THE lUll'imLlCAN. C'LKAl!flKl.l, )'A. WEfNI'.BTAY MOUNlStl, NOV. S, IM. DON'T JUDGE FROM APPEAR ANCES. 'Hnllon, himpy, tho tars will tnrt in n minute, hurry up, or f l'll lonvo J"H lit'liitid 1" Tlio dir worn ivnillnpr t "lalion of ono of uur Woolern rnilroiil. Tlio rngino whs pnllinii Mid hlowing. Tlio iitfiir.iiao munier wns bny willi biif;i;uiU inui ctiooliM. Tho men wore hurrying to end fro with clirst". mid viilitiPR, pnt kiifH and trunliH. Aln, women and children wero nislii";,' for tho cars, and hastily Hoeuriii;' seals, while tho locomotive nnortod nnd puff ed and hloved. A man earolPBsly di-psmed wn stand in on the platform of tho depot, lie was looking around him, ami stem, intfly paid littlo attention to wh.u ni pasHing. It was easy to see that he was luniu. . At n hasty plnnco one mi;ht easily suppose that ho was n man ot neither wenltn nor iniiupiifo. The conductor of tho truin gave him A contemptuous look, und Klnpping' liim familiarly on the shoulder, he called out : "Hulioa.Limpy, bettorpelon board, or tho train will leave you." "Timo eno;h, 1 recon," replied the individual so roughly dressed, and he relumed his seemingly listless attitude. Tut last trunk w as tumbled into tho bagi'iifro car. "All aboard," cried the conductor. "Get aboard, Limpy," said ho, as ho passed the laruo, eurelcssly drcusca man. Tho lame man mado do reply. Just as the train was slowly moving "off tho lame man stepped on the plat lorm of iho lint ear, and walking in, ouietlv took his seat. The train had gone on a few miles when the conductor appeared at the door ot ths car where our triend was fei'.tiiiff. Passing along he soon discovered the stranger whom he bud Been at the station. "Hand out your money hero 'I don't pay," replied tho man very quietly. "Don't pay ?" 'No sir." 'We'll aee about that. I shall put you off at the next station And he seized the valise which was en the rack over tho head of our friend. "Better not be so rough, young man, returned the stranger. The conductor released tho carpel Lag for a moment, and seeing ho could do no more then, he parsed on to col lect tho lure lrom other passengers As he stopped at a seat a few paces off, a gentleman who had hcritd tho conversation just mentioned ; looked lip at the conductor and said "Do you know to whom you were speaking just now i "Xo sir." "That was Peter Warburton, tho President of the mad. "Are you sure of that sir?" said the conductor, trying to conceal tusagita lion. "I know him." Tho colr.r rose a littlo in the young man's face, hut with a strong effort he controlled himself, and went on col- lecling the tare as usual. Meanwhile, Mr. Warburton sal qui etly iu bis seat not.o ol llioso w ho vuro near him could unravel tho cx predion of his face, nor tell w hat would be the next movement in the ast-ene. And he of what thought he? lie had been rudely t run tod; ho had been unkindly taunted with tlio intir jnity which had come perhaps throngh no limit ot his. lio oou id revenge j Jiimsell it ho choose. Heeoiild :cll the ! tli rectors the simplo truth, and the young man would bo deprived of hia plttc-o at once. Hhould he do it. And yet, why tihould he care ? He knew what he was worth, ile knew bow he had risen by his own exertions to the position ho now held. When a little orange peddler, ho stood by tho treet corner, ho had many n rebuff lie had out lived those days of hard ness he was respected now. Should ho care lor a stranger's roughness or taunt f ' Thotowl.o sat near him, waited cu riously to eo the end. Presently the conductor camo back. "With a steady energy he wulked up to ilr. Wurhurtoii's side, lie took hi books from his pocket, the bunk bills, tlio tick"ts ho had collected, and luid ahem in Mr. Wai burton's bund. I resign my place, sir," hu said. The President looked over tho an counls fur a moment, then motioning to the vacant seat at his side, he said : "Sit down, sir, I would liko to talk with you." As the 3-oung sat down, tho Presi dent turned to him with a fuco in which was no angry feeling, and spoke Xo him in an undertone. "My young fi iend I have no re Tengelul feeling to gratify in this innl tcr ; but you liavt been very inirii lent. Your manner had It been thus to n stranger, would have been very injurious to tho inlero-tsof the coin Iiany, I might tell them of I li in, hut will not. By doing so, I might lltrow vou nuL if i(ualion. miiJ ou mii'lit find il dillicutl toobtuin uti ie. .... i L0 polite to all whom you mart. Yon iudo a n,.n U- tl,o .,.nt lu- - - ... wveHt'S, ii nil even tlio jKiurcal sliouU be trentctl with civility. ''lako ti your books, ir. I slinll tell no one ol lint lina pnt-acj. If yuu bliall tliaiigo your couro, notlunj; ...t.:..t. i .... I I ....i I, :.. Winn. iiti niiiit;iiuu ii.-iiuj, piiuii ,11- j jure yon. Vnur eituntiun i mill con- ! lintir-d. GuoJ imt niiifr, air." i Tlio train ol t uriini ii on, aamnny I a train bud done Ik lure; bill v ulini 1 il it had been g.von and K-urii-1 rd, and tlio j ut jmrt til iho Iimihi run ! ixrne'hkt thus: Uon't juilye from j afjirarancc. . Josh Eh lino's S 1 ios. Sum pen. plo won't lioii-uvo ftiny thing thpy Jtant ;rovo j the thinpt i can'l prove tic the wry tliitift-t luleave the inut. There i btilliute, il any, t creitiony Ixtweon two wi.c men, but between a wise man and phol, e remoiiy ir lh only tliinj tlint will nmko a plnn.1 til l IThJIl't tiibio. H.TpiineKfi i. not itllone'a, hut its apiril nar. Ireo finni labor m tho lilb ov a yearlitiit hiili r. C.oud exaniilct atniiiiff tho iulert aro tiio boat laws llu-y Kan enakt The divil ia prohalily the b.t ittilre ov human lia'.ur thai ever lived, niul imvc l l.-iiicj in the ilokli me ov I1t.1l di-iiravily.or lit wmililn't Imv uudtrlmk tw irirr.l the Sitviur. A "(rrntlcihttn nl.ul Jiiwn" i, unc Vklm iy caali firtvnl'.