Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 10, 1869, Image 2

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ULOIIUK Ji.(ioOULANltll, Editor.
Gov. Geary, lias issued a llm'iks
pivinif rnivlamatiuii. culling upon the
ncoi.lo of tltia Stnto, to fast unci pray ;
,n "htirstlrtv. (ho lSth. For real im-
pertinence nnd downright wieUediiCn.,
this order of llio licud of tho corrupt
ion l ing, wit never excelled, but onco;
nnd that ly tho Devil himself, when
lie took our Saviour on a high moun
tain where ho could bco far and near,
end offered to sell him tho whole
World, when he did not own a foot
of rcnl estate. Wo can put up with
hik-Ii stuff when it emanates from a
man liko Grant, who says nothing,
accepts all present), appoints tho
grantors to office and gambles in Gold
only. Out when it comes from the
corruptcst demagogue that now in
habits Pennsylvania, it is blending
too much villainy with subliino and
holy things. Let those around and
near him pray pray thru thoir coun
sols may bo freo from partisan venom
and malignant spito; that iheiructions
may bo governed by an honest icol for
the welthre of the country; that all
fraud and coemption may be banished
from their midst. Let all the people
pray "pray that Integrity msy dwell
in the hearts of their servants, and
public virtuu onco again assert its
way in the high places of the Govern
ment; that the crimes that have, de
graded tho bad men in power may
give place to official purity and rocti
tudo; that wrongs may bo righted,
outrages redressed, error rebuked, and
that justice may agaiu bo recalled to
a land from whose borders she flsd
affrighted and .dismayed when the
dark shadow of a coming despotism
fell upon bcr pathway.
The Ijatt I. lection.
Tho elections hold in New York,
Jsew Jersey, Massachusetts, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, and in a number of,
other States on tho 2d have resulted j
gloriously for tho Democrat. Iu the i
first named State, Tcmperanco and
Lager 13ecr did not fight well "mil
CaI,..!" mil fZre..At.f Tit Vinfrnt .
ic Stuto ticket is elected by 25,000 mi
jority, and wo have carried the Senate
and Ilouso of Representatives, in
which the Tads lind a majority on
joint ballot of 22 lust winter. The
Ritds having held power in this Stale
for tho pnst 15 yours will bo loth to
forsake the crib. A nniversal chaego
of things may bo locked fur in that
In Now Jersey the Democrats made
a handsome increase. To Senato will
stand Democrats, 13; Radicals $ ; tho ;
Ilouso 33 Democrats and 2G Radicals.
This secures a Democratic U. S. Sena
tor in tho room of Cutlcll, Radical.
In tho other States the Democrats
gained largely, showing conclusively
that the country is tired of Radical
rule and ruin, and that another elec
tion will effectually clean them out
A change of public opinion has set iu
and it will not slop mail tho country
it again iu tho hands of the Democracy
Don; Fail to Reap It. On our first
page will be found a very intcrcting
and lengthy correspondence between
those celebrated " loil " lenders, Geary,
BrcwMer, Gorode alias Covode, et at.
The letters arc highly tinctured with
loil perfumery (prevarication and de
ception,) ycl, but few of the organs
of that party give thoso grand moral
ideas," publicity. Ilcnce, if tbe loil
millions" wish to read them they
must secure Democratic newspapers,
because- their own withhold from
their readers this highly perf u incd
epistle. Therefore, when Democrats
linve read tho document, let thera to their "loil" neighbor, so
that be may fully learn tbe ethics of
bis party, or prepare) to abandon it,
and ave his country and family from
Mori Limit. Col. Alexander Cum
in in gs has just slarled a new morning
daily in Philadelphia, entitled The
Day, tho first number of which appear
ed on tbe 4th. Ill independent in
politics, nnd is nbly conducted. If it
holds fast to the fair promise with
wlm-ij tl fctarts out, it will be a valua- j
llo acquisition to the journalism of .
the State. "Aleck" is a capital new,
paper man, and if he give "the day"
hi nllcntiun. he will produce a aensn
tion among the (Quaker city journal
The subscription price is (4 per year.
- .
Col I,. L. Tnte ha retired from the I
... , ,i
ediUnal dopartnient of (he l.yconungj
Standard, hnvinir gold l,i inlercM in ,
111 ,1 nan... a 4n.lM... ... t.-. ' l
1 ' '--tn
i.o. I..... .:.t. i i
I or aimio nine nn
partner in the '
llorinl linrncRN
rnc. oca. y !,n.f a ttulury, , t
und notv lay tluwn the pen on at-
eroiint of advancing 1.1.1 rigo nnd phya
cial Inflim'ly. ur ln-t Mirsfol
lovr the Tcternn In hi tvtin incut.
t , "; ,
...ima matu, Ttcnoic u ticau act i
b made on Gtr. drarv. on the !
jyth. If we are a in.t..a ..r .-;.b.i
tien., nn one nceda more n,.e. .1... . '
' .
I e doea, if half wUt hi. party ftiendt 1 all
-I a I (
rmy H.ewu mm i imc. )
lle-wuincu'a a.-
-: u 4 j-nnsatior,. tnJ i
Jo tut . t.roiif.
The follow ingsli'dgo hammer truths,
with reference to this political corrup
tioniMt, we take Iroin tho I'hilmlelphia
JtiiV, oneol tho Jtadical organs ot this
Thia man Geary, instead of lining
inaugurated Governor on tho -d Tues
day of January next, for thice year
more, should bu sent to tho Peniten
tiary for a liko period, or banished as
ho did Hosier Vaughn, beyond tho
lines. Tho italics in bracket aro of
course ours, nnd nro tho rosponses of
Our heart to nohlo truths - from a
strange- source. Tho Mail says:
"There is probably no man holding
a public ollice of any grado in this
broad land of our-s who to day occu
pies bo humiliating and diHgracelul
a position ns John Geary, liovoi
lh.e K1 8111,8 '"'"Jl,
The developments of the past ten days
must motto every honorable citizen ol
our proud old commonwealth hnnj
his head iu shame and mortification
Ae is loil We had always Unown
Gen. Geary to bo a vain, conceited,
small tnindod inoividuul. J 1 1 a con
duct lust winter in approving the
villainous nets of the hist legislature,
proved him to be n very corrupt one
and now, by tho testimony of his
chief legal ajvincr, bo stands before
tho people, of his State a self convicted j
liar the Democrats tola jt;u to long
ago Tho facts connected with his
removal of Bvnjnmin II. Drowsier from
llio Attorney Generalship of the Stale
and his appointment of F. Carroll
Brewster to that position aro Iml'.ire
tho public, and prove ' guilty of
unparalleled iluplicity.and ingratitude
towards his own ofliecr, whoso ability
saved his administration from con
tempt, and secured his ro election to
a position ho has disgraced, and for
which he was never fitted, wonderful
truths discovered too late Wo ure not
the defender of Mr. Brewster and I'avo
liltlo sympathy for him. Ho of all
men knew Geary, nnd bow utterly
unworthy lie was of the position ho
held. He could have saved the Stale
from the humilalion and disgrace of
continuing this man in an office which
be has already hishonored ; but he
cared ruoro for himself than he did
for the honor of his State, frite as
gospel and ho has had bis reward.
