THlT RKPU )U CAN. CLEAKKIKLD, IV WFDtK.nAT MdtlNINd. .' I'- TARIFF TAXATION. That tlio poojilo of any country, pre tending to tlio slightest I'ivilUution, eliouM benJ their necks nml volunta rily submit to thu tariff taxationlu dicrously termed "Proteclion" is a thing to mirpriso ull sonuiblo men ; but that the citizens of Eepublio, prcsnmnhly the mobt intelligent on the earth, Bhould do this, is something to cause wido mouthed wonder. We wonder, at tho .ame timo deploring it. We doploro it, because knowing fooling sure as our existence that the Tariff Taxation, or Protection, whatever its friends may choose to call it is at present the true canker worm of thiscountry ; tho dark night mare that broods upon its bosom, eating into its vitals, and obstructing, if not entirely blighting its prosperity. Let us luv the monster on tho dis secting table, and give it tivo minutes of vivisection. Tho first touch of the scalped dis plays unwholesomencss in all its parts, and fetid unclcanness where not fossilized. In its head wo discover tho raison d'etre of its existence, and find it to be the scheme of a despot. In its arms wo find its iidvocules noisy Btump-talkcrs and scribblers of the nowspapcr press the tools and weap ons with which the despot docs his work. Its body, when probed, is fonnd to consist of ihcirabcttors mill owners, manufacturers, mechanicians, whilo tho limbs that havo to sustain all this weight, often tottering under it, are its dupes; the sons of industry and toil tho great body of the nution. Throwing aside the knife which disgust compels os to and let the monster get back upon its feet, we shall take note how it will act, and tho effect of that act on the nation's well being. To do this, we have no need to speculate on any theoretical future; the experience of tho past supplying us with sufficiency of facts. Having made its preliminary ar rangements in tlio City of Washing ton a placo full of its friends the mammoth hkulksall over tho country, keeping more especially along the coast. In each seaport town it estab lishes a enstom house ; that is a bar rier gate to bo kept closed against any commodity coining into tho country, that can be supplied cheaperthan when furnished by its own pet friends. Its friends are few, though its myrmidons ore many, while its dupes and victims tho greut body of the people are thus prevented from obtaining their goods and chattels at a reasona tie rate, and compelled to toil, sweat and becomo impoverished, to satisfy the maw of this mlsohupcn monster, and the small proprietary who thrive by administering to its insatiablo vo racity. This, though bad enough, is not all ; for in addition to devouring it is a monster that demoralizes. On every spot upon which it plants its foot, there springs up a host of hide ous things thick as the leaves of the Vallambrottia, fierce and dangerous as the progeny ol the Dragon's teeth, or the serpents from Medusa's head. They appear in all shapes, though all monstrous. As men they are weigh ers, inspector, storo-bouse-keepcrs. collectors, and the like, all bearing the custom-house brand ; as meats, they uro chalk, maccaroni, sanded sugar, and other cheats of pretended impor tation ; os drinks, fusil-oil, gooseberry champaigno, and blackberry port ; as clothing, high price, or a coat con structed out of shoddy ; and in drugs, they appear simply as poisons. All this array of evils, animate, and inan imate, have their origin in tho parent evil, 1'rotcclion springing directly from its loins. Again, again, we sny, bad as these things are, they aro not tho worst. Moro deplorable tliey aro not tho moral consequences that follow in their train, fur it iuv only obstructs a jieoplo's prosperity, but snps its mor ality ; sinco both arc tho sure conse quences of a tin iff taxation, no matter in w hat land it bo collected, or by what people paid. Let us drop tho high figurative and descend to the simpler, stern, and pcr- liaps more cnsily understood, study of facts and statistics. These are so numerous, we scarcely know which to tako Got all equally calling for exposure and cxponnder. On slight examination, however, one seems entitled to precedence ; fur it is bat natural tlio first inquiry should 'V,y id Uac a tariff at ull?" The Protectionist will tc!lyru,lhat it is for ihoonconragcmcnt of homo man ufacturc. When bu said that he cith er knows that thcro is a dark design in his heart, and a black lio between his teeth, or ho knows nothing at all - at least nothing abont this particu lar subject. It were charily to sup poso him fool ; pity to believe him a dupo ; but in many instances ho is neither cno or the other, but a sharp, thoroiigh-baced knave, with a full knowledge of his knavery; prating protection cither for his ends, or the advantage of those who employ iim. It seems hard to think of P.orace Greeley in this light ; hs also many other writers of rcpiitntlon. But we are forced to a conclusion, and cannot help them. As for the so-called polit ical economist Carey, whocontradiets his own ibfories of Protection by ndvo'Ulinjr Tree Trade, in the steal ing of men's, . tun t.'y regard liitn in tlio I'tiht of a Ljm1 and a fool. ICvyn supposing the doctrine of these turn true and that tariff tax a'.icn tbe only way la eocourags Inline tnniitif:itiir'', what then r Am Inline nianiifiictiiiTS to ho imr d and iiiado v'u h, at the m prime of their fi l low litisens each of the hitter, In his own line specially, needing to bo nurs ed and made rich just as much as they? Tho theory insults com mon sense ; lis practice wouiil oe is now a despotism. The common Idea of a despot, Is one who uoldsarbilrury power over his fel low men, and uses it in an orhitrnry manner. Moro than ono man may do this leagued together; and then it is an oligurcy, or tho despotism of a few ; and just such oligarchy