-.'ij (.. Vil-l'H nil i: ill ItolnM. i cr. sti r. iiiiiisi'it-. 1 olliitS mill- i-flialtlf. foulit On I 1't.iilv. IM l, lVlii-rt- h"1i'if furl, the ninn who wins. And ilia' h I lie ''" ' '' " I'.iil I a. II wnif li f'r."11 And vet'liii'l'' lit' V ,. strati's fi lliiimiili raij Tears rtim.i'lf, mil wins. 1I-- if hi-rn ft:imi-'h and hrave Wliti lights an unseen fne, A 111 ('HO Hi 1,11 l'i-l.rntli lli frrt His is.i.iiiiis lisse Bill l"w : Wlni slimd. erert in niaiihiiud'e might, I'lulatiuti-.l, 11 ml nin veil The 1'raie.t iiinn nlm drew a swnrd In lnruy ur in mil. It rails lor snim-thiui: mure than brawn Or niusi-lr to iiVreniiio An etH-tnv who tinm-hi til nit With limintr, plume, ami drum A I'mi furever lurking iiijrli, Villi siUnl, sttiiltliy li-r-al, Ton'vcr ninr ymir bourl l-y liny. At uigtit buiiiJc yuur bed. All buuor. Ilirn. to tlmt brave heart, Thuuir!i jmiir or ricb lie I, Whi alruir-jli i Willi hit bawr pari Wliu coiiurrs anil is live. Hi' nmv ii'il wear a liero'fl crown. Or till a bi-ru'a prtivc ; Hill Irulli will plm-e lin iimno among Tlio brarer-t of tnc lirnvp. TUB iJU.M CAKPHT.IIACiCm. Not a itrtim wui henrl, not a funeral note, An bm nirfie to olliiion we hurried ; Not a trrtoiu e.'.inil a ffHMitleniHii'n throat, Inn the caiel-b.igiror wai buried. tVc buried blin deep in tlie dirty soil So deci llmt they'll nevor nneover biu, Unleie Route llaiiieal boring lor oil, lly tho deariy lor'd aecut discover Uiui. His endin was male of a ballot -box, With white men's vulea we bound him, And lie hmded like a buhoon takine; Ins rest. With hi! linun diixler around bun. THOSE GIRLS. Briek Tomerov savs : Girl ,,ow ft days are queer little iilncls. 1 bey wear suoh l-miy iroeKB, Biien L'oi,-ui.y littlo shoos, into whiili they sqncezu their toes tiko thumhs into hurvcHt nppleH, or oat runes woo iiiuo tuoir beuds in the sun J. And they think so much of hnir. If a diddle cum-pooalo Willi lung hnir or long wlnskers, split up tho middle, like n torn bluekHinith's npron, winks at them.lhcy drop liko a buliy with Mime s finger under its ribs. Kick up their heels, KirK'Oi ,'lf?K"'i Bn(1 "'liiill irlo then arc ready for society. l)ress s wlmt tixes them, l our cirls out ol Eve would die in tho street, and be buried by a guttersnipe, rather thun skimp liiemHelrcs of a ribbon, a long tail ot hnir, or a nasty, du9ly, munty, flea-breeding waterfall, tho sizo of a So. 2 ovarian tumor. The girls liko to show their little feet their silk socked ankles their garter bows, and their "eonio and try me" iiir. They angle lrom under their high-held skirts for tho eyes of hoary-beaded sinners they gigolo in pubhc places, wiggle in private places, turn tip their noses at worth, virtue, modefity mid manhood, till a man would awenr nine-tenths of the first class fasliionablo mothers wero only engaged raising slock for the United .Suites Treasury Depurtmont, or chcnper houses of prostitution. The mothers run wild for ribbons, hair, Grecian bends, fashionable rear humps, and street adulation, intrigue, and remark. Trim almost any old roue.rako, loafer, spendthrift, or other walking door pull of damnation w ith finery, and four fifths of the girls will tag them, to their souls' damnation, provided they can only havo good clothes, and liringhnm eyes following them up and dow n street. Tho into war made more prostitutes than putiints. It ttioddyizcd the country ni never before it crazed men nnu women gave utrili 10 a lian million dumb hcid aristocrats, whoso only thought is d; es and w hoso only desiro is something under it till the horning of yesterday is the prostilu tion and loufcrishnoss of to morrow. Honest men nt.d virtuous women need to sit on steel spikes to keep their scuts in laslnon s courts now. Tho good, square, honest country In-sea wo know in tho years agone seem like choice dreams compared to the walking show-w indows, tho bair peilJIing, ribbon flinging, tetter tip ping gewgaws of humanity now called git It.. No wonJcr divorces arc mnro com mou than conversions of souls. We arc not surprise J that so many homes are unhappy that so many men are bad, w hen us fashion now dictates, il is so much c heaper to buy milk than keep a cow, and so many cows ure not worth the keeping. Young men, when yon see ono of. these walking H igglers whoso tirains are. in tl.rir hccU, her soul in her calves, her glory in her hair, and furbelows, let her alone don't marry her. unless you believe in keeping a ! sadillo -horse fir others to hunt with. Jlut girls of sense, of love, of good hearts, modest women, nf hopes fur happiness more than style, win them if you ran. How to MfAsrnc Hose. I went to a shop the other day, to buy what the drapers call "gent's hnsc." A smiling young lady was behind the counter, rt hen I made a request of her to show sonio socks, I was somew hat doubtful what course of action I ought to pur sue in order to demonstrate to her the length of my foot. As I was not a burlesque writer, it was clear that 1 could not lay my boot on the counter sod say, "with nil 1117 sole," nor could 1 paraphrase Dibbin's Jack Tar, when hesp'iko of thodamer who "so daintly handled her feet.'' The litilo woman, however, speedily removed niv first !Tl"r. l'10U.f ' ""' ",t0 noihor. W ,11 you,'1 .ha .aid ' pieano to double your (iral and Iny ii nn the counter T" I replied thnt I did titil want (.'loves hut Korku. "And I wimt to I uke ynnr mermtire," alio aaid, "liui, I uri'iV'it h tho ineantin. r , niv lutit j'nii rrnuire." "Yea,," ulio replied, "and I ran pet njnally na well IVt'in ymir linnd. (.litre umund J'onr elenclied fit lit tho knuckle, in tho length of yotir fixit " And ho took tho rocks on tlio f.tiili of tho dninacl' repreaenlalion ; and, in duo time, I liiuuil Hint fht was qtiito right, it ml had tilled mo to a niei ly. Charle I'rnrl nytt: "ThefDrttmnte mnn ia he w ho. born poor, or nnlinily, vvotk ratlnnlly tip to wetilih ami conHideriition, and havinj pot them, diea bi'hiro he fitidtt they are not worth au mm It trouble.'' "John," ftnid n piou nnelo to liis nephevf who a ptivin'j; his firnt visit to the eity, , J',lii., mY'ieiniho Imbil : nf a iiiff Homt lhiiiij beloro we eat." j "All rihl," 'aid John, "t'o ahead! I Yett cun t turn my Homaeli '." I TlieiTj i a diiTereni'u between hr. M,inffa and wisdotu bo that think. iiintte!l tho happiest man, really i o ; ImL l,o lhal tlniH hiinst It iho w im-i tsiitn, i mo-it euiicrally lounj UlO liiCHt foul. 10 be filnry ia poison, 1 1' ken in am. 