I' I i ! " 1 f 1 . 4 i t f i r-a aBr.:T: r-e--a t) r saaajeaa r. - ' . " ' L (immiiK H.(iooiiLAMn, Kditor. ci.KAiM'ii: i.i, r. V'FDXr.riAT MOHNINU. KKD. J. 1670. DnwNWAiio. (ion. Fnmr Seigcl, I I'll i . I , , , i ev loilc last frill, Ims just lccii iiipuiutcJ AssesMir by lien. Grunt, 'J'liis will lio frratilyinii to thoso who 'fi 'lits mit Si"i l." " ' ' "i -. . i , t . Con. Jack I.O!nn m trying to move , ,, . . , , . J B , the I anno! ut unbutton, out est isomowlicrc. The Grnml Army Com maiider, is a IiuiiiImi, itnd thin, li ko nil other projeets ho takua hold of, will prove n fuiliiro. 1'oy.vi.tv and Loyalty Touftiikk. 1'riuco Arthur, llio third son and ; seventh child of (juuen Victoria, nr-1 I win familiar wilh all that region of rived in New York last week, and in t0','!'l'7.'1 . it- i . ,, i . .il r. t him mnn, wbnt has my enfoo- in iislnnc:ton bis week, as the puck! , . , ,. .... ' , . . u r.. .",,,... , ,, ,, !oled condition to do wilh tlio merits of tlio Li itili Minister. A grand ball j , ti,i8 (1e6lion T10 Senator u.uln wus to bo given in his honor ou Tliuis-1 Warreu has said that 1 am an old day evening, ut which the wealth,. ' 'leniciucd man. lio would iiippiro the beauty and aristocracy of the Nution' ! ''a ",oro respect fur himself , ., ., , . it he would answer my niifUiuentH. nl Capital were present. . N(.,tler ,)e Solmtor ri.ol wre (M, , ' , " , ! Allen,) the Senator from Mercer, who T.v AT Last. Virginia, the mother p..j llim or tho Senator iron, of States und SUiteHincn, was let into ' Venango (Mr. lloag) cvor atlcnipted the Union again hist week according 'to gain their cause by argument, but to toil phraseology. luring tlio war f'y.'-bicanciy, villainy and linr) legis- ii i- i , , I, i i , .1 . lativo practice. 1 here is more brains. the liadua blood IioiiikU denied thati ' ,,, . r , some peoplo might think, in the boots U OUIlU WIUIU U'J UUl Ul IUU UIHUII. JS'ow the sumo men admit that they enn'; thus proving themselves liars, cither then or now. I!adicul politi ticiana (Statesmen there arc none) are as prolific of wrong and falsehood as a j do;; is ol fleas. I i A Loir. IViktmastir. Postmaster i General Crcmvell. has ni.pointcd a 'r tho storms of slalo, could hardly i , .if , . f ii . have received baptism at a Christian celebrated irguna loi is , I'. M., at I , , i ' . .. v-"""u"1 ... , ... ' ' I Iront, birth Irom a Christiau mother, CUur.oUcsvi.lo, named fhomas Gor- or tastcd of tho sweets of a virtuous don. The Cbarlottcsvillo Chronicle, j conipanionshiji ut uny period of bis Jirolty plainly indicates tiio character I "''"blo existence. fhe Senator of the scalliwng w ho has received Ibis j !?"' J1 lMr- A,,cn) ? ' , . . . ., , , , I this Senate last year passed this bill mark of respect at tho bands of too for mo lct..lU!)l) i as feeble and government autboritits. Tlio editor ' believed to be upon tho vcrgo of the of tho journal in (jiustion says: : grave, und now forsooth ho would "Wo cannot imagine a greater out- j lm.e l,,cln defl'at il I'ccauso 1 yet live, niL'O on any community than thoiu"J voluJ n,':"sl Mr. JIackoy, the appointment toa position, which will I r".'" ''""o"11'10 for State Treusurer. I bring him into necessary contact with j ""llt n'I't'1 lhe "Hack und would be everybody, of a man whoso nioial .)Ut,l'''ecl in so U..niK, but I desirt. Il character is so utterlv degraded ns ! ' n,lt lvrar oest to answer men as that of this mi-erablo old WTe'.ch, who ll,cJ' deserve, for years kept a negro woman as n . " mistress w hile liis wito was nlivo and I'-zutlly So. in his bouse, and wtio has just out-1 have urged, siys the talliiiiore raged all decency by making this i (nKille, a full, patient and prompt woman his wife." acquiescence in the legitimate results m. j of" tho war in the abolition of slavery Oxr. BaoTiii.n Sicrrssi t i.. Th e 1 '(" adjuncts and surroundings. Legisbiturcol Mississippi has covered j Lav" the emigration ., ,. -,i , , I"r honest und decent men lrom liie itself all over with glory, in tho est.-1 No.U, to tho South, and have insists.) ination of tho "loil millions." In : always that the hitler should und addition to electing Gen. Ames and : would, if permitted, hcerfully coop. Gen. Alcorn, Senators, it has ulso ! orate in tho work of reconstructing elected Her. 11. II. Ilevels, a colored Methodist divine for the short term, expiring .March, 1871. Kev. Ilevels, was born and educated in Ohio. Ilis.li'tion of tho despicable means by father is white and bis mother black. '' ''"T '"IV ""'"reel llio nsccn- ,n . i , .,. , demy of a Radical minority in tho llio render mny cstimato bis to or, 1 c ,i c, , . . , v ' . Southern Slates; if resentment at the and where Ins excessive smartness ' ,i..,ily and hourly violation of the comes from. The northern Metliodi-t fundamental luw of this land, and the sent him to Natchez to convert his 1 1 overthrow of tho very corner stone of brcll.ern, but ho soon tjok to the'!''1'1 ei!io" " t"'llint',"i ' .,, i I , i ,,. "iitred of arbitrary rulo and military Uump and helped Gen Ames and bis ,OR1,oUhm . if loathing of a faclion bayonets to curry lhe election, liencc which seeks to perpetuate its power his reward. Senator Sumner who j by making negroes and unprincipled lias so long preached the equality of ' u'lvcutuicis tho lawmakers and gov thc races will no doubt invito brother I Jr".or" r 1,10 Southern peoplo; jfthese p , . .ii -, '"''iu'lT' como under llio category of Revels to a scat by Ins side so that nc j vvrimik.oi ,, n,.i ...osl t ix, -hen do can inbule the rich firomatio scent j we entertain these last most cordially ? oozing out of tho bido of this Wo shall encourage them now and liennnphrodito und drgencrato crea-, beronl'ter to the best of our ability ; lure, who bear, the ctmo of tllc shall endavor to strengthen their ,. , . ... . ,. . , , .growth in tho hearts ol lhe Southern Creator as isib.o in b,a forehead as un(1 ,n0,t ,.or(lillly irny a"1- i that in the i'cner:if irma t-,.! t., i.i.m".. ri:nrr.cTLT CoiiRrtT. A nigger Vnitcd Slates Scnntor has been np- pointed by the Legislature of Missis sippi, for the short term, expiring in 171. This nigger is a "l!i verend." All niggers who learn to read and write, and some, in fact, w ho do rot, ' cut tho wbito-wasbing ami barbering Tirtiti-cc n m mill luL-n In t.i.m..l . i . I .Aa . m i- s ,- , 'fact not genera ly known that the and Senator Level isono of thiscuss. ,, . , ., r' , . "' , ... , ,, ., . value and title of a d.'cd tuny depend I e congratulate Messrs. Level and j entirely mum tho