mi: iimmuciN. r-,-.,.- - ' V CLKAKi'lKLI), l'A. WEPSEEDAT HiiRMSO, PEC, 1. '" NOTHING f.OHT. Jfc'hlng li loll ! Th" drop of Jew TUt tremlilee on the liel or lluwer Ii but eabalcd to rll anew In mumier e thunder ihnwer; Pert'tienee to ahine within the bow That front! the nn Hi lull of day ) Peivhaiire to eparkle in the fliw Of rfiunuinf far away. So with our deed,, for good or ill, TbT have their power, aetroe understood i Tlien lot u uee our better will To malic thorn rife with Rood j Liko cirelre oo lake they no, Hing within ring, ond nen'r May. Oh ! that our deedi won fa.hiooed ao That ibey might blew alwav. The Prison Convict. I Traa on bonrd a little aubnrbnn eWamtir, lour or five j-cnrs ago, which mopped tit Sing SinK on her way down to the city. On botird, sIho, happen ed to be my friend, the Itecorder of Js'ow York. Ho privately culled my attention to a younj: man siUiiigawHy forward on tbo upper deck. " llo is just from the State Prison," said he, "to whi-h I sentenced him flvo years ago." The happy fellow was cleanly Rliaved, and was cheaply but not tin tastefully dressed in a mixed dark grey suit, which wHsfurnislied him on fearing by the olliucrs ol the prison. 1 Without seeming to notice him, I joined him uller awliilo, and, without forcing myself upon him, I ontored in to a hnp-liazard pushing conversation with him. He made no secret of who or what he had been and was. "If ymx had been in ihutbig marble hotel 41s I hvo been for the last five years," :iid he, pointing to the white prison Hushing in the afternoon sun, over the gloy river, "yon would bo as iiappy as I am. 1 am too happy to talk, "in fuel; and haven't been much used to tulking lately, either." He told me liia brief story. He bad been a head book keeper in a large dry goods establishment, loved his busi ness, but the luxuries of the city res taurants more ; began to alter tlie tig uret and pocket the proceeds, until be was suspected, accused, arrested, found guilty and punished. He hud never been'in the shower-buth, or worn the yoke, or been in the dungeon. He had served out his time without com plaint against him for any infraction of the rules. And he left the prison a thoroughly reformed man. . ''It was the first slop," said he, "that did it, and, thank God !" ho added, "it shall be the last." And it was tlio last. He is now an honest man, and respected by all who know him andtiave known liis trials. I asked him what was the hnrdost period with him in bis confinement, and was surprised at his answer: 'The first two months," said ho, "and the lust two. I was overwhelmed with painful anxiety as the lime of my liberation drew near; I could curve ly eat or sleep j 1 was almost Afraid I shoal dio before my time was up." One thing ho dwelt npon, which I trill repeat here for it was an evil which must bo corrected and that is the association of yonng criminals with old and hardened offenders. There were boys in our shop," said he, "in for their tirstoffeute, who haw been tutight lessons in crime; and, as sure as lliey como out, will profit by their instruction from scoundrels who bad Itvico boon recommitted to Sing JSing." Packard's Monthly. Oua Walk. How curiously men's hnrctei's get into their legs We may know them by their walk as well as their conversation the. pompous man, with his strut, the crafty man with his sliding gait, the energetic man, with his eager stride Then there arc- good-natured easy moving souls, who seem to glide ulong with out effort, jolly fellows who roll from side to side, and dreamy souls who Saunter. Wo remember walking behind a sturdy fellow whoso stumpy legs worked up and down in a pecu liarly vicious and malignant way. and we said there is guilt in them. Next week wo heard of his jumping from the railroad train witb an ofliccr in hot pursuit to arrest him for horse stealing. But h ii bit as well as charac ter mny bo seen in guit. We used to be amused at a young fellow wlitwe flint movement when he set out to walk was always walked half side ways, with on shoulder elerutcd, us though he were going round a cask. Sailors cannot forget the roll of the aliip, even on land. Woman's walk is artificial, and has little character in it. lint even this is the result of dress, which in inoro ways thau one destroys the individuality of tho sex. SuNsniNK AND Clouds. Ah, this lieaulilul world ! I know not what to think of it. Sometime,- it is all sun shine and gladness, and hetiven itself lies not lur off, and then it suddenly changes, and is dark and sorrowful, and the clouds shut out the day. In the lives of the saddest of us there are bright days like this, when we fuel as if we could take the great world in our arms. Then como gloomy hours, when the fire will not burn on our henrths, and nil without nnd within is dismul, cold tin J dark. Believe mo, every heart has its secret sorrows, which tho world knows not, nnd often times we cull man cold wheu bo is only sad. Longfellow. A humerousold man fell in with an ignorant and rot her imtorlinent young convert, who proceeded to inform the old gentcinun, io very positive terms, thut he could never roach heaven un lets he wus born again, ami added : "I have experienced that change, and row 1 feel no anxiety." "Anil have you been born nguin f" said his com panion musingly. "Yes, I trust 1 bitvo." "Well," said the old gentle Man, eyeing him attentively,"! don't think it would hurl you to be born once nioro '" A fellow coming out of a tavern one frosty morning, rather top-heavy, fell on the step ; trying to regain his fooling, ho remarked : "If it bo true that the wicked stand on slippery ground, 1 belong to a different class, for it's more than I can do." John (J. Suite, at a western hotel the other day, for some minutes under took in vain to curve a piece of beef The wit luid down knife and fork, glanced around and spoke, 'Cienllo men," said he, "that's an In din go mcnl on Good) ear's patent," Tennie Beam, the "buster," is mix ing up clay for the fnce of Gen. Fre mont. It ia hoped that the false beud will faithfully represent the hair p;trtcd In iln middle Erantios of UioTarilT RjBtcui. W'c need fir rji'tililiitu rtnit three hundred million ilnllnM. We Hjjrvo to miso from customs one hundred ii ml (Illy million more than K.iiglaml niisi's froirt six articles, wo tax more than four thousand different articles of Imports. Hut we actually get sov cnlyitvo million of dollars revenue from the following flvo articles : C'nf feo, ten, sugar, tobacco, wino and spir its, nnd li,iiiirs. To obtain tho other seventy-five million only, wo see fit to lay duiios on nearly four thousand ar ticles j and chnrgo a duty as high as ISO per cent, on somo goods ; to got those 875,01)0,000, wo tux no less than oiio thousand million dollars of con sumable commodities annually, and thereby enhance thoir pries on tho average of 50 per cont. Wo raised for instance, a levcmie of not quite 11,000,000 from 100,000 tons of im ported pig Iron. But wo consumed 1,000,000 of home-made, iron besides, in 1X08, on all which tho prico was raised to tho amount of foreign iron. Thus the tariff compelled tho people to pay the domestic pig iron mukers a bonus of 814,500,000, gold, during that year. Wo did not raise ono dollar of reve nue from woolen blankets for the last three years, as there is a heavy duty on this article; nevertheless, tho duty compelled the peoplo to pay the man ufacturers forty cents in currency a pound, for what can be bought in England for twenty-four cents curren cy, or 19 cents gold. The extraordinary number of arti cles of importance taxed, compels us to keep a custom' house staff that out numbers the armies with which we fbrmerlv fought and conquered the savage Indians. We put temptations in the way of theso ptihliuscrvunts, which have bred corruption among them. We offer a premium for smuggling and false swearing; the New Orleans sugar scandal, at this moment, and the New York silk scandals, of last wintor, will testify to this. We tax the poor man's clothing, glass, crockery, bedding, fuel, and gas; wo tax the woolen socks of tho baby 100 per cent, and the brass coffin nail 45 percent. And all the misory,vice, corruptions, and fraud caused by these hud laws perpetrated to raise seventy five million dollars revenue from sev eral thousand urticlca, when the same sum could be got from only ton arti cles! But then the simpler system would not enrich five or six thousand monopolists, who, under the name of "protection to American industry, impose these griovous wrongs on the peoplo. X lr. Evening Post. A Model Switchman. It appears by the evidence elicited b3' the Coro ner's investigation into tho causes of tho dreadful catastrophe on tho West ern l'n ei lie Branch Builrond tho other day, that the switchman, who was carefully furnished by tho company with a time-tuble for his guidance as to the running of trains, could not read a word of his timo-tablo nor anything else in short, that the poor fellow could neither read nor write. Now, this is not the man's fault, but his misfortune. But what censure is too severe for the company who employed snch a person in this respon sible position, with hundreds of lives daily in his hands? We fear thut there are a good many more switch men to whom the time-tables are just as worthless and incomprehensible as to this California pioneer io the business. Benjamin FiUpntrick, ex-Governor of Alabama, and ex-U. a. nenutor, died at his residence, near Montgom ery, recently, in the 68lh year of Ins age. Xitt was I residential elector in 1840; was elected Governor of Alabama in 1841 ; and re, elected to the. same office in 1843; waa appointed IT. S. Senutor in 1852 ; to succeed W. K. King, and elected to the same position in 1855 for the six years term, lie retired Irom the senate in February, 1861, and took part in tbe rebellion. A man and wife out west bad a little family "broil," recently, and he got Ins bark up at her, and as a punish mcnt, ho locked her up in a room. Wishing to aggravate her ho sent their son to the room with a bone. The youth innocontly brought it, and suid, "Mother, father sent this up, and says there is a bono to pick 1 he gentle mother replied, "'i'ako it back, and lull him 1 say lio is not your liithor, and thcro s a bono fur unit to pick." She ought to know. Babiks vs. Wheat. Bubics aro Sit id to rescmblo wheat in many respects: First neither aro good for much until they Arrive at maturity ; second, both aro bred in the house, and are also tho flower of the family; third, both have to bo cradled ; fourth, both are generally well thrashed beforo they nrc done with. Tho niggers of Washington, D. C, have such a horror of the Devil, that they carry raisors to church, to defend themselves against Ins attacks. I ho Police coming in the other night to muko peace between his Satanic Majes'y and the "Men and brothers, two of them were severely cut. A Radical candidate for Congress, in Texas, who probably sees no chance for his election, writes to a Renntorin W at hington ant ing ho does not think his State is vet tit for admission to Congress. What un unselfish man bo seems to be. A gentleman in La Crosse, Wis consin, thought his wood-pile vanished too rapidly, Mnd charged a few choice sticks wiih gunpowder, the wotx became mixed up, and tbo owner of tho pilo has been obliged to buy a new stove, In the Sonthcrn States thonsnnds