'Una" , .via. if : Ueoroe U.GrooiLANDKR, Editor. CLEAKK1ELD, 1'A. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, DKC. 1, INt. A Uornoy -General Uoar snys that ho thinks tlio greenbacks, like the volunteers, ought to have been rotircd from service t the closo of tho war. 8enniblo for once. m m Tho Venango Spectator, noticing the defeat of Dr. Early for Assombly, in the ClearfioM district, piously observos : "Those who seek Early in tbo , noxt Logihlaluro will not find Lira." . , a. un a A colored witness at Mobile was csked what be thought would be the penalty if he should swear to lie lie said be supposed tho Radicals would send him to Congress. lie was ordered up. We aro pleased to notice that Mr. J. P. George, has again became editor andjpubliaher of the Brookvillo Jeffer son ian. Tbo career of G. Nelson Koni4v, was short, sharp and decisive. Bettor luck to all in the future. Left. Hon John Seott, of Hun tingdon, United Slates Senator, lias removed to Georgetown, D. C, where luilists desiring an ofllco can repair in the future. It has got a little too hot in Huntingdon for Scotly. Tbo Columbus (Mich.) Index says : "Last week, in tho county court, we peeped into the courthouse and saw a jury composed all of white men except eleven. Tho bottom bench in the jury-box is getting rapidly on top." Death Warrants. Governor Geary on the 24th ultimo, signed the death warrants of Adam Titus, sontenced in Cumberland county for the murder of Henry Stuhm, and of Dr. Paul Sclioejipe,cntenced in the same county for the murder of Miss Steinecke. The day appointed for tho execution of both is December 22d. Another Loil Eoo. The $he malct and he femiles, who assembled at Chicago lust week, to rcgulalo the World, bad rather a squally time of it. But niter some cackling on tlio part of tho roosters and tho chicks, a Constitutional egg was laid between "Win. Lloyd Garrison and Miss Anna Dickinson, entitled tho Sixteenth Amcndmont, which in substance con fers the right to vote upon women, and considers that sex no bolter than negroes, while the whito man is wholly ignored by it and made the alavo of both. A letter from Baden-Baden, says of M rs. Lincoln ''tier mo is the loneliest 1 ever saw. Monuments aro but a mockery when the belovod wifo lacks means to make her comfortable." A penlleman from Chicago, who knows Mrs. L. well, and her financial circum stances, says her income cannot be less than tho former snlury of a momber of tho Cabinet eight thousand dol lars. Exchange. What a pity that the "loil millions," friouds of "the lute lamented," don't buy this poor woman a hundred thous and dollar house, and annually raise her fifty thousand dollars for pin money. More Mix to the Front. The Uarribburg robbers are being assailed, front rear and flanks. Tho last shell fired into the Radical fortifications, comes from Slato Superintendent Wickersham, who in a speech at Lan- . caster, stales that the corruption ring at llarrislmrg aro robbing tho Slate Treasury." Mr. Quay, Secretary of tho Radical Slate Committee calls upon Governor joary to compol Trof. Wickersham "to establish tbo truth of his ac cusations, relract or rosign." That's right. Its just what Govode askod Brewster to do, but ho didn't. We presume the Wicker with the sham at- tnthed will go and do likewise. The M etiiodist Book Cunckrk The committee to investigate the charges of alleged losses and frauds in the Kerr York Methodist Book Con cern have reported that in their judg ment tbo general management has been such as to merit approval and command the confidence of tho denomination. They admit that tbcro are evidences of loss and mis management in tho bindery. Tho report is denounced by some of the newspapers as a pieeo of artistic white-washing. Fully op to tho Con gressional plan of whitewashing frauds. We prosume that the Church and tbo Hum p are educating each other in this lino of grand moral ideas. National Eotiniins. Emil Koiho, the distinguished German orator, in a late speech in Cincinnati, said : "My follow citizens, I say to you upon my personal rccponsihility, that among all Republican Senators and Congressmen from Ohio, there is not one but bus made bis thousand, nay, hundreds of thousands through the ' swindles in public land." Great ap plause. "Senator John Sherman I suppose jou have heard of him was a few years t'mre a poor man; now he is worth between two and three million of dollars, and i. the principal owner of four National Bankj. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, has recently bougU I'.IO.OOO worth of properly, when, hut a few ' Jears since bo with not orth a (.cut" .Te l.e l I lf Tug Hcmr: The New York iy hook exclaims : "The political curso fitatctied upon the country, a man for lis President whoso only education has been a mili tary ono narrow-minded, Ignorant, nd impractical In character, with hut liltlo niore conception of the real con dition, and wants of this people to day, than the nigger servant at his table, ho has declared to tho members of his Cabinet that he will oppose any modification of tho rovenuo laws for 1S70, sho uld Congress take tho matter up. Voters of tho United States, we seriously ask you, how long you in tend to remain thus passively tho vie, ti ins of such nnstatesmanliko stupid ilyf How many more years of politi cal, commercial, financial and social chaos do you intend to drag through without a protest which shall shake tho Union from centre to circumfer ence f Hero we nre, aftor four year of poaco, blessed by an All-wise Power with national heullh, without pesli leneo, or famino to weigh upon us as individuals or as a pooplo; with an abundunt food crop, and a million of solid proofs of God's providence ; and yet, there is all ovor the land deep, silent, weighty, grave afflictions which rest like an incubus upon the brains of a very large class of toiling millions, eating into their hearts, looming up duily in their hornet like a erim epec'.ro, haunting thel-'""P. deprcs sing tho'' ""etifl hours, and destroy ing that mental buoyancy without which lifo is scarcely endurable. It id the curse of over taxation which is being piled upon tbo patient millions, and which, year after your, they huve prayed to be released from. Life bo comes too much of a burden