.l t CO l!ipti.rv, IrfK-al aad deacrintiio Ueopraptij with ki.n llmwing. lirantmar, Menial an'l M'rillen Aritliinelie. , g .'.fi Alprelira and the Srienee. , tin Itimmrtma in inltriiBaatal Bueia M 10 n CHI a.inling i no a. a work , g an Tor full ..riie.lar. aend f'r Circular, flrartield, AilK. t., InAll-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. IK THIRD SESSI0H of tba prerenl .ebn. laetlr tearol thi. Inltilnlins willnomBenee a. NUNDAY. Iba tlh d.t nl Febro.r.. I:S Paiiil! ran enter at an; time. Tbej will ba ob.rge with tonlon froa tha liaa Uaj mar to 1 ka o..reo of laiirurtloo embraeea aaery Iblng inrinded In s ikorooh, prorueol aa oouob ti.he oduesttnofnr hoik arie, Tka l'iinii .l. baaing had tba sdraatnoeaf Biirb nlperlenee is bia protearios, a.enrea pa' rert! and guard ana that bia tntire abiiiir and oo.rgiea will ho derotod In tba anral aad Ban. 11 training nf lha youth pl.eed ander hii ebarga, 1 i;mi iif n limy Onhngrafbt, Reading, "ruing and PrlBar Ailihttialie. per Seerion ll ofc! . , , (Ir.matar, lioograpby, Arttbraatie, and "ix-ry 1 Alrehra, Orraerry, Trtaonnaetry, kirn. luratlnn, Sttrretiag, Pkit' Phil. rif.ra.Cbenietrr. Ilk Keepti.g, Botanj end Phveirel He., graph . . . l La-ia, llreek and Frearb, with so of tba Ilranehee .... fl g Ml HO I'lano fS le.aone) . . . lnf. ,r-No dednetlon will he wiada fnf abaaoro. P"Fir further partlralare Inqulro af Re. P. L. ItShlilsUN. A V., F-K 1. Prinelnnl. Jiivor.r Ntnblr. THK ondereigsed bee. lenre In lnSna Ibe pah. In- thai b ir nw fnlla pn prrd tiieeronmo. . t war of fumi.iiilif ll.iree., lin'irp, 1 SoiHIra and tho ehorteel nntire nnd I on reaennehh. rertne. Rreidenoe on Lorne! atreel. ! kolwe. Third and Fnnnh. liK.i. W. OEAI1I1ART. "Iear..ld. April II. 11 l.l'.-h,ia l eod. .mo. I'. lei, l,,n. oed (I I. Tarpewttno, Vorniehea nf all kind!. toW. 10 Oil sod Iro I aint. Varnirb Proel U I TIr("K iRiy. IS Hj I'liodi, Ar. r.1UST BE SOLD! CL0SIN0 OUT T COS T AT THS KEYSTONE STOKE! fltir BtitrrI)rii((l, Intvndiot; to retire from the tufiYrfiAiHa Initial, it now rlottrif; out bti rntirtt -iwk of (.toji AT A NX) B II LOW C0J-T- cooijiriiing Sila , Wool Drlaina. N Jtcrlnat. roptio. Alpeaf, Empraai Cloth, Men's & Boys' Cassimeres, Clotki,!, Ii.niB., Kenlneka Jcana, I.adi.l Cloaking, Coala, Sbawle, ia. A full Hue of Domestic Goods, 8bjttuei, Utnf bam i. Flann!, Cotton Flaunt It, ic.rc. LADIES' & CHILDEEN'S SHOES, Hat and Cap, jam and Arot'ie Orrribora, Tall aod Floor Oilelothi, Wall Fiperaad TTioJow Skatlci, Carpcta allwldtbf. And a groat variety af )loirry, Jfotioo and Trim- iiig of aTcry dctcription. laadiet Trimaaed Hat, Mara TuM roren. Talretf, Wool Tabla Corer, tlibbou, Kpkin. P alia oral "kirt, CooDtrpaacv lluop EkirU. Towlci. A large avMHtncot of Lailtet' and CbUdren' Wool Hoodi, Kubiai Sbawla, Aa. rrraona ia want of anything la tba abovt lint of (rood aro lavltcd to fir m a call, ao4 abtain good at wbolraal price. Oraia and rowatry prodaea takoa io i ehang fur