Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 22, 1869, Image 2

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Gboriib UUooplaniikm, Editor.
. Tlio Sev York Grund J ur" lias
found a tnio till nxnihst McFurlund,
for tlio ninrtler of lticlmrdson.
Honr, AttoriH-y-Cioncrul has been
Appointed to one of tlio vacancies on
tlio Hi-nch of the Supremo Court of
tlio United Stales. Tlio 810,000
Library which ho presented to Grunt,
lias Bocurod him u hih life position.
. & m m
Convict-id. Siimuol Naiilicrriaand
liiii wife of whom we published an
account two week ago, 89 having
murdered their child, wero put on
trial ut Pottsvillo, last week. Ho
was found guilty of murder in the
fiint degree, but the wife was acquitted
Kicked Ovuiiioard. Ability, the
eclubrated impcachor, who was ap
pointed Governor of Montana, by
Grant, has been removed. What can
lo the matter? To sacrifice such a
patriot, is an outrage, which "tho loil
millions" should nut let go unrebuked.
QctRY I Header, what do you Bup
posts to bo the character of tho man
who, for twenty years howled over
"the curs and evils of negro slavery,"
and now justifies and sanctities
Adultery and Jiiganiyf Donounces
that which tho Decnloguo failed to
denounce, and justifies the crimes con
demned by that, best of all codes?
Eov. II. W. Beecher, for instance.
A reporter of tho IIarri6burg Patriot,
lias ''interviewed" Scr.alor Lowry, of
Erio, who by the way, tells some
wholesomo truths about Lcgislutivo
Corruption. We fear however, that
lie does not possess the moral courage
to help break up "tho ring," against
which ho seems to bo wuging a war,
when out of his seat at Ki io. Lowry
at Erio, and Lowry at Harrisburg,
will bo two distinct characters, if we
nro not very much mistaken. We
sii givo the "interview" in the next
: r . i - n ..i i
jbmuu ut me ueftuuucan.
Nasty Bcsiness. The evidence be
foro tho Coroner's Inquest in tho
Itichardson SIcFai'itnd case in New
York, reveals the fact that Schuyler
Colfux, Vioo President of tho Unitod
States, and a Mn?. Calhoun, ono of tho
writers of tho Tribune, ure the parties'
w ho look Mrs. McFurlund to the Sluto
of Indiana, for the purpose of securing
a divorco from her husband. Tho Vice
President selected ono of his particular
friends as her Attorney, and intro
duced Mrs. McFarland as a particular
friend "laboring under somo domestic
difficulties," whilo Mrs. Culhoun vol
unteered to do tho swearing in the
case. Sho states in her affidavit that
"McFarland, is an Irish brute, not fit
for a lady to live with either drunk or
sober." We suspect that Mrs. Citl
lioun's oath is like her virtue, don't
amount to much.
Cokorkss. This nugupt body is still
engaged in reenntructing Georgia,
and arranging mailers for taking the
next Census. The Radicals are about
departing from all precedent. Instead
of tho matter being entrusted to the
Marshal, two of whom wo have in
this Sluto, a hill is being passed
making a salaried officer in every
Congressional district twenty -four
in this Slate besides, any number of
subs., in each county. This change is
for the purpose of billeting twenty
two more nflico holders, in this State,
upon the public Treasury. Why not
enact a law by w hicli every "loil man"
who does not follow auy particular
business, lo make out his bill quarterly
and present it at the Slato or National
Treasury ? Let tiio country bo de
voured within tho next year by the
t'flico holders, ami then wo will know
exactly what we ore worth before Ihc
first of January, A. D , 187 1 .
Seward at Home. William II.
Seward dined the other day w ith the
cut-throat President of that bogus
Republican, Mexico, Jnurri!, the mur
derer of Maxiniillian. Grnnt was
toasted by tho cutthroat, and tho
latter was toasted by Soward, who
loy off in lavender, and guzzled Mexi
can brandy till nil was blue. Two
better matched "covics" novor ex
changed Compliments, nnd it need
only "our tallow eating brother of all
tho I!u u shies" lo complete tho pic
ture. The American penplo have!
been sadly compromised by the ex
ceedingly low and brutal company
ought out by their rulers in the past
nine years. A'exander flogs the
Polish ludies on their bare backs, nnd
then ships them (iff to Siberia for life.
Juarez murders in cold blood a politi
cal opponent whom the fortune of war
bad thrown into his hands, und these
two personages nre the only powerful
friends thut Seward, Grant & Co,
have succeeded in making in their
coreer of crime since 182.
John V. Geary linn been chosen
President cf the National Union
League. Among his associated mo
Foster l5!oL'(i, under indictment fr
perjury in Georgia, and a negro Jioni
the haiee Sl.Tt rnmid Simins, who
favors the slaughter of all w hite men
Blandiiig in the way ff ihe colored
isAiun. Birds of feat bet, 4a., lie.
Thf HViy of Ihr t'i fiMII(wr l
This old saying Ims been amply
demonstrated lir thousands of years.
In no instance bus it been more justly
ni t forth stiil brought lo tho notice
of this generation, than in the Career
of two nl tlio members of tho licet It or
family, Harriet, and I!ev. Henry W.,
both propelled by fanaticism. The
first is the greatest national slanderer,
liar and social prostitute now ulivo,
and is trying to live on incest. The
latter U a di.-graeo to tho pulpit, and
has for years "worn tho livery of
heaven to serve tho devi1," nnd has I
been tho contriver and author of more
social evil and w ickedness than any
other living man of bis day. His
liut net however caps tho climax;
standing up beforo (!od nnd man with
his eyes turned towards heaven, justi
fying and sanctifying Adultery!
Was ever so much w ickedness bred
by two members of tho sumo family ?
Tho sister engaged in making money
out of incest, (the Byron seandnlj
and down whoso checks for years
havo coursed tho scalding tears for
tho physical condition of the poor
negro, while libeling tho land of her
birth through tho medium of Uncle
Tom's Cabin, feasted nnd fondled by
Foreign Princes and Princesses, nnd
lauded to the sky for her libels, now
very filly, like her brother, engages
in tho foulest of sotial crime lomti.f
Mrs. Stowe and her brother Henry,
having in their mad attempt to muko
money out of Incest, nnd to justify
Adultery, placed themselves beyond
the pale of all decent society, must
confess to tbo wrongs they havo per
petrated, or, bo forever banished.
We hope Harriet has written her last
obscene and slanderous story, and
Henry has mado his lust prayer, in
justification of Adultery nnd JJigamy.
Remarkable Truth.
A blind bog sometimes fine's on
acorn, nnd Radical editors occasionally
tell tho truth inadvertantly. Wo
have frequently referred to the State
and Nationul corruption prevailing at
Harrisburg nnd Washington, and
know full well how easily tho "loil
millionn" controvert our statements
by merely denouncing them n "cop
perhend lies," but the corruption
Elephant they havo on band iB get
ting so largo that such "loil" journals
as tho New York Sun nnd the Pitts
burgh Commercial begin to speak out
quite plainly. Tho following as true
as gospel, accidentally appeared in
tho columns of tho latter paper a few
days ago, viz : "Tho battlo of the
pcoplo with the corruptionists is to be
fought out at Harrisburg on the
assembling of tho Legislature. Tho
"unexpended balance" is worth to the
ring somewhere between ono and two
hundred thousand dollars unnuully.
The money should go into the treasury
and not into the pockets of individuals.
It will be seen at onco what is the
significance of the "Mackey slato"
proclaimed by tho Reaver Radical.
