TliK i M CLEARFIELD REriULTCAV niTm.ii)HKn in im. The largast circulation of any Ncwg papor ia North Central Tennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If in advnnee, er within 3 montka....M M If paid ricr 3 and Ucfor ( months 3 SO tf paid after Ihe eipiralion of A months... 3 fN Eitos of Advertising. Transient advertisements, per square of lOlincior Icm, ft timet or lew. $1 For each subsequent itsertiuo... 6(1 Administrators' and Kxocutors' notice. t SO Auditor' aotleee...,. ...... ........... t k Caution and Estrayi .'. I 50 Dissolution aotioe. , M . J SO Local notices, per line 1 j OMtuary notice, orer Bro llea, per Ito...... IS 1'rofcssi.inal Cards, 1 year a 00 YEAULY ADVKI1TISK.MKXT8. I tqun. 58 0U i column - ti OA 1 arttares... II H , column 4100 I Hj-urat- 50 00 I oulumn.. 80 00 Job Work. HLAXK8. fiiagl o.ulr..-..fc! M qalea,pr.,uir4l V4 I quires, pr, quire, 3 00 j Over (I, per rprlre, 1 60 UAXblllLLS. i iheet, !5or !,$! 00 sheet, 5 J or less,) 00 i ihect.loor tecs, 00 I 1 sheet, lj or leu, 10 00 Over 13 of each of above at proportionate rates. CEO. It. GOObLAKbEIl, (lilt and Proprietor. Card. ti;ok. 4. NeCI LLOt SB.. RAVI b. KHMI. McCULLOUGH &, KREBS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cfflje adjoining l he Clearfield Coaaty Dank, JJ Su, Clearfield, Prim'. 2eAII Irgal Lurlnrss promptly attended to. Co"nsulta.lon tn rxilh Koglisb and Ovrmsn. uH'tV H. W. SMITH, ATTOItSEY-AT-LAW, JeSO Cleat Held, Pa. It A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -Clearfield. Pa. li.Otice 1 loe Court House. (dceX I y ISRAEL TEST, ATTOH N K Y AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. pfPt&f I the Curt House, (jrl l.'i7 JOHN H. FULFORD, ATl't.H.VFY AT LAW, Cleat Held. Pa. Office on Market t . 'rr llaruaick A Irwla't f rMft St.r. safe Prompt attention a-ieea tn th aeeartng af B'lunte. Claim., 4., and tv all legal business. M.eek . IST If. WALTER BARRETT, ATTiHtNrY AT LAW. fill" on Second Su. Clearfield, fa. atell.t JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTiiRXKY AT LAW And Weal '.state Aerat. Clearfield. Pa. ""t oa M.rhei s'reet. "pp-elta Ita Jail. weRereetfully offers hi. centres la aellint aid Kui I n lend. In ClaartclJ and adjoining .antica ; and wiih an etiverienee nf ..eer twenty y.ere a. a euree y..r, Liters kiiasolf that k ran reader rali.fsclioa. r.bJS.'IU ti WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTVliXKY A I' LAW, ClearOeld. pa. - . OOoeaa lUrkri street see door east f the Clear. fold Cannes Bank. ayl,'ll II. Orrie. c. T. Alciaadcr. ORVIS fi. ALEXANDER, A'lTi'l NKV- A r LA II'. IrllrtHOte. Pa. nrplVU- DAN I EL M. DOHERTY. EAEEEE & HAIR EEISSIB, "IXdllti MKKkT, Jrl." C I. K A H K I K I. I. PA. E. I. KIRK, M. D., rilYSItlAS AND SUKti0X. I aibenkur. Pa. ' Vill atlead pruMiptlj, lu all prnfeeviohal ealla. auill:lr:d DR. Al THORN, FIIYSICIAX k SURGEOX, TTAVINO Inettlrd at KTirtmi, CtMrtieloi o Xl ufferf bn n'f tonal irmm tn the Vt l lac Mirnnii4inff eintry (rtrpt. 2V,'69-t DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, niYiilCIA.V AND SUliGEoX, f eeond Street, Cleartcld. Pa. .neinf prrnMnrnll.r hteated, he now i,fTer( h irl.iftiial eer iee tn the ritisvn.ut t'lrerbrld I .Klt.ltt. and the public i. rally. All enllr t.'niplly attemled ht. nettJ-j F. D. REED, M, D.f rilYsit'lAN AM SL'IliiEoX. AatllUtlnf iv more J lo T. illlunr rrr, fn , ofl-rt liii -n l-piiil Mrvirw U tb Htt DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, V"lantxr, bivitif rUira4 frm tb Army, olTm bl f.Mfti.n Mrvic t tbf el lit F LlHI-il4 (asHtttf. jr-KrMtwuitHMl mill f rmmpy tt3 4 t Oft. x 8tcwni ftrvvt, rnvr)y bi Jr. Wwl. tnrri.'MI.M DR. J. F. WOODS, r II YSICI A N A SI! It H toX, liiivtfiz frnivrl In AnMinvitli-, Tn.. nlTcr h'' irtt(rt-iiil rrt low l lb f thai place aad the surrouning country. All cull, promptly attended lo. ;l x. i Km p i. DR. S. J. HAYES, tlTiOEOX I'ESTIST. .fAec an Main St., Csrwen.rille, f , 1-ILL make protesslodal rl.lts. f.,e the pnw t a-ewiiwee .f lha puklie, cwmmaacing in ApHI. IS SJ. ea f. ws. els : l.wiker.narg. first Fridsv nf seeey mswlk. An. wvilla rir-t Mide M eeery Intbrr 'lty First Tburedefaf svsn ase-ntk. two does ia titker pteea. All oedee For w.k .kwuld ne r,Siated wn tba d.y sf k I arriiat at rach ptana. Taeth nir-eiad be ike vf.itaM of .Jtl ....ihesia Mnmoiraileele . ilhaut win. All kind, .f ll.-nial work .uacelced. y. a - Tk. p...,,. .in pn-..,, pt fl.. whea act ene.ged In tha nnnre eisuc, asay mn rnr-ffi io fa. mmmrv fio-t. mmj We '..and la Ma nm. la Carareasrillo, I'a. Cvweaseille, Fe d, lS. (S-dt DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. A. M. HILLS, lle.irae tn Inform bis nair...., a.d the gener .Ity.'l wt tie kasaasoeiated Wltb bim in tba pra'tlcanf OtM'stry, S P. KIIAW, D. D. S., W.s la a fcaSraale .f th Ilenral t' Slege. ard tbeeerrww has e rne areena. Iir. .1 .e,-ferrienal skill. All woeh dna ia lha .S.ce I wit! wold ujieeif parrMWally eesp.n.1 VI t.r K.tng done ta Ike w,t ajaa .rr and highest hcIcc .f the r"teel.a. Aa rftal,l..hcd pmetice of twenty Iw . yeses la this ta.WHM aa I apeak Is any pa.lraU II I M I lenera. Kngag. mewre frem . dl.tnwee sbnald ba mad br eauer a lew .e;, befoea the patient Aa.fas s.mlng. Jan. 4, la, ly. ry ti.. i.mociuiic i.MN.r. Sn m.Is. blcrr e.rtar absuld bam oa OnlT jjjjAR GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor. VOL -'-1-MVH0LE NO. 2131. Cards. JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN iSUnCEON, TTVIN(J loeated at O.eaola, Pa., nlfers l is XX profe.slnaal terelees to the people of that ,Jh, ani sureitundluff eiuntry. tcVfJU- A 1 1 calls promptly attended tn. Office and reel'tenee a Curtia at, lormarly oeeapivd by Dr. Kline. at) ID ly f DR. M, L. KLINE, SURGEON DENTIST. HAVINU IncatM in Wftllaormn, ClenrflcM tM'Untr, I'tt.. lTer hd WiilMionf.l Pervirr lo iti penjtip of Ibnt filam. and I be nitrouDilinj; iMiiiniry. All murk guurnuiBcU, and chrj?f mJ traic. lcl.i:it'W If. J. H." KLINE, M. D.