jiroof that it has! Sumner, llint they ran now become j bei n regularly recorded: fir in case practical allies in the great work of j a person should sell the same house, j Jlongrcli.ing the country. We hope ' '", ,or ''jrm' ,0 lJ,ilT'-,cnt parties giving j .T,. i . i - i . Tli-, , , each a deed for the same, tho deed first Senator Level wi.l stiek hko wax to , r,,.01,..d willli Kix ,;,,. ,ft,.r lhe side of 'Cbawles," and suggest ,cig Rivon aecording to law, would! that be procure nn adjoining di sk, if ( bo the only one that would givo the1 possible Wo opine the Honorable I tillc ,0 projierty, and the oi iginnl Cbawles- will bo induced to snub ! Kri";'rc. "' l'v'i.; recorded l.is deed, .1.1.C- w ii i"i . , I would be ejected. So iiNo of a Mort-, tl.e M.cr. V. II. I. ; but never nun d. I u ;,,,,, lic j,,,,,,,,,.. ! darkey; stick to bun; b tni yoiialcly after il is given, us il does not j cro bis equal, and, as far as he and bM-o:no a lien upon properly until it : you are concerned, sonic people agree 'H,'" regularly recorded Title! will, him. Mnko him prove bis belief 'rv'U h' Lui!'," vi!l Heveiil , r a - . . j III i gallon. (bicrfr-Mrspent m Kecord in b,s profession, ly Ins p.nel,cal ap- ' h),, oftpn jin.v,'ls n ,unj..(.d I plication of the. law of Social equality, dollar law mil. 1 Wo hope and trust both branches o! j . - Congress will be sluTcd so bill f ni -! ''Loyai. Gkoikiia". General Grant, I geis Unit tho h-gislutiie halls unell like dog kennels. Ihn J.i will 1 Iiotsrs Waxtiii--TIio I'hibidel- liia ,1.7-- says : The Mayortif Wash ingion has interviewed lien. Grant 011 '. the subject of a more liberal expend!- i .-, ,1,- . . . di.uro ol pb!,8 money .., that cty.- , Ly the di-pa'.c'.i in another column, it appears that the 1'rcsiilcnt said, be! 1 had no doubt tho lime would come A novel sight at tho House of Rep- bcn the Cabinet ministers would ; recitatives, tho other day, was the 1 , 1 .,, , . - , , 'presence of eager members ol tlm U o- iinslicd wilh lnmcs (rre of rent by 1 , ,. ,,. n,. . .11, 1 man iStilirngo Loiivention 111 the lob the government. Considering Ins ' ,,yi 1.(,.livi,l.jg to i,.(( 0 Congress, nice sense of )iorie!y in such mat- j men to Invorlhc passage of 11 Sixteenth' tcrs, it enn hardly bo supposed the 1 A mer.duienl to llio Constitution, giv I'resi.lent would at present snm lion '"S women the right to vote. i.i.e of liis ('alitin t ncccpi'ieg n house' ... ,. , ,T",. , ,. ., . , ' f.imon M. Landis, M. I , of rinhi ''" ' Idelphiu, who reprenonled himself as a ... " ."7 " 1 ministi r, has just been convicted of 1 1 - I'l'ii iise to 11 rcuo the nunibcr 1 . , , . , I" . . , ,, idisseminalinij impuro hleiatiire, and cf I . . Lejnesci.t.itnes 111 lhe House :scntunecd to a ilno of J,V.'J and one l"m the pre-.on'. figure, 2j7, tu 3')0. year's imprison uitnl. f .S. f, lift f fllllt'OH. j Tint N'liuli r lion lliii', Mr. I.mwv, Oil Hit) t!l ll'tilllll, ill .ilfH'llll in tlm S l n l o Si'iinlii i n lliti iuhv tiiiiiil)- tojtct snil;t 'tliiish" of (ion. Hani , hhii Allen, win), lv die way lnl' i (iriint viol.ili' llio ft nil l.iw last KiimnuT ' in i.ik county. ."I r. l.iwi'y snul : Tlio S.'iniliir fivini W'nncMi (Mr.' i Aliiii) linn ilt liln niti.lv 1I. ,is St ii-i j ulo tlinl 1 never hii vv lliis new comity, j or il I ever miw any purl of llio miiio j I kiw it liimi lliu witiilnw of n nul I rond dir. 1 i.m now fllly-six yours ul'! : sfi. Tliu l.oiil Cur liis own wiM iur-1 ; )osra lius smitten mo. 1 liavo limlit I ! nu'iiinst such moil iik ho ih all my I no. II liuvo i'milil villuiny iinii iiisiulily. i I liavo l'oiii;lit for llio Weak mid tlio n..t I .. ii t: i i '""ii.i--u nil illy nil', out Ml IMHIMIIII- ' ",a, " L"'1' "i-ou I.iI.-oIioihI ii tins I j noVor w.m cnlled lo uioet lu turn. Ono moment lio would lisivo you bclrovo I ' owned tlio wliolo country, and tlio j next that I never miw it. " When the Sonutor from Warren wan a pure uml ' uiieoriuiiloil luilio in his iiiotlici's , , ' , ,, , - ., mms, I then Ijiitlietl in ll waters, and ! Kallerei M ., ilH RM.u. e.and birch leaves mid mountain berries from its hanks. When llio Senator from Warren wnsnpuro and nneornipted child in the iirniH of bin molher, and when nho had great hopes that bo would grow up it pure ami a useful man, and uVervo and not violate every counnandment in the dcculouu ol I HI II I ,,(.... ,...1 ,, .l..m I Senator than Iheio is in the head of the Senator from Warren. 1 wrong, I fear, tho character of Christian mothers, by supposing, us 1 have, ! that llio Senntrir litiil ,0 in a public ussembly mocks tiod for bis judgments, and makes a scorn- fnl mouth ut man for his being broken do" n, whether bv the tooth of time inn i lium nun mainiuiliing llio Lou jsti'.ution. l!ut if contemj t for the unprincipled men. who direct the course of llio Radical faction ; if deles- iiitu m t il l :ni(i i'i i nr win.- . llio animate us lodar msv lii.. rt-nn- U. .... . . . . ."W Southern breast with ten lold the in tensity with w hich we cherish them. The love of honesty, the love of riirhl the love of law and the loveof country, tlicso are what tho Radical faction aiT.-cts to class with prejudices and animosities, Not Gr.xruAi.t.Y Known -Il is Geiieral Terry, (iovcrnor I'ulloek nod Congress have siieceded in pulling the Legislature of Georgia into the bunds of the lladieals, und ibis nnu li of the con-i irai y is consummated The mccoiiiI net will begin when United Slates Senators 1110 to be chnscn. .l!"!1,,lk Mndidatc, and ho will insist upon liOiiig elected. Should ,,,, ? ,avc more work to do. - - ,-"i"1"''' i.aei-.-. , M,, tmgQh1tf'tiy$&WQQKVtmJMryJv1&& ' "" 111 - - i o.e w i , i . I, pinaa in ma i am aaa fTai iiiaaauBBuaaasm bbm. a ataa-Bl -wummmmmaasaaaasUMaaBaaja i:r t'tnplr fit 9 (vr That. The repnit i f the Sfcietai-y i f the t'liile l St it c Si'ini.e f..r the J ear end lug I lee. (lib, I'-'i!!, shim s up nono in tt resting IiiiIh il ins in tlie euiiiiMgi iit expenses. Tlie New Vnik ,v'in, ii l'. r ling to this r port, snys: This due uuu til tells jii-t w hat newspapers ecli ."'.nalor pielers to read at lint public expensn, und shows a laudable pains- laiiing on tlio pint ol them all to lie kept fully iiilorined ol events and opinions in tho Stales which they respectfully represent. Il is hard to understand, however, that Senator I'.' 