She Republican. --!" . (i son. ik It., IMitor., J'A. 1 WKPSPSMY MOHMXa, JAN. 5N. UTii. . - - ' i . i i .- . . A proposition is now pendin;; beiore tho Lrjislattire to rai m tho salary ot the Ju Sgos ol tho Sopremo Court to 3,000. Anotiubos Hand. Tho "lain la mentod," Stanton, has stijieri-eded that other "Into lamented" taken oil' at Ford's I heiuro on Good Fiidny, by nno Hooth, over wlioin tho ' Iml tnil lioim" have been shedding bo many tears, riow is this? Is it affectiun or affectation t Who knows? Tho taritf is just now creating u Bi-nsa'.ion anion;; Congressmen. The West and South lire evidently prepa- viiiir In aiilifo limmi for I ho mirr"'"- ' ijefoutin any increao of their infa moas system of taxation, demanded by the nabobs in tho middle and Eastern Slates who grow fat and saucy on a lii-h tarilT. On Hand. liir-hup Simpson, who jeceiveJ one vote for Slate Treasurer, vu at Geary's Inaugural lust week Hnd done tho praying for tho Snicker villa Ihto. These twain arc a pvitty pair. Tho one u humbug Statesman, hud U.o other a liaiubu Christian. How loin' would John WokIi-v. or Wbitcfield, or Cleiii linvu had (n j I- ,, . r . ..J ..... ... v........j i i, j .i uuiit have been touueiod an nniei!. in- cimch.I the Washington and Ilarrishu.- lob-! Iocs' Who cm lull? Tntiit Klwa-.H) Gen. Ames, who! w;,i, ,l, ,. ,, , , . , cl" UO...MIII1 in ii.i .-inirs..,i, to ibf coriutua of with tho attin and niggers rarried.,,,, !!.,..,"iic. .rty. tblr i..M.'lit i. n I'no election in Mississippi last Xovein-' Lcr, for tho rh.uic:. has just teen ! elected 1'nited Slates Senator by the liiggcin aforesaid. Gen. Alcorn, a rebel General is bis colleague. This l.o gels for turnin ' loil" at the eleventh hour. (Jrnnt ne i'K- nv.i.iliiil,,u,,f iiiant nea.lj w.ips otr the loss ot Ames, in tho army, but appears to Cfiisolc lnmself that he will have Ms ' valuable services nearer his person by Loing in Washington. . SritAMiE One of the freaks indulged in by Congress last week, was an cil'ort to pass a bill nllnwing Stanton, ono year's salary as 1 Supreme Judge, although he was dead . und hurried before his Commission J a made out by Grant & Co. A n i this loo, in tho fuee of the fact that bis brother army rF.!.h..r. l,.- ( aented his family with a purse of one hundred thousand dollars, which we presumo wus tho dividend duo him ' from the ring but withheld for fear t.l ; investigation until tho present. A Si'KANf.E S..L.NU. From the tone of Gov. Geary's Inaugural Address wo.uM.ect that bo ha. tat hiu.sel. Jooso from tho corruption ring. 'Ibis is r.'illipr rfn.h 111 ttm pin.. I.m. n ... ... B . .. .... ,,.lp,, ..t,'.uo,.,, uiuer pariisan aim lias long ....,'! ., una. 1 iui i.m j.eop.e. i ne ling rc nou.intted and reelected l.iin . I ui men w 11 use, uui no uas eviucniiy ; iorsahcn tnem, in or.ler lo snvo what , holds, for which he is far better quali litllo reputation ho has left. If l.c j fied than his predecessor, so far as adheres to the principles laid down in legal ability is concerned, his Message and Inaugural be will! His superior legal Ulont specially "bust 'his party, and theu honest men 'qualify bini for his now position, bnt ...:n .1 . :.. j 1 . 1 f . . . I 1 gei men- one-, aim 1110 .-state 1 Bawd from Uii-giace. SniMncANT Congrcsson theirlhex''P.i'',ns.),PP",'cd to his npptiint instant, unniiiinously pilled an art. ! mnt. w '"ol "P"n l'im "carpet tho object of which is, to prove nt i hl,F?r" their midst, and may give oiricialsfriimi'ccciviiiggifu.ormakin.''1''"1 M,mc trouble; but wo nro well thotn to superior. It is not known I whether President Grunt will veto the ad or not. ll will certainly break up the gill enterprise be established nt Washington, i the act become a law, and is it wholesale condemnation of himself and bis indiscreet friends. within eight noittb after their nc ff'S. : ion lo power. No similar inslnnce of self condemnation i on record in tliis eotiniry. Jlowever jus!, it must be humilinti ; to tho "K,il it.illmns." A DrRt.FM;rs. We notice that Rev. Henry Ward Rccther is to deliver a lecture in riiil.nlelpiiia on Piidi-y evcniitir next, on "the Household." Ho is a pretty specimen indeed, to treat of '-tho liotih, hold!" Socialism, or son, 0 of his othi r iiiiiui.ous Isms, bo cr uld Ileal far better. No ihrislian can Ii 1-1 1' 11 to thin clerical and social profligalo. Ho deserves the Ponilen- tinry as richly as a Jack Siiopard, or Monroe Edw at Js. Their crimes were in no vie asfaUl to society and sound morals as Peechere a. And yet, men and women, clniinin (0 bo gentlemen and bulies, will sil and listen to this Irinrnl tii'Ml i ! nr-'n ua tl.i.ii.rl. I.n n. I "' i . ."".i.i i.w n viu ii incsscnrror fioin the l iril World. I A WoMnr.riL Jiiscovf.iit. The members, backer and newspapers, ! iniendeiit of Put, Vc Pi intii,;. p. Ciir. vrho bclonr- lo,iit,d defend the corrupt. roll trowster, Attorney ; A. ion rinr at llnrri-biirjr, have jusflL. Russell, Adjnliint "(j'encial, nnd discoveicd Unit Hen. ll win, the Slain ; Krnncis .Ionian, Secretary t.f the t 'oin Treasurer elect, is not ciititlrd to his 1 monweiilth, J. I. Weakley, Deputy allhnu.di be had a clcitr majority Secretary of tho Common wealth. of nine votes over l.i .-onipcliliii'. j They proclaim that "bo is In no legal, I 'S"n,e w ,lil0 Pp,,l, "ml 11,0 ne;'roo. J oliiicnl, or moral sense the Treasurer 1 0n T,"v,1"y '' htl ,v0,'l Inau-iualod of PennsylvMiiia." This chip I rap J"1"1 W f'011') 'iovornorforlbcseomid allopsl. 4x( lim ever, is tin, emty reason 1 1 this Culi.'il assi' t s. Wo nro sorry lo fee our inorallriniy ' u""a' hi, faith,iJot titt, itl other p.' i ,,,i.u,i, ins iiiiinence in fi.vor nl Km cnrrn' ti'iniats. Wo bud I . . I supposed (bat l .a c , s nnd onn. were - a boll, open, but he nicins to l us' August Moranater coiiin.illed sni jnscnsiblo to ribt as tho "dead duck" jcide iu Sow York, lor luck of employ, and the other "fowl in thai Wtil coop." I rnfint. Ilr .C-sm tine's Vlilt. 