'ill !?!! oil i-tioii'il be I pry eppfls, Ctornlr, dtr. TME CLEARFIELD STORE IX KCONSTllUCTEI). . M iHium P.. 11, ivin K. Wmvor.. GEO. I, REED & CO., Two doori north or tiit Court Itouie, ( i i:iti iim, pa. HAVINO rrturTird to our old boplnwn utan-l, wt hrrcl'T polil'v lh rititrns of ('U-nrfli Id un.l t lit intt.lio pfitirnllr, that w havr ciilend upon, lift iiilrnii to )nBOPUtit vip-irou chiii- it(u aptiin-i nirn prtrin ttnt hili-nor pi(il, and nvo now on hau l a ftill mi.iilr of nit kiuJi ol fooJt uifd in this uinrkeL In tho Hoe of We oliirn to hare a full aMfirtmpnt, onlttinj In jan oi muslin", u.eaci.fd and uiihlfnclieJ ; l'ritita of nil grudca and itylui; and Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Such at Alpnaa of all ahadri; Po I'Sioe, Mo- riltoa and t'lanuvlt.i boaidca, a full aaaurt meat vf gentlrratn'i wear, oouiiiting lu part of Cloths, Cassimeres, BatlnetU and a full anortmvnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING Notions, Hosier', Trimmings, BONNETS, C, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. W bare full mpply of CoflW, Tea, Purar, Riot JlolaaKi, 7oiiacco, Fun. 81 1, Unt4, . coal and Sib Dili. FLOUR, BACON, DEIED FRUIT, Bugar-cured ITama, Mraa Pork, and a full ufiply of VroTiituna. Hardware and Quecnsware, Woodm aV Kok Ware. Alt the fnrerofng artielee will he eifhanired for CASH. Ll MbEKr or COUNTRY PKOUICK, end at pricea to which there eaa be no f aneption. I boae in need of liooda In our line, will pleaae UrCALL A y D SEE US.-W GEO. L. IJEED 4 ClaardcM, Srpl. 17, lf.8 If. CO. GREAT EXCITEMENT OS SECOND STREET, i'lrnrfldit, fa. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. THE and.rlrnl rr.?trti11' Inrlla th. a( l.attnii of tha ,mhlia .tii'rallji t thlr spl.iiifii assortment of B.rchsDilist ufalra ihcy ara bow sailing AT VEItY LOW miCES. Tnslr ito;li eonslsts In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sur-h as Prints, Ta I.alasa, Alrafits, Mrrlnis, Uinphamf.Maslinsllil.aihsil aad aablasrh oil,) In!llrir, Tiokinft. onttoa abd 0.l rlatin.)s.8slin ti,Ca..inisrS C"ttnnilf , Lsili.s' ribawls, Nutlas t iToixl., Mslmoral and Hoop nkiru, Ac, also, anna assnrtmsnt of Mm's Irawrrs and birts, lists 1 Cars, limits A baus. all ol wbira WILL BE BOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, ' Groceries and Spices. IX SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ff .T.rrtMnr araslly la ft ratal! atora, all CHKAP tUKCAIi or afjriiT.d oountr pro duea. A. K. WRIUUT V FONS. Cl.artold, Nor T , I "(17. C. KllATZER & SONS AltEnKCKIVIXO A SPI, EN DID STOCK UF CAKFEld A.M) Oil. C LOT US. wall rArEiis-oiLTrArEit, rfo. LACE CUUTAI.NS, WINDOW SH ADE8- COrNTK'lTANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TADLE CLOTIB NATK1XS LADIES SILK COATS it 0VEHSK.1 RTS. FLEOANT SHAWLS A LACE PtUNTS. I. A DIES' it CLULDIUS'S HUMMED HATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIUUIXGS. FlFT Kin r..()VE-LAI)IF.T' GEN. TLF.MEX'8 ASDt-IIILDREiN'S. PLACIC AND FANCY SILICS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. t'NEQl'A I.t.FD STOPR LADIES' AND fllll-DltEN'SSIlOM .f tl AIT Kits. MEN'S CALF rf'KKKNCU KIT BOOTS. HEAVY CALF PO0TS.I3. MEN'S AND HOYS' FINE AND HEAVY 8II0KS. BEST STONE TEA 6ETTH, $3. CASSIMEUts VERY CH EAT. GIUirEfllF.S, Fl.Ol'lt f- rUOVlIONS AT LOWEST HA Its. Lir.rrnL DF.nrrnov to those I'.UYINU IN-til'A.MTTY. Winl.. MAIIKTTINO AND COUNTRY l'l,'lill'vK WAS I'hli. riiaiiliM, Jone 1C. lHtl. Ijlvery Ktnhlc. TIIF nn lersirnril Hef. Irare to Infiirm the pah lir llist lie is new tullt piiisitnI lo a",-imiii. lute all In tlie aavuf fnrni.liiast Hiirw., IIukci.s, FsHiMis llsrness. oa ths alinrt.-st notn-e anil oa terms. Hr.irtsaoaou Loeust slieet, tielwrea IhirJ an. I Fmirlh. tihu. GEAHIIART. "leard-M. April II, l T. ,' "AI.l---WI.tu i... I,, ara-l 'i l, Tiiriiratine. .rni-he" mi", ralnl, of all RinUa. l...ors in 'i,l .0 1 li,, 1 ..,. Varnish Bmli-. umltuvf. NEW FURNITURE STORE IN I I II I I- . HA U M A N fYESinE' Inform Iho HiIm-m of Cnrwtna J I il ami lMnttj.lhat h ba t nrd a i ra i Froni Pirrtt, i.jn.U Iht Trni t4, ir. (tit tnmu(h vf t'urwtntll, vhere ha will ktrp ffin'tHttily nn harnJ, and lr ail trj cheap for CASH. larpa amt artJ aaarinifnt ol rani; nada t urBilurc, among whtot will la lUMtEArs AND Kl DK HOARDS, Wariirohai anil Honk-CniM, Tablf, 11 (,!, H.,fji.Hiand.Ht rack a. two In (laaca.thatra. Mttiirrasva. la . which ha will aell on mt rea onila tcrtni for Caah or approve'! Country Prduft(. iiiylWfitii:H CIhmiji IPiirnlliiro. DVSlRUS to infnnn bia M and ui temofn, that having oularirttl hia hop an-l iocream J bia farilltife (or nmnuiar(ur.nfr ha la uow .rovart'd to makv tonrdrr iuflb fr urnitura at mat bo tlcalro'l. In good ety la an-1 t rbaap rnle. fi.r CAfill. Ho (rnnarally haa on hin l, at h.i Kurnltura ronuit, a varied aaaurtinant uf rea'Jjr. mado furmtura, among which ara lit' It KA US AND 81DE-IiOAliDS. ffarilrc'haaand Ilook-Caapa; Cenire, Sofa, Parlor, Ureal fat and Dining Kxtaaainn Tiihlta; Cnra mun. Frri)cb roft,Cn(a;a,Jcnny-Lind and other Urd'lea'ia j Hrffli of all kinilf, Work aland, lliit racka, WaMi-iUodi; Hooking and Ann Chatra ; apriun-ewt, cana liottum, parlur, com mon and other Chair?; LookitiK.tilaaaai of