'Ilti: hKPl'HUCAN.' ci.i:.i:rir.i.i, r.. vrnsr-nw mi:mii, niv. in. !". W0NDEE3 OF THE DNIVEESE. Tho sIiim nro I lie l:iilin :it-J of the Universe ; lui'l ninul tho cntiifNn nun I'Dinpliiatt'il fliHtu:i!iiiiHt'l'oiir stein, si'oni il;ict'i by their Creator its i'i:i(le nnd ivciinlf, not merely to elevnlo our liiiiulu liv tlio e'inteni.hitii)ii of what in vastbut ti) leitcti us to (liiTd ouc act 10119 hy roUTont'0 to what is iininu t:il!e, in lii" works. Hy (ho nhervntions nf llio rolntivo iitnalions of the Blurs, wo nro enalilptl to determine one ilayo nnd yours Willi tin) inmost ni'i uiaoy. Tlio sIhch ro our most ht(1'( t elironoinclors. Wr lnivo, by iht'ir assistance, niotisurod the circuiiifurenee. of oiir.jrliilni, dm) determined tho positions of nil placet on its surface. Tlio quantity of light emitted by miiny of the fixed slurs, proven tluit they must bcpitualed lit immense, (lin tanceH from our cystein. Jiy tho ex periments of Dr. Vi'nllitston, it tins been found that tlio Ih'lit of tho mm is equal to eight hundred thousand full moons, and about twenty millions of millions of limes greater than that ol Siriim, tho brightest ol tlio tixed stars. According to tho compulation of Sir William Jlerschel, there nro stars po distant, that light, w hich travels ul tho rate of 2U0,0o0 miles in a second, would require 1,'!,UU0 years to travel from those stars to our earth. Honeo it follows, that if bijcIi a slur wero to bo at this morncm extinguished! tlio inhabit 11 tils of the earth would continue to seo tho stars for 13,U00 years to oonu Such contemplations nro snflif-ient to overwhelm us. The question arises, "lor what purposes wero all these luminaries created V "Surely," says Kir William llerschel, "not to illume our nights, which tin additional moon of tbo thousandth pnrt tho size of our own world would do much better; nor to cparklo as a pagcunt. void ol meaning nnd reality, and bewilder us auiorj; vain conjectures. Useful, it is true, they nro to man as -points of exact and. penuaitcut reference ; but ho roust liavo studied astronomy to little purpose who can suppose man to be tho only object of his Creator's care, or does not see, in tho vast and wonderful apparatus around us, pro vision for other races of animated beings." The Romance of Hulking Corn. Honesty and all rural proclivities apart I do tint think that busking coi n is very likely to promote the flow of tho tender sentiments Jt is sim ply hard work; especially when wo come to count up a score or two of busks. It is another instaneo in which tho printed pastoral is far more attrac tive than llio netiial pastoral. A gloomy old barn, with blitho sunlight pouring in nnd lighting up tho cob webs and flashing in tho golden locks of Joan, who wears"striicd btocude and tits magnetically nearyOu, might muko the work tolerable. But with imlt a hundred of damp shocks stand ing away in an angle of tho cornfield, with n biting norihvrcMern whistling among them fingers benuniLcd, a thumb worn nnro by its wrextlo with tho rasping husks, nnd Joan (if she be thero nt all) sitting on a cow-stool, , nnd with nose pinched fearfully by the October chillness iho ntlalr wears" quito another aspect. The realists, if they venturo upon the subject, may rely upon these latter data an corn et. What, too, if Joan bo rod nosed nnd ugly Plio may not make a fino fig nro in a cornfield or in picture. J but even ugly Joan may so illume that lionio of hers with smiles, with cheery activity, with delicate and unflagging attention to all homo interestsas to ninltt) an atmosphere about her in which sho mores transfigured, and seems even ns hean'ifiil ns tho morn ing. Lovers think themsr Ives wiso ; but in reality they are as blind as bats, and have no com option of the devo tion nnd self saeriiit-e of which a true woman is tapable. Ik Mirvcl. A Maiden's "jPsalm of Life." Tell ns not 1n Idle jingle, "marrhtge is but an empty dream," for the girl is dead Hints single, nnd things are not what they seem LiCo is real, life Is earnest, single blessedness a fib; "Alan thou art, to man fetiirnest," has been spoken of tho rib. -Not enjoyment nnd not sorrow in our destined end or way, but to net that eai'h to-morrow, finds us nearer mar ring,! day. Life is long and youth is fleeting, and our hearts, though !i"ht nnd gay, still lii0 pb-nsant drums, arc beating wedding marches all the way. In the woi!Ps broad field of battle, in tho bivouac of life, be tint like the dumb driven callle bo a heroino bo a wife. Tiust no future., howo'er pleasant, let tho dead past bury its dead ! net, act to tlio living present 1 heart within nml hope ahead. Live, of mnrricd folks remind ns wo can live our lives as well, nnd departing leave behind us f-'ii h examples un w iM "ti ll." Such examples that another, wasting timo in idle spoit, a forlorn, unmarried brother, seeing shall take heart nnd court. Let us, then, bo up nnd doing, with a heart on triumph set; still contriving, still pursuing, and carh one n husband pet. Gkx. I.kk'm Coi'imsv. A corres pondent of the New Voile J.mrimt r,f C-mmrrrt, wiiiin;; from the Virginia bite Sulphur Springs, devote a par agraph to CJc. J. li. Lee, and adds that the General seems especially unx jous to heal the wounds of tlio war. 1 ho (orivsp.Mulei t r,-,je, . "Several Udici wl, wc,-o on n visit bore atone time this season from a -Northern State appeared to bo will, out attention from iLcir follow bOMnJ. ors. (,,.. .,,,, ,.rI.l(, ,10 fu. ali(J de-'ivd mmool'hi, lady fciei.ds local tlVato tlieil ui oiiaiiilniieo U'l, ,.,.n... . rxi u.nl i ., I 1"C " "J "iu- aMioio niun Il o lllj Huai vi i;7T ". " R,-""'i"t livoto H'C n,o-ho did not live to "i"l weio will i 7 ,',,"'.,,nmM!l'' fl'iU. Andl-I-nlns! I did I ,. I I '7l Il-o , not hvo lo seo ,. Wrighcl tlown VIM !'". saViin- , ., i t , , v , i nn :i, r. jf-ii t . . I'IMV . -w . ... , am .1, i , I n-k- I-,,,,. . ', . . i.iiiiv; aiiUWIien I',,..,, , ' '"l-roniptlv presented ''-"n"ttrSW'' riVC,i A Lilly Went I .. . . ,11. , i r nine rtr " o V, nnd iM,r,.' .....i .. . . . . s o v, nml rare' .if.,i ii, i ., mhl-r-ball,,,,,,1 , 1 7- '. tl.o .ear, ?iJ "Ni'ur n.l,., v , " '" pJ" "!, ;,n;;r-;-'Vcud.: - a. ms: rw 1 adui'l'aan. MARK TWAIN AT ULA. 11 V "tnn Imi'l V foi'lntin t wn mil son (-il k. Tl'itt n A tliintrlo n- proml .nl'. IT Itiotn '. line tiling in Hip I woi-M l!ml iil niulie i I'liin Jim nlinr. j 1 mid in-iillVtiilil.v ni'll'ciinci ilc I, ilia I to luive ItU aloniiii li bcliavo iti'U', I ho !tiit l;iv lit m il, lien lunrly nil lii 1 IMlllHlllU'S n CO (it'll nil It. SllOIHI Vl'lltT- Inlilo l.mhil, wluin li'il to llio chin nml I limMiii'il like, a mummy, npjienred nl tho dour of tho afur deck house, nnd tho next lurch of the ship shot him in to my arms. 1 said : 'liood morning, sir. It is a fine day." Jleput liiuhnndon bis Htomaeli and said, "Oh, my!" and then stnggered away and fell over the coop of a sky light. l'rosoiitly another old rentleman was projected Iroin tho sumo door, with great violence. 1 said : "L'ulm yourself, sir there is no hurry. It is a fino day, sir." lie, also, put his hunt! on bis stom ach, und said, "Oh, my 1" nnd reeled away. la a littlo while another veteran was discharged ubruplly from the samo door, clawing at tho air for a saving support. 1 said : "liood morning, sir. It is a fine day for pleasure.. You wero about to say," "Oh, my !" I ihougnt so. I nnticip.itcd him, ar.yhow. I stayed thero and was bombarded with old gentlemen for un hour perhaps; nnd all 1 got out of any ot tliom wus "Oh, my !'' 1 wont nwny, then, in n thoughtful mood. 1 said, this is n good pleasure excursion. 1 like it. Tho iengcrs aro not garrulon". but still they are RoeisUU. 1 liKo those old people, but somehow they all seem to havo the "Oh, my," rather bad. I knew what was tho matter with them. They wero sea sick. And I was glad of it. We nil liko to see people sea sick, when we are not, our selves. Playing whist by the cabin lamps when it is storming outside, is pleasant; walking tho quarter deck in the moonlight is pleasant, when one is not afraid to go up the it' ; but theso urq all feeble nnd common places com pared with tho joy ot seeing people suffering tho miseries of sea Bickncss. A Strange Inoident at a Funeral. On last Saturduy, In a littlo country church, near this city, as un humble village parson was preaching tho funeral nermon of an old man, two young mon passed tho door of the church ; ono, a youth of twenly-fivo, proposed to go in and "see whom they wero about to plant," (to use his own words.) They entered, and as ihey did so, tho littlo congregation wero about to take a last look at tho still, palo faco of tho deceased, thu youths joined tho melancholy procession. They piusod a moment at the bier, when tho one who had proposed to enter tho church and "see whom they were nbout to plant," bent down over tho coflia and gave signs of tho most poignant grief. Ho wept bitterly, and rllused to learo tho colli n. Someone suggested to him to pass on, when he said: "This is my father how camo he hero f" Tho sequel was soon told. At the beginning of tho war tho youth had enlisted in an Indiana regiment, nnd had remained in the servico till tho last buttle. Ho bad been mustered out, bnd taken employment in Mary laud, and remained in that Stalo until a few days hincc, when ho started homo lo sco bis nged parent, lin route bo had mopped in tho village lo visit a comrade who bud pone thioiigh the war with him. Tho two, in taking ii walk, pttfsed iho church in which tho funeral service of John Slayton was proceeding, and hy sotno strango influence young Slayton had Dccn led to enter tho church, when tho sight of tho lifeless form gavo him the first intimation that ho was fatherless. Tho elder Slayton had moved to Ohio during the last few years of his son's absence, and had, ulter a linger ing illness, died. Cinciiintiti Kn'pure.r. Cotisi and Hour. From carefully conducted experiments, hy diflcient persons, it has been ascertained that one bushel of corn will make a little ober 10 pounds of pork gross. Taking this result as a basis, the fob loning deductions nro mado w hich all our farmers w ould do well to lay by for a convenient rufurenco That: When corn costs 50 cenls per bush el, pork costs 0 cents per pound. When corn costs (10 cents per bush el, pork costs 8 cents per pound. When corn costs 1 .00 per bushel, pork costs 10 cents per pound. When corn costs il.2! per bushel, pork costs 121 cents per pound. When corn costs $1.00 per bushel, pork costs 15 cents per pound and to on in liko proportion. And in return When pork sells for 10 cents per pound, it brings f 1.00 per bushel in corn. When pork soils for 12 cents per pound, it brings $1.20 por bushel in corn. When pork sells for 15 cents per pound, it brings tl 50 per bushel in corn. When Mark Twsin was in iho Ho ly I-niid, the monks nhowed him the "tomb of .Adam,'' which evoked iho following push from the superoenMlive nsiuro: i no J otnn ol A Jam ' JI0w touching u was, here ii, a land of Htran-g'-rs, far iiWiij- from homo nnd friends nnd ull who cared for nic, thus Mdis cover tho gravo of h blood rclutiun 1 rue, a dislnnt Ono, but still it relulion. The unerring inslincl of nature thrill cd nl ilri recoitliilion. Tho fountain of my filial iifleclion was stirred to its profouiidetNtdepihs.niid I gavo wnyto Hi.niM.uut cinouon. i leanorl upon a pillar und burnt into tears. I deem il no hhaino to Imvo wppt over iho grave of my poor dead relative. Let him who would sneer Ml myemniirm c lose tho voliiino here, lor he will find littlo to Ins (aMo in inyjoiiriu'ying throu I, ,1... II.. I- F la-,, . T . "'"'' ""d dmappoiutmcnl.hedied Mii:)-n I I : . i i i , n,,, ,IIVtn-llU I.'I II 1 suniiiurs before I was born." F.noi.k Mty there i n m:,rkcd lif. firejue bet e n birds nnd women. As nn illiiHtnilion of thin Im ciie il... f.u t that a bit of looking alum on n r....: ..... T.i . . (; kiuns on n , '? wi" U ''cu "Wi'.v every ,V'"'!U ,,Vl"'M nir,ro ir One, than a load of cherries. A Mi. i M is l.iicy Leo ndvertino. in n ppi paper that she ' is of good birth and cduial ion, and j willing t , 1 1 J " H'liiwriitlUVVIUjJlicrrH'll ublo ; lu Mipport ons " flm C"ocrts, O'lictntfS, ('If. THE CLEARFIELD STORE ni:cox,sTiiucxi:ii. Ornrgr t,. tired William F'lttrll, .ImIiii 1'. Wmib William W.ll.i!,. GEO. I, RKK1) & CO., Two tliMiri north of tin Court Home, (I.I'.AIII'II III, .. HAVINll rtnrnii1 In our oM liutlncaf 1nil, wa hrirliy Imlil'y lha riliti-na of 4 kHi lU-lil ml Hi Jiul.lio urnrriillr, that w liavo rnlrr. 