She jSlciiublican. lOi'-i' -.fir ., ' (.kokiik U.Gooui.ANUKit, kilitor. ' CLEAHFU'XD, 1'a. wEnxr.SDAT morn inu. ortoprn n, w The Dumocntl" of riiilmlelpliin tx claim, "Chcatod, lut not Doi'uatcil !' That may bo consoling tliero, but it reads bad hero in tbe backwoods. Rich Mrs. l'rosiilont Grant topping in with the "bulls and bears" of Wall btrcot. TLis is u liLtlo different from Mrs. Lincoln's eourso in Kow York, but equally outniReous. VTe notice by the election roturna that tbe Democrats of Lycoming have oloctcd to tho office of Comminsioncr Samuel Sunderlin, an old and intimate friend of ours. Ho will mulio a long, good officer. The Votk. We this week produce the official vote of tbo Stato. It will be observed that Geary's majority is only 4,590. Absenteeism, and local dissensions lead to this result. Let the liko never bo perpetrated again Both the liadical disunion nowspa. pets at Huntingdon aro pitching iuto IT. S. Sonotor Scott for bis "disloyal prncticos," in helping to defeat the loil county ticket at tho late election. Be careful, gentlemen, or you might be Johnsonized again. It is now reported that, Bbould there occur a vacancy in Grant's Cabinot, John Govodo, alias Covode, Chairman of tho Eadical State Committee, vill get the place. Ilia chief business, we presume, will be to correct tho orthog raphy in the several departments. Now llow? Genoral Grant and his New Tork Treasurer, General Butter field, have both written letters, deny ing that they took a band in the late Wall streef gold hurricane. Bead the article in another column. How about tho veracity of tho "government" on this question 7 Jefferson au. Hioht Our Demo cratic neighbors on our western bor der elected their whole county lickol, except Treasurer, on tho 12th. Jlr. Steck's majority, for rrothonotary, is ncarlj 800, and lr. Mcrherson's, for EherilT, nearly 700. Our old "Beech woods" neighbor, Robert Dougherty, we arc pleaded to notice, was clocted County Commissioner. . T m T if.rtn Jt inami t V.O a little Democracy has been infused into some of the dark and benighted re gions in tbe western portion of the Stato. For instance, tho Democrats of Allegheny county clocted their County Commissioner at tbo lato elec tion by 1,100 majority, and a rolun teor Democrat and Republican wore elected Sheriff and Treasurer in Law rence county. Goon. Tho Democrats of Hunting don, where Federalism, Anti-Masonry, Whiggery, Know Nothingism, Loilty, Radicalism, and every other bad ism, by turns, has reigned supreme for tho last half century by tbo thousand majority, on tbe 12tU elected their Assemblyman, Trolhonotary, Commis sioner and Auditor, and an independ ent Republican County Treasurer, by handsotno majorities. The Treasurer elect is a nephew of Judgo Clydo, of lliis county. Powerful Minority. It is not often that minorities become as potent as they were in this Stato on tho 12tb of October. Those 6,000 Democrats who remained aw ay from the polls on that day, and thereby failed to cast their ballots for Asa Packer, actually elect ed John W. Geary Govornor. He is the most corrupt man that ever sat in the gubernatorial chair in this State. Absentees, what do you think of your jobf Tho only atonement you can mako is never to offend in this man ner again. Gains anti Lohheb. The Democrats bavo gained tho following members of the Legislature : One in tho Washing ton and Beaver district, one in Frank lin county, one in Union county, two In tho Huntingdon. Mifflin ayd Juniata district, and tho Senator in the Som erset and Bedford diftrict, and were within a low votes of electing both members to the Housn. Through the villainy of a lew soro hended Demo crats, our ticket lost 2,500 ou Gov ernor in Luzerno county, thereby losing nearly the whole county ticket, while tbo Rudicals elected two of the thrco n.eml.ers (,I tho Legislature. Tbe corruption ring oloo cheated us out of two members in Philadelphia. Ahem! Tho educated and refined editor who presides over the columns of the Klk County Eailroad anil Miiini UazcJtc, (what a long tail our cat's got,) timo time ago callod us to an account for our bad grammar and uncouth manners. Wc are no doubt a little deficient and full far behind hi in in these useful and social attainments ; but, were w e to copy a