1 111 11 lids should find it needful to llio ilischargt! ol his duty to liavo Our 1 iiuhii r o( i,s jor one year, at a cost ol Senator S:;r,!.,!;::r (unmi'i i Monthly, at ?:l ; Senator II arlan, the La Jilt' JiepoHitiiry, XrWiV'j Mtvjiizine, uud .lesln'i J'uiuiinl, at 81 each; and Senator Colo, Oliver Optic's Ity' and Oirls' MiUjtKine nt f t. Wo linil again ?5 charged at 0110 time, and -:i at another, for siiiiIT for tho nso ef Senators. Three packages of scissors, in extra super Velvet eases, tiro put down at flfi, and no end of two.lhtee, and Ibur bhuled pen knives, atall sorts of pi ices. On llio I'.lth of rebrtia'-y tlo was paid for hack biro, conveying a committee to it, form Gcu. Cintnt ol his election, wbilo tho nc.it day only Sj wns paid for Conveying another committeoto Cen. Grant's residence, rocket books and card cases liguro frcqnenUy in tho list or articles pur ehiiHod, some of them costing i .00 each. Four dozen ladies' boxes me set down at 8:2-1, but what uso they wero intended for is not told; nor is tho nn 1110 set down of tho happy re cipient, of ono extra morocco nolo case, w ith loci;, ai S-'l . On tho l'.llli of May, lSo'll, it appears that some body had n polished rosewood desk, il'M, which w as boxed up ut a lurlher cost of The amount of stationery of all sorts is incredible. Without having gone iiitu a thorough compu tation, ono would say that tho honor able Senators must have Bovcral hun dreds of glass inkstands, nioro than a thousand dozen of pen knives, and enough lead pencils to keep an ordi nary family in kindling wood an en tiro winter. The cnliro account cov ers eighty pages of fiuo print." Tr II .f . If thero was anything needed to substantiate tho newspaper charges of corruption against the radical speaker of tho House of Representa. lives, at llarrisburg, and his syinpa thy with and support of rings and roosters, of that body, a simple gluiico at tho names of tho men bo bus up pointed chuirman of li in principal coin mitlecs, would be sutliuicnt. I'ivo more outspoken, acknowledged, con finned "roosters," never crowed over a "divy,"' than Davis, Adair, Hung, Hunn, und Cloud. Davis, chnirmun of Ways and Means, Adair, chairman of Railroads, Hong, chuirman of corpo rations, llmin, chairman of Iron and Coal, and Cloud chairman of Passen ger Ruilways, tell tho whole story I We pity the parlies w hoso legislation will liavo to pass through these com. mittccs. If they aro not ' bled," ii will bo because there is no blood in them. If thoy don't think that get ting legislation is an expensive ncces silv, it will bo a wonder to us. Let any ono take up tho Legisla-I live record cf ISti'.l, and look at the names recorded in favor of the Wes tern Oil I'ipo monopoly, tho "Roiler Hill," tho bill blotting out tho i'.'th Judicial district, tho Tax bill, the Philadelphia Polieo bill, and every other outrageous, and infamous meas ure that was before that Legislature, and you will find tlio names of these men, who aro now made chairmen of the most important committees in the House. What other conclusion, then, can nnj' sensible man como to. than that, Speaker Strang is ono of the "ring" and one of tho "roosters," of that body. 'liy their fruits vo fIiuII know llicm." U.llrf-tntr IVuh-Uman. The editor of tho Watchman knows where of bo spcuks, as ho spent two years w ith those gentlemen. Coi.iax Ri.si LT8. -Tlio Indinnap olis Mirror of the "L'd, ult , amies that "lhe McKurlund-Richardson scan dal has been slightly ro-atiimntcd in this community by the a ppna ranee here of an attorney for Mcl'iirland. whose mission is to ascertain if tho Morgan county divorco may not bo set aside for informality, general impmprictv, or something of that sort. Tho legal gentleman avers that Md'ai land, dur ing tho cnliro period of his wife's res idctico in this city, watched closely for some intimation of her intention to apply for a divorce; but ns thosngse i.tus attorneys in her behalf brought the suit in another county, her bus band whs completely battled, and knew nothing of tho proceedings agninst him until the divorco had been decreed knew nothing of it until a very shnit timo before tho shooting of Richardson, which is alleged to have been tlono wlnlo .MePnrland was la boring under temporary insanity, ill perindiieed by bis great liinip'point inctit. Tho gent Ionian has not return ed to New York, but has already learned that under the laws of our Stale the divorce cannot be set aside." A loyal Washington nigger was ar rested for stealing an unusual occur rence, by llio way w hen tho magis trate said : 'T thought, S.1111, you bo longed to the loyal party; that's on ils good behavior, yon know?" "Dai's jusj, so, mnssii ; we's two classes de high and tie low. Do high takes what's guv to 'cm liko Massu Grant; do low takes w hat's not guv tu 'cm, liko -Mass.i Rutlur. IVo a low, mnssa data all." Scitvi.li Tn km I.'iiiil.. Tho Harris h'irg Radicals telegraphed to Philr. delp'iia, to send them up a lot of iitirijcr to help inaugurate Geary. Philadelphia sent up a hundred nig gers. 'I ho llarrisburg Radicals put' llio colored cusses in procession,1 when upon five hundred w hite men I stepped nut of the procession. Tim Kb an k ino Puivit.Fiii: The j suit. Committee of the Houso Post office Commilteo have recommended tlm adoption of the fullowing bill. "That the franking privilege bo and tho snme is hereby abolished. That this net shall take cfTeet 011 and after the 1st day of July, WO " The State Temperance Convention will meet at Hiinisburg on Tuesday, I'ebruary (Mh. 1'rlcgtilca are invited lrom all sections, and excursion tick ets have been si cured upon all tho railroads. Abraham Overholu, of Westmore land county, died on the morning of t lie 1 Tilli, ul apoplexy. Ho wns the Overboil of lhe "Ovci holla w hisky" notoriety, and was a man of immense wealth. f rtnmriiiv of I'Matny, Tlm Huntingdon ( I'll ) Mntutr, of the 1'Mli nil Him, s;l s : On the l.'nli i4' tboprotent month "a sti'uii,-e woman b it n fine, richly, dressed t'cnoilo babe, abnat twenty daj s old, at the door of Dr. K. Greene, nl Ibis place. The child was wrapped in a new blanket shawl, and in the basket was found a letter giving the tiaiiio of tlie child und instructions how il should bo raised. Of course the pa rentage of the child is unknown." Tho Columbia llcrall, commenting on llio above say a : 'I 'loin 11 11 ovonl which recently transpired in our town, wo think wo can throw some light up on tho origin of that baby. Somo 1 i mo in November last, a well dressed individual bearing tho external sun. bianco ol a. gentleman, camo tu Co in 111 In a 111 company with a young wo man from II arris hii rg. Ho liiHiio in qurioB for a boarding houio and was directed to tho residence of a highly