Till: UKPUnLTCAN. ! t'LKAUl'lliLD, l'A. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. I, !. JUDGMENT IN BEADING. ' It la not lliogo who rond most "I"1 1 Acquire moat knowledge, ntir' '"ore thun it ia those who ittili most grow the moat obese. Digestion liaa a proat deal to do in both vvn. Excess in rending ia as bud Intuit na excesa in eating. If on overloads the stom ach, the other ovoiloada and stupefies the mind, and renders it iiieanublo of retaiiiing whut it hua rocuived. The mind cannot properly dinposo of a . U1UB8 of reading on various aubjocta huntily crammed into it. The knowl edges 'which ia merely roceived by tho mi iid vunislies like u dreum ; but club oruted, appropriated and assimilated by reflection, becomes ft part of the inlelluclual aa food becomes tissuo in the physical man. Muny persons who read hutstily and rend a great deal, wonder that tbey forget so much, and charge tho fault to a failing memory. But tho memory is not to blame. The trouble is, they cram knowledge into their minds luster than their mind can appropriate it, and tho abased memory is bound, in pell' defense, to disgorge the whole load. It is this class of readers who boast of ubilily to "get, through" nn tlaborato novel from the pen of a first-rate author, in 11 single day. But the truth is, they liad better not read at all than read in this way. They perceive no moro of the beauties of the book than a so called tourist, who walka into the Louvio at otio door ami out a( the other, prooeivea of the spirit on the marvelous pictures and statutes that ndorn galleries or than the weary traveler receives of tho details of a jiicturo and landscape through which ho has been shot by the express train at forty miles an hour. But betides doing no good, hasty promiscuous reading docs a great deal of harm. It is adverse. It debauchea the mind. It blur. Is Us power, impairs its receptively, and denies to it the healthful vigor and accumcn which systematic reflection imparts. It ren ders it callous, and incapable of rocoiv ing and retaining improfsiona. There ought to be judgment and Pjstem in reading as well as in business or labor. It must bo attended by meditation, 'Two hours a week devoted to deliber ate and careful reading will givo moro real knowledge than three hours a day of the "skimming over" which is so universal a habit w ith young people. Lr.AitN All You Can. Never omit any opportunity to learn u 11 you can. Sir Walter Scott said that even in a fctngo coach ho always could find somebody who could tell him some thing he did not know before. Con worsation is frequently moro useful than books for purpose of knowledge It is therefore, a mistake to bo morose and silent among persons whom we think to be ignorant, for a little Bociabiiily on your part will draw them out, and they will bo able to touch you something, no matter how ordinary thoir employment. Indeed Somo of the most sagacious remarks are msdo by persons of this kind, rcpevting their particular pursuits. II ugh liller, tho geologist, owes not a Utile of his fame to observations made when he wasa journeyman stone mason at work in n quarry. Socrates well said thcro is but one good, which is know-lodge, and ono evil, which is gnorunco. Every grain of sand goes to make op the heap. A gold digger takes the smallest nuggets, und is not foolish enough to throw them away because ho hopes to find a larger lump some time. So, in acquiring knowl edge, we should never despise an opportunity, however unpromising. If thcro is a moment's leisure, tpend it over good and instructive tulking with the first person you meet. Isaac S. Grccr, of Lisbon, Connecti cut, in making some changes in a wa ter pipo, found it needful to extend one through an nndcr-drain that ran several feet below tho surface. How to get the pipe through without taking up tho drain was a problem. But Mr. Crier studied upon it, and after a w bile hit npon thia admirable plan: He opened the lower end of the drain, and then catching his old cut, attached a small line to her leg, then thrusting her into the upper end, and giving a most unearthly ''scat," alio popped out at tho other end, all covered with mud and water, with the line attached . to her leg, quicker than one could say "Jack Robinson. " Tho pipe was thus drawn through, and Mr. Crier hud the satisfaction of saving ten dollars by bis wit, and teaching his neighbors ajjood lemon in civil engineering. The Wrong Smbll. A high officer of the Sons of Tempcrnnco prcented himself, with the smell of grog ho had bona drinking Uon him, at Ilia door of a "division" for admission, and was waited Upon by an Irish sentinel, to whom he gave the password, when the following passed : "Sir," said ho, "an' yez are Mr. O'Wright, the Bight Worthy Grsnd 1'arlriurcb of the State ei Kaintucky, I do aflher Lelavin " "Yes," said Jim, "you are perfectly right, my friend; but why do you ask the question !"' "To tell you the truth, then, sir, and ahamo tho devil," fnid Bat, "yor. do be bavin' the right password fur a Son of Tempcrani c, entirely ; but be jubers yes got the wrong smell." Here is a pointed paragraph for typos j " of my existence, give me nn r-J' said a printer to his swcelhrai t. She iinmodiutely inn do at him, and planted lior JuT between bis I's, nearly putting ft . to hi existence. ""Such an outrage," was tht t of Kuust, looking ft's at her, "is probably with out a in this of the country, and ia a good subject for a " "Any scats in the tioxt carl"' askej a passenger in a crowded car of a wag gish conductor. "Plenty of 'cm," whs the reply j "but" (as the passenger galhored up his effects preparatory to -emigrate) "but they are all full I" ' Tarton snya Ren Butler lacks fire Important