Let his fate be a warning to others
not to follow bis example. -
Dy bis shameful conduct Geary has
struck the Republican l'arty a severe
blow good; but it was merited
because that party is responsible for
the disgrace ho has heaped upon the
Stale. That parly made him Gov
ernor, nnd against the belter judgment
of tho best men iu the parly forced
him upon the Slate a second timo.
Old, steadfast and time honored mem
bers of the party, men of ability like
Kelchnm, Grow, Moorchead, and a
host of others were set aside to give
placo to this charlatan, and adven
turer In tho party, who never had any
sympsthy with its principles, and
who less than three months 1-efore his
first nomination, wrote a letter decla
ring that ho always had boon and was
asking tho nomination of that party.
It is such men as Geary, who have
brought disgrace and reproach upon
the iiopublican Tarty, and who will
yet ruin and destroy it let it come.
But it is not tho party alone thai
suffers, but the wholo Slulo. The
Sunday Dispatch veil 6sys "It isa new
humiliation fr ut to know that for
three years tho interests ol tho Com
monwealth and tho honor of the State
are to remain in tho bands of a man
to whom honor is a stranger." The
dishonor be has heaped upon the Slate
ho can never witiootit. If ho would
have the people foigctil, lei him resign
the office bo has disgraced, and retire
into tho obscurity from which he
never should have been drawn not
muchly he uont Tho Philadelphia
Putt (Radical) says: "Gov. Geary is
secure in bis office for three yearn, but
ho begins his secoud term a dishon
ored man. Ho carnod long ago the
distrust of his party, and his re-clco-lion
by a majority thousands lens
than I list of Judgo Williams, was due
only to tho necessity of defeating
Packer. So general was tho want ol
faith in his word and his ability, that
many Republican papers could not
give him personally any support,
whilo others, like tho Eiening Tele
graph, openly accused him of'fulschood,
corruption, and unfulhunsbiu mean
ness. We are sorry to ny this, hut
Governor Geary has compelled it. To
be silent now would be lo become his
accomplice. lie has made his bargain
and muv profit by it. Tho mere
change of one man for another ia not
the question. The crime is not that
Mr. Brewster is removed, for that
might have been honorably e floe tod,
but llmt Geary aecompliblied hi ob
jeet in a cowardly and deceitful tnan-
Ihe crime is that ho ha sur
rendered bis administration to the
wornt men in the arty, to them he
must henceforth look for the support
which ho has bitliorto had from men
of honor and sincerity. He has din
graced tbe office ho holds ami the
State, and hereafter ho must be
wutched a no Governor of Pennsyl
vania ha ever been before."
TiiKowiNo out IirTiR. In Thil
j I I 1 , , , .
adt lphi. e letlion return Judges threw
out all return that do not int. and
tlus elect whom they pleas. J ad pes
of the Court there help them to carry
on tne iniumou uusiness.
Iu the Somerset and licdford Sena
torial District, tho return Judgoa of
Snmersjt county threw out the vote
' a wholo township to as to elect a
Jiadical Senator.
i...,t ,...1 . (,od, our people have nol
pniorceM'd o far in modern politic-a
it to lc guilty of aut-li official l.uaincaa
I he tioroiiL-ii ol .Nunliurv. in tin :
, , - . . . .- . I
county, U, no l. right to l.e a
-pr.ite election d.nim-t. and jKilla 87
., ." .'""''" """-old
i i'n;r iin ciixiion iioii out and the
ivniot rnlie n.mli.luto f..r I'ruthor.o-
tnrv Mr Rr.l,,n, .u i
- liw - tr1 I. I I l.r, nn . I
. .-ii
riiitlilv aiid fliun it us us won M i l.n i
It. I ()fNiin.lhan.ti.ea.-..e jl
. . .'.,. i.l ,.7 u, I
- cnifita.g,w, r Herald.
lin.rnm om WoatAN ;inT lie
1 1 a gvrat ac.iiiMtiin to thotlrong.
j minded worth all the Women in the
camp in talking up II. a t-Atie. lie
Mick to I. in lext ami turn it and
'.i ii lino every nd form,.
ami anil wnrn lie Mmkcs It out it i j
"''"nan right, llo make her riHil ,
"u "anoi aa liter a Mtnioo a or
1.. .1, I l.,mB. k.I L.. ....... I- f.. i .
."" ",,u nu lor
,.,, .., ,.i,u no i:mn in iur
; tim ini;i, tin' in iianifi
omon and
v oiuj.n s riiium Lftre been Ur;i
l ut lienciiornaia t lie women ,
l.nuiiher. will fli,ti..l. . i...
l. . . .
or jw-et hor lias beevmu their
Item ot tlYira,
It Is a fine of J.r to shoot a si I
ridge in Chester county fur the next live
George Peabody, thewonllv batik,
er and philanthropist, died in London,
on tho 4lli inst.
Hon. Goorgo II. Pendleton, of Ohio,
has been appointed President of the
Kentucky Central railroad.
Sonio very naughty and wicked man
says Mrs. Cndy Slanlun in "wonder
fuily uud fourtully mail.'" Put hi iu
Tho lunulio Asylum, nt Granville,
Ohio, was destroyed by flro on tho
Both. Ten lunatics perished in tho
Our exchanges aro warning people
to look out lor counterfeit $2 green
backs. Wo are on the lookout forgon
uino ones.
J. M. McCluro, a cousin of A. K.
McCluro, has beou appointed Deputy
Allorucy-Gcuui'ul. Put I but uud that
together, &c.
Gen. John E Wool is so ill at his
residence in Troy, Now York, thut he
is not expected to recover. Ho is 80
yours of iigo.
Lot. M. Morrill has been appointed
U. S. Scuutor faom Maine, to supply
tho vacancy caused by the death of
Senator f cssenUen.
During the season just closed the
number of logs rafted at tho Williams
port boom foot up 1,0:30,529, aggrega
ting il,VIZ,ZZit loet, uoaru measure.
Tho Uarrisburg Patriot calls Philn
uvlphia "tho emporium of decuyod
vegetable and election frauds." js'ol
very polilo, but duvlish pointed.
The cold nights have served to put
a dumper on gate and step sparking.
She now says, "Come in and shut the
door," which ho, of course, does with
Gen. Butler was robbed of his over
coat and eight hundred dollars in a
sleeping car of the Washington train
on Saturday night while on the way
to Now York.
Herman Rungs, for many ycars pre
siding elder of the New ork LuA
Methodist Episcopal Conference, died
ou the 3d iust , at New Haven, Con
necticut, aged 80.
Tlon. Churlea A. Wkkliffo, ex-Governor
of Kentucky, and Poslmaster
Gcneral under President Tyler, died
iu Howard county, Maryland, at the
residence ot his son-io-law, on Satur
day evening.
At Albany, the county seat of Clin
ton county, Kentucky, adjoining the
Tennessee lino, a negro shot and killed
Lewi C. Story, tbe sheriff. Tho
negro was afterwards killed by Rome
citizens. Story wat endeavoring to
arrest tbe negro.
The Boston Tratcler calls Tarton,
who defended the American female
ghoul, Mrs. Stowe, "Sancho Panra or
pclticoatcd yuizotte." Poor Parlon
is, or was, tho husband of Funny
Fern, and has probably been thor
oughly used to being prtticoatcd.
, Grant's Butter field wantstobetried
by a Military Court. Tho Radicals
accord this privilege to any man in
civil life; it will be hard, indeed, if
the gallant gold fiwculntor, Colonel,
Brigadier General, and Assistant
United States Treasurer shall be made
to answer for bis offences before a
common court and jury.
