... -.'M.w.TO3iaG..' 'fJJWtmilf XjNttti-iswW'i .. J1. ,!!:... ., V,l - -pii ni. in, u 'i i rrri -'ir . li- -j p u. r,r,y. . a"1 1 nn inn m ,, j w i.j iiji 1MnW lima, , lln i.,n. . Shf Upubliran. rr m T- t. -' xr sr - . i ,af'- -ic:.j! C.kuhuk i.(joi.lilMi R, Ktlitor. " CLEAR l'lKI-D, I'A. WKDXKiDAY MnltXlM), J.IX. 8, tWO. I. Tiik Twain. dipt. Wire, keeper, iounjer 01 mo Aniii'reonviilo .i jicn, Imve puid tlie debt of nuturo, mid j;ono to settle their account for muiler- iig0,000 victims. Yico-l'resiik'iit Coll'ux, in Kill heing pommeled by the press and clergymen for the active part lie took in the McFurlund-Kicliurdgon tragedy. Ilia socialistic "neb" has been rendered too visible to bo countenanced by even moralist. KoiLtn. Grunt mid Co. attempted to befoul the judicial erinino by placing the American butcher, Stanton, upon the Supremo bunch, but tho blood ol thoufunds, like that of- Abel, '-criollt from tho ground," nud in speedily nveiifrcd. , Rlnnton, according to tho "loil mil lions," is the eighth or tenth Wash ington that ban died within the last is year in thin country. I'revious to thut tinio only one hud died, and in tho estimation of .Slunton'i admirers wo hnvo no doubt be is considered a fool. Easilt Adjusted. The Radical pullers and blowers seem to be con genial souls. They are ready to praiso or condemn tho members of their household of faith by subjecting truth nud honor to very sevcro tests. The puffing of General Grant for accepting presents and Stanton for refusing all presents, is tho latest development of loil harpies. JunoB Grikr. We wonder if this gentleman felt complimented when Grant k Co. gave his scat to the butcher, Stanton? It was a scurvy trick in him to resign. He and Judge Strong, of our Supremo Court, should now play a jjamo of bluff to seo who is the greatest thystcr, and ascertain which of tho two received tho most vitluablo present (bribo) from the "government." Removed. History records tho tact that every civilized nation, ut one period or another, was cursed with a human Devil. America was tortur ed with one for tire years in the person of a Stanton. Hut tho curse bus been removed, and that too, in tho apparent nemo of his glory. Tho lute death of tiiis llaynuu, is enough to make tho tombstones at Andersonvillo, John ston's Island, and other Prison pens rcjolco The rclalivcsof tho murdered victims aro avenged. I.t A Bad Box. General Grant has licen trying to muke several Supremo Judges during the past six months, Lut they won't "stick." llo first sent in tho name of Hour, bis Attorney General, but the Scnato rejected him vcry unceremoniously. Next bo gent in the n.'imo of tho inhuman Stanton, whom tho Senate confirmed as uncere moniously as they had rejected the former, but ho died in a few days, iind thrre are still two vacant scat in tho U. S. Supreme Court Room. Wo presumo his relations nil hold ofticc, And tho presents havo quit coming in. More Veracity. Tho "Into lament ed," whilo tcncmcntcd itbovo ground, appointed a member of the endless Washburn family, Gen. Wunhburn, Minister to Paraguay, He was there but a short time until through his grots ignoranco and peacock pride ho rendered himself offensive to tho Government officials, who at once demanded his recall. Our Govern ment complied, and appointed Gen. McMuhon in his stead. Washburn returned home very much humiliated, and got up a "cock and bull story" for tho government to suit the case, which now proves to be w holly untrue, if tho report of Gen. McMahon is to be believed. Although both arc Ministers Plenipotentiary, one of the twain must lio like Tom Pepper. Which of tho two loilists will finally bo com pelled to father tho falsehoods we caro not, but tho whole affair is a disgrace to tho nation, if not to the individuals in question. Ratiieu Sentimental. S.mio Rad ical fools are greatly exercised because tho Administration hesitates about assisting tho "rebels" in Cuba. Thcso self same individu.ilsa fewyears ugo denounced rebellion treason; hut now it seems to bo a virtue. A rebel lion in one's own garden spot, or in our neighbors makes till the difl'erei ce in tho world wilhsoitio men. A rebel in tho I. mtcd Status, such chaps do-: nounco as a traitor; but in Cuba, he's n Patriot! How wonderfully circum stances alter cases ' Again: A por tion of tho "loil millions" find fault with Grant, bccnuu ho does not ac knowledge tho bunds of thieves and rohbers in Cubaos belligerents. There ls no accounting for tho lnlo,i and pa-1 trmtism nianifented by aomo men. ,. J . Tho exactions and outrages practiced . , .. . P ,'. c nd imitosoil I nun l.uha. be Ihu Stisn- ...... ' . . ' Inn Ainonties uro not liull as serious ! and ditliberittely devilish as those in-J jvsuJ by "tho best g'.ven ut iho V'.itld ev..p bit" mi. i', i.,,i.!n ,.i ii,n tu ui ever sn v on i.to o ne oi uio u ,i .. . , ,. ., , .Southern secl.ot. ol tho onco happy Union, nhy not do soinaibiiii; tiir t " 'i "a st oor own door t Tht Ulnlt wrnifr. C n r 8t iilo l.rcM.ilmi! ncM nt lt ir t.lintf on yi'Ki'-nlny, but n hiwiii' tuiiirlluj to pi) to it in llionllii niiioi ill tliu mime tiny, wo nrt tinnUi' lo i-ive u 1 1 V lnin roiliiiirH tlii" wi'i l;. It ia liiitnnoint thnt tho ll.i.liriiU have held the balanco of power n the Senate for yean througli purjify mid fraud, by coiintin;.; out nud un denting leu.icrat who were fuiily elected to that body. A case in point, this (tension, is, tho one from the first district, I'hiladol phia, wbero llinnioinl, democrat, was elected over Walt, Kadical, by 210 majority, yet deliberately counted out by tho Jladicul return judges. The (1,'li.ui cf VVutt. travo the ItcmoeratH a inajorily in tho .Senate, henco tho outrage was perpetrated upon the ballot box by Geary, Covodo k Co., to perpetuate their power in that body. The fraud is admitted by every decent Radical in Philadelphia. An application was tnado to tho Rudical I'rcsideiit, Judgo (Allison,) for a writ of uuimtiMiM to compull tho return judges to count tho truo voto cast in thut Sonatorial district, but it was deuied upon tho ground that it was a quostion of Legislative, and not Judicial investigation. After discussion by counsel, Judge .tlliHou said : "llim is precisely the same application that was inado lo me yesterday. J. ho returns were primn facie correct, not a forgery. . They may probably bo fatso and Iraiidulent, but certainly not a lorgery. We must not cull things by w rong names, nor confound one thing with another. Wo had yesterday a plain, palpable, ! utimintukublu forgery but the returns in question this morning aro not liko it. 1 hough us 1 say, they may bo false, yet prima facie they nro correct. Now tho act of Assembly provides a remedy for a wrong liko this by giv ing a right to a contest. Wo cannot usurp the rigitts of tho Legislature. 