Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 17, 1869, Image 2

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Wo notico that tlio Elk Democrat
lias been titken in cliaro ly Mr.
Eugene J. Miller, a lIumsburK typo.
We trust Mr. Miller will mako it an
efficient Democratic weapon.
J. R. Ponehoo, late of tlio Fulton
Democrat, and a gontlomnn of culture
and experience, has purchased the
Indiana Democrat, and Mr. J. B.
Baosoui, lato editor, rotires.
Ilia phyiiciuim declare that the death
of Hon. K. J. Walker, was caused ly
goncral debility, brought on by his
constant und unyielding application
to business. Had ho changed bis
babiu bo mi-jht bave lived 20 years.
Reconstructed. The l'resbytorian
Church, Old and Now School, having
been divorced for 40 years past, wore
re-marriod at Pittsburg, last week.
The twaiu are now one body, ready
for ft united crusade against the
World, the Flesh and the Devil. J
Our opposition friends throughout
the State, base their hopes of the
permanency of the Republican organi
zation on tho honesty and economy of
the coming Legislature. Judging
from their past record and the presotit
roovomontsof the 'ring' and 'roosters,'
we are afraid they aro building their
'hopes' on a rather sandy foundation.
Loil. Frauds, amounting to mil
lions of dollars, have beeu discovered
iu the York Custom House.
Clerks at Washington and some of the
principal officers of tho Custom House,
have been arrested. The robbery
commenced iu 1801. Thore is a great
deal of fuss ruado about it just now,
but the whole thing will be quashed,
and the government robbed.
Lucky. Gram's War Secretaries,
Rawlins and Belknap, wcro rendered
furtunato in more than ono sense,
during the "affair" beyond the Poto
mac. It not only gave them positions,
but they both found their wives in tho
rebellion. The former captured his nt
Vicksburg.and the latter got acquaint
ed with bis second wife by capturing
her brother, who was a Colonel in the
Confederate army.
Death Warrants IssuED.-Governor
Gesry has selected the 7lh of Decem
ber for tho execution of the murderers
John Fields and Zachary Taylor
Hockenbcny. Death Warrunts to
the above effect wcro issuod on Satur
day morning. Fields is from Lycom
ing county, whero he killed his brother-in-law,
Matthevs, and is well known
to many of our citizens. Tho latter
committed a murder In Jlackenburg,
Butler county-
Passing Awat. Death has mado
aad havoc among tho old and substan
tial statesmen, within the past ten
days. Major-General John E. Wool,
the oldest officer of tho Army, and
Commodore Charles Stewart, the old
est officer in tho Navy, are no more.
Hon. Robert J. Walker, who had
nerved in tho Cnbinct, Senate and the
lloaso of Representatives, the ablest
nd most correct finnncicrth is country
ever produced, anJ Hon. Thomas G.
Fratt, Governor, Senator and Repre
sentative, and Hon. Amos Kendall, a
prominent and activo politician and
Tost ilaslcrGcncral.diiringGcn Jack
Bon's term, have also been gathered
with the fathers. These men all spent
a lifetime in the public service, yet.
neither was ever charged or su "peeled
of being bribed or corrupted while
in the service. How different is the
conduct of the people's representatives
vt tho present day !
A IIei.l Wasted. It is probably
unknown to many of our readers that
Horace Greeley, of the New York
Tribune, is a confirmed Universalis!.
He believes ihrto is no hell. IIo was
candidato a! Iho lute election in
Now York, and defeated by 33,000
majority. This unexpected lurn of
things seems to havo pul his fuilh to
very severe test, according to the
following, which we lake from bis
paper, lie says :
'Va rrtam errK-eial thank to theee who, feeling
wolth again! one llonw-e tlreeley, acrati-lird hi
name off their ba'lote. like gentlemen.
llut fur the poor en-Man who refit! to rot at
all, we tt-rl a worn which it borrlr
di.tinguthelle from loatliiiie;. If there be any
where in the aimer, an unooinfnrtal.lo plae,
laeae hriMrile ought to bo invited to the hottrt
turner of It."
It is evident ll.a! Iloraeo would like
to bavo a temporary hell for those
Radicals who lefuscd to vote fur him,
and be would bo liberal loo; because
Iio would give them tho "hottest
corner." This would bo hard on tho
Now York "blockheads," as bo very
nncouthly calls those who sustained
VtTruAss. A correspondent at
Unionvillc writing lo tho Rcllefoiite
Republican says:
'iuit an interesting affair occur
red here, on Tliurnduy, iho 4lh inst.
Andrew Moore of Clearfield county,
ivss married ti Mr. Margaret I .Mings,
widow of the late JHH,p)i. They wuru
married by Friend's Ceremony, snd
vfcoir uimbined sges sro one bundred
and fifty -two years. An extensive din-
nur was
Vrepni-tiJ, and tho bride snd
jcrooni with it,viu,J guests, bad aliro-
lr. Ulnl ir i. i.A r . ..
.j, r,"- i.i lasiunca unio.
"Grant don't itit a seond trt
In a jiig'l yc.
Jllfl ('Mll
Th paraonal liberty ol the citizens,
so much Jeopardized liiruiiu'i
mlsruh and the ninnliiioil ol our
Courts, is being slowly but surely re
stored. Tho Philadelphia Age, in
dwelling on this subject says :
"It is gratifying to nolo tlio fai t
that the docixionH of tho courts of the
country when affecting the personal
riirhts of citizens Generally havo n
healthy tono. Thai of tho Supreme
Conrt of the United Hlutcu in the cuso
of Yerger bus been followed by a voice
from tho Supremo tribunal in Missou
ri, which is ulso in tho ri'lit direction.
Tho question at ihsno was tho respon
sibility of officers under tlio iiegmtry
Inw of that State Abrabnm AicPikc
had brought an action against Samuel
M'Gowrm and others, regitttering olti
cers in Rails county, for wantonly re
fusing to register hint as a qualified
voter in 180U, und thoreby depriving
him of his voto. Tho case was brought
before tho Circuit Court of Ralls. Tlio
defendants demurred to tho petition
that they, as registering officers, acted
Judicially, und, as judicial olllcers,
wero not liable in civil actions for
their divisions. The Circuit Court
held tho demurrer good, and gnvo n
decision in favor of tlio defendants.
Tho District Court, by a division, af
firmed tho decision. An appoal was
taken lo the Supreme Com t, and that
tribunal on Monday reversed the do-
cision, and remanded tho caso to the
lower court for trial on its merits.
The decihion holds that regist""S
officers, though, liko jnJsof election
under tlio law, exercise quasi judi
mii functions; they are not judicial,
but magisterial oflil-ur ; and that, al
though tho Itof-istry law ns passed in
1 Stilt expressly exempts them from re
sponsibility lor refusing to register
upplieants, iliey aro liable, novertho
luss, if the refusal bo proved lo have
been malicious, corrupt and wrongful.
It is certainly un evidence of the com
ing of a reign of severe principles af
ter domination of harsh party dog
mns, that two judicial decisions in fa
vor of individual rights as against on
throned power should bo given by
high Courts iu our country."
.f Beautiful (I t) Extract.
Wo commend to Iho Democracy in
Ohio and Pennsylvania, who "have on
their necks Iho foot of tho negro," the
pleasing paragraph in full from which
that extract is borrowed. The Salem
(Mat.) Journal, a dirty Mongrel sheet,
utters this bit of choice Saxon, and we
ask our friends in the two States
alluded to, how they like the stylo of
languago nsed by tho party that has
gien tho nigger tho power lo thus
"put his footon the white man'sncck ?"
