Till: lUll'UUUCAN. Cl-EAHriKU PA. wrpsKsDAV mohnjso. mt. m c. Terms of Subscription. rr In ,W hM fir If i lliin lliree months. ..12 oO !'. . .. I ... i .... 9 AH ' If pslil niter Hirer elm u, -.vjr uimhuh - -- ( . If paid alter the ratiiratiuu of six ini'iilhs KI'.I.K.lOl M MtiCl , Mclhudlst fhnrth B. W. H. !m.l- Pastor. I'ui.iie iMrflon every ruooeiu, at I ni A M., ami r- r'abhirrh School nl A. M. Pravrr Moling crery ThuradaT, at Ti P. M. Communion rvrvice, first rSabuotu of every mouth. .1 1"! A- ., ., HI, Kranln' Church CatholicItcr. Mr. 0'llmiiiii'-M,i ' 1"! o'clock on ll,t' eeeond nml fnnrtk Snndavs of cnoh month. tit. Andrew'. t'liurchI'.plcopal Iter. C.Kiar. Hall Public Service tvindav morning lit 1U o'clock, and lit 7 p. m. Sunday School nt 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening t 1 o'clork. tit. Julin'n C'hurrh I.utlieranRT. Mr. 'ixionrr. Public crv! every rjabbath, morrj Injt and rvemnir. f"pebytrrtii Church Iter. Mr. lU'Tiitn. 1'ablie Hi'n iM ivrrj babbatb, morning and eri-n- No Paper Next 'EEK. There trill bo no paper issued from this xjflico next week, because printers llko other people, wish lo enjoy Christmas and Now Year, uud wo hope thirl all our patrons will enjoy llio holidays so enthusiastically that lliey would not tako lime to read the Jicpullican if it was issued. Go to F. C. Crotntn' for a bargain in anything in bis line. The largest lot of confectionoriei in town at McGaughcy's. Lost. Tho finder of ten grain bags some of which aro nearly new, and others are marked '-J. Irwin" will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this olfico. Buy your Christmas-tree trimmings at McGauglieyV Lost. On Friday evening, Decem ber 10th, between William Brown's and William Heed & Co.'s store, a gen tleman's fur collar. Anyone finding tho same will pleaso leave it at the Republic or Journal ofllce and oblige a friend. A merry Christmas, and a gift for young and old. llartswick & Irwin are just receiving a large supply of holiday j;oods; also drugs, medicines, perfumery, tobacco and cigars, fcliool and toy books, ond stationery of all kinds; all of which will bo sold at greatly reduced jirices. I Session. The county Commis sioners aro now in session preparing for the annual settlemont. This will be a raro opportunity for delinquent Collectors to tome ia and settlo their accouols before the Auditors meet, which will bo on Monday, tho 3d day of January next. Children, buy Christmas presents for your paronts at McGaughoy's. A Mimical Concert will be gircn nt the Methodist Episcopal Church in Curwensvillo, on Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings, tho 2Stli and 2JUh instant, by Miss V. S. Boucher. To those who nro fond of music, nnd wish to enjoy a sleigh rido, should go, us it will no doubt bo juilo a treat. I'ostert and programmes will appear in due time. Kehihneii. We understand thut Hon. G. R. Barrett, President Judge of the District composed of the counties of Carbon, Monroe, Tiko and U'avno. lias rcsii'ncd, nnd that bo hitcmls resuming tho practico of the law in our midst. Ho is evidently satisfied that the Bar is fuf more remunerative llian tho Bench, a fuct noon realized after tliey aro elet'ted, by allaclive members of tho Judiciary. 1'arcnts, by Christmas and New Yenr'g present for your cliilJrcn al MuGaughry'. . A four evenings inco, at couplo of our fast young men, who aro but in their toons, were siiglitly inebriated ; ' or, in other words, bad a brick in Iheir hats, and doubtless felt O, be joyml, while under the effects of whnt they had imbibed, were overheard singing, "We won't go home till morning. We concluded from the load they apMared to have on at iho time, that they would do well if they could get home before morning. Virv Mich Mistakes. Tho fol lowing piece of information we have noticed in a largo number of our ex changes : The f h'riff of OrarfleU Mimir If ! a primr the other dir. lie tai brinjinc a nmrii-inl bnr glar, uniiiT terpl. year' fi-num-u, lo Ibe Prnilrn tiarr. The oftWr and hii primnrr wit nn the iarrn train f I lie Petinrli'ila Ontrel Hail riia'l. Tbe li"er wan hund-i-nlid arid bi.lil.lfii. anil at Ln'rube lir ooruriird a m'nl will. Ihr tl.cnrl. Al flrenbnr lie didn't In ft lie a nut in tlir ar at all. Il-fe a tnvnU-rr. The ear n. waifb had bwi' k.id ir awnrlly. ere anil the 4ot leedinr V 'lie '" '"el. thick bad nut er h.-fnre. wa alio ..n,id to lie fa.lniril. aod Uimi fvt afforded a partial oIlltHK ol Ibe uilnlerv. 1 he lell a in thi-re. urele, thonrbt tie ditreped Mieriff. Yhe dour arm. lorrrd and tfiT lie M l. An oien window explained erervlhinc. but nt frratle to tba tatiaTai tion d" the HieTtn. who wu eoiajH-lled to fo hone ond report "Now, lie', gimc." Now, if our cotcnipoiarics will junt substitute ".Somerset" for "Clearfield," their Mt (X romance w ill be a fact, and t lie saddle will bo on tlio right horse Bryan is tlio burglar's name. Candy toys, prunes, nuts, oranges, lemons, figs, and candies of all styles, at McGaughoy's. Pi nnKi lr.ATti. Wo aro compelled to announce tho sudden demise of Mr. Wm. Irtin, of Cm wcnavilh", on Mon day morning last. He had been un well for some time, but not confined to his bed. On Sunday morning, in passing from his room In tho hall, he fell to the floor insensible, and remain ed so until ho expired. Ho was one of the oldest und nnl active business men in our county, having resided at Curwensvillo, for over forty years, where he accumulated a fortune, sur rounded by a large family, who mourn Lit Unexpected demise. rrvria rwni .yioir y.talon than t.tnlly. An old frtf hil lum rrtnipil tonunn' Nut. tlie (-rent fliiiiiirlul "pun Inuitlcnt of Itio lulo rlcdlon; A .let- I " 1"'7, liiivit llin of llio