.I""" THE SMITH HOUSE, .orneroi iveea inirn iMrerts, ci r.Anm.rn, ta. (Opptito tht PuNBKir Depot.) milk nnderslgned has erected this large and ooranmttof house fbf tb entertainment and coonmtvUltoD of the trereHng puhlia. II there, fort svlicifs traeelers and sojourners re riy bin a call. Hit TAIil.K will U supplied with the bent the market affords, and charges reasonable. fhJ-AmfiU stabling to accommodate teamsters 1l tlnrhftl to tbe house. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Nwrthl Railroad Depot,) REED STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. O, r. COODFICM.OW, Proprietor. ft KEW ft nrt -class Hotel In every respeot- oom.ortaoie rooms an cne niodorn improve ttot tbe bft of LIQUORS prompt attend- tnee, ud reasonable charges. The patronage, of the nuiM Is respect.uuy solicited. Teamsters wilt pleaee tihe notice thai a largo barn hai jut Veen erected fbr the sheltering uf horses, loaded wacontandearriarfl faavinc aoomtnodlouf vard adjacent to the Freight and I'asseng or depot. jrSO THE MANSION HOUSE, Csracr of Second and Market Street a, CLEARFIELD, PA. rnHI3 eld ud eoaatnedtoaa Hotel baa. daring M wefeM year, aeea tniargeu 10 double lu Ivreir ouultf for the entertainment of siren ifm en 4 sweets. The wbdo butUing bee been Yefuraished, end the proprietor will spare no pains to render tit fuesu comfortable while laying with him. jrVlbe "Manatee Hom" Omnibus runi to , and from the Oepot oi the arrival and departure f eaehtren. . . iAVll JU11NSTUN. owtf Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. FA. Till robacrfW having leaaed for a tern of yeare tbla well-known Hotel, (kept for nian y 7rt by Mr. Lanlch,) and reined and refur iahed It throughout, 1c now prepared to enter taia traveler! aod tb. public generally upoa derail it U hopad allk. agreeable to both patr.ni sad proprietor. Hit TABLR and BAR will be eupMl.d wltk tht but tb. market efford.j nd ao paina will b. iparad on hii part to add t the convenience and cotn'urt of hi. gue.ta. JOUS DOUUHERTtr, ctll Prop.ictor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET St.. CLEARFIELD, Pa. j THIS large end eomtnodions new hotel bin been opened for the veeemniodation of the publie, where the proprietor will be glad te meet bit oia in As r-e r U C v 'Wlfubrrjirr A r. -i Tr n n n n n it AT LOWEST PRICES! J. 1. BLATTEM5ERCER, & CO., NOW OFFER AT THEIR Ilamuioth Store, ' Iff OSCEOLA, PA., LARGE & WELL-SELECTED Spring & Summer Goods, PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST MAR KET RATE3, AND TO BE BOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. Vhlladflpliia dicrtljsrmrnls. FALL AND WIN7TR FASmnnn! Pari, and Undoa wltk lb. Ul.M - ."fani trimming, t. . Hoard ParU, .ach a. LAOr.H. RIBBOJIR. VKI.VKTS, Fl.OWKRB BHIDAI, VKII.8. FINK JKWKI.KY. .J THIMMKn PAHKR PATTKIINH, DltK8 Kiclualr. amnt for Mra. If. Wnrl'. ul.k.. tr.trm ftir euttinx ltdii-.' Jretfd, aarqnn, baaqun, Ao. N. W. oorn.r of El.v.mb aod Chntnat St.. i iniaueipuia. (Sept J2, 'l-6m ISAAC K. STAUFFEE, H ATCHES & JEWELRY No. lit North Sioond Street, Corner of Qa.rry... ...PHILADELPHIA. An "nrlrarnt of Walohen, Jewtlr, Sllror and Plated Ware ooa.tantly on band. Hrpairinf of VYatcbca and Jew.lrr promptly B. Bilberman. 0. Kitaincer. II. Silbermaa, S. SILBEEMAN & CO., uronTiaa asp joaaann or FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, &C, 13 A'ortA fourth Slrrrl, rnytt . PHILAUKI.PHIA. r-pd CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARE, WOOD A WILLOW WAKE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. rienda, and reeeiv. a .hare of public pat. tali, of hi. bi rxraan. Br .trtct pirMnai attention to tba do. n.ineot, be bopei to be able to render eatiifaetioa 10 hi. patron.. The TABLB will alwa.r. bo bonntifollj tnpplied with the beat that aan ba proeared in tho market, and the BAR will eontala a fall ttoek of LIUL'OUS, BKKB, Ao. Uood a tabling attached. CASPER LEIPOLDT, Clearneld, March I, ItM-lj Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CIRWEN6VILLE, PA. HAVING leaa.d for a term of yaar. the above well known and popular boul, (kept forai.rly bj Mr. Maaon, and latelj b Mr. Erana.) the praaent proprietor haa ra-BUed it wita tne objeet or rendernf bla g ueati eoaiorv able while fojonrnlng with hint. A fine, large Euble and Yard la attached, for the eare and protection of horeee, oarriagea and wacona. liberal ehare of publie patmnare la aolielted. feblt tf JOHN F0DT8, Prop'r. T7UKNITURE k MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL-REGULATED nOUSE HOLDS, A3 WELL AS TO MILLS, MINES, AND CAMPS. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cvrtrcnerllle, Clearfield count. P rilUISeUaod well eeUbllahed Hotel, teaitl X. fully lituated on the banka of the fieeqae baana, In the boroagh of Cnrwenirllle, ba been Uae4 for a term of yetvn by the nnderrigned It baa been entirely refitted, and la now open te tie public generall and the travelling eomma altj im pan4oler. No paiaa will be epared te render gueati comfortable while tarrying at tfala name. Am pie Btabiieg room ror toe aooommo ditloa of teama. Charge! moderate. Jan. 1, M tf WM. M. JEVFRTES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, larweuaruie, Clear uciivceanty, I'a THB ndereigned bae leaeed tfale old and long erUbliabed boUl, (formerly kept by Major iiiae If loom, J aituate la a eeatrai portion ef the toa,aad baa entirely re-A tied aod re ferniabe4 it, aod re-mode ted the etaeling, eo u te make It en yeet, herearter. for tba trareung peblte to patroniie tata targe aac tommodione aoofe. dee VftS-tf JOSH J. READ. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, HLSTlt.I)f PA fpRII aM tabliehmeat baring been leaeed X by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the "Morriaoa Uoaee, bae aeea tboroogbly ren rated and refnrniehed. and anpplied with all the modern impreTmente aad eoorenlencee ae etreary te a ftret rhrre Hotnl. Tne dining room haa been removed to the firnt loor. and ie bow paeione and airy. The chamber are well ven tilated, ard the pmpHitorwtll endearorto make hif gaectJ perfectly at home. je2 , J- MORRISON, Proprietor. . W. WALLACB.... THOI. M. 11 AW. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I.utafraUirg, tltarfleld Co Pa. THIS well laowa and long eetabllahed Hotel, form.rlj kept by K. VI. Moora, aad latteilj b, Wat. Bebweaa, tr baa been leaeed for a term I jeara by the aoder.igned, to which the atlrn tien at the traveliag publie ia now nailed, and a liberal ahar f pablio patronage la aolieited. aprlJiS-lj-pd 61IAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST.. FUILIPSBURO, PA. THI .nderalgned keepa eonetantlr on hand the bMtef Liqaore. Bla table ia alwnra aapplied with the bt tba market alTirda. The tr.T.heg publie win do well te giro til a call. a.Tl.d.. ,.,. ROBERT LLOYD. scoots and JJItofS. DANIEL CONNELLY, Bool and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HA ) reived a n. lot of French CA LP bKIN.H. aad ia now prepared t ajaeafee tr. everything in hi. Hoe at tba leweat igarea. He will warraat bla work le ba aa reproeootaa. He reapeeially aolicita a eall, at bia abop oo ilarkei airct,aaewad dear waet of ike poatelnca, where ka will do ail ia hie newer to reader eatie feetiow. 6oa Aoa 4aicer lope aa bend. T,'7.y DAMkL CO.N.VELLT. " PEACE PJOMED.T THE WAR 0V& 15 CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. ' - ;. 'j 'I . ;i,t : Nearly all the (fontralandi going had U ftJ mastcrt; f.'fT 'nary $ne 4;4 U M IfuHachuuiUL km thry xrre lend to long vfif to veil. INaarwaoaeniw af U abore feeta. t. gUORT, ef Ike eld "Mrnrt bkea Bhep." wnald an noaaea to hi. .umerona paxrona, and tba people el Clear eld eonnty at large, that ka baa now drat rata lot of good material, jut received from the Roet, aod ia prepared eo aaorl aotiee to make and mend BooU and bnoee, at bia new abep la Urak.m'a row. He ia aatitlcd that he ranplraea all.failee. it might be .owe intaae.ly loyal atay. at horn patriate., He la pratwred to eell low for Cain ar Country Produce. l)oot forget the Keep aeit door le Bbowera A QraheaVa Mora, an Ilarkei atreet, Clearleld, Pa. and kept by a fallow eommenly called JyJ.dry ' "SHORTT." iiw bmiaxd siioe shop. EDWARD MACK. Coa. MARKET A Sn r, CLEARFIKLft, P. rpilF p-oprletor kaa entered lale the BOOT ar i. RIIOK buaineea at tba above .land, and (determined net to ka outdone either la quel I'y ar prlee for kit work, fpeclal attention ill be paid to maaufeerarlng Kewod work. He on kaad a large let wf Branch Rip and Calf 8klaa, af the very beat aaelity. The eitl a Clearleld ed vicinity are reapaotlally hvlted In give bla a trial. No ekarg a for aallt avt,dtf EV BOOT AD"SliOE SHOP, IN riiRWKRflYILLl. TBt Mbarrlher having lately atoned new Beet and Kke ehp In Cnrwanavllle, on 'a etreet. nppoeita Joaepk R. Irwin'a Drug '"re, repectlally announcea to Ike public that M la prepared to vaaa'aolaraall Mylet of toot d Sao... aad everything la kla line, o. abort awiee. Ho alea krepe on band a good aaeert t af ready. made wark, which ha will aell ap fne aaah a. country proo'e. Kllf lf '" UJ WTaS t. SOSS. QRDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE SALESMEN ARB ATTENTIVE, K LITE AND OBLIGING. pALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE CONVINCED. J. A. ' BLATTENBERGEIt, & CO Oaeeola VTIla, Pa., April il, 1t. f .( Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. ifAROANIZED and eetabli.hed for tlic Tan-haac V. and Bel. of Farming and Mineral Lande, and improved Real EeUte in the Southern Statea. T1I0VA8 R. FLOHENTK, PrcaidenL JO. FKVKRNH. Vice PreaidcM. J. HENRY A!-KIN, Tmaorer, Preaidcnt Fourth National Hank of I'biMrlphia. ' jutt. jn unit IP, fterretery. TUOS. C. MACllOWELL, Attorney and Councilor. Office: Yaahington Building, Corner Seventh St., and Pann.ylvaaia Avenne, H'aahingtan, D. C. nitrr.atirrr.et Gov. John T. Hoffman, Albanv, N. T. .Km Gov. Hna. Iliglcr, Cloarllcld, Pa. Uor. T. F. Randolph, Trentf.n, N. J. Ex-Oov. Vim. g. Parker, VYilliamaport, Pa. Fcpt. 1, '6-tf. NEW MILLLINERY AND a-lPsksacDsr CicEslssa aod DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TV ST OPENED In the room reoenlly orrnpfed by the Miat Reed'i and directly oppoiite Mneeop'e Store. t'learBeld, ra. All the late etyka ef boaaete, beta, Ae- for old aod yoeag. Lettioe, mtaeei, and childrewe' trimmiage, rib- bone, and eoat relreti, laeee. gloree, Ao al ways kept on band. IRKMfl MAKING In alt tti raHont branebee aod lateil it tie, for old, middle aged, and the young, made to order, by the moil fashionable dreee mekerm. Aag. 15, 1 ft. tf. Alee agent for the "Marie