Read it, Democratic voters of Ohio
and Pennsylvania, and when next you
undertako your work, mako a sure
thing of it :
"Alth'iQzh It has takrn a ffrrat it"a1 oftiinrati'l
fs)t ui a tin! amount of aiouer, w bait at lant
cut thr tliij L'ult-h of IVnn'vlvaui ami tlir vcr-
iant "niirkt-rs ami 'bn-krvr' uf tho W' siat-a
Viluoatisl up' to the hifrhrr-lair flan'lunt. tVbcu.
a frw rrart aaii, thor iiat Ulion nn thr dcpiicd
Alsitilioiiiili wr Uvti-rmim-il Ihwt Iho m-t(ro (an
tlirr ralli-il the roliirti iumh; ihmiM Im tlivir
roual,. or wo W'lubl cmfli thr I'liiuo. t'ulnrrj
lutfraat bow la a Sxod fact. Tho fnot of tlio nrcro
i$ now oo tbr nork of tbi-ir am-irnt rvvili-rs, aud
tbuse Di)t in our toili tnaul ttnnd Imm unilcr."
Smoko that, ''Pennsylvania dutch !"
aw a
Fitly Spoken. Tho outrageous
swindlo by which somo of the Demo
cratic candidates in Philadelphia were
deprivod of oortlfientcs of vhctiun,lins
disgusted even some of the radical ed
itors. Tho Norristown Independent,
a thorough going radical paper, in an
articlo under the caption of "Fraud
and Forgery," lluu alludes to this dis
reputable business :
"Wo trust every republican journal
in tho Slato will sensuro with such
terms of severe reproach as tho sub
ject merits, tho gross forgery of false
returns in Philadelphia, by which two
democrats, who wcro honestly elected
to office, wcro cheated out of their
certificates of election, by sn altera
tion of figures. We trust tho guilty
parties, whoever they may be, will be
brought to speedy punishment. Such
rascals as bavo done this dirty work,
bring tho pnrty into disrepute, and
destiny its usefiillncs and power
Let them be spurned and kicked from
all decent society. All the newspa
pers gives tho figures showing Mr.
Diamond's cloction beyond controver
sy, nnd he should bo allowed his seat
in the Senate, democrat ns bo is, in
spito of tho fraud by which ho is de
prived of his certificate."
A notorious adventurer named
Wallbridgo, recently in a speech at
'rant, formally tendered him a"re
noniinution ihreo years bonce. Rut
Grant declined, declaring that:
"As to bis second term, he felt now
very much tho sumo as ho did at West
Point In bis esdet days, when he
counted every mouth with eagerness
to get out of bis position."
A student'i lilu was w retched to him
becauso be was loo stupid to Icarn
anything, and too fond of loafing in
grog-shops to endure llio restraints of
school. Jlut liis declining a "renomi
nation" is good, sinco everybody con
fesses that he is, without exception,
tho greatest booby that ever sal in so
high a place before
The Illinois Constitutional Conven
tion will bo very equally divided po
lilieally. Tho Chicago 'Uribunc'i Int
est figuring shows 4;l Republicans,
41 Democrats, and ono member in
doubt. One of the Republican dele
gates was elected by ono majority.
There isa number ol independent dele
gates chosen, belonging to both pur
ties, and they will keep down any
thing liko rabid partisanism.
Mns. Lincoln. The papers com in.
ue lo publish stories concerning the
reported marrisge, now said lo be near
at hand, o! Airs. Mary Lincoln, widow jail oilier selections mado by Iho same
of Iho deceased President, to Count President. Tlio man has no peculiar
Sclieidenbuntsen, grand chamberlain fitness for a position, and knows its
lotho Grand Duko of Raden. It is much about foreign imports ns dai
not known how much truth there isirvnian or a rector, llut ho is in tho
in tho report,
Mm. Lincoln is yet in
1 1 must le satisfaction to ex-I'rcs-ident
Johnson lo remember Ihnt all
tho eminent nnd venerable patriots
whom the country now mourns were
cordially wild dim iu his contest with
tho Kadicul in Congress.
Tho Tribune rejoices that "Vermont
hits rat iticd tho Fiili etuh amendment."
Il is liko a ncjjro reflecting his own
l.ieo in s glass. erni nil is
part of" i
a w a i
At tho lato election in California
the Ilutnocrsts elected clevon out of
fourteen IUlrict Judges. Clean work
i i . ... . i
Thero will bo nix eclipses next yes r.
Konidcnls of the 1'nilcd States .ho
i may wish to seo thorn, will havo li
. j So lbs ollior side of th world.
Tht Ittnl Hlitlrtntnt,
us st riii from Mr. Iloulwr
stah inent of the public d
thndccoi live and bewildering nimbus i
which lui throws around it, III Hie
sbnpo ol additions for bpituixI interest
mid diMluclioiis for bonds issued to Iho
1'acitic railroads, and eompuro it with
the last statement made by Seervtary
Mei'ulloi h, on tho 1st of March. Hero
aro two statements, mado up upon
the easily understood plan ol Mr.
McCiillocli, giving mo wnoio ot me
Principal of the debt :
March 1
XuvcmUr 1.
Dvlil Waring coin
I n-.t f ?,10r,S2 1.OiO
liel.l bearing ciir-
n-ucv Tl.HO.IWS
Maiun'j debt ,U'2,I03
Pi-'tt tii'tring ua
Inlnval...: 4:l,67S,1S0
Dim. In imuril lo
l'tincrilroo. .1,.17.fillS
Tolal ilcM $;.llii(i,lllll.Cli:i ta,SjH.l):l.i.."-V;
Aliatilulu iii-1'roii..i; iu oiglit inonlln, tli.i.H'fi
That is all. The oflluiul sltitement
of tho Secretary of tho Treasury, by
the legordcMiinin of udiling nccrucd in
terest, dcducliiig railway bonds,
crediting himself with accrued inter
est on tho bonds he bus lying in the
Treasury, and similar liltlu games,
figures up a nominal decrease of tlio
dibL amounting to ?;j4,X!J,070 since
March 1 ; but the nctutil decrease is
only $l,8(i(J,3(;0. If ho had paid rff
tit millions of tho debt in any shape,
his claim that bo had reduced it lo
that extent would bo a good one; but
ho has only juggled with it He has
changed the shnpo of some of tlio
iieniis und is cluborntely carrying on
the ridiculous fnivo of making the
government pay interest to itself upon
what bo pompously culls the''sink
irtir fund und other coin-interest
bond purchased." Thcro lire l"l
millions of money and !j! millions of
bonds in the Treasury, it is true;
but what of that Fifty-four millions
of it aro duo now for accrued inter
est; nnd it is easy to imiigino a caso
in which sudden emergency would re-
nuiro tho exiinidituro of tho wholo of
tho balance. In such n case
would tho boasted decrease of 64
millions since March 1st bo found?
Most probably tho wholo of tho -10
millions "held to await the pleasure
of Congress" would again bo thrown
on tho ninrkot, nnd tho country would
find itself decpor in debt than it was
a year ago. When tho debt begins to
bo actually paid off, its reduction will
havo begun, and not before. X. Y.
Board of Stats Ciiaritiks. Hon.
G. 1). Cnlemnn, of Lebanon, Hon.
Wilmor Worlhington.of West Chester,
F. D. l'entiiniun, of 1'iltsbiirgli, John
Welsh, Esq ,of Philadelphia, and (icn.