would Protec tion cronio in any country where it is allowed to run riot; tho ruling oli garchy being the clique, or coterie, of manufacturers, and they rulo tho great body of tho nation all who havo to eat, drink, smoke, sleep in beds, or wear clothinir upon their bneks. It may not be a despotism qui to so irksome, and unendurable, us tho one-man power, still it is not to be endured, and certainly not for the i "good of the nation." China is perhaps, the best example wo could point to. There may be seen mo true typo 01 rroiecuun, in nil Its sinuous workings tho whole systom of exclusivenccs and "encour agement of homo manufacturers." There, too, wo can contemplate its wretched results; and with llieso un der their eyes, it is to bo supposed tho citizens of this great Jiepublic will never copy tho tax codo of tho Cclee tial, however, much the preachings of their whito coated philosopher, tirce ley, may resemble the teachings of Confucius. A scholar out West, during his parsing exercise, camo to tho word "with," which ho boldly declared n "noun." "You have never seen it used as such," replied tho teacher. 'But I have, though," confidently t-etortcd young hopeful. "Whcro?" "Doesn't tho Bible say : Bind me with seven icilhs, and I shall bo as another man ?" Tho teacher was vanquished. Lieutenant E. P. Colby, of tho United Stales Army, committed sui cide at Jefferson, Texas, on the 31st ultimo, by shooting himself through tho head with a revolver. Ho was u son ot S. U. Lolby, ol tho l rcasury Department. A negro in Bridgeport, Conn , arrested for adultery, wus asked what he was "taken np for ?" replied he 'believed it was idolatry." A business house in Chicago adver tises for a woman to travel as a com mercial "drummer." THE AGE, DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1870. The! Onlv Irmorrtlr. Momlne 4nnriiI Ftiblished In Iviielli-h lu Phllndrl pbla "Au Ah.lrarl and Hilcf I lironlclc of the Time 1" T HE beginning of lbs New Year Is a good time to suusnriln lor a a-wfnapcr. ana io sur.ernoe THE AU8 U a ftud be(inping of lha New Year. The bucccpso! any pulitiral party dpm'i, in a great measure, npon the character and inrln eocc ot its public pme, and without the thorough promulgation of its doctrines in a popular f'rm, it raonot hope to semire a pertnauent hold upon tha oj . It is a fat that tbe Democratic party patronms Us newspapers in a Iras drgrco than rUdicalism does, and while it is difficult to ae couot in a satislaotory manner for this omierin, it is nevertheless an a limited troih, and, as eucb, is murh to be regretted. Aniious to furnish, not unlr to political friends, but also to the general rra icr of all elates and political eompleiione. a firal-elaM dnily and werkly Journal, tbe Publish ers of Tna Aor now oflfrone not exrellrd in point of eicellcnee by any other newspaper in the coun try, and unhesitatingly challenge com pari ton "Mb the Ivn and most successful dailies publiihed in the num. THE AGE Iai1rand Weekly will here tofore, tbe Arm and consistent advocate of Ietno ernttc priue:ples it will continue, as in day pat. the bold and fiarles defender of the Union, the t'lHistitulion, and the Kipht of the Sovereign Pro pie and it will mnke unceasing aud unyielding: warfare urn all forms of Wrong, Abuse, and Venality, Unit show thrmcles amoi.g the people, or in the adiuimetration of the Gtncral, MUtv, or Munieiril (lororninenls. The h.litorinl Comments will equal those of any newspaper on either sile of tbe Atluutic. and no labor u'ir expenee will be r pa rod in meking this depaitmcnt a great aud attractive feature in tbo current year. The Sens DepartmentForeign and Damcntie will be full, fresh, and culled trom every part of til worl J, all Ihevait reeonrrrs of the ' Aoeiat-d I'rwi" in two Continents being Lmught into requi sition, besides which Special Affi nts, everywhere, will, from time to lime, supply its readers with prompt information upon all matters of iulercst trnpirlng in Ihe various sections of the eonntry. The Financial. Commercial, and ltuMncsa Inter eats will rereite pmper and ronstant attention; tbe tork Quotations will la carefully preparer! and corvee My printed: the Mmket Itepurts will he full and complete iu all tbiir details; and all tba th brnche of Trade and I ommirr will be thorouiilily explored lo furnish reliable data tur tbe huriiii-M coiumuoity, and all others thmin interri;ed. The Home and Family Circle will not be (rfA tcn. tt will be essentially a home and fniiuly pnper, an well as a poliiu-al jounial. In fact, every department, without rn-eption, will be so managed and conducted a to gire unlimited rat iffaction, and present the aiipt-nrr.iice of a live, attire, wide awake, end gn-anead journal, worthy of all men's piitroiinge and all women's encourage ment, a lid amply remunerating eeiy one wbo Uhii it. r adi tt, or aJevrtiep in its columns. Tlx particular ettmlb.n of thr reading ot.mmu nity, e verywhere, male and female, old and young, pohtieian or otherwise, is direrted to the gnat improvements that have been made in Tlir Wrra lt Ao. It is now ene of the elicnpect nnd most attractive publications in the world. K.irb num ber is filled with carefully selected poetry, stone, news, editoriul criticirnis, ard all kinds of choice rer.'!;r.g ft t all claries ol readers. No department hat been neglected, and everything baa been dona to give our patrnne a full equivalent for the money eipentvd in eubpcriplina. Thne who try Tna VY rkki.v Aug In its prrw nl improved and attract ive condition, will uoL do without it in the future Tf ltM OF Till: DAILY A(.i:i One ynr, by mail Jtft Of) Six months 4 ;.' 