tiii: 11KPUHLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WBMEJDAT MORMNG. OCTOBER T. ISSS. NEGRO OUTRAGE HORRIBLE AFFAIR. Pcaroely a day pansei since the gi of f froodom'' nsherod In by th lata lamented, but soma horrible out- rturc, like tho one detailed below occora Io the Southern soctiorj, where Sambo ia eupremo. The Maryland Prince Georgian Bays : Tho most intonse excitement hab norvadod our county since Tuesday last, occasioned by the commiiwion of most heinoim enmo upon ine aay vrevious, near Fort Washmpton, Hi particulars of which are almost too horrible to relate. From parties resi ding in the neighborhood, we pathor that, on the morning in question, a most estimable, accomplished, and beautiful yonng ludy, (whose name we withhold,) whilst proceeding to the primary school, of which she has bad charge for sometime past, was assaulted by a negro man, badly beat- on, robbed and ber person violated She was discovered shortly afterwards, still insensible from ber brutal treat ment, and conveyed to tho residence of Mrs. blitaff, ( wilb whom she board ed,) where she now lies in a critical condition. Constable Underwood, bay ing heard of the affair, proceeded to investigate it, and succeeded in arrest ing a negro man named 1 om J esaccks who resided with Mr. Adams, to whom suspicion stronirlv attached. Although numerous circumstances added to very strong testimony of two oluor negroes, indicated that be was the cruilty party, Justices Brooke and Brandt preferred to have him identified, if possible, by hi victim before committing him to jail upon toe charge; and wben sh became conscious, he was accordingly takon before berand thoroughly recog nized, lie was then tuny committed and Officer Underwood, with several assistants, started to convey him to this place. 'i be party bad only reach' ed "Hatton's Hill," near Piscataway however, when they were set upon by a crowd of about twenty persons, whose facos were completely disguised, the omcer and bis assistants bound, and the prisoner hung to a tree near by. The great indignation naturally evoked by such a crime, gave rise to the appre hension that the prisoner would be dealt summarily with, and induced the Court immediately upon being inform ed of the fact, to despatch Sheriff Dyer to the ricinity, with orders to take charge ot the prisoner, and to summon tpotse eomitatus if necessary, to securo bis safe conduct to the jail ; but justice bad already gotten its dues, and the Coroner was eniraircd in holding an inquest upon the body when the Sheriff arrived. Upon the communication of this lart to tb lourt, judge J-ord addressed the Urand Jury in tie fol lowing words: Gentlemen of the Grind Jure: The Conrt thi. morning learned of aa act of eiolenoo enmmiUed in thia Musty. wbieh ne law-abiding citteea eaa lock upon with faror. In tbt Stat, of Maryland our Court ar. open, and law la bora eopreine ; sad no motor bow botoona tbe crime, tbii tribunal an not or eaaetioa ita paoiahmont by Tioleneo and anobe. Tbo evprenaeey of tb law ihall bo fully vindicated wbilat wa bar eeata upon tfaia bench. Under yonr oat be, gentlemen, h beeomeo yonr duty io Ineeattg ate tbia Mat lor fully and fairly. It ia tow awurw daty to bring theaa ofleodera to pan fibre enL if yon eon noaaihl aaoertain wbo thee are and I mat yon wiU epan ao aieruoe ia tbo WTnaugauoa M uta mailer. A large number of witnesses have been summoned, and are cow under going examination before that tribu nal. W bilst it is al ways desirable that the law should be allowed to take it course, the circumstances of this case justify as fully as any could, the action of the community. Tbe treatment of this young lady was of the most brutal character. She was badly beaten, and the scene of tbe conflict shows that her straggles must have been almost superhuman. The evidence of one of tbe negroes goes to prove that tbe attack was fully premeditated, and had been alluded to some weeks pre vious. The guilt of the criminal was established beyond all doubt, and although it would have been better lb have allowed him to lie in jail and suffer the stings of remorse, yet his punibhment cannot be deemed otber lb an most just. The officers of the law, we are assured, done everything in their power to secure the prisoner irora the moo, and tbe result can only do uoprecaioQ. , Jcvemli Logic Children are some times very quick rcasonera, in their childish way, and often put questions which thoir elders find it difficult to answer. A little while before Bar- Hum's old building, al the corner of Aon and Broad, was burned down, it was visited by a bright little boy of eve summers, wbo (pent nearly whole day prying into all tbe wonders of that vaet establishment. Nothing escaped nrtsuarnana curious eye. It hapKoed lhat.aday ortwo afterward, in turning the pages of an illustrated "Pilgrim's Progress," he came upon Christian engaged in mortal combat with tbe arch enemy of mankind, wbo was represented with all tbe enormi ties of borns, hoof, bat's wings, and agle s claws. "Mother," he suddenly exclaimed, "are there any such things as devils?" His mother, not caring junt then to go into theological mys teries, mads him some evasive answer ml went on with her sewing. The little fellow pondered the matter over a ion minutes in deep silence, and then suddenly broke out with, "Well I don't believe thoreareaby, for Birnum teould oe sure to auk one .'" Then, after an other glanoe at tbe picture, "How funny he would look in a cage with bis borns and tail !" Tbe young man lias since modifiod his idea of Barnum as the foundation of a theological sys tem. Putnam t Magazine. Must it not be very romantic to be on your knees before a lovely one of Eve's daughters heaving op a tor rent of sweet words between her plow. ing parted litis, raisin? roses on her cheeks by Ibe acre, bringing .inrs of pleasure vo ner eyes, at the idei.'icul moment