Thomas M. Kano, of McKean county,
have been appointed by the Governor
commissioners ofstnlo charities. Tho
law tho creulioii of these
olllcers was passed last April, and
reserves to them tho privilogo ol
deciding among themselves as to who
shall servo one, two. three, four or
five years. Tliorcw ill bo a vacancy
in tho board every year, which will be
filled by the Governor. The duties of
tho commissioners will bo tho inspec
tion ol all charitable and cnrrectionnl
institutions in tho Slate. They will
rcccivo no compensation for their ser
vices, but aro authorized to appoint a
secretary and assistant secretary, tho
former nt a salary of tlTreo thousand
dollars per annum and tho latter ono
I'.ioiiT. Suits were entered in the
Circuit Court, at St. Louis on tho 1 1 ill
inst, by Andrew l'urk, Widium G.
Clark, William F. Com soy and Louis
C. Gucrney against Frank A. Lick,
who wnsl'rovost Marshal of that lo
purtment, under General llalleck, for
certain sums asxascd on them during
the war as rebel sympathizer, and
collected by Colonel Lick, under llal
leck's orders. Tho ngureguto sum
claimed by Iho nbovo gentlemen is
$J7,P0. It is probable that about
ono hundred similar suits will be
brougnt, nt least ouo of which will be j
taken lo tho United States Supreme
Court if necessary.
Tho New York Democrat reports
seeing a dilapidated Teuton sitting on
a beer keg in a stieet of that city after
the election, and venting bis feelings
thusly :
I liave to(1 mil d.-r Fiyi-t:
Mil dor OrorlrT I dill right-
I ri.i fri,:uti-iicl likr d-r ilvrolj
l)-r daiu ting ran't riRlil.
It-r Siffrl br wa iH-alrn,
I'n'l ilrcrl'-r. im hsj
Tlr- writ iliioo ri-u I noa to right
1 loalH Una fi llrra bo.
II't nn no dnlkinir,
lli-m Iii-mnkrati inb lirirka r
I right no nu.rp mil Sig)-
I quit di m tiuliiiiia.
"My competitor," writes a political
editor, ' has told you of the services
ho rendered his country in tho lute
war. Let mo tell you Unit I, too, no
ted an humblo pnrl in ihnt memorable
contest. When tho tocsin of war sum
moncd tho loyal masses to rally to the
defenso of iho national flug, 1, fellow,
citizens, animated by that pntiiotic
spirit w hich glows in every Americnn
bosom, lured a substitute, and Un
bones of that man How lie blenching
on iho batiks of the Rappahannock."
Loil and Patriotic, too.
E l' M i n K A L Cot . n T wen t y
Ecumenical Councils bavo been held
nt tlio following places and dates
Nicola, ;i.'5 ; Constantinople, !iM ;
Kphesus, 4.'il ; Chalcedon, 4ol ; Con
stantinople, fi.Vl; Constantinople, tisd;
Niecra, 7S7 ; Constantinople, M','J;
Lutrun, UU.'l; I.alran, II :!'.); Lslrnu
IIT'J; Lulrnn, l-Ki ; Lyons, liL;
Lyons, 171; A ienue, 'liil 1 ; Pisn,
lli'Il; Constance. 1114; I'lorenco.ll-ii;
liable,, and Trent, lH't.
Tho appointment by tho President
of (Jen. rlincr to bo Appraiser of the
port ol JNcw loi k, is in keepniB with
..II ... I . - I l . I
Ol R fi.tiN. Ons j-earngi the six
States of Mnxnchu(tts, Now Jersey,
New Voik, Marvhind. Wisconsin and
.Minnesotarraveiil.xsT majority fori.'.
S. CJ rai.t. On Tuesday Inst tho sanio
sis r-'tatcs gavo nboul L'titMill inajnrilv
for the l'einocrnla a Iiemocralic l
gain of ubout Sl.ooti jn ono year!
Cod bless Mar land 1 Not only has
that bravo lilllo S'lnlo riven a clear
iMiiucratic nia jority in every county,
but it has elected a 1'einocralic h'gis-
Inluro clear through. Not a tingle
lUdieal will Ktitaminnte the IclmhU.
livo balls of Marvlund with bis tinlinl-
. .
lowOil pi-csonr.
Mrs. Stanton says that "tiflcr a
woman is ninrricd. there is nolbinu
more heard of her." Well, thcro has ! township, refuses to contest Mr. Find
not been runeli besrd of her husbsnd I lay's right to the seat. Erehanoe..
since she rasrripd hiio. .
Urniut I'mboilU Is Html.
The c-nUe telegraph on last Friday
nnli'Miin i il I lint l.rnruo I'enlioily is
dead - dying at bis lodging in l,on-
Inn, near nililinght ol lliuis.lny.
liiohcr men limn Gonrgo I eiibmly
havo died, und somo ol their lieir
who nut on tho resemblance of grief
. .. I . . . I I
while Ihuir hearts were glad, none
Tho deceased was one of llm most
ucceiu.lul of bankurs. He imidti nn
ininienso fortune by his shrewdness
and bis business tnc, and his honesty,
His fiimo is nliuiist worldwide, bu -
cause, out of his nbundiinco bo diil
much irood to mankind. While the
Rothschilds of Kuropo, nnd the mill
ionrtrics of America may Hie, will rot
iiml bo forgotten, tho iiumo of tieorge
I'eiibody will livo, nnd his munificence
will not bo forgotten, nor will il bo
lost to mankind. Ho accumulated his
wealth, but not for that, but because
bo used Unit wealth well, will George
l'eubody bcur an honored name in
Tho following is believed to bo a
complete list of Georgo Pea body's
gills to public institutions, thu poor,
his relatives, etc., so fur as they uro
known to tho world :
fWlicrn Kilni-Atlonal Fund f 2,.'.firt,00
liiKtitiilr ul Hnltimorc l.imi.nufi
Institutr at Unlivery jfiiii.lioil
I' of I.umlon 1,oiO, OOfl
Ibu-ranl l iiiiomil)- l.Hi.llUO
Vnlrfnllrtrc- l.ll.lulll
Wu-l.iMiri.iii Colli-go mi. Him
lltll.T IH.J.XI Ase.i'iHi
lltlnlin- l.W0,MII
As was once suid of another, Houvcn
gavo George Peabody length of days,
and ho tilled them wilU deeds of
History affords no similar instance
of a iniiu who made a more benevo
lent uso of great wealth, or who was
more judicious and practical in its
distribution. The memory of George
Peabody will, therefore, bo revered
llirough nil tut uro time and his goner
osily nnd philunlhrophy will, us the
I ,!! it-niimt natmp tail I Mu-,ilr.,ti
lit. 'j r
III? LIIL'I ,1 Hull II II l li!VlLUUU VI lllilll-
Tlio London rout, of Nov. 5,' in an
obituary articlo, says:
"Mr. Peabody was ono of tho few
whose privute virtues arc followed by
public fame and whoso virtues may be
cited as examples. In laying tlio foun
dation of wholesome and cheerful
homes for tho working classes, be
acted upon a high sense of duty nnd
touchod the mainsprings ofcivilization
llo made his name the incusurc of the
philanthropy. Throughout his w hole
life and conduct displayed a purity of
character tbut could not fail to elevate
and refine tho feelings bis generosity
inspired. "
The Telegraph says :
"Mr. lVuboily's lot was doubly
happy. Tho inscription on bis mau
soleum mny tell with unquestioned
truth of tho man who loved bis kind
and served two countries."
Tho London yVnirj says:
"The news of Mr. Peabody 's death
will bo received with no common sor
row on both sides of the Atlantic.
Tho sentiment of regret will not bo a
mere passing Iributo of gratitude, to a
mtiniliceut benefactor. Mr. Peabody,
through a long bib, accumulated man
ifold titles lo be lamented. Ho was
an ardent patriot, and loved abroad
as much as home. He was a New
llnglundcr, who, when tho South was
bowed down lo Iho dust, stopped for
ward and claimod tho ria-lit sneenr
il. Ho was no courtier, yet lie was
honored by sovereigns und princes,
llo was profuse in his charity, which
pauperized nobody, llo was a philan
thropist who was liked as well as
honored. There was nothing bard or
narrow about bis philanthropy; bo
simply tlid whut over good came in
his way."
lie nth of fhartta Strtrnrl.