1 he editor ft the . m ni'l i in co-M I j ni?'ii-j over tli" it' I' .'it fl I In" "i hi i uil : l..n i tii; tit 110 Main . ; t 1 1,0 1 li i t .nuiMv. tli t nun n"i ii"Mr il heavy im hi. bill stotnaili, lluw lie v Ulint'iiiM tin' "peril. I i ins inli.h lily" ' of Ids party fiit'inl. i-i n pinl'lcui wo mo limit lo M khIvo nt Ibis tin) ', hat ! havo no doubt thn w linlo sthenic for j their annihilation is within his j;ra.sp, mill ''llirto politic;,' iii ;,'' w ill re-'i-i'ivo n proper ca:-li;::ition in duo time. 1 Wo (r.M the. attention ul tlii editor in I qiiostiiiii, tu the lull 'Jiving extract from j the. (.lovernnr's Intiiiiinil, which In h no doubt overlooked in tlio hurry of Imsiiic.s alVniis : 'l c.,11 ui Ml aM Ictri.lrl-ir., nnl upon all other iO'l ciliren. nn.l rtpciallv upon Hi'1 I'ltti'litrt.irr J III",' prt. Oil' PI'lT t,l,llt,il P.lltlllllr ul a free c k . 1 1 In ai t in ivinif Hint Pun' In pul.lic ii;t.iiiit ul o.'.i.h! puril'y our S'nif an 1 nlivvi tu r Inm the rt .rtji,:li ul pvpii poiinti'iner nig llno tWiu w-.uld ln:,,.i' a tnitliu ot tin ir ufnetrr, i,l we u tlOU HI' t:i''tr lA Irt'ok III it nirll :i'i ii I v, ili. na, kii I Wfrin nt ciut (h Irm-li ) 'ur B rvaiiU tiiAl lii' "ii'iilf w ill" lllul be iiIk vi-iI, and :.a Ide " u'tlic al" in Ibn Di"t uin't to u.i otitaiiKil in a Crro gM iriiliieiil, ll' tviiii j'.Tiint I ii;it-uilAlui tu ini ii h tin him 1 i s unl in the iibhc Tri-iif in y. unil M fii' Mini' limn to con'in'l ill" Inw umkinir brntK'h of tli lluvFriiimut. u hiva Ihr whv l ftimrHiy. y-.iu wl Ihv f ntnili- wtiiuli tciiipl to i.'riuii', fth l ulrr to ibt wnrlil a:i rviilflicp, uhibi Ouii'luniit', tiint rir-ivrunitit in a fitiluir.'' The ncnlinionl, or rineijilc8 incul culod hy tliU rxtrnct inny lc coiimJ crcd "iorfidioua Intidclity," by our '.n. L.., lilt livio lIlVJ itlU,UIl.l liu in Ijouud to rctcivo or rrjoi t them. Tlio tone of tlio (iiivcrnor m.d the idituriiil in UiC Journal of last week, which will lo found bclnxv, nro in Rlrnngo lonlr;iMt. Wo can only nr founl for those result noti the ground that 'real minds often differ in: vi ry iiiiyiiilicant, bulijoeln, uud that al'ier all, iIioko "twin rilica'' n( loyalty may only be liumbu.'j;in;j the liuhlie. Tlio Stale Treasury sore is properly probed by our neighbor in tho follow- le : hi-plrctinn of Mr. Frwin. s S'tnti' Trv.ur--r, ,tln, n ,. ,hc r,,i, of m n-puUr "liuri:: :"t ''l''" l"':'-''u tin- n,lllo.ra,., 0 iki'Mtu ...ncid, "uXt" vZ'lZr tfZ 1., tln"nU, tlio l.m..i.'rutj linn. I. .1 orpt in i,..- ; r vt 'lUBii li.i rti iw uju itit M'i' i.t,-. !.. . ii ..i .i ...i .i .. p-.-i "r 'r"r"'1 ciii -'id rl-ni., men. 'n.n.Mr '.,. V-.pi .iiy '.lUii-norcd'tai-mlv. . uiv.r i fir t . v . ... I ll. ......r.. . i .. .. . i . ..... . .. ... - . in i ..!. on. u) i y in. ir ut I. n in t,.o iirnuivr. ; mo praciico uiuler lliem of tho JJ.'ver-. "r"" a in hum ui.i inn. sp'ait iioin ir".-i','.i."f ''ZV.l'i7 '"""i ,nm ' I l',ul 'l"'r, and others in Mew Vork, "ll'"",ry or vaguely. Whe. ho r.-fv-nrnVM,: condemnation; but for ... liure- he held in liii hand lie l'i-.: ..l.i'iis in: J. li:y lo fjm- i.c-.f. a:i1i..i.i, i ii .'rtti!, I,. iiul.licans liu.c (1. linn, ,1 ori r cnTiii.,1 ; of i'ii 1 mru-h i f i:.l 1 niil.titire c. :r .-!. I.' ul ; rn.iniri.. iq rf. iir,.puir nnl ,j III ul tnalu Miiv! ' ,:" n' ' ,u ""'"u l"".r' ih'Iot' i'f u i ,,,., ,,,a ,,, d,.( All,n,.an ,,;,,, ,Mi, i ,'l''ic'i'n'i''.'"if "f'" u.,., Pa,,1,u TU.. M .! I. rrli'nd'i I Ii ul run- ii'-oiih 1 , in li.iin nt atij on-jr-' i.f tne tlr. i- j.i.litim..l fititjM, oramu anil nllulle rr vj.ji-ntuiill.." U 'ii.i.'lii'iili i iiiy iltF.ii.jw and r,liirr llirm wilh hi.n ir'.Lla'ivcl at the tarlicit Tin re, rcaJer, you have Geary and How on the Treasury and Lcgi.lutivr I c . . - , . i , , i reformation, of which the people were ! promincj copious showers last foil by I he gentlemen in (j'jeMion. Who of the twain will prove to be Baal, the future w ill soon develop. - i UrtrnrtUel .It resident Grant has appointed II. Buclicr Swoopc, Esq., of this place, L'"ile'' s,!llii District Attorney fori 11,0 " clem Distnci of 1'ennsylvania, in tiic room ot ll. Ii. drnahnn. The District and Circuit Courts of the United States are held alternately at V.iivl Will . i.'-: . I i, I. I I :. ' ... '';, ii ni- inn mni J.rie. ". "in', iiuniivio Hiiuv iuiimI fill Mr. Snoopo, has always been I 1.:.. ... . .11 . ince earned n scat in Cnnirrcsa, (hut u-ns nlwnva olhoiveif nnt'i hv tl.i-i.n f,.i-' - - -' J ins interior or the position ho now o siiioct that the leiral fratcmilv in I'iltsbiirg. who were, ( with but I wo Blv,,ro ,l"lt JIr' f', w ill bo fully able tod. fend himself a-ainst all bis1,,. . - . i .i ..,1 nntiioim.sf, and they w,,l become , ... , .,, . j nwaro tnat laet too, t.cloro tx niomiis pans away. Wo feel proud to know Hint Ch ar field ha always been ablo lo defend l ll.n I......I n. n, .1 1 . 1 .... 1 n il 'p.'1') " I'l'iiiniii neiii. We therefore feel grateful to President (jrnnt, lor bis appoint inont, so n in 1 enable another bacUivonds nci-hbor ! an oinioi tuiiitv for a i,r..i...r ,IU.,l,,v' I 01 1,1s talents, m n arena in which ! we know bo will a of come out Fceond I While parents in Pennsj Ivania, w lint ht. Wo always ndmirrd Mr. ' 6!iy Vp" outrage f If Congress Swot.ic'n lerral .ibililiis; bnt his ! I'us tho nuthoiity to thus m l ii, Vir polilical scntiuients are iibominable. j inia, w hat is t prevent that body Hi: Is (Ionk. George D. Prcnlico, tho veteran Louisville, Ky , editor, tlie, I in that cily on Ij-iday last, in tho With year of Lis tio. lie pos sessed a toinbitiation (,f editorial talent superior to that of any other '"an know n to tho craft. Theology, polities, poetry, wiiicism, and crili cism, wcro all familiar subject to him 11011101 in tho ablest manner, I'eace to his in-bes. 1 (i'Mnv's Caiiinit. Uuv. (ioart- I n mnilo Iho Inllowiii appoint incut : John Youneman. of Siinlmrr Kr,,'p ""' "Alio sweet toi.ateo pos.y wn, very prominent and inefficient as So sayi I'ornrya ' 1 ... ;. 1 :.. 