! l -f "" I Tl 1 na) in iuji ml iulr1 mifl i!f5!,itn.ini. HE LEONARD H0USE7 (Hear the r. fci In J DtptH ) ItKV smctT. iLEARFU Ln, FA. O. P. C-WDFLIlOtV. rnrriior. XtW flreteJaM llvtel tn ererv rMi'ct Ofiiif)rthltvmo nil I ha mod.!, improve- Bttlf 01 laKJl UK.S prompt ntlend- mn, and rooll eh-wct. Tb pau-unatre of lit pll'tl.C ! respectfully eulieiu-d. '. tl A THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET 8r., CLEARFIKLP. I'a. THIS larir. and enmmndioiia new hotel ha. Wen opened fir Ihe a-cnmtnodatmn of the puMic where the proprietor will In. (tt;. I to ini-i't fail old friende. and receive a .hare ul public put runaire. lr etrict per.omii atlvtioon lu tlie de tail! ol hi! buaine!., be hopi-e to he a-le ren ter eiii.faction lo hn patron,. The TAIII.K will alwave be bountifully eupplird with the lit l th.it can ba proeun-d in the market, and th 11AU mil contain full to?k of LIQUORS, PEER, Ac. Uotld Itabliua; attached. CASPER LEIPOLDT, Cloarjcld, Mir.b 3, 1S09-ly Proprietor. M. A. Vlnilnilifiprr & Co. EST GOODS" IT LOWEST PRICES! THE EAGLE HOTEL, WAIN ST., CURWEXSVIIXE, PA. nAVINfl leaaed for term f years tha abort) wl known tod popular hotel, kept formerly by Mr. Miami, and lately by Mr. BvmO th preae-it proprietor has re fitted it with the object of rendering nia gnest comfort iU while Tnrninr with hi. A fine. large Buhl and Yard la attached, for the car fend p'o tret inn of hones, oarriagee end wienm. A liberal tbnre of public patronage I olirtted. UbU tf JOHN KOL'TS, lmp. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curweuatille. Clearfield eouutr. Pa. THIS old and well e.tnbU.hed Hotel, beauti ful!., aituated on tb baika of tb. rja.o,ua henea. in the buroigb of Cnrweu 'Till., haa bean leeaed for a t.rin of rear, by tb. nnderaigned It h.i bean entirely retttad, and i now open to th. public generally and th. travailing coinmu nltj ia particular. No palm will be aparad Hi render fU.au ooinfortable wbll. tarrying at tbia boue. Ampl. Stabling rooji fur tb. acootntno dali'ia of t.ama. Cbarg.a moderate. , Jaa. 1. 'M tf HM. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Curtrcuatille, ClcartlrlU couuty, I'a. THE anderalfnad ha lea.ed thla old and long aetablieb.d hotel, (formerly kept fcy Major 1" Uiooia.) eitaat. la a eentr. I portion of the tewa.and baa entirely refuted andr. furni.b.d It, a:d ra-modal.d the ataling. r a to nuke it aa ai)ct, k.reaft.r, f.r tb. trar.ling publio to pairuniBo ikib large an .omtatidioua bou... d.e l.'SJ tf . , JOH.N J. KK1D. J. A. BLATTECEUGER, & CO. NOW OFFER AT THEIR 31 a in in o t h Store, IS OSCEOLA, PA., LARGE Si WELL-SELECTED toci or Spring & Summer Goods, ri'IfCH ASED AT THE LOWEST MAR KET IUTE3, AND TO EE SOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. QOXSISTIXG OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAUE, WOOD i, WILLOW WAKE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, II ATS AND CAFS, BOOTS AND SHOES. THE MANSION HOUSE, Caraarsf Bwrand and Market Streeu, tLEARFIELI). PA. THH old and conmodinua IIoi.l haa. dorluj th. p. it year, keen tnlerod to donbla it. lutmer capacity for tba entertainment of etran. girt an! fueata. The b..le baibjing kaa beea rftiniiihed, and th. proprietor will rpara ao paiai to render hia (naau comfortable while atayfag with kian. J- the 'Menrlen noaa." Otnnlbna rnna te and fron th. Depot oa Ik. arriTal and departure f each tr.in. DAVID J0IINS10N. nee tf - Propri.tor. THE WESTERN HOTEU CLEARFIELD. TA. THE anbacrlb.r baring leaaed for a teroa of X ji.iii.ni i,nwn iio.ei, ( nepi ir many je.rl by Mr. Lanlrh.) aad r. ntteil and refur- niih.d it throogheul. la anw prepared tn entT tala trarelera and tb. public generally upon termi ltle hoped alike afcrreeab!. to both patrma aad prnprielor. Ilia TARLK and BAR will be eup hed witk the but tb. market afforda; aiij a palna will b. apared on hia part lo add to the ooar.BieaM aad .oat'ort af hia gne.tt. JOUS DOCfJHERlV. art) I l'rop.ietor. PURXITURE MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL-REGULATED HOUSE HOLDS, A3 WELL A3 TO MILLS, MINES, AND CAMPS. Vhiladrlihl.i AdmUjfmfnlj. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. Mil M. A HIM.KR k.a jt,.t arrhed froai I an. and London with the lle.t deaiinl p-leunally art f... (,, ,,,,. alao. the mnit elegant Ttimmlngi te be artared iii ran., aueb at La y, iiiiimN, vfi.vktu, ri nwi'ita JlKll'AI. VKII.H. FINK Jl:Fl.l:V. , TIll.MMFIl l-M'KR 1'ATTtllNS, lPIK.ri and CI.OAR MA KIND. Kduaira aitrnt fur Mr.. M. Work'. eeleh,.l..l aretrn for nulling la.lie.' diei.ra, earou., bantiiea. !. W. eorner nf Eleventh and ChaHinut rile. lie. Philadrlphia, Irlept VJ, 'lUt-tlm tISAAO K. BTAUFFEB, WATUIES & JEWELRY, Ko. US North Second Slreel, Corner of Quarry PHILADELPHIA. An ai.ortutcnt of Wutohr., Jewelry, Sitror atij r mini Are enn.inniiy on liauu. Rrpniriug of Watobce and Jewelry promptly "aim M Mi'aajiiiiitaa1iiiai ,aiatlaivMwiMat'ie. 31 1 ttu'.nir, Jlnunit, ttfr. M EUR KUi & 1) 10 1 EH, KBAtina ta II A II II W A n u, AUo, Mnnnfiicturtribf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CEiKARFIKLD, PA. 8. fcilberman. - 0. Eittlngor. II. ISilooramn, S. SILBERM AN &, Co., IltrORTRRI AND JOKDRIil OT FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, C, 13 .1'orfi fourth Slrrrl, myZJ IMIII.ADI.I.PIII A. ly-pd T. C. MYERS, WITH w. w. riDk. n. I. aoaa. WM. W. PAUL & CO., WHOLrSALE BOOT AX i snoi: MIE IIOV8E, tn Market St. A BU Commorce St abora Sixth, myl PHILADELPHIA. ly j. aoLLoaiuaa ... a. DAVia CAnar. HOLLO WBTJSH 