of white Americnncilitensarestill under tho ban of disfranchisement. In the language of an eloquent divine, "If this bo the American Kagle, giro us an owl !" Two French friends met. "Ah, good duy ; how are von 7" "Pretty well." "And jour wife?" "She is trnveling." "lor bcrheallh?" "No, for mine." Judv ha just noticed in aratslnguo "The llistorv of Cortes, in two vols., half calf." Query, which bulfcalf and which cows. A Chicago girl says that sh don't git married for tho reason that she don I know whose husband she might bo marrying. Greeley is opposed to lager as a bev erage, aud won't "tight tint Sigcl" no more. Female disciples of Anna Dickinson smoke cigars in the streets of Boston. Susan B. Anthony gets up steam ilh coffee. Pbe formerly nnd nfer. THE CLEARFIELD STORE UKCONSTJtUCTKD. flewge t,. Herd - William Powell, Juiin r. Wearer William W.ltttta. GEO. L. REED & CO., Two tloort aorth of tht Court IIouh, CI.KARPIM.n, PA. HAVING returned to our old buiinm iUnd, we berrltr notify the eitiieni of Clrrfltli nnd the tiuMIc (rencrnllr. that we have entvnd npon, enff intend to protecuie, a rlfjromm ciira- in ftRainit hlpjh prion end Inferior goodi, nJ Ave now on hand full eunnlv of til kind uf goudi uicd in thil market lu the line of Dry Jool, Weeltitn to hav a full uiortmenl, eoniliting is pan oi mu.iiiii, Dieaoufa sua unuleacbed j J'riuu of alt graded and il) lti; and Fall and Winter Dress foods, Such as Alpaeat of all ihadei ; Be Lai nee, Mo- nnxi an. I lawn.li . k.d..,. . f..ll meat of gentlemen 'i wear, ooneiitiug in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Eatintttt and a full Miortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Xollons, Hosiery, Trimmings, BONNETS, C, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. We have a full apply of Coffpe. Tea, Sugar, Riot Jiolaiaei. lol-aeoo, Fifth. Salt, linteed, coal and A. h Oilg, PL0UE, BACON, DRIED FEUTT, 8ugar-ared I lame, Mree Tortt, and a full aupply of ProvUion. Hardware and Qucensnare, Wooden K inflow Ware. Ml th foretyitne; ar!':let will ht netianred for CASH, l.t MBtK, or COUNTKY PRODUCC, and at prieea to wbich than ean ba no eieeptinn. Thoaa io aaed of Uooda io our lioa, will pitas t&-CALL AXD SEE US.'-a GEO. L. HEED A CO. Clearfield, Sept, 17, 1908 If. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOJN1) STREET, Cltarfltltt, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. nPHK wndaratraed raaneetfullv Invlu fha i. J. I'Btlns of tha pallie eoncrally to thoir pianais MPnrtatst orairchudlta, wbleo tbej art stw itlUof v AT VERY LOW PRICES. Tbtlr atoek toailiU io port tf Dry Goods of the Best Quality, 9frh ot Prlnta, Pa Lalnai, Alpareai, Martota, Utrebam,Muilnl,ftlBebad and onblaaeb to,) Drilling. Tieatna:, tottno old Wool FloftneU.9atibrla,Caalmraa, Cottonadea, Ltdlta' 6btwlat ablat A IWda, Italmoral and Jloop Skint, o Alio, o flnt ftMortment of Mao'r Drawara tod Sblrte, Halt a Cap., Boot, a bbota. II of whlcb WILL BE BOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ertrjtbinf nrually fcept la a rttall ttort, all CHEAP FCB CAPH tr approred ooaotrj pro daot. A. ft. WRIGHT A SONS. Clurdtld, Not. 7 , Rfl7. C. KRATZER & SONS ARERK.CE1VI.VO A SPLENDID STOCK OK CARPETS AM) OIL C LOTUS. WALL PATERS-GILT PATER, f o. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES- COUNTERTANE3 AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS t KATKINS LADIES SILK COATS if-OVERSKI RTS. ELEGANT 6UAWL3 t LACE POINTS. LADIES' CHILDREN'S TRIMMED UATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVES-LADIES' GEN. 'J LEMtN'S AND CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY 8ILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S 8HOE.S t U A ITERS. MEN'S CALF f FRENCH KIP BOOTS. HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $5. M EN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES. BEST STON K TEA SE ITS, J8. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP. GROCF.RIF.S. FLOUR rf- PROVISIONS AT LOH'ESr RATES. L1RFHAL DEDUCTION TO THOSE BUYING IN QUANTITY. wool,. M ARKTTfNfl AND COUNTRY ntODlVK WANTED. Clrtrteld, Jn ID, Hftt. Ilvrry Stable. TIIR nliderlrned bef leara to Infirm tht poh he that he la ww full? prepared to weenwimo dale all In tht war of furni.tiihjt llnraea, llot'iea, haddlea ond Hameaa, on tht ahorte. wotiet and oo rtaaonahlt torma. Reaidtoet oo Loewat atreet. wtwero Tbird ond fourth. OHO. W. OEARHARI, "le.rfleld, April 11. 117. 11IIM Oil I.' White l.eJ Vie PIh. t.in. 1 ared Tornentina, Vamlahaa of oil kioda, Cohra to OH tud lrr I aim, arni.b lini.her, ! HAhliWICK. A IX" If. .flOllf MilSOIU. , nVMttiT. Hl'llKIU' & YOUNG, Slone-Cutlprs & Mono-Masons, HLL aitentfall nrk In Ihflr Mnn at mA- tral r. aoa In FIHhT VlH6 tt;la. Architectural Ornaments la ALL PTVLEW, Fion PreMinf of rrt fJHH'rifHrtn, and all kin U nf niitnn work on (rrtid fur la nrnulof ih oennty. Any ierfri wdliinjc In hava rfprrintil mtion work ind HoBf-raltlnf duo, mil find it to thtlr lolcrfM to oall upon ui. Wt would ilro In for a the pub He thut wa can deliver any quantity or elati af toD dvilrad, a w ara th awatn of a FIRST-CLASS STONE (JUAItUY. Ordr for work nun ba addrad althtr to ClearAeld or Luthtrsburr- varXltf U IBKRT A YC-UNO. 9Inrhlc A Nlonc Yard. t. hp i) i: r. a co. DKCIHB to Inform their frien.li, and tbo puhlia, that Ihty haro bow and will keop eunataotly on hand a Iff and wall oolretfd took of ITALIAN and VKKMONT MAKbLK, and ara proparad to furnUb to order TOMBSTONES, Doi and Crodla Totnba, MonunenU In Sandstone and Marble, Curbi and I'oa ti for Ctat tery Lota, Window Silla A Caps, Arohltactural A Lawo Urnamenti. Tbey would Invlta ipeoial attention to their baidtione Monuments which ara built