golf 11. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (5tr tla lUItmJ t)p'i, hied nr. set. ci.EARFin.n, ri. 1. D. Ci(M)IH l:l, OW, I'roprlrlor. VfKW Brit elit tloUl It xmj mapaet---toDifurtaljit rwi'ttil all tU uimlrro iinf.roT. amU l,,,t 01 Llgl'OllS-Tutuf mini J. inf, iQ-i ronbti a ha The patrona;!- ot tb pulli it mpctfoli.T flinu J. Teinitrr mil plrAM taka notice ibit a larj tm hu jull rrteted fur lha hrltMno of .lori-a, hJel wtunt and earriaj(.a bavin j aooiauitttliiiu. Ttril tjftcint to tht Fraifht tnd FimaiiKer tlfpot. Jr30 THE MANSIOiThOUsK Caroeruf Second tad Market .Strata, CLF.ari'i :..., pa. f 11 1119 did aid commodloQj Hotel baa. during L th P' Jr evi larrU to double fit farinar capacity for tha enUrtaifiraeiit of itran a;ra an. fruaiu. Tha whcU butMtnt; baa baD Yfuraiahed, and tha proftrirlor will apart no paim to rr his fuaaU eottfortabla whilt aiaylof with him. ;t-rba "Mamioa Homa" OmaiWua rani to aodfrom tha lpta iho arrival and departure of aaeh train. 1AVII JOHNSTON, ot tf Proprlf lor. THE WESTERN H0TeTl CLEARFIELD. TA. THE attbaerlbar bavlnf ItMod for a term nf yaara thit wall. known Hotel, f kept for many yaara by Mr. Lanftn,) and rsotted and rafar- it had It throajcbotit, li now prepared to antr ' tain trlToltra and tha ppblio generally upon tarai It ta hoped alike agreeable to both patron aad proprietor. Ilia TABLE and IUR will Ve aapnlied with the beat tha warkft alforda; ad no paioi will be apared ob hi part to add to tha eonrenlenee and comfort of hit rnent. JOHN IOU(JHKHTT, all Proprietor. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pi. THIS large and eomtoodiona new hotel lis. bean opened for the aoootntnudalion of too publle, wher. tbt proprietor will be a:lad to meet bit old frieuda, and receive, a .hare of public pat roaae;.. By atrlot per.onal attantitm to the do Ulli of hi. bu.lne.., ho bopof to be aide to renJer wtiifutioD to hi. patron.. Tbe TU1LK will alwnyt be bountifully eupplicd with the bent that raa b procarad ia the market, and tht BAR will contain a full itaek of LIQUORS, BEER, Ac, Gecd llahlinf, attached. CASTER LEIPOLDT. CleartliU, March S, lSCU-ly Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., Cl'KWENSVILLE, PA. HAVING leaaed for a term of yaara tha abort well known and popular hotel, (kept formerly by Mr. Maiott, and lately by Mr Krane,) tha preaent proprietor baa ra fitted It with the objeot of render' nf hii jueatt eou.frU Able while aojoamiog with him. A fine, large Stable and Yard li attached, for the aara and protection of horaei, earriafai and waff on a. A Liberal share of piiblis patron af a ia aolieitad. feb2 tf JOHN FGUTS, Prop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curireoavlllc. Clearfield county. Pa THIS eli and wi-U aatabHahed Hotel, beanti falty li taaled ei the baaka of the Buaqua aana, In tha boroigh of He, baa been leaved for a terea of yeara by the nnderaignad It has been entirely relttad, and la now open to tha pablle generally aad the travelltnf aoannv nity ia particular. Ifo paina will be apared to reader fueeta eotufortable while Urryiug at this bone. Ample B tabling rooa for tha aoooutmo datioa at teataa. CliATgoi mo-lrt. Jan. 1. tf WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, CarweusrilU, CUarfleld romily, Pa. riUB snderalf oed has leased thii old and long X aftabtiahad hotel, (formerly kept ty Major laaae Bioom,) aitaate In a rent re I portion of the town, and has entirely re-fitted and re furoiabcl ft, aad re-modeled tbe stalling, so aa to mnke It an object, hereafter, far tha traveling public to aatrontte twio large and aomnindioni boaoe. dae-S,'U-tf JOHN J. HKAD. THE EXCHANGE 'HOTEL, llL KTIr.LM. PA. Tnit old aetaMiehment having been lansed by J. MoHRlsON. formerly proprietor of tbe "Morrisoa Hoase," has been thoroughly tea erated and rofamibad. and supplied with all the modern improrementa and eonrenieaeea ne eaiaary to a first class liottl. Tna dining room hes been resaored to the first floor, and ia now spaeiooa aad airy. The ebambers are wall tea tilated, ard tne proprietorwill eadearorto make his guests perfectly at hrtne. jsli J. MOKRISOX, Proprietor. 3. w. wLLca... THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lntuerabarg, Clearfield Co., Pa. Tni3 well known and Tmg eteb!ished Hot I, formerly kept by R. V. Muore, and latteily by ffa, Scbwem, sr., baa been leased for a term el years by the anderefgne J, to which tbe atlrn tia at tbe trarsling public is aow called, and a liberal sbere t public patronage ia solicited, aprllel-ly-pd RIIAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main Br., riwLirsiiuno, ta. TrlB cnlefrlirned k.epi ron.tantl oa hand th. Liqaora. Nit table It alwart tap, lied with th. beet tb. market affnrda. Th. trae.llnf public will do w.ll to a-ir. blni a "all. oerl.'oJ. ROUhRT LLOVi. . DANIEL. CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS u.t reel red a tin. lol of French CALF sKINS, and I. aow prepared to viannfae. tur. .eerythiaf ia hit tin. at tb. 6 jure.. II. will warrant hi. work to be a. repreenta. H. rtrpMtfallx tollelta a eall, at hia ahnp on Market afreet, a.cond dtor of the po.tottte., wkert he will do all in hi. power to render aatit faetiea. Sen. fin. flalter top. on hand. a,i;t)7 DANIr.LCONNKI.LV. PEACE PllOt LAI MED. THE WAR OTa IS CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. 