Macedonian Oil. Warranted to euro Rbeametlam, Neuralgia, Liver Com plaint, Ae. Me care, bo pa$. Contrnsilllc Slarblc Yard. DRHIROl'8 ef e Heeding my beeiaeeB. and kMwiog thre aan be rte h.rtNr tribute oi rfrrt to tho memory af the direed and taried frioaHn, then le ereet eewr their nirmw botnfi a ecu. pi a rod elab ef ewderieg marble, that penile ftrrever to the rretieg pbMe of Ihvee we i'Ti I a-nar hare te my to all who wieb to ebow brtr aflrritoa for their drparted frieade and kindred, that Ihry eaa aow hare aa (vrmrrtaaity of doing eo, by railing at my Pbop ea Tbompeoa etrrot, CurweMTilla, 1'a., ti 1 l prrpared to farni-h to orders ilONUHENTS, - ( RADLEft ROX TOM US, head st6K2, c of ant dcelgtt ar alaa, at rcjuonalile retra. N. B. I keep aa hand the twat Perrlrw and Domeetlr Marble. All work eaccutej in the moat akillfol aiantict. I I will a1 deliver work to any point ia t'iearneld or adjoining cuanlice, if dceired. . . , VYM. II. C0L1U RN. CtrwenavlDe, OrL it, 1 tf. T. C. MYERS WITH . W. illt. B. ,. ,0A1, WM. W. PAUL Si CO., VYnOLFSALE uoot a x ii siioi: H'.IKE IIOI SE, tn Market St. A 14 Commerce Ik above Sixth, ' myll PHILADELPHIA. - ly j. Roi.Lowai'in a. da via caaxr. EOLLOWBUSH & CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS," Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 318 Jttarket tit., FMIadtlphla. tefVPaper Flour 6acka and Baga, Foolacap, letter, Note, Wrapping, Certain and Wall Papera. feb24-ly. DREXEL & CO., No. 1 South Third Street, Pb.Ua.dalp. ' And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten- ana an tnlomtauon cnvertully furmabed. aprll-tf Hon, Ordere aolieited. ewRapjaavyakaa Sndu-arr, JTinHiirr, (f!U. MEHHKLL & B10LER. II A II ' IV A IK 12, Alee, Mannfaetararaaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLBARF1ILD, PA. L0T 0F sai)Dles7biudlk.s, llarnaia, Collara, ale., for (ale b MERRELL t BIOLER. pALMEU'S PATENT UNLOAD lng Hay Forka, for aala by MERRELL ft BIGI.ER. ()IL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kail, ale., for Bale by MERRELL A BIGLER, TTaRNESS TMMM15G8 & SIIOE AA Tindlnge, for aala by IIF.UUF.LL A BIGLEIl. QUNS, riSTOLS, SWOItl) CAN E8 For aala by MEKREIX A BIGLER, CTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AND Sixea, for nle by MERRELL A BIGLER. JEON I IRON ! IRON 1 IRON 1 For aale by MERRELL A BIGLER TJORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE xx RATLS, for aale by MERRELL A BIGLER- PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES x And beat Uannfaetora, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER- MIIMBLE SKEINS AND UPE BOXES, for aale by MERRELL A BIGLER. pODUER CUTTERS for talo by MERRELL A BIGLER. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co. Ka. 1 N. Fifth Bu and J4 Commerce, rniLADELPllIA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' And Commission Merchants, roa vaa aata or Wool. Olaeeng, Far Skiaa, Featbere, Laatker, ataiseea. urtea rrutta, Liever seed, Hoota, Deer Fkina. Butter, Beaawax, Bkaep Skina, Kgga, Ae., aa., Aa. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price eurrant forwarded aa requeaU Jun 1U IMS Jj pd imm i firs. JOHN FAREIRA 718 Arch St.. Middle of the Rlot k,' bet. 7 lb and ftth Kl., South tide, PHILADKLI'IIIA. Impartrr, manafa?turer and Dealer in all kinds and qualify of FANCY Fl'RS roa La oiks raiLDaiir'i Will. Harlns enlarged, remod eled and imnrored my old - a4f aaim umi.i.ij iivwn f I n ZZZZ-!- EMI'ORH M, and harine Imnortrd a verr large and intend id aeeortment of all tba dmerent ktndt of run from Bret bandi ia Kurope, and bare bad them made np by the moet killfol workmen, I won Id rripecttiilly invite my friendt of Clearflll and a 'I j went eoanllce, to eell and examine mr very large aod beautiful araort- exit of ranry rare, for L4it and Lhtldreo. I am determined to eell at an low priw ae anv other rerpertable honee ia thit etly, All fore waraa tod. IV niarenroeewtatlenff to effect ealM. JOHN FARKIRA. Rept t9. '60-4ia 71fl Areb 8L Philadelphia. $tont tasons. DBBRT ... D. f0rs HUBERT & YOUNG, Stonc-Ctiltm & Slone-Maons WILL eieewtealf work hi Uieir Hue at mod erate prieee and la FlRPT CLASS ftyea. Architectural Ornaments ALL STYLES, Stone Drawing of erery deeeriptioa, and all ktnde ef maeen work eon- raeted for la eroatof the eoaaty. Any pereere riebing to hare renpeeubte maeoa work aod tune-cutting done, will Ind il to taelr totereet to eall upoa aa. We woald aire inform the pub lie that we eon deliver any fjnaotity or elaea af toae detlred, at we are toe ownera of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Orderi for work ean be eddreeeed either to Clearleld or Latberaburg marXHf RI BRRT A TOT'NO. itlnrblc A iStone Tnrd. T. L I D I) t L I. it C O. DEf-inK ta Inform their frir ,., and the publie, that they hare now und will keep eonetantlr oa band a large and well eeleeted atoek of ITALIAN aod KRMOXT MAKbLS, aad are prepared te furnish le erder TOMBSTONK8, Box aad Cradle Tmbi, Monumente la ?e ode tone aad Marble, Curb, and Foete for Ceme tery Lou, Window Bill! A Caps. Arebitex'toral A Lawa Ornaments. They won Id hi -tie rpeeial atteatloa te their Sarditnne Monamentt, whtrh are ballt from Igtnal designs, and will etm.pe.re fararahly tb anything o! the kind ia the oentrj. If desired they can famish Marble Window Us and Caps at a slight adranee ea the prlee Bands toae. Yard en Reed street, Bear tba Railroad depot, Clearfield, Pa. Jettt babcbl eBRgLnw.., .,M.w. aes avarsnon. II FALL OPENING. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, CCRWEN8V1LLR, lA. AVE JTBT OPENED Urge and aaoet eomplete atork a 1IATS A UAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BACON, DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, SALT, AC, AC, AC. (Utiafaotlo rnaraiiteed aa to quality aad price. All kind, of lumber and prwduc taken I ex change for gwoda. Hive a. a eall before purcne- alng eleewncra. ARMiLli A 1IARTS110RN. Oarwenavllle, R.Tu II, Ht-tf. Svv AIM' PAMACKA. Kennedy", Hedlod Dieoovery, Relmbold'e Baeha, Baber'a Coa Liver Oil, dene", and Avcr'a medicine, of every bled, for aala b JIAkTSWICK A IRWIH. LAIE6I SITLE af BOKNETg and BATS, t Mr. WatKt a. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aeaar roa Chlckerlng'e. Stelnwav'a and Emarrnn'a Pleaor Btnlik a, Maann a llamlln a and Foloubet't Organ, and Melodeona, aad Urever Bk.i'l r.iag Machinea. AVtfl mclll of Piano, duller, Organ, Harmony and -1 Mu SAWS 1 SAWS 1 SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! a MiEroLi-rio.r i,r siirst EMERSON'S PATENT PEBFORARATED Gross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMMING AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Bpreadlag. Sharpening, and Shaping the Teeth af all Splitting Saw a. VfA-Sand for a Deacrlptlra Circular aad Prlee Llat. MERRELL A BIOLER, Jan I If General Agcnu, Clearleld, Pa JiiD (T.ooits, (I'.ipffrlfi, (fit. '' aa a. w. omnia . aatain J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET STRRET, CLEARFIELD, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. w " weuaaajaxamwmaMl '.laa.n.awajtra;.gr THE RKPUUMCAN. CLKA II FIELD, Ta. WKDHEHDAT MORNIKO, DEC. I, fltM: G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN STOYES AXD HOLLOW-WARE, AXD MANUFACTURER OF Tin, Copper & Sheel Iron Ware, phlllpaburg, Centra Co., PaH ale. No pupil taken tor leae tbaa hair a term, ariuai next door ta Flrat Natlaaal Bank. Clearleld, May t, lsi If. JkEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON liar juat opened Niw Sroiit, onMalaSt.,CLiirigti, Ta., lalelf occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their Block oonaiat, of U3tEL"Cr. OOCICDtE5E3, Gkncttin of lbs beat quality, QuERNBWARK, Boots and Shoes, tod erery grllcl Deceuatf lot one'i comforl. Call nd ,iamio oar itock Ulor pur- c).neing el..whr. My 9. 18C6-lf. Tt"AltPn-l(m.O0 Ko. I rlghteea lV FII1NULEJ, for hi'h the kigh-H . .. . ' ... . t n e DVT1 leea I neb nriee VTKAVER a bktts. Clrarneld, Jul, 11, 19.tf will be pa d. F RIVCn SID8 aad LACK COUARS. at rpBK anderslgned revpeetfully announces te 1 tne pablio that ae bae oa band a care- fully-eeleeted and well assorted stock ef Btorea. 11 is variety evaiutt ef TUK CELEDRATED IRONSIDES, Wbleb hare Barer failed to (Ire perfect atlsfao- teoB ta the moet last. d lose of Its purchasers. CoatlnenUl, Lehigh, Farmar, Pay light. Spears' AaU-Uest, Niagara, Charm, Herald, efo.. with erery variety of the best i . rittebarg Matrufatetare. k.Tbe Tla aad Sheet tron ware glreawltb the Hioree Is made ef tba bear 'est aad best material, aad warranted to glre perfect seti fact tea. Ilia stock of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES le Itrgar, better and cheaper than srer before eihibited to the publie. lie defies eoaipetltloB either ia raiiety, qeallty ar prlee Re te also prepared to fern lib a aemeUU aseortmeat of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, Wkoleaala ar retail, manafactnred saatly and wltk the eole view at aervtoe, rrom tba beat ma terial ii tba market PLOWS, PLOW POfNTK. A COPPER, BRASS AtiD IKON KETTLE, Of every deaerlplioa oonatanlly aa kaad. LIGHTNING RODS, Sanerlor point, pat up aa ekerl lotlea. The Polal ba ofare te tka putdte ta ike name aa te now need by tba Peaaaylvaata Railroad Oa, ea their buildiaga. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, KOOFIXd Aad ether work belonging ta hie builnoee will ka promptly Hied by eap.rieneed and fkllllal workmen. BRASS, COrrER AND OLD METTLE Takai la axekange for gcode. , aum-Ra eTHa'.ly Invitee tke alleallot af Mcrcbanta wiaaiag ta parehaae at wboleeale. aa they will Ind II to tbelr advantage ta axamlno lie itock before parcbaalog ala.uhere.' 0, S. FLP.0AL. rbillpahnrg, Aug. I, 1f.S. JyJltdt fpPE lubeeribari having tutored Into partner. A. thip for tba rnrnoea of earrvlne an the htitlneal af Merohandl.lag, now offer a rood and rare opporlnnlty 16 lha tltlaena of CleIC eld and adjoining eountlea to toy atore gooda at wholeaala ar retail prleea, that will aatonlih the nnlnatruetad. Their good, will be portion- larly leieeUd la Bull tbla market. Every lady will, therefore, nail tka attention of her huabaud to thia fact, beeanae tbla branch of our hn.ineaa will receive epeela! attention, and everything aeeded la a wail regulated boueebold will at all tluei hi fonad in oar .tore. DRY GOODS: Our itock of PRY r.H)I) .hall not ba aur paaaed, eltker in quality or prion, and will a braoa, In part, Printa af every ityla, Qlnghami and Lawni of .very quality, Muallna of every grade. Da Lainea adapted to lha taaua of the eld and young and every artlct. ,0j , ,j gooda they aell Ii to be aa rcprei.nted, and ranted to give eellefaction. DRESS GOODS: Aa te I)R V.HH GH)rH we have a eplendid aeeortment of Alpaear, black, white, and in col ore! .ruuroa, Silka, and In abort all the neweat atylei In lha market We daaita Uila fed to become known to every paraoa ia tke county With oar aew aad it.nilve atoek of DRESS OOODS, tha ladiei ean all be auitcd by juat ropping In and getting a nice dreai pattern. laoa aett, kid gloree or by doing that which ia better t give bar a well-Iliad puree, and aha will Ind good and paying Inveetmenta ia ambroid eriei, edglnga, ribbon., glovca, hoaiery, or aoy otaer aonaobold aeccuiliea. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And la addition la what wa have alreaiy enumerated, wa keep ,11 kind, af GENTLE. MEN'S WEAK auek ae Clothe, Caeaimerea, Batlaetla, II eta. Boot, and Sboaa, Ac, beeidee. iee aaeorltoenl af Mada-ap CMrTIIINU for Mea and Boya, mannfaoUred aat of tha very beet material, which wa will aell for eaah ar exchange for country produce at price, wblch will aatoniah everybody. Terms of Subscription, If paid In edvenea,ervHrn three monthe...!: 00 If aai'l eltsr tlirbealiil lirforv aia month. Ka 11 paid alter the eilflrStton of aix monltie... I ,0 SQUARE TIMBER: Wa are now largely engaged ia baying and aclling nUUAHK TIMBER and manofao. lured LL'UBER, aad will give thli branch of burlneaa ipeiial atuntlon, and therefore make It aa abject ta every aae who bae Lambor to aell tn com. and deal with UI. GROCERIES & HARDWARE : Wa ahall alio keep eoaataatly oa hand a general aeaortmeal af GROCERIES and HARDWARE, whlek wi will aell at exceed ingly low prleea. We alio keep a full aaaort meot of QUEEKHW AH E. TUi department will he kept full aad complete, and all who contemplate houaekeeplag, will Ind It to Ihelr advantage to eomi aad trade with aa; beeanae wa are ao limited, aad, from long experienca la lha buainoea, ao well acquainted with the wanti and neoeealllea of thia community, that we feel aatliled If every man wamaa aad child only make. It a point te kuy their gooda from ae, wa eaa pleaaa Ik am both aa to quality aad price. Therefore, coma along and kuy your BOOTS at BIIOKi, HATS A CAPS, READY. MADB CLOTUINO, and ivarything yoa need to roa- der youraelr.. and lamillei comfortable, from JAMES B. GRAHAM A SONS, oct CLEARFIELD, P. J7 rtri.u.KiiiH ivoTic.at. Mr.lho.lUt Ivplarapal Chore h H. W II. Hilt. I'a.lor. I'ulilie Kerr ice every Pabbalh, at io, a. n., and 7, r. m. H.lihath Kohool at A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thnradey, at fl P. M. Cotnmunlnn Hcrvlce, drat KuU.ath of every . L. . 1 . . I . 1 1 " Nl. Kraiirla' f'liurch Catholic llrr. Mr O Hbioh. Mora at In) o'clock A. M., on Hi acnond end fourth Hiindnva of each month. HI. Andrew'a liurrh I nlarniinlItev i.rorur jiAki.. ruiino pcrrlee Hunday morning nt iw ooiom, axiu at i p. m. onln.v hi-hool at J p. m. Prayor Meeting Wcdnoediy evening a. t o rinre. Ht. duhn'a ( llurrh I.ntlicrnn Itrr. Mr. R ixnonrr. ruhhc Scrvioo every babhath, morn ing eni evening. rre.byterlati t'hnrrh Rev. Mr.Brri.rn. Public Service erery Sabbath, morning nud even Do not buy your Furs until yoa examine the stock at Wm. Reed & CoY Messrg. E. A. Irvin & Co., at Cor wonsvillo, have lot of Sleighs for sale. lUrdirnt. Us Ts 5s "For thy Stomach's Soke and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. in. itovi:its rens WEST BRANCH BITTERS. FAIRBANKS' BTASDARD fc, SCALES, " or ail liana ; Baggage Rarrewx, Warehonaa Trwrka, Copying Fieaeee, Improved Money Dmwer, Ar. roa lAin ar MERRELL & BlGLKtt, tealerw In HiHetrt, jtOrt-tf Pwnd Btrret Clrarneld, Pa. Asae.pore, pleaeant and healtb-giTing Tonic strictly rrgrtahlo, and manafartured fnm the moet pore and rhee materials la not a spirit drink nnr sxtbAlHute for whinky, but a eriewtifre compound, fur the proteruon of the syitrm and the eure of disraM, made from chemically pare spirits, entirely free from fueil oitor other irrita ting properties, and will aot disagree or offend the at nit delicate stoma h. A long private experi ence bas af tented It Superiority ovor all 0rdina7 Remedies Ko flitters at present offered to the public contain! so mecb medicinal virtue, and yet so safe sod plee-aat to lake. It's aes is to cure disease, sad It will ant ere re aa appetite for tf IHteoas liquors, but will earn the ef diasipatioa To increase the Appetite 1 PK IT. Te promote Plgratlon, t'KR IT. Ta eare Dyspepsia. t'SE IT. To care Fever and Ague, f'HR !T. Tecare niUioasnees, I FE IT. To cure Constipation, CFE IT. Te eare Chronic Merrlima, tf"R IT. Te cere Heart-bam, ( I'SK IT. To cure Flatulence, t PE IT. To cure Aoid KmetattoBe, 1 - I'FR IT. Te rure IVerToas Ictiililyt t'FK IT. To cure Byporhondrt-S VFR IT. To eare Sallownets of Completion. VSB IT. Te eare Pimplca and Dlotehra. IT. For General rrttralrta of tba rhyrtcal powers, TFK IT, aad it cum voa. fold erery wbjerc, l.0 per bottle, Mui f ctnrd riclaefrely by ROY Kit & SHAW, CLKAKFltiLD, PA., It ka oler liberal laduereneuta ta tb trad. OoL IT, ll:tf. PRIVATE SALE. fpilE .nheeribet oRere at private eale, the fnl A Coiiitl,, Told or Sore Throat Reqqiree Immediate atlcntloa, aa negteet often rreulta la an tnewralile 'ewig Dieee. Brown'i Bronchial Troctin will Invariably give inetant rvllef. For