rritwiswiJswn)t.i 1 " ' r ,,: JEhcUjittbUratt. (ikoiioe B. Giioih.anpt.r, Ktlitur. CI.EAIiTlF.LD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MQHXINil. FKR. 1. 1S70. Dead. IVlor T. W ; hhl hi rn, a mem ber of tlio great government family, (ovornur of Vermont, died at Wood stock, iu Unit Suite, on tlie8lli iosUnt, nftcr a lirief illneoa, aired 5(J years. A Spi.it. liov. (.ioHrj-'o veto liue Kplit the "loil" fumily in this Stnto in two, ono fuetion (tlio comiptioiiiHls) denouncing the Message, vehemently, wliilo the oilier sustain him munfully. "Let her rip." Tlio "loil" Congressional dorrs hovo nil taken to worrying Hen Hiitlcr, who ono yciir ago was boss of tho kennel. He is being pommeled and skiunod alivo by "loil" brethren, and in about (he bust declined man in that body. "Chickens come home to roost." Chief Justice Chase in being highly coniplimentod by capitalists for bis decision pronouncing tho logul ton der, greenback law, unconstitutional. Judge Shun wood, now of our Supreme Court, did that same thing five years ngo, and was denounced as a "copper head ftuil trailor" for doing so. AVoNDtRFL'L ! The 1'ennnylvania Legislature has voted Cuba beligcrcnt rights, while tho Slate Department at Washington learns that tho rebels aro getting weaker every day. The rcbs evidently aro not aware of the action of our Legislature, or they would certainly rally. Vivelahumbuq. Another AiTEMir.-Grant has made Another move towards getting the U. S. Supreme Bench filled, lie rent into tho Senate on the Tth, tho names of Hon. Win. Strong, (a renegade) late a member of our Stalo Supreme Court, and Joseph 1'. Bradley, of Now Jersey. Thero seems to bo no serious objection to Strong, as lis is a very pliable, creature, but Bradley's appoint ment sets rather heavy on the stom. nclis of a number of .Radical Senators. A Great Cuanoe. A streak of honcBly and common sense bus evi dently overtaken Gov. Geary. Ho is blushing at the corruption ring right and left. His veto of tho Philadelphia i'olico Bill astonitdied everybody, and lias really twisted tho bends off the Philadelphia "roosters," who aro just now abusing him to tho utmost of their ability. Tho Governor's Mes sage reads so sensible and sounds so democratic that wo will be compelled to publish it next week. Sin A Nor Vmacitv. When "the lamented Stanton" pegged out, the 'loil millions" proclaimed to the world that he was miserably poor, and they at once set themselves nbout and raised him 8120,000, besides tho "government" issued him a Supreme Judge Commission after ho was dead and buried, so that 87,003 more was gobbled out of the Treasury. Now, however, it is discovered that he had his life insured lor fl 0,000, arid 'owns 670,000 worth of real cslnlo, all of which he made while Secretary of War, benides upending twice that sum, and this too on a salury of fS,O00 a year, out of which bo had to livo. O, what honesty 1 "Loii.ty" Ghikvli). Tho U. S. Su preme Court last week knocked the legal tender business in tho head. The father of the child actuully choked it to death. Chief Justice Chaso and n majority of tlio Court decided that oil debts and agreements made before the birth of the legal tender child, mutt be paid in gold. Thoso States and individual debtors w ho compelled their creditors to take till) infamous trash nt a discount, often of a 100 per cent, can now set nbout gelling to pay their debts, as becomes honesty, and those Stale und district Judges who pronounced the legal tender net Constitutional, will now plcao write thcmsilves down nsses. No man who was half snno and half honest but knew bolter, yet fools and knaves held sway until t'.ie present. Robbers, disgorge and pny your debts as you fgrecd to do, and quit shielding your Kclvcs behind thine "twin relics" of villainy, loyully and rascality. Quite Jluii.ant. The white sealli wags and tho negroes are very muck elated that the mpposed adoption ol tho infiimous XYlli amendment under tho operations of iho bayonet and negro clement in the Southern States. The New York Herald makes a sharp point in regard to the Southern Stales being required to ratify tho XVth amendment as a condition of restora tion to tlio Union. As they could not bo trusted to come in and then ratify it, they ratified Grot and then came in. They were, therefore, not in the Union. Kiiher, then, says the Herald, all tho ret-nnnlrnriinii laws of Congress aro invalid, or theso Southern ratifi cations of Iho XYlli amendment uro invalid. If tho Stales wero in tliu Union there was no need to admit ibiitfl, and if they were mil in the Union they could not participate in making laws for Stntcs that are iu. Jl the Southern States occupied thojj c(j position of U.rn.or,,... why n-.l st.1, : tem - c of other Ti rritorles -ll.inlnn.i, Ihicotu, it ? Theso ltudical fccullitis will nut llientnoiiu'iifi.i to loo j.t iininrua -yet bo caught iu their own tirgcr trap, Ihiir I'lnliiST r Vrmllrt t mifrxafxv. "We llinnlt Thee for this F.i'onomi i hI Administration," was r portion ol the prayer of Iho Clm plain ol Iho t. S. j Senate, to the Throne of Gruro on the! first Monday in December hist, when I iho I'orty -first Congress reassembled in a blaze of loyal glory. What does ! ho think of it now, in tho liirjil of the exposure of the petty larceny of the Soimlo for all sorts of stationery in the shape of elegant gifls, cutlery, fancy papers, etc? If over parly were indictable in a ease of false pretence, it is tho Badiciil party. Tho small pilleriugs hero alluded to is not all that is "going wrong." Below will bo found a bill contrasting tho White House expenses of "tho lato lamented" and "the greatest captain of tho ago." Hon. Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun, who was Assistunt Secretary of War during tho adminis tration ol President Lincoln, and there fore well acquainted wilb tho "run of affairs" in and about the White House, lately paid a visit to tho National Cap ital, and while there instituted an investigation into tho expenses of the present "economical administration," as the Chaplain termed it In his prayer. Mr. Dana furnishes tho public with tho fallowing comparative expenses of tho Lincoln and Grant dynasties, viz : UlrVTIVK SXrKXSKS 1HD2 AMD 1S0.1. President Lincoln, when the war mi at its height, and tliu duties of the Executive office re quired more clerical and oilier labor than ever before or since, asked for Oue Private Secretary, at... 2,.',00 One Secretary to sign laud patents 1,,'iiiO One Steward 1,200 One Messenger ouii Stationery and contingent expenses J, 000 I'ay of Muj. John liny, Military Secretary, 2,450 Hie own salary 26,000 Total salaries &!J,560 1870 asd 1,171. President Grant has asked fur the neil fiscal year a continunnco of the force be bai put on duty since the 4th of March lat,vit: One Private Secretary ( Kolit, Douglass) at., 3.1,500 One Assistant Private Secretary 2,500 Two clerkl or Class 4, at H.SOli '(1H0 One Steward- 2,000 One Merarnpr , 'mo One furnace keeper- fon. Two poliocrurn for epecial duty 3,04(1 Two nipbt watchmen, at fyoul L6U0 One doorkccicr-in-cliief. . 1,000 One assistant doorkeeper... 600 Oue Secretary to lira land patent, (now stationed at I11L Dept.). 1.JO0 For stationery, 4c ft 000 Pot of Maj. and Brevet Brig. Oen. Porter, (actual socrctary, Mil. Detail, about 2.S0O Pay of Oca. Bibcock, (actual aniiitant acc- retarv) .V il. Detail, about.- 2,i00 Pay of Capt. and Urcvet hrijr. tien. Itadeau, (hiiloriuu) ftlil. lletail. about 2,000 Pay of Major and Urevot HriR. Oen. llent, Mil. Detuil, (chief usher,) about 2 i00 Pny of one Secretary to Uoueral Deut, Mil. ' Detail, about 1 100 President'! salary 2,'iooo Total. to 1,000 Tbo Assistaut Secrotary, like "the government," is fond of good and fast horses, and while in the city repaired to the White Ilouso stables, w here the "late lamented" usually kept thrco horsos and s couple of "colored gen tlemen." But things about tho stable, like at the White House, havo under went a great change since the days of tho "Great Emancipator," and ho de scribes tho royal stables in the follow ing manner: The Executive stables, near the Navy Tlepart ment, are fitted up with every comfort and luxury for the equine Biciabcrs of the Presidential estab lishment. There are twelve animals of various dejrrecs of beauty and value kept here fur the use of the President and his family, with four car riaors, beanies an array f open WBerns. bufrica. and other rquipaff a. The boracs include cuach teams, trotters, racers, anddle-borses, anil two Shetland ponies for the exclusive ue of the Kiev- uti re's juveniles. The aristocratic looking Nubian who hss the honor of presiding over this establish ment, takes delight in showing visitors through, and la descanting upon the merits of the different animals, ilut not the least attractive feature is the stunning liveries of this talne Nubian and bis worthy conljulor, who occupies the position of footman. The eoats are of rich olive brown, with broad lappcls, cutis and pocket covers, the whole profusely covered with bright silver buttons, the site of an old American silver dollar piece. The gorgooits top boots in which the fret of thoso wor lh:rn are encased Tender attention t.i the character of the pantaloons nnnccaaeary. Ulack stove pipe lints. With hron'l tianjs and massive silver buckles, adorn the heads of these servants of Presidential graodeur, and complete their outfit. All the car riages bear Iho tuitials "U. . U." ia monugrain on the panels. Mr. Iana also gives a description of the internal arrangements of tbo Pres. idenlial mansion, which is now filled by two Vulgar families, tho iJcnts and Grants. It seems that the old Democratic usages and manners, which, until tho present have held sway there, have all been superceded by royalty in its most odious form. Tho Queen of Knglnnd or Franco can bo approached with less than half tho ceremony it now takes to find Mrs. Grant, who it seems has upset the internal arrangements of iho establishment, and if any of the "old fogies" or their friends who have heretofore occupied the building would return to have a business interview with Grant, or to seo his Queen, it would tako them twelve hours to find them. Such is " loilty," as found by loyalist. Nearly Kiixfd Auaim. Tho fail ure of Mr. Johnson's Impeachment, nearly killed tlio "dead duck" of the Vr.'j. J'ut just a tho patriotic bird aforesaid was fairly getting on its legs, out comes the decision of tho Supreme Court declaring the legal tender act unconstitutional, ond Gov. Geary's veto of tho Philadelphia police bill. Theso two shots hit tho bird right in its "loil" sloinoch, and it bns been puking and raving over since, liko all wounded fowls, and may renlly die. Another decifion of the Supreme Court, or a veto, will ccrluinly close out tho bird aforesaid. I'.MiDY Too. Uyrain Ulysses, who draws Iho Salary of President, on Wednesday last, appointed bis father Jessio Jt. Grant, Postmaster at Cov ington, Ky. The brollier-in laws and cousins beirg all supplied, daddy of course comet next. It is reported that ho has issued a commission for his Grandfather who has been dead for over ten years, in order to allow the hens to draw tho salary. Why don't Congress voto tho whole fumily a thirlc llinnunrw! J.ilfnr hmias niree i w m Geo. M. Wharton, who stood at the bead of tho Philadelphia 1W, died in that city lust week at u advanced age. In lri I iifnn T'oArn In. How iln yon f. el si 111 e (lie Sl im Ims been leadniilled into tlio I'ninnr Keel that wo have been f.i,-a ih. bill, in iho lirtrrr) (if'tlin"ntan and brolhei ," ' o'll not frr,1- im inm li 'bout It " 'c will not sheil iituiviiiliii:; tears over tiilt milk, but will labor tn inakii the Uttlieal i.arty "ULllnburLC They have "adth'd insult In Intnrv." nn.l injury inllieted w ill bo fargiven sooner limn Hie insult wnntoiily otl'ered. A f w days since, wo asked an honest Hibernian if ho fell any better since tho State was admitted. "), cit a hit," said he, " Jmi'l like the inn 7k,i, dune!" Ho struck llm key-note of popular sentiment. Our people "don't liko tbo way 'twas done." They desired the admission of tho Slate, but desired her to ho admitted us the equal of any other Stale. They will not iissout to her dogrvjniiou. Tho deed has been done without giv ing t ho State an opportunity to express her assent or dissent. Lsho bus been fiinvn 111, nuhns volins. Sho asked for bread and thev irnv-n imr n n.,,,., .. jugu'ed friigment of Plymouth rock. iot u