when she is going to swoon away in your arms, lo hear her anx ious mother cry, "You Sal, have you fed thorn 'ere hogs V There is great excitement among the Mormons in Salt Lake City, aris ing out of frequent discominns of the subject of polygamy by the sons of Joseph Smith, the first Mormon Propb et, and it is feared bv Brigham Yontig that there will be a split ia the Church of the Unint. At a recent camp meeting in Con- Criiilnnt Ycrlrii. TO TI1R VmiCfclw OK MH. MARUA. M.I I1HKTI1. r c. tB. I'm lonrly now, I hear hit eef Who lol hit hmeotn t'liend; )! bp are bright, they'll meet again H'tatr ilraur know no and. Ob! (rli.rn.ui hle, that Kn n up In afllirtmn darbee! hour, Thiil vre thai) mwl oar drarret friend. High up la MrtTi bower. They mm her at Ihe altar mow, In tiiue of Tamil prayer They kneel, and O, they weep to tea That k'v'tl one' vacant chair. Vrt, while w weep, we'll bier llii name f Bht'i freed from mortal earo) Tbroagh tribulation bar below, Hbe gained ibitl world ao fair. Ifethlnb I e bar walk tbt itreeU Of New Jenietaieni, A waitiuf fur ua win) ehe aitijr. Pratea (iod, they're ontninjr home. Redeeming love, it wa bar theme, While with ni here bvlowj But eael iiy graer ii now (lie itrafn That fruit, her lipa dotli low. Her afcivl father, too, aabmita, And mvi, Gud'f will be done; Thoajrh ahe be dead, I know ibe lirei l p with the Holjr One. Pear father, it will not be long Until both yon and J, With ail our lured uncj gone before, V ill meet her up on high. I laved her, Siater Whitney taid, Wben we tented aide by aide, But before we pitched our teutf ngftin, Oar litter dear bad died. I tniaaed her on tbe tented ground, Where, junt a year before, Bha mingled in our tonga of prai te ll ut now ahe ia no more. 6be'a waahed her robe, and eleanifd from am, fha walka in afwtlraa white, And with a aoiite, O, how aerene, She paaeei Iroan our aigbt. Yet, while ahe aoara to wnrlda on high, &be eatu one lingtrinir On loved ouea muat leave behind, And alien Uua world foraook. Met hick a, perhapa, her little babea Claimed ber laal lingering thought; The faee of her dear boaom friend Would be the laat one eought. Her eye would linger on hua itill, I nil I her I at eat breath ; Then, with her loved onea round bar, 6bVd oloaa her eyea ia death. And while aha etriket ber harp of gold, Behold, ber babea they eome ;t Bin live moat dear ahe'a houaed in heaven. And yet there atill ia room. .Mrthioka, ahe look with aoxioaa eye, To aee who'll next aeeeod ; Toor children left to follow her. And a dear boeom friend. Thai, while ahe ihouta and praiaei God, With ber dear infant band, I hope that we will one day meet llrr in that better land. A wife and mother gune before What gloriewa hee have riaew. Of meeting tboee we've loved below, Wbn we get boue to Heaven. Bfwaa, OeWber 4, 1869. t-'be left twins, ter twini are dead bow. THE RELIGIONS OF KACES. We go so far on the race question as to believe that not only is the pre vailing civilization the exclusive prop erty of the white race, but tbe prevail ing religion also. We do not believe thai any of the inferior races are capa ble, when cut off from all intercourse with the while race, of preserving the Christian religion and banding it down to posterity. Were they capable of doingso.sometribcamong them would appear in possession of it to-day. But during the eighteen centuries and a ball that Christianity has been preach- ea on the carin, no community ot the dark-skinned races bas received and retained it. Zealous missionaries claim that they have converted tbe natives of Polyne sia. It is a conversion that is only skin deep, as the writer knows from pereonal observation. Tbe chiefs of tho South Sea Islands profess Christianity only Tor the pur pose 01 increasing their trade wilb the white men, and their pooplo show no capacity of perpetuating it. Besides as a race they are passing rapidly away The contact of the while man's civili- ration and religion is fatal to them As for the netrro race, not the sliehtr est impression nas been made upon it in ua unlive sea. in Ainca, vy me sell sacrificing efforts of missionaries du ring the last three hundred years And tbe samo rulo applies to the de scendants of the negroes who were brought over to America in slave ves sels. Tbo moment they are released from slavery and the immediate con trol of the white race, they siecdilv relapse into the fetish worship that is natural to them. In the so-called republic ot Hay ti, Christianity has vir tually ceased to exist, and in Jamaica it is kept up in a feeble wav onlv among ine negroes who come in con tinued contact with w hite men. Sev eral years acoacommun iv of necroes wno had formed an isolated set! lenient in the mountains of the last named island, were found worshiping tbe fig nre bcad of a ship that they bad brought from the coast. The negroes in the South are trav eling the same road. They can no more adopt permanently tho relirrion ol tbe white race than they can build up a government like that of Great Britain or evolve a theory like the Copernican. The natural religious condition ot the negro is that of a fet ish worshijH-r, and left to himself he will always be one. As an example of tho renoral ten dency, we copy the following from a teller received trom Mississippi. The negroes mentioned bave had the full benefit ol instruction in well-conducted Sunday schools : "The negroes are rapidly relapsing imo nopeicss and irremediable hea thenism, and on this plantation thev are openly threatening to burn some old negroes as conjurors and witches, and are extracting snakes, Ac, from the sick ones. Kven this morning we had quite an exciting scene among them. They arraigned one of their numlwr before tne and required bis dismissal on the rmund that he is a conjuror, and had been seen graveling np a new made grave to get 'some of de dirt wid de smell oh de dead body u,i n, vo pizen ioirs wio.