respcctahlo gontl'miun named (,' "., at tho corner of second and Locust strcols. T'.iere bo succeeded tho lady with bltii, whom ho introduced as bis wii'o Sirs. Wilson. Sho was a amnll, delicate, and quite intellectual looking person, about sixteen or seventeen years of ago. In tho course of a few weeks, (in December) tho lady became a mother, a tiurso was provided, and things gen, orally went swimmingly. Mr. Wilson was in eestneies of delight, and cooed forth his felicity over tho lry menial nest, liko n turllo dovo of tho most unliable kirid.nnd declared, "pon honor," that bo bud never seen so tine a baby no, never ! Of course ho played tho happy father to perfection, and led everybody to believe ho was tho very pink, not to say carnation, of good hubbies ! Subsequently, Mr. Wilson's visits began to grow infrequent, und Sirs. Wilson to show unxioly and care. From this, and other circumstances, Mrs. C , tho landlady, was led to suspect that something wus wrong, and making inquiries, learned to her great astonishment and indignation, that Sir. Wilson was indeed not -Mr. Wilson, and Sirs. Wilson, quite a dif. fercnt individual. In short Mr. Wil son proved lobeucertain Captain , employed in tho Ktuto Department ul llarrisburg, and his victim, a child in years, a Sliss G , of the same city. Of com so tho proprietress of the house mado out a clearance for tho party, and Sir. W. absconding, the lady was forced to leavo with her baby. This she did on tho 21th inst., leaving Co lumbia for Hurrisburg. At Sliddlo town she wiib met hy Sir. U'iV.a,wbo convoyed her to llarrisburg from that point." It is a noticable fact, Hint previously to leaving Columbia, sho bought a new willow basket, which, when sho left, she carried wilh her, entirely empty. This Captain , is as we liavo said, an employee of the State Department at lliirrisburg, having a wife, and we believo a family, living in Dauphin county. II the authorities at lluiris btirg shall alter this rrpote, tolerate this double dyed scoundrel in office, it is about timo to liavo an earthquake, or a shower of fire and brimstone to set things right. It is stated that this is tho second timo that Columbia has been used us a biding pluce for the shame and disgrace of women, led nstruy by tho baso libertine above re ferred to'." Jenkins announces with a grand flourish that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln has purchased a botiso in Switzerland, and now dwells in pcieeau l tranquil ity "by the magin of fair Zurich's wa-tei-s." W o aro ilud of it. Wo rejoice that sho lias at length found rest. .Sho hud a hard time of il, generally, in this ungrateful lbublie. Failing to sell her old clothes, after her hus band's demise, sho innocently propos ed to exhibit thciu in the various cities and towns of the Union, admission Gfly cents, children half price; the public opinion indinaiity frowned down the motley show, and tho disap pointed show woman at oice left the country in disgust, seeking! homo in other and fairer climes. LUviiif? thus shaken tho dust of an unjjra i'ful coun try from her feel, let h.-r, wo pray, puss quietly out of siht, presuming Ibul tlio places which once knew her, hereabouts, will know her no more forever. Dastahm v Inckmuarisu. The barn of Mr. Samuel liinon, .-aled on his farm in lturrell township, this county, threo fourths of a iniiu from lilairsville, was on Thursilny night Inst, totally consumed by fire. Along with it wero also burned up all ils contents, embracing four borsm, two yearling cattle, mow ing machine, cur linge, about fivo t ons of hay, ijetir, funning implements Ac. Tho oss to Mr. lhxon (who hud no insurance) is about 1.1,000. The tiro was the undoubted dork of some black-hearted incendiary. --mi-n.'nj lhniocrat. Ei Ti.kn DoTTi.tn 1 ho stop)ior has boon taken out of tho bottle, und General llutler is now the champion of (icncral Grant and bis aJmiiiistra. lion. 'J'bis is s queer turn of the wheel of fortune. Hut still mors strungo event! may oecur boforo l!nd iculism is banished from power and aiithoriiy in tho bind. Still Duller sugaring (Irani is connrnl. John II ays says llint ono reason he hns not published bis expericnto as Lincoln's private Secretary is tint tho account would be indignantly d-nied by living men if he told bll be knows uboul them. I Tho election of (Jen. Irwin asStslo Trinsiitcr over .Mr. Matkcy hits hroiij;ht griff to the bosom ot many trooly 1'iil jat'oDins. Kon.t'y piirvvs anj inouins, nnj there aro no.r to conifoi t him. I'ihl t'.iottsainl tlnllnrs tins lately puiil lor tho field of ChiHKelloiseillp 'i'ho fallen heroes ol Unit shitT,tpr patch aro nil forgotten, ami tho ijvinj; neins Biruiii sjieculnto on tlir rich soil. lion. Lot Morrill, wus last eek cleeted to lha V. S. Senalo fmin Maine, and lion. ti. (i. Wiiuhi and James 1!. Jlowcll, Ksq , from loiia. All li.ulieals of course. lion. William., (.in, lormerly ineinlier of t'oii-ioss lioni Virginia, and Whit; emiiliilHtc for (iovernnr in lK.V.l, diej at Kicliniond, Virginia, on Tut'sday. Quay, of th Jieaver HnJical, nne of tho leaders of tho Ilingsays. a tmiipi r.ley r-xists to destroy lhe l:enihit-an parly in the State. Important news, if true. The Krench citir.ensol St. Louis de nounce 1'ritice lioDiipHrtc for killinR Noir. JUu' r.tn'iifr,unl,i. (1 llil HIM.- Tin. puMii. I, h-rslr siiiiiu.s. ' Kit.t .itr.-lii,M,i nr in M.jr i,v li'Ulilltnjr hiiIi I'lil.in o K llol'SK Tol I'.liliJV. i..ir,lifi.i-il I-, ,,n : SIcmII'i S'dr, mil IHl at T, li'i'i. sb tlir .ion teluniga n, rrn-. i ii.r, r.ii. 2 .;i 11. 11. Hints' 11, (IM'TIUM, Tlioriiil.lki in lu-rrl.T i-n.Hii.r.c.1 H"t In Inn l.i.r nr lin-l my ttili-, Colt N KM A CI'llllV, of llis-i'iutii tint,l,i), win, hm l,tln,T l.i .l rim l.imnl nitlnint -ai- nr )niianlifiQ, I ' will iwl i Mir il. lili lit hi-r r-ititne'lltiK nftrr 111" !" JOHN A. I I UIIV. Ulisi II-.;', Fiti. J, lli;t) 3i. Ci AI'TIOV All iiri-Honiiirp ticrvti.rcnuliunt'tl miuM Imvlrij or ini-ilililng with llio Ml,,, j it,;! iromil priijii rlv. una In tho fuMrl.ion of Kmil ll"liihin. of Covington C.wuilili, Tim Ono I any hor-r sml una grv mars, with I, ,,., OI1e j Ini! ;! mnl tlxlu'rr, Ino Ing .'li.iiin.oiio twn.lior.r si;on, 0110 liarruw, ouo plow, lln.anic tilling, to me, AI.HtKl) V1AUU. j K-:i -'jTlllf, Fib. I, 1ST0 Slnl. ' IH(I LTION IH IVlltTl:iMlTl. I 1 The i.irlnrriliii hon-lofont I'liiltiiK l.clnoin . tho nnilnriejnL.J. in llio mvrruntilo liurtiiiviF, at L lull, .111, n uuriu tnwniihiri, wai (Jinvolvril liy nin'li.il c.n.i-nl on llio tlio Jilh Uav ol Sqili-uiWr. ISO. J, I'. Ilillmi will ronlliiiio llio liu.iuraa at llio ni l ilatid, nntl ii aullmrixril to vltls, ,y anil uolkct all Lite ncoounti of tin, Into lino. J. K. Dl 1.1,0V. F.li. !, If '70-4lf..1. W. J. Jl. t'OV. DIHWII.IITION 111' PAltTM HSIIlr. tlio ,nrtniriiii, liiTotnluro rxiihn Iwtworn tlio nnilrri.nril m ili.mUcd tho 2llh day of January, IS7II, liy muliml txinarnt. Tha booka, aroounta, alook, Ac, of llm aatil Sna aro taken by A. I. Shaw, to whom all persona bitvinjr olaima uiu.l apply for ai,ttlinint, atnl wll porsoua auuar in tlnuiaelvea iuitohul will niakp pavtnont T. J. IIO V Kit. 2: A.I. K1IAW. Tho drni; buiinoaa will horfafter b conducted bv tho nnilorfitisd. who will at all timsi keep tlio atnek full aud oomploto, and make it an ol.Jit fur p-r, 1,1,1 in want of gooda in liia lino to r'vr bin A.I.SHAW. T. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, IXBAHKIELD, l'A. jT-ir-Phnp on Itaed alrrol, nrar 1'tnnaylronia Railroad lojt. 2:2.70 JAMES H. PARKER, P011K PACKER, And Wbolo.alo DraliT in Uaoon, Mi-sa l'ork, una, Dagar lurtu llaaia and liett, Xo. .".00 Liberty Strert, 12 PITTSIH Hl;, PKNVA. 5m THE PERRY HOUSE, MARIETTA, PA. JOllX WALLER, Proprietor. HAVINlJ pnrchaard thil writ known tavom aland and r liliod and ro furni.h.d il. I ri-rprrtlully aulirit a dna ahart, of palronaffii. LnmlHtnaps and Itafluioa will Ho wrll by iting mo a can. l'ob. J, ls;0-Jm SALT LICK HOUSE. JOXI I'll I.II.LILAM), PKOPItlRTOR. rpiIK prr.-nt oooupaot. l.Lr bis prodoraaor, baa 1 tpar-i cu pain, in n-fittini thia wrll known b.iuao, ailuatod on tho riror bank at halt Li. k, ao aa to artiiminoiuita tho public rnrrmlly and tho rafluira and lumlwrnioa in particular. Ilia Uble and bar will he ai.,,!i,d wiiii tbo boat Ih. oiarkot afliiria. A dueabaro of public patronage a'jlicitfd fcalt Liok, t th 1, 1170 Jm. A VALUABLE F1BU FOR SALE. t'ONTAIKIMi HO ACRES. rpHE andrrtiinrd. harinr di-lormlnsd to dia I ioMof hi. propsrty, oSra rir aalo oat of tbr uiual drairablo lamia la hawronow lownahii, fila a'od illun two mill . of lha borough of ( IcarBold. Tha traot ranlaiaa 120 asroe, 7a of which air clear! and undor a (rood atala faaltiralioa.and haim Ihreua.dwillio, booaa, bank Urn. Mow. apr.n, houv. asd ail lbrr nooraaary ontbuildinica : tojrrthrr wilh a n orchard of riccllrnt applr. and (N-achi-a. Il will bo bold for aalo until lb. Sr.t of April u.jt, b. if not a.,ld it will ba ronu-d. -T.raia oaT. For furlhor partirnlara ad drra. tho auharribrr, or eall prrMMiall at U. prrwiiro,, near Ckarfl,-ld. 1 JOIIX PIIAW. 8r. R I . PORT of Ih. rondilioa of tko COt NTV NATIONAL HANK of Clfarlold. at tlir eloaa of buiio.aa on th. lid or January, 1S70: RkMuaoa. Iani and diacounta... Jtl4.71i 17 Orordrafla wt l.ti'O 11 lr. 8. binda to trcar oiroulalinn ?J,.0OQ SO Ilno froia rfdocmtrf A rrwru affrnla 4. SIS S.1 I'uo lrom olhor National llanka. J.SJI JJ Iioo fn.in othrr lUnl.p and llaiikcrt.. 4.006 01 Fumilnra and Baturra I..1SS IS Cnrrrnt rspanM-a aa f"" P"' 410 77 t hixka and olli.r ca.h itrma, lnrlu lln I"!" 70S Ttilla ol ol In r : National Il.nka... J.K so Kiwiinnal rnrn.n-y,inoludngnickolo, 12S IT l.ogn.1 trcdrr BoU-a 13.000 1,0 Tolal- 22l.ll St LUaiUTlll. Capital nock paid in. Surplai fund ...ilf'O.ano so ... 1,0) 4 CO 14 04 ... 1,007 l Kxihanrc. liitrreat Profit and loa. National Bank note autitaadiog , Indniilnal d, iita I'uo to National Itanka. . Due to tank, and llaukere.- S3 14 61.611 00 63,014 S : to in m Total... SJTI.lnl A4 .Vfnl. rawa,alnwi'w, rWM fVao'r. SS .- I. W. M Shaw, t a.hierol (be County National Bank of I leaifii-l.l. do anlemnlr awear that the above .tftti-ni, nt ia true to tt,e Iw.t of niy knoa). edpo and belli f. W. Id. SHAW, I'anl.ier. ul,.cTiUI and aworn to th. Joih day of .l.n uair, A. II. ls:0. J. W. Mlt liKIlt, J. P. Correct A Itrrt: VII1.IAM PORTEH, UEoHtiK U BKI.D, A. K. V MullT. Fcbronry 1, 17. Directora. I70. FEimrAKY. 1S70. HKC0NSTKUCTI0X! Will light it Out on This Line! WAIIKLT STREET, 1 1 1; AB111.1 n, tkxx a. DrerB QoodB, Fancy Goods, KotiouB and Trimmings, I.AMKS- AND CCXT-.S FURNISHING GOODS, Ladies', Misses' and CMdrctVa Shoes, at rort LAn rnrrp. jTfr"Thr rntiiT pitw, on will Ik? uAA tt mltr-'in t rtwnt t1up, nJ I will rrlvninh llio nloik trtvr.T nixtjr dn) nitk clit.l.' tttlrnof the hvf jkiI ii th rkr Kear the ritifru'?. Farisi Tor Kale! rpilK ivlrrifrrl it(I r ut miVATB PALE X. tht f'-Mi-wiiij rfr-irriW'i It-nt Fftntrt A erlmn Fiinn, pKuatt t Mm,fnfrr fown Inp, InttiBii. fount t, IV, ftv tilil Irttm Ihr isihu' Imnua lim-r, ( NTAIMX;oMCIHM)HI O A( Wtll liinltrrr. villi hitnln-k an! fints. Th Im rtM'Hnfiitii frr t jtt& rlwrlHhjj Itoiiw und t. A ronn( orrhnrj mi nrT Uilinn tii'r f trr o Ih pfrntM. lb lud i ttmirrUid ilh Pnr, IAMI A. lit II A NAN, )i.im Ctj.ti r. 07 CU&,cii couo't, Tt. 'itiii im a i,i KMMTini;s H I1.I.IAM K.WItltll.KV, I ' . Tn-a.nror n( tlir siiiiiityif I'li-nrllol'l. la Ihr- I omii'iinWrallh ol l'i-linyli ania. In afw.iiiilit wilh tha famla ol aanl cniitiiy Iruin lio- Hih dny of Janoarv, A. L) I -rtl, la Hit 3J a-v of January, A. 1). 1711--liravnit. To balanoc ilno o'mniy la.l i-iiIowii dCi f l,3"5 81 To bulanoo ditt from oullitora for I SA 3 nrnl pirvi'iii, rara 1,3 B To l-al.ini.. due limn colli-i-tora uu Statu fur I MIS and prorinui yoarl 1 10 72 To amount am-asc-l on mm-nti d landi fnr IStiS e,n H To ntnniiut am-iaed on unasatvil luinU for ISIIU...; (,1127 SI Tu additional aa-a, dou unaratid liiinii in Ui-rruria and Kiiox 11 C, To aaiKimt fnim oulloLtora' riturui for lSf,7 and 1 sitlH 11 C To amount aimrrar d on t-olloulora' dupll- cal.a lor 1SV 19,174 10 Tu aiuouut SPKiaed uu Hrsiitrr'a ro- turn nl") SJ To aniouiit avieaaod on Stats aiH-ounl... 1,2o7 06 To mlrtiiptifin on llanm traot In llrad for ISMI and I KiiT. (int. rrtuni) 39 Ou To rritcmplliin on Mi'Cunnii'k traot iu Kiioi for I "lit to IShS, leol.rrturnl.. Ut 23 To rnah for old iron- b S7 To C'oinnionwcallh eoila r.fuudi-d S 51 To reiir-iiiption on No. 4.'