( 1'IIYSICIAN & SUKGKON, HAVINU kHle.l it I'eiinlield, I'a., offrrs hi proleuiimal nerriees to the inwpla of Hint pHMM aud eurmuudiua; eouulry. All call' pnimptl) attended to. Oct. U If. AUCTIONEER. rpilK nndcniirned will attend lo the eallin( and X ertinn or sales anywhere wiiUin the hums ol Luartiald county, on short notice. Chnrfcs rea eMildc. Address CHARLKS II. IIKN'hKL, li24 .1nipd finltb a Mills, Cleartild Co., I'a. CHARLES SCHAFER, LAG Ell DEER BREWER, Clearfield Pa. HAVING rented Wr. Kntres' Brewrry he hopes by strict ailcniu.n to b- sine., and Ibc wanularture of a supeiior article uf J'LEU lo rreeivo the patronage of all the old and many new euslouera. . Aug. 2, tf. THCS. S. WASHBURN, SCALER OF LOGS, tilea llui. ClearUeld t'aauty. Penu'a. TriS auicilbee has derntej mark lima and att.niioa to Ike SCALING Or l.OUS. and laars I b le mrthi dnf oDrrlni his srrrieec lo thoaa who may nred thrat. Any Inrther ialotmatloa eaa ha had hy eddteseinf al a bore. ji2iMr SURVEYOR. THE andersined offers his err ices as a Pur-ri-i nr. and may he Piund at his rr.idcnce, In Lawrrnee tnwni-hip. Lellirs will rtach him ai reeled In ClearOeld, Ta. a,., 7 if. JAMK8 MITCHELL. THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, If AVIXtl recently Tmraled ia lha Initiai-h al l.ttmber City, and rcuinrd lha practice ol Land Hurrcyiiia; rr.peelfully tenders his pmfes clonal scrvirrs lo the nwner of and .fieeu!a:rs In land, in Charf.ld and adtoininf eounlitf. Ilccile ofeolirrr new neatly executed. OfrVrw and residi neaj one dour rnsl f K irk A Spencer's store. aprll piHm. N. M. HOOVER, kolesalc A Dealer la Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Two diNtrs east of Ilia Pott Offiee, MARKET STIIKET, CLKAIII'IKLD, TA. t.A larjeasmrtiaentof Pipc.Cirar Css. s, Ac. aloars a hand. BiylD-ly J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOli liAPU (iALLEKY, Market Si real. CleirAeld, Ta. "EdATIVKS in einady, as well as In elear weather. Con.lanll. on liund a Itood ..n.rtencnt of Fit A MI'S. KT(.T.KIS('(l'!:S and STKHKOeCdl'lt' VIEWS. Framea, from any sljk ol moulding, made to order. apr2-tf REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clear Or Id, l'tnna. VS-Will execute Jidis ia his line in a workmanlike manner. irwuiplle and ! r.7 THOMAS H. FORCEE, wraLBR 1 GENKRAL M KliCI! AN DISE, C.KAIMMTOV Piu A Ii). ex tf nil re inanufartarrr and dotter In Ffjuaee Tiaibof sod Hawed Lumberof all kin. f-fT'Ordcrt afdicited and all bill pmnn-tlj mird. !J.v-ly OfO. AtlKRT BHT at.BKRTww..W. ALBERT W. ALBERT &. ERCS., Manutacturert A extensive Dealers ia Saved Lumber, Square Timber, &c, WOODLAND. PLN.N'A. O llrdcrs aotiriled. Bill, tiled oa sbort aotiar and rcasonaide terms. Ad.lrrn WiHilland T. 0., Clearfield Co.. Pa. jc-M-ly W M.LriKT A IllioS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KltC'll A XT. I rrnelitllle, tlearflrld Coanty, Pa. Keep, eon-tantly nn hand a full as'iirtmciit of Dry tlood. Hardware, flroeeric, and rvrrythinc a.aally kept lu a retail store, whick will be sold, for ea.h, as cheap as elsewhere la Uie auunty. FraneheilM. Jane 17. IMIi -ly. C. KRATZER A. SONS, 11 II C 3 ) NTS, ar.At.Kns ta Drj GcodB, Clcthirg, Havdware, Catlery, Qtieaaswar. flmeerloa, roflsioas and thtaglet, Clear lied, Prmi'a. At their new store mowt.nn Seeand streat. aaar Merrell A llin'or's ll.rdwara .tor. (janM MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCKOLA MLA.M MlLl, nMirrxcTrnre LUJ1BF.IJ, LATH, AM) PICKETS II. II. fHIII.I.INCFOIirt, freeidcnl, I OffeoKnee.! Place. No. It.. S. 4lh St.. Phil1. I JOHN I.AsllK. SaYinlendcnl. I )r'i'.;l O.cil. Mill. ( Icarheld eountv. Pa. ! otlro to Lr.r.d evners! Hi atftrnn linrnni rvi r. lUtlRIKBI , l'i,h-l.:j, hA9. T tbe Owarrp of 1. nvralt-d l.ati'l : In ilufdifiiev li aa Aot of At'iii'tlr. annrored Ibf rkgiitb cist v ftf Aji'il, one IbftH-Mind njtbl bon- 1 IpoiI aad fint yom ? bwl it'rltttpd tbal I iba ,raiii? L-ml l.irn li-ckrt," ntniMimuc Ibp j ' '; barfirld r-.uni. ! ..1 ra.te.laMa lid atatt aaf I. I aw nf I L SAly . . I I f" under Its. Act of A.mhly of the mm ..I V'.. . . ' ' IT ' ..... - . ,. , il., w imw I'M-rma il mtmv : Ts..wesm. i n uent ran ouly ha bquadalcl l.y II.. p.. eaenl ..f lb, p.r - chare mnti.T. inrret and n-ecand rweeiring pal. aats Ihrowgh this Inpartmenl. jaiuii n. e.jiri.r.i.o. Not. ! 2m Snrvrior tlenernl. t COAL f COAL! rptlE nWri'ierhr.. )ot onewd s t'Orll, IIAXK I s': i i. n a . o.. 1 . . . 1 en hi. fart in ft adfotd t.iwn.hip. the qnalitr n wbo-h Is nnearpa..'st Tor eonrr litet or Mack einl'hing paro.-s. lie 1. nrepsnsi tn er-eet ardrca and encply anal in any an short wrtice. A .bar. of pa'r.mste ..licit. S tiers len wltb Jamca K Watson Will rreclie p.-nmpt Uti'ulH.n. dec!ni lintiKItT t.AXSliritV. CI l 'TtJ-.IH er.n. are bcrchy eautioned against s. llllig, ar tn any urar I wnldting wilb one error, twn beds, aod all the h"U KoiJ lumlltire wow in prre.c.u .,f M A I A 1 lilliFN. of ('.eingf.w. tmn.bip, as Ihr sanre Kc anag en we, and are ..ale h-tl with ber on Inaa, sab. y.-r In war nerie at ane Irene. 