jjnv HKiHini.icAN;. ri.r.AKriF.t.n, r WRDKESDAT MORNING. FKII. Id. IT. The End of Four Groat Mon. Tlic foiiF rontjuororf. who occupy tlip iikwI ciiiiHiiuuiii place in tliu liiotory of tho world, lire Alexander, lluiiiiilml, t'irnr nnd Doniipurte. - Alexander, after having climbed llirt dir.r.y heiliu of hi- ambition, with bin tempb'8 bound in maplou clipped in tlio blood of million", lookud down upon a conquered world, and wept but-tuiae thero wus not another world for him to conquer, net it city on nre, and diou in a sccnoot debauch Hannibal, alter having to the on tonishment and consternation of Jiomo, pucd tho Alps, and having put to flight the armies of the mistroHn of the world, and stripped three bushel of gold rings from tho fingers ot tier slaughtered knights, and imide her foundations quake, fled from Ins country, being bated by thoao who once united bis name to that of their god, and called him Utinni Dull, and died at last by poison administered with his own hand, unlaiiienlod and unwept in a foreign land. Ctcsar, aflor having conquered eight hundred cities, and dyeing his gar ments in the blood ol one million of his foes, after having pursued to dnnth the only rival bo h:icl on earth, was miserably assassinated by those ho considered nearest .friends, and in . that very place tho attainment of w hich had been his groutest ambition. Bonaparte, whose mandates kings and popes obeyed, after having filled the earth with terror of his name, alter having deluged Europe with tears and blood, and clothed the world in sackcloth, closed his days in a lonely banishment, utmost literally exiled from the world, yet tliuro he could sometimes see his country's banner waving over the depot, but which did not and could not bring him aid. Thus four great men, who seemed to stand the representatives of all those whom the world calls great, these four men who each in his turn made tho earth tremble to its very centre by their tread, aoverally died, ono by intoxication, or, as was sup posed, by poison mingled with bis wine, one a suicide, one murdered by his friends, and ono a lonoly exile ! 'How wretched is tho end of all sueb arthly greatness. A Yankee Tnicn. One of those peculiar slab-sided, guant Yankees lately emigrated and settled down in the West. He was the picture of a mean man, but as ho put himself to work in good earnest to get his house to rights, the neighbors lent him a hand. After he hud got everything fixed to his notion, a thought occurred to him that he had no chickens, and lie was powerfully fond of sucking raw eggs. He was too honest to steal them, and too mean to buy them he could borrow. He went to a neighbor and thus accosted him: "Wal, I reckon you hain't no old lion nor nothin' you'd lend mo for a few weeks, have you, neighbor?" "I will lend you one with plensnre," replied the gentleman, picking out the very finest in the coup. The Yankee took tho hen homo, and then went and borrowed a dozen eggs. Ho then set tho hen, and in cine course of time, sho hatched out a dozen chickens. ' The Yankee was again puzzled. He could return tho lien, but how was he to return the eggs ? Another Idea and who ever nuw n live Yankee without one? ho could keep the hen until she laid a dozen eggs, - This he did, and then returned the lion and the eggs to their respective owners, remarking as he did so,"Val. I reckon I bare got as fine n dozen of chickens as you ever laid your eyes on, and tbey didn't cost roe a cent, iiuther." LnvE AND BE llApr-Y. It is the easiest thing In the world to be happy if men and women would only think so. Happiness is only another t ome for love; for where love exists in a tiousehold, there happiness must also exist, c-ven though it has poverty for a closo companion. Where IovccximU not, even though it be in o pulnco, happiness can never come. Ho was cold and selfish being who origin, a ted the saying that "when Poverty comes in at tho door, Lovo flics out at the window ;" and hisossertion proves conclusively that ho had no knowledge of love ; for, unquestionably, tho reverse of the axiom quoted is nearer the truth. hen poverty comes in at the door, love, true love, is moro than ver inclined to tarry, and do battle with the enemy. Let those who im agine themselves miserable, before they find fuult with iheirsurrouiulings, search in their own hearts for the true cause. A few kind words, or a little forbenruncc, will often open the way to a flood of sunshine in a house darkened by the clouds of discord and una.niubility. Patru-k mw a bull paw .n in a field, nd thought how .m-in it woW bo lo jump over, cntcn nun ny in nom. w so funny that lie luy down ikI luufjhed to think of it. Tho mnro lie thought (if it the funnier it erempd.nrid ho (It'torniinod to do it. Ronn quickly locd him over the fc-nee nguin. Soinewhnl hroipil, l'ntrick lcisui cly picked himself nji, with the conwilalo ry reflection : "Well, it is n mi;liiy loine thing I hnd my liiugh loom." "Pa. doee. wino mako a beast of a mnnf" "lVhuw ! child ; jtrrliups once in while." "in tlmt the reason w hy Mr. Gi'ins, the tavern keeper, hus on his sign 'Entertainment for man and heunt r" ' "Xonnenso, child, whnt miikea yon ask V "Iiecanso ma nays that Innl night you went to Mr. tioir a man, and camo home a heat ; and that he entertained on !" "That is mother's nonsense, dear 1 Run out and piny j papa's head aches." "Man, know thyself," said the lienlhun snpe, and he uttered a goodly tnnxim. ".Man, kno thy (Jod," says tho Christian, and ho poiiiU lo wis dom far more sublime. I'm the two together: to know ourselves In our weskneRS and