Moses MacDonuld, ex-member ot
Congressfrora the First Maine district,
and ex Collector of Portland, died in
that State on the ultimo. He
was ono of the old school Dumocrats,
and a man of great influence until
commonsenso was supcrcceded by Fa
naticism. The Pemoract toUi.ame It turns
out tho .Democrats of 1'cnnsylratiia
stain away irom mo jioiisioihe ex
tent of 3j,000 at the late election for
Governor. ' In 1?(18 there were polled
for Auditor-Gencrulof that Stnlc, 321,
739 Pctnocrnlic vote. This time our
party there only deposited "3.T3.
Jake Geary's mnjority of 4,,V.Ml, und
it would have left us iil,0"0 votes and
over, to say nolbinrj of the natural in
creaso in tbe year past, which would
have easily Carried it to tho So,000.
Thi sort of lukewurinncss, thia bulf
heurledncss will not do, gentlemen, in
these limes! Wo cannot squelch out
the political pests who aro ruining
Stuto and ration, without taking oil
our coals and working. The election
of Mr. Pucker would have given mon
grclism a severe blow : as it is, that
foul beast is as rampant and sausy as
ever in that Stato, for a missis as
iod aa a mile our thousnnd miijor -
ly is aa pood a forty, as Ion-; as it
keena Geiiry iu. The Iiomocrucv of
rcnnsyhuni deserve all they will gt t
for forpotting that "eternal vifiaiico
is the price of liberty." X- Y. Pay
Book. " VTrono If our edito
rial friend James K. Campbell, of the
Altoona Vindicator, has as much po-lilii-ul
integrity and jjood common
sense, as wo have always given him
credit for, we think ho will not feel
much flattered by the ronny fuUome
laudation of the Jiadieul pros of the
Stale. 1'ruiso from such a quarter
fhould cause any honent and sincere
Democrat, to pause, reflect, and ak
himself how, when, where, or in what
.,...,,,, 1, a linn, 11 11 n 1 wvi ill; I Ii nillV
dttm Rj parlt.'.USCi ,,nj
Lii .-.1 e.J. .J.i..'
mnnnrr he has, una-ilttnirlr it mnv
J Riven aid and comfort to the enemy
jio Democrat can complacently aecrpt
such Radical condemnation without
great danger to his political standing
and integrity.
It is but the deceptive
cry of the mtil!icr thai would lurw to
inevitable diKlruclioo. Jlf not dwi-iv-rd
; bo not CDsnurod 1 WayncsOurg
The fubstittitionorK. Carroll Brew
jter as Aunrnej-.fJetieral, in j.laee of
I... u..:. tr 'n
, j iii.iiu.i'iii, (, iM-i.iiiiiiiii ii. aliens
ler, tho r,eao.,t i.icun. ht-nt. i m.
,lire to natisfy John Covodo. The
"Allrcalor" Ima
ft KpitO Ot l"0 !
' whole JifYWslrr
connection, and it
t-i a
auction on Walnut
"irn - i nil, mi nitt-pHinr oi tno lirews-
. i .1... , ,, . .
lor of tho lirews-
i, . ii .
- ' 7 " - ,
inrougli In term til aervituilu in
Lf nrewtter ,1 l,e n help it
iave none !
In it. He I
w in iu a n i. nn, mat "uarv s prom-;
. r . .1 i : 1 . . t . i . t i .
hi i et n rni.iiHiu niniij- in ms KviitJ'
net hita not ten kej.."
STIt.t(iK OVKRkKiHT. Thero it a
tiling in t lie Cotisiiiulion if Tcnnr-
aco whkli dfilarc "no Scnnttar or
IIi Drt.wntalive shall, during the time
fur which ha w clculcd. he clii-ibl
lo nnv odii-e or t.lace of lrni.1. lliui.
I. - - -
sectitiv or (iencrnl Aaaemlilr. ex-Im
teit to l ho t.fhVc .f
a trustoe of at ;
litorni r inMiiution."
1 hi ha heen
l .:....,. .V ' "
-''r- t'per, tne newiv
i elctted Liiil-d StlM Senator, Willi .
VhM tOVot rctBBiti t9 H -. i
In M lit inpliL life wlinh la reuti.,1 in t ..inin,.nl fl.nn .1...l, 1 !....! I
,TI lrtrttfH I trope. 1
A Nashville pnper of tho Pith ttH ,
relates (he following : Ouonf
woiiilerlhl and unprecedented escapes
from a horrible- death that was prtib
ably, ever recorded, occurred nl 4
o'clock oi Tuesday afternoon, on the
Louisville and Memphis lliiilroml.
Whilo tho train was rushing at full
speed, within a short distance of Rim
scllvillo, Ky., nnd near tho crossing of
a country road, a carriage, drawn by
two mulct and containing four per
sons, Biiildenly appeared upon the
tr.ick. Tho engineer wns horrified at
tho sight. Ho shuddered us ho blew
"down brakes," and reversed his en
gine. Tho currinrje seemed to stand
still, whilo tho train swept on, threat
ening lo carry with it destruction und
death. Nothing could stay its swift
coin-so. There was n crash. The car
riage wns lorn into fragments. Two
of the inmates, a lady mid gentleman,
wero carried n distanco of 1 fi(J yards
on tho cow calcher, and dropped into
a cow-gap. Tho other two, a gentlo
innii unit lady,rodoon the cow-catcher,
to which they clung with desperation,
for tho distanco of 100 yards beyond,
when llio train was finally checked,
anil they were taken ot.
Hud not the two first fallen Into
tho gap, they wouM have inovitably
been crushed beneath tho whocls of train. Tho cscupo seems provi
dentiul and miraculous. Tho frame of
llio curringo having first como in con
tact with tho locomotive, broke the
force of the collision, and they were
dropped, as it wero, on tboeow-cutcher
as tho truin passed on. This is llio
only way in which their escape can
bo accounted for. Stranife to say,
they wore only slightly bruised.
When tho carriugo was struck, it
was torn looso from tho mules, which
had just passed over tho track suffi
ciently fur to miss tho train. The
animals becoming frightened, ran
away toward Russellvillo. The two
gentlemen and ladies were couf'uis,
und wero on their way to thut place
when they were overtaken by what
might bavo proved a torriWe catas
trophe. Ol'TRAOK AND RoUnERY. OnO of
the boldest and most vilianous outra
ges ever committed in this locality, is
alleged to bavo been perpetrated ear
ly Sunday morning upon a lady from
Klinira. The lady arrived in this city
by the 2 o'clock a. m. train, and desir
cd to put np ut tho Waverly House.
Not knowing the whereuboula of this
house, she made some inquiries con
cerning it, when a felloA- named B. A.
Taylor (colored), Offered to escort her
to it. She accepted the proposition:
but instead of acting faithfully in the
matter, Taylor took her in quite an
opposite direction, and attempted to
commit an assault upon her person,
which she successfully resisted. He
then snatched from her soino of her
clothing, such as furs, etc., and made
off. He was arrested Sunday morn
ingin bed, by Chief Coder, at the Her
die House, where it is said he bus been
employed, and lurs recovered. This
morning bo was brought before Jus
tice Cramer, and in default of f-V'O
bail committed to Cntlo Piatt. H'if
liamsport Standard, October 27.