1 f. si 11N dim3. I IWJMt WI1.I Ull SCII5ABP.S. 1 ILU THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAliFIELD, V. WEDNESDAY JiOHMXO, JAX. 19, 1870. A LAY OK i n n oun. TUlltW Onf mominjr Aftlir flrat on. I fall, I'iMir Adnia and hit brtda Bat in th nit tile ol Kdrn'l wall llul on tha outtr tide. , .Shr, bluKbiny in h-?r fif leaf unit Vnr I be eli Mir furl, uf old ; Hi. riKbinj; er il bitter fruit For Ed-rtt ffraMri uf gidd. DcMnd llirm. iinilin in Ibt uoru. Tbcir lorliit ffetrdi-n lor; " lkf..r rlrt-ra. Mild with rooh and thorn, " The Ucfcrl itrcU-bad a war. Tfapy heard the air above them fanned, , A liffbi aft'p on I be award, And lo ! tliry aaw brlore tbcua itant The angel uf tliv Lord ! Arn bf raid, "whr kwk bebind, W bon biM it all hvlore. And liut band and ailliiift mi ad . Your Ium amy yet rctlurv "I lrare with too a m II whow (towor f'an tnnjtf I be Uiirrt pi ad. And enll around you fruit and flower An fair ar Edi n bad. I idotbe your handi wilb ower to Lift Tbe eure I'ruin oil' your ml t l'uur ery dvoai iball errin a gift omr loftf a gain ibrougb tuil. (TJo! rberrful as yn liumininj bcel, V bile Kliaimerinir, urrr KJen'i tree. Tbe engil patted away. Tbe fiil?rimi of the world went forth ilbrdirnt to tbe word, And found whrW tbey tilled theeadrtb. A garden of tbe Lord ! Tbe thorn tree cant it- evil fruit And litubrd with lum and ptar, And errdi'd rrai mil tmddrn root (jrvw iwctH Itcti-emth tbelr ewre. We ihare our primal parrata' fate. And in our Ium aud day LH'b back on Mrn'f word-d gmtm Ai aad and kwt aa tbcy. Hut Ft ill for an hi native kit Tbe pilling anjrvl travcn, An I lral- Ibmob toil to I'aradiia iS'cw Adaioii aud new tna. C0NGRISSI0KAL DSU1PATI0N. Tito colored race, ntyi i tlto Sew' Vuik Citizen, at'ein tlitiliiu'd lo bo 1 lie incniiH of lirviiltiitjj ii j I lie L'nion The iiiniciiiii'i:l ilnit ull nuiiiiiiM tuflcr for lliuir Crimea liu Ut ti tiu Ud out Itiour utiliiiy country in ncn-nluM he'i-ri-ty ; iliu iniquity nuiinciiiioU Ly a line hiiiIc Iiiih been moiled liy iiilinitu uf-li-ruijr and w.u-liod nutty in loirti ol' blood ; nor in lliv I'luixluiiiiigr liund yot lil'ied, u I id wc liuvc belurc tin u druurv vir-lu t d' woe lluil Reom ncv imlile. A nur Irrrible und di'Hohitiiij;, I lie inoct ItMirful of ull wars, iiitui noeino strife, litis tucpt (bmuirli our couniry, druw iitg Huy to detail and wound hun dred ot tliiiunndH til the. flutter (if you I It of tlio North, and niiikii; of lliu Sou lit Miuiuiliiiig little heller lh;in Gehenna, the .liit e ol a kull. Turn iti finiliii); heldii nilti burn tniels of w ild p-io-, totivi rliiij; liomea into tluirred ruins, briniiif; misery into linn I lien, inuUiii wires widows, eliihlren ori.lititi, ami molli cr barren. Sucli wits I lie iiiiiinlid itilithlit)ieliL fur our naliotiul eriinc, und so luiie.i hnvu wo bornti n bent we iniht ; but the ni'itmiit din's not mvm lo lie yet i-lost-d. Our very form of government is bein; ulliTed, and rutin ini mediate danger ol absolute du nlruclioii. A ;olilirul oliinirehy hna been built up that htm wielded unlimited power no lon; llntl contiiutiotiiil und Icul rvstrsitit !uiee tcned lo control iu--The defiiiiitc of luw nhieh w ns jier-iK-rtii ill ed und Approved (lining Hie wur, bnn e;niwn buhiliiiil, mid the very scum of our pulilicnl olliee sect. ur,d lie vilent o( lhoe lli row ii lo iUo eiiifnee by our iiulioiiul coiiviilion, tire jrinsp. wig ut power and suniiiij; li'lii which they will never willingly aur- render unless lliey urercsmted prompt le lie tlin Iiliit'ernal ili' f,P J J w, llu. ..... Tl.aii,,... i J .... ... . . ear-v- i'l HIV ew lllliui r r i !a il.. I i . s .r f . . i 1 .nine ium net oi ctingresa towards ; llio Stale of Georgia. Tliul Stute h-iv iug adopted llio Foiirleenth Cunsiitti Uoiittl Aniendmeiil, as required hy l.iw which was ull that was then requir ed of her wns restored lo the Union. Her representatives wero admitted to I. 'ongress, nnd the only reasons lor do- nymg lier S.'nntors seuls iu the .Venule were personal ones. it is clear Ihut l.cori;ii wns oneo more a member of the Vnitt 'd State, entitled lo ull rights und peivilegesussuch ; but she commit ted iwothults: she beeauiu llemoerul ic in political complexion, anil exclu ded Irom their places iu her Legislature- M numl'rje t acniM Ih.4 been chosun by the people in disregard of nn old coiistiluliomil eiiaclmeul. Tho former wus her great fault, the lailer aa llie excuse lup her puimish- meiii. ic iNoi inerii Mule would ml mil negriH' lo her legislalivo Northern men w;uld willitiiylv hit iu , liiu a me house with them; but for the expression of ihiutu setilimetil, madi! more rxctlsahlo by llio I'.icl that llio liegtois Wero Ined eluves, uud us such tiiu black legislators were wholly ignorant, hesolted and uneducated, a .Southern Slnlo ia. lo Ik. eondeluned lo buiiishmctil Irom the I'niott. When Iheticgroe. wore first dei lar ed ineligible the head of the nation. President lirnnt himself, sent n lelegrum to the lending mem ber of lit Georuia lieeislp.ture. advising thill tllO lllluslioll f aaulilllll tctl I.. Il,n Sli.i.wo,,.. I f!'i.; i ".a done, nnd ye. be now sign n hill ,.l.,.u. . I.... c... . l..- ...:t:. n 'IIIV IIIIH. nilllU I1IMHT j f,lh ,( .t.M,IK, , 0 M ..wjllpi ho . . , , J tiling for l!)0 Ct.e. IlU '. 1 1 I Su III t lllll ine .iM.r'ino v ouri nits uecnied III lu .. vor of ibe negroe,uiid thul they have i J restoicu. i rue; but the I f . . bclure act Inn t-ttli liu I.1L.1. 011 aiii-h .I.i. I J.1.1. hllllOl ... .... ........ . n .I..I (ision, or conipliance 111111I0 with it retiiiireme'its, lint Mute is oneo more inn l ied oul ol the l.tiion. 'J'lio Gov- croor is a l.'udirul, n cat pel Iwifirer, 1 m ill til bud character, nod he has re lused lo call the Icgi-la lure logelher, lit onler (lint tie may hiivr mi excuse fur imllltilig Culiirless lo expel the " s f ,1 1.. r- . 