from original dMgn$, and will compare farorably aiih anytning 01 tae una in me coumr. If dufirod they can furniah Marble Window Still and Capa at a alight advance oo the price of bandiuiDe. Yard on Reed atreat.near the Railroad dpot. Cleartield. Pa. jeVtf Cheap liirnltiire. JOHN GULICII DVS1BE3 to Inform hii old frl(ndt and eaa tomera, that havina; enlarged hia shop and increased bis faoilitiea lur in an i act a rim. he la now prepared to tuake to order aurb Furniture as maybe diet red, in food atyle and at ebaap ratea forCABH. lie generally baa on band, at hia Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready made fur ait ore, among wbich era BCREAU3 AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Rofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining fci tension Tables) Com mon. Frencb-pAst, Cottage,.! nny-Lind and other Bediteads j H(u r all kinfls, work stanas, lUt-rneke, Waab-standai Hooking and Arm Chairs t aprlnif'eat, eane bottom, par' or, eom moa and other Chairs j Looking-Ulaaeaa of every description on band ; and new glassaa for old frame, which will ba put In na vary reasonable terms on ehorteet noliea. He also keeps on band or furnishes to ordsr. Corn-busk, II air and Cot too-top Ma'tfessos. Coffins or Evfrt Kind Made Io order, end funerals atteaded with a Hearse whenever driirad. Also. House Painting done to order. Tbe subscriber also maoofae. tares, and has constantly on band, Clement's Pstent Washing Machine, the best now ia ase I Those sulnc this marhine never nerd he with out clean eluttoas! He also has Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior art if Is. A family asing this Cbutn never oeed he without butter I All the above and many otbor artleles are fur nlsbed to austomerscbaap for Cisn or exchanged for approved aouotry prtMjuoa. tbarry. Maple, Poplar, Lio wood and oner Lumber suitable for Cabinet wota, takeo io . icbangs for furoita-t ser-B member the shop la oo Uarkci street, Ctsarfleld, Pa., and onarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOliX Ul'LIt'U. Movambar S. mi ? H, F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroiiro rao j. rr r jr. iiit mm POST OFFICEIiiSAcLKARriELD rpiIR obaeribtr rtrrttettollr brornia fata old X patroo. ood tht public frnarallT. thai ht biuoo baud, (ana la oi.a.laiiiijr ratti? tog saw addiliaoa iharaw.) o Urga itoca ul Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. MP-1 kttp Jewtlry ia oil III forma ond of diltrtot valott, allbtr bj tot ittet or aak WATCHES A foil vaortaanl oftlthtr Hold or Filter, mada hr tbt brat Aotricoo ood (or tl(0 nanwfanwrtrt, inelndioi! o ioa lot of gold and tilrtr buollnf Cat a, lull Jtwtltd, Paltnl Ltttri. CLOCKS Of til de.lftil. oooalltlnf of tl,bt da ood thirtv-boor, of tuber wtigbt auriog or Itrtrt, ond both arnot ood olora. REPA1RINO.-AU klndi of Wotebai nd Clocka Kepalrtd, and warraottd. Io odditlon to what T hart tnnmtroted. I kaep o (oil oaaortnanlof M'K''rn.KS. oolnred and plainglaaa. Alio, UOI.D I'ENS and I'bNCIU.'. M'GONS, FORKI, Bl'TTKK KNIVES, and It fart trtrrtbing to tbt Jtwelrj lint. If t fail to bart on band jaat wbt 0 eu.tonar Din need, 1 will ordor par I rat eiproat, without titra charge. A liberal .bart of publie patronagr ia rohrlted. Mo 7, IM j II. P. KAl'ULE. READING FOR ALL! ! BOOKS C- STATIONERY. Marks-! Ht., ClearOrld, (at the 1oM rtfflre.) '1IK undersignrd bega leave to announce io I the citisns of Clearfield and virintty. that he baa fitted ap a room and baa just returned from tbo city with a large amount of reading matter, onilsling in part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blsnk, Account and Pass Books of evary de scription ; I'aper end Envelopes, Fronck pressed and plain: 1'eui and lVnoilsj lilank, Leral Pipers, Ifeds, Mortgages; Judgment, F.iemp tloa and Promlsiory notes ; H bite and Parch; ment Hrief, L iral Cap. Hccord Cap, and Bill Cap , tiheet, Musie lor either Piano, time or Vit.lln eonsuntly on band. Any books or etatloaery desired that I may not have on hand, wit be or ordered by first express, and sold at bolorals or retail t suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, each as Magasines, News pipers, As. P. A. UAl'LIIi. Cl.arflf.ld May T, Iflf tf JOS. SHAW & SON Hat, jutt opened Ni Stoko, on Main St.,CLHtritio, Pi., lolelf occuplej j Win. F. in WIN. Tlieir atock contiil, of LD 111 IT (33-CD CD ID S3, Gwu:u of lb, beat qiioliljr, Queenswarc, Doots and Shoes, tod rvery brticls neceuarr for oae'i comfort. Colt t)d xtmioe our itock U(or fur rliiuins rlaawhnrn. Maf 9. 1Hf,C,-lf. II. I). TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Hatlroa4 Depot.) M.AnHl.l.I), PI.MVA. IEMlinACK this method of Informing the puttlin, that I have npenM np a yard lor the ule of wood or coal-burnt LlMKand Anthracite COAL, in the borough of Clearfield, and hate completed armngemotits with eartern dealers by hixh I can keep a full supply constantly on hand, whirh will I deposed of at fraaonahlc rates, hy the tun, bushel or car load, to suit pnrchaeers. Tit ons at a distance) can address mc by letter, and obtain all neorssary information ht rttnin mail. H. B. 1AVLOK. Clearfield, Pa Feb. S4, iHttu tf ui) MY HOOK." nAVINU purrbartd the entire tloek of good nt the i.ld aland of Kirk A 8ieneer, 1 luu.ud to eontinur Ui. hu.ineta aa herelofurt. Me notio l, to aril "rnmr row i." Thanking onr friepda and eu.tomera for paat patronage, I aolirit o oonlioaonre of th. rame. ifAAC KlItK. l.omher City. 8rpt. li tf. IIIK llKMOCRATIC ALMANAC forTr I "07 and ln fur aale 01 tht Pint OKI.. I'riee SS tenia. Mailed tn anr fuMr... fleSa-'' B LANK 0fTAHI KH HALL I OK tail at Uil tDct. onrti,i and Mlathlnf .rhop. a. p. Rovaroa ..nro. a. tot an BOYNTON A YOUNQ, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street,, CI KARI'llCM), PA. e HAVING engaged Io tbo manufoeture of fliat elaaa H At'HINEKY, wo reapoolfullr inform tbt publio that wt are now prepared to ill oil order, aa cheap, ond oa promptly oa "an be dont io on j of tht cillec. Wt tnaoufaaturt and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Heorl Blocka, Water Wheela, Sliaflinj Pulley,, Oillrird'l Injeclor, Pleom Uanjrra, Sleam Whiitlu, Oiltra, Tallow Cupf, Oil Cupa, Gouge Cockl, Air Cocka, (llobc Valrca, Check alvea, wrought Iron Pipea, 6leam'Punipi, Boiler Feed I'uuipl, Autl Friction Metrep, Boap 8lont Packing, Gum Puk ing, ond oil kinda of MILL WORK; together with Plow., Eled Snlta, COOK AXD PA II LO It STOTES, ond other CABTINOS of oil kioda. 