xretnoevai 111 either the Senate or House onieprosculntivcs voted for tho ill-begotten bill, as amended in Iho Senate, for tho admission of Vir ginia. Senators and I!epreson natives on tho liepublicnn side who declared tho amendments unconstitutional and voted for them, despite tho fact that they had taken oallts not to voto for unconstitutional measures. ISut iu those days the valuo of an oath de pends very nine!, on t.lio limn who tukes it. Mciunton ( V,t. ) Xpcddtor. HARD ON lillOTHEIl ltlcVKI.8. The Itov. Hi nun It. Jievels, tho "colored gentleman" elected U. 8. Senator from Mississippi, is evidently a man of experience. Tlio Washington corre spondent of the Xew York Herald thus speaks of tho national "ward" aforesaid : "It seems that a spirit of opposition Is gaining strength in the Senate against Mr. Kevola, A variety of charges are circulating which, if correct, will probably prove au obstacle in the way of his aduiusino to a seat. Were Mr. It err Is a white man ail that baa boen anid about this man wouUI permanently destroy his chances. One of the charges alleged against him is that he participated in a church brawl in St. l.ouis and was laid not by a tap on the pate with a bottle. At Leavenworth, Kansas, he is charged with ftnbetshug church funds. According to the allegations the peregrin ations of the Senator elect wero mainly induced by his eonduot. The Democrats at first talked of opposing the admission of Kcvcls, but since these new facts have turned up they serin disposed to ace what will be done with this sable worthy. It is nnderstood. however, lliat Senator Virkere, of Maryland, is still dettrm.ned to object to the ad mission upon the grounds that Utveis is not con stitutionally eligible to a seat in the Senate. The ohjeotion to Uriels on account of immorality is not considered fatal lor a Senator of the 1 nitvd Statee." As crime and immorality aro "not considered falul" defects in a loyal Congressman, the brother moy slip through. A Loil. Comihessman. The Buffalo Commercial Adverti,?, a leading J!ad ical organ of Xcw York, prefers charges against a Kadical member of Congress from tlint Slate of obtaining eighty or ninety thousand dollars from banks on receipts from the Ele vating Association lor grains stored iu bis elevator belonging to said Asso ciation, and then privately selling and moving said grain fiom the building. Tho Commercial also charges tbo offender with paying insurance on such grain for months when there was no such grain there, and says that the discovery of theso transactions caused a speedy return from Wash ington to settle with tho Association and banks. The Commercial styles tho act a villainous transaction, and a collosenl piece of swindling, and says it is prepared to sulisUtuliuto its chargo if disputed. Sharp fellows these Kadical Heprescntalives. Thev aro so used to taking from peoiilo their political rights, that they forgot thcdi9liiictions iu matters of properly. Changed his Mind. A Washing ton dispatch states that Gen. Ames, tho bayonet Senator elect fiom Missis sippi, stated a few days since, that he changed bis mind in reference to re signing his conimisson as llrigadier General in the U. S. Army, and when kdmittcd as a Senator from Mississippi ho would tako the oath of otlico, ond thus suspend or vacate Ins commission os United States ormy ofileer. Ho wants to havo two strings to bis bow as long as ho can, and does not liko to give up ono good thing un til bo is snro of another. Why docs General Sherman invite bim to lender his resignation, as ho said was the practice of tho War llepartment, whenever an urmy otlieer was found to bo running for a political office ? Doyltstoxcn l)cmncrat. ENTinrmsiNo Coniiiifssmi n It has been discovered that certain Congress men hove been making a "nice thing" by selling cadetsliips in tho naval mid Went Point academics, nnd a resulu tion has been offered In the House by General Sloeuin (X. Y..) culling atten tion to an aisvcriiscmcnt that appear ed in the New York Timrx, announ cing that a vacancy was to be disponed of, and telling applicants to address "Congressman, box 147 7Vmrjtoflieu." Iho resolution, which was adopted. aulhorir.es tho Committee on Military Anairs to inquiro into it, with power to send for persons and papers. These cadetsliips uro disposed of for sums ranging from hvo hundred t.i three thousand dollars. Wtm wouldn't be a Congressman now a-daysf Appointed. Wesley Wilson, of Westmoreland county, has been an nounced as Geary's flour inspector, at Pittsburgh. This is a very lucrative appointment. Wilson, politically, hus done nothing togivc bim this position over the heads of other applicants, who have for years aided in building up tho Republican party. His ipiali lhalions consist ol his being Covoile's son in law. The appointment was really made months ago, hut not an nounced till now. Tho disappointed legion of applicants can console them selves that limy "fought mil Geary," swore f'ir Geary, voted lor (ieary.uiid wero nil lniiidomely diddled ly Govode. Juhiisliiien IK mnerat. Prompt on tbo alleged passago of the I'ilieeuth Amendment comes a lull for the appointment of election ollicers all over the United Stales, by tho Secretary of the Interior ! The See.-etiiry of Wnr is to sustain him wild troops. Truly no lime is loci in preparing for war ojrainst tho Stales. Lot it come. Congressman linwesisoverwhclmed Willi letters endorsing bis lato sproeh exposing tho dishonesty and incapa city of the present administration. f.fii-r.rtiftr ltulhtr. of N'ehrimka. an. ' nounees that he will convene the Leg- I ial.ilncn s.r Hint Ktlllst on llm 17th to ratify the Fiftecuth Ameudructit. Si nI llltrl 10 I nntrtM, Another ons of (lis Wuslibiirne fam ily Ims been beard Irotii. I bis one is also an .M C , which, being interpret ed, mennctli a Methodist clergyman 1'nr two years past bo bus been standing guard on the Limestone and liradl'urd circuit, but la'ely has been assigned to the Port Allegheny and Kldridgt circuit, nil in the ioyal State of Pennsylvania. Well, tliii Wash biirne, M. ('., Methodist clergyman, loved Ins Savior passing well, and! converted, if not the soul of a young i lady, herpe-.soii to his good uso and purpose. A loiter written to us from Port