1 would go far to correct this wrong, which 1 am convinced it is, hud I tho power, but there uro limits beyond w hich I cannot go, and 1 cannot give the remedy you usk. This is n jthing clso than u (also return, for which the law has adopted a separate and dis tinct remedy." To still further illustrato this out rage, wo cull tho following Radical witnesses to tho stand. The following on "frauds among iho return judges," wo clip from an editorial which appeared in Ut l'hiludulphiii Sunday l)if patch, ("loil to tho core,") of tho 17th October, 1809: "It enn scarcely bo questioned, by any one who looks carefully at tho returns of tho election last week, that fraud has been resorted lo in the Hoard of Return Judges in order to givo the ccrtificnlo of election to the Scnato from tho first district lo Will iam W. Watt. Tho district is com posed of tho First, Second, Third, Fourth, Seventh, l.ighlh.nnd Twenty sixth wards. Tho return is: For Wutt, Republican, 1.010; for Riu mond, Democrat, 12, S4II. In tho same wards Geary bud 12,723 votes or Tfi less than nro given lo Walt; while Packer had lu,247, or -107 moro than are awarded to Diamond. Now, is there any reason why Watt should be moro popular than Geary or Williams, or that Diamond should ho more unpopular than Pucker or Pershing? Tin) presumption is that tho voto of neither of these Senatorial candidates was governed by personal considera tions, but was purely political. There is no reason why Mr. Wutt should r in ahead (if his ticket, nor that Mr. Diamond should lag behind. Tho whole thing hns a suspicions look, and justifies tho belief thut tho return is a gross Irauu. A similar outrage was atlemjited in the It'trislalivo return for the Thir teenth district. Tho return judge, who must have profited by tho knowl. edge of tho means by which tho liyerly frauds were perpetrated some years ago, took his returns to his residence and placed them in a hook-case, from which they mysteriously disappeared before tiio next morning. Ollicers of I election usually havo girt.d memories as lo tint very low figures required in a general return, but this one hud not. Willi his cerlificuto ho lost his recol lection. Ho was compelled lo resort to tho return filed in tho Prothono tary'a office, and by a most remarka ble fatality, thut return had been tampered with and the figurcsallercd, tho innocent return judgo not being aware of tho remarkable chungo in tho result, which elected a candidate whom bo must have known was defeated , ami, being unublo to notico tho palpable alteration in tho figures, he copied off Iho mutilated return as ho found it. Tho result would have been to certify that M r. Geisz, Repub lican, was elected to tho Legislature instead of Mr. Forsyth, who hud tho inajorily. No one with common sen so will helievo that tho election ollicer was ignorant of the fact that Geisz was defeated. In that case, by prompt action, the fraud wts prevent ed, and Mr. Forsyth received his certificate. Ono of tho effects of the Registry law, wo wero told, would bo to create an honest class of election officers, appointed by the Hoard of Aldermen. In no case heretofore in this city have there been suit) glaring attempts ut Irauu ns huvo been made in the hope of unseating Diamond and l orsyth. Jl theso nro tho blessings i of tho new system, the sooner wo return lo tho olu plun iho better." Tho following editorial appeared in tho Philadelphia rust, on tho ISth of October last. Tho journal is very railic.nl hut not corrupt, bunco it fre quently tells the truth, nud on this occasion testifies against in own party friends. Whilo discussing the ck tinu returns tho editor said Rr.i rnl.lCANSCANMlT AI FORII TO rllKAT. "Tho I.cgishiluio nhiim cnn tleci.ic whether Mr. Watt or Mr. Diainmiil was tlectcd ill tho Kiit Senatorial District. Contested election cases are submitted to special committees, not aelccfcd. we believe, but chosen i by chance. The evidence is taken ! and the argumcnis itiioKt befiro the 1 committee, and its decision is geiicr i,.n.. ,,i w nna"- U c poin:cd out on Saturday the . '.. . . .. ' tacts wlncli makes tins caso a very grave one. We showed Hint while the returns guvo .Mr William W. lamentation, havo linal'y got Ilnynnn j Watt, tho Republican candidate, Stanton, buried. Crape and blat k 'majoiity of 170 iii tho first district, ' t- , . , , .' ,. ,'inins in never hut onre, underwent I the seven ward, which compose thai! .... ' , djBtri(.t ! ,omorrntic ,'m,jlirilie, j such wholesale confiscation, and that k,r all other oUiccri voted I'ur. Scl-j was shortly after "Old Abo" left Ucrs majority over Ashton is 21 ; J inn afa row a a ji..t.i...i. a. v t IV li' i iim'tnilv c i r ; vim ia f.. I if. II -Mil a ill ll'i in, I 'll tin V n::,"''i lynk' I' I tii'iiiil'lii l,,i' ii In pen imv rutin) llii" nnm.'itijj il'ITi ii iiiK in tho t nil" of (In" p . hi Wo thiiilu'bt t Minli'l'Mnnil the inn I vnn in Unit I'll' luieinliiy Mill, nnu unew Hie 1'npiiiar nnu unpopular cm- uiiiiili". itut, we liiM-oveicii lutein mi-. tvtuil air wo uvniiiii: u u no tint oui i.iin fir Mr. Walt, mi iilijivliini lojuido the at mit-iliOio of Cliri-I :nml y. Mr. Jlinmoiiil, millli ient