HEPUHL1CAN. CLEARFIELD, IV WKDSESHAT MORSISO. FEB. 1. 1T0. Terms of Subscription. ft paij lu advance, willun three months ...$J 60 ' I paid sfter three and be for sl months I 60 il paid erter tbe elplratlon of ill months ... I 00 ajr-All articles to Insure Insertion In this paper should b handed Id early oh Tuesday wtoruing, as w go to press at 12 o'clock, (noon.) RELIGIOUS) VOTlCt. Methodist F.pleropal ChnrtbRer. Wn. U. Dill. Pastor. Publte Bsrrien every Sabbath, 10t A M., and 7) P. M. Sabbath School at A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at T) P. il. Communion Bervice, first Sabbath of every month, at lot A. M. m. kmncla' Church CatliollrHtr. Mr. 0BaiOA. Ma at 104 o'clock A. M., on the aeeond and fourth Sunday! of nwIi month. HI. Andrew'! I'liurctaKplecunaU-Rer. dsoaas Hall. -Publia Service Sunday morning 4 10 o'olock. and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at 1. P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday ,venlng at 7 o'clock. U Johu'e Church Lutheran Her. Mr. 'Kixnanrr. Public Serrice every Sabbath, morn 4cT,ad .rening. Preubeterlnu Church Tier. Mr. Bctlm. Publio Serrlae erery riebbatb, morniuf and evening- - Bentor Wallace) and Representative Hall, bave oar thank for valuable public documents. Tbe card of Henry W. Sliocb, taddlcr and barneu manufacturer, appears iMwbere. Mr. Sbocb is a young and ajnterpricing mechanic, and doscrves a lull abare of public patronage. According to the Commissioner's returns, we notico that Mercer county contains 13,128 taxabloa and 4,407 dogs, besides some real and personal property. i The Democratic Almanac for 1870 contaiDi an article on "Reconstruction and What It Costs," which should be read by farmers, merchants and me chanics. Tbey will learn where the money goes. Price 20 cents. Jlruoiois Nonet. The Fourth Quarterly meeting of the M. . Church of Clearfield, will be held next Sabbath the 13th instant. Iter. J. S. llc.Mur ray, Presiding Elder, and S. W. Sears, will conduct the service.. .- Preaching morning mod evening. ' A'correct list of the officers compo sing the United State Government, Members of the Senate and House of .Representatives, Chairmen of Stand jug Committees, Foreign Ministers, Ac, will be found in the Democratic Almanac for 1870. You, reader, can not afford to be without it, as it only costs 20 cents. All orders should be addressed to P. A. Gaulin, Clearfield, Pa. Back numbers supplied. RicoBDca'g Urricc. Below will be found the number of Docds entered for record in this office for the week ending Monday, February 7tb, 1970, together with tho names of thq grant ors and grantee, where situated, and tbe consideration : Deed of Etecutore of Titer? TlfrrlT. deceased. to Jaa. II. Coogeo, for 106 aorta in Woodward township; $1.1)00. Deed of JeSeraoa tits M. !.. to J as 8. Stewart, Tor bouse tad let la stylertowa ; 91.260. Peed of Ueo. Uerill te Wallaoe, Forcer. Or.li Wilaua, fur til acres in tlraham tn.i iS.OOS. Deed of Afoshanao. Land and Lumber Compa ny to J arris Oonnill. for lot No. Ntt Oerenln : fik. Deed as Jes. t. Leonard to B. II. Taj lor, for S0 acres in Heeearia tp-l 2,30C. CARDirnsn. Bellcfonters are all "ajog" about a mammoth cave that . ha lately be.en discovered near that Tillage. Considerable of capital has lately been invested there in Hotels and other public institutions, an J it is probably necessary in order to make the Investment profitable, to get up a "Cardiff Giant" arrangement lor tbe purpose of attracting the curious thither. Gentlemen, go in JUeekAj, and don't invest your Gould, too Vrcy ously, because yon might In tbe end find yourselves done Ilrotcn, m well as your neighbor. We'll call and aee, as soon as we can go to Bellcfonte tod return, in tbe same time wacan go to INew York and back. Tbi National Wabds.-As "the late lamented" called the "man and brother," like tbe white folks, were on strike on Friday night. A dilapidated old nig, Gen. Williams, has for a long lime assumed to be boss of tbe Fifteenth Amendment subject, in this town, and with bis usual ability and tlrcngth entered a Barber Shop, whore he found a new occupant, and commenced to put things very mora out of order. Gen. Williams wue politely requested to behave himself, which be refused. Tho result was that "the colored troops"again "fought bravely," and "old Ed." lunJcd in the ireet, with a crush cut in bis check large enough to contain the Fifteenth Amendment and Hoar's eulogy on Stanton, disfiguring the bright and smiling countenance of the "pet lamb," we fear for all time. Corhkction. We were partly mis taken in our notice last week of the arrest of the ( wo"ominont physicians." A. D. Hocl w a. not arrcnted for par ticipating ia the rolored abnrlion cane, lie was merely koi t by Slran rTiiJge 'teaser.' Tbe partic" wrested were Tyrajs A daioa, Sarah Green and Henry Strawbridge, The two furaitu- were tried last week at Franklin, ihc woman was acquitted, and Adams w sentrnord to tbe Penitentiary for fifteen months. Tbe boss, Dr. Slraw Iridgo, Is now in Franklin jail aw ait ing his trial, not having been arrested in time to be tried with the other artiee, We are glad to learn that young Hocl was not charged with, commit ting or anointing in the crime. But we Suspect that bo made a very narrow nape by keeping bad company. The State Treasury investigation now