1 ..ftglrriia tiVrfy. j pi im iple i i) Mill . in l ho i mi. I this nr:if l, ti itti'il n m ti'iii 'II lion ) cur's war h, I vi con liivnl Piitain and i lief II I I i hi ll.m miilini'i'l, th I rr.nill i T w Inch f illy est ttbli-bed li iiiiiriili invoked, iiinl uro ni'lnnw i ilid mi l ro,...'i'U, ! it ilin ..II tvnrl.l. Anl from m, H.'i tl f tl.o j miiiu i iit.n r.n I i .1 f i lilt I j ll ii mi unkcdly as:iiled tu day, n by iIoiiion tie fnei i hililii-n tuf'i-t Iut, oiltioalod and iterel'ipi'd into iiiiii.IhmmI nt thu very lii'iirtliMuiiciif " religion I i he rty," .. :, i : 1 1 i : .... i i ,.l., , 1. I . n ....... I .... ...T.l ... uiu in uiiiiuni viii-iiiii-i. i minimal ntlViiring! Thai ibo Alpha and Omogsi j of our jMilitical tiysiom hhouhl bojeop- arilir.vd by oiiivolvtii i truly lament- ablo. Hut such, in the fact, rnrritidal i i , i . i ,, . nanus havo seized too irnyornmeiiL whieh lias lindorwent serious nfHii'tion for eilit years past, and are hurrying it on to final dissolution. Tlio ' last straw which is to Inenk the Camel's back," is an appeal to Congress to rejtiilato tlio domestie atlairs ot each btato, religious, morally and secularly, and thereby establish a consolidated LMvernnient, which r,', 1, .. moans a Military ebpoliin, worse , , than any now on the face ol tho globe. Tho r-hilnih'lphiu Age in calling Utteiltioll tu this illlpoplmit quovtimi, says: 'I'olygamy will not, we hope, afford n pretext lorn now cxtension'of the;"101"1'0'"" 0,1 b".11' Mu of 11,4 ,I.",! I'edoial nower. From iln i.,;.i the mivcrument, the Territorial X.c. passed upon neai ly all domestic quest ions, in sulist initially tho saiiio wuy that the Legislature ol a Stuio does, subiecl to Constitiilional limilalious. Of course, the Constitu tion of tho United Slates limits the lecislat ivo nowerin Sluli'nr Tni'ilt,,!.' ... 11...U .. :i.:.. . 1... . .. . . i'.i d '.i'i.i3.iiiiiiii im- h.i il'lll 1111)1 otl - or"" J" 'sia.iire in I tall enact laws of marri.'iini which nlt.nv I l"Zy. Tin moral'and social evil ... I tins n acili'C i e COII He III 11 US SI run if V i i . . i ... i i - - uit uo tvii I H o Joel A if I till I, ri inc. :z..t..: "r "7 mMe i lc" new uuu perinaneiit ' ii-rvcrsion of th nu',.,, , If .1... I.-...I 1 .. mirermnont . o run t'n l-ril I CI 1. I Tll 'li.v' rco laws of Indiana, and i colTecliou of tho ei ils wo look to the: Icgilnn.ile of the Slates! t whore tho evils exist Let us Hot per ieiuai,y cu upon l ei era nower 1 stiltitiou. When tho question aroso I 1 "IH "' )""t complimrnt to tho ; , " u "J "",' "ai 100 great, strong about tho excluioii of slavery the f iulile Attorney General was received l"'lx tt'" '"'t ln'rled masses can Jiepublican party .vcro the ext'iemcsl ' n oodj.,k, and created a ripple of' ex'er be "ulutC(J to udont liiH prinei cl.',.,io,,8 if territorial power t" i IkI.Ut on both aide. As .Mr. llawes ' I "r becomo tho deluded and be determino all local oue.Mio ,s 0,v ! "'" ''""I "P 'ilh his subject the niem- j "Uu(1 dupes ol such a seliselessand sib i. 'r....:,.,. :..i r . .. ,.. i hoi s llu ii- 1 1 '' Creed as that ol tho Abolitionism " . . . ".'., ,,,, , i ... a ... i n .. . . now to renicily every liiiinaii evil to he' held snored from' it. Ka'stve'Iir V.... ........ I... ...' . in this cily, -imminent Hadical oilice - Mors called if mnclin" in coin-ni l nn iinholy alliance between Church and Stale. Tho obligation to obey the .:ii ..e ii.T... i ... -.i . ni . ' i iiiu j.ui i j csus v iirisi is to he ul jlll( ,..:,, l-' " I'liited State", mid nower lo enforce power to enforce it is to bo given to Congress 1 Admi rable expositors of the Divine will the majority in Congress w ill prove I Itctter stand whero wo are The iedeial governineiit has no concern I ., only amounted lo ....nt.... i.L. u. ,1... I fl irl.n'). A f . tlii jr.i n.. 4m,i. Kvcry attempt to interfere with it!cn,ls '""'"'tH n laugh at, the should bo resisted, by all iho churches. in 1 no great common interest of reli gious liberty." Tiik Luii.-l.AU Rr. Hut little is bp. ing dono nt Ilarrisburg beside tpiar- reling over Iho State Treasury and . . J r. ,oP r,..tF.i...l r.t.,li.. P..1I. 11 - . T seem lo be impotent just now for oil Ii-! '-'"t members of Cungre-s w as paid ii ! 1,10 ,lm' cowards, who af er good or evil. Tbev t ani.ot even ' u("'1'1 no; lm0'1t to ?J .'li.linij. This j f,,(,t ' 'c oppo-ed to it, could only be . . conclude whelhcr iho Governor's Mev !, nii .0 11 ... . I rni'uiy lie Jll Illicit. 1 110 niiiin fight seems 111 l.n fl.A Hceard and Postage question A portion of the . ' . medio done, pub - cir postage bill is members u re determined lie business until the ll..p...... ....l.i ..I en. --.-' I'uiu annul CO,- 000 for publishing ft Ifccnrd of the that he can divide wilh them after the adjournment. The . piun.lorcrs received a never rebuke in the Uefealof their nominee for State Trejs'ircr; but they aro rallvin" nil their forces to recover tho L-roiind ' j -'IS liny lust ; und tho refoi '..,... , .7 .... 1 1 n p 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ion on i ii ineynro not ; . ..... n"i (,vt.r,v,1(,im,U ,,v l0 lmij0 mul ,. aide iuflueneei. that aro bein2 trot. it ' to bear upon Ihcm. I'.MilCAL Dl.Vll.Tiiv. Tho I'liited ! States Sennle, on Friday hist, passed j j" tlirou-h that body, .'ivii,;- the ! it (jinia negroes cplnl riu'hts in the ' eomniou schools of ilmt Kiniidnin Thus the il... i white in tlio siiitio school room j frum passinre a similar law f.,r Pcnn 1 svlvunia ? I ' TM IT. (iranl's hioiernpher, Oen. r.iiiliail, whom be nppoiutcd Consul lo : I.iven.ool,E,n.!,l. has resi'...,.! and I lorpool, l.nii.Hiiil enmo htnne. llo soon lonrned that bo was unfit for tho position, yet he pot k etel $7,0(0 one year's salary, fur . I iniiKin n trip id j.i'.rianj nml a-k. Wo presuma that is to toinponsato him for tho limnl books l.o ha on h-nd nnd cannot sell Nice way to I .. i.I-....!.. e n i .. .... i "iiiivi- v.i,k,i. , .nn yij ivt iirain. aiilobingiiipby. Sin. I. I lit The latct liens from Washing-Inn seiem to indicate I hat Vir ginia is M ill out of tho Ciiioti nccor dili'' to Radical ethii a. II;i, L,,.,.t cd all niters lo Congress, she would have slipped in lonir n'j,n, but because the members elei t aro white, iho bit tor Radii als nro iniposin now penal ties nn.l infamies.. The country w ill have no ponce until the Devil (jots .obsession of til "111 t Went V more Ilml. it.u, scniu.r and (Wrcssmen. r.rolher Iiiecher tbn liticd, on Satur-' day lust, to Hocei.l thai increase ol mil. ry, receniiy oiij to Inn, ,y irj I i riis ecs oi j ivmitu'li I Imri h nmnt," ,,f T.b. i . . ' 1 ved to tears, .t.d "sloitcd over "so viiiM-iuaiiy wim Mr a bl.url tiino lie i.