A "Gbad Mobal" InKA Brick
Pomeroy, in a lute num tier of his New
York Iicmnrrit, snvs: The Jacobin
fiapers of Wisconsin are making most
icurl-rcnding appeals to tho people to
volo in favor of the incrcaso of salary
to the Governor. Tho reason of this
is well known lo every ono in Wiscon
sin. The Governor is Lucius Fuirchild,
and tho Radicals expect to re elect
him. Some years a;o ho seduced a
little girl at .M allium, named Mollio
iNewcnin, ana men descried her.
) Now Mollie is pet tin!; her revenue by
; levying upon tbe hiuhlv moral Lucius
for n few thousand dollurs every few
months for money The salary
of the Governor would no enable
l.ocius to support Mich luxury, turd
his Pndical keepers have been com
pelled to subscribe tho amount each
time. This they have become tired of,
and seek to have it saddled upon the
taxpayers by raising hi salary. Tho
pcoplo will undoubtedly treat it 13
that ignominious defeat it so richly
"Ot-R IiF.1.1 giiin Vah't Stand It."
llowon'a pnper, the Independent, think
that the itilrodtu'lion of tho pip; tail
rate, with their pai:n, idtilutroua aya-
Vem of worohip, "will lie too much fori
our l hrmtianity. "It will be a shock
thnt it can't rUund."
We do not wonder thai tho InJe-
r''lu'r'lt doubts the mrenpth and moral
j purity of aiich religion a it practice,
iard wo fully conft, that, of tho two
principles, the country would be bet
loroft under the doctrines ot Confucius
thnn uch Jlonjrel pfctr, uch abo
inahle cunt and religious e!mms, as I
l'Iouj rlmms, as tue
Independent puts forth 15ut wo fmi C
no fi-ur fur the Christian church, if
all pngandom were emptied into the
eouniry, although wo are ii.clined to
the belief that the Independent would
cave in a very short time and go squnre
over to the Ohincso Josh l,iy liauk.
That' tho best rnp Tilton ha got
for a long timo.
LotL Economiht. Mr. Elilm B.
Washburno went over to Puris with
out knowing a word of the French
lnii!;iiBge, and is now beginning to
suffer lor his ignorance His salary
a Minister is $17,'00 a year in pold.
Tins be hits SMitnndcred, and is culling
npon tho Government, as hits already
been staled, for an extra allowance of
IS.OIIO. i i verv evident Hint the
naloon keeer of P.-ttit liar tuken
ndvBiilttt'o of hia ignorance of the Inn
iftiiie iy -lirlip douMo price for hie
cocktails The man who tnn'l run an
Anirnrnn Ipgntion on aevenleen thou
mind dollar a year ought to turn bin
attention to goino other ptirnuit.
Titr.Ai-n T.rwAitnm J. B. Sweit-
1 for, of rituburir, hut hern imoinU-tl
Sllprrvianp of lhtrnut IteVemiO for
tho WeMt-rn Piairirt nf Pi-hnai-lvani.
r. n. nei.i tne oiir-e oi l . ,s. t om-.
miabinner under the Fuaitivc Slave In.
waa bit tcrlv onr.ot.ed to aboliiionUm
va tnttorv oi.rioed to alio I on vm
. '""." u i" ioinionim,
, , ii
o. ,.,.,mtu iiiu unuimiliona ut IIIC
Karlical parly tip until within a few
week of the lut IVesidential election.
At the time ho "flonncd over" it wna
well undrrlood in the recitin where he
ia known, thnt lie wn promiaed an
. .
iMMiiM iiiiiHv to nop tin crrtM in t io ' rr a i T t ir-.t. ,nin
oiiiVal bkiiict. lie. i b.,ch . weu!W(,ail6ayi November hth, 18G9,
hrolher that bo in of nonervloe to any
It i the funniest of nil thing 0
hear people talk ubout "(i rant led u
ring the cxpeiiac of covpriiinent." l... an,.
rin with iia finanr.. a,,, ,1H. , I
,,, ,.,H,Ml,.,llllia
it Mind aa hi cabinet direct. Ilei
itonld iinrchnae a horae very well, hut
" '"' ' ' " ". " ' " V ,
trnri - rBiiirrir ia .a iur rievona In com- tl
prehenaion a a problem of Eoelid .
'i!'J t t Cif grf.
(Imimi Tiima Pat Wheat Is so
low in Minnesota ss lo depress trade
of all kinds A large share of the
wheat at St Paul is rated No. 2, and
in bringing only sixty fivo cents a
bushel. Farmer aro moving it to
market, notwithstanding Ibis low
price, bocauso they are compelled lo
sell ; but tltoy claim that thoir crops
will not pay their debts, much less
yield them a surplus to buy goods with
It is said that it this statu ot thiiigs
continues through tho winter many
merchants of St. Puul, who have
stock of unsold goods on hand, will
hnvo to succumb.
Go on, farmers nnd merchants keep
voting for high tariffs and tho Radi
cal ticket.
This is what tho people of Minne
sota, Iowa and tho West huvo bur
gained for. They oro getting their
pay. F'rec negroes and low prices for
their produce, exorbitant taxes to the
government, uud immense interests to
fiiil tho pockets of Kasteru capitalists.
Wo don't pity them. If ihey can
stand it wo can.
C'iianok op Tunis. Tho Lancaster
Express thus talks now of its model
Governor, whom, oil
I editorially asserted, wus "pure, pu-
triotic, honest, eminently capable,"
nnd "deserving ol public commence:
"Wo hnvo not jet noticed any at
tempt on tho part of Gov. Geary, or
the newspapers which enjoy his con
fidence and friendship, to defend him
against the charges, so injurious to his
personal character, contained in the
letter of lion. B. II. Brewster, the lute
Attorney General. Whilo we do not
in tho least regret that we did our
part to promote the Governor's elec
tion, as being infinitely prefurnblo to
any Copperhead, it will be extremely
humiliating to bo compelled to admit
that the candidate we supported is
justly chargeable with such duplicity
and bad fuilh, as Mr. lirow ster s letter
would make it appear that the Gov
ernor has exhibited."
Go In. A clean sweep of the Fed
eral ofiico holders in Texas, bus been
mado by the President and Mr. Bout-
well. JI ii If of the now appointees are
negroes. This action secures the elec
tion of Mr. Hamilton, the Conserve
live candidate for Governor beyond a
Oa N'ornnbrr llh, 1S, at tbe miltM of th
bhiic'i father, br Jahei C. Darrkft, Eq., Mr.
JOSEPH lll:lll:HI.lN(l la U.ti XloLLLV HKS
SINltKK ; both of UraUT township.
Oa OHobw th. 1SS, bj the ItcT. . Caorr, Mr.
E. T. fcYANr. of Kenhaal towaisip, and Min
MARY E. MEITER, of Cnajlna township.
Oruiber 17th. lssv, k; E. lliiTcaainn, Ko,.,
Mr. BAI LSON llfLAOAS and Miit MART C.
YOUNG ; bulb of Fergueoa towtliip.
In Lswrrtirc tuwuittij., oa November 4th, IK'9,
THK"IOllK l. l'KOI'I.K, 3i jrran, three
tun lb and tit dam.
Two Brl -! Stngrr Pewing JSerbiuea
cheap for eaeb.
Call ana ere Ibew.