good. CsaarfleU, Iloratabar 10, 16fl. i. r. wiTca w. w. am. WEAYEK A KETTS CLEAHFIELD, TA., Ara offering, at rta old tuad of 0. L. Reed a To, tbeir etnrli of goodi, Mmilting of DRY - C00DS, GIIOCEKIES, BOOTS A FnOKS, nATS 4 CAPS, nAHDWAItn, QVEKKSTAItR, FLOOR, FEED, 15 ALT, Ac, 4o., At tho Baott rraaonatle rata for CAS II ar la 1 1 chang. for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OP. CU-NTRV PF.0DVCK. Cfr-Adeancei BaJ. to thoia ongagrd In get tisg out aqoan tiBBor oa Ibo Boat sdraatagroua "" Janoerj , Iff. NQ VAII1. TI 51 HER I E.A.mvix&co.f cinnKiaMiiiiH r Being apociall engaged ia tba batinen of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Wonld repreernt that Ibe ara Bow prepared to parchaea Tlmhrr delirrrrd at eltbar Carwonrallla. Lock Hares or Moriolta. (or will take It at an; of tbeae point.,) and aril on ooatni.rioa, Baking enco sdraneei oa sra arocliar. Tt.ora engxged lo getting aut Titnlar win sod at our Horn ia Corwro.llla, a rr large Itork of STAPL E GOODS Of all Ireoariptiona. ALIO, Hour, Bl'i Ortfs, f'Orn, And everetblng aeoeaaor for oaa of LarnVrrBrn. RAFT ROPE, Of all tire!, kept on haod ia lorga quanliliea, sod aold at imall advance br iba anil, Alao, fulli - Block., Small Rope, Ar. rt-ri'.t IW. IMt 11 MFATSoCrrJ to thoae nanuractnring rjaarn Timber. 1 A. IR IN d. tlk. rnrrnllh, Jannarr 15, 1ST. ORGANS & PIANOS. ISTY'8 AND MASON ,f- IIAULI.N-8. lLt t R. J. It AYES, Cutwaweerio, Pa. I'TrT" ''" M"",s' aot portre. of ere kiad .like l.i,,. r, rw.,1. . ha Drug Storeal HARTS) U K A IS IN. Si.t. ri.oin. bra:; am chop, . whaie .b r. KtAir.KH, frr-fB ft i rs M. 'X iVlitlftikrflfr & Co. DLMTENDERGEn & CO. IMUJCEJIlllVTS -T0- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -15- 0SCE0LA, PA, PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Oirola. tieeetnber U. lfe. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOSU STREET, Clearfield, NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TUB nndrrelrned re.r.erlfol!T .t, . Untinn of Ik. ,, . .. . plend seeortaasl of aonbandlio, wbicb the AT VERY LOW TRICKS. atoek caailita Is part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sseb sa Prists, no I.aloes. Alparraa. Merle v..'.M.n...n.HHHp,1i.,w.M,d apfl onbloae. od,( Prilling. Tlekings onttoi and wool Flannele.S.tiai li,Caiaaraa, Collnnadaa, Ladiaa' 8bawla, Kahiaa A Hood., Ralmoral and Hoop bkirta, Ao Alia, loo oMortBeoi of Men'a Drtom and L k . . II -. . . . k . ... " M -ap, sooia bsooa. all ol which. WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Qusensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. INSIIOKTA GENEHAL ASS0RTMES1 ff erarTtblno n.u.ll t . mi.ii -..-- .11 CHEAP rcRCASII or spun-rod aauntr i.r duos. A. K. WU1G1IT 4 soss. ClearB.M, No t , ler. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I "HOUSALK ASD I'.ETAIL, Al tba Xew Tobaers sad Cigw Siora of .1. .W. ItOOt'Ett, Two doon of Iba PoatoOeo, Clearfcld, Pa. Cenitaatlj on haod s tea areortnewl of Nott, Conge, Cnrendlih, Cable, fpnnroll, Allrhignn and Ontorj Fmt-eat Chewing Tnboreo, A a. Al k Inrge and "ill aeleeted I'orh of In-n rt.d 'oananc v. igars, nairting Tobocooa, Xleorvhaon and llrier Pipea, Pipo nitomi, Tubeeo o tigar llol.teri, and ererrl,tn 5m.t?tj ttmi ia t wrll re-alated Cigar sad Tobanco 5tore. ReTnilT tbe rlart! Two doora tart t4 tba Poatogieo, Clrarteld. Pa. Seel McGAUGHEY'S RESTAl R AM EI F.fl MEM mai qi, Is Loarj i Sew ilding. (formarlr oooun.ed kj Mr. Itnie.l srcoMi st., ri.r tnnnLn, pa. C1V.T ANTI.T on l.n.l I'm orient inn nf fAX. ; P-IKS Vl'TS. riii.llii, THUCrrt, da HIFSII flVkTKIIS rrrrlvrj d.ilr, and eerrod np In rull the tatrs nf en.toisera. .I1IILIAIIU I.OONr,n, dtolOU DAVID NtHAV'uilliV. -t.TKI ItMMKMM.ON , clIMnl PS, f Tbe onder-ignrd hereby giro ootloe, th.a tho wll p. the h.eK-.l wi.rkH prl-e f..r a fmi I.ONO 8HItll.hS: andtho.ebcrll.g eh .r nolo. wiH lied it In th.le torerral la gtra Ihea s coil felling elerwh-re. . -ItS. fr'AT A 'Off, rrtw.uj. K,TT t, t iBtaSBnrjioaaoni tropean f hT slil f Tf lio U 5 , piait Mt l'iiitrr l. C l.l'.AHl II I D, P. r1ir aBl'T'tirnf I, Uvinij i-aM ti' Snti ff I a ffirt (f r, if trt'ir t rnirrtaia itraa rvtiii Irsvel' r H' tiOial'v, ainl Ihrrrfiiia nj' umrrl to g.ta bitn a call. Jiic li' Jf will hr uf.plid with tba brit lb tfiirirt ffwrH, iiJ bia Itar will tjontnti tba oboiaoat of wln-a aad liqaffr. Tbrbooro. famitura, bod a aad badding ara entirJy aaw.whtcb alwRyvaddatollitooHofortof trarw' bit tho tat.,if altacbH la largo and timmj, Juat amird fur laaitrr. Chrri-f no.imtt, j-nV70 WI1.MAM 6. UKAlJlbT. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Naar tba Kailrna4 !-pot,) REED BTRKET, CLEARFILLD, Pi. C. D. COODri'Ll 0V, rroprlrlor. VNEW irtl-clmt IIoUl In evary rpeiC entrforlattla rtim all tho oiuHorn itnprova lawitf 4ho bstat of LK'OHa prompt ait-o4 aneo, ard raa'unattla har(. Too patronairo of tho public ia re(icifu)iy attlioiifd. Xeaoiairrt will pkaae tnie outira thai a iara harn baa juat l-rn rmrted fur tha alioMtariai; uf horara, loadH waffoni anti na rriatTahavinf a ootnmndtnm yard adjacent tu tba Froifrbt and rawngerdpot. JtSi THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Heoocdand Mrtrt Btroqti, CLKAP.I'IliLD, PA. IHIM 1J kid eoaiiDoti.oua lIocl hst. taring 1 lb pft jar, bto bUrdrJ to 4uhl iu I"iatr cspicitj fur th nlrtioDitnt of ftrn ft anl itauu. Tbt hnU batUitip; hM bes rtjUroiifawd, d tl proprietor will fpar b p.i.i to render kia futiu eom.urt-vbl wbiU uviaf with him. JClr Tb "Manolon Hoqm" Omntkvi rn ta and fnim th IKiL tti mtHvavI arid drnar uf cacli Unim. UAVlli JOllN.ViON. nmi tf PrnririTtr, THF WESTEKN HUitL, CUKAUFIELD. V., TUB tub-crlber hariait Uaaed for a tartt of yan tbt well kaown Uotet,ktpt forBiaBjr jaavra by Mr. LaAieh.) and ritted mai ratar aialiad it throujrbaut, ia onv prepared to eotr uin travaUrs and tba public rnrrally upua tanni it U bopad alfka aprnrmbla to txitb patratti and prrpriaUr. Hii TAULK and U A K will ba top Had Witt, tha bo l tha aarkat frdi and at paini will ba iparad oa hli part 10 add to tba eoDvcniaoco and emrort of hi trnitt. J0UM DOUUlUKTYg -MU trp l.'tf.r. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Sr., CLEARFIELD, Tk. r pnt8 larjra and eomroodioua nrw botal hat 1 been opened for tba acooinmodntinn nf tha puVilie, wbfre Ilia proprietor will be (la-1 tn roaet bit old friend . and trecive a rbara of publir pat ronafa. Hr atriet permnal atletitioa to tlia da tatli of bit bttiineM, ba bopea to he able to rrndr atiffactiva io hii pitroni. The TAHI.K will alwayt be booTitifult rupplied with the ht-it ibat eaa ba prooartd ia tba tnarks-t. and lha BAR will aoniata a full mnek of LIQVOKH, BEtK, tie. Good iLablii'i attache rt. CASPER LEirOMiT. Clearfield, March I, lHCtf ly rmprirtar. THE PERRY HOUSE, .H A HI ETT A, P A. JOHN WALLER, Tpoprietor. nAVIXO parcbaaed (fail well kaowa tarara atand aod rc-fttted.aiid ra-furniihad it. I rt-pvcifulljr i"licit a dua ibim of patrooajre. LaaibanBra and Kafiaico will do w ll y giiDj aaa a call. j-Vh. 2, lt TO -im. SALT LICK HOUSE. jot ci ii oillilad, rnopr.icTort, THE preaeotoeevpant, like kit prod roe mor. bat X prd no puiDi in rfftiiDjc tbit well knowo Louie, tituated on the river bnuk at Bait Lick, m at to aeoommotlaie tha pal-lie roerallr aod tha raftmea and InnWrmen ia partiealar. Hit tabla and bar will ba vupplud wilb tba boat tbe market aff-jrdi. A dna ibtreof puUiC patruuagt tolicitcd halt Li k. Vh 1, 1870 3m. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, (.arwcntTiiAC, iiearneia coutny. ia TH E aaderaifrntd bat leaaed thti old aal loajr atablUhad botel. (fiirtaerlj kept ly Major ihdiae Utooot.) attaata in aeaou! porttoa f tba tawa.aad bat entirely ra-fitted and ra farnifhtd It, a'.d ra raodeled tha ntotlindr. re a t aiaka it aa oSjaet, brafiar, far tba travel lac pablia to patnioiaa tkit largt an omtandi't buM. Jan. jy-tr. T. Jtr r . iiLOO.M. THE EAGLE HOTEL, I1AI.N ST., CLI.W ENSVILLE, PA. nAVINO leated fr a term af raera tha ahot-a wMl kanwn aad tmpalar botl. .kit reruierljr by Mr. Maacn, and lately by .Mr. Rrani.) tha prateni pmnrtrtnr hat ra filled tt with tha nhjsttt nf rtnrier'nr hit rnettt eoinfort- abla wbila ajarniagt with bi-a. A Una. larira Subla and Yard it attacbrd. for tba ara aad putectloa of fanraet, earriaji and wtrona. A liberal rbara of public ptrwar: ft lirjird. WM4 U JUHN H'UTS. I'pt. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, vurneuaTiue, i ir-arnrtia catmiy. ra TU I old aod Well aUb.iahed Hotel. HaaniL tally titaatad aa tba baiVr of tba 6aqu. nanaa, in tba broigb of Cur wen ti ll, baa- ban ieaed fur a tarw) of yeara bj tha ndrti:aad It bat been entirely refitted, and It no wpeb to tha pablie Kanorally and tha travailing a was a nity in partiealar. Na paint aill ba tpart-d tu render (uem omfortabU wbtle tarrring at tit it hfo.'a. Ample Stabling rooai for tbe aocoivtBe datina af taataa. Cbarget mdrraia. JaB. 1. na tf , WJd. W. JKKFRICS. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, lit MIM.ION r, 1113 aid aiabMrbtnent having been leapaf X . MnKKISON. former It propri-t-r o( tba "Mornton ll'tita.Mbat been thormiehtT tea, nealod tad rrfttrnuhed. aad aappMed with al tha modern improvement! and eonvonienoot na -tMar? In Bret place Hotel. Tno dining ru n baa teen removed to tha firt flior, aad ia w spamaa aad ai-y. Tba nhambert ara well vea tilated. a-d tba proprietor will aadaavaff tq ej.aa, hit faatti parfrctly at h me. jetft J. MOKRIS0X. Pvaptalar. I. W. AUtaC..o. ...raoa. n. raw, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I ullieburp. ( Irartlrld fo Pa. fTMUS eM known ard b ag r.tabMthtri Ilo'el, X ftraerly kept by K. W. Moor a, and laitttly by Vim. 8oh bai baa a leaved far a term o jean by tba andt rtignei, ta ab.rb tha aura ton a tbt travtlfng pul ie it naw eallrd, and a liberal thara f ablia pairtga tolieiia!. aprU.'bH.lj-rd bllAH A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST, rillLIKSBl-H'J. TA. TIIK oaderelgned keens coratantl, na hand Iba bert nf l.lqoora. Ilia table la alwe.e ufntlcdwlth tha br-al lbs market aflirds. Tka marling puulia will do well to aire hia ealL novl,'4J. ROIIEliT LL0TD. p0 TIIK WOHKIXO CLASK.-.W, or sow X p ret'Sred to furni.h alt ola.rea with rnoitant eiiipb'vwent ol novae, th of the tiae or fnr the rpare oiooient.. Ilnvipoe. new, light and pro. tit. Me. Peirnn.of either prt enril e.mfroniOo. to IT per evening, and a r mpnrtlnna! mm l.j de Toling tbrlr whulotiBr I., the bniinere. Borland gni. oarn nenrlj a! Bu.-h am. Ibat all nko or thi nutii-e tuny ."id tht-ir ad lre... and lt.l tha hnriore. w mnke ttiia nnparalleled offer: Tnrneh a. aro n.. wall eatiiftril, wa will aend $1 lo pa. fcr th. trnnhlc of writinv. Full p.rticnlara. s laluo blc .ample, ',,)rh mil do to ei.muierra oor OB, IhU S trp. nf Fl J'r. nfr'. ti'rrwr, r.iaoet..o no of the laigeit nnd lieet feniil, newrpaper. pub 'i.itcd all rem tree hr mail, lirnder. ll ) n went iarrnanent. proRr.Mr work, adlrei. K. ('. A l.l.KN CO , A....I1. Mnina. 1 Ifi Jm Houses nnd Lois f,,r fvilo. IOm lKH'SES nl ! OTS In Clr.rStld, fr ea!e on eeamnabla irmi. Pne.einn gieio a ibirir ds.ii. Ain. a plot of I'til R I.OTs oo tiie (Hirnrr of urib nnd Pord rTrrete, me, Kti'. ru f.rl. Tliree nf ibrir loll are well leveled fir titlier lutaber rard, cool rard, nr ftr build, ng purpoare gonersllv, being wilhia I I loot uf iba railroad depat. Prion and term reasonable Ap;.lT tn tiEOnilE T1IOKN. rioaiSrld. Pe. Furniture I Furnilurel IWOtHi rr-tieeirnnr lnf, rm tba pnMie that I hf-re on baiid. at at fumttare la W AL i.ACawON. a Urge M'ek at Karniiarr. tack at Cbmr, Itedvt'ad. indft. hacking rbairt, fie., which I wi'l Mill rhcappr than tbet ctn w boat anvwbera ler la ClettfccM ewnntv. ve a t a MM. ISAiC IUIMKL, i, Jttn. 1?. U7.) ftm, tOTOVr.8. Tbe ral-bTed IrnfMe and Farmer tl Cook., Ilcrolving Light aud aa Par kara, a? 4 i a artortmaat if iMi. at 1 "-pp-fita fhajaill f KBATZI&l.