Alleghany, McKean oouuty, Pu., givs a clew to the affair, o to speuk. Urol her Washhiirne isu young ninn of high suavity of manner, and vcho. me n l declaration. His acquirement were not so great os hit requirements, all of which performances have led to several inquireinonls. I'or two year! j ho lias tioen paying Ins Uistresnus to t young lady of Alleghany, the daughle.i of a local preucher. Sho was a mom her of bis church. At last a liulo dif liculty nianifesteu itself, showing thai his church was increasing in size ! not in number iu avoirdupois if no; in any oilier direction. Tho father of this young girl diJ not say, ia the language of lirolher Eeecher : i "O, Father, wo thank thoo for w hit theso two have boen to each other." Jiut he wrote letters and said manf things to Brother Washburne, anxious to havo tbo liltlo matter fixed op, looked into, and taken care of rather than being thrown upon tho public for support, liko other members of the Washburne family. While Brother Washburne wasfighl. ing it out on that line, if it took bim all summer, ho was engaged to bo murried to a very worthy young lady by tho iiumo of Seolield. Tho rvo ning was set apart for tho marriigo ceremony .everything was in readings, when lo ! the bride that was to be Jis covered that a grate cell hud been perpetrated upon her, und that, her affianced was confined in jail. So the marriage did not come till. On first learning tho news sho f'uinted, then thunked God for her escape from a minister who not only professed, but practiced too much. Bro. Washburno tried to bo dilli gent in well-doing, and escape from the officer, but ho was re-taken, and in default of four thousand dolluis' bail, was put in jail at Littlo Valley, but since has bueu bailed out by his brother. Verily, verily, wo should like to know wliat these God and-inorality ministcrs do cat to muke them act so funny. Instead of reading political newspapers, we would suggest the daily perusal of tbo Ten Command nionts, especially one of them. And instead of regularly partaking of the Sucrument, we would suggest a com parative diet of bromide of p utaftium. We see no other way to purify the so-rio-comieo-religieo politico church. Pomeroy't Democrat. Senatorial Plbasanthim. During the debute in tho Senate, upon the contested seat of Findley, Senator Wliilo, whoso cognomen of the "Indi ona peacock" well btfils him, took oc casion in a vein intended to be surt as tic, to quoto the i:rotesoue descrintion of Senator Lowry's personal appear unce, us rendered ly that eccentric and witty Irishman, known as Benign Kerr, in words as follows : "The man who woro Franklin's coot, Washington's vest, Buchanan's cravat, and whose head looked like a Butler county bull with his horns sawed off." Lowry's reply was quick, iipt and pregnant "Let tbo Senator from Iu diana take care that the lirllcr coun ty bull doesn't butt him off tho bridge bo is standing on beforo twenty fnur hours huvo passed." It wts prophe cy, but tho strutting bird from Indi ana was too much taken ur with self admiration to "seethe poiil" until tho voto for Treasurer Siilod bis feuthers, and opened his visin lo the facts of tho position at the si tiio lime. Erie Ol'fercer. In Tnoum.t Tho Pntidrntisl head is said to he ba lly pjrplexed about this time. luwes' cx4Mirc of tho extravagant expenditure) of the administration, Fisk's testintmy bo lino the Committee on tli Gold Swindle, the rivalry of Colfax for the succession, tho profound somnolency of Motley at tbo court of St. Jumes, tho curses of tho Cuban patriots, tbo disordered condition of fitiundal aT fairs, and other irritating maltm ol a similar character, have operutnd to disturb even the stolid equanimity of tho Smoker of tho White House! L is said that a bear, w ilh a Iesin of the caput, would bean agrreublenm psnion compared ith His Kxcellt nty at the present writing. Nothing Ies than the tender of a gill of a lie I brown stono residence in New tork, j or Philadelphia, will gain a calt r al the White House admission li bit presence. I I.AturAi. UoNEsTT.-The Peinocrntit members of tho House met in confer eneo at tho Capitol in Washington Mr. liaiidall presiding, to consider th propriety of having the Democrat!" members retire from further service on tho Committee on F.lectioiis, or the ground that Mint ( ommittoo wot so ultra partisan in its decisions of contested election cases, that no IJ ni ocrulic member whose seal wosion lested, or a Democrat who was ayn testunt for a seat, stooif the gbos if t chance. Tho caso of Judgo Grf tie, of New York, was cited as tho lesl instance wherein the committecjhad decided against a Democrat, wlnl uid been elected by several hundred' ma jority, and from a district that has I since bis clecloiii to the lusc increased Us Deniocrntio mnjorlies. No final action, however, was tiken Ucc on tho object ol tbo conference Senator Nye was iho author if a very good thing in renlv to Stiner, on tho Virginia bill. Siiiuih bus been making a labored nppra for more proscriptions, when "yo' roe and said that he was tired of this reconstruction, upon which fourirs had been wasted. lie then proi tied to illustrate Sumner's position, b; the story of a circus clown, who poinded tho woodehuek to death, und then kept on punching it. Said a by.tnn der, "I)o yot want to punch a thing after it is dead V "Yes," said iho clown ; "I want lo teach this par icu lar woodchiiek tbnt thero is a ps dc.li ment after death." ; Governor YVarinnulh of Louis ans, says Auditor WycklilTo hss "roibeil tbo State of ball a million of dollnrs." On tho contrary, the Anilitor hints some naughty things in relation to ths Governor. Twin blessings of ItaJical reconstruction. Tim X Vi rt A ihimt - Should the loth Amendment be sdopted by three fourths of the States, and become a part of the fundamental law, wo may then begin to look for the beginning of tbo end. Congress will at once assume the right to control and rogu lato all Slate elections aright which tho Slates, by their own madness ond folly, wUI have surrendered lo the Central Despotism. Tho second sec tion of the Kith Amendment explicitly confers upon Congress tbo power to control elections in Iho Slates. Jtead tho whole articlo und bo convinced : Anr. XV., Sri-. 