-..a ..M' I a a- a " . . . . I leouhl acans-ly prcd. tnillrnt ,f 1 1 nil Miiunf nt .i (inC 1V IVoi rf .1itnlii'J)tmh(iti,mt .'"" ""'on. I ibo Ini, mi l davit cninl.imift of TMuiiMi iMiirsi: tr ihk m hunmn li.llii'ii, -im nml I imo, 1 dcro I H ni s - 11m l"Vi.lsT liH oMiMiiiri! ninny m. aikI i.iiilul utmie's told lilMomi.ll p. Tho liiiiiil.iliill thrown lulu the bid encampment at Win Illusion, on tho ITiIi t.v Mr 1 In iv ex. Inii iiiiiilini'il n ,.,.;, ,,r()l,,im,t ,10 ,.n(IMlrv. ,,, , ,;,,, ,lvi .,, " " j eighty million! of our 1 ; un his ! stool jiijiiim declare, that taxpayers ! have been robbed of that sum, an. I the 1 ' .tiling was set up for millions more I Head what the Washington correspon dent of tlio Mew York 11 rai l says : "Mr. Henry I. Dawes, of Massa- rhuselU, i;!miriniii) of tlm Coinmilloo on Appropriation9., nslniiishtd his I ,l'",,vv '''ulilii'imn not Iomi than (be I deniocratH in lliu JIuuno tu day by bin , . . . . . . J . J exposition of w hat ho tonus "tlio ten dency of tlio administration to piotli irato cxpenditiiron." Tlio immediate oeeasion of tho speech was tho propo sition now beforo the IIuuso to trans fer tlio Philadelphia Mavy Yard from its prsonl silo to Jjiuiuo Inland. Jlr. laes opposed the bill on tho (round, j llrst, that it would take at least a I million out ot tho Treasury, and, I HCL'"ml. becuunj tho bill Kivcs the ! Secretary of tho Mavy power to dis- 1 ,,, ,e r,,. , , , ' , posu ol tho lau.I where tlio yard now Htands, and also gives him tho control ! of tho money, llo broadly hintod that I wnuhi nut tniH tlio Heeietlliy of j Iho M'nvy wiili nno mailo this aniioiincenicnt lien ho : Pn, l-'J "P lllt'"' ears, eager to hear I u liUt ""k'111 billow. Tins, nowever. j "''"! ,ho P1-1'1'"1 to t general 1 onsl:lught upon all tho niemVers ol tho .J""i"drati )n, with tho exreplion of ! Attorney General Hour, vim, said Jia .ve :, "is tho only ono who has not u-ke l for enormous' appropriations, l""1 ,,y a,'ew M'"K.V rr'.''. mr old and it is proposed at the other end ol'l mul1 Wnmnonlul and dyspeptic . t 10 CaliiLol In turn .nn mil. f.I r.ll; l 1 -".v ... ........ , ,,. ",. - M,o "rounu nun where lie Mind. The .1 . .. I . . . . ?, who seemed to catch the ; iiiiwui i ir v1 ' ii nv iniiiniiiiiiiii iii .,. i ( c I " " v jiiijui iiuu fr, .. .ir : . r ; . . ' : ,, " i repubhean sido and lisleu-d alien- I tively, and no doubt aiiproi-iiiL'lv. to . . - . . f j f - . 1,0 warll.njj arra.v i oMu ia. fads and ,al csiimuies iiirnishoil tho com- i mitteo by tho heads of deir.irl inents '"r "l'l'r"l,r'"l',," tor tho tiscalyenr "" 'iiii,oiiiiiiilw dollars and cents. In ..l,i l.V. .... . u '. " ' l Al"""1'' " 11,11 stuio r Illt'fllS W III' I I.Fll'M I...F.I1 F-. ......I.. tA ... 1 ' J"ri,.sly in the newspina-rs and 1 ,,ie ht,""P "''out the econmy and i retrenchment of tho present aduiinis- '.r"1 .''0 nPP,opriil,i"111' usked -savy Yards wcro grea er than lever lu' Tlm r.t.!. .r - -. , i n-. . tr...,c!,,ne.,t in tho Mavy '"'!J "1 10 '"' country wu, in the item r.f coal Hero, it was aid, wc woiil.l save official records showed 'that :he coal ti.unu,(Ai(.i, wlvn t used by tho Mavy last year, under Old lather W exjicnscN 01 i no jolty Jiotioson. II, e l'ostmahler General, with whom it is said Dawes is not on the best of terms, came in for his share of ridicule and blame. Cresweil's calculation that it cost the government S.",(Ki(l,(.iliO a year to maintain tho franking privilege was disccted, and Dawes asserted i.i ... .' f . , - . . ... , ' " 'o posiago on all the matter would allow every member to mail rompnrisoi, of tl. eslitnato of i appropriations asked for during it,., ':,t year of Andrew Join ion's admin- ! 'sJr''!'"" t'"'- or te Cr.-t year I of tho present adiniiiiVj-ation xvum I llif.Uy ,Jiule , )Q fJJf j decidedly damaging to the latter . .......! ""i . .. "V.c..., il "llltlll'lll uc nine a I s said no ' l''ter defense of Andren Johnson's ! "''"''"'t'on could have l.een made .Jx" '" "'" i pan-on ol the estimates I, r ai'iirom i- ! ations. According to the 4.wii,.i of M1'0 chnirman of tho Api.rnpriiition I ' ''o'ntnitlor, and ho is rem n led as a r"ri'"' ,IU Csli'Tiulos 1 1 the pres. ent administration lor tho urt year ' exceed tho of the last of! 0ceeu u-o t t ,0 iasl Vc,r of , ;'""" i w.i i-"iji r. miutinM rni on c I.' - (,(.0,(.(IO. Thisdid no. in, lde. he said, I .vnon-w jolmson sniiniiiilridi.iii ? I0 . !tl... ..;ii;....d ..ui....i i.... o. t... I ' MF.i-. 4..M-., ,- ,i. J'llinnoi, .nt i orK 1 .'itotlii c ko uid ; nothini' about thn Ho-iou r.v-lolllee j and lor jA-aitio Island. 1 he tunclu ! simi ,f Il.uvcs' tjieet h tva, tl i,mi,,. j isli'iili'in nn.l iln. rftiiilili,.',.. ....,.. 1....1 ' not kept failh with (he ,cni,:c 1 111 the i promises, f economy and rctrci chment ll,rou' which they were plced in ; P''rt or Tho speech nmdo a tttarhe.l i I elici t on U.o House, and is ll egeiieral .,,1. ..1 , . T r ,1 political circles toiii.jiht. Tno demo tints, 11 nii-ht ,o expotted, art delighted with it. Judt;o Woodward says it is tho best campai";n tl.icnmenl the democrat can distribute H X M. nnd tho best themo for discus-ion on iho slninp." .' - - --- ..."...... in .. u ,,u sun III SS1AN AMlTfHMSIl liOVERNMS Ms. " 'u,'l""n iroveii.iiicnts aro f,.inrv 'T' C V"'""Vl''-V '.'l b! '"' r.uroiicnn coveriiiiicnls nl purchiiain:; aiins in this ctnitty l.ntily Hie li'ussian piiveriimct oh mined from Colt's fai t, try in Clmec icul lUO.IIOl) rifle of " tho I'Ji.l-in I.H III I'll, nn.l il iu ...I si.,., . 1.1 .1 . l'"'rl purennso m nn equal iininlier i.l,.ini,r ' f;..ii.i,en. .mii miiie s.nee ens. r.liic,iie. tho Turkish Minister, b(iii;hl j ihill.ll.Ml Spriiiprtield rifles forihe si ,",i, ,,o into ..r .. . : i i . ... ' sent to Coiis'.aiilinople, tlio bi anc,. j soon to follow. In connoctionl it h Ibis curious fiiet it is s.ii.l that j thcr tho Piissian ur Tin kish L'overtii ,,'ni ' ..'".v'.'if o; i,ien navo uirea.ivi H.t., i mo i.iissian ur J in kish povertf lent. I ' dl.y than a mat, Ii for the or both, nro nor-oliatinrr i,,r , h. ,,.. j majority. In tho II011..0 Iho Jteinoe chiiee of a portion of tho 11.1 prr's ' ,:I,'.V are also w ell reprt sente. I. I heie Perry j.ropeily rcccnlly Isold ). our ', than thu iiveine of Lileut irovci'iuneiit in snme privnto ci nlnl I niiioni; the 1 civ inembors, nnd soinn ol ists. Their object in secui iiiu n rt rtofi,'lc,n not fail lo make their now or I I I . 1 p . .' ; .'