rymnn in Hit i-ouMV, nix tlrm .trior fi'ilr.l Siat.rsM-rimrrt .not. tlM. r-.' J i luu. Ill hi liifimil' niiiikil it. I Liil llio election, lliiniu'lillely rvinovc-tl i ti t niiotluT clotiiiin diliiit, not diTtitninu; Unit liy nti tiding lit) wuiilil lima li'i''li)il"vol(i. A biollicr, bloiiBoil wi'.h a lllllu nioro knnwlt'tlgo of tlio ..I.... ! . . I..... I.U .IU....... Ihc - i.;. i iii iiiiiuu una uiniin. i j I iluy ItrToro tlio vlrclion, nml culled tlio l licvcrrntl rscnllcrnan's attention to llio fai't llmt ly Ilia removnl lio Imd lost ,s yo0 Unit was uliockin ncvM to tlio political fi-olings ot llio divinely minded individual. Hut lio was not thus to bo clicnted out of liia roto for Geary by any muli rascally law as that! Tlio morning of tlio election, (very rally,) llio clergyman aforesaid j n,eK0 bonds is held by wealthy per hitched his horse in his buggy, loaded sons, whoso incomes from tlio gold in his wile, two babies and himself into j wlliLl' I"0 """J" ucnr qito it, (together with Bomo cold victuals, '"W- Tlio enpital invested in bonds, v .. , , , . , also, escapes luxation, which fact aids "corteo pot, cic.j nnu siuricu oacu for bis former residenco, (llio house still being unoccupied,) and went lo getting break fust; and, to tlio aston- ishment of tho legal voters, soon ufler presented himself at tlio polls and otTcrcd lovolo. Ho was challenged, but took tho oath, stating thut it was his regular placo of residonco und that ho did not come into the diitrict for the purpose of voting and 'therefore was allowed lo vote; yet, ho removed therefrom nguio tho same day. Wcro some scurvy politician guilty of this crime, he would bo indicted for perjury. But, being a clergyman, and having committed ti:is indiscretion in voting for Geary, that functionary would of course pardon him il'indictcd. If such men are on the road to heaven, what route should sinners take? F. C. Cromm, having determined lo remova elsewhere, will closo out his stock of cloths, cassimcres, beavers, &c, at and below cost. Call at once and receive a bargaiu. EECottuta's Office. Below will be found tho number of Deeds entered for record In this office for tho week ending Monday, December 20th, 1SG9, together with tho names of tlio grant ors and grantees, where situated, and tho consideration : Deed of D. B. Moore to Allen McDonald, for lot in Pcnuville; eoniideratlon, SIM). Deed of Daniel Chambere to Ocorcre flalley, for lot in Curwcnavillc eunndcratitin, Sl,2d(l. Deed of Daniel Hartnock and wil'e to Amol Hile, for lot No. 68 in Curwentville; conniderntiou, ttuO. j Deed of Amol Hile and wife to II. S. Broome, fir lot No. C3 in Curwcnavillc; conriiicration, $70i Deed of Tliouiaa Toiler nnd wire to Lewis 6. Doild, for 100 acrea in llrady township; consid eration, tl,eu0. Deed of O. I,. Reed nnd wife to Z. C. Mcfiil- .mKh, for lot No. t, block No. 1, in Clearfield; consideration, $4u0. Deed of the Eieeutorl of Christian Emeigh to David W. Hull, lor 100 aorea in Morris town.liip; contideratiun, i.'l,UO0. Peed of Marv J. Ojilcn and husband to 7.. C. Mc Cullougli, for lot iti Cluarficlil; consideration, eiltO. Deed of I'.achel Driegs to Mark Willirrifrht, for 27 acres in Ferguson tonnsliip; oonaiileration,$oUU. Deed of Jamea Dimn and wife to Fubert Orcen, for Jl acres in llogi township; consideration, 91 (HI. Deed of Robert Green and wife to Caroline dear bart, for M acrea iu IJujrgs township; considera tion, fc.'H0. I eeil of Jacob L. Oearbart and wife to Cnpelln k Utiles, for .'il acres in Hoggs townsbip; consid eralicn, ifiW. Deed of Mrs. Matilda Allport to D. W. Holt, for 00 acres in Graham township; ennaideralion, tl.UuO. Everybody goes to McGaughey's for holiday goods. Liht orJinoBS drawn for January Term, 1870 : ORAin jraora. J. O. G1asKiiw.Bcct-aria .lames Mehaftoy Hell Vm. Peters llrudford Henry tirufiius.. " Wra. Kimes Ilurn.iile Paul McOarvev ( hist William Murray. Oirard John Marlle " Aucustus Minot " ll. It. I.ueorr Huston VanJleCraylon Kdward (iillipan.Jordan John F. lrwiii..Clearfield Michael Iluiler..... Morris Thos. Kiler llavidDale " John I.vtl.-, Jr. " I.ueien Jolinaon... " William Wise.. .Ferguson I U. h. Monrc I enn William Harrier-.OirardjA. Iloalich Osceola Alet. Murray " johu Ilnrne " ' tnAvr.Rst jraons. John W. ati..Beecariai Mitchell .h.ipe... Oirard Wm. S. Wright, rinlomiin llvera.. 11. Mclilauitbhu. Levi W ets.1 " A. L. llnover " Wm. Ligtitner., Samuel furry... K. K. Hiirev lloihen Adam llreth- Cell P.U.riclioonover.urnnain John Clary l!loomr!. I. Stephens (Julicb (Mluinme'l IltaJford (icorge ll.itl.-r ... " J.M. Carlila. Ura.l) Andiew Shod " Win. Metlarren... " Nieliolaa Strnw... Jordan C. K. Smead....lioruslde .1. I.. 1 hompron.. " Prank. Sawver. - " II. Keueilv....KarUiaus John llobisiiu Chart New tun Head el.awrvnce WviKolaiid " Jiiph Owen.)? " Jaenh Pennington. " It. miiig... Lumber Ci'y V.MePheraon..Clrrlleld: J. II. Hile... A. I.Hhnw " .lae.il, llnrjre. Morris J.,bn V.nhera Covloetea J.ll.M Muerav.N. M h. A. Hchnarrs.... I.,a. Cathcrman...Oiiecfila Jnhn Iteese.... Jnhn Iteiter... 8. S. Cranston .luhn H. ( err. Jauies Graham.. Charles Cleaver Pelin llavid Ppencer lieorge 1 ullcrton... " OirardMajnea I. llver..Pike J lul,i.rt.-itiitt...WlKidward Read Hoycrfa Slmw'i boliduy adver tifetnent in nnotlicr column of this week's pnper. MiGntigliey bus cvcrytliing j tiu enn want in tint candy lino- SiVtamcl At the bouse of HoatnT Ei pbr, ia D-lmond, I.iwa. on December Tlh. 1 r.C.. by the Rev. Ml.a. Mr. P1IKHMAX PIUTCllAllll.of Al len, Hardin cnu nt v, and V i -s F 1.0 II I .N K n LOOM, form. tly of Curwtusvillc, Pa. On Monday moniing. the SMb In.Unl, al bi residence in Curwensvillo, after a brief illners, WII.I.IAM IltVIN. Mr. agcdoU years and IWdnva. SlIKRIFF-l. SAI.E.