when the human heart and the human frame are worked and fretted slowly to death, by a constant, never ceasing, ever tormenting tax. A man toils to get that which, when obtained, i$ his. It is the anticipation of tho enjoyment of the fruits of his sweat and labor that nerves him on. He sees the smiles of his family, as he pours the fruits of bit toil at their feet; "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" it then truly vouchsafed to him and hit. How is it to-day ? How hat it been for the past eight years? The millions are not working for themselves; they are working for the rich bond-holders; they are working to sustain a despotic power in Washington; they arc working to establish an abnormal relation bctwoon the nigger and the white man ; they are working to de grade themsolves to tho nigger's lovet ; tbey are working to maintain an extravagant and corrupt administra tion and a set of office holders who steal millions yearly ; and more than all this, they are working to support a standing army of 60,000 men in this period of "peace," at a cost of $00, 000,000 per year, that tho "heol of the negro," to use the language of one of the Mongrel journals of the day, "may be kept on the nocks of tho non-supporters of this administration to pay itiem for the past." And this, and more than all this, is kept up by that curse, over taxation. U. S. Grant, were be to-dny a monarch in Europe, as he is a monnrch here, and dare uso bis powor there, nndar tho saino cir cumstances ho dares thus uso it hero, would lose his head in an hour. He interferes in our Stato elections, and dictates in matters political over which he has no raoro jurisdiction than the Khan of Tartary, but when appealod to by a weary, over-taxod people to "let them np to a degroc," he coldly, despotically refuses. To day the mercantile interests aro break ing down. Millions of capital is being retired from hitherto productive lines of business because, "it does not now pay," consumption is being reduced of over taxation ; the earnings of the wealth producer do not allow him to purchase ; these earnings are eaten up by that terrible Infliction, the reve nuo law ; the great millions aro being sacrificed to tho debt supporting, army-inpporting, poils-gathoring, Mor.grclir.ing party of the countrj-, who have litllo by littlo gradually shacklod the working, toiling masses; shackled many for the benefit of the few. The name of the tax-gatherers to-dny "is leg'on." Three hundred millions per year aro now being ex tracted by them from the pockets of the wealth creating classes, not the wealth owning by any means, and the stolid, ignorant tool of a base and corrupt political faction, who sits in the Presidential chair with the power to relieve by a word to Congress, spilt upon their calamities; not a hopeful word comes forth ; on the contrary, the response is, "no let up in the screws of taxation." Demo crats 1 do 3'Ou mean that these inflic tions s'jull continue forever J" "God help the tax payors !" "II. II. Arnold, colored, of Alexan dria, Ya bus been appointed a mes senger in the Treasury Iepnrtment in Washington, at a salary of rQ per month." Exchange. How many disnblcd U. S. soldiers, who aro compelled to grind an organ on the streets for a livelihood would hsvo been glad to accept tho above position, had thry not been cheated out of it by the negro and his whito allios. How arc you, "boys in blue." "John D. Itinglos, colored, was hold in $:t,O00 hail at Boston, by Commis sioner JIallelt, charged with breaking into tho Potttofllce at Auburn, Mass, aud rifling the letters." Exchange Thit is an outrageous Interference with tho liberty of that "colored brother." Massachusetts will soon be as Ku Kluxish as South Carolina. Philosopher Greeley should give The matter some attention. General Fitt John Torter, who was mad a victim to cover Tope's blun dur at Bull Run, asks for a new trial, r.4 be ought to liave it. ttmrrnHt Throoff. Tennessee is Just passing through tho second agony of reconstruction. On the 2t!h ultimo the Chairman of the Committee on Federal Rolationt of tho Tennessee 1 1 onto of Represents lives submitted tho following majority report on tho Fifteenth Amendment, recommending its rejection t A majority of thr Committo. bare Inatrucled Btr to recommend Ilia rejection of the Houae joint rt-eotution ratilyliig mis rutcenth Amendment lor, among many, in following reasons : I- There is nu necessity for it; the States nre fully empowered tu eiteud sulfrare to an? and all. Thla power Ii fully recognised by the fonatltution of tbe Culled Mlatee, arllele I, section I, clause I i. Recuse it era nronoscd. neaeed anil anhmit toil at a tune when the public oiiuil waa nut in a oiumiiuu to weign ann consider It wtlh that ealra aoas anil deliberation ila importauo. required. 8. license ita ratinoation ia sought bv the leaat t'ipular method known to the Constitution of the luted ritalcs, while It proposes to eflrot a great radical change in the nature aud principles of our lurrn oi government. 4. It isolass legislation of the mnid'odioua char acter. II single, out the colored raee as Ha special wards and favorites, and upon them It oonlers it Immunity, bestows its bounty, confers lu afluotlon and seals Ms love. 6. It Is inexpedient, bemuse it will boeoine a bone of contention in all future lime, and the sub ject of ouascloas agitation in the llalla of Congress and befura tho people. One Congress will think one mode of legislation "appropriate," and another Cuiigrcea will think adillerent mode "appropriate" to enforce said Fifteenth Amendment. fl. It leada inevitably to a eoneession of all sov ereign power t the Legislative braui-h of the Fed eral Government, and oonaetuc!itly is destructive of the rights of Stales, and tends to consolidation and despotism. T. It is submitted for the voluntary ratification of some of the Plates, while its ratilication hy oth ers is compelled by military power. S. Its passage by tbe t'ongress of the United Slates, and its submission to the Legislatures of the diSerenl Btales, is in violation ( the Sfth article of the Constitution it proposes to amend. This condensed statement dovolopes and puts 1'uilicnl reconstruction in its true light. No greater political hor- osy was ever advocated than this Fif teenth Amendment to the U. S. Con stitution. It was concocted by fools and knaves, who have about as much respect for tbo-t instrument as swine liuvo for pearls, and we are pleased to know that it now looks as though it would bo defeated. The vote in the Assembly for repeal stood 57 to 12. It was adopted ten months ago by tbe tame body by 67 to 8. This is probably the most significant rcvoroul that ever took place in any deliberative body in so short a poriod. 