4; CAEEY, LOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufucturors. AND STATIONERS, 21S Jlarktt St., Philadelphia. toau Paper Floor Racka and Bagi. Fooleenn. Letter, hota, ivraliping, Cartaiu and Tl'all Papera. feb24-1y LOT OK HAUDLKS, BRIDLES, ilarneia, Collare, ale., for aala by MEIUiEI.L t niOI.KR. pALM Ell's I'A '" 1C M T U N LO Xl)- log Hay Forki, for talo by MEKRELL 4 HKil.ER. 1A INT, I'UTTY 0,L GLASS, Nalle, ato., for aala Ly MERRELL i. BIGLER. Pi l Cioeitii, f.ioffilrs, (ff. I a n. ...... a naaaaa a. a. aa.n.a J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MAHKKT KTIIHi:T, CLEARKIELD, rA. JJaKNKSS TRIMMINGS i SHOE Findinga, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. Q.UJTS, I'lSTOLS, SWORD CANES For aala by MERRELL A RIOLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Eiiea, for aula by MERRELL t BIOLER fRON ! IRON I IRON ! IRON L For aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. And beat Manufacture, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER- THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, fit WTIM.DOV, PA. 1ni9 tM trl.nlirfient having bora . hy J. M0KRI80X. forcurly proprilr of tb "MorrtinB 1 1 ..," faiu bmma tboronh',? Ten nted d rtfurniihed, aoi topplid with all Ui mod am itnprortDinU aod ronreniencct n rj to a 8 rut cli liotsl. Tno dininit ronni hu I nmvwi to tb ftrnt fljr, b1 in row rrion aotl aij. Tht chatuhera aro rrll vn tilitrd, ard the prnpriuri.l eotleavvr to maka h atrti perfect! at In me. Jt2i J. M01ilU30N Proprltf.f. J. w. WALLAca moi. n. iu. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lutlirrabarg;, Clearfield Co. Pa. THIS well known and ling eitab'lihed Hotel, formerly kept by R. W. Moore, and latterly Wat. Hebweai. ex., baa been lea.ed for a term al yeara by th. onder.ignel, to wbicb tl.a atten tion ai the traveling publio ia now called, and a libera! ahara "f public palrnaage ia aolieited. aprlG.'CMy.pd cillAW A WALLACE. QRDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR . COUNTRY PRODUCE. SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, TO LITE AND OBLIGING. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main sr., ruiLitsiiUiw. ta. WillS aodereign.d keepa eonrUntly on band L the be. of Liqanre. Ilia tabl. ta alwaya u r.Nul aim tb. bet tba aa.rkM alfnrda. The trxehng pabli. will do well tn giee bin a rail, ao.l.'iij. HOUbRT LLOVD. McGAUGHEY'S BESTAIBAM& UEFBESiniEM A L O O K , la Leary'a New DulMin;. (formerly occupied by Mr. Il"tc,) FECOND ST., CLSAREIELD, PA. COysTANTITonbandafineaelei-tinnorCAK. DIKS, NUTH, ( IU A IIS, TOBACCO, Ac. ao, KKKSIl 0VS1KII.S raorired daily, and airred up U auit tba taatea of cuetomere. v. qt. Ill I.LI A R I) M 1 1 M) V on .econd itnry. dmlatf DAVID Moll A toll KV. LADIES' FAMY HRS. JOHN FARF.IRA, 718 Arch St., MldliC Uf UlU iJllMla, ht. Tib an! th S..,8uih aide, PilltaADKLI'HIA. I:uifricr, tnanufaoinrpr aud bt-afcr in all kioda aad (jut-h'T f 'AX Y Ft HS ros LADita' a c ildrbx'i tAK. Ilarinff entarirpd.remod eU-d anti imprutcei bit nti ,Jiinfl fnvnrtihly known f I'll hAli'UHH M, and bur in r Itnpnrlril a verr lurgts euI rplpnuid aMrtiol ol U (he d.firrfDt kinds of Fur from tint hands in Knrnne. avnd hnve dad tbru madr un .it the mail LlTIIERSBL'RUrOTTERIES ;r1',:'l,;' J?- "?.iZ2TXllLV.l!L"Jl and elnmine me rery farce and bountiful asaort meBt of h'anry Fur., for L.diea and Children. Ira determined to eel! at a. low prife. a. anr other rr.pertAl.le llnnae In thie eity. All Fnra Warau. ted. No aiiintireBtation. In effrrt pair.. JOHN FAKKIKA, 8rpt. t9, '(9-tln 71. Areh Ht, I'hil.drlphia. TJALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE CONVINCED. J. A. BLATTENBERGER, & CO. OjccoU Milla. Tan April 21, U9. t il DREXEL & CO., Xo. 31 South Tlilrd Street, Phlladelpo And Dealers in Government SpcurHies. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, aod all information cheerfully forninhed. uracri loiiciica. aprll-tr BENSON, CAMPBELL &. Co., V. 17 N. Fifth St and tU Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, e-ua TBI BALI or Wool, flineeng. Fur Skin., Foatbera. Leather, Flat Need. Dried Fruite, Clover Seed, ltoota, Deer Fkina. Hutler, Ueeawaa, bbaep ISkine, Kcgp, Ae ao., Aa. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price current forwarded an requeeL June II. IMS ty:pd srtltsrfHancoua. THIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPE X BOXES, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. JUDDER CUTTERS for nalo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I EMERSON'S PATENT TERFORARATED CroES-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALT, flCMMINO AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For 8praad!ng, Sharpening, and Shaping the Tee lb nf ail Splitting gawa. .rB.Send for a Deacriptira Circular and Ptlee Lilt. MKKRELL A DIALER, jant tf Otneral Arrnu Claatield, Pa Lullicrabttrr;, Clearfield Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look Here! goot and tSItcf3. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Mnnufactnrrr, CLEARFIELD, TA. TT A juat recaired a ana lot of French CALF A A. ek IN8. and 1. anw prepared ta ananafaa i.i everything ia kia Una at tb. low. at nguroe. !i. ail warrant hie work I. ba aa repreaenta. II. re.pectfullr nllcita a call, at bia ahop on al.rkel atreel.a.iond di or weet of the po-teffiea. here ka will do all in hia power to render aatia farlttia. 