-TI.0 S-II'S " fvniit til l-onnnvivniim n. uvnu.., Juc1.ro Sliiirtvool ilclivei-iiis tlic iiin. lliut it mrlf:n.!;t-P, or a mrui ikit nt Slici iirr? f!tlo, in nol liotintl to look (iryoi.d the judtrmoiit docktl lo n i-r-tuiii wlit-llit-r llio fntcritu iIk-iciiii are nroncrlv miKio dv million , " ,. l.. si lli.'tu i It (IcIlt tlVC elill V ol juilL'niPiil, or nn utiiiiilliorir.otl i-iiir of HatiHrarlion, llio l'rolliotmlnry w lialilo for dtiniiific " V""i I""'1' injured. IIciko, w licro llio rroinonti lary without tlio imllioriiy of tlicj Court entered on Ilia docket u.nnht a jinl.'int-iit, -tiitirlii.-d on f fi ," U "Held tliul Hie entry wua perfectly rcttliir nnd roiu-l unite l,cr .n to wlioni tlio judgment il-cir ri-.'tiliirly dotkfted Vn tonstlruclive mtiirc, nnd that it " not ncecKnry to nenrcli ftirlheriind iteecrlain helli er there wnR nny record ol n order of the f'oiirt HirsximgRHcli ftitfin.iion. Exchange. A correspondent oft'' Sun recently .interviewed lIor.ce Greeley, hut the uLxnit tlie Rieharil- eon nffair, that wit ennnot print his rcmiirkt Tho editor or tho Tribune mny write "ho'it vitiiie and iimrithly, hut it sjeems they ncillttr talk or practice what thsiy puMiati. Iih Ii now lurk, tlm wliri Ik ol huMin", ('!)( ImiikK mill n In I liu times out nt joint jjeiicrnlly. '1'lierr l tliU dillor ciice, bo over, lieli ii'ii 1S57 iin,l lUOO: llio tnoiu'tnry Hires uf tlio forhu'ryear was ow inj; to a "jiaiiie," a "crisis," a Ions of ( Onfiil. 'lien in banks or Ustio ; tliul of tlio prusont year was produced by no sik Ii caime, but it is llio direct result of tlio finitncial policy of tlio Government. There lias been no "panic," no "crisis;" but there havo been and arc government bonJs in which more than it tboiixaiid millions of diilhiisofthe capital of this country 1 1 0 hnriod out ol reach Of tho people 1 and uneiniiloved in any sort of biisi I ncMS. Much tlio L'retltel tiortion of jn Ue(,pin,, ;t tlxm inv. keeping it thus invested and dead to tliu use of business. Whilst tho immeiiBO sum locked up in (tovernmonl bonds, cannot be touched by those in iinancial distress, tho policy lit Washington has been, and is, to contract the currency. An inflated circulating medium is not to bo mlenc.'iteil nn irniiern! iirincirlon. lint. oureountry is, at present, financially 1 in an exceptional condition. Wo pay "war prices" for almost everything rxeep. wheat, which tho farmers havo been hoardim: because ihcy could not get "war prices'' for it. Whilst we pay llioso high prices, there is less money in circulation than at any pe riod since 1SU2. Now, considering this State of afTairs, tlio Secretary of! ' . the Treasury, instead of contracting, should havo pursued the policy of ex panding the f tirroncy. The people ta.un r. minn Tlw. MAOlla' flf business require ii.' As the Federal Jovcrnmctit make our money it should havo manufactured some for tho K'iief of ils distressed subjects. On the other hand it bus taken much of it from tit i if and contrives to do so from day to day. What, then, is the remedy T Money cannot bo had except ut ruinous dis counts, consequently banks break and business languisi.es. Jjct Congress authoriio the Secretary of tho Treas ury to redeem threo hundred millions of tho five-twenty bonds by iBMiing to their holders three bundrod millions in greenbacks. The volume of the circulating medium will thus bo swell ed threo hundred millions of dollars, that amount of the public debt will be converted into money in tho bands of tho pcople,confiJenco will bo restored, business will flourish, and wo shull soon havo flush times again. What suvs tlio Honorable Joint Cessna to this proposition t His course on the financial question, during tho coming session of CongrosH, will bo closely watched. To sustain Boutwcll's poli cy of contraction, is to say to the fanner, your wheal is not worth more than one dollar per bushel, to the me chanic, the price of your wares must be reduced it hundred per cent., lo the laborer, your wages must conio down to fifty touts per day. Let tlio people look to Congress. Bedford Gazette. . iMtty OutragedThe .Vrrro nuir a. Tho Stivninili Ilrpublican records an infamous outrugo comntiltod upontlio person of it respect ulilo ludy, Mrs. Jolinson, in Tliomasville, Mitcliell i-ounty, Ga., on the 2!'tli of November, dy tin inimcnso hlnck ruscul tiy the tiMino of Williuin Leo. It uppcurs tliitt Mrs. Johnson hud retired lor tlio niirlit, with no ono in tho hnuso but avery sinull child and tho first inti nintion tliitt rtny jierson wits near wns tho door bein biokenopcn und the1 fiend standing before her. Sho usked the netfro whero bor husband wus, he being in his employ, and hnd been for some time.. It was then that ho in formed lier ol his hellish intentions. She itntiiediutnly seized tin nxo, nnd attempted lo defend herself, wherciip- on the tiegi o took the axe from her, and ut the snmo timo si ruck her with n stick which he had in liis hand, knockinfj her senseless. Upon resto raiion to consciousness slio discovered that sho hud been dragged ubout forty yurds from tlio house. Tho nero.not being satisfied with what ho huddonc, then stamped with his infernal feet on her throat und in her face. Sho be came n neon scions for tho time, nnd ' while in litis condition ho finished his I hellish nnd damnublo work. On tho morning of December 4, a innrlv rif m.'ti .1 ihirniaeil ha fllil lllln. II i .1.-. .1 - .1 i...:n-. renrewenieu luai inej were tiiu euei i nn ..( VI,, ..l,!l ,..,.. lr- .T,l, !,.,, il,; fiend, who liud been idcntihed nnd nr ri'Bted. lint tliev were informed bv . ,. ... ... j -, ,.,. . 