Brauehitla, Aathma, CetarThi ContumpUve end Throat Dlmae. Ihoy bat a nothing elect. Iho Jo.y Comtuiaaionore, ATeosri. P.iidI .nil Tvu.ir. ... '" nr. eneaRou this week in filling tho wheel with tho names of Juror, for net year. Arm Broke. Mr. George Wiser, of Boggg township, bad an arm broken one day last week, w hile engaged in hauling timber. - A little child of Mr. Henry Wiser, of Bradford township, while out play ing some time since, fell betweon some logs and broke one of its legs in two or three places. Several splints or pieces of bones have been taken out, and It ts thought more will have to be removed. Tho child is in a suffering condition, and at last accounts its life was despaired of. Velveteen I Velveteen! Splendid arlitlo at $2.00 and C2.S7i received to-duy, at Wm. Rfod & Co's. Tub Remoious Era. It la truly encouraging, and must be gratifying to every candid mind, to note the progress of gospel truths in our com' in unity, which seems to be particularly blessed of Into. A fevr months ago, Rev. Mr. Clippingcr, of Karthaus circuit, held a protracted meeting at Shavrsville, which was abundantly blessed by the bnptism and conversion of many precious souls. The rrood work seems to have followed him over bis entire circuit The congre gation at Curwonsville, under the pastoral charged Rev. Mr. Ferguson his alto had an extensive revival which brought many penitents to seek salvation at the foot of the cross. Whilst Bradford township, Philipsbarg and other places havo had similar manifestations of God's presence and goodness among thorn. And hero in Clearfield, in its church presided over by Rev. W. II. Dill, a mooting has been in progress for several weeks, and we are glad to stato that through his continued efforts the peoplo have been aroused, hntl the harvest of souls is bountiful, and that bis efforts bave made glad the hearts and lightened tho burdens of many a penitent. Rov. Mr. Ninlorf, of the Lutheran church, has a meeting in progress, where sinners may embraco Christ, and we trust many will geek the opportunity to ask and obtain for giver.ess of their sins. old and lowln, perron.l property v.. year ;j p . elwr ind one fear year old oolt. twenty ecape f , a ' , one twin .led. erne lng eled, aaa eee-lorer bad rtmigthcu Ike vole. .ImI mmd .m Windmill. The properly ean be eerk hy celling upoa I Lawkcad, ar ay applying lo me. dkoROB THOIlrJ. Clearleld, Oct. 17, I'll St. N kTiw mu wAtM raoor hat, m Mra, a! tea a. Ouikg ta the good rnpulatlob and popularity nt the Trochee, many worihleve and cheep imitation, an offered, which are good for nothing. Be tare ta obtain the true BROWN'S BROSCBIAl TROCRES. fall rarrwkera, Waterproof at ti 121 at Wm. Reed & Co's. Postponed. We understand thai the county Commissioners, for reasons best known to themselves, have indefi nitely postponed the erection of the new TriBon. Tho question of location has been a bono of contention, as our readers well know, and not until Inst week, could any definite location be agreed upon satisfactory to all. Ex Gov. Bigler, hid been "inter viewed" repeatedly with rofference to aclling a triangular pieco of ground he owns, lying betweon the rirer and 2d street. Immediately above the rte bridge, but always refused to sell il at aoy price, until last week he finally through Ibo persuasion of friends consented lo ofTcr It to the Commis sioners. This new feature in the programrao wo presume, bas mainly lead to tho postponement oi the erection of tho new Trison. What action the Commissioners will lake to sccuro this ground we know not; but a better location cannot be found. Situated on the bank of the Susqne Iianha, it will cost nothing for drain age, or water, as lb latter can be pumped from the bod of tho river. The plot contains about four town lots, which v.'iii give ample room, and the v.rroumlinge are such, that the building could never bo encroached upon by other buildings, ami the structure itself and its surroundings made an ornament. Di'sules, the county will have the use of tho old Prison until the now one is completed, should the Commissioners conclude upon a change of location, and thereby save lo the tax payers thnnsands of dollars of incidental expenses. It will bo noticed elsewhere, that a Carwensvlllo rtirrosptindcnt Insists upon erecting the building in question on the upper l'srk. A acoreofbeavy lax payers have expressed similar Views to as personalty, and we con rede all that is said, Iml il seems that thets is some doubt abont tho title; hence w-o arc not willing to plant an 10,000 or t00,000 building there for somebody else to gobble up. Were tho litlo to the Park vostod In the eounty Commissioners, then all would be right, but such is not the fitct. . i aim nil naami w .tan Tn ii, .Aii' Auvit-The war wig.j fof i,t Union, lr t.i,e ,mi.nlo," and his godless craw, fllM th, Und with (Amine, pestilence, und death, and siicinl nnd poliiiml fvi ))HVc enjoyed a jubilee ever lftei, in ) will be iiiuny years bt lore the evila flowing (roro tbe Into fratricidal alriU will be abrogated. To Illustrate t For man than four years cortain parties rosiding In Fer guson township, hive been suspoctud of merdering a man immod Jack Wartf,"' w ho was working in a log cninp in February, 1.865-, and dis appeared very mysteriously. The matter was frequently