The head of tho ring in this interest
is "Don" Cameron, who has set him
self up ut Harrisburg to control the
Legislature and distribute tho offices.
Money and his promises put the
"Mackey slate" through Inst winter,
whether his promises will go as well
this time as they did then, remains
to bo seen. Somo there nro, wo con
clude, who will hesitnto to accept
them ngain. By getting the control
of tho "unexpended bulnnco" another
year, "Dor's" ring count on putting
through the infamous tax bill which
failed in their hands last year. A
more corrupt combination, a "ring"
fur more infamous purposes, has not
existed since the days of tho Forty
Thieves. It even boats tho Erio ring.
It is this that the pcoplo will havo to
fight ut tho opening of tho session
No man w ho thinks ho has a future
will give it support."
m m m
Orci-rane of I lie Public Debt.
Wo nro told regularly, on the first
of every month, says tho Pittsburgh
Post, that tho debt is decreasing nl a
satisfactory rate, ut from five to Bcven
millions per month. We have looked
in vain to find where the decrease
comes in. Perhaps our readers or
somo of our learned cotcniporuries
can tell us when wo givo them the
figures as they occur in tho monthly
statements of Mr. limit well. We
begin with his September statement,
and givo what he certifies to bo tho
total debt on Iho first of each month,
beginning with tho first of Sept. to wit:
October 1 5 't:-.4'1'.'. IT
November I, - 2.H'.'.1..I.; 2r.
December I, ... ..... - I,iUS,'.-'"t.o-a ,u
If the above figures which are given
in Secretary Routwell'B "certified"
reports are to bo taken ns reliable, il
shows tho puhlio debt is on tho
increase, instead of "decreasing nt n
satisfactory rata." This plain state
ment exhibits tho fact, that tho debt
was.JJl.rn.KI' (twenty-one millm
tire hundred and eighty thousand eight
hundred and ticjre dollars and forty
eight ante) greater on the first of
December tbun it was on tho first
of September last. Now, wo would
like to know according to this Rout
wellian calculation, when tho Geary
ites expect (if ever) to pny the
national debt, nt this rate!
Recchcr's Church has found it neees
sary to go through with tho farco of
trying him for the part he performed
in tlm Richardson scunu.'l, in order to
whitewash him. Il takes a ;rtcul deal
of time to make such a charucU.:-v:,ir',
but they will find enough lo do i! to
their own satisfaction.
The first thing heard of Cas.-ius M.
Clay, after bis return from Russia,
was at a female sutlr.igo meeting. All
the white niggurs go in for the
"strong-minded movement." Because
it is tanaticisvi, that il all.
'ihe I'l i til filial Tout.
If nit) body doubted thai (irnnl was
the passive nnd uiiri iisoning tool id
Sumner, Phillips, and the extreme
wing (if the Mongrel hiction, bis incs.
sagu i net havo dispelled the last
doubt on that subject. Take, lor
instance, the lollow iug extract ill rela
tion to tho territory ol tfeorgia
"State" it cannot bo called :
"IJr.iri.-;- h.-ld nil ilrrtioii, nt which rile riliflrd
her c.m.lilutioii ari.l rl.-.-lv.l n If rit,.iior, M inltcn
lit (.liirri-, Mali. l.-ijOl-., mi.t all other
olYi.-cr. rv.inrcil, tin- lii.i nn. ilnly in.tnlled,
tin l,i. hituro met imt i.prli.n 1 nil tli t-ti
ri'iiin i of Hutu hy Iht1 )UruiuuUuQ toll of
Now, tho poor nincompoop, Grant,
is not himself thu author of this uliotn
inahln sltill bo is only its tool. It is
precisely the infamously extreme nig
gerism long ago advocated by Sumner,
Routwell, C'reswcll, and PliiHips. It
is tho dregs ol old John Brown's
fanaticism und villainy. Grant's mos
sago admits dial Georgia did nil thut
"was required of her by the Recon
struction nets of Congress," but ho
adds thut, niter sho bad performed all
tnis, then, acting in her capacity as a
Slate, sho denied tho negro perlect
equality villi the while man. This is
bis ground for advising Congress to
keep Georgia out of tho Union, und to
keen herBiill under tliu harrid rule of
a foolish und brutal military satrap.
Rut New York, New Jersey, and u
majority of .Northern .States refuse
the negro equality with a Rood deal
stronger hand than Georgia has. Why j
does not this poor tool, Grunt, order
these Stales out of tho Union, ami i
resolve them into salrappies? Hoi
might do it w ilh us miicii sciiho and i
logic as he has done it to Georgia. !
liut his masters havo not ordered iiiiu 1
to do it. We wish they would. We
w ish ihey would attempt to use New
York nnd Now Jersey precisely ns ,
they nro using Georgia, und apply
their principals to every part of tlio'
Union, and to ull the States. In rein-
tion to Virginia, Grant says in his i
message :
"Id Virginia tli tlci-tion took plart no thi Oth I
day of July. IMiV. itie Uuvrriiur an,J l.u-ul.
Ouvornor eliclisi, liff Im-n iiila.'liil ; the l.tRiii. j
luture uirt and did alt rt-uirril liy tliii ta i.n- j
irrcasiuiiul ) rrflolutton, an! Iit tu Hf-iKioMrurtion
aeta or l'ungri-a. J rMituuriid Ibat luTKmntorf
and Ueitri;iilaiivcf I admitted, and that the
titalf be fully n-Iurcd."
Now, this is just what ho says of
tho action of tho Statu of Georgia
Each did all that tho reconstruction
acts of Congress required. But w hile
ho recommends tho admission of
Virginia, bo udvises tho rejection of
Georgia. Why? Not becauso Geor
giu did not comply wilh tho "recon
struction laws"as literally as Virginia
did ; but ufler it hud thus complied,
Virginia swallowed tho Begro whole
und Georgia did not. That is the
ditliculty w ilh Geoi gia. Then Georgia
is Ikmocraiic, while Virginia is under
VYulkcr Mongrels. This is a big dif
ference, in the estimation of Gram's
masters. If they dared do it, they
would strip every Democratic State
of its existence They havo rejected
every Democrat from tho "reconstruc
ted" South a scat in Congress. This
is tho only reason for their rejection
they are Democrats. If tho Demo,
crnlie leaders bad any conception of
tho wrong which they uro submitting
to, in this ubominntion, they would
"make Romo howl." They would
have grcatand thunderingindignution
meetings in every State, until the
Democratic masses wero aroused to
such a pitch of wrath, Hint tho Mon
girl leaders would not daro to show
their beuds in any street. It is nn
easy matter for Iho Democratic party
to slop this reign of Mongrel despot
ism, if tho leaders and the press will
properly seize tho despotism at once
by too throat, und teach the scoun
drels that they must respect tho con
stitution nnd tho laws. If a thief or
un ussassin breaks into a man's house,
tho assailed party does not wait for
"process" to eject and punish the
villain. Tho law is then in a man's
own good right arm. Now, take this
case of Congress. Enough Democratic
members are rejected, in violation of
law, to keep an overwhelming major
ity ol Mongrels there. Tho Supreme
Court is in the way. Enough judges
of tho Mongrel stripe musl bo udded
lo deptroy judicial justico in thut
body. Whatever is wanting to keep
tho Mongrel party in power is done,
in violation of the constitution ami iho
laws. And tho leaders of the Demo
cratic party sit still, and counsel the
people to sit still, and allow tho revo
lution to march on without being
resisted anywhere! O, that wo had
even one man ol palriotimu and pluck
lo raise tho watchword of resistance
to litis horrible and illegal i u I o !