9-Ordora aolicited ond filed ot ally price,. All lettera of Inquiry with refertnet to moehintrr of our tuanufaelart promplly tniwortd, by oddrta- ing u, at llaorDeld, Pa. deeU tf BOYNTON A YOCNO glaning pill. 0. I.. It lJ;.r,)N0TICE.p: ell. 1. . W Ball a. a. it. iti:i:i a eo. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! HpIlE proprietor, refpaelfolly inform tbtrltltent A of Clearllrld .nnlr, that they bart entirely reHtted thia tttabli.htnmt witb the lateat Innroel wood-working machinery, ond art now prepared to tieroit oil onteri In their lint of bunineaa. They will give e.peclal attention to the mauufu. turn of material for hotlat building, Ixb u FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Bit.it KETS If JIOVM.ni.YCS, Or ALL STYLES, Wt alwara hart on band o larra atock of tiny LUMUKR. ond will payroab for oil clear Lombtr. Ont-and half Ineb ponal etuf preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or aichonged, to autt twatotntra. - - H. Order, tollcitml, and LomWr foreiabtd oa abort ootict ond on reaaonable tenna. v O. L. REED A CO. Cleartield, Xot. T, HOT. E. B. PTTO... E. A. iKrm .Jon. Parron, ..J. K. Iowia. E. B. PATTON & CO., Ilarlnf tiled up 0 Int-elta, PLANING 3IILL Ara prejiadrei to furnUb all kinds ef Manuraclured Lumber, orb as Flooring. 5iding, Snrface-rrcised Lum ber, 6 ft ib, Doon. Blindi, And every dracrifttoo of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. TJrDcal.ni will find it to their adrenlage to eon.ult onr price, before pnrcha.in, eleewhert. Addrtaa, t. B. PATTllN A CO., Carweofrille, Iee. S, IMIt-tf Clearfield count., Po. (Tlotltino. IIou Io Nave ZTIoiiv. TUB times ara oard : yvm'6 tike to kosw How ynn nay aare your dollars The way to do it I will show. If yce nill read bat follows, A man he Itred ant far from sere, V ho worked hard at fata trade, Bo! bad a household to sup port That squandered all ha mada. I met hi in ours. Bays be, "My friend, I look (bread bear and roDjrk j I've tried to get myself a aatl, Bat can't save ap eaoogli." Bars I, my friend, bow mack bare yoa? j'll tell yea where to ffo To est a suit that's enand and ebeant To KK1ZKNSTKIN A Co. lis took what little ba bad earsd, And want to Rsiteasteta A Urol hers'. And there he got a handsome salt. For half he paid to otbere. Now he Is home, be iooks eo wsll. And tbelr effect Is each, That when they take their delly meal, They don't eat half as much. And now be finds oa Fstarday nigbt. With ell their war. .a snpplied, That he has money rf to spend, And soma to lay aside. His good enecei-e. with cheerful smile, He glatlly tells to alt. f you'd save money, go and buy Your clothes at ItKIKKNSTfilX'R CLOTHlNa 11AI.L. tthrrn the cheapest finest and best Clothing and good Furnishing Oooda can he bad to mait evry taste and In every etyla aprl I, A? Miss E. A. P. RynderJ ABIRT to Chlckarlnf 's, Ptelnwav'i and Emerenn's Pianos j Smith's, Masnn Hamlin's and Peloubet't Urgans and Me'odeona, and O rover A Baker's hewing Machines, atjio raarita op Piano, flatter, Crean, Harmony and Vocal Mi lls, Ko pupil taken for less than half a term. jMr-hnotn ncit drmr to Firat Natioaal Bank. Clearfl. ld. May i, "9 If. 1I"-TH !: A I'OKHTAIM.Kn M.VA Wc have printed a large number of the new rKR BILL, and will an the receipt of Iwentr. flvntenta, mail a aopy to an address. my 21 T A.Ti:l-IIMMMM) No. I tiglilert Inch M HIIINtiLE., for which the bifh'M pnot HI per.. 4. w bAVKK VlllS, O. resell, .V Jl, . tf Ai jlWiUrliif. v a id. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Jtarkrt Slrtrt, Cttarflrld, Fa. TK b'g Itore to Inform onr old ond nt toatfimtre. that wt hart reoinetd onr ... tobll.hneot to tha apocloo, new building Jn.t .reeled oa Marked atreet, otorlr adjoining tht Man. too tloua. on tba we.t, ondoppo.ltt Me.arr. Orahatn A Bona' flora; wbtrt wt rt.paetfullj Inritt tbt pubiit to come ood boj thtir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our atoek of Druga ood M adlaloea eoo.lati of everything u.ed, atlteltd with tbt grtotoat oora, ond WAE ANTED BT&ICTLY FUSE I Wa also keen a full itock of Dytis, Perfamerlci, Toilet artleles. Koaps, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushea. VV hltewasb Uroihes, and avery otter kind Brashes. W have a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, VI..M..1 All Plnt rt tn f.e WMltil. taad it, tha pointing buaioeaa, wkieo wt .lltr ot Citj prioti lo ou b bovara. TOBACCO AND 6E0AR3, Confaetlcntry, Bpieta, ood tho lorgtat 'atoek of rariatitt trtr ofltrad io thia place, ond worront d to bt of th. boat tbt Morktt afforda. J. . IIAHTWICE, Kot. 3d, 188. J011X t. I'tWIN. SHRINCR'S Will enre the ARTTTVA, BftOVCTTTTTej. BLOOD iPITTISW, MKIil'LHY OK liHKATHINO. I'AIN ami W K A KN KhS I V 1 UK CIIFST, TKl-rilJ.PHOMC O.n.HlM) AT N'KJHT, kt It will tffl.ftu.ltr laovr the Couith Uit fnurntly fellows Mcaales, and any alVctloa of U rnptroviorj nrxina, n sttur of how long sUndtnr, ar wlistcv?r Uir use of the prnmt. It acU m a erlftc, I pnn-ly n frtiWe and it plruant to tlie Uil. Its elT-tn l eoMiiint, atlavlni lb vie lettoe nf Uta eouph, fnrlhUllna cx!