. I. H'l . . .. ..I . . the properly is said to be for Ilia pur poses of repair shops or fact, rtes II10 tact ol such bii'j'o quant il p ol urms being pn cured hero by f, rvin Kover1.n1c11tal.n1 piven rise to krteeii lalion ns lo what they nro iienh'l f,,r just now. I, Turkey really Kl tl, war wilh lint Khedive, or bus I ,.sia an idea ol pepperiii'' tho "sick 1 inn" once more Iti si t, ,n 1IRKI.T. 11,0 ' .. K !.,';.. 7. fi..i.i iV. 7 lll'l' linanra .l ... r..... ft . i "I niiaii.r .a ...i'l . . i. . pared pri. ' ' V"' j it Is tnio. bill tin rn is l.iilhimr ihnl l,il"Aouila Itono. Tin 1 intr l"I lev ' ul snceeediii m'liei alioiis, will he so (c, ' J"'"1'":. i"k nml ibiinnahlu nn the i .'i" "i i iih' iiiiiiooif.111 111 tnit inictf " im ii cm'h. iquna B oi'serviiiioii I, at fair Atiii'vica of mi i a for leu jeius lod liiui to believo that tl,o nidi miry past. Thirty 3 ears n,;o, When itamonn of prm o lurnishod by the priests and prophet fust appeared in j Churches, Voiin' Men's C'lirisliuti our midst, tho naluriil instinct of sell- Associations, ami the l'ublio Schools, preservation prompted tlio people to ' uro not sullicient to overconio Iho slay Ihein, nml if "educated'' fools had 'great proponderiinco of the Old Adam not interposed their billy teaehiiii'H ' anioiiif (ho neonla nf thn oil r...Fi,. .1... 1 : . 1 . - . III1IL 1III1IIIIIO lllllllllrilll larmh'ss inufior, Garrison and some was oiiitii ii scores of then imps of hell would have been slaughtered, and this solemn ex amph) of tho justice- of the Jieople would Iiavo milled tho rovnlting mid accursed iiniilnes, mid a milium ofin nocent and useful lives, sinco otl'ercd up on tho altars of this obscene Alti can pid, would Iiavo boon saved to this gi'iicralinu. Ian. Sickle", J.'vn ders, and a host ol similar characters, may not have understood it, indeed limy havo mingled with their better mni healthier instincts much that was course, brutal and sanguinary, but dominating over all that was mean or gross in tlm natures of such men, was tho one (Jivino instinct of self preser vation that impellod thorn to extormi nato tho Abolitionists, and thus save tho country and thoir kind from the monstrous and borriblo evils sinco in flicted by this accursed fetich, lint o re peiu, tlio "educated" c iissen. fr. ' !00lhll' P'fai'bors, lawyers, judges, &. iiiterponed lor tho protoclion of muinbo juinboisin, which, tliey doclar ed, us perfectly harmless, and indeed in tho ' abstract" quite true, and rath or pretty, in n luoriil censo. They said, "what nonsenso to fancy that uuirinun lllllj bis gang can ever do ""7 r""' i"flnef I Ho is followed ; IH-.FjMi:, uuu nicreioro more can never ! , - s,., , .. 'n lml:81 01 casa, III1IIIFIIIU I 1I.F.I1 u F.F. tl (.1 II... ..I.I cal loaders, who spent their dnvs und cuugiea tneir l.rams in getting up dodges and compromises to keep the masses from meddling with muinbo junibtiism, declaring all the limo that it was harmless, and would dio out, if hit til.ino. . Well, tho reiiult is tho sacrifice of a million of lives und half of the entire wealth nceumuhiied fiiice tho landing of tho l'ilgrims, and now iniitnho jum boism is enthroned at the national Capitol, calls itself tho Government, with a standing mniy that rules tho country, that two years ago made General Grant President, and that will continue their txmer ,r f.a,. ' U"V "j0 I0"!'.' rr reason and reject this hideous dev ilism or they ean no longer pay its taxes and Iho land rnlhipsi'S into chaos. Of course, this cnnrinoiis nnd (hi lmmlr crime against hberly, civiliMtinn 1 liristiainty and rommon sense, bus been fraudulently accomplished, for the great mass of tho uneducated neo- ..l.i... i. .. . . I mu nut e inn same tnsgust nml horror ' ol .ll,t5 M", an '''ol now that they had thiriy years ago; but its chiefs and prophets masked ihelrileviliaii designs under the pretence nf intrioi;..Fn. appealed to the best instincts of the masnes to work out their accursed nnd hell engineered criims. Mor has ti,,. worst of this sinful ami beastini .,.. ship been realir.oJ. Another million of victims, and probably infinitely Brewer misery is before us, unless thero nro sense and manhood sullicient left to grapple with the monster and destroy it. And how easy tho com- ' ln:1Je' ,0 understand it ! Amnlgama noil 01 races "equal rights; with nigger tho same condition for bo- i w'ljrin God has made so dill', rent thai. .1 1 ll . 1 US 1110 Census SllOWS, Ho duCS I "" H'r"u.t. xbc" 1 it is only montlis and day, w ,l'0"1 '!'18 loaut'''"1 permit thcill lo exist on Sllcb n h.,,11.. , c. i a matter ol years, uvii nun. rni oui earth. (ksecrjiieH i'.i li nen si) unnatural and a sin against (Jnd so unforgivable as that of "impartial freedom." .Y. Y.llnt Ujr.k. i... . r .. .. i. ... : Tiik Aos or The JV. Y. f"y I' says: Sumner is getting "x ''y pon. The gront war hntind l''v Kngland, who yelled "onward 1 onward !" Id tlio .Northern Mlili. 1 slavery" barbarian who wont Son.h oospor tno cniintry and murder its on i?.en. now sie some of the fruit of '""'"."' p"r"iti i'i) l ip inii an H.t lour, vary l'l,i,hc,ival which i b.. p..t-n:i...l ;.. :.. i .... "'-' ... v.,.. in sn-il riTllll re tone' stairortn. . no is In ,iay crviii'r, ''li t "P 'i''1 feiirful taxation 1" Tiic trrn.-ins "'Mird all over the land, allhnuiet they have not yet Jienot rated tho cars til the ninn in IheWLitn 1T....Ufv "P ln""' l'arful!y In: in New En-lnnd n" "utner is n'coi'nizcil theiv as one n tlie lun.-t tlopcrate of the party of dostnictimiisls, the lender of it in tint. 111 U . ,- 1 , , . ! int sc, ,ion, lie knows he is 1 also respoi.sii for l he now ton ni.p.'i- j rent fntilsof that parly, nnd is at- k." T' , J 1 1 1'"""-":"'' "' , . .. i "Tie. w'i"!i will sb. in p. ninpnee wark eaa. i. ,i,,,,iK liiMlimon IIIISKIIIIItir taxa- lion. lit cry now is,' 'relievo tlie lion- i . 1 p . . ' . . .. I . I I, In fn.m I 1,,.' hunk.,. " TI...I l'l.....l S,..r i. nl I,,.. ,1... ': . ' '. . ' "' """"ii" ri'Hl, i' a inatler fur nul.lio coii.rriiiii!..iir,i. i If this slit. uld . rove to be Ht-ie .I'lool mir- ' ncles n ..., telen t, .s.....I tlio uiitbor of the Impending Crisis, amazed at tho ruin Im ha aided, nnl ready 10 make any atonement in his power. Tiik Dfmoi 'ract Aiii aii. A corre. ispoinhiit from llurrisbune of ll, iv p.. I, ,f. mi.., ..I,.,.. ..(' ,1 . .. . 1 ". ., . '"" '" "' '""ir in u.o !.,'..-1 t in o says: uai ."iiaio tno iiemocrats have atlvai,lni;o in point of talent. 