!lu in Fol tp... SI 70 To amount rvoc-irsd aa Jury fooa S4 00 To amount roeuiTt-d aabnva A forfi-iluroa SOU 0J To ainuunt tratiRfil from uiililia fund, 217 7i To amount rooilrcd fruui A. M. Hilli fur find t 00 Tu rrdriuption on laud by tihuff, (aalo book 1 1 90 To rilsniptinn on land hy J. G. Bbubert in Morria, (aalo book). II SO To aalo ol rountv mapa..... a Mi To rodomption f,y Albrrt, n0 aon-a in Diatar, (aalo book) 30 10 To Fox lownabip school balanew dua laat arttlsment 41 0? To amount from Couuiiaaiousra' booka 1,700 00 Total.. ..I.V5IK 47 raxniroit. By amount duo from eolloelora for 1869 and prartoua yrara oouuty 12, Hy amount da. from rollrctora for ISI.V and proviom yrara Stair I',y aiuouut da., fruin vnacatrd lauda for ISSs and ISti'J 11 liy rmnorationa to oolh-clura on oouuiy fur 1S09 and previoua yoara Ily cxon.rat ion. to eollootora ou titato for IHiiw and prvrioua yoara Ity collrotora' prr n ntaife on county... Ily do do Stat. 071 17 71 81 j 111 4.1 TOO 74 11 IS ts 1 tb 1.5i7 09 liy lata Trra.urrr'l rooclpta for rUato tal Dy aiuouut panl Co. rluporintrndont, aa per Act of Oik April, ISS7, for inrl-4i-atal .xiieHM-aof Taoborf' luatitute f-r s(H, aa por billa flh-d liy Tr-a.ur,r'i p.r en tar;, on reeriiiug t Ji.41'3 IS, at It por nnt Uy TrraaarYa pt-r owbtajro on payiug out fl'l'.WOO SO, at li par cut Hy atr-r-cbarro ia C'brt and lluatoa... Hy amount due from eollrctora' rwtarna Hy aaaramra' waera liy Couumaiuarra' Ofnoo, ria : Ilrnry Won., 108 daya ..Ji:(l 00 Olh.llo riniad 4il M t. II. Shaner 441 40 H. II. Ilindiaan ai 00 Br Court Houm cxpruara, Ttt: Kuol and lieht .$I04 TO R.paira to builditiftt 110 41 llalano on clock 117 tb By court bouw bocda and eoup'nr Hy Jail oitinai-ii, vu: 'al and wood 93 .0 ll' patrl ia building 76 7 Slora. 7 04 Moil, attendance to priaunora 76 Sb W atchmra .. SIS St Wwhing cluth'g for prioonora m 10 11 74 mi it S44 41 40 (HI loi s: 17 to 1,170 10 131 S 014 (i j IHS 17 TAX DIE FUOM COLLECTORS coLt-rerosi 167.... ss.. l6.... i'-eo.... .... BoocariaB , Hecrnna w ....Boll Bradford. ....Chi-at ....U'lcarueld ..lfurwenavillo. ixw.em ...... M.tiiraidt ....lOratiaua ....JonlaB. .... Karthaua" .... MiirnaM-.M PI. H..i Woodward. .m... ,.T. 8. Wa.ht-arn.. ... Honry 11. Wricht. .. W ilhaai T. 1 borp.. Edmund I'aia , .. Jamea MrKwea......., .. John Wrriollan , .. .1 antea Thow,psoB..... ..'tloorjro Wtlliama ...R. t. Stewart ..'arid McDowell .. K. M. Jiihnann .. Oodury Fiabar...H .. I'eter 6lonaM Hubert .. .. iaauel llradereoa I lsf. ls6o isso l.... I c lSf. S6 lf,0 Ik lar.o SC Total. Sot. Thooa marked with a otar () km paid on account a, nee Rttltwent: and thoaa aixraed wilb a dacrrr (tj baia paid la full aiuee acttlcment. PROBABLE onDIXARY EXPENSES FOR I87. To ordinary rxpenasB. eatimatcd at JIHO Off: By amount dn froai colloctora- fl,:4 7 To eaoncralioaa In collector! on ananat- I Ily amount doc frora anaeated iaada... 16':tt 43 en lanila 1,14 no Tu Trcwaurcr'a and eUlecioia' por cent. 1,603 S3 Total.. 4 S.l ROAU FIND VILLI AM K. WRItlLEV, Ecj., Treaaurer of ClearSold county, ia tho Commonwearih of rontm.Tl. xania, ia account with tho acrrraj townahipt ia aaid county fur Koad fundi pr-aroa. Tu hal. duo town.hipa at laat aettlement $2,701 II To amount aarrreed aa anaeated landa for lsi,s 8,686 11 To amount aaaeaaed on unecatcd landa for IS6V. M67 ft To amount returned ia Woodward by collector.. 1 07 Total.. tIMSr 30 IlUI ETATEMEM OP B.0AD PI SD JS DETAIL. 'To hal. due Ta amount To amount laat a.aeaoed Towscnir. .acttlcment for IslS. for ISt.9. Beeewria ! 1T 08 3('t 07j $.110 II fr.JS 00 1 $1 4lj Pitt j 1417 76 Hell 103 60! 438 65; 4JS 6S 066 JK' 1 I"! lot 60 ' 67 3S Bloom I 74' 131 47! l.'.l 4T 571 6 ' I $6 74! MS tt llorr I 14 Til ItS S7' 144 67' 317 0' 177 67 16 I 16 II , llradlord ."0 08 111 1 ' HI IS 141 JJ, lli 36 08 111 11 Brad r 11.1 1 476 77 476 77' l,W 43" 1J l: 34 64 KIN Barnaul. , ?7I 67 I.'-O 14; I6 1! 37 t IT 16J tl I 3IS 3t Cheat .107 671 is) 1T4 76 1.171 60. Ill, 0844 1 744 11 Co inrton.... 60 60 .Ini 16; i6 16 671 02 , I 81; 68 70 4 16, 606 If Decatur 117 II 361 4T 161 4 Si S410S; 1 SS 113 61 1 714 ! Forjuaor. ... li 44 11' 44 10' 104 4 1 1 j 16 461 68 06 Olrare) ISS l-V f-M Hsl 36 3 661 1.111 33 116" 371 37 11 4 T3 SI llo.liea......j .IS 61 1 S'JI 6.1 3016.1 Sll S7 j 1 16 37 44' 7sl 16 tlrah.m. lit S7 S..6 T7( 146 77 24 41 j 1 Sii In? 4 Sll 64 tiuheh 116? 10J II 105 5i; 400 01 1 T.11 1180 t .1-4 4! Huatnn. 160 01' l,004 1i; 1,004 11, 4,661 34 ! II Iti 426 34 4 ct t) Jiirlan J 46 31; 76 111 M 13; 176.16 ISO 44 1." 130 14 i kartbaaa ! ! I I lii 1..S 81 6U8 .1.1 1 4J.1 111 SJ SI j knox ! fit 06 174 S 1-0 4 ITS 4.' II" 10166 ill .18 Lawrence...., l tr' 4514?' 4314:' IS !' I ft 4164 1 61.I SS Morria ..! 146 61 1716; ;f B6 116 64' 4 7" 1M I tr. 746 06 I'rnn. 16 47 166 Jsi 166 7S' 147 C.v 46. 16 tl I 41 46 P k... 4 00 ISO SO1 161 60 106 60 ( f,', i,t 64 I'm j ITS Tl; 141 Si 314 6 86 32 , 111 166 60 ' 6-0 0 MVoodard...i 071; 46 76; 44 ?s! 0S OS, 1 I7j 76 II nl 08 ' f? 7"? 10' f- !l ! R.wirtM, Clrrfit)ll. Pt... Jsiuat? SO, of Willim K Wriflrr. Km., Ul Trrrr. th rata of on tnnilrc'1 ntl twrnty-fitt dAllr and ilurtj ctntt, tHtn la full nf lb tnr uh b. 4t Iht fua. t:t JO LLVLIl FLEG AI. Trraiurr. PCIIOOL I'lXD ltR lOH-f. WILLIAM K. wniCiLfY, Kffi , Tnf.irr rifft-firld county, ia tbc Comoftwr1ih of IVhhfjI- lii, in nronuni with th rrvrrsJ frhiI lirliivti m Mid cvunt; Ut (vliowl tun it rT. I rnrpftvn. To HnlanM da dit-tnrti Utit ftllrraent I n ( TrrMarrr'a handi...... , t? (4 (ImKni) $3,421 34' Bt nmoant pid dttttH trnttrirf S.tJil 21 To bftlnnc due K" Ut wiilrmrnt 41 2 KUc in Fx diMrirt triififcrrr4 Tn atnunt rf4 on ttnot-d Innda I to foantf J fj for lH tl.492 7'Bt ionmiiion in Brrarift. l.radr, Frr- To amounl WM-fird on uMMnttd Undt I fupon and Huatnn 7 ft for lr9. IS. 174 Si Bt halano du Tn-wurrr ImI ctiiem'ol To ntnnant rrturunl v rollrrl(.r iu in ChMt and II union 1 ftl tlurnnidc, lsawrrDtw and V oo iward, 27 Ti Py balance nneollrrtrd t4.19 72 Total. tl-.J.'.? 00 ToUl FTATEMEXT CF FCI100I, FI ND IX I'RTAIL. To Iwl. dur To atnonnt Tn atnonnt; last I Bn-c.-c.l j a.w-..d j ttl,uinl., Ir IsdS. I fur lsdll. ptarniiTa. Iliyy-aria .,, Ill II RlOOB, H"CC Itrailford.., llrady Itum.ide.. C licet. , l:ll 41 Woo 14 f4f 19 ll.rt 77 (10 2 J':;4 41 $101 JI, fwJ SO I , 1112 3t :, ?' hl SI I.M tl : 10J 3.1 : I. Ill j !' 1 7M 173 in S4t 11 i 12, 317 0 41 411 S7S T.- TS 71' 7"7 SI j 40 41, SS is 1:1 SI I 4 0 If I" I ' J" 4M 20 1 49 Of 12 K 4:'l 4:1 ' lull Ft Sr,,i ps 47 1,0 l.jig S4 1 60 tut SS 37 Sl I JT 7 I l 43 3IS SO 3IS 70 I.M! tl 1 t;t 4:1 1 S44 II 1 I j tbi 41 741 I; l.not ti 1.2:9 22 j 313 44 r.r, 4 "ll.'i IS 1. litis II.. 3IS 44 4 li'J Sl 34 j 14S S", ( SI' Sit 911 1,7114 11' 1 4S Si j ,3s til Tl s., 33 J" M OS 3 l.l I t 22 S I III lul sal ' 14S (.2 472 74 471 74 1.IS3 ,w tis 117 17 i-li V27 t 1 1 IS VI 73 IS tilt .. 1,41 l ' I IS 14 ! I.lot j l ilt Sl'.7 H ill 41 1.433 4" I I 11 1 ,S 141 lit 1.1 S4J 4' J07 44 771 2 i llll:i I S4V 1.1'IJ IS- t.t'OI 11 3.1 1 1 31 13 IHl 1 bill, 3.04S kS 47 I.'' 1st . tl - 321 VU , 47 2 1:4 4 1,4 ll, 44 .