'tarty all (he Contraband going lack to thdr oi l mnstrrt ; Auf 'nary one yin7 to old Miinachuttitf, trhrrt they vtre loved to long and 13 veil. It etiMtw of th. abort facta. F. SHORT, ef tht old "Short Bho. Ihop," wonld an aooae. to bit antneront patron., and the people of ClearBeld eoaalr at larire. that h. hat now a rtt rale lot of food material, jotl reeelred from tbe Rett, and ia prepared an .uort aotiea to make aad aend Bwota and Short, at hit new thop in alraham't raw. H. it aati.lled that h. ran pl.aat all,(aile.t II night be.orne loyal ataj--at hew. patriot..) lit I. prepared to tell low for lath Country Produce, lion'l forftet the hb.e-.tlt door to Shower, t Urahan't ttora, a Market elraat, Ci.arfl.ld, l'a and ktft h a f.Jew .camicaljr relied snoRTr.' WW BOOT AN!) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. Con, alARKKT A Sn ?m, CLUAKI IKLP, Pa f nil I! proprMor hat entered Into th. BOOT 1 SIIOB huilo.e. at tbe abort .tand, and I, determined not to bt outdunt eilher in qual ity or prle. for hit worh, Ppeclal nltrollon will be paid to manufacturing ewed work. )la h n hand a large lot of Kreneh Ftp and Calf Htlna, .f ll.e rery be.t quality. Tbe elll tent af CUartleld and rlelnlty are reapMtlully lariud t. fir. him a trial. N abarg. for eallt aorl,' .tr - IEW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, IH 1 RVKJIHVII.M'- 1PB R eh.crlbr baring lately alart.d a w.w 1 Boat and Heoe tbop In Curwenarllle, on hiaia rlnel, Joaaph H. Irwia't Irng t, r.prllally annoanee. to th. public Ural he I. prepared to maaa'actur. all .trlee of Boole aad Nho.1. aad ...rything In kit lin h.rt a.tiM. II. ale. keep, on hand a good a.eort weat af ready made work, which be will tell .beep for ah or eon a try pr.'too.. etll-tf l ll LKWH " ROS.. BOOTS-BOOTS!! BOOTS! ! S The Cr lelratid r.ICIIAHDSON J'.OOTS, for Ml. wholeeale aad retxll. at 1. V. hltATKER ONLY 3 , T can grt a ,..i. t UTy Hf .., at ;. 1'. hllATZKH f. b.t, :!, ic it. t ut. 14. X .tafflrnbrrrrr & (To. BEST GOODS" AT LOWEST PRICES! J. At BLATTEXBERCEK, & CO., KOW OrFER AT THEIR n in m o t It Ntorc, IN OBCF.OLA, PA., A LARGE A WELL-SELECTED ituck or Spring & Summer Goods, rUnCIIASED AT THE LOWEST AIAU- KET BATES, AND TO EE BOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE OX COST. QONSISTING OF DttY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD I WILLOW WAKE, XOTIOXS, CLOTH 1X0, HATS AXD CAPS, B00T3 AND SHOES.' FURNITURE 4 MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, ANT) EVERYTUIXO ArPEKTAIXIXO TO WELL - REQDLATED HOUSE HOLDS, A3 WELL AS TO MILLS, MINES, AXD CAMPS. QKDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. II IOII EST MARKET RATES PAID FOI! COUNTRY TIIODUCE. SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. QALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND IiE CONVINCED. J. A. BLATTEN'BERGER, & CO. Oeeeola Mill. Pa., April II, tfiGf. 1-42 $lisrfU.nifou3. Southern Laud & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. ORGANIZED and e.tabli.hrd fnr the Parrhaie and Hale of Farming arid Mineral Land., and improved Real K.tate iu tbe Southern htati-e. THOMAS II. H.OKKNCK, PreridcM. JO. SKVKCNH. Vr.-e lrrnient. J. IIKNRY A.-KIN, Trca.urer, TrCident Fourlh Nalionn) Itnk of I'btldclpltia. Jul! .V MliKKIS, S'rrtry. T110S. C. M ACIK Ll.L, Attorney and Conti.i-llor. Ofiice: Waebingtoa Building. Corner Seventh St., and I'enoeylvania Avenue, Washington, If. C. nr.rrnrirre : O-jr. J. ,1m T. Huffman. Alltanv, X. V. Kl-Uor. 'a. Bicler, ChMuHeld, I'a. (iov. T. V. Ilandolph, I ronton. N. J. Kl Oor. Wra. F. I'a-kcr, W illiamiort, Pa. Rept. 1, (19-tf. AXD and DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TVST OPENED In the room recently occupied by th. Mi.a Ileed't and direi lly nppoeile Mo.enp'a Store, ClearScId, Pa. All tbe late lylet of b.naelt, hate, ie for old and young. Ladict, mia.e., and children.' trimming', rib bon., aod coat relrctt, Lett, floret, Ac, al Way. kept oa hand. Itlii'.MM MAkl; In all Itt Tarlout hranche. and latent HJ lee, for old, aiiddl. aged, and tU Tonng, aaad. to order, by th. moll faiblonebl. drrrt wiekert. Mra. T. K. WATSON. Anf. J5, 1SC9.-U. Alro agent for tht "Magic Macedonian rtil." Warrant. d to core I'.heumatt.m, Neuralgia, Liver Complaint, do. No rare, a. r"- CunvonMille Marblf Yard. T"VKSIU'I1S of extending my linlSnr... and 1 knowing there can be no higher tribute ot rcrpert to the mrnviry of the ilc-rd and hnrie.1 Iricnli, Ihnn to erect nrer their narrt.n b'.mee a eculptiireil lah or in lnring ninrHr, that point, forever to the ruling plero of tli"c we love; I beg Irnve to tay to all ho wi.h to rhnw heir afTreilnn for their departed frirnd. and kindred, they can n" bare an opportunity of doing to, br calling at my Hhop on Tlmmp.nn .Ireot. 'urcnvillc, I'a., M I am irrpar.-d to furuirh to order, JIONrXIEXTS, C RADLE A BOX TOM Hf, 1IKAD .STONES, Ac, of anr design or tixe. at renonal-te m!c. N. H I keep on hand the beet t''irrl(rn IKimcatlr Marble. All work e.vrcntrd in the meet manner. I will aim drliirr work to anv point in t learucld or adjoining en.iiiti. if de.ired! WM. II. Cnl.lUltN. l arwenei ille, Ool. T, lof.o-lf. PROVISIONS JI'ET BKCEItED AT J. P. KRATZKR'S tibllo Wheal Flour Dacawhrat Flonr-Fili.l lorn Weal Cranherrie. fwet l' -Lima Dean Dried P. a Bolter Chrnar-Sngar far ed llama Dried lie. f Lard-Mm in 't Mi-e Meat Men Fork Out Mea. Tapinea Citron Dried Applet I'.achr. Ch.Triai -Pruor.-Ciirnuila Vtrklea Canwed I'ra-hee-. I'liiul I berrie. o,n Nn.Mfrire-.wPH' Al;arague miccoio.ii ii"... . -.