'Hie Radicals bavo no leaders eunal to le i, . .... it . . I. . " .iiiiieo iin,i iiiiiniiuw. lii'snles Wallace and Km knlew the Democrats i bavo other ablo inm in tho Senate, ' "'"I " lalent, Iho minority is confess- j edly than a niati h for the i icii.. inn cuirii nion rnur wi li ml precious few tools amoiif; the Donm- v. ...v.wi'iin vviiu now rejiresi'lll tho party at Hail ishurir." 1,. . I UK I'.SIl fF A DlStlltACI.I t I. CASK , PeV. ( ,11, kit, pastor Ol a ehliri ll in I .New lmk cily. who cloned with a youiiff lady of bis fioek a lew days ', bus relumed to his wile aiirl ..... jfituiily and restored thclamb tu ils lirolicr fi.1,1. llo una iln, vonn.r lii.le K .... .. . r .VmP " . editor of the N. Y. ll'urW, because Hist paper exposed hig villiany, .nd called him . wolf in .hosp'. clothing. I .1 .Vfomion ifrtMc In lomrit Olfrfoni. Tho Vi'iinnifi ,vjr,i,it,r mn A pi'iitloniuii who Milin lihoa himself Mho ( liiinh of the Kntlvr liny Suinls, j i out in l ho IVtvolmiin Centre iVorJ lit. 1 " .1. '. ' . . . lie has iilremly cslablished stations si Titusvillc, mid Kcruhgrass, und will do tho s.nno thing at I'retroleum C'en tro. Duly uutbori.ed agents will arrivo in a few days, w ho w ill give a public lecture, setting forth thocluima of tho Mormon Church. Ho disclaim tiny connection with Deecher, for although bis tout allow a man to bo very much married, they do not permit any two men to have the same wife. Klder Koso thus concludes bis cxhor - tnlion Inlhit t.F.1.... t l' 1.... . v..w K.1-FIV.UIH tiuuu ouj a ; "K-'oeivo us with ojicn anus and let tu form a phalanx strong as the sun, fair as tho moon, and terrible as an urraj' with bannors. Ho! every ono that tiiirsleth, enmo without money and without nrice and help us rout tho hosts of Satan and save ulive all the rantaiikerous sons of man. Aqlii,a K'ise, Traveling Klder." Woman's Kicuts Women. The second nimual convention of the Uni vcrsal (Woman) Snll'rago Association assembled in Washington yesterday, Mrs. Klijiahetb Cmly Slanloii in the thitir. There w as a largo attendance of tho woman' rights women und men Senator J'omerny, of Kansas, being among the speakers of the duv. j 'I he grand object of the tonventiou is the sixteenth amendment, or woman mi 11 rage; but to carry it through Congress there is a shorter method than this system of never eliding and still beginning conventions. Let these woman's rights people pick nut, say ono hundred handsome, intelligent, sharp und persuasive young womeu devoted lo tho cause, to act us lobby ! members for this sixteenth .mend- meni, mil tins will sonn carry it through both Houses. Tho same in striinieniulilies next will carry it through tho required three fourths of I.A U ...... I . I .. . . . mo i.fgisiuturcs, ana tnon wo men will bo equal to men under the supreme law of ll e land. Handsome women are found irrcsistable to run ning tho lobby for men; why, then, ti .1. .. . J . ' Miouiii iney not organize to run it for their own great cause of woman's rights: 1 hats tho (juciition.X Y. i) unci, Tho demU of Major-lieiieral Joseph j. -nower, commnniiing tho Depart ment of, is announced. lie was a native of A'ermont, and a craduutc of est l'oint. It is a nota i '' cjrfumstaneo that this is tho third L'ab (f district coiniuaiider m Louisiana since Iho "Mongrel recon I 'truetu.ii process' commciited. Major I ucnerul Novell II. I.misseau died while i colonial! d, January f, 1 .still. Gen- -rul '" vrs death was caused by i conk'lio'i of the lungs. . . V.. ..1. . . i.. . . I . " n-nsuinm in lust, ?"d '"H'l'V- On Saturday night, j ''" a Kusiimi was shot in Bleckcr siren, 11. mo presenco 01 a lewj wo man, was taken to the hns.ital. des perately wounded, and is now tenderly ' ""''"J Hn atlracliva widow, who " lI" 'o ninrry intn ut once. ho is ' "e riext customer r ptlfU tlvfrlisfnfn!,?. SAIr, KL01 n, EliA.N A.VD riiop, ,i whnio I'T l'. KKA1Z1R. i'i.i.nili- llu Jail.) fpilKCKl.HIIUTl;!) HICIIAHIiSON BOOTS, JL I nbl Kin JJ en. Y n'nrh K i.. (t ift I n-n.-h Cull j on (0;.iute the J,l.) Al C.KB ATZKK S. 1 al'TIOS. A.I !,,,. m h-il.i paulionpd 1'ui.i.aF.ii, .AIM K film to J.iupI t Ualrd Jannirv l.ih l?n !" 1 havenpv" rsnol la.'ue lur Ibo aawa, and "''ipinuiiia nul li. n.iv :l. l :i M , . . IKATMklt.-o.k l.i, A Spnnuh S.,1., Frtnrb i and AmrrtPaa t all an l Km. Kip, I psr, .M'.ukpo. Itilidiiira. L.ningi ami shiiF- nidinj.. al ("J ob its the Jail.) l KltATZKhS. 4 t'llHOH'M M)TH IU-Th, .",,.;,e j, v Fiii'iimr. S.iminl,1 br Ibe On bani' Curl of irnrfii-i J sjtiuiMT, a Januiiry U nil. 1 ,Q. la skimltl a 'j'l-l, n 1 inv.f nf il r r,,'. i .i,e u0 r r, r;:,:;,,, i,:.;,;" j legally entitled thereto, , II il,,-!.., ibp dutiit 'ie' rmni-ii, nrrn "ep (, ie ana itn..nF. th. ........ r app'iininiini al tin nip., , , L.rtirM. na .1 S Z, IX"" 31 A. W. W ALTI.IIS, Auditor. i iitiu.' . , . V-CVxZt mm .k. i... . err"-"" '" wan., C. KRATZKR'pt. a, ""1'i.i.mi u.inv.-i,, are now pr paml I., lurntrh a elnaees with eonatant imp' . viiirnt at h.ime. the l... e ol the lime or l,.r ll," -pare it.' niem.. Ilasinca n.w. :,;hl and pr. rirsanfpllier i ea-ilv pirn fr .in Sue. to; per evening, an 1 n , r .; ..;-.'nal in l y 4. vntinc thilr w!;,.'c nine to Ihi ru.inr.e. Brt and gtrlr ftrn ni-arh a linl.h r. nun. all wbi, flO S--,.. UnKL'tU.. .... " .' f. h.. ,r a i'irpM. ana leer the 1 u.n.. a, w,- iii,.i,i,.r,ii,i,.,in,, . i. ,.h '"' "''','d.we .u e.i n ti.av f,,t and if.,,, ol F. V.,dF'a ..r, ('. oneor iw lrf..i and 1,1,1 law.iv m .painre nni I..I...I .11 ... r... k. .. ... il , . V,l ' Ii'lied all m ul fi S' hi n.all. "Ir:"'.'":'" - 'r"'i,:'1 ..d..r..C.-Al...r.N lion ,pr. 11 1 ..a wit ,,l ' A I. I.F I i. am m vi., AU-UFia, .V - T''V,' 'Tr "'r"-' lnmaideand Fennpr .'7 ' '" ' 1 "hl i. nr.'. i nn, iii u( rij.c, 0.s.'.t.' the Jail. c. ki; ATrFR-.. 'S 'I I.M HH, new eu-hinnod SI, I. It, Ht ch-irteral lor sale or rvoh.irirfr al .'" li a s i ivrnv fiTAni.K. L'aill.l,-(imi to lb rpe.deiipa of 8. It. Ii" 4lh of Jmiiatv. I'-rn. a llnLM ll l ow inarr, in iiraui.'rrl ti.u l.i int. i.n "n ain-ekled fnpe and red I..1 r. Then - oni - aiid to P..n,e f..r.l ,... . owner ia p'...i:-. and ke h.r ..ay. oinor.,,. ii,. lerle, pnv diM-.,"i-d ttl acenrdibr o l.w. ..l 1.. .la . i; "p- s. n. ci.Ar.riAnT. T I'l'I'TMIt llTlfl.V-.tri.