Rear Admiral Charles Stowart, U.
S. N., died :', his residence at Rorden
town, Now Jersey, on Saturday lust.
November Cth, at the advanced ago of
ninety-two years,
Ho was born in Philadelphia, on
Iho UMh of July, 177K. llo entered
the navy as n Lieutenant in 170S, on
tho frigate United St'ites, subordinMo
to Commodore John Harry. In July,
I COO, ho was appointed to tho com
mand of the schooner Experiment of
twelve guns, and was employed
in protecting American commerce
against French privateers in the West
ladies. On the 1st of September, the
I'xperimcnt fell in with nnd captured,
after an actioo of ten minutes, the
I'rench schooner Deux Amis, of eight
guns, nnd soon after, whilo cruising
near tho island of Hnrbmlu. she cap.
Hired tho French schooner Dlann, of
fourteen guns. In addition to these
captures slio re-captured a number of
American vessels which bad been
taken by French privateers.
llo afterward commanded Iho Siren
in tho Trlpolitan wnr. During the
lust wnr with Great Ilritain he com
manded tho Constitution and did
brilliant servico.
From 11(5 to 1 SJO, Commodore
Stewart commanded a sqnsdron in the
Mediterranean, bis flagship being tho
Fr.iukliu. In I S2 1 he commanded in
tho rucillesUttion, hcro herenmined j moro directly on tho issue whether
for Ihreo yen r. lie was n tnenihrr of ' tlio Republican pnrty lias fulfilled tho
Iho Itimrd of Navy Commissioners I nnlionnl expectation. In our opinion
from l!30 to 1M3, nnd subsequently j unless t lis ndniinintrntion files a better
I111.I lommnnd of tho homo s(ii:iiln,n reccord tluring the coming yenr than
nil"! of the nurnl stntion nt i'liilndcl- Ulml of tho past, thcro w ill bo a very
phi.r JIo slo rendered iinportnnl even strulo between il nnd its fue,
services i.: iho orpnniriilion of the pcrhnps nn inoininioiis dilont. By
navy, nnd furniohed many valuitblo j small ninjorities, niter almost incredi
pnper" lo tlm Navy JOcpartmciit op blc clfnrt, wo linvo just saved the Iwo
tlio siil'ioct.
In lS.'iT he was plnood on tho retired
list, nui in i.v.p ny siietiai nei ot (.on
Kress bo wits pluoetl upon tlio netivo
list, unilcr u new coiiimisHion us senior
flair tiftKer. llo was, al his ow n rn-
quet, in lt'ij, rclioved from commnnd
ol tlio navy j anl at 1 Inlinlulplus, anil
....... . .. I. I . ' . . .
film uiier iimik tip in rc.iincnco ui
HiiiiIi'IiIiik n, N. J. IJo was given the
rank of Itenr Adinintl, when tba new
naval ranks wcro mado during tho
lato war, and placed on the retired list
The Southern lintel, in Now York,
formerly tho ! l'arge, is being re
built, ntnn expense ol SI. 1.0(1,00(1, and
will lie, with tlio exception ol the istrnlion, nnd yet nil of those three
(trnnd Hotel, Paris, tho largest ons Slates gavo ormchrlmina Timorratir
in tho world, 'i ho building is to be j majorities. In New York tho people
eight stories in height, both on thejlmvo shown their Appreciation of
Mercer street and Jlroadwny sides
snd surmounted with thrco gothic
lowern. Thero will bo find rooms
1 .1111.1 id which will bo divided up into
pnrlurs. This will ho 200 more rooms
than cither theSt, Nicholas, Filth Av
enue, or Metropolitan Hotels can
ton st ol.
l'.d. Senll, who
cluiini'd had been
bis Hndicul friends
elected in iho Som
crset Senatorial 1'istrici, bv reason of
a defective return from a Democratic
One decent l("rnl'Ncsn In tho State
. ij mi hi I urn sisrr i n i i ism hi i- -
To apni'llinl mind, says the I'o
ti'isliiirg Cuutur, if any such there
bo ill llu'so t.rosuic iliij s of restless,
meiecnary el'iii l, the present attitude
of Virginia Is Inexpressibly gland and
lunching. Him ailed lit Inst from her
long estrangeinoi.t, lifteil from her
I ..I ......... .u ...! till lit. Ittimihti.
Illllll II SO O'lllWlT Uill i'iuvi ! "
tlon, she stands at tlio door of tlio
Union clad in tho "beautiful garment
of her restored sovereignty, calmly
and trustfully awaiting tho signal ol
recognition and tho invitation lo
ll is for Iho young members of her
own niitional liousenoiu, silling in
judgment on hor loyally, her liberty,
her life, to determine wiiet ner inoser-
ieo of submission aud obedience which
she olio is, shall sootho the unnat
ural enmity and reconeilo them to her
nravor: or whether her Hiipplicatioii
sliuil bo repelled with scorn und mado
tho pretext lor heavier exactions
Neither thu lost blood of her slaught
ered children northo sighs ol her tear
ful anguish have heretoloro succeeded
iu removing "tho crystal bar" that
kept her in . her isolation ) and now
when, for the first lime, nho presents
herself, not liku banished Peri, with
tears of penitent confession, but crown
ed with tho proof of sincerity and hor
loyalty, it is no idlebopo that her off
ering will bo accepted, and that she
will be welcomed to her placo in the
sistoi liood of Slates.
Wo can only wait; wo havo done
whut has been required of us, und
now let us hopefully anticipate the
restoration of our long susiended
rights, und prepuro lo ncbiovo a grand
and glorious prosperity tbut shall
more than compensate for tho losses
and disappointments that darken
these hitter years of our history.
Social Equality or tub Racks.
Tho people of Lynn, Susrj. Co., have
been for somo days past enjoying a
iirst-class sensation, growing out of
the disturbed social relations in a horo
tofore huppy family in that place.
The story is ns follows: Alonzo
Welch, white, and Stevo Wright,
colored, for somo time past have been
partners in the blncksmilhing bnsi
ness. Tho negro boarded with Welch,
and, as many peoplo thought, bad a
partnership with him in other mat
ters besides tho blacksmithing ac
counts ; Welch finally thought ho
smolt something not exactly right
but, H niMf, about tho couch of Ins vir
tuous Desdcmniiia, and laid a plan to
assure bimselfon thispoint and "prove
himself the thing bo most abliored.
Pretending that ho was to bo absent
one night, ho procured n pistol, and
laid in wait until Iho "wee sms hours
o'liight," when bo suddenly entered
tho window of his own Isi'd-room.
Stcvo and Mrs. Welch wcro surprised
and begged lhal tho enraged Alonzo
would spare their lives. Alonzo did
not burn any powder, but let off a vol
ley of curses mid drove the naughty
und enilty pair from the house. The
next day ho instituted a prosecution
against them for audultcry, and had
them bound over to appear at the
(Quarter Sessions of lhal county. Il
is said that tho case has since been
settled by tho parties ; tlio nigccrlak
ing tho woman. off the bands of her
while husband, being ono of tbecon-
ditilions of tho settlement. Wyoming
A Carpet Knkiiit "Goncra! Hor
aou Purtor wont to New York to buy
carpet for Mrs. Grant, and not in con
nection with the gold controversy."