going cn at Hitrrisborg, develops some strange freaks, so far as the handling of tbe public funda arc concerted, Finn AT Dnin W(Mii) The Cameron lIiTiilJ, anys : ' On Tliursdny morning the 27th ultimo, the Linpire freight, itled with oil, pnsscd r.mporium with one of the axle boxes on tiro ; It wns alas on fire when It passed Ster ling, nino miles east of hero, and wai not tioticod by the hands until they reached Driftwood, eighteen miles from L'mporium. They would proba bly not Imvo noticed it then, but tho oxlo becoming heated, bent or broke just as they were passing Driftwood station, throwing tho cars off tho track, and setting firo to tho oil ; an explosion immediately followed throw ing tho oil and firo nearly a hundred feet high, and over tho buildings standing nonr the track, which were at once enveloped in flames; fortun ately there was no wind and tho firo did not extend beyond the buildings. Theprincipul snflorors were as follows : O. 3. SpatTord, Storo homo and con tents, loss about $1,50011. S. Shaffer, stock of goods in storo, loss $10,000 John Kauo, Storo building occupied by SbnrTcr, loss about $1,400. There were seven cart loaded with oil burned up. During tho firo a dispatch was sent to Renovo for a steam fire engine which was sent up in time to have been of service; but tbo parties in chargo, being excited or careless, moved it too near the creek when il fell over tbo bank and landed bottom side up in vllie stream, whero it re mained until after the firo." (Communicated.) llurrr Jor, February S, 1870. The M. E. Sunday School being; In aesiion, the following preamble and resolutions were uuani, monslr adopted : YVannaaa, It hath pleased Almighty God, In tits wise di.pensotion of Ills providenee, to sum mon from among us our esteemed friend and co worker ia the Sunday School cause, William llupso Kanros; aod, Wnannss. His vacant seat end absent sympathies render a want deeply felt by all interested in sowing the seeds of ths Master's Kingdom: therefore, h fferofceo!, Tbat we, the officers, teachers aod scholars of tbe H. E. Buodar School at Mount Joy, Clearfield Cirouit, Central Pennsylvania Con ference, do deeply mourn the loss of oar beloved brother in our social and tnoral oirele, and yet rrioioe In behermg our loss is his gain. feeoeed, Thst we do hereby express our hearty srmpatiiioe with bis bereaved parents, brother and sisters, in this their day of afllirtion ; over praying that tiod, who giveth aod tkelb away, may ia the latter day form of them ass unbroken family circle, where sickness, sorrow, pun and death are felt and feared no more. ifseofrrot, Tbat ft oopy of this preamble and resolutions be sent to tbe parents of tbe deceased, aod also that they bo published in the eounty papers at ciearDcld, ra. R. J. SIIAFPNEB, Eupl. a,tsaikl RlsnBL, Secretary. The Philipsburgiowrnflisnyi : "We learn tbat the carriage shop of W. A. Ogden, at Bigler station, was destroy ed by fire on Friday of last week, consuming all bis tools and a quantity of mado-up material, making a total loss of about $1,000 no inauranco. Tbe causo of the fire is entirely acci dental." FnoM HAnmsBcna. The Legisla ture is not doing the Slate as much harm, this winter as heretofore, for which the people feci devoutly thank ful. Mioiit br Ainslivii). The editor of the Olterver says : The fubhioiiable people of Erie city are highly excited over the prospective nisrriaifo of a daughter of a prominent citir.cn of that place to a reul, lire, r-npliHli Ijord. Tho pair met in Xew t.rlt. becamo attached to ono another, and after the lady'a return homo a cor respondence was commenced. He visited hor tinder an assumed name, proposed marriaro and was acccptod by the lady. Her parents objected until the young man a father could be beard from, 'i ho Lord went home, told bis story to his old Lord, and the old gentleman gave his consent. And they are to be married in the spring time. The young Lord is reported to be bcir to several millions. Foster Covonr. The Congres sional committee in the contested election case of Covode against Faster, who bave been at work for rear. have reported, of course, in favor of Covode, As reported by the majority of return judgos in Iho district, Mr. Foster bad a clear majority of some thing in tbo neighborhood of fifty. But this committee manages to get rid of this mnjoritr, and pile up snmo four hundred lur CoToda. This they do by throwing out the entire vote of loungstown townsliip, and aeverul other democratic district! in West moreland county. The lnd prudent says that "a Welsh woman gal into a quarrel with her husband at Brady's Bend last week. In the co 11 mo of the quarrel the woman brandished a large butcher knife and threatened the life of her husband. A daughter of the pair, fourteen years old, stopped between the couplo and begged of them to desist. The excitement made a raving maniac of the child." e a . A Correspondent of the Church Union is looking carefully into Uible Chronolojry in ascertain whether MethuMiluh was drowned ty the Boon, or whether he died in his bed. The question is somewhat mixed in his mind j but ho expresses a bn that he died a natural death, "for it would have been awful to live so long and be drowned after all." The nrgioes of Virginia say that if that State dues not follow the spirit of the reconstruction acts