-. . '"' IN' '" "f '"""ch ..i , nrrn., ills, Uo. ! .,",'n' J h'T!"' m "" ""','r,;'!,,", j ed .,. ni-kri'i"........", i. d'holeT."',.', 1 r'" cain. h same 'wdl Meust tnem. duiv ... i' in i. aipj, sent inilii. K. A. 1RV1V. J. II. OK. II AM ;';'"; C.I. Keerut. ' FI1MFRK will Is- .old nl P.. I. lie u,ir- n )roj;. ! I PA V, January Mai, l ft, al Iho tv.i,lpppe. rtf ' II. p ilwr. ..,. n. . I. .... .t F- c.i . n. Shaw f mill, thr rollnang b.ntr, proprrlv. 1 'i: Two prv.knir H.'v.a .,d I ...,,:,,,. j . ...--n. i mi. p. i sop, a re. I apt - ....... i wrarrF-oiia, i prl. ni', li wiu.litw sash, (.,,., lill.l 1 work bench ; ! ''nwtrr.lubi. standa. and a varirly u house- T7J... """ .'! . ....r v r..'.-a, n. m.. wi en icmswi be ma le I nnwa by janln I'tfd. IIESRV II. MARRLK. ORGANS & PIANOS.! ESTY'S AX I) VASOX ,f- IIAMLIS'S, roi sail it I . J. II A V F St, Carwawsvl'la, Pa. rr?"p,', ,",'"nl" "i f-' f "7 xu'JJfiRK Vl'iSfftlitntcufl. I'AVII) IlKAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NEAIt LUTHER.s'lllRO, TE.VX A. MAXlI ACTinES til kind! of LumW fur liuitding puqiotif. Alwayi oo Land lath ron noorisn, ri.A,siKRno tATir, TALINGS, Ar., ic. Hit Piaitirlng I.Alb sr tri.nW iftwvd and of difli-reiit Iriiftln, to iwil farrliastri ; Ilia PaJinfi are fnur feci lung aud raudj j.oinud. All kindi of Bawod Lumber will be fumiahed lo ordf r, and dtlivcrtd If 10 deiirtd. P.icci will ba liberal, according lo qnaliljr. SC-AI1 kludi of un.UN' taken ia oiabavge for Luinber. Latkcribnrf P. 0., Jan. 18, ISrO. I 1 NttUAllE TI5II5EII ! E.A.IRVIN&CO., CtRIVEX4VlI.I.E, PA IlclDg ipcciallj' toiKcJ in Ibo buiioen of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would nprt.ent Ibat ti.ey are now prepared lo pan-ha.p Timber dtllf etrd at eitbor Cnrwant? ilia, . , ., ' Loek llaren or Marietta, (or will take it at any of tbeie poinla.) aud tell on eommiuion, making ucb. adranee. at are neoeipary Tbo enpaged in getting oot Tiaabar will find at our ttorc in Curweoavi:ie, a very large ttoek o( STAPLE GOODS Of all IlcKriptioni. ALSO, riour, Mlyc, Oali, Corn, And everything neccwarj for naa of Lumbermen RAFT ROPE, Of all iiie, kej.t on band in large quantifier, and tM at small adiance by tbe coil. AUo, follcy . Block., Small Hope, Ac. UPr.ClAL IMItCr.MEXTS oSertd to tboae manufacturing Square Timber. I.. A. IRVIK dk CO, Curwrn.T'.lle. January 12, 1870. j. r. wkiveb.. ...W. W. SETTS. WFATER A BETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tbe aid Itand of 0. L. T.eed i Co., their stuck of good., eoo'ting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, E00T3 A SU0E3, HATS A CArS, I1AKDWARK, (jn:ESSJ AltE, FLOTJE, FEED, ST, &c, etc., At th Moil rtuoul.l raii fwr CASH or in t x change fur C m.' .1. Ti v ni 1Uiire ri iara, Mingles, OR COIN'TRY PROIifCE. jTir Advanoes ba'Ic to tboret enptgod iai get ting out square timber on tbe mot adv aatagooue terms, .lanuary 5. IS70. saat r.t aa(.i.n ,.w. Rrtts aAIirsnolts. WINTER OPENING! ARNOLD et HARTSHORN, Cl RWENfVIl.LF, PA. V"E ll sVEJl STfilTNEIIalargpanJ moid . I prtmj.U le sli..k of MIT .0i.9, I1AT3 i CATS. Coots a fiiofs, llARlWAliE, t KKNSWABE, RACOX, SALT, CROCFRILS, ritlFR Flil'lT, Ac., if . it. aAU kinds of lumlsjr and produoe taken in eaehangct for goo is. VwH,re as a pall hpfnre pan-haaing el.pwbero. Sali-ia,'li"n gnariolped as toqnAlili and price. CnrirrTi.tillr. January A, IS 70 -tf. rw,K 1 thot " "" . -- .... . . . VF 1 F, first e litl'.n of one bundnd and aai pnir l.on.en.1 cpips of Vl, 11 Im sritATia fir', a or Srins isn FmnaL lirn.p. . i.h. li-hed anl t.. send out It is cVcmtli prinlr.l on line fialrd paper, wilk al-eut L'l n f.i f wui'ii'aiii'cs nl 1 1. .r. era and VrelsM. s. at d a l.ia.,1,1,1 r..'..r."l pl,:eP,.ns:.!iPf. of te.en il.i'ir'i.s of llruitn'F.n.1 I. mtk,n: a fin. ! Ilr.qiirt of Phlmes. ll ia Hip ..rl brautiful, . Iw.ll a th. ln.i.-ii,p fPB t;,j. ,,. . I.he,l. civinr !Vn ar.d tltT.n.ttpl. di..ii..n. r... Ibe eullare ol I loie.-rs ami Vegeiartlra. Tlie l lo. ral liui.lp is ,nl.l,l.",l ior .rp,nlof ,.... lomr-e I t' mrrs. to !:.. it is ae, t tree will,. ""I 0 to all wheippl, b, wnl. for les CET.hi. h is wm ba'f iba coit. ' iitt.n i I K jani: Roclii'ier, . V, THE AMERICAN HOUSE,!', m wrn.illle. Irai Ueld rnunty, I'a. i r I II K nndersigned h.i lead tbi, old and long I a.tabli.hed koiel, (f..rinrly kept ty M., laaac Bioom. I situate ia a central p .m.., ,f ih. towa.snd has entirely r U;t,iM,ra lural.hed m rd re mod, I. a tba alanine, a. a lo make It an oSj.c. ker.s,ner. fee tba Irarelirg p.blie lo I-' " tare BBC womiaorlioas ho wan. its, lu-tf. T. JLFF. ..Baa. il.OUM. !o i iav . n.w (it," I bjcZ'.. Xj' m,""'. , . . . t-'cigk ckpsp, can do ao rrA: ii tii'it o r. .... . . . . arai d.iui.b.J k, m i,..i . 1 1 l)t bui,o' if TOf,.., , - bonilnuni hy C. J. 6 Ucft. C. .t. 5,r.Fr t n. oniiit.x VIMII Msm ATOTI'ia miTlflx ll bprslivj.vto Ibal lellaranf adiuir .i',.".'"' ... .1.. ...... ..r I ii Li..... .. . ' B l ... ... .. ... , , . neeea,,,! , I of lb" Hwi.iiib of Clca.rfl-.lrt. I'niti.rl..... L ' I bo duly granted to the n.lonined, all'h.J,, In li-liled tu anid eliale will nipew make 'I and tU.e having elainti or demand rr, ' I llii in liri.r.erlv Fi..ii1rr.ii..F..l f... .": I i. ii;ariji.-.u, jv.iau-tt. ArliB Kainialriig,, if -ii an n it inn's Sill III K,;w I i. herpl.y given that led"! nf adinmin',,,'" I nr. It.. .l.l. nt T T, bt.llil .j ..lrH0!l i. . j i ""Mru'I'' -innr"om eoiinly, , ......K irvr.i nmr Kianii'U 10 Ilia nndirsiiFrJ . I WFr.r.n. If..I.1....I i. ..I.I ..... ,,, -u.a.'l i "" v "." pitaea nn.. nnetneiit, and tbois bavina elaiun or !.,...' "ill pru.nt tbeB properljr nthentientrd lur an. J1"'" "'pit- Adminiitraio,, IN TIIK .HAITI:.! OF TIIK FlliTi aecoont of James A. Haperty, one of tlie ti eeut'iri ot the eitate of John Dlllia, decenaid i Tne uii leraigncd, an Auditor appointed tr I "l ' 'fuii ui urariii'.u eouniy lo rrrternni,, adjnal, and reitala tbe acoonnt of laid Eieeai..' ill attend to the dulie. of hn appolntrrem n Thnridar, the J 7 th d of Febrnarv. A. ll Km t bii office in Clearfield, where all 'prtrtlM I,,,,; ...v. u, 1U1H. it, L. hKtlJ.s, . j""1" Auditor. IX THE COCRT OF COMMON Pi.EA of ClearheU eonntr, Fa. eirnNaflDkofClearlleld.lKo. IIS, March I r 1669. ' Oeorire W. Shimet. J bomo.tia attUehni Tbe onderiijned, Trusteea appointed by ibi Court ol Common Plea, of Clearfield eoum; ecrordinir to Apt of, hereby giro nbttei that they appoint Friday, tbe lltb day of lebri. ary. A. I). 