We clip tho nbovo from tho Wash
ington correspondence of tho Phila
delphia Ledger. It shows to what
bravo uses our high army officers arc
put by our Republican President. A
llrcvet Rrigndier General is sent to
New York to buy carpet lor Mrs
Grunt! Next wo supposo we will
hear ol a Colonel detached lo stretch
them on iho floor, and a Cuptuin lo
clean out tho Whilo House spittoons'.
In clden times, wo Ibink, a General
officer in Iho army would linvo felt in
suited if ho had been ordered lo New
York on any such commission nsllial
of Porter's ; but now a days they seem
qtiiloreudy todo menial oiliccs around
their Sovereign. Thu simplicity of
our Republican Com I is f.i-a passing
aw ay, and we may soon expect lo see
our President attended with all tho
Royalty, Ladies of iho Red Chamber,
and our Ma jor Generals struggling for
tho honored pulling offtbo President's
hose, and chipping on bis nightcap.
Well, ,bere is no disputing about
tastes. Hut wo could suggest to Gen.
Porter to adopt a Coat of Arms, with
a rag carpet of a brilliant chain ns tho
field, w iili tho device composed of a
set of crinolino rampant, and epaulet
ted poodle dvrAii( beneath. Lan
caster Intelligencer.
WcikIcII l'liillina in a lato And-
Slavery Standard, thus tlist ournos of
tlio recent litttiicul victories in Ohio
snd rontiiy Ivunui ; "Mcanwliilo tlio
strciifjtli ol tlio oppoHitinn voto shows
ttuil tho Htlininintiution tins not ant is
fii'tl tlio country. Its friends liuvo
rallied nnd secured another year of
i;ruce. The elections of 1-S7U w ill turn
crcat Males 1 oiitisvlvunin ami iHno
i any slight tiiitownrd art'ident, cvon,
W'Hiiu bsvo lost them. It i de-
vrndrnce i'cr a great party. Wo have
drilled thus fai on tho strength of our
soldier-President's t epntalioii. le
snd his Cabinet must earil tho ltilure."
Wendell mny not be a prophet, but
ho is no lool,nsls70 will denionsU'Uti'.
A Iif.nt Kr. In (irnnt's cabinet are
three men from llic State of New York,
New Jersey nnd Maryland, nnincly
Fish, liobesnn nnd Cresswcll, All tht-so
gentlemen wero st homo canvnssing
their respective States, bcloro the lato
elections, in lb interest of Iho admin
1 1' rant's course by clceiing a large
I'emoeratic mnjoritv to the Legisia
(uro, besides tho whole Stnto ticket.
In New Jersey tho Democratic major
ity is increased, and In Maryland nut
n tingle raur.ty gave a Undirnl major
ity, ond" there isn't a Hailical member
in either hranrh of th legislature.
How isthisf Aro Fish, Ilobcson and
Cresswcll entirely destitute of influ
ence, or aro tho people of their Stales
disgusted with (irant and his con
tomptihloadminiatrnlion T Thulatler
is, of course, true, and accounts for
tho stinging condemnation which
these men b rcccivtd,
On N' M, ISM. al Ihr r'-i lmf nt Mr.
.Ijium L. I'ims, ill N'-w W aOiititmi, l,T Hrr. W'.
It. W nitirt, Mr. MAM.KV Tt ItNKII.of Inwa,
lo MlM I. l.7llt COOK, of Nrw, l a
Al bt! wi'I.,, Hwitri Mill", on Fri-lny,
Oetubf-r 2Mb, AM AH A J. XI 11 II, 04
Al "In TTnUrtuT of t .1.1 a v Mh ii A. i i, io Kur
llmim lowtifUip, on OrioLrr DM, lMltl, HAAt"
HI( K, nnl L'4 jiura. four moiitli" nd Iwu Umva.
On I' riil ay nmrniiiR. Nttrrmlirr 12rh, ISOU. nfl.T
in the ;ijth yvnr of hi tut:
Th ili-ci'Jim-tl diwrvM more than ft polemic uo
tlic. He wiu nn f uiplitry younn nmn in all the
ri-lntlnrm of life. A utrict uumlK-r or bii thun,b,
hfi falHi! not in uny of hii dutii'i. A a iud,
brother, ft Irii nil, ftn.l ft cUiMH, bo grnial.
WBrm-hcurtc il nd gnnerou. An ft luciitl citunn
i.n, he ui tu-i-ii'ti.ljle lo all clasaca of uoiety.
Tlif youth, yung, tniiMIe ftp'., and tli JvncJ
in yearn, all cqtuiHy rtcjitrd him. llo wbi a guMt any whero. Ilin liifib-tonvd mo-
nillly, lii culliTtttiun of mind and mnnntrp, mado
him a wi'lcoiue oonianion ia any miiai)y Hi
Iiihi will b felt, deeply ri'(frotti d, by all who know
liit. Th orowdi that gathered to pay their rt
spoctl to hi mortal remaini, and the large con-
flournc of poople who followed them to their final
rvHtiiig place, teotify to tho respect euUsrlainusl for
bun while living. Ilii waa a blaineleu lire! Iu
bii denlli the eoininuiiity ha luitained ft Iom.
Ilii aoul haa cone to lueat wmeeuial ipirttf. llm
friend aro left to mourn. The ajurano vf a
hippy retttrreetion for bim, muit eontola tho be
Utwr flvmisfjafnts.
Iltl'H IIOItHI J FOH MAI.IC Th.uti.lrr.
4 airnrd off. r. for ! FOI'K liOOI HDIIhKS.
buili-d all kioilii of work. Inquirt of
(Irarliclil, Nor. 17-61 JAMKS L I.EAVV.
i herrby given that lelterf of adminivtration
un the eptnte of ISAAC THICK, Jr., deoeaned,
Into of K art haul townihip. Clcartirld eonnty,
having brrn duly granted to the anderiigiied, all
periHinii iodi'btrd to aaid tate will pleaae make
pavmant.and thuae havinc Maiui or demand will
preaeut tbrm troperly aulhentieaied fortettlfment.
Kartbaai, Nor. 17-dtpd. Adminiftrator.
Corner of Keed A Third Btrecti,
i i:aiu'ii;M), pa.
(Oppf.filo the Taaaenger Pepot.)
PIIIK nnderaiffned hai erected Ibii larpe atd
X Muimodiuu house for tba entertaiament and
aoo.aiiidati'n of the traveling publin. lie there
fore nolieita travel!- and aojournera lo give bim
a cnll. Hit TAHI.K will be lupplied with the
bet the market afford, and ebargei reasonable.
3Tff" Ample itablinR to ftcoommodata teauatert
Ii attached to Ibo bouie.
novl7.d9 If I.EW1B SMITH.
Sheriff's Sale.
T)Y virtue of a writ of f'itri Foeiat, it
J ) med oat of tbe Court uf Common Tleaa of
Tlearfie'd cownty, and in ma directed, there
will be eiod to M1(I,IC th Court
Monte ia the borough of Clearfield. on Tfaurndav,
the Vth day of Deeembcr. 1809, at o'clock. P.
M., the fallowing properly, to wit :
Two certain trad or purreli of land, tituae In
Dloom townhip, C lea rti t-Jd enunty, Fa bounded
and derertt.ed aa fi-ilowt, vii: Urgiuisinf at a on the aouth iidr of the Suquebaiina aud
Watrrfnrd Turnpike road. on Frarou line; tbenre
north f j degre-a en ft along paid turnpike ft
perrhee to a )-ne; thence elill by raid turnpike
road north hi dcprwi. caat 40 perc hit to a tme ;
thrn txMilh 110 pcrrbee to a putt; ibener aoutb
B7 di;reft. wrtt 401 perehea Ui a hemlork I tbenre
oath ftji; d-(rrei, wvit Gl per. hfi to a bemluek ;
th-nca by Krarou line, nrib 110 percbn to the
place of beginning; containing tS aere 142
perch-, and the ttual allowance of lii per cent.