1 Tat Pi'rcbasi Monit. Tho ap-J point mon t by President Grant of Mr. J.Russell Jones as Minister to Brussels, occasioned tome surprise at tho timo, but it is fully explained now. The Chicago Times tayt: "Pooplo who are still wondering why President Grant appointed Chevalier Jones to tho mis sion at Brussels may have less cause to wonder when they learn that in book 533 of deeds, at page 452, to be seen in tbe Recorder's office in this city, there is recorded a deed from J. Russell Jones to U. S. Grant, convey ing about one hundred ce res of land, for the nominal consideration of one dollar. The deed was filed for record on the 2Cth of May, I8G9." Soon after which Mr. Jones received his appointment. A Quear. Why is it, that those men in thit country the real freedom thrickers who constantly and zeal ously denounce oppression, disfran chisement, banishment, and many other political outrages when per forated by foreign Governmcnts,and yet, practice and enforce similar infa mies in this, when or wherever they get the opportunity f Wo alludo to the men who wanted to rob Southern cradles during tbe war, "hang Jell Davis on a sour applo tree," and now advocate the disfranchisement of white men, and tho confiscation of their pro perty for tho boncfit of the oppress ed (!) niggeit. Who can interpret thit loil parable. ? Srur Aoain. It is an old saying "when rogues fall out honest men got their dues." Tho Virginia Radi cals held a State Convention last week, for the purpose of healing the old split, but instead of healing or repairing tho breach, they split again. Canby and Walker, Military and Civil factions, carpet-baggers and gentle men. It it now given out by thoir parly organs, that a permanent heal ing procoss will be vigorously applied in ordor to put tbe party upon a more liberal bati$. It is about timo that reason, instead of fanaticism, should control the Grant forces down there. Tut Capitol. In regard to the re ;;;ovl of the Capitol project it is said that Attorney Genera! lloarcxprossrs tho opinion that it i 00 more possible for Congress to wipe out tho a-'istrict of Columbia than to wipe out any Slate of the Union. Exchange. Why bless you, Hoar; that body has "wiped out" a half score of States and you helped them 1 Now why can you not "wipe out" ono Capitol J Morals. The Boston Cvvricr ex presses some solicitude about tbe char acter of Federal office-seekers and office-holders. Ought not mmderto be a disqualification f Tho Courier says: "General George V. Colo, of Syracuse, N. Y., who murdered a gen. tlcmHn by the name of Iliseox at A Iba ny somo time ago, and was acquitted on the ground that tho victim was Intimate with Cole's wife, is a Repub lican cainlidato for the St-crelaryhhip of tho United Stales Scnsto We already have one murderer (Sickles) representing tho Federal government abroad, a foreign minister. If Cole should be clocted Secretary of tho Sen ate, murder, under th fostering care ol the authorities at n ashincton, will soon come to bo looked upon as ono of tbo Dno arts. Rather PoiNTrn Tho retiring Attorney General Benj. 11. Brewster, introduces his brother, F. C. Brews ter, into the dishonorahlo service of Gcnry In tho following pointed lan guage: "Yon may hold office vacant, and fill it with whomsoever will be base and mean enough to run the risk or like treatment, or receive it as the pricoofsome dishonorable bargain." In ronorlinir the execution of Bell, Rt Edwardvilln, Southern Illinois, IakI week, ths St Ivouit Prmocrat sys: "The man's body wan prepared hy Kohert Friday, the jailor, and his soul hpr the Ueo. J. 1". Drew, or the M. h. Church, tnd the Rev. A. 1). Jauk. i of the i'rchj-tej-io Ctoreli." ...n. - "r "JsAflH tlHlt Af.c.fi." The New Yntk I'rihvne make a very complimentary notice of the lec ture of the licv. Ir. Tiffany, delivered last week atone of tlio city churches, on the subject of "Hhain and Shoddy. Tho reverend gentleman touched upon all sorts of shams; tho ministor, auth or, artist, politician, and editor; bore down severely upon "nntionftl pick pockets" and "national shoddyitot," as the basest of the base; and wound up bis evening's labor by tribute to the momory of ono of the greatest po litical shams of this ago, tho lute Abraham Lincoln; and also Informed his hearers that the Fifteenth Amend ment, anolhor aham which appears to huve escaped tbeknowlcdo ol the rev erend lecturer, was of vust imporlanco to tho well'uro of this country ! Now, if there was over an exhibi tion of tho shamioal kind of a sham, wo have it hero. First, a locturor who professes toassuil shiuns, endeav ors to foist upon tho minds of his hearers a respect for tho memory of ono ot the greatest ana most stupid political and moral shams the world ever saw, Abraham Lincoln, who was himself the tool of party of micellane ous shams, ot tho boldest character. That party embraces financial shams, political econcmy shams, othnological shams, who are trying to get ahead of God Almighty, and loico niggers and white men on an oqnality ; protection shams, who profess to work for tho benefit of the poor laborer, but who are really working for themselves and injuring him; and religious shams, who are found in tho pulpit professed ly as the disciple of the l'rinco of Peace, but who jireschod "war to the knife" for four years, on a moro ques tion of political unity or separation, which involved no Christian principle whatever. Finally the motii stupen dous sham now in this broad counlry- Uoraeo Greeley, comes out in an edi torial and fuvorably notices this dis course on shams. A monc tho remar kable phenomena of the hour, is the fact, so well established, that the sham politician, moralist, reformer, etc., never sees himself in bis real cliurao- tor. 1 ho editor of tbe Now 1 ork Tri