the nKruni.icAN. 1 ci.KAKrir.r.D, v.. VKHNrSi'AY .K'UXISil. JAX. IP. 1T0.' Terms of Subscription. I"" s.H In a l na--e,-r witiiir lliree month! ...t S'l Ii 1141 1 si'ut ilir.-eand leyr- lis muntli 9 io It -aiil allot tlio cAfiintltvu tif i.l nitmllir... 1 00 T-tf All nrli.-li. (o iniire ineertiun In this ht buulU bo liatidt J in early on Tnrwliv l.i..-r.i-i:, al we pi w Itrt-H DiuuuaKKMnnon.i Itl'l U.IOI NOTIllK. M3t!)ullt I'nlseoi al Churrti Bee. V II. IMM.. I';itr-r. I'ul.lie urve fiabbth, ml 1 1-4 A M.. and ;i I'. M. Hl.u..tli l U A. M. I'rnTrr Mpclin-r eeery Thtir-il(e( M 71 P. M. Ciinmitii!in Hi-moe, firit Unnualu of awry n-mik. 1 I") A. m. Kt. fraud.' ('liiirrli CattioIlrRer. Mr. 0 linci GAX. Mn at HI) u'c'.ark A. M., oo tlie c"-onJ and fnnrlli Htindava nf eaeh month. HI. Aiiilrou't t'liiireli-rilii-iiiial--rteT. 4iRftK Hall. I'uhlte Hrrvtee Sunday morning At IU e rK-k, anil at 7 r. SI. Sundae hehnol at 3 P. M. I'r.ytr Meeting Wedu.euity evening at 7 !n;l. St. John's t'harfli Lutheran Hot. Mr. KmioniT. I'aulie Ben iee .ear. Irabbatb, mora inr and eeenini:. I'l-oabj larlaa Church Bar. Mr. Urn n. !'uli4 bvrvioe ererv Habualu, meraing aaa area in r. ' Keliuioi'. Itov. Georgia (iuyer, formerly Prcsi-Jin--; Elder of litis Din ttic-t, find now Tustor at Phili-ist-urg, J'.) will prctuli in tha AI. E. Cliurcli of Clearfield, on next S.tbbaUi tho 23d inslniil, moi ning nnd evening Township Setti.emknT. Wo learn that iomo of the township Au-1itnrs liave, been making their annual soUlo mcnta nt periods not fixed by law. JV apci-iul at t was passed by tlio Lcj islaturo fur this county, approved tlio 18lli day of Man-h, A. D. 18G3, (Pam phlet Lawn, pago 14,) fixing lliu last Alfinday of January in eucli year. Tliero Icing five Monday tliia year, settlement day comes on tlio 31st. Plkasa.vv. Our quiet village ha for n number of evenings past, been ctilivouod willa tlio musical strains of tho Brass Uand, Under lite tuition of Mr. Daniel Connelly, who has labored indefaligably for nearly a year to get up a first Hits Band, which is now nn aecompliahed fact. Tho members, like himself, nro nil gentlemen, and inubietnns. They deserve the a km st un cc of tho citizens to enable thorn to get several iimro new instruments. Half Wat. Tho Grand Jury last tveolc very properly requested the County C'oininisHionci's to proceed v illi the erection of tho New Ti ison. Now, if the jury will only furnish the money, the job will movo forward. It is impossible, to orect a building of this kind without money, and w hen tlittt commodity is to rotno from just now Sfems to Iks conccnlcd from the CoinniisMonoi't. If the aforesaid jury will just fork it over, or state where it is to bo had it might bo of sonic pruclk-ul benefit to all concerned. Hank OrriLT.Bs The follow ing named gentlemen have been elect ed officers and directors of the County National Hank : JAMES t: l.r.n:,-AD,CK0. t. READ. A. K. WIUiillT, PICMARl) HIIAW, J. B. 0UA11AM. W. A. H A1.LACB, WILLIAM roilTHL Judgo Leonard was elected Tresi. dent, nnd V. M. Shaw, Cashier. The oflicers of tho First National Punk el" Clearfield, arc: Jd.VA. llOTNTOV, A. C. FINXKY, I. tl. S'lVt.tNd. noil T. MTTCnKLL, SAM L. MITCHELL, JAMfS IltWIN, KICUARU HO660F, J. B. M-KNALI.V Ai f. 110TM0. Messrs. lloynton and Finney were reelected l'lesident and Cashier, respectively. Vie also learn that tho capital stock cf tho Clearfield County Bank, lias been raised from S53.0U0 to 175,000 and Mr. Jul j ti M. Adams, continued as Cashier. Nahrow V-hcape. On Thuifday li st as Mr. Hubert Oaborn was return ing from court, in a sleigh, he enmr very near being drowned. The river being out over tho batiks, about a mile nbiivs Ion n, ho was compelled to drive through sntno water, llis horse be came unmanageable and made several jilunges, landing sleigh, driver and nil in the stream. Mr. Osborn let golbn lines, scitid his buffalo robesand made n leap ft otn the sleigh into tho swollen H renin, making tho shore a little tielow wbero ho went in; while the liorso wiih the sleigh, made for the shore, whero somo Jiartics w he lisd been witnesses of the a(, rauht him, and after some, rubbing and drying, Mr. Ofburn proceeded nn bis way home, glad things Wvro no worso. A Fohti'.h atk llt N orr On Satur day' last, as Mr. Win. 1'. Head, of Lawrence township, came into town vith two horses and sleigh, and while on Market Street, near our office, the long ran through the ring of the neck yoke, causing the sleigh to strike the Itorse-s on the heels, which fright died them and they ran c1t. In pn lug Mr. (-'en. V Culbnrn s tho sleigh capsized throwing Mr. Head nnd !ii t.rnlhcr in Uw (a Mr. McCrum) om tm the gronnd; but Mr. II, who was driving, hcU on to tho lines nnd was drags' d a ivd or more, when doubt loss, thinking "'prudence the better jurt of ahr" let go tho lines, when tho sh igh turned bin k tipnn In run ners, und tlio horses turning the cor, look up Front f trei t and out of town at qnito a rapid rale. Mr. H , followed ihein to Lis bi olher lrxn tier's, who lives jnt below lilonm's Bridge, where they were halted, hiving ran tho entire distance, which is near five miles nbove this, without either horses or ali-igh saslnining any aeriotis injury. Fortunately the men were not hurl, except Mr. It , who pit one of his wrists spraineJ In the upset. Mr. II. II. Markle, offers It lot cf household goods at public out cry, lis will be seen by refcrenro to his mlvtrtis'-iMont fLi w k , Co ml f rut rrt(nt . Tlio Jnii'i iiy In in of niir Coin I is over.. A bine iiiiinlur wf iiliren wereln nfH-ndanrf Ihe fiisl I wo days. Hut lew jiiiors nt.d witi.e.