1, The riftbt of cltixens of the ( iiiled Slates to vole shall not be denied or al.ridg-d by the I' nlted Suites, or by any Slate, on ai tint of race or color, or previous ooudltion of servitude. Srr. 2. fongress shnll have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation, Tho term "appropriato legislation" is ono of unlimited scopo und signitl canco, nnd may bo construed to confer upon Congress tlio power to fix tho l i in o for holding all elections in tho Slates, Iho selection of the election ollicers, and in fact, the full control of the whole question. And it will bo a very short time after iho ratification of this Amendment, until tho "appro priate legislation" of Congress will tench the people, what is meant by this second section. Mark the prediction. Metropolitan Polick Bill. This iniquity, intended to tako the appoint ment of the Police, in Philadelphia, out of tho bauds of tho Mayor, for partisan purposes, passed to a third rending iu the Senate, under the oper ation of the "previous question., on Monday evening, by ono majority, Mr. Lowry volingagninst it. 'iho friends of this new "ring" measure, who have collected in Hurrisburg in large num bers, uro said to be jubilant and coufi dc nt of its passage by both Houses. Tho Commissioners now are the Mayor, Win. J. Pollock, John Mc Carihay, George Trueman, Peter A. B. Weidncr and John S. Kiltenhouse Tho Mayor is thrown in as a tub to the non partisan whule a sop to Cerberus. Tho Board and the bill are purely partisan for ull practical pur poses. Tho bill was lorced through under tho previous question, moved by Mr. Council, sis Senators being absent. A. It. Corbin, tho brother-in-law of tho United Stntcs Government, sold his relationship to the country at a pretty good price. Ho realized 000 out of the Gould and Fisk opera tion. Fisk't testimony makes tho brother-in-law of the President squirm. On Dit. That Hiram Ulysses Grant will invito Hiram Iteeonstruo tcd Bevels to his next State dinner. 2)riv dwtisrmfnis. QBAM MIMICAL IOM1.KTJ The Members of the Clearfield Cornet Band Will five an exhibition is the Court House, IN CLEARFIELD, Tuesday Evening, Fob. 22d, 1870, ranis thi iistsi mus or PltOP. ROWBOTIIAM, of Philadelphia. The public are respectfully Invited te be present. ADMISSION.. 0 Cente. Children, (aeeempanied by parents) tS Cents. .a-Poors open at ?1 o'clock ( eihibltiou to commence at 8 o'clock. 4rTieketi for tale el the PostoBoe and at A. I. Shaw's Ilrns; Store. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I C. KItATZIall, Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (Opposite ths Jail,) IltATI aow oa bans! lrt elaai stock of (xds, eultrd to the wanta of Iho pullie. Mj stock being lares, and by ecnetaatle making additions thereto, I ea able to accommodate all who aasv favor-eat tj calling. I hare DRY GOODS, Merinos, Glnghtna, Cloths, Trlnlt. Ilelai ttnftt, Ceubaeres, Tetdt,Cterg., MtcTM, M'.btfr, L-ntlln, Muslins, Flntnli, BonatU, Ribbo, Cloikt. Pftlmar t'kirts. Hoop Bkiru, Con t a, OIotm, Srarft, Collar. Ureotdia Vtilt, TabU Cot era, CLOTHING, Onta, Paatt, Vta, Orar Coau. Occt'l Pbawla, FW.rla, fUta, C.r, l'r..r Pairta an4 Drawt.fi, lioott an 4 FhfF, QuB Fbaai, Cravau, Bock, UItm and Collars. GROCEIUES, Tea, CwlT, ojraf, Mol , Palt, Caedlti. Hks, Flomr, Paeon, Tuhaefo, Raii6t, Carranla, (.lca, Craokora, Vinfjrar, Oils, Varaih, lppr, Alcohol. ti. HOUSEHOLD GOOIKS, CarptU, Oll-eloth, Irujtpt, Clocks, Look In G1m, Tharns, Paokau, Wanhboarlii, Tubs, Flat Iron, Pans, Window D.itidt., Wall Paper, Con! Oil Lanps, Itadeords, Vrntretlas, kalraa, Forks, Rpoona, Crocks, 8tori and Start Blaekinf . HARDWARE, Qaeensstare, Tinware, Olasittare, Woodenare Cn,f.erstare, Books. Ptatlonerj, Musical Uosds, Trunks, Skates, o. tr-AM of which will kt sold el ths sansl res tonahlt terms, and tl l highstt market price paid lor Urals, Wocl and all kinds of eoaaus predeoe. KEMCMIIER TUI PLACE i C. KRATZEirS, (Oppeslte the Jail,) CLIARriILP, tlKlTA. M T RIXKim AMI KimDlTCBCS 11 1,1AM K. WRHH.FT, K . TrMtirr M tb mntisT tt rittaHUI'l, In tha ( iimmnnwoalth of rHinrlvanla, (n aoMnt (b tbo funds of iid oiinty from (ha Hh dar of JanasrT, A, I). iHfiV, lo tbo Sd dsr of Janua.jr, A. 1. 1 H70 rraton. T balanpwi ilua onntV !"t Mtlrmmi.. ti,33H 6o T Itnlsm-a due fran otllcctori fur J90I and prsvlom v-ars I, ft 53 T'J Imlntife dup from ci-Hlort on Dtats f'ir iKflft and rfv Uiun yars , 146 73 To amount M'faaed on uimeatfd landl for IH6H fl i 10 To amount Marista on nDavatPd laudi fr IHtiU S.627 ol T'ladditional tufpurd on unseated landl in B mean a and Keioi 14 66 T amount from eol lectors' returns for IW.7 and hH 112 06 To amount aMft.ard on collectors' duptU catn tor WV lD.JTft 80 iu amount Mieaica on itririatera re turn! fltlO 82 To amount a d on Hlmta atwiimt... 1,267 06 lo rtd-niption on Itaum tract in Brady for iHOd and lHfi7, (out. rcluni) 38 00 To radrinption on MH'nnnifk tract in Knot for 1'U to im,8. fool, return... 144 IX To oaxh for old Iron 6 67 lo Couimoawealtb ooiti refunded 8 Sri To redemption on No. 4.140 in Hoi tp, 81 70 To amount received ai jury feei 64 00 To amount ruceirpd as fines A forfeitures 800 00 To amount trannfd from militia fund, 247 75 To amount received from A. Jd. Hills for fuel I 00 To redemption on land by bboff, (sals bowk) 90 To redemption on laud Uj J, (i, Hbubert iu Morns, (xal book). 12 SO To aale of county nmpt- 0 00 To redemption by Albert, 60 acres in leialur, (sale book) t) 10 To ft township school balanoa dua lait aettlement 41 02 To amount from ComtaiMioners' books 1,700 00 Totals $16,618 4T CRBntToa. By amount doe from eollccuir for 1809 and previous years eountv 12,074 97 Ily amount due from eolleotore for 1HI.9 i and previous yoara Slate 72 1 By amount duo from unseated lands fur ! and 181111 15,244 42 By exonerations to collectors on eounlj for IH60 and prceions years 790 T4 Ily cioneratioiis to collectors on State for 18fly and previous years..... S3 18 By eolleotors' per ecnuge on county. .. 9f3 S3 By do do State 03 36 By sjtate Treasurer'! receipts for b'tala ta . 1,557 00 By amount paid Co. riupurintendent, as per Act of Vth April, IK07, for inci. dental ripenaeaof Teachers' Institute for s9. as per bills filed 21 75 By Treasurer's per centaee on receiving t26.4?l 30, at I, per cent SSI 36 By Treasurer, per centeee on paying out :'.'