- llwasalo charged aKainst tbe conjuror 'that the body at w hote last resting nlaeo he was digging had bled in tho conjuror's presence,' which was proof enough dat ne ought to be kilt'" Molnlt Alabama) Tribune. A curious suit is about to be tried before a Memphis Justice of the peace. A w hile man has vounc bull nun. The pup hit a barrfnoled ncfrro io the heel as he was passing. The ncpro jumped and two of the pup's teeth were thcrchy extrnfUul. Tho nepro uon mo wnue man lor allowing a vio ious doK to ro at large. The white man files a cross bin, BR aur ibe ne pro for having a bevl uugh enough to drag a dog's tooth out. Not enough w heat was raised in Great Britain, this year, to eutlice for the consumption of the people by 7VKiO,OtiO bushels. To supply this d6ciencjr will cost $10(i,(W,liuo in gold. ' If a flock of geese see one of their number drink, tbejr will all drink, too JieD art only jre gee. Jltjl tfootls, fivomlr. Ctf. THE CLEARFIELD STORE KKCONSTnUCTED. .Will,., ,. William Poirril, W.II.IU Jbn . Woaror.. GEO. L. REE J) & CO., Two doort north of the Court ISouaa, cm:ahfii:m. pa. HAVING returned to nur old boaineaa atand, we harrhy notify the ritiuna of Chtartk'M and the puhlie generally, that we have entered upon, and intend to prow-cute, a vigoroua oara iiaign agaiuat high pricea and inferior good, and nave now on hand a full aum.lv of all kinda of good i uaed in tbia market. Ju tho line of Iry floods We claim to have a full anfortmant, ennalating la part of MuKlini, blewhed aud unbleached j PrinU of all gradea and atylotf and Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Bach aa Alpaeaa of all ahadrat P I.ainai, Mo rinua and Flannela; bvaidea, a full anorU ment of gautlemen'a wear, oonaiatiug in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Batinetta and a full aaaortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Notions, Hosiery, Trimmings, BOB NKTT8, AC, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES. We have a full lupply of Coffee, Tea, Sugar. Riot Uolaaaea, 7ohceo, Fieb, Halt, linaeed, ooal and flab Oila, FLOUE, BACON, DRIED FEUIT, SagW'Cttrod llama, Mraa Pork, and a fell upply of I'rortaiona. Hardware and Queensvarr, n-oodtn M HKIotr Wart. All tb. fnrroinu artirlef will b. ei-ftana4 for CAKII, LlUbtK, .r C0l:NTKY I'KODI CK, and at Drier t. nhicb then can b. no .arrptioa. Tbuaa in nw4 of Uooda in onr lint, will plana. VCALL AKD SEE 175;- GEO. L. REED 4 CltnrSrld, rVpt. 17, 1SCS it. CO. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOND STKEET, ClearArld, Va. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. THB nMpal raarwtfnllj InrlU Ik. at tention of tba pnbll. ranrrallT to tb.tr pl.odid naanrtaa.nl of aorekaadiaa, wkiek th. nr. now aalllnf AT VERT IOW PRICES. Tk.lr auxk conilita la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sark no PrinU, Do Lainaa, Alparoaa, Merlara, Uinbani,Mnilin(,lhlaarb.d aad anblaark. a.) Drlllioam, Tlrila,., ra,ion aad wool riano.U.6atlattn,CaMlnioroa, Cnllonad.a, Lad ita' Bhawla, Kaklaa A lloodi. Balmoral aad Hoop Bkirta, A.., AIm, tn. aaaortn.nl of Man'a Draw.ri aad bbirlt, U.u A Capa, Boou A Sbooa. nil of wkick WILL EE 60LD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, 9 Groceries and Spices. IK S1I0RT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of .TorjtMnr wfnallr k.M ia a rttnll atora. all CUbAP t'OBCAKU or approrad oonalrj pro d.M. A. X. WRIGHT i EONS. ClaarS.ld. Nor.f , 1SS7. C. KRATZElt & SONS ARE RF.CEIV1X0 A RPI.ENiMPKTOCK VI CAKIH.I3 AM) OIL CLOTU8. WALL PATERS GILT rATER, rf-o. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES- OOl'NTKRPASES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS A NAI'KINS. LADIES SILK COATS drOVERSKIRTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS A LACE POINTS. LADIES' ol- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED UA IS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BFnT KID GWIVF.S LADIES' BF.S ILfcMtN'8 AND CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. UNEQUALLED STOPR LADIES' AND CII1LHKLN H SHOES it' UAITEIW. MEN'S CALF rf- FRENCH KIP BOOTS. H E AV V CALF BOOTS. M EVS AND BOYS' FINE AN D H EA V Y 6 UUtS. BEST STOKE TEA SETTS, ft. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP. GROCERIES ri.OURrf- PROVISIONS AT LOU EST RATES. LIBERAL DEDUCTION TO THOSE HI YI NO IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARK FTIND AND COUNTRY ilfUiaCA WANTED. Clearrlelrt, June la, lf.. Idlvor.r ISinble. THK wnderelrned her' lee re te inform the pab. lie that he le now full, prepared to vronittm " nil ! the wayof faml.hmc Hone. Ilu,ra, Hadlea and llarneaa, on th ahorteet aottoe and w reaermole term,. Keeidenee an Locwat atroet betweea Third and Fourth. Ufn. W. (1EARUART. lenrSeld. April 11, lr,7. VR HAI.U.Whlre laK. Ziae. Pnlnl, Lin- '"I. T.rpeauwe. Wm.aee of all kinda, tJ.rf, (i aod lira l'ant, Varr.uk Bro.kee. ' BARrfWJcK IRWjj,. NEW FURNITURE STORE IN I I SH I Nl I). UAUMAN T XPItlKfl to Infirm tka .llli.naof Cnrw.ni I I il!. .nd virinity, Ib.t b. k.a op.a.d a at'tr. on Fronl Slr.at, oprnall. Ida Tan yard. In Iba boriuith of (urw.n.vlll., wbrro h. will artp oonitantl. on hand, and fur al. v.ryrh.ap for CAMI.a larar aod rarl.d araorln.nt of re.djr niada I'nrnituro, amonK wblct wilt bo IIL'IIEAUS AND SIDE-1)0ARHS, Wardnib.a and Hook-Can., Tabln, Dad.lraili, R..fj.,Sindi.llal rai-ki, Looking Claa.ci.Chaira, Mallr.ft.a, Ae , whirb bo will aoll on rtry rea aiinalil. lorma for Caab or apprar.d I'uunlrt I'rodua., m?ilf.!Ln,:'"1 CiH'iip Fiinilliire. JOHN GULICU DYHlRKd to Inform hii old frlandi and eua toman, thnt having onlarxl bia ahnp mad tneroaaaii bia favoilit.ca for nnuiaturinr, bo ia now prapared to malt toordar annb Karniinre aa mmy bt dairad, In Rood alyia and at eboap rate forCABIl. ll gooarallv baa on band, at bia Purniiora roome, a vaned aaaortmant ot raadjr mad funttura, among which