every dearrintion on hand ; and new ftlaaaoa for old frninea, which will be ut in on ?ry roaronnMa tenna on aborteit notice. Ho also keopa on hand or furntxhei to order. Corn-hubk, Hair and Cot ton-top Maureiaea. Coffins or Evkuy Kind VbJ to order, and funarala attended with Hearae whenever deaired. Alao. Kuae Painting done to order. The eubenriber aiao maa uf ac tor ea, ard baa eouatantly on hand, Clement' Patent Waabing alaehine, the beat now in oh ! Tboae uilng ibia machine never need he with out clean eloibei! lie aleo haa Flyer'a Patent Cburn, a au peri or arttrle. A family laing thtt Churn never need be without butter 1 All the above and many other articlai ara for ni bed to coal o to era cheap tor Cabb or ei changed fur approved country produoe. Cherry. Mepla, Pnpiar. LiDwrod and otner Uu tuber eniuble (or Cabinet work, Ukw in ixcbanga for iurnitB'e flr-Hem era bar the ehop ta on lUarkef atrott, Clearfield, Pa., and nuarir oi'poaite the "Old Jaw 6tore." JOHN Ul'LlCU. November So. ISM y BOOTH'S IMIT.OVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. ten anrn can die the dirt from Oit rftoU nfler eilrarirtl. It will null 'owing tbe ait ( tb aturtipi) frt na frtr to one hunilretl per daj. It ill either am then over, or auapentl the a to be proprd up. ea drairrd. j Any i-iTrow wariini; one of thee Xlaehinaa eaa taW it to bit farm, end. If t I"" fr awiy, we will fn end hflp art it up end ttat it ; if be la B"t MiinfleJ oe will lake it iti and rbarre nnibinx fnr our trouble. Meehmea $!' wiib Tmnbip tt.tft.ta. rrinfle Meehinea, l70. Pute end C'mefT hi,(ita fr ItdO T II A HIM I1A HOKR. Jrffi rrvn Lire 1'. 0., ClcnrSeld Co , Pa c r.HTiKic'ATr. Vfm, Re au'lfra-f ned.bevmK wlineaaed the trial nf T. i l.ootli't lmprtTe'l Mnnp Kiirertor on the farm f-f H. II Monte, nrar LoMif rc-Snrff. nn hiturday end Manila, the 7ih and tia ot Nov mbar, tehe pleasure in aafinf to tbe pub lie. ttiat we believe it to be the bt anurLine nnw in ae for titrsetlnjt at am pa. It la of aitnle fonttructiiin. eaat'v nmnaicad. not liable to fl out of orrttr, anl very duret.le. Pur men lult the tnarhlne fnun lie weffon. whrn ebtlrr!; apart, put It d C' thsr, and pnllrtl n ntfi pine name in lea thun one h'ur. H e taw ia men pull laite atutnp with eme- The ue borae. i but be due hit work in tutting out the Inrrpai tun-pa. wiibut hatd pull. Mr. Ilootb, the I'ateoiee, itiilj undrriturtt'i puitiny up and hand Itn pr It' w machine. Wi would ajvi-e tboae in want of at temp fxtrertora to fe thiP one tettvd hefore p'irbeeln( e'af where, w htfh thrr e do frt?e of charge by I li n at on the Proprietor. i. C. Uarrett, J W. herd. K V hpacktean John N"l.lcr, John Ktrb J. W. D.binn, It. II. Moore, J W. Wallnee. W.U.AleMnler (te bllinfrrr, W D. Bck. Andrew U'tiaea, t. J. Horn. Wn. K. Imn. K. J. Kirk, Jbtnta Mi'ore, I.. U. Cerlile, Uae.Wtlann.v n Lever Flfal, Pre-1 a bmiirr, loorlv It H. F. NAUGLE, (LOtK AM) YYATUI MAKER, OPPAflTB TUB rosT QTncntR tj MAKKKT fTlT fCLEABFIKLD nillR d(rilr rrp tally Informi hit old X KtronR and Iti public irrnrII.T. tfat fa ht fit hind, (nd ! rnnitsntl; rctiftog atw aaitiani iberto, k lar lock ol Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. JTt! kp Jtlrv ia all tt (ortmt fttd f diflerrnt TMiari, iihr tlt ySc or WATCHES A full nrtnffit nftlther Hnld or Silvrr, U hy th he I AttvHr,r and fnr tn sninttti.arrft. Inrlndinf a fia lot f (told and iUtr bunting (wa, lull Jwli, Paint LTri. Cl.dCKS Of all di-fln. ftfanlMlnf of itht dT and Ihirtr faor, f ilhtr wiga!, rpnng ot ItTcra, aad both nk and alarai. REPAIKINtl All kind or Watohoa and Clue Haiiid, and wnrraatcd. In addition to m)t harr inamratiMl, I Vc a full attcurtuifM uf M'K'1 T ACl.kS. tonrd in, flvn fimn. VS and CRN CI I. SPOO.NK, POHK. Ht'TTKH K N IV K, and ia fatt fTryibin ta i b Jewelry It a. If fil u bwv oa bid jat bt a. cuvtmnrr tnay attrd, 1 ill ordf-r xr fit it ciprr, wiihoat rir rhtrf. A Hhcml fhr of pbKlir patron n f f In olirlicd. Ma r, lrM y II. r. NAl'tH.K. READING FORALlT. XOOKS t- STA TIOSL'R Y, MnrUM ft , Irarfirld. (at lh Poat Oflirr.) ' il !. di drrn'jf rid hp -mrm to finnaiic if X thf citttt-n uf ClfKitlrtd and vlrinity, thai b hm$ Hiltr4 mp a rnnm and ha ju rftarntd lrom tli ritr with a Urn amuunt of rdir tatter, ohriplina; In rart f Eiblcs and MiscollnncouB Boots, Hank, Account and ? Dn-.ka of Tnry d t'ft'l'-n t l'aier and Enrlsr.a, French ftrrtaetl r.d plain : Pen and I'enril : Hlnk, l.r' Sf-rrf, perdt, Morlpap j Jn'U'H-eiit. Flfwtp and rn.nnMry n-te , U bit and I'arrb merit Itrief. l.. tl Can. llernrd ( p. and Kill Vn I theel, Miiric tr ither I'iann, '!ata of Vioiin eonftntlr on hand. An bmik or puHnnrry desired that I may n liav on hand, will he or nrdrrH by firi pre. and in. Id at whileie fait rtitner. I will bImi kerp periidiral llttratara. uoh a Mjttln. New. papere. Ac p. A. UAl'LIM. Cl.arUf.IJ Miy T, Iftft If ORGANS & PIANOS. ESIY'S AND MASUN' tf HAMLIN 'A, ra im 1 ar ft. J. I1AVK4, CarwrnaTtlU, Pa. "tl r I l.l lOtl.lMMI S i MilNt.l.KS. II 1 h aii(lrnipitrd heirltjr it' nnticf. that tlifi- Wjl j.wT thr h'plirt rtrnrVot pnef fr a (tfd qnalitvol I.ONU MIIMll.KS; ami H,,,- ha.ifR nrh ttr aalv, will It ta their lutcrrat to gnr Ibria a call lirlore atltnje 'nhrr'. .HiS. Ml Vt A FUN. ClMrflf M Marrh .t, lfin tf T tK M I.ASf 1 i K" and "tiOl.lHtN FPIK E'' of the I n l,n I'ariflr. tn h- pf-ti at WM. Itl KD A cn. rpilK liKMOt I1ATI0 A I.MAN At' (or ISM I. i" I ant l-f) tor eaJ. at tlie I'aat n),,. 1 1'ilr. D wets. JsjlaJ ta andlraa. J;K k Kuiiiliar((cr, lla;!. ,21 Priiprirliirs ol "I"-sa iL Ills lnprufd NX ,? Ml' Ml' bl .'jV trantnr.wlsh It v -rr distinctly an KsttiZ drstood thai rvt.j - . it-it th.y warrant .'jLn' this rnark'n. - STSS "H ,od..j.tha syi it Is wosa f'-L sarndMl .1 ) j Hisss I r.l in olh l0" 3 nisrhiort ) , J1 its blng son V strarl.d trua r'"' Sw In phlcal ptincl N. J J.l.s. It will V . V eltrai! Ihr aa. Isrrrst pin. siainp, ss t-- ,. p j Ij prnd II aWa.r 1 I' I) ' J""1--' " prnond par s' ssilttnc tin- .r iiltol.r.bacL in th. kul.