itflinll be put back as a territory. Mark the absolute shall. Hut tbe negroes are only aping tho manners ot linditul legislators ot Washington. Tho famous Lord Ainsley, Inlely "doing" the flurke3S of New York, has at Inst exploded. He isonly Ii k I Kadlord. a cheat There is a rich ' helln in distress foolish butterfly, and I the Lord has gut her fine watch, etc., U'C , and flown. Jj.n.iAt!l SniAsniNo. Tho baggnge smashers .ve alout to come to grief. Wo aoe thai bill has been introduced into the Legisltiire to prcvont the in jury or destruction ff baggnge lu thin Commonwealth. Kifcht. The Wyoming Democrat fays : A number of the A vondale disastt-r wid ows were remarried on New Yes.r'e day. We aro not aatonished at it fir tho disaster fund makes them all "ladies of fortnno." It la reported in Itome that Arch bishops Spalding and Mct'loskey will be made Cardinals during the Council. tajr-Call and aoo tho is'ew Sewing Machine at Miss Z A, I. Kyodoj-'a 3 Mr.Mlll.Rs Of Till 'Fill Mr-MrAI.Cot'- rn.. Affording to the CufA-iV H'"f IJ. lioo editor ia a member ol Hie (rcu mtMiionl Cotiniil, there wero prearnt at tho openinir semtion 6 taiilinnl binli ops, 3 cardinal priests, 8 cardimtl deacons, t) putriart lia, 4 primntoH, 121 archbishops, 4M blxhopa, 0 ubbotn, with quaea-cpiBCopitl jurisdiction, 2 initrctl ubboltj, and T.l superiors of religious orders, in all 719 or of tho ,'Ki() or thereabouts who would have the right to enter. All the countries of Kurope are largely represented ex cept Russia, whoso prelates wero not allowed hy tlieCr.iir toatlcml. There aro 4!) from tho Vnitod fStatcs, IS or 20 from tho British possessions in North America, ovor 4U from Mexico and South America, 2 from British Africa, and others irom all pnrts of Asm, A men, tho isles ot tho 1'iicihc, Japan, China, etc , and bishops of all tbo ancient Uriontnl ritos. Mrs. Lincoln, the impecunious Empress of tho Black Republicans, U living at Frankfort nn-the-Muin, quito tin-Americanized. She is not courting a lluUh Count, as reported, and is said to be living wonderful quiel, wearing out her "old clothes" herself. 'iilnrrirfl. On Thursday, February Sd, 1870, by Rev. VVn. II. U.LI, Mr. ASULKY TNUlt.N to Miss MARY HEED; all of ClrarSrlJ. On Thursdsy, February 2d, 1370, by J. C. IUa ETT, Kin,., Mr. DAVID WILLIAMS, of llradford towmbip, to Miss SAKAH CATIIAIIINK OA II A BRANT, of flrady township. On February 6th, 1970, at the rcsideneo of the bride's father, by J. C. Ilinairr, Esi., Mr. MIL TON S. rOSTLETUWAIT to Miss JCLIAKS CLAYTON t both of Drady township. lartfts. Clearfield Markots. Corrected weekly by RirnAaD Mossor, Wbolessle nnd netail lealer in Itry Goods. Groceries, Fro Tisions, Ao Asarkat street, Clearfield, Fa. CLiAiriiLn, Pa., Feb. 1, 117. Apole.treen,00() 1 Cried, )...., Apple bntter,Viral, I Butter. I leans tW 00 J Buckwheat-..,...... I Uuckvrhee! Soar Si, Reef, dried. Beef, fresh 10( Boards, M 12 00(910 Corn, shelled 1 Corn, aw 00(4 Torn meal, T sack. 1 Chop, A ewt2 41.(3 I Clorerseod Cheese Cherries, Si. 001$ Chickens, drsd, lb, tlp M FlaisoedU... ...... 2 Flour 7 DWy 7 lisy 18 00(4 20 li. Ho,., dressed...... Is 24. Hides, fren. 7 SI) llasss a3 SI 40 PfaouldcrsM.0fi I 0e; Rides H.hvo 20 15' Lard Si A. Mess pork,S bbl...S7 vo ii Oat .., SO Ul Onions t 10 00. FoUtoes - 00 SO. Feaebes, dried, fj.. li 00 plaster, $ bbl I iO 75 live 1 Si 110 ll.r., t lb I (111 Call, Isack I 00 Ij hhmries.la in. 00 n . Shingles, SSinlO' 1 1 SO li' Timotby need t SO Si;Tallow....... 11( 00 Wheal 1 id il) Wool 4(1 00 1 Wood, A oord....- I 0 A CourIi, Cold or Sore Throat Require i to mediate attfiitiuo, at tM-gleot oftea rtfultf in an 1 neural k sting Iiepaee. Brown'i Bronchial Trochei will loTahalfl (ha tuitaut relief. For Crunrbitif, A'tlima, CtUrrli, C on urn p tire and Tit mat Ditrafea. tbrjr baf o a oothiag effect. Siugcri aoi Public Speakrrt uee tbim to clear ana ttrcngtben tbe voi. 0wio to the f(H-J refiulttioa and popoUrity of tbe Troebet, nanj wort J. Ire aatJ cheap iialtatiooi are offered, which are pf4 fur nothiog. lie tar to obtain the tree PHUWN S UllOXrHIAL THOCIIES Fold trertwher. ao(t-fita rlT.OTHlNn. A large fik of CIotLtnj will (Oppoeite the Jail.; C. KRATZER'fl. SI l:i(.IIH.-F'Hir nrw cuihionrl PI.KMUtS for aale or Hrhtnfc at jani LEAV V b LIVERY FTABLB. A I) Tlt)W. The publie ft hrrcr-T mn(inod J ana in ( porrhnfinr nr in any ? tnedllin(r no a prrtata i.m iiuiiMt tut juut.y, Vurrhatrd br eue at fbrrifl e Pale, and left at rlcr'e, a tbe eaine brlonji to rif. Trlcf't, Jeh. S 3t II. B. BRt'FII, CIAI'TIONTht pulle it hefrbv raufioned ;ni to harbor or tmet mr wifr, COH.N'ELIA CI r.HV, of Dwtria tuwaehip, who bat Irft my bH and board without raaee or promentton. I will B"t pay anj oVItf of kr ivmtravtinr afttr this date. JOHN A. CL I.KV. Glra Hnpe, Feb. , H:0-3id. C Al'TIOX. All pereotti) are berrbvoantioned araiait buyinf or meddling with the filUiw- nr. nfrwinal imprtT, now In the iiietirn of fctaii JMriojnon, ol luvtnjrtoa town hip, tu: One jrraT bora and one fCrar mmrr, witb hamee, one log tkd and ntiurr', two log rhaint, one two-borer waroa, one barrow, one plow, n ,t tbe Mar brlnng to ma. AI KKKD VIAHU. IVarfavlIle, Feb. S. 1K70 Stpd. DlNMOMTTIflM OK PAHT! KMffP. Tbe partarrfbip heirtnforr ritfling between lire wndrrvtrned af diceoleed tho th dT of Janaary, hy mutual t.nttat. Tho bonltt. areoiintiftork. Atu, of the aaid ftna are taVea by A. I. 8b w, to whom nil wereoot baring elannji aiaet apply for arttlemmt, and all prrmut know ing tbimtelroa indebted will make parmetit T. J.'nrtVFn. t?: A. I.MIA W. Tbe drag bntittM will bereaftor bo otnlated by tbe undttrtijrned, wbo will at all timet ktrp the ttnrk Ml and tomplete, and mke it an object for pernt in wanl of gnodt la fait line to giv dm oalL A. I. hUAW. JAMES H. PARKER, PORK PACKER, Anil Wholesale Dealer In Daces., Mess Pork, Lard, urar Cared Hams aad Beef, 'a. SOs Libert Rtreet, PITTt.ni ;, PRNK'A. IS I870. FEBRUARY. 