1 1 ..,,.., . .s a reason lor Mil this, (iovernor JttilliK-k knows that he would In impeached, and ju-tly imp-ached, fiir c-rituo, wvre this lg . !fIV AW J. PRINCIPLESj CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, ixliit nrj o meet, nnd tbtit lukeep bim t H iti power ho uiiisl Iiiivo the uid of lliu bayonets of the Unilud Slates, md iniiKt prevent nil whilO men who liuvo given uid, " voluntarily or i n vol untarily," to tho rebels, from voting. I'ho bttit ho offers lo Congress is lo inuke tho State llepublicttH. Jlorelcc loi a I vnto which wus uee'epled and counted so ubsobitely wun lier ml inisnion acknowledged wus thrown fur Seymour and Blair; ho inelittnt;o this by disf ranch ining u sudieient until. Iterid Democratic, voters, und then he tuny uso tho resources of tho Stute und its treasury as ho sees (it. A political fraud is to covor ufllciul dere liction, nnd Nil this ia perpetrated in tlto much abused nunuof lornitv. - Tcnnessou will be ibe next Slate do munding discipline ; there intelligence bus alrvudy locovcred its mastery over ignomnco, und this must be re versed, or tho liepiiblicuns fork-it an udvunlngo und Congress loses prestige. Allcr Tunnesoe New York will need correction for declining lo ohnngo tho property qualification exuded of negro voters; nnd so on until Congress becomes a French Di rectory, declares itself iermuuent,and uboliniies Iho Constitution. licvolution move rapidly ; it isleg inlative bodies lluil become usurfiera beldre single minds runquihli llicin. People muy wonder ut such sogues linns, und ridicule their piohubilily, pi ecis.'ly as the Norlli inlMiU laughed at the idea id a civil war, and ridiculed I lie idea that the South would secede. In times like these the rndiculinm to day is thf consurvuiism of to -morrow, and even Sumner nuiy be unable lo restrain General liutlur al tho next leap ahead" of the parly. When re straints of law, and oath, and i in pur lialily nro diregwrdcd, no onu can predict what the iMio will be; but it is c-leur that wo bare to go but a few stcw further lo find our choice lying lielwcen forcible resistance and the totul extinction ol our liberties; be tween a new civil war and an oligar chy of such men as now degrade our nulional cnpilol and disgrace nur coun try before lliu world. Survly it in timo ng;ivo llio mailer connidcrulion, anl luke what precautious we Jtuaoi bly can to uvert it. Braina vs. Labor. The fullnwing beautiful pns.igft i from J'ev. J. F. Corning. ItwilllK! ujipreciiited by ull "brain workers:" While I nil at my study tttblu with my pen in bund, I lie figures moving with tnrdy pace ut tlto beckon of brain, I bear right In-low my window, in the adjacent Held, tho monotonous ring of I he laborer's boo UMH ibe corn bill. Wliilo be lores, be wbitles hour by hour till tho clink strikes twelve, and then with ravenous apictite repairs to bis bounlifiil yet nimple meal, only lo resume bis tusk ttgain nnd ptimiie it to the selling ol the sun. As I stood ut lliu window watching bis toil, and turned ngnin to j my pen and p.,,it-r 1 nk. d niy-e II i bow it happened that the mini with I bis Imc will bi'nir bis eight or ten Imiirs a day Willi le-s liiligtie lltan Ibe muii with his pen w ill tud bis three or fs.tir. Hugh Miller was n gtvnl worker with the shovel iitid pu k would have fnude a good band in a slate quarry, in grading a railroad, or digging a cannl. Jlui one n ij lit. a you know, ho tdmt himself in a fit of ncrrotia fever. but was the differ ence between the great geologit nnd the man with the Itoe whistling under t ... a f i .! .i . my window r Simply this, the lormer i , , '. ., . . was a worker of lirinii anil Ihe Litinr .,.,.. i , . ., - n worker ot nitisclu. Jet Ibis man :.i.. i ii ..i t il i with the boo lay down his hnbandrv r . . i-.. i . i' i c " fur a Intlo. while nnd set himself lo ,,,,. . . . ,, ,, r stndying line ol the sla ks or corn, or . SI . ' tho i-ht'inNlrr of one of those bills ol ...II . .l i;i...i i.. i.i rri.,1,. ,'! J "'.."ichuirn.nn of tho joint Commiiteo on learn wlint it is to luso one s npiietitn. . , ... . . . . .. 1 Lelrt'lichtnent. and m a nienilM'r til .n.l I.... ll.n ..ln,.l .I.!!., m I.. ..It ,, llu i,,v inn . II1.III. no I.I... .!..!.. 1 : r : l i.'r... i..u ii."iiv immii i.i ie.riir-ii ys iie.i'1 111 ..... ...i .1 lllTii. Mil I Mill Ann lints wo gel ut llio great organic law ol our l.eing. 1o wit: a. a . a . r " " that Itrnin wtirk an itraeis vitnlity irom tne lountnin, wiih muse o wovx , ,. , '. ... oni makes urnugnts ooo ol li.c mmifyltig strenms of life. Hi esti mated by scientific ohscrvcrs that man w ill use up as much vilnl liirce iu working his bruins two hours us be will in working hts muscle eight. , ... .... A OnkCN W iTNKss Aboul lent yenrs since a young man of good j character hired u hm-sc from a livery! slahlo lo t itle out lo a litllo town (,,. i i n,;i... ,i:.i i'.,r... i tutuilelv, uliout half way out the ! tlOISU etUB lllKv.. -l . .nj di.rt Tlio j livery man sued him for tho Valtto of I t,P ,tirsc, representing that tbe horse l,,l l.een killed bv fust tlrivinir (i0 j - i,e vnung muu's w ilnesses (rather green, or supposed lo bp. and litii'v i.iai.,.su had it ixit ulmr wae of talkitur verv ! young, ha but olio child, and is quite J slow .1 una oiled on il.n .mil qneslionetl thtu hy the lawyer. You arc iicquiitnU'd Willi tho J.ris- oner at the bur ?" -Y a n s"(very slowly dm n led out.) "Ilow luiijr huvcyou beeiiiicqtiuititcd witlt him ?" "About three yenrs." Well, sir, plcne siale In the court abut kind ol n reputation ho beats us regards lust or alow riding on horse back r ' W a n I. I stipposeif bo wns riding l.. ..... i .. i with a compativ of persons w ho rdu very last n ml he did not wnnt lo be left behind 1.0 would ritlo last too Anil il be was riding with it coiiipntiy ..1.. . .... . i ... . I I . i i . , 1.1111 Is IIIUl' S VI J tlll UIM IU U 1 IIHl I Walt I 10 go lil.cllll alone, I Suppose he i i . , ' 11 Willi Id ritle slow loo. I J .mire ( very miicn rnrsrceii )-" l ou seem very tnueh inclined lo evadu unsiveruie: quei ions pnKTly. sir, yon have statetl bow the gentle man ride in l ist and st.11 (-oiniiitnv. Now, sir, 1 wish von lo slnte to the ! court how lite gentleman ride, when he rides alone ? I "Wn al, hnving never had the ! bbmsiieo of ridin.r will. Ium a l.m, l. wae itlone, 1 don t think 1 tun tell." . In Ihe new l.ttiheriin nbnrcti ni lln. gerstown. Md., a large ha mi is ,.riiil".l 1 1 .. ... . e I . loll llie Wnll In I lie 1,-1 ... 