communication from his paper, dissenting from his Knows views, mid attempt to pass it-off at par, we suspect I would .inrgo us with perpetrating a scurvy trick, that neither good manners nor grammar would justify. Bro,,,cr Hodges, give ns a lecture on common sonso in your next. It may puv proV(. ,,,,:,,., writer and leader. to L'o'.h j ItntH'i'l Journal f Vhii.'mhim Itmilrnl f Vntiif. The l'hilndi liiliin JV'Mins the good sense lo see that tlio outrageous t'liuuls perpetrated by its party hnmt before long recoil upon the orgn.iUtttion with (errililo force. In view of tho fact it speaks out boldly against the bare faced piece of open villainy by means of which a Democratic) Stato Senator was deliberately counted out in tho 1st District, and n corlifiealo of elec tion given to the defeated Radical con testant. Tho rst takes up tho re turns nnd shows how cross a fraud wus perpetrated in this instance It proves incontostibly that the majority counted up for the Radical candidate is a bnro cheat, and a most outrageous and unblushing fraud. It then goes on to comment as follows : "Urtil kooiI causo for Mr. Wall's astonihliing and unexpected majori'.y is shown, intelligent citizens 01 tiolli parties will believo thai tho returns uro fraudulent. i no jjcgisiaturc may decide against Mr. Diamond, but publio opinion will declare that down riht cheating has been committed to send a Republican to tho Senate That is our opinion now ; we should bo happy to have it changed, but have no hopes of that. As tho figures stand, as tho character of tho contest is now understood, the return of Mr. Watt appears to bo as pulpahlo a fraud lis over was attempted in this city. "For the sake of tho Republican par ty we are sorry that any Republican paper attempt to deny tho apparent evidence of cheating, and sneer at tbo just complaints of the Denioeracy as mere party clamor. This The Press, with its habitual contempt of facts, did on Saturday. "We must make al lowance," it said, "for exhibitions of that spleen which is attributable to defeat. As to lite fraudulent counting of returns there u as nothing to substan tiatt the charge except Democratic lus piciuos. Those wore of course strong just in proportion to tho extent that Democratic eloction oflicers are in the habit of indulging in that buincss." Nothing? A difference of 457 is noth ing. Col. Forney otiijht, by this lime, to know that the Republican party can better stand cheating in the ranks of its opponents, than rascality in its own. If Mr. Watt becomes a Stato Senator on tho strength of this unex plained majority, tho disgrace of our party will be infinitely moro damag ing than hit vote will be beneficial. Nothing could bavo boon moro fortti nato for us than tho prompt exposuro of the fraud in the Thirteenth Legis lative district, by which it was inten ded to defeat Mr. Forsytho, Demo crat, and elect Mr. Geisz." When Radical newspapers Fpcak thus in regard to the actions of tho Radical Return Judges of Philadelphia, some conception of the full extent of tiiuVWscn'iKy practiced in tho recent election can bo gained. Senator Elected. Tho Legislature of Tennessee, on Saturday last, con trary to all expectation, defeated Kx Presidcnt Johnson for U. S. Senator, ajid elected Hon. Henry Cooper, who is now a member of tho Stato Senate, and a gentleman of rare ability, be sides being an uncompromising Dem ocrat. This bit of reconstruction is highly relished by the old "Union Savers" throughout tho country. The success of Mr. Cooper was strangely brought about. All the Radicals, Carpet-baggers and original Seccs sionibts in tho Legislature combined together and elected him, bo as to defeat Mr. Johnson, against whom their malice had become red hot, and they wero willing to elect anybody clso. Tho vote stood 55 for Cooper and 51 for Johnson. How it Haitened. Bolknap, tho new Secretary of War, we learn is no relative of the Prosidcnl, nor did he ever give a present to tho General. But his father was a General officer of the regulur army, of great influence, at the timo Capt. Grant was courl martiuled for his Indian business and was about being expelled from the army, and only saved from such dis grace through the influence of Gen. Belknap (father ol tho now