-KtoraUoit,tlUeUlig Um twit adi cxliilirattiig Uac ajskas. Mothers, Save Your Children I K a child naed die of TRnrp, If this Dymp Is usHI tn tim: tktg ti a mrt 4rmtmttrait4 (y twptnenrt. No Umy r'aii11 bt? without this Hrrup, as that fatal di , CRiit l'.enmca hka a thtrf tn t)i ntrtil, ts steal a way .?mr litUa ooa, wbca rt-gular met.cal aid Ctvuaot Im tbulncd. Irtpartd tnly bf DAVID E. rot'TZ, c sTaltiaMra, ltd. For sale by II arts wick A Irwin, Clearfield, and fcv dnifKta and store keepers throughout the I'nttcd States. (Ift.JI l v Attention, Afflicted I THK subscriber lrti notice that ho has resamed the practice of Medicine In Luth erebarg, where he Intends to devote his a Hen Ilea to tbe treatment of CHKCMC DISEASES ( a general He will keen on bsnd a choice sa leeiionof DRUUHand MEDICINES ad a pud to tbe treatment of ehronte diseases, and aaay be ensulted at his oee at aoy hour of tha day. N. B. A word to those afflicted with eh roots diseases nay ba to vaaia advantage. M aar hat rot he aware that cotiarnr rbisieiana who do a ainiao practice hare not rina la attend la tbe trcatoiant of raaoaic diseases, and eoasa qocntly ftaautcr thenf hence ibis class of dis eases requires uxcvrurm ettentlon. tlKoHUR WILS0H. M. D. Lathersburc, Feb. 27, 1M8-U Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'P,) For all dlsaasca Incident to llrtM, Cat lie, aod Human Flesh, requiring the aee of aa e sternal application. This Embrocation was aiuoilvely nssd by the Govern meat durint the war. For sale by Ham wick A Irwin, Csarfteld. Josvpb K. Irwia, Carweaiville. Daniel Uood Ian-tor. Laiheraharr tf LlTHERSBl UG POTTERIES Lotheraburr, tl.wrfleld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS & DAIRYMEN Look H erel THE undersigned li nrcpircd to fornish yon with tbe hut STONEWARE nanafacturcd iu thia coaotrr. He has never yd failed tortlcaae tha most lastidiona, as to quality wr durability. ins warsaoasisis in pan oi CREAM POTS OF ALL SIZES. MILK CROCKS AKD PAS, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety lubes, And inrbort EVL'RYTUINd nanallT mod. ond ktpt to on .atoMubtDcnt vl tail kind II1CUAKTS Can bar. tbtlr wort drtlrtrrd t'7 at, ot AKT TIbll and to ANY I'LACB dniml. Order, for wort aoliciwd, ood prompt tUrd. p4fTot grntrol oaaortmtnt, at. Cotolofn. ond The Liat, oaoilMl fro. t. applieanto. fK 11WI diaooont will bt g Im to tbt wbulrraic Iradr. , OKO. C. EIRE. Lnthtribnrg, Pa., Dm. J, lfs If Curwensville Marble Yard. DKSlRiH'H nf citrndmK my bmiiir, and knuwtns; there can ba no hihr tribute oi respect to the memory of the deceased and haricd fiiends, than tn eiwt over their narrttw homes a eculptured lb nf emlnritif marble, that points forcter to the rentln(r jilai-e uf thus we love; i iM'g leave t say w aH ao wish to snow their atfrrtlon for their departed friends and kindred, that they can now haro aa niiportunity or d'linr an, hy callint at mv hhop an 1 bomnsoa ttrcct, Curwensville, l'a., as 1 an prepared to lumitn io oracr, MONUMENTS, CRADLE BOX TOMBS, HEAD STONES, 4c, of any design or site, at rea. antra Me rates. N. II 1 keen on band the best Farrlrn and ItiinrKllr Marble. All work eteeuted ta the most skilllnl mannnr. 1 will also deliver work to anv point in Clearfield or adjoining counties, i desired. WM. 11. CtLUl'H.. t'nrwensville, Oct. Jft, HrtV-tf. rnlnls for Farmers and 01 Iters. TIVIE Orafton Mineral Paint Company are now X manulnctnritiK the IhsI, chearst and Kosl aural'le Paint in two coals Well put an, foil ed with pure Linserd Oil, will last 10 or 15 ycra ; it ia ol a Mr tit brown or beuttl"ul chocolate color, and can be chant-d to green, lead, stone, drab. olive or rreara, to suit the ts-tc ot the consumer. It is valuable for llonses. Barns, Fi neca. Carnarr and Car makers, Pails and Vi otNlea war. Agri culinral Implements, Canal llonts, Vessels and Shitts' lluttuis. taavae. Metal and Shingle Roofs, tt being flrr and wataf proof,) Floor Oil Cloth, (una tnamifaMurer baring nsrd i.Ouo barrels the past year.) and as a paint lor any pu-.?oe is an surpassed for bdr, tluniKility, akastixilr and ad he Sivenesa. Price, ffl pif tiorret of .Hot) la., whirh will supply a farmer lor yer locoma, V arrnted in all casws aa aove. Send fur a circular, which gnea full pai tioulara. None pnum anient brand' rd in a traie mark. H ration Mineral Paint. Per eons can order tha Paint and remit tba money aa receipt ot goods. Addr. HIPWELI, A CO., novlQ dra 5-M Pearl Mtreei, New York. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON HAMUVS, roo (an bt ft. J. HATER, CirwtntTiUa, Po. AT'AiTIJ--ltM.Olll.0N ISHINtlLES. , , Tht tndtmrnrd brrrhv gir. notiot, that that wil par th. htrhrt market prir. fnr t grtod onaliltnl LONII HIINOLK8: and tbnat baring awb for aal., will And tt to tbtlr inttrttt at girt tntni o noil ntior. wniog tiarwn.rt. JOS. FHAW A S05. Cl.trw.ld Maib . 