-ses ImiIi.I to )mt in nn iippeiiratice. The new l ulu of Coin I linpti. -injr finc all iibMnti'cs wmka Weil. Wtlnes-ies nie now gobbled upon the street, in the holds, or iinywinru else, when they f'.iil lo answer, with nn oliaclimcni, ami lire marched into Court, ordered to p ty the cosis of ibo r t, nnd nlacrd upon the s'.uiid. Tho few jurors who ImleJ to answer to Iheir ininies haer had u duo of Uerntij tlolhus Imposed upon t':eiil, w hich will be ciilleclud by tlio Mierill it they tail lo sliow reasonable excuse lor their detention at homo by liio next. term. In this manner del'aulling jurors and wit ncsses will bo compelled to contribute a proper proportion towards llio pub lic expenses, which their absence olleii entails. Tlio remedy is mild, but we aio saiisfled that it will work a per fect euro by l!:o end of tho J'oar. Tho following important uso wnt tried in tho Common l'leas: Utorg lUflrom, Kji-ctnirnt for 500 a?rci v. of Inud (mora or Ula) io Iliehard Arthurt, ct at. j llratlj tifWDsliijt. Jilt t Jor. It. McMurraj. Ja?oh Uura. Juarpb Owcui. . JiMH-nh Catberaiaik. J. I. Tliouiiua. , Jubn Kraa. Juhn Clary. A. L. Iluovar. JamiS L. Hoovar, ArnolJ Kc-linarra. gtotl. Cliarln K. fmrail. Verdict lor Plaintiff. Tho l'lain'.iff was represented by Wullaco & Field ing and Gcorgo V. Jenks, Esq., of lirookvillo. Legislative duties neces sitated the absence of Mr. Wallace, and tho case wan mo.-t ubly tried by li'eorgo V. Jenks and Frank Fielding, Lqi'H. Jlio Defendant were repre sented by lion. J. II McEniillv, Hon. I. G.Gordon, of Brook ville, and H.Bitcher Swnopc, Esq. Tim caso took up tlu greater portion of three days, hence but little clo was deposed of. I lie only raso or Imixirtuiicc in t lie Quarter Sessions was tlio trial and conviction of John Henry, for tho lar ceny of a trunk lull of clothing nt n log camp on Anderson LrveU. lie was sentenced to dirhtcen months in tho Western l'ciiitonliarv. district Attorney McCulloimh and .Swoopo for Cominonwetilth ; Krebs for Defend ant. All llio other cases were cither settled or posl poin d. constables qualified. The following penons were sworn in as Constables for their respective uilricis, vis : Tlreaarls....JljD 6hra. inuiloo...II. W. Brawa. ! Jorilun H. Wrroar. lu ll ,W.T. Thorpe llInu...Williaia Htnr. Bufi..Jaiorff H. Turner. ftrailiwrU Ab. Picrcr. KarlbaiiL.W. II. llrekrl. Knoi A. T. Bloom. Lawrtact .Tai lorllowlti. Lumlw Citr!.J. II. Ilila. Morria I'rter Kapp!r. Wi...ll II. KruUrt. I'rnn J II MoK.J.rr llrailr...Jnrob C. Fmilli. Uurmiac.W. P. llliuci. Chrlt J'flia (.'.-trauu. lniben....A. ll.Shira. Orabarn.. Mike Fink. Ptkt....D. H. I. Koolrl. Uulirh. Alri. Rram. I'ninn S. J. UrlncU. No Cotistubles were qualified for Covington, Clearfield, Curwcnsville, Uecatur.rerirusoii.Ciiinid, ew ash- inglon and Woodward; thoso elected for Itieso dixdiets not appearing. Upon the petition ol sundry citizens of Gu ard township, F 11. Jordan was appointed Constable of said township; Ihe parly elect having Tailed lo quality. A petition was presented prayinj; for tho erection of nn independent school dirtrict in Piko township, and llio Court apiKJinled Josiah Evans, John Paltou and J. ii. Bloom coiniiiis. sinners to inquire into the propriety of granting the. prayer of petilioners. A iietition was also presented lo hare part of Boggs township eet off to n oodwaru. ntTst Licssas. 0. E. N. O.lbarn. Clearliild Harry Oota. Oaevula (atr Iil.ulJl u I). Pi!raiutr...Waoaaril W. rt. Ilra.ll-t. " Jamra Uartar, jfl. W. Harkina tlft Jolm Mulwa-Coringtan Joa. (iilhlaad.Kartbaua rraocia Uarniojr IC. A. buanrr.H.Bsniiilt- Lan-iiM HooJ jj. Mc Crarken lirll tfttuucl IIriil.urn...Pua;A. Lffontr Oinud P. KiailkV Wskinclo Awlrrw Shcir Ualirb T.J.B!mm..CrwnaTiHjJ. 8. Curry. .Lumber City O. A. filonm Uloom John 0 IMI Morris AlgerBos lloldtsi, M tiasrl llolca...Ueccaria sctteaSTtLS Liisvas. t. L. Itrlienitria Clrarrll. HiBoa McFarland Utilick. Licr.sis. Wmdlin EuJrra ClrardiOd. Darid Mellanchry Clrarfirld. Calbarina Orall CurwcQiriMe. ROAO MATTIRS. rililioni To view and lay out a ruad in Bradford township, beginning it a point (it or near David foreey . lo the public road nt or near Mill-tone chool house, with power to vacate anil supply. Viewer .1. L. Cultlc, Vt 1 1 1 iu nt Hoover, V. II. Holt. To view and lay nut a public road from Amovillo (o Ihe terminus of the railroad in Woodward township. iewcn ij. u. ltnie, Adam Iveii- hurt, John Hughes. To vacate u road in Bradford town ship from M ilUloue school house, to IScnj. hticppa road. irwers J. L Cut tie. William Hoover, V. B. Holt. To view a road from township road near Muse Morris's to Georgo Hi ila eniatber's, in I'iko township. View- ers M . 