What resistanco? Why, any and
every kind ol resist inco w hich may
bo necessary to restore tho constitu
tion and the laws to full force every
where! Rrcn ssTRt'CTED South Carolina.
The Palmetto Stalo has undergone a
marked chanuo since sho has fallen
into the hands of Radicals. Sambo
and Iho carpel bagger reign supremo
In tlio Scnato lltero are 19 whiles
and R! colored voters, and thcso "2
uro politically divided into 0 Demo
crats and "i Radicals.
In the House of Representatives
there are w hites and 73 colored
men. These l'-M aro politically
divided into 15 Democrats und 10S
So that, in tho Senate tho w hites
have a majority of (I, nnd the Radicals
have a majority of 20.
In tho Ilouso of Representatives
the colored members nro in a majority
of 2.'!, and the Radicals have a ma
jority oft)-!.
In the General Assembly on a joint
vote, that is to say there is a major
ity of 17 colored members, and a
majority of IRt Radicals.
Tho hands employed In the Penn
sylvania sleel works, nt Harrisburg,
have resumed work nt reduced wages j
baileys rolling mill commenced opcr
iit ions Thursday morning, t be majority
of tho pnddlrrs having concluded In
accede to a reduction ol ono dollarpor
A subscription of 8200 has been
raised in Now York, lo ennhlo n slip
pery female by lite numo of "Kate
Field," to buy tho farm owned by old
John Crown, consisting of nfew acres
of worthless hind, which contain, how.
over, the bones of tho horso-lhief and
assassin of Ossawalomie.
IlsnMoNlors. When corlnin Kudi.
cnl leuilrrs jircaoittcJ lo tiraitl liin ninst
'tislly liouaoniul lie rnlo to tlioni
tlitit lie hIkiuM cmlu'ivnr to jnirsue
ikIi n cniirHc r tliry cittilj npjirnve.
lie Inn luilliiiilly diiiio so. lie lias
nppoinlril llii'm bit lu oiliuc, fiittl tlicy
itiirovo il liij;lily.
Jolm fiiiH'cll, cx Sccrolnry of Slnlo,
and l!rpiilln mi .Stuio iSctiiilor dec I
Irom tlio l entil dinltict ol Oliin, died
iccoiilly, wlticli Irnvus s tie vulo in
the fcouate of tliul Stto.
Profit ol Ihe H'mnrM's Itlghlt
IK n 1 11 1 K III VI I.ATION.
Conventicles nnd Hirelings of the
women's twhts women are incrensimr
East and W est, and they are widening
the sphere of their discussions from
women s rights in thomntterol suf
froro to "everythingin heaven above,
in the earth below and in the waters
under the earth." Rut ut tho Woman's
National Stitl'nigo Association mculiug
in this city on Wednesday evening
last.tlni McFarland Richardson lrn;;o.
dy, wilh all its shocking details and
teachings, was tho engrossing subject
of tho evening's debutes und resolu
tions. Mrs. Norton led off on n resolution
against tho manufacturing of public
opinion in beliult ot an assassin, d
claring that "hadSicklesand Cole both
suffered tho just punishment of their
crimes this (luchnruson) murder nev
er would have been committed." Up
on this hint a woman's rights mnn of
tho freo love order, nnnied Poolo.took
up tho subject. Ho contended that
Iho divorce laws of New York were
not free nnd easy enough; that the
death bed marriago of Richardson and
Mrs. McFarland upon thut Indiana
divorco was a glorious thing, though
in diitianeo of tlio laws of New York ;
that women nro loaded down wilh
laws, nnd ho objected to nil laws nllec
tiig women because they nro woinon,
and so 'on. Next enmu Jfrs. Rlakc,
who, having n husband of her own,
did not admire these lux divorco laws,
of tho Western States. In France
during the Reign of Terror, when the!
divorco laws wero relaxed, a woman j
could not go lo a public assemblage
without seeing six or eight dill 'lent
husbands, and Mrs. lilako didn t want j
anything of Unit kind. Mrs. Norton,
for her part, thought that n state of
things which allowed a woman six or
oi;ht husbands was much better than
the order of society under which a noon
woman was obliged lo live wilh u bus-
band sho detested. This surely was
"speaking right out in meeting." Mrs.
Nummeroy, liorrilied, no doubt, at .Mrs.
Norton's ideas of woman's righls, sag-j
gested lluit the real question before
the society was woman's right to tho
A certain Dr. Hoeber hero put in
his oar, contendin; that women's
rights in matrimony were dependent
upon their possession of tbo right of
suffrage In tho deplorable fact that
iiono of the newspapers had couio
forth to tho defence of Mrs. McFar-1
land you could see how Women nro
treated In fact, he pronounced our
present system of marriage ns nothing
but prostitution. Mrs. Norton backed
up this freo lovo doctor, and conten
ded that tbo question of suffrage and
tho question of the divorco laws were
mother nnd child. This simply means
that tho ultimatum of these woman
suffrugo nstociulions is freo lovo and
easy divorces.
This, then, as the upshot of woman
suffrage, is tho entertainment to which
tho American pcoplo are invited
freo lovo and free and easy divorces
comnrchc tiding Iho uholilion of the
family, nnd the substitution of the
Fourierito phalanx or the juvenile nsy.
lum for the children of Ihe community.
What a horrible mess of darkness, dia
bolism and chaos, to bo suro ! In the
face of such impudent and startling
revolutions freo love men in petticoats
and these old women in breeches, and
in view of their atrocious designs up
on society, .McFarland will bo opt to
bo considered tho avenger ol an out
raged community, rather than nn nl
fender against the laws. Indeed, with
n few tuoro of these outspoken free
lovo woman's rights meetings on the
Richardson assassination it will be im
possible toohtain a jury on thocase.
-Vfic York Herald.
Plain Truth from a Itatliral.
Dana, ex-Assistant Secretary of
Wur, is nn nut -and ont Radical, and
his political status should bo utiqucs.
tinned. Ho has a conscience which
asserts ilself in emphalin terms, nnd
ho gives Grant nnd his administration
somo ventilation, which is badly
needed. Somo of his Radical breth
ren havo been assailing Dana for thus
speaking so truthfully, whereupon ho
letorts in tho following vein :
For our part we havo often spoke
of tho errors of Gen. Grant since he
1 ... - 1 I.... .. -i
uicitiiip i ri-snuMH in icnnn fi sorrow J
nnu iiiiiigniiiion, uornuno wo could not I
it. Wo hl.otiM bo nHlimncil ofi
oinnrlvcs if wo liinl been silent under
mi i-In I'ireitiliHluiiO'H.
Ono fact in too much overlooked.
H is that I'rcaicleitt Cirnnt is not the
same man ice knew in the u ar a seri
ous, siinjilu niiiiiled, tinniest, tinjii'e
lending;, Il ni?l iili , iractic:il srriHilile
man, thinking lit lie of Itiniaelf mid
cvervthinj of lii fount ry. Thut initn
hna diMipioared. In his (iliieo wo ho
hold one whoso hciid has been turned
wilh flattery till ho hunkers for the
smell ol the incense; ono Hifl'orciil
to iho political duties of hi odlce, nut
aw.trool his ignorance, und w ithout a
(iesiro to learu Hint which ho so deeply
needs to know, coniluctiiii; nn sdniiii.
istration wilh 11 Irivolity thill would
ho dim reditiihlo in the lnaiiiij;euieiit ol
a diftrid school ; greedy lo ho rich,
wohipin wettltli us 11 supremo god,
nnd not u Irani lo display beforo tho
country nnd tho world, tho iinmnriil.
the d''iauchiii! sjicclacle of n Chief
Magistrate who nppoints Cabinet
.Ministers who havo given him pres
ents, nnd nssigns to places of trust nnd
emolument thoo w ho havo brought
his lavor by donations. The dill'cr
eneo between the ( Irani of tho belter
days nnil Iho (iittnt who hss thus
destroyed hisown enviable renown, is
something shocking nnd enormous.