. I'0 C9, at It per cent 344 41 By over-charge in Chest and Huston... 40 00 By amount due from collectors returns 103 02 lly eeeeMore wages. 37 00 By Commissioners' Ofiiue, vis: Henry Ft'ine, 108 days M?0 00 Othello Smcad- 452 60 S. It. HUa0uer 441 50 8. H. lliudman . 55 00 1,370 (0 Bv Court House rspcneee, vu: Puel and lirhl. l!04 70 Repairs to building- 110 41 Balance sa deck. 117 04 331 70 By court bouse bonds and ooupons te 545 00 By Jail eiteeases, ris : Coal and wood 193 30 Repairs t. bnildmgw........ 70 72 ftove 00 Med. attc.daooe to prisoners 75 35 W atchmen 3.10 60 tV ashing cloth', for prisoners .t 30 S2 27 TAX DI E most COLLECTORS couLtcToat'aaaas. 1807 I9 1800 Is.r.9...... 1109 IHS'J ISS9 I I-c.9 ...... 1HS9 1889 1889 I89.... 1889 18f. lt-09 T"t.1.. .. Beecaria" .. Beeearia.- .J Belie ..Bradford ..Chest . .. Clearfield .. Curweneville... ..Ferguson ..Itirardt .. Oratiam H... ...Jordan. ... Karthaus....H, ..M.,ms. .. ..Pike. ..iVYooduerd....... ,.!T. 8. Vaahhum .. Henry B. Wright....... .William T. Thorp ..'Edmund lalsj... .. James McEwea..M .. Joha McClella. ..iJames Thompson ...tieergo Vi'illiama. R. 8. rUewart .. David Mellowell.... .. R. M. Johnson Jlfodfrey Fisher ,. I'eter Mons.. ... .. Hubert Ross .. 8aanal 11 end arson- ...... - - - . 1-1 s.... p.,. on aeooui siaoe MtueaeBi: and Uose marked with dagger UJ l'd l full tinea eetlleioent. tVnve ThnM Mh kllk . L PROBABLE 0RDIXART To ordinary .ipenees, estimated at 1:0, 650 00 To ei.meratioas te collectors on enseal- od lands 1.325 06 To Trwawrer and collectors' per cent. 1.693 83 T""' ROAD tT'KD lt)R ISSOH-O. WILLIAM K. VRIOI.KT, Es., Treararer of Clearfield county, la the Commonwealtk of Penasvl. tania, in acoount with lb. several to.n.h,,,. in .aid county for Road funds . . . . . ,"!'m . rn.nirot 1 o wi. cue lownsnrjis at nut settlement J,, 01 1 1 To amonnt aaaessed on unseated hands fr Iff.. i.ni ci Te am'.nnt assessed on unarated lands for Into.. 8.SC7 (1 To amouat returned in Woodward by collector................ 3 07 Total 3:0,057 80 STATEMENT OF ROAD To bal. dnejT. amount To amount. tL. 'Bt ' By cash' , , last assessed aaseeeed Total. 1 I Paid ha Trea.' "T "' rew.s.ira. n,,,,, for m , ,,,. j JF Lpimnj hands. '' Beccaria IT 90: .m0 071 3.110 It, 6zS im $2 41 t?7 93 i.stT 70 Bell 103 80i 4J8 09' 42 0 V60 1 , 3 lsl 100 50 651 38 Bloom .. 8 741 1.13 4:1 1.13 47! 373 SS I I ft 74 20 94 Hogr 21 75 146 :! 145 67' .117 i 177' 67 UK... 268 04 Bra.ltord 96! Ill Is 1U1 2S3 SJ,i I Hi 38 06 . 310 12 Brady 14.1 62 475 77' 475 TT l,0H5f.j 4 801 1.19 32! "it'it 934 90 Burnside 271 07 160 It! 150 13, t9 37; 8 ISj 163 94' 318 30 Cheat .107 07 390 2r. 374 701 1.872 S I 9 81 ro 44! .. 746 01 Covington.... SO 60 303 16: (nt 6' 070 95i I Oil 58 79 4 30, 80O 06 Bccatur- 117 14 Sf.S 4T 103 451 S42 00, 182! Ill tS' .. I 734 9! rergueoa..... IS 961 44 3 44 29! 104 84! li'i'iil St 0 llrard.. 383 95! 368 66 303 til 1,1111:, 116 171 ST 1 48 713 81 lloshea 38 Olj SV1 0:1 891 61; 811 871 1 16 17 44! Jsj 28 tiraham. 1IS67 St 771 250 77 834 41 I 3 82' 107 64 513 54 "alien 24 02' 101 21( 191 111 409 04 7Si 33 69 1st 41 Husu.n. 369 9! 3,094 3I 1.094 21 4,558 34 11 10 420 14 MH Jordan.. 48 81 70 11, 53 :i! 176 Si 1 39 44 9: 1.10 04 Karthaus... 93 46! 1 . on 3S6 8l 508 31 1 4.1' IHO 41 81 Knot. 09 08' 375 880 48: 126 42: 1 IK 113 Ml. ..'.'.Z. 519 18 Lawrence... l7 431 42, 4.11 41 913 91 , I fl 49 64 . 563 M Morris 156 62' 1T 90 8T9 90 Pit i. 4 7t' 15191 1195 Ht 96 Ben. I 13 47 165 T. 105 76 KTS.lj OS! 16 01 1M 50 Bike 4 SOj 160 80 I.SO 6n 1(16 SO I 41 J eK 64 t'nion 170 71 144 SO j 144 6oj 880 3 2 1 5 II 166 00 .... 09 60 Woodward... Ot 6lj 436 7 i 456 73 981 08; 1 17j 78 81 90103 Received, ClearOetd, Pa., January 20, 170, of of one hnndeed and ev.lg.6ve C.li. .i, h lg the Koa. tanu. t' V J MCIKMIL 1'l WILLIAM K. WRIOl.EY. Eso , Treasurer ef CleaHleld county. I. the Commonwealth of Penasvl veaie, la account with tbe aeveral (school llietricta in aaid county for School fuade nxavoa. I ruvntroa. To balance due districts laet setUemevtt f By cask la Treaanrer't bands. 1513 84 (less Foil 83,421 34 1 By amonnt paid district treasurer. 3.42122 To balance due Fox last settlement.... 41 82 By balance in Fox district transferred To amount aaecesed oa unreeled lends to County 41 fi for 1 1-68. 11.391 37 By exonerations in Becana, Brady, Fer- To amonnt aaeessed on unseated lands j gusoa and Huston 79 94 for lst9.. 18,174 81, By balance due Treasurer last seltlem'at To amount returned hy collectors In Burnside, Lawrence aud Woodward, 27 Total I38.35T C0 Total STATEMENT OF SCHOOL FI ND IS tiETAIL. 'To bal. due Te amount To amoaat! j laet I assessed I asseewd MSTUirra. Wl,-M)t' fia. j fnr I,;,. Beccaria 1274 41 "0 14 3465 19: Bell 101 31 851 2i 6M 19 Bloom 11 ITS 6nj 171 60 lcg.... 41 41 ' 378 TV 178 76 Bra.ltord 49 69 2"0 1"! 2:13 50 Bradv 199 69' 060 asi 747 69 Bnrnside 089 4.V 816 301 311 30 Chest I 5 .6 42t 749 62 Covinglen.... 813 41 3-1 4 :.! . 10 Iecalnr....... 140 8.1 06 S9 Sr.t t Vergueo. 23 8.J 5n 3 83 Ml llirard 2 01 4T1 74 471 74 llnshen.. 116 94 7sS J6; 867 OS: tiraham 3 81.. 867 613 kt tlnlirh 119 1.1 845 f5 "'7 84! Huston. I 1.047 13 S,'04 ll Jordaa 47 82 l-2 86 91 .: karthaus... 154 I4I 449 921 83 04 1 knea Ml 413 .1 - 420 Tlj l.aweence 197 39 047 I4 847 18 Morris 91 61: 4V1 S3 9.1 Pen. S3 1.! loo 13! Ill 0 Pike- 14 17! 16 04; 6 91 I men 84 91 Jot 8, 275 04 W oodward ... 94 61: 8:0 .16 1.164 9 , Tctal I 31.424 34 311.893 57 913.174 61 Heeelved, Clearfield. Pa. Janaarv 38, i670. of of ivw h on dred and twelve dollars and rcrty foar "cHool faod, Ml 84 J 0F CLEVRHEI.D CO. 1011 1809. fly ejipena. ia stswlnff prfstii 1104 II pi rw pnaou eiptneea, ritl Hot arfkiteriatal rffsism iW CO Adv. proposals and printing Miui( A speriAcations... 77 42 Knrar. and print, new bonds, 17ft 00 Pavment on new li.il ImL AbO na 1,BM 40 6H 00 1A4 00 7ft 00 Jt9 tit 211 00 By Court crier's wafus. ur tipMaves' wafres Uy janitor's s-s Py smnanl paid fltsts dvflclency.H My road viewi By Commonwealth costs, vis: im m vs. Kali and Hear -f'-M'j lo Bebaiiian htnitb 10& 27 Do Jo Miller.. 