dutuilud lo us for publication, but the fact, being, as wo considered too vague, we did not cngago in tho onterpriso. Thus tho churgo of murder was wnfled by nearly every tongue in that neighbor hood against innocent parties, as tho result will prove. Some time ago Ward was met by a former acquaintance on a ntifroaJ train and recognizod, aod the fuel reported in the neighborhood. This only made things worBo, and fully established murder in that vicinity. This compcllod the aocusod to resur rect Ward, who after considerable search was again found, and on the 23d of Norefnbcr, appeared in the Court House, confronting both the accunw. ,n(j ,le accugcji ,nd fuv his affidavit he slates that his tun name is Eennoth Raynor Ward, that ho was a member of a North Carolina Confederate regiment, in 18G3, desert ed, crossed the lines, turned up in the log camp in Ferguson tp., and when tho army of the "lato lamented invaded this country, ho skedaddled, without intending to ootupromiso Any one, having changed his namo so as to avoid being arrested as a deserter. This closes out the Ferguson tp., scu- salioo most emphatically. - Madam Rumor must invent something else f sho intends to furnish business for her employees. CAnrrA ItrAUnttmn. ... . ... i Wonts. Iter Righta, Wrong., Privilege! and Keanonaibilitic. ; containing a aketck of her coodition in all agea and cownlriee, from her creations and fall in Eden to tbe preaent time: V- I 11 It L.. U r. u.l i r.. .-L.:-l. y u. . . iriunm, m. Vt 14- BtVUUlue, puuil.UW, rianiura, lonn. This is not a work on female suffrago, but a history of tho relative position occupied In society among different nations, and in different ages, with a review of tbo arguments of those who propose to remedy all evils by female suffrago. It takes strong ground against tbo now movement, and vig orously combats the reasoning of its advocates. It is handsomely illus trated. Tbe author begins at the foundation, and gives the scriptural history of the first pair, and from this starting point he takes us down through tho different periods of the world's history, and gives a succinct narrative of tho treatment woman bis received at tbe bunds of man. Take it all in all, it is not a very flattoring picture,and although the author comes to the conclusion finally that il is not well to bestow the ballot upon the softer sex in this day and generation, we cannot help but think, after glancing over somo of his pages, that if they had moro "rights" in the past tho world would probably have been better for it. 'I'll new Pieslynnfrtn ('lidrt In I'nrwetMivHln, as tle.l t aU'd to the serriee of Almighty (jotl, on the Mltf of November, I !(;. The servtees wers cnndtinlsit as full'IW S i 1vocatio, by liev. II S. Butler, f t'lesi tleld Presbyterian Church: VlATaR, by Rev. W. II. Dirr, f M.thotlUt EpiscopsV t-hmrtib, Clearfield. . Sibmou, hr Rov. A. D. rtawe, (Pros ) of VVilVismsport iVnoicATonT Pravis., by lha Pastor, Rev. W. M. Btirehflel. - HgNxmcTio, by Hf. Bolter. Thia church was bultt at n. nat nt thirteen thousand flvo tmvrrtred do!- lain, of which seven thmisrmd had been previously subscribed and paid ; leavrng a Jobl of sis thonsund five hundred dollars, to be carwviled on the day ot dedication. Urewt anxiety was felt respecting this debt, as the con gregation is not lurgo, and for thoir ciruuniHluncca, hud already made a very etrrnmentriible effort. Many wers tho prayers offttrod that this church niiirht be left free from debt. and ir a situation favorable to their future usefulness. On tho mornlntr of the dedication thero was ono very honcful siirn. That wan the Imrmowy and activity of all interested in tho church, and the evident determination of each one to contributo to tho utmost extent of hm ability. After a deeply Interesting and tm- nresmve sermon by Mr. llswn, a statement was cuds by the pastor, respecting tho cost of the church, amount paid, and the debt remaining. Then, in less then one boor, more ",u n thousand dollar) was sub scribed, with a wirKaiarnesa and cheer ftllnoss rarely witnessed. Many of tho Methodist congregations of Curwons ville and Clearfield, and of'the Presby torian congregation of Clearfield, mani fested their friendship by a liberality, for which we foci deeply grateful. This little congregation contributed with a self sacrificing spirit and cheer fulness which aTHiiiod for them tbe admiration of all present. It was one of those scones seldom witnessed, in which all contributed to tbe full extent of their ability. Nor ought wo to lorget the building commiltoe, of which Col. E. A. Irvin, is chairman. to whose energy and encouragement this church is greully indebted. w w w Jcstices Elect. Hon Francis Jor dan, Secretary of the Commonwealth, anlhorir.es tho statement that no com missions will be sent to, or made out for, the newly elected Aldermen or Justices of tho rcaco, prior to the time at Which their commissions wcro formerly issued. Tho registry law only changed the time of election, sot the terms of the officers formerly chosen at tbo spring elections. Tin Patriot. The prospectus of this valuable journal will bo found elsewhere in this Issua. Whoever wishes to keep posted on Legislative affairs, and the doings ol the Statu Government and tho news of the day, ean do no