1 hroe months 1 tu For any period lrt thin three months, at the ra'e of one dollar per month. Tbe po'tage on 'I iir 1'aii.t Aca Is thirty cent per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per anniiiu, if prepaid at tbe ofttee of delirery. i'aiuiciit rvuirtd iLvariablr lu a'hxnre, TKitM4 of Tin-: w nr.Ki.Y Af;n One copy, otic tear fl Too fnp'lCf I? '0 Tweutj eopits 7 On Fifty copies S5 00 The following deduct! -ns, from the above rates, w.II be made when all the papers or.lered are aenl to a sinale ad lre?, and pt dlreatd stverally to tba member of the club t Twentv eopiej 10 0 Fifty copies tlneeopv will b furnt-hed grniis getting up a club of iwentv or more, all ad trewd lu one per son, for one year, A eopvof 1m Iaiit Aur will lo furaifbed gratis .,r getting llji a cltih ot fitly. 1 ne tHH.(nif. ,f TUB VI M'at.T Aor Is lve cent per quarter, or twentv eente per annum, if prepaid at lbeo(h.t.fdeliveT. 1 he ahuv termf wdl be rigidly adhered to, and ion nnttre will be tken t( a subacriptiun unlit j paid in adravntiw. to ,v, ...f'ueT 1,:. Lri..r: iNiiirim i niiaurifinia, nr I an- (lrrn raoir iu j unirr oimi ui r nilltnncr. All wlio ernd money by Liprraa, sanH prepay E. prise charts. A t it Hl hll elsIIOIUl. : fv9. U acd 1 boatb &eenih btret, jani 51 tila-Jtlf k-fc- uJitiHf, tMimaif, Ctc MKHltKLIi & DHi I.Kit, MULMS IS A IX i w A i: , II AI'O, Manufetarersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. C I. K A r r I r. L 1, V A. A LOT Ol' fcs.VMH.lCS, lililDLLS, flame,., Collin, ! , fr lile by MKIIHKI.I, A M UK. 1 )ALMliUS I'A'ENT L.1AML- Id Hey Fork., tor tela by SIF.IIUEl.L A BIG Ull. PilN T, P U TT LASS, 0IL Kaili, etc., fur wit by MKltRKLL WGUlt. JIkYesTt1U M MINGS SHOE Finding!, fur aal. by Q UN'S, PISTOLS, S SWORD CANES For salt by TOVES. OK ALL SOltTS AND Sitei, for sale by JIIilillELL 4 IilOLER. "RON! IRON! IRON! IRON For ial. by MERIIELL t IilOLER. T TORSE S1IOES k HORSE SHOE SAILS, for lale by M ERR ELL .1 IUGLER. PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bcit Manufacture, for tale by MERKELL i IilGLER rrmiMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE J. BOXES, for ealtky MERRELL i BIO LEU. RODDER CUTTERS for sale by II ERR ELL & BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! KEfOLVTto.r M.r sirsi EMERSON'S PATEKT rEHFORAItATED CrosB-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OLMlilNa AVOIDED.) ALSO, tmersons raieni ujubiauiB oni6i For Spreading, Bbarpening, nd Ehaping Ul Teeth of all Splitting Bawa. .8end for a Deicrtptlre Circular and Prlet U.I. MEltKKLL BIULKR, jinj-lf General Afcnti, Clearllcld, P G. S. FLEGAL, I'EALER IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, AND MAMLTACTl'REa OP Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, rtilllpilmr;, "'re ca ran mill anderelgnad raepactfully annewneea to I the publie that ha has on hand a esre-fuHy-seleeted and well assorted stock of StuTos His variety eonsisU of 1IIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hava never failed to give perfect ee lis fac tion to tba most fastidions ef Us purchasers, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Rpears' Anti-bust, Niagara, Charm, Herald, rfe., with every variety of tha best Fituturg MauuUcturs. E-nTha Tin and Sheet Iron ware given with the Moves is made of tha beav'est and best material, and warranted to give perfect satis faction, ilia stuck of TAIILOU AND HEAT1SG STOVES Is larger, better and cheaper than aver befnra rxhihitvd to tha publie. lie dcflei competition either in variety, quality ar price. Ha Is also prepared lo furnish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Whole Ale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tha sola view to service, from the beet ma terial in tha msrkeL plows, Pi.ow point, a rorrrn, bhas AND IKON KfclTLKS, Of every description conMantly on hind. LIGHTNING ROD.S, Superior point, put up on short notlea. TLe Point be nffera to the ruMie is the semens is now used by tbs I'etasyivanla Uailroad Co., vn their buildings. ORDERS FOR SrOUTINO, ROOFINO And nther work belonging to his business will he promptly filled by experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COTTER AND OLD METTLE Taken in eicbanga for foods. jrSTMle epeeia'y Invites tha attention of Merrbantt wishing t purchase at wholesale, as they will And It tu their advantara to examine IU stock bt fore purchasing elsewhere.' U, 6. FLEO AT,. riiilipsburjr, Aug. I, WK J-ltr FAIRBANKS' FTANPAllD SCALES, cr au. Kiwt ; JlftgiTBge Darrcws, Winhouna TniHir. Copying Presers, Improred Homy Drawer, Ac. roa ar MERRELL & IUGLER, Dralrra In llanlware JeriO tf 8eend Htreel, 'lear(lel l, Ps. " " ' 1 I'M 'TOK4 TH I Notion Is here- , g bv given that b ttera tcslatumtary baring bfm (fmiilTd tn the r-wli-rriberf en Ihe eMatr ot -.lV .AftI l I l.l.l N, ri. rnM, late of Jordnn ttnsbip, rb-arttHd eotnity, Pmnvlvantt, all (ir-in in'irL'eit In aaid rniNte are reueMid U snake imnir-diate pavmrnt, and thw baMne; rlnims arninl the antne will prtaunt Ultra tluly aalbeottf jt l f-r srrti- n t (. 1 HOMAH bVITU, Hrfn1o. kl.lZAltk'Ml lill.I.hM.V, Ll'XiU'U. JltlSLTtlle. t'fO. IS Ififfj 'f1. HIMIKKT & UH'Mi, Stonr-CiHIm & Moiic-UUMms, r ILL eecleall tk In lb' er.te prion and In HUM I tiylf. Architectural Ornaments In AIL FTU.rR, Klont Prewlng i.f trerj tlrn rl'itlnn, and all kind! of man ork ron- Irarirdlor In ornulof ihe munty. Any prttuo Uliii'i I" bve rfiirllile m'"l w" ana ilonr. culling duno. "ill Sd It to tho'.r laiftrx to call uon ul. We would alfO Inform lh pub lic Uiul we can di lher any inaniliy or elai ( done deiirtd, ai ne art tin ownert of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARIIY. Ordcn for work ctn bt tddreiied titber lo Clcarltold or Lutbenburr m.r.lllf HUBERT i Y0TM1. Ilarhle A Nione Ynnl. T. 1. 