- tomatoe Cracker", ex. FEATHERS. b A VINE LOT OF rEATHERFnKAl.K Clearneld, Kov. S. ' lm. "" PRIVATE SALE. . . a..,. nrlva'e rale, tbe f-1 i '. n : ,i. , one .hre. te.r M and one foar year old colt, twenty .rnp. of here, one twin leo, one ,"g f,. -., .led. and one nil. Ira II. The propetlr can l eeen ny canuig m, ... L..hc.d,or..y.rld.iog.o;,e.i(iB tmoI(N Clearneld, Oct. , If-t. "virAlTl:H-HM.MM No. I eighteen ln--h V HIIINULM, fomhuh Ihe bigbe'l prtne ,;,llp.ld. VK.AVI.ll A JILT1S. Cleart'ld. Jaly II, If" .... e. c. g'raitM -."w iiwiaia , I V!ii!..i1t!;:1il; ' A(U'nlir,f:mni5. FALL AND WlMTER FASHIONS.' MR M. A. lll.M.hi: h... j,.t .,,,..,) f,m I'ant and l.i.ndna with the In. .1 !.,-,, plMnal erl.witel !.... l,e grralr.t n.,.,-11 . l,o ,.1,,,,, j r,,,i:, ,, b,. , t en,, .0. h a LM I -. lllHItllVM, VKI.VKT' I l.W TltH I'hiKM, viriija. nxi: .ii:Ki.i:v. en.i IIIIMMKH IMI'DU I' AT I LKNH, UltK.'S at.d t i.'iAK IIAKIMI. I.iclu.iie a!Mil lr Mr.. M. Work'. rt..l,rntc d eritfin torciilln g ta ti' .Ire..,.., ..rqnii., tpueqiu-., c. N. W. rmr of Llvienlli wn.l ('li. .luiit hu. l'hilad. IpUiv iNcpt 112, '!.- (ia JfZ lhkkd krSTAUFFIR, VWATUIES & JEWELIIY, yn a Xoitli Ppcku.1 Street, Cornrr of Quarry ..'....PIUT.ADKL.'HIA. An Bnfrttnrnt of Walphex, .twi-ry, Bilvcr and riiteil n .in; cftit nnlly on hmiJ. Her siring of Watches and Jrwvlry promptly aitrndid to. ' jv2S ly S. Silberman. . 0. Kitiingcr. II. Si tlx no an. S. SILBERMAN &, Co., IHI'OftTr.RB AND J OK BR US OF FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, &C, 1.1 .Vorfi lourlh Strett, m;U PIIII.ADKI.I'III.A. Ir.pd T. C. MYERS, WITH . w. ricu p. i. aoxa. WM. W. PAUL & CO., WIIOLFSALE ' ROOT AM) NIIOi: K'.I If E II o i' s i: , 6:3 Market Bt. A RU Cora mere. SL abova Si I lb, wjyl PHILADLLIMIIA. !y I, BOI.t.OWBo.H a. trivia CARKT. HOLLOWEUSH & CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Rook Manufacturers AND STATIONERS, 2IS .Hai-rVrf St., Philadelphia. feO-Paner Flour Bu'k. anil Bag.. Fool'tup, letter, ute, 11 rapping, luriain .nil vvau nipert. !ctm-ly. DREXEL Sl CO., No. 34 Huutli Third Street. PbllaJclpa MJ.1.VKEMIS, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by tnil will rcccir nrauipt uttt-D- tiuu. mud ill iulurmfttiua c beer full furoifihrj OrJtir ftolieitvd. airll-lf BENSON. CAMPBELL & Co., No. 1? N. Fifth SL nd 424 Coumrrce, PIIILAPELPHIA, Pa, 'WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, FOR TttS IALR Cir Wool, Glnitenr, Fur Fkim, Fthcrt, T,ali0r. flax eerit. Urlrd r ruiLn, 1, lor-r Hea, Itooti. ler Hkint. ttuiter, Beeawax, Kboep Fkin. FncR, A a., c, Ao. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. rYttkly Prlct current forwarded en rco,ucit. Jute II. 1 Sf. Sy :pd LADIES' IACY FIRS. f JOHN FAIiKlKA, 'JL 718 Arch St.. Miudl. of Iho Ul.jck, bet. Jlhnn.l Sib St.. Smith tide, I'lIILAI'HLI'IIIA. Iuiimilcr, niimuliwturcr and Lialtrr in all kiud. and qintlilv of i ANI.V IT ItS roa Lijiir.n a run dise.n a jTic'-i.L'.cit bou imjimi fi my ui '..niiii fnvorniiiv kiitQ 11 It ' fc.MIVUUl M. anl barinff imiinrtrfl a tctt Inrrp an-l fitlt'mii.l anurtmcnt ol alt tht di(Tirt-nl kin-l of Fun from flrnt haiiji io Europe, ami ht bail them ma-lc ut br tbe moit fkilllnl workmen, t wotiM rrpprctlull) iuvita m,r (ri'ii'ti ol A'tcarfirU and a-1 jar-rut count ip. to call ani tnminr mr vary larj an J beautiful awort raiul of I aner For, for Ladii-a and ('hil-lrr n. I am dt tcrmim-d to aril at ax 1w prii-ri a any other ti fM iriM Hona in thta rity. All Fura Warau icd. No oiiirriTfaentatiyrin to rPct unlrn. JOHN FA K I' I K A, Bfpl. tO. MaMm 7IS Arrh Kt. I'tiilo'lrli.liia. iiaanr .n. rov.10. HUBERT & YOUNG,'ulters &, WILL rxprutrall work In tbr!r Una at mod rale pricci and tu FIU.I ILAS itjlc. Architectural Ornaaenta tn ALL BTVLFf. Ploiit nrat-lnr nf tTry d?acripilr.n. and all Kin ti of ma on work eon tractad for In oroutuf ib enontr. Any praor if birr tn hava rcuppr table uinon work and alone-tutting don, will flttd t ti thalr Intercrt tA rail upon a. would alro Infurin tbr pub l'.c that can 6 Wvtr any qu until or rlua cf atona weiired, mm ara Ilia owucra of FIRST-CLASS STONE (iUARUY. Ordtri) for work can la addrcaaed altbr to Clrarfifld or Lutbaraburr- aiar31if IU BERT VOl'SU. JIarble fc Ntonc Yard. t. la I n i i: 1. 1. a v o. nK'TllE In inform their frion U, and the puhlie. Out thai- hava now and will kacp oontanttV on hand a larfa atd wt nflecrtl itorhof I T a. LIA.S mni X h K M 0 N T MAKliLK, atid arc prepared to furuirh to dir TOMBS TON KS, ... Col ind Cradle T"tnbr. Monuaient. in Pand.lon. and Marlile, Cortx and l'ot. ror lin.. tery Lota. Window cill. k Capa, Architectural a Lawn Ornaincntt. They would Inrlt. rpreinl attention In tliclr 8ard,ton. Mmiuiaenti, which arc built from original de.lgna, and will compart fatorablj .ilk anylkilig ol the llaa in in. connirj. If de.lred the. can fnml.h Marble Window Sill, and Capt at a alight ailtance oa tht frire of rianii.tona. Yard on Hee4 .t.-eet, be.r tha ftailroad depot. Cl.arlleld. I'a. J''f MICHAEL BOKE, MASON ANI) STOXK-CUTTKR, Sew Waahlnglrrii, Pa. v.-n,All kind- of M.rirorr done. In th. moil ,.rb,n.r!iV. ninimer. (Inli-ra Bolicited, and con tract, tnken in an part of fie mnnly. anglKlf. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, ACgar roa Chii-k.rlng'e. Pleinwa)'. and rmrrj..n'. ; tinitb e, Maen a Hamuli a ani reiounei e Organ, and Meiodeonr, and tliorer A Saker'l Hewing Machine!, ai.o efiAraan or Piano, figltor. Organ, Harmony and Vocal !u ,lc. No pupil laken lor lc ibnn half a term. -rtncm nclt d "or ta Kint alll'Lal unna. tleatfUld, May 4, IP 9 if. NOTICE. VI.L prr.n are hereby notified who hare I, ... . I Hanking groood at or near the mnoih a,l M hitmrr run on Hie pn.perlr of room. fi-- a i n ili.l all barb liar mii.l nc paia np ne- fi' re any wore gronnd can l obiainid. And all perron. Inkiig tin,lr or log. ir any other lumber on the af, proKrir, without per miMion, will Ire b'td ir Ire'.pa.., or lie eharired tlflr d'dlare ptr rn lor rai l ground. Application Inr cant gronna ain.i n. wir i. " . 1 OHOOM, DICKKV A CO. rVpt I, IfM dm. A nll K lTrI ATOM" StlTICI-i-Xollca la hen br glren tbal le'le., m a.nniniMrniinn I. . r,r AStlllll, t'Allll, dceer,l, l.le nf twrene lowti.llin. I'learfield conntr, I'a., i k...n. k rft r.nti-d to Die nnder'igned. all pereoni indebted to raid e.tate will pl-a-e mke pavmenl, and tlio' hoeing clelme or dim.n l" wiil rret them nroperlr anHi""M""eo f..r tet UKOlKIK II. HALL. Mel 1.1, M-a,'. AdmlnMretnr kw 8ivig"wA'iisiiriioor hat. lira, wateva't. i r Ml , tr wwfcaaa - f .'Wm .-wrf urtunif, IT r, CU. MKRUK1.L & moiYM II A II l XV A II U, Alufl, KlsnafiiPinrrri of , Tin and Shcel Iron Ware. C I. K A II I' I K I. II, P A. LOT OK SADDLES," jililDLES, Harn.rt, f .l arr, elc, fur .alt by MKItliF.T.L A niOI.ER. pTLMEU'8 l'ATKN T UN I.OA D- tn Ilay Fork., for aalt by M Eli HELL A BIG LEU. qTl71' A I XT," PUTTY, i LASS, Kailt, ttc, for aalt by MERUELL & BICLER. JpTli X ESS T RIMM1N G S i sllOE Finding), for tal. ly MERRELLft RIOJ,JRR. Q L'NS, PISTOLS, SWORD CAN ES For tala by MEKRELL A, B1GLER gTOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bitca, for tal. by MERUELL I BIGIF.R. J RON ! IRON ! IRON ! IRON ! For ) bj MEUIiELt. i niGLER. II 01!SE SHOES k HORSE SHOE KAILS, for tale by MERUELL A BIGLEU. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And belt Manufacture, for aalt by MEKRELL A Ilia LEU- THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ror tali by MERRULL A IUOLER. ODDER CUTTERS for Bale by MERUELL A r.lGLER. SAWS 1 SAWS ! SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I J IlEf'OLVTIO.V .'si EMERSON'S PATENT I'ERFORARATED CrooS-Cut, Circular and Long Sa3 (ALL OL'MMI.Va AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shtplof tb. Ttcth of all Splitting S.wa. t:4.Scndfor a Dc.crlptirt Circular and Prica Llit. MEIIRELL BIGLER, Jan9 tf General Agrnlt, Clearneld, Pa j rALl.8 IN STOVES AXD HOLLOW -WAKE. AND M All LTACTL'RF.R Of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, phlllpaUurg, Centre co.. Pa., rrMIH1 nndfniiened rp',tfully annrnneri to I lha publie that ha hna vn band m eare tully-arlertd ai.d well anaurttd atork of Stovei. Ilia variety cunaiiti or nUE CELEPUATED 1H0XSIDE3, Whirh havo nrrer falUd to (tlTaperfrrt mtti fac tion to tha moit famidioaa of tu purrhaaara. Continental, Lcbich, Farmar, Daylight. Fpnari t K....H "k.raw. II... IA J (iyil-1'ari, . . ..rt i, w v with arery tariety of tha bet Iltuburg ManafiCtora. k,Tha Tin and Shrti tmo wra liv-an with tha hiorti la made of iba heav'eat aod beat material, and warranted to giro perfect aaui taeiijn. 11 ii atork ol PARLOR AND HEAT1S0 STOVES Ia 1rffr, httar and cheaper than erer before exhibited to tba poblie. Da drtiof cotnpeUttoi. aabartn variety, quality or price. Ha la alo prepared to farnith ft eompleta aviortmc&t of Tin. Copper, Sbcct-Iron, WooJeu and Yfillow Ware, WholeeaJa T retail, nanuraetured neatly and with tha eole view to aerrice. fruia tha beat ma. tenal in th anarkaL PLOWS, TLOW POINT. A COPPETI, IlRAa-S AND IHON KtTTl.KS. Of tvrry dcicriDtioo eonrtantly on band. LIOIITINO RODS, Superior f Mnt, pat up hrt notlrt). Tbe Point ha ctiere tn tha pulilie ia tb rm t tit mod hy tb PecDiiTaoia Railroad Co., wo tbeir buildiDgi. orders run srocmG, roofing And other worV balanglna; t bl boftinepe will ba promptly filled by airriaoed and akijllul workmrn. BRASS, COITCR AND OLD METTLE Takn In ctchange for food JTIIo e?prialy Invitee th attanElnn ( Merchant! wishing to pnrcbaa at wbolepale. as thry will And It to their a-tvnntara to em mine lit atock be fura l.orcbaainf oUewhfr.' rhiJiplur(f, Aar. K JrItT FAIRBANKS' r'TANDAfiD ZZ7h SCALES, ' ' -y ' or all iimii; BnR(t Barrcwi, TAnbouN Truk rnpyin? Vmrtt, lnitrorcd Drawer, l. roa aALR ar M K It R E Ii Ii & liiaiiKtl, Dralrra in Ilanlnarri jrHtt it FNin! Htrrr-t, riiartli-l t, Ta. AiMiMTRTont. writ iM-S -ti in hcrrl'T fiii cr- Ihn' litt"rn 'if alnnt.intmti"n r.n lli (flute of R. tl. I. MS, U'Ta-tl. late nf II. rrir'ti townebip, ( I'-nriirl-l it.nnt y. Pa., Irt t'n tlaly granH-l tn thr nn h rtgnitl, all per n imlfl.trll to Mid rlBtc Will .lrn.p mtV pay mn t, and th'.w ha irf clnua or flfitiin l'- will prt(K-nt ttirm prnprrlr atithrnticatfl fur in t tit tr.rt and allownnrc without d lnT. tlrt. 1.1 M. A. W. Adm'r. J A TEST lilTLaf bf pf5?KT ad 1MT1 j Mr. Wattr'iw CtCO!, .iciriln, ftr. r. w. fiaM,. .A. A- OaAttAB J.R. (iHAIIAM&SOXS, HAiihtcT htiu:i:t, CLE A It V IE LI, Ta'. rPIIK entttrrlfcare havlnn antcred Into partner I all ip fur th purpose of earryinR nn the iMni of MrrcbH'Hlnt, nw oflr m fm ind rare opportunity to the riifarni of t kar Arid and adjoining oiintlea tn ruy aturn guoAr at wboteati or retail prlrea, thnt will alnnlh th uniDitriifted. Their khI. will ba partieu larly eeiarted to rait thia market, Every lady nill, there fura, eall the iittentinQ of bur hn-bnnd In thit fact, htcati'e thia branch of our bunine will rcreiv ipecial attontin, ard avi-rythinr neeled in a well regulated bouiehnld will at all tlmef he found Inour etore. Our etnek nf DM Y .HS nhall not ba rurpai-rd, either In qual ity or price, and will enbriiAe.ln part, Print, nf every etjle, Ohijiliatm and l.awoa of every quality. JMuolina of avery tirade, )a Lalnre ailaptcd to lha Uiei of thn old and young ; and every article of any kind of nmli they acll ia to be aa rvprettntvd, and wurrnntfd lo give int UrHCtiun. Ai tn Dltl'.SM (.