8oiae fic. Uaiter tnpa on hnd. mrl).T y DANIEL CONNELLY. PEACE PROCLAIMED. TES WAS OVES IS CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. KairJy all the Contraband going bark to their old masters ; but 'nary one Cinj to old Mauachutrtta, where thy were lored to long and so veil. ISeMMqaenea of th. aborc facta. P. BIIORT, af the old "Short th"t hiinp." would an. a '"ice t. ht. aameroaa p.'oni, and tba people ":lariei4 aaaaly at large, that k. ba. now a bit raia I.i.f f aaal.rial, ja-t received from '' H.rt.aad ia prepared en anon nolic. lo make at mrad atoota aad Khoee, at kia no ''"'P ' row. He ia aaiiated Iku ke can ,-lean il.la-ileaa It aiigbt kaanaaa ibtneely tnral eta. - 11 to. p.triote.) He ia pre,rrd tuaell low fur ae Caanlry Prodaea. Doa't foriret the Dftopa.it door to Phuwer. A (Jraheia'e etre. M..k, e,r.t, Ol.arl.ld, Pa and kept by a THE undcreirned la prepared to fnmirh you with the lieat STONEWARE aianufactured iu Una oountry. Ho baa never yet failed to plenre the aioet lavtidiooa, aa tn quality or durability. Hia war. aoneieta in part of CREAM rCTS OF ALL SIZES. MILK CROCKS AND PAN, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And ia abort EVF.RVTI1INU aeaally aaadc and kept in aa cataUi.biaoat of tbia kind. MERCHANTS Can hate tb. ir ware delirrrrd by Ba, at ANY TIME and to ANY i'LAC'H oV.ire.l. Ordera for ware aolieited, aod promptly filled. JTaT-For general a.aortment, aea Catalogua and I'noa Liat, auailed free ta apphcanta. ae-A tllieral diaconnt will ba giren ta toe wboleealc trade. CEO. C. KIRK. LnthereSnrg, Pa., Dec. 3, ISnS-tf It. V0VA0. HUBERT & YOUNG, Stone-Cutlers & tStone-Masons, 1ITILL execateall work In their lira at mod 1 .rate price, aod la FI R.-T CLANS itjle. .Architectural Ornaments G. S. FLEGAL, STOVES AD HOLLOW-AYARE, AND MAlllFACTCRER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, PtiUlpkburg. Centre co. Pa., nHK eubirrlKeriht1r.centrrit ntt fxtrinfr I thp for the pirfioteof earrtlna: on th bu-ine-i nf MTfriiindiipf. Rnw nfTr a nod ""I rare npportiiBity to thm ritltrn nf Clear, end arljoininc inntpe tt luy a(nre ftn4a I whulfmU or retil prtrei, that will aainnlth the unln'irnrled. 1hffr fond' will be partim ItIt iifpt-d to mil thii tnnrkt. Kvery lady ill. thereDira. rait the nttentioa nf her hr.il. am) to thin (art, became ih in hnntU of our huvinr Kill reeeive eprcinl attentl-n, atd eeervihinr needed In a well rftulwled hnuTfhold will nt all Hind, he fonnd in our etore. fhir atnek nf I)HY .O.U)s fst.all not he Kurpaavi, f rbr In qual-" ityor ilce, and ambruee. In part, Prints f O'yr lvU. aii...rV ..... .n.l l.L. iwlily. MuMini of every crude, Do Lalnea. adntiied to the tatei of the old and Toiinir : and 1 every article of any kind of gnndi they fell it m ue ai rt prearnted, and warranted lo alee eat- Irfaetlnn. Aa to tlllM .tMH)ie have a uplended aejortment of Alpneao, black, white, and tn enlorat .rinHrei, 8iiki, and in ehort ell the neweit etylci In the matket. We dciire thin fuel to bsrome krowo to every pereon in Ibe ennnty. With our new and eitcmive etock of l.llhSM (i()UU, the ladfea ran nil be eitiled ov jot dropping In aod Rotting a nioe drew j'Aiiern, tare aett, kid rImo or be dotr that which fe better: Rive her a will. filled pure. and the will find Rood and paving invefltraenti ia emoroidenea. eUKinK". ribouba, fin ret. bonier? or any other boueebuld nceeMitiei. And in iddiima to what wo tmve nlrca ly enumeta led, we keep all kindi of .i;N I l.KMi; V M l-:.H tucb ei Olotba, Caeaimeree, Satinetli, lioUt, lioota and bho. 4o,. hp.t.lea, nioe ainnrlment el iMade up CI-H'I11 N. fur Men end Hitya, manufactured out of ibe beat material, which we will iell fur eab or exchanjr for eonntry produce at price wbien will aauinmb ere ry body. W'e are now larpeW enpupr-d In baying and Hllfnr r-OHAKi: T1MIII;h nnd manufae lured LI MIIKK, and will rive tbie branch of buaineae ipeeial attention, and therefore make it m object to rrery one wbo haa Lumber to sell to come and deal with tti. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quecnswnre, Hardware. We aball alio keep eonptaaily on band reneral aaenrtment of tiltot Utl CM and II A HOW A UK, which we wilt aell at exceed inarlff low pneea. We alao keep a full aan ment of il ia.NHWA.U;. TLii dtparluent ill ba kr-pt full and comrleie, and all wbo contemplate bouaekecplnr. will find it tw their advantage to eoma and trade with ; beea are we are eo situated, and, from loner experience tti Ibe boaineft, ao well acquainted with the want aad neeeeaitiea of tbia community, that we feel atia6ed it every men woman and child only makrea it a point to buy their foodi irom aa, wa can pleaaa tbem botk aa to qualiie aad prioe. Tberefore, eoue along and buy your BOOTS k SIIOES, HATS & CAPS, Eeady-Made Clotliinff. And arerytbiug you need to render jourealrea and faniiliea eunilurUble, iron Till) nKPUIU.KUN. CLEAKI'-II.LIt, I'A. ivrpsn day MnitM.vo. snv. in. i. Terms of Subscription. If paid in adianrc.orwiltiin llirir itHtntli., If paid afinr three and licfore .ia motitli...., If paid alter the r).jratin nf ail innnth, ., JAS. 15. GRAHAM k SONS., Oct. 1.7. CLKAKFJKf.D, Pa. aaHt'tL aiaioi a.. ,.w. io aiRTaaonw. fTMIE ttnderrlpned reepeetfully annoaneea to L tba utii,c mat ne uaa oa nana a care, fuliy-aeleeted and well aaeorted atock of Storea. Ilia variety tun lata o( 1 HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whlcb bare leyer failed to glre perfect eatlilae- tion to tba moat faattdtmie of tta purebaaers. Continental, t.eMgb, Farmer, Dayltfrbt. Speara' A nil-Post, fit a (turn. Charm, Herald, dc., vita every ranety ei ina beat rittabuTg Maaufaclura. In ALL 6TVLE9. 