All soils of penplo muko up the
world, nnd there m e those who do not
find it defjradit'K to keep ready for tho
occupants of power a hymn
of praise, no mutter how unworthy
their nets, or how gnarling nnd abso
lute their misdeeds. To such persons
nothing can be more unpleasant than
tba voice of truth exposing folly or
denouncing crime in those thry love
to glorify. Hut it will bo a dark day
for tbo llepiiblic when truth fhnll be
bustled aside, nnd nothing tolerated
but tbo piping of deceitful ccnnitim ;
and never was elern and unsparing
fidelity iriilispctisihlo in tlio public
press than in tho cae ol a President
who bestows tho highest places of
power in return for pecuniary favors ',
lo himself, und sets to tho youth of
America tho deplmublo rxumplo of
paying court to riches without regard
to privulo honor or public duty.
In one of the last conversations it
was our fortune lo hold with John A.
Un ivli ita fi Intin il lint.n m liiiii u-iiM ol
. til- , ,. I
wiijs goienieu ny ins own obliga-
lions to In country (tllO l-OtlVi'raulion
OOt'UrrOtl HtHUl .tVr lIlO iVoSulrill llllj !
devoloncj liia policy in niukinif, tip
pointtnenU lo hih office). Huwlitm
fiuid ; ' thing ore tn go on thi$ way
it tfou- Ajiv In n hotter to tiavt elected
Horatio Symovr.'
"I he T'Mfiniir 1 fVntiif,
In this nix" of puhlio bauds, which
seem to perniealo every vein and
artery of tho government service,
as eil as in tho walks of social life,
I almost every day brings forth somo
story ol crime. sooner bus one
pluiMU of thu drawback thefts in Iho
Custom Hoiiso ceused to bo a nine
days' wonder than wo hear of nn in
genious fraud in sampling sugar, by
which tbo givcrnincnl has been
fleeced to an amouul whieh is not pos
sible to define in tho present statu of
ihe case, but that it is very largo is
sufiicicnlly established by tlio fact
Unit sugars which should have paid
three cents nnd fivo cents per pound
duty wero appraised us liable only to
one or two cents. It can bo easily
seen that u large business dono in this
I way would make a considerable deficit
in tho Treasury Dcpurlincnt in tho
matter ot sugar.
Following quick upon this discovery
comes the charge! ugaiust an oflieer
of the Sub-Treasury of eiiibez.Ioiiiont
to tho umounlof twenly-two thousand
dollars or lliercuboulH. Il is alleged
that the Superintendent of tho uw
York Assay Office, the ollieial referred
lo, has been playing last nnd loose ho
tweun thu government and its credi
tors, to his own udvuntUL'o. As be
has been arrested and will havo to
answer tho accusation il becomes a
legal investigation with which we nro
nut disposed to interfere until the
facts nro properly before tho publiu.
liul tho whole condition of things in
tho departments of the federal govern
ment looks very bad. Tho adminis
tration has a heavy responsibility
upon ils shoulders it it means to carry
tho w eight of ull tiicso frauds. The
way to get rid of Shcin is to bring the
otlendurs to justice. A'. Y. Herald.
AusKNTzeisM. Symptoms of Con
gressional iibscntuoiniu are ulreadv
numerous nnd discouraging. There
were voles, nnd importunl votes, tuken
in the House last Friday, for instance, j
! while sixty mcn-bors were out of their ;
places, litis is u swindle winch tho
publiu has a right to resent. Thcso
gentlemen uro paid, and handsomely
paid, under a contract between them-
selves and Iho people, lo do a certain
kind and amount of work, and they
uro us much bound to attend to that
work us if they had been engaged to
i dig potatoes ut Ibur-und sixpence a
I day. This is rather a hold way of
! putting the mutter j but if honorable
members (by courtesy) will not be
honorable in fact, it is necessary that!
ttiey sltould uo reprimanded, and in
thcso columns, at least, they shall bo.
L'ric Observer.
Truth in a Nuisiiem.. Tho Phila
delphia Ledger in iis money column
says with great force: "It is thocnor
inotis expenses of living which swallow
up not only ordinary pro tils, but even
a moderate capital with it, in tlio
struggle for lile. Tho fact is being
gradually appreciated that taxes mean
isomotlnng more thun the sum paid to
too receiver onto n year, hvcry arli
do of food and raiment, every neces
sity, comfort or luxury, every hour's
service rendered us by any ono else,
uro all raised to an unwonted allitudo
by tho common burden." Who is so
ignorant or knavish as to conceal this
fuel ?
An Indiana man bought his coflin
the other day. Ho took one without
lining, ns ho snid his wife could fix
that ut home.
ffUw dvcrtisfwrats.
HASK KOTIt T The anmisl rlrrtinn for
wren Ilirftri o( t lie ConnlT Nation! Hunk
..I l lea-Md, will St M.I al th l.'unk on TIll'K.S
UAY.JAMAKY 13, ISm. hclois-n the hmiri of
I and S p. m. JAilii.S 1. l.l.ONAItll.
det' !'rcidrAt.
(( At'TION. All feraiinii arc hivfliy canlionrd
J agttiimt purrhaimir. trump, or in any vay
tiifsidlMijc with una MuTr, two brda, and all ftia
hurh'ild Inrniture now in uuMtiiion of X1AUIA
KltlLIt, of Corinjrton townphip, al llio Panie lie. '
lone to u, and are only lrf( witii tier oo loan, tub
ject to our order at anr liinc
r. M'liNAmts.
:5it William sciixAnns.
I i(ii.i tion nv paktm: iisiiip.
1 I'bc brrrliy aive notit-e thai tlir
.4rtnfriiiii lirrrlolnre eliding Wtwi-n Hi-h'ich I
and Wravr-r, at LutlirraliurR, Cleaifielil pnunIT, !
I'a., wm iltfM.lvcii br mutual ronnrnl nn the llllh
day of IixTtilxr. The buoki aii'l account j
ari- left wilh II. V. iN-htirli, a ini-mher of the firm, I
who la autli'iriiiHl to n-ltlc and liar all rlaiml
airaiiiNt the latertrm. All i.prwm kiKiWina (hein. ;
iVPI i,i,.ll(.. fo BaU firm w.H .leax- rail ana!
wmmm mMir. h. . mjimm'h.
Lu!hr",,,,rK' 1 4t- J. kavkii.
rS'll Kit M. 'IKS, ..r tli t-f tern District
ul rciinv! nnU.