art nrKEAl'S AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobaaand Book-Caaaa; Cantra. Sofa, Parlor, brMkfaai and liinin feiaWnaion Tablaa: Com mon. Fronob-poat.Coitaira.Jann-Iiind and other Heditaada i Knfa or all fcinoi, w ora-aianaa, l.t-racka, Waab-ataodai Rocking and Arm Chain j aprinr-aoat, eaaa-bouom, parlor, com monandotborCbatrai LookinK-Ulaaaea ofarerT ditarriptton on band ; and now glaaaoi for old frit men, which will be pat In on very reuonahle tormi on ahortoat notice. He alno keepa on band or furaiahea to order. Com-huak, Hair and Cotton-top Mattreeaee, CorriNH or Kvkuy Kind Made to order, and fun oral attended with a Uearee whenever deiired. Alao, llnnae Painting dine to order. Tbe euhecriber alao mamitao. Uira, and baa eonitanilj on baad, Clement'a Patent Wasbinf Machine, tbe beat now in nae t Thuae uainr thia machine never need be with out clean clot bee! Ne alao baa flyer! Patent Cham, a ru pari or article. A family veinf thia Churn never need be without butter ! All tba above and many other artiolea are fur niabed to eui torn era nheap for Caen or exchanged for approved eon n try produce. Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Lin wood and other Lo tuber auiiable for Cabinet work, taken in izenange lor jurnuu'-e M-Remember tbe ahon la on Market atreet. CIee.rt.eld, Pa and noarly oppoaite the "Old Jew IS oven bar III, ISA J 7 JJOOTUS lAIPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. Mmwi. booth A Uumbarger, Propria tore el the Improved STUMP Ki traetor.wiah it diaiinctly an deratood thai Ihey warrant tbii metblnt to dojaatwba' it la recom wended ei eellinp wtber mafhtnea by ita bring eon etrurted on true pbiloao phical princt plea. It will eitrat tbr larrert pine at u np, ant pnd It above groond per mitting th aoiltoratlbaca ia tbe bole and will pall lb eta aa faat a I tew men eaa dig tba dirt from the rooti after eitraapted. It will null (owing to the ait a of the etumpal fnm forty to one buadrea1 per day. It will either turn them wear, r aaupesd taem to be propped np, aa deaired. Aay pereoa wanting ana of theaa Marbinea ea tnke it te bia farm, and, if not too far away, wa will go and belp aet it np and teat it ; if be ie not aattafted wa will toke it away and ebarge thing for ewr troabla. Marhiaee IW with Township Riftnte. fieae MWi... fire. fctale and Connty higbta fr aale. BOOTH A RI M R A RflER, Jefferm Line P. Clearteld Ca Pa Cr.RTIKICATR, Wa. tna the nnderatgned, having wltneeaed the trial of T. J fiiotfa'p Improved 8tump Extractor the farm of R. II. Moore, near Laberhvrg. on Batorday and Monday, tba 7ih and titb of November, take pleaaara In eaytcg te tbe pub lic, that we believe It to be tba bent machine aowia aea for eifractlng at u a pa. Itiaof aimple eonttrartiow, eaaliy managed, wot liable to get at ef order, and very durabla. Ponr men took tao machine from the wagon, wben entirely apart, put It together, and palled a larga pine eramp in leaa tban one hour. vY taw two aae pall a larpre eiompwltb eae. They aee a boree. but be doea bia work ia Uktng out the large at turn pa, whhowt a bard pull. Mr. Booth, the Patent, fnlty aaderitanda putting np and bundling tbe machine. He wouSd adtiaa tboee in waal of at amp ei trie tore to aee thia one tetted before pure baaing eUewhera, whirl, they caa do free of charge by calling on tba Proprietor. J. C. ftarreu, J. W. Rirkard, R.V. iSpackman. Joba Nolder, Jofcn Kirk. J. W. Uebagaa, K. ii. Voora, J. W. Mnllaee, W.B.AIeian der. Ueo. Klltnger, Wa I. Ilfrk. Andrew Wilaoa, 8. J. Ilnrn, Wm. K. Irvin, K, J Kirk, Jamea Moore. I,. II. Catlile, Ueo.Wilmn.u Laver Flegal, Fred'b 8milcy( dot IV If H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroaiTt th inn arnirr POST OFFICE ICLSARFIELD TIII anbaeriber rerpeetlnlly inform, hii eld patron, and tb. pnblie ren.relly. tbat b. bo, oa hand, (and I, n,tautly reeeiVi0 .w addtti.na tb.relo.) a large .took of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. koep Jew.lr, la all Ita form, and of difier.nl Taluea, either by tb. pi, .r .eL WATCHER A full a.rartnent of either Oold or rilrer, made by the beet Anerie.n aad for eirn mannlaoinrer,, inelndmr n an. lot of fold aad eilrer hantiff eaaa, lull jeweled, Pai.al Levera. CLOCKS Of all de.lfn,. oonriitlnic of elf ht. day aad thirty boar, of either weight, apnea or lorora, aad both atrik. and ahum. REPAIRINli. All kinda of Clock, Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I here enumerated, I keep a foil aaaortmentof rtpKI" TACI.KS, colored and plain (leee. Alen,a01.p PKNS and PKSCILS, r-Pt'0S, F(IKK, III TTKH KSlVKIt, and in faet eaerytblnt in lb. Jewelry line. If I fail lo ba.e .a band Jaat nbat a ewetomer may need, I will order per Are! eipreaa, witbouteitra rearre. A liberal ahare al public patron.;r l eolirii.d. MayT, 1H1 y H. F. KAI'dl.E. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS rf- STAT10XERY M.rkrl Ht., rirarflrld. (al thel Poat Oflirr.) f 1il K nnderetKned he rn leare tn announce to 1. the eitiien, of ( leal field and ririnity. that he baa Sited ap a room and bna juat relumed fro, tbe etty with a l.r. amount of twaJinf matter, coaaietjnf ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Tlank, Aernwnt and Paa. Boob, of every da. "Tiplloo I Taper and Kneel. .fee, Prrnrk prexed nd plain i lea, and Pencil.; Blank, Lrral nper,, Herd,, Morlf.fra , Ju.lirmeel, Kmp Hon and I'roaila'orj note, t Whitaanil p.reh: went Brief, Lec.1 Cap.Heenrd Cap .nd Hill C.p , Bheet, Muaie l..r either I'iano, Flute or Violin enneuntly on hand. Any hooka or elallonery deaired that I eaay aot hare oa hand, will be or ordered by Srat eirren. and eold at wk.i.le or relail to anlt raetnairrn. I will alao kerr period, oal literature, rack aa Masaiinea. N'ewe. paper,, ie. j.. A. oaLui. Ll.ar6.ld May 7, 1S18 tf ORGANS & PIANOS. KSTYtf AND MASON f- 1UMLLS. rl l.Ll T n. J. ff AYKfl, CarwenfTllla, Pa. i t a s r i . i h m M n hTL o Th i i7 m7i, m . Tbo nndoroirned heredr iv cilice, that tbor aril nmy the h ri.f.t mnrttH pnec tr a r"d Qiihtol LOMJ MIIM.I.KS; nnd Ibo haunt will Sod It in their mterr.t le . . I liooacnaiina . then n call before eilllc. el-oher. " .H"8. HI W A KOK. rkrarSeld, Muck , la, tf fpHK -l.AKT TIL and "UOl.IlKS H'lKK" X of th. I moa PaciSc. to he aeon at WM. IIKKI) A COS. rpilR HKMOCR I 1IT and K frioa H aea'.,, a. ATIC ALMANAC for 1 oelft S for ante al Ihe port Offiee. hi rn a. MjreM. JJciS-lf j cunrtni unit VLifhlnj ,vlio,i. a. r, "i iui BOYNTON FOUNDERS k ". ol l. & YOUNG, MACHINISTS Manufacturer of TOETABLE & STATIONARY STKAI ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street it u.KAiti n:ri, pa. nAVINO enjuirrd In th. mannfartnro of trat olaai M A U II I N K It Y , wo rea jmI full inform Hi. publia tbat wo aro now prepared to All all order, aa obeapljr and aa promptly ai can bo don. in any of tb. ciliea. We manufautura and deal In Mulajr and Circular Saw-Mills, ana mooka, WaUr Whoala, Bbaftinf Pnllfya, uirioro lijilor, Moam Oaugr,, BUam Wbiatloa, uii.ra, 1 allow Cupa. Oil Cup,, Gaug. Cocka, Air locaa, Ulono Voire,, C'book V.lr.a, wrought iron Pip.,, Fleam Pump,, Boil.r Food Punpa, Anti Fri.tion Alotrra, Boap Hi on, Parkinn. Uum Pack ing, aod all kinda of MILL WORKj log.Uior witb riowa, Bi.d bole,, COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of ail kinda. fr-Order, aulicited and AIM at el IT prion. All lollcra of inquiry with nfarenco lo machinarj or onr manulaclure promptly anawored, by add re. in( aa at Cloarn.ld, Pa. dl-tf BOrNTON A YOt'KO planing WiU5. NOTICE.! Wm. Powell. W. W. JB.ua. a. j. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! fpiIH proprietor. rwpootfolly inform tb.oitiarn, A of CloarAeld eonnty, tbat they bar. entirely refitted thia Mtabli.hmeat with th, latut ireproied wood-working marbian-y, and are now prepared lo oiecwto all order, in tb.tr lino of bniinma. They will f Ira ..porial atteotio. to th. manufao ture of material for bona, building, auch aj FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, mt.tr at th .not Lni.rcs, OF ALL 8TTLKH, W. alwaya hara on band a larM otoek of URT Ll'MKER, and will pay oaak for all clear Lumber. One-end a half inch panel ,t.ff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichanf ed, to .nit evatomera. ItfA-OrdFra aolieited, aad Lumber furniibed on abort notion and oa reaaooabl. term.. O. L. KtED A CO. Clearneld. Kor. T, lSf,7. P,TTon Ihtib -Jou Parroa, -. 1. R. Iawia. E. B. PATTON & CO., Ilarinf (tied np a Aral-clan PLANING MILL Art prfjn-J to furninh all kindi of Manufaclured Lumber, Flooring;. Sidinf, 8urace-r reiwd Lum ber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, And every deacriptioa of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. jJfr-IVelcre will find it to their a'lrantajr to eoueult our prioea before purrha.tnc eleewhere. AdJre.e, K, 11. I'illUN A to., CurweneTille, Dee. S, lHf.S If ClearSild count, Pa. lloiv lo Nave Jlonej. THK timoo aro bard: ynw'd llko to know How yon BtaT oavo Tior do) lart) Tbo waj to do tt I will how. If yon will road hat follow. A naa who litod not far from bora, Who worked bard at bit trad, Hot bad a booaehnld to oupport That aquaaderod all ba mado. I met him oneo. fliya bo, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough Io tried to jrt my net f a oaii, Bnt oan't aare np enough." Bare T, wty friend, bow mack bar yo f I'll tell yoa where to po To Kt a anit that onand and eboapt To RKIZKNblKllS A Co. lie took what little ba bad eaved, And wont to Heiirneiein A llroiherfl. And there b got a bandootao aalt, For half ht paid to ether. Now ba la bona, b iooki ao well. And (heir e flee I It aneh. That when they uko their dally .waal, They don't oat half a much. And now ho ftndi on Saturday night, With all tboir want enpplied. That ba baa money left to fpend, And tome to lay aside. ITl good aueceaa, wl'h cheerful inilf, lie irUdly telle to all. If you'd ee money, go and bo Tour eithe at RKUKNbTEIN'S CLOTniSO HALL. Whom the rkrapoet, fttoet and brM flotbing aad jrnod Fornihmt Ooodi ran ba bad to mt overy tajto and In ovary atyla aprl 1, t7 Democratic Almanac. r iII IK tntaluaiilr puhltoatinn i Tor ale at Ihe X pwl uffine. t hnnld he in the handi of every I 'Marie-r I. Jt roataiiia lull rlrrliim rrtome fntm eiery ooant in the I'nited Htalee; Iseeide. the num. -er f T iHOtl ooiiUin a oniniilrto tit lif the name of all Ihe new-paper rU..rrsil and m.itM ! daring l,imwln'e edminMrtton ; and I hut fur lM(7 onntaina t Ire naenee "f all thee eirilianx who were impnae slnnng Ibe mm period. Tbew two - .. , . . . ' ,nr "'""'nee, arc wortn more tl htsn ' pncol the pul.lnu.lina. The nnmlter lor I tea. .o lull of ralual.le atatiatice. Aiironeeenrlinf J M ecnle lo Ihe I'o.l .Ma.lrr, will rcceire by rrlurn , mail a copy lor each year, tree of poetajre. jc2a:lf . rTrneeee and abdominal aupportra of erery a aiou or tne leteet ln,r.eorem.nl.. Cn ..I. I thenraj Store of HARTSWICK A lhWlN, 1)1. ANK ( OMIT A II I Em HALLS POK 4J aart at thi cltas ti. V.tcrtiiinr. .a t. 1, nl. ' "- DOVER k SHAW, (Utl 4.1. lilt,) NKW AND FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE, .Jlarkel St., flearflrltl, 1V., (Ailjolnlnf atom of R. Mnaeop ) HAVINO pnrchaa.d the abo.e Store Room. nd re lilted it entirely, making it in a'l re.peola a FIRST-CLAHH DHUll MORR. w. ar. now opening. tootTer to tli. public,. FULL. COM 1M.K f K, and l-TUICTl.Y PI IIU .,o,t moot of Druir,,, Cb.tnieat,, Paint,. Dye HlurT,, i. A., .ontiatinn of Dili, Palnla, Varoi.bei, DKUGS, PATH NT JIUIMCINKS Dya Btulla, Tobacoo, CiKara, Confectioneries Htatioeery. An. rilYSJC'IANS Will find their stock of Druge FULL and COM. PLEI K,aad alatary alifblaimne.oa EaaUrn price,. SCHOOL BOOKM. Tearhera and othari will ba furnitbad i(b elaficaland miMallanaoo book bj txpraM.at httrt nunc. RTATIO.VKKY, CoORlalinr of Cap. Flat Cap, Foolaeap, Latter .nd P.rrotued Not. Panere; al.o, a v.ry neat atock of Moornin, Note Paper and Koaolopea on band. P.ua, Panci1. Ink. Ae. HOU.SKKEEPEHS Will dud a full .lock of FUKK SPICKS, FODA, SODA AHI1. Concentrated I.YK. KlrAP, e. LADIES AND L'EXTLEMEX Are raqulod toaiamina Ibiitlockof farfatnar, Hiir Oils Fina Toilet ttoapn, Brutbti, Coinbi, Toiltt He!!. Ac . Ac. 8 MOKE US AND CHEWEKS Will find a full aupply of prim. Cb.wioa; and bruokint TOllACi-O, Imported and DoKeetie CIUARB, bnnlT. Fioe-Cui. Ao , Ao. CAKHON OIL, Of the beat brand., alway, oa band. LIQUOIW. The bed quality of Liquor, alwaya band, for ai.dir.l purpo,.,. Mr- Phyvioiene' Preaerlptiona promptly and earetully eowioondd. May in. UEJIOYAI. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DKUGGISTS, Market hlrtrt, dear fold, Fa, YTB b)f laara to Inform aor old and nw V V eafWnara, tbat wo hava rcaiovcd oar tablihaiaot to tba apaeioaa naw bafldinx jail rortad oa Marked trvft, noarly adjoining tba Maaioa Houaoon tna wMt, and opDomlo Maiati. Grabaai A Bunt' tort; wbra wa rotpaotfuilj invito ua pan 1 1 10 ooa ana any uair Drugs, Chemicals. Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AKD VAKMSUB3. Onr Btoek of trft aod Kadieiaes eoasiftf of TrjthtD wad, avlaetod witb tba fraauit aaro, ana WAJIKAHTED STEICTLY PURE! Wo al koon a full itoek of Dvrt. Perfunorirt, Toilt artirlM, fcuap. Tooth Uraabaa, Hair Hruvbaa, Wbiwwaak Bratboa, and a? try othor kind llruBboa. w a nara a Urge lot or WHITE LEAD, TUKI'ENTIXE, FlaiMed Oil, Paint,, and ia fact .Terytbing teed ia the painting buiineea, wbicb we oiler at City pure, to eab buyera. TOBACCO AND SEOAUS, Confectionery, fplc. and tbo larje.l 'itock of tan, tie. .ear oD.reo la tbi, place, and warrant ed to n of the beet lb. Market afford,. 1. O. HARTSWICK, KT.it, IMS. JOHN F. IRWIN. Tha Great Eiternal Eemedj. Tor Mas and Doaat. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM T1! ITpaflifn ftfthl) Htrraf inti mn wn nub-llsli'-tl, rial littl nn. W t I tn .M Mnsfrtlfin ti It la nr-r-r f,i'4 lo tnrr FAlSTVL VVKVol A A rr.'t'T,v. 'i t'TR A'TI (i MI'S. '! I ?. STIFFVf s- A V VW IV Til K JOIVTS It I 'ItVS.SWFI I O K Vint,.! I UltfTIMf t rT. 'rrmis RfWt-d wti kiiufnntitini nan he ra-rtiinlij art'l rmwiMiiifimM i ri mi u.t. toniMil fwt. rua . itte-nHrNt4M Vo f.im dt suU t.nc imattl.ftU-tv on Witii BpfTifsi r'M. IVIU IIS-TI1.A, fti.lt IIINV'IMl poloY lU'tI fur ri I 4ft lA 0'RAINKI J(1T- TIFFNRia of THfi HTIFI FS.fca. Il will prvTrnt II -MOVT HoHN nod KAK HACK IS UlLtU OiUH, mr -rim rrri tnor fQ br,neip my Mlitar v-tMn thr i-rri .ft.'. Fnl.tic I r.i l,r ia l'lMfalt.r,V,,rt,l lvt, tu, I'ru-plrt. Veix'aAVnW and larnrra, t-tif'irn u Its rura.tir Hiwtrt DAVID E. rOl'TZ, Sub Propria Baltimore, m. Fr onto y llartpwirk A Irwin, CW-arflrld. anfl by dmpfisu ud iter kwpen thrvochnnt tb? 1 aited MifM. (If It 1-1; NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. C II i: K T z s Celebrated Bitter Cordial. TTITB sedtoal preparation li now offeird te the publia aa a reliable eahatituto for the many worthiest eempoaad whieb now flood tbe fcaraeu It ta purely vejremti!, aonpoeed ol varione her be. gathered from ibe great atore boueo of nalnre. and aelteted wilb the otmofi oare. It U not roooaaniendrd an a Ci ii-Au, hut by ita direct aad aaiuiary .bflurneo open the Heart. Lirer, Kidneys, Lunri, htomerb and BoweU.it acta both at a prereotii a aBd rnre for mnr of the dineaeei to whirh tboee organi are anhjeet It it a reliant Family Medieino, and eaa be taken by either infant or adalt wilb tb am beai-fleial renulte. It i a eerUin. ( prompt and epoedy remedy for Uiarrfawa. It- entary, rewel eomplaint, Tyripepsia. LowaeM of spirit, Fainting, Mekheadarhe, H. Ftr Chill aad fever ot all kind, it i far bettor aad eater than anjr qaioina. aitbnnc any cf it per nieion effect. It oreat an a petit, pmret a powerful digeeter, a-d will posjnierart the eflert of liqunr In a few minute. Prepared bvJAfOB 8CHKKTZ, Ht.t pr.prietor. N. W. e.-r. Fifh nnd Kara treU Philadelphia, Pa. 9old by 11 Urnggui. novil ly Attention, Afflicted! fpilK enbarriber ,le, nolire ll.t be baa I reanmed tbe panel lee of Medirine in I.uth er.burtr. where be intend, to drrote bi, alien lun to the treatment of CHHCXIC MSKAfKS in general He will keep on hand a choice ae. lectioa of DRIiliSand WKOiriNKS aiiantcd to the treatment of ehronie diaeaaea, and may he eonrulted al ail oee al any boar ef the day. N. B. A word to thue, afflicted with chronic dieeneee maybe to rnaia adeanlae. Ur ar aor be aware thel counrnr l'hairlan, whn do a atntae pr.rlir. bar. not Tina lo attend te the IrcetoHenl of rnnovrr diaeaaea, and eoaae. surntly arouarr them ; hence hie claa, of dia eaae. require, nxri,r,i?K attention. IIKoHilK WILSON, U. D. Lulhenhirg, Feb. 21, lanS tf Beale's Embrocation, (LATE rotlLL'R,) For rU diae Incident ta IIire, Oattla, and numaa Mh( roqainng the aa el aa OBternaJ applieatioa. Thia F.mhrtsration wa eitenntely need by Mir uiiimiiMPni norini in war. For p1 by Hamwiek A Irwin, Clearfield. Jnpb it. Irwin, I'nrwoniTillon laniel lander. La:herebur if R. 1J. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near ihe Railroad 1'rpot,) CI ICARI II I II, PIA A. IKMItltACE tl.l. method of Informln, Ibe puLiie, thai I hare oned up a yard f,w Ihe eele of wood or foal-burnt I.I Ml; and Antheaeli. Him Cl'AU in Ihe loironpU of Clearneld, and hare completed arranfreeaonte with eaatem dealer, b) wliu k 1 can keep n lull enppl? ron.tentlr oe hand. Which will he di.poeed ol .1 rceonahle retca, ht the tun. bu.hcl or car load, le auit purrhaaora. Thow al a di. lance ren n.ldrea, me hy letter, and obtain all aeeeaaary Information hr return mail. R. R. TAYLOR. ClearSeld, P. , F.h. It, Iftf lf $ fiptfls, C.i-prnlfS, tTtr. (JtCEMT II Ai:,4AI.S cf More in Mulsnnburgl lu the room formerly owepied by P. T. Hegarty. L. M. COl'TRIET FrAKES thia method of lnfruiln the clliien, 1 of t'ormirtoo. K.rlliau., tlirurd .nd th. ,or rounilin rountre, that li ha, )nl opened a l.r toi-k of KI'MMKII (HMllioi. nhli-h he Ir deler n.ioe.1 to ,.ll TK.N I'KK fKM I'll KA PFH thau th. tame quality of flood, can he purcliaaed for In any other atora in tba aeihborhood. Hi, neck eonalate of Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Kucb a, rlatlnetl,, Ca,,lmerr,, Mo, Una, Delaine,, Ltuen, llrtllinr. raliciwa, TriinttJiliK, Kibboiia, Lace, READV-MADE CLOTIIINa, BOOTS fcHUKS, HATS A CAPS. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Hufir, Kir, MlafMf Fih, Stlt, Linwrd Oil, Fiib Oil, C'arbua Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Cutinfri, Plow nnd Plow Caatinjfi, Kaila, Ppikci. Corn Cvl lira tun, LVler I'rftaaoa. aud all kladi of Aim. iV-Mr PIowi aro of tho Carwoniville and Cnir county nako, and aro warraatod to fco of good cjuahly. Drugs and Medicines, Parfamarj, PainU, Vami-h, Olaai, and a fonoral aaaortmant of tilationerj, GOOD FLOUR, Of different breude, alwaya oa band, and will be told at tha lowoet poeeible fif nroa. Liqrons, Such aa BltAKDT, WIKK, GIM A WUISKY tMS pound, of Wool wanud fur wbiab the highest prlo. will be paid. ci.ovr.R 8i:ed, On band and for aula at tb. iow.it anarkat price. Alao, Agent for Wil.on ', Strattonrille TUItESUING MACUIKES. .Call aad pee for youreelvae. Toa will find .verylbing aaually kept in a retail atore. L. M. CUL'TRIET. Frenchtill. P. 0., Jan. , lbG. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AN D OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "VtS aro now optiinf np a Ii4 af tho baat and V f moat aeaaunnltlo titMida and V irtl orcr offirrd in tbii market, and at nnena tUat rmiod one of tho food old dya of cbeap things. Tboao wbo lack Uiib M).a ihif point, ur dacia our alla- gatiuni uit-rDnou, nca but l4LL .IP Ol ft BTORE, Corner Front and Market itroels, Wbera Uiit ran ano, frol, bear and know for tbtm arlvea. 1 o fully audfrtsttuid nbat ar cheap ruo1i, th ta must be done. Wa do aot sJeen it DsxaVMrr to ?n 11 w era t e and item 1 to oar itxk. It it enough 1 r bi 10 ftau mat We have Everything that ib Needed and eon turned in tbia market, aod at price tbat ajuuifn iKrta 01a and rowg. d(s2(l JO.-KI'H FIIAW A PON. FIdOlTIC.FJa.ACD AND TROTISION STORE, THE nnder.ijned hnre )u,t raeeiTed at their new atand in Hailaccton, a full supply of Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at reduced rate.,) A food arlirla of TOSACCO, CIGABS AXD FMOKINO TOBACCO, eonnantly oa hud. All of which will be aold at LOW RATES fur CASH or j-irrn ia oxebanf. for tlllNCJLLS and LIMBER. Wa rrapeetfully aak tb. pahli, ta f ii. aa a trial before parehaeinf elaewhera. J. R. READ A CO. W.Uarwton, April 7, lft,. EDWARD PERKS k CO., Flour IniiufncturorK. And telrrt in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rUILlPSBCKO, PA. Vrn.i, n-PM.T of rLorn, wheat. COKN and l'UtP oonatantly oa band, and lor aale at rate, remarket,!, low. (feWtl Xcm Mine nnd Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZINSTEIN, naoniiLi niiLta i WINES &. LIQUORS, MARKET FT, CI.EAPFIELD, PA. -9Fu1l nock of Wine. Brandr. Oin. Whi.kr and AicohoL alwara oa band. Special attention paid to aeoarina a naro arlicl. for baaranrntal and mcdiretl parpiMca. )an21-tf The Lightning Tamer. flHE nnder.lrned are the aole tr,ri in thin l cnntr for the "North American Ualraniard LltlHTMXO RODS." Tbeee are Ibe onl, aafe rode now in aae. and are endoroed by all Ike nrienlifio men ia tha eewntry. W. kerrhy antif, the ctliiea, nf Ihe ennnty thai we will rat them ap a k.ll.r rod and lor leaa money, tbnn ia charred by the foreife eirenta who annnally iracrae th. eonaty aad carry o( aur little ce.h, aerer tn return. KXCOfKAGE HOME LABOR. Thoee wlihine; ll,httiln Rod, erected oa their building, need hot addreea aa by loiter, or cell in pereoa. W. will pat them up anrehere ,o meeouuiy, ana warrant them. Too Hod, and f ixture, raa b. ..en at aur tin, by calling .1 our.tere. MEhHELL A lllliLbR. Clearfield, June II, lea GUNSMITH ING. n r.M v a I.. THR anHcrairned ne. leare to inform bia old and new cuatomma. and Ihe t.uhlir arcoerall.,. thai he baa Sited np a new I.I N Mtul'. on tlie h.1 on Ihe corner of H1 RTII and MARKKT atreeU. Clearfield, Pa., where be will keep e ,lanth- em band aad moke to order ell aJ' "r fun,. Alan, yune re tMired, rc-reenie''11. nnd neatly repaired oa abort aoticc. order, by mail will receive prompt a!'-'"" ledmTd J'HN MOORR. a. h. rrLLRa" R..w. a. nrrnitaari FULLERTON & McrHERSOU, KCKP ewniuatty on band and for aole, Freeh meat, each a BKEF, VJ5AL, JirTTOX. Ac, Frcb Fl.h, aad all Veectahlaa ia acwen ; Canned Fruit,, lluller. ljrd. Ae., which they Will erll al Ihe loweat market prtre,. Cai paid lor I A1T1.K. Rl TTFR, Ac. Room on Market Ftrcct, eppoeitr Ihe Conct MonaeCleaitVld. Pv (Maj li, '(.t it. CWAIMW rS '-KATsraii'eSe'', iMeffrd It Diaeerwrv. Helmhold'a Heehn n.a... Lirer Oil, Jaa.a and Arer', l.,l,.. or..... kind, lor aale kr HARTSS.'ICR A IRWIN. 1)l neile; J llooflan t', (, lOBllICn. Ilnbhair.. Teeke'a laermaa.llu.l. Iter'a.nil flMM... Oii,anated Hitler. 1 alao pare l.lquara. f all kind, for tt.dieinal purporea. fi r aale hr M.iilrondi. TVHt'N E ClEAKHKI.ni Mascc O and after U-y, AlUlL U, tn w t'efeneef Iraint Will raa stoitv hun.iai.1 keteeen Irrooe enl 1,,1, one raeenr.r Train b1 laei T .'low an, iel.l. a, I I.FAVK hlU'Tll. Ctearfi.ld S-3e. r. Ttron, , ,M I'hilii .buia ar 10, " . I .areola ",,' ...,.p.o,f vll ,, Oareola ... Tyrone ... ..4 lb, ..6.10. to 1 1 I, . ... 1!,,. nrarfi.M . VMiK AND IISH.vtKs FROM CI EAKFIKll) "OM TVROJt K f Slateea. Leonard Woodland.... Micler. W.JIareton H IM.i. Hall ... Sutiona, ? t s U Inlereeelt... J" Veaeearoa. f Tl Oarooer , Ii Ml. Heaiaai.'.'.'n 4" Keeiiftil n Sand, K..J,..jj o FrHlB f 60 Oar cola OA Itunoar.,,, j) 7A Hteiner't . jj 0 I'tllilpfcbarg.s, SI lllue Hull n Wallaeetoo.