1.,f 'Irwaoro ond ohdoaalnal aop.rrrt f ...rj tin. MI UIM1 H.I.M..B..I. r.. . . tbrPnn f tr o( 8AXr ICS .HW. JIli:ir HAIttMlNrV Sew Store In Italsonbarg! I Ut rata for til' .MplW b; t. T. HagartJ. L. M. COUTRIET TAKT.H this method of Informing tbaaltiiani of Covington, Kertbaui, Uirard and tbe sur ruundiog conntrv. that be has Just opened a large stock of 0L'MM1:H OOOItM, which ba la daur mined to evil TKN PKR CENT CHEAPKR tbaa the same quality of Goods oan be purobaaed for in any other store in the neighborhood. Jlis stock consists of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such a. Ballnatti, Caailtnma, Motlina, D.lalo.e, Ltpan, Drillingi, tolieooa, inmnuiga, hibbooa, Loco, READY-MADE CLOTfllNO. BOOTS SHOt8, HATS t CAPS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL mDS. Coffer, Too, Sogar, Rlra, Molaiitt, Flab, Bolt, Linaatd OH, riab Uil, Lorbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Coatiogi, Plow, and Plow Coatlnga, Kaili, Rpikta, worn vuiuvaiora, umer rraaata, on 4 all klada of Ai.a. VavMy Plowa art of tht Cnrwtntrlllt and Ctutrt county make, o&d art worronud U b. of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Ptrfaatrj, Pointa, Vornib. Oloat, ond a genera! oaaortmcnt of tjlotionery, GOOD FLOUR, Of dilforcnt bronda, olwoya on band, and wiU bt f told ot tbt ioweat poaatbl. figuno. Ltqvons, Eoeb aa BRAKDY, WISE, OVX A WHISKY 000 ponnda of Wool wonted for which tbt bigbtat phot will bt paid. CLOVER SEED, Oa bond ond for aalt at tbo lowtat Barkat prica. Alao, Agtnt for Wilton ' etrattonrlll. TIIBESI1ING MACHINES. fVColl ond att for youraalrta. Yow will And everything oauollj kept is o retail ator. i. n. (.uuiiilil. Frtncbrilla P. 0., Jon. t, 1 669. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AXD OF COVRSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! an now opening np a lot of tha best and y most seasonable Goods and Waree aver offered in this market, and at prices that remind odo of tbe good old daya of cheap things. Those who lark taiib upon tbis point, or dceia our alle gations superfluous, need but t1LL .r OCR STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they can ecc. frcl, hear and know for them selves. To fully understand what arc cheap goods, this must be done. Wa do not deem il neoeseary to enumerate and itcmita our stock. It is enough for ns to state that We have EverytMng that Ib Needed and oontumtd ia thia aaxkrt, ond at pricea that oaioni.n nolo ma ooa roang. derfO JUSi:i'H RHAW A SOX. JTEW rLiOUIt, FEED AXD PROVISION STOIIE, nPHK undtrrlgntd bart Jntt rtrtlrtd ad thtir X atw auod ia Walloottoa, a full npplj ef Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 6xc, COAL OIL, (ot rtdnwd ratei,) A good art kit of TOBACCO, CIGARS A5D 6MOKINO TOBACCO, oonttantlj .a band. A1I of which will bt told at LOW RATE? for CAP If or girea in tichnnp for SHINGLES and LCUIH'.R. Wo rttptcffnll.T oak tha pwbli. to giro at o trial before parchaaing tlatwbtra. J. K Bf AD A CO. Walltettoa, April T, Mi. EDWAltD TERKS k CO., Flour JEauul';u'l:irers, And Daolera ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PniLIPSBCRQ, ,PA. Vrn.L hi'pply .f ri-orR. wiirat. ('('UN and CHOP oooatantlT on band, ond Iwr aolt at rotea remarkably low. febi-U wi 7.!nc and Liquor Store. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, wooLiaitt nttLit io WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET BT CLEARFIELD, Fi. Full stock nf Wine, Brandy, Gin, Whliky and Alcohol, always o hand, fpertal attention paid to securing a pare article for 8acramrntal and metllcal purpnaca. jan2l-tf The Lightning Tamer. TflBB andcrvlgned nra tbe tola Agents In this X "untv for the'Nrth American Galvanised 1.1(1 II TM Ms RODS." Tseee ara tbe only safe mds now In ase. and ara endorsed by ail the clcntlfie men tn tbe cvantry. Wa hereby nntlfy tha citiseni of tba county that wa will pat tbeea up a better rod, and lor Iras money, than Is (barged hy the foraiga agents who ana a ally traverse tbe Owaat and eerry off anr little rash, never ta rutarn. ENCOURAGE 110 ME LABOR. Thnse wishing lightning Rods erected on their buildings aced bat addraes as by latter, ar call tn person. Wa will pat the wp enywbera In theennnty, aad warrant them, Tba Modi and Flitureeeea be saen at anv time by calling at oar store. NEKKELL A BIGLkK. Clearfield, Juie 11, lrg p GUNSMITHING. REMOVAL Till nndersiened Wga b?ava to inform bis old aod acw cu toners, ad the public gcnrrally, that he has fltlfsl ap a new til N Mlop, on tbe lot on the comci cf Fol KTli and MARKET street. Clearfield, Pa., where he will keep eon stknily on band aad maae ta order all kinds of guns. Also, guns re bored, rv-vamisbcd, and neatly repaired an abort notice, AH orders by oiatl will receive prompt attention, jrofim pd JOHN MOORE. a. m. rrttanron ..v. n. McratMon XISW Flit 31. rULIXRTON TMcPHERSON, KEEP constantly on hand aad for saiu, Fresh wieats, sweb aa DLEF, YIJAL, MUTTOX, Ac, Frrab Piib, ond all TegHahlra In te ojoo : Canned Fruita, Ratter, Urd. It-, wbicb tbe will tell Ot Iht loweet wtRett prieea. Ca.h paid fr CATTLE, Bl'TTRR, Ao. litem on Market btrtet, oppil. lb. Court Boats Clearfield. Po. Mat II, 'CS-lL Rl-Hoi pi,, owlnc. HoSb.ll, Prtke'a Utontwd't (ertaoo.Uotlttltr'i ond Oretnt'a Uargtnated Hi Iter, i tlx pwr. Liaatrt, of all kind, for retdieloal rnrpoee.. for tale bt HhTWICK 1RWIH, IlfM AWTK.lr.-The andeeaigwed will pay lb. bi,bee1 CAH TRICK lor all Hade ot rl KK end IjEFR MUSS, Hire me o toll ClMrtell, Nt II. I I IIJ.JfSTi:.- ri;Sl LVAMA RAIL . RoIJ TTROKVt A CLBAnnilD BBakJ 0 W ood after Nando,. APBft M, Hat ' Paamgtr Tralta will rat deli. Jl"! idare) lww, Trrett ted Ue. (jf,Jtt Run en. Pettenger Troll betWMt Trrtn alTl1 eld. a, folK.wai var. tA VI SOUTH. um m Claaineld. I ii, r.a. Trron. Philip brg, ar I 60, " lel.SJ, Oreetla , Pblllptb'rg.arli.i,', " Hill,'. ClraHleld 1,u. Oaotola.. Trron. ,, ....4.l, ....... M. FA KB A XI DISTANceT FROM CLBARFIELPJ rROU TYbnvT" K 7 ItttioB. Butitat, Ltonard.... 2 fnttriettlto... Vonaeotba Woodland 6 B'glrr. I Wallaoctoo 11 lit Uardh.r. li Ml. Hr...T",, Hint Hall IS e0' Summit O' S.ndr Bldg,..', bb Powalltog j n oeeola...go 651 funbor,.w..j I'lilllpaburff IT Sttintra' 18 Dunlar. JO (HeMla. 21 Powrlllon Ja ?i 74 Pi.iner' jj 29 n; PhlllptburgJ, 27 li Bin. Ball "., M lu 'o!laettoo..J, SI II Ml Blilrr . 