1 I) 1 l L I. A t' w-vKSlllH to inform their friendl, and tbe 1 ) pulilie, (hit they hart now and will keep oonlanllT on bend a lare and well eolecled took of ITALIAN and VliKMONT MAKbLE, and are prepared tu furnilh to order TOMBSTONES, Doi and Cradl To oil, Wonuaitoti in fitodttone and Marlile, Curbi and i'oiti fur-Ism-tery Loti, Window 8 ill A Capi, ArobitPftural A Lawn Jhty would tiiTlte iicinl attcDtton to their Satdtone AloDurotnt, which are built I rum original diiK". ud will eunipar favorably Ub ar.Ttl.iiin of .h kind in Ih ouuntr. If dfilreJ thry can furnlili filarble Window Fill and Capi at a ili(bt adrano on tha rriee of bandsiona. Vard on Reed itreet, near tha Railroad depot, CUarlield, Fa. j'Vif urnttuvf. 4lHMip I'u rn II lire. John oumcjl D VP IRKS to Inform hi u)d frirndi and out tomeri, that bavins en largo d hie ebop and increased hii facilitiei for tuanularturtng. ha if now prepared to make to order turb Furniture ai miT he deiired, in (rood ity te and at cheap rate. fur CAH11. He generally hai on hand, at hit Furniture room, a varied assortment of read, made furalture, among which aro BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOAltDS. Wardrobes an d Hook-Crnei; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, U rem I f est and Itining Kite&iion Tablet; Com mon, French -poM, Cottage, Jpnny Lind and other P.diieedij Hrfu of all ktudt, Work-itaode, llut-rackst Wwb-etande; Hooking and Arav Cbaire ; ppriug-seat, cne bottom, pirtur, eom mnn and other Chairef Looking-Ulaaiei of wry desrriptioa on hand l and new glasses fur old Trainee, which will be put In on ver? reason able tertni on shortest nntice. He also keepi on hand or furnUhri to order, Corn-hu.k, Hair and Cotton-top Mattresses. Coffins or Every Kind Mad to order, and funerals attended wftb a Hearse whenever deelred. Also, llouee Fainting dune U erder. The awbaenbar also nanafae turve, and bai eonciBOtlj on band, Cloment'e l'stenl Waehing Manhina, the best now In use ! Tbosa nsing ibis machina wevar need be with out clean eloihei I He alao bu Fljer'e Fatent Churn, a superior article. A feailj aim this Churn never need bo without butter I All the above and many other articles are fur Dished to Customers cheap for Caen or eiebnnged fr approved country produce. Chorry, Meple, poplar, Lio wood and otdar Lumber auitablo for Cabinet work, take a In ciebanga fur furnite'e 4-rUmember the ebon ii on Market afreet, CKrfleld, Pa., end noarly opnotite tbe"011Jew gtore." JOUS OILICH. November 2A, 1SA3 y H. F. N AUGLE, (LOCK AM) WATUI MAKER, orpoiiri TBI crt-5 " mm POST 0PFlCF.fLLili5cLEARFIELD rpilB nliicrib.r rrpMllullr lofonni hll old I p. Iron! and 111. publio ffD.rll;. that a. ha, on hand, (and ia wnitaolljr rel,lD, tber.t.,) Mock of Clocks, Watches and Jowolry. Jt'O'l kep, Id all It, forma and of diStrpat Taluea, .lio.r dj ia piec. or ki. WATCIIKS-r full of .llh.r Oold or ilTr. road, b, lb. brat As.riraa and fur- iirn manufafliDr.rBf iQel.diDg a on. lot of fold and lilr,r bunting ,ait, lull J.vtl.d, 1'altul Laveri, CLOCKS Of all d.tlrni, Muilitiaf of lbl day and Iblrt, hour, of t h.T weight, (prlag or ler.ra, anl bota alrik. and alarm. tlKl'AIKINH. All kind! or Wtteb.i and Clock, Hrpairfd, and warranted. In adililinB to what I bar. .num.rfd. I k,.p a full ailortmrntof rPECTAri.KS, r.lorrd and plain (la. Al.o.GOI.P I'KNSand PKNCILS. SPOONS, rOhKM. Ul'TTKll KNJVU. and In fact cT.rTtbinit In lb. Jrwrlry tin.. If I fail to bav, on band juit what a c urtouier miy hfetl. I will order pr fir,t eipro.f, wilhuut.l ra char);.. A librral .bar, of publk patronagr ir.nltctl.d. J!., 7, K-0 S j II. r. N U liLK. READING FOR ALL 1 1 DOOR'S STATIOyEUY. Market t , f learflcld. (at the roOrTtrf.) flMlK undersigned begs I far to en noon re In JL tbe eitiiens of Clearfield and virility, that be has fitted up a rom and bas juat returned from tbe city with a larga amount of reading nutter, entitling in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Bocks, Ttlenk. Aerount and Pass Books of atey da- srriptini Paper and Fne'-pes, French pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils t Want, Legal I'ipers, I'eeds, Mortgages; JurtRtnenl, t temp Hub and Promissory notes White and rUrrb, men I Hrief, Ltg Cap. Uerord Ca)i, and Hi I Tap, Slier t, Mniie lr either Piano, Flute or V W.lia ronatantly on hand. An? bouks or stalnery drutred that I may not here on hand, wil M or ordered by first expreee. and auld at h!eale tr retail t suit customers. I will alrt keep periodical literature, such as Magaiines, News, papers, to. P. A. UAU1'. tifarfield May 7, lPf'S If ; JsKW BTOKE ADKV CiOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON Hot jutt opened Nw Ptork, on MioSt.,CLtiriii.D, Ti., Ui.1t occupi.a by Vim. F. IKWIN. Tlieir ilock conaiilt of GkortR:u of lbs beat qu.lity, QUKKNSWAIIF., Il00t9 atlll SIlliCS, nil eerj article BecewurT fof i otie'i comfort. Call ami examitif our (lock before pur pbminr; eleewhore. Mar 0. R." 11. T AYIlR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (.Niar the Kailioa.l,) c i.i:aiii-ii:m, im.a. Ir.Vnp.Arr t T . 1 metlxid of Infnnnln? Ihe publtr, that 1 bare nprnl np a yartl I r Ibe aale "f wot or fal bnrnt I.IMK and Antl'wrilr CdAIi, In Ibe bir)iiph of ("Ir-arllebl, ami he romplitfd arn-nBmriita wllh eartrrn drab ra by wlnrh I fan k"p a full enpply ronatnntli danil, wl.irh will be di.poacd ( at rtatnnabte rai.-a, Iit lb lun, bunhrl or rr Innd, In anil pmrl aanrs. 1 hoee at a dialanee ran a'tdiaas tne by Ml- r, anil obtain all ncceaary infttriaatMin hr rctnrn innl. It. B. TA1)U. Clearflfl.1, Ps., Fib. 51, M 0AV HOOK."" nAVINU purcbaaed (lie entire etork of (oAd at l Iff tibl e'inti of Kiik A lJp'ti rr, I lnirnd to mintiiiue lha businra m bcrrUitorf , My motto it in aril "i srtP for rasn. Thanking our friends and ruatoniTs tW p?i patronage, ( solicit a ccuUrmnmie ol tbe Ttr. It AM KlI'.K. I.nmbrr City, P'pt 51 If. 