1 . irvin, J. 1C. Itloom. bamiiel .t-r;kcy., . . . Hs-rtririo (r ronteJ For a public road leading from near Jacob Hum- mel's to near llartsl'cll's saw mill, in Brady township. lVir CoitftrmrJ Xi. Si For a rond from Wingirt's saw mill, in Brady tnwiuliip, to intrrsrct public road iu Bull, township, at or near a bridge ncr tirrv's .Hnn. For a road from near tho north west corner of land of Jesse Lines to inter firrt th mail lienr llio m.rlli Joseph I'ostlethwailV lands, in Hrady township. For a mad leading from the farm of Christian Walker, nl JvnVrwn count v line, in, nt, or near John Kuntc'r, in Brady township. For a road liom a point on the old Rolling stone road, near (ieoi;.'e Hon vcr's, lo a point on tho l ew Boiling stone, road, near Joint llouvir's, in Mol lis township. For a road lending from the Patter on road and intwrsr-cting tho Ken road at or near Thomas lica's, in Jor dan township. , To rat-ate nnd supply n part of the Wheatland road, to wit: From the point a here said road h aves (lie I h ar field road in the ullage of Madera t" a point nt or near llio Killeiistinv's S 'unities, in Woodnnrd ton i:ship. Cunlirmt.t Ahfilutt. For n road from l bestnnt Btdge school hottso to the public road at Jonn. llartsliorn's saw mill, in I'ike township. For n iiad from William rnrthcrs's to a point on the public rond on the lino between John Hummel nuj W. J Nngcnl, in Bnmside tow nship. , . To vacate nnd supply the mad lend ing from Cbotnut liidgo school bouse lo I'.llis Askey's farm, in I'ike tp For n private road from Andrew Peters' lo Intersect a point on the old Stale rosd on or near the lino between Joseph Miller and John Pelcrs, In llrndlurd township. For a road leading from Godfrey llillbnrn's to township road, heitr Henry Mingci ts saw mill, in Brudy township. I-or a roau irnm tu-o. A. .Marsiniii s lo Intersncl (.'ojl Hill road, Io llrady townh-ri . l.'ii'i'Mpm'a Ol rt' t! Below will br found tho number nf lleeds entered f-n- rei'ord in Ibis tirth-i) for tlx week Hiding Monday, January Kill, lSTO, together illi tho names of ihe grant ins and gt-.iiitees, where hilil:td, nnd the e.iiisidi-ratiiiii : tlw.l of .ta-nra M. Armirnt A C-.. to J(nS W. C--r. f'-r fflvrti tn lira lv t.. ?miiirnition Sinn. !)".! of diss.- IUiWh amIMi. St !.. Is .fnSn Criilr, H acrn in Brady toiraibipf eoniiJ ra'l .n. 'H. Pfl of IVjtllsm Porfer 4 Co.. to .Taeoh W. Corp, for U aersa in Bda Ip.t iwsald-eatias, Sfl.'.S, , IVf I nfji-hn (?arllile tn .lo. M. Armavapf, for JJ (U-rra in Braile In.i mnni.leentinn, S?fl, p.w of lloraa Pa-fth-n tn Thoinna l'hflmnan for liHlnct-ea in l!nrnidr tn.t aaiKi'lemtlnn. St.ftnn. Iloed f lleorio- Au-heaon tn l. F. Hmlili. for Gin aerea iu llnrniiida tn.t !nnfld-rlon. S.-i.tHKI. li-ed of Pi-trr Arnnld o 0-orr- W. Thoionn. fur UK aore. In Hrnde tn.t imldriin. ''.". I)is-. of W, 0. llifler to Rnl.l. A. (Irern. lot In Wl rtmrMd, Vn. 1211 1 enni.l-rnlon. J.lnO. Pm-.l of llcnr Si t In Jnrt h It. VcMnreay, for lot in yrw WnKliuiettin; l-nnilcrn'inn, SlOfl. Pred nf Ilarid Pnrder lo .leita Ihitrnn. for 100 SJ-et In nnrnti'l. In.: ennid(-rfttinn, Sl.Onl). Dent of .Inn. MitcUrll. LVr. tn II,-nrv Brelli, for 127 asrea In Btl tn.r pnnid-niMon. S00. Ii-ed of Mamnel Mit-lt-ll In .In. Yonny, for lot Nn, 1, (n O-srola i rontidoi-ation, "Illi. Il-y I of Jan Clark and bnlan I tn Henra Tlila, for 10 ajren Is I'ike Iri : nnnalderatlnn. ai.MIO Peed of Mnriinnnon f.stid and Lnmber Co. lo Andrcn KlIlioD, for lot Su9, in Oineola aouaider atinn. M'n. rd of Jot. VlsWaon and wifa In Adam Knarr. for 1(12 sew in Belt tn.t consideration. SI. 000. peed nf W. K. Wrlta. Teea.nrer. to lien. W. 0,ltell, for 60 aeret In Beeearia tp.; eoniidrr ati -n. ?t1. Peed nf Wi. Tnrin and wife to Cathnrina "ol den, for lot in C-wnrltle: etn.ideratinn. SliO. Peed of .lobn ledineey o Chsrlei A. fto-a. b'nb. fn M In l.wlelll : sn"lderall"n, TtrrA nf Vsrtln O. Plirk tn William W'le. for 101 ni-era In Knna Ip. : enniddrrntion. f l.sro. IWd nf tl P ll dfellnw and tr'fe tn John Orr. for 1 aerea in Lawrenea tp i ennid--alion. SI 40. Peed nf Jn9nti A Fsuat, a fiueriff.. In Dudley Illanehard, for 1 10 arret. 1moi and lot bi Morrii towliibip ; conaidcration, $:l;'0. - March Tkbm. Wo learn that no jurors will be drawn for March Term of our Court, nr-d that therefore, there will bo no causes tried. The argu ment list will bo debated, licenses granted, and such other business as can be disposed off without A jury. Wo also learn that tho reguhlr Common Pleas term commencing on the 4th Monday of May, will herenfter bo held on tho first Monday of Juno, at which time a three weeks term has been ordered. We will thereforo bnve three weeks court in June, for which all have ample time to prepare. As this is after tho flood and corn planting time nnd before harvest, all can certainly bo ready for a threo eeks legal siege. New Pnoi-RUToa Tho stago line between this place and Clearfield is now owned nnd run by John S. Burr, proprietor of llio Oak Hall Hotel. Mr. Barr proposes lo make great improve ments on this routo looking to the comfort and convenience of his pat rons. By this route, passengers going to Philadelphia save from nino to eieven hours lime. Pusscugors leav ing lirookvillo at 4 o'clock in the morning by this line, will arrive in Philadelphia several hours in advance of tho time by any other routo. Brookville Republican. The American Houso, in Curwcns ville, lately kept by Mr. John J. Bead, has been taken charge of by ouryoung friend, Mr. T. Jeff. Bloom. This house biing favorably situated, is therefore a desirable place, w here the weary" may not only find rest, but refreshments the bot the market will afford. Wo bespeak for Mr. Bloom a liberal share of public patronage, nnd feci assured in saying that he will do his inmost to keep up the good rrpti. tation tho "American" has so long and favorably enjoyed. A Free Pipe. Wo learn that numbcrof niirciliiciis propose to make a trip to Altoona, to morrow, where a sociul parly will bo given by the Tro prietors of tho Logan House. A special truin leaves the depot ut 9 o'clock, proceeds to Altoona for din ner, remains I hero over night mid return homo the next morning by the regular train. Let all go that can, and enjoy themselves. Oca State Bii.u The following is Clearfield's contribution towards de fraying lha Stato expenses for 1)?UD : To ami. of tal paid on Parannal Prnptrty f 1,V7 0C To ' " .Mrrrannle License 1,712 CO To " M Tavern Lioeuae..M., I6 SA To " " Mrrcauhla Lwftior Licenaa-.., K'i 00 To M 14 Broken' l.ieente ,10 00 To " 1'steui Medicine I.iornto..H. 2i 00 Til " " T.a1inr llunM Lieeme l'.'O 00 To " m Pedler a Lioene too 00 To " " Prilri ri' I,inenn. 