bune is the very king of shams. He has played as a star aham before the public ever since be edited The JVetf 1 orker, years ago. Ho went into the "no meat ahd bran bread sham." He preached the Fourierite sham; free land and property in common. He jumped into the free-lovo ehnm -he wa younger then than he it now. Ho was neck and heels in the old Ion- cabin and bard cider sham of 180. flewasaeain baptized in all theshami of the Abe Lincoln followers. Hit pa per, the Now York Tribune, feeds out sham principles to a sham party, and yet, this man Greeley does not to.dsy sco himself as he is, the most stupen dous individual sham of the ago ; and stranger than all this, tbo roverned gentleman lecturing on shams and shoddy, ere bo closes his very credible essay en those subjects, slumps head and shoulders into a trap set to catch just such men as he, and Is found en dorsing those abominable shams, tho character of tho "late lamented," and the morality of the Fifteenth Amend ment 1 V. Y. Day Rook. -aire Him ViHtmni Win IUm!' The Collectorship of tho Port of Now York is soon to be vacated by the present incumbent. A Radical journal, in Gotham, pronounces Mr. Grinncll "incompetent to perform lite duties of tho office," on account of "bit advanced ago" and "great kind ness of heart," and adds that "tho canvass for his succession occupies a great deal of thought and of quiet in-1 dustry also." The difficulty, howover, in the way of filling tho post, is to get rid of the Mammoth Gift concern w hose members are now thoroughly organising for the struggle Every fellosr in New York, or out of it, who gave General Grant a present, wants and expects the office. Even the or ange vender who flung him a Havana, imagines that his claims are as good as "any other man's," and is circula ting an immense petition among his customers endorsing his capacity and fltnoss for the arduous duties of the place Dana of the Sun, who "fought mil Greeley" and got a terrible th fann ing, meanly proposes this new plank in tho Radical platform, via : "No man can filly be appointed to this of fice, or to any other place of power and emolument, who hat given mon ey, or houses, or horses, or any other kind of presents, to General Grant.di rcclly or indirectly." Here's a pretty piece of business! To bo put under the ban for making a present, is very rough, and almost enough to excite a mutiny among the faithful. The ob ject of this is, doubtloss, a dexterous move on the part of the "outs." If the principlesnggnsted be carried out, nearly all of General Gram's appoin tees would be compelled to resign. The "ins" would at once eonio to grief, and the "oute" who refused to contribute to relieve the Generul'i ne cessities, would come in for their share of public plunder. In fact, we think til whole business it disropntable. Grnnt Iotm presents, srtd why should , , r.a ii .L..1 A it.. ' lie DOt bC kTttlBed J by should tllO , rlipprfnl rrivpr be fisriiscd. and tbe : r.r.,1 ,1 .c!a. ar.,l h M:-t4t " tiy SIlOUlil we Who, Irom tiro 10 lime, have piven tho preat Amerii-nn trarclor rilontr or pood advice, whuh no doubt has dono him much good, , ., j . ,. -,, . . ' 1A rnnmrlpr.H inn itrih a tn fill an nl. : " lice, Arid oroilier 1'nns, WHO rfllusca : to "come down hanrlaomflr" at he I Oflfrrit tO htre done, bo Clothed With nffifiul irarmonf. I...I na l,.vo an .' swerto these pertinent interrogato ries, tnd in tlio meantime don't lot snj hody lie frichtcned he stands tho bent -chnnce who gires the most all articles knocked down to the best and highest bidder I Philadelphia Age. Oi n Bill The Prolcofthe XT. S., In Account vrith the Jacobin Party. Hy taxes paid since tho close of the war, $',(MK.,000t000, with which to pay on tneir oi'oi. now nave iney accomplished it? The following flg- urcs will bhow : The amount of debt. tilMcinl slntcment by 8ecretnrr MTnl loch, 1st September, 1865. f 2,itM),(KX),. 0(10. Amount of debt, officiully cetti fied by Secretary Boutwcll, on the let August, lS0.l,i,C45,MKl.(KKl. It thus appears that tho Badiculs who bare controlled the tJovcrnment from 'C.i to "ti!l throught their two-thirds majority in Congress, wMcli always over ruled President Johnson's vetoes, havo hid two thousand millions given them to pay twenty-thrco hundred millions with, tnd tho result is that now we owe nearly three millions more than we did in '05. Terre Haute Journal. The managers of ths Pacific Rail road are prciiaring fuel and provision cars to run with every train during the winter, so that tn cats t train gets snowed in the rta.Mentrert will not , free e or starr to death. The llunllnt'l' .Wwrsfrr. Only lat week or week before a quartette of murderers wore eonvictod before the Huntingdon county court, and sentenced to pay tho penalty. Hut scarcely had the public began to congratulate itself on the final safe disposition of those cut throats, when they wore again startled by tbe hor rihlo details of another bloody affuir at Pleasat Grove, In tbe iiunC county. Two villains, lured by tho lust of gold, stole unawarot upon an unsuspecting family, and slew them whilo at sup per. A man, his wife and a boy full beneath thoir bloody hands went di rcct'y from tho enjoyment of a happy home to render their final account at the bar of their Maker. Tho name of the lamily killed was Poightal, and the names of the mur derers Bordenbourgand Buhner. The scoundrels, however, did not escape with thoir booty, for immediately up on tbe discovery of the burning houso, which they had set firo in order to cover their crimo, it was recollocted that a couple of suspicious characters had been seen lurking in the neighbor hood, and a telegram was sent to Al ton nil for their arrest. On thoir arri val at Altoona, tho officers of tho law seised them, and they now await their trial between the strong walls of the Huntingdon juil. They havo both confessed the bloody deed and will shortly pay tho penalty of the law. ?mnrrifil. On the Utb of November, l9, by E. HlLVB aanu, Esq., Mr. CON BAND lll'LAUAN, of Ferguson township, and Miss JIAHY K. YOl'.NU of Bell Uiwnahip. Clearfield Markets, Corrected weekly by Human Mossor, Wholesale and llelail Icaler In llry Uixxlt, Orocorlee, Pro- Visions, ae at arts! street, ulearSeld, ra. CLSiariKLn, Pa., Nor. St, ! Apples. gre.n,7i(ij ISO Dried, ) Ill Appls Lalltr.ygsl, 1 o, Boiler. vl(a) 41 Deans ...to 0(i$ S f Buckwheat. 