1STO. RECONSTRUCTION! Will right it Out on This Line ! WILLIAM ItKIJl, VAiiKrt fTrtrer, tlKARMACLn, PKWA. Dresg Goodp, Fancj Goode, Notiona and Trimmings, tAt'lES' A.VD GKNT'8 FURNISHING GOODS, Iin f and (apt, Ladies', Misses and Children1! Shoes, AT rot't'LAR PRICKS. jtssT-Ths ralire sto-s an band will tie wild at a redwetlen aa nreaent talae, nad I will eefilenlen the stork arer aiatr dars with ekniee at; lea of the best gneie In tke ssarket. Kear Iks PostolKra, CLKASFir.LB, PtXR A. It SW Al PAKACF. t. Ceaaedf c Med eel DioooTory, Helmbold't Barha, Itakar'a Cod Lirer Oil, Jaaaf sod Aeer't medielaea wf every ktad. ear eale ? UAEIbWlcK A IHft lN. UASst COJiTABLL- MLU FOR saie ei inia eE.es, T.oolS Mill tCi(. . DANIKL CONNKLLY, Bool nnd Shoe Maniifiu.urrr, CI.BARfirl.l), PA. HAS last rrrsivrd a (ns lot of frenrh CAt.P cKINS, and Is now prepared to wisnstse iiks everything in his line at tba lowsil Stores. He ail) warrsnt his work to bo as representee. He reipertf'jMy Solicits ft call, at his shop en Market street, ssrond df or writ of ths pntufhes, where he will do all in his power to render sslis factlon. Sons flat (latter tops an hsnd. uiyl,'7 y DAMKL CONNELLY. PEACE rilOdilMEI). THE WAR OVErTn CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. AVdWi fl the Contrabands going back to their old masters: but 'nary one going to old Massachusetts, where they were loved so long and so well. IN oonoqaenn of th tbove fftoti. V. SHORT, of th old "Short bbot Biiop," would n auaao to hti iimcroui patron a, and thi peopl of CUarfleld oonnty Bt lrite. that b bu now flrit rite lot of rood mavtrtl, Jut renivd from tb Kft( tnd if prepared no tnort notice to make ftnd Bead JtooU od Sboee. mt hit Dw chop in Urmbara'i row. He il ntiibed tbat he eta pleee It.fanltM it mifbt be tome Intensely loynl eUy et bome pitriote.) He if prepared to tell low for Ceth or Country Produce. lon't forget the Shop neit door to Sbowert i Orahtn'i etore, on Market ftreet, Clearfield, Pa., and kept bj a fallow eommenl oalled jyl.T-y "SnORTY." MVi BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. edwarlTmack. Cos. 1UHKET A 3d hrt., CLEAHKJELD, Pa. Till eror.rl.tor has entered into tka BOOT if 110k' nosinees at the aboeo stand, and is deterntaed not to be outdone either In qaal ilj nr prlea for bit work, Special attontlna will be paid to manufacturing Hswad wurk. lis has on band n large lot of Grenoh Kip and Calf Bkins, of tho rorjr best quslilj. The eiil aens of Clearfield nnd eteinltr are respoetfollj inrlted to wive hist n trial. Ale charge for nails, nor,' I If XEW BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. IN C I RM i:HW ILM TFJB iaberinr baring lately turted anew boot and Hboe thop ta CurwentTilte, on Main ftreot. oppoeite Joeeph R. Irwin'e Drag ttore, rerpootlnlty an own net to the public that ba it prepared to maaa'aoture all ftylea of Boot aod Sheet, aad everything in bit line an tbort notice. Ho a lea keept on band a good aeterl eoeat of ready. made work, which bo will wall aheap for oath ar oeaotry prtvlare. oetlT-tf 8:1S LEWIS ?. BOFS. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach'8 Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. 1 IR. IfOYER'M riRi WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vaafe, pare, plratant end health glring Toole atrictly VfgftaMe, and minafavctured from ! the mart pore and cboiee metrriali ft not a rpirit drink nor obititute for whuky, but a feientifle t eeaipoanj, for tbo protection of tho rriUm and the cure of dieeaee, made from chemically pore pi rite, entirely free from fnfil oil or otbr Irrlta Una prr- . will nl 4lf nWrA fW moet delicate etomaeb. A long private eiperi rnce hat atteetcd U Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Ko Bittern at prteent offered to the public eontalne to much medicinal rirtue. and yet to rafe and pleaeant to take, I ft if to cure diiteaea, and It will not areata an appetite fur tpihtooo litjuortp but will core the effccti of diifipatioa. To in err.ee the Appetito, t'SK IT. To promote Uigfttioa, YSE IT. To ear ryrprptia, I'SK IT. To mi- Ferar and Ague, t'SK IT. To core Billionttietv, t"6K IT. To earn Con-tipatioa. t'SE IT. Te eurc Chronic Diarrhoea, rPE IT. To rare Ilrari barak . I'SB IT. To earn Flatulenea. t'fiR IT. To core Acid Eructatiom, fsg it. To cure Xrrvooi Dtbilitrt VfK IT, To euro n.Tpoohondrla, I'FB IT. Ta ear ftatlownee of Compleiloa, VPS IT. To care Pimple and Blotch, t'FK IT. For General Foitratioa of tbe rbTeical fowera, t'SI IT, and It will cart ywa. gold ercrj where, at pe bottle, Man. fact wired rielajirale b A. I. SHAW, I'rnititist, CLEARFIELD, TA., Wka efers liberal laduormenU to tbe traHe. Ool. 57, U69 if. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, KEAR Lt TIlERf BI RO, PENX'A. MANt FACTt ItF.S all kinds nf Lumbar for building purjH.Ms. A I wars on hand lath for rohhxo, I'LASTERINU LATIt, I'ALIHUO, aw. Ills Plastering Lalk are eeoalT sawed aad of different rengtbs, to soft furrhasers tbo raMngs are four feet long arid reedy pointed. All kinds of Peered Lumber will be furnished to order, aod delivered if aa desired. Trices will Ite liberal, according to quality. tuAII kinds of GRAIN lakes In eifhsere for Lumber. Lulkersl.urg P. 0., Jan. 19, 1K0. linn for Sale ! TM.K Snf!rritrnfd offre at FRIVATB FALE X the fnllnwirtg dHcriled (teal Kitt; A certain Farm, lituaie la M 'rTmert town ship, It.fitatia rnunty, l'a., flit milrf from the Sa(jtiehatt.,a Ttiver, ota.mm.oi: itcMmri) Arni;s Well tiniWrfd eith hrml'tch and pinei. The iin -prorrmint ore ft frnd deeMirf b-u- atil hern. A tonng orrhaH ?cf t f4)i.ng (rinr "f aa ter rn the pnmiw. 1 ha land i aniMU.d witb a rem o( gixid eneJ. JKFor farther partifnlart arplr to tlw ash rnlmr. IM II A. fU't'H A N A N. jano am Cw-b F. M rearneld rwnnty. Pa. 4 I IIITOH'w XOTH lTbe andcned i Auditor, appointed hy the Orpbeno ConM of ( If-tlirld onaintT, at 4-.rm-.rT trrm. lro, to aiMlit. ad;nt, and make di-tntiminn of the fund an inn fnm the partition of the real relate of tlreenwo,xl MrOaiekrei, d-aet. to and amnorirt (he parlire krallv ntitld lhtrto. will diwharr" the dtttiee nf sm.d arpnintmrnt at hit ofcoa, in t'lMirnrlfl, oa Kri.lar, ti,o Ifiih dT of Krbruarr, ls;0, nf ahioh all p-rtif intrrreted will lkf n 1 !5 :i A. W. WAI.II KS, AudiU.r. VlMiiTa4Tta' oTirrwKeiie. " herehj giren tbat letter, of arisslalstratina eu ta eslat of T. II. I'tlU'l.KS, deeesd. Isle of Lawreere township. Clearfteid eeante. Ps karint keen dul.r granted to the undere.frried. all perenna Indebted lo said estate will plrae make p.TB.ot, nnd thewa having elaieas or demands ill present the" preperl, aulkmtipsinl fnr eot- Uarnsnw JdllN 0kNS, ;t!f rl etdalniimtor. yhUaddphU avfillr-frnfuu. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. MM. M. A. ItlMilill has nl nrrleeo) f.osa I'sris and London wilh ths laleel desisns. .i.ional J Nlrrlrd ti'a Ibe resh'St Imlelmii s'm. tin- m. .it tb.snt 1 litiioi'i'K" I" be I'cured In rn, iin b s . lai m, niinovn. vri vFTt, n.o-p, HKIHAL lll., I'INK .irwrLIiY. s.,d TlllMMin PAI'Fll PAT1KHNH, IlKhKi and Cl.llAK MAKIMi. F.tolnsirt sfnt for Mrs. M. Work's efleliraled STitcin f'irriiuiilJt ladi-s' dfessos. sncii'tes, Itasoes, a'e. N. W oortn r of Klerenth and t'heslnut Hts. I'lnladi lpb .. ISi-pt 72, 61) m ISAAC K. STAUFFEE, " WATCHES iS JEWELRY, o. Ill North Second Plroct, Corner of Vwrry I'llILAIlELnilA. An asortm'nrl of Watches, Jewelry, fillrer and Plated Wri. nnnalmitU Oil hand. nrpairme of H alclil S anu jrweiry poimpo; sttelidrd to. JJ" '7 . tfilberman. - O. KitiiDgsr. - 11. tiilbcnnaa. I S. SILBERMAN & CO., ! luroarins asn joiikhs or FANCY GOODS, PIPES j NOTIONS, 4C, i 13 A'orlh fourth Hlrrel, aril FlllLAIi:LPIIIA. ljrtpd ! T. C. MYERS, 1 WITH Wf. W. PAL' I- 9. I. WOAB. rM. W. PAUL & CO., 1 , WtlOLFSALE HOOT AND SHOE H'.lltEHOVSE, tli Harksl St. A 6U Commerce ?U nbora Sink, will PHILADELPHIA. Ij j.MfLLOwiuRB a. nine caret. (H0LL0WBUSH & CAEEY, ! BOOKSELLERS, BItnk Cook Manufacturers, j AND ETATI0NER6, JHH Jttarkrt St., rhlladtlpMa. B P. per Floor Harks and BS, Foolscap, letlr, Kota, Wra.pnir, Cartain and Wall rapes. f.M4-lr. 1 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 tlosith TUIrd Mrent, Philadelphia, B.IJriiLHS, Anl Dealers in Government Securities. Atpliraticn by mail will reocivo prompt atten tion and all iufurtuatton cheerfully furnished. Ordirs solicited. aprll-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., No, 1? K. Firth SL and 424 Coaaaree, ' PHILADELPHIA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, eru tun ast-a or Wen, flinseair, Fur Bkins, Foatkerf, Leather, fhlSeed. Iiried Frelu, Clorer Beed, HooU, liter kios. Butler, Beeswax, Bboep i Bkins, Kffs, Aa., a., o. COXSIGXMESTS SOLICITED. W.skl Prion current forwarded an request. Junn 11, 1SS8 lr:pd I tfjtWrrltant bailors. iW. G'uinfr it Alone. 1869. JJ. R. L. STUUOUTOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Htrcct, C Icartield, Pa, HAVIVQ opened Vnalnee e my own bonk, at the old Ptn,nd In lbow't How. I therefore AOftoeMee t ie puniic ttiai 1 Bare now oa band a veil aelected aod large aatortment of Cloths. CasslmercB. VeBtings, Beart-a, and all kindeof Goodf for men and hnre'vear, and am now prepared to make up to ardarCLOTIIINU, from a tingle article u a full eait. In the latent atvlot and moil workmanlike manner, fc pee let atteatioa ffirea ta oaetom work and cutting oat for mea and lore. I offer great barjrama to rattumera, and waratt entite iitiiftinn, A liberal eh a re of public patronage la foliated. Pall and too me. Jao7-tf E. R. L. STOVUUTOtf, H. IU1IDGK, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store orw d or eaet of Clearfield Hunte,) Marlet Mmt, Clrarflold. Pa. KEFPS ra hand a full astortmantf of Oeat' Farnl'fttng Gooda, eah aa (Shirt, Lines and Woolett laderihirta, Drawtre and Pork a, Neck net, lrket llaadkarchiafa, Uloree, llatt. Imhrellaa, Ae., ta groat Tenet. Of Fiona tioodi be keepf the Best Clotis of all "Shades and Colors," Snob at Bierk Dooekla of the vary belt make. Fanry Ca-tnere, in great eerie te , aleo, Freaeb