30 00 To " Tat a liaiik f 0 On T " ' ll.ll.ard and Ten Pint 110 00 T.fal lit Lio.NsK. i'at tnslo whom a license was granted last week, should bear in mind the fact that if they arc not lifted within 15 days from (ho time they wcro granted tho same will be forfiited. 'Ihe card ol Mr. Heams, practical surveyor will be found iu this issue. Ho is ulso nn exleusivo manufacturer of sawed lumber, as will bo seen by his advertisement In ftnolhtr column. The Bevnold majority for Davis, llio K idical candidate for Governor in Texas, is announced lit over seven hundred. ' V hy not make it seven thoiisan.i f It would bo just as easy, and tin more ilisreniitiible on the part of thoso nt txii n ix tho military machine. yinrncfl. Oa Dcermber f'.'lh, 1S6). by Jons Psiatt, Ten., Mr. THOMAS SI.OKV. nf Woodward township, lo Mist l.r.KtXC. FUTIOIirt, or IVnn Iswaahip. On January t. h, S70, by ihe lame, Mr. JOHN COfLTER, of UofTt lown.hip, lo lra. Sl'SA.N XA I'lllt.II'R, af WoMw-ird lownehlp. In Laihcrai'urg. oa Ja-iuary 12lh, Is70, ly J.C. ninnsrr. F.i)., Mr. CHontiG J. F.NYU.n to Miea ANNA li 1IEIIIKR1N0T(I.V hath of RrnokriDe, Fs. On January llh, I'TO, h 3. W. Fuiorar, Trq., M r . II I. N R Y T II I' M I- lo M in II A ,N A II k V LI. II i bolfa Of Itradrord tnwnehip. OS Jaoaair nth, lsT0, hy tlc. Mr. tlrtirs. Mr. HiMlXn A. nillLLti to Miri IlkRTIlA WCIUllTt ll of ClearSehl. We ardteawledge the receipt of a parties of er -erllent enke fmm td. and hit fair bf ide, fnt whi.-b mark of rrepent we rotnrs the prinlen' lhankt, and wirh that Ihe ronplr Itlay, "While in lifr e rour,h palh they trtad, , No ni'lr niirititmie know, Vn Cod llirlr walk, with roai'l apreadi ' AaJ happy live beow." Jifd. In rhillir-itho, Nirtunri, Junmnrj JJ, 1ST0, V1LUAM P. D0l01li:nTY.tniior nntcMimJ Cmi"Tni !wrintTV( of If firrtowtv, Afl-i tt -vat, f"f B9rtdW JJrjj CiODdl, OUoffiifJ, ffff. IUfH..... . NANA A. 4. J. Y GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET. RTRLL'T, CLEARFIELD, Pa. Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, Dry "'.. 5 ''Goods, Groceries, &c. ' rp 'I K inS.irlberl narlns; anti-red Into partner-1- il.lp for Uia rsrposs si arr?ln( a lha buiinrat of M.' now afar foul and rara opportunity to tha eltlieni of Clear Held and sdJoinln eounllei tn ly tlora eoola attiholraall or retail prleot, that will sutonhh tha usintlrnelad. Their ood will ha partteu larly aairrted to suit this market. Eeary lady will,, fall lha attention of bar hmband to this faot, bfoauas Ihia braaah of our builnsri will r.eelra tpoeial alliill-n, atd aeerythlnf naadad in a will rerulaled kssiehoU will at sit limai ha found la our ttori. DRY GOODS: Oar Hark of PRY CKMIDM tball sot ba tur- pasiad, silhar In quality or pries, aad will sal braea. is pail, Prints nf srery alyla, and Lawna of rrery ttuallty. Munlinl of aaary trade, Pa Lainra adapted lo lha lattaa of Ihe old and young; and srery article of any kind of goorli hty tell I" ha aa repraatntad, sad war ranted la give talpfaetiuo. DRESS GOODS: Aa to lllir.Ksl C;OOI-wa ban s splendid aajorlma nt of Alpaaaf. Hark, while, sad Is eol- sra; r.ruiurea, Silht, sad In abort all lbs sawaat etylea la tha market We dealt Ihia hot la eornme ksoss to every panes is tha tousiy. Wiib our saw sad tsteneir atoek of DRKtvS GOODS, lha ladies can all ha aulled by Ju.l droouine la and ealltatc a aloa dreaa patlara. laea tell, kid jloeea-or hy doisg that which it hatter : (iea bar a well Ailed puna, and tha will tad rood ai d patltia- lartttmaata la sakraid- ariei, ejinei, ribhona, glares, hsiitry, ar any iher hosaehold aaeratiiiaa. GENTLEMEN'S WEAK: And la aJJitisa to what w hat alr.aly enumerated, wa keep all kin da of CKT1.I' SINK'S) l:AII inch ai Clatha, Caeilmcrer, SatincttI, Hat. Doota sad aha. Aa heaidaa, a nice aiannmeal f Made up CMITIIING for Mca and Boya, nanuraelured oat of tha eery best malarial, which va will (ell lor rarh ar axebanga for eoatilrjr produrt at ptleet wtieh will satwaith ararybodj. SQUARE TIMBER: 'a era new larirlr enfirtd ia bating and riling e-QCARK TIMHIiIK aad tared Ll'Ml'l tl. aad mill girt tail branch al builneat ifetial stlenliaa, sod therefore make il aa object ta erery aaa who hai Lamher la acll t coma and deal wilh ar. GK0CEKIES k HARDWARE : Wa (hall ale kara aemteetly oa kitd a raneral siaerliaest of and II AHOn'Ani- ahieh aawill aall a, eaeead iagly low prleaa. Wa alee keen s full eiaon maatef QDIOliKiSWAltli. Ttli drparlment will ha hepl full and ecnrplete, aad til ahe tonttmplate heueeheeplng, will tad II U Ibelr sdasaUga la eema and trade with u j beecu.e ws art e lituatad, ssd, fram long eiperlenee In lha huaiafaa, a well arquainlad a ilk lha waata and nccec.i lee af Ihll community, that wa fail aaliafied II erery man womaa sad ehild vnly makes it a poial u hay iheir goodi from at, w aaa please Ibtm holh ta to quality tad pries. Therefore, soma slang aad hay yoar BOOTS 81I0K4, II AT j A CAPS, KKADYMADR CLOTIIISO, and oearythisg yoa seed ta rea der yewreelees aad families omforlabla, from JAMES B. GRAHAM L SOXS, et CLIA1FIELP, PA. 27 Sitrdirat. P. T. I, "For thy Stomacli'i Sake and thine T other InCnrjiUes."