0.1 !,,,.! ilowntnspiltiKiii, with the iiikcrii. lion. "Please leave jtiur tobacco there," " 'I is NOT MEN- ' Facts About Congressmen. From dtttti found in Major lien Per ley I'oore'a valiuible Congreseional 1'iiectory, issued u low days since, ami aireiitly nolii-tU In our cwlumtis, we compile the following liicls, wbkli will lis itiloieiiig to our lady rcudera, and po.'Hibly to some oilier : lliu averago ago ol .Senators is not fur from 65 j Ihut of licprcsentulives not lar from 45. Jn the Senulo ihero are fivo gentle men below tho ugo of 40. In the llouso there ure five members under The youngest Senator is Gen. Sicn-1 ctr, of Alabama, bom November 1. V. !. and consequently .'W years old. 4"lie nnnj-w i'fnnatitMttvei ia l-fnri v uniuii ji. v,ouu, oi 4orui carulma Itorn August 2,r), lHJLund coiisequelil iy nut ntiio over 27. I'Ua oldest Senutor is Hon. Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania, born Jlarch 8, 1711'J. llu is ulso llio oldest in I'on- gresnional seniority, having taken bin scut in llie aettalo in ln-io. lie ha, however, bad two long interruption in bis Senatorial career, so that hi whole service amounts to eleven years. I lo is tho only member of eilher House, who was bum before the com mencement of lliu present century. Tho oldent member of tbe present House of liepresenlalives, in Congres sional seniority, ia Hon. Fernando Wood, who took bis scut in 1S41. in tho Twc-iity-Sevenlli Congress. Ilia age is but 57. Mr. Gurrctt Davis, Senntor from Kentucky, wus curlier in tho Hon thuiiuny present member of lluil body, having in 18u!) taken bis sent in the TucMy-Sixth Cmigres. Ho ia tbe only member in eilher llouso who sat in Congress more than thirty year since. Mr. Duvi, however, bchuiga to the present century, buving Leon in ISUl, two month earlier than Sen. ulor Yickcrs, of Maryland. Ia point of long continued service Mr. Sumner in the ' Father oflhe Senulo," having served for almost nincieeti years with out interruption. Ho bus fivo years more lo servo on his present term. Hon. liobl. C. Scbcnck, of Ohio, is the 'Father oflhe JIone." He tiller ed it in IK-I.'i, und (having been out from to IMhi) ia now serving bis eighth term. lion. Henry L. Dawes, of Mncfachii. sells, ia acrving hit seventh continu ous term. Cen. Itanks and lion. Horace May nurd ure in their sixth term, not cou tiiiiiuus. Hons. James Jtiooks aud S. S. Cox, of New York, and Hon. 'uthnu F. Dixon, of l;li Jo Island, nro each in their fifth term Mr. Ilrooks wns tho pioneer AVn-h-ington ciiTcioiiilet.t, and uls'i the llrnt of Furoieun correspondent fur American puper. Tho youngfttl SennUin nro Messrs. S;tmguo a nd Kolbigg, thiriy-nine siH.wr,l,lirl1',l A ..,. ngsn, -'. v,. ' ' ' curs; Mclliinuld, thirty seven ; O- ireo j ears. I Ooveruur prnguo. Tbe younirrst represeittiitives arc Hon. Tho Filt h, of Xevncla.ol ; Gen J. S. Wilther. of We.t Yiiginia $); lion ( hitrl'-s M. Hamilton, ol Florida, 111; Hun. Logan II. (tools, ol Arkan :ts, 2X ; ami Hon. C. L. Cobb, of Neil lit Carolina, 27. Messrs Hamil ton und Kimls wero members ol the last Congress. The average length of tbe Congres sional biographies, is len lines. The ioii!;-sfc i. mill oi lion, wamen . I r-r i Prosser, of Tennessee, who occupies ..... ' I - .... .1... ..r It ... 1 it- i twenty-six lines, l.ul they nre so cruin- . : -, , ., ,. ., ,, i nicd sub incident that they cou d . u i i . t not well no ulireviuted. -, ... , K, , . 1 he hardest worked Senator m run- -., ,, , ... ,, llllltiA ur.l-L-114. 1. Hi, II Jtitn,. Put ;iirw tcrsun, of Mew Humpsbirc, who is ., . , , throe other. ri-i 11 . i p .1 r. , t I blondesoflho Senate hnvo . . . . .,,.,..:.. , ...... " Ull 1 U J U I HI V. i , , j, , fortnie ... ,. . , 'men on committee mo Hun. John , , , w j( , , . . ' '.. , . , .... iu iiriiioiHicea unu suiiius seeoutt on that of Bunking und Currency, and Hon. Tlio. A. Jenckes, of lihodo Isl- and, who is chairman of tho Commit tee ol I'lt touts, nnd runs those oflie- i t r-:.-:i s:.. ii v.iei.o.viiv h.iu v-.. .1 .iv. oiu. ""v. UoMANcr I he Mew Wk jW reiterntes, with some details, Us expla nation of tho reason why rather ! Hyacini net-nine in America. irurnig ! "sninitr W ipiii, it stty, -a iwuj lon gentleman, together with hi wi tie !"ncl h-!oed sister, were iu Puris. i Of course they, nmong the other won i ', r "' l'10 ''fench capital, went lo weull liy, foil ill lovo with tho Pere r luaitv meeting, wort, i.rotig.ti 111...111. "l """ " : e!" - - V" J"-. ,....v ...v . ... .....v 1 lli'Mi'rli Hid t'urntelilu had b '"; exptes sen .rct-ty , pun, e rcgt.r .ling religious matters he did not go .. 1 1. . 1 1 . 1 . . . far enotigl. to suit Ins lemle ...lore.. who had more exleoded v.c ., both x-.,n,n ...... .. .1, reuiuo.g .....i let. in a mo.ianh.ul coun'ry. ttl.ert' cinirtli anil stttto are. basely allien. ii, . , - ,. , , it 1 ' r "stM '"ion lao.i 'Mil i.riis.1 li.N-niti.i oif.r.. Mild liitiri. out i ll" I"'"1"1 ''ccsmo more and more out ken in hi views, and liually event t U minuted in Ins retircniei.t from hi monastic orders, and it was sup;io-cd lit bud gnno to l'ussy lo keep quiet Il was not known tor some timo in Fnueo that he gone ,0 Amenta; ," '' vcr, ly now know, ato here, and, nfler remumiiig iu Nenr York city some weeks, so 11. lo god rid ot ull taint of suspi' lntt, Weill to IVos.oti where he met the holy who I h.l drawn htm b.limr. It . will,! llie inlciihoni.l sell ling private tiflium 1 ill France lhat he rel iii ned. but beltire ln"K- "s hits been hinted, bo will re - i "'l' o America and probably tvmuin l..c .....I n.ur.-.