V. J. HlnKK. f ClMrfirM rmintv. i UnVmpt
uinli r ii Act ut rmisrrM erf Mrrh 3d. lse;, bur-1
in; niplic.l tor ft d'r!iu. from alt hit tit-1 t i, and !
ttin'r cliinis pron'lp umlrr a-iid Ad. hx trdcr 1
.f ihrC.Mirt. NoTH K Irt IIKMIMIY tJlVKN. t!
j all pnwint bt Uv jirnvod iliir delt, and olbrr I
nrr-urn imcrri-itti, 10 iipjitsnr fn Zlt tlnj r, '
rnnrv, 7, nt 10 u 'flock. in , Mur fi. K. 1
Woodruff, K... Rri'lrr in jnn krtitor, al hip (
office in Ittrnrd. 1'a., lo how cautr. if any thry j
h-iTp. why a oV liarjri! rdmuU Hot I ffrntr.1 lo j
ihf nid lmiilmit. And further, notice il hrrtl'T j
Riven, tint tlif ncmnd and third incrting ol rd
ilor of tlit naiil bnnkrui't, minimi lv tri 3'lfa f
and 2Mb techoni of naid Act, will Up held Ik fur
the Htrl lU-gister. at tint Mint Ihnf and tdne.
de-'mt K ('. .Mfl AM!S, Clrrk.
rpilK tnlwijlier h.i iiitl i..c nid a COAL BANK
X onhiilNnnin It -a.l fortl townhip, the qn.litT
it whl"h in unpur-aMl either fuel or blat-li-Mnithitif
purpuH-a. lie le riretarel to rreeira
onlerl and rupple enal in anjr quantitx oa ihort
nt!i"e, A rharc of .a'rinnre pi.lif-il. .1.
d'-eiS .II IIOllKItT LA.NSnEItY.
An Immense Variety I
P.ich, Hare, Beautiful !
jMrThe Plora daile crowded with rparlatora
and Juirrhateral All well pleated because Ihe
flood, nre TerT eheiip and vere urful. d?
YlTIIEItKA!", lion. c. A. MAYER, Prepidrnl
If Juiljra of lha Court of Cotnmoi I'lea, of
tho Twenty-tilth Jmlicial Liiilrtel, rompoved of
the enonliea of Cieerlfeld. (Vntre and Clinlun
Hon. Hati, Citos and Hon. Jama n.
r"!"'. "'T'? t'". Cl.srS.ld mi,.
ha e issued their p'erspt, to me dirrctcd. fnr the
huldin; f a Court of Co mama IMeas, Orihsnr'
Court, Court of Qtmrter fes-inns, 0iitrt of Orrr
and Jerminsr, end Court nl en era I Jell lelie .
tt. si ihe (curt 1 1 n it CletrQeld, in and furthe
eiunte nf Clearfield, eoiiirnencinc the vrond
MiMitiay. lOlli day ut January, IHIO, and la
ecntinne e-ne week.
NOTIl'U IS, therefore, lerene alren, to the
JuMices of the Fenne, end Constable,
tn and It r satd eounlv of t'lrnr field, lo a?ar in
,their thetr Hulls, Iteeords,
inquisitions, r.xamtnntlnnt, and ether Kernem
trances, to do ihnse tilings which to their offices
and fn their behalf, tiertnin to be done.
U1VKN under m hand at ClearfWd, tUf )Mh
day of leetnbr, in lha year of our Lord ona
tboutand tight hundred and titty silna,
CVHKMlfi U0E, bbulff
SheriiTs Sale.
Y Ttrlwof ttitHry riof V,Hiion Krponnt
) (imimi awl of tlia Court of (.'oaimon Fl-ai of
t'tmrfUM nountr, and to mt dlrtciad, thrra will
ba oipoird to uuhlicMl, at tba Court lluuia.
In lb boroauh of Claarfleld, on Mrr)ay, tht
10th day of .lannarr, 170. at 1 s'eloek, p. av,
tht follow in daicribad Ha1 Kutatt. tt wit i
Four cnrtiin ff acti of land, f Unite In Bradford
t'lwnihifi, Ckarrlcld coui.ty, I'a. No. 1 rouudd
M follow 1 : lirghiiilnx at an old hemlock, tliouA
wcit .d pfntii'i to white oak ; thf-nce toutb 111
ierchci to etonci ; then" wit f 0 perchei to white
oak, hy land of tJourja Wilton; touth 34 perchei
toftoiK'ii went 0 )crchi to itoncif north, hy
land of Si'mtH-l Jordan, l.0 prrchn to plica of
tH-Rinninic; oontaimiif US aurei, nun ur leu.
No. If tj(inniiig at hlarb oak rurnrr, thrnoe oorth
62 perch o to a corner; thence rait b0 perch to
at oiled t tbrneo toutb A2 perch ei to white oak;
thence went tO perch ce to plext of beginning;
containing SO nern, more or lei. No. 3 bepm
nintr nt a idaek oak itumpt tiwne north 1 19
prvliri to pout 1 thence wee J ill pe rebel to
atone; thenco aouth perchee toitotui ; tbeDOC
nit 100 pcrchei to tho pi nee of heffirming; eon
taming 1KI acres and VI k rubes. Ho. 4 beginning
at etoiio, corner of 'J'hoioaJ Boer; tiienei touth
170 purchei to dtonei thence wet 101 perrbet to
pott; thvnoo north 12 perch' e to pmt ; thence
west Si perchei to itntx-n; thence north 14V
purche to itonci; thonco cant &! erchci to the
pln" ol brginntng ; containing 1 IS arroi and lt2
perches, bviibd, Ukvii inexeootion and lo be told
ai the properly ol J'avid Aky and Sophia Aekvv.
AUo, a certain tract of land lituaie in t'l arfiel'J
borough, ricartivld county, Pa,, and known at Jot
No. lib; licgiimiiig on Mttrkot itreet; thence by
Third itrcot, north I; toil to an alley; Ibenee by
euid alley, writ 46 li-el ; luetics outh 112 feet j
thence east III feet ; thenoo toutb It teet, to Mar
ket afreet t theucv emit 30 feet mud place of begin
ning; having a two-.tury Crime dwelling buuir
erected thereon, bused, Inkeu in execution and
to bo told an the properly of John U. llillbitrn.
AIo, ncortnin trnr of land situate in Morris
townfhip. I'leartield county, I'a., hounded tnd
dccnlsrd an fojiotf. to wit; Iieginniii al a black
I dr: thence north C-J d.'re, . cast '62 perrhel ;
thence touth M d-frni, ciM 221 pcniiei ; tiienc
30- degrees, e:tt L.:$ pcichci; ti.i-nee south U7i
degrees, tail perches, to pout; th'-noe south .17$
di iict P. rast 12 pe ch?; therm t.fJ dejrrifi. east
62 per.dies; I hence north 0 degrwa, east IV
pcrchua; t hence north Ti S degrere, eait Irtpi rebes ;
thence north J j degrees, cost 6 pareliM, to a ebait
nut; tkcnc north fio rl- grcrs, west 4 perehci. to
pout ; t bunco youth TV dcuroei, wit 17 perchei to
pout tbeuce 41 decree., wrl y2 perrhei, to post ;
tbeneu n"lih fc7j di rcei, wet 144 pertbis, to
stone; thenoa north 3 di -grtes, east perohes,
to hi(o oak : thennc north S7J digrrr, Weil 131
perchec, to pin aluuip; tlivliee south 37 degrees,
went H perches; thi-nce touth Clj degrees, raat
i'-i perchei: tutiiiue south 49 degrees, east 21
perches ; thenwj south 74 degre-t, aaat 43 perches ;
thence 8 ? 5 degmi.cast 12 perches lo itonei ;
thence north degreva, eat HI pcrebes, to m
while pine stump; I bunco south 374 degrees, ensl
:ti perches to itonei; thenco aoulh degrees,
cat 110 perch, s, to black alder and plaoe of be.
ginning; r-mtsining acres and 47 perches,
heizctl, ttiken in citnti n and to be ibid as the
property of IKury Uroe.