Coating. Ilwror. Pilot, Cblnrbilla, aad Frieott oeoreoetlnf. All of which will be told cheap for Caah. aad wade an aeeardiag U the lauat it r lee by eipeheeeed work mea. Aleo, Aent for Clearfield county for t If Singer A ifc'e. celebrated Sewlag Marbine. Not. I. iMt.tf. H. URI10R. (? durational ' MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLKARFIKl.t), PA. rpiII WINTER TERM of twenty two weeke, X U eonmenca on Monday, Not.' 22, lfffc. A P'ttnarr drpartmcnt will ba added ta tbe Srboo) tbii fall : for whirh the aerricee of a com petmt lnractor baea been erjraprd. And ae rfiort will be eaid to render thit dapartmeat alt recti te and invtrnctire, TERMS OP TVlTtOX. Readirg. OrtbogTephy. Writing. OMtv-t Lee- enns Primary Arithmetic aad rrimary (inraphv. per half term, (of e lev it. wi-r-an.). $S 0C tlifU'TT, lcai and dewriptira (ffraprnvphy with Mp Pmwmg. I.ummir, Mental nd Wntlra Arithmetic 6 fA AlaTehra and the Srirwcre n , t 00 Intiruc:iea is iaatrumeoiai rauiie 10 (to f'll panating 12 60 ejusfc a aa for full partimltra nd for Cirewlu. CimrnHd, Aug. IS, INftH-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rtv. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. 'p IE THIRD SKSMON of the prssenl sebo X la.tlr rear of this Institution willeommrnea oo K'NIMV, lb. Tin asr of Febiasrr, ln;. P pllsean ester at any time. The, will be rhsrisd with teitti.a (rem tb, tiann tksr aster la tkeloss of the Session. t a eourse of instruetion embraees erery thing iarl ded la a thorough, praetiral as 4 aeooea. pliS'ed eflaeatlon for beib seies. Tia Prinripal. haeing had the edrantsrs af usi aspariene In his profession, assures pa rent' and guardians thst his entire ability and enW:iee will h. devoted to the moral and men. ta. I aining of tbe rnulk flared uaderhia charge, Is s.li il tilin. igrspVjr, Resdirg. W,irg, lia p, mare w.lemelip, per fession ( II weeks) Gra msrr Usogrark, Arithmetir, nnd IS "'tor II A'st .rs, fteomerrr, Trlpenometre, Mm. sl-stinn. Sorrerieg, I'htlnenphy, Pbrsf. et ty. tThemistry. lloek Keeping, Rotany Ml Pky.ieal tlegrapby - . 01 Lsii, ureet ana rrsorn, witb any of the ak ra Itranebes .... i, ng AllltIC Piano (SO lessors) . . .tit PI SNo dedoetion will ba mads fur absenoa ysraer further particulars Inquire of Rer. P. L. HARRISON. A V., FeK I. I aro. tf. Prinripal, j IiUery IStnblr. T' lt ntij.r.imod kf. learn tn Inform the pnb. lie the! he is am fully prep.rr. lo aeenh.ma dels . ,11 I. tl.e way of liiroisbiug Heroes, Reggies, fs.1ll Hwrie, on lbs shortest notice and on reasonable terms, Ilesldenoe oa Loenlt street belai Third nnd Fourth. K'i. W. ORAP.nART. ""areld, April 11. IxiT. I'IM a4l.l'White Ioj1. line. Paint, I. In ,. , ;l. Turpenline, Vnrniehee of all hinds, U-'. sn Off nnd l"r ! aint. Varesh Bm.k.. V iieVRZt ll t IRi.H. MUST BE SOLDI CLOSING OUT AT COST AT inn KEYSTONE STORE! Tnn undrrfigned, Intending to retire from the mercantile buaineet, It now rioting out hi entire ttick of goodt AT AND BL'LOW C0t?T oomriIug Pilki, Wool Detainee, Uerinoof, Toplinf, Alptecat, Empreii Clolh, Men's &. Boys' Cassimeres, Cloths, Faliaelts, Ilsnims, . Keatnok, Jeans, Ladies Cloaking, Coats, Bbawla, Ao. full line of Domestic Goods, Bbaetlors, Itelainea, 'Oingbaais, Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Ae., Ao. LADIES' & CHUDEEN'S SHOES, Hatf and Cape, tium and Aretle Orerthoee, Table and Floor Oilelotha, Wall Paper and Window fihadeo. CarpeU all widlhi, And a great variety of llotiery, Xotioat and Trim minga af atary dcaeription. Lad lea Trimmed Bate, Linen Table Corm, VelraU, Wool Table Corera, Ribbone, Kapkinf, llalmffral Pkirta, Coaaterpanea, iloop Shirta, Towlei. A largo araorttnent of Ladies' and Children 'a Wool Hooda, Nobiai, Bbawlf, Ae. Pcraonf la want of anything ia the ahova line of gooda are invited to giro ma a eall, and obtain gooda at wholetale price. MVGraia aad coaatry pradaoa takes la ta- change for gooda. D. C. HI Vl.t KG Clearfield, Jforaabar l, 186t. i. r. trtaein. w. w. SETTS WE.1YER 1JETTS gLEAKFlELD, PA., Are offering, at the eld itand of O. L. Reed & Co. their eli-ok of gooda, conflating of - DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A EIIOES, UAT3 A CAra, HARDWARE, tH'KKXSW ARK, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, tc, &c, At the most reasonable rales for CASH, nr in eiehang for s Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR C0CSTRT PRODUCE. jgtT'Advaaoe, aade ta those engaged in get ting ant sonar, tiaber a tha ajost ndraaUgenus Unas. January I, 1e7ti Stl AIti: TIMlIEIt! E.A.I11YIN&CO., riRUENSVII.LE, PAn Being epetially engaged in tha business of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent that they are now prepared ta pan-base Timber dslleered at eltbee Cnrwenrritle, Lock II area or Marietta, (or will take it at any of these points,) nnd sell en eoasanisslon, making sueh advances ns nr nreeeee.y. Those enigel in getting out Timber will And at our store in Cnrweasrille, n .err large eteek of STAPLE GOODS Of nil Deecrlptioae. riottr, Oali, Corn, And etrerylhieg neeeasnrj for ass of I.uabarmen. RAFT ROPE, Of all titt, kept on band is large qnantitiea, and avid at advance by tbe coil. Aluo, Fuilrty . Blr.c4 Fmall Rnpe, Ac. SPKCIAI. Pt CI.MKNTS offered lo thoae maoofactarirg Pauare Timber. tU A W iH a CO, CurwcntMllr. January 12, IFTo. ORGANS .Sc. PIANOS, ESTT'S AXD MASON f HAMLIN'S, on SALS T R. J. IIATK.8, Cnresvl1, pa. IAmsees nnd ahdctnlnal anppattrr of srsry . kind of the lalrai tesnneeioenle, for sale a the Prog (tier. af UARTFWlrR IRWIS. SALT, FI.0CR, BRA AXD Cliop, at whole. rC Z a . , C. kKATFER vTr,,., tks Jul ) j .