-St. Fau!. , . 1 i ,. BR. IIOYER'N I'l'RS WEST BRANCH BITTERS. VM.P, arf, j.lrtimnt nni hasltli ivij Tnif itrieHjr trmttls tvn4 iavniifctrr4 from th Bint pftrt ebwrec mMttiilt if nM tfirit drink nor iulftituU for whiVy, but ft Ptlmtiftr eumponnd, fr I lit p rotation of the rrtni aud tit run f diawite, Bvdt from rhcwto-illf prt piHtt, tntirclv fr froa fuiil oil or other irrira ting jirojtrtijct, nd will not dijir' or offend thr istsit drlifavl iloiBtch. A long rrivtt i-rri rut bm Rltcitcd iU Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. IV Bittrrt tl prrprot orTcrrd lo th pul'lte wnUini Mnurh tnotlifintl rlrliif, and ret pn ib nd 'lr-rnt lo take. It't nc ii lo Pure ditoW, otid it will ont trta-e tn f pUle for pihlaooi litjuwrt, bat will cart tho cfiecli ( dutipotion. To tnerrit- t(t Appctit, t'PK TT. To promote l)ige.:.tnt Itb II". To sort Dj-rpcptia, Vf E JT. To eart Fctrr ind Ant, X'ft IT. To for IliIlinaiRcH, I SK it. To curt Couilipation,, t'FE JT. To earf Chmnie Itiirrhwa, VSK IT. To "art Heart bur, t . E IT. To ur Platulcnoo. VhH IT. To rato A-ii KTariatitnt, I HK IT. To cur: Nervoui lability, Vf E IT. To curt ljio-liouJi-n, liL IT. To cut F.lluttnr f.rCoinplt loB, I'SE IT. To core l'ifn.lit nJ IU -trim, I'SK IT. For (Irrtral rmiUaliuo of tbo rhvifl powor. VfB IT, ftnd it will curt jroo. Pol l orcrjwlurt, al $1.00 prr bottle. Matia f.cturod nelmm I jr tj COYKR k .SHAW,, PA, Wb offer liberal iaduerwiewt to the trade. o-t. ;r, isss-tf. touch, (old or Sore Hivjuirva imnNliite attention, aa nrgU-ft often n-mlta ia au IniarnUe sung Diaeaaa. Browfi'ft Drotichitl Trochfi will Invariably give iattant trlipf. For Proarbitik, Aathma, Catarrh, C-tiroptira aad Tkroat Ufacatra, they bate a tootMbg effpei. Singrra and TuVilii P pen k era aaa tbrta la clear aval rtfraben ttie volra. Owing to the gnd rpntntlnn end popularity af tba Troche, many ttorthloa and rhmp imltatieal art offciTrJ, which in good for aothing. Be ttn!a tha tr ' F ' enowsr-s Ro.vcniAt. Tnocuts. MI a o0 aaa emaaajamaaaaaamtsrsia ,ii i lauans '! smotia t ae Vliilnitftnlil.1 '(trfrllsfmfiHi. TALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mill. M. A. IIM III I ti In ! "ii.. .1 nan. ."ti and I . 'I' '''' d.a..:, Hrona!ty aehelid fi "lit tlwt grei'tel naltlliir, a'eo.tti.. rood tl. emit 'liimmu i ! l e a. i-uri-1 u. Parle, tuch s ' Ltn.i.. m 1 nnov.a.;Te. nownm. bill HAI. M.ll s;. FINK .Ih'TI.LV. ai.d TUIMMK" PAl'llt I'Alir.ItNH, Dltli and CLOAK MAKINil. Kle ntiie sernt fur Mrs. M. W.nk't ivlebrjltd pyati m fi enton biee drees'", eat-oue, l-annca, an. N. W. eorn.-rnt Kleven'h nnd Clie.inut .-jta. Philadelphia. ( s. pt s-1, Oli-Om ISAAC! K. STAUFFEE, WATCHES & JEWELRY, No. US North Drain J Street, Corner of Quarry .I'llILAUKLPIIIA. An a.Mrtnienl nf Watrhra, Jrlrclry, Sllror and Plated M are constantly en hnn.l. Ilil-aii iiii; ol lUliW .ua yiwaliy prompny allandodlo. lJ 8. Bilberman. - 0. Kltringer. - fl. Fllurruian. S. SILBEEMAN & CO., ' IMI'llKtma AKV ii'RIIKHI OF FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, iC.,' 13 .IWIi Fourth fit ml, mr54 rilll.ADIXPIIIA. Irpd T. C. MYERS, WITH wa. w. riot. noAa. WM. W. PAUL & CO., W IIOM 1IOOT ANI S1I K ir.t n e n a vs i: , 112 Market Ft. A til Commerce t- abort Sillli. rnyl PHILADELPHIA. ly I. aouiosrssta . .in. asvit cascy. H0LL0WBUSH & CAEEY, L00KSELLEI1S, i. ( Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, ait Jtartitt St., rhlladctphta. SH-Paner r'leur rlaeka and Dnfia. Foalrrap. Letter, Jiote, Vrappini;, Curlalu and tVnli P. pen. fabSd-ly. DREXEL d CO., No. 34 iuth Third Strrrt, Fhlladrlptila, And Dealers in Government Securities. Ai'pltvali'is bv mail will rvi.-iv pruuipl alieu liou, ai.d ll iiiforuatioa churfuil tunmhij. Ordrrt iclir.itd, arl l-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL &, Co., tie. 17 N. Fifth El. tad iZi Commerce, rniLAPELPHlA, Pa, W HOLKS A LE G ROCKF.S, And CommiBsioa Merchants, row rns sair or Wnot. flisienc. Fur Fkin. Faothera. Leather, flax Seed, llritd Plum, ''lore r r-.-o.l. P.m.U, L-eer S'l-ini. Ilutler, llertwt t, beep Fkinr, K, te., ir , Ac. CONSIGNMK.NT3 SOLICITED. Weekly Prlct torrent forwarded en reasrtt. Junt II. I, (IS 2 pd LADIEeS FAt FIRS. JOHFARKinA, 7!8 Arch St., Midtlio of the lliMuk, bcl. an I Mb St., Hnnih ilde, FUILAKIJ'HU. Imiturtrr, msna(oauiror n'1 i'm or io all kiodf and ci-niiiT nf fAXCY FTItS tO LAllrj' ft CUILI'MtV WKAR. Has inr cnlnrirfd, rrmwd- ;!Hrf e'rd OTifi i mo raved my old 'Tnd f:irrl'W known M it ' 7v " tMPORM'M, ard hirinj iinportcd rtry Urft and up Und id navirtinrtit ol all llit dilTrrrnt kiiidl of hn from fir it hand, iu Europe, and hive hud thru. tnio up hy t ho timet killiul workaia. I auald rrrprtiullr invite oiy frtvniii ( CkarAld aad odioeriit ooonti-, to enll ud o-iamiot tnr vorjr lurg aud brnuhiul aiait tnint of Favor Fur. 