things to become a wonder fully great man. "We know what they are," says tho Y. Iirput'Ue. "Four bonetl fangers and an honest thumb." If thia world wore our abiding place we might complain that it makes our . bed so hard ; but it ia only our night quarter on a journey, and who can expect home comforts T . Toung: women should set good ex amples, for the young mon are always following tb.cn. THE WAGES OF LABOR. The statement recently mad, that tho price of labor in America ia higher than tho prices pai in other coun tries, has inetw'l' peremptory deni als. Tho 'w orlt l'o- ru'i' that waA-e should bo estimated, not ai-roxting to tho amount paid to the irorkincn, but according to tho pur chasing power of tho laborers' com pensation, contends that wagea are lower hero than in other countiies, and hua tho following illustrations : A week's vages of nine working men in a manufactory of firo-arme in Connecticut will buy 1111 yards of felt carpet in JScw lork; a week s wages of nine men similarly employed in Birmingham will buy there liUlf yards of tne same quality of carpet In this case English labor ispaid eigh teen per cent, more than American. Ninety-six days' labor in a saw manu factory in this country w ill buy GjJ yards of pilot cloth in this country. Ninety-six days labor of just tho sumo workmen in a manufactory in Shef field will biiyTOJ yards of tho samo or oven better cloth thcro. Thus, in this case tho English workmen receive twenty per cent., nearly a quarter, more than tho American. Ono hundred and oight days' labor of ordinary operatives in woolen mills in this ciunty will buy bore -1'iOJ lbs. of blankets; but 1U8 days' labor of precisely tho same class in an J.nghsh woolen mill will buy thore 55-1 lbs. of blankets 122 pounds moro than the American workmen. Kinoty six days' labor in un American saw facto ry will buy here BJ'j dozen cotton hose; ninety-six days' labor of pro cisely tho samo class of wnrL..n;n in an English saw f-'-y will bay thero Ifj.li uv?n, or 171 dozen more than hero. Forty -eight days' labor in nn Amer icon saw factory will buy hero 15,282 pounds of salt. The samo number of days' labor, by the same class of Eng lish workmen, will buy thero 81,3t.!U pounds of suit, or nearly one hundred and nino per cent more than here. A hundred days' labor of workmen in five of tho employments paid tho high est in the United Slates, will buy here 5 79 1UU tons of pig iron; but tho wanes of the same class of workmen in England for tho same period will buy 7 78-100 tons, or two tons more thero thnn here. In reference lo the wagca paid to women it ia asserted that thirty days' labor by five factory hands in Massa chusetts ono week of each will buy hero ninety-two yards of poplin, or thirty fivo and seven-eight dozen of Clarke's spool thread. '1 lie same Iubor of tho same class of hands in Englund will buy thero one hundred und seventy-four and thrco quarter yards of the fame poplin, or fitly dozen of the spool thread. In tho tho first case llio English workwomen savo thirty per cent , and tho second thirty iiino per cent, more than their American ti-lcrs. Crawled l'r. Once upon a time a genllcn an found in his henroost a simple minded soul of tho vicinity, who lived without visiblo means of support. 'What aro you doing hero, you rns cal ? Stealing my chiekons V "Xo, sir," was tho response; I ain't thought of doing nothing of the sort." It unfortunately happened that the simple minded individual wore a high staw hat. of the dimensions of a bee hive, Olid llio ciu ii iheix-or Mas Ullii p idated to a set ions extent. Just as he had put in his denial, tho head of a half grown pullet was Been to pro trude from the aperture. ' Seo there," said tho gentleman ; "how did the chicken gel in your hat?" "Well !" exclaimed the simplo-mind-cd individual, with an air of honest surprise and embarrassment, "that is the strangest thing tliut ever happen ed to mo. Isupposutho darned critter must bavo crawled up my trow Sir leg!" "Xo, I Tuank Yob." At tho so called spiritual sitting in Hartford, recently, there was present a woman who mourned tho loss of her consort, and as the manifestations began to appear, tho spirit of tho departed Benedict entered upon the scene. Of course the widow was now eager to engage in conversation with the absent one. and the following dialogue ensued : Widow "Aro jou in the spirit world ?" Tho Lamented "I am." Widow "How long have you been there " The Lnmented "O, somo time." Widow "Don't you want to come back and bo with your lonely wile" The Lamented "Not if I know myself. It's Imt enough around here." Tit ron Tat. A couple of Yankee girls put a bull frog into the hi d-d man's bed, to see if they could get him to talk. linn threw tho frog out of tho window nnd never s.nd a word. Soon aOcr he put a bushel of chestnut burrs into tho girls' bed, snd about tho time he thought they would make tho least shadow, Dan went lo their door, and rattled the latter furiously. Out went the light, and in went Hie girls, but they did not stick, though the burrs did. Culling to them ho beg ged them to bo quiet ; he only wanted to know if they had seen Unit pesky bull frog ; he'd givo two dollars to find him. Half Ucii.tt. A fow days ago a prisoner was tried on a charge of entering a bouse in tho night time, and committing a robbery. Ho bad mndo an opening into which bo had thrust tho upper part of his body ; and then he clutched tho articles he coveted. His counsel contonded llint tho prisoner diil not "enter the honso;" he only partly entered it. Tho jury brought in a verdict of guilty against tho upper part of bis body, and acquitted tho remainder. Tho judgo then sentenced tho guilty moiety ol the mun to a year's