- jr and will pal them as Tast a. 4. t. otmi DOYNTON FOUNDERS & .Alto. a. tm nr. & YOUNQ, MACHINISTS Manufacturer uf FORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of fuurtli and Pine trccta, (MIAIII'I I I 1), PA. TT AVIXtl engntr'il In tin manufactura of first XX class MACllIN'EHY.warrrpeotrulljr Inform tlio public tlat we ara now pirparod to fill all orders as cheaply and as promptlvas can be done to anr of the cities. Wo manufacture and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, llfad Bliinks, Water Wheels. Bhaflins; Pnllnys, UinirU s Inlmtnr, Sloatn (laiirs. F I on in Whistles,, Tsllow Cups, Oil Cops, Oaujo Conks, Air Cueks. (.lobe Valves, Check Valves, wrung!,! iron ripes, Hleam Pumps, Builer Feed Pumps, Anti. Frietion Metrrs. 8oap Htune Pai.kinr. Uuia Paek intt, and all kinds of WILL WOHKj tugetber with Plows, Hied gi.lcs, COOK A XD rARLORSTO CES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. r-Orders aulioited and filled at eltj prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to macbinery uf our msnufaclure prompt Ij answered, by addres nf ui rtt ClearlielJ, Pa. DOYNTON I YOU NO a. I, rtned, j notice. i:v Poire II. . t. Wearer, lie Ha. a. I.. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL FI I G H T ! THE pmtirletorsrefrwtfuHe Inform the eitisens af ClearlielJ enuntT, that tlte.T kave entirelr renlied this establishment nith the latest imirm el wood wiirkinu enarhllierT, and ara bow pn'iarrd ta eieotita all orlcrs ta their line uf business. Thee will fire e.jieelal attention lo the manufaa tura of material for bouse building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASU, DOORS, BLINDS, KETs if .uoi Liu.ros, 0? ALL ST .'LEU, Wa altrars tare on hani) a large eti-ek tf PUT Ll'MHKR.and will psT easli fur all elear t.uinWr. One and a half Inih panel stuff pnferrel. Lumber ManuracJurcd to Order, Or rachanged, to suit eustumers. -0rdcrs tolieilrd, and Lumber furnished on short notice and oa resjeonaMc lenrs. 0. L. IIUCD A CO. ClrardH l, Noe. 7, lf7. R. B. Vattiir.,.. U. A. Ihvlh -Jl'BI rTT01, ...J, U. Inn in. E. B. PATTON & CO., Ua. trig fitted tip a Artt-clam PLANING MILL Are prvparc.1 t furniah all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, lurb ai Flooring Bidinp. Snrfac-v-rreifd Lnm Ler, Saih, Doors. Blindi, And every drirrlptioa of riAIN AND FAKCY MOULDING. Tf- I-raltra will Und It to tlti ir a-Ivuntiurr lo conaiHt unr pricra brf ir purfhuwinr rlnrwiiwre. Ad tire m, t. il. 1A1 IUS A ('., ('nrwrnavillp, Dw. I, lH.-ft tf rictrn. Id eouaiy. Pa. Clothind. II ow lo Save Jloiiej. rpiIK tlaiM ar lard; Mka to know X a ma? aT your dllar Th war to do it I will thaw, If fi will read what follow. A man wha lid not far ft-nai fcara, Who worked hard at bl trad. Bo bad a bouaebnld to eainrt That iquaodiired all k Mad. I mat bit one, (uti h. "My frUad, I lonh thraad lear and muftb j I'va trlrd to frt wiyaelf a toil. Bat ean't aa wp noujH.M Pajra I, my frind, bw tnntlj bar yon t I'll tell yna where ts ;o Tn ft a t thnt a.fid aad ebeapt lo HK1KKN.n1 'KIN A C. He ton what little h bH red, And went to .rltrrte(a A lirother'. And therw hi s-nt a bandaniae aitt For half hr pmii to other. JCnw i I heme, he i-wtka o well. And their rflect la ufh. That wLro they tahe their dall meal, 7 bey don't eat half a -ntieb. And now he flnda on Petard? nlflit. With ell their went ru.plird. That he ha mnnry Irft to inend, And rem to la aside. Bl pond mreeea, wb eheerful lull. II itlatily tM to all. If Tnu'd pare money, go and Vu Vonr elmhea at liFIKNbTr IN S CtOTHIKO HAI L. Where) th fhrar-e., flfteat and heat Oothtrf aad a;(Hd Furniahin: tin.i eatf b bad to ea-t evrrv taata and in every rtyta anr 1 1. ? Democratic Almanac. rIllS in.ahinlile pulilirntuiii ta fur aale at the L t'O-t nfiijt". It Mitiul'l e in lir haitiU ni rvrrv i'MUfcrat. ll ronlniiia lull flee'tnn n-torn rounlt in the 1'nited Sietr; ln-ti lrn. tl,i nnnitrr tr Ihfa nnntaina a roe. p let li-t uf the tritim a d( all the newepepera Mtpprroeed anil mt.hrd dttrms Linrfidrv Hitiiiiuilrntiii ; and that f'r 11.7 Miii-iii- the tiimm nf all ilmae rivitiaita whn t4re impnTnri riarnne; Ihe rnme period. Three two rt, fur future rWrrenee, an- worth Win re thun ihe price i.f ihr pulilientinn. 1 he numter f"T If fiS aim full of e'nnSte 1.p. Any on ern linr 0 eeuti to the I'oat Mauler, will reerive by ret am a r..v each re.r.lreenl pusti.. j' 2'-U , - ' " P. su.wmi vrr..riip vi ..rry l kioel of the lati-sl fi.r -ale a in.ln( toew wt UAliT.-iWIt'K A IM1N. 1I.A ;i .A Ms (siTADLI't aiALUH I'Oll n at ijiis p. , 41 aiaili.-'v i .a- I liOYKlt & SHAW, (LIT! i. I. Ill'.l NEW ANDFIBRT-CLARS DRUG STORE, .narkfl St., VltnrOrld, f'n., (Adjoining store of B. Mossep.) HAVlNd porehased the above Plora Itoom. and re lilted II entirelr, inssinir it In a I m. peels a F I UhT-CI. A DllL'il MOIlri. wa sr. nnw op.nltiK. to olTur Hi III" piil'Ue.a KL'l.L. OUMI'I.KTK, and STIlKTIiY l'LHH n.sii I ment of Drum. Cbemieals. Paints. Iljrn Hlutls, sc., A , ounsistliiR of uils, Paints, Varnishei, Dia'CS, PATENT MEDICINES l) bwQs, Tohacno, Cigars, Cunftotlonsrles rtntlinery de. PJIYSIOIANS Will And their stock of Drugs FULL and COM PLKTtf.and atayerv slight advance on Eastern pno"' SCHOOL HOOKS. TendierF nnd oihera will be furnUhed wlOi eleiaicelend uiiecelUneona buoka bj txpreaa.Bt abwrt tsuUec. STATION EH V, Cnn.lstlnr of Cjp. Flat Cap, Fiiolsesp, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers also, a very neat stora uf Mourning Note Pspor and bnvolupesoa band. Pens, Pencil". Ink. Ai HOUSEKEEPERS Will tnd a full stook nf PUKK SPICKS, RODA, SODA ASM, Cuneentrsted I.YK. Ht,AP. . LADIES AND GENTLE