'r l.odxi and t lii.Jun. 1 am dolrraumrd lo Mil at aa Uo pnen at any olhrr mlrt-itiilo lUuar iu lb ta city. All fun urau td. Ko aairrirri-iatalivti tf rP.t-cl lti. .UI!N FA It I 1 . Prpt. J. f 'i-lm Tt9 Arr-h Si. I'hiladw-ipl.ia. utrrlinnt Jailoij;. 18G0. (.oins It A!ciiCa 1SC0. E. R. L. STOUG1IT0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Ntiret, Clcarfirld, Ta,, nAVINd nftard o try wti hsv.fc. at ia aid itaad i f-h a Kow. I ihorWnro an ... nro ,fl ,nf rHl,la kat I h-jr m-w oa band a wall aolrcUd and larpt afforimtnt ol CIotliB, CaKsinicrci?, Vcetings, Don-, aad all kiada of UooJa for aad hmy' wear, and aaa ao pro pa rod lo ainHa ap t irdor I L 'TUINt. a -t. a anicla ta a full oil, la tba lattal afvlea and matt rurXaanlihe manntr. f-psrial attaita fivoa lo ratoa work adl ruitioj oal fur aian and Im.. I olTor Ifroai barroiaa lo rtifftoaifta, and wTort atta nali-fanioa, A Ii lrl ahare ot public patron ca la aaliattid. ( all and a to. nT if K. R. t. MOI'iillTOS, ii. it I ) a K MERCHANT TAILOR, (Stir no rtocr tafl of TlrnrflU TI.miw,) Maikct Mrott, Clrarfirld, Ta. KEFP8 on kaad a full aanortiaent. of Ow' Fdruiakio; t.ooda, aunh aa l(its LirHn and WnoUa I'adorfblrte. Drawer and tirka, N-rk ti'O, Foekal lUadaorohio'a, O I , Jlal. I mnr l ai la graat tarittj. Of 1'ire UikhIi ba kip tha - Best Cloths of all "Series and Colors," nrh a Work pnotkla of lha rtry htt mikt: Kane? Cainir, io craM vartrt.T, al, rr-n. h C-ahn. Ilfarrr. Tilnt. rhirrhilliv. aitd Fri..ti oTrenir)(. At! of whirl, will bp Mild rhf-r f.-r mm, arit mar9 ur, warding i tba laictl let tf poiirnrrd nurkmpn. a:t, aront rr t ipamriti room I. W Sinrar fn'i. rlrhralrd Sminp UpMmii N.a. I, Maa-if. II It.MIHIK. rAn. f n r . mm rtr a r r a 1 VUHUUU iU1 U LlUMnO I i WIIOI.KFAI.B AM) liLTAII., At tfce Xrw Tylaeca atid Vigir Piurc vf Twilotirt Tart ef Hi. rol,.fll-e, Cleartil 1, Ta. Conrantly aa hand a fl-o arrtmrot af Navy, 'angrrpn, Curtndi'h, Ciih'o, Fpunrvll, Mtbicn and Crnfnrr Fine-ml Cbrwthj Tla'o, st--. Alri a laigr and HI ir'n-frd atuok ef Impor.rd nd I'ouira'ir 1'ipara. tStnrkiir; Tv'tooritf, WrrrKliMtra and I'-tmr Pi'.", Tipo fiwrt-t Tibr''0 Befa, I ig-ir lloldera, and rrrrythiitg grnemi'y found la a wtH r-polat-il Cipar and Tbinvv. Sturn 4" IlriormWr Ibe plnsrt Twa dosira Kot al atoOlta. Clrarrleld, t's. drcl McGAUGHEY'S HIMAI RVT& ili:rRESiniET ! .- . ., IIAI.fUDI, la laarj't fTe Biill.lirt. ffnmierij n.-eople.! I) Mr. Kntr.l I vtrnnn fT., ri.r Anmui. va. ("II VCTANTI.V nn lismlsSnneeleilllnnnr A y.lUKs, vvv. nnsus. touato, !. FHKail OYliTKHS e.-eelr-d daily, and I aerr.1 ,i la atiit Ihe laalrn .if eittlomurr. t 4i III 111 Alii) K l.(H'.n aemnil.lnrr deilll tr l'A II) HcUAU.lll;. Tlin AI-I Tnn Urje, hrnrr MAhK. eigal rear n)J-uiul-l. lur lriPS er (ai berlat. Will . sell raaaanaWe for nl nf m sal . R 11 A H hi f I. r i !.t'(i A e-as-nssvet f Hi f'pnlf, tit. MUST BE SOLO! CLOSING OUT AT COST t i 1 1 , i at tnr. KEYSTONE STOKE! Tnn andr-ra'tnrd, iiilciidinj lo rrtira from Ihr niermuiilo btuiurtf, U now oloiii)j out hi eutlra alucb a gooii AT ANLr HFI.OU COST ooDijiriiiDj-- Silkt, Vr osl Prlatnia, MrHoorr, Poplin a, t , Alpaeeat, Kmpn-M Cloth, Men's tt Boys' Cassimeres, Clot Li, Fatioatia. - , Ponim. Kentackjr Jtatia. tadit C looking, . Coatf. Fhttnl-, Ac. i full line of DoHH'sUe Goods, Sheetlni;, IMalnca, Uinghtmi,, . Cotton Flannels, Ac, kt. UDnS & CHILDKEN'S SHOES, Hati and Cap, Uum aod Arrtit Orrrihoca, Tall and Floor OiJclvUii, WkUl Taper aud Window Shade a, Carpet 1 wid tin. And a great vartrt of Uoaierjr, Notion and Trlta minrji uf errrt drscriftioa. T.adiei Tr.uin.rd llata, l.inen Tablt Vortn, Vclreti, M'oul Table Cot era, IlilflxjQf, Kapkini, r II mora I Fkirta. Countrraura. Hoop Fkirta, Tuarlet. A large tmortaipnt of Ladli a nnd Ch.iJiro'j Wool Uoodi, Nut.ial, bawif, do. - I'rraoni ia want of acrthitig ia tba above line of guodn are invited to iv mr a oa.ll, and obtain goodr at wbolrtale pricca. ,WrV0rain and coon try produce takro to ci cSanga for goods, n. SIX CVarfirM. Nwrnbar l 1C0. JANUARY 1870. 1870. WIXTISZt TRADE. NEW GOODS! - ' NEW GOODS!! : ' . HEW, GOODS!!! WM. REED St CO., ' JIarkri Sl Cleat add, tn. TIAVK jrsT 0PENED Urf m4 Ma' (ui artortiocnt of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS; Embrncinf; t full line of Dtcm Gooda I'aiult y, IVookn and Zt-phyr ISbnn la. tiortd FMrta. linv I'lamtrla for utidfr-wr-r, Irftra nod Oapa; Irimninifro of all kind, Alnander Kid tilevwe, f rtirnriur U Juuuiia, Zephyr ud W urate d LAtlES AND CENTLEMEXS' FUKMSII1NG GOODS, HATS, CAl'S, FUIJS.iC, 1C , AC. IIAVINO aeleelad enr ewn tloek with the Krcateil tare, euvert will find a derided Advantage in calling. IIAVINO MAIB AliriAMiliMnNTK with an impnrlinr heaw in the eaet, c uLtrv ile.nlert will L. fupplird with 7.rhTr In anr qnantitj, al New Vnrk and lliilarr.liia Jol blnj prir-i. Clearfield. Kept. 5?, 1(1? Im. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, f lrarluld, reu NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. T'HR ahder.ignrd rPrtfnMy ItitIU in- at i i'Min or in. t'Olilin fprfrallr to ths-tr I lendid aftroenl o( mcrctt.Drta: ohtrh ihey are aow aelliog AT VKRY LOW TRlChS. Tbalr rtock roaaiata ta part af Dry GooJb of tho Bcbt Quality, Such aa Trlnta. la I elnpa, Alparctie, Mrtfnoe, liiif:kiini,MnlinB,(htahpd and an hi ear b td,l 1 r: Hnaj . TirkiHR, otltn aod ao.d ManncKSntln' tic,Cimrrci, Cttitaadea, l.adio-' hhawla, 1st hi A TrtMl, Hatmral and Hoop Kkirt, Ac, AlaO a flr.a atertraent of Men'r Prawara and Shirts, llata A Tape. Dooti A aShoea, ail of whirl. WILL PE SulD 10 W F0H CASH , Hardwaro, Quronswaro, GlasEtrare, e. a . Uiocenes ana fcpiceii I S M10KT A 0 EN Eli A L ASsOItT.M EM ff eTerilhtSf n.i-i1t,e lienl In S retail smre. ail CHEAP t'CIICAKU ar a.rr.