8 tone Preating of arery description, and all hinda of wiaaon work eon- .Tha Tin and Sbrat Iron wara given with (raried fr in nroutf.f the oonnly. Any perenrf tba Moth ia eaade of the heav'eat and beat witibing to have reancctabta naaon work and Material, and warranted to glv perfect ttue- atnne-ruttinK done, will end it to tnetr tntereet i fee I too ilia atoek tit to eall upna ae. We would alro Inform ibe pan lie (bat we can deliver any quantity or elaea ef fltiDt dcaired, aa wa art tba owocn of a FIKST-CLASS STONE QUARKT Ordera for work ean ba addrtaaed althar to Clearfield or Lntheraburg. narRltf ULBKRT A T0tX1. Inrble Stone Yard. low eeatDeaiy oallad Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. f"R0ANI7.r.l) and Mtahli.hed for the Parehaae and Hale of Karmlng and Mineral Landa, aod itnprornd Ileal Katata te Ibe Fnuthern B'talee THOMAS R. Fl.fiWENCE, Prraident. JO. HEX Elt.Vrl. Viea 1're.ident d. IIKNKV A.--KIN, Tr-!urer, Preeident Foorth Naiion-it lUnk of I'hildelphia. d'HIN MOKItIM, Senl.ry. 1 IIOH. C. MACDOWKI.L, Attorney aad Coaneellor. Offlee! lr,.hingloa Building. Corner Heren'h rt., and Pennsylvania Avenue, Wanhington, D. C. wrrearicr. : Oor. John T. Hoffman. Alhany, N. Y. El Hot. Wm. Iligler. ClearDeld, Pa. dir. T. F. llond'ilph, Trenlon. N. I. Ft Oi'V Wm. I'. Packer, Tf illl.voi.pnrt, Pa. Sept. , 'f!if. KEVM I LLLI N ER Y AND anil DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. IliST flPENEDin Ibe r,o recently orcnplrd he the Miaa Haad'a and dl.' t'J "I lloaanp'a Clearlleld, Pa. A.'1 ' ' vlia ol bonaela, hata. c, tor old ana Jnang Ladies aiii-e. aad .hildrcna' trlaanilnep, " bon, and coat aelrela, lacea, glorca, Aa,, way! kept on band. iml W M iklAO In all ltirarli.ua Irnnrb-r and lateit al)le for old. middle aged, and the yea eg, read, ta order, ht Ike iri.a. fahl.al'le lire., m.tera. Mra I. E. WAT.-ON, Aag. IJ, lf.9.-lf. Alas agaal fmr lha "Magla Macedonian Oil." Warranted core Rhromnli.wi, Nearalgia, l.leer Complaint, Ac. Na cere, aa yiy. "l I)VMSTII ATtli:,H fallTK Ii-Notic "'t aad bho. ,b,.i In Cur.eti.ril'e. na J ia .".' K' "S" .7.':T, "? "' Hreet. eppoeiu duaenk R. Irwin'a Dmg h. ratal. l f-AMl ' ' ' ,? . i". ra-panfJir, to tb. p. thai I lata "f K.rtb.n. U.w,,.hip JW.,14 c.un.y. I a " "Prpared to .a..'.e, tylea.f Rent, baring ben dnly graaleu la he ""''"''J.,, s-.. and .T.,y,k,ng i. k.a llna. -a .kvrt ! pern. iadel.:, d to .J ''' $ "aaf . V " DAMEI. MOOIll! SHORTY." nt;i f sew boot'axd shoe shop. EDWARD" tVJ A CK. f. UARKETA Sn Hra , I.EA R FIELD, Pi. TUP preprl.lar kaa entered Into the ROD 1 1 II'ITC ko.ine. at the ahoe. atand, and ''"leenlnrd nut In fc, 4 it lone either In qoal. ' er pr'ee f. kia wark. Fpei tl .ttenlinn be p.id to m.nur.eiarin; p-wi-d wnrk. II "' Ml hand a l.r.. l.a .r krei.eh Kin and j f SHne, of the varr baet quality. Iheei'i f Cle.rfe'd and Tlrlolir are reapoetlally 'lud te gi.a kia, a trial. Ka ebarga lor aalla j ". tf 'M K(MiT tvn Kunv. simp. I at.llf IHIFaU kiaat'l Tl 'l III! KJM'II I.K. I -in lah.erihor having laulr aiarted a a.w t. m r 1) i;li. eb CO, KIItB to Infnrm their frienda, and tbe public, that they have now and will keep ennatantly on hand ft larfe and well eelected atofk or IT4LIAN and VKRMONT at A Kb LB, and are prepared to fumWh la order TOMBSTONES, Box and Cradle Tim be, Monoaenta ia Fan da tone and Marble, Cur be and I'oata for Ceeaa , lery tot. Window Sillt A Capa, Arcbitaftural A Laws Ornaments. They Woo Id Invito epeoial al teat (on to their Seidftona Monument, which are built from arlflnal deaigna, and will compare favorably ilb anything ol the hind in (be eoantrj. If dealred they can fbrnlab Marble Window 5ille and Caps at alight adyaaoe aa tba prica uf Ha ode ton a. Terd nn Deed street, near tie Railroad depot, Clearfield, Pa. JeVif MICHAEL BOKE, aMASON AND STONE. CUTTER, JitW VaMiltipton, Pa ajuAll kinda of Mafonrr done. In the moat workmai.iiae manner. Orders Solicited, and enn- traote teken in any pari f tbc munly. antflMf. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aoaar rot Chiekering'a. Rtelnwat'a and Emerjoa'a Pl.noa i Btoilli a, Mn.na llaailia a ana reionoeta Orgnna and MlodeoD.. and Mrarar A llaker'a feeing Marhinee. ilio raarara or Piano, flultar, Orgnn, llarmnny and t oral la- .1,-. N. pupil taken for I." man halt a term. jrah o. nrt door la Firat atlOBal liana. CleaiDvId, Maaa,', l'D If, NOTICE. VLTj pfr.nn. are liir.d.T nntifird who have luiaed llankinf prnund at or near the mnik ul Hhitmer run on the prnperty nf llronm. Dink ey A Co., thai all h.-k pay mit-t he paid up bc h any nnrr gronnd can he nl.tnlnrd. And all pjVin, . Lanking limber or h.s. or any other himlK-r ni, 'he aloreaaid pmniriy, wi.b...l per. o.,..,nn. will .r lre..pa.a, ar t charge. lifIT dollar, pe, r.t fr taid grannd. Apr lealio. f,.r" ..Id gn'ood inu.t I made ta W. . Dicker, (Ilea II nr". ' GROOM, Rapt. 1. ISM-fira. VDMI Metl It ATltR'H ,ITI'I-N"t:" I. herrhr given that Inter, nf admini.trali" ,. the rell. of ASA II Kl. A Kit. deceaeed, late of l.awrrne trswn.hip. Clearfte'd eonnly, Pa., hating been d-i'y granted te lha anderaigned. all p.r.nna IndehtrJ to akid ette Will dia make pat mi nt, and thnae havlnit claim oT drmand. wiil nre.nM tliem pmperlr anthen'leat'd fw art. tlrtn-nt. KtOlttlE II. II ALU lint 11, 'M nt. AdminlrtmtoT. VINiTASrMpRTIE-T MbMrt; and H"Y 8 TARLOB AKD IIEATIXO STOVES la larger, h'tter and cheaper than ever before eihihitcd ta the puhlia. lie deAea auaapetitioa aithar In rariely, quality ar prica. Tie la alao prepared ta furntah a eompleta aiaortmcnt of Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, rTholeeal. ar retail, aaaaofeetared neatly aad with tba aola view t. aarriea, fruai tha beat aaa t.rial lo tha .arket PLOWS, PLOW POTNTS. t COPPER, DRAS8 AND IRON KETTLES, Of avrry dricrlptloa eonatantly aa haad. LIQHTNINO ROUS, Superior point, pal vp aa abort aoUea. Tha Point ba oflera lo the public ia tb. a,m. aa ia now tteed by tba I'enneylraaia Railroad C uo tbair building!. ODDERS FUR SrOCTINO, ROOFINO And alher work belonging lo hie hnalne.a will be promptly Ailed by aiperieacd aod akillfal worknaea. BRASS, CurrER ASP OLD METTLE Takaa la aachang. for gooda. jprVTT. rerla:ly Inrltea lha atlenllna of Slerrhant. wl.hing to pnrehaae at whnle.ate, aa they will find it to their advanta-A tn OKBBlla. t la etock before pnrouaaing alaewkere.' 