Secretary,) and Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War. Cold' Comfort. We notice by our "loil" exchanges that Geary sits heavy on their stomachs. Tbeso editors inti- mato that through tho unpopularity of Geary and the notorious corruptions of the luxt Legilature, thev only saved themselves from an ignominious dc- tl,on t "rry '!' lnd for tl.eac r . ,i i i i i count of General Gruit until they feat through miracles, and that they .houlJ reach wi , . J will never swallow another horriblo dose. surh It is said that Grant and Boutwell ordered every liadical member of the TcnneMue legislature to vole for the Copperhead, Cooper, for Senator, ralhcr than to seo tho lato "Govern ment," Johnson, return to Washing ton. It would bo a joko if old Brim stone Browtilow would dio soon, and Andy turn tip at Washington eigh teen months sooner than Mr. Cooper. PACKFR-Kn. Wo feel like pitrhing info the "Pride of our Valley" and his bummers, for their outrageous con- duct during tho Iuto campaign. They promised everything but dono noth ing; while lien. Cass and his friends expected nothing yet, compare the rcaiill in tho west with that in the cast. Ilt.vxtNu Down. In lMit',, Gcury'it mijorit y tA-nn 17,17H. llartrntifl, lUd- irnl for Auditor Genoral, in 1W, l.a.1 J o. 1 1 .t . .,,,. On tlio l.lh m.lnnt Gcnry liaj 4,fili(5. Anotlier election will ! wil IIiidiialiBm out in I'dnnavU-nnin I Hon. Cliurli-t 11 IluckulfW lias tern elected to tlio Xkile .Senate over Clinlfant, I)enrK-it, and Wliitto inoycA, I'ddicnl. DcniJ 1'utk Forney sliouts Toei'cr ouiy lliron -Ii "iny two impcr, botli daily," over the defeat ol Ex I'rcw dent Jolni.on nn U. S. fVnntor. rrcaident (irnnt Iia no allied doya I 'or reception. He receive J P"V time ! land itny tliirjj. 1 Ttxt Uoltl Uninhlrm. TUP. IMPORTANT AT Al M r NT (If Mil J A V (Hirui now tiKKMAt, in Tinirin.n WAS AITlilNTIIl I'M IIMlWOOll AMI ((llllllN's tillAIlK nr TIIK M'OII.S (IOPI.d's INTHIVIKVV WITH Til It I'llrhl HINT A f.ITTl.E IHlVrllNMtNT ItONII piidl Tint oar.AT UOI.II Pool. WHAT Mil. roil III SA1U WAS IOH MMK. UIIANT Til R PRKHIIiKNT'l MlHUIVIMIb COIUIIN's (IAMB. Krmn tln New York Pun. Tbe statement of the transactions connected with tho urold pool bavo been furnished tho .Si by Mr. Jay Gould, in his own handwriting, us follows : Tho first Mr. Gould saw of Mr. Corbin was in the latter part of May last, when Mr. Corbin sent tor him, nod they hiid nn interview at Mr. Cur bin's residenco, !7 West Twenty seventh street, regarding the appoint ment of a Sub-TmiKuriT in this city. Mr. Corbin represented to Mr. Gould that ho could control the appointment, and wanted to know bow bo and Mr. Gould could make money by having tho inside truck. Mr. Gould under stood thut tho appointoo was to be Mr. R. B. Calhorwood, Iho son-in-law of Mr. Corbin. Mr. Cathcrwood was an. old friend of Mr. Gould, and the latter was anxious for bis appoint ment. Mr. Calhorwood told Mr. Gould thut ho would tako no action in tho matter without first consulting with Mr. Corbin. At a second interview Mr. Corbin informed Mr. Gould that ho had drop ped Mr. C.itherwood, fearing that bis connection with tho President's family might bo the subject of scandalous comment, and that lie had lixea upon General Hullerlield as tho appointee, and could get letters from Mr. A. T. Stewart and others, which would make things appear easy and natural. Ho said ho could control Mr. Buttcr field, in fact, that be owned him, and that he had consultod with Mr. Cathcr wood and tho arrangement Was satis factory to him. The understanding was that Mr. Cathcrwood was to receive one-fourth of the profit from whatever wns made by any financial operations underta ken upon account of Mr. Corbin and Mr. Buttcrfield. After this arrangement, Mr. Corbin requested Mr. Cathcrwood to fetch Mr. Buttcrfield to him, but Mr. Cath crwood afterward told Mr. Gould that ho bad been down, and ufVcr the inter view between Mr. Corbin and Mr. Buttcrfield, tho latter gave Mr. Coibin a letter assonting lo tho agreement, and this letter was shown by Mr. Cor bin to both Mr. Gould and Mr. Cathcr wood. Shortly after this Mr. Corbin re quested Mr. Gould to meet General Grant at bis (Mr. Corbin') residence, which be did, and subsequently ac companied tho President to Boston, where ho attended tbe