(K,1h we hare a oplrnded aiortnient of Alpnca., black, white, and in colom; .rmurea, Hilkn, and tn ehnrt all the rwn itylr in the market. We deMre thia fuel to become know a to erery pervoa In the cmiiitr. Wi-h our new aad cxtciuiv stock of MtKSS OOODS, the Indice an all be luitod by just ilropping in and getting a nlca drctw pRtlcrn, lare eett, kid plovei or 1t doing that bi-h ia fmttcr i give her a well -filled puree, and ho will find gid and paying investments in embruidcrica, edn'ng, ribboiu, loes, hovlrry, or any oiber houpL'boid noreimltici. And in addition to what we bare alretly enumera ted, wo keep all kimla of li IMI l l RSPil XS IAR lucli as (Motbii, Cas-imtrfP, Fatinetta, Hat, Unote and Phoc, Ac. hfna, a nice RHinrliuent of Mudo-up Ct-n III Mi for Men and Uoya, manufactured out of tha very bt materinl. which we will anil for or exchanpp for ooantry proiluoe atpricoiwhicb will aatvuieb verybody. W are now largely angHCid in buying and aelling tH Alii; J I 1 It I It and maitulnr lured IA AliiKH, and will ptv thia brain h ol bQeir.eiaapfil atteotioo, and there I ore uiakait an object to every one who ba Lumber to lull to come and deal with ne. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISION S, QuocnsMare, Hardware. W chall also keep eontantlv n hand a pcni-rnl aurort-nent of C.Hllt'1'.llir. and IIAltnWAKK, which we will well at exceed ingly I"" price. W atno keep full axeor. ment of Q.T I :i- V A IE K. TLii department will ba kept full aad complete, and all who cnrtteinplai houiickeeping, will find it to their advantage to com and tiade with ua i bocaui we aro io aituated, and, from long rxprrfene in the bovine, eo well acquainted with the wante and neernririei of thii eomtnuotty, that w pbc! ratiefted it every man woman and child only tnakoa it a point to buy tbeir goode from nn, w can pleat them both to quality and price. Thervfore, come along and buy your EO0T.S & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Ready -Made Clothing, And everything you ncJ to render yonreolv and familial eoutfurtabla, from JAS. U. GRAHAM & SONS., Oet. 27. CI.KARFIEID, Pa. BAM I EL ARXOLn... W. HOKS DARTkltORS. FALL OPENING. ARNOLD 4 HARTSHORN, Cl'KWENSVILLE, I'A. II AVE Jl'St OrL.NLO a large aud moil compute atock Of HATS k LAI'S, BOOTS k SHOES, H A R I) W A R K, ( I U K E X S W A R B, RACOX, DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, SALT, AC., AC, AC. Fetiffartion guaranteed a to qualiiy tnj pric. All kiiidu of lumber and produce taken in ex- changc for gooda, (lire on a call before, purrba- iing eiirwheee. AH.SM.f liAi(ltii"rA. Curwennllr, Ht-pt. 12, 'ti-tf. JEW BT01IE AXD XW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON Ilure just opened a Xiw Ptobi, on Maiu St..CLtiPiELD, Ta., lately occupied 1 Win. F. IRWIN. Their ilork ennaittt of 111 "" CE05CDIES3, GkCTLftiKs of lha best rjtialily, Queenswaiif., Boots and fcliocs, and every article necettarr for one'l comfort. Call and .zamine our atock before pur- cliaiing eltiwhere. May 9, ISCO-tf. F. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sako and thine other InfirmitieB."-St. Taul. Bit. IMIYKIl'M rup.B WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vnafe. f tire, plcaiant and licalth gieiug Tonic ttrictlr tt-ifelal,!.. and manulaeliirrd fr'tn til. i.l pare and ebeicc malenala ia not a rpirit drink nir nhalllnl. fur wliUkr, a e.-l. nliTic ocmpxu-id. fnr tbe protection of the ar.trm and ttie cure of dir'-are, made from cliemicallr pure rplrlla, cnlirrljr free from faiil oil or other Irrita ting pmnrrlire and will not dinnirrrT or ntTfnd the n'xt delicate tlnraarli. A lung private expcrl ence liar altertrd ita Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. .' Ilitlen at prrecnt ofT.rrd In llie fuWic contain, to miich aiMicinal rirto., and yel to n't and plcarent lo lake. II I It t mir? dieratc, and II will B'd orrate an appetite for apiritunnt liui.ra, but UI cure Iho ellrcti tf diiiipatlca. To iiieeeaet tbe Appellle, t'SK IT. T.r promote Irircation, t'FK IT. T. cure, I E It. To cure f erer and Agu t.'SF. IT. To cure Bitlioo.neM, I K IT. To cure Con,li ation, tH IT. To cure Chronic I'inrrhcra; I'fH IT. To core Henri torn, I'SF. IT. To cure Flatulence, tVK IT. To cure Arid Kmelalltdi., I iK It. To cure Nerronr Debility, t'.'E IT. To eurc llrporbondrla, lF. IT. Tocure HallewnrM nf rcnlpletion, I'.'K IT. To cure I'isiplra and Pl.deSea, 1'K IT. Tor flciK-ral rm.tralion of lha I'hj fical power., ( Ft IT, and it mil cure run. K,ld everywhere, at ll oO fer hnttle, Mann factiircil ctcloairdy IIOYKK k SHAW, CI.EABFin.n. TA., V Ito effrr liVernl In.lnermenta lo the trade. n,t, i f-65:tr. SWAIM"' P?l I'.A. Kennedt't Medled l)i.cocrr, llelmhnld't Itoeho, Uaker't C.a Liter Oil, daa.'a ted Axer'a med.clne. ef erary kind, fnr .. HAhTSleH m lI. Till: KKI'UIH.ICAN. i.i:i:i i 1.1,1), i'.v. V KliMDAV M'lltMNtJ, NuV. V. "'.9. Terms of Subscription, If p.Id In wtihin ll.rc. mtirilii .'? Of) It pmd after tliree and ft'dore .1. iriornli. 2 Ml II paid niter the ciniration of era nioolli, ... II f0 lllJ.K.IDCM MI'IHI A, MclhodM i:plr.AI linrrh P.r. V II. Itit.t.. I'.isfor.