'I Ml K UV.MM ItATIC ALMANAC 7ir"l iKCTand IK'- i ff sale at the Post Oflicf. iie 8 fnta. Mailed In anr allrfi. (ir?5 if I -dW VeWVVl pumtvii nnfl Wa.liitif hop. A f, r'.ntm.: ,ntii. I. 1M o DOYNTON & YOUNG, I'OUXIlKIiS k MACHINISTS kUimrartnreri or PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAI ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin Btratti, c i.r.ARFir.rn, pa. TT AVIXG engaged ia the manufacture of first XX. olase WAflll.NKItV, wo respectfully inform the public tint e are now prepared to nil all ordrrs as cheaply and as promptly as can bo dcoe in any of tbo citiei. We manufacture aud deal id Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Hrad Itlockt, Waler Wheels, Bhaftin- Pulleys, Oifiord's Injector, fiteani Oauges, Hteam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, (Jaugv Cotke, Air Cocks, Olobo Valves, Chwk Valves, wrought iron Pipes, St tarn Pumps, Boiler Feed Humps, Anli Friotion Metres, Htmp HioM Faking, Oum Pack ing, and all kiudi of MILL WOKK; together with Plows, Pled Rules, COOK AND PA HLOJl STO VSt arid other CASTINGS of all kinds. Tet Orders solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of inquiry with referenda to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, byaddres- Ing us at Clearfield. Pa. declO-tf BOYNTOM" A YOl'lVO planing jiHills. (). I. Riwd, J. F. Wearer, NOTICE. ::! Powell. bom. U. i,. Jii:i:i a, co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! flIlK proprietor, rwpMtfullv inform tbeeilitrn, -I of Clir6U eounly, that thejr bare entirelr relltted thia with the lateat Improred wood-working uiai-binerr, and are now prepared to eircule nil onlen In tblr line of bu.inp.i. Tliejr will giro ..peelal atlention to the nanaru tur, of Balerial for boux building, anrh ai FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASII, DOORS, BLINDS, VH.1CHETS .TlOl xm.rf.s, OF ALL 8TTLBH, IT, alwaj-i bare on hand a large itock of DI1T Ll'.MUbl(,and will parcenh for all clear Lumber. One-and a half Inch panel Huff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or oicbangfd, to auit euitomera. fAOrdora Kliritrl, aiid Lwtnber furnifbed on abort Botice and on reasonable term,. U. L. KLKD t CO. ClrarllelJ, Nor. T, 1907. K. B. PTTn K. A. limi Jon. I'ATror, J. It. lnrtix. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having fitted np a first-class PLANING MILL Are pr"parei (o furnish all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, such as Flooring. Siding, Surface-treiied Lum ber, Sash, ))oon( Blinds, And every drscrfption of FLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. Dealer! will find it to their B'li anlece to eon.ult onr priori brlre i.nn-he.iiif eleewhere. AJ.lrew, K. U. l-AlldN CO., t'nrwmiville. Tee. S. llfid tf ri.rflrld enunlr. I'a. (flotliiu(. How to Save Jlonoy. TUR llni. ar. lard ; jim'i lik In know II. .w (. nut nrt tour dollarf Th. wajr In do II I will ihnw. If Jin will read whai followa, A man who ll'fd not far tram kora, Who wora.d hard at bia Irnd., Ilui h.d a hnaflfhnld 1 niprrt Tbat !i'tatidered all h. aoadk ' 1 mot him ftni-o. 8ji h, "Mr IH.nd, I i a brar and ronxb i I't. Iri.d t el Tll .nil, Hol can't aar. np" Fan T, ra; frlmil, how Koch bar 70a f I'll t.ll jnw wb.r. 10 fo Tn k11 '''1 nHrd nnd rh.apt T. HE1ZKNSTKIN A Co. IU !" what llltl. bl bad aarrd. And wrnl te Ktii.nHrin A llmih.ra', And th.r. ba frnt a banHaon. auit. For half h. aid to otbera. Kow h. 1, bopin, bt iiHka 10 wall. And Iheir f fl,t f! aurh, That when tbi-i tab. dill meal, 1 hfj don't .at balf w much. And m be tnit on Ratnrda, night, W lib ell their wanl! u.ih-l, That he b.e monfjr Irft te ipend, And aotne lo lay aaide. till icod eorrw!, with eheerr.l inlla, lie s'.dlj Irlli te all. Ifoa'd rare monrj, go anil hvj Voor elnibi at UKUbNSIEIN'S CLOTHINd II ALL. Wbtre tbe cb.ennt, dnul nnd hut Dnthlnit and irrid Fumlibtn tlnodi eaa be bad to mil errr; uite and ia every etrle anrll.TT Miss E. A. P. Ryndcr, Ac at ron Chickerlng'e, Steinwat's and Kmersnn'a Planna; ftmiih s, Men a Hamlin's and r'eltiubet's Organs and Molorieone, and (1 rover A Uaker'a Hewing Machines, acsfi TBrsjea or Piano, Guitar, Organ, Ilarinnny arid Vocal Mu sic. No pupil taken for let ibaa half a term. jearR.Hnu seal door te First National 11 auk. Ucarfiold. WJ . f- Jl TH IX C HTAIl. FKI-.M. Vp bae printed a larjre nwuibrr of tbe new I I E lilLla, end will on Hie fvottpt of twentv. IWecontt, mail a copy to anr s-Mrei, ni. 29 M i ll - ttHI.IMM) No. I elgliti en Inch HHINtiLrs, f.r ht-h tb- hi;lft price II he raid. lU AMH DLTT. tWrncM, Ju'; Jl, M J.v... I v &-' -i i. . . j ':tau3r lifca i urn l" iu mi airiw IT-JL .it-. IK i: M f V A Ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 1) ll)C, (JISTS. .flarkrt Street, Vteartittd, TK beg leava to Inform our old and new T customers, that we have removed oar as tabllshment to tha spacious pew building Just erected on Marked atrarl nearly adjoining tbs Mansion House on tbe west, and opposite Messrs. (J rah am A felons' itora; where we respectfully invite tbo publio (a come and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, TAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines consists of everything used, seleotod with tbo greatest cars, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! Wa also keep a full stock of Dyes, Perfumeries, Toilet articles, feoap. Tooth Brushes. Hair Urushee, Whitewash brushes, and every other kind Brushes. Wa have a largo lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and In fact everything teed in tha painting business, which wa afler at City prices to eaah buyers. TOBACCO AND SEQAUS, Confectionery, Pplnea, and tbe largest 'stock of varieties aver offered in this place, and warrant ed to be of the best tha Market affords. J, O. HARTSWICK, K. 28, 1SC8. JOllN V, IKWIN. Great External Remedy. For Man and Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM TV reputation of tMl prepantlon Is s well ettab Il.lio l, t'it lutU newt br sai I In Oils cmineelmn in klA.V It hat n-vrr fall-il I-. cure i'Ai.VI 11, M UViU'S rKK.rTIlVS. 