imprisonment; leaving lo his option to have, the innocent half cut olT, or tuko it along with him. v A liltlc girl worn out by a long scr im), observing tho preacher gather ing liMimelf for tho introduction of an other "(jint," exclaimed, "Oh, moth ei he is no going to quit at ull I ho is awclling up Tho tears of beauty are like light '.loud floating over a Leaven of slurs, bcd'.mming them for a n.oment, that they, may alius with greater lustro than belure If you would be miserable, look within. If you would bo distracted, look around. If you would bo huppy, look up. A herd of one thousand antelopes were eocn recently on the line of lb Denver 1'acifls HailrQad. "Ujj floodi, ftrowlfi, (tit, THTaFAiFIELDSTORE RECONSTRUCTED. Oenrre 1. Reed William Powell, Julio '. Wearer William W.U.tta, GEO. L. REE) & CO., Two doors north of llio Court tluu, ci.i:ahi h i i, pa.. n A VINO returned to nor old bu.inrx itanil, we hrirlijt notify Hit citiicni of ClrarfMU ml Ilia (.nlilio ftiierUr, II,. t wo he mlcrvj uiton. am! inlt-ml In l.r..a..l. . .1 ' - j . .ijc.Frou ciwil- limijn ag.in.il b.(h priori an. inlrrior oo.L. an,l ham m.w n I..... I . r..n - . H. . , . . , " ", " ""IT' an aiutliol gooui moil in (Un market. In U lino of Dry floods, Wo claim to hm-o a full M.ortinonl, oomlitinjr ia part of Mu.lim, blraohoil and unbloaohcd l'riult of all graUci anil iljluj aaj Fall and Winler Dress Goods, Such u Algiarai of all fbailrii Da !inea. Mo rinoi ami Haoncli ; boaidt-i, a full .orl niont of goatlcnien'i wear, consisting in pari of Cloths, Cassimeres, Butinetti and s full samrtmrnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Xollons, Hosier), Trimmings, BONNETS, iC., Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Wa bai-a a full supply of CB, Tea, Kur, Itin tlulassrs, Sul.acco, J'ih. Rail, United, coal and fisb Oils, FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FRUIT, BogmrBrd II Ami, Mm fork, anil full uj'plj of 1'rotiiioL. II unbare and QuccnsMare, U'oocfm Wiliow If are All Its frapanlnt mH--. !lt L. 1 1 f CASH, Ll.Mlll;il, or COIN IKY I'llobLCi:, Slid at ri(.f. In tii..l. un I.. -. Those in need of Ooodi in our line, will plej.o t-S-CALL AXD SEE US.'-tot GEO. L. HEED & CO. ClenrirM, Sept. 17. ISC8 If. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOSD STREET, CltarRcld, Pa. NIW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. rpill otidertlrntd raspattfully Int-iU Ibt at 1 tmlifin of lbs pal.lla tenerallj to Ih.lr splendid asMrtatnt of merchandise, which they AT VERY LOW ritIC3. Tbttr i took eonststt In part of Dry Goods cf the Best Quality, ?u-b at Prints, Da I nines, Atpaeoat, Merinos, UinKbams,Muslins,(tiearbtd and nnbloaeh ed, Ilriilinir", Tiekinirs, eoltoB and wool Flannels , Satin. iti.Cas.iaieroj, Cottoned.., Ladies' bbawla, Kuhias 4 Hood., Dalmorai and Hoop tkiru, it.., AUo, a fin as.nrtment of Mto't Drawarf and bhirls, Hits A Ctf.s, Boots t Shoes. all of which WILL BE BOLD LOW FOR CASU Hardware, Queonsware, Glasswaroi Groceries and Spices. IN EUORT A GENERAL ASHORTMEXT Of ovary tbtnic usually kept In e retail store, all CIIKAP f OK CAU ar apprised eountrj pro dura. A. K. WI1IGI1T I SONS. Clterflt'd, Kot.T , lBT. C. KRATZElt k SONS aue nixnvixo a sn. ex did stock OF CA Rt'Eld A.N U UI U CLOTHS. WALL rATEHS-GILT rATEIl, rfo. LACE CUUTAIXS. WINDOW SUADES- COCXTERrAXES AXD QUILT5. LIXEX TABLK CLOTHS A XATKIXS LADIESSlLKCOATS.tOVEUSK!RTS. ELEOAXT SHAWLS 4 LACE TOINTS. LADIES' d- CllILDnEX'S TRIM11ED II ATA DRESS GOODS AXD TIUMMIXGS. BFT KIT) OLOVKS-LADIES' GEX. TLEM EX 'SAND CHILD li EN S. BLACK AXD FANCY SILKS. FIXE BLACK ALrACAS. UNEiHTALLED STOCK I. A DIE'S' AXD CIIILDUEX'SSHOM.! UAITEIW. M EX'S CALF f- FRENCH KIP BOOTS. HEAVY CALF BOOTS. f5. M EX'S AXD HOYS' FIX E AXD tl EA V Y MIOE-J. BEST STON K TEA SE fTS. J5. CASSIMEnES VERY CUEAT. GROCEKIFA FLOt'n rf- niovisioxs AT LoM'tSl- RATES. LIBERAL TEDrCTIOV TO THOSE BUY1NQ IN UAXIITY. WOOL. MARK FTIX1 AXD COUXTRY rilODUK WANTED. Cltartold. Juno I A. ISM. lalvcry IHtnblr. TIIF MlonntTtd War" Imito o inform the pub lip llial Be is now lullrprrpard to Mvoatiao. del. all in tiit warof fitrnialiitijl llorapt. ItaKicS hadtllre wnd Hamrfs, mt lha ahotlest w..ti(T and "Hi t t.t trrm.. Kosldottca oa Lrnnsst slrrtt, belwmi Tbird Bad Koonh. UKU. W. UEARHAUT. TleaHleM. April II, IWI7. IMtH S1.4I.F.-White l.ad. f.mo, TsIM, l.ln eKl 0:1, Turptlne. Varni.hps of all kiada, U lo ia Oil aod ilrr I aim, Varnish Prn.h. a? flAtHSTlgJi IRWJ!. urnUurf. NEW FURNITURE STORE IN ( t HniANVIM Ie. . II A IT MA N DFtflRS to Inform tht eitiimi of Curvtti viC and .trinity, thm h hut optnr l-jr fm Krnnl HtrM, nrpipli ibt 1 o yurd. In th Wouitwi f rurwcnIH, whirv bt will kttf M.nwUntly on band, nd fur uli vrjr rbsap for C AMI, Urc oj rtrUd aorImnf of rtkOj. ftdt Furnuurtt moni biet will bo BUHEAVS AND S1DK BOARDS. Wardrobei and Poilt Tohlri, BtdfUad. H.,fj,Hianli.llat rarka, I.oukinx UlaMei.Cbairf, latirfMoi, .to., wbiib b will aoll on trj rta unable lermi fur Cavb or ftpprivol Country sProduoa, mylW in;pd Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULKMI DvRlRnS lo inform hi old frlxndi and eua torn on, that having anlarffd hit ab' and looreaaed bit raolllilei fur munuiarturmn. ba ii odw proparad lo tnako totirdrr ouob t'uruitura at mat ha dnftlrvd, io good Kyla and t hoap rata fr CASH. 11a ffanarally baa on hinJ, at fair Furnituro room, a farieJ atortiont of rtady ttftda fursitura. auonf wbicb ara bl'Heaus and si de-boards. WanlrobeiRnd Book-Caxei; Centra, 8nfa, Parlor, Break fan and Dining Kitaiatioo Tablet; Con mon.aPnrneb-pmt.CoUBffe.Jtnny-lilrid and ather Bediteadsjj 8nfaa of all kvi, Work atandi, llttt-racka, Waab-iUoda j Hocking and Arm Cbairt j apTinir-aat, eane iMiiinm, parlor, cow Boo