- tl... bull i l.n line ', .....j ... v - drawn him auy from lullierland and Obi coflln iiuil nro sold for fifty com. a piece iu Dayton, Ohio. Ine purchase, s believing that they will ' cure toulhaclin, enrschu, nttd headaeh. REPUBLICAN IS70. NEW The Ageof Fraud. Tho fticilily, no tes than Ibo fro qiiency with which the moot glaring swindles are practiced, on ull side, in Tiros cinineiilly cinmereial coiinlrv . ... jatnaro Ibe ho'ncnt and cnr. fnl purl ol i ibe coniniunily. Wo bad become ao secuhlomed to ass.ieiiito tbe moat rigid ideas of en u lion, as well as of integrity, with tho higher walks of trade, liiat.when dayul'ler day bring us sumo fresh account of fraud, com mitted Willi such perfect auccc, mid yet so looxely by ibe operator, we begin lo reverse our term, and are tempted to distrust precisely titrate outer signs of fiibslanliiil prosperity whiuli ouco marked the rise and pro- trrr.ii ,m.i 1....;..... ilio cause ol llu nlurniuiL' slnlo ol tilings ia lo be traced directly to the peculiar complexion that bus been given lo money mutters by i ordered financial system. V extiinplu of fluctaation nnd in our di With the example ol fluctaation nnd instability before them, in government munugu ment ; w iih the continual recurrence of embezzlement in places of (runt acquired through mere p:irlinii influ ence; with tho incentive held out conslutitly before llio eyes of weak men, of huge fortunes acquired by the wildest speculation, and the homage that is universally puid to wealth alone, without regard to the means ly which it is amassed, it ia not ubwi- lutely wonderful, Uiliough it msy be ,, - ume.,U,ble. Ihut so many are .wept into the vortex of tcmpttiiion. The l-emedy fur ull this must Slice in a ro-uwnkened public sentiment, clearly and firmly expressed in the u-..tuu r.r .;,-.. .....11 ..r 1....: .... .... . ticsji Hie. J.tgiu accoiintul y 1, of coure, one inUispensiblo requisite, a. applied to the rttutine of lra..uclions inside and outide of the counting- house, b,,, even lhat wi il ,0 p,o 7.Z J . . .. 1 : ' . V I . ' , : i tono of thought in I'eferenco to what l'Otilittitea a commercially "gmid" man can bo rei-tiCed and made more healthy. The very fact of a mull or linn being engaged chiefly in huxard otis speculations, 110 mailer bow great in stupe and promise, wns in former limes a reason fur can (ion iu thin country, and iill inasonrccof reserve, I .... il... ..f .1... I... 11;. Kuropc, K.,te.,.rio i. indeed, the "' t''r,'''t suM-efully the Utile of soul of progre'..,.! lb. energy ,4':,,,1- "'"J m,, no V"J. -W "' 1 1.-....,,.. s.,..M 1 .JTi., n'lurn r" d''c t-'r bun: but gold and stock gambling i the foe of reul cnterprie, and w here il begins, the flag of Danger" should, al once, be hoisted. Hut there is a more private moral malady which lies al the rout of many mill many a fraud llio rtigo for tli pluy the mud passion for ejiow the poor ami paltry emulation that simply eoiitends lor nol 01 icty, no mutter Lou obluiited, se.king as the old classic- . - i i -. i . . - satrisl worded it, "cum ihijito tnotlrtn, ' i to be pointed out w.lU the linger, on the street. Wittingly or unwittingly, the inmates ot homo aro,itlus! too ofleti necountablo lor this paliry struggle which, at last, piisl.e many a man into dishjuur, who clso hud passed: K'ncelully, uselnlly, and lmpiily through lilo. Their carving for extravagant attire, furniture, and etpiiwge, nre the secret id many a ruined character. And there must he a revulsion of public soniiineril ugt.itisl this canker vice of oursociul orgtittir liun, il wo would prevent culuuiii ii still more dire than have already fallen around us, thiek and fust. It must no lunger lu (loemeil a giKid llimg to to any that nno always i'aiiis aouiu- -""c tout Were neu l.y vir mako display, iiulesa llio sourcea j tiling" by being sdite. Mun has an'"" malihotsl are .Iw-pio on Uiitle whenco tlio means to do so are oh- ; hiburn senso wbieh is tifU-ndcd ! field, some ntc bleached Willi time and titincd, nre known or can be shown lo ' ,v .conduct thai is rude and uneonlh jfures ; and thry have grown sore and lie perl'eclly fuir and respeeUblo. To Whatever may be his condition, he i ; M '""ry on the rouirh paths ol lile. live beyond one's income und rightful i never so low as lo be insensible lo', Perhaps -onto luile one, time ten cxpeetnlioiit must no longer be re-1 rouirh Irenlmenl. or to have lost all i derlj- rot kei, i sleeping in the cofSo. gitrdcd as a mark of spirit, und the iiiutKCssnr of wealth must bo luti"hl by the attitude and bearing ol hi ih which educated and refined mun (starry jasmine. 1 he blue Lir.1 Cutler lieighhtirs, that society will honor Ium ; nersgivo. 1 f.lhcrfore.t here is an oflen-' ''s bright aing through the willow und bis children, lint no much fur the I muncv ho hits ntouiivd as for lite ,.,.i. n. ,.e..i.ii.- ii..... n... tmsMirvilaa'sae am. mia.w, - ! be Juis shown in t.btainiiig it. n-,.i.i,i,. i,,i, ii,,. im 1 rolaitilj , under lint system, im- lu,mtf ,r,ullc, jj , u, b0 .,,-iuiy ! .,. . M.:i .,-, fi,,i, . "" " ."-v -ml lust longer for well doing; there 111 s1"""1 ""-...j , L-ncr diKinbulioii : a lar sounder ! husis fiir steady irudo, and inlinilely i wlut is due to others. .Such a course, i onilatit.n, hut nnno more an than his I greaterbaj.pinessthroughoutlhelund; must nlwnys, upon refli-elion. iouke;r" ''"' '' dcterii.ina tewer families will bo broken up in I l,,,u ihmk iess of himsilf. If one's 1 '" U'rouSM bit' to secure Ht.:.itry I disgrace, und fewer felon cells w ill conduct ha been am h as lu receive his 'ndeK't.dei.i-c fur I.i tied g yeses. reci ivu men once atrtoug our best and i . . . . . brightest oiniimciil ol siK ieiy, nui : overoorne ny ine iitciieineiiis oi invui - iiy. llie oMirlunilie Hist negligence ( preseuled and the deci-illul tiitr-gii ..I limey sitcculutioii. .A. 1. Macantiic Journal. lltAR AND FolllikAB Tlto conttilu- ion of buniun society is such, thul without tho exercise of many virtues it would become intolerable. The ro . , . , , t,Aml)ll Bhj xes, ol husband and ! wife, parent uud child, sisler and : ,riii ,w. ntiMi'iit aiich a diversity ol nidiviilua interest, ihut without bear- ,, , mKU, 11Bl :,,,,,., j..j , ,ul-mul,v. l.-.t h , ,id , ,mvlU,Kt , w ,, j , M I)0nt. ,,.,, , the dis-,i- , , (but one 8 hie la fill .j Hulo sucrilice. and little sill- , , ,,e .,iiw of that lutute i ... -- - i - - - ------ , 1,,,-h KjVm to society its happieni ..