-g M. V. ytntkntirrpfr ft fe. DLMTENBERCER L CO. OFFER F.ARB I T I IJ C E M KMTN TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMM'OJII STORE OSCEOLA,! PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Oeola. Derewh'r 11. IS(1. GREAT EXCITEMENT OK SECOND STREET, Vlrarlrtd, ra. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. THK nndrretgned rnrpMtfuliy Inrire the nl tentinu of the pahlla generally te their splendid nesortaanl of saerekaadlse, which they are new nailing AT VXRY LOW TRICES. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Snek na Prinla, Da Lalnss. Alpaeras. Merinos, uioguanie.aiusiina.f blearaea and nnblaaeh ad.) Drillings, Tickings, notion nnd wool Flanaels.Batinetu.Caselaeras, . Cottonadee, Ladies' fibawls, Nobles Hoods. Raliuorn! nnd Hon, hkirta, Ae, Also, n In. assortment af Men's Drawer, aa J Shirts, llels A Caps, Boots A Shoes. nil w which WILL BX SOLD LOW TOR CASU Hardwire, Queen&Traro, Glassware, Orooeriei and Spioas, IS SHOUT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of eeerrthint smelly kept Is s retail atom, all CHEAP FOR CASH or apprered aoanu pm- A. K. WRIGUT I iO.'3. Clearleld, Nee T , 1SS7. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WI10LF.8ALK AND RETAIL, At tha New Tobaee. and Cigar Store of .. .. IIOOI'FR, Two door, Rest f lb. PostoBre, ClearArld, Pa. ronstantly en hand a Una assortment of Nary, Congees., Cnrendieh, Cable, Ffunroll, Mlrliigiia and Century Fine-ent 1'hewlng Tahaeeo, Ae. Also, a huge and well aeleeled slock of Imported nnd Itenieetlc Cigars, Smoking Tobarees, llrrraehstim nnd Briar Pipes, 1'ipe Cttures, Tobaee. Betes, Cirsr Ilolilcit, and eTer.rthir.g generally renal in n well regalalrd Cigar and Ttibaeea Store. t- Remember Iho plaee : Two deer, Cast of the PoetonW, Creardeld, Pa. derl McGAUGiiEY'S RESTAl RM KEIRFSHMEM SALOON. In Leurv's New flulMinw rrn. w..;i a. ' Mr. More.) PncoND ST., CLFAHFIELP, PA. C10N.-T A NTT.Y oa hand a Sneseleetioo nf CAN ) I'lKS, M TS, CIllAliS, TOIIAOCU, do. Also, lliKfll (lYSTKUS reocired daily, nud served up to sail the Ustrs of customers. tejuttlLMAItn AIMIf on eeeond el ere. drciU-tf HAID McUAlUllkV. .il.w"M.l l.il.-vs Mil IS ttl. BS. 1 y The undersigned berehr give notice, that Iber wit nee the hli-Se.t rf..-t, price for a g..od I qoalltrei l.flKl SHINOLEti aad those h.. leg such for sale, mil nnd II lo their latere.! te Tie. 1 them kanll bafur. arillug ilsewhsre. I Jos. si'.iT 1 fW. Ljwewr--?mi-,ai' fiewt- awa or ae wew--.-isri: TH E S M ITU HOlist, ((lppi Si IS. '.eerI ) ( IliAKfll ID, I' A. fplIK aedersigned, hstlag leaead Ibis b'i'ise f. r I a series of eears. Is nsy In eeleilsia strsn I ,. si., I trareleis reeieraltr. and Iberefire sili'l's s..iurnirs to gie kira a raft. Hn Table writ l.e supplied with Iho beet Ike nsnrbel aturde, a4 kls ll.r w.ll r. ,i,l. in Ilieek'.lO'Sl "I n Indiana liejiK.ra. 1 lie h..u... lurnitnrr. I.e l- sod brH.ng err entirely new, wlttsb elweys eJJ ti. tbeconif'.rt of travelers; while tlie slaMmg allarke.1 is Isrre and roomy, just suitid fur tesuisli rs. t'lisrgrs mod. r.ite. I.1... .0 W ILLIAM li URAM.l:i. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Noaf tlia ltsllruad Ile.t,l P.EED fTUKET, CLCAKFIKU), PA. ti. I). tMOliVKhlAtW, PrtfTletor. KFW (rst class Hotel in eeery respset eomfnrtalile rooms ell the modern iwiproee- nieuts the best of I,lqt'OKS preaipt attend snee, and reaieinabls alierges. Tlia patronage of tbe public is respectfully solicited. Toausters will ploasr Uke nolice that n large ham has just been erected fr the sheltering of horses, loaded wagons aud carnages having a common ioui yarn adjacent to the Freight nnd Peestngrr depot. JeJO THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Booeiidaiiu Market Straota, IXKAHPIIOI I. PA. THIS aid aad commodious Hotel has. during the pail year, bean inlarged lo double lu former capacity for tha nnlerlaintnent of etran. gsrs and guests. Tha whole builJIng has been refurnished, nnd the proprietor will spare - pains to render his guests osnlortnbls while staying witb him. drlha "Mansion Hooss" Omnibus runs to and from ths beputoa the arrlral and departura of each train. DAVID J0UNS1OM. . ...a tf Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLKAKFIELD, TA. THE aubacriber nnwkng leased for n term of years this wsll-known Hotel, (kept for many years hy Mr. Laoteb.) nnd ra dtted and refur. niibed It throughout, is now prepared ta enter tain traretera nnd tha pablia generally upon Urnu it is hoped alik. agreeable to both patreos and proprietor. Ilia TABLK and BAR will be supplied witb tha best the market affords and no pains will be spared oa bis part to add to tba nnnranianoa nnd aotarurt of bis geests. JOUS D0UCHEKTT. octlt Proprietor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Ft., CLEAKFIELD, Pju - THIiS large and oommodiouf new bote, eaa bees opened for tba aocomrnodation af tha noblic, where tbe pronrietor will bw glad to moat bi aid fnoud, and reoeira a abare of public pat ronage. By Unci pareonal attcation to Uie de taite of bit baaiocte, he bo pre to be able 1o render