lo explain j M nr.lern, liimiii -itles, i;iireriicniiit w hy the lin iner ihiiiilil i;el a liepuh. I iVinuIn, hnnd rnhhei'ii", ilivureeii mid lican inajni'ity of l"li in it IVinniTulic i pulitiral t iirriiption fill up the ineait district, w hich went n ;ainHt miclt a i nro nl tho day's new s. I a our imiio of popular candidate as Mr. Ashton by 1 votes If any ono can show us even a plausible explanation of this political miracle our obligations will bo great. Rut till good cnuso for Mr. Watt's astonishing mid unexpected mnj-irity is shown, intelligent citizens ol both parties will helievo that tho returns itro fraudulent. The Legislature may decide against Mr. Diamond, hut pub lic opinion will declare thut down right cheating hns been committed to send n Republican lo the Semite. That is our opinion now; wo should bo liappy to havo it changed, but have no hopes of that. As tho figures stand, us tho character of tho contest is now understood, tho return of Mr. Wiktt appears to bo us palpable u fraud us ever was attempted in this city. For tho sake of the Republican party wo arc sorry thut any Republi f-uti t,,i itnr utimili n ! .mi, tit. tit (, v- t tti apparent evidence of chealimr, and sneer ut tho just complaints of the Democracy as mero party clamor. This The 1'reM with its habitual con tempt of fads, did on Saturday. Uo must tuako allowance, it sunt, "for exhibitions of that spleen wlncli is attributable to defeat. At to the f ran JuUnt cmnU nq j) reUirns then teas .. a i . j. ...I .......... 4 1 . .1. .... .. Vemucratie suspicions. Thu-e wero of! "e "' purlins in uction in course strong just in proportion lo the I ''tilery business daros to thrcuten extent Democratic election icors ! u j"!1"'11 o1' tbo Sii)iren.o Court with aro in tho habit of indulging in that lmW' charges of perjury, drunken business." Nothing!' A dillcrence i '"'" corruption and general iiiullea of i'ol votes is nothing. Colonel K;"lt0 'n ottico. Some pcoplo might Forney ought, by this time, to know usl' cnn ,li0 l1"'" 80 threatened dare that the Republican party can better I lo 1,U,J bis scat on the bench whilo stand chcuting in tho ranks of its ","th '" charges aro pending t opponents, than rascality iu its own. 'Sll0ul J tho threat be carried out the If Mr. Watt becomes a Sluto Senator !JU''K wi" doubtless exercise bis best on tho slrt'iiL'th of this unexplained luaioiity, Hie disgrace lo our parly will bo infinitely inoio damaged than his voto bo beneficial. Nothing could havo bc-n moro fortunate for us than the prompt oxpostiro of tho fraud in tho Thirteenth Legislative district, by which it was intended to defeat Mr. Forsylhe, Democrat, and elect Mr. Goiss." Reader, is not this overwhelming proof; that a great fraud has been perpetrated ? Yet, wo presumo thnt Mr. W utt, w ill be brazen faced enough to appear at Harrishurg, and lako bis scat just ns though ho was elected. Total depravity has overtaken the Rudical leaders. On this subject, tho llurrisburg Patriot says: "If Iho scat be givon lo Mr. Watt, prima facie, and Mr. Diamond becomo tho contes tant, the principal object of tho fraud will have been gained. Tho Semite w ill ho organized in the interest ol the I ring, by the aid of Mr. Watt's vote. and tho contest will drag along until that sumo voto shall huvo assisted in ho election of a State Treasurer. If Watt' candi.htto should bo chosen, I that wonderful logician, Mr. Spinner, will bo of counsel for tho sitting mem ber, and his paper arguments, fresh from thepresM'Sof tho U.S. Treasury, will convinco u majority of tho com ntittce that Mr. Walt was fairly 1 , , , , , , 'i elected, Tacts and figures to tho con- trury notwithstanding. Wo hope, therefore, that tho Senators who aro disposed to believe thut Judgo Allison, tho Morning 2W mid Humlag Dis patch told tho truth when thoy declared Mr. Watt's certificato of elec tion to bo a fraud, will resist, in limine, lit if:"Ji.ii', to foist on the pcoplo of tho FirJurJIiftnct a .Senator whom they havo not chosen. Iet objection bo inado to Jlr. Watt's being sworn, and on tho question thus raised let the peop'c of tho Commonwealth learn who aro independent legislators, and who are ho slaves of a corrupt and depen.to ring." Tn k Wk'kkd Overthrown. On SUNDAY Deo. 19th, Gen. Grunt ai d Vice-President Colfux, called upon Kdwin M. Stanton, lalo Secietary of War, and tendered him tho appoint ment of Supreme Judge. He of course acccptcil. llis numo was sent into the jtl,o public morals of the day, in the Senato for confirmation on Tuesday vices expressed nt n woman's equal following. His Jacobin hrethern in rights meeting w hich is only one ex that body, manifeslcd their r.eal fr nilll'l bundred-and wegavcll.c ,,., . . ti- , I result in the low morality evinced in their partner in crime, by laying nil ,.a,ps ,)f .,,. other business aside, and nt ont o con-, t jn, abduction anil public Mnd private firmed him ns ouo of tho Judges of; frauds which aro developed in the thai highest and most honorable of all j url nnd polieo reports. Tho preva bodies,' where no murderer ever - ;!d a I Ir" 0 of loo, lNo;v opinions , , , ,. T, , , ' i ! upon questions of nmruhtv, marriage, scat before. On Thursday ho dted, frvc ,,. nnJ lamiy r,.1,,ioM,'j nnd was buried on Saturday, and is j sweetest bond which holds society to- now confronting his Andersonvillo gHlier is dragging us down into a "SKELETONS" whom be refused to P"lf b;Tcr, j.ethaps than wo think exchango. , It is Kti J by those w ho wero well ac quainted with the American Ilnynnn, that ho never left home, except in dis- guise,fearing that someone might chn?- tiso or assassinate him il rceogm.-.ed. Had thero been no Stanton, thcro would hnvo been no "Andersonvillc horror" or employment for ('apt. Win.. Cheap patriotism, tu lament tho de mise nud removal from our midst of such n slander upon hiimnnity. O IlANli.'