dangers, and to know Our (iod in his glorious StMnglll Slid villiniTtt'M to proii't't ni, U to have the M'tvl t.f tiivinr"t knowlodgo im I'Untcd io our hroasU. Women churn,, general lliing, in prtrti-n m ihy nre eond. A )luin tuve wit It n 1 1 Jail Iiciuutl il in won. i -1 worlfj rf hpiirttna. ht-anfy. Men who hnvc lrivJ hjUt uniformly fierce to litis, J. 11 GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET STRKhT, CLKAItFIELP, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. T1IB ii chip labeertberl hevtng entered Into partner- hnainee. of Mrrehundleing, saw offer a good mod ra.ro opportunity to tho eltieeoe of Clear field and adjoining oonntlee to toy etore good. at wholeeela or relai) price,, that will eelonlth the uninetructed. Their food will be particu larly aeieeted to eolt this market, Brery lady will, therefore, eall the attention of her hneband lo this faet, beeanae tbii braaob of our bueinera will rooelro opeeiel attention, and everything needed In a well regulated houaohold will at all timet be foand In our store. DRY GOODS: Onr itoek of DH V GOODS bell not be nr paee.d, either In quality or price, and will em braee, in part. Prints of every ityle, Ginghama and Lawne of orery quality, Muallno of orery grade, Do Lainea adapted to the taetee of the old and young; aod orery article of any kind of goodi they toll la to be ae represented, and war ranted to giro laltifaelioa. DRESS GOODS: Ai to Dltr.HH CIMinn wo here epleadid aeeortment of Alpeeat, black, white, and in eol- Arnurei, Bllke, aod In abort all the neweat trlii in the market. Wo dcaite thia faot to become known to orery pereon in the eounty. With our new and elteualvo Block of DRESS GOODS, the leiSice cms all be aulled by Joel dropping la and getting a aloe droae pattern, lace tett, kid glove, or by doing that wbieh la belter i giro her a well filled pnrae, nnd ahe will find good nnd paying inreetmente la ambroid- erica, edging!, ribbona, glovee, kotiory, or any other bonaehold Beeeuitlee. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And la addition to what we hero alreaiy enumerated, wo keep all klada of GENTLE Ml. VP) WEAR-iueh ea Clolha, Caeelmerea, Satinetta, Bate, Boote nnd Shoea, Ac bealdea, a nice aeaortmenl of Nude-up CLOTHING for Men and Boye, manufactured out of the very beet material, which we will eell for eaah or exchange for country produoe at prloea whlek wlU aatoaleh everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: 1Tt art bow Urgo.T aajrr4 Id baying ana1 Mlliof QlARK TIMBFR and nuafi- tartd LUMBER, ud will girt tbii branch of bgiineM tptt id atttntloa, aod tbtrtfora nak It to objoct to rtry oat who hai Lumber to nil to oni and doal with a. GROCERIES & HARDWARE: W thall alio kttp eooitaaity oa band frnfral ortront of CKO(l;iUI and IIAKim AKK,bicb wo will oell at oioood- Inglj low prirvi. Wo also kp a full attor: out of QL' EEfc'HW AH E. Ttii deparinoot will bo kept full aad oomplett, aod ail wbo eoatomplato houtaktapltif. will And U to tboir d van tag to 00 aad trad witb aj j btoatut wo ar o litaatvd, aod, from long tiperltnct Id tho baiiaoM. m wtll ataaalatcd witb th waat and aeiiitti of tbii eona.a1.U7, tbat w fael i tli fled If ovcry aiaa woajaa and child only akai U a point to buy thoir gooda frota ai, wo ean pi rata thta both at to quality tad prico. Thoreforo, oono along and hoy joar BOOTS BHOKi, HATS 4 CAPS, KEADY MADB CLOTHING, and ororything 70a aod town dor yoaroelrot and fareilUi ooaefortoblo, froai JAMES B. GRAHAM & S0X8, oct CLEAKFIELD, Ft. 17 AurtL annoLn-.... ..w. aoat lAariions, WINTEK OPENING! ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, CTKWENeVILLK, PA. AtTE HAVE Jt'ST OPENED a large and moat T 1 complete etock of-- DRT OOODB, II ATS 1 CATS, BOOTS a SHOE?, HARDWARE, QrtENSWARB, BACON', HALT, OR0CERIL3, IRIED FRI IT, Ae., Ao., Ao. tA.AII kindi of limber and produce takes in exchange for gooda. few G ire ua a caD before purchaaing oleewhero. Satieraction guaranteed ae to quality and prion. Curwrnarille. January , )S7S-tf. 3Teu Cabinet ! M()PKANN(tN LAND AND Ll'MDER COM PANY offer fr nt Town Iol la th rxr oHath of Owceola, "lartt M coniy, fa ., and a I mi Inl p to mit nurrhawrt owtvidtB the limim of Mid hnrough. Owrola ii tiiuaiuxl on tb Mnvhannm) Ctwk, in the rlrhr.it portion f ih rounty ol Clrarflrld, on th hn- of the Tyrohe A Cli-arfirM Kailrnad. where the Mohanmrn anl Bravrrtnn branch mad inlcrntvl. It ! !o in the hraU ol tho Moahannon roal batin, and larfo IkmIi-i ol white fin, hrmlork. nak, and ithrr timlHT ntr rnand it Ono of tit lartrrxt lumber manufariur- n( tat libmfnli n th Plat it located in the 1 "1 11 u Kl' mrt oMt wi ooDta.ni a puDuiatiooj of mx tba ,rr-0Fr further information apply at tbo ofiioe of the above oompany. John lawsiie. apr14 Buperiotendcnt. Xollcc to Land-ovnrrs! firnvBToR ilRvrRiL'ti Ornrr, llNnisrna. I'a , Oct. 22, tH9. J To the Owncn of I neat-, Lamln: In Ahrdirnee tn an Act or AikhiIiIt, opprored the figlith dnf of April, one th(unan1 eight bwn Jrrd and nixtt-iiine, job ar hrn-hy notitird that tho "t'nont.T Land l.trn Iiart," fKintainina; the lift of nnpatrntf'd lan'tf for I'tearilt'ld eniinlr, pre pired andcr the A-"l of A""en.lil? of the V"th vf Slur, one thnu-and eifcht hundred and iiljr-fhar, and the nipj-tefuent therctu, bat thti day bron forwarded In th Prolhonotarjr of the county, at hoe offif it mar h oiamined. The lien ean only He hqnaduted hy tho payment of th pur t'haee money, iiitr'at nnd fret, and rooeiviiig pat eutt tbmazh thii I-epartroent. JACUlt M. CAMI'fir.IX, oT. I m fSoneror tJeneral. Democratic Almanac. rillllS