'r' J""' i beinjr llbscllt) tliitt IlllO COHlU Hot tl- liver llio lu'jrro to lliein. Alter nonie (tailoyinjr, they enicceeded in getting in iioMH-KMon of liim. Ho wu, then ttilsen n abort dislnnce from llio town nnd dixit, ubout dnylifrbl, two balls penetrating dig body nnd killing bim. A mnn in Cincinnati ndvertiac for n fsil tuition : "Work not so much nn i ol'ject nit uoh waiH. IHarltrW. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by III! sise Musai.r. rhote.Ble and Its-tail lleelrr in llr.v tiooiU, firc-erlea, Pru tisions, Aew, aiarket street, llrarlielj, Pa. Ciaannrun, Pi., Dee. II, 1119. A'.les.gieen.7. fjj, lid lines, dressed Is line. I, P' i -I ii nn ., green Kttll tir.'t) 1 o to Mii.ulileis.. I'"' L IH Means Sll ati( .1 (It P..es. out.. Ill llnekwheat I S Lard Ji lliiek.lieal Himrlb, 4' Mess poi k, 1,1,1.. .3" 00 lleef, dried 2 'lt " lleef, fre-h no I"1 Omens I 0" r.oanls, M U tl(t IS m Potaloea fOfiLl KO li.rn shelled If Pi aches, dried, lb.. t.i Corn, ear I'i'Mi "u Plaster, T bbl S ! ""ir.,.,, me,i.v.ck, I ;s- n. ! rhn.,. ft ct2 4l'(i on li .. lb t i J., Imersreil I hall, 0 sl.cn i' I,..,. . hhmilea.la in. M no i.A, n. sii' u uKih.ir..'A inini.L 1 1 on I Chickens, drsd. lb. lo Timothy seed h "" r J.i Tallow -I l inseed ! " heat I i fluiir 7 nor 7 id ',ki I , 1 J I'll 1. 1 II 00 W.md. eoed Ml A CohkIi, ( old or Sore Throat l'.e-nirea immediate attention, as neglect often results in a incurable '.ung Ilisease. Brown Bronchial Trochet will invariably give instaat relief. Tot Pronehins, A-thma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat IHases. they have a soothing enVeL . Bingert and Public Fpe"'r" clrr and Btrenjthon the rolca. . - .-j -iiw Owing toll.. gd reputation and popularity the Tmebee, many worthiest ana eneap laiisnun' are olferrd, which are good for aothing. Ue sure to olta:n the liae BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIKi". Bold traiyrtaia ..! 6sa vTa. l !. ...... w. antni . . imn. J.li.C.ltAlIAM&SONS, MAMKKT PTRKKT. C L K A 1! F I K L 1) , Ya. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. mtIR iohnerlhera bnrlnx antered Into partner .1 thip for tha turpoee of earrjln on the huinea of MerehandUlnr, sow offer a ood 'id rare opportunity to tna nnnn 01 v.r..- Selil and adjoining oouniira 10 .uj .-m at wbolel or retail prlcel, thai will Mlonlih tha unln.troeted. Their gooda will lie parllou lnrly aeieotrd to uit thle market. Every lady will, therefore, tail tho nttentlon or her hniband to tbll fet, became thii branch of cur builneei will receive tpeclal altenllun, and orerythlni; needed In s well regulated houiahold will at all tiinei ba found In our alote. DRY GOODS: Our Hock of DRY lilMIDs) ihall not ba inr paned, alther In qnality or prloe, and will m brace, In part, Prlnti of arery iljlo. fllngbann and Lawni of etery quality, Muillna of arery grado, lie Lainel adapted to tna ea 01 ioe old and youngi and trery article of any kind of goods they tall Ii lo ba at repreicnted, and war. ranted to giro aaUifaotlon. DllESS GOODS: An to nHF.m CiOOI)! we bar a iplendld auortment of Alpacat, black, white, and In col on; .nnurei, filka, and In ehort all the newest tylea in the market. Wa dealt tbii fact to bacomo known to orery penion In theeounty. . .e lilirsB With our now ana oxteniire evoca oi 000DS, the ladlca can all be eulted by Ju.t dropping In and getting a nice dreai pattern, lace aett, kid glorea or by doing that which la better . giro her. ..ll-flll.d pur.., and sh. will Ind rood and paying inrestinenU in ambroid ariea, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household nooessltlea. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what w hare elreety enumerated, we keep all kinds of CUNTLE IMIiN'H WEAK such as Clothi, Cassimsrea, Satinetls, llata, Boots and Shoes. Ac. bealdea, a Blew assortment of Made-np C'l.tTIII!s for Men and Hoys, manufactured out of tha very beat material, which wa will sail for cash or exchange for country produce at prleaa which will aalonlsb everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: ff ar now largely enfagrd In buying and selling BQ.UAKK TIIHIIICK and manufac tured LUMBER, and will giro this branch ol business apetlal attention, and therefore make il an objeot to avery one who baa liumoer 10 sen 10 come and dval with us. GROCERIES & HARDWARE : Wa shall also leep constantly on hand a goneral assortment of CltOCICHIE and II ABDWABi:, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prleea. We also keep a full assor:- nantof Ctl'KKcSMvVAKK. Ttls department will ba kept full and complete, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will (nd II tu tbelr advantage to come and trade with ei, because we are an situated, end, from long experience lu the business, so well acquainted with the wants and neeei.liles of this community, that we feel satisfied If every man woman and child only makes it a point lo buy their foods from as, wa can please them both as to quality and price Therefore, aoeae along an buy your BOOTS SHOES, HATS A CAPS, BKADV MAUE CLOTHINtI, and everything you need lo ren der yourselves and families eoinfurtable, from JAMES Jl. GHAHAM & SOXS, oct CLEAKFIELD, PA. 17 SUcdirat. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities'-St. Paul. IIt. KOYElt tS PLT.K WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsafe, pure, pleaaant and keallh-giving Tonic strictly vegetable, and manufactured fn'm I Ike most tiureand choice materials Is net a spirit . . I drink nor substitute for whitky, but a scientific compound, for Ihe prote-tioa of the system and the cure of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or olhcr irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the must delicate stomach. A long private eipert ence baa attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Ko Hitlers at present offered to the public - n.HI, n.lieinl eirftte. and vet so safe and pleasant lo take. It's me is to cure disease, and it will nol create an appetite for spirituous liiuora, but will cure the edeels .f dissipation. To inrresm the Appetite, To promote Ii (tell ion, To frt sprpsia, To cure Pu rr and Apne, T) en re IHliiounMS, To rnre fonstipslion, To cure Ohronfe Diarrhoea, t To cure llrert bnrn, To oure Flslulmee, To cure Acid P.rnrtations, To enre Nervoun Debit if j, To enre Kyporhondria, To eure Fell'wneeii of fotiiplexinn, To cure Pimplrs end 111 -tehr-V Fo- tipneral ProFtrelii-n of the PhjUal powerit I FK IT. t'SE IT. VFE IT. I FK IT. I FF IT. fSE IT. I SE IT. I SE IT. t FE IT. USE IT. t FE IT. I FE IT. I FK IT. VFK IT. leu it, anJ it will cure you. Fold ererTwhen, at $1.00 per bottle, Mann- fartnrrd etrlumrty he 1JOYEI1 & SHAW, CLr.AHFIM.ri. PA Who o!Ter liberal inJ.cemenls t. the trade. Oe4. ;, 1 sow if. Democratic Almanac. fpHIS invalaablo pnl.liation W f-r -ale at the I p.t .(nrf. It bnli be In Ihe hend of evert IraetnfMvrtAt. It rontainii full rttHlw mom fn'ta everv emtnty ia the I nitcd Hlit-e: hrtnte. the number for mtitni a eMtnjleta tit of the namen.f all ihr newepaperMipprerl and mol.bed durine l.inmtn's oHninHsiraiitia ; and t lint fur eontcn. the n.me. ,.f all ibec ci. Hia.,. who were Ii.la. fl.r fnlnre r. ferenee. a-r worn mer ... , the price of tin- r..,le.tl..n. The number fo, IS... is .1.,, full of valuable statistics. Anyunesemling f' B0 ernts to the rt MuMrr. will rewire ty pmstr of . e nt rw.fm.( pa.,.,.. ', j. .:,f SW AIM' P '('' A. Kennedy's Med ea) lii.rrrr. Ilelmb.ild'e Bueba. Ilaker s Ced I .... n,l J.n.'a aad Aver's mediriaec nf e'.ry kind, for Bale k, HAKTSVltl. IK IH. Vl.ll;wlf.ilii.i XtUrttisf mrnls. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mil'. M. A. IIIM'TH Imi in.l annul f.nra Patit and l.oti'bn with Ibe laii-.l desiens. pn-tmallr i-lietid Iiimii Ibe gieati.t nioallir; ai.o. tlia must elegant 'j nmnutigt ttf be secured in J'siis. sui'b ns lai m, tun nova, VF.I.VKTC, ri.ownnn, IlKIHM, VKtl.S. FINK JI;WM,;V. and IIUMMHO 1' A IT.1t PATllillNS, DIIEnH aed ri.oAK M A K 1 Nl. K'liisive aitrnl tor Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system fur out ling ladii-.' dresses, saeipies, liasqnes, An. N. IV. eoraer of Klaranth and Chestnut Sla. Philadelphia, (Sept illl, Oll-flm "TTsTao ikTstaufferT" Gg) WATCHES & JEUELKY, sT,fc4 Ko, 4S Korlli Second Rtreol, Corner of Cjuiury PIIILADKI-PIIIA. An nssnrlnient of Wiilchos, Jewelry, Silvor and Plnled Won' canti.nlly on hand. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. jr-S-ly S. (Hibernian. - O. Uitilnger. - II. hilbcrinan. S. SILBERMAN & CO., urontKRs amd JoBBf.n or FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, &C, lit .Vorli Fourth Street, m,H PIIII.AIlF.I.PIIIA. lrrpd T, C. MYERS WITH wm. w. ratjL. aoAa WM.'W. PAUL & CO., WII0LF8AI.B AND NIIOE ni mi u ii ov jse, 673 Market fit. I4 Commerce St shore 6lltb, mylD PHILADELPHIA. ly i. uot.Lowai-su a. tiavia CAnar. HOLLOWBUSH fie CAREYf- I500KSELLERS, Blank Hook Manufacturers, AND STATIONKltS, 2IS Market St., Philadelphia. SijaL-Psper Fl'iitr Hacks and Hags. Foolscap. Letter, Note, Wrappiug, Curtain nnd T all Papers. feulfe-ly. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 Mouth Third Street, Philadelphia, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all iufurmation cheerfully furnished. Or.lcra aolicited. aprll-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ko. IT ft. Fifth St. and 424 Commerce, nilLAPELnilA, Pa , WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, run tub balk or Wool, Oinsenc, Fur Skins, Feathers, Leather, t iax Seed. Ilried FruiU, Clover Seed. Koota, Deer Fkios. Kutter, Ueeswax, Sheep Skins, Het: Ac, Ac , Ac. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Trice enrrent forwarded en request June It. 1868 Jy:pd LADIES' FAACY FIRS. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch St., Middle of the lllock, bet. UaatidStb SI., Smith side, PHII.ALlKLPIilA. Importer, manufacturer and ltcaler tn all kinds and qunlitv of FANCY FIT. 8 ron LAtuea' a cniLnnBiv'B a s.in. Having enlarged, remod eled ami impmved my old nnd frtvorablv known VV K '" --i;jt!7r''r KM POH I CM, and having Imported 'a eery lorge and splendid assortment of all the dilTcr.'nt kinds of Furs trom Srst hands In Kumpo, and have had theiu made up by the most skillliil workmen. I would rcspcllolly invite my friends of Clearheld and adjacent eoontles, to call and diamine inv very large and oeautllui aseor. nienl of r nc Furs, for Ladiea and Children. I am determined to Bell at as low prices as any other reepeeleJile House in Ibis city. All Furs Waran ted. Mo misrepresentations to ellect snles. JOHN FAIIFIIIA. Sept. J9. 'S0-4n 718 Arch St. Philadelphia. "erttfrcltnnt TaUorjS. Fs C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. VFl'1.1. supply of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestlngs constantly on hand, which will be in.de up according to the latest fashions, in a substantia! manner, aud at low ratra. niy"6 ItJCIh" Goins It Alone. 1800. R. n. L. STOUGHTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Htrecl, I irartJeld , Pa., II AVISO opened business en wy own book, at the old stand in nhaw's How. ! tberernrs animunee to the public that I have now on hand a well aelected and large assort mem ot Cloths, Cfissimeres, Vestings, fleavr-a, and all kinds of Ooods for men and hoys' wear, and asu Bow prepared to make up to order CLOTH I NM, from a single article to a full .ml. in the latest atylea and most workmanlike I manner, rescial attentloa given lo custom l work and catling out for ass and boya. I I idler great bargaina to customers, and wa'raal enllie aatisfaciioa. A liberal share of pubiic I natronaae la solicited, t all and see me JaoT-ll E. R. L. MTOI'MIITOS. II. IIRIIHJK. .