- "SI 01 tVI l ' IM 14 33 S3 7ot 13! VS in' 413 1 1 4 IS 7? t il 74 M i III 77tSsl 1117 V; SIT 141 I4T l 1.413 41 1(.7 3 :l I ta 0 I 111, 4V3 S 6-3 13' 1.29 40 , VI il U s' 1.101 t.1 ' S3 19 i 11 lit .; i7l V't ! 33 IU I 41. (a). 14 171 1 w 0 i Jt'.l SI Mil! ; H i; ; 1 J- 4yg . II tli SOI S. 171 S4' 3.1? Sii ' 34 l' , 4S1 71 Mil, 820 .10, 1.IH4 Ij 1.117 ! M ." 1114 l.m M 1.4?t 34 111,301 37 .1.I74 31 2".lll t $71 OS VI 421 1.' il? 44 lit ut 72! Cotington llcoetur KcTgoOun . tiirerd Ittbeu.n..., tlrahetn lulii-h Ilu.ton J.wdaB... Karl liana H Knot. liawrrnoeM, Murrie I'.nn I',k I'mnii M ooUward , Ti tal Hoc, Ivcl, Cleail.ld. l'a Janaary in, i;s, of of Ita hundred sad t-ueli, dollira and forte four rhol Ituid. l.U44J of n.i:.umi:i.ii ro. ron isgo. !l rtpanara in tioainff pr...na Ity ImW pilros fiin.., tl), K-,r ai, hilm-imal dt-'iyn, U Adf. tr-piioll ami pn,,!n, nun, an-. A apoeiSi ai,,m.., J; 41 l'"f -ar an'l pMi,i, ni w l.iui,, ; eg rami, at nk urw lail lul rim 00 liy t'.mrt tii'tr'a wai-a... Hy tipdaira' wajro, Hy)ai!itor'a wari Hy amount paid blaio diduirnoy liy mad tnwi '.. l-4 21 I.S.M 40 H ll 1 ,4 00 ;i ro s-a til 211 10 liy romiuoiiwsallh ooala. it; I'oiu lli ,. 11,11 and ll-ar... ('.)!' 19 . 1"S 17 07 22 1? JO 120 U OSS 73 43 07 li 111 ,.S'-liatian buiitU. ..Joo Jlillir .. I'vmiiai y ..Kiti-hon Ho.. Ho.. 1... lo lN.. Ho., Do., lio.. I'o.. Ho., I'o.. I'o.. l.amoyn, Coulter. Croawrll... I.'iijralik.. S'hoaror. Hum Micliarle A Kurd lc Waiili. Hrady Slunka Knot Monlaon. Flrpal Crowfoot... Trny Fitifforald Johuaou 40 ft es r.i 24 Oj 21 12 17 10 47 00 1278 114 71 11 W ss or it .1 67 ii 00 I'o.. Hi).. l0.. I'O.. I'O.. 77 57 47 70 Miaoollancoua nuala 1,740 14 Si 74 II 61 14 61 III 76 410 6.', I lit By boardnK jurora in capita! calia... Ily poatnc and tok-gralua Ily alationory Ily trariaorihin old rcoord II. I'lolhoBotnry o for. Ity cxp.ii.oa di'llrrrlnj duplmtoa, . jur.tra w.p-a, Til: llrand Tiaverae... Ity innucat foci titt 40 1.S8S bt 1,461 06 74 SK 40 36 1,443 V 117 42 72S 00 210 VU Ity juatlrca foca By Shcrifl'o fcoa ,",',',' Ily fol aud wildnat acalpa Ily iueiiranoo on'i,urt ilouaa Uy Andilora' and elork'o warra.. Ity Couiunaaioncra' elerka' wajrea. ria: llradlry, (former) SSSI 00 tjoodl.udr . 600 00 By llouac of Itofu,.. Hy Jury CouinjiaaioDrra aud elork By rrlunda 1,31 00 103 S Si 00 157 34 Ily allomi-ya feci. Tit: Wallaoa Toat Hwic KulfonL MiKnallr.. T. J. Mc't'ulloui-h Hy Diatrict Attorury'a fooa tilt 00 . 104 00 60 00 611 Ot 10S 00 60 Ot SIS 00 131 60 liy booka and record., on: For Frotbonotary'a offioc 1110 00 For Commiaaionora' otucowM. 47 Of For Hocordcr'a office 16 60 Ily eonatahlef' feoa By election oxpcnaoo by Hi-riatry Law cxponaea, yit: Hook, and Itationory tSS 1J PrinliDa; and puhliabinf law.. .134 IS Amount paid aae.t.ora. 616 OS Additional elork hire 126 00 By Ilomaido briiifc . ........ Uy printing ti Uy road daaiairra By CommiMioncra' eounaeL ByaaditiDf Frolh'y'aA Rrrnlor', ace'U Ity miaoollanrana.. M By atnonnt overpaid Fox road fund Ily bal. duo county by Treaa. Wrigloy, 1S3 40 1ST 44 TU 9" 1,033 40 tot to 400 00 64 til 1..0 Ot 10 tt 41 36 11 64 2,7411 40 Total ..$14,518 47 Bcccircd, Oarfrld, January 50, lTO, of Vm. K. W rig-try, lata Troa.uror. tbc turn of two thou sand, ac.ca hundred and Illy niao dullara and forty nin.ecnta, being- to fall of theatoi-e halauae IH.74II l.) I hVEK KI.KDAL. Trc.or-r. FOIl 1S6S AND PBUVIOl g VEAKS. sauxa. Coonty. Bounty. Militia. CI IS Tl I l4 13! 106 07 j fll 37 131 4S 341 0, 2 77 b ib tl 2.'I7 ITi 1 12l IS 8.S 43S 41 lt3 ll! 3 li 13 li 41-7 ll! 31 IU .. 13 02 71 3S1 111 14, 1 , 17 07 11 S'. 4t i.t I r.' S 71 S 10 lul UK 14 bO 11 31 101 4. 33 7 I ( 21 W 13 40, 71 Is, 1 ;ej 1 i Mi 17 17 IH! 1 13 17 37 I M li' 17 ti ' ; .10 11 I?' b Oi luw, iii-, in' nit; ?,074 -l l MIT 4V 871 Si ll 6 j Hy amount dnc front oolWctora' relarBI by doucicury for 1870. in 3 St t,046 II Total . ... 1J 48 3 FOR lSKist-O. carntTca. By eaak in Trearwrer'a kanda.. Br halaneo due from anaeated laada for till I and lst 16,(166 60 By arer-chargco ia Cheat aad llattos lowa.hipa. so SO By arxrerale amount paid auparrlaora, l,8Jt 14 By Irearurcr'a wr ecataga..... Si 46 ..$:o,c7 lo ..'Br amount Be eaah n . , Treaa , , , . . . By balance ToUl. I' a.p.rt-r.1 kuda. "",:UlJ $:,:..: t j By Ily amount Tly east TutaL Br balance ; ctoner sliuna. ' paid liter, ia Tree. rra.utvre.j banda. William K. Wrigley, K.. tale Tn-asurcr. the .urn ctnte, l-eirf in fall of the alwre balenoa due the LIVtR ILEOAt., trtaium. - i i i 1111 M V I ! Ml hiD 4fifK VII. MAM K. VlitolCY. Xrtmrn if rMttnM nf I Uatli Id, in iSt ('itntnnii.4j .f p. ii m 1 1 r a ii i a, In a'.v,,,nl anh tli. d'-ant. fao lr f .i'-I rwunlt fr tl,. ,.ar A. I. Hcv BRBTAB. Tr, Lalanra itiio fnhJ laat arltVlriwil.. (:i,fiM II Tu Kalan. S,i. Irnra oollt-fftor fr Itlot anj i-riT.iiiii j.ari 1,311 3 Tu b-t'anno Sir. Irun unaeatfl laiiUa furlffi" 4,341 U To am-ant a.ar-.'id mi aiiatrd labda frl-s 4,313 51 Tn aililitMiaal in Urailf, liartl.auf aoj Kti"" Ill tt To aianuut iliic ln, nollralura' rvtarua 11 i T aiR'Hint a.Kaa.r un a.at'il duilicalr r-r fr,9 ,34S it To balance dua Trvaaurcr Wrlgl.7 C2I Total . f .t.MS II rarnrron. ty balance duo from fullrctora for 18A9 oui! ,irorliu. v.an l.iOT 4 B Imlance du. frum anaratcrl lana for 'lSt.l ami IKdU Ily balant-e duo trtira onlltH-tora' n-lorut Ity raoiirrallima tueollrctura Ily ,.r cDta(. bIIiiwhI collofjt'ira Hv aiooant of bouda mlocmiMt in I sfty. i.m ti 111 40 bn ti i tu liy Binouut ul fi(uponatMtne.lr4 IB IMW, 1,01ft to Ily Trt-aaan-r'a 'r ocutaKe ob recoil io( .zi on so JI Uy Tn-aaurrr'a per ontare (ra uayiof out 33 Tuul 34i.ait ii STATEMENT IX IiKTAIT To anrr-K.it amooot of koado i..ori)4-'70,33 If To BKSroKi. atnoBut rodermH to Jan- uaiy, 1 1U Jl(t7t 10 To Bjri(ri-cat. aia't rodet-ui- td duriiiK loOS l,8rJ . To at(r.ii. aiaoant onrr- liixmeii J.ouarj, iuit... 1T.JC7 V J7MI.U tt To amoont of bond, over due.. fl.&ot tt To ara't redtwalile July, '70.4t,tlotl 10 To as't nrdoeinablo Jau,-7I l.SOO It lt,4tt M To amount roJooDiabla dariii( l70..H.tt To ara't redcnal leJely, Tt.4,ttl tt To am i r.d.roaable Jan.. T2 1,401 II 11.400 0t Tu ainoBut rtdarnaula July, 1S71 14.400 It To amouBt redeemable July, 1S73.HW. Mot IS To amouut radeeiaable July, 1S78...H !.09 tu scsot-Bces. To BJnooDt duo Iron eo'leetor. $1,307 4S To amount duo f:oai BBeaated laada ... S.4HS 19 Tu amount due from oollettore' retaml HI 40 Tu drtrirncy to bo raiaed daring 1471, 33 13 Ry konill rodoeaiakle la 'T0.4H.tSI It ity int. on Btirodoemod boa it. 3,141 OS, ' s " Ity oiooeratiuna and Trraa urer'e twr oratave I ISO BA Uy bab duo 1 e Treaa. Wr(Wy. til 73 Total., $I7,1I 71117,1:! 