Also, nl of Defendant's Interest in a certain
trurt or piece of land situate in Brady township,
CU-arln ld county. Pa., described an follows, to wit:
by lands now or lato of Tottorff and of Foi t Co.,
and on the north by land of Fs A Co., and on
the cast by landi of Koi A Co. containing JuO
acres, wore or Icm, and having m bouse and stable
erected thereon, tit-istd, taken in eieeution and
to be told as tbe property of C. V. Hinds.
Also, a certain traut of land situate in Wood
ward township. Clearfield county, l'tH bounded
and described aa follows, to wit : Beginning at ft
etornerof lands of lieorge J locker, berry ( thenee
by land ol aaid llockcnberr)-, to Und of Joba Al
exander ; thence by land ol' Alexander, to corner
ol Taylor's land ; thenco by land of Taylor, to
oorncr of Connelly's lands ; thence by laud of Con
nelly's, lo corner of tmd of W. A. and J. 1). White
side; thence by their Und to htttiide's corner;
t hence by land of Whiteside, to place of beginning ;
eotiinining 100 acres, more or lens, with about luO
acre cletired, with a good bearing orchard, and
baring a two story bouse and large frame bank
barn erected thereon, and being part of two lur.
reys. fieiied, taken in execution and to be sold
at tht propurly of Iaid Aalejr.
Alio, ft certain tract of land siluite in Wood
ward townhip, Clearfield county. Fa., bounded
and described as Miowi: Beginning at a corner
of alley on Spruce itreet; thence by Kprnee street
south P.1 degreei, b0 feet to line of lot No. 31 in
the Tillage of Madera; thence by lite of same,
north 7 degrees, ent 1 -SO feet to 'an alley, north
0.1 degrees, a-it W feet to an alley i thence by the
same, fulh 7 degrees, wot lJv feet to Spruce
street and place of beginning; and known as lot
No. AO io plan of said village. Being a prt of a
larger tract of laud decked by hamuel Mitchell
and wife to tSamuel i-'hoff, ciied, taken id efcU
tion and to beaold as the pre pert y or James Derby.
."Bidden wilt take netice that li per eent.
of the purchase mnnsy must be paid when tht
property it knocked down, or it will be put up
again fur tale. CVKKNIL'S IloU K,
Stitntrr't Orrui, I 6hsr.1T.
C'carfield, Fa,, ec i, 1563. J
Sheriff's Sale.
I)T tlrtua of sundry write of Atsif Fneia.
J Issued oaf of lbs Court ut Com re on PlfM of
CieathVd eoonty. and tn oe directed, there
will te exposed to PIDLIC SALE. at the Coart
Mouse la tho borough of Clesrfiuld. on Mondsr,
the I Oth day of Janasrv. IST0. at I o'clock, P.
M., tbe following Heal Ksiate, to wit i
Two certain tracts or a reels of land, situate In
nioru township, Cleartield county, Ha., bounded
ana described as follows, rn: Itejciiininj; et a
stone on (he tonth side of the Sux;uehatiLa and
Waterhir-I Tarnjiihc nad,on Pearon's line; thenee
north fcjj decrees east along emd turnpike CI
perches to a stone j thenee still by said turnpike
road north 7 decrees, east 4i perches to a stone ;
thence south 1 1 V ftetvhet to a p"st i thenee south
HI degrees, west 40 perefaea W a hemlock ; thenee
south P.-i drgrres, st til pehes to a hemlora ;
thenee br Fenmn line, north 110 prMici to Ihe
pi are of beginning;; containing (i aores, 1J2
perrhfi, and the n-unl allownnw of si i per cent.
Tbo other piece of Isnd Uririntiinjr at a hemlofft.
eorner of No. .'.rtSl ; l:ene hy line of No. Z:W
eael 101 40 ierehes to a post: tin nee by the
KOiilh iide of the W aterford Turnpiku and the first
above described piece of land, south 87 degrees, .
west J0 6-ltl perches thenee south S'J digree. ;
wert l perehes to ft stone; thenee hr No. IM ;
(Joseph Kearou). north 70 S-l" pervbei to tht
plitce of )Hi;iniiing ; containing 40 acres, 1t4 j
perches, and Hllowanee of t percent. I he above
tracts being the same nrt mises conveyed by .lames
Ulooia to bainer 1. lllonin in ono deed. Weired, i
taken in txeeotiun aad to Ini sold at tt)e property i
of tJ a i ner P. Dloom.
Also, all (he interet of tbe IWcndant, of. in and
to a certain picvt ot land with a stemn sawmill and
ils appurtenance, and other buildings, erected
thereon, situate In llrady town'hip, Clearfield
pnunlj, I'a., described as fotlowr: Itelnning at a
while omIi corner, thence west lid pirrties to a
pout, corner of Und svld to Hubert 1'sitnn ; thenee
north 11? per-'hes to a post ; thence eat e.1 perches
lo a post; thenee aoulh 170 pctrbfs to a post;
thenee esst 67 pen-he tn a post; thence south
IIS perrbes to plm'e of beginning; containing
shout H acres und albiwanee. Ileing the ssioe
property on icynl by Ira C. Fuller and ailc br
deed to W m. C. Smith and i. IV. Cunfiehl, and
reworded In Clearfield, P., in Itred 1lHk "U U,"
ptre 217, 4c. heiied, taken in eetutioa and t
he sold as the property ol Wm. C. irunih.
Illdders will takt Dot ice that IS per
eent. of the purchase n oney nuit bt paid when
Ihe property is knocked down, nr ft will be pat
Dp again fortale. CYKKNItd llOH h',
hmitirp'i Opnct. bbsriff.
Clearfield, Pa., I'ec. I;. J
SheriiTs Sale.
"OY rirtna of sundry writs of Lerr fetTS,
J issued out M the Conrt of Common Pleas of
tirarfield county , and to one directed, there will
be caponed to puhlio sale, at the Court House in
the borough ol Clearfield, on Mondny, t he 1 tth
day of January, IftTO, at 1 o'clock, p. sa., the fil
lowing described Heal ITsute, to wil i
All that certain two-story frame bouse, situate
in T.rady li.wni.hip. Clcarfirld countv. Pa . being
.It feet long and 31 feet wide and 1 feet high;
being built on land Wundrd on the ninth by An
drew Pent. Sr., east by Innds of A. Montgomery,
south by I,. W allac and wet by land ol Itohert
Pntton. Seised, taken in exe.-unon and to be jmld
as the propei ty of William C. Hmith and (Seorge
W. Cantield. onncrs, and Daniel Smith, contractor.
Py Tirtue o( a wril of ternri" fttnti. tinued out
of Ihe trpbnn' Court, there wilt be txpusrd to
public sale, at the same time and place, the fol
lowing Heal (-'.stale, to wit:
A certain tract of land situate In Ferguson twn
ship.OearRrld county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows : Commencing at a k.i, on line of Ja
cob Kuflir-r, in; pcrche south rect fmsj hmbvk
eomrr; thence hy said line, iuuih 41
81 ehes toapnsl: thrnce north 4 degrees, eat
HI perches to poal; tbcitce south 41 degrees, east
Ift perches to a post; thence noilh 4V ilegrees,
east IM pen hM to a post ; Uirn.t north 41 de
grees, west I UV perch rs tu n post thence semk
4tf, west 1(10 perches lo a post at place ol begin
ning; containing . aerfs and allow aune . eircd(
(skrn itt eteeiiilnn and to be sold a purpart No
lof the ctHteor John cVoll, drcrasvd ; taken hy
teirge V. (Scott.