-.n-TT 1 Tt -r-i a V V TS jyj Jttl. H J l L 1 J I (.Utore one door east of Clearfield Il.iuse,) Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Kf'KPB on band a full assortments of flent' Farniekleg Oooda, surk as Milrte, Linea and Woolen I'ndershlrls, Drawer, aad Sorks, Neck tiee. Pocket Handkerchiefs, ulloves, llata, I'mbrellaa, As., in great variety. Of Piece lioods he keeps tha Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Fueh as Rlack Imeskln of the Tory best enske; Fancy Cassimerr, in great variety , also, Feenrh Coatinc. Leaver, Pilnt. Chinchilla, and Frieott nv.rroetipg. All of which will be sold cheap Tor Cash, and made ap according lo the lateal atylee by esperteneed workmen. Also, Agent for Cleartleld enemy for I. M Sit.ger A Cos. celebrated be.ing Maebiees. Nov. I. IMIJ if. H liRII'illt. Southern Land & Emigration riisjpisv, WASHINGTON', 1). C. V 111) AN 17. Els aad esteWishcd for the Purchase nnd Male of Farming and Mineral lnda, and improved Heal Kilate in tlie SouilrVrn Malra TII'IM At P. ri.'iItEXCE. President. ,111. Fr'KHNS. Vie. Presi'lelit. .1. 1II.NHV ASKIN. Trca.nrer, Pretidetlt Fourth Nulmnal It.nk of I'liildi lpliia. .InllN JM lit It I Keerel.ry. 1 Uses. C. M ACIlOW Kl,l.. At.-orney and Counscllr. OfSrP: TT,.,inelen PlliMinr;. Corner Ferentli Ft., and Penn". llama Avenue, tVai-hiligton, 1. C. sitisEtrr.: Onv. Ji.hn T. Id "insn. Albany. N. A'. K. llnv. Win. Ilitt'er. Clearfield. Pa. Ilov. T. F Randolph. Trcni-n. N. J. Ki.Oov. Wm. F. Packet, William-part, Pa. Sept. I. ( tf. ''SHI S.Y. Came lrrpmg on the peerol I'l ere ,.f Ihe subscriber in Hell tewn.h p. eb-ul . . ill at-L in i.i. w, j . . ..: ,B , b,., , " The ewner or eaners ere reinestcd, l prnperlv. par charges, and .' h.r , u rf ,. the M. is.s.oeed tolalnt two la.dieecla. ' KNnCII D. W LlZtU Veil township. Dee. 15. InfdMipd. 1lH HAI.I--T.O large, heavy MAltKS. ,.l.i -er. ,,lil suitisMe for loiirmg or tlm- ' boring. Wlll be sola reaoanie inr ... - G. R lARI tir " Jrtk r an iwaswiww-rjaasaaia.aaninili MUST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT TIIK KEYSTONE STORE! fpOK undrriiftnnl, intenilioj lo retir from the X nirruiinlilfl bufincf, il now elating out hi tntire itock of fiooda AT AND BELOW CUBT ouDi.riiing Wool Del nin en, Mcritin, roplini, AlplOCM, Empren Clotb, Men's & Boys' Cassimeres, Cloths, Ratinetta, Tisnius, Kentucky Jeans, I.adlea Cloaking, Coats, Shawls, Ac. A full line of Domestic Goods, Sbeetlnits, Delaines, Flannels, Qlnghams, Cotton Flannels, Ac, Ac. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES, Hati nd Cipi, Uuin and Arctic Overilioei, Tftble ind Floor Olletothi, Wftll rper and Window Ehadff, Carpet all widths. Aod a great rarictj of llotierj, Xotiooi and Tritn- miogi of erorr dcKription, Tac)iei Trimmed Hats, Velvet', Kit, bo til, Itftltnoral Pkirti, Hoop Skirti, Linen Table Coreri. Wool Tublo Covert, Kapkint Counterpanei, Ttmlct. A large aenorlneRt of Ladiei'and Children 'i Wool lloodi, Nubiai, 8hk.wli, ko. Person in want of anything in tbo aboet line of goodi are invited to give me a call, and obtain good, at wholriale prices. ff Grain and country product taken in i ebenge fur goods, I). G. MVtlNG. Cl-arfield, November 10, A00. December 1869. 1869. FA jLIj TKAIE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! WM. REED & CO., Market Street Clearfield, Pa., JJAVE Jl'ST OrEXED a large and -picte assortment of Foreisn and Domestic DRY GOODS; Embracinp a full lino of Dress Goods Paislev. Woolen and Zephrr bhawls, (lored Shirts, Fine r'lannela fur under wear, llrrssea and Capeat Trimmings of all kind, Aleaander'B Kid (iloves, t sutierior lo Jouriiis, ) Zephyr and Worsted LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, FURS, 4C, 4C, AC. IIAVINQ selected our own Block with the greateat care, buyers will Dnd a decidej Advantage in calling. IIAVIX0 MADE ARRANGEMENTS with an importing boase In Ihe east, country dealers II be supplied wilh Zephyr in any quautity, al New York and Philadelphia Jobbing priccB. Clearfield, Sept. ii, lrli 4ia. asm at AHuoiit.. W. ROlie AHTIRORM. FALL OPENING. A UN OLD II HAItTSHORX. Cl RWK.N8VII.Ll, Pa. JJAVE Jl'ST OPENED a larg. and asosl complete stock of HATS Si CAI'S, IiOOTS i SIIOHS, h aud w a kk, 1) v kknsw a re, bacon, ii;ii:d truit, groceriks, salt, !iC, AC, AC. Fatirfsvtifi tTiitiraiitecd a toqutlitf and prioe. All htniU of himtter end prodoc tnkeo in e- rhanc for (toorls, "ie ne a eIi hrfre r-urrha-sinr eleephi-. ARN1.I A II AIUMK'HN. ".'urwenpullv, Sqit. PH-tf. SHALL ritOFITS! Ql'ICK SALES! 1IAI1TSWICK & IRWIN Are constantly irj lrni-hing their stork of Pmgs. Mlfrinrs, 4r. WkiI Hooks ond 8ttirttert-'inf,lMd(nt thp Ot pood ind Nat ions t Srrht of Rmdrr. Atsft, Tobaceo and Tlfars of th beet brands, at the lowest prtfe. nlO CALL AND 81 K. 69 lJI- I i by given that Letters Te'lamenlary having I,,- n prniited lo Ihe snl.cribers. nn the k;ate i. IIKMIY f. MAIISIIAI.I.,dceraed. late ol llloom t.ian.hip, Clearfield eounlv, renn.vhanta al! h 1 . . .. .. , , P'""-. " '" " ' -:.V-;:, .' -Uitni .,., ,,p ,,iac , present them duly authenticated I'r s. I, ;!. ... 1IIKKV IIARTTri.T. Jr., JAS1K C. UAHRkTT, Lulhertrnrj. Deo. I tlpd. tfcculors. SI.KIf.llv I-1IH AI IUThe anilereigued hare FOl II HLKItlllct for sale. Ihev will be sold wry rhean. 