7 CEItTIKICATE.1. Ve, the aadmiKBod, Coeamia. itinera mt tbo ooanty of Clearn.kl, ia tno OaaaoBeallk of I'cnnayliania. baring Bet en too Id day of Jan. uery. X. ll. !7t, acerdiB( Is laor, and baring .KaBiiaed tbe eeroral aoooouU and rooK-bora of William K. WrirlFT, F.H., TreaJiurer of aaid eeaa ty, for tbe year A. I. IMI, do aerufy, that vo lad tbi-ea aa above etalrd. Wo find tbe aanouat dne the eoaaty by bia to be two thooaand. erven hundred and ifty-aina dullara and forty-nine orou, 32,7J9 41.) TU. amount due and outstanding fruas Collertora fur 1 1-6H and ttreuuua yrara, ia on County, tera thuuutid and eeT.Qty-for dullara aad niaete aeriu ornta, 11', 174 tZ); an Stale, arvnty-twe dol lar, and riguty-one ornu, (171 SI); fruin Bnarated laii'l., fifleea thouaaad, two ksadred and furty. futtr dollara and furty-thrra eenta, (lli.144 43.) The balance due tbe County fund by Treaearer Wriglt-y la two thooaaDd. aerca hundred and Ifty Bine dullare and furty-nine erata, 112,71 49.) Tbe appror,.! amuaut of bounty bond, aubf onr-lortni-d ia tbirty-errea tboaeaud, tbrea bna drM and .ixty-erren dullara and aizty-aoTeaoMU, 1 117. .'llii 67. I be amount to be redeemed danae; ttie year A. I. loTt, la twelve tbuaaad, nine bua rin d and fifty dollara. (SI2..',4 H). aad tbe leter rt fur tbe year will aiftuent hi tbe earn of two thousand, two hundred and forty-lwe dullara -aa ail win. (12,342 OS.) Tlie aioeuht due from rulleotore it one tboweaad, flv. butidrrd and erven dnllart and fnrty-4vee.Bt.( ill.iitij 4M: from uoseated land., eight tboaaand, fuur hundred and aitty-einht dullara and atity nine cento. (!MnS 6S): from Colleelore' retaraa, un. hundred and elei.n dullaxi aad fifty erata. (fill iO.) The amount due Treasurer Wrifflrv ia ail haa dred and twenty -eight dollar aad Mreaty-threa oenla. (fS 73.1 The aniount to be reied hy taaatioa during tha' rear, to meet the drfii-iener. i eerea thouaand. two beudred and thirty-three dollar, and tfteen-eenta, to meet tbe parmente of the eurreat year. - The arj-TrfIe halaara dae the aeveral School Iti.thrt by tbe Treaaurer bt tea hundred aad twelre duilara aad tOy-four eenta, (3311 44 fat whirh aee tabular etatement. The axgregate balanee dae the arreral tovaehf pa oa Hoad funda by tbe Treasurer ia eae haadred and twenty-ive dullara and thirty eeata, ($123 llj; for wbich are) uhalar atstement. W itneaa our haada. at l learBcId, thia Mth day of January, A. II. 17S. OTHKLLOFMRAn. rtAMi'KL n. sii.trrxEn, Attert: bAMI'KL U. HlNllMAN, U. B. GuoiiLAnaa, Clerk. C'ommieaioaert. We. the and.reier,ed, Auditor, af the eannty ot Clearfj, lit, in the C'umtaunweaJth of I'rnnaylvania. having met at the Court Uoaer. in the borough of Clearbrlil. aoenrding to law, and having rteiaineol the aeveral aeenunta aad etmehere of Wiltiam K. Wriglry. K.. Trrasare af aaid coanfr. for tha year A. I. Im,, do report that we and thoaa aa above elated. The balanee dae from Mm oa CeaBty aeeeaat IB two thoueand. erven hnndred aad tfty-aiae dollars and forly-aine eenta. i!2.7t 4S.) lie ra also in.lebted te the Read Nad ia tbe earn nf oae hnndred and twenty -Ire dollar, aad thlrtw eeata. i.UiMI. and le tbe rVhool fund tva hundred and twelee dollar aad Ifty-fuar eeata. fill 3411 while the Bounty lead ta iadebted to him ia tbe Bum of ail baadred aad twenty-eigbt dollar aad arrenty-three eenta. (1628 73.) la Ictimony whereof we bava bereante et ems banda, tbu Itih day of January, A. Ii. l"?!. CI.AHK IlKOuX. -I'KH K A. hti I.K.-4, Attrrt: JOII.MI.3llt.LKK. U. It. Gooni.Anrs. Clerk. Co. A ad iters. SI I.IGIIK.-P,r new ta.hk.aed FLKIQDS for aale or exrhaage at janl LKA V 8 LIVKRT fTABI.K. rpil K CK1.IBRATED RK ItARHeON Bi0Te), X iifV Sip. French kiin...H... rreach Calf. . (Oppoaite tbe Jail.) $3 04k .. tt. .. I tt. At C. hKATlER'S. C Al'TION All nereon, ar hereby eaelioaed against narebaaiag a oertaia NOTB mvea by me to Jame Conoway, dated Janaary 131k, 1370, aa 1 bare never received rain for th, lama, and, am determined aot to Bar it. ! - 31 CLAl'DIVS OIRARD. IKATIIKR. Oak tea A Po.ei.b Sel. r reach J and Am.rieaa Calf and kin, kin. I'ppar, Muroreo, IliB.ling Liaing Bad hboe-lndinr. al (ll .u.il. tbe Jail.) C. KRATtkeVS. 1)'TR.Y Came U th reside, afR.lt. s tiearhart, ia Bradford tewnebir,, en ar about Id. 4lh of January, 1K7I, a IKiRNkD COW. with r-kted faee and red body. Th owner ia rerjue.led to eeaie forward, nrcir property, r. 7 fce lehe Bee MkereiM .he will bw diroeed of aeeerdiag to law. Jea. 12 Slpd. g. R. OKARHAKT. ST0V KS. Th eelebrated Imnaide and Parmer Cooke. Ilcrolring Light aad Sea rarlees,aat an aaenrtment of Pipe, at (tl.pe,le tbe Jail) C. hlRATlERT. 4 I DIT4IRH IhOTIt l!T. .ler,ig V Auditor, appointed by tbe Orphan,' Court af I learticld weunty. at Januare terra. IH70. to audit. I ail.n.t. aad make ditrihuti.,a of the feada an.ief 1 from Hi. partition or The real eetate of tlreenwewd, I McCrackcn. rlcrond. te and leier. lhe part tea i I ar 1 1 entieil tberete, will dierharre the dutera 1 ol e.id appotntreent at hi. offica, in Cleurteld, oa I I n, lev. the IStk day of I', ornarr, of which. all parties talere.te-1 will tete notice. I IS 31 A. W. W Al.Tl RS. Aaditor. (H.OTIIIM1. A lore eto-k nf Clothing wiU y lw eoee. out at a aaerinee, at (llppoatt, th. Jail.) CKRATIKRy. I lMIlTKTOI'S!kTTri-yotlea J it krrrtv rivt-n Ihni ltttr nf .le.iw. ; .im. wn thr nuii of T. I. rKol'I.KS, drct-ard. Iti fl I.rrrtoi tcwnfhin,rhaHlrld ntnntT, Pn., harinc b- diT rriltd n thf vndfrif Wfd, nil pr-nni inlMrd tn Mid f-tat filraiw nak pavmrnt, nd ihnac bar. ft rlnima t drmanda iH prrnt proprrly anthmtlcatfH, fnr nrt tlrt-trnt. JO!l OWKNS, ! jnnlt rTp-l Adrainirtrntor :pc. THE V'OKKINO CUR..-W. mn n j 1 prrjtatT-J tn turni'h nit Hat- th nntant ruiplitrincnt at hniar, th whfila of tin tin? r for Ihr $nartf annnrnta. lntinwMi urw, licht and n I ftlaSlft, It?rtoi, of rilhnt wi Mr frnni Je. I tit $7 r-r erfninf, and a pr'fMtiirtial inn hr dv Tntitig ibrir liiic timr lo ihr binrM. Bt.vi ani C-rln ram ttMrlr mmcm aa mm. Thai nil h t r l hi ntlH-r mitT ar-nd tbrir addrr. and tmt th I nntiinr, rr maar thia nnpnrallrr4 nffrr : Tn rack ar arr nrl wrll tatiflrd, r nil) arnd $1 fax for th? tnurtlr f anting. Fall parttrulata, n alun Mr anp,.i, whirh will do to roMMtMtr wn o, i and n rt-pr of Tk Pvplt't Litprmry ( Ws. . nr af tbr larftwl and lt ftMni!jr nt wrpaprr pt lihrd at iit (rr hy matt, linavdrr.il a-ttnt i ptrni-ui, ut jnt.tat'. a-ork. a j lrt-M I. O. ALLEN ! 4 CO . Aug i a, UiB, in