4Ilidderi will take notice that IS per eent,
of the purchase money must bt paid when tht
property Is knocked dn, or It will be put on
again for sal. CVRKNIt'S HOH'K,
Fnitairr't Ornm, 1 PheiilT,
ClearOnld, Pa., Dee. IS, lfQ
VlIMMTHAT)K'r lsOVH'tVlinlin
is hereby given that letters of administration
on the cm -If of ISAAC PltlCK. Jr., deceeai,
Utenf Karthau township. ( IrarfieM e iunty. Pa.,
having been duly granted to the undersigned, all
persons. Indebted to aaid estate will please make
parment, and thoae having claims or demands will
present then properly anthenticnted for settlement.
Kftftha JCot, J7-tn4, , AdauiUUator.
ttlattrntirrpcr & (To.
Purchasers of Choice Goods
Price Reduced to Mult
Osceola. Pecember 15, 169.
UF.(.'lNTI:Kfl OTU. t-Notice is hereby
given that the following accounts have been
ciammcd and paused by me. and remain filed of
record in this office for the inspection of heirs.
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
interested, nnd will be prevented to the weit Or
phan's Court ot Cleartield county, tn be btld nt tbe
Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com
mencing on the second Monday (being the 10th
day) of January, A. I. Bo.
Final account of John Korabanen. administra
tor of Hugh Kiddle, lata of Bunindo township,
Account of John R. Heed, administrator of Wil-;
liam C. Heed, late of Lawrence township, deceased.
Account of James A. llsgcrty, eiscutnr of John
Itillcn, late of Ileecana township, deceased.
Final osxtnmt of I'avid Dressier, administrator
of tieorge Ashtoo, late of I'nion township, dee'd.
Final account of Iarid Dressier, admtnistrator
of John Ireiler, lafe of Union township, dee'd.
iitoisrcn'a Orrirn, ) A. W. LEK,
Clearfield, I'a., Dec. 15, Iff -te. Ktgister.
IU UNfflu XoriCF. Tbe following per
j sens bare filei In the office of the CVrk of the
i uurt of Quarter Kcssions of Clcarflrld eoanty,
their petitions and bond,; frr Li cease , at tbe Jan
uary eesituns next, agreeably to tbe act of Assem
hly.enii!led,,An Ad to regulate tbe sale of Intox
icating Liquor." Ac:
mottl tirtJisg,
William S. Prndltv Clearfield.
Milo Hoyt , Osrcidn.
A. C. Fnl!mT Morns.
Philander Smith New Washington.
(corse K. Kubceker. Huston.
James llolerhaD. Osceola.
Lewis PluMl Morns.
.lumen Carter Woodward.
Joseph tlhland Karthaus.
1-aiah llloom Lumber City.
Ilsrry tlosn Osceola.
tiesirge N. IVH-ura.. Clearfield.
Peter Rnfloer Woodward.
teorge A. llloom ptoom.
tieorge W. Ilarkina- ,.... Boggs.
K. A. Shaffer... ,
Samuel Hepburn Penn.
W. H. Thompson Cheat.
J. L. Curry Lumber City.
T. Jeff, llloom..,....,. Curwenm tile.
A. K. Holdcn Itloom
John JlnUon Corinfiton.
tiwjrge Knarr Hrady.
Samuel Holes Huron dr.
J. D. McCm'kcn 111.
Ianiel Cronin Osceola,
Dai id Peru ng Woodward.
nancARTitB urn so,
Simon MrFarland Oulich.
William I). Williams Osceola,
I. L. heiienstein CleaKeid,
Paeid Mcaniighey Cb arfieH.
Mrs. C. (irnff Curwensvil e.
Wendltn tndrea. Clearfield.
drclS.3t A. C. TATF;, Clejk.
Al the New T'ibaeeo aoi Cifar Blur, uf
.. .!. llOOfllt,
Two doorl tatt at lha Poilofflce, ClearSeld, Pa.
Conitanllr on hand a tn, awoHmrnt of Narjr,
Conereia, Catfnili,h1 Cable, rsa.un.Nll,
Mlrhiitan and fentare Fine-cut
rhewirf Tobaeeo, de.
Aim, s large sad well wlerted Hock of Imported
and leaie,tle Cigara, Pmokine Tobaeeoa,
Meeraehaum and Uriar Til-ea,
Pipe iitarae, TubMe.
Bolel, Cigar TloMera. and eeerrthing gesermllj
foaad la s well regulated Cigar and
Tobaoe Store.
-Remember the Ta. doora Feet of
th, PoMoltieo, ClearSeld, I'a. deel
MI (I tt X ,
Is Leaty'l K'ew Building, (foranerle eoeopied tj
Mr. Ilote,)
ClONSTANTl.t on kand a Snaarlcctionof CAN
) IIK, M'TR. ClUAltS, TfillACro, Ac.
Alio, UtESH OVSTKItS received dai!, and
aerred up to luit the taetre of eitrtnmera.
Wnil.LIARD eUl.OO'on ee.nd etorj.
SetJU U PAUP JictjAltrUst
I' 'HflKI S(an,
Drill ffstalf for a!f.
Orphans' Court Sale
IN IUUIjV TOWX illlp. '
IN' ju-ruanee of an Cilir . ,
0,.l,am' t oirt of I k.rt.ld c.,nnie p,.,
lie urnlernrned A liLiLiiirn'or i,f II., ',.,., '
P E T K H A 11 N 1 1 LM. I. ,f Brad lo.n.l
ill oiler at PLULIC BALK,' in tu
I uthcraburg, January l,t,,
AII th.t ecrtain Li.m'Hend 0f th. iL.
litnale one aad a naif milra ,..t of l,,,,,
adjoining of He,,,,, if. Tnumi.Ka j"i''
Ileanil and Jacob W. Corp, '
Containing Nineteen Acrss.
A H0!E well tuiihcl, palnt.J ont.i.Ni u
and thoroui(l,l plaitere.l, a gwi JJ1
nage and wood b'rtiie, and all Ihe nee.,,,',. !"!'
buildinte a good well of water and ,
failing iprin. and a great .,hctj , ,
froil trem and choice grape einei
Alio, at the lam. tioi. aod place, , m,
litnate in the village of Xew 8,l,m, to rj ,
bait nilei weal of Lmherabnri'. The buiia L
are s larg.two ory trauo l)Vi U.I.I.i Mul cj
with kilthen and wood-houro nnd a guoii i,afc.
STAllLli attached thereto. The boon it
taiehed, being painted outeide and m. 1M M
eonlan.1 half un acre, with Krie Torntik, ,
front, a poblie road on w. ei and ,o.ih, "
ailry oo the eail nite, mih a good well ,( lt
and a large varicly of fruit trwi.
take pla.:e at 2 clock, p. m., when anil
the Urui will be lully made known. Him
wiibing lo ,iew tbe prtmi.ei, or u,
(urlher information will plr.m cjji in peno tr
addreea th, undcrij-ncd at Lulbei.burg,
licld county, i'a,
Luthenborg, I Adn'r. of Peter Arnold, det'i
So. 3, I80:0t. )
Xew CV.binet !