4 nwn, anil lu proanwlr, a tiiruruiii cnul iisirii anuilill h a kIi rirra an.l iulorior RimJi, and lia'o now on haiul a lull a i. r I v of all aintli of gucii ukiI ill thia uiarkuL In tho hut uf lry ChoocIs, IVorlaiid lo JiRv a full aairhnnt, conilalinf la J'art of Mu.lin., Iili-iu-licj ul uulilraclit j I'riuti ol all graUci aud alyloi; anj Fall nnd Winter Dress Goods, Such ftiAlpncm of ill !,., ; I Lainn, Mo riuoi mud Flaoiifli; litujc. a full aort lucut of gt'iitlcmcu'e wear, cuuaiiling in part of Cloths, Cassimcres, Satiactta and a full aiiortrnvnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Xotions, Hosiery, Trimmings, B 0 K K E T B , k C, Hat3 and Cape, Eoots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Wa ture a full mppljr of Coffp, Tra, Pu(tr, Riet Molatici, luUcco, Fnh. Bait, linicej, ual and Aih Oils, FLOUR, BACON, DEED FEDIT, Sugar-enrad llama, Meu Pork and a full lujijjljr nf frovuioui." llardware and Quee'nsMare, iriocfru ll'illow Ware. All th forrpoltl artlH will hf aachftnirl for VAMI, I.l'.MlIKH, or COINIHV I'KOHL'CK, an, I at prtcoi lo aliirh Ihrro can l no flrrp.tion. Tboae In nerd or Uoodi In our tin, trill pllka UTCALL AX USEE US.'-a GKO. L. UK ED & CO. CloaHltM, Ee,L 17, 1803 If. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECO.SD STREET, ClfarHria, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TIIE nretrrrlcnad rf.pK-tfully Itirlta lh at-t-nlina of th pnl lio (rnrralljr to thalr l'lnli'l aaaortrAatoriarckaA(Xi, whirh the ar now aollinf at veuy tow rmcts. Thalr ttork oaalatj tn part of Dry Goods of tlio Ecst Quality, S'lCb tl Prlnll, P I,ata, Atfarcal, Mcrlnoi, tiinchamf.Muilint,rblr.a-hel and iiihlearb. ii,) !rllr,K', TirkinfTF, eoltwn anil wool Flannrla.Satinrtta.Caaaimr.ref, Cottnnadea, I.adivt' Mhaaila, 'ullai 4 lluoda, Ptluioral aaJ JIuup FklrU, ii., AUo, a flna aaanrtmant of Men'f Draarer and shirt, Uati a Cana, Ilooli A Short, all ol which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glasswaro, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT f f aTerrlhtnr n.nallt Wnt In a ralall ti Cllt; A I' rcilCAtl r at pr.red countr pro due. A. K. WRIGHT A SON.S. ClrnrflWd, Kot.T , ISHT. CJaiATZEll & SONS ARE UKCEIVINO ASri.F.VDinsTOr-K OK CAKI'GTd AM)01LCI.OI II. WALL rATEIIS-OILT rATER, rf o. LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADES- COUNTER TAN ES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS A NAPKINS LA DI ES PI LK COATS rf- OVERSRI RTS. ELEOANT SHAWLS A LACE TOINTS LADIES' A CHILDREN'S TRIMMED II A I d. DRESS GOODS AXDTHIMMINGS. BFST KID GLOVES-LADIES' OEN. TL EM EN'S AND CHILD KEN'S. BLACK AND FANCY NLKS. " FINE BLACK AI.rACAS. UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .SUOEJS f U A ITERS. MKN'S CALF f FRENCH Kir BOOTS. HEAVV CALF BOOTS. ?j. MEN'S AND HOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES. B EST STO N E TEA S E fTS, fa. CASS1MERES VERY CHEAr. OROfERIE. FLOUR rf- TKOV1S10NS A I l.il II hS l It A I KS. LIBFRsL DEDUCTION TO THOSE HU Y I NO IN IJUANITTY. WOdl,. MAUKH'IND AND COUNTRY J KOULvK WANTED. ( l.rf. !., Ju-,c H, ISC.J. rrMIK iini"r.in''J (f.ff. Iravo In inform the r-nli- I lia l,nl he la noW fllllV mviinn-il I ...minn. all in llio war 4 lot ni -Ii In llorai llufiiea, I a ami i inrneaa, oil llio atmrlct mil kh, an n r,.aonalle Irrma. Ilraolenee on Lot-ual atrtet. Ulac.n lliirii anil Fonrtli. . . KU. W. OEABIIAHT. "atdi-lrt, Afril II, mi,;. jVMI n-,-Whlt1,ea.. 7.,ne. paint, l.in tmi "I'l, lurhinie, A urniabfr. 0r nilitiixla, (.vlf.ra in Oil au I'rr I aint, erniib Hr.--l.-t. NEV FURNITURE STORE is rn i h ill i v I. 1. A V M A N "tAKSlKKS to Infi-rm h ftlltfninf Crw(,l I f v.1 n1 virtntty, t.iijl h tho i f n Krnni F(rMt, nfii tb 1 nn rnMr lit borouich ('iirwenvillt, vhrrt b will ktep etiQiiMiiily on Iitn t, ad ivr ! vtrj chnnp fur t A.ill, lure nml rftrivd Morttnvnt of fe.Jj Kiit Knrnitur. atciinK wbiot will bt BVIIEAUS AND SI 1K - ROARI'M, Wardmbnc urnl Book riiiet, Tnblfn, Ut)t J, Nifj,S(atiili,lUt ranki.UoukiiiK 4JIsfti,t'tiiir, MaiircMen, tlo , whirh b will mII wa ttrjr rt oni)l tertui for Ctih or ppruv. Counirjr I'rt'diifB, nirlV-6ra:d C'lieup Fiiniltiiro. JOHN CVIACM DCS1R123 to inform bU old fr.fnli ind rno tnmers, I hut bnT.ng Blr(td bit ibop mai LDoreanfl htt fnctlilisi ir inftnuiaetar.nK. bt I now prttvr(d to nmki U-ortitr nufh Kurntturotr umy b (rairel, tn fDod t t 1 and Hteboap rair fort'AHll. lis ntftiarnlly baa on band, at b:i Knrnitura rontni, rarlad auortiooat of raa-lj' made fureiture, aaiuog wbicb ar ItCREACS AND SIDE-BOA BD3. War-rnbaand Bonk Onaaa: Ceniro, Sofa, Parlor. Dreahf-tit nd DininK titcmion Tnl.lea; t'om mon. Frrnch poKt,Cotujr..Jeiiny I.ind and other IledttAidt! i A fn of all kind!, Work taoda, Htii-ratiit N'tib-itain.it Hocking and Aim Chair i rprlnir-Koat, cano bottom, pr!ur, com mon atid other Chair ; Lookint-UlaMM of arery dfitrripHon on band ; and htm glaiaaa fur utd frnnica, wh.ch will ba put In on very raMonablr tertnt nn ahortaat notiM. II alto baept on hand or furnUhci tu