inraluaMc pat.Mratinn la for tale at th pout o(Rfe. ll phuuid be in tlie hando of erery IemKTaU It contain fall election rrtnrni fnm rery county in th t'nite-d htaieft heaidea, the nti miner for if 6(1 aoatain a oomphie hn of the n a mm of all the newrpupfr nopprenwd and mohhed dnrini; Linroln't adimnl'trAlitin ; and that for I H7 mtaini the name nt all lheemliai who were iTnprtP'nel during Iheaauio period. Theoe two Imtft, for futnro rrferrniw, are worth more than the priee nf the pnliliratlon. The nnmiwr ir IfflS 'tealenfullof taloahlewatietlca. Aoroncocmling M m-iiu to the pout Martr, will mctir bt return mail a eapy fr earh year, freof prtttajco. (J-2.i:tf DI"Wl.rTI! IIP PARTM'.RHMIP. The partnership heretofore eiilin(t Itetwrea lOe ndert?ned, in the etenntil Iim inert, at I tnhritla, Uearia townahin. wa Jioaolrrd ty mn"iat entrnt n th tho S7tb dny ol Hfptrmhrr, Siir. J, K. Uillon will onnttnno ib haincMl the old atand, and if MthiriaMi to ttlo, par and ooaiaut all Ihi aoovtinu of th lata firm. i. E. Ml.LOM. ri. , uro 4pi r. j. x-coy. jnirdirarr, finunrr, fftr. MEUKEMi & niGLER heLra in ii a it i) Y a it i: Alvft, Manufaftnreriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware CLEARFIKLP, PA. Y OF SAUDLKS, 1IKIDLK.S, Barseee, Cellan, etc., for aalt by MKltltKl.b A niOI.KIt. DALMKKS l'ATKNT UNLOAD. A. log Hay Porka, for tale by MERRELL & BIGt.EIl. 0IL' P4IXT, 1'UTTY, GLASS, Kalla, ate., for aala by MERRELL 4 BIOLER. JJaRMCSS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Finding!, fur tale by MERRELL A. BIOLER. Q.UXS,riSTOLS,SVORI) CASES For aala by MERRELL ft BIOLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biiea, for aale by MERRELL ft BIOLER, rRON! IRON! IKOX ! IRON 1 For aale by MERRELL ft BIGLER. TTORSK SHOES A HORSE SHOE JLJ- KAILS, for aale by MERRELL ft BIOLER. pi'LLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And boat Hanufaetura, for sale by MERRELL ft BIOLER MIIMBLE SKELN'S AND PIPE BOXES, for aale by MERRELL ft BIOLER. pODDER CUTTERS for aale by MERRELL ft BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! iiEf'OLiTio.r i.r s.irs; EMERSON'S PATSHT PERFOEARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OUMMINa AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Bnaping the Toetk af all Splitting 6a we, fA.Bend for s Deaerlptlre Cirnlar and Prlte LUu MEIIRELL A BIOLER, janl If Ooneral Agent, Claarleid, Pa G. S. FLEGAL, 1EALIM IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, AND MANUFACTURER OF Tin, Copper 4 Sheet Iron Ware, Phlllpeburg, Centra cak. Pa., ritHE naderalgned roapoetfttllj snnonneee to J. the pohlie that he hae on hand a earn-fullp-eeleeted end well aeevrted atook of Storoa. Ula or let j eoneteta of 1 HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whlrh here never felled to giro perfect eatiifao tion to tho stoat faatidiof a of tie purrhaeora, Continenul, Lehigh, Farmer, Devlight. Bpeara1 Aati-Doat. Niagara, Charm, Herald, are, with every variety of tbo heel Pillabnrg Maanfaeura. VA-Tho Tin and Fkrel Iron warn given with the f tone le made of tho heav'eel and heal materiel, and warranted is giro perfect aeUe faoiioa. Ilia etock of PARLOR AND HEAT1N0 STOVES Ta larger, hotter and oheoper then aver before elbibitrd to the publie. lie deSea eompetilien either is variety, o,uelitr ar price. Bo la ale prepared ta faraleh a saaaplote aeaortmenl of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeeala or retail, aaanofartared neatly and wlih the eole view ta eervieo, froaa the beet ma terial tn the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS. A COPPER, BRASS Abu JKUII KKTIkKB, Of every draeriptlos eonttenlly oa hand. LIGI1TMN0 RODS, npertor point, pnl op an abort Welle. The Point ne oSere to tae puone le 11.0 eoeae ae le w weed by the Pecnaylvaata Railroad Co, on thrir buildinga. ORDERS FOR PfOUTINO, ROOFIXtJ And olherwork belonging to hie boalneee will he promptly slled by eiperieneod and ekilllal workmen. uraos, corrEU and old mettle Taken la eirhange for gooda. twite eanerla'.ly Invitee the attention of Merrhanta winking to pnrrhaee ol wboleeale. ee tey will Ind it In their advanlaro to oaamlae kia etock before purchaaing oiaewnero. Phillpihnrg, Ang. , IMS. jylll? FAIRBANKS' STANDARD m a a s mm e" u o" -r--.5J' y ALL lt Beggoge Barrewa, Warehonee Trucke, Copying rrrefoe, Ioiprorrd Monry Drawer, Ae. ron a.tLB nr MERRELL & HIGLKR, Dralrra lit llnrdwsrc. jf'.t lf flcoond Street, CloarSeld, Pa. fit 111? CK1.KRRATKD RICIURDSOS BOOTS, T 1,'Jhl Kip Frtmb Kip... CO. I so. At C. hRAUKH'S. French Celt. (Oppneite tbe Jail.) T BATHER. Oek ten A Spenl.h Snle, Fn-ni-b J nnd American Calf and Kip. Kip, I'ppcr, Morocco, bindinga, Lislnga and Kboe hnttinc, al t'Ypoaiie the Jail ) f. KhAlCH .-. urnltutr. f'honp I'll niH hit. john nrurn rvl'IRES la Infirm hie eld Med. ana eaa 1 lomera, that having enlarged hi, ahop and tnoreaeed hie faelllllea for ninuiartnrlng. he la aow prepared to meke to order ruck Furniture ae may ha deei.ed, in gond atyie and at ebeap retee for CASH. He generally haa oa ka,l, at kla Furaiture roome. a varied aaiorlmeni of ready made furaiture, among wklck era BUREAUS ASO SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobor and Rook-Caeee; Centre. Sofa, Parlor, Breaafeat and Dining Eileiaion Talileai Com mon, French-poet, College, Jenny-Ltr.it nnd other lleddeaila) Bi fea of all kinda, Werk alenila, llat-raeka. W-abjlaaiia ; Rooking and Arm Chaira aprtng-.'oat, fane bottom, parlor, eoi mon and other Chat ret Looking-iJIaaaee of even deerription on bend t and new gleeaea for ola frnoioo, wnlch will be put In on