1. U. KIVLINfl.
nor IU
tl AL'TIOSi. All ronf are hereby eaalioni-d
I airaiuBt pup-hiiriiig or trading for a certain
l'ltOatl.MillV Mil k, g.tea I.T roe lo A J N ri
lls, brahna- date of January 21, IMS, for IM.
paalle November 21. ISfie, ae 1 have nol raceirrd
value for the latne. and will aot par U anUree com
pelled lr doe oourae of law.
no. IS It M. O. r.RoWN.
IKTR 4l ('aaio tre.ailiiiiif oathe prewiiara
J of tbe aaltteritK-r, reeijinjr in tairanl towiiriiip,
oo or about the II. h of AuKul !at. a II ILL. al-.ut
two and a bait roerr old, wilh Dark and wLilr
epota. Tiee owner ii r-uotrd to cunie forward,
pmre prort. pay rhargi-, and take hita awT,
or he will he di'pnecd ol ae the law ,lirfrte.
F. T. IlltitXV.
Leeoale'l Villi, Nor. 10, su J:.
Came tn-rp.ining on the preutiwl
J J of the nndi-retfriied,
ainrrie a uh in, about
to.- laat of rcplreabor, l-'"J,t RKU SI LLIl. with
white rpoti on for-bea.I, hipe and tail, and having
lone rliin bortm : he Ii eupp-iacl la be aloiul three
ream old. 1 he owner or owntn are n-qumlcul lo
enne forward, prove propertr, par rharjrra, and j
tale hinu awa,v, or be will be d-npoei-d ol ae Ibe
law uirerta. l'Ali JJAl.k.
yni townahip, Xor. 16, I86.1 -3t j-4.
House and Lot Tor Sale.
Ilhlt'.L to wr:l ray prnerty. eitnate 24. milee
er.1 of l.uthre.iitr, on Mie Kne turnpike, .'tw
inning F(H It AND tiMvllAl.r- AfllKS OK
LAMi, and ba.ina a rood frauie dwelling bouer,
bam, l.larl.inilh .hop, and thirty food fruit tree,
thereon. Icrmi low and hl.nnl.
Lulberehnrg. Nor. 10-4tpd.
Are vonrtantly repleniehinf Iheir atock of Tnire,
Aledirinea, Ae.
School Bookl and Ftalinnery inelodinfr the 0
cood and National 8eriefl of Iteadera.
Alao, Toliacee and Cirara of the beat branda, at
tlic It-weat prtpea.
A Cough, Cold or Sore Tbront
Ilrv-uim iiaiuoJiato lUieutioa, as
tKglcrt often rrtults ia ao ioearahh
I.UIlJ I'irfar.
BrowD't BronchiiU Trochfi
aill Inrariably giro instant irlkf.
For Prtmrhiiis, A-thma, Catarrh, Ctasoiptlt
ana Throat Ii-wasra, thy hats a
toolbirjr effrrt.
Biitjfrrt and Tuhlir fprakrt on thru to clrar
uni strettf thr4i tbe reirc.
lOwlna to tbe rood rei.outlon and rxmalaritr of
tbe Trochee, wiany worthiest and cheap imitation
are offered, wbirb are good f.r nothing.
Be enre to obtain the tree
llllliWN' linoNTIHAL TROCIIK.-J.
Pold ererrwbere. no. 10 Am
otlro lo I.nnd-ownrrs!
Pt artxroa fatxru-ii's Orrtr k,
II awriaai n.t. m , (W. SS, 1flfi9. J
To (he Owners nf t na'at-l l.aniln :
In nhrdirnre in an Aot of Awm-'W, approred
Ibe eighth day nf April, one thnatanri eie!it han
dred aod tut nine, yon ere hrrrt-y notiHf-d thai
ths'-t'onnly l.and l.iea lTK-kt-j, rintatainfjt tle
rred andrr the Art of A-etnttr of thr ifntb oi
ii"i ni npairmeti lamir iir t ra-rieir emni t , prr-
' nnt ,,'W,"'IU hnndred and suly foor.
?" ."T V"T 1 ,prr"'- Um 1 ,,p N"
I'lrnmrfl 10 ma i rui i,t,iitfirT j ir N.atttT. at
o,., it ,., he .r,i,e.i. ib,i,e..r.n
I ou It lee hia laird hv lite payment nf tho par
''.-.,"""7'.i.n"'"t f,-
erne inniaga inia iTparrnieiit.
jAcou n. CAxirnFix.
Not. 10 Sro
Kareelor tieneral.
Public Vendue.
riMll'IIK will be eapou-d to Dele, at the
t r-i.f-ncr ol the tn LAwKr.NCK
ii N.-llll', on
Ttt" f1 llowittf dewriWd prraonal proptrriy. tir
-'tnr ltres and harne, two ettlta, two tcni,
tain ImI, alnrb and lieht hsroea. tan unlk
(Mi, two I ,t.r old h'.lrr. thrr aprin ralrea,
two oris o log aherls. art ol hltv krinilh tout, ha
rhains, (rrat, one r'f'k lure, trdlin and ramp
fixinir. nor larfr hataiire aheil fHltit tiuX, and
wt b'-t articles uut horr saenttonrd.
TKKMS: All tnm nr tea dollars or hs tr he
eaah. and fnr all atoonnts tT that a ereilit ttf x
r.aia w,u t ri,. , nte ,n4 .(.pm.ed
t". I" t?t m.kjamis HeiiKCK.
C oillTlUXG M' W tbc. Aral... at
x M. Hl.l.K 4 ron.
8I11.I WAIBR Tfonr HAT, at
Hat. '"'.
at ins
1KB unticnicnrJ, latent. uf to rtlirt from th
tuereantilt but in en, ii now eloiinf out hi
ntir ttorli of good. AT AND lit LOW CObX
cotnpriiing Silki,
Wool U)ftiui,
EmprcM Cloth,
Men's & Boys' Cassimeres,
Keatucky Jeane,
Ladin Cloaklof,
Sbawli, .
1 full line or Domesllc Goods,
Qiog bai
Colloa Flannel),
Ac, ae.
Ilatf and Cape,
Uuta and Aretle Orerlhoee,
Table and Floor Oilcloth e.
Wall Paper and
Wlndew Ehadre,
Carpeta all widlhe.
And a great earielj of fjeeierj, Kotfoae aad Trine
Biinge of eeerj deaeriptioa.
Ladiee Trioaaed Hata,
Balmoral Fklrta,
Iloop Fkirta,
Lines Table Corere,
Wool Table Covera,
Counterpane a,
A barge aaeortaaent of Ladiee and Cbildraa'i Wool
ilooda, Nubiaa, Kaawla, Ae.
Pereona In want of anything In tbe above line
of goodi aro intited to giro me a eall, and obtain
goode at wholeaale prieea.
4r0raia aad aoantrj prodae taAeo) la ex
change for goode.
a CVearneld, Koreeaber 1. 1SC.
KHola IJakerj.
"IIB frnpnee to furnish to the eilieeae of
1 I Oareola the "flag of Life" ia tbe ebeiie of
Of ererr dreired form ani tatte. All we aik if a
trial, alter wbtrb we will rwa the riak of receiving
a liueral enare ol paoiie patroaage.