- .1 . . condition. On the conirury, too car- ryini! out of ellih tlesirea and pur- noses, nil hull I leleivnee to the inter - est ami good of others, brings conflict ...d colltsmn T l.o u ppinesw tlmt tiuia 11 I'll. ml tif ulsktim tn.-ir lllll It I ti ,,,,,,,,,, k Ml,u,ablo to lit. '.. ..: ,1 ... , dl.iuwiiinti of it members . ... .7 ....,.. .. I,,,,, pine in our can hsud ; autl it we ' r- . . ((,r ,u,H.H.rviHjllll , i,,u lligenl . i0 ,.(, , ho wi-sor, hap- -ill l.ul nlluw reason I o control us, 1 ' 1 A "geiitlemnu" in a sulo of inlnxi ... ...n ..i ,i1M id.,11k in a . . ... uouiisbitig town III '.tti ruaie not nrng , .. - , . i1i,1rll,..r hruuirhi I In camera lo bear on hittt and securrd bis shudo iv. On luting prownlcd w ill. Smari buy, llo.l. tbe picture, lit lustleer signed the am pledge." This is one way by which j A crw ing hen and a cackling rrv a peinon ran "sec himself as oilier fer are very n.ilinunnte )uilwy in a nee Ium." faniilv --.. ,, .,. . TERMS $2 per annum, in Advance. SERIES - VOL 10, NO. 26. SiniANGI-.KH NOtt Vaarc cf chequered life loelhrr. Days or lair anil staruiy wiathcr. Hours of loll aud weary paia. Moments of eternal Kin All arc foue wc kaow not bow, And have left as straufers avw ! Words I bal towel lu lirhlea uarr, Thoughts wbieh others u'.ild aot share, Hopes too brirht ror naortal ec, I'rayere for wisdom from tbe skies All have eeaattl we know aot kow, And hare kill as strangers aowl Will it ever snore he Ibos f Shall the past be left lo a. F Can lies souls, nutted acre, Kr.rr nwec ageta he near? Must we to lliu sentence kow "Straaijers wear, strangers aowT Thorns amid the rosea press f Ksrth is but a wilderne..; Fllllilie o'er a fallen race. Ire oan And no restine-ferace, i-i. -X...... f ball wc strangers be aa now 7 Ingratitude. One of the word features of churneler ia ingrulitudo. We fuel like adopting tho words of the greatest ui-iiin-uiur 01 our nature, unu say hi" with him : "I bate ingratitude more in man Than lying, vainacae, babbling druakraiicss. Or any Omit of inc. whose strong eo-ruptioa Inbabits oar frail blood.' Tht heart should be nn ever-willing fi.tinluiii rif nruiilii,e frninrrc..,,. .i-.iim tliciic eittiment, ever to be touched !t ri "nJ Uuf.'''. "' cats and drinks, by tho wail of woe, tho loito that ' n,,tolni-' hi when they are trod culls fur aid to carrv foraard our r'" "n-,,d d"," l-. l-'f. the mini. ....i.i 1......1.: . I ter lor me. I don t wuut a miriluul i ouoiu houi r lu . uiir. ever reiuriiimr a titu(o .fe of , r f ; - .. J. will not only mnko bis best efforts 10 ! relieve the Buffering and diseituite the i.i ... . .. 1 ... caret and troubles of hi. f. ll..w : I...I 1 h Will 1'PIIOrOllsll- Iri.rl I.i. I...U ..r I,. 1 I . Brre Wniil-airit-ii..r 1.. ! 105 A l)r , f. r ' . , , . IZ'Z; H'l heart s titnesnd leri.,.. last. !seh nobility and gratitude ia l..ylty t mitiikiud. Of the poe-orof mm h it may truly be aaij. be in the noblest arnrk of (iod. ..t tl.i. i. tbe ungrateful, murble bearled fiend who ia not touched to pily by the aor rows of ihiwo w ho are prosned dow n by iiiisfoi luue, who doc not yield to iue iiK.ieiiiniii 01 me wtirinv lor ae-n- appn.pri.te-, and curses I he hand that give oecaiiso it tl.ars not give more, Ho is tho man who laughs at tbe calamity of the unliirttoinle, and sneers at tho honest, individual effort 1 lo riso. Ho has no sympathy fur the J nn. sin. I. ..In II. .. 11. I i no erttlilude l'.r tbe .nan hn lifiu in - i.... .mii.i .1.,-. .... i f-.clor tho next moment, tn promote I hi. own end. His heart i.cld n. ' l.l ....I l.. .... : l i.: ii.uiu i, ...1. .inn ...i aim lull rM'lllsll- ' . , . "- ikhm. Iniiii.lwr. lint nnH.nn In kind. Ho himself j a traitor lo humanity. His cold, selfish iugr.tli tndo has intensified tbe sufferings nf many, und made I beta lo feel the sen tiinent, and that nkin lo it, expressed in the words: "llow aharpwr then a serpent's tooth it Is, To have a Ikankleaa ebild." He die with less honor than the faithful term ing tvrnlc, and w ith less to ciiminetid him to snered metnorj-. Folitoncss. Il is often remarked that one never; loses anything by being silile. It i amiieh nearer ai.nmeh lu the Iro'.h appreciation of good. Much more is this so when be has recoired tho pO. : aiveaos. and reliulskin in unrefined rsouluiL and an attract irenrxui in ecn.i ' i ..i : ..j .1 I IV III II II II I'l Tt HI U 1 1 1 F1 1 1 1 IT aTJIIU II-". AVIir ' roiicltisiou is east I v reached lhat one ; i i i . ' i . . t alwuv loses by impoliteness, und al- w,y; p,,n, mcihing by twins Hilc. ! uJ-L . i...f ..... 7i. ... , ..m.--. ... k. .... - .w a .,, j act well calculated to offend a reason . ante st-nse oi propneiy, oovs an act unurorthr lo.ns.-ir nml mis.-niw.ot r. own ili'snnroval when measured bv n ..... . - i j true slnndurd, lie Itu a feeling ol nell 1 aliusetnenl, and I tint lie inut itpwar , , jn the rt tw id ot.vrw a . miuii.j' m i some ol "tho essential clement of.! niunly character. On tho cot.trav, if the mind ol st rntiny silling in jutlg nietit titioo each an nroi.oiin. c i' riht, ono hut the const iou-ncss of ,Tic ,nB o violence l hi own dignity and worth, and feels thul be ;... .,. iie eommtinitv and be ,ltilUul ibcir rate-,,,, becniise ." , r . ralm.ln , ' 11M i.!lt.ited Sinte. owed ,ns csteetrn d himself. An ofleimivc i. . ....... .1 .1 1- ,i,...w. ,....,1 i ..e - .n - .. 1 i .... , .,,.,,.1, . i n... h .uoeriors 1. ,, j;,,.,,. l,. ,i nn age. liest a ,,', ,iri, , HT,ow , B1IV ,H, wj,u., lir ,nilnhood ; r,.,,'..;., l..:.her the, ...r, I.. ....r ,'ril.u humble or exa led. unlearned ..e . II. .. nn. ...l i. ur n ow. a.v ib i.iir urt.i ocr, a. u .s lWltiipj 0 mir restHtt allium. 'h his . ' e j ....ihwiiv ihronih Inu nun Ire a roueh r .t..l ..... ..1 ...i-r.n.r 1...I 1 - - - , ;H p ,wrrrM ,Vlrn( , tt t,Vt,, fcr rfiWTWrJ leientl ci.n- ' ' ""TZ?tM ' . ' . . 