-I'itf.iic Fernet ecry f.blwtli, at III) A M., and 7( I'. M. r-nhlmlh Krlrmd at II A. M. l'ra.vcr .Mevtinx every 'J hur.dar, at 71 P. M. Cotnuiunion hervice, flr.t ralrbul li of ceery uiotith. nt III A. M. Ht. I''ranil.' Church Cmliiillc llrv.Mr. 01I.ANju.t. M ut III) '!. k A. M , on Hie necond and tollrth Knndnyr of earli liuililll. rt. Aiidretr'a 'liurr!t-r.iUr.upalltev. tlroitnK Hall. I'ulrlio Hvrvlci- p! mornine nt 10 o'clock, and at 7 p. in himliiy Sclio.,1 .t II . m. l raycr Melinite 'i idii'-rdur cvcnliiir ot 7 o'olo.k. Ml. John', t hMrch l.utlicralillcv. Mr. ViMionrr. 1'aldic bervico ovi-ry laliloilli, mom injr nnd rvenintr. I'rrMhytorlan I'tlttlcli ftpv. Mr. Tli rt.rn. Publio Service cr.ry rjiibbalti, uiorniiig nud cicn Jlr. Lcavy oircra a number of good liornes fur falo. Frcnli arrival of Denver CloaUinp;, for ladicR, to day, nt Wm. Reed k Co's. Tho Prosnectug of the Now York Observer, the leading orgnn of the Presbyterian Church, will bo found in our advertwui" oolnmna Our funnel, who linve just rent through husking corn, report the yield less than an avorayo comparod with former sensono. Tanners und all olliurs owning horses Bhould havo an cyo to their stnhlo fastenings; as homo thieves aro driving a brisk trade ia soma parts of the Btato. A PoHtoOioe has been established at Williamarrrovo, on tho lino of the Tyrone A Clcurfield Ruilroud, in this county, to be culled Willinmsgrove, and John Fouls, appointed P. M. Si'DDKNDlsATll.-Ourcoiiiin unity was visibly shocked on Friday lust, by tho announcement of tho trndJen demiso of J. Pfmberlon Kratzer, on of our young and most enterprising business men. His death was caused by billions cholic, nhi'ih ho only survived about thirty-six hours. lie was buried on Monday, attended by large concourse of friends nnd neighbors. Sf.rioi b Accident. Wo lenrn that our esteemed friend, Hiram Wood ward, of Huston township, whilo out on a hunting cxpidilion last week, met with a serious, if not a fatal accident. In setting hisgun down ut the shanty, it wus accidentally discharged, the hull entering his hund and passing up tho arm lodged against his side. Ho is lying ut tho shanty in a critical condition, from which ho cannot bo removed lo his home. Received to d .v the handsomest lino of Ladies' Coat and Dress Buttons and Trimmings of the eea-on at Wm. Reed A Co's. Cmncii Dedication. The dedica tion of tho first Methodist Church in Bloom township, Clearfield county, will take placo on Sunday, tho 5lh day of I'ccc nber next, nt 11 o'clock, in tho forenoon. Tho Rev. Robison of Pittsburgh, will be present lo preach the dedicatory sermon. Tho Rev. Wilson is also cxpoctcd to be prctcut, accompanied ly Rev. James Clary, pastor in charge. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all, to be proscnt on tho occasion. Fatal Accihent. Wo arc informed that a little girl of a Mr. Hockenbcrry, of Woodward township, met wilh an untimely death ono day week before last. Tho particulars, as near as we can learn, aro as follows : The mother had left tho child which Was about six years old and crippled at thnt in the house, alone whilo sho went lo a neighboring house, on an errand; and by fomc means or other, its clothos took fire, nnd beforo any assistance was rendered, they were entirely burned from its tody, which caused its death in a few hours after. Fut or Brt. F.iTArr. E. II. Daily, E'O,., of Iwrcncrburc. recently told two avc uf ground oppoettc hi. rrridence, to Im.e Pccflrld. John M.-tlanrrbcT, 0. N. t'oll.urn, T. J. Mrt'ullouirh. K..n . .ni 'ailier. from I'lcrlield connlr. lor the .uin of two thou. and dollar.. Taa purchaser. already haro dcrnrk nut! on the (roun'l, ana a w. II i. to ie pot down on the premiK. in the .bort crt time poaeiUo. o clip tho uliovo Irorn llio Aorth- reiter Imleuendent. published bv Mr. Clark Wilson, woll known lo many of our natrons as. ono of tho lutblishers of tho Republican fifteen years ago. Mr. Wilson also, It ko tlio gentlemen named, has invested and mado a "strike" in iho Oil Regions. Wo hope they will bo mora lucky than scorcn of others who put their money into a holo in that slippery section. Will bo horo on Friday the hand somest and best lino of Cicnl's Rows, Tics and Gloves, ever brought lo town. Wm. Reed A Co. Cornr, which opened on the 8th instant, is still in session. But few persons havo been in attendance, yet a largo amount of business has been done. Tho gt'oat defalcation on the part of jurors und Witnesses has caused his Honor to issue an order imposing a fino of J0. on every juror who fails lo forniah reasonable excuse fur his absence. Witnesses will bo similarly treated in order to reduce I he numlfr of attachments which are usually issued in mch cases. After the Court gels jttrniu nnd wit nesses lo obey its precepts in becoming manner, it would bo well enough to help Attorney' and parlies to gel Iheir cases ready when court opens Tho former, have for years, manifested as much cnorgy in delay ing publio business as tha aforesaid jurors and witnesses, and rnl on tuiw-falnf would not be out of or-dar. 1'MPAItr- r,R in Cl.l a T , k I n -Nt l u rn ii 1 1, , r I lie pt ul m tii ii I census cf the 'it,id ft;iin, mmli. by t'.o pi'nnenl e-vcrrMMri.e. IVrant,. W ill lm lippointcil f,,r CVrey ), ,,fy the Kittle ami township ,nC.r stnlialics of tho inhtibiliiiila, ami fB the agricultural pnxltictiinii, irrufiifuv tnrcrs, etc. Each cullitntop will he iiski-t fur n roncino, a'urato stato ment of hind occupied bv him, the number of ncrus, And ttro amount nf t-neh crop raised during tho year, ending Juno 