MEM Are requested toeismlne tbisstoek of Porrumery, Hair (III,-. Fine Toilet boaps, brushes, Combs, Toilet Kelts. Ae.. etc. KMOKEUS AND CHEWER.S Will Und a full supply of prime Chewing and ninoking TOHAC'H), Imported end DoUListie CiUAKb, bnuff, Fine-Cut. Ac., Ao. t'AUHON OIL, Of tba best brand, always on band. LIQL'OIW. The best quality of Liquors alwejrs oa hand, for aaailieiil tiuri"ees. arPh)sioians Prescriptions promptly and esretullv eompounded. May III. 1111. REMOYAL. HARTSVVICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. VTK beg tear, to Inform our old and new y y eastnasers. that wa bavf removed our a. tahlishtaeot to the spacious new hul'dinff just ereeted nn Marked street, nearly adjoining the Mansion lluusenn the west, and opposite M.iasrs. tlratiam A 80ns' store; w. re.p.ctfully invite tha public iiennia and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines OILS, PAINTS AND VAUNISUE3. Oar stoe k of Draft and afedielnes eoaslsts of everything used, selaeud with tha greatest earn, and WA1H15TED STRICTLY PURE! W also hep a full etoek of rre, Perfoncrie, Toilft urtirle. aoapa. Tooth llrurhea. Hair Hruth, Whitewaab Uruabea. and Try otter kind Ilruabe. W bav a large lut of WUITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, PI a !) Oil. Paint, and la fart Tarvtblna: 1 d in the paioting buaineii, wLicb w fler at City piice to eaab buyer. TOBACCO AN I) SEOARS, ConfertiLnarT, Pplre. and tho larffat tork of rarietifr rr otTrd ta thin )li. and aarrmnt d to b of tb bt lb Market a fiord - i. . IURTWfrK. N.t. t. 18. flOUN F. IRWIN. Ths Great Eitorsal Eemedy. For Ma and Bnaat. IT WILL CURE RII EUM ATISM Tlt9 rftiUiinartMt pni-aUnti ) aa ar eaua- Jlh at, t ni HI. 1 n"-tl t l (n V,i coniifclmn. Mi M KS It nrrrr UiU lo ccro I'AlNFn. yii'.vci s An':(Tto, (MVTnTT(. urg. rt IH.sriFrA'KS- AM- I T V 4 IVTIIK JOINTS, pvitcu;" ii.i'sijii:o-nf'i.R.Mm. nurisKs, lin;..wr.LMV.-.r.U'-ai.4 ni.KTI-.hl KKT, iMnnf nfftd wit'i ll'.fumntii-n can rU.rtii,J)y anlN'rn.nrnt,y rti"M ! ii'trr fit. wonilfrf,:! p-vp.'n: it(.-i -t'tl.-itl,.oervuMUltQTM luouHliaUlf a Hci'ijr nni'i..t ll'K I: wic-trcprrtATrnF1 FWEF.NFV, rir.i t vi!.. hhti'1 . ni ji nrvvivo tn;t 5, unit v. -roi'.nn hi.i.s. mMuiNr.ii joints. f-r!iVr- ns' T'I''.FT1I I rs..r ItwillP-rrtit H-.l ! "W Jh.ft.V 4Ui4 W LA K. DaCS IX U1UH Ct!. I l.are triM wit', trrt aiirr In ISriininn any Hilt ir ariiKifi !. mrh rf tl.v I'tiSh- ;rr. ,U,1 y la rx- ii.inf U-ttfTaffnin ri.ttiriaii. Itrupi,!. Mrnbanta aod 1'arMrr. Ini ins u it rurat.rc ower. DAVID E. FOl'TZ, &!, rentier, UAl-TIMOnF., Ila. Fnr tvafp Vr Ilnrtrwirk A Irwin. ( ;( iit-m. ni ' driicc and iUt kr per tlmMiirti.-nt thr 1 niir-i riu f. '.'Li I ly NATUIJE'S ('HEAT CESTOUEIt. 8 C II I-: KTE Celebrated Biller Cordial. i TIITS medical preparation la nrt t.lTrriil to j 1. the a a r'liahl euhittitute fr the I many w.irthlfM f omnnondu whrli now fl ood tbr j market. It i purely Tepetal-Ie, enmpepnd ol rartaa herh. rat he red from the ffn-et ator 1 hniit nf nalur. and aelectrd with the atmnat eare. It I not refntnmenJ-f aa a Ct an All hut by tt dirert and ealutarr Infloenr upon th llpart, Mver, Ki'lney. Luna. Ktotnarh and lmh a a prrvenifi and eure fur many of the diaeaaea to Ucb th" arirani are atjoct Itiaa re'tahle Family Medicine, end ean be iaka hy either iotant ar adult with the taw a htwrlipial realta. It ia a eerLaiti t prtimpt and areed) rentrdj for IMarrhrra, Iti eiiiat-T, l unvl enmpUtnt. Pyprr.ia, Luwnew rr hpirt'a, taintinita, lcklr.lnle. are. f Chill and fever .f all kind, Il i fur Wttcr and anf.-r than any tQitiine. wi(iut any 1 f it per nicloua effprt. It ereta an apprttle. pnive a powerful dii-eatr, ad Will e-Blmrt theetTerta ol liqinr In a few minute. Ptefeie4 hvlArnl SCUKKTZ, 8ul I'r-pnetrr, N. H. e..r. Fifth and Kac trU.t FLiUtivlj bia, Fa. .( I by til Druglit. oo12 ij Attention, Afllicted I T11K aiihaeriher Wrw tnotlee ttat ha bar returned the preetie of Medieine ia Laib etihure;, where he lntnia to dernie hia atten lit a to the treateaenl of CIIK .NIC Ll-tAshS In penernl lie will hei r- n hard a ehoire ae leiu.n of PRl'GSand W KDIC1NES adaf ted to the treatment of ehmnio dieeaea, and nay be nmaiitted at hli oee at any hour nf lit dny. N. H. A rrd to tbcae atfltrtrd wlib ebr.mir dir-eene may he t Tnria advantage. Mvt a T aT he aware that rniMliT I'btaieian who dn a atnina ptaetife bav nt timi to attend to the irfntoirnt if rnaoMie diee"ea, and roDe qurntlf aretact them ; befee thi olaa of di. eee rvtiulna Sfn ivit attrutioa. JI:"Kuk W ILtuX, M. D. I.U'herr-hor:, Frh 27, laAt.ff Beale's Embrocation, (LATE row r. I.t' 8.) For all diaearea tnei.1t nt tn lloree. Tattle, and lluenaa Fleah, rrqnirlne; tha aa ol aa ei torn a I ap-;iratin. TM Ftnhmrntlc.n waa aatenaiTely aaed by the Oneerrtrent dnrlnf the war. Tnr Bale hy Martirk A Irwlr, Cleirlleld. Joib K. Irwin, Cnrwenaritle. lianiel Uwd-leedi-r. I.u:herniirr tf U. It. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, iSi-at the ..atlntftd Depot.) ii.r.Anin.i.n, pr.xx'A, T F VDR ACE thla wieihn.1 nf Irfnrwilna the g pii'iiie, thnt I have rpt rift up isnl fr.r II.. f wiwk! nr eo,l liurnt I.I Ml: end Amdim-itr C1!.. In Ihe trtvT'.tltrh rf ,lr.: fi.ld. mA I,... eomplited with e....m di-nlrr. hj Jf"" ae. a fs.ll a..l.r armssaMIt unhand, iiii u win ne ai-ruwii 01 ai reMnn.hle r.rrs, t,v ' 'hr ton, bushel of ear li..d, to su-l li.sers. Tlmse at a distance ean address ne hs letter, and obtain ail aeereury InlunaaUna he rwtnrti rn.ll. K B. lAVUllU fWtald, Pa, r.b 14, lPr af na t. i. aorta Jlrj! r,tt(i, firowlfii, fftf. Jlti:iT IIAIUJA IMN Xcw Sloro In Mulsonluii r ! In the room f irlerly oc.-'( ii d 1 1 ' T. ll.gari L. M. COUTRIET MKES Oils method of inf .niilns tlie eitliens if Cotimtiin. Kartlisiis, tlirunl anil tlie aur- n.iiinlilH ruiilitre.llial h" has Ju.l opened a lst(e .