1 .. "". ' n ' our I ''" if1!'' - ,rn ",e 1 111 ine siiecceHjinir iiivb . nioii comfort there i in heaven; hat 1 '"' 1 " "f" ( lion c what tnnmph, what litartlugr j nnd lialleluiabs 1 here are in , jlllllllS.UOll.l,..!..... ci.v o.l. ' site gue nurniy nwoy wiin ner present bunli ti ..1 , . ...;.i . r.,.1... . - I . o hi little five vtnr old Iw.y. '...w, .... l ...... . I .-Yes, air ; a pig', a hugs lilllu Imy." SundiiyJJoniing. How anantp ,l,M,t Wakfael A. Lies it bulk tins n pjH'fl. Vv need to hurry a a ay to ofllit, or slot u, or cniini. irji rotim. Fathers come b inirly down In dres-jug gwn and sbYptin, nd sip their enfleo it hunt ilnnL'"'r o elmkiiig They luivo time to bmk round and see lifv tall their children am griwing, nml thai nothing in this world is so beautiful a a rry baby fresh from luuili. r. Mother, Ion, bat tho old girlish smile that ctMiies m.t often on a w eek day, fur if it diKsfntlt er hs not lime to iioliee it, and that, perhaps.nflerall. lathe reaaon it come so acldton. It I.e. plenaiint after i-jfir aiidcofloe, tositcoml'oii.'ihly down by tho fire, tlto centre of a ring of happy faces, and hear (ho church hell elmim. Time enough yet lo go, fur this is llio first bell. Church belln ore not to my car, "an impertinence." One is a free itguiil. I utn tree to go, which 1 like to do ; you are fioo to slay, if yon prefer; though, i may think jou maku a mistake. I don l ay I hut 1 t-huul l go every Sun tiny to hear a tnun who wa ulwuys bitidiiig ilocl rilies together liko bail dlusofdry siiikt, and Ibriisliog tiieni ut his yawning hearers. I vnnt lo bear it sermon that any rr soul who struggles into church, from any by lutiu or ulley, can iiiiilcisl.ind, and carry boiiiu with b in to bis cellar or garret, not a sermon that comes on eluirriiit wheel, but alimt, villi a warm, lifo like grasp for every I ion in t j ..d Im. i in ll.o assembly, defaulter of Magdalen; for who bade you alum Heaven ' gute iu their fiiees 7 I want a human sermon. I don't care what Melehisedek, or ZarulilniM. lor did. ages ago; I want to know whnt I am to tin, und 1 want somebtNiy fesidea a the.ilgif:il botikworm to It'll me stnntdiudy h is sometimes tempted and i nut tuo digi.iried to own it ; Mitnebody like mo, who 1 alien vs. fhiiiing and rejieiiiing: somebody who ia glad and sorry, and . rstrnci ,on, will, stony eyes and ,- ritied fiiiirers. and no b baxl lo (1:11:10 wiih. W hat credit Is it to him to be ? How can he undersland me J i ',r"Pcr ere t " rr0 i''cre""l.r """ '"'"S io 11.4 ! '"t-"" '' impatient lert w.uld ..n'y I U '1 in"' "'c l "vcr. I nt th-tnk i. there are! and while lliev ureath I !t:i ! II go and "Vl" "T '' "'(' , ,. . ' '"J 1 'J """ 1 l""1aT. whatever rrni mity dc wt:ti ' V"? ,"kc """"J" '"" """m o.ku.i. w oen a. c no i.n-f lime lo love one another. Don't luko away the Saldiuth bell, nhieh I lovo to hear. Don't lake awy my hum a 11 minister, w lorse ( ia m. ly rant, and it Inciter pleased lo see a ii stniiin homo froiH cbiirch, than Ismiug i.i.r head like a bulrush, and groaning back to tttir diniiets, till mII you nnti- ! '"" l nlndisl, Su... "- " ' ' .'. The EmpJ Cradle. We met John on I he stairs. He as carrying an old cradle to he sto-r. ! rl1 w,7 h"1 l,c Urm'-'1 "l,,""Jt' r ,in lite lamhrr rrar.rn. One rocker "' ! , " ' :,.'k:,, ! ".T" ."" "M. "l"" ,'u. v v"i..u i.oi ai.iirfiii I ; '-n r.,,r! r a sad liH.k into its empty dcplhR. 'HJonri V we said dreamily, "nil gone !" Whnt golden head wero pil lowed here, head on which the curl, grew moist in nluiutwr. and the cheeks and lilts flushed to the hue of rosa leavtu. When eleen t'.e eilkt n frinirrd IidstiH'ned fieneeiily Irom the slumberous evr ; ftniles fliilt 'l liko sunbeam over the lace, llio while tl-t wns thrust into the mouth, and ween mamma lifled the inii-lin and Ki' .l to sec if biiby was sleepintr. cooing and crowing were heard '. Ti.e little feet beirnn lo kick mil ol pure delight, and ''eked on eniil of the liny re J sh"e were lauded ut llio Im.t .1 II. e cradle. Whercnre 'h.'sc hst.dsnow ! ! Over it grows h.'i.rt,-r. and i igor- on box at'd w bile camli toll, and the hough, and the cool wind w bispers to (he green leaves and c" hiadc on I il... wrar. slen tm Intl. dmraleM " - ! ,,e' "01 "tl' "' ktt.gtlom heaveu. Econc-nj of Gen. Wool. The young men of our countty will find iu the biogttipby- of the lute Goyi. i J"n Mouimntn acts woriiiy m "l ,nc tu,se m me war o. i,, oen. j Win. I wan Inken lotnie to tw trxnied for terrible wound receive.! in U.Uie. I When he a a eoiivulesccnt he bad l pay a ure-n lull a loch lett loin al- most w uliout a dollar. As noon . do i well enotifi. me l.ovcn.ment sent : ,"" OB "dttarr smh. lo the ,'t- ',l'' 1,c 'ema.ueu C. e c-rs, "d ntvr d,v,v lw-v ,u". ,"'t enough only lo defray actual expenses, I xUe " npl"ii'tmeiit. the ti'" .-iste oeU mm C.O.UOU. j " tsl. just l. he 1 '"ru. "wa tne oiiiy inou.-v I ever matle in '.ho whole couiae of my lil.-I Toil I wiiya kept that out in sate invest- nteiit at g'l interest. It. frir veant .hi fJO.lKH. I... gro, , i then. w.. the accret ,a lo. ,1't'i' : treat wealth, w hich not only astonish, d hia 1 fried, but the hundred, ol n.ilit-ry men w how-noil with him. and who ... ; sttierinr opw.itunuie r.r n.akin 1, .1 ..... . . . .... I nioncy 1 1 any of mir yoeu.iT re-ndcr-i way f I.IKH' no they will 1 can put ' find lhemelvii rich a hen old and f.-e Lie. even if ihev add Itolhing , t,o "udt'"' tl'.e rt "' 'L .1 -mt- A U" "n,n,,r -' , llie cel. hn.l.-d li.wMc Tttrod. and eitcoui.tered a Strii;htly l.u.ktng In.-h. n.itii abo, iu rep'v l the ie-, i.n. "Do inu think this work will nv?" proniplly rrpli.-d, "Faith, : )Ut thin it'll ho a grtal on.rn.nit tu socie! v." A Southern txt-nunge leil of negro a hu inirtl that hi ra-c -..". men tinned i" H-e Hible. IIe::i1he heard the n ad how "Ntgiirr Ik'inua" Hasted to be bornngam. A III lie b.V, relnriotiir from Kunday wdiixd, said lu In nml her. "Va. ain't there kiiieochiaut for It'.lio K-sT 1 Tha .ajw-eel.wis uki herd.""