ordvr, Corn-buak, 11 air and Cvl-ton-top M&Hreeaei Coffins or Eveut Kind Mada to order, and funerata attended with a Hearw whenever tUiirvd. Alio, llnuae fainting dona toaorder. The aubaenber alio maoulao tores, and haa ronaiantlj on band. Clemoiit'i Patent Waahinir Maehitia, the bet now tn one ! Tbuita uilnfr tbii machine never nerd be with out etaan olothea! II a alio baa Flyer'a PMrnt Churn, a iuperior article. A family uaibg thia Cbutu flavor ntod be without but tor t All tba above and utny ntbar article are fur nUbed to euitomera chmp for Cabn or exchanged fur approved country produce. Cbarrv. Mapla, Fir, Lin wood and otuer La tuber mi table fur Cthinet work, taken in izhane for furnitua J- Reuit-mbrr the ihop li on Marker etreef, Olcirfifld, p(J and nearly appetite the "Old Jaw Store. JOllN Ul'lilCU. ntUisrfUnnfous. BOOTH'S IMPUOVKD STUMP EXTRACTOR. trn mm can dig the dirt from the root after eitrartfd. It will nail lowit.g to the iiie of tbi tun pi) from forty to ent bnndred per day. It will cither rn then ever, or ampeLil them to ba prupprd up, aa dviircd. Any perion wanting one of thee Machine ran take it to bit farm, and. If not too far away, wa will fin and help aft It op and tet It If he la not M'-cOed wa will take it away and charge nnthing fT or trouhu. JkWhiTiea Sinn with Township Kffcbta. hmfla Mnohiuea. $17. Bute and Canty Hiitlita for aula. 1100111 A Rl MKAROEH, - JttTi-raoB Lice f. O., Cleat field Co., Pa CIlHTIlirATP. Wa, fe the unH err n tied, having wltneaard the trial of T. 4 Booth' Improved Htornp hitrartor on the farm if H. II. Moore, near Luihenhurt;, en haturriay nnd Mnday, the 7th aod 9:b of Novvnibtr, take pleaura in inying to the pub lie, thai wa believe it to bethel-cut tnaehine now in afe for t itractmg iiupa, t ir- of aimpla ennrtructinn, ravi'y mumee l. not liable to grt out of order, and very durable. Fur men took the narhine from the waon, when entirely apart, put It tnctber, and pulled ft large pine ktomp in loaa than one hoar. We naw wo men fwill a large atuuip with etce. They tiaa a borte, but be doe hia work tn Inking out the )ars;eat "tuuipa, without a hard poll. Mr. Booth, the Filter tee, fully under tanda put tin jr, up and han'iD tuarl.iue. We would ndviae thoae In want of i::dp e xtrertoti to tee thiinne teHed befoea p-irr D."ng 'ewbere, which they ran do free of charge by ca.'.'pg on Tropriftora. J. O. Harrett, J. W. Hiti..;d, ilv- tpickmaa. J hn Nolder. John Kiik. J. w. U.1, H. 11. ,Voret J. W. tt ftilaoe, W.B.Alext.rder. Ueo. Klhtijjer, Wm M. Herk. Andrew Wilaoi, S. J. Hmo, Win. K. Irvin, K. J. Kirk. Jamca Moore, 1,. II. Carlile, Ueo.Wtlion.n p Lever Flrai, Fred k Kniley, Loot I It It H. F. N AUGLE, (LOCK WD WATCH MAKER, oproatTi tu. .rt'-rt mutt tTairr POST DFFICE52k:&?VLEAMFIi:i.D rpilB iob.rrir.er refpeellnllr Inform! Ma old in, naon. tanti it miaiiaat v dditieni tfaeroto,) a lar( alock of Clocks, WatcLc3 and Jcwolrv. r.ar-1 v.n Jn.tr i. .11 1.. t. j (liHf mttl v.U.a .ID... k. .L- ..I ... -' w; a flli Ul K WATCIIKS A full a-mrtnent of either Oo!d ' i'"i( vj iiiv vrfi n a rrian ana ler- iin minuinriri?rp. mrtnainK a nne lot uf Jfo'a anl ulrw itanlirif caaet lull jewala4, Paieni 1.ari CLOCKH-Or all ile.ttrn. .i.;. f.Ik, Ay and thirt? -hour, of either weight, aprina; or I""', inn vttm irriKi mnn alarm. KKl'AIUI.Nd. Alt Itit.il. Af W.ini.M mm a Cloekl HtfattetJt and warranted. In aiWilUn to whnt I hure nnmeratrd. T keen a full iimiimnntnrKPi.-rrin j n!i(n Uit. J Ian riltl.n fir u ..j nvvrn o , KPOUMrJ, F(IKK, BUTTRH KMVEM. and'la 1 fact ererfllnnr in lha J.a.l. I... ir t r. .1 ... her on hand juat what a eualnmer nar neil, 1 will order per dial eipreee, wlthoateitra rbirge A liberal ahar af puklie palmnajf la tolirlt.d le 7, HU-f U, t. NAUULK. READING FOR ALL! I LOOKS t- STATIOyERY. Market HI , ('Irarflrld. ml (lie Pol nffirr.) 'IIIK uriderairned beca lear to annotm" to L the riliaena of Cleaideld and eleinllr, lha I Ii haa Ailed up a room and haa Juat ramtned from the cltr with a lurja amount of reading mailer, i on.latlna; in part of Bibles and MiscolltmoouB Boob, Hank, Arronnt and Paaa Book a of ererr de ripilnn Paper and Pnrtlopea, French preiard nil plain i Pone and I'rnrila ; lllaok, l.rial pcra, Iieeila, M irnaif. a ; Jiirfcincnt. Rrpmp lion and I'romiaai.rT n.-lee While end I'arrhi roenl llrief, I., Cap. Weeoril l ap. and HIM Cap, heol, Mn.it Inr either Piano, rllll or Vli'H ennaLmtle i n band. Any bouka or alatlnner deiired tlial I majr nn har on band, will be or. ordered h fliat ei.re.e, and eold al wboleaal .r retHfl to anit enatomera. I will alae keep periodical literature, uch a Mnfailnaa. Nrwa. papera, an. p, A. UAUL1N Cl.arlleld M T, lr.9 tf ORGANS & PIANOS. aESTY'3 AND MASON f- IlAMMN'S, run i alb ar fi. J. IIAYRff, Curwrnoi!1e, P. It T A I i.i)..(Hi.444l.ii..l MUMil.KS. if 'Itip iitnlrt iirrn-l hen 't pivr nniiro, 1'iiit tlior ll tmy ilir hirtn-'t n nidrt rrti f..r r(l(.a quality oi l.'JWl MILNfil.Ksi mimI it hivtof nch Inr anlr, will ft ml it tn tair intero to givr llirm a call More arlllHg f ) ltre. .MM. H'AiV A FO.V. riearfirl-l, Marrh 1 Moil If fpHi: "LAST T f K" aii "titiUtrfN hI'IKI:" of the l uion Pacilir. to le M-n at W.M. KKKU A CO 8. Mrera. Booth -ai i. k Kumbara;r, !Nfc1.jy t3 rcprirlora of .aZ L. tba I it prove - j f STl'Mf Ex r"!lW trartnr.wlih it V',i- dirtinctly nn Sssrrr'' Tl" 'TT, derttood tba il -" - they warrant . , "I thia marblne yCt'irVi ft tedojuitnba y ', F'Tlfy it ii recoaa X nantUd e wTlS j ceiima; oihr y00' fl maehinei by . Jj ita bvtaje&n trucird oil - l,ue .hiloao K pbtcal prin"! S.-," plea.- Il mtV sS. V utract the large it pint ... NV- tump, ma '""'.' -TtT -" Ii pend it above . -M nnund per Jw" uittiftK thr Jr oil total) hack in the hole and will puli them aa Titt a In rPR DKMOrRATM) AI.MANAO for liw X lKflT anil f.