C. J. SHOFf.
Oerrota, Kot. II. !. T. B. OUKit"
Paints for Farmers and Olhors,
IUB Oifto Ilicrm1 faint Conpfttir arc now
nisnofaVaitur.DC lb bntt, rbcrt mmi tnofrt
dura)! lAiut ia : two voolt trrll tt . mts
d witb pur LiBewr4 Oil. Ut Id or Ii yn ;
it ii of hitlit brown or bu!i(ul ehocolgvtc roior,
ni cob bo rbiMijrrd to (jrcn, I A, Mono, drlt,
nhro or ereata, to uit the tM of tbe cnurar.
It I Tolua4ik far Jliori, Drn, Frnort. CsrntfT''
on4 Car makarn, aili ond Wmwrlra wore, Agri
rallatral I nl4-Bitti( Canal lltmta, c'!l and
Sh..' Mlai,4 utl, Mortal 4 Shit?U H".f.,
(it ttriOK fir antl at-r ft,) 'lfr Oil Cltib,
(oh ivanufaotarrT liariaK a-d ,tt0 t-srrrli ibt
iat trar, ami aa a ) aint !r my it an-
iatf)aer4 fr btiT, daralulilT, vlavti'-n t and ail br-
I iivrorcfc rnca, f in-r barrel of 3o0 l.t wlurb
will a lartntrT tr Tram loetme. M arratiled
ia al? fifi a bIhitv. iVmi for a c.tTu.r, trlurb
ria full partlrolant. IN one trrnoine tsnle-n traftd-
it! a trade mark. Uiatlno Mioeral Taint. Per-
Hi oaa orttrr tht I'aint and remit the money on
rwipt ol gooaa. Ad iro-f.
aot 10 Urn S.'4 Pearl Kirr7t, Nrw Ynrk, The auba.-ril.rr offre tit i.Vi
X two full ante of lllni-aimitb Tool, two IM
M.wa, Anuli aad all neeeee.rr toola for earrtme
na the t.uinea. M ill eel br lot or in amr'e art.
I aieo oiirr my enop iur r-a'e. jii.p.v ay
lettt-r or in p.-rM to AMOS .
3 tit..'1
Chartrld, l'a Nor. 1. !(..
ItiR aI.K t ' -Tbo nndec raed
8er for aale. at a herjrnia, a firer-eleee Ihirtr
h..r p..wce fTATIONAltr LNOINK A. Mi
tlKi l I.AIAH blll.l...,ili tdiree. Utb Mill,
ani ererrihing cntplete and in g"od order.
llxma an farther nea for tbe above raachiarry It
will bo cold cheap.
Altoona, Oct. l.-l-ltn.
(1 rTI(eAII Mrsoas aro biby caatina
J oU ajratust arcbaiirtfj r in any -raj anxtdliiif
auh tb? loMnwinft pmptTtv now iu Iht potaoMHba)
"f l'avid WncUL,tf titrarj toaabif.. to liar
Man, antl ont aK of ioullo Harat, ono pair
ol H.irro Ulavoketa, nns sot nf Jlull I haiaa, two
Sinfl I rwa, two llalttra, as tho samo br.onei to
bm aad an uljnt to air onlrr.
ao.3 1tM ii LoRGE FIHRET.
Tbr pannorshtp hrrrluforo -rnnlnn brtwra
m. Light nr and J. . liar if, of Htwaria towa.
stiip, in ibo -oKC'nR BuPtnes, oa V bitnara Kua,
waa diSMtlvfd oa tbe JOlh day of OctntubiY, HAII,
br moiual rotiMnt. Tho aoronnts of tbo aboro
naard jtart ioo a ill ktt set lied bv o t hr-r nn or t ha a..
W M l.IOHTNth,
Hot-oar ia twp , J. W. I'AVlaS.
'ov. I, ft 4tid. (
VIli V:,'TR tTllR,li lbtlTirP Notiee
ta herrbe gli-en tn' Mieea of edmioietration
oa the relate cf '.M. MrEN'Mi.'.'T- deewneed.
late of Ibe boronr of rieaideld.
kariait boon duly rranled to tbe nndrratf ned. all
persona indebted to said eatato will pleaae in he
painteoi. ana loose aavinf riatmt nr aemanas
ill present then properW aathentieatH for oet
tie rami. ttKO. V. PASMORE,
th-C J7, Adtamtstrator.
(1 M TIOX. The pahlio arc herehy eaali-.nrd
afrntnat parrhaoinc or In any way aned-llinr
wi(b the fxllnwtnK prorerty ntw in po-iariarta of
Hro. IV tSmael. of t.raham tnwn-hip. - is: I
I.Kh, I TIIHKH1IM1 UAt MINK, aad a 1m of
HAY and UKA1N ia thr bora, a the same belong
to ait, aad aro sotyeot to my order.
TllO'tV II. rORCFy,
Orahatatoa. Oet 5? :St.
VI lITIRM W OTIC" I -The andenirned.
Auditor, appointed hy the firfthao's t'oart of
I isarhrld roaniy, to make dilrihutitn of the hl
it in the ha n tit of J"hn 11. KuMord, Faa .
Adminiatratnr, rf-OoNt nn,dr of James Murri
stia, Utr of elurdan tnhip, dreeaaed. to atil
amnnpat thnae (effaltr euli'led therete, i
attend to the daiier nl his ppointnti'M al tite oft.?
of J. B. WrKiinllr, Kt.. in Clearfield, on Thiirt
day, the Id daT of Irrenitter nott, when and whrre
all persons latcreaird. mar attend, if thir soe
pn.per. I'AMKL V. JUrCl Hl'V,
I nr. t H.0: 4t- Auditor.
Tao. i. act i xiot f,a
oavk L. anr at.
Oftntjadljoming tbe Clearfield Couolj Bank. 3d Su
Clcarflrld, Prnna.
jrAII h'fraJ liM-int-M promptly attended to.
Consalutions in both Knjrliah and German.
rIMIE nt.erirrr pflPr. .t rrieale rale, the f..
I lowing m.renw.1 rrnirtv, via : fine tbree rear
i nl,i and ne fnnr Tear old enlt, twente aeapa af
j one Iwia eled, ane lrf aled, one nne-hornr
ele.1. nnd one windmill,
i The prrertr nan he aeen lie cwllinsr upon
I Lawhead, or l.r tna le we.
rieartrld. fW. ST. ltl.
IR THE rrhpoH-. of rloainK ap tbo Rooks
of the Into firoj nf Kirk 1 Spencer, aa taiaio
ilmtr eolleetion of all actual ia aaw rorinired.
All nasettiVd ar-roonts Will bo in my hands fnt
terllleiBeni antil I be Utb of .No. 1sr.9. mt,4
M ret i led hy I bat hate will bo plaeod ta tbo
baadt of aa c&eet far eaitertioa
ItXm CTfy. Art. r
fir- ftocdi, It.
l0U THE fall
Je K. IMilfallTCAP,
.TrtrAr Street, Clearfield, fa.
JJA "'6T OPENED a larra aad well
eelcctod etock of tAll aod WIXTEll BOOTS
aad SIlOKSj the lalaet rrlre of HATS and
CAPS, Ae., which be will eall casar ro can.
The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps.
Hoots, Shoes, Uuibrellus, ic
Place : next door to Adams' Ex. Offict.
SepL 22, 'l-tf.
iay- 1869.
Market Street Clearfield, Paa
JAVB JLST OrENED larre and ...
plcu aieorteaeat of
Foreign and Domestic
Embracing a full line of Dm Good
Pauley. Woolen and Zephrr r-bawla,
Uored Shirta, Pine f'leanelf for ander
arear, Ilreeeee and Capea: Tno-aiinre
of all aiel, Aleaander'a Kid Olor.e.