1 oj Huckwbeat fluur n, at lleef, dried ii Beef, freak. 8(4 10' Hoards, M 12 v)(l(IS Hogs, dressed Hides, frees.. II ua fo) ft boulders Soto) Hides. t(o) Lard Mess pork,) bbl...l7 00 Oats Onion 1 SU Potatoes ufa 1 00 Peaches, dried, B 11 Plaster, V bbl t M Cora, shelled.. 1 Corn, ear 0(f ". Cora meal, Y sack, I To: Chop, y owtlu(o I Cloversead ........... 0. Cbeees. Ii! Cherries, .. CUfiS) " Chiuksas, drsd, B, l&j Rje I is Hags. V I) ....... I 8.11, Vasck ......... ISO Hhinglcs.lSin.tird,! M Hiugles,ieinll(d;ll 00 Timothy seed Ktrg. . li Flaiseed- I Oil Floar. ...... 7 0(m T M ' H.j. ........ 1 1 0(o,IS ao, Tallow . Ill Wheat ..,.... 1 to Wool 41 Wood. V cord t M tx flrf1Ufmfot5. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I W H0LKPALK AND RETAIL. At tb New TubMoo ud C'tgu Btort of Two 4owt Eftrt of tt roatoffot. Clrfi.ld, ConiUDtl fln wort Brit f Nary, CaDffrvM, Crtndil, CtbU, Ppuro1I, MUblfma Cnti7 fiiMil Ctwif-g Tobtvwo, Ae. A 1m, t lavrf tad veil Mtct4 trtork of Import! tut! Doaiwtic Cigtra, ftmokinf T'baot, Mirarl.M a4 Briar Pipaa, Pif Istaraa, Tobaoen Do I, Cigar UolUart, aad awyiaiBg gr trail foaati la a w-H rfnitaid Cigar aW Tukaeca Store, Raei(mbr the plane t Ta doere Raet of tbe PertufficMi, Clearfield, Pi. dacl SherilT's Sale. Tlrtae of ft writ of Fiwri Fmrim. le nd oat of the Coert of Cot tana Plea of I laaraeld eoaalr. aad to aae directed, there will he eipoee! to peblie tale, at tbe Co. ft Iieaea, in the trorniKh of Cleartfld, ea Friday, the J4ta a it or Dntr, .". at I e'cloek, p. a,., the follow lag doootibed Heal Etale, te wit i All the fnterwt of the IWvadut, a, la and U a oartala ptece of land with a eteaa. aawrailt aad it apritrtnanra, end other build tag, or1 thraoa, aitwitte ia BralT towaabtp, Clfararld eanatr, Haw. awn bed at Mlowat Begiaa.ng at a while oak enrnrr, tbrttee t lit rrba to ft port, rov of land told to Hobort Paltnn ; ihrtx aurth 112 perhe to a pt ; tbrafweaat 1 rwrhee la ft poet; tbrft(a eoaih 2t pur bee to a pnei ; thraoa raat porrbce to ft poet; theoee tooth lit ptrrbf to plere of bejrinairtg ; eonta.ia.ag ahoat M arm and ellnwanw. Nring the aaaaa property ronreved bv Ira C. Pallet and wife br deed tn Hot. C. fWtb aad ti W. Canleld. aad roeorded la ClearfteM, Pa.. 1ft Doed Rook "B B." tage tt?t A. 81 ted, takfa la eiertttioe aad tft oH aa tbe pmp-rly of Wai. C. fanta. jr-Biddera taieaetlra that IS per eent of tho parrbaaa taoaey taaat he paid ahea the property te haoekod dr. we, or It will he nt ap agaia tor aaie. 1 1 nfcMts uun k, 8neairr'i Orrira, I Chariff. Clearfteld, Pa., loe I, lW. 1870. A FAMILY 1870. NEWSPAPER FOR EVERYBODY. "THE PATRIOT," A Daily aad Weekly Newspaper. (reat IndwremcDta I Clubs Only IVaio trade Paper at Iht rapltal. THR WKI.kLV PATRIOT Is an eight psge sheet, and conlaina forty-aighl e.lnmaa of reading natter. In tu eolnains can '""" rtrK..de. speeeke. agricultural facts aad eipenrnoee, receipts in 4,.- ..my, m nnd art, d,Ivery, trarela, ineidenlt, anecdote, historical rkrtches. !' vwnrejee. . ferciga and icetie arws. nated eventa, telegrams from all Z.. Ae ,rld, cmaercial reiiorts, stock and "rt4 r , rid, wmatercial reports. Hock and general market a.m'r" J .fr' '"" t snrMtl tkiisllBnai ltMilss afir. . ' ' aad toSZ1 eurrtMit aiiarllanr. breidee edirntt.1 eoC aieaied dipratioaa of aad ehticiaait pta tasy pm"K nmuiw .twim n hi. nun. saaea Is !L ! . l. . . . ,nrf. ,Mir. ..Mjm win n 1.11 .aa imi pfmil ot longrwrional ana uglalallv. proeeedinga. TERMS OF TUB WKEKLTi "TT, ono year, na.k la advance . tl H One e..y. sil rnontha, ca.h in advance IN Fnnr copies, one yenr, cash ia advance.. T .M Tea copies, erne year, cash la advance lg an Twenty copies, owe year, ea.h ia adraaee... Sk ns Thirty omiiea. one rtw, aaah ia advance.... M 0f FiOy copies, one year, oash in adianee l OP One hundred onptea. on. year, la advanc....135 06 With the follnwing prenlump to persona getting up elnha. Agents .ending wa srfuba will be paid the following premiums in money : To nnv person sending us a flub of four f..r 1 7 ! c-h $1 Of Club of Ice for $ I' SO ca.h .. J no 1 n"b "" ,,''M' '"'' '- i.JinT?.r,aVU,rr: iJ lit S Club of one kandrvd fnl ti:ii tM) cash. ii P-l The cask to accompany .very order. Agenla may retain amount af tnew premiums. Tnung men, devote your leisure time ta getting p el.be for th. PATRIOT. There ks not a vil lege or township in which, with a liltka esertina. a rlnh aisy not be raised. Her. le aa eicellcnt eppcrtanitr la oireulnse n good weekly pacer nnd mshe money by th. operation. No sack ff.rs were ever made before by tha publishers ef any atwspapwr. Send your urders ns sooa as poaaiblc. TUB MtlRMXfJ PATRIOT la a flrst-elawa dally newspaper, containing full a.vocialed proes reHirts. special Warbingtnn die pslcnes from owr own won. spun dont. "ltelta," the must romplet. and accurata market reports, full accounts of the proceeding, of Civngreee and the Lrgislatura, Siry editnnals, c etc TERM0) OP TUB DAILY : One aopy. one fear, by mail 1 Stl Five enpiee, en. vaar, hy mail it (a) Tea copies, .no year, by mail Sg pg Idrgcr clubs at th. last named rales, pspere may b. separately addreeeed. bat mast be Ukea ia one package. The money mast aewnmpany tb ardor ta mas re nttention. Address B. t. MEYKRB A CO., deel t llarri.b.rg. Pa. T11.ANK tNstTARi.i eALlJ 10 R X) salt at ikii B, St.r.UiM Ft IR SUIJ-- Tka anderslgned kava FOI R tI.F.Itlll for ealr. Tb.y will be sold very eheaj ip. K. A. iW I, ISC t IHV1N CO. Carwenstille, AIMINIrTNAltltt NOTM P Notioe te hertby gtrea that Irttrre af ad ml a iatral.ua oa the rtate of UODHtriV HKAVKK, dewtl, lata of Brady Uwabip, Ckarfleld onantr, Pa., have be duly granlrd te lle andnrotgneil, all nereoRe ladrhled to aid eat at will pirate meat par men. thoae baring claioat or dtmanda will piraoftt (heal properly authenticated fur tct tlenteut. IAV1I HKAMH, L.tharabar. Dm. l-6t bu. Adaiinlatrator. I7XECIITI1HH IOTIR.