7 11 m nt is 038 73 65 07 16 30 40 111 ea is 24 n K it 17 70 47 OS II 78 114 71 II 76 8 or If 8 15 67 16 00 77 67 Do.. Io.. 10.. lo.. Do.. Do.. Do.. Do.., Do.. Dempsey Kitcben Ia moy Coulters ...... Crciwell LitiKafelt Khtarer....... Horn Miohaels A Ilurd , I Wash. Brady Hhftnks Knoi ...... M orrlsoe.H Flcgsl , Do Da Do Do Do Do Do ..Crowfoots Tr..y. M r ittgerald llo J,.l,n.nn Misecllaueoua eost. . 47 70 1,749 14 84 76 34 01 34 03 141 75 41. ti 19 70 lly boardine iuror. in naiiil.l ..... By postage aud telegrams M M By stationervu By transcribing old records wv s rwiuoooiary s lees, Ur .menses dtliverin dui,lieata By Jurors wages, vu : "rand ,;,, 40 Tiaverse t kma 3,453 98 74 38 411 35 1,443 98 117 41 728 00 110 00 By inifueat fees.... By justices' fees By ISberiir's fees ,'. Hy Tol and wildcat attains By insurant on Court liouse By Auditors' and clerk'. -. . By Commissioners' olerks' wages, visi jruiej, iiormer kkki 00 llull.n,i 1,.,. .... ......... evv ww Bv House of Kefutfe 1,82 00 303 88 86 00 187 31 By Jury Commissioners and olerk iy reiuaus . By attorneys' feea, via: Wnllnc 1)0 0 Teat , .g 8woope.M .0 00 Pulford.. SO OS MrEnallr... 100 Ot T. J. McVullough 60 00 By District Attorney's feea. .... By books and records, vis: for Hrotbonotary'a ofnoe $110 00 For Commissioners' ettN.. 47 90 Hot Recorder's office ..... J5 60 By constables' fees Bv election iiiush. 01 5 00 332 60 183 40 357 45 714 98 By Registry Law expenses, via : uovas ana siauooerr rno J. Printraeand Itnbli.hine Ww lu .n Amount paid aeseaeora-.......69t 94) Additional clerk hire 126 OS By Burnside bridge.. By printing By road damages By Commissioners' eonnseL By auditing Proth'y's t Register's aoc'u By miscellaneous... im By amount overpaid Foi road fund..... By bal. due county by Trees. Wngley, 1,035 40 too 00 400 00 ' 65 00 150 00 30 00 41 30 13 4 3,769 49 Total.. 3(5.518 47 Received, Clearfield, January 30, 1870, of Win. K. Wrigl:y, late Treasurer, the turn of two tho.. aand, seven hundred anj fifty-aiae dollars and lorty-mneeenta, being in fell of the above balanoa. 37,759 4V.) LEVER fLKOAL. Treasurer. FOR 1809 AND PBIVIOl'S YEARS. County. Bounty. State. Militia. 3113 TSl $l4 IS Url 07l.. . 2 7 161 46 350 OS $ 77 50 03 35 91 S:i7 ST 1 23 It 85 438 41 108 33 3 59 35 It 467 31 S3 39L 32 0 73 30 lit 34 3 0 27 07 23 051 49 63 9 98 6 76 16 103 9 34 22 32 201 4.1 S3 79! t 00 22 80 It 40 72 18 I 76 1 18 13i 17 17 3d 2 23 17 57 M 26'. 27 05 ISO 28 24 St, 12 87 6t 06 150 20 22 13 1 42 12 36 97,674 97 tl.MT 451 t- 81 .. 6 . ... ... EXfEKSES FOR 1870. 1 By amount due from eollectort 074 97 111, amount due from ensealed u,i, is'iaa ai It v amnuni rfu. rnn .u '.ft By detctency for 1I7 ,,044 Total .,, 4., , rt? cash la Treasurer's hands ... ti ti is By balance due from unseated lands for 186t and 1869 lt,9tt 80 By over -charge, in Cheat and llnsloa townships. M .0 By aggregate amount paid eepervisora, 2,829 94 By Treasures e per ceo 140.-. ...... 85 40 Total ... S,057 80 FIKD IH IiETAIL. Williaa yr oas K. Wrigiey. Kso , late Treasuver. the enm I.. e Cmii r tn. al.ove casa iieoc au LEVER FLKtiAL, Treasurer. kD FOB In (heal and Huston 13 54 70,By balanoa uncollected ...... 34.189 7! . 23,2.,T 00 I By Bv amoaat Bv eesl, . , TotaL leioner paid Disl In' Trees "T "'" j.tion.. treasurers, hands. "" 31.29 77 460 03 274 44i 3101 611 1903 80 1.318 91 j 1113 IS. 1. 114 3 347 13 ' ll1 4T 00 Tel 91 40 41' 66 69' 870 91 413 29 1 4. av 13 171 421 4.1 1.713 S4I 2 SO 9 u 37 31V L3"3 79 1."3 91 S89 43' 044 II 1.304 91 .. I 1.279 23 l.oos O.s HI 44 4 86i 03 35 1,703 3? 1 40 0V I 1.68 09 HI 1.1, 3 3 13 8.V 3 IJ 10? 68 1.193 60 148 02 17 5'.' 927 96 I.087 S.v 116 94 1.460 91 1.4 .3 4 18 34 1.181 It 772 01 119 1.1 0..3 49 1.111 31 16 00 1 50 84 1,040 68 321 96 47 82 . 274 14 96 Id 64 14 S3 6:t 79 IS 919 7.V 96 u 5k 3t 779 06 1.495 41 197 19 I.M8 01 .9 4li 91 51 12 M1 1.104 93 071 9 33 19' I 6.18 80 59 07 21 IT. Tl T6 4-0 07 837 SA. 04 91 411 72 3.117 90 M 81, 16 14' 1 990 SI lli.tll tw 379 9 91 4TI t? 3.M3 64 91. 9 n W illiam K. Wnglev, Ks... late Treasurer tbe rum want katag la fall ef the above balance due the J.I VS fLIOAL, Zrcwim. 1 iwtiiaTY mn itm isMua, W 1 1,1,1 AM tj. 1ll,ir, Urn,, trim w the ee.ntv of Heart eld, I. the msiiewl,t f rewasylraaut, la aceoaal with Ike h, funds of said eeaeiy for the year A. li. naaroa. To balance doc Nnd last aettlemant....l,i If To balance due from collectors Our IOCS and previous years ... 1,11 )e To balance due from Snsented ianda fur isao , 4,141 rt To amount assessed c. .nseatesl landl for Isi09,,., . 4,11139 To additional la Brady, Kerthaut and K"1" II II To amount due from collectors' returns In 14 To amount assessed on seated dnplsoateo '"1809 . 1,,, To balance duo Treasurer Wrlglry tjt 11 Total ...1.14,088 l eainitos. By balance doc from collector! for 1859 and previous years f l,Mf 48 By balance due from unsealed lauds for 1868 and 1869 t,m 09 By balance due Irom collectors' returns 111 to By eionerations to eolleotors 61 01 By per ccntage allowed collectors 181 90 By amount of hoods redeemed I. 1009, 19,09 11 By amount of coupons canceled lo 109, 3,045 tf By Treasurer's per cenu j on receiving 18.021 (10 o tl By Treasurer's per cen tare ou paying out 123,943 33 321 U Total 1 334. 61 STATEMENT IN PKTAIL. To agrrerata amount of hn,l. l..nj CIVA ttl is ToaggregateamoantrcdeemedtoJanl ' nary. 1809 1213 070 00 To aggregate am't redeem- ea during 1669 19,197 33 To aggregate amount nnre. accinea January, 1870... 87,307 37 JTO.SSI 0 To amount of bonds over due 11 650 OS Tn . .- L I ... ... ! '" ' . ... . ,nisui..,..g,j fO.V.OUC CU To am't redeemable Jan, 71. 1,800 00 1 1,40 To amount redeemable daring 1670 311 tte ww To am't redeemaVle July, "71.48,000 00 . 10 am i reaeamable Jan., '72.. 1.400 00 3,400 Of To amonnt redeemable July, 1871. 14,400 SO To amount redeemable July, 1873....w 100 M To amount redeemable July, 187S 1,100 ac njtaormcoo. To amouat due I rem eolootorc 3I.60T 48 To amount due from unseated leads. ... 8,401 30 To amount due froeu collectors' roturna 111 IS To deficiency 10 be raised during 1178, MIS 14S By bonds redeemable ia '78.41 1.961 0 By ini. oa unredeemed bond. 4,141 tl By oxoaerntioDa and Treac- urer'a pcreeatage ..... 1,8M M" By haL due Treaa. Wrigiey. 