(P aale ai the Tr Omrn. I'm :i tUT, Mailt J t9 nj tUmt'Jttyti oundry nnd )n.nhinr ihop. 4. r. aorwToa.t ..eao. a. fot wn BOYNTON L YOUNG, FOUNDEKS k MACHINISTS . kfannraeturtra of PORTABLE & STATI0NARJ STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourlli anit Tin Btrerli, li.i:aiu'U,i i), im. HAVIXa fnifairad In Ilia nianufaotur of Urit claa, MAt 1IIN tllV.wc rupeotfullj inform Ilia ptiblio that wear low prrinrr.l to fill all onlcra ai oliaaplj ami ai proin,tlvaa un bo done in any of lli iiln. We manufacture anil Jl in Mulay and Circular Saw-Milk, Hfad liliKk., Water Wheeli, Jhaflin Pullf Uifford'e Injector, Steam Oanrr., Kteaio Whiallei. Oilert, Tallow Capa, Oil Cape, Oauge Cock., Air i-oca a, i.loke alva., Cbwk Valvea, wroiijrht iron 1'ipea, Mr.m Tumpi, Boiler Feed I'umpi, Anil Friction Melrre, Boap Rtono l'a. kin. Uun J'ai'k ...I, ana an ..nua Ol M ILL WOKKj together who riBwl, Slvil bolca, COOK AX D PA RLOJl STO rE. ud olUer TASTINOS of t!l kinda. ff-Order, BoiiciKd and filled at eilf Drioea. AH lotteri of luquirjt with reference to niachiner 01 our manatutura prompll; auaoared, bj addre, Inf tia at ClcajlielJ, I'.. de10 tf BOYKTO" t VOUXO leaning tilij. O. L. Hood, . NOTICE. S.VES. i. I. Wearer. a. Ja. jci;i:i a co. CLEAIaFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RQ HT! 'I'llh proprietor, reapfnl), nform tb oltitvcn. f Clearleld enunljr, that thejr bar Mitirelr rtted thia eatabliahment wltb the LetMt Improred woej-workinc machinerr, and ar now prepared to execute all ordera ia tl, i f UaineM. Tkejr will (ir eapaciaj allention to the naaufae. tur of material for bouae building, tucb a. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nit.tcHf.rs et .not Lin.ras, OF ALL STYLES, W alwavi bare oa hand a large alack of IlRV I.l'MMKR, and will pir eaih for all elear Limber. One-and-a-half inch panel iloff prefrrTel. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to luit cuatomerl. tj.0rJcri fnlicilcl, and Lumber furuiahed on abort notice and on rtaaonaUe Irrma. II. L. Ki:KI) k CO. ClearllcM, Kor. T, 107. e. n. rTT,ui K. A. lav ia ....Jmi PaTTua, ...J. u. Inai. E. B. PATTON & CO., Hating fitted up a Iru-clau PLANING MILL Are pr ;'rJ to furnlah all klndt of Manufactured lumber, fuch aa Flooring. SiJinp. Sarfaoe-r-rpiied Lum ber. Bath, Poors, Lliudi, And eviTj description of rLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. T-llraler. Will tnd it to their adianlage to conaull our pricra before purt-lia.tni eleewhrra. Addiue, E. II. FA ITtlN A 1(1.. Curwrnarllle, Pee. , IfrtS If Cloarfield eounlr. Pa. Clothing How to Nave 3IoiH'y TIIF tinoa am lard; yun'd Hke to know Una yo may aare yoar tlo Mart j The way to do it I HI il.nw, If ju will read hat folio ire. A man hn lltad not fr oa here, Who worked bard at hia trade, Bui had a honeeholr) to Blip port That aqxiandred all ha wade. I net him onra, Saja he, "Mr friend, I look thread bear and rough t'ra tried lo (rot anjaelf a anit, Hut fan't aara np enough." 8ayi T, my friend, hw mack bar jroo f I'll tell yon where lo f a To get a anit that'll onnd and ebeapi To HKUb.NMl.LN A Co. fie took what littlo ka had tared, And went tn KrittnMein A Brut b era', And ther ha itot a bend noma auit, For half ke paid to othera. No ka la home, ke iooka to wall, And their eflool ia aurh, That when tlici leHe their dally meal, Tbej don't oat half aa muck. And now ke flnda nn Satnrdar night, With all their wanta aupplied. That ho haa mnnry If ft to upend, And aome to lay a fill a. Hia oi(l aurreu, wilk cheerful amil. Ha frladly telle to all. If you'd cave monry, go anJ buy Vonr nlnthea at hKIZKNSltCIN'fl CL0TI1IN0 HALL. W'hero the ebeanrfL Ir.ent and beat ClMhlnf and Rood Furninhinjt Uooda can ba had to anit every tacto nnd in ovary atylo af rl 1,'flJ Democratic Almanac. '"PilIM invalu.-il'lt ni'ilirntton in f-.r aV nl bl 1 tnt offlrf. It houll Win ihf-bandi of vrrj lroi(V'rat. It eoiitnm full rltH-tinn r- torni from rvrrr v..in(r in tlto ChitPd flaton ; bni Ira, tdo namlKT for ISiifl i-ontaini a coaiilrl" lint nf thr naiitfff of all th' nrw-fmprr nipn-"iil and mt)M.rd during l.tibroln'a adiiuntiilmMi'ii ; nnd that l'ir NAT ("rtiivna tlit nanirn ) all I boar ri iliana whn wmt iMi).riMhii durine tba aama triod. Tlifca lire )tpl, lor fulura rfirntre, r Worth mum Mian Ilir iric n thr iiubltCMlion. Tha niiiulr for lM in alto full of Aluiihlr flatintira. Anyone iwndiri f0 pfhIp to thr nt Mmirr, will rtNiirr It frinra mail a caT r wiob vtar,frrvf jinfiafa. jr2.':tf rruara anal ahdomlHal auvfHrtr r trtrj L kind af tba la i rat Imjivtivumfnta, fur i a. th-HrnK Stora of IIAHTSWICK A III WIN. BIAKK C ONPtTAnLliULliVH ralt tbittr. . . I ' '--.-s.-l: ' ' I oa t. i. tatiaj. U0YK11 & SHAW, (Lit. A. I. lilt,) NEW AMD riHST-ClXBS DRUG STORE, SBmrkti .t Ctrarfield, !'., (Adjoin. d a to re of ft. Moeeop J UAVlNi) purchaard lha nboro Ftore Boom, and re fitted it entirely, making it in a I ripota a Ki Itri T-CL4.S U fciOKK, wo are now oponinff, to o(Tt to iho puhlie. a FU LL, CiiMPI.Ki'K, and STKICTI.Y PLKK aaao.t mant of Uruift, Cbomcali, Hainta, Dye Klulla. Ae., A., einiiiinj( of Oil, I'atnti, Varninbi, DUrtJS, PATENT MEDICINES Iro BtutTf, To bunco, Cignr, Confuotioneriei hlationory. Ar. PllYSJCJANS Will And tholr a tick of Drua FULL and COM F1. KIH, and at a, very aliajhladranooon Uaalern pricui. SCHOOL TIOOKS. Taadiera and othora will be furnlabed with elasrlcai and uiaoollaneons bouka bj iproaa,al abert notier. STATIONEIir, Conalfllnr of (Up, Flat Cap, Foolaeap, Latter and Perfumed Nolo l'n.erat alro. a rery neat toe It of Mourning Noto Paper and tnrelopei on hand. Fena, Pencil. Ink. Ar. JIOUiSKKEEPEIIS Will find a full atock of Pl'IIK SPICKS, BODA, HO I A Ash, Coneentriued li K, A P, re. LADIES AND (.ENTEK.MKN Arorequeatotl toeiatnine tli ia atork of Perfumery, Hair O.lh, Fine Toilet Boapu, Bruabea, Couba, ToiUt Nfttf. Ar., Ao. SMOKK1W AND CIIEWEItS Will 6nd a full enppljr.f prima Chewin and Smoking TODAC'O, Imported nd lloBatie CltiAKS, bnulT. Pine-Cul. An.. Ac. CAIiUON OIL, Of tb blt hranda. alwayi on band. I.KUOUS. Tlie beet quality of Liquor alwayf on hand, fur medical nurpoe.a. r-Pbtaieian' riaerlptlnni promptlj utd oaretaltT coDipoiaatl.a. War 19, 1H1-J. II E3IOVAL. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DHUGGISTS, Market fiirtet, lltartieid, Pa. rE"W leave to Inform our old and Haw I T enatomera, that wa bav removed onr tabliilimont to tho rpaoiona new bui'ding Jutt erected on Marked atrect, nearly adjoining th man hod uotiao oa uo wait, ana oppoaite Meiara. Graham A Hone atorw) where) wo reipeetfttUy iaia wo pnoua w coma ua ouj iDe.r Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AKD VAHSISUE3. Oar atok of Truf and afedielo M.alita of eeerjihinj nied, lelecled with th fteauat car, aad WA1EANTED STEICTLT PURE! Wo alio kep a full itork of ye, Perfumerf ea, Tuet nrtielea. oana. Tooth Bruebee, Hair flrupibra. WbiUwah llrnvhea, and every other bidu uruinea. no naro a largo lot or WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaiaeed Oil, Paloli. and la fact eerrtliio taed la tb painting; bueineal, wticn w. tier at mj pncci t. ca.li buyara, TOBACCO AXD SEQARS, Conreetiinery, Fpieei, and the largeat alock of T.nenaa erar onere, la title lac, .n.l aur.nt d to b of lb neat th. Market ednrda J. O. HARTSWICK. Nor. Id, UJ. JOHN F. 1HWIN. Great External Eomedy, Tor Mam and Beaut. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tlie rrrniutl-morthli rT.-aUAn , n wall eaue- li.lKsl, Uial utile noc.1 oa e.i. tn Una cobnecl.nn. I'n MaX It lia. m-rrr talM It core I'AI.STrL NKIlVul tt AFr-KCTtllVS, COITn AIT1 NU Mt'K. fl.l'-t. r-TIKiMKM A S'll pAIVM I S' Til K Jnl VT. HTITl HF.aa InllicSllll'.a.nvk.XrnAINK nill'tsi'S iti ftM.4WK..t.iN'u.riiitxsa4 nmiriii. rt:e.i! I'prano. aff-rtl w,tS ItSeumati.e. can be crT-cttialiy aniliwrmenentlecereitli. nalnr Uil. wooaerrn: ,r,.,... r.tli'in ; UMnMralea to the aerrc and bone Immediately o Hei-a ai,.:i.Hl. on iiiiiukj it win cote srrtATrnrs nwrrvrr r"l.l. Y II.. USTfl.A. Ill 11 Itl.NVIVU Hunts hum K or r.n. i.Ait inn. .riui.vt.n jmvii f.W'tfl!' V.TI,n ST,FI Ffl." Uwlllneeeen. ci'itra WEAK BCK mua I h.re aaH wlrt rmt eaoreei In nrlnelne ai V.ttori. .itl.ln th. rr.-h of H,. l-iikiic. I air.il.ile la IcrlH"letWrafrm I hrahriaea. llra.el.l. alercbaeu and lU.rn, teat.fjln, u. lie nrmii IHiwer. DAVID E. F0CTZ, Vo,,, ALnnonit, at. Tnr tate hj H.rlewirk A Irwin, l l,..,riin,i, and !' dnictri.t. and ftort korperi tliroiieh.iut ike I'liiled ltalra. leiil 1- ly A'aTRFS GREAT I.ESTOIU2(l. 9 c e v.rz'n Celebrated bu!er Cordial. IIIIS airdteal tirrn.ratloa It now nT-red ' 1 the ptihlta aa a lelial'l eniietitole fi.r "" ..7 VII...VPH gsia,..vna. waica now nooa tne market. It ia jinrely recel.tle, compsted ol earioaa kerha, fathered from the ureat (tor, koue of natur. aod aleetrd with th. attaoat ear.. It la not recommends! aa a Ci b.-All. bat by in direct and .alulary ii.flu.ac apon th Heart, Lleer. Kidneye, Lunsa, Mtomerh and llowala.il an, both ai a preeentira and cure fur anany of th diaeaaea to which thia orrana ar anhiect It Ii a reliable Family Mediclna, and caa be taken by either Infant or . lull with th aat beneficial reriilta. Ii la a certain, prompt and arecdj remedy for Iiarrhra, live eniary. Powel eomnlaint. Ilranenaia. Lown'eaa f Spirit., Falatlaite, Kii h lieadarha, d-o. Fir in. II. an rarer ol all kinde.lt la lar better and eater Ikaa any quinine, witbont any tf it. per aieinn eBeeta. It creelea an appetil. prweee a powerful dig.ater, a-d will CKunteract iheeferu ol iinor tn a few mmulri. Pre.ared hy JAIOB 3CIIKKTZ, Sol Proprielor, N. . eor. Fifth nd Race ilreele., PLiledelphia, l'a. Fold bt all Drufflita. (nealj-ly Allention, AfTlicted ! fpilli .ul.eril.er fire, notice that he bu 1 rammed the practice of Medicine In Loth etihnru, wher he Intend, to derel hia alte. lira lo the treatment of CHROMO UlsKA.-KS la reneral He will keep nn band a choice a., le.lio. of IlRlltlHand MKtICINKS adapted L. Ill treatturnt nf ehmnle diaeea., and mar be .onewlted at hi. ofe at any bonr f the day. N, K. A ward t Iboa aftlirted with chronic dlaea.ea ra.y l. in rnaia adnntne. AUsv aar aor b. awara thai rorwrnr I'hj atelan. who do a niniaa praetic hare not Tina to attend In lh treatment of rnnonte ejiae.eea, and enaee qnently aaci.arr them t here I hi. elan f dit ..ae. mtulrca rifn-arrn attention. IIKHKIIK WILSON, M. D. I.ntKerabnra;, Feb. 27, I of. S if Beale's Embrocation, (f.ATB NW tXL'8.) Por all dinfi-r-a lnci'lmt to ll'roi, Cattle, and Human I'lorh, rroirinc tba a ol an atrrnal apin-iition. Tbia Embrof ittitn n aaicoaiv) mA k hp tniniininriii iiunm IDD Wr. lor aale by llartiaick A Irwlr, CltarHald. JeKjb H. Irwia, Citrwrnu tile, lianial Uotd- lanil.r. Iaatlicrl urir (r 11 K TAYI.OIl'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Xrnr th Railroad Depot.) t i t. iiti ii i ii, n wa. IKMRRArn tlil. meihnd nf ii,f,.ra-lo. pullic, lli.t I have rpened np a rard fl.t Ihe ard tk.t II.. eat ot wood r e.,.1 burnt LI ML and Anthracite t-t'AlH In Ihe boroiuU of ( Irarf,, Id an. I kn.. anmplrtrd arranjt, mri.l. w'llh .lern .i.alira br winca l can k-p a lull nip,,, emiial.tillv ,.n hand, winch will hediMioeed nl al reaaonal I.. ..i. I,. Ihe tun, bnahel or nr rea., to auit t.urrliaena 1 hnae at a diitatiee can aildraea na be l..,t. , BbUia all aeeeeaary llilona.li. n i,r return mail. Tho Wwisi-, h r.K ii, mlt' y:l: . (Tm&t, r.rortrlrn, f,. ?talTrond. Sew Store In Mulsonburg! Ia th. room fortaerlr oajcnj.lcd by P. T. Iliuarly. L. M. COUTUIET rflAKES llii. anelhod of Inf.irmlnt; tlie eitltenl of CorinKtoa, Kartliaua, (lirtrd and Hi aur mundlnr counlre.that lie ke. )u.l ojieued a larjc aKH'k ol Bl MM Cll l.llllliS. which lie la ddcr niiu.d 10 atll Ti:.N I'KR ( KNT t llKAPKK