-. u .... s ....II ....1.1 IMilllp.burK IT Kleiner,' 1 ej llonlar.. id treroola Ut I'owellton 24 riaady HllKr....M huuiiiiit 27 Ml. Hle.aant.....1 flarilner 33 Si US' lllclrr i. Vanaeoroe . .31 I 0d Hoodland, Interaeetion. Tyrone. ... .....IT ...SI 1 IS l.eon.rl , J ii. I ll ( lenrHrld si I JO neiieionie, ra f3 03 Mtdflleiowa 1-sss-k Haven 2 70 Maneti.. WiJIiamnirorl- S fc1 Leimaater ""i, HuntinrtlooM 1 0. HHILA1)K1.FHU ;t LrWinown I rv AIIOODI j y Mmrj9V); 4 &tt ' Jotmtltmn. j M HAItKIHBtlHJ ... 4 7ilFlTl.-hl Mii..!T u Paaaenireri loaviiig Cienrlteia nt J.3( . Phil porjr at p. Otoeoia u 4 U V a T ivm v.wv y. u., mmmHf OOr.itM with Cincinnati Ktpreu IbnM at 0.1" b k . with Mail Wet at S.4I p. in., on W.n Lid,:' al wim ua tafte ciprtij, tnavin Iroutat 'it tm., am mi j at bellalonta at i.4i p u k ck llnrra at 10.10 p. an., ronneciin( mi jm Mail Kaat on tho Philadelphia and Lrit hw4 J 1.21 p. v.,arriTng al W ilitaniun al 12.40 sm Hoturninir pwoiiRera leanoc illwaap-an S.14 a. aa., aa trie klail H eat, anireat LuekhV vew al 9 21 a. as., eonutting wub bald U(4 Kiprc leifi(t Lock JUtcd at U'.2l . riMug at Bel lei on to at ll.i4 a. n...Hoon j ai 9. it 9 p. tn., ana i rmne at i.zv p ra tUHAKU II. VILLIAaMo, tieneral HHpenntendojL 3E0IttJ C. WiLki.N's, nyi9 If Pu-eiiDteo4iai Philadelphia d. Erie Rallroai WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MGKDAY, SEPT. Stk. Hfl ft. train, oa th. Philadelphia A ir Anl wa win raa a. ioiiowp : Vo.tw,.rd. Mail Train leare. Pkilad.lpkia. IMS. I. do... St. Mary a Hi PH. a7 arnroaia.na H.u, It p. g Iri. KsprM. leare, Pkiledelphia-...! I.M 1 Do do.... ftL Mary a S.Iii.M. Il.......-arrir, at Erie- 1(,M i. r.a.i av .re. Mall Train lea Tea brio. S U1K, Io do...SL Mary',. . I !i f, b are. em, a al railed, lpnia... s It 1 Srla Eiprae, l.ara, Eri.. J I, , a Io 4o...bl. Mary a. I II p . v rrir.at rhilad.lpbtr.... 1 2t f M. Eipreea eaat connect, at Corry, Mail nr torry ana imn.ton, Klpre,. weal at lrvtuna witb train, oa Oil Creek o Ailirbtnr hirers k. ALFKKll L. TiLlk taeneral burertata,int ?anhs. Clearfield County Bank. fpUS Cleeiteld Ceaaty Baak a, aa ireerwv M. led tnaitlatioa kaa (on. eat of riuteaa, r toe aarrender af ita rharwr. aa May 11. i)lt All iu Mork la awa.d by tba aaherriben. aht will eontmue th. Banking baaineaaal ta. mm plare, a. prirete bankere, under tb, Srw aaa, of tbe "ClearSelS County Bank." H a ante, eponaiblefor tbe debt, ot the Itai.k, aaJ oil! air iu note, oa demand at tb. eeueter. l,aeiia rwoeired aad latereat paid when atoary ia Mill n Sled line. Paper diacouated at ,ti air tret a. heretofore. Our peraoaal rrrioaeibilitf k pledged for all Xlepoeil. roeeired tad banaen tranaietrd. A continuance af tb, liberal an. ronaite of th. batinne, an. a of th. roeetr iinv rpetuiully aollei'-ed. A, Preeident, Ca.hier ui offieerj of the late ClearSeld Coanty Baak.e, reoutr. tn. aot., or laid tlank to U prmawl for redeaptioa. JAS. T. LKoNARD, TitCBARD FRAW, WM. PORTER, JAS. B. HhAUiM, A. K. WKIUHT. . L. REliD, wm. A. Wallace. The bnalnraa af the Bank will be aoad.rud Joba M. Ad, an., f ... aa Caabiw. liaaiiH J. I'. M'Uirk. EJward Peril. B AnKQ 4 COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Fueaora to Footer, Perks, A Co., Phlllpriburff, Crntrw Cauuty, ra. " "1 x II F H E all tbe boainoe of a Rauktn), Haw V f wil oa tnumacted iromt(lT aLd uto tW rnoti farra.le term a marT-tf County National Bank. CLEARriCLP, PA. TUI8 Bank ia aew opra and read; ferae, aera. OlCea on Second atreel. ia lb, Mii4. ing formerly occupied by Leonard. I iaae) i (a. niuacToM Ann orriren,. AS. B. ORAbAM, BIClUrD FHiW WM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRIUUT, P. W. MOORE, ja?S.' Ceabter. WM. PORTS', 6 bO. L. Rtk.ll. JAS. T. LION ARB. Trenaiil larhsmuliina. Xeir JllacliMiiith Shop. FECOND FT., CLEAKriELP, Pa. pfrlR nrderlr;ned bega to Infnrm hi, rnolt 1. aad the iBbahttama ol th, horoUKh of Tner Id and .nrrounding neighborhood, that k k row ready lo eiecute all order, either ia twin aterL HORSE SI10EIX8 oa tba noil aprrrril city atrlc. A 1.1. KINDS OF SAW. MILL IRON.' ail El) I N E work, logmen', tool,, Mnthookaitrmi. graha, Ae. i-lcl tool, of all kind, mad, af bait Ek ar A me leaa atecl. IvavAII any work la warranlel llr, lu faction, ar aot charred for. S AMOS RXNNAUV GREAT KXCITKklEVT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I J7VFRTB0DT trying lo (el tbereSret. for fa? J of briar, crowded onl lata the eold, II yoa want flood Shoeior done, fre e, Rarer. If yoawaat ,oer fsieC, ime.d.i.hi. cote Uriu If yoa waal (ood Al ill Irene, to lo ! If yea want yonr w,roa Ironed in tb, kill tele and workmaaehlp. re 10 Frtet Raane aaakea the keel htnrep M.eVe le 0 Ptete. aad do, all kiadaef HLAt h-MITII," a, cheap aa cea be doea la the ccent, 'v'ip,. My Peat C-Sice addran I, rieerf ' i'. ikA TB-1 Born Tp., Hoe, IS. Ic " Cleeld Nursery. EVu.'lUGE HOME IM'1'STET. f lll R andeniened. haelnw e,tah!ikrd 1 eery ea Ihe 'Pike, nhonl hall way heiweal Clearlleid and Cu-wenerllle. I, prepared te Wj alak all kinda of FKI IT TH KKS. (.taadardaai dnnrf.l Kmrrreena, chruhbery. Uraee ' Uooreberriea, Lewloa Rl.ckherrr, I aad Kaaberry Vine. AI,o, hibcriaa Cra Trcak Wninco, and early ecirlel Rhaharh, ... v'" promptly atteaded ta. Addrcaa, 4. V. MHO '. ep SS y Curweniiil r. Lime lor Salel THK underaircoel. r.-.i.lm, near the a-r't anado coerplela arrenrement, ol'k Rurnera earl of the mnuntein, nbereoT be i caa bled to keep roa'iantl) ea hand n mTjc " l'UIIF LIMt! whick ba offer, lo farmer, and hoiMer, ,1 J' J . . . . . , H,el eoeM er 1 OOP. I. PIU I 1M. welt to, (fire ni, a call, or addrrm l Idler, er fore aerotiattna tbeir lime. F C. PA! HcarSeld, Pa.. June S, Iff. fA;TI:i0ne rood Fl.AfKSVITIJ MJ1 l one mnu lo work in wood roeaiof. W.ron.. Flump IKaehinee. Aa. Fii't'r men witb email ramtlir,. Apple 10 Hi KiT R S hi MPAStirS. augl (if J'.feco, Ua, n: Sal "'7l ' BATW A IlflJS,