and oiber Cbairt ; LrOokinj;-UIoi ofaverr dearriptioo on band auJ new glaaei for old frntnua, which will bo put in on vpt majooable termi on ahurUit notice. U keept un band at furniahoi to ordr, corn-buak. Ueir and Col. ton top Coffins or Kvrrt Kind Made to order, and fuotralt ntteodfd wllb a Hear whtoever desired. Alan, Houe Painting don to ordrr. lb aubtcriler alto nanufae taree, and baa enptanlly on hand, Clement's Patent W aihina; lilat-bine, the beit now in nae ! Tbuaa uiinjr tbii uactiiae never need be with out clean elufbeit IHj alio baa Flyer'c Patent Churn. superior article. A family uilog tbn Churn never need bo without butter 1 All (be above and many other article are far niihed to euitomert ekcap for Vab or axehenrrd for approved eunntry prudaea. Cherrj, Mepl, popUr, Llnwood and otler Lumber auitabla for Cabinet work, taken In ichaDft for furnltar XT nrmeoiber the ihnp I on Murkef atreet, Clearfield, Pa., nnd noarly oppoaite the "Old Jew Stirt-e." JoiiH UL'LltU. Mot ember 2A, 1MI y . etannr D. rot sc. IIUUEItT & YOUNG, Slone-CuHcrs & Slone-Masons, 1VT nI fserutrall work In thrlr line at mnd y crat pncci nod io I IKT CLASj ttyl Arclitcctural Ornameiita la ALL STYLES, Pine rreaatng of erery deacriiMion, sod all kinds of baton work eon trarfed for in or out of ibe rnnty. Any pcraora wiahirg to hava rretNbl uaaon woik and to culling dun, will find it to their tnterrrf to rail upon u. W would alro Infirm the pub lie tbet we eon deliver any quantity or elaaa of itobe io-ired, aa wa ar the owner of FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAKKY. Onlera fur work ran b ftdJreacd ellber to Clearfield or Lutbcr-burf. maniltf lll'DEUT A YOt'Kd. JInrblo A Klono Yard. t. I-1 1 i i; a. i it Co DESIRE lo Inform their rtenW, and the puMie, that they have now and will keep fntantly on band a large end well erlecd e.kof UiLlA.Nand VKHMONT M.U.bLK, nnd ar prepared to furuWn lo O'dcr TOMBSTONES, Dog and Cradle Ti'nib, Ifnitument in ndatont nnd Marble. Carbe and Toil fur Cem. tery Lola, Window SilliACapa, ArcbHecturel k Lana Ornamtnta. They would invito ip;cil attention lo their ariltfe Monnmenls which are built from original deaigna, and will compere favorably If deaired tbey ran fumUh afarbl Window Fill and Cap at a alight ad vane va lha frio of bandatou. Yard on Herd itrctt.aear lb It a! I read drpot, Clearfield. Pa. J Vif Usrrltanrous H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AD MATCH MAKER, orrotiTg TBI (5 IfTwM at ant itrrit POST OrFtCEfZV.-CLKARriELD rpilK aubacriher roapeettnlly Inform faia old patron and lb pul-lie foerally, tbat be ba oa band, (and it eoeaUntly reeeirlog new additien thereto.) a large atock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. beep Jewelry In all (la forma and of different raluea, either by the pieea or aeL WATCHES A full a-aortn ent of cither Onld or t ilrcrf made by the beet Aaerioae and for el irn manutaeinrera. ioeludin; a fine lot of (aid and Hirer hunting cj, (ull Jeweled, raienl Lever. CLOCKS Of alt denljfn. eonattln( of aif ht day and thirte bnnr, of either weight, apring or leter. and both atrik and alarm. RKPAiniNO. AH klnda of Watch e and Clock a Kepaited. and warranted. Ia adilitlon to what I bar enumerated, I keep a full aaatirtment of M't'TATLtS. elred and plain Rlaa. Ian. HOLD I'KNKand I'ENCILS. h'POOMN. FOKK. BtTTfcK KMVKS. and in feel eeerything ia the Jewelry lioe. If I fml U hnv oa betid jutt wbat a suatomer may Hard, 1 will order per trat etprear, without eitra charge A liberal ahar of puhllc palmntpr ta eullrited. Ma r, j H. f. NAl'U LK. READING FOR ALL 1 1 HOOKS & STA TIOXER Y, Market ht , Clrarncld, (al (he Toat fiflirr.) flMIK eedr.Ur.d hf?a Ueee la ir.ennM i. L the fittr-nt of Clearfield and leintir, that ha hat fitted up a room and haa Jut returned from lbeilylih a largo amount of roadieg Matter, i onaifting In part uf EiLlcs and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aerounl and Paaa Book a of rry d aeri'tin Par" arid Knt elope. French reed and1tnt Pen and Peaeila i Blank, Lea; I Pnperi, lerda, Mortafr ) Judcutent, Kieni (Jon and Prumiaaory ante 4 W bite and Parch; tnent Hrief, Legal Tap, llenrd Cap, and U ill Cap, Sheet, Muie l -r either Piano, Plui or Yit.i.n eonettntly on hand. Any bok r ata tinner; drrirrd that I may not har on hand, will be or ordfred by firrt eapreaa. and veld at whrlnl or rrtnil ti anil euatoaner. t will a)en kerf periodical literature, auch aa Majratlne. New. .P-a. At). V. A. UAl'LI. Cl.arflelJ May T, tf JhEW 6T0KE AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SI I AW & SON Hare ju-t opened Kbit Stork, on Main St.,CnARriiLD, Ta., lalclr occupied hy Win. F. IK WIN. Thrir itock conaial of jDinr csi cd td9 Gh(M-n:u of lbs brt qualily. Qur.F..NswAnE, Boots and Shoe?, and trory article Decftiarr for one comfort. Call and xatuineour (ock tofor pur- cl.aind eWhere. May 0, .HGO-lf. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON rf- IUMLIN'8, roa ali t a. J. II A YES, rorwenavlUe, Pa. The on tier? (fried rerr- pfWe nnliee, that Iber all pT the hirlx-'t trterkr fhre fnr a fiv4 ffiielitvof l'MI and th.ree having n. fnr aalr. will And It to IhHr Internet io fit tben a call More aclline; elwriere. Ki'AV A 50.X. i ie.roirt. i area n. mev t j eunflrn and Warhlnr thp. 4. r. enrTo oso. . torso BOYNTON & YOUNQ, FOUXDEliS k MACHINISTS Uanafartarara of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Tine Streets, t I.IUHl'll:l.l), pa. Ww nnVIN'll cngnged in Itie manufacture of first claaa N AC1UNLU Y, we fMpeotfull)' inform the public tLat we ara now prrparod lo 111 all orders aa cLcaplj ami a. promptly as can he done in anj uf tho cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shaftlne; Pullcra, Gilford's Injeclor, Steam Geuies, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Tops, Oil Cups, (laugt Cools, Air Corks, Ololie Valves, Chc k Valrea, wrought iron Pipes, Rleara Pumps, Boiler Feed Tumps, Anti. Friction Metres, Boap Ktone Peeking. Uum Pack 1"K. and all kinds of MILL WORK) together with Plows, Bled S..I11, COOK Ay I) PA liLOJl STO I'EF, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. Orders tolicitcd and tiled at cilT prices. AU letl rs of inquire with reference to maebiuerr of our manufacture promjl answered. l addrca. iiif us at CloarCelJ, Pa. declt tf BOV.NTOX A YlH'NO planing UUls. U. L. Rned J NOTICE. C-WM i. r. carer, u. it. hei:i a co. CLEA 11 FIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpilE proprietors respc'lfnllr inform tkecitiseni -ew 01 I learOclU eounljr. that Ibee hare antirelr refilled this establi.hment wllh tbe latest imi.ro. e.1 wood working uachiuer.r, and are now prepared 10 tieeute all orders ia their line of busineat. Ther will give t'pecial alltalion to the manufac ture of materia! fur house building, iu4h aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, doors, blinds, uitcuKTs eV .1101 i.ni.ros, vi abb 91 I u, We alwart bare on hard a large stork of PRY Ll'MIIKK, and will psrcs.h r..r all elear Limber. One-.nd a lulf Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichanged, to suit customers. fcjirdrri solicited, and Lnmlwc furnished on short not. re and on reasonable Icrme. U. L. KLED A CO. Clearfield, Nov. f. 18(7. . F. H. Pattoh ...T -Jowl Parroa, u 4. u. iRWia. E. B. PATTON & CO., ITavin fitted up a flrit-claae PLANING MILL Ar prepare.! to furniah all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, auch aa Flooring. Siding:, 8nrfaovrretied Lum ber, Saih, Doort, Blinds, And every dracrtption of rLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. rrIealers will tnd it to their advantage to cnusult oar prioes before purrba.ing elsewhere. Ad.lre.s, E. B. PATTON A CO.. Carwensrilie, tlee. .1, I Sf.ft-If Clearfield oounIT, Pa. Clothing. II ow to Save Money. Tn K tlaea art ard ; y.-o'd Ilk to know llo yoo niT ear Toar dollar The era to do tl I ill a haw. Jfyoa will read ht follow. A wiaa ho Ihod not far fro tier, A ho worked hard at bif trad, put had a hooaebold to auppert Tbit aquan dared alt ha made. I met hlra one, finya he, ''My friend, I look thread bear and rmb ( I tried to aft inraelf a anil. Put can't aav ap noagl..M 6t t, my friend. h"w mn-h bar yoa t I'll tell yna wber to go To gr a anil lhai'e enand and ebeapi To HKULNSIKIN A Co. Ba tonlr what llitl be had aared. And want to Heiaeaeteia A Brother', And ther h got a bandn aait, 'or half be paid to other. New be If borne, be look o wll( And their effort 1 torn, That when ihey take their dlljr meal, 1 lie don't eat half a much. And nnw be fin da ea Pattirdar nlgbl, Hiih all their want earthed. That he ha nrnney left to apend, And aooi to ley aatda. Ill pond an rert , h cheerful ami), He f'adly tella tn all. If y'd 'are annnry, go and boj Vour etothea at IlKlB.TtI8 CLOTntNO nALU ff'bcra the ebeapeat, Bneat and beet Cloth In; and (rood Forrliliinpr Oood can b bid lo tait erery tan l and tn orery atyl aprll. AT Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Afinar rem Cbleberlnjr's. Steinwnj'e an.l Kaiereoii's ri.wos tfu'lth s. M- a Hamlin's and Peloab.t'a Drains and Melodrons, and tlrorar A Ilaker's Pewlnf Xlerbinea. ALSO TRArnin OP Piano. Qaltar, Organ, lUrmonv and VoenI tin at. Nn ptpi taaen for les than half a terse. T-Houi n.al door t First National Uank. I lea. I, id, Ma. 4, Iki U If. 1 1 ! K w (.)taiii.I'. h:i;h. ft We bar. printed a leree nainiM.ref the new I l.K Illi.U and will aa Ibe reocipt of twrnl. flieeonlii, mail a eopy lo an. aiblrr... wt.v"! I II.MlO IKKI Ko. I ei.Meen hirb l f'lllNlll.KB, for whlek the hirhe-t .ir. will be raid. WKAVL'R ft KETTS. CJrarn.14, U, UK, t( .iaUlltawMasWjaWtf"tfhi iiy-V Jmo4 A Ifdldnfi It i: II V A I . HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ) R U G 0 I S T S , Jlarktt Slrctt, Cltarfttlit, fa. Ttt beg leare ta Inform one old and new W eaatomere, that w, bar removed onr ei tablislirarnt to the apaoiou. new bulldlnf Just erected on Marked street, nearlj adjoinin tba Mansion House on tbe west, and opposite Messrs. Uraham Hon.' elorei wb.ra wa retpeetfull. invite tb, publio to eooie and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Onrstook of Drure and Medieines eonsistsof rerjtblnf used, aeleeted with tb, greatest eare, aod WARRANTED STEICTLT PUEE! We alio beep a full itoeh of D.es, Perfumeries, T.il.l arlleles. Voaps, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brashes, Whitewash Brushes, and ever ether bind brushes. Wa bare large lot of WHITE LEAD, TUM'KNTINE, Flasseed Oil, Palnta. and In fact everything tsed in tbe paintinit business, which we afler at Cite piieos to cash knvere. TOBACCO AND SEQARS, Confeetlcnerr, Fploes, and tbe largest 'stock, of varietiee ever oflered In thle place, and warrant, ad to b, of the beat tb. Market sfford. J. U. lURTSWrPK, Kov. J. IBIS. JOHN F. IHWIN. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Fowtlers, 'i iii prtparauun, ion a wiu i't""i; eba.B.a. ill ll.euir 1. 