1S70, at tbe boroojh of Clearfield, lo nueiTa ma prooia or the aeeeral eredilon and di'Urrmine Iba una and alao nnuir. kll ........ """""a ewui' oi money or oilier properlT dne I tbe a.nd Ueorge W. ghimel to deltrer the earne le k..i.i. , - I ?. ' the Trustees. T. J. McClLI.0l.01l. WM M MeClLLOLiin .!). L. KREUS, . "'-St. Traiteti. IN THE nil'KTlir COMMON' PLEAS of Clearfield "ounty. Ha. Harrison A O'llell, ),.. . I No. IdLMareri T., fj. John W. Furlcr: J I,,Blw'i" Attachnicat Tbe nndi rug mil, Truitaea appoinUd ly tbi Court of Common Pleae of ClearfifM eo'tialt according to Ail of A.eeanbly, kerptiy give aotie, that they appoint Friday, tbe I lib day of Feb, ary, A. b. laJO, at the borough of Clearfield, I, reeeiva tbe proof, of the eereral ird,tor. and determine the same, and also require all perxai bnlding any sum. of money or ether properly doe the aaid Jnbn W. Fnrley to deliver the same Is IbaTraitoea. T J. JMTI.LOKiH, . -M M-fTLLOleiH, 1). L. KJttBi, . "' "' Trurterl. Xolke to Laud-owners! Siavaroa .iixan it's Orrtrr, I IUamiaiaa, Pa , Oct. 2J, 1SS9. j To tbe Oanera of tneealed Laudi: In to an Act of Assembly, approved tbe e:.g!,th day of April, one thousand elrbl bun. dred and slity nme, oa art hereby a tiUrd chat the HTnaoiv Land Lien Docket," containing the liet of nnpateatad lands for Clearfield eountv. pre. pared uuuer tbe Act. of Aiarmlily of Ike 20th of May, one thousand cipli. hundred and silly fiar, and Iho supplement thereto, has tbia day rnea forwanled to tba i'rotbonolary of the oounty, at whose oflee it may Imi exemined. 1 he liena aaa only be l'r, a.i.i, .1 by the pavanent of Iba par. .base money. iM-rra! atd lr-., aod leaning pal. enu through .his Jjipariniont. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Nov. C !n Euneyar Oaneral. (JiluQtional. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLF.AP.FIELD, TA. I'MIR WINTER TKKM of twenty l-o weeh, , will eommrnro on Monday, .Nov. 12, 18f,. A Primary d.parlmiat wc i II It added to the Siboal lb, fall : ,.r which the services of e com. pplin. ir,.tro-tor bava been anga;ed. And na eort will be spared to reader Una department aiiiectiie and inttructiTe. TERMS OF TfTTIO?. Heading. On bcrrapby. Writing. Orjeet les sons, rrimary AOtlimtie and Primary lieoirapby, per kaif lcru, (of aliven ks.) ,j (, Hn'ory, laical and dcscrpliva tieigraphy wilh Map Iirawing, (Irammar, Mental an Wrif'cn Arilhmetie...........w.t f Sfi Aif.l.ra and the SVitnces . o at In.iructiun in insirumanui miuio...., la ea HI painting 11 N aat work g For fnll particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. Aug. S.i, lnr,y-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. HHK f ECOX D FESSIOS or lb. pr.srat seka. X laaiie year of this Institol ion will crtnoierrs on J.u.MJAl.thsJSddaj of S oven-bar, ISfJ. Pupils eaa enter a. anytime. They will a. ebarged with taitiea from the lima Ibaj enter le Ibe close of Iba Bessie. 1 he course of mstmn ion embraces every thing included In a Iboronb. practical aad aooom pl.rbed education for bolb letaa, Tbe Piinripal. having bad the advantage ef much eaperieor. ia kis profession, assures pa rents and guard ans ibat bis entire ability aad energies will be devoted to lb moral and men. tal training ef tlie vonih placed under his ebargs, lFKIItl .lit' 11I1IOV Orthograpl y, Reading, Writing, and Primary Aiilbmelie, par Seasion (II weeks) - fa Orammsr, Oeograpby, Atllbtueti t, and Hi.tory - . . . . f C l Aigehrs, Qpnmetry, Trigonometry, Men. suration, Sarveyivg, Philoaopby, Physi. alopy. C'bemistry, Rook Keeping, Rouny and I'byaipil OeFgraphy . . . 19 g Latin. Greek and Frearfa, with any of tba abnv. Pranet-ee . . . . fit ag Ml SIO Plana (SO le-sons . . . (It dl vT-No drduptioi will be made for absence. sTtFct further pert icnlars 1np,ulra cf Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., Feb. 4. I Sll 1 1. ( .) Principal. i.fal C-statf for alf. Fariu for .Sal? ! rpilF. nloT.ii:npd oSfps a. MtlVATC CALE JL the fi.'l.m ing il. .Tilted Hr-al Fitate : A etrtain Farm, .itusle in Montgomery fewn itip, Jn.l.ana, I'a., fiva bi.lis fiosfi the .'utqiirharips litlpr, t 0TAtMOOXr. lit MlRtUl) XI UFA Well tin-Vprrd with hrmliu-k and pice. The in. provpirentl are a g.svd dwelling bouse and barn. A teuii;' on-hard and ivpvir lailipg spring of si 'or en lie promi ps. 1 ha lard ii underlaid with j B vim g n.j poal. j-r-lur further particulars apple ta the swi. "Ofcr. ItAX 11. A. IU I liANAX. .1ni Ju Cuh P. 0., I leathpJd poua'y. Pa. HOUSE L LOT FOR SALE j IN IVMltUt t'lTT. i rp!'r.!gt.cj ..(f.r t pr.ivATK pale I 1 I be .Ii vnl'i.1 II, al Ktlale: j A rerlain llot'SE AM" I.OT. situate eta Maia i-titpt It, emd boronsh. aij.'.attg l,.i owned by .'amia Co.. I, y and J..l,u near tba ; Miil.oliil Ihurcli. A gpod STA1I1.K and other ; oiitbin: bp?-, on the pninsps. j panlpiilars applt to Jarpp. T. Fapwell, l 1-1 . al I umber C ty. or ihe 'ul.. r.bcr al llnld P. ., ClrarNId cetnntT. Pa. drs-ssui A M'lt KVI AttliLFMAK. ow CaMiirt ! MOsliWViiX 1.AM1 AND I I MCI. It COM PANY i.Hpr l-.r aap Iowa lvts ia lata bar o. .ii ,. tupp'da, l Id rvtpnly. Pa., aad al-o I' i. t'v nl pnr,'he-ts itj.,i!p (he Ino.i. nl aai4 I .rvuil,. Ofc.,1, ,s ,i,ulp.l on Ihe Matehatnniwi I rp. k, in litp rieht a pio. n of Ihe cwuuly etf i IfsiSpbl, en the i.f the Tjpone Clearaeli Railrwid, wlms the M.ti.haiin,'a and Reavertoa I ranch roads interets I, ll is sjto ia lite bear, of Ihe M tthannon coal baim, and lnr;e bodiea of ! I . w ni'.-ra. ena, ara .tin, luatter snr one nt Lie iarccst lun, l."r n suulaetae. :,f e.ul.h.hnipi.ia .o th-ftale ia tucaled in th ..wn. while lb. re are many etUr larals-r and birg'emtU. around t. Ihe town is I ul a. p. .'eats o'd. and e s.ia.n. a poj ulation of one lb. rs- ..r furi her im.vlion si p'j at the olt the eb..t e JnS" 1.AW5IIR ;..Sprl4 Sierlptpi.Apptt. llcusrs nnd lots for Saior 101 R IHt 5Fs aod LOTS in t learnel. f..r setlp on reasnnntlHi trrata. Pivs..M,.a gtwa ; in Ibilly data. Alt. a plat of Fill R 11 1 S na i "i" vstrnev of I mink and iteeal s I reel a. site, I rSvi'Sinsl. TnireoHbw b ts ae aelt bwatpj . fir eitbor I. k. I... -. . .1 u.i . . . . , - ... m ipp nai.uinf niltnopps rrnprattp. lH.i.. a,!.,., a.n t . .p ... rail wad dipot. p,;ca and te-e... I Apply ta ULCl nd T D it) K llieiRK. Ciisigeld, T: u.'a If