I nparii,r U Jaarwa, ) Icpaer nnd
HAVING aelftod oar owa atork with tU
rralt ear, bar art will fiad a decided
Advantage in calling.
aa tinporfii-jt twaao ia tho oajt, roantrr daaWm
ill bo supplied with trpbyr la acr qnantitr.
at tfrw Vorh and ThiUdelphia Jobbing prtexa.
Cleartlcld, 8-pL 12, 1Pa-4m.
riLsoYiL "property.
nUCHK will bri-tpnard Iu Pair at VuhYir Oal
1 rr, oa tbo prrtaian f tbo lt MaHm 6
rw-irwl, in uhn lob p, on M .lJr:,AT
MiVKMIIKU , 1SAO, ths f:!.....f drtyr.brd
porMtnal rrnfii'r, ia: star b tho loa, two two
Toar aid olta, ono tva kon wajron, oao barer,
"O 'T, two arts brar? harnriis. plows and
hairw t. ooo saddlo. Six snips of her a, arrthn
and frntia rradtea. mkos and forha, two snilk
oowa. fitor Trrlinrs and tbrro rprinjr rolros,
an tern shroa. four lat bora, two aboaia. wheat,
eora, buck v brat and oats by ths hnh'. oar
ownk otoro, two .arbr stores, Wdstrads. beH..Hn,
and vanr nth at anirlct tno nasaorows losrattoa.
tSalo to ooainitMiM at in o'elorh a. m., of aaid
Amy wfava the terms will be anaiie kawa rr
l;t!l KRT K. M.EtiAL,
AdmV. of M. & Flejrai, dweaaed.
floabea, OoL 27, 15Af .lt.
Mrs. Uauoa'a.
(urMcnsUIIc Marble Yard.
DKtSIKorS of oiteadiuK my aaisiaeoa, and
k an w tn c tbrro oaa bo ao hichar tribatr
ut refport to tho araorr of tho deofard and
haried frtroda, than ta oreet oror their aarrnw
h tuner a aeotp tared slab of rndarinc taarlttc, that
toials foreror to lbs roatiaf laa af Uittoo wo
ro; I bf karo to aaT to all wbo wish to show
their a fieri ion for their departed friends and
kmdrod, that they oaa aow hao aa opportunity
of diHBfr so, by emlling at aiy bbop o Tboonpooa
at reel, larwenrvilio, l'aM as 1 am freparoU to
fur lab to order.
of any deeiaw wr aiaa. at rraannable ratea.
N. II 1 feeer. oa band tbe beet foreign siial
nwaarwtte Mnrble. All work eierate.1 in the
,killlal manner. 1 will nlee dvlirer work
o anr polo. ' t- Iear5ld er a-vmaing erintiea. if
deeirrd. WJ(. l. CvLPl H.N.
furweneTtllr. Oet , H)-tf.
11'rlS, ranging In priee from 4 M te f III J
a fet,al IM. KKKI CO S.
kite Whe.1 Finer Deri wheat floar- Rifted
Cnrm at eel Cennhemea Hweat Pntatoea l.irnn
Heane lrted Feme Baiter Caeeae barer Car
ed II. m. lined Teef lrd Atranre'i Mine
Meal Meee Port Oat Meal Tatieaew haiama
Citron lined At.lea rea.-aee Chernea
rrnnea C arrant. 1'irklee Canned Pearnea
Ktrewberriee elarea 1'. tied Chernee l'rn
eprajra 8newub HceeT Spiced Or.tera
loaaaloee Crweltara. me.
Cle.rflrld, Xor. t, Int.
J al tire. Water,. a.
The C lrhratrd
For aale nhnleeale and retail, at
Tne ran (et a pair af Frenen Kir. Bt. for
dollar., el J. P. k KATZKK 8.
M. I, lvf,-tf.
from the eaet, tea area al I
Mr.. ATSllX S.
A t.PO. a new Fall and Winter et.vt f tUrnet.. '
Ila!.. Aral Mra. WAIrioV'fl. I
ALSO, a new awpnlr of Trimentnr. and Fnner '
Artielr.. at Mr. V ATON s. ' I
Al.Stl. all tlir rale and ai.t fa.h'i.n.I lD Ki.le. !
tr-.. end Coal 1'ellcroa, far Ijin.e., M re and
1'hil.lren, at Mre. WATS"X g.
Partiealar allewlian will he (teen to tbe llree.
Makm llepartment, hr Xim li.w.ll. who ha.
ei.ei mwch time in Ihi. bmnek of iMi.ineaa. wbo
will bare tbe abate ohera;e ol the hn.meee. al
tire. V AlMlX ei.
It win he ear rreeteet etadr In wleaee u.J e.r.- '
all attention In our anet,itnerv ai that I her nr
He nrenmiao'lated wllb prowptneea aad heetateeee I
and ooalitt el (.leda. al lower prieea tbaa UJ j
bare hern baring at eleewbere.
AnaeairMMdaaiiw WATSCStJ.
ea. It, lC- I
!Rfal Cf ilatr for .fair.
Orphans' Court SallT
IV parenanee of aa Order limad eat w i
Oiphan.' Caart of t leerleld eoe.i,, p" "
tl,e wn.leraietiril Adiaioivtratar of tbe m, .
fKTKK AKXni t. uwof nr,4j ,."
will oBt-r at PI H LIU KALE, ia Ue I,,, -Lulheraburg.
dannarr t, "
All that certain homeetead of the w
lluate one and a half rallei eeat of LiibZlkT''
ailjoinma of Ueorea At. TboBeauT i
Keama and Jacob W. Corp, '
Containing Nineteen Acres.
A HOl liE well fiunbed, palatr. out.,,, .
and tboroalilr plaaterad. a cooU jah
naro and wood-liouee, and all the
llUlllllflaVaV 4 MuttA Wl-11 (tf taalt.. .-J
aeeeiiarr eg.
failing tprui-r, and a grt-M vanoij af tllT
fruit trca and elm ice f rap r.nea. "
Aiao, at tha mido time and,
it ii ate In tbe tillage of N'oaj SaIcib, t nj
baif mltei went of LmLerat.iir,., Tde boiJd 1
aro a larre two itory fratua HiH'tfJ.I.Vo H'Jt i
with tut.-ben and wttod-bouM and a rd fi
HTAftl.K att-whed thorcto. tue iJLH t, !l
fin-bed, Wing aaiated on Hide iBi J1
eontHii.1 bill au mart, with Lrw Turnjj,... J
front, a public road oa wmt and auth Ul
t'L- a-.n thai a.t m,.i . .1 .
' ' ' ""' ' .