80, neitt. Those who wero called on before will doubtless remember tho dilliculty in making up nn accurate report cf tho various crops. As theso reports will bo called for tn Juno, it will bo nen.ssary to give in tlio crojis gathered this fall, nnd the suggestion wo wouH make is, that cultivators write down, whilo fresh in mind, the number of acres under cul tivation, tho number of acres of each kind, tho amount per acre, and the gross amount. Tho milk product ulso, and tho nmonnt of pork, bocf, etc., will be asked for, as woll as nil kind. of fruits, etc. Child Burned It becomes our painful duty to record another of those sad aceidontH, which, happen as often as they may, always fill the mind with horror. On hist Sunday, a litlle child of Mr. Abraham Weaver, residing at Cold nu.ini wa9 burned to death, under tho following ircmiistaiices : Its mother had gone out for a rrWc time, leaving two small children alono in tho house, und during her absonee, the elder procured a stick, and ongnd in tho, to children, dolighlful pusstime of playing with flro. While thus en gaged tho smaller child's clothing was set on fire, and ere the mother return ed, tho littlo sufferer wus so badly burned that it died tho following day, and was buried on Wednesday lust. It was aged about ono and a half years. Philipsburg Journal. Ballou's Monthly Magazine. Wo aro in rccipt of this murvclously cheap nnd handsome Mugnzino for December. Its tublo of contents is varied and charming, embracing the usual Gno variety of serials, sketches, stories, poems nnd attractive cngra vings. Tho publishers nnnounco in tho proscctlis for the coining J'car, a seriul story for adults, by Iho popular Mugazina writer, Jained Franklin Fitts, nnd a juvenile serial by the young people's favorite, Horatio Al ger, Jr. The prico of this periodical is a marvel to everybody a hundred pngo firsl-chiss illustrated Magazine for fifteen cents, or tl 50 per year, is indeed wonderfully cheap. Elliott, Thomas A Talbot, Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts. Tin CouiiT Closed Out. On Tues day (yesterday) morning, John W. Geary appeared in Court, represented by Harry Goss, who Was convicted ut the September Term, for violating tho Liquor Law, and settled the enso in question, by producing a Pardon for his violation of tho law. Tho broad seal of tho CnminonweaUh has again been prostituted by our dciuagogtieish Governor. Xo wonder he issued a commission to k Philadelphia villain several years ago to vole tho t im'jstune at Fort ilifilin. Ho had better issuo another thanksgiving proclamation. We will refer to this matter again. Poiso.mno Case. Tho Huntingdon Globe says that two gentlemen residing in German Valley, Huntingdon county, wcro poisoned on Thursday hut by eating acoailo, a poisonous root, which they mistook for opikenard. They found the root in the corner of a field in which they had been plowing. Shortly after eating il, ono of.thc men was seized wilh violent pains in tho stomach and bowels. Ho called for water, nnd having drank It, expired immediately. Tho other man was attacked in like manner, but drank milk, which acted as an antidoto for liio poison, and he recovered. Tn anksoi vino. To-morrow has been designated by tho authorities, as a day of and prayer. Wo learn lhat arrangements have boon made for a genoral assembling of tho pcoplo a tho Presbyterian Church in this place, whero a sermon suited lo the occasion will be preached by Rev. Mr. Butler. "Tlie niclaniboly d.T. bare come. The .addi-ft of llie year; Of wailinf, wind., and naked Wood, And meadow, brown and . a .... . And it would teem thnt inter is now about to take tho place of our usual Indian summer. Tna The Bccond term for the J car will open at this institu tion on Mondny, the i instant, as will Lo noticed by the advortiaemont elsewhere in this issue, in which terms of tuition are fully set forth. M.ssRwane School for girls, w II (iy Juircin(lll oliV rns open for a new term on Monday, tbcn(mu, 'n for,i, ,,r -stn WOod per 22d Instant. Terms of tuition will day. ll rents ft r c.Vi.OOO a year. ho founj in nnolhcr column This . School is in a flourishing condition W o;k in the covernment printing oi uooi in " , " (Office is so much in arrears that the and the place for girls. nnnnnl reports nnd documents wilt r"""-"f""7! r'nol bo re.idv at the meeting of Con- K...l.r.n.A man by tho name of, Canse, the alwenco of mana- William Haling, was run over by the JginjT tnen attending to politics, and onrino of a freight train of cars nonr effort to force negroes into tbe Huntingdon, on last Snlurday a week. and instantly killed. KiLLFn Reuben llonrli was killed ! the oilier dav while feetling a Ihivsh- ing machine" in Slippery Hock town- ship, Lawrence county. A pitcu-ioiK which had slipped oil tho handle wus thrown into Iho machine with the sheaf of wheat in which it was stick ; .. h. n it ivns iiisljintlv broke tn . frairmenl airikiin'r Mr. H. in Iho forehead and penetrating the J brain. m . A man named Costello, a farmer, residing in Iowa, was arrested recently for a murder, committed thirty year ago in Ireland. Of ."