15. A. IRVIS A tl. Carut ii e, Use I, lf It. . . MKHHEIili & 1H0LKU, II A It 1 XV A it j:, Aim. Mtnnfccisireri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ci. p. a r ri r. i, n, i a. Y LOT OF SADHI.t.S, IIUIIM.I'JS, Harness, Collars, ate., for sale by MFURKf.L PIOI.EU. )ALMEU'S PATENT UNLOAD- Ing Hay Forks, for sale by MERRELL A PIGI.EU. Q1L, 1'AINT, rUTTY, GLASS, Nail., ate., for sal by MEKRKI.L BIGLER. II aRNESS TRIMMINGS Ii SHOE Flndiogs, for sale by MERttELL A mni.F.R. Q.US S, PISTOLS, S WORD CAN ES For sale by MF.KHKM. MOI.ER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Eitcs, for Bala by MEHUELL A BIGLEU. RON! IRON! IR05 !. IRON! For sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And lest Manufacture, for aale by MERRELL A BIGLER- UIM15LE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. J70DDER CUTTERS for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! tiEi'OLiTio.r . .fir EMERSON'S PATENT PEUFOKAUATF.D Crosis-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL oi;mmino avoided.) ALSO. , nil S J ' . U ! - Ciiaita tmerson s rateni ujuoiauio ona6c, For Spreadiog, Sharpening, and Shaping the Teetb of all Splitting Saws. CS.8endfor a Deeerlptlee Circular and Price Ubl, MERRELL H10LER. Janf-tf General Agents, ClearSeld, I'a G. S. FLEGAL, I'EALER IN STOVES . WD HOLLOW-WARE, AND MAIIL'FACTURER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Phlllpsburg, Centra rrn. Pa., TUB undersigned respectfully announces e th. public that he haa en hand a ear, lully-aelected and well assorted .lock of Stores. Ilia variety consist of IMt CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare never failed lo gir. perfect aallafM- Lioa to the most fastidious of tu purcbaeera, Coatioental. Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Fpear.' Antl llust, Msgare, Charm, Herald, ale., with every Tariety of the best Pittsburg Manufacture. SATb Tia and Sheet Iron war. given with the Moves la mad. of th. beav'eat and best material, and warranted to give perfect sails faelioa. Ilia stock of FAKLOR AND UEAT1N0 STOVES Is largsr, b'tler and cheaper lka ever before eibibned Is the public. He deles competition either la rariety, quality er price. Ha Is also prepared to furnish ft assortment of nplste Tin, Coppar, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and WUlow Ware, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly aad with the sole view to service, from tha best ma terial ia tha market. PLOWS, PL0V7 roi!T. A CorPKR, BRASS AND IKON KKTILKS, Of .very desrrlptlo eoestaatly on kind. LIGHTNING RODS, Supsrior point, put ap a abort aotlea. The Point b. erlrra to Ih. public Is the ren-e.als now used by th. Pennsylvania Railroad Ce., on their bulldinga. ORDERS KoU SrOCTINO. UOOFINU Aad alberwork belonging lo kit hualtiesa will be promptly tiled by eiperienced aad akilllul workmea. BRASS, CorrER AND OLD METTLE Taken la exchange fot goods. a-ay-Ite especially IHvltes the attention of Merehauta wishing to purchase al wholesale, as they will And it to their advaataa-e to examine ti. slovk before purchasing eisewner-. 0, B. FLfitJAt.. rhllipsbBrg. A.g. (, !' jylltT FAIRBANKS' STANDARD s SCALES, or at.i. sum; . Baggage Barrcwa. Wanhouso Truck,, dp) mg Presses, Improved Money Drawer, As. ro salb r MERRELL k RIOLER, tsralrra lit llardtaarv. t-ecocd Street, Clearfield, Ta jeJOtf 't''Xt 'Ttll1 ?t(lTU I- Xoliee Itherr I'd by given that letter, testamentary baring h-en gral.ted to ll-e sol'Scriliere on the dale ol FliW ARD 1.11.1,1'IAN. dei-ea'rd, late of dr-rdan town-hip. Cleartleld nntv, Pclinvlranla. all prrMna lndebie.1 lo Said relate are reqweslrd tn muke Inimed ale pavment, ai d th.e having claims Bfeinil the "auie will trtaenl Ihera duly aulheaiicatr.1 for settlement. TI1CMAS HIITII. Eeartiter. F LllABKTll DILl.DiAN. r"a'riB. Aaso-llK Dec. I., :t'i "pj sr-rrsB.arsissaiis sni'i TH E S M ITU HOUSE, C'-rni-f f tid k llnr.1 trir, ( II Utf ll I II, tM. (Oppoait the ruetrttgi-f I'-pnt.J TIIK tti.le-nifnfd . ret-trd hi U'f ite? nintnt'tt'mi boiiif1 for th etil-tsiifttiirMt and .A'.-irtnii'titi'sliof Iht Irnti-line pnbli's. lie thtr frt t"Uctt Irext-l-f. (.n't r- j-'mti-n t (ivo htm cull. lATM K will re. ll)rrfiH hh tU hct the amrkt (T'tH, end hr k a rfitneSI. Ainplf -in Mire, to aofffninioilet itvn)tUrl U Niia4-hft t'i ft boiif. nnrU.f.t if LKW PMIT1I. Th e" lSa r'd ho u sF' (Near tlie IlS'troa l I'rpot,) RF.F.D tsTIlKET, ('l.Aflf 1KLD, PA. fi, Ik f.noiFI:M olV, ropito. A KKW flrst-flenn Hotel In every renpvt poaifortnltli' rfom nil thi-modern imiirtm mcute the ht of l.liil'OKH rnimpt attend snee, and reatvonable ctmrt . The pHtronef-e of the public is rvfctfully eliciie I. T-amter will plvasc tuke nMii'e that a Urge harn has jut brn em-ted for the sliel;ring f bon-i-r, losrlfd wiiKonsand cerrieircs livins a pmnHifittus yrt idjacent to the Frfijrht and I'aiM njrerdtpot. JU0 THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner ot hfoontland Market Streets, c ri:Aitrn:i.i. pa. Till? M sad ccntmnltm !!! wrlair the pat jeer, bn nlrjred to dntible ite former rapaclt for the entfriainmool of stran gers mni guests. The whole buiUing bos been refuroished, and the proprietor will spare no pains to render his guests comfortable while1 suyioe; with hu. -Ihe "Mmieion HonseH Oronlhas rent In nd from the Depot en the arrival end depertura of eeeh trsin. DAVID JOHNSTON, hot tf PropTietof. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLKAKKJELD, FA. THE subscriber baring leased fof a term of years this well-known Hotel, (kept formany years h Mr. Lanieh.) and rVfilted and refur nished it tkfongheut. Is now prepared to enter tain travelere and the peblio generally aroa terma it ia hoped alike agreeable to both patrons and proprietor. His TABLE and BAR will be eupiiled with the best the market nffordsj and no peine will ba spared on bis part to add to the convenience and eont'ort of his ruests. JOUH DOUtiHf KTI, aetlj proprietor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKL'T 8t.