-Not?elaT J hy fflren that Ittera TeaUtaentarT havtog bvre granted to the suhaeriber, oa the Kttate of HKNHV 8. MARSHALL. deoeaatd, lata of Bloom tow nab ip, Clearfield eountr. Peonaylraoia. alt peraoaa indebtod to aaid Kalaia aro reoeilod to Btake Iminedtata paytneot. and thuaa having elaltnf agaloat tbe aaiue will preaent them duly aaUieaticaltd foraattletaent. , HKNhfc HARTRFKLT, Jr., JAMKri C. BAKKETT, I-utbereburg. lee. l-6tpd. Kiecatora. "VOTICE. All peraoaa are hereby eaot toned i. 1 againat harlmriog or traating ny wife, ISO. VINA, who hae left mr bod and hoard without any Joat aauaa or provoeatiou. I will pay ao debU of her contracting after thit date. HAKhMAN HKT7KNHETIIEH. Peaft townabip, Nor. 24, 106 Stpd. CAUTIUN. All pereoni are hereby eautioned agaiaat pure baaing or aia-Jdliog witbaear Uia Portable Steam Kngiae aad Holler, now ia the poaaeaalon of W. K. barer, of Uuliob towa ehip. aa the tame belong to aia. MlrHAKL ellALOV. Glen Hope, Nor. 24, IBftV 3iptL ADNIKIHTRATOR'H NOTICI- Notice ta hereby given that letter of administration on tbe eeUte' of I8AA0 FHICE, Jr., deeeaaed, lata of Kartbaua towaahlp, Clearflald eonnty, Fa., baring been duly graoLetl to tha andcreigaad, all porauni indebted to aaid aetata will plaaae make par ai ant, and tboae baring dam oroeaiaad will p recent them properly authenticated fur aettlemenL 1HAAC Mcl'LOhKEY, Kartbaua, Jfor. 17-6tpd. Adininif trator. SherilT's Sale. vtrtae of a writ of eW 'aiaa. lev aaed aat of tbe Coart of Coanmoa PI a of Clearfield eoooty, aod to me direeted, there will be eipoaed ta PUBLIC SALE, at the Coart Hoaee ia tbe borough of Clearfield, oa Tharadar, tbe gta day ef Deoaaibcr, 1bv, at 2 e'eloek, P. M., tbe following property, to wit : Two certain tract or p roe la of land, eitaat la BIoobb towahip, Clearfiald eoatatr. Pa,, bounded aad dMohbed aa follow a, riit Beginning at a etoae oa lite aoutb aide of the Baacjaebanna and Watarford Tarapike road, on Fearva'c iioo; lhenr north hi 4 degree raet along eatd turnpike 61 perohee to ft atuae; theaea alt It by eaid turnpike road north 87 degraee, eaet 4e pert be to a atone : theno aoutb 1IU pervbee to a poetf thewoe aoutb 17 degreae, weal 4i porehee to a heeikrk ; tbenoe eoaih 861 degreea, weat 01 perebea U ft hem luck ; tbaooe by aroa line, ftorth Ilg perebea to the piaca at Degiaamg; eootammg e aero. 147 prebe, and tbe aiaal allowance of eti per eent. The other piece of land beginning at a hemlock, earner of iS'o. fraal ; tbesvoa by hue of Ho, IVti, eaet 101 4 II perrbee to a poetj tbeaea by tbe aoutb aide of the Waterford Turnpike and tbe fir at auove aeerribod place of land, ffouth 87 dcrreaa. wet 41 a-lv percbe; thenoa eawth fci degree. w;et ai percnea to a atone; theaoe by fo. 66l (eJoerph Fearoa), north T Ml perch te the piaoo at oegiantng; onniaiatag 4ft acre. 104 perebea, aad allowance of ait per eent. Tbeabore tract being the aaiae premiaai ooareyed by Jamea Dioofa to uamer I. Uioum la ana deed. eiaeJ, taken la esaeatioa and to ha Bold ft lb property oi uaiaer 1. it loo at. MtMden will take Bottee) that Ii par eenL ai tae pare base moaey ant be paid wbeo the property la knocked down, e It will be pot ap agaia ror aaie. waLUft ll vr.KK, Aacairr'i Orrit a, I Dep t. sheriff. Heard Id, Pa., Her. IT, 1869. O.Meoln Itakery. " proper, to f.rniak to tt. eltltens of 1 OkcoI. tbe -Stat of Life" ia the snap, .f BREAD, TIES AND CAKES. Of every desired fhrai and taata. All we aak is a trial, after wblrb we will ran tbe risk of receiving a iiDcrai soars of panne natronaf. c. J. mnrr. Osaeola, Kot. IS, IM9. T. II. OURIKK SMALL TEOFITS! QUICK SALES! IIARTSWICK & IRWIN Are aonsUally reptenl.htnit tkelr stock of Draft, c Aledieinea, Aa. Rckool Books and Fulioncry loclojmf tbe Os food and National Series of Readers. Atsa, Tobaow aad Cigars of I be beat brands, at lb. lowest prices, nit CALL AND fKR. tt NOTICE. VS.I. perwona are nereny notmca wbo tare sensed Baakint iroand at or near tbe aiowlh pereoni ar. hereby notified of VYbitmer ran na tbe properly ef Urooa, lick ey A Co, that all back pay muni he paid ap be S re any saorr (roand can b. obtained. Aad all ncrMma kankinr tinker or loea or any other Inniher on IK. aforesaid properly, witaout per. snissiaa, will be beld for tresspass, or be cbarircd fifty dollars per raft for eaid ground. Applicalioa for sad groand nast be Bsa4. ta W. Ii. Dickey, Ulea slope, I'a. UUUUH, IHCKk.1 A CO. Fcpt. 1, la. 'AROUND THE WORLD 1" THE NEW YORK OBSEBVEB !a now pahliabinr a series of Letters fmsn the Kev. Or. K. It. U. I'HIMB. wb. is aiabing tn. tour of the World, by way of California. Japaa, China, India. Egypt, Ae ; together with vartoas other eorreepon ileneei, all lb. News. Rcligio.s aad Seen, lar, and a great variety of tbe best Headinf . Ohg inal and Bcverted. New Is tbe tisse to socar. tbe eldest and Vest family newspaper. W. mk the followiag liberal otters for new subscribers : We will send tbe X. Y. Onsaavra for on. rear to i'n jscw Puneenorr ana ono t-Md, for ti Mi Twa Twa Three Threw Four Four Fir. Subwrribers, AMI T M t on J t M II M II M 11 V aad ana Old, and na Old, aad aac Old, Mil Aad to any larger aumber at the sama rale. Pejur.W cor-ie. free. TKKMS.ll.il swalisaB ia advance. Prnd hy Check, DraTt, PoetoBc Or der ar Regt'te-red letter. K11INKV K. NORSE. JR. A CO. IT 31 T Park Row, New York. THE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS! tADT c ""tESD annonnces the folks. 1 ing Korelci; for I T i "iMd Ut forgot Her V by Lanisa Chaadler Moultna ; Oiiet Cascannoas' Aunt," by Elisabeth PrascoU, nalbor of "Between Two," Ao.j ''Holid 8ilv.rf or, Chri.i. Dean's Bri dal Gifts," by Amends M. Dearies, author af "TheDebarry Frtuua.,Aa.,withnumeroareaortar atones hy a brilliant gals.y af lady writers. A taely elected Steel hngraring. a handsome d"uhle.pag. finely colored Fashion llat aad a larg. assortment uf fud Cats, illnstratiag the raanrona, rancy n ora, ae., ar. giver ia every number. It will fir. a popular piece of Music in every numoer. POHTRA ITS af DlrtTIXOTlFHEO AfTHORS. Tho Jannary number will onnlaia P.rlraiti (engraved on alee!) of Mrs. Henry Wood. Florence I'etvv. Irfioier t nnndlcv Miu1lnn. hlitahcth Prea oo!t.'Amade M. boaglat, Mrs. Margarat Homer aad Angwat Bell. New aoneeribere wbn nrnd In their aamea for 1ST0 nefor. the trrt of Novcmlier, shall receive the November nad lleeeinber nambers of this year ia addition, making fourteen months in all. And new subscribers sending in tneir nniues by the Irst of llecembcr.hall receive the magnificent Uecrmher lloliilav number, making thirteen moalhs ia all. TbK.MS$J.4 a year; Tw. conies. S4 : Frmr cties, f tl ; Fiv. enpies (nnd one aesli.l. S-S. One copy of tbe I.snT's Parana nnd one of the Posy.fH. A oopy ar the larreand heaatifal Premium rHerl Engraving "Taking th. Measure of tbe Wedding Rnig"eagrared ia England at a cost of II oa- will be sent to every full 1.af) subscriber, and to etery person aoading t club. This Engraving Is a grm of Art I A Lire KEACOT A PETKRPOV, lit Walnat Htreet, Pklhulelphia. r-ppecimea onpmi ant for tea seals. al'Jt Democratic Almanac. 