828 73 Total ,17,330 79317,111 ft CERTIFICATES. W'c the undersigned. Commissioner! of ike county of Clearfield, in the Commonwealtk of Pennsylvania, having met on tne 3d day of Jam. aery, A. II. 1870, according to law, and kav leg examined the several account, and voucher. f William K. Wrigiey, Esq., Traaaurer of aaid ecu. ty, for tbo year A. 1). 1869, dc certify, Lhat we lad tbem as above stated. We find the aamnt da. tea SMnty by kirn te be two thousand, cere hundred and iftr-a.ee dollars and forty-itoe eenta, (32.759 49.) Tbe amount doc nnd outstanding front CoMettwrc for li09 and previous years, ia on County, tw. titonsand and seventy-four dollars aod Biaety- aevrn man ,? ora u- . ..... . . . . . - -. -. - -. . , ... n .ru.j -1 we .ai Ian and eighty-one eenta, l7l 81 h from ueeate4 1 --. . ... .1 j . . , . . ""-" -1 " u ".""ssas, rn nunorea an. forty four dollar and forty-three cents, (f 35.144 41 I The K. n. ... .k. t' s , l. . - , (HWV Vj Aieaeurwr ngley is two thousand, seven hundred and fifty. sin. n,.ll.H I . ...... .... ... ..".I u'uc evoia, i r.,,-)S ... j . ' . - - vi vmuij leilS CUi unredeemed is thirty-erven thou sand,. three Laa dred and sixty seven dollars and cixtv-asvea aeata. 1 8.17.307 67 The k. i the year A. D. 1870, is twelve thousand, nine ku- .eul i.l sn. .-11.. ,.iiu,i u. , . . ... ..- wvi.eis, ,i..,u wf. saa we musr. est for tbe year will amount to the cut of rw. thousand, two hundred and forty-twe doUan and six eenta, (82.312 00.) The amount due from Collectors is one tbcwaaaeV five hundred and seven dollars and forty -Svweewte, (81,507 45): from .aerated lands, eight tnewaa. four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and eixty- eina Mtli 1 C. AAti I... I. f 1 1 . ' . one hundred and oleve. dollars and lily cents. Ii 1 1 ew.i The amount doc Treaawrer Wrigiey if di beat, dred and twenty-eight dollars and Mreaty-laree cents, (M2S 73.) The amownt to be raiaed by tuatio. doing the year, to meet the defietcney. is aerwa tkowaaad, tw. hundred and thirty -three dollar, and Iftvee eeata, to meet the payments of the current year. The aggregate balance due tbe several Bekool Districts by the Treararer ia five hundred and twelve dollars aud fifty-row aeata, ($511 54); fee which aee tabalar ctatecaeat. The aggregate balance due the several tesreekipe o. Koad funds by tbe Treasurer u ana kuwdred and twenty-five dollars and Uirty eeau, itilt 30 ) for which aee tabular statemeat. Witnet. our hands, at Clearfield, this Klh day of January, A. 1). I8T0. OTHELLO SMCAD. FAMt KL H. r-HAFFTtW, Attest: 8AMCEL U. MIN'BMAN. ti. B. OoooULXnaa, Clerk. Co. Wc. tbe eadersireed, Auditnea of ex. onuaty ef Clearfield, in the Commonwealth ef Pennsyleanus. having met at tha Ceert Hoaee. i. the borough of Clearfield, accord -"8 to law. and kaviag examined the cerrral aoc-'ueu and vouchers of William E. Wngley, E-s Traaaurer of said (mint., fee tbe yew A. . i860, si. report that we lad them a abovs stated. the balance due from him oa County aoawant ia twe thousand, seven hundred and fifty nine da liana and forty -nine eenta, (32,769 49.) He is also indebted to the Road fand la tbaawaa of .nc handled and twenty-five 4-iUeee and thirty eenta, (3125 St'V, and to" the School fand lew hundred and twelve dollars and fifty-four eecla, s12 64: while the Bounty fund is sadebud t. him ia tbe cam of six hundred and tweaty-mgat dollars and seventy-three eenta. (828 71.) In testimnev whereof we have aereunte eat csxr hands, ibis 20ik day ef Januarr. A. D. 1678. ' CLARK BROWN. . PKICE A. ROWLES, Attrct: JOnS D. MILLER. U. B. Oooat-avnua, CVerk. Co. Audioes. Cl.OTHlNl). A larre steek .t Qotbiaf wilt he cloeed out at . sacrifice, at (Opposite the Jail.) . C. HEAT-EE'S. SI l:l(. li. Fer new euihieasd 6LH19BB for aale or exchange at jan3 LEAVY'8 LTVERT STABLE. CADTIOHThe public la hereby cutioaed against purchasing or ia any way seeddhea with a eenai. ONE nORSB TOP Bl'UOI. purchased by sac at Bherit . Sale, and left at Trler'a. as tbe came belongs to are. Tyler a, Feb. 1 It H. B. BRl'SU. CI Al'TIOWJ-AM persons ere kerebv eaaUeaed . against purcbaaiag a eertaia NOTE give ky me te Jaanea Concway, dated January 13(k, 1670, aa I kav. never received value for the ammo, and am determined act te pav it. 1 lilt tLAl'MfB G IRA ED. ClArTIOK. Tnepahlie ia berehv eeutteeed 'not to harbor or trwet wiv wire. CORML1A Ct'RKY.wf Beccaria township, who has left my bed and board wirhoal cause or preveeatio., aa I will not pay aay debej of her contracting efear ' this date. joua a.i'.i ktt- tllen Hope. Feb, l.!?-'": c At'TIOJAU persons are hereby eaatlcaed agaiaet baytag er meddling with tbe follecrw ing peroneal property, aow ia the poceeeaiea off Emit Bolopioa. of Covlngtoa township, cia: Oac gray horse aad csic gray mare, with baraeee, ewe b.g sled aad fixt.ree.two log chains. one tese-Ww. wagon, one harrow, oa. plow. Sc.. aa tbe ansa, belongs to me. ALFRED VlAEli. Frenebville, FeK 1. 1670 3tpd. DIaH'TIO OF PARTiF.9tRIP The partnership heretofore existing bctweets Hie undersigned was dissolved Ike 34tk day of January. 1870, by mutual coeieewt. Tbo beka, accounts, clock. Ac, of the said firm are takea by A. 1. Snaw, to whom all persona having claima mast at'ply for aettlement, and all peracaa know, ing themselves Indebted will make pavment T. J. BUYER. 314 A. I. FIIAW. The drug business will hereafter be conducted! by tbe undersigned, who will nt all timee keep tb. eti.ck full and eosr-pleie. and make It aa eb.teet Oar pereons la want of goods ia ate line to give btaj a call. A. I. SHAW. JAMES H. PARKER, PORK r ACKER, Aad WboleaaH. Healer ba Bacna, Mees Psxrk, Lard, bagar Cured Hams aad Beet, Ko. 309 Liberty Street, S3 riTTSRI'ltn, PF.JSVA. 1m .1 Y.ILIABLE FARn FOR SALE. CONTAINING ItO ACRtS. '1 HK n.lfr.ffntl tk-Ttnc irmii94 t X fwntw nf lit ftrfifsrtr, f-f for m of tlk wtiM 9krfrtv (tmf in Li-pi nwtirii.. mtta ttod witliin tw wiitr th kMr,mifai ml Cr,4. Tb trtvrnj ttwiTttBiM If swr, Ttt ft ir hftTtup tkrm ft dwrlhtig IttsttBt. Wat Wni.fnM irwirtac boat. Ml ftll vthf mmtmmrw tmtm4mw toffMh-r will. wtwltftrvi mf trrHimt tplJ ft 11 si fMboM. ll will lr baytft fftc t8 til lkx trv. f April Mil, lm if i mA4 It vtU rwlM. fXrrmt Fnr fftriliftr fftrtlr-alftt-i ft.- irmm tH tt8jiMI4r. f-r ftslt wtwoftJt7 ttl tfcft Bmiftw, CtaftiftfM.