(.., i,l MM Ml: II t.lltlli. as l.Wts he t ditrr untied to s.ll TK.N HKK CK.NT CHKAHKIl Ikan the same qualily of Omuls i an lie pun liswd for in sn.r other store In Ihe neijjhliorhuod. His stock consists uf Dry fiootls of all Kinds, Fmh as fintinetls. raaslmerrf, Mnslintt, Hi lalnes, Linen, Drilling, t'aliems, Tniuinings, Uitibous, Laco, READY-MADE CI.OTHINO. DOOTS i KHDKS, II ATS A t'Al'S, GEOCEEIES OF ALL UNDS. Coffee, Tib, Pupnr. Rlre, Mo!'-, I'i'b, Salt, LiiiPtt J Oil. Fish Oil, Carhon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. CaalifC, Plowir and Plow Cntiinpa, Kailf, Ptikc, Cura Cultivator, Cider I'rciati, and all binda of Asei. Wy Plow am of the Carwenarlll and Centre count y make, and art warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varn!-h. Glass, and a general assortment uf Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of ditTerrnt brand, alwav on hand, find will be gold at the lowait poniM tigura. Liqions, Such at BRANDY, WINE, GIN 4 WHISKY 5000 ponotl of Wool wanted for wliich tbe higb?1 jiriee will be paid.. clover i:i;i. On hand and for aaJe at tba low at narkat prLea. Alao, Ajrent forWilioD'a Etrattonr.lla TIIRKSIIIXG MACHINES. VftCall and see for jrtiorselre. Toa will find ererytliitig usually kept in a retail stnre. L. M. COITRIET. Frencheille P. 0., Jsn. 7, lSnK. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COl'neE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices! ITE are now openlnr np a Tot af tho beet and Vf moat aereonaU GuhJi and Vara ever offrn-d in tbi market, and at price that muiod one i.f the frod old dav of cheap thinra. Iboae who lay-k fAiih n)Kn tbi (toiat. or deen. our alio atioi.i tULterfsUoua, need but ILL .IT Of R KTORE, Cf inter Front and Market at reef a. When? they ran ef, feel. h-ar and know for tbem Mrca. 1 fully undrtand what art t heap puoda, thia moat I di'pe. We d 01A drtxa it oroeaaary to enutorrate and iteuuxe our itck. It il enough for a to ft Ate dial We have Everything that is Needed and eoni-umed in tit la market, and at price that aetnni-li both old and rounr dej2(l JOSI.I'II FIIAW A FOV. NEW FLOVR,FED AND TROVISION STORE, 'TIIE an.ler.ijrneil linre Jnst repelred at their 1, new etaad in Watlactaa, a full f Flour, Feed, Ccrn Meal, Eacon,&o., COAL OIL, (at rtJnced ratti,) A pnoj article af TC'EACCO, ClfiAItS AT J.MUKI.NO TOBACCO, coustaatl; oa hand. All 01 which will be Sf.U at LOW RATH3 for CASH or (iren lo ricbaoge for SUINQLES and Ll'MnCR. VTa respcetfulle a.k iht uUi lo flit II a trial befurc purchseitir; elspwhert. J. II. READ I CO. Wallsoetiia. April 7, 1S6. KDWAIID PERKS & CO., Flour Inimfactiirers, And Poalera In GKA1X OF ALL KINDS, FIIILirSUURQ, rA. Vrri.L rpn,T of floi r, irnKAT. HUN and riluP oonstantl. on hsoil. and .ale .it rsts rrin.rlti.lili- low. (fobl-tl Xcw Wine and Liquor Store. I. L . REIZENSTEIN, WINES & LIQUORS, WAHKET ST., CLrAT FIELD, TA. "5a.Fwll itork of Win r.randy, tiin. WhUky and Aloohol. alwaya on hand, h-peeial attenimn paid tn aetMinn a para artiele for baernm-nral and meiiieal parpori. irfl-tf The Lightning Tamer. IHR anderTrirned are the anle Arenta In thi enMv (or the "Nurih Asnenean Oaleamted I l.M.II TMNii HODS." Tieaearetheontraafe nd nnw in nae. and are adored by ail tbe aelrntiftc anen in the eeantry. W berehy aitifr the eitirena nf the eeanty that we will pot tbesa up a better rod. and for lrr moner. than I ehared hf the foreiffn ervnta who anenally trarerea tli eeanty and rarry ff ur little eaab, never to return. KNooriu-.E homp: labor. Those wUblng tiphtnlnr Pod ereeted aa thfir hntldit ft nd hut addreat m by leiter, or eal- la penma. W will pat tbetn tip an? where tn thepoanty, and warrant them. The Rdand rixtnrr can b een at anv 'ime he rallinc at eari.r. MFHHKLL A KM L hit. Clearfield, Jnita 1 1, IH t' GUNSMITHING. n F. M O V A I. IIIR an Vrtrit"d hegw teere tn bfbrnt InaoM Jl and new miatnmer, an.l the rnihlie rneral'v, I I. a I ka. f.,,A .... . I V K Hi 1 II . I. ! )M on th emrr t Kol RTu'and M AUK K I atrreta, Cl'ari.i-I.t, P-t., whrra he will beep eem- atanllr on hand end wtake to order nil kind ol' j gnne, Mu, nut.a re beircil, re-varnib,d, and Jl.IlM Vi-AllK. n. n. rt t.vti.Tfs., ,.w. it Mt-RrnA-a XI'sW FIRM. FULLIRTON TMcTIHIISON, KVV.l een-tantly on band aad for tale, Frct-h tarata, ittrh aa lir.F.F, ".Mj, MUTTON', , Fi.Vt, anl alt Veetal.les in aeaiaia Canned Fniil., Ilutter. I.anl. A..., wlmh they will sell al the fewest ir-ftrt iirio... fs-li .ai.l f..r -ATTI.K. Bl'TTFII. Ae. ItiHira r.n alarket Ptrvet, aiHinsile ttiw Ceari Hi.use, t Irarheld. fa. M.t I, 'f.H tt. S.VAIU' l'AAC l:A. Keoaeds's Med ed l)ise..rrr, llelmlold's Oarha. taker's l"oa Oil. d.a.'a and Ae.r's raed.'eines ,.(e,.r. kind, lor sale HARTSWIcK A IKVt IN. n.. an.".! HU Dunsllico, Hahh.irs. Ilreke-e llwofl.nd'. Oarsaan.llairtelter'sand Oraena'. (Isrrawalad Rlttm i alw wore, of all kinda lax Kadiatnal narrne... far sal. h. gARieWlCK A IRWiy, ri.WSllsVAM I RAIL ROAD, TYIIONJC I (T.KAIIHKI.I) nRANCII. OV d aOer M .n l.y. Al'PII, lf, ,., PessMtriT Tisios will ran daily 'esept hun'lsv.l leiwr-a and 1,,-rk on. Pa.".ng.r lisia bTtween Tro,ia and tM. I.. a' I'd l : l.KAVE K'jITH. i.tAvi: South. riaarfirld J .ln, r. . Tyrew. t tll.. J.MI, " "'"."la.. 10 se' i " Ir J '.4, ! Philiptb rg a, II in ' 4,li. " f lell Ifi, i Tyrol.. I, " rteirlleM !.:,',. FA l!K AND UlSTANcics FROM CI.KAllI IKI.U.I MltiM TYRoxi" Btatlen. P ?! Etaliona, IrfllM 2 Woodland ft Hitler H allnrrlcu 1 1 I'lnr Bull 1.1 IMilllbuiX IT Ktnnar' 1H II' Intersection 4 2t', Vanscoyoe 7 26' Onrdt.rr a .15 sit. llraeant....l 411 Hutnmil .,..14 SO Sanity llUfcJi 6S' I'owellton- 17 en t (areola ui iiH lunbar 2 7A Hteiner's ?. e( Phlllpi.uurg.Kt 0 lllne 11. il n a ton ita II ) 5 M U U II H N W 111 W Ij ftonl sr ..2D il ..20 ..17 ..ll Oar aula. rnwrtlroti Hanily Kultfi. riuniinit Mt. Pleasant, tlsrilner ...13 1 PC Hiflir 1 VansetiToe Ml Inlrrerlion....!t7 Tvrotip. 