better than subscribe lor the Weekly or Daily Patriot. It is the best papor ia th Stale except the A wild turkey wss recently shot Huntingdon county, that had in Is craw 01 acorns, 28 chestnuts, I hickorynut, besides a handful of grass seeds food enough for one fowl. Wo direct the attontion of chewers nd smokers, to the advertisement ol Mr. Hoover, who ts prepared to fur- ib all the luxuries lbs tobacco trade fiords and of the very best quality. Stop. This dsy closes tho hunting season In this county. Sportsmen must withdraw from the contest, or incur the penalties of the Act of Assembly. (For the Repeblioaa. Tht ail-. -. C. RWKR8VILLI, NOV. 20, 1M0. Mr.EMort Being in town for ssvcrnl doys on Court week, and having previously read your excellent article on the new Jail, and hearing everybody talk about it, I examined and saw "how the land Iny" In and about tho upper Park. 1 soon came to tho conclwron that it was the very spot to build the Jail, nnd that It would be robbery aiul an outrage to put il anywhere else I hope the Commissioners will nevor agree to build on tho old alls. They had bettor pay sis op eight thousand dollars fiir a new location, if the Park cannot be sernred, and let tbo old jail sland until tho new ono is done. ECONOMY. P. S Since I hnve written the foregoing I learn that the Commis sioners have agreed to postpone building. This 1 thick Is wise con elusion, for hirh they will be thanked by the tax paying public. The Governor of the State of Dela ware offers I reward of 11, 000 for the arrest of Robert 11. Golilatboroutrh, a murderer, who escaped from the Sus sex county j1!. Procttdiugt r Court. Below we give a brief epitome of tho sevoral csusos tried at the Novem ber session of our Courts tbe other causes being cither settled or con tinued : COMMON PLEAS. James Leavy vs. Reuben Moore. Feigned issue. Verdict for Plaintiff. F. P. Hurxthal vs. Tbos. White. Sciro fucias. Cause tried. Verdict for defendant. F. P. Hurxthal Vs. Tbos. White. Scire facta. Cause tried. Verdict for defendant. James M. Leonard vs. George Dillon and John Davis. Capitis adreenondura in Trespass. Cause tried. Verdict for plaintiff, one dollar damages. K. (J. ft r . Marsh vs. B. beibrinrf, Adm'r. of John Toung, dee'd. -Scire facias. Csuso tried. Verdiot for plaintiff, in tho sum of 52.47. K. J. l'runer A (;o vs. um. J. Smith. Appeal from Justice's docket Cause tried. Verdict lor defendant. John Swan vs. Abr. Matthews. Summons. Judgment br consent, in tho sum of filly dollars. ConoVcrUro s. vs. Hcgnrty s Admr . A I. Sci. Fa. Confesses judgment in favor of plaintiff. James u. Metonnell vs. Jl. Alcllrldo and G. D. Goodfellow, Supervisors of Liawrence township, summons caso upon promises. erouct ot 4 J Ibr plaintiff. This action was brought to recover damages, on account of the plaintiff harini' broke a Ictr by tramp ing througb a broken culvert. John Jv Ilockenbcrry vs. Abr. Brown. Ejectment. Causo tried. Verdict for the plaintiff for 11,075. payable at Juno 1870. SECOND WEEK. Patriek Shodun vs. Isaac Gains Summons in debt. Cause tried. Ver dict for 1122.35. Robert Portor vs. Wm. n. Miller. Eiectmont. Causo tried. Verdict for tho plaintiff tbe land to be rcleasod on tho payment, by defendant, of tho sum ol 13,108.14, on or before June 1st. 1870. KerTd vs. J. Brcncmsn. Ejectment. Judgment by consent, for the hind. Henry BrokeHioof vs. Henry Rider. Summons caso upon promises. Defendant confesses judgment. Godfrey Zilliox vs. W. C. Smith, ct al, Sci. Fa. Defendants toilless judgment. Bowman's Use vs. Jona. Bowman. Ejectment. Causo tried. Verdict for plaintiff, Wm. Irvin, Adm'r. for ueo vs. Ct Smcad, ct. al. Sci. Fa. Cause trieJi. Verdict for plaintiff for 130 OM. First National Bk. Clearfield, Ta C. J. Shod and David Askey. Case upon promises. Causo triod. Verdict for plaintiff for f257.85. Crismans vs. Issao Gains Sum mons on promises. Defendant on fosses judgment tor C012..00. Crieinans vs. (.nines. Caso npon promises. Defendant confesses judg ment Tor $123.21. ROAD MATTERS, rTiTios. For a road In Bogga township, from J. B. MrKnalley'ssaw mill to turnpike near Geo. Shimmel, Sr. Viewers, W. D. Digler, J. B Reed, N. A. Warren. For road in Brady township, front fnrm of C. Walker lo near John Hunts. Viewers, Geo. Kirk, J. Rishel, Jr., K. llarinan. 1 For a road in Tike M-nsinp, from Reuben Hall's to John Welch's. View ers, 8. F. MoHoskey, John Welch, Hsrtsliorn Caldwell. For a change of osd in Woodward township, at village of Madera, front lbs Clearfield road to llillenstlnes shanty. Viewers, 8. llcgarty, John llnrsh, 8. C. f'alrhin, For a road in Brady townshlp.fVnm lands of Jpsso l.inn, to lands of Jos. 'ostlrlhwaile. Viewers, G. C. Kirk, K. Smiley, U. Carson. ror a change of township lino be- twocn Lawrence nnd Goshen, for school purpose. Viewers, William D. Higler, Joseph Owens, George Mor rison. Journal. BioLoo The Willlsmport(77.-rt(c claims that a log' bos been cut there that beats tho big log sawed at Mr. Satieties 8 mill, which yielded 1,200 feet, board measure. It says: "Ws bsvs just been informed that on Km ixth instant, i mill of Messrs. Williamsnort. board inetiburc." cViafnvlArt(vat. measure, ji says: "a sen informed that on thr , a log was nwed on I hi rs, Brenner, Shuck A Col t, that yielded 1,800 feet. I i i i I 1