Peace Jubilee. On the way Mr. Gould spoke to General Grant in lavorof tho appoint ment of (ieneral Bultcrfield, and im mediately after tno President's return tbo appointment of General Butler field was made public. Somo timo in July Mr. Gould again met General Grant at Mr. Corliin's house, by invitation of Mr. Corbin. In the evening Mr. Gould accompa nied Mrs. Corbin and General Grant's children to tho Opera Houso nnd left them Ihero, returning himself to con verse with General Grant. Ho asked '' p' ' "'xwnoiol cy ot tbo Government, and the Presi dent replied that, as he was anxious to see uro high prices for farmers' pro duce, no gold would be sold before tho first of November, except the regular sales of two millions a month. Mr. Gould then asked how ho would ob tain moans to parchaso Government bonds, and his answer was that the internal revenuo receipts was unex pectedly large, and tho currency bal ances in tho Treasury would be suffi cient without selling gold. Mr. Gould further inquired how bo expected to keep money easy, to w hich he replied that thcro were from twelve to fifteen million dollars going out in pensions, and that ho intended to increase tho fractional currency from thirty mil lions to fifty. Shortly afterward, on the strength of this information, Mr. Gould pur cliasod seventeen hundred thousand dollars of government bonds on tho joint account of himself, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Cathcrwood, and General Butter field. Mr. Corbin then informed Mr. Gould that he bad received a margin of ten or twelve thousand dollars from General Grant, w ith which to carry $300.0(10 of government bonds, which wcro held for the account of General Grant, as Corbin said, by Messrs. Stone, Nichols & Stone, Mr. Coi bin's brokers. Mr. Corbin said that he wasar.xions to return the money advanced by General Grant and to show him a profit on the transaction so far as it had gone, and desired Mr. Gould to pay Stone, Nichols A Stone one per cent, more than the market prico, and margin or aectiritr. Mr. Gould agreed to do this reacrving, of course, the right to sell tho .bonds at any time, it necessary, to protect himself; and on July C'.t he paid Stono, Nichols A: Stono $;;('i4,.ri0 for those bonds, which was f;i,0u0 moro than they wcro worm on tiiat Uay, and wlucli rrpiTSOtltod irufils thai Mr. (ioillll's linn anlicipalcil would nccruo Under tlio povcriinicntiil pi'uy of bliviliR iKirius i bo 11'Hiin.ii'tions thus ciilcrcil into lictwecti Mr. Corliin and In. as sociates resulted in an cventunl loss of f.'ill.OOO. T lie bonds were sold with the. nsscnt of Mr. Corbin. Furesetinir from tho lara short in terest in polj, and tho nhsenecof gov ernment nulcs, nn advance in tho n ice was inevitable. Jlossrs. Gsuld.and forhin detirniined to enter into a siicculnlion for tho advance. Air Gould visited Mr. Coibin daily, nix sometimes twice day, to consult with liiui on the siilijucl, meeting Ihero nlmoM always Mr. Calhorwood, and General llutturfield occasionally. Jlr. Corliin ptivc Mr. fJould orders i to lniy several ditin t lols of ! 'V " T". ' 01 Iwsidoa tnkuic; joint ititcrpst nt H.o c,tllcr trananolioii.. Amon othrrlots, tin d trottoiV Mr. (iotiid to jiurrlm.o f .idtl.tHMI in cold nt ono time, wliir li no mn ni mo price ol 1:1.'. H hen tlio mnrket bud adrnneed to 137. Mr. Corliin directed liim to wll that lot, which ho nni.l was for the a ''count of Mrn. (ieneral Grant. Tliia waa the first intimntion Hint Mr. Could hnd received thnt the 1'reaident or any of ma nmviy wero imereaieu in the mnr ket. Ho aohl tlio (fold ncenrdinrfly, and ptivB Mr. Cnrhin n check lor tJ.'i.OiiU on Scptemher 0. Their inter view! till continued to lie very fre (uent, mornine nnd evonirjp;, nnd at oevctal Mr. CaihiTwood wns prraent In Scptemher thev discoveretl thut l a nninher of taitkvra and biokera, iio worn snpp"eii lo io Terr Influential with Secretar y Boutwell, bnd iinib'itiilien t" bear the gold mar kel on a larn scale. Alter tbry Imij made enormous short nales, this com bination sent one of their number In escort Mr. Boutwell to this city, and nrrnni;ed to give him a handsome din ner at tho Cnion I.cagiic Club, where they exerted their utmost influenco to Indueo him to sell gold. Learning of this movement, and in