than the lame quality ftf liooda can be jiurolia.ed for In any oilier .lore in Hi neighborhood. Ilia lock cotiaiat. of Dry Goods of nil klmls, Such aa Gatinrtt. Caniiinern, Mu.lina. Pelmiie. Linen, lrilltntf", Cnlirun, Inintningt, Jlibloot, Lacc, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS A SilOKaS, 1JAT3 4 CAl'rt, .GROCEEHS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, fiugfir, TMre, MoUanre, Fiib, Bait, Linaeed Oil, Kioli Oil, Carboo Oil. Hardware, Queeneware, Tinware. Cwtinpf, Plowa and Plow Castlim-i., Nail, Hplkea, Lorn tuJti vntort, lhut iTeuca, auu All kiada of Axoa. -L Mr Plowa an of tba Curwenayllle and Centre county make, aud are warranted to bo of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumer, Piiintx, Vajimb, QIaa, and feuera. atorImtat of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of (UffciTot brand!, alwava on hand, and will ba old at tuo luwoat oibie buixa. M.iqions, Such ai EUAKDY, VINE, 012? A WIIIfiKY ft 00 pounda of Wool wautad for which tba biuaft rico will be paid. CLOVER SEED, Oo band and for aale at (bo lowait market prioa. Alao, Ageut for Vilaou'a Btrftttonrlll T II Li E 8 II I N Q MACHINES. tift-a" aJ ace for younelret. Tea will find Teryihtng a.ually kept la a retail atnre. I.. M. COCIRIET. Frenchrill P. 0., Jan. 7, 161. Down 1 Down 1 1 TIIE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST 1 A Proclamation against High Prices I "ATE art not open in a; np a let of tba beat and V f moit aeaaonablo Uooda and Wara ever offrred in tbia market, aud at prieea tbat rrroind onrf the rood old dare of cbcap thing?. Tbont who lack fdtth upon thia point, or dvcu oar alie- (auoua auperfluoua, need but (!Lt, .IT OI'A STOW:, Corner Front and Market atreets, IVSera tbry ran , feel, brar and know for them erlrea. To fully andrtaud what are cheap Koodl, tbia uuat be dou. Wo do not dveai it noocstary to enumerate and itemna our stock. It ia OLoojh for oa to atate tbat We Lave Everything that is Needed and con lamed tn thii market, and at priori that .T.sMiuau uum aid ioa rnunp. dea20 JOSKPH PIIAW A SOX. SEW FJLOVIK9F12D AND PROVISION STORE, 'nilE nnder.lened har. loll received at tliir X new a und m A'allaceton, k full tupniy of Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, EacoD, 4c, COAL OIL, (al reJueed rale..) A rood artlile ef TOBACCO, CIQAI1S AXD FUOKINU TOBACCO, Fonilantl oa hand. All of which will be Bold at LOW IIATE3 for CASH or ejiren ia eaehanje for SHINGLES aad LI' II BLR. W rerpeetfullj aak lit Jial.lio I. jir. nl . trial before iarchuili( eleewher. J. B. LEAD k Walteicton, April 7, 1SIJ. CO. EDWARD TERKS & CO., Flour Muiiuf.ir.ui'erc, And Dcalcra in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, riiiLiPsncRo, ;rA. Vrn.i. srppi.r r flovr, wiieat, COIlS and Clltlpoonetantlr on hand, and lor aale at rate, retiiarkahly low. (f. bd.tl Sew M ine and Liquor Store. !. L. REIZENSTEIN, raOLtnia Mura tw WINES & LIQUORS, Market bt., ci.eap.".''!-'1. r- -H-ruIl .lo,k of ln Tlran lr, Oin, Wn.VV" ann Alrohol, alnata on hand, r-perial attention paid to a, ahnir a pur article fur tfatranwntel piiu cnraicai purpoai a. The Lightning Tamer. fpiIB anjer.iitaed are tbe .ol. Afeat. ia thia I rnntr for ihe "North American Ualraniaed LltlHTNINtl RODS." Taw are tbe .nly a.fe rod. wow ia .... and ar eadoraed h all .he elenlide atea ia lha ewintry. W ber.hr aotlfrthe eil'i.en. f th. eounty th.l we will pat theea np a belter red, .ad for leu money, ibaa I. eb.rffrd by lb foreign at-eau wbai annnally trar.ra. th county and tarry off nar little eaeh, n.rar to raiara. EXCOniAGE HOME LA ROH. Tbne.-wl.hln Llfhtnla Rod. erected oa their buildiae; need hat addreea a. by letter, or call la perron. W. will pat then np anywhere in lh county, and warrant thera. Th Lode aad Hilurea can be eeen at any lima br r.llinc at oarator. MKIIHKLL A BlULbH. Clcarti.U, June 11, Isrs tf . GUNSMITHING. R K M O V A L. 'pilrt nndcrirn,l 1.HK. leave to in'orm hia old I Mid new riialanwere, and the puali,' ncrallr, that he haa tiled npaaewtil N Mini', on tle lot oa the corner of Inl lilll and MUtkkT alreeta. Clmr.eld, P... where he will keep n - """"i " iiaou nn nana to onirr all kuioa ol It una. Alro, kuhc rcbrM. rr uimi-l,, I, k),d nraur frptum oa thvrt not if. AH orvKrt h ntnil will r-fcue rum pi ettcirtion. Jr-' T JQM!f Moor.R. n. n. ri LLnn.- w. , wcraaaaox AEWjlKJf. nJLLERTON & McPHIKSON, KEKT renManilr en haal aul fur nit, rraali trrala. tuck u BEEF, VEAL, JiriTOX, Ac, PlT.h f'i.h. and all Vcevlal.lea I. . Cenne.1 I mila, Holler. Lard, da., ahich th.y will ell at Ihe loweat market prieea. aw pa io .,r l Al l LI., Ill TTER, An. RotHaa oa Mnrket Mal. ..Lnui.. ,k. i.. IIuus I Icnrtlcld, Pa. i u l;.lr Ul ua llool Ke'Bl'n. Iroinllim. Hohh.ll-. tlU'. ilfland'. O.rman.llil.tetler'a anal llimenatcd nitter. i alao por. I.lqn.ra, of all tiade for medicinal purpoeea. fT aal, h HtHTHVH K IRri. W A hi I'.K. lh, oil.r.,.,J ..II "JZ1 "", ',t,R t-KlM". Mir me. call TTHOKK & CLEAlvFIKI.t) DHaKcb O and after Mnn.y, APRIL M, (a. . I'aa.rn(i.r lielnl will ran daily (1 BuniUra) betwe. n Ttrone and I.oe, MatHiTJ, owe PaaM tiyi-r Train between Tiron. aa. 1' fi.-lil, aa f..Ho. e: .. I.EAVR FOtTII. 1 LKAVEkOHTH riaartrld.. t-Si, T. Trron a M Pbilitialiuin.arl.iO, l.t ""i' ), . , l'bllipb-rc.ar ll.it . , " Wlllo'a : Oeeeola . Trror. . 4.16, II', KAKK AN1J JHftTAaNCKs; IKOM CLLAHKILLIJ.j I'UOM TVRoVkT" Btalien. t Leooard 3 VYuoillitiid 6 niler .. S W alliiTlnli ....l I Ulna Hull 1.1 I II M M M U M 41 lt ; Tr.terreelion.. si1 ; A aiit-ojoe 2j llardner. g iS ' lit. Plemanl....! 1 .1 rlomtnil t fitl rl.ntiy lllilj;e.,.li fi.'i I'nai Iltoti 17 fii1 Onccula I'lilllpaliurglT Mi-n.cra It mil ar Osceola.... I'oWl'llt'ill. ., Fiar.rlT Kiilji 1 j .20 ti .2 id it lia Iiunoar j U II 10 I ."i hlriner'a b I'llllilikliure il Hiliutlilt .27 ti, lilu. Hull ..... i ...10 90; M'aUU,n..