( CLEARFIELD, PA. TITIS largft and commodious new hot has been openrd for the arfommndation of th I-ublie. whera the: wopri'-tor will lie pi ad to meet his old friends, and rerelre a share ot public pat roiiag. Bt strict perfonel attention to the de tail! of his bufin.M, be bopft to be sMe to render imtiffafllion to hie patrons. The TABLE will alttats be bountifully euppiird with the beet that ean 19 rxMired in the market, and the bAH will contain a futlitorkof LIQI OKH, BEER, Ae. Uood sUbhng attach.!. Clearfield, March 3, liti-ly Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST.CUUWEXSVIM.E, PA. HAVINfl leased for a term of yeart tba above well known and popular hotel, (kept furuierly by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Evans,) the present proprietor haa re-nlted it with the otijaet of renderng Mt guests comfort able while an.ioiiroing with bim. A fine, large Stable am! Vard Is attached, for the rare and protection of horses, earriagea and wa-jona. A liberal share of nahlio patronage l solicited. feb!o tf JOHN FOL'TS, Propr. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curneiiivllle, l.leartield fount?. Fa. rpHIS old and well iUhlihed Hotel, fceaatl J fully situetcd on the baaks of the Hum, a, henna, in tba borough of Curweoivillt, ba been leaded for a tern of years by the andrrslened It has been entirely refittwd, and is now open to the public jtanerally and the trsvallio eoranm nity In partlralar. Ho pains will be span-d t't render f neiti cornfrrutle while terrjlng al thil beaa. Ample Pttblinj roojj for the aoeomme datioa nf teams. Charges modrats. Jan. 1, f.l- tf WM. M. JKFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, C unvcuavllle, CIcarBcId rouitty. Pa. THIS undersigned has leased this old and long e.tsblUlied hotel, (formerly kept fcy Major laaae llloom,) situate In a central portion of th. town, and haa entirely re tieed and re fnrnlshe-i it, acd re-modeled the sta oling, so as to make it an object, hereafter, for the traveling public to patronise this large anr? BOmmndinos boue. de.3,'6e.-lf JOHN i. HEAD. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, HlNTIMiDON, PA. THIS ld tah'ihment having been tened X b? J. MORBISOV. formerly roprieto? ( the 'Morrifon llouoe," has been thoroughly ren ovated end refurnished, and supplied with all the modern imprnTetnents and ronvenieneoe ne easary to a first e Ibis Hotel, Ine dining room has been removed to the Orst floor, and is Poff spacious and atry. Tha chambers era well ven tilated, ard the proprietor will ndearorta maa bis ruests perfectly at brme. je.& J. MOKKtSOX. Prorrietor, I. W. WALLACB Toi. (I. ISie, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Luthcrttburg, C learlirld (o.. Pa. rpiIIS well known and 1r.Dpr elab!ibed Hotel, X formerly kept by K. V Moore, and latteily by Wm. 8ehwein, sr., ha been leaded for ft term of yeart by the nnderHiftnei, to which the at liga tion ol the t ravelin jf put-lie is wow called, and ft liberal share of public patronage It solicited, aprlfj, flft-ly.pd MUW A WALLACE. THrRAlIWAlTHOlE; MAIN ST., rUILIPSBfRa, T. THR nnderslpned keep, constantly tin band th. bent of Liquors. His table ia alwaya supplied with the best the market afford.. Tba traveling pablic will d well tn rle. him a ealL aovl.'dj. KOlitlir LL0VD. I goots ni Uocs. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, FA. nAK Inrt rreelred a tne lot of French CALF bKINS. and le now prepared U mannfae. lure everything in his line at the lowest figarea. He will warrant hia work lo be as representee. Ite respeelioily aolicits a rail, at hia shop ea Market street! second dror west of the po-tottiee, wher. be will do all In bis power lo render aalta faction, borne ftna Uaiter tup. on band. myl.'67-y LiAMKL CO.IXELLT. PEACE 'PBMLAISEIK TfiX WAR OVER IK CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSlIir lit'IBT. yearly (ill the Ci'ra'nnJs "ing back to their old musters; hut 'nary one tjeiny to nld Massachusetts, Vhcri thry tcere lovcJ f long and o well, IN mnseo,urnre nf the above facts. P. SMORTi of the old "eibart hhoe hhop," would an. Bounce to bis nomeroas patrons, and the people of Clearfield county at large, that he bae now A Aral rale lot or good material, ju.t received from the Kast. and is prepared onaaort notice tn mak. and mend Boots and Shoes, at his aew Shu It j liraham s rew. He Is sali'ded that he ean pleas. , all. I unless It mirbl he some Intensely InVal stay- i at boase patriots.) He is prepared to sell low fur Cash or Country Produce. Don I forget Ih. Shop next door ! 8bowers A tlrabsm's store, en Mtrkel street, Clearfield, Pa and kept by a fellow rommattiy ealied JyJ.dTy "SlIORTT. lX ROOT AYO SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. Con. UAl.kKT A So Sra, cl.LAKlTELP, Pa. nlHR propristor has ent-eed Int. th. ROOT ar I Uk; business at the above eland, end I R, outdone eiikar la quel. ! Ity or price for bis work. Ppeeiel aiteaiiea ; will be paid to msnufeeturinff "ewed work. II. i B an, a larro M of ttreiira Kip aad Calf fkins, of thetery best qnality. Tae eltl aeas of ClearSe'd and vicinitv .r. respectfully invited t. give hia. a trial, ho eharge far calls. rev,. ' If SEW BOOT KM) SHOE SHOP, II l l tVlM I rPllR ebpe)bor liavt( lately ttaHed anew L Boi and Khoo ehp ih Curve nsrtMe, ea sltkia street. oppoBita Joseph-K. Irwm'e ttf itofo, rofpcituily annnuneos to tho pebtte that he is prepared to mana'acture all styles of Boots and hboee. and overythint la his line. short aotiea. He also krept on hand a food aaori atoat of ttedy.eeado work, wolek ko 1U aeU ekeap for eh or eoaetrv ro4ne. vex 1 Ml ! 151 irVM ?.