-reJ ennatr fra dure. - a. rc. wrtiun r iios.H. Cle.rlie'a. K.r T , 1SS7. 1""OM AI -..-WI,lle l.earl. fine, Talnl. Ms. seen ll I, Tnrnpnlinn, Varni.her sf nil aindl, Oulno In lil ana lrv I ainl. Vei.Mi lirh-a. V Dm KT3VICI ia JK. awwsr -isr-w-svt BLATTENDERGER & CO. OITL'tl HARK -10- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH- STORE OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! (Vef-.n. IVecmW IJ, lr9. C. KRATZER & SONS AHF UKCtaVISG A sri.EN Dl D STOCK OK C'Alil'tlS ADulL LLOIUS. WALL mEltS-GILT r.xrEH.rfc. LACE CCKTAJXS. WIXDOW SUADES- COL'S IEKrANES AND QUILTi. LIN EX TABLE CLOTHS & X ATKINS LAMES SILK CO A TS if 0 V E IIS K I UTS ELEGANT SHAWLS . LACE TAINTS LADIES' tt- CUILUUIX'S TU1MMFL' HAL-i. ... enow ant tiiimviings. BfT KIM OTiAT'-lATiTES' GEX TLF.MEN'S AjJDC IIILL'liE.N'S. HLACK AND FANCY PILKS. FINE FI.AC1C ALPACAS. rXFQf AT.T.T-n STOrK I.AIitE5' AM) I'll I LM! EX'S SHUKS f UAlTEItS. MEN'S CAI.Ftf- FhEXCU KIP HOOTS I1EAVV CALK HOOTS. $5. M F. N"S AND COVS' FINE AND 13 EA V Y KUOES. CASSIMEHES VERY CHEAr. TEST STONE TEA SETTS, JO. GKocrtiiEs. fiour it- rEuviiiox.1- AT 1.011 EST KATES. l.inFSsL 1EMfrTIOV TO TIU'SE I I Y1NO IX QUANTITY. Wool.. MAKKFTlVrc AND C'Ot'XTRY I' ltd I) I' . i: WANT EI. ( Irarirld. Jan. 10. H. SM ILL rUOFITS! m ICR SALES! HARTISWICK & IMVIN Art cabi'uhllj- rrplrnis-ljliig their 'Onk if Prof a. ilf Jiciius Ac. School floc-fca at. Si-tt! ncrt inrtading the 0 gHd and Naiitnal Serif of Hriden, AIfo, Toharoo and Cigara af Ihe brat branda, at llit? Isnnl prior a. nil CALL AND r-KK. Cf THE OSCEOLA IJAKEKY ! C. 1. SIIOIF. 1-wiirtrt.r. "t WOIT.Ii repeollnl'r annnniiee In tin e!.l ea 1 tonirr uf Slioff A 11 llliehi anj llit eilwnft u re.'a ind ai.-intty in pni. ml. that 1 have be eno ...I. (.mtrlrtw.1 ike ela Hakerv, and am rt .ire.l In lurn!-h trie "t T I T Ol' I, I Vf:.' I aril at I'll''. V KKK. Ar., of errrr d-xri. linn, tn anv nnanrilr and nn ehr1 satire, l-.wl., .lauuar) 12. 1V7S. Furnituro I Furniture! rcMftlMltr lnfnn th poM-e fhtt't np on bnat, at rat- fur ml nre rtiwf ia It Al,. lr-('l.i'N, a larfr U"k uf I'lniU'iir-, o.'h f 1'lt tirt, lit-Nt'a l--, S:in-I. l:.. kin- t"u. Ai, Willi h Hi 'I at-H elie(t thtn tS.-v cm tw 1 U;)il aavwhrra rlac in tiearrwio', 4i,e tr ca.i. IAaC X it 1 M t L. Wallaerlon, .tna. 1. Is?'1 " niMoi iti'!m fir r-niTrn?ui, 1 he ao de-a-Ri.nd b-ralir mt n.tiP that the i rti.r.rh;;. ai-ri-h.t'ora ratal mp Itrtwrn-n trhorh -J Weat'-r, at'S. ChMifiild es.iioU . !,, w- dtlrraj Kt nrt'itnll fn-d'i.t -n thr lrt'h day nf IteormWr, Int.O. 1 he .. end nr nnl rv with It. W. Srbo-h, a wen. !r. (.1 Hit- rm. wl-' 1 Btiihfiriti d t. ar-ftlc acd pir V l-i,re- rairtst the tetefirra. All rer .. l')1nt: thew. arlvea Ird-j'-hd te a id ftm w II tMia .!' tot tsttU w,ttvH.t d"la. II. V srn'n H. la.bfrr-.-rj, r l9 ;i U t J. vUVtil, - 'III is Slrw.H. m.t "' i THE SMITH HOUSE, (Oppi-fiie Ilia re'f ;f Its-put.) I Liurti M l I), IM. I aarriMrt jfera, ) rraj,r Iu on tort a. a Kraa ti ao-l Itat- l ia a orrallr. and Ihtri-fwir luln-itl .t .MKr ifi fite Viiin a i'n. Hi Tn' Ip will hm tttprliH wMh iho Wft tho wrarlrt nfrf, ahd bia bar will riKitatn the rkmoi M ol wincaam J Ituoia. Tlr li'iuff. twrniturp, ln It autt Brd-ltra; nre rtitiirl bt-w, wlurli al wh) r Jds in llnMtcl rl '( Il a vi ir'( whilr lha ata' lntff at(abrl ti lurpo ami r r, Jnat eaiiid lur loaiu)H. I'barfet nnfjfrtr. Jai.J.m i LI, I AM 6. IfllAliLKV. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Near the lUtlruai hyt xv.i.u iTnfi;T, ci.i;aiifii:iij, ta. C;. 1. C(MlrLMOtV, rropiio'ior, VSKW Arktrh.ii JJntol In avert roovpH oon.fortKfb1 roiin alt i(;e tne'tern iuiprove un.'ita tho Wat f LK.I'O'ft.S tirompt aitrnd anro, and roanonablo fharra. Tha pntrntmica of tbo public it rrpjtfully aulieiltd. Teauitiera will plrii' tnk n-ittee thai a large bam hifl ju-t Won prTttd for Ibi itietterin- of lioriff, loaded waxoiif and errta havmc etjommodion yard adjacrat to tlia Kretrht and l'sLFtoaer d' pot. jtiU THE MANSION HOUSE, Cor our of HeoouU and Market btrocte, CLKARMELD, PA, Tlin old aad eomteedUiaa lintel baa. dnrlaa; tha pat year, been inlared U duuhlo iu fttrniPr capacity f 'r the ontertaifiinet.t f ran rr anj fti Tha wh'do buil.Hn hat boea rtforni-hci, and tha proprietor will rvare no paina to rinUr bia guaita eoiufortabla wbUt ilaio with him. irsfr-rha "'Man-ion fToaae' Omolbot ront la and from ihe Ixtiaioa tlio arrival and departura of r,rh trs-io. DAVID JUHNaiON, tiv.S tf Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CKKAl.FJbU', PA. THR aabferibor baring leaned for a tern, nf year ihia wfll known Hotel, (kept firn.any ora by Mr. Uinirb.) and re-filled and refur niahed il throughout, ia now prepared lo entrr taio traveler! and the put. ho generally upuQ terme it ia hored alike ocrernhle to both pntrwna and proprietor. Ilia TAlil-hJ and IMK wilt bo aup hod nitn tha ht Uia market aDrit and an paina will be (pared on bia part to add to tba ooorouicDca and etnfnrt of ri rcf-. JUU.S U0LJHKKTt, rtetll I'mp'ietor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MAKKET