-Tho momlJr"or the rnnititin ring had an Informal meeting at Jlurrislmrg on Saturday hist, and ngreed to nohiiuato thai much ceh -drilled "rooster'' Uenj. It. Strang, ol Tioga, fur Speaker ol Iho Assembly. lio was the head of Iho mutual admiration and gift ctiteiprir.o soeielv last winter, w hich dono basi ! nf, in tho H.dls of Legislation, and . , ., , , .. . , 'Wl,l hardly break up their business ; . ,l,ls lnur- . . no "ion minions uitep a weeks Ford's Tbcatrs. - -it...... .a i .:-Jt !t '.hr I'ir VnhUr .Vornli nf tht Pni). i ( tur ml ii iii ti '"f t he .rt"t lew tiny ' The rnd.Mil "lii y n i ilniiiiilcriii)J Imve M tlei ii-l, in h lii"l"ty nl tiie0r v,u.in n pnvernnii'iil, hno been ' r' r.-pr.-.-ni. H...-Hy in "'-r ! R i(M , loir (iiiii'I-i liiir 1 -mf. 1 1 1 .In i,r.li. I linn n lit pni'lic mnml- of I lie tiny. We " ' ' ' " ' ' ' " (mow imt where we live tl it he nnl in I inn iihum oi trum". i Know inn, jrsici nit,, nit tisi.ni.u. ,.o mm it. i 1 1 1 Ml II it , II I n I, I i iii I inn" null. i,inu m wile murder at Rombny ll,m)(, in New Jersey a murder heralded a long tiaio ago by tho threat of the c- cuseil liiisliaml, "ill get rnj ol you yet, j.ien ..mows ine ease o. ixk- Then follows tho cuso of J k crsnii, at llat UenMack. lor llto inui'icr of I'eter Ktokuin. Tho cuso of the condemned convict Real, for the mur der of ollicer Sinudick, still keeps that bloody story ulivo in our courts, It was supposed that tho question was settled by tho decision of tho 'Supreme Court ; but it seems there is still some technical Haw by whick llio case is to be prolonged, and possibly justice is to bo cheated. In another court tho lot tery business, which is not only unlaw ful, hut infamous, involving, at it does, tho ruin of thonsand-v presents some curious pliHttesof our social lie. Moo notoriously engaged in illegal transac tions come before the courts to demand I li''tnient of their quarrels, and they ti lid judges willing to coino into conllict with each other, ouo judicial ollieiul appointing a ceriain receiver in tho allairs of a gambling concern, and another ollieiul appointing a dill'- . '" cut.. is in- to rillltuio "'"1 V'"'"', rogn..tng no pa.o in iiiupake. He cannot possibly bo accused : law. 1 1 kit Mil 1.1 linr I,. 1 1 1,., .it n I.i.li '.. . . ' . J . l.l"'gincnl m me matter, not umnflucn ceil, of course, by public opinion. Passing this slimy piece of huiness concerning the lotteries, wulind spcr fect mountain of government frauds growing up around us. Tho Custom House lurnishcs its share, and it is a very ugly contribution for instanco, frauds in drawbacks, frauds in sugar, frauds in Iho storttiro and warehouse system. Tho InU-tnul Revcnujo De partment also presents its claim to public. uUentinn in the shnpo of whis key and tobacco frauds, by means of illicit dittilhtlioh and tho use of false stamps. These dishonest transactions aro brought before us ever- day. The meanest, yet the most ingenious, of all these devices lo cheat tho govern ment was tho counterfeiting of two cent Treasury stumps on bank checks by Kantzer thcolhcrday. Hond rob beries havo become so fumilliar thnt it requires a case liko that developed in the Toombs Court on Monday to revivo a little interest in them. Al to gether, public morals at tho present l.'",e or'.' '" B "'Ost degraded condition. It may bo very well lo attrihule tho fact to Iho consequences of our late war and tho uenioralir.atiou which fol lowed it it maiiy cIuiiau ofthernin munil.V- To a certain extent this may bo true, hut it happens thnt this do nioriiliziilnin exists among daises w ho might be deemed superior lo such in fluences. It is not in low places alto gether that wo huvo to look for tho prevalent vices of tho dttv. Wo can ...! . - 1 " ..!! .. . , ' "" " "; ''' lecliial cl.ises, and even tho church- nlcn un, .u, Witness tho weekly ctltisions from snnio of our pulpits j tho eargernesM with which the congregations seek fur everything inui can minister 10 a moioiu uppo titu.and swallow it in t lio lumo ol re ligion, and how disappointed Ihey are if iho preacher only touches the mar gin, without guing into tho centre and heart of an indelicate subject, which even a sensational preacher sometimes has not tho effrontery to penetrate. Wimps tho Woman's l-'jiial llights and Woman's Suffrage meetings, at which some of these cler gymen uro moro bold than in tho pul pit, und proclaim opinions that strike at tho root of society, seofl at marriage ties and all domestic relations, flatter ed and petted us these orutors nro by a few foolish women, w ho, liko crow ing hens, know not whereof they speak, for twenty yeim we have been uccustoined to laugh nt tho wo man's rights movements, but tho mis chief is hcing developed now. In our columns of one day's nnws yesterday wo gave, side by side, one great cause of tho present condition of oi. ,Yfi iork Jl,ral,l. Sunie.''loil" knaves suggest the name of that infamous crenture, Jo Holt, to Grant, fur a sent on the Supreme Bench. Should this suborner of perjured villinns tho associato of Connver ami l!..L.ran...,l in ii.. position, it will bo nn evil omen for tho country, unless he is specdilj summoned to tho plueo wbero John Drown, Lincoln, lli-htirdi.on, Sltinlon and dipt. Wii'x ore being entertained. Holt, Dingbnm and Duller, arc needed to complclo the group in Del ccbub's biidoir. Congress will ugain meet on Mon day tiio 10th, to which period llial body udjourned over tho holidays. Sambo and reconstruction w ill be the wholo stock in trade, no difference how much legislation tho n bite por tion of iho inhabitants may need. Tha nkr. Tho Author, bus our thanks fur a copy of that excellent lit t lo work, entitled "Tho Talisman of Dusiiicss Success," w hich should be-in the hands of all oclivo business men. I'rice .Ml cents. Address Win. II. Hi, ler, Eiiston, Da. Messrs. 