-.3i Ml. 1'leaaaut. Gardner ajiarovno..,. ..t3 tl 110, KIkIot JJ Jji ,.34 l-llll! Woodland. 3i Ha. .... ..It I la Tj rono. 41 i UO ; leardrld 41 itf t'LKA lit ! KLR; T6 Dellefonte, l'a t- 03 MidUleiown Lierk Jlaren.. WillUmBtiort...M. UuntiDgUon ...... Lew i.timn. M.irTaitle. , HAJIJOSIiniO . Marietta , 1 ill Iincaater I (V o", I tlli.Alltl.l-JH - ,,i i fOIAItoona tli 4 .if) j Ji.hnatonn a .ti 4 TMI'fTTSBnill..."" NFC 7 lrrNH. Pauenirerl lenrinf Cleartele) at !.M . Phil rjalnirg at J.oi p. tn Oaceola at 4.1s , , arrive at Tjron at 4.40 p. m Pnjan, eewniiUH with Cincinnati L'lpreu Cut at d.lln B with Mail Writ at 6.41 p. in ,on Jl.in Lae 'Jw with Liald L.r.le Kxprrea, leaeine; Trreao at T (. n. in., arriii.( at Bellrfont at a.i . Loek Haven at ICrj p. m., eonnecinK witb In. Mail Laat on the Philadelphia and Lnr Rm4 h 11.21 p. m.,arririn( at M naalnai.oTI at 11.11, heturnins, liaiwne;er learinj Williatmiorl at .li a. u trie ilail Weet.axrlie at lei lu. ven il HI a. m., eonnectu with field , Clprei. leanrif Lock Uavea al l(l.2t a. at, i. rivisg at Belitloule at 11.41 a. an., 8aew Saea til at f. a., and Trrone al 1 21 p. at LiiVV'AHlJ II. WlLLlAlId, General HtiperinlrirQeat, OECiEUE C. WILKLVt. nylt-lt Super iii leadeat Philadelphia Erie nanroai WINTF.P. TIME TABLE. OS and after MONDAY, SEPT. th. ISCi He train, oa th. Philadelphia ea Sri ku) Load will tua follow. : M eat H ard. Hail Train lear. Phil.dphi. .2( t . V, D d St. Uari J.tj t, U. Do......arriral Erie- I li f. n Kri biprua tear. Philadelphia-... II. it a.m' Do do.... St. Har'a 1.32 A. m! lt -arrir. at ri...........lt tt .k la.twajd. Hail Train lear. Kri . D do...tt Marj'i. Do arrir al Philadelphia. Erla Eiprei. lear. Erie Do do f-t Marj i Ix ..arrir al Philadelphia IliAH i 31 r. H. I I AM. 1 21 1 M. t 41 f M. Illf.l. Kxprea. eaat eonneeit al Corry, Hail Wit Corrj and Initiate, Eipreel wail .1 irrixua with Uair.1 on Oil Cm k A llechenr hirer I i ALFRED L. TVLLM. General Sur.n.ta.anl Clearfield County Bank. THE Cle.rSeld Count; Bank ai aa lererwrv ted in.titntioa a gon. hi ef eiiiteae. k: the eurrender of ita eharur, .a Mar 12, lfli All tu Mock i .wned hy th .abaerikari, akc will eontina lb B.nkinf banae.i at th ua. place, at pirate Banker., ander th. trai ata. f tba "Clearll.ld County Bank." We are re. IMineible for the debt. .1 tb Bank, aad will tit iu aotet aa demand at tb. counter. Depeim reeeired and ialereat paid when aroaej It leltlai a tied time. Papar diacounl.d at ill per etil. aa beretofur. Oar penoaal ri.oaaililitT il pledged for all l-oeiu recled and bnai trana .eted. A cantinaaac. of tb. liberal fata ronait of lb buainer men f tb eeaefr ura. rpectiull.r tolieited. Aa Pre.ident, Caakier it I ofreri of th. lata ClearSeld Count r Bank, ea requir Lha nout of .aid Bank la b. fr.a.aui ior rciirmption. JAS. T. LFliSABD, EICBABD "HAW, Wll. POHTbR, JAS. B. GRAHAM, A. B. WKIOHT. O. L. Rlillll, V. M. A. WALLACE. Th. bnalnea. of tb. Bank will b eaadaeted iohn M. Ad.ank, E.q aa Caahitr. jaa21l, J. I. W liitk. Edward Prrkk BAN KIKQ & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Puo.-raiora to Fuller, Perkl, A Co, Flilllp.barr', Crntrw County, Pi. 1 VT I1KII B all th bwaineta of a Bakic II iH wilt o traneactad proanptiy aad apoa tut mei inroraoee lerai tawi-u County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, TA. TIII3 Bank ia now open and raadr farViiU para. OC oa Second .tret, la Ik. hand, inf formerly occupied br Lewaard, Fina. A C Mn.rrtiR. ana owricaaa. 1 IAS. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SIUW I WM. A. WALLACE, M. P0RTKH. I A. E. WMIIHT, DEO. U RELC. 5 D. W. MOORE, JAS. I. LEONARD, ? ju29,o Caehier. Prerdaat New ItlnoliKinitli Khop SECOND FT., CLLARF1ELD, Pa. 11IIB andeniimed brgt la Inform bit ft i fed, aad tb inhabitant of the Korea r af Clear eld and lurroundine; aetithbrhofMl, thai ka I raw rad to execute all order either la beat ll.el. noK8 SnOEINQ tb. ! .Prrert itr.tylr. r ALL SINTS OP SAW MILL IR0S.1 Eillei '" l"IMa'tt.li,eaihoka,ar-raa janSI-tf j pah.. A. H ... . . . , .ff M..I tool. Ilk. " "I J or Ameriran tteel. ... , 2 a.AU ay work I. wan;". " faeiioo, or aol obariad for. tS AMOS SRn'5A0t' 1 lions' Tow nsh I p .Vw akf GREAT IXClTaiVKN'T AT f THOMAS BEERS'S l! JI'TERTDODT trylnn to ret that Iret, ferW d of heiof arnwded out int lb raid. f 11 yoa want food hhoeinf dona. r la B.aai If yoawanl your Slei'a ironed rlarl, t, (o le V.iai If yoa want good Mill Iroaa, to to Una If yoa want your wer;iB ironed i lb blt f .trl. and workmanahip, r to P.t.K Paara er.Ve. the beat tump M.ebiae ir rl .tate, and dure ail kind, of RLACKSMlTIUlf aa cheap a. can h don. la lh .oantr for Car !y l'oel lime addrc.a I. Cleardrld Phdk-e.i THUMAR HKLhsi Po.r. Tp., Ia. I, I SAT-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTIil TIIK ander.lcned. harln. wtabliahed . S X ry aa th Tike, about half way betwet Clearheld aad Cnrwenarllle. I. prepared lo fat i.i.h allain.li of Fill' IT TRKK8, fttaadard a dwarf.) Krcrrren. rbrahlry. tirap Vina Uooebme, Laatoa rtlarkherrT, MrawberrJ and llaib.rry Via.. Ala, 8iheri.. Crab Tret) tdulaoe, aod early eenlel Khulaarb, ia. Orda) prnraptly attended to. Adder.., f j. v. wmonT f aeptn.eS-y Curw.aarilla. f Limo for Sale I I rfMlK uRilrrfipnrd, imnlinir nrar tba drfot h K made vomirtw emtnerta nta with I- liumrra raft at the moantain, whwhy ba blvw lo kiTp conaUnilT e banl a hMfr quaaiitr P U K E L I M K ! .Meb be cdfera In farraar and builder, al a trf abme coat. 'Ihoa 111 need cd tb article woold well to giie me a eall. r addreta ate hy Ictte' A fore ne. tialins their lime. T ORn. C. PAJfM'ir.B. rieartlrld. Pa., Jnne I, ao. 1 rA.Tl:il Onejond ULACKSMITII If one enaa t work In wnt raaklnf Sic Wafona, 8'nmp Maehiae, in. F'rgle wire I on wtlb taiall famine. Arplrle. I Pt'OTII A Hi:MP.m;SR.t 'fl4" JViTlrV. lir, riertald ("WW, It