1 v n.tn w InTIHrmtal ( i 'LaZiTT V twk-' "a and U apirttrd lioreca, It ta a ure r-:c..Ure of all aieteae (rifi-l'-nt ui tM animal, auch aa Ll'.SU W K V KH. SI.ASir.KA. YKl.UiW WATKK. UK K'Vi, CitVtiHA, IMS T:MI'KK. .VMt9. KM X 1'KH, l.OOV Al'1'KTiTt A.NJt VITAL fSKRdY. he. Iti um J pre e Uire etna, Inereatw the aio,-- aTlVM MltUOalLh ftllll rill til- mkiO mild Irmailormi the niweralf akkloii iuuaati4eitiv aiii .'irite4 Item Te ktepera ef Cowa tlla tirepam- lia ia lavataahle. It ta a aure pre- rrntivv agfttrm Rlrdfril, Hollow Horn. etc. It haa beeA previm be i actual expnmpnt vo incraaae u llfaH.tnl.lt ol Mi i Ik A r.wm ' fT cent and aiaa ll.e tMiltrr Ana and avwt. In fatfilDi cattle. It f leea tfaeaa aa appit. leneen their bt4e, au Bake Uw-attanr aniici. faeter. In all 4lae ef 0wia). eucr. aa Ccm)!, t'ktn ia UieI.uair.LlTr, c ,th article vt aa a apM-iAc. bj tHittin frm bait a pepar to a paf-ar tn a barrel of will tli almrdiM-aw will tv- ni'U alMt or eatirvlr pmmird. If irra to tine, a errtaln PcoUe and ar for tit 1 1 of CtMHrre, DAVID Ca FOCTZ, Proprielor, BALTIMORE. Mai. Foraala hr rntesti aod !ioTw-kerp.Ti ihrougaeut Ibe tatted atatce, Caoatiaa aud ovulk Aiacrtca. Fur aale hj Ilartawirk a Irwin, riearfield, and y druftzifla atiJ (tore keTni throughout ibe t:niti-d fttate. U-bll-ly AUenlion, Afflicted I rilHB ubaeriber fWea no tic ttat he ha I J el. f U..li.(r.a I. I -tli. J) IVIUUir'l lilt JIUI,.wj va newminv e ee w.e- erabart;, wber ba Intenda to derote bia atteo Mr.a to tbe trcatmed of CliKOMC DISEASES la ecneral. Ha will kerp en hard a ebole - loot. oa of DHUGSand MKDICl.NLS adafUd lo tba treatment of elirool diieaeea, in. any be eonrulted at hie oe at any hour of the day. N. BsA word to tho afflicted with ehnmle disease nay ba ta ram a adraniaee. II a it bat at ha aware tbat curaraT i'bxatciana vie do a aiuiaa praetir bar Dot naa lo tiod ta tba treatment of caaoaic diseases, and eooae ueallv aaoLacT tbcot; here Ihli class of die aaaea rqutre iiririiri aiiention. iiKOUtlK WILfON, M. J. Lotfcerabure:. Feb. 37. Mi tt Beale's Embrocation, (LATE rOWELL'8.) For all dteeasee Inrlitent to Boraea. Cattt, and lluaaaa Fleab, reqairint; tba at of aa iteroai appliratioa. Tbii Fmhrtteatina waa aatnsieelj ad bj tb QnTroiaeBt Hnrtna; lb war. For eal by Harts wick A Irwin, Clearfietd. Joavb He Irwia, CarwfiariU. laoiel (iood I an dor. Ia:harabara tf LITIIEHSBIRG rOTTEBIES LulberaburfT, Clecrflrld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS &. DAIRYMEN Look H ere I rpilK nndersierned is peepared to furnish on 1 with Ike best KTUNKH AHK maoulartured '.u this eocntry. lie bas never vet failed to pleaeo iae most lasiinioas, aa to qnaiitv or durabilitj. Ilia ware consists ia part .f CUE AM POTS OF ALL SIZES. Ml I K CROCKS AM) PAX. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And In short EVERYTniNO usually made and kept In an establishment of this kind. IIKUCH ANTS Can bav. their ware delivered br me, at ANT Tl M K and to ANY PLAt'H desired. Orilrra for war solicited, and promptly filled. JMrFor reneral assortment, see Cetalofue and Price List, maikd free to applicant.. fJT-A liWraJ discount will be given to the wholesale trade. CEO. C. KIRK. Luthcrsl.urg, Pa, Iee. , lSi.n tf M0 MY X HOOk. HAVING turrhaeed tbe enlire lo-k of ooit at the old ataatl of Kirk A Hiencer, I lutAiid to continue the buainres at heretofore. My motto i to nil 'rnKAP roa cau." Tbitokint; oar friend and ffatfinfr for faet patronage, I eoiicit a contiiiaanee of the aame. IAAC fclKt. I.iimhpr City, R.pU 12 tf. it7irrAYL(Tirs LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tb Ri)rosd L'epnt.) CI r-ARI'll I l, pf.xva. TKMimArn tl.li mrtln..! of Infonntn: the pnWie, that I have rpened tip a ynni Ur (he tl 1 wood ar eoal harnt 1,1 M K mi A Anlhraeite COAli, In lha horonrh of t'learfiMd, and hare ennpltHj arrancftDi nta with ewttrrn dealer by whioh I ran fcerp a fnll supply e.a.tnntlT on band, whira will he airpoaed o at reoetinanlr rate, l? the tun, bn,o or ear load. I suit purehneer Thoe at a dielwnoe euin addree me bv letter, and obtain all necessary indtruatinn hr return mail. K. li. 1A1 LO H. riearfield, Pa., Feb. S4, tf ralnts for Farmers nnd Others, rpiIK tJrafton Uiaeral Paint CompunT are now J mantifactarili; lb bout, rheaprat aod moat duraMe I'aini in un ; two coal well (tut on, mil ed with pnre lsineel Oil, will lat IVor la yeara ; it is of a light It it. w or beaulifiil rhminUte m)or, and oan lie rhanrisi to Krcea, lead, atone, drab, (litre orerram, tomtit the laalr ef the cunmitner. It ia valuable for Holier, Nam, l'r nee, Oftrrlsire and far maker. Pail and WoMrn ware, Aftti eullnral Intplemrute, t'anal Itoala. fel and Hhipa Ht.ttt.ni. t'aaraa, lift a! and M-Inclr Itonfa, tit neia; Are and water proof.) Floor Mil t'lo'h, (one tnanufaotnrer barinf qmiJ o.Ml'U hrre)s the pet year.) and a a paint fur any pnrpnae i on anraaed fnr bode, dnrwrdlity, elartirity and adhe aivrnea. Prtow. $& per barml of tP lla., whi b wit) "npply a farmer lor Tear tneoene. V airantrd In all PUM-d aa a Intra, Fn4 Ut a eireulnr, wbifl, Kirea full pattirnlnre. Knar ntne anleea brand ed in a trade anark, tlraltua bliaeral Paint. Par anna eaa order tbe Paint and remit tba aiouejr oa rvoeipt of good. Addrea. it 1 1 " i . l L a co., tori waa :M feari irte. liew V.,k. mm )ra CmAt, frorfrlfjf Oflf. JIti:iT Il.lItUAIK ir Kfnrn In MtiUnnhiiriT ! inn uavav " ,.,u.. v..v-.0. Id tb room formerly occupied by P. T. Urgarty. L. M. COUTRIET rpAKKA this method of loforuMnf the eitiran X of t'otinpTton. Kartliaoa, (iirard and tb aur mundin; oountrr. that be ha juat opatied a lare tork of bl .MMKH U(H)bA, which be la deter mined ta aell TEN PKK CV.fi 7 CIIKAPKR than th nam qalily uf Oooda ran be porehaaed for in any other store Id tbe atigbborhood. lit toe k auusiat of Dry Goods of all kinds, Such a Satinnttp, Caasiroere, Muslin, Delaines, Linn, Ur.llinjra, Calfeooa. Tnmmiof, ilibbous, Lace, READY-MADE ClOTHINO. BOOTS 4 fcilOHS. HATS k CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KHIDS. Coffee, Tea, Sujsr, Ttlce, Molasses, Fish, Salt, LiuMed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenffwara, Tinware. Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Fpiktl, Corn Cultivatora, Ciller Preeeel, and all kinds of Axe,. Plows .re of the Cunrensrille and Centr. county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paiots, Varni-b, Olasa, and a fen era. asaorttuent of blatiuaery, GOOD FLOUJl, Of different brands, always on band, and will be aold al the lowest poaiible figure,. riqions, fiuch as 11BANDY, WISE, GIN" A WHISKY iOOe pounds of Wool wanted for nbioh the higueat prie. will be paid. CLOVICK SEED, On band anil for sale at the lowest market frier, Also, Agent for Wilson's Btraltourlll. TUBESIIIXG MACHINES. tC.ll and see for youraelves. Ton will Sod everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COIIRIET. Pranchrill. P. 0., Jan. 7, 16. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COCIISE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 AXK are now opeutnf op a lot of tn bert and 1 T tnoet aeaaonabl Good and Waro ver otftred in thia marknt, and at pricea tbat remind on of the ?"od old days of cheap thinjft. Those who lack fanh upoa tbis poiot, or dwin ear aile galioua aupiiSuona, need but cut .ir om srone, Corner Front and Market street. Wher they ean ate, feel, bear and know for them selves, lo fully understand wbat are cheap pood a, this must ba duue. We do But deem it neeeasary to enumerate and itemise our itock. It i aoab fur aa to stale tbat We have Everything that ia Needed and consumed In this market, and at price, that astonish both old and ronnx. deo20 JuHfcl'H FFlATf A BOX. XEIV rL,OUK, FEED AXO PROVISION STORE, TUB .ndersigned hare just received at tbeir new stand in Waliaeelou, ft full supply f Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (.1 reduced rat. I,) A good article of TOBACCO, CIGARS AXD EMOkl.NO TOBACCO, eonsUnUy an hand. Alt of which will be sold at LOW RATES for CASH ar given in exchange for SUIXULK3 and LIMBER. We respectfully ask the public I. give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere. J. R. READ A CO. Wallacetrn. April 7, 15C. EDWARD PERKS & CO., Flour Manufacturer., Aud Dealer, In GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rniLIFSBCRO, Tl. Vrri.i. srpri.T of floi r, wiie..t. COK.N and CHOP constantly on hand, and lor sale at rates remark. blr low. fibt-U cw Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, WaoitlALt DBALCR IS WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET ST., CI. EA1 FIELD, FA. 'Vft.Full stock of Wine, Rranly, din, VTblsky and Alcohol, aiwars on bani. Special attention pild to eeeuring a pare .rliel. for fact. mental and medical purposes. jan21-tf The Lightning Tamer. 'pilE ander.icned ar. the eol. Agents In Ibis I eiuntv for the"Norlh Ameriren l.elranlted LKIUTMNU RODS." Tree .re tbe only safe rod. now la use. end ar. endorsed bv all tho scientific men in the eeuntry. vt a hereby nntlfv the eitiiens of tho eoontv Hi at we will put then up hotter rod, and lr Irs. money, than ia charged by th. foreign agent, who annually traverse the eouuty and carry off our littl, rash, never to return. ENTOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those willing llehtnint Bods erected their buildings need but address us bv letter, wr tie'' in person. W, will put tbeiu up anywhere in tiiecounry. ana w.rmnt these. The Rods and lixturea ea. b. seea at any time by calling nt enrslor. MKltRKLL A BIULEH. Cleerfield, Jons II, l.'t tt GUNSMITHING. K l; H O V A I.. fpilR undersigned bes leave lo inform bis old M and new cn.tnnier. aad t that he lias fitted up a new I and new cn.tnnier. aad the ptililie eenerally. 1 I N PHtip, on Ibe lot or the corner of PU IITII and MARKET slirels, Clr.rfiel.1, Pa., where te will keen eon- stantiy on hand and tr.ke to order all kind, ef guns. Also, guns re hnrcd, re-Tatni.hel, an! neally repaired on short notice. All ord.ra by mull will receive prompt attention. jiOOm pd JiUIS VllORK. n. tu rrti-rnroM w. n. MerDKnana 2bT13W Filial. FULLERTON & McPHEKSON, K tl.P ranststttlT on haud aad for sa'c, Frt-ab meats, such as BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, ic, Frr.ll I'lsh, and all Vegetables in aenson Canned Fruits, liuttrr. Lard. Ar, which they will .ell al the lowest market prices. Ca.h p.id for CATTLE, III TTER, Ac. Room on Market fitreet, oppn.ji the Court Uouae, 1 ksarfteld, Pe. (M.y IX, ' tf. "tJI S-fet ft. Ki.mlupo, Jlul.bell's, Dreke', llaaflaud'a OnmB.,rloeteter, awd Oreewe'a Usrrenated Bitter, i .1. pwr. Liuuora, of nil kind, for vredicinal rurrm... for .al. bv H4RTSWIOK A IRWIN, 1M.KI" I1AMIII.-1I,. undersigued will pay the higlieit CASH I'EIl K lor all kinds of H Rf aad DEER FKINP-. (live m. a raU Cl.arfield, Dce.31. I L. RtlZLNHtlN. flallrmilj. PESVLVAm rulTroIJ TYHONX CLEA HFIELD fiBAXCfl. ON and after Moadev, APRIL M, !., , Pssseoi(er Trains will raa t; Paa-enr Tr.lo will ma Buadeyi) between Tyroa and Lock Uan 7?J Paeenger Traia betweea Traae aitd c-J. e!4, follows: LEAVE BOl'TII. LEAVI KORiaT Cloarli.ld I.4S, p. Tvrone 9 99 im Philipsburg.arl 60, (iKeola I4, a " l.J ti, Pbllip.b'rgar'llj,'. Osceola 4.14, j,n ,J'W Tyron. " ' CleerllelJ )!.(,,', FARE AXU DISTAXiJes" FROM CLEARFIELD FROM TlRosj. Station. Etaliou, t 4 I Leonard.... Woodland.. I' if lev Walleeeton HI. I. U.ll... loteraeefine If' Vanseovoe.... SiOsrOn.r 8 1 W. PleassuL.. . . S .11 M M 16 49 ii U n" t in ti M ...11 .13 4ii ruuiuitt i. Plilllp.liure IT SO fWly Hwg,...is OS l'oweiltooH 17 0 (Isjceola ao A Iionbar. i 76 Kleiner's 2H 80 Plilllp.hure-.V4 84 Rlue U.ll , ll i Weliaceton. is Hteinere' 19 Iuntar ?0 Otceoli. Ul Howrlllon 24 Kanily Ridge....i onmrnit 27 Ml. Ple.miL... .10 Oerdner 8S An'Bliler 5 Vanscoyoe H 1 fed Wood'aod 3i Intcre!lion....!l7 1 IM l.r.