0, 8. FLKflAL. Phllip.burg, Aug. , WS. JjSltfl? FALL OPENING. ARNOLD k HARTSHORN, Cl'BWENSVILLE, I'A. JJLAVE Jl'ST 0rtN1:D Ur'" Ul ""' coaiplcte atock of HATS i CAPS, ROOTS 4 .SHOES, 1 1 A R D W A R E , Q U E E N S W A R E, BACON, PRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, SALT, J.C., AC, AC. ali faction guaranteed a. to quality and prloe. All kiud. ol iumher and proda. takea in el rhaiica for gooda, t.ive a. a enll before purrha- aior. alaawhrw. ARNOLD A HART.SUtlltN. l urwrn.iill., t-.-it - 11, Ca lf. EV STORE AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON line, juat oprnej a Kit Stoki, on Slr.inSt..CLtaritLD, Ta., lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Tlieirilock conaittt of Gao-c-tf of Ilia brat quality, QuEENSWARE, HoOtS Rntl SIlOCS, and eery article neeeaaarf for one, comfort. Coll and examine our tlocK before pur clia'ine rUawhure. May 9. lPCO-tf. lll:l.l(.lllIM MIIK IH. MrlhiHlint i:ilcopal fliurrhRer. V. II. lln.i.. lHeli.r. I'nlilie Pcriice every rabiiatb, at III) A M , oud T( V. M Hal.balh Svliool at 9 . M. Prayer Meeting every ThuradaT. al J P. M. t'oiiiniunicn Hervico, flr.t halihalU of ertry monlli, at in) A. M. Xt. I ranrls' I liurrli ( atlinllr Trr. Mr. O'llliAiltiAi. Mom al lii nVliM-k A. M.,on the aei'mid and limrlh Snnilav. nfen.'h nmnlh. HI. Alldrcn'a Church l:ilaroialRrr. Okohok II a Ll.. I'uhlic hervive r'unduy murning at IU uVlork. and at 7 p. Ul. Siindnv Srhnul at .'I p. in. Prayer Mooting Wcdm-.iliiy evening at 7 oVh. k. HI. Juhli'a Church Lutheran !l,-v. Mr. Nixiionrr. I'uhlic Hervioo vverynlilmth, morn. HIT anil evening. Freehylnrlall ( hurch Her. Mr. Ri ti a. Pulilic riorvice every hnhhalh, morning aud even- i M IT. twt" W" rmr-erai,aat " f or a em for T.i nw n ill t,n ('.mini n t otn'!i !e liil of tltw AMc-MMitu of tltlo count)', lmtftl in Ortotcp. IPOfl, wboaodttt)- It will be to miitto trio HMfxprnont Uiia full, B'eBri..Jttb 'tna-.-ck OnlipL.i.L , MoCuMy. fV A'Ura Hrr-h, !la"ten,..L H ft. HltK...A. R. HoMfiri. fJiiHa'i..J. H. Tb. veon lgt;a...1 homes Me. KaribaitOim. OillilaMj lltallr'l...lrntr Kinarl K nf....I. A, Wiae. llra'lv.i'.And. I'm I a. .(r, 'l.nn rrw . Mart. Ntchola Jerret Smith ' l.umbrr City U'.,W, Cov't.-H'M .'l.Mcradfl.-n H. ,n.y. t'ot liijtt.it rr. ( tulMi t. Mnrri-iama Hrmver. Cicni ln-ld botP'...')! . L.JNcw WanhinKton bnrn'., ;,.'!-1 jobD a. N.-tr. Cut W4 m illc boro'.J. K .OaetiU boro'-L-A-Ktont- riad. IVnn...l. H. Ifftrri. l'ike...Wm. A- lllM.tn. I hi'.n. J W. Ili.llopeur Wuodirard..Sain. I'.hliull it 01 . I " I Humaide. . 1 00 Kratirr, necalnr....TrtC(ib fliatU't-f riTiifon. Math. Henry. Jirt.rd...K. r. htowart. Ur.bin...A. II. Mmw. (irn)iain..Stiniui'l Himul Kr"i;nid, and U, in hia wtcatl. t l(tfiiriird, and Uichard in bis etcail. II. McMnatera appointed Hughca ajipointed A fpltiiiditi lino of ludios' coating re ceived to-day I)) AVm. Jlocd & Co. A notice clnewhero will inform the citizens of Osceola wbero to buy their broad, cukes and pies. An excellent hituntion for a lllaclt miiht Curpentor or Cubinot-mnker is ortorcd lor aulo by Mr. liuntjs. See ttdvertiftcmcnt. SHftHQl. Mr. D. G. Nil-ling, it will bo no ticed by an udvcrlirvtiierit elsewhere, determined to clone out bis largo Block of sfjro good at tlio Keystone Storo. The sale will bo unconditional, and bargains will bo realized by the public. Read wliHt the 1'liiladelphia Mail, a bigbly flavored loii " newspaper, says about Hans Geary, Ben nnd Judge Brewster, etc. Such gospel truths nevor before emanated from this souree. The editor lias evidently been reconstructed on the Democratic plan, of ulways telling the truth. Sir. F. K Arnold as Administrator of li'n father'! estate, it will be noticed by an advertisement in this paper, and band bills, offers two desirable homesteads fur sale. This is a rate chance fur a farmer or mcchnnic who desires a homestead in a populous and thriving Settlement. Xotice to Land Owners. Vie transfer an advcMisemetit to our col umns v Inch we find in papers of but limited circulation, emanating from the Surveyor General's OiTiuo, highly impolant to hind owners, who may yet owe tho Commonwealth for the Patent, or purchase money. A full record of all money thus duo can te seen al tho rrotLonolary's Office, whcio a Dot-Wet prepared by tho Sur veyor General has been deposited. Not Correct. it was rumored about town last week, that 11. B. Swoopc, Esrj., bad been employed os Counael to try the case of veraciiy between Gov. Geary, Plaintiff; Hon I?. Harris Brewster, Covodo, ct ul., Defendants. But upon inquiry, we earn from a reliable source that such in not tho fuel. When Mr. Swoopo was "interviewed" on the subject, he replied that the whole crew miylit go to h I, or words to that effect. Ho evidently prefers the society of gentlemen. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoflico at Clearlicld, on the first of November, ISC!) : Arrher. Rrv. J. (I. Iloner, Mine Mtiry. Iteuni-tl, limine.. Hi ice.. Mr. O. A. Huil.r, Unheal. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infinnitios." St. Faul. i) ii. hoyi:rs Hrnma, Mr. L. A. P. Itailcy. n. H. A o. Itn.w'a. II. VV. 3 rremieer.Augntua 2 Crana, I.. J. I.-hj. rem, Hca.iamin P, ttrrenwond, haiauel, llarj Mr. Jarnib. IU0. Henrietta, ilamrr, I'arrl. HriidtAn, W illiam C. Knienl-alr, Mr.Jajnee. lfrltpnl, Suan. Mitnr, Miei Sarah. Maraell, tirrgf. Murphy, Mr. John. M.CoflertT, Mies Kate. Mrfnarric, Mr. Jaaaee. McKeu, Mr. J. iS 2 MfCloabcy, Jnhn, Mrlh.wcll. Mr. O. V. Mct'ortnack, J. W. Kaq. 'Irner, Mr. John. Pnret, Charts. I'etrra. Miaa hi la, I'errv. Mr. Ab-lam. Itickctta. Mr. U. W. Krnrtn, K. Snvdt-r, Mia Anny. Snilnan, Mr. John W, Thumaa, (1. P. Kq. Twl-r. Mr. W. II. Vanranler, Mr. T. C. H tti k, Mrs. Huoan Wood, Mr. C. W. Webb, Mr. U. T. I A.W.U UN, r.M. rrns WEST BRANCH BITTERS. FT . i FAIRBANKS' FTANPARD SCALES, JUCKET A CO. or ait. atTfH! Harvce Parrtwa, Warthnum Trut'l.., Copying Preeeea, Impmvcd Money Drawer, Ae. roa aat.s bt MEURKLL li RIOLER, taralrrs In Hard arc, Jr.lO-lf penond Ctreet, ClearSeld. Pa. -lt-rATI II-ltHMrmt JJ . I elchteen In-h HHINHLE!1, for which the hiahe.t pne. wll bepa.d. Olcarlirl l. dole Jl W KAVER A lll.TT.H, taaotf al rTf Kfi' A C'OrlffTAni.l;!' f.v.n U have prinM a larva o of the new t-KK 11 il l, and will aa lha reertpt of twentv ftveorrtta, ai( a eTf In any addretn, m ? Vtafe, pore, plraiant aad health (Wing Tonic alriclty tigflarile, and manofarturcd fr.aa the mot pure and ehniee snairrialaia not a spirit dHnk aor auhalitnte fbr srhiaky, but a arieniiftr enntpnund, for the preteetion of tbc eratrm and tbe enra of dticaf-c, aialc from ebemically pore ppirita. entirely free from fund oil or other irri'a tinf properties, and will not disagree or of end the mat d.'lieate atovnacb. A long private eiperi ence haa attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Hitter at preeent offered to tha public contains so much medicinal virtuo, and yet so aa and nlea?anl to take. It's ate is ta cure dieeeee. and it will ant oreale aa appetite for epiri.aour Unnr. but will rare tbe efeeti of di'tipatioa. T" Inrri the Appelitei I'R IT. To promote lie?rstion, I'SK IT. To cure TyrpcpMi, VacE IT. Tn curt Fever and Agne, X IT. To fore Tlillionnne", VSK IT. Tn eure roaMipaiion, t'SK IT. T- rure Chronic Iiarrhfra t'FE IT. To enre Heart burn, '"K IT. T cure Matulrnce, '"E IT. To etire Ad Bruciai-ns I FK IT. To cure Nervous Icbil.li t'"K IT. To eare Tlypnehnndrbj. tK IT. To cure a.lncs of Cui.ilrvtn, IT. To core l implM and Itl.itchea, WE IT. T General rnotration of tha 'h siral pwers, an1 It will cure yon. fold everywhere. t ll.QO per botllo. faelared eiolueivrly by KOYEK k SHAW, CI.EAKFIIM.P, TA V bo offer liberal induec.inrr.ti ta the trade. nd.JMssd !f. AcciPFNT We learn tlidt Mr. II. B. Wright, Sr., of Glen Hopo, on Fri day Inst, met with an Occident which might havo proved fatal. He had hilchod up his horse nnd buggy (an old hoi jo that was never known to score before) for the purpose of going lo Jaynesville, but thinking that the Itiipfc on the hnrae were insecure, stop, ped to get another set, and whilo hold ing tho homo it became restless and finally started off on a brisk run, he being unable lo hold it. Coming in contact with a fence, Mr. Wiight was thrown under the baggy, and holding on to tho lines ho was dragged a con siderable distance. Tho horso finally broke tho linns and ran home, scatter ing tho buggy along the road ns he wont. Mr. Wright received no injury, although his rscnpc is miraculous. A good assortment of boys' and children's sui'.s made to order, at Wm. Heed A ( Vs. A Dkkkrveu C'omplimknt. The editor of tho Xapicrville (III.) Clarion, in nn urticlu reviewing tho Churches and Clergymen of that village, says: " lor somo two years past tho St. John's pulpit has been supplied by tho Rev. Mr. Ciiambkrs, a inun of excellent address, refinement and superior abilities. His popularity increases ns time progresses and bis qualifications become known. He is an earnest, steadfast worker, and his deportment, being entirely in accord with his profession, there can bo no other inference drawn than that bis saered office id filled with no other object in view than tho promo ion of tho well'iiro. of bis congregation. Tudor bis faithful cdministi-aliun wo trust, cnew long, to see it become neces sary that tho sitii.u ,,. neat chun-li building bo onlargetl lo accommodate tho worshippers at St. John's." The clergyman alluded to above, is Rev. J. T. Chambers, who furmorly occupied tho pulpit at St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church in this place. Ciicrcb Demcatios. Tho New Presbyterjun Church in CurVensville, will be dedicated to the sorvico of Almighty God, on Sunday next tho 14th, at 11 o'clock, a. m. Tho Pres byterian citizens of that place not will ing to bo outvied by their Methodist friends who havo a splendid brick edifice have erected a handsome Stone Church, which is both neat and tastefully arranged, and worthy the en tei prising citizens of Curwensville. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to the citizens of Clearfield, and tho public in. general, to oe present on that occasion. Mr. Bt-nj. Ik-Beck, of Lawrence township, offers to the public bjr advertiuctnen't in the ltepullu'an and by hand bills circulated, somo personal property on Wednesday next. Extensive Robuebt. We have- to record tho most extensive robbery that ever occurred in Clarion counly On Thursday night of last week, the storo of Lauulilin s. Arnold, iitl.oath orwood," Porter tp., was entered, the safe unlin ked, and over nine tliousam dollars stolen. The amount consisted of 81, 100 of 6-20 bonds beloniring to Mntiasseh Arnold : 2,UUUu! i 'JO bumls belonging to Jnines Laughlin; l.OOU of o "0 bonds, tlio properly of lienry l errmcer making ei.iw; in bonus. The balance was about $..',000 in bunk notes, held in trust by M. Arnold, Esq.', School Treasurer and Justice of the Peace. About $1,800 of bonds and money in l no sale belonging to the firm, was overlooked ly tho thieves and not taken. Tho front storo door was opened with crow bars, or nome thingsitnilur.as indicated by the marks The safe wasunlocked by some means, and tha money taken. It is known mo robbery was commuted bclore midnight, as a lady residing across Hie road, saw two men in tho storo. with a li-lit; but thinking it was Mr. Arnold and soma ono Willi turn, gave no alarm. 1 hey havo offered S1.000 reward for tho apprehension nnd con viction of tho thieves, and also ten per cent additional for nil thu money and bonds recoverd. There is no definite know ledgo yet of who committed the robbery. Clarion Democrat. VFE IT, pRotmrpsiNO. Superintendent Wil- kins has taken another step liirwnrd in our railroad arrangement. The passenger coach nt lathed to Iho Clear field freight train whlrh has boon run ning between this place nnd Philips, burg fur oboul two months, will hero- iufler be run through to Osceola. It 'leaves Clcnrfitid at 7 a. m , Philips i burg nt 9:;;0 nnd arrives at Osceola tit j 10:15 a. m., and returning leaves Oa cetilanl 2:00 p. in., Philijislnirg nt2.i!0 I p. m., arriving at Clearfield at .r:46 p. Emporum Wo are permitted to extract thetollowmi; spicy and graph ic description of Emporium Irom private lelter received Irom that place by a gentleman in this cily. "Tlrs quite a town some 1,500 in habitants is pleasantly and promi ncntiy bounded nn tlio north by a mountain on the south bv a 'do' on Ihe east, same on tho west, also 'do locnlliy, between mountains. Iho snn strikes the town about fifteen min utes in tho day nfu-r that timo have to lay flat on your back lo see day light. Jsolroslhcro its so far down between tho mountains that it won't reat.li. Area of visible cround, about ten acres square customs of tho peo ple, mountainous amusements at night, 'crawl in your hole' scenery, niotintanions society, lumbermen gossip, 'I'll bet five dollars Bill ikos t-on chop moro timber than any man in Cameron county.'" Lyeommg Ga zette. IIhiiiwat RonitKRT. The Valley Spirit my : On Saturday night hisl, as Mr. Samtiot Garner was going to his home from Greenrnalle, he was at tacked, when about half a mile from the latter place, by a negro who struck him with n single tree. Mr. Garner was knocked senseless. The negro robbed him of about J00. Mr. Garner lay thero until one or two o'clock on Sunday morning, when he managed to make his way home, lie lives on the farm of Pr. Carl. The negro was arrested on Sunday nnd lodged in the county jail Hia name is Ferdinand F.vuns. I firm ( 'nt Flrm. We clip th f iliiwn( Items fif)ft the Ililllpshurj Journal of last Saturday I We are Informed Ihnl R slight Crt, was discovered In Itentl'i rr. ill at Wat liicelon, Clearfield roiinly, tin Fridnf morning ol lnl wei'k.jtml as the ni'lf wtianlii.nt to he put In operation. It extinguished with very I i LI lo ef fort. On Saturday, while tho mill Wus rm.nlng, flro broke out In the sAinespot, hen tlio floor was lorn Up, and it wa discovered for have originated from tho friction rn-odiiiied by a broken counter shaf t, which wa speedily repaired. Mas Snor John Brown, "stable boss" nt tho Moshannoit mines, three miles from Osceola, was hot on Thursday night of last week, at almut eight o'clock. Ho was in iho storo of J. Sl I). Knight, nt tho mines, partially reclining upon tho counter, in conver sation with iho clerk, with his side to ward tho window, when a shot wild fired from tho otilsido, Inking effect in his sitloand throwing particles of bro ken glass in tho fitfo of the clerk. A miner was arrested who was known to havo made threats against him, but proved an aliti and wits discharged. Thowoundcd in. -in isstill living uud it id thought will recover. Killed rt titk Cars. A miner by tho namo of Joseph Curtis wits run over by tho ears, between Osceola nnd Jlosliannon coal mines, on Saturday afternoon about half past ono o'clock, causing death in n few hours. Tho train was on extra, consisting of ono passenger coach, which was convoying: the wile, of Brown, who was shot on iho preceding Thursday, to Moshan non, where herjrusband was lyinj;. Trtav were nUHHinrr . curve, when Curtis was seen lying between the rails wilh his bead restinrr ar?uinst one of them, nnd the engineer Whistled down brakes and reversed his engine, nut it was too lute. Tho wheels struck his head, crushing the back part of his skull, left shoulder and leg from the thigh to- the knee, nnd breaking his right leg in two-places. He lingered in this mangled condition until about six o'clock, when ho expired. He was nnder the influence of liquor at the timo of tho accident. On Monday his remains Were interred in the cem etery at this place. The Resvlt. Just now (he carpet barjgers in the Sooth fire busy in devising schomes by which to retain power, place and plunder. They have been