'o"4W RA'TINO WI S I t.Y.'i . STIKFXr.SH A XII PAIVH I.VTIIK JOIVTH, FTi rcrj KS (.itheKlliLor Bucrf, Kl'lUlNf. Hltt ISK1, lU'ltNH, rtrt'KI.LISUH.COK.VKan.i r K('HTi:H UCKT, 1'ertons afftclxf wltli It hu mutism can be effectual 1 ami iNfrmuicTiUr rum! y uin wnmtrrful prfa ratiM : it inotrntM tv Utu nerv and bone imtucdialcir a b-inrar'iid n-i H"i:tJ It w-m euraSritATrnKa. STCESNFT, POII KVM.. riSTI'l.A. OlAt KI VMNrt piiltK, H.IU'I.Kor('n,I.AK GAI.1.3. 1'HA1NKI JoIXTS, FTUTVF. UK TIIK hTI Kl.FH, ke. It will lirreenl IM1.I.OW UOUS and W biK UACK IN UlLCU cows. I bare enrt with treat sueess In brlnirlng SOT Vlturc witltin the rrftrh of the 1'nhlia 1 auidailjr la r4t''t f ltlrn fmm rtiTaiciuns, tni-flits, UrrcbauU and anwert, tesitfj inf Us urative Mverf, DAVID E. FOUTZ, Salt Proprittor, BALTIMORE, Ma. For aale by Ilartswiek k Irwin, Clearfield, anil bj druRits and store keepers throne bout the llnited .-Utrs. lebll ly Attention, Afflicted 1 IHK subscriber fires notice that he bas resumed tbs practice of Medicine In Luth erabnrg, where ha intends to deroto bis attea tico to tha treatment of CHKOMC DISEASES la general. He will keep on hand a choice se lect. on of DRUGS aad MKI'It lNKfi adapted to tba treatment of ehronio diseases, and may be soneulted at his off e at any hour of tha day. . B. A word to those afflicted with chronic dieeaaas maybe to Tnaia advantage. Mr ukT tiuT be aware that couaTBT Pbtsicians who do atniao practice hara sjot fiaa to attend to tba treatment or cuaoaio diseases, ana conse quently aesLXCTthem; hence Ih ia class of dis eases requires sxcLrnva attention. OKOROB WILSON, If. D., Feb. 27, lbftS-lf Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL' 8,) For all diseases Incident to Ilorsos, tattle, aad Human Flesh, requiring the nsa of an e sternal application. This Embrocation was estensirsly ise! by the Oneernment during tha war. For sale by Ilartswiek A Irwin, Clearfield. Joseph R. Irlnt Curwensvitla. lan.el Uood laotUr, Lnihersbara if LITIIERSBIRU POTTERIES I.utberburg, Clearfleld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS & DAIRYMEN Look Herel fMIE midrriinrd Ii prrpirfd lo fnmiih yon I with tb. irt STllNbtVAlIK n.innf.f lurrd in Ihil country, lit bel never yet failed toplreM tlie nioit tutijioui, u to quality or durability. II il ware eonriiti ia part of CUE AM rOTS OF ALL SIZES. Mil kl C ROCK AM) IMS. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And in abort KVKliVTHINU uiually naJe and kept ia an eitabliinnieut of tbia kind. MKKI'IIAXTS Can har. their war. drlirered be aie, at AST II MR and te ANY PI.A IS deeimL Ordrra fur ware Mlkitcd, and promptly fillrd. Tor jeneral aneortmrnt, eee Catalofe aad Trice I.iat, uiailrd free to applioente. liWrel diarount will be giTcn to the wuulciale trade. c.r.n. C. K1I1K. Lulbrnliarg, Pa., Dee. .1, IKOH-tf Curwensville Marble Yard. "IKSli;'H S of enicnclinc my buincs, and I I knitnr tberr ean Iw no hiirhrr tribute i n-)t t to tbe memory of tbe nVceaM'd and t t.uri-i iiirtKia, iiau in nvri ni cr inrir narrov nlu a friiii'turni Riau oi cn-jiifini inarmr, uiai poin lorrnrr to the rrating piece of thnw we lore; I hot; nve in ear ( ail wno wisu tn h"W their alci'titia fr tknir dfparUd friends and kindred, that they ean now hare an opportunltr of dninr en, by eallmc M wit Shop en Tbomneoa UriMt, t'urwrnsTille, 1'a., as 1 am prepared to furnish to order, MONT MIC NTS, CIt.UI,E& IiOX TOMBS, HEAD STONES, Ac, of anr draign ar sise, at rraminaHf rates. N. 11 I keep on hanil tbe ImvI lorfltrn tnd mratlr Marble, All work eser'iiet ia Ihe m"t sbtlMul manner. 1 will nlo deliver work tn anr point in Clearfield or adioimnr rntiea, if dieirrd. WM. II. COLUI UN. I nrwensrilV, Oft 30, I8MMf. Paints for Farmers and Others. rjUr. (Iraflon Mineral Taint Company are now 1 mamilaelnrinK tbe hrst, eheepeet and moat titrable Paint in iw ; two eats well put en, nil- I ed w ilh pure I,inert Oi', w ill let l or IA year . it ia nf a light brvwn or bcnuliliil ehoeolate eolor, and en be ch.njred tn green, lead, ttone, dralv, liro or en-am, to unit tho tnte of the ennsnmer. ll is raluable fur H'Miara, Ilaro. reneea. Carrie and Car maker. Tails and Wooden ware, Agti rultnral Implements, '! lloa'a, rfeln and 8bips' Ibtttoma, Catiraa, Metal ami Shinrle Itnoft, (it biing fire and water pnn'f.) I'Iout HiI C)eib. ('tie innmifaetnrer ha. in vwrk i.tHifl barrels tbe pat year.) ami a. a paint for any pmpoae is an nuiaiierl fr IhmI-, ilmatiilitr, elnetinlr and adbe iii nee. Trive, 14 per barrel of .109 Ibe.. which will supplv a former lur.iear. toeoine. Warranted in all en'f a bare. Send for a eirewlar. wbieh tivet. full partii'ulare. None trenu'iir unlee brand ed in a trade mnik. U rait on Mineral Paint. Trr ona ran order the Paint and remit the money on reeeipt ef goolt, AdHr. UlIiWKLL A CO, nnvlO Hm 8A4 Pearl iireet, New York. "l'r ATI.I l.Hl.tNMIi.i.N l elllNill.KS. The nn.lcl.iriicl hereby gire untie., that ther wil nee Die biphr.t market nrice fnr a good qoelitrol I.ONU MIIN'Ul.KMj and Ibi-ee having eucb l..r eele, will ftnd it lo tbi-ir tnlerMt t give tbcm a oall In-fore aclling ct.ewhere. Jot. hHAT A F0N. nir8tld, Mar-b V.ti It The IllIMJAIXN!H.XWilAAIURAIL.pO.nt cv Store In Mulsonburg! In Ibi reora form.tlt ocriiild bj T. T. Ilogatt;. L. M. COUTRIET rpAKKJ ll.ll mrlliod of Inf-milng lb. olllienl I of Oivitirtiiii. karllieui, (lirard and the lur- ruunding lie haiju.l f'pem-d a large HiH-k ofSl.MSIKIt (icion.K, whiiii n. te ai-ior-mined to H.II TEN l'KH t'fcNT I'HKAPKK than the aame quality of (looda ran be purobaned for In any utliur atvre In tbe oeigbborbouiL ii ia Itock coniUti of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Batinetls, Cassimercs, Muslins Delaines, Lineo, Drilline;, tahooes. irimuings. llibboui. Lace, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS t BUUEa, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KIHDS. Coffee, Tea, Bufrnr, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Liu seed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil .Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Casting-, Plows and Plow Caitinfrs, Nails. Spikes, Corn Cultivators, CUier Presses, and all kinds of Aiei. tuMy Plows ar of the CnrweniTllle and Centra county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varninh, Glass, and a ye ara' assortmtot of tiLoliouerr, GOOD FLOUR, Of d i He rent brands, always on band, and will be auld at tba lowest poasibla figures. Such as BRANDY, WINK, GIN A WHISKY ft 0 fit) pounds of Wool wanted for which tbe highest pnaa will b paid. t lovi:r si;r.D, On band and for sale at tba lowest market price. Also, Agent for Wilton's Gtrsttonrine TIIItESIIING MACHINES. -ft.f all and w for yonreelrea. Ton will find everything Dluajlj kept in rcUi) atore. L. M. COLIHIET. Franebrill. P. 0., Jan. 1, 18611. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices I 1TTB are bow opening np a lot of tke best and Sboat aeaaooable Uoods and War ever offered in this market, ami at prices thai remind one of tbe g'd old days of cheap things. Those who lack faith apoa this point, or dorm oar alle gations superfluous, need but i ail at orn stom:, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they can see, feel, hear and know for them, selves. To fully understand what are cheap goods, this snust be done. H a do not deem it oeoeeaary to enumerate and itetniie our stock. Xt is aoougb for ns ta stale that We lave Everything that is Needed aad consumed In this market, and at prices tkat astonish both old and Toung. deoZO JoEl'H FHAW 1 SON. XE1V FI.OLTlt,n:KD AND TROVISION STORE, TIIE andrriiirned tiara juit reeeired at tbeir new itaud ia Wallacon, a full lupply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at red wed ratta,) A good article of TOBACCO, CIOARS AND ?.M0K1NQ TOBACCO, eoaiUnlly oa bead. All of which will be Mid at LOW RATF.3 for CASH or (irea in exchang. for EHINULl.A and i.ihbi:h. W. rerpeetfalty aek tb. pal.lie to fiea vi a trial before parcbaaing eleewhere. J. R. BEAD A CO. Tr.llaeeton. April 7, H9. EDWARD FERKS & CO., Flour yinnufneturerM, And DMlera ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, ruiLirsocRo, .rx. Vrn.L prpri.v of rioi R, wheat, I'UHN aad t Hill' oonitanlly oa hand, and fur eale at ralea remarkalilr low. frb4-U Xe m inc and Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, waaLtlAtl fti.ia i WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET ST., CLEAT TICLP, PA. uFu11 eloek of Wine, Brande, Oin. vVhiky and AlrohM, always on hand, special attention paid to securing a pare article for acramrntal and ntedtral pnrjore, JanJI-tl The Lightning Tamer. TTIE nnderilcaed are the side Agents In (Mr enentr for the "North American Oalraniied LlilHTMNti RODH." TSeee are the anly eale rods now in nee, and are endorsed by all the erlentifif men ia the eeuntrr. We hereby notify tha ritisens of tha eonnty fmj bvisoe edS, mm fv less money, than le ebarged by tha fnreiga agents who aannaily trareras the eeanty and eerry eff ear tittle cah, nerer ta return. ENCOl'HAGE UOMK LA 110 R. Those wishing Ltgbtnlnff Rods erected en their buildings need but address as by letter, or call In person. Wa w.II put them np anywhere In the county, and warrant them. Tbs Rods and Kiitures eaa be seen at any time by calling at oar store. MKRKELL UlULhR. Clearfield, June 11, l3f 3 U NOTICE. VLL pernns are hrrrby notified who nr leaiwd Hatikinr g ound at or nar the month ol V bifmer rnn on tbe pmperty ef t.ronm, Inrk ey A t'e that all bak par aauM be pad up lr ft re any m rr cround ran he obtained. And ell 1erns bankinf tmirwr or Ini; or anr uthrr uRiberoa the aforrwaid pmrty, wlthnit pr mission, will le held for trre-p-f, or le rharprd fltty dollars per rait for aaid ground. Apphwtion fr said ground must be made to W. S. 1'ii'ker, tilcn II -pf, Pa. OROOM, P1CKKV A CO. 8ept. 1. 1M dm, a, n. n Li r.aToa ..w. n. Mcrinasny xuw Finn. FULLEETON df McrHERSON, KEKP eonsrantly oa band and for aale, Fresh Meal, Mich as BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, Ac, Pre.h Fi.b, and all VegMal.le. tn e.imn ; Cenned Fruite. Ilntler. Lard. Ae which tbey will aell at the Icwcet market pneee. Cab paid f-.r CATTI.h. Ill TTKR, ix llonni ea MarkK Street, nppneite the Coart Hnaee, Oarhcld, I'a. (May ii, 'f.K If. (it. l)mhitri. llnbbell-!, Prak7, ilooflend'i Oeraa,lloeteuer'i aad Dreene'i Oaygeaaled Kitten alaa fan Liuu.ri, of all kind! for l:.dicinal rtrpe,ee. fnr aal. by HAKT8WKK IRWIIf, l;i'R STI.I.The nn.lrr.,ned will a. me eiri"l t MSll f ol H lie and IH KR bhlN(i. er ihe biFhe.t CASH PRICK f,.r all bind. Hire me a pell ciMUiid. i'v 3i, i. (.. ia:ji :-tn i.v. TVIiONK A ( l,F,W:rn:U HIiANni. ul al!' M'.hday, Al'l;lL 2(i. M9, t, Traiits will inn diiv lutrcM X ra-enarr a ftundavs) Umnn Tirntie and Le-k Mavrn. and on PaMMigr Train between Tyrone sad Clear field, i f-llms: tr.AVB SOUTH. I.EAVB NORTH. ClestficM i.4 r. w.l Tyrone W,a i. I'bllipeburg.arS Mi, " I O aero I a lu.40. M i in ii ipso rg,ar 1 1 .in. Oaewla 4.14, " " Ull. IB, T?roiir 6i0, " 1 ClraHleM I M)6,a.v FAliE AND DISTANCE.S FROM CLEARFIELD. FROM TYRONE. glatlon. Z Station.. Z I it t f Leonard 2 1 Interaeclloi 4 IS Woodland ( !0j Vanaeoyoe 1 IV Hifler. S5 Oardner. I 10 Walluetoa J4' Mt. fleaaant....! I 10 lilti. liall ) 40 Humloil.. U Ii I'lllllphburg. I J 6() b.uilr hlUge.-li Of !lein.rl' Ill i Fowellloo. I? 45 Dui.l.r 20 I0 tlKeell itO it trenla Kl 65 l)uubr 21 u I'owelltou 24 76iHfeiner'a 2S R.iuly Kidge....29 8(i Fblllp.burg,84 Til Komnnt 27 81! Bin. Ball - IS 10' Ml. Hea.inL....10 U H'allaceton.....3 (. Gardner 33 ii f)0 liiclrr .J3 y VeiiKoyoe 34 1 00i W odland I ll 0 Intersection.. ...17 115! Leonard X9 110- Tyrone 41 I a Clearfield 41 1 jf FAKE FHOil CLEARFIELD, TO Bellcfuate, I'a 05 leock Ilaren 2 70 Middletown $5 0 Marietta... 