-n.nl ro ii. tt Tyront tt I H riearHrid 41 ,0 FARK FROM CLEARFTELLipTa Bellefonte, Pa Oi I Middletown .. U W ll Haven t 70j Msriwia.. ( M WilliKoiniort. S 61) Lancaster ' vg.' Hunungdon 1 0 PHILADELPHIA t li Lowistown t BO Altoona ,j Marvsville 4 60 J.hnvU.wn sa HAKHISBCHU ... 4 TilPITTKBl'ltU , 1 CO. M CHUNK. Passenger, leaving Clesrfield at 2.30 n. Pbll psl.urg at t.ii p tn., Osceola at 4.1i n ' arrive at Tvrone at 6.60 p. n.. Baking eonnectiea with Cincinnati Et press East at C.17 n. aaaai wilh Mail West al 0.4 I p. m , on tioin LmeM with Bald Eagle Express, leavinc Tyrone at T 44 p. m., arriving at Bellclonte at t 4i p nr., aa4 at Lock Haven at IP. .10 p. m., connecting with in. Msil F.ml on tho Philadelphia and Erie Rod, at 11.21 p. m., arriving at Williainsport at 12.4tia.au hetuniioc, paeneers leantg Wiliamrpat S.I5 a. tn., on Erie Alail West, arrire at Lock Ha ven at M a. nr., connecting with Held Eati, tiprest learin; I.ok llarcn al 10.2s a. ai., sr. riving at Bellefonta U.iJ ,. B.. Eoow 5, City at t.ii f. B and Tvtone at 1.20 p. n. EDWARD U. WILLIAMS, Oeneral Pnp'rifitendraL OL0IIUE C. WILK1.NS, nj?ltf Eopeiintredent. Philadelphia &ErIc Railroad. WINTER fjllE TABLE OX and after MONDAY, K0V. lath. tiei. ta, tr.ins e. tb. Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run a, f"llow: Mc.tar.rd. Mail Train leave, Philadelphia!...... IS t. U. Da... do.. St. Mary',... 1.J1 P. , Do......arriveM Erie 1 10 P. kt. Brie Kiprea, leaves Pkiladelpkia...II 41 A. U. Do do.... sit. Wary 'a....... I 04 A. M. Do....airive at Erie U.M A. t a.tward. Mail Train leave, Krie t 40 A. IL Do do..... St. Mary's. I It p. kt. Do arrive at Philadelphia.... 10 A P. Erie Eiprea, leave, Erie 4.M P. kt. Do di....8t Mary's III! P. M. Do arrire at Pkiladrlphi 12.46 P. P, Express east eonneetl at Corry, Vail east al Curry and Irvio.tou, Express west at lrviesto. with trail, en Oil Creek f AHrslieay River R 1. ALFRED L. 11 LER, General rnperiateadnt Clearfield County Bank. rP.IE ClearAelJ Couctj Bok as aa lDeotrara X inatilydf'B bas &o oat of tiistars 7 lha sorrDdr of lu ehsrter, aa Ut IS, IM AU its atock Is owatd hy tbs tabscribars, attc will aoatiiioa tht Pnokit j bnaiasas at ta sssif plsrf, sa frirat Haaksrs, andar tk firia asa. of th "Clparaald Coaoty Bank." Haart ra spoaaiblt for tba dtbts ol tba Ubk, aad will bij Its rot4s oa demand at tba ooualar. ItsposiU rocaired sad ia'rcst aid wbta a.aaj la Itftfsr a flxd Itana. Fipor disoaaatsd al sti aar coot, ss brrtifora. Oar frcraocal rasfrontsbilifj If pledged for all l oita rocclTtd sad baaiaaii trans ctrd. A coBtiauaaea af tba liberal at roatfro of tba botiaan sna of tba eoatty ii n spacUalW solicited As PreaidfBt, Caabiar ass. oSoarj of tla laU Clearfield Coaatr Baak, raqaira tba aoUs af a.d Bank ta ka prowatsA fnr radoaiptfia. JAS. T. LKONARD, riCIIABD BDAW, WM PORTER, J AS. B. tihAUAHp A. K. WEIGHT. O. I. RKED, WM. A. WALLACR. Tba baslaan of tba Bank will ba aoadoetad )f Jba M. A da ail., aq.( as Casbtar. joall.'tv J. I. M'Uirk. Kdwsrd Prrka. BANEHiG 4 COLLECTION EOTJSE McGirk & perks. F oeceasors to Foster, Perks, A Co.. riilllp.burr;, i'entr County, Pa. A r II ERE all the business of a Banking Hoes, , T wil' n. transacted proiapUy aad upon ta. most faror..vle tern.. ; if. County National Bank. CLEARriILD, PA. THIS Dsnk If now open and ready for leif nesa. OICc. on Second street, in the betid ing formerly aeeupied. by Leonard. Finney A Ce. tunicroM lap orriraas. 7AI. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SHAW WM. A. WALI.ACK, WM. PORTE. A. K. WRIoilT, OKO. L. REED. D. W. M00RR, JAS. T.LEONARD; juSJ.e! Cashier. PrerdeaL Vlnrtismittting. Xcw ISInrkKinith Shop. EECOXD ST., CLEARFIELD, Pi. rpiIE undersigned begs I. inform Via frteada. t .ad lb. iah.bitaats eftbs borooeh ol Clear eld and enrroa.dteg neighborhood, thsr h, uv row ready to execute all order, ,ltbw ta troa ar ttoel. 1I0R?E SHOEING on tb, most arpntt nltw stvle. ALL KINDS OF SAW. MILL IRONS Eli 1 N E work, loraci', tools, een.tboka,epree-t, grabs, Aa. Meet tools of all kind, aoada.f test Ialu or America steel. i-AII any work I, warranted t give nil- fetin,.r not ebaj-ged for. not." II AMOS KKNSARD. KoggsToM-iii-ihlp.lwnte (ir.EAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I JVKRYBODT tryinf to ft tbots flrtl, fsfftaf i of be inn crowd rd oat lata tba aold. li ymm a an t good hborlnp dona, fro ta Unas. If ynajwant war Sla imaed right, go la BifRi If joa vsat gmed Mill Irons, fo ia Bcstiff If jra aat oar wagon lrttnd ia thtbtat strle and workmanahlp, go ta Bit Br ins vakts tb hst htomp Maebias is l Stole, aod dota all kinds or BlACKKWITHlNti as chctp as can ba dona la tho eoanty for Cssh. !; Ttist Otbca addrM Is CUarncId Brtdr. THOMAS BtlvHi. Bwcg Tp.. Poa. 19, t?7-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME 1XDUSTKT. Till K acderrlgned. bevlng e.tabli.b.d a Km eery o. the 'l ike, .bout half way between rtr.rneld and Curwee.viHs. is prepared te fur nl.b ail k. ad. of Ull IT TKKKS, (standard sod dwarf.l Kvergrens, Sbeuhhery. Grape Vines, tlooreberrie Lawhin Riaesoerry, Strawberry, and Rajberry Vines. Alto. Siberia. Crab Trees, Uulnee, and early seirlet Rkabarb, lo. OrJtrs prumptiy nlietded lo. Address, J. D. WRIG11T. erJ S y Curwensrills, P Lime lor Sale I THE nnJrnigKd, resldin, nenr lb. depot ku m.d. eompleto wrangeaie.ls wllh Li. liurners east at the nioa.uia, whereby he Is sue bled tn keep ooastutly e. bead a large q.aality ef TURE LIME! which be offer, to farmers and builder, al trij. boi eoost. Those in need of the nrtiole weald do well lo give me . call, or ed.lrees me by letter, he. fore ueottniiag their lime. lime, L'tU riearlleM, Pa . Je I TA!kTI:i line good HCKSIITH 1 one man to work In wood making Weds. Wagoas, Hump Alaehtues. do. Mngb. ms r men with auail families. App iOdTIl A RIMBAIOER, n'tf Jeftrr.'i Line, ae.rAal wunty, re-