1MII8 invnlaable pablicaiioa is for sale at the post .ftc It should be in the hands nf every Itrmucrat. It wmtalns fnll election returns from ovary coaly la the I ailed Statesi besides, tho number far I KM aoataios a wimpleta list af tn. names of all tbeaawspapessupprwsead aad mobbed during Lincoln's adenatstratioa; andthnt for I tut 7 aontaiaa tbe names .f all tawsn.iviliajie who wele kmpnsoaad daring Ik. easn. period. 1 bee. two liela, for futura refi'lissra. are wertk mora than the price of the nablicatioa. Tb. aumlmr for I ass Is alee fall nf valuable statistics. Aavoa.aaadin. Tea reals ta Ik. Port Msator, will rwnsira hy rmurw man a cop'or oaos 'ear, ursot rostsfa. (Jrjv tf CLOSING OUT AT COST AT THI KEYSTONE STORE! MMIB nndcralfncd, Intending ( retire from the X sseiaanlileknslmM, is sow eloslng out tils entire stock of foods AT AND BELOW COST aomprlilnf Silks, Wool DJ.Iu.a, IferlaoM, Poplloa, Alpaaaas, Kb i Cloth, Men's & Boys' Cassimeres, Cloths, Satiaatlt, lesniw, Keatawkj ieant, Ladies Cloaking, Coats, Shawls, As. 4 full line of Domestic Goods, S boat lags, tiiafhanu. lielaiaes, riaaaela, Cotton Flaaaeta, Ac, Ao. LADIES' & CHUDEEU'S SHOES, IlaU and Caps, , . flass aad Arelia Orersboes, Table aad Floor OUclolks, Wall Paper and Window Sbadas, CarpeU aU wldtka. And a f real variety of Hosiery, Notlooi and Trial salnrs af every deocription. Ladies Trimmed II all, Vslreti, Ribbons, B.lmoral Fklrta, Hoop Skirts, Line. Table Covnrt, Wool Table. Covers, Hapkiaa, Coantorpanes, Towles. A large asaortsawt of Ladln' aad Children's Wool Ileods, Nubias, Shawls, Aa. Persons la want of anything ia tbs aboro Hae of goods are invited ta giro me a call, and obtain foods at wholeral. prices. -0raia aad aoaatrjr prodaoa Ukes i cbanfe for foods. D. C. XIVI.IMG. Oarnsld, Norember It, g. December.. 1869. 1869. FA 1Ej TRADE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! WM. REED & CO., Market Street Clearfield, Pa., JJVS Jl'gT OrEXED a larf. aad ansa plete ar sort stent af Foreign and Domestic DRY GOO.DS; Embrscinp t full lino of Drosi Goods Patslrr, Woolen and F.ephvr Kbawla, (lored Shirts, Fin. Flannels for ander. wear, llreem and Capes; Trimmings af all kind, Aleiaader'i Kid U lores, ( superior to Joavtas, ) Irphyr aad Worsted LADIES AND GENTLEMESS' FUEMSUIXG GOODS, HATS, CArS, FCRS, AC, AC, AC. I1AVIXQ tolected ear awa stock wilk th. fraalant aara, buyers will Ind a decides Advantage in calling. HAVING MAPR ARRA5UE HESTS with aa bnpvrtiaf boas, in tka eaat, country dealers will ba nppliesl wilk Zrpkyr ia any ouantity, at Krw York aad Philadelpkia jobbing prices. ClearSeld, Sept- 12, 1 "SU-lia. V FIRST CLASH HRKStl A COAT MAKLR. from tbe aast, baa eve. .mpksred at Mrs. WATcOS-8. AlJtO, a new Fall aad Wiater Mock of Rouneta, Hats, Ac, at Mra. WATrHlX'S. A 150, a acw rapplr of Trimmings and Fancy Articles, at Mrs. WATSON'S. AI.O, all Ike late aad most fashionable Styles. Cireri nnd Coal ratlernt, for Indira. Miases and f!,".,,:t Mra. WATjO.NS. Particular aiu .5 ' tj U Press Making Drpartmrat, by Mis. Oswalt, who has spent much Urn ia this branch of business, who will hart th. .bole tbargv af th. bu.lacs, at Mra. WATSON'S. Il will be our greatest .lady ta plena, aad give all attention to our easterners, no that tbey may be accommodated with promptness and beat style, and unality of goods, at lower priors thaa they bar. been having at elsewhere. All are Invited to call at Mra. WATSOS'g. tw i sr,s f McGAUGHEY'S ELST.U R lT & BEf RESIIMLM a ALOOg, Ia Loary'i New Building, (farmaaiy aoewpled bv Mr. Rote.) FECOXD T, CLEAREIELP, PA. C0NTANTI T oa haadan.mmelinncCA!f. MRS. M'T. CI OARS, TMAC(l Ae. Also, 1KKS1I OYKTKR8 recWicd daily, aad served ap la suit tbe tastes af raatomera. BILIJAIIUIIAleHIo. sordid story, devil If UAYID McDAl UUKY. Xotice to Land oMncrs! SvavBToa tiKuaaaL't Orrii a, ) ll.nnisti aa, Pa., Hot. Jl, l?M. j Ta the Owner, af L aeoaled lnds t la .bedienoa tn aa Act of Aasesnbly, approved lha aighlh day af April, one tkooaanai eigkl knn drod nnd siatv-ain. yoa ar. hereby aotihed that lha "(aaly Land lrfen lcscket,' contaiamg tbe list of anpalaatod taads for ClearSeld count v. pre pared ander Ike Act nf Aseembly af law itlth af May, oa. thousand mgbt hundred nnd maly-snnr. nnd tbe aapplemovil thetwra, haa this day been forwarded to th. PrMboantary of the county, nl abosu Aea it may ba aaamined. Th. 1 1 en a eaa oaly ba liquudeted by tae payment af lha par bas money, inters! nnd fawa, aad racaiviBf pal SOU throagh thai IVcpartsnont. ' JACOB M. CAMPRRLL, No. 1 Im Purveyor (ioneral. I-HH HORtsg-JIeMlla..'Tre under, signed afers for oaks FOt'K UOOD HOReLS. baited for all kiads of work. Inouira of ncarleld, IP we, 17 l JA.HE? L. LEAVT. grat ttliU fer jlali. Orphans' Court Sa.iT" OFUKAL llNTATr. IK BRAIlT TOWNSHIP. IK purtaaiM. tt na Order l.sd M, Orphans' Court of Cliartsld eo.i, p :b. undersigned Administrater of th. L,.,"'i PkTKK ARNOLD. 1st. of Bruiv towa.k 7 " will o.r at PUHLIO HAl.K.