very reaooaebli lerme on ahorteat notice. He alao kecpe on beni or furniihee to order, Corn-huik, Heir and Cot ton. top laaitreaaea. Coffins of Evert Kind Made to order, nnd funerala attended wltk a Henree whenever deeired. Alao, Honae Paiotin, done to order. The eubeeriber aleo maonrao turee, and baa eonatantly on band, Clement'i Potent Weening Machine, the beet now tn nee! Thoee naing thia machine never need be with out elean elolbee I He aleo haa Flyer'a Patent Churn, a aoperior article. A family ualng tbn unurn nerer neea oe eiuout ouiior t All the above and many other artfelea are fill- nlahed to euolomero ebeap for Cabs or exchanged for npproved eonntry produce. Cherry. Moult. poplar, Linwood aad oteor Lumber euitablo fr Cabinet work, takes la t sehaoge for furnltan, Awor-Remember the ahop la on Mnrker etreat. ClearBeid, Pa, aad nearly optioeltothe'-OldJe Store." JOUM UVLICU, November IS, ISA y H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AXD MATCH HAEEB, orroairs rss (afts-ww, SAsanr nmr POST OFFICE SvCLEARFIELD TIIR anbeeriber nrpeetlnlly infonna hit old patrone and the publie generally, that he tiae on band, (and to ounatantly rooelvtng new additiena thereto,) s largo etock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. XdTl keep Jewelry In all Ita forma ud of inerenl valuei, either hy the piece or eeL WATCHES A foil a aorta ait of either dole or f liver, made hy Iba beet Anerioan and for- ign maaufaemrore, inelading a fine lot of gold end eilrer banting oaee, lull jeweled, Patent severe. CLOCKS Of all dealgni, nonalellng of eight- lay aad thlrtv-honr, nf either weight, epring or levere, and both etrike aad alarm. REPAIRING. All klnda of Walokei and CI eka Repaired, nnd warranted. In addition to wbal I have enumerated, I keep full aeeortment of SPECTACLES, onlored and plain glaee. l,o, OOI.D PENS end PENCILS. fUO.NS, FORK", BUTTER KNIVES, aod la faet everything in ike Jewelry lino. If I fail to eve on hend juat whnt a cnalomer may seed, 1 til order per Bret enpreae, wttbooteatm enorge. A liberalahara of paella patroaagc te eolirited. May 7, Itits.y 11. F. MACULE. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS fc STATIONERY. Mttrhet ftt., CMerOeld, mt the Pint Offlce.) A'H K Bt.drat)tod bri ltf to BBBoana' I lbeiliiBi f CUtvrl.ld ud vioiaitj, Um i mm itud as b room BBd bm jot rturBd from tBttltf with lBrB bbiobbi of rB-vdiog aiattcr, (Btitting la ptvrt vf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Itntt, AereoBl ad Pbu Booki of Bvor? da- trlptioa ; pBftor Bad EoTelifM, French prMd napiBtBi fBi and 1'rneti i tflBnk, LcrbI pTB, Id. HortfSffS JfldgUlBBt. KsBBtB ub and I'roBiitttir B1 W bit bb4 l'rrh; at Brivf, Ucal Cap. Hord Cap. aad Bill dp. Hbaet. Maaia for aither Piaaa, Flata or Violta COBaUBtl a haad. Any avka or tatloBarj daairod thai I axay bo hara a haad. will ha or ordarad bjr Iral aiproaa, and aold at aholaMla or retail to to it e a (na.fr. I will alao kaaa par.od.pal lite rata re, gaeh aa Magaalaai. Nawa. paper, a. V. A. UAVLIM. CtarBl Ma? T. Ins-tl X ZEW KTOK A.XD KW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SOX liar juat opened Nw EToat, on adainSu.CLnaruLD, Pa., lately occupied by Wm. T. IRWIN. Their itock oooaiati of OkoriEigf of 4bl beat quality, Quckmswarc, Boots and Shoes, tod every article neceuarT for one' comfort, i i Call od exninine our atock Ufor pur rl.a.inr etewhert. May 0. l-lf. eoutiNSAco'a W" m-w At AWARDED the PRIZE MEDAL At the PARI r.XrOSITIO WarTatntexl to "Scoup" or r en thrtnseilTet tn the) HtrklrM Mail. They Draw Lighter than Bay other Plow ruttinf utaaae Basra! furrow, Tho Sharea are raallr ahatrn ertrd. brtof made of Kooel t aat drew lore arlviMg fall MrUemlara Meat to ail oka apply le , COLLINS &, CO., 212 WATER ST, HEW YORK. rabrMarj V, I a, a Ita. t, loi no. HUBERT & YOUNG, Stonc-futlors & StftnMIasons, T ILL axtvBifall work In ttttlr Una at m4 V erata prtoaa aad Ib FIRM CLASS (jh iircliitectural Ornaments ALL PTYLRfl, Fiona DrfMini f aran aarHplinn, and all kintli af aiaaon etd aaa- raaird f'r lu or oal of iba tmaoty. Aay raer liahiaa; In hara rvvnertaMa Biaaoa fft aad aioBf-ralllBf dona, will And it ta lft-tr fcterrM la rail apoa aa. wa weald aire laferai tl fa a lie laat wa aaa drliiar ant qua thy ar aiaa af toat deairtd, axa lb awaera f 4 rinsT-cLAss stoxe quaIky. Order for work ean he nddreaeed eiier to Clearfield nr Lntherahnrr. i merit I if M'BEItT A TOtNrt. k7i l.T A Y wws' j LIME AND COAL YAID, (Nrar the Fail mud Irpnl.) xr.Ai.ni 1. 1). pi na IF.MHRACK ttila thoJ fit InfortJc th tntlie, that 1 have nrrt n, a yar4 r ma nf weed ar eoal burnt LIME a it 4 ABtmrlia In ih tmroufh of ClrarlrrM, e hare -TlTnp1ftd arrtiaTBrnta with eatr dwar hy whtfB I ran aet-p a fitll anpftly eonrtanth t aaml. whirh will h difpoard of al miaonahk riaa, by th tun, buhl or par In aaii piathaaar- Thnr a divtanra nan addrrf aia hy ltrr, aad tiUlB all utMarjr InrurMalma hr rr(ia. K. H. TA rliH. rirarflfM, fa., Prh. II. Hn. tf , siiAurRonTS! iqih-iTkalls! HARTSWICK k IRWVS Are eonatantly replenlehing their atoek of Dmgr. Mcdicinea, Ae. I . I School Hooka and Stationery inclodlng the Oa good and National Semo of Itcaderi. Alao, Toliaeco nnd Ctgare of the beet hraade, at the tewoet prioee. nil CALL AfD rtt t 'laOyOewlatJ B A . Jlf Jfounltrg ind piHathUf ,hcp. A. P. ornro,,., ..tan. i. tot ne BOYNTON L YOUNO, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ynufiirturri of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth tnd Pint StrotU. CLKARKIKLO, PA. TTAVrNO engeeed in the manufaolure of drat--l-l. elaa, MACHINEUV, wo reapeotftilly inform the publie that we are now prepared to Oil all ordcra ae cheaply and aa promptly aa oan be done In any of tho eitiea. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Bloeka, Water Wheel., Shafting Puller., Oifford'. Injector, Bloom Ganger, Steam Wbiatlca, Oilera, T.lw Cup,, Oil Copa, Gauge Cocka, Air Cocka, GloU Valv,,, Chock Valve., wrought iron Pipoe, Sleam Fuutpa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Ami Friction Metre,, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinda of AI1LL WOKK) together with rtowe, Sled Solea, COOKAKD PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinda. XOrdera aolicited aad Slled at elty price. All letter, of Inquiry with reference to mechinerv of onr manafaoture promptly anewerod, by ad dree ing na at Clearfield, pa. dol-tf HOVNTON A TOr.VO planing tUU5. O. L. Reed. :ww.NOTICE.w.V; oarelt. BatU. J. F, o. l.. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! THE proprietorareepeetfully inform theeitlaena af Cleerdeld mmi !.. i l . ., . ... ua.j Hn onureiy redtted thi, eeUbliihment with the lateet Improved wood working machinery, and are now prepared to eiecute all order, in their lioe of baaioeea. They will giro eepoclel attentioa to tho lenufeo- ture of material fur houee betiding, each ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASU, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS tf .WO I LIH.VGS, Ot ALL BTTLKS, We atwaya here on hand a Urge etock of DRY Ll MIlER.and will payeaah for al! clear Lambor. One end a-helf inch panel etuS preferred. lumber Manufactured lo Order, Or exchanged, to eolt eualomere. feA.Orden tolieiled, and Lambor furolehed en abort nolioe and eo reaoonable terme. Q. L. BLED A CO. Clearneld, Kov. T. lr. K. B. Fawob K. A. Invin . -Jon Perron, J. a. lawia E. B. PATTON & CO., Hating (lied np a nrat-claea PLANING MILL Are prrparai lo far&iih all kindi af Manufactured Lumber, Bet. aa Flooring. Siding, 8nrface-PrMid lum ber, 8.uh, Poor!, Bllndi. And trar deaerlptiea of FLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. t4r- Dealer, will (nd II ta their advantage to eoaaoll onr prioee before purchasing elreohero. Addreae, E. B. PATTuN A t'O., t'orwenaville, lire. 1. IS" tf rWhrld ronnlr. Pa. Clotlilug. How lo Nave Jlonej-. Till tlmea are hards you'd Ilka to knew How yon may eare yoar dollar, j The wey te do it I will ahow. If yon will read what followa. A ma whe lived not far from her. V. ho worked herd at hie trade, Bt.t hod a honaohold to eapport Tbat ronoodered all ha aaada. I vol him once. Bey. he. "My friend, I look thread bear aod roogh I've tried to get myeell a eail. Sat cen'l neve ep enough." Beve T, my friend, how mack hare yoa f i'll tell yon where to go Te get n eolt thet'a ennnd nnd eheapt Ta RKUKNt-lElN A Co. Re took what Utile he had eared, And went to Reiaeoateln A Brother., And there he got a bendeoene anil. For half he paid lo othera. Now he le home, he look, ee welt, Aad their ellect ia each. Thai when they take their delly meal, They don't oal half ae mace. And now he tnde en Setardny night, t lib ell theu wanta eupplied. That he bee money left le epend, And eome to ley aeide. Ill, g.wd raroeee. with cheerful amlle, Ua gladly telle lo all. If you'd eere money, go and buy Xoor elethee at RKIZSNSTEIN'S CLOTIUKd HALL. vThcre the eheapeal. Ineai and heat Clothing aad good Farnlebin Uooda can he bed , every taeto and in every etyla aprll.af Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Cblcherlng'a, Rlelnwa,'. and Reaeraen'a Fieana t Bmllh e, Maenn A liemlia'e and Peloabel'i Organa and Melodeona, nnd G rover A Baher'a fiewlng Machine. Auo rnaenna of Piano, Goiter, Organ, Harmony and YeeeJ Ma eto. No pupil takea for leea then half a term. JMr-Roim neil door to Fire National Bank, i leeMMd, Mey 4. It tf. H'aTirM' dh C t"TAItl fltFu. ft VTe 1 here nrintrd a large aaanher of tare new I KK RILL, and will on the receipt of twenty, nror-enle. veil a enpy In anv eddreee. my2d WfAKTl-.lt- KHI.(MM) No. I eighteen frrh FIIINULLS, for which the higheet prion will be paid. WF.A VKR A Bblla. ClaaiUd clat; tl, ! fPrugi A fdlrdirlnri. it v.n OVAL, HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DKUGGISTS, .Harkrt Utrttt, Vltarfltld, ra. TB hag leave la Inform onr old aad new W euatomere, that we hero removed onr oa. tebllahtnent to the apaeloua new building juot erceted on Marked atreet, nenrly adjoining the Mnnalon lluu.M oa the weat, and oppoaite Meaara. Graham A Sona' etore t where we roaneetfully invite me paotta to noma ana nuy tnetr Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Onr atoek of Druga and Medlolnea aonaleti of everything uaed, aeleoted with the freateet ear., ana WATlHiSTED 8TEICTLT PUEB! Wa also kaap a Ml tok of I) tap. ParfunarUi. Ttillal arttolaa. Soap, Tooth Bruabea, Hair Kruihai. Whitewash Brttabaa, and avary atbar kind DruaDei. n a bava a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaiaeed Oil, Palnte, and In faet everything teed in tho painting baeineei, wMoh'we eler at City prlooa to oaeb bnyora. TOBACCO AND SEOAUS, Confeeticnery, Spicea, and the largeat 'atock of rarletlee aver offered in thia place, and warrant ed to be of the beat the Market alforda J. H. HARTPWICK, K.t. 11,118. JOUN F. IRWIN. The Great Ezternal Eemedy. For Han and Baatnt. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM The reputation of thia preparation ta ae well eetab- liahd, that Utile need be eatil In Ihle eounectlna cm MAN 11 hee never autre to cure PAINrrt. KFRVOI S AVUiOTIOVS, IIVTRA(TINO m g. ci es uTirrmtss akii painu iy thr joints, BTITCHt:; In the K I IlK or Rack. 81'RA IN'H. rtatflSKS, Bt RNK.Bn CI.I.l V(i OIKS Hand FKOHTFD PKET, Peraooa eaVclcd with Rheumeliaae ean be eflccteelly aod permanently eared by ueiii. tola wonderful prvna reUoo: It MnHratee to Uie nerve and bone Immedmuly on aein. ept'ltcd On IMIt-its ll wtll cure HCRATrrrpn. aiwtPvrT, POLL rVII.. FISTI'LA. OI.I) RI NVINO HnRK.1 PAIII).a;C'l.l.AR OAt.1.8. KPKAlNrn Jtll.VTS, HT1KFNKS0. tir THF. STln.K3,c HwlllprcTcnt llol LOW HORN nnd WEAK BACK IN VtlLCH Cwa. have met with rreat eaoeeae In brtnrlae my Vlitere erlthla Uie reach of the Pahlte. 1 am deilr la receipt ef letter from fliTilri.nl IrruirriaU. Mercuanaa aad farmer., teeuryiog to lu curative newer.. DAVID B. FOCTZ, SU Pnprior, BALimoRI, Ma. For aala hy Hertewlek A Irwin, Cleemwu, aud by droggieta and etore keeper, throughout the United Melee. I.bll-ly Attention, Afllicted I rpHB fHBwrlbar girtt Bo (lea Ifcat ba bu X ra-nml Iba f netlea of Uadicma in Luia arabari, wbara ha intandi te davota bit a tie a tic to iba traatmant of CHKDNIC UlsEA&KS ia freotral Ha will kaan na band a rboica aa laotioBer DRUGS BBd MEDICIN ES adapt4d U taa troatnaaBt of ebroaia diaaaaas, aad aiaj h onaaltad at bit oaa at any boar af laa day. N. B. A word lo Iboaa afllietad witb ebroaia diaaaai bibt ba to tbbib adrantara. Kant bat tor ba awara that coubtbt Pbiiaiai wbo da B Binina praetlea bava not timb la attaad la tba traattmeatar raaoaio diaaaaaa, aad eoaao quantlr pbblbct tbaaif bane tbii alaaa of di' aaaai ra4uirei ticLrtira attBiina. LattaraHarf, Fab. 27, l&M tf Beale's Embrocation, (latx powell's,) For all diaaaaaa tneidant to lluraei, CattU, ud aUaaiaa rlaahg raqalhng tbo baa of aa aiurnaj anplicttioa. Tbia laibroeatfoB waa oiuaairalj aad lj taa unTarBaaaai oannr ibb war. for aalt by Haruwirk A Irwin, Claarflald. Jo(.a H. Irwla. CarwoBaTllIa, Daaial Good laBar. La;liribBr C. KltATZER & SONS ARE RECEIVING A Pri.ENPIDKTOCK OF CARPETS AM) OIL CLOTHS. WALL PATERS GILT TAFER, rfo. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SUADES- COUNTERrAKES AXD QUILTS. LI SEX TABLE CLOTH A NAT-KINS LADIES SILK COATS if-OVERSKIRTS. ELEGANT S II AWLS A LACE TOlNTS. LADIES' at- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. RFST KIR (.I.tlVF.'S-LADIFS' GEN. TLEMfc.VS AND CHILD KEN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. UN FQI AI.T.F.D STOCK I.ADIF,S' AND CHILDREN'S SUOKJJd UAITERS. MKN'S CALF & FRENCH Kir BOOTS. HEAVY CALF BOOTS. 5. MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP. BEST STONE TEA BEITS, S. GROCERIES, FI.Ol-R t- PROVISIONS AT LOB Esr KATES. LIBFSAL DF.nrCTIOV TO THOSE BUYING IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARKFTIVO AND OOCMBT PRODUv-K WASTED. OearaeM. dune Id, Curwensville Marble Yard. D KM HO I 8 of ritr-mliriK bit havioa. aod knnwirtf ihrta ran b no turner trihnia 01 rr"frrl to (ha u"Ti nr of tha dft-rrd aad haniNl In-rnlt. than ta vnrl ever Ibetr narrow bum a aralptaml flab tf i-ndartnc Biarht thai tinint (orrtH ta Iba truting loa of thnaa wa Hive, I hrft lfra to mit to all who wihb to abow ihfir aflWiion for ibair departed fnradi and kimlrrd, thai Ihi-T aa auw bava aa oppmiunilv of doing m, br rHujf at at tShop an Thotntoa arwamriiio, ra. aa l aa prfitarvd u furnish to firitrr MONUMENTS, CRADLE & BOX TOMBS, HEAD STONES, Ac, of an df'ijrn ar iia at rmnNtitr ratra. N. p. I H' "a han-1 Ihf laal t-reJrn ftn Dtimratlr MarbliS AM work -i""- ib lh biobI akillful mannifr. 1 will aUo dHUor work to an point in Clcbrflfld r alj.tiilnc rnunhrw, H drfirrd. W M. H. CoLHl b.N. Cwrwrnrvtlla. (M. M, !MM(. rninls forFarmors and Others. ppHK OraftoB Miacral Taint CnmpahT Bro bow 1 artaniifarlurirtK tba r-r, rhaaprat and ainat dnrahla l'amt Ib in : two coat well put an. Bin ad lli pv loiB'SMl Oil, will ta-4 10 or 14 .vaara; it It of a 1 1 BT ht bmwfl or brantifiil rhnroUta color, and aaa be ebjrfd to grrn, load, atnna, drab, olira or rrram, lo mil tba taat of tht aotiawmar. It ti raluahlf for Hon, Barna, frnm, CamtfT and ar tnnk-ra, Tailt and W min warn, Agr. fnltaral inplHninte, Oanal ttoaia. -?) and Shin' Itflloian, I'antaa, Mrtal and Shinck Roofa, (it Winf lira and wot prwi,, "lo.r t'll Cloth, (ona wan fart nror barir (t b,bo barrrU tha paM yaaa.) and at a paint for any prpo- la an aurpanard ft" wM-dT. durMlil, alaattfil and Bdht airvnoaa. Prion, $n par bairtd of lhu whirh will anpplr B farmer far r-ra tn fw. V airmntod la all oaM aa at-ora, Kad fr a airwalar, whtrb fir fall rriialftr. Knaa aainoamh-M brand ad in a Uwim anark. Mraftwa Minnral HainL, Tar aona naa ardor tbo Paiat and moitt tbo aifjnay aa raoaipl of gooda, Addraaa. mnwirMd trvrlr hati tm IS ww Toih. fiij edi, anrarrrtrf, (fK. a itiJAT Via nuAinH Xfw Store In Mulsonburg! In the rooaa formerly oooapled hy P. T, tlegarty. L. M. COUTHIET fpAKES thia method of laformlhg Iheeltlaen, JL of Covington. Karthaua. Uirard and the enr- hiunding eonntrv. that he hea juat opened a large atock of Bt'MMRH IIOtlliH, which he le drier- mined to eell TKN FhP. CENT C1IKAPKR than the aame analily of Uoode een be poroheeed for in any other etore ia the neighborhood, liia Mock aouaiata of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Each aa B.llnrtta. Catalmerei, Mnalint, Delalaaa, Linen, lrillingi, Caliooee, Trimiaingo, Ribbona, Lace, BEADY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS al KHOJiS, 11AT3 at CAW, GEOCEEHS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Bice, Molaaeea, Fiah, Salt, Linaoed Oil, Fleh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Cuatlnge.Ploweend Plow Ceatlnga, Nalla, fpikea, Corn Cultivator., Cider Preeaea, and all kinda of Aiea. Vm-Mr Plow, are of the Cnrwmniiie ud Centre ooonty make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Palate, Varniab, Olaea, and a general aweonneui Ol ouutonory, GOOD FLOXJJi, j Of different brand., alwaye an hand, and will ba aold at the loweet poeaiblo Cgarea. viqvoRa, I Bach aa BRANDT, WINE, CIN A WHISKY nOOt nonnda of Wool wanted fee eihUh tk nigueat prion wiU be paid. . CLOVER iEED, Oa hand and for aala at the low.at market prioe- Alao, Agent for Wfiaen'a Blrntlonrillo TURESniXG MACHINES w.Call aad ee for vooreelvee. Tan will ir,d orerytning unaiiy kept in a retail .tore. 1 M. COtTRIET. Frenekville P. 0., Jan. T, lo. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL A!tD OF COCRSI TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! XirE ore now opening up a let of the heat and 1 1 aaoet aeaoonahle Oooda and Warea evev oBerod in thia market, and nl prioee that remind one of the good old dev. of cheep thtnge. Thoea wbo lack faith upon thia point, or doea oar alla gatiana euperfluuua, need but CULL JT OVR STORE, Conor Front and Market etreeu, Where they ean era, feel, hear and know for there - aelvoa. To fully andcratand what are cheap goode. tni. muet no none, vt e no sot deem tt neoteaai-y to enumerate and itamina ear atoek. It ia oaoogh for na to elate that We have Everything that is Needed aad eonanmod in tbia market, aad at prioee that nrtoni.h both old and young. 4 JushPH 6HAW A 80S. XIHV FLOUR.FEED AND ritOVISION STORE, TO K andertlgeed have Juat received at their new eland ia W aliaeelon, a full enpply af Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, dec, COAL OIL, (at reduced ralea.) A good article nf TOBACCO, CIGARS AXD SMOKING TOBACCO, oonetently aa hand. All of which will be aold at LOW BATES for CASH or given in exchange for SHINGLES ud LIMBER. Wa rrepectfully aek the pwblia to give we a trial before pwrcbaaing a ire where. J. ft. BEAD A CO. Wellacetoa, April 7, 1. EDWA15D TERKS & CO., Flour Itlnnufacturcrs, And Ieaiera ia GKAIN OF ALL KINDS, FBILIP6BCK0, PA. A Ft'LL iVtrtX of FLOrR, WHEAT. CORN and CHOP eonatantly oa haad. and lor aale at ratee remarkeblr low. (fcbt-tl cw Mine and Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI M, WINES 5c LIQUORS, MARKET ST, CLEAT FIELD, PA. V.Full etock nf Wine, Brandy, Gin, Whteky and AicoheL nlwava on hand. Pnecial auewtion paid to eocwring n pare article for Baerevnrnral aod medical pnrpoaea. tanSI-tf The Lightning Tamer. Till BfJcrtittBod art lb oU AfBti l Uli tMBfitv for th Nnrth Aair.MB 0lTntfi LlUHTNINQ HODS. TImw r U ) mH rodi mow la n, . mimrmi bv aU tht tltyUlv mrem tK tbt OWIKirT. M brvnv BAtirr lb vitiBfni ttt thm Mntvitv tba4 will fat tbvai f ft bttr ro, mm4 lr lew tavavj. tbaa fa abarfml by tba Ibraitfa ireatt bo ananally traTaraa tba oaatj m4 tarry off cmr lilt) cabt iinr la ratara. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tbaaa wlnhia Lithtalnc Rd amta4 aa tbair bai)diPft m4 bat addrati aa by Uitr, ar aalt la partma. Wt tH nat thaai mf anrbara la tbafoaatjo mmi warraal ibaw, Tbt I.od mm4 Fiitarat aaa ba taaa al aay llaia by aalllaff at aartlnra. MKHKELl. A JUULfc. Cl-ar-ld. Jaat 11, IH8 V NOTICE. VLL perenne are hereby notified who have leaecd Ranking ground at or near the mouth ol Whitmer run on the properly ef Groom, ltich ey A Co, thai all hack pay mart be paid n fi re any more grouad eaa he ohtair. adj t) pereone hanking timber or tog. r jnT lumber oa the aloreeatd proper,,, witko.1 per tn'"'9h, will be h- ,v, Iro.,f aee, or be charged any dollar, per rafl for eeld ground. Appticuhon for aaid ground meet be made to W. b. Iiichry, Ulcn liope, I'a. GROOM, MCE BY A CO. Rrpt. 1, !M0-m. n, au Ft-LLinTon.. ,.w. R. wernanaon XEW Fll.etl. FTJLLEETON TMcFHIRSON, KKKP aaattanlly aa mmm aad for lala, Praab waata, aacb at BF.KF, VEAL, MUTTON, c, Preeh Fiah, and all Tegelahlee In aeaeoa t Canned Fruite, Butter. Lard, Ac, which they will aell at the lawcat market prvcee. Caeh peid for CATTLE, BITTER, Ac Boora on Market 6treet, nppn.ite the Court tlouaa, Clearneld, Pa. (May It, 'HO.U. 1)1 etefat na, X Hooflend'aC Itoanlnro, nnhhedl-a. Drekea German. Hoetelter'e nnd Groewe. Otygonnted Bitter, t alee pure Lionore, of alj kladafor acedlclnaleurp...., foeawle by - HABT8W1CK A IRWtlt, IM'ROl WANTKOThe nodcreigned wlH fey tho htgheel CAPH PRICK lor all hind, of Ft R aad IiEKR 6KINS. Hive me a call Clowlald, Dwe, IJ. 1. L, MUSV8IS1M. mSVLUH RAIL. ROAD, TV RON K A CXKARHKLD ERANCD 0" ana) after Monday, APRIL , at, Paeeenger Tralna will rna deilr leiem luadeytl between T Irene and Lock Mar.n ono Paeeenger Train hetweea Tyrone and Cu.. leld, aajollrmej w' LEAVE BOITH. ) LEAVE NOHTI( Cleerdeld I 45, p. Tyrone 0 A . raitipannrg, arl.eo, " lel.tt. .'oie. in m Phillpab'rg.arll.l(lo " h)11.10, Clearfield U (,5 . , Oaeoola 4 16, Tyrone n.eO, FARE AND DISTAXCEs" FROM CLEARFIELD. FROM TYRONE. Station. Leonard..-.. rVoodland-.. Higler. Waliaeelon . liltie Hell.... K r Statioao, 5 i, IV If IS dt 45 AS 4 l IIP Hi a 1 1 Intereeotlon.... 4 ' Vaawrm. t ! Oardner.. I It Ml. Pleaaant....U 40'enmmit .J4 t) Kendy Ridge... j Powelltoa- 17 o,Ooeeoia 8t Dnabar. II 74, Hleiaer'a 7 BO Pbllipeburar 4 A' Mine BeJi Jg to, H'allaoetun Aa ...11 13 I'hlllp.btLraT IT Nlclr,er,'.. Id lruntar. Io OectHila. I1 Powclllon......24 Randy Hidgc....2 Hummit 17 Ml. Pleeaauit....ftO Irardncr Vanaooyoaw, InlereectioOM. Tyroue....... 33 f I 00 Hirlcr... 14 1 tl 1 Woodland. .31 5 14 tl ( ..37 .41 I 14 lyeanerd . it I to. I 20 C learfield 41 I Jo, FARE FIIOM CLEARFIELD, TO, tll am . . ' (wieWBit. 