order to thock -mute it, Mr. Corbin procured from General Grant a letter, to bo delivered to .nr. noutwcll, peremptorily instructing hint not to sell gold. This letter Mr. Corbin gavo lo General Buttcrfield, with instructions to deliver it to Mr. Boutwell on his arrival; but various circumstances having excited Mr. t orlun s suspi cions that Sir. lluttorlicia was play ing false, bo proposed to Mr. Gould thut a safe messenger should bo sent to General Grant with a letter from him 4liich, as ho said, would settle all of them. This letter he read to Mr. Gould, who thereupon sent William O Cliapin, of "Washington, Pennsylva nia, to deliver it. Mr. Corbin after ward received a letter from Mrs. Gen eral Grant, in which sho expressed great anxiety to bavo thcao specula tions closed. One reason she assigned for closing tho matter of tho bonds was, that it was impossible to tell what ctTcct Cuban afluirs might have upon them. Another was, that the President feared that bo was influenced by tbeso speculations, though he tried not to be. When gold reached 1 11, Mr. Corbin informed Mr. Gould that bo had just sent a letter by mail to General Grant, in which he told him that he was out of all speculations, cither in gold or in bonds, and that ns an impartial obsorvcr ho w as decidedly of the opin ion that it would be very dangerous to sell gold. Ho then said at the present prico of gold there would be almut 1150,000 profit ; that he wished Mr. Gould to give him a cheek for that sum, deducting the 150,000 loss on the bonds. Mr. Gould replied that it was utterly impossible for Mr. Corbin to be entirely clear of the speculation until all parlies interested had sold out; but consented to give him a cheek for 1 10(1,000 on account, and ho (Corbin) said that ho would immediately write a privato letter t Iho President, explaining liia real position ; the other letter being inten ded for uso in tho Cabinet meeting. Somo timo beloro this Mr. Corbin told Mr. Gould Hint the order bad been actually issued from tho Treasury Department for the sale of cold, and thut General Grant had counterman. ded it on reeciving a letter from him relating to the subject. Jlri? ttwiisfinfntj. KNTS' ton Uriliah Merino How, haftiont I X Uut A T.n, ml WM. RtF.l) A l'" S. 1 Af TION.-All Mnorn nrr brrW DotiA-H J r.ot lo purrliAt Ar in nr WftT mt.ldle with lli following prtipirlt Dow in ptwttiio of M. B. Cnnnwnv, of Cuvmeton townhi,t. Tit: 3 BLACK llollM.S slid I OUKV IIOK.-K. m I In belong lo tor, ami are luliif-t to mr or.ler. thou ii. roKcr.T, Ormhlintoa. Oct. 17.31. IfMI ITK ATOICS VOTKJ Nl, lib brrthr Kivn ((( lottrr of nHtninlMralion ua llio rPlalo if W.M. M hMUIIT, daoruril. lato of tba borunab uf Clrarftt Id, Prnnvyl ama. harina boat! Hulr aranlrd lo the unnrfta:n1, all j peraonf indrblrd lo raid rMatv will plraM make tie mcnt. Oct. V, UKU. V. PASSMORK, Ailminiitrator. 'OS-Ill. C1AlTIO-Tha puMU. are bi-rrl.y oaul i .n.l J strains! pun-hating or in any war aiiMllina wilb (li following pnirrtT now ia powlon n( Wm. P. tmal, of llrKbum (own'hin, Til- J HoHSKS. J HKAI VOI Nc CATI'LK, I 1.0(1 M.M, I TIIKK.slIlNl) MAl lll.NK, and a 14 of It A l andUKAIN In the barn, a Ibn lame belong to and are luhiaot to m v order. THO. . FOBCEV. Orabamton, Get. 71 PUBLIC SALK TERSOML VllOrERTY. rpiIERB will U i(Miira to Slt M Piihlw Out 1 cry, on lb irrairfl of tlit Ul Mrtln H. tirm). in ;...). n town.h'j., on X KIiN KM'.AV, NOVKMBKR It, I Hi, ih fi.llnmf .eTtW4 pfTtMi,l .rofwrtj, n: hmy by tbe Wn, two tm: rrftr oM coll, on .wo-uui-m warm., on kuic? one milky, two br burnrsn-, plows tttid hirrowi, on MrH, n My of b, wK-ylli nd Krai (inutirft, rkr nnd forki, tw 'milk cows .ur ywlinri tni Ihrw cprinff pIym, intern in-?, roar ft lirs tw rl.iu, whist, porn, I'tirkwhr. ind by lb buttirl, one cook stuf, tw irltr Morns, WtlntrsfU, bjing. snJ many other irtirlet lv n urn trout to tntrniion. tl to eominenov st lit oVIttck a, m., of Mid day wben lb Urtsi wilt U tnalr known by HOHKKT K. FI.KDAU A-iVr. of M. S. Fit(t J, ii(-Psd, Oonlirfl, Off. 27, H6t Jt. "pTtTT "For thy Stomacb'a Sake and thino other Infirmitics."-St. Paul. nn. ltovs'it.s MrtK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 ara.par, plraMnt tad brallti-fn nf Toate- .KnHlj fM'l. and wiaaafartarrd fn. th awl