I TEI1MS AXti CONWTI0X8. The ul, wia
the trmn wu be fun made' knowa" tl
wuuing to in the prcmiaei, or ar,in u,
further information will pleae eall in per,, L
addrcea tbe aadcriijEDrd at Lulnerebere Cai,
Irld oooot), Pa. " W
Lutberehari. 1 Ada'r. of Peter Arnold a j
Nor. , I8I:6l '
Xciv C abinet I
I AN Y Oder f'r lf Towo Loti n
oiKb of Gfcoclit, Ciearteld eoonrr, !'a , m.4
loti to fuit purcbaocn oatiida the Vmv.t of
borough, uacefda ia situated co tbo ettrtbaat.,
Crock, in Uio richest portion of th omty a
CiearacM, to Uis line of tho Triune A Clriti4
Hail road, atiera tho Morbauaon aad Ueattttaa
broach roods toteroret. It ii also ia tbt bean a!
tbo Musbaanoa coaj basin, aad laryt bodta j
white iuet beatloch, oak, aad otbet tisitsT sw.
rcond it. Ooe of lha Urjcea luatb-r Btaaataetit!
ag otab)ihmeots n tbo Htatt rs locattd nr tits
tow a, wbilo thero aro avawy tbor lowber sad
sbinf lo anils anmud iL Tbo towa is bat at
Toaro old, ard ooiiUias a popolatiua of oat ttwa.
sand inhabitaats.
ptr-tur fartbvr iafonaatioa apply at tbe Sn
of tho aboTO oonpajoj'.
pel 4 hsperi&ieaocat
Houses and Lots for Sale.
101 R 1101-8E8 and LOTS in ClearteU, fc,
aale en reasonable terait. Poeeoetiee rwea
ia tiirtr daja. Alao, a plot of IVtR LOU ai
the corner of Fourth aad Eead at recti, ana,
ITillOe feet. Three of tiieee loll are well leealed
for either Inaiber rard, coal yard, er for eeiMiit
perpueee (enerallr, aeinc within ia feet of UM
railroad depot. I'riee aad term rcaemabie.
Apply to 0ftOl TIJuKU,
chll-tf ClearteJd.,.
T17X TALL TERM of tweaty.iwe wee'aa...
mraaaenea oa Monday, September , lal
A Primary drf.artBBent will be added la ta
renool tn i, fall : for w Inch tne aarrieea af a ea
petent Inalrartor bate bee a eereefd- AU
eflort aril) be apared lo render tbu daparuaaal
TMleS OF inilW.
Eeadioj. Ortbograpbr. Writing. Objeet Laa
aoaa, rrimary Arilbiartie and Primary
Oeoarraj by, lr batf teraa, (af eteeea
weeha.) $J a
iiieiory, ixieal aad deaeriptiea tleofraphy
with Map Vrawinfr, tiraataaar. Menial
nnd Written Arithieiie ,, H
Alcebrn and tne rVteneoe fat
Inttraetion tn Inatruaeental aanrie..Hw..... 14 4e
Oil painting at
at work M
For fnll partiealar aeed for Cirenlcr.
Clearnel l, Aaj. Sa, Ihot-pd.
Rev. P. L Harrison. A. M., Principal.
THE Flr.ST nltSClOIf of tbe sail xba.
teetie year of tbia Iaatilnlloi will eeaaieaee
oa MuMlaV.tba tifi etaf of bapteaiber, IK.
1'ai.ifa ran enteral anytime. They w.ll aa
charged with tatties from tbe time Uej eater te
tbe eloee of tbe Seeeion.
1 he ewnrre of Inatrwetlon embraeae eeery ttle
Included tn iboronb. praeueal aad ae.
lifhed edaea'ionfor bwlb eeaee.
Ibe frinripal. keeing bad tba advantage af
ainrb eaperteeee tibia profeaaian. naeneea aa
rent end guard aaa that kia eetire ability aad
I energiee will be derated la ibe moral and a vi
tal traimag of tbe yaatb plaeed aader bie abarga,
TILKMw (IK 11 IllllUf.
Ortbegrapby, Heading, Whtiag. aad rrimary
AriibeaetK. per fieeeion I II week,) . f I 4
Or. ia war, alaograpky, Arilkaeetia, aad
bi.tory $4 44
Algebra, Oenaaalil. Trigea aaa airy, Men.
earaUem, Farreyrag, Pkihaaimdiy, Pbyai.
olagy. Cbemiatry, liook aieeying, aolnay
nnd fbyeiral Ueogrnphy - . . f 4 44
Latin, Greek and Free re, wltb aay af U
above Braarbe .... l 44
MI SIC flaaa (Mle.aoa.l . . .l4
ar- V e drdnetian will be made tar aheraee.
fAT-ttt farther part tealare taoalra wf
Her. Y. L. HAKKIS0N. A. M.,
Feb. 4, ! tf. .il FHaripaL
Urrrbnt ?ailor.
FfLI. nrrW of Clotha. Caniaiopaa aatf
Vootirirs eonatantly oa aaad, which OI hs
uamo op aerordiao ta tbo late fasbioas. ia a
sohstaatial a. turn or, aikd at low ratea. ait
1889. Coin? it Alonr. 18C3.
Mart el Rtrtet, Clearfteld. Ta
H AVIS' J notbtd teiieef mr ewa kaet.
at tbe eld Mead ia Pbaw'a Raw. I tberefere
aaaoeaee te tbe pa Hie ibat I bare aaw an bead
a vail eelerted and laree aarertveat e(
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestirtrs,
Beaeei, aad all blade wf Qoe4e fa m.a aad
Wirt- wear, and aaa aear rrenered la fBake aa la
order CLOT HI Mi. lYeee a aiafle arttele taafaU
eall. fa tbe aateet etrle. and meet werbMaltte
aaeaner. faeial atiantioa rteaa la eeeeea
woeh aad ewttia(-mit for men wad bare. I
alter (rent barj-ia. te rartaaaara, and w.Teal
entlie aatiafartioa. A liberal abare of rablie
nateonaee ia ealteiled. Call aad aee me.
a7-lf E. B. L. e'TOt'tlHTOIt.
(Stare ana door aaM af Clearfield ll.mae,
Market ktreet, 4'learftrld, Pa.
KEF PS aa band a fall ea-rtmeeta af Oeat'
Parnl.bini noeda. tneb aa fblrta. I.iae
and Woolen t'adeeehtrte, lirawarr aad feela.
Seek tin, Pnebel llandkerebieta, Oleree, Beta,
t'eahrellae. Ae.. ta (reeal T.rtetT. Of Pieee
Qouda he beepa the
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
Surb at Blark Doeabin af Iba aert beat matei
Kaarj Cwaieaere. in (real tanete, ale. Frearb
foatieit. Hearer. Pll.u Cbiwebilla. aad Prieolt
neeeeraline. All of whieb will be Bold eheer 'e
Ca.b, and made ap eeeordinf te tbe leteet atrial
bj einenenoed workmen.
AUn, A root lor Cleareeld ewant.T for I. BL
-Sinter A '.'.. eelebrated Sewieft M.ehloee.
Noe. I. II BRIPflE-
my oux nook."
UAVINll pnrehaeed the eotiw elork af ed
at the il,t atand of kirk d r-pewerr, I
tuu-e.t tn eontlnae the haeinree a. beretufore.
Wr mot'o la la aril "rwntr raa ran."
Tb.nkma; anr fneada and ea.tomeee foe pa
pelrinarr, 1 aolieit a auatiauaaee of Ibe ree.
IrAAC kli'K.
Laaihor Citr, Dipt, tl tf.
rfTlla.-AII pereon. ere beeel-l nol.M
, . . ... h ... ... middle aitb
the; nroprrtr nuw in e( M B.
C.n....r. ot t tintoa t. wa.l.ip. rlt: BLAt t.
IIORM-S and I lillUT ll'IIISE, aa Ibe me
balona la eta, aad are rnhleia ta n ordee.
TUOn H. r.BCti.
C.-whanm, Ci. yfi.