repudiated; kicked out by tbe people. Even the negroes spit npuu them, and clamor for their expulsion. But they cling to office like a drown ing man to a plank. Those of them who are revenuo collectors in Florida and North Carolina pre! and they need nn army ul their back to enable them to get their money. This demand of the carpet bag collectors for troops uieois cithtr that shoddy patriots want contract for supplies to the military, or thut for political reasons it is deemed ndvisablo to replace under martini luw so math of the South as has been freed from that infliction. This gamo is well understood, and was condemned by tho people; of Vir ginia and Tenuesseo in the most em phatic manner. Mississippi nnd Texas will follow in the same path unless they a ro put under military rule, and tho bayonet elevated over the ballot. It now remains to bo seen whether General Grunt will run his adminis tration in tho interest of dishonest carpet baggers, or tho peophi of the South. Ho must accept ono or the other of these situations Age. Tr.AD. Benjamin Bennett, Esq., an old and respected cilirenol Meadvillo, and formerly of ihis place, died at his resilience in Meadvillo, oh Saturdf last, in the 80th year of his rtge. Mr Dennett was formerly pmpricior of the Franklin llouso tnow Ovrman's) in this plneo. Ho was h g'unt in sire, being nearly seven feet high nd buill in proportion. When n boy we used to look al h:,m with awe, and even now, ss wo rail mi that period. m. A car lor tho accommodation of I wo feel liko oxelaiminir. "lliere were Xl.no . ' passengers has also been attached to j rr'nnt,, in thuao days." Bfllcjonte the Moshnnnon coal train, leaving Oit- I AHIKS-. allSCKS- A CIllI'llKX R CLOTH JA aad Waal.ar prnaf I'aM. and Sara, al ceola at 0:10 a. m., and reluming at 7:4' a. m., and leaves Osceola in con- hection with the Mail north and re turns tn connect wilh the Mail south. Ero long we will be tonmclled to ' " i "., Il'iifcmio-fi. (Ill Alaaat' Pllll f t. Kenaedr'a Med ed , O DieeoTery. Heiaahold'a Raeha. ,Haefs faa throiiiclo the extension of Ibis line ta nosed to have been the work of an Oil. daae'a aa4 seer'! aieaieinee 01 erT i i - - - - MKrV WiTBOVH Lirar tad, r ra'e by ad Aeer'f aiedieioea nf wrl I Biltrfjwp irjj. ITymre. Firsi: I.otr Hatm. Afire oc curred in Ixick Haven, nn Monday tho 1st, which burned Rynder's music sljre, Hoiikin's phologrsph gallery and a dwelling hnu-u, along with sev lier buililings. The tiro is sup- in I ewdiarr Cold Comfort. Gen. Don Piatt, tho brilliant editor, who has been of luto greatly disgusted with his psrty. evidently thinks that it has nothing lo brag ol lor having been saved, as by fire, in the Slates of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Ho writes to his nper, the Cincinnati Commercial, that there never was a fight in Ohio so fiercely contested by the Republicans as the last. "The land rung with speakers and was flooded w ith documents. Tho l.cpublicar. losses indicate coming dcleat unless wo take n new departure. As Hie htteenllt amendment takes tho nesro out of politics, the future issues will lie of a tinuncitil sort, and where ore we I l ui your house in order. my Republican friends, for to morrow yott may die." Tiiet Want a Kino. It is now claimed that one hundred nnd forty one Spanish Peptuie are pledged to vote fur ihe Luke of Genoa, for King. This nersotiago is nephew of tho King of. Italy, being the son of Victor Kmantiel's brother Ferdinand. The Duko, who was born in February, 1854, is in his sixteenth year, lie is pur suing his studies in Kngland, under the care of Mr. Arnold, al Harrow. on tho hiir. From all accounts the Duke of Genoa appears to be tho favorite candidate, wilh the party now domi nant in Spain. A Bio Thimo. When tho new Union Hotel of Iceland Brothers, at Saratoga, is completed, it will bo the largest hotel In tho world. It will have n frontago of 1,0."0 feet, five stories high. It w ill be built of brick, and the building w ill be divided into nine compartments, almost fire-proof. It is to be finished and furnished. ready fitr the reception of guests, by tho 1st day nf June next. The Philadelphia A7fsavs: Gov. ernorOnrynnu n Committee from the I nion League of the I'nilcd Slates, have been devising means (o assist tho Radical party in Mississippi ami lexns. Jji t thi in send Into thoso States the men who forged and alter ed the returns in this city, nm! Judg es who derided the election cae and the work Is dono. NolUi-.ic further will be required. Snow fell to tho depth of eighteen inches in McKonn tenuity on the 2Slh ultimo. "dHnitftS. Clearfield Markets. Reported week It for the Ct cartel a R arret .raw be J. P. ka.trta. lieairr ia brr Onnda, tiro carina. Pro l.t.i. Ac., Market .t'.. ClearhrH. CuaAnrtrin, Pa., Nor. J, HPS. Apple,. pnn. (y 1 1 1( II..,:., drr.e-d bried. talk i:11 II id... green Apple batler.iral, I fill1 llama atH4 Il...iiT.....tl'i4 46; Shouldere..0i.a .ntt 11 T b a ?! is 17 SJ Heana C(i(o 4 Si , Si.le. Ruekwbeal I L.rd .. Ilarkwheatflnarlh, r; Me., pork. bbl Reef, drird ts o.t. Reef, fiv.h e.d, lo Ohib. 1 SS Rn.nl-, M 1! Mirjl ' Pntatoe. Cora-ahelled.-..,.. I IS Peachea. dried. B IS Com. ear antei Plnetrr, fl , ( Corn wieal, aaek. I lira- f Chop. Y ewtl I nil Kaja, m. 1 rioTeraeed lf On Svli.alaark las Chanaa. J.. fibmle.1S ia.r.M M ( berri.a, .. OH (4 In Skmre,ia ininftl 1 M Chirkewa, drad, V IJ limnthj Bead I all Fie li , Tallow..,.,. Ul flaaaead. no Wbea M riearr T Sor Mi Wna , Sa. . II rJ. aa.ll aryM. V SMrd I CAPS, at wif, ra D A CO" a.