11 I III' Wood'snit. 5 Juu 115' l.einsrI S'.l ) a I 3(1 Clearlleid 41 Ills i''Ai(i:"Vi(o.M "cLkaiVfikli), to llelltfonte, Pa ti 05 1 Middlrtown f J ls Mi'k llaren iVilliuoi.nort ... Iluntinpilon Lcwistown MsrTsrille llAllKISIIl III! 2 701 Marietta. ISO III. :w 1 0 St) 111 3 &n!l.anester 1 KII.PIULAllKLPUIA 1 UOlAtlfMIIIB , 4 lt 1 Johnstown.- . 4 ((MIIIONa, Pin-iengrr lenting Llcaiiteld at tM p. b l'bil paliurif at I lib p tn., Oeoeole at 4.1b p arrue at Tyrone at o.jli p. m., mekin; eonnettis wiili Ciucmnati Lxfirrw aaat at 6.17 p. m., a&l with Muil VBt at 0.41 p. in , on ila.n Line: with Jiald huRle txpn is, leaving Tyrone at J CI ?. tn,f amviuB at Ileiiilonte at a 4i p a., am: t ,ork llaeu at It'.Xti p. m.. conneeiiui; wnb J ha Mail bait on the Pbiladf Iptiia and trie Hoed at 11.21 p m.. arririn; at Wilhauiaport at 12.40 a. a. Heturnmp, pt.Mcne;ert learin W tliianir-pon .t 8.1 a. an trie Matt We arrive at Uk U. veu at If 31 a. mM exmneeting with bald haft Kx.reai leaving Lock llaren at IU.2 a. ar. rlrin)C at Bellelonte at 11.66 a. m . Know Sim City at i.Zi p. in., and Trrone at I.JO p. ro. EDWARD II. WILLIAMS, Ocneral PnperintendesL OEORGE C. WILKINS, wiTlO-tf (fupetinlf-ndeat. rhlladelphia & Eric Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after UO.MlAY. SEPT. fin. 18(9.1,1 trains on tha Philadsliliia 4 Erie sait, Koad will tun si follow.: Westward, Hall Train traret Phllsitelihia. t.. Ha do 6t. Marji's, ICS t. U. Io Erie. 14 P. M. Erie Kipreaa Irs res Pbiladelaia-...ll.s A.M. lie do 8t. Marta I J A H. I -arrlrset Erie- H.MA.M. Kaatward. Halt Train leases Krie I 15 A X. I)a do....6L Mar; a .. Hi P. M. lie arnrsat Pkiladeloliia.... 10 A M. Eria Eiprasa lea.ea F.rie It f. U. Io di Kt sir's, 41 P. M Io .arrire at Pailad.lpnis.... I.2t P. M. Express eonnertfl at Carry, Mail east at Corrv and Iritnetoa, Kxpress west at with trains an Oil Creek AllrjlieiiT hirer k. I. ALFHilll L. TVLKH. tieneral oj.ariataadsit Clearfield County Bank. TUB Clearfield County Bank a aa inrorTra ted inatitnilon baa a; on oat of rtiatenca k: iiie rurrender of iu charter, aa May 13, IfrW All it iock i owned by tb aubtcribert, wht will emtinu th Barking bttaiaeaa at th mm place, a f riirat Tiankara, oeder th Bra aa ot the "Clearlteld County bank. W ar r iponaihl for th debt ot tb ilank, and will pay iu note on drmacd at tb conntar. Denaiit received and inter! paid wbew Money i iedd a filed time. Tapar diaoAuated at n pr ceal. a hereti.f ira, Oor peraoaal raapwattbilit it eleir-d fur all It a. ta reetdrad and baiiatf tram rte'k. A rntiaaa af ah hhera ae ntDefrv ft Jam ocrineaa mwn n .aw njpij u w fpettnllT nlieied. A Freaideat, Cabi tad ndieer, of tre lale Clem 8 Id Cuaaty bank, rr itaue tbe note of taid Jaak ta b pre-ealad fT radrairtion. t. I.K-NARD, BTCHARD I HAW, MM 1-oKlVH. JAS. B. ORAiila, A. WhiUliT. a. L. Hkhl, WM. A. WALLACE. The tilnetf of th Bank will he eondncred y Jubn M. Adaan., Etq.. a Cabicr. (Jan2M4 J. D. W'tiirk. Edward Perk. BAKKIKG t COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. PuotMMor ta Foiter, Purka, A rMlipburff. Centre C ouuty, Pa. "IIIIKRE all tha huiai of a Baakiaf I! diet wit' ae t ran -acted prvejptiy and apea ta tuv't fiMurade tern i asarT-tf National Bank. CLEAIiriELD, TA. TUIB Dark is now open and rady for rasl. n.ra. OCea on Second street, ia lae .silt ing former!? oeeupied by Leonard. In A C. mttBcruat aan orrtraaa. lAf. B. OIIA1IAM, KICIIAKD HIIAW WM A WALLACE, A. K. WRIUHT, 0. W. MOOKE, ja:.T.( Cashier. V.M. POi'.TK. OKU. L. XKED. JA8.T. LEONARD. Pr.sdrst i!af!;Siui!l.injI. Snv ISlackAitiilh Khop. frCOXD PT.( CLHARnrLD, Ta. TT1R nnier-lned be to Inform bl fHandl, aad tba I a habitant of the bumafrh of Clear eid ard wrrt.utidira; aeifthhorh'tod, that k i row ready to eieout all order uhr im Wcaar taeL IIORSB SltOEINQ oa tba moat apprwr4 .tv tle. ALL KINDS OP PAW MILL IROSS at Ft I N B work, Ingracn'e tool. eaatbooh,preda, graha, Ae. 8teel tnnl of all kind laid of beat Kaliii or A currlraa at eel, t-jvAll try work I warranted la (ire Mtit faction, ur nut rbared for. AM08 KKKNAKU. laoLTonitship AwaUf GREAT KXCITKiinNT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I JVFrtmODT try Ina; trt there Iral, for f, J of beta; rrowded nal into tbe avid. Il yoa want pood hoent, rinaa, jrn to Blaa. If tn want uar 8 let4 a irwned tight, go to Hat" . tf yoa wat good Mill Iron, fro to B - ll va want uur wega ironed in thtbeet at I and wrkmanhip, ft) ta EtiM It k a a rrakea tiie het htn-pp MaeV-ne ia Sta end d.ioa all kmda of nLAh!lTl a rSeip a ran h din In th rot. at? for Caik. Wj I'wat tjlac aiiret It Clear fl eld IlniCa THOMAS hklKi Boer Tp., Dee. 19. lPfiT-tf. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOU KAli Vs IIOMK IMHTKt. rMIK uoder-lrred, baring eatablifhed a Ni 1. ery on the 'Pike, a boat half way betee (Jieartield end 'orwennfille. la prepared te if.""'-' MjraMie,,. tlnn.herriea, l.awtin Illaefcherry, eTrswherrf, and Rns.rr. Vines. Also. Sineri.a Crab Trees., and esrlr ae-irlet hhoharV, Aa. 0r4M rt-.-iptlj attended to. Addrrss, j. iv vrmorT. wplA.aa.a r Lime for Sale! THE itndrraifnrtl, rr-i.luif nir tle di-notttM made roniplete arn.njii-ier.Ui wilh ll 1uint-rii rat nf ihe muutitaiii, wIk" by he i n h'.rd to Let p conMnntlj n bahd a laipp quaatiij" ri'IlE L I il K j wlilrn lie nlTirs In farmers and haildrrs al a trile el.-.i e eiist. Vhtee ia need f the artlele we.M wall In f i a ase a eail. ne address nrr hy letter, sr lure ntjrutialiui thfir lime. (I KO. C. PAt-fMnBa-Clearfiel.l. Pa.. June . IBfiJ " w TAfcTKatLowrwd l l.t KMITH awl one man In woik la wm.d m.kin Me". Wepon. Htiinia Maelunas, Ae. 8it.t. airl eaen With ssaail families. Ani-'e In m IHWTn I HI XltlAaKE'. ttfleV joTsriwta LtoS nsarSwM far. r