1-41 f7 05 MiddletowB 5 (t J re I Nanette 40 WilJiaioFportH HantuigdoB LawiatotATa. ,...., Maryivilifl lUKKiHbrhti.. no Leneeeter d 9&, I , PHILADELPHIA 7 I Ultona.....,... led d 6l.JohnMown... J go d TilptTTSBCBU lb tONM.CTIOIVH. Paaaengera leaving Clearfield at f.Jd p. m.. Pbil paburg at p m., Oeoeela at 4. U p m arrive at Tyrone nt 6,i p. m., meking connection with Cincinnati Eipreea Caat at .I7 p. an., aad with Mail Weat al .4I p. m . on Mum Line; alee with Held Eagle Elprraa, leaving Tyrone at J.0 p. a... arriving al tielleloute aa .4o p a., aad eo Lock llevea at 1.J p. m., eunneeluig with Erie Mail Eaal on the PhileJrlphia and Erie Road, at P m, arriving at U illiamanort at 11.40 a. m. Returning, paeeenger. leaving Wtlliemrport aA l.l . a. on Erie Mail Weet, arrive at Look Ha vre el 31 a. ., oonaeeting wUh Baid Eagle Expreea leaving Look ll.vca at 10.?a a. aa ar. riung at Belieleate at 11. 4 a. nr., Snow Shoo, City at I.J4 f. an., and Tyrone at 1.10 p. m. EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, General anipevintrndeai. GEORUE C. V, ILEi.NS, myl-lf Snpevmtendent. Clearfield County Bank. TUB Clearneld Coanty Bank ee aa laeanra ted inMilati., ho. cue eat of eai.teare b lli. earrenderof lie chener, on way II, I net Ail lu nock ia award hy lb eueemhere, war will continue the Banking eerier nr at the earn, pleee.aa private Hane.ere.ui.dcr the Orm name at the Clearleld Caneity Beak. We are m apoaeible for the debit ot the Bank, aa J will pep iu not-e oa eVmeed ai the center. Depottta received end Utereel paid whoa money ia loft for a lied lima. Paper dieeounled at ail per cant, a. heretofore. 0r pereoael rerpon.ibility te pledged for all 1 oeiu eaoelead and bsetaoea trana eted. A eantinoaaoe of the liberal pet raaaga of tho hoelaaea aaea nf the aweary la re rpaounlly oelietted. A. Pre re deal. Caehiar aad othoera or the leu Clearleid County Baak, wa reoaira the note, of void Bank to ha preeeaud for redemptioa. JAS. T. LKONABD, RICHARD BHAW-. WM. FORTER. JA8. B. GRAHAM. A. K. WEIGHT. S. L. REED. WM. A. WALLACE. The he.la.a. ef the Baak will ha eon ducted by John M. Adeaae.. E.q.. aa Caebier. JoaM,'tt J. b. M Gtrk. Hoard Perk.. BAUmO & COLLECTION HOUSE. or McGirk 4 perks.. Bnooeaeora to Footer, Perka, A Co, Phlllpeburg;, Centra Coanty. Pa. TTTBERR all the baeineei af a Banking Room t ? will eo trnaenoted proanpUy and apew tee moet fevoraole terma mar7-tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD. PA. THIS Benk hi aow open and reedy far boat, neat. OSica oa Seeoad etroet, ia the bated. leg formerly occupied by Laoward. Fiaaey at So. ninncrona A oprtcaaa. 'Aft. B. GRAHAM. RICHAHD DRAW WM. A. WALLACE, HM. FORTE. A. K. WRIGHT, GEO. L. BEED. W. M. SHAW, JAS. T. LEONARD, JaM,j Ceehler. Free.dent. lartsmilliinff. New Illacktetulth Shop. . EEC0XD BT, CLEARFIELD, Pa. TtlB andenignrd hope ta Uforaj hia frtenda, aad tba iwhabttaau af the booooch of Clear, eld aad enrronndlng eigkborhooo, that ha to vow ready en oleoma ail ordar. aithar in Iroa or ateaL, B0BS1 6H0EIH0 oa the meet approved oily etvle. ALL EIKDS OP SAW. MILL IRONS aad EUIKC work, iogmea'e toele, aaatkeoka,ap roada, frehe, Ao. Steel aoele wt all kiadj mad. af beet Eegiieh or American .tool. fcejuAll my work la warrantod to tn aoate. fecli.ia. or let ohaTfod for. aotle AMOS KKKSAftD. Hoggs Township Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEES'S I JVERTRODT trying te get there Ivot, far rent I of being errowded out Into tbo aold. Ii yea weal god Khorinp dona, go ee Banna. If yon waat poor SleCe Iroaod right, g ta B aaaa. If yoa nreat good Mill I ron a, go ta Baaaa. If yoa waat your we goa Ironed ia the beet etyla aad worfcaeanehip, go to Banna. Baana makaa the beet Stamp Machine in tbn State, aad done all hind, of BLAChSMlTHIK aa cheep aa ean ho doae la tho eoeety for Coek. My Pool Omoo addroee la Cie.rO.id Rndgo. THOMAS BEERS. Boa-re Tp, IW It, IMF if. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. ORGAMla.t ana neueainwew eet uu euieu... v.rf n.u or F.rwMiig and MmereJ Laaaa, and improved Real Ketale ia the Southern Stntetk ' THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Preeidoajt. JO. PKVFKNS, View Pree.deut. i. Hh.VKT ASKIS. Trreawrur, Preeident Fourth Nat ional Benk af PbaAdelphia. JOHN MOHRIS, Secretary. THO. C. MAt UOWII.L, Attorney and Cowneellor. OBce: W.,hingtna Building. Corner Seventh, St., and Fennayl.naia Avenao, Woehangton, P. fA. Goe. John T. Hodman, Albany, K. I, E.-Gcv. Wot. Bvjlcr, Cleartiel'd, Pw. Got. T. F. Randulph, Trentoa, N. J. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOrRAGE nOME INIU'sSTRT. 'pilE andrnigned. having eetahllehed a Kb. 1 aery ea ihe 'Pike, ahnat half way hetwoow Ciearfeid end Curweneville. te prepared te Bar. ateh all blade of FBl'IT TKEEd, f etaaderd eaal dwarl.) Bvergrewna, Khrahbetn. Grape Vlneo, UoceeberHea, l eetoa Blackberry, Strawberry, and Baeborry V iuee. A lea. Slberlaa Crab Tree, Uuinoo. and early oevaal Bbaborh, An. Ordera promptly etleoded to. Addreae, A. It. W RIGHT. oapJO l y Carweaevilaa. P Lime lor Sale I THE anderaigned, reeiding near the depot hna mode eomplete arrangrmeate wi'h Line. Burner, enet of the muunteia, wherchv be le ena baad le keep ooaetoatly aa bend a large 1, entity of PURE LIME! whteh ho affere tn ferreere and builder, at a trifle ahova cort. Thoee In aood of tba nrtiofe areola da well to give me a eell. or eddreee ma by tetter, be. fbra oearottating their lime. GKft. C. PAFPMORE. rieardrld. Pa., Jane I. I Kill. WAKTKOOne good BLACEMMITR nnd awe maa to work In wood making Fled a, Wagoaa, Stamp Machinae, Ae. Sing la men ae ton with imail rnmiliee. Apple to BOOTB 0 RI MBABAER. j" rmT Hi