1. W. Jlooro k Sons, wo notice, huvo issued a Frospcolus for publishing a divily paper at AUoona. ti.iiiiiUiiwii:(t)i. if Iiilii4if -. Il. . t . I . lainii inun nnu it reai A liiiinlnn; n I lie Aiivoni ineorv. lint. Jar ninro - i oppressive and wicked. Taxation ' stamps, murder, robbery and heavy defalcation is now the rule, and not the exception of a Hair in onr country. Ilcfuullilt"' hulllf t 'll.liii'1-S lliwl fni'im.t ....... ' ', ....... iiiik in ,tn,i.ii.i tn i- iii i. iu jiirim i f, ,0 st f jamlary A. 1 , 187(1, I ,. , , llmn ll0rs" tl"CV0H' ,,M,,I ft,lJ I couniericiters coinloncU revious lo j tho advent of Lincoln's "irrepressible conflict." An exihango says : . of . . . bniunlit to light in connection with tho Cleveland Second National Rank, amounting in the aggregate to f'ltKI, (HM, it may ho worth whilo to inquiro how mich dependence rs to lio placed upon lint iiivnstigntioiM made at stared periods by the lljtnk Kxnmin ers. Great stress is usually placed on their thoroughness, hut iIhi cashier of this institution, when ho committed suicide, lull behind him n letter to tho directors, wherein, after cautioning them against putting so much tempta tion in tho way of uiry future ollieiul, ho adds that "Iho Itiurk Kxuniiner sent out by the Comptroller was u humbug; that when ho inndo an ex amination of tho hotdis and accounts there was; n defalcation of over SlMIU, IMHI, and that the last time ho exam ined them and pronounced them all right, tlrero was uhout liulf a million short." Tho cashier, who healed tho ,nlll of wiUl hjs h(- nu,t t.ul.l.lih. ,mvo ,..,. w,crt.,,(- h ol' being nn interested wit ness against tho Rank Examiner, or of ',v ishing to do him any injury. Ho was familiar with tho niodtt of procedure so far as it applied to tho latitude of Cleveland, and shows that a defalcation of $ 51H),. IMIO was not discovered by iho proper officer. Would it not, in tho light of theso facts, bo Well to exumiuo the examiners themselves, and let the public know bow much confidence is to be placed in the endorsements of these officers I Jl the)- are not honest and capable, their employment and the payment of tlmir salaries out of the tux-payers' money is a furco, if not a fraud and a cheat." John Alien it has been admitted for several yis m the "wickedest man in New York," bnt it now turns out thnt Rev. Henry Ward Reedier has been assigned that position, from the fact that be has violated every com mand in the Decalogue, c.ic-ept one It is not known that be bus commit ted murder. Allen bus to surrender. jiiciv g.tlmUsnnruJs. O I I K. II.-Four m w cu.liionrd SLKIlHlij 1 lor ikle or ftr-tiMi-" nl JBIIJ I.KAVVji LIVERY STAI1I.E. SI.I'.Kill roll l.l',-.n.lK.lr i,l, to l.u.v ftjrli. It ni-w Meijflt rhtaji.'cBll do u liat Nihiiig l or -ulilrciitn C'li.iiifl.l, Jn. 4-U FRANK FIMUT. I nil I Kill"' ,tllll I. W lirrrit. .,l. I J ten TerlaiiieuUrv on tlierrlnteof W 1 I.I.I AM I It V IV l.i. .., ,1.. 1. .u..f il- .- , - '.-'-. ...r, r. , oeweed. hava I ,,,, granted t.. the Qi ! r-lfft.r.1, aud all perron. In.l. I.te.1 to .aid e.lale are n-.,i,.,. ed lo make tuiuieuiate ..TUiei.t. and lli kv.i,( , ataiawa .(...M IL. pan. w,ll .men! Il.rui, Ulr ( authenticated, for aattltmrnt. K. A. IRVIN, J. R. O mil AM. Jan. 5, 1T0 ft. Lieeut.a.. C4t.'TIO The anderiiRed baring pur rhawd al Hheriff'a Sale ihe Mlowint pern.l pri.perl.v, ria: Kiirht Mrtradi and biil'linj, 9 ri'fi. earpet on Ihe floor of nine room, tiureuuii, ehaitr, itand. tal'li., hat rack. l""kinK (la.., pnintinjrr, 2 .love, and kilrben furniture, (l,eiti( all (ood. told in the hunif ): aleo, .1 pi(.. I eow. I bar e..lt, I black roll. ,l I pr of lam .h.U; I ...Id a. Ihe pr p. rtT ..r ll.v id I vl.-r. n.t left It j uie in p....,-. ion of Jiiuea n. Martin T.vlrr hel.l T nolll.e. nil penon. not to pun-ha.1 or in , any way lo iiit.rl. re with the raid property aa j the same lieluns. lo mc and i- .nl.jeel u, my order. I January ... .it. JAM KS L. I.KAVY. I 1 lir W CAII-Jt SKT Lows n Hi trin! Jnntitrv Tnn, 17(1: tiMirc I. aMriiir ti. Simtirl Phnff, rt al. tirri' Jln4tiini M,ry ii. Hcitt .rjr- W. Sliitnmd.. JuKn (RitipN lL Kiliotl Hot ,faU lllooill, III) X.... Mm, ItnwiV- vi. llirliar. Arthun, ft tl. ii. h'-nu'i lleirt. M. J. hlnrptnel. t Kdwitni Willittni.ft i. . Nf hnjji-, v. 1. nation A Iifn, . M. , PnvJfr. tr. 1 'an i,l II O.eeula t'oal Cotupany v.. A. J. (loa. Klein Hi g ,. billru . Kleealorl. John Ihilloi Connril lllte leaaid A 1-niak.H.... ll'.Ter ( ot.,. 4 .yi-ra. Ih lln Sinen.llv A llr-'tbi-r... I.iiae Cnlda. ll itii-baril ,M....o O-aalt llirlhin Ji.hnU JLrrll . ti. Ii.lvorn.. et al. . v.. Jneoh A. f aint. . T. I daar.l M.-llarTey. . . .Mnllbew.a 'iboinpaon. . t.. (leary. . . Mallh. w.t Thonip.on. . tr. llsr-er'a Krlate. . v.. .Matthew, a Thuinp.cn. . v. I'.lrir-W kern. . Ti. .Mar. hall. , . t.. Mine. . ti. W bite. . t. SiM.Irr. Heir., C. TA Mi, I'rothonotary. WII.UAS 1. IIU.ll r.. J. tt tB WAI.TItIU WALLACE & WALTERS, ltel Kftr Acnti ind (onejnrrri, C IcarflrM, rriiha. "iU-Hrnl T'Mntr bf-ii(;1i( iml jmiLI, (illr rrmn inui, c4iiitfviiii(t r .nrri. t'trn nu), n iiiu mnrM tiik"-n. tidicc in m buil lnif. vrr)y oiafitr Court IImr. jnn 1,7(1 THE SMITH HOUSE, (0 puttr the lriirrr I't pot,) j.i. viti h i i, p.. rpilK n'lrriirnrl. hniin lnnl iliii hnut for X k rrit oi inrs iii n n-ty to enlrrtatn Iimi j. if Ami trn.clpr yiifrnllr, ami tlicn ..rr lii-it n.jMirnm In fiM liimnrnll. Hi ni.lr will ! npf.h'l with tlir IkM ttif nmrlift ft.ittls, nnd hi liar ill nintnin tlir rlimropt of irim- nnl lienor. Tlte lnti, fiirmhtrr. mim! lrtllin g rr nilifrlr nrw, lnrh oJwstii mi U the mini nrt of tmrrlrr; wlnlr Iht lik-iling allnrhr! is In r iff ntxl rm.uu, junt fitr.l i.ir tfniuntf r. t'lmrer tncult rn'f. jn..:T ILM.tM .. Kll U'l.KY. 1 M'l'A!-. NorUT'.Tb" fnllnwing par. J J wn. Ii.va fiinl in the t.ffira it tlif t'krk "f Ihr t i.iirt of yiiarli-r Hi -.inn. of 1'lrarlirM rountr, thrir prlitioii. and Ih.iiiI. for l.irr-ii.r. at tlia Jan. nary cri.n nrnt. atrrnal'lv lo Iho at of A"N-m-l.lv.riiti'h-l "An Art t rrgnlatc the mt ol Intu icatin l..i(Uir," Ac: iintrt. t.trax.r. V ill; P. r.ra.ll ri-arllrM. itiIr. M.irria. .Nrw Vali t'ltnn. Il.n. "-i-o'ila. M'irii.. V Iwani. ...j hajlla-v' TT.TlllllM T t iia . i H'Hi. ! )'lrarrl.l. Uimilward. HI...III. H"g5'. j M,.r,,.. ! rirwrti. M. ' Alilo li nt . r. 1,'lio.er I'liilMKl'-r ."milli liivtrcr K. It.l-I,.r .latin-. Il"lwrlin I.ewi. I'lul.rll Jain-. I'.rlrr .l-ircf.! tiiililand I'niah Itlo'.in Harry tl IJr..rirr . t "Jl.am t'rli-r lli'di'T I!e,irc( A . l'"i'n( Ilr.,rcr M . II ai kin. I'.hn tl lull C.prr li.l.lt K. A. Shi", r ...iinirl ll,pl,iirii W. II. Tlinn,..a J. I., t'lirrv Alnlrrw hh"ff , T. J n. IHih.iii A. .. IL.I.I.n John Jll'iUon tlnirfe Knarr Iliirniulr. IViin. Ih.