atifffaction to hie paUona. Tha TAHLK will alwaya ba bountifully eup plied with tbe beat that can ba procon-d in tbe tnarkrt, aod the EAR wUl eootain a foil atock of LIUPOH?, BEER, do, (Jood i tabling attacbid. CAHFEB LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, Uanb , ly Proprietor. THE PERRY HOUS'E, MARIETTA, PA. JOIIX WALLER, Proprietor. H AVISO purchased this well known taeern stood aod re-6ttedaand re-furnished it, I rrspeetfully solicit a due share of patronage. Lumbermen aad Kafunrn will do wi ll by giriag ma a eel I. Feb. , lf7 3m.. SALT LICK HOUSt. lOSCril tlLLILAND.PnOPRIETOW. CffUE preeent oeeopant, like bla pfWeceeeor, ba J aparud no patne in nailing Uiie cl koonn ae to anrommdat the pub lie genrrallvpuid iho and bar will ba eupplied wuh tbe beat tbe market aff'ir'lr. A due eharc nf public patroLac solicited, halt Lick, Krb 2, 1H:o.m. ThTaMERICAN HOUSE, C urwrDsville.f Icarfleld tounly. Pa TH I vnderalirned hat lra-ed tbla old and long aUoliaaed botsl, (formerly kept ty Major Ueaa bieom.) ailaata ia a aontral portion of lb a Iowa, and baa entirely re lited and re foroUbed it, aad re modeled the rtaatiof, ea aa to make It aa aHjeet, hereafter, for tba irarellng aubho to patron iae tkia large as, aommndioao beaea. Jan. 19,70-tf. T.JLkVr. BLOOM. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., Cl'RWENSVILXE, PA. - n AVISO leaeed for s term af rear tha abava wall known and popular hott, (kpt formerly by Mr. Maaos. and lately by Mr. Erane.) tba praeent proprietor baa re fitted it with tbe object of rendering hia goeeta aomfort abla whlla ayowraing vitb him A I aa. large Stable and Vard ia attarbad, for tbe care aad pmteftioa of boreaa, earriagaa and wagona. A liberal iharn of pablie patronage le aolietted. febJI tf JOHN FOl'TS, Propr. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurveuaTille, Icarflrld roauty. Pa. TBIS aid and well eetabllebed Botel, heavtl I mil t eitaatad oa tba baaka af tba tSuaqao. baana. Is tba boroighof Carweaieille, baa boos leaeed fot a term of yrart by tha andirralgned It baa beaa entirely rtlttad, aad It now open ta tba puMe gwnarai.y aad tba travailing aomma alty ia a-artiealar. Na paiae will ba epmrd ta render gaeata eamfortabla while tarrying at tbia boaea. Ampla tabling roam for tba aorotnma datiea af team. Chargo moderate. Jan. 1, "If uT WH. M. Jr.f FRIES. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, III XTIr.lMj, PA. T17TS edd aetaMiibmant baring b a loaeai by J. M'fKRlSON. formerly propnetor ef tbe "Morneoa Hoaea." baa boea thoroughly raa teated aad refurnianod, and eupplied witb all tba mod am ttaproTementa and eesrewleaeea sa eeeeary to a firet ! lloteL Tsa dining room baa boas re moved to tha firet fieor, and ia saw apaeioaa aod airy. Tha ehambera ara well ren tilaud. and tha proprietor will aadoarur to ttaka bit e-aaata parfeetly at borne, jelfi J. MOR R IF0N. Proprietor. I. W. W 4 Lt 1C ..THO. n. ilie. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I alheraltarg;, t'lrarfleld lo, ptu 1" II IS f'.l Vnoaa and long eatabliehed Ho!el, formerly kept by IL. V. Moore, aad latterly br Vis, fiobwem, er baa bees leaeed for a term el yea re by tha andereignal. a which tha attos ties af the trarelirg puMto ia Bow railed, and a liberal aUara of public patronage ie tnlteiied. aprlf.'f.S ly-i d MUW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIM S.T, lUlLU'SUUKU, TA. TMIR nndersigned keep eanalentty an head tha blr Li.aera. Bis labia ia nlwa,a supplied with the best the market effnrda. TI a Irareling puhlht will do wall te glee him n rail. n.el.'Si. BOBEKT LLOYD. ) 'PO THK WoltklNG CI,AsS,-M, Mw 1 prepared to furai.h all clsseee with eon. ta tit euiployuirnt at home, tlie whole of Hie lime or fir the spare mwwMite. ftarineee new, liglit and pro. Stable. Perrons t.f cither res easily eel. froa iho. t. t: r eemng, ahd a pr.iportn.na! sum by do Totiit Ihrlr uh.ile lnue to tin businc. Bor.asid frl. earn nearly as much aa mm. Tbat ail who see this notice may send theiraditres. and reel the business, we nieke tkts uaparalitled offr : lomeh a are not well sat .tird, we will ernd f I to par lor the trouble of writme. 1 ul! pr.rt.ciija!.. a trilua ble earaple, wlnrh m ill do Hi eotnnirnre aerk en, and a oopy el 7e 'eo.'s iiferMry IWposiiw enrol loe iargoll hum faiu.iy a. ipirs pnh. !ihcd all .nt .'ree H mail. ItrnJrr. 1( joe wee, rKmsnent, pTofitoMswoih aUiresr B.C. A 1.1. EN A CO., Ang. s'a. .Maine. I 2 m Houses .and Lois for Sale. IOTR llni'SKK and LOTS in Clearfield, f. aale on rrss'.i.sb'e terms. Poi.e.sin g.va in thirty d.r. Alio, a plot of FoPR LOT on the eornrr of Fourth and Beed streets, else, KJCMfret. Torre of Ihcee Uta are well mrnted fr either lamhr yard, aoei yard, or lur building piirrmeee generally, bting ui'lhm i. feet of lb. railroad drpot. Price and tr-rei ree-onnbia. Al'V't CrORllK THOKN, fcUa-lf CloarkeU, P.. Furniture I Furniture I I W(H LP K-nrwtrully inform .be paMie tlial I baron hand, at mr furniture rntai is U'Al- I.ArhiO, a large PU"k of rnmitarr, eucb aa Tha-re, Brd'tea-i. Ktand. liorktar fhair, ArM w hrh 1 wilt a-1 1 rh-aper than tho-; eaa he bought ait v where rlec ia LI eat Held "ountv. tiive one a eaM. IS4C FHIMEL, WallaroVB. Jan. 11, fitt. STnVKJ. The m-lfl rat-d l onridr Hod r-k.rm"r CoAka, rUmlrfrg Ltgbt atid far lwra,aij I n - n aerortnient of Pija, at