I'ANV ofler for pale Town Lott m tbe bor
oiixti of Uffceola, Lteartit-ld eoucty, Fa., ar.4
lota to cult uul.idn the, f
borongb. Ueceol, i, uluatrd an tbe KIIIM
Creek, in tiie ricbett portion of tba mumr f
Clcorheld, nn the line of the Tyrone A CIe,rfi,t
Railroad, where the oihanaon and braverttt,
branch roadl intereect. Il 11 alio in tU bran tt
tha Moffhaotion eoal (mata, snd targ, taditi
white pine, beuilock. o.k, and other timber ttr.
round it. One of th. lerjreet lumber mannfecter.
ing .RUblirbmvola in tue ritat. i, loealea i, uw
towo. Waila there are many other lumber aid
ihingle mill, around it. Ihe town i, hut ae
yeare old, and contami a population of en. thoa.
and inhauitaata.
p&-i't further information apply at the tftei
of tba above company.
aprld rJuperintenarat
TII2 nndenigncd otTrri at PRIVATE EALC
the fuliowii g dricnUd P.'atl Litata:
A certain HOI'S E AXD LOT, aituate oa LU.i
Itreet in laid borough, aijoinirg luu ewn by
Jamea Cro.ilry and John Ferguroo nr,r tb.
ileibodnt Church. A good HI A Ull and other
outbuilding! on tba preiuiiea.
f9r-V't particu'ari irply to Jamei P. Fra,i,
Eio,., at Lumber City, or tha rubacriber rernlitg
at liurd P. U.t Clearfield renntv. Pa.
Houses and lots for Sale,
101'R Ill)L'J and LOTS in Cleartield, U
l.:e on reaionahie termi. l'oaae,.ion gin
lu tbiny dayl. Alio, a plot of Fill R LOIS ei
tS.e corner of Fourth and Reed itr-c:, rile,
ITili'i'O feet. Three of tune lot, are aril loc
for either lumber yard, coai yard, or for Lcidiug
pur.oar generally, being within tit fen of Uo
railroad depot. Price and termr rea.onat le.
frbJ-tf Clearteld, Pa.
TI!E WINTER TERM of tw,nty.t. weeks
will commence on Moodey, Not. 2, lta.
A Primary department will be added I. tba
Fchool thu fall : for which the eemcei ol a ..
p-ient lii.tructor hive been tr.r--j.ed. Aad aa
effort will be to render tbil departmlat
attractive ... inetrveviee. - -
Reading, nrthograpky, W riting, 01 ject let.
rune. Primary Arithmetic and Primary
Grograpky, per half term, (of clevea
weeki.l fi
Hirtory, lcal and deaeriptira (reograpky
with Map iJrawing. (traamar, Mental
and Written Aritbuetic I t
Algebra and the ceiencel led
In.iruction In initntmenlal munc It SI
till painting .,. jl M
Wai work W
For full particular, lend for Circular.
Clearfield, Aug. J. IliJ-pd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal,
'PBB 6EC0.ND SESSION of the f-reieit m
X laatte year of tbit Inilttetioo wall co
on MONDAY, iba 12A day of K.T.mber, W
Pui.ila can enter at any time. They will m
charged i tamo fro ibe tiat tha; titer
theeluaa of tht 8 uric a.
1 he eenrie of tnairuetlea enhraeei eear thia
Included lo a th.orco.rh, practical aad oeceav
pluhed eduratioa fur both eesea.
Tie TriDf i(;al. baeing had tba advaatajr
inch txerieure in hie profeatioB. aaaarta fa-
rentt and fuard ana Ibat bit entire aWtiitr and
en erf tea will be devoted to the oaoral aad flrei-
la I training of Ihe Tout a placed artier hit charf,
u hmh uf h i no
OrtboftraphT, KeariiPtc. H ritiuj:, ui rrivary
Ariihaaetie, per 8Min (II weeks)
On an oner, Ueijraf by, Arithaaelit fttid
Algebra, OaewetT, Tnronowjelry, Mrn.
auration, Purreyirn, FbilQonphy, PbTtl
olorv. Cheoiiftry. Uek Ktepibg, Botany
and Fhyrteal Uegerhy - . It N
Latin, Greek and I reach, with any of the
ahoeo ilrattcbe .... til tt
MCMC Piano l,rtr,rr) . . . f Iff Of
jdrNo deduction will he made fur ahteata.
Jttf-fir further partiriilari ianire of
Hee. 1'. L. lUIlKlSO.S, A.
Feb. 4, ism if. S.!) Pnntipal.
! ' i U
flMIK Srhwl iMreetiire of CerwtiiiTilK To.. iU
X receive .-hAl.H) ' K01'l.-A tS up to Jaao
ary 1, l.";0. lor building eoe ( UuOL KOU.V et
northroat earner of oi-hool Iota. tSaid IsaUdiegte
he 4vJn feet, U feet Irrtm floor to ceiling, witk
two rootna MIO, and entrance or hu.ll t$ trel l
front en-1 o( building. Kite door uad tkgbt -dtwt.
1 be entire building tn he fiaitlm. ia ft-
and manner a ibe one on said rota, eieeM lb"
ia to be no cellar Nrnieet.oa or beUnr, Ihebaird
ing le be ootupleted by Sri.;emtiT I, lS7t, ray
men t will be a lolla : One-thitd when all tbe
material for reiamc, flowing and roe ft a jr f an the
eruund; one thiril when r-ited. r.r,d and ea
cloaed; tho balance wbm li e tuiMit Il eooi
pleted. It is required Ibat the entracUr gia
teeur te for the oamnlcti.-n of the sorer, rwf
Inrther .artnulrs irauire of :he rer-tare.
Cnrwene ilia. leeetnler t, 1 89 3t
Oseeoln linker.
11TF. pi,.poe to furni.b to th. ritiieai af
", (laceola 'be "Staff of Life" in tbe rhipeef
Of every dr.ired f..rm and tarte. All we ark la
tri.l, after which we .'II run the risk of rtetiviel
a liberal ibare of puMia. patronage.
c. i. Fiirrr.
O.ceol. Nne. 10, Iff". T. H. O It It IKS'.
VI IHTOir Mil l( K Tha .odernrnrd
Auditor, appointed by the Orphan!' Court ef
I lenrfiid l county to make dutrif ution of the pre
cec(i. of the i.le of real etat. in the kanill af
Samuel P. Wihnn and fhnrna" H. Foreey. aania
tvtt.tora of the eetate of Matthew f'oreev, awl e'
Hradlord to.nhip. deeraeed, to tbo- lerallv can
ned thereto, will allend t tb. dutiel of ki ap
pointment at hil offi -e. In Clrarftrl I. on Wednea
dny.the Mh day of Jannar Belt, when and where
alt pereoni inlereiti-d mil attend. T. II. Ml hRAY, Auditef.
4 )V
i V l herebr given thut letleraof .(mini.ttt",a
on the e.taleof A MASS A J. SMITH, deed. !
ot P.eccaria townebip. Cleartield oouutv. I'a.. hav
ing been duly granted lo the nn-lereicned. all per
aonr indebted to .aid relate mil pVa-e makr p"Tj
ment, and thole bating elaiina or demand
prerrnt them pn.irly aiilbenticated fertettlraiwt
and aliowanc witboat dcliT.
Dec. S fltpd. Adminietratora.
il herel.y gn ea that l. tlera of a.lminiMralian
on Ihe e'tate ol liOlil lil.V H KAVKK. dee-i-
late ef llralv town.hip, Clc'lie:d eeontv, Ta.
hate been dnlv giant) d to th. andrraigafd, ll
pereoni indcliled t. a!d eetll. will pleaaaa
pavaient, an I thoae having elainil or citaiaeJt
will preeml them pn'peily aolhenticated '"""
I tlemcnt. a-a.ii' . - -
j La.hwtaLfl, Pi 1 t fi. Adtlaru)i.