-tt. l.ltlntMT l ily. Ilooraria. t'liraen. ilia. liliK.ni. . I ot inptnn. Ilia.lr. Iliirnaidr. 11.11. ll-iwla. uU'lward. fllllirV tlirarl. Ilaonila. t Irarbrld. Snmucl llfle. J. Ii. Mrl'rai-kaa Il.nlel t'n'om I'avi'l I'er.wj a.:nrAtit.a in k.-. .cimnn M' Karland , A. LbwiiI- W iliu m Ii. H illiant. I. L. Hi'U.ii.lriii Al on l.i, r.x.R. Parid WrOancliry.. rtrarflrl.l. f .iraoti. ilia. I laarbald. C. TATT, Oath. Mra. C Urall V rnilha End.-ta . fU' llftVllliflllfllb, J r. mtui CLRAliril'.LI), r.v., ' . ! Arf trrrinf, t tbt oM (lJ ofO. L. ItwJ 4 Cu., Ikrir ll'ifk of Hmi, coiinUliag of DRY - GOODS, fiKOCERIKS, FOOTS I HIIOKS, HATS t CAM, JIArU.tr A UK, QfKENSTAItn, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c, &o., At the mmt rratotwM ratti fur CASH or in exchang for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, Oil COf.VTRT rRODfCE. ir-AdvMicvg ma'lo to thoie engaged in g,t. tittg out iqusra timber on tlie moil kU .iiIaiJ' oui """ Jnttr.v 5, l"70. lusuto vr. iBT.ot,. WINTER OPENING! ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, CfRWENSVILLE, PA. TtrC HA VK JffIT OPENED Urj.wd moil 1 1 compleit nock of DRY GooHS, HATS A CAPS, B1VT5 A RliriKS,. llAUliWAItK, QVEENSWAHt. BACON, SALT, - OROCERIES, DRIED FRl'IT, Ac, lc, it. .kl kinds of lumber and pro Joe krn in vxeliange for goodf. fcuOiTt ai rail Ufor. piirelniinf eWtiert. .'tiifMliun gusruttred u tuinli.nd priet. Cur ... ill, January 4, IS7t-tf. . THE AGE, DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOE 1870. Th Onlr Itrmorrallr Mortilnc Journal PuMlklird in l ni;llb n I'l.lladtl pltia .n Ab.trarl and llritf t kptHilrle ol the l'loici ! rnilP. bejt.-miat.''thaXew Year Ii a good tim. f"i Til K AliK i. a Kood beginning of tba New Year. The ife e .. any poliliral partT drpea Ii, in a (Trent tnraxire, upon the rharacler "and iiitn enoe f il. pal. he p,,.,.. and without Ike thorouth pn.mulaali.iu of ill d,ettinei in a popnlar form, it cann .t hope lo im-uic a iermanent bold ni,un Ibatnaai. it i a .,.! ili. il.. . ... . A ,.. u,i-r,,ia ,r a newtrfi1er. and l nl..r ,,. tiKlpinixei. it ..,...... i . ... '., ' il,.,., ---,-.-.. - ..... Rrre ,Mo 'iniiiiii nm t. ai.'l Wlulo It l ,i.ff,ul 0 . eirant in a Palirfaetorv uiatmar for thir tnnir.ion It i, neTerlheler. an a liinl'.d truth and a. aueh' i. inueb lo l re;retle.l. An.k.i,, to n,i.i. not onlr lo gluteal fttrn.la. hut al.o to tha enier.l reader nl all clu.ar. and pol il ,r-j wniplrnowr. a Brrl eln.. diily and we.klr ioarnal. the P..I.I..I. er-ol TltR Ana ooworit-rone not excelled in f)iint of eviellenee he anr other new.paper in Ibernrro. Ire. aud unheiitatinelr rh:illenfn. e.,tnpari.'B wnb the lw.t mid tuo.t iiioccMlul dailica pubiiilied in the I ni'm. TIIK Atii: IHilyanlWeeklT will he,e. tierf lofure. the Srra and eon.i.tent a.lrix-aie of Demo, .-ralir irinclp!f it will enntiwue. a. in d.t i,al tlie hold and f. arle.. d. frnder of Ike I n'ion. the ('"'n.tit.i'if.n. nnd the Ri-ht of the .,;. t., ple-ai.d It will in.le ui,.e..,ne and anTieldmr warfare upon all I., run or Wion. Al,u.e and V. nalitv, that rhow tl.. m.el.e am.uii the ,rm,le or in Ihe admini.tratlon of tht Utneral Mate or .Munieipal Ooverninenl.. ' The Ljitori.l 1 i.uiment. wilt equal ttiowofanT .ew.pr.pe, on eitlo, ,le of Ihe Atl.ol .d . "I""""" ''pnr.'l in m.ku.tc thi. Irnnrtmenl grrnt atiJ sttractnt fcmlurt m Ibt turrrtit vear. Tlir New I.fprtmrnt Fon;.-n anJ Dimit-ni tlto worl.i. 1I tlie vrM rur?rt of ibr " Af"-mf'i.J -mi . iuii. i ii-iii, biiu r ii ura in.m fiftini it ol i.-Y..! rrrn 'hi tnCintii'nti Urine fcrnul.t inio rqui. ti. ..D. I ei'lrf wliirb Si'rifcl Agt-HX, crirrwhrtf, will, fn-m limp la tnnr. ti piy iti rrlrr. with prompt iufurmntitio upon all malt pi" of lntrrM irfn-pirii.f in th anou Hxtiunti of tlir eountrr. l lir I-iiianrinl, Cuminprrial, and lliiinpi lnlrr will nn-iiaP pn.ptr ami roiir-tant tttntioa; th Htnck yuotAlionn will I rarrfnllv prrparrtl and rnrrtTtlr primal; the Mrkt Krporta will f Till I and PMiiplrlr in nil tlirir ilrtAtin ; and all tiia tariotit liraifhi-n of Trslr and t'nitnrrrr will Iw thtmiijlil.t pprn d tolumi-lt rrliaMr ttnta f.r tlif lmiMrfs romniuuitv, and all tLri ihtrtin intrrffcl. Tlir Hcmf mh I'mnilv Cirrlr wilt M Wf.irjfM trn. It will t fscnliKllr a homo and fannlr papr. nt nHI - a p 'tMirl J..umal. In fart. Miry d-partmrtit. wiihoiit rxc.ptiin. will t w BiaiifiiriMi ami ('umltKMi-il an t pivp unlimited at infarlion. nt.H pn-tnl tli ap-aram of a ai-livr. wnlc-aaa'?. and ft-atiad journal, wortbr cf all turn' putnuinjti and all win'D'a nunra?t UirMit, and ampl? ntniiueratint; rvrry onp who takM it. rmd il, or advrrti!- ici im nlitmn. The p.iritrtilivr aiti nlion f tho n admc rt mmo nitr, rirMlicr. mlf and frmalp.old and joon. polilirian or olhfrwi, it dirr-Mcd to the irn-at tmprnvrmt ntn tlmt hare he n mndr in Tint Wru. I X Ar.r.. It I tinw onr of tlir rhrnprt nnd uioit nlirnt liTc puldiratinna in tli World. Kach niitn trr i filled Willi rirrfutly rttch. nrptrv, pturtra. j tifwt tviti.rial rntirinn. rm .U ktrnl nf rhmw I rradin for all rU.m nf n-nd- ri. .No dppatimnt . ha Iwn ni'j;l.fl( 'I, ami tvrrll.im Ua$ Ik-ch dona in fit r our put ion a full cjui. ,tlt flir the mnnfT rHniii in fin, .rnpt. t.n. H;1P ).n rv The "trii r Ai.i in ilnpn-M-nl imprMnl and atlraid- ivr ronditimt, will not do williU tl iu tbc ftiturr. TI KM- t' Till: One Tear, liy m.nl .St ni'inii. DAILY AC.r.J I lirre mombf , 4 i For ant HiH,.. lr. than Ihroo tni'nth., at tl.ar 'r of our dollar per month. 