-'ia ths 1, Lalkarabarfr, January .t, " All that certain hnmestsad f lbs emwuj silaals one aad a ball miles sen of Lu""'i adyotaing land, of Oeorgn At. TlrowrJl Keams aod Jacob W. Corp, '' Containing Nineteen Acre,, A IIOIIHK w.ll t.i.bed, painted ..t.ij.,, and Ihoroaghly plastered, a good bAh rlag. and wood konse, and all tha aeoesmrt !' buildings a good well of aalsr and a a., failing spring, and a great variety .f , fraft trees and choice grep. rlaes. ' A Ik, at the sam. time and place . mn. HOUSE AUD LOT, 8TAill.lt aUacbed thereto. The hoars Is m fioielied, being painted ontaide and ia. Tst lar oontains half an acre, with Kha Turnpiks Ui front, a publia road oa weat and suatli, ..d u alley on tli east aide, with a good well of .u and a large variety of fruit trees. TERMS AND CONPITIOS8: Th. sals .i Uk. plana at 1 o'clock, p. m., whan and .hu. lb. terms will be fully made kn.nn. Tom. wl.bing to view th. premiasa, or dnirs ur further infonualioa will please call ia persos.sr address th. andcrsigaed at Lutharsburr Cieu I eld aoanty, Pa. FREDERICK K. ARNOLD Lalhersbarg, 1 Adai r. of Psr Arnold. aaaX Nov. , IB6 u House and Lot for SaleT IDKSIKK to asll my property, sitaats It Bib. west of Luthersbarg. on I lie Ktir turnpike m. Uining POL K AND ONK BALK Athln 01 LAN Ii, and having a good Irate, dwelling boss, barn, blacksmith shop, aad thirty good frail tea Ihwaoa. Terms low and liberal. ilkKRT BAKTL Lathwsbarg, Xor. 10-4tpd. rood I- New Cabinet! mrosnASKos land axd loiber com 111 PANV offer for sal. T.wa Lots ia lbs sw. ough of Oeoeola, Clearteld eonnty, Pa., aod an. let. to salt pwrehaaera oataid. the limns ef aM boroagh. Oseaola ij silaatad en th. Aluhaaaes Creek, ia th. rirheM p.rtMa of th. osuaty sf Clearteld, aa tha lion of the Tyroo. A Cieartaid Railroad, wher. th. Afosbannoa aad Bssrenei braach roads latarsoet. It is alas ia tbe heart sf tbs Moshaaaaa ooal buia, and larg. bodis. 4 wbiu pine, hemlock, aak, aad eth.r tiaiksr sw. round it. Ono af the largest I amber manafaetsr ing astablishmaata ia tbs 8taU is loeaud ia tea town, whit, there aro taany other l.ejser sad shiagla mills aroaad It. Th. town is but ana ysars old, aad ooataiaf a popalatioa af .as taes. sand inhabitants. btfFer further information apply at tbe otsi of lb. anor. ssapssy. JOUN LAWiUI. prM ' BaperiatenasaC nouses and Lots for Sale. IOCR IIOrSES and LOTS in Clearteld, fcr aw aa reaaoaablo terms. Possessioa giias ia thirty daya. Also, a plot of Fo I R LOTS aa th. corner of Fourth aad Reed slrr.li, sua, 1 71x20. frwt. Three .f these lots are well leesud for either ham bar yard, aoal yard, or for bsiisii purpoaes generally, being witbia i'j feet ef las railroad depot. Prion and termr reasonable. Apply ta UKORUE THollS, febI4-lf Cbmrtala. fa. t? durational. MISS H. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Tni WINTER TERM of twenty tw. wcrkl, will eomaaeac. aa Hoaday, Nov. Jl. 1M. A Primary department wilt be added ta the School this fall : for ahieh th. serricos .fa torn, patent In .tractor kava ben .reared. Aad aa etort will be ajiared ta rwadar this depsruanl attractiva and tnstraetiva. TERSia OF TCITI0X. Reading, Orlhograjiky, Writing, Object Lee. eons. Primary Ariibmeti. and Primary Ooograpky, per half term, (of olevea eeka.) $ H History, Loaal and deaeriptlva OMgrapby with Map Draaing. Oram mar, Mental aad Wrillea Ariibmeti. I II Algebra aad tha ncieaees ....... I ea In.iractioa ia lastrumental maris ) N Oil painting . It M aa at wort H For full particulars aoad for Circular. ClearSeld, Aug. ti, IMI-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. TBE SKCOSDBKSSI05ofUspr.Mnla.ks. Is.tle year af this Iastilalioa will oammsnM oa JtUnilAT, th. JId day af Narembor, IMI. Pupils aaa tatar at any tima. Tk.y will ks ekarged with taitlva from tka tlma tk.y tatar u th. elota af tha BMstoa. t ks aoarsa af tn struct loa smhraeee svsrj tkiaf iaeludvA ia a tkanagh, practical aad aaooa plisk.d edacatioa for both eei.a, Tk. Principal, ksving kad tk advanug. sf mack .ipsrieac ia kit professloa, aatnrss ps rests aad guard aas that kis eatlrs ability aad energies will be devoted ta tka moral aad ta! Uaiaisg of tk. yoalk placed ander kis tkargs, TtHm IK TLITHtN. Ortkograpky, Raading. WriUng. aad Primary Alilbm.tie, paw Bcauoa (il weeks) - fill Grammar, Urography, ArllLmetia, aad Bl.tory $ M Algebra, Oeom.tvy, Trig.aem.try, Mra. aratiaa, Sarv.ylag. Philsaaphy, Pkyti. ologv. Chemistry, leak kMpiag, Botany and Physical Ucgraphy . . . ft II Latia, Greek aad Pre.rk, with any af th. ab.es Braaahaa . . . . Ill N MI'HC Piaa. (I lesaoaa) . . . Ill M ysefMfa dsdartiaa will b. mad. far ebuare. sr-Far furth.r particulars Iwojniro af Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., Feb. 4, IKS tf. .lk) Pria.ipal. Hrrrhant Sailors. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET ET. CLEARFIELD, PA. VFl'I.L supply of Cmtha. CassimOTes lad Vest lags coaaUally am haa. whseh will bs mad. ap aeoordinf ta too latent fashioas. ia a sabatantial maaaer, aad at Wa rain. M r It 18G9. Going II Alone. 1369. . R L. ST0UGUT0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, Mart St root, CteartcK, ra nAYIHtf .poard baalaaaa aa my own keek, at tka aid .1 aad la 8ke'l Raw. I tkarsfar. aanoanc I. tk. pakli. tkat I kava now aa ka.d a wall selected and largo assert arc.! af Clothe,, Cassimereg, Yestingt, Beaver, aad alt klads af Oeods Ibr men and boya wear, and ssj a.w prepared to mik. ap ta urdor CLOTH INti, from a aingle arllele w a fall sail, ta ska latest atyln. aad mess w.rk markka assMK Special alMatsa gbr.a to aaslem work aod attlag-aat ks? men aad boys. I ofcr f saal bargaiaa to mamomers. aad waTast satk. aamsHMkoa. A liWral sk.rs af paklia palraaag. ta aoireitod. Call aad eeo m. J.eT tf I. R. L. SrOl'rtHTOH. U. BH1POK, MERCHANT TAILOR, (lore am door east af ClearacM oau, Market Sxreat. ClearSeld. Pa. KIRP8 aa kaad a f.S assert aeeut a tt Osat." FarwIAlag Vooda. sack aa bkb-U, Llaaa and Waassa l aoVrskirta, Pr.wasa and Se.ll, Itech-tics. Pocket Haadkwoklefa. ttioves. Hsu, ra.br.llea. A, ta frsat rarit ty. Of . Pies. Goods ks keeps tka Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colon," Such as flack Poe.Ua f Iks .r beat ! Faacy Caaeimera, la great aarfrts , alia, Freark CMliag, tWarer, Pilot, Chinchilla, nnd Frieelt .v.ranHa. All ef whlek will be wild rbMP far Cash, aad mad. ap aerordiag la tka Uiaaletyles ky aiparieaewd worknisa. Alaa. Area! far Clearleld aoanty for L Singer A Co a. ealehraud Sawing Meckmaa. ft... I, InSi-lf. It. Hail'" ClAI'TIOle All peeeews arecaulined not to Interfere wilk lb. fallowing aWribcd prap- ertv. aow ia tka pesec.iea of JaaM A. Ilitoei. or Brad, towaekip, as lbs nama betoaf to asr Ona leam'af bma, aaa row, koge, warren, leg eteds haraeoe, sk.ia, saws, ksv, note, koasebeM r-e, dc, C M. A J. UARKlSO. lltaaU la lb. village of New Balcm, two Ul half miles west of Lulkersb.rr. 1 he build,. ' are n large two siory frame DWEI.LINU llul.i witn aitcnen and wood-house and a Novrmbet Jl, !W J'fd.