St., CLEAUFIKLD, Tji TIIIK Urea and foinvoxliotta new hutH tiaa been optmtd for tbo aeennmodatioa of aba p'ttlie. whcru tho pruprialor will Lv niaJ to moot bit old fricr-df, and rueeii a rhurr of public pat mnafe. Ir atrirt porNmal attrritien ta tba do laila ot hit bu fin cut, kc hopee t- iw able tn render aiiil action o hia patron-. The TAHLE will alwavi b bountifully cupplied witb the Wat thai ean ba proearvtl in tin innrkrt. and lb SaU wiil contain a lultakof LIQUOltS, Lfcl.Il, Aa. tiuod itablutg attocbdL lAM'tH LMl'tM.Itr. ClrariicM, March I, l!fiO It FronrieloT THE EAGLE HOTEL, MA I. 7 ST., CUUWEXtiVILLE, PA. nAVlXfl lenard ft terra of yaara tha nbnro tf I krmwa and popular hutl. (hpt Mfoierly ly Mr. Maoat and lately by Kf. Kmna.) prePBi prfr,r-tir baa re fitted il wiib tha ol-jfrt of remit r i j; hit gucaia oornfort eble while ajfnrning with hi. A fine, larga SuUa and lard ta attarhed, for tha ravra aad p'Ct-ctinn nf hotwa, corrtacra end we, A tibt-rni a " Tt vt puba: r'r ,jre i aohcitad. fci.2. if JOHN F0T.TM, Prop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, C urfceiimiille, i Irai fif td county. Ia Till old and wrtl taMithed II-.M. btaulU fully aitaaied on lh bank of tha huttu7 anaa, in tba boroxghot CarwoavilU. aaa boea eaed it a terra f yrora by the arideraipae! It hna heeo entirely relit 'ed. and ia aow upea ta ilia puttie penorally and the trareiling cnmmQ aity ia particular. Kapaiaawill b arTd render f neat a oumfortable wbtia taryiag at tbl bou-a. Ample tabling rooji fur the aocutuma datt a of team. Cuarg wmd-rate. Jae. I, 'n.Mf WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, i:: ntim;i);x, pa. riniS old ratahlifihment having boea lea X T J- MiHtttlSUX. formerly prii.rifb.t t too "Momnn IImfe,"ha bcrn thitrouhif rca orated and reform. bed. H I aupnlled with all lha anadera tinproTeniPnta nnd ennrenfeneea too ttopfary la a liret elite Ilit-1. Tna diainft fooaa ba li en remorad tn tha fi rat fl'Htr, and ia roar ipiut and aly. lha rl-amiu-ra are wrtl tea. Minted, nrd tha prrptietnrwiil eodearor to aa toie guerta pftcotiy at h me. j. Vi J. Mi.'hl'.TFON. Proprietor. i. r. Wallapo...........,.... taoa. . aaair. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, liitltrrMiurg, Clrarfirld Co.. ra. rf'lll!5 well V nnn and t na elah!it-hed Ilofrt. T.-nnerty kept by H. W. M.tore, and laiteily by B, rohwom. ar baa boea leaod fnr a terua wl yaara by the artdtra.rnei, to wfairb tha at ten. ii ii the Irarrline put-lie ia now eailrd. and a libernl ahara f luelte patronage la aoMrited. aprlti.' hlUW 4 WALLACB. TFiFRAlLROAD HOUSEi JtiAlN ST, ruiMrsBrR'5. PA. rTHK andeff'fned korpa eor.atnnt'y na han4 X tba be-t of Liqu'ira. Ilia table t aiwnya PMpalirdwIta tha brat the winrket afforda. Tba treeltr(r public aiU do well to gtre bin a ?all, noel.'nV HOr.EKT LI.OYD. oot$ and shoes. DANIEL CONXKLLY, Coot and Slioc Mnnufacturer, CLAHFIELD, I A. HAS jn rrccired a flne lot of Frcnrh CALF KI.N'S. and i now pri'artd to mannf.e tut everytbinit In bia line at tta loweat fium. Ho will warrant bit work tw be aa reprcaentea. Ha reipeetfu!!) at.liriie a oU, et bia tbop on Market atrrt l, perond d or eat of the ptitntKpt here be will dn U to hia p.iwt r to render tatb fartWn. Sraa eua Uaitrr tope on hrd. uiU. : y IMMKI, fUXXEUsY. rEAlE rKfifLAlMED. THE WAR OVER IU CLEAUFIZLD. liaNUX TOWNSHIP QUIET. ' AVtirfy all the Cotttra'janJt ?tn$ back to thtur oU intifiUrij tut 'miry ok ftintj to old JUiiMdchuit uhcrt tArjr nvre Utvrd so lmj an i i trtlL IK eoneqoenee of the ahfirp faeta. F. FTTOIIT, of tha .ld 5hort bhoo Fhop,1 wonld an. astonoa t hia iniaMnaa patrona. end tfac people ( t'lenrbeld Minty ot Ure, that he ha now a firl rate hit itf f I Miaten-jl, jn., reet-tved fmaa the F.s.f , and ia prepnreil oi, an (.ft notice to make and anend Iltrta ana hsw, m hi aow hp ta t.robavaii fnw. He la aatianeal that he ran pJooee il. ( :i l( !a it uiilu he pome intrnrly ln ! etay. it h-.toc patrj..!.) Itr f Mffpared tt- aell luw for Cadi or leontry P1ure. - ftrtrel tha kap neat d.Mir !biwere A 6rabta'a atore. ou Mutkei etrei-t, Cliaosd. Pa,, anu kayl by a Mliw rnm.iil called JJ7 y SIIOtlTT. i:w iicot AMi 'snoc Miar. EDWARD MACK. xiauklt a 3n .-r... ti.L.u;uraD. r. ! 'pilK fimnrlitor haa entewd tla the YlOOTtV I J Ml OK hHinef at the above aland, end i ilrlprmined nt tn be oniditne either ia qnel. 'y ir p-iee !r Mi e.irfc, rrerat Bfratta will Wo paid tn mntir-teitirtnff 'tt-wed work. h-ta on hand a Urire lt of lirr,fb Kip aad fell btiln, i.f ihe very loi quality. The rfit nt Clf-li"'d anJieiB .t era roopectfolly invited ti- eii- him a trial, Na fur ealla. tf EV BtKIT .IAD SIIOE MIOP, i c i'H i:xvii.i r. ITIK aubwlh.r barn latelf atartrd anew !)'l and Hhna ah-.p In farwenpvil-e. i Vara atfeet, epnta Joeetn U. Iiwln't 't-ire, rarprcttulty aonmnera lo the puhlir thai he ta oiano arture all atvleaor pswta ' and Fhot. n1 eivrthtnp In M line, 'a bori ; nmiie. H eio p.enawa haed a a-od aar m an i af rue ty. made w.rh, wh 6 ae wilt aell ! -'beep for raab or e-watry y 'or. ! ih hi l.Ktvis m. war. I-aivrrtv Stnblc. frill K ni-4er'irte,l hnf to inforai the yatw !, thai he ia eww fnllt nrtet-wt to -inif-; ilntpail in tl-e nyo turnix'iin jt ll'ira-a, Ht jira, ' M'ldt" mt lla m the ali t t m.tiet and ' nn rronn-hle tema. R -tdenee aa tswrnat etnwt, , tftwrca lbird t-ad I ow-th. tiF.o. W. STiAKBART. 1 'avrarM. April II, Ml,