60 Laneaater . 5 IV WilliatnsportH...... t 60 Huntingdon Ltwistown.. Mfirysrilla HAKHiHBl KU. KU.FUILAI'ELFilXA 7 V S VOlAltoona 4 60 Johnstown. 3 tt 4 7olPITTSbTRG 6 IV C'ONXI-.CTItlNi. Passengers leaving Clearfield ai t.Stt n. ta.i I'hibpeburg at 8.66 p. tn., Oaeeola at 4. 16 p. as., arrive at Tyrone at &.M p. m., snaking connection with Cincinnati Kipresa finst at 6.17 p.m., and with Mail West at 4.41 p. aa.,on Main Line; also with Laid tagle Eiprcss, lea ing Tyrone at 7.40 tin., arriving at bVllvfunte at 6-46 p. m., and at oca llaveu at lti.BV p. m., cannecting with Erie Mail East on the Philadelphia and Erie Koad, at 11.? p. m.,arri?ing at Williameport at 12.40 a. m. Returning, paasenirers lenring Williamsport at 8.16 a. m., on Erie Mail West, arrive at Lock Ha ven at if 31 a, ni., connecting with bald Eagle Espreaa leaving Lock liaren at 10.21 a. ar ming at Bellcfente at 11. a. m., Know Shaw City at 6.36 p. ta., and Tyrone at 1.20 p. ra. fclMlAUU 11. VULLlAMd, O en era) Faperintrndcnt. GEORGE C. WllKI.NS, fiupeiintendenf. mtl9tf Clearfield County Bank. rilUB Clearfield County Bank as aa iDeorpara X ted institution has gone out of eii.tenee h7 tha surrender of its charter, on May 1), 184 All its stock is owned by tha subscribers. wh will continue tha Banking bet-incas at tha saam place, as private Bankers, under the Imimi oi the "Clearfield Coanty Bank." Wa ae ra sponsible for tha debts af the Bank, aad will pay ita voteeon demand at tbe aonntwr. Ueponte reeeired and interest paid when money Is left far a fixed time. Paper discounted at sis per eant. as heretofore. Oar persona) responsibility la pledged for all Iefosits reeeired and easiness trans icted. A centinuanee af tha liberal pat ronage of the business van nf tha eoaaty is re spectfully solicited. As President, Cashier and o (Beers of the late Clearfield County Bank, wa require the notes of said Bask te ba presented for redemption. JAS. T. LEONARD, KTCEARD BHAW, Wlf. F0KTKR, JAS. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tba buiineas ef tha Bank will be eon doe ted by John M. Adams., sq., as Caahier, junXS.'t J. IK M'Qirk. Edward Perks. B AKEKQ & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Suoceaeors te Foster, Perks, A Co., PMllpaburg;, Otitrw Coanty, Pa. lInrBE all the businews of a Banking Hons )f will oe transacted promptly and npon thw m-t faroraole tenna marT-tf County National Bank. CLEARXItLI), PA. THIS Bank Ii now open aad ready for bail, a.aa. OSe. .n Ferond atreet, la tb. baild ing formerly ocennied by Ijwoaard, Finaej A Ce. piRBrroai aaa omenta. JAR. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SHAW WM. A. WALLACE, W M. PORTE"., A. K. WRIullT, GEO. L. RLEIK D. W. M00RB, JAS. T. LEONARD; Jo2S, Caabiar. .lartsmithing. Xevr Itlncksmlth Shop. EEC0XD ST, CLEARFIELD, Pa. rpHK ardirrirerd ber, t. Inftirai bit fKeada, X aad tha inhabltaou ef tha boroagh of aid and inrrouadlng neighborhood, that ba ta now rMdy to ex.eut. all eitbar ia Lroa ar ateeL H0RPK EHOEINO tba neat aeproeid eity at.le. ALL KINDS OP BAW-MILL IR0K3 aad KilNK work, lofmea'ateolafeaathMkifipraad! graba, Ae. teel Uola of all kind! naadeaf bait Safliik or American eteel. iTt-All my work la warrant.! ta (Ira aaaU fcli a, ar lot ebarged for. oollJ AMOS IKlK ARD. ISoj;g Tow nsli I p .twako GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I IIVERTBODT trtlrg to get there Iril, fetfiat j .f being crowded oat lata tbe aold. It yoa want good Shoeing dona, go la Saaaat If yoawant yoar Slede iroa.d right, g.ta Binaa. If yoa want good 1J ill Irene, go to Biaaa If yea went yoar wegoa Ironed ia tho belt etyl. aad workmannhip, go to Baiaa. Raaai ak.a th. btoon, Maebla. ia tb. Stat., and dooa all kind, of IlLACKS.MITlllKll ae cheep ai ran be don. la th. coaDly for Caih. ii Poit OSci eddre n Cleeraeld Rrid, THOMAS BEEttd, Rcr Tp., Pee. 1, 1S(T if. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Or.fl AM7.W and eitabliibed fcr the P.rchaaa and Fale nf Farwiiag and Mineral Laade, mm4 IwpreeW tl1 ket.te i. tbe 8owlhera SIMM. THOMAS P. Fl.onF.Xrr,Preiideat. JO. FKYKKNS. Vic Prendwt. J. IIK.NRV AKI, Treararer, Preiident Pcarth National Rank of Fhildetpbia. JOHN MuRltlS. Secretary. TIIOS. C. MAt 'HOWELL. Attorney and Coaa.rll.ri Office : Weohingtna Rnibling, Comer Serenlbj Stn and I'rnniylraoia Arenue, IVaihingtoa, D. C. irrritnt : Oi.r. John T. llnBman. Alhacr. X. T. l l tilt. Wn. liigler, t'tearbvld. Pa. Ii"r. T. F. R.e.t..ipb, Trentun. N. J. Ki Out. Wm. f. I'ack.r, V illiaminort, Ta. Pipt. I, 'ti-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOIKAGE HOME INPfSTRT. fpilK aajrreigned. baring .lUbliahei a Nai JL eerr oa the 'Pike, about half way belweea Clearfield and Corweneellle, ia prepared I. far. nlpb all bind! of FHl IT TH LKS, (ela.dard aad dwarf.) KrerKreena. r-brehhery, Brap, ViaM, tlne.eberriea, l.awtoa Rr.ckb.rry, Hlrawbrry, and Raiherry taea, AI.e. biberiaa Crab Tree., Qniaee, and early leNrlel Rbabarb, Aa. Ord.ra promptly attended to., J. D. WRIOnT. eep l-y Curwraieilta, T Lime lor Sale 1 THE nedersipned, mridtng ner the depot bas mafle ereniplf-ie arranffrtnvn.a with - Lima Werners east of ibe Wionntaiii, whereby he ia enn bled tr keep eonatsuitly ea hand a large qaantity ef P U It K L I M E I whieh he offere to Ikrerre and bwilders at trifle above eo'l. Tbtwe .a wfed of Ibe article would de. wrll tn r' np a eatl. nr addnss me by letter, be, fore ngtia(ing their lint. tiKO. C. TASJiVORE. ClrnrtVM, IS.. June t. AIT ATK Oiwtmd Ttl.ACKSVlTn and If one btvw o tori in oJ enabing 8lele, Wapt.n. Sump Ma-bioei, An. hingle saen nr snen with snail fatvHs. Apple te iHXiTtl 1 III MBAIOFR, aig'Slf Jrvf, Line. Cltarurld coty, t'4,