1 hr I'u.taffr oa 'I nr I an.v Anr i. Iliirtt rrnl, per iuartrr, or one ilolior and twenty eeiit. per aniiiiii. il prepaid at tlie oltiee nl delirerr. l'aiment re.Uirel iniarial'le inaulianc. tkhms oi' Tin: wr.r.Ki.v ac.f.i One oi'py, ono year M .so Ten roptoa J :, Twenty eopie.-. J t on 1 iRy eopie. : oil The f..lla inp de.tnetixn.. from Ihe al.nta rater, will Ih- made when all the paper, ordered aro wrnl to a .in le d.lre. and nl addreKd ai-trrally lo the member, nf the elul, : Twenty enple. fO (10 lillj e.'.i--i ... b Oil Onrrnpy will I fnrnl, hM ;rali f,.r Rettnj a elnli ol iwrntyor laoro, all addrrin-d tooiio per fnn. for one l ear. A enpy of Tim Iiaii.t Aim will he fiinUlud K"" l"r ?' -Hint jip a el-.ib nf fllty. a per iiiaiirr, r t wenty Kent, par ani.uin, it prrpaid' at tlie ofl,.T of (li liverr. The aliove Irrm. will W rici.Ilr adhered to. atf-1 no nnlieo will be taken of a ruti. enpilon until pH.a ih n'l' inn1. Ilratl"n I'hiladrlphla. or PoOeTiea order., pay. aide to the order of tiio l'ulli-hri.. b. uif aal,r. wr prrferaMo to any other (rode uf renilttanee. All who rend tonney by Kxpra.. toa.t prepay Llpn.a rliarpea. A.ldrer. m i -ii mum, Koa. II and Iti houth Seventh Slreel. J.nVJt I'hilad, Iphia. Farm for S.tle! 'ptlK ander.i(ned i.tler. at TSIVATS FALK X tha !"'lwii., dewnln-d Hrit K.t.te: A errtain I'arai. .ituala ia 'ntg'imerT town, hip, Indiana onnnty, Ta., fill milra fruta the fui,iiehatina II 1 1 or, ( iiuaimmkim; III lllll l At Rl.tt Watt llrnhered with henitork M pino. The iin. proreatent. aro a gnod ilwelhif bouo and barn. A yonoc orrhard and neeer ailing .pnnx of wa. ter on tho preroiMHi. Tha laid il aaderlaid with a veia of g.Mid roal. ftP For farther parllenkra apple to the rah. arfiber. IIAVII'A. IK ( II A.N AN. Jiu.v Jra faih p. n, tlrarlild eonrtr, fa. . S, Vtlaltrnbriflfr Si (To. BLATTENBERGER & CO. 0FFl.lt RAnR I X J) U C U 31 E X T S TO- PurchasersofCholceCoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE OSCEOLA, PA, Prices ICodaced to Suit THE TIMES! OireolB. rerrmber 1. . UsrrUanrous. AK ()TIC'lw Tba annnal tlertion for 1 Tfn IU m-ton f the Countr Nattotiitl Hunk fl lrarflM. will U bold at the Unk oa Till US- PA 1. JAM ARV U, 1S70, hstwMn the hoara of 1 and p. n. JAM th T. I,K0NARI. de 22.te rrcidenL C1 ITTIO. All pninHt ara lierah rautioned i arainit parcbannr, aellinf. nr ta anr wat meddling with on tlure, tti ledr, and all the honrhnld fnmitur now in pntetion of MAKIA HI DKK, of CoriEiFtoa townahip; ar tke mm be long to n. and are onlr left with her oa loaa.asb jart ta oar order at aov tiiaa. P. Si'MVAnf, :: 3t WILLIAM ht'HXARnS. VDMI MtfTK ATOM'fl NOTIt P Nottaa it hereby giren thallMCrrt of admtaiitratioo a ihee-tate ofrtOlifllKV H K AV ER, dwaied. lata of Itradr towmhip, Clearfield county, Ta.. bara been dulr ft ran I rd ta tha wnderf iaed, aW pertoni tndthted to laid estate Will pleaae aakt payment, and those having flat ma or drnandi will preMDt them iroperlT authenticated for tat tlcmrnt. IAVID KKAMS, Luiherihure, Ia. 1 fit pd. Admintitrator. IMIMTRATOH' NTICFoTi if hereby (fiTen that letter of aftniniftration on the eftate of A M ASS A J. HM1TH, dre d, lata of H reran a townfhip, Clearfield counit. Ta., har in j been duly franttd to the underused, all per o indebted lo aaid eatata will please make pay. mant, and thoae hatinic c'aiaia or demanda will precent them proper It aiiihrnlifatvd for sattleneot and allowance without delav. AM APS A FMTTT1, Jr., JOHN ii. F.MITM, Pi. 6tpd. Admini-tratora. DIMHOI.CTION III' IMHTMiltWIIIP. The anJanicoM hprybr civa antu-a that tba jiartrirribip htrlofora aiming bttwprn hehorh and IVoavar, at Lalhtrabn.ff, Claarliald roanta. I'a,. Wn" li..olrrd tr -Mutual Mnimliin tha 16th day of IWMiil.rr. lfn.il. Tba hwik. and aroouat. an- left wilh II. V. tirhnch. a aiaroher of th Urn. who i. aiithnntrMl to ttla and pay all rlaim. acain.t tlir lata firm. All prrvoni kniwinf thcra ai'lvra in.lrl,;,., n trm will rlrau. rail and arttlr withmil drlar. H. l . SCIIni'lI. Lalhrrrlinrj, (ice. SMi, f. , V KAVKR. I IMTOIfta VITK li-Tha ao.lfr.nod .in. lil'T. appiintrd bt tha Orph.n. Court of l i,-rtrl;rl,l pnunlv ti makf diMrit'Ulton of Iht pro rTiii of thr .nio of n-l artatp in tlia hand, of ."nmorl P. M ilann and Thoma. II. Forcay. admin i-trnlor of Ox. -..tntr of M.ttliaw Karrv. lata of Uradlnnl Kiwn.lnl., dn-ra.r.1. to IIioh larallv anil. lhroto,;il allrnd to tho ilulira of hi. ap- 1 Ilnlrl" "'. in-rt in t irarneht. aa rdnaa- ilir, tha ith day of January aril, whra aad nbara all p,-rrn intareslrd may aitrml. 1. U. Ml II It AY, Aadilor. T Till. DISTIIICT COl'KT OK TMK IMTK.Il PTATKS, fur the Nc.t.ra Hi.tnct oi l,eno Ivania. C. J. Mlill F. nf Clerlel. eonntr. a hankrnpt tinder the A.I of fonen-.. of Mareh id, IW.hae. lug applie.1 for a ilin-harge rrnm alibi, del,!., and other elaim. pm aide under .aid Ael, hr order of the Court, KtiTlt K IS IIKHKIIY tilVKN, lo all perM.ni who have proved their deht and other l.er,,n. mterrtrl. In appe.r on tha I. day of fel'rnarv. Iri, at 10 c'rloek, a. ra.. In-lur. 8. K. tVnodriill, Kw.. Ilegiler in llankruptee. at hi. oft-a in tiirant, I'a., to .how oan.e. if .nr they have, why a dixhaif" thnnld not he granted to the ..id liankrnpl. Ami Inrlher, Bnliee I. hereby given, that Ihe eennd and third meetmif. of ered Hr. nf the .nid lai,Lr ipt, ramrod hv the J;tb and 3tlh aeelmn. of ..i, Art, will he held belnra tho raid Uegi.ter, at the .nnie time and pl.ee !! ' S. C. .Met AMU.KS-.. t le-h. COAL! COALi fIlF -utwrilwr hit hit nnruril a rnAL Tl K I on hi- fnn in H mH .r. town.lnp, the ffimhtr l wliirh il unniiqn.M for fit lirr fuel or hlnck tl.it hintf P-nio.!. Hp U t,ri-trr.l tn Mi oMrn .mi tiM.i.lr mm in ,1T unnnttlr od .hnrt i aoliee. A lhare de. '.'J .11 i i-nronr p-.hMtH. ""urn i i.A.VUfcHl . Osroola Ilakrrv. ".XrK pmpn.o to forni.h to Ih. ritirenl of i II Heeenla tho 'Mall of in Ilia aliap. of j TREAD, TIES AND CAKES. Of everv de' re, f,,rm and t.le. All we k I. a trial, alter hieh we will ran Ihe ri.knfree.ivt,., a lilwral .har. of puldie pal.