3j Kanily Hidgr.,.,39 Kumniil 27 Uu I'leatast.....1ll Gardner Vonaeoyoo ... Intertenlion.. ...14 1 ' Woodland- ,1 t, 1 IA lno.rd . r. . ...7 ..41 Tyrone!. I ! Ieirfleld....'d FAIiH rflOli CLEARFIELD, lb Utlltfnnte, Pa K ti Middletowa Marietta j j, Lanoaeter i piiiLAbELPMii ':; IxKk fiavea. 70 WilliaroiiportH Hnnliou'lon , L.wior..wn I 40 I 80 J dOlAlloime ! JJ. 4 56John.town. ... u 4 7.'IPITTriBi;R0 " ,I Marv.villr UAKIUI-BL'Hli.. (ONMCC'IKINtC ' Phil n.hurv mi 1 n O-..!. , ,." orriioat Tyrone ot 6.4(1 p. in., mohing eettie wilh Cineinnall Eipreaa Cait ot d.lfp. B aa4 with Hail Wet ot .4I p. in , on Main Lmeralwi With Bald tag It tiprc.l, leering Tyrone at 7,tl - i" ""i vutjumjiinj uu trie Mail East on tbe Philadelphia aod trie KoU 11 91 r w. u;. . i.i-wk Iltivjaf. aa, 1 A t1 n . ,7 " """ru" 1-vua.B. Ketaraine, naasenffers learinr U'llliot..,. 8.1J a. on brie Mail West, arrlva at Ij-t u. van at 81 a. m., connecting witb Baid aW1 Kr.rM I war U.. . In In . nnng at Uelleionto at 11-6 a. a 6mw Slm r,tw .4 l VI . on ..J t... 1 " AL.i.irtflia, Ueneral Bapcrinicnatit. OK0RUK C. W1LKINS, py.t-tf Eupeiiptcadest. Philadelphia & Erie EallroniL "WIXTER TIME TABLE. OX and ofur MONDAY, K0V. Uta. IMI Ik, traint oa tht Philadelphia A Era kail Hood will rao ol follow. : b. eat ward. Wail Train leeret Philadelphia...., I.ll f, B, 'o....... 00-...BU jnarj ...... l.ll p. g, rrireol Krl. H w 11 I. B. Irie K. preet lee re, Pbilodelpbia-...ll.4l i.U. 1)0..... do...Bt. blarj', . I.MA.B. Po -arriee at Erie ..1I.M A.M. Eaatward. Mall Trola leeret Irie 44 A B. Do do... ..St. Moi7'a . I it r. B. Do arrire o( Philadelphia.... I M A.B, Erie Eipreaa leeree Erie.... 4.04 t. B. Do di....t. Barj'a......10 ,7 1. B. Do ..arrirt ot Pbllodclpbio....ll.4t t. B. FlDrriif tea eonre"!. .1 Corrv. Vil Corrjr ond Imo.too, Lpm, nert a; irtit'iei who irama ta uu ireeo ar Aijegtion7 Kirer a. a, ALFHtD t. TYT.'R. Uenerol FBptrirtecd.at Clearfield County Bank. TUB Cltorield County Book aa aa laeertera ted lortlltlinn bee gone oat of .xiiteae, : th. turrandtr of lu ebaner, .a May li, III All iu atoek la owned bj th. aabaeribert, tbt will eontinnt Iht Banking bu.intfe ot the ,aat ploet, aa frivolt Btnktra, noder the Ira He. ot tbe "Cleortleld Coeoty Bank." Utara ra iponeihl. for Ib. d.bta of tba Bonk, aad will tee iu aotea oa demand at tbe evanter. Dep.,iti reeeired ond iotereet paid when atoae la left for a Ixrd time. Paper dieeowated at til per eeaa. el heretofore. Onr pertooel rwipoaeibilirf It pledged for oil DtotiU reeeleed aod boiilaal trana eud. A eeoUnawwee mt tae Irevrtf fae " ronage of tbe beaioeea tata .f fbt aownte are eptrttelly aellci'.d. Aa Preeld.nt Ca.bitr aad eSoeri of the lota Claarteld Coeoty Bank, t. require tbe aotea of I old Bank tt b, rtaaou4 fur redemption. JA3. T. LRONABD, ItlCHAKD BH, Wl. FOKTKR, JA8. B. ORABiB, A. K. WKIGHT. O. L. USED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tbt butlneaa of tha Bonk will he eaadteted by Joba M. Adama, Ere, aa Caahiar. (jtoll.'al J. D. ll'Qirk. EJward Peril. BANKING k COLLECTION HOUSE Of McGirk & perks. Boeceaaora to rotter, Perka, A C, PhUlptbarg, C'.atr Couuty, Pa. Tt T HEBE oil tbe baaineta of o Bonking Howw 1 1 wil' oo tronaootod promptly oad opta tat mom lororaole tenna mar.-w Counly National Bank. CLEARFIELD. PA. THIS Bank ii wow tpta aad ready f.rbeei tera. OCea oa Rtrood MrttL la tbt bind ing formerly eecopied by Leotard. Fiaaey A Oo. nnitreooa aro orrirooo. JA. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SBAV KM. A. WALLACE, WM. P0RTEX, A. K. WRIOUT, BIO. U BEEO. D. W. MOORE. JAS. T. LEONARD; Jan.. HI Coibier. fn-int. gitartsmitbing. New lIInekKmith Shop. SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, Fa. ri'HB andtraigned beg, to Inform bit Meade, ' ..4 tht inhabiunu tl tbt bortngh ef Clear- . ready M to U- ueL , II0BSB SHOEINfl ,M "0" ALL KIXDS Or BAW.fc.-- -KliIKE --h l...'.i.lt.bv'MrtM' ,r,ehS.,.. ..... ....... V... .lll ciri w ' im . i m w ew..., ww.. mr Arie. Heel. b.AII my work ia warranted la ln lll' feeiiua, or avt .barged for. .0121 ANUS gg.lJIAOM- ItosKsTowiishlpAnata GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S f J-VERTnOPT trying to get titer. Irtt, far fear J uf brirr erowded oot into tbe told. Il ya wont good rhoring dctne. go to PrFoa. (f yoo wont your Fleie iruned right, go t. baaaa. tlyo. want good ml ill Irene, goto niaee If yoo waot your wegoa ironed inthebe"! tele aod worknen.hip, go to Balta. ik ba.. Kt.ok. blapblaa ia ire Slate, ooddoea oil biadaef BLACKKM1T1I1N" a, rhe.p el eon bt dont to the .e.nty for Caak. My uat tlsre ouarttl ll I. iteroeia rrwf THOMAS SEEKS, Becgi Tp., Deo. 1. HII-lT. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOUBAGI5 HOME INDl'STKT. rpHK aaderelgn.d, boring tetabllabtd a K" 1 aere oa the 'Pike, about half way betweei Clearleid ond Carwenrrlllt. le prepored te ftr tieh oil kioda of F HI' IT TREES, fela.derd atd detrf.l Erertreena. Shrubbery. Orere Vleee, Ueereherriee, l.aeloa BlaekKerry, Sirewterry, ood K liberty l iota, nut, Dioerian n' u.ii. te.riel Hhnbarb. At. Order. promptly atuadtd ta. Addr.ee, 4. V. e. epl M y Curweorrillt. F Lime for Sale! T". . .v. J be a nndereigned, rreinmg nrwr id. . I Ml oon.pieie arrenarefcFoie y& re eaet .1 tbe mowouin, whereby be II eee . kerp ooaatantly ot hood 0 lorge e,tteUt ei Il.n bled rURE L I il. : ihifh be ofer. to farmer! atd btlldert at 0 ''; above eu Thoee ta need el tot ani - tell to girt me o etlt. r aMreti m by wear. " fort atgollaliog tbeir lime. ... UKii. V. ritr-raavn Clearfield, Pe., iwwt . Ie- VSTl-O-Ont good BLACKSMITH . Z i. --tiri 'led Wagon.. Stomp Macbioea, Ae. Single men tr mta wub imall fomiliea. Apply t. . . BOOTB BT MBAlI"i