(itt nf ti etnf n I lric llttrrir-t Met- hi r S'on tr-lla "mi l lu I 1,fi.y Ilwnn irm b' linowfl t i In r ll iiifiint i, . m , tt run and Ins 's:rr l.tnly Leigh, ami lb. sepiii sli'i'i as tde c'Hi.cquciii ,) of il." it now tutus out ilmt l.iulr liyroii, eifirr this separtilinn, trrtl AngiiMa Leigh i "Vim have evrrbeeo my best cmnf'nrter, nnd . ill over r. nii.:n audi till you grow weary of the 'iho jv-ciit world df Europe and America hci.p,.st plunder css of 'Stows vorsiis llyron ;" nnd tho ver dict will bn Iho conviction of litis letnalo hyena of one of tlio foulest moral crimes known tu humanity. This animal, tho hyena, is of tlio genus cam., known lo history ns a crentiito "that tears open graves to obtain its fooj." Tlii female, a cross of tho genus homo nnd the genus ram, who hits torn open the grave of llyron, is ever hunting "uti" moral carrion ; she gloats over n picture of inentully diseased humanity ; ao monstrous nnd abnormal is her nuturo, that shu will seek tlio mosl loathsome food, In dish up for tho monlul plates of her de praved readers, and when she fails to hint n case bad enough for her pon, she will invent one. .Supposing, from tho (also reputation of Byron, who puinled himself, und thus led othors lo paint him, worso t han he was, that sho had a good subject, she clawed up his botres, from their resting place and invented her horrible talo. All hu manity recoiled aghast at her picture, und thongh shocked tothecoro, inves tigated nnd provod her a liar. As u foul liur she stunds branded beforo tbe eyes of nil Europe and nil America, and, ns the uulhor of "Unele Tom's Cabin," it was quite natural that suvh .Jiould have been Iho result iu this especial case. Day Hook. Tlit taut I'iiieiHcial t'ur$t. The miserable blunderers ul Wash ington, who aro managing, or rather mismanaging, tho financial affairs of the country, aro moving for a foreign lour per cent. lonn. If there ia a short road to national poverty, it is a national debt held by foreign creditors. If there ia ever a speedy, ruinous re sult insured to tho debtor nution, through its relation to its creditor, it iswhcro thnt creditor is another na tion, thousands of miles away. Eng. land kept her colonies on tho vorgeof actual starvation, actual death, by systematically abstracting, in taxes and interest, every dollur llicy mude. It was liko bleeding a human subject weekly and withholding his supply of aliment ulso. Interest paid in ibis country is likely to be employed here, and "oils" tho machinery of wealth creation. The poor tax-payers get a little relief out of its activity, rient abroad, it micly comes back to bo used, save as a further "leech" to fas ten upon the wealth-producer as a "loan" to abstract more Mood. "Piincipal," said old Stephen Whit ney, one of the defunct miners, "prin cipal is nothing; it ia interett that I value; it is interest that ia the one grand consideration. 'J hero is noth ing equals tho power of interest." Old Whituey knew ull about it. A Fashionable Wedpmo. The Philadelphia papers record what they style a "fashionnblo wedding." It look place in that city on Wednesday evening, at tho pring'Gurden Metho dist J.piseopnl Church. Iho brtdo was tho daughter of Bishop Simpson, and the bridegroom J. Riefy Weaver, lately appointed to a consulship in Italy. Gen. Grant and family .together wilh many government officials, wcro present nt the wedding. Tho Inquirer says : "The brido was the recipient of handsome presents, valued nt many thousands nf dollars, including a grand parlor orgnn, cscrctoire, silver tea sots, wholo services of solid silver, some six dozen silver spoons and forks, lablo linen, silver pitchers and goblets, oyster tureens, nnd aalvers, coffeo urns, cuke and fruit knives, handsome bibles, toilet sets, medicino chest, nap kin rings, pearis, paintings, work basket, glass and silver waro of peculiar kind and construction, with many other articles, making in ih aggregato over ono hundred in num ber, and being a rich nnd rare collect ion. In addition to these, chrclts were drawn for sums of f 100 or. tho Bank of North America, by James Long, and fli 'O by John Evans, of Colorado, on the Fitst National Batik of Der.v.-r. A $100 greenback was also presented bv Mrs. Thomas Price, of Philadelphia.'' Fiout wtTit a Bkar. The Cham bersburg Valley Spirit says: Mr. Linn, residing near Concord, this Co , had a vcrr unpleasant encounter recently, llo saw a bear nrs.r his residence, and, procuring a rifle, shot at him. The bear fell and Mr. Linn supposed that ho had killed him. On going up to him, however, the bear sprung t his feel, nnd, as quick as a Sash of lightning, struck Mr. Linn scr.seless to the ground. Ho jumped upon tho body, attacked it savagely and bit oneoT Mr. Linns arms severely. In Iho meantime, oth er persons anprottched wilh dogs and dispatched the bear. Had it not been for Ibis limely assistance, Mr. Linn would doubtless, have been torn to pieces. As il was, he was pretty se verely injured, but is now, wo arc glad 10 learn, improving. Extfnsive Paw Mill. The largest saw mill in tho world is at Orono, Ma;no. It is 410 feet long, 60 feet wide, has four gang faws, five singlo saws, two cimil.-ir taws, fi ro lulU machines, one shinglr, and one clap board machine. It sawsdaily 200,OUJ feet of long lumber, 2'n,(in0 hubs, 10,. llAA . I. : I . .I t llNH aln I,A..J. working force. Bonner has just purchased, for 20,- "00, the stallion, .Major I'rnfield, the sire of t'onimoihir Vnndcrbilt'a Mountain Bov, nnd also of Joe Elli ot," who lately trolled a milo in 2:lPf. A Connrct ient traveler recently took tea with a Mormon rldrr, at whoso table six wives presided, and twenty- seven children clamored for more molasses on their bread 1 1 is reported that .Mr. Drake, who put down the fitwt oil well in this country, and who at one time una worth l,0W,fOn, recfwtly dicJ in poor hroaf.