-eoage. C. J. PIIOFF. Ow,la. Not. IB, IMIO. T. II. tl I1KIK!. V H I I I.TI II ' 1 1. HI H 1 1 .4 TheTT! onal meotinr of the I'l.K 4 IIFIRI.D CO X. 1 i AtiKlt'l I.TI il A I. Hill IKT.foetbeeleetioa of offii-rr. f.ir tha rn.aing year, will be held ia Ihe Cnurt ll.e, oa Monday areuing, January lllth. If A general altrndanoa af lb. airabara. and of all who with to leonine aieflrl.ert, i. ren.ie.tad O. R. RAIIIiBTT, Pra.id.at. A. vl nuiaT Ciimt, Jvtr-taiv. wHTcsAikljlM itrat Cslnfr for ,Ut. A Insll .NM.X I.AMt AMU I MBIincoU All I'ANt oSrf (r nle lean l.u la tt nulli of llierela. I liaifrlil eo.nlj, ', f i4 l"l la mil rcl,...r. oaui.i. , iml , . WoLKh. Iireei.la il nluii. l nR , dh.nKn t'rerk. In Hit rtchut rlion .f tba rnualr ef ( ItarBrM, oa Ilia line f tha Ijron. ri,fj Railroad, heia Ilia JtletLaabol and ftraverl., branrli roadi intarteet. Jt it alo la Ike lieart af Ilia M'liliamion roal l,ain, and larga bfidiei t4 wlillr nne, hetnloelt, oak, and oflier timler w, round it. Onr of Hie UrH, .t lamli-r aiatinfaelur inf Mtal lUlimrntl ,n Ike Mate ii loealed in iktf town, wbila tltera ara many other ItimSer an hinelv milli around it. I ke toon a bui Mvra reura old, and eotttaiSi a finpulaliun of ana thua' and liilmljilanlr. tlrl'ur furiker Inforraatton arl)I at tka aft. of tba aliuva oompanj-. JOHN I.AWSUK, Pr14 Superintendent HOUSE iu LOT FOR SALE IN LU.MIIEH CITY. r"piIE nnderiijned offer, at PRIVATE Silt X Ike follnwlnjc deaerihed Real Kuan: A eerlain IIOI KH AMI LOT, ailuala on Maia itreet in Mid borough, adjoininn loti owned ky Janiei CroKrler and JrdiA ferffuron Bear Ika Metlioiliit Chan-It. A iroo4 BTAUI.U and atkar autliuildili;! on Ilia promiaei. -&t parlirulara apfly to nraet P. Fan.aU E., at l.timtier Cut. or Ittn auhp.ribr reaitttaf at litird I'. O., ClearlieH erruntr, Pa. decS-aut AXItRKW" ADltl.EMAK. Houses and Loin for SaIT TOlll IIOL'HKli and LOTS lit Cle.rB.id, ( ate on renaonaoia temi. I'OMeitinn in uiiriy uavi. niao, a plot ol IULK LOli a tlie eorner of Fourth and Heed ilrreti, e, 1 722iill feel. Tliree of tbaaa lota are aell loeau for aither loialiar yard, eoal Tard, or lr kaildiax purpoeef Kvnerallv, lioiiifr witkin feet af U railroad de,ol. l'riea aud ternie raaeonat.le. Apl'lyto GEORGE TIIOIIN, fel'tl-tf ( le.rSnd. T, CiliiQtionaL MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLLARF1ELD. PA. THE WIXTEIt TERM of l.ntr.t. will eotamence on Jllundar. .Not. 2'2, S69. A Prima, r il. parlni, nt will ka added ta Ika Brbool Ibn fall : lor aliirb the aerrleaiof a aoa. peiant inatruetor kaaa been enjafed. And tflort will be rpared to rendur tkta dtf anaaC attraetiva aud inKtriietirc. TElt.MS OF Tl'ITION. Reading, Otlhop-apbr. Wrilinj. Ol jae) Lea nni. I'rimarr Artlhtnetie and Priaiarj Oeora),hT, per kail tarm, (of el.Tea ""k,- - r Utatorf, Looal and dercriptita i'fufrmphj with Map Drawnit. (iraumar, Alaatal and W ritten Artthmetie..m I Alpelira and the 8-iBee. ....... Initruetion in fnitrutnaBUl atuiie It ta Oil pa.Btinf u M- Wax work t' For full particular! aand for Ctrealar. Clearfield, Auj. i, IfcHS-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. t Rev, P. L. iarrison. A. M., Principal! TIIK SECOND SKSSIOHof tht frrt mV TtVof iIilsiloB will ,.,,. . MoNUAl.th. IJ4 d.y ,f N,.b.r, III. Puptli can aotar at ao; liat. la. will m liarj.d with tuition fron tba tla. Uiaf lar I th elosw of tb 6asalon. 1 ba eour.a Of ln.trn.ll.. ill... Inolud.J n , tborooh, practical as 4 aaa pli.hed tdacatioD for both aiai, in. rrincipai, bowing had tha idraauga af eb aipariaaea in hi. nrof...ioii. aH.ra. a.. ranti and goardiaaa that hi. tnlira abilltj aad an.rglei will b. deralad to tha noral aid mi. tl training of tha youth plarrd nndrr hll eharia. TKKMS OF Tl'ITION, Ortbnfrayhjr, Btadinr. Writlax. ad frlwarr Arithoi.tic. pw brain I II w.k.l - i& aa Orarauar, Oaographj, Aritbta.tn, aad lit. tor t( Algabra, OMmatrr, Trlroaowirtrj, Mra. auraiion, purrayiag, fniloiafiby, Phyil lopy. Chawi.try, Book K.tping, BoUbt and PliTiical Ornaraphr . . aa aa Lailn, Oraek and Jr.nch, with aoy of tha al'oa Branekaa .... . .a Ml'MO-Pion. 3C!,.,o..). . . Iti . wno urooctioa will ka Bad. far akaaam. f-Wttl furih.r partirolan itoolr. af Rot. K L. HAKRIbON. A. H., fab. 4. ISO tf. (l;:s) PriaaiyaL GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, Clearfield, Pa.. NEW GOODS AT LOW PBICESV ftmt aadartlgnad ra.paftf.lly Inrlta tha at X fnlioa of tha fiablla r.narallr ta th.rr plandid anorftaaat af aarehaadta , which th.y AT TERY LOW PRICE. Th.lr ito-l tonitturia part af Dry Goods cf the Best Quality,. Soah a. Prialt. T)a Laietl. Alp. fa.,, Martaaa. Utaghara..Mn.llaa,(hl.arhad aad anhlaarh ad.) Ilrilliaga, Tirklr., rottaa aad wool Flaaoal.,5atin tt..Caa.lraart, Cottoaad... Ladia.' 8b.l, Kabiaa A Hood.. Balmoral and Hoop EkirU, Ao, . . Alio, a Una a-.orlw.nt of Maa'f Drawan aad Shirt., llala A Cap., Baota A lihooa. all af which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH Hardware, Queenware, GlanEwart), Groceries and Spices. '.XSU0UTA GENERAL ASSOUTUEXT Of ee.rrthinr atnally k.pl ia a ratall .tora. ail i. CHEAP FOR CASH ar appr.r.d teaatry pro. A. K. WRIGHT 4 SOS3. Cteardatd. Xoa.T , 1(IT. C. KKATZER & SONS AHEitKrKivrxo Asn.ENnipsToct OF CAKTErS AM) OIL CLOTHS. WALL rATEKS GILT rATER, &. LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADED corxTEmxEs and qviltj. LINES TABLE CLOTHS k NATKIM, LAMES SILK COATS tl OVEUSKIRTS. F.LEC.ANT SHAWLS A LACE T01NT3. LAniF.s' t- CIIILDUEN-S TRIMHID HATS. PRESS GOOD8 AND TRIMMINGS. llFT KID GLOVESLAMES' OE.H. TLEilKN'S ASDCHILliRES'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FIXE BLACK ALFACAS. UNKOT'AIJ.F.D STOCK LAMF' AVD IIILPKtN'SSllOFSd' li A ITERS. MtN"3 CALF if- rRF.XCH KIP BOOTS. II E AV V CALF BWTS JJ MEN'S AND BOYS' FIXE AXDnEiYT SHOES. BEST STOXK TEA SKITS, $6. Gi:CEtIIE. FLOt'Urf- TRUVISIONS AT LOU' ESI' KATES. L1PMU, tiEM'CTION TO THOSE BUYING IX QUANTITY. WOOL. MARKFTIXa AND COCSTBT 1'KOliUi.E WANTED. ri-aitJJ, Jaaa l