The other piece of land beginning at a ucmlok.
corner of No, btal ; tbenoe by line of No. S.)?1,
eapt 0t 4-19 pen-hee to a poet; thenee by the
tooth tide of the H'aterfurd Turnpike and tbafirat
above deacribed piece of land, aouth 87 degrees,
went 40 w-10 pnri'bet; thence aouth tii drgreet,
writ 61 perchef to a Itftn ; thence h N o. ACM
(Joxph Fear on), north 70 I It) percbei to the
ulaca of beginning; containing 40 arrre, 104
perches, and allow at-e of eia percent. 1 br a'Mtve
traota beinr the aame premiaea conveyed by Jamra
Ulovm t liamur r. ltluutn in one deed. Petted,
taken in txeevtti'tn and to be told aa the property
of tiaiaer P. Bloom.
-rtfiJdert will take nolire ibat U per
reut of the pu rebate a oney mal be paid wbra
tba property it knocked down, or it will be put
ap again for vale. VWLLUM llCKb'K,
Snamrr't Orricn. I Dep't. Mien IT.
Clearfield, Pa.( Rev. 17, 1P4J. J
In now i,uWiliirs a rrii-r of Itl.rr fr.rni thr Rrr.
tr. K II. U. I'lilME. who in Bi.-kmt I lie l,,tir f
thr Worl.l. br war uf Ciilifurnia, Parian, ( hina.
Inilia, Kiryiil, Ac t ti.jrtnrr wnn vanuua lhrr
irm.f'.'nilriirf, all I ho Nmi, Kilipioun and it,ry.
lar, an.l a creat rarirly nf llic br.l Hnfiire. Orig
inal an.l SclrtrJ.
Now If tlic tim. t potk l. filJrt an.l Krrt
fnmilr nrw.ri.prr. M'c niakr the fullowinn literal
ufl.rt fur n.w .abtrribrn : ,
W will arnd tbr N. T. Oaatnvra fnr one jrar lo
fin. Nrw Siili5oribrr an4 one Old, fr
ti 00
Two rut'cribc.-p,
a on
J .'.0
T no
ThrM "
and one 0!J,
and one Old,
and one OIJ,
11 on
li i
And to anr larger nntnWr at the rnme rate.
ani.1a tH.jiiei trrr. TKH.MS, S.".MI prranaum
In adtanee. rVnd lir Chock, Draft, ruMoflioc Or
drr or ltrgtlrr..d Irf-tl.r.
Mli.VKY V.. Vni!?K. jn. i CO..
BtJ St 37 Park How, Xiw York.
IIIK I.ADV S FRIFM) annoonrri thr follow
ii.r Nor.liU for IKTO : "llid Mr Forrrt llorf
hj Loin.. f'lianilliY Mi.ollon ; "The Canrannoni'
Aunt.' hr K!iia'.rlh I'rrftcott, anlhor of "rllwern
Two," c: Solid friilrer; or, fhiipie Dran'i Hri
lat liiflr, hr Amamla M.!al, author of
"The IMmrrr Fortune," Ae., with mimeroni. .Iiorlrr
storie. hr a hrillianl ulaxr of la-lr wrilrra.
A flnil.r exeruled Steel KncraiHig. a handaome
loulile.iRre, Snrl,T eoinred Fanh ion-Plate, anil a
larffn aorlnient of Wooil Tate, illu.lratiiife the
Fafbioni, Kanry Work. Sc.. aro aivea in ever,
number. It will give a popular neoe of Mumo in
ererr nomlr. .
Tho Jannarr numlier will eontin Torlraitt
irnRraved on rieeli of Mm. Ilrnrr Wood, Florence
IVrrr. I,nie Chandler Xlnnllon, Klirahrth Prrt.
eott, Amanda M. llougla, Mr. Mnrgarel Jl oemcr
and Austin Hi II.
New nilirer.her. who fend In their niwn for
K befnra tlir Br.l of N'oremlr. llmll roeeit-e
the V' and I'tfiemher niimiirr of thi rear
in addition, aiakinc fi artein month in all. And
new ruliF.rilierr wndina in their nnmer lir the Srrt
of lioormher .hall reeeive the nmemtieeiit beoeiulwr
llolniar numlier. making llnrte.n month in all.
IK I.. MS - S.'.AII a rir:; Kowr
eopiee.ert; lire eopteK (and one (mliil.ts One
eopr of the r ntrin nnd one of the Pn.T, S4.
A eopr of the larre and heauliful I'reminin Steel
Kiijrrannff "Takint the Mearureof the W.-dsing
lling" engraved in Koglnnd at a eo.l of r?,l'0ll
will I eent to errr full i$2..Sfli iit.mTiler, and
in ererr perron ftrn.niig a eltio. lint l.ngraring
il a rein of Art ! Ad'lre'v
liMl'oX A PKTC.nSOX.
lit aluut Slreet. rhila.lelphia.
MJ.ptflinfB eipin .rnt for ten orals, ni.-l
Two Hret-elaB Singer ficain 3lavbintf
I'hrnp fur canh. Call and aet thrm.
n..v III II. a. MVI.TNO.
ITK A Yt'iitif on the premiera
j of the rnhreriber. rr.idine in tilra-d tnwn.hip,
on or ahont the Slh of Atigii"! Iat. a Hl'I.L, alut
Iwo nnd a bait roar old, with hlaok and whitr
'pot.. The owner it reniie.led to eooie forward,
prove propertv, pay eharri., and lake him awar,
or ba Will lie difpont of as the law direet..
F. T. liruKNV.
Ioonle'f Mill., Xot. IS, lsr.o j.
j r( tli nnilrmrnrd, ia Morrip twnhi, alv-til
il. f list ((f r-fiirtniTr, .HM, a KKI t"TKKH, with
whits iMt on f(irrhal, hip and tail, ani. havmc
Ion: tlim hnrtia: be t npfd to hrihont thrrt?
jrar nli. The owner a.' owner are rrqni(rt i
come ffirwanl. pmre Im-perU, pay rhartfn, and
take hua awav, or be will h ipnrM, f the
law direct. IAVH PALI..
Morrtc townnhlp. Not. It lMi tpd.
House and Lot Tor Sale.
TIiKSIHK to veil an? proi-erlr. ituata 5 aailo
wtMrt wf l.nltier'hiirit, nn ihe Krte 1nriMke. en
LAN h, and bavinR a fx.ii fratnt dwtllinf boaMi.
hurn, nhnp, and thirty f khI ftait tnt
Uierroa. Tena tuw aad lihvnil.
vtLtriVarg, Kit. IMtf,
rrtroTrtVI' C T f 1) V I
fnni: underaigned, Intending to ntire ftotu the
I meritaiililc buineia, Il now clnaiftg out bi
entire Murk of good AT AND BELOW COtiT
Wool Delalnea.
Poplin a,
tmpreai CIotL,
Men's & Boys' Cassimeres,
Kentucky Jrani,
tadirf Cloaklnf,
Eliawla, Ac.
A full line of Domestic Goods,
6 he tin ii, PcUiaee,
Uingbama, FlaoncU,
Cotton Flanarli,
Aa., Ac
1 1 at a and Capi,
Uum and Arctic Overahoet,
Table aad Floor Oilelothe,
Wall rpar acd
Window Shadat,
Carpeta all wldtba.
And a great variety of Hotierj, Noli on a and Trim
minp af every deaeriptioa.
Indira Trimmed XI at a, Linen Table Corera,
Velvet, Wool Table Coven,
Eibbont. Napkina,
Balmoral fkirta, Conoterpanea,
Hoop Skirts, Towles.
A large aaaortmeut of Ladiea' and Children 'a Wool
Hooda, Nutiaa, (?bawlf, Aa.
Frrona ki want of aoytbitig In tba above line
of gooda are incited U gire me a cail and obtain
gooda at abuleaale pricea.
y-Oraio aad eowatrj prodooe taken la
change for gooda.
Clearfield, Nornmber 10, IH9.
"lT'E propote to furnih to tha eitiient nf
a) Oteeoia the "Staff of la the lb. p. of
Of ererr deeired form and t.te. All we a.k it a
trial, after w hirb we will run Ibe ritk of receiting
a liberal tbarn of pnl.lie patronage.
C. J. SH'irF.
Omola, Not. 10, ISM. T. b. O 1IKIEX.
Are coattaiitlj rfplrnipbing their itoek of Inigi,
MriliciDFi, tc.
Bcbovl Booki ftn-1 HUti'inery inclnd.Dg th Ot
f xd nl Natioti Serin of nMktdtnf.
Alio, Tuhkooo d4 Clear of th best bruidi, tt
Ibf lwl prim,
nil CALL AND BEE. 69
A Conli. (old or Sore Throat
Tt Mini i-m inntKliftto fttitntioa,
tirlal oflr rrmlti in fcto incunU)c
Brown' Bronchial Troches
will inviwifcU utflul lirf. j
For Bronchi tit, Afthmn, CaUrrh. Coamptirr j
and Throat IiitravM, ikrj hare a j
toot hi DC tflVrt 1
Sinprri abd P o 8 eakM aw thm to clear
aad trrnsiara U voioe.
0mn to tha (Md rrpuUtioa and op.ariljr f
(he Trocbrt, many wortLlrH and rhaa in It alios!
are ofTrrrd, which ara ftrod ttr nothipf .
Be tare to oltain thr Imt
(sld aTrryirhero. BotlO-fia
olico (o Land oMiifrs!
firaiiTOR (latum l'i Orrirr, 1
II a amy or ad, I'a.Ort. :X, 1SA9. j
To the Owner of I nnentH Land :
In ohedienca to an Act of AM-fnM-, approTed
the ephth day of April, one thoaaand rifjUt hun
dred and liitr tins, ynu are hereby notified that
(hMt'uoty Iand Lint ltrkrt," containing the
1ml of nnpatenled landr for ( Irartield county, pre
pared audcr the Act of Atsrtnl ly of the 2i'lb of
Mar, on tbouand eight bandred and irly-foar,
and the mpplcruant thrrelo, ba Ihi day been
forwarded to tha 1'rol bonotart of the county, at
alioae t-AW it any he atanhut-d. 1 be lien ran
nly ba liqnadatrd ly th avment of tba pr
tiafe money, tnttreot and (ert, and raeeiving pat
ents through this l-cnartnirnt.
Not. 10 Sin rurTeyur tleoeral.
Public Vendue.
'pilKKK will be eipinwd to I'uldie Male, al the
I rr.tdcni-e of the wiidmigaed in LAtSllLNC'K
l.itl NSIIir, on
Wednotday, November 17th, 1869,
The f'lnwin(t drrrited personal property, til :
Four born and hamc-n, two c-tir, tw wipmi,
twin alexia, rleiph and light harnrs. two tvtlti
ew, two two-yrar old hcilcm. thrr fprinp calrc.
two cs of In w)irl. trt of tlin-Vnnth !), .
rhain, jrat', one ltre, li-ddn)C ihd camp
niingh, un larpr ha Inner whrl cutting Lot. and
other artifii-f not bera mmlinnrd.
TKHMS: All rum of ten dlUrr or lrn lW
ca'h, and for ail amount nver tbat a etrjjt af t
monih will tw (ttrrn. by note ami approved accu
nir. Silf to cuoitneure at K- o'rlo k, a. m.
novIO 2t . KNJ AM I N IrIiKCK.
Faints Tor Farmers nnd Olhers.
fplIK (1 raft n Mineral Pinl Company are now
I msmirartaritic the bct, eheapeat and mort
rt urn Me i aint tn bm ; two coal well put on, mix
ed wiib pure Lintreel Oil, will laM lOor 14 year;
it U of a lijht hn-wn or hcniitifid ehoi-oljiie eo.r.
nd ran be ehanired to frreca, lend, ainne, drah,
ohre or eYm, to tnit the (ante of the cniintrr.
Il il Taldklde f,r Hnnm, Dnrns, Ppnrr, Camigf
and Car mnberr, I'm) and w oodeo ware, Agn
cnlliiral Implcnirnta, ( noil l.nata, Vefe1i and
Slni..1 Hnitom. t iavaa. Metal nnd Shimle Itoofs,
(it hrinir, (ire and water prof,l Hour 'hi Cloth,
(one tianitfBrtnrer bavmg nard 4,tM0 harrt-ti the
past year.) and aa a paini for my pnt-fMi i an
forj.tsticd fnr body, durat-iiity, eUatictry nd adhe
livrnea. Prira, frfl per barrel of 300 whu-h
will flippy farmer fur year tocome. Warranted
ia all cne a ahova. h.nd for a eireultr, winch
gild full particular. None rctiaine anlei brand
ed ia a trade mark, G rail, a Mineral Paint. Per
aona eaa ordor the Paint and remit the money oa
receipt of fooda. Add rant,
novU Am J..4 Karl flrret, Nrw York.
lo Leay"i Kiw lluilding. (formerly oorapied by
Mr. Hole,)
(10SSTASTI.T o kandaSn.eeleetlonof r,.5
J 11 KS, M'TS, t ill MIS, lnllAl'l'll, do.
Alto. trthSII (lll-1K.Hl. reeeive.1 dailr, and
aerred np to mil the taetet of eaetoniert,
i. Ill 1. 1 .1 A H l u m on ae-oi.,l .lory
deelP IX III Med A I till KV.'
I IKTIt H' ( ()Tlt I K' KKI I.
1 1 We baro printed litre namher nf th.
HiK HI 1. 1., and will oa tbo m-vipt of twemr.
raeenla, mail ft copy r one odiirett. mijl
i.a .k ttiNur ahi.i'ii isAiVtrrcut
taro IT til II arcro.
Orphans' Courl Sale"
t 1 nmiiiii?r of aa OHrr lfia.4 oat f
(i t.l.wna' t .art of tlraificlj r.iaalj, v,
ii.'i"l A.limni.t. ai.jr of th. ittu. i
I'l IKH SK.MiMi, llraSt lowaibia ,. 7
'll oS-r at I'LBI.IO KAI.k, ia la, ,v 1
I ulhenliurg, January lit, iHty,
A 7"! """"'"J !
Itcuuii and Jar.iAt W.t'oip, '
Containing Nineteen Acres.
A HO IKK well finifhe-l, ii.infed out nd ttJi
and tbnri'Utilily plattered, pd bAK J?
tine arid woirii h'tbf, ftud all the eeesr
butl'lins H f 'f and a Mvn
fa .ling ipriiig, an l a grrM variety uf . "
fruit trei and choice grap tid i.
Aim. at Hie aatue lnnt auu plaea, atruta and lot,
itaate In tbeTiHaoof New Salem, ttt Uj
half milvt wot uf l.utherhirz- Th bmid,(rf
are a iurxt two a'ory frame b KI.Ll.NU HoUg
with kif' ht'n and wood-houte aitj a 04 UtMm
STAHI.K attirlM-d l hereto. The b .ae ii Tr!
finirhed, but 2 aiOttd outilda and ia. Tk. u
ooniaihi half an aurc. with Kru Turaia ia
fnjnt, a poblie road 00 wet and iatb, aa a
a'ley on tho eat ide, with a pood well af taur
aud a large variety of fruit tret.
take plisoo at 1 o'clock, p. ibu m ibsn
the trnm will its fully made kotiWa. 1kn
wishing to view ibe prrmiMti, or deatrt aav
furl her infortnatinn will pleaaa eall ia ara,M
addrevf the ndL-ri(;BeU at Lulbcrtlurg,
field couuiv, I 'a,
Luihercbnrg. Adu 'r. of ltar Arowld.ii
Not. 3, lM'.i Cl j
Vew (iiibinet !
PA N Y offer for aala Town Lot, ia u k-.
ouh of Oiieeola, Claarheid aountv, Pa.. aa4 aim
ion to auu purciiarera owiiiue me limit! f
borough. Oaoeoia il aitnatad the Aloikaiaaa
Creek, in the riehret portion of tba rotate of
Clearfield, on tha line of the Trrone A Cietrattl
Kailrowd, wharw the Muebaanoa and batrmta
brmneh rot.dt intertect. It it alio ia th. ktanaf
lha Moehannoa eoal baain, and rarga badwi f
wbita pine, hemlock, oak, and ather liaut aw.
ronnd it. One of tba large.! lumlwr tftaaafMur.
ing altahlirhmeliti in tba rilala ii located ia tat
towa, w h 1 1. there are naanj wtbar liuabtt aad
tbingle auiili around it. Tba town It bat at 14
jean old, and contains a population of ate lata,
aand iultabitaota.
ptf?ut further information apptj at tat at)
of the abora aompanj.
aprM rjaperinteaaiaL
Houses and Lots for Sale
10 I B HOLIES ud LOTS ia OearliU. Ut
sale an reaaonabla termt. Poaretfiti girai
iu thirtr Alto, plot of FOLK LOU at
tha oomer of Fourth and Keed ttreeii, tin,
I7Si;0u feot. Tkreeof tbeaa lott are wellwealai
for tither luttbwr yard, eoal yard, or for bailtit
purpose! generally, being wilbia 2-0 feet af tat
railroad dopoL Price and termr reaaonahlt.
febJd tf Claariild. fa
? durational.
II B WIXTER TERM of twentr-tw.
will coaimrDee on Monday, Not. 2!, Uft.
A Primary department will b added t th
School ihia fall : for wbicb tha atrrioa of a aa
petent rnMrortor baea been aognfed. Aaa aa
etlort will b reared to racder thia deartrntat
at U act n a and iuitmetira.
Pealia j. Ort bo graph y. Writing. Object Let
aom, Primary A nth met ie and Primary
Ucoraphr. par half tem, (of a!Ta
erh.) - H ft
1Iitory, Local and descriptira Orography
with Map Irawing. Is ram mar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic. I if
Algehra and the Science!..., .H N
loftractioa u lntmaUl matt II M
Oil piBtir( M...H H It a
H at work I
For full partieaUrf vend for Circular.
Clearield, Aug, li, IM-pd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principaf.
rpilE FEC0SD SESSION of til praieitnea.
X tattie year of tbtt IniUtafiea wiileowweaet
oa ilUNDAY, tba 124 daj of hntaibar, l-
Fupili eea enter at anr time. Tbay aiU at
eb.rjed witb tnilloa from tba liBt tba; titor t
tbe eloaa of Ibo Settle.
Iba einirtaof iattroetloa aaabraeat aettjtkitg
included ia a tberoorfb, praelieal aad aeata
plibed edncation for botb taxoa.
Iba Principal, baring had tbe adr.tUft M
Barb oxparieoea in bit profeaiiea, fttiartt at
rontt and fuard ant tbat bit tnlirt abilnr a4
onergiet will bo devoted lo tho Moral net owl
UI training of the TonlS pUeedander bit laarrt,
1 Kit KM Df TI 111(11.
Ortbograpbe, Heading. Writing, and friaiart
Atitbatoue, por beattow ll waebt) - t St
Graiaaiar, Uoofrapby, Ahbaavtit, tut
111 tot - - . - ' II I
Algebra, Oeowretrr, Trigonometry, Men.
earatio. Snrreriog, PbitvaophT, Pbjat-
olog r. Cbtviatre, Hook Keeping, Botanv
and IMietieal Geography - - . l II
LaMn, Greek and French, witb aij of Ut
aboTt Brancbat .... f ' ! 0
Ml ,iC Piano (0 letannt) . . . Ill
JMr-No drduetioa will bo mado far tartan.
jr-ff-Fcr fnrthrr particular inqair of
Rot. P. L. 1IARKISUN, A l ,
Feo. i, I a tf. (Slf) Priaripal.
trriltaut faiiots.
VFI I.L tnpplr of Clolht, r.Mimtm ltd
Vertingt comtantlT on baad, wbinb wit! a.
tahrtaniiat manner, anl at low rttea. aiif.
iUd. (.oln? U Vlnnr. ISCii.
Market Street, ( IrarOcld. ra
HAVING opened boilaato oa a-r e.t kert,
at tba old ttand in Khaw't Haw. I there VS
aanoonct to ibo publie tbat 1
rortateat of
, Vesting?. J
nodt for I'l
o well aelected nod larfa aaeorta
Cloths, Cassimeres
nT-, and all bin da of Qnod for a
bori wear, nd an now prepared te make r
order CLOT III Nii. from a atngl erlirlt i lA
rait, in tba lataM vtylaa and aot workaart -d
minnrr. Fperial alt"QUoa rtvaa to vait'-l
work and cnttioi oat for aaeB and I"-
offr great bargain o eoitomara, aad aaH
en'.lia atirfaeitoa. A liberwi bara ol x S
patronage i to.tcited. Call aaa e ine.
janT-tf E. R. U 8rOl'tHW
(Store ona door rat of Clear&eld II -.)
Market Sirert, If arfleld. Pa.
TrFKP3 an hand a fall at.rtaeata af 0r
I Farniabina Oood. rneb a M-irta, Ut-4
land W avian t nderebirts Irawera aaa VrJ
j Nerk tet. Pnekei llanaJkerebie!, Uioeet, n
i I'mhrellaa, sle ia (real tanttr. Of
i Uuudt ba kaepa tha
i Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,?
I c.L r i - . l t. i. : t .k.. . ... V . I n.lS
. "v. .r. won , - -' j
r wnry . aiiraerv, in gre.i Tarieij :
Caatmg. Hearer, Pilot, Chincbilla. and FneS
nrereoalinf . All of wbirk will be told rher
Catb, nnd made np aooordiag, to ibe ltleil"'.' 7
by eiporieneed workmen. A
Alo, Agent, for Cleared, eonntt fori.
Singer t Co 'a. oelehrated tewing Marbinea.
Noe. I, H. I'Kll'o
M0 MY 0MX HOOK." ,
HAVIXll pnrrliaaed Ibe entire tlork af g.
nt the ..Id wand nf kirk d
Ititeud tn continue Ihe a heretuli".
Mr wiotio it ta orll "i nrar roa ra."
Thanking nor ,n.t ent..n.rr fet P
patronage, I ro'icil ft ooolmnanee oi .i.- -1"
I I.nml City. tl tf.
(t.l'TH. All per.nare berel.r ratii'"f
arainirt poeehMing nr Imdiog ' 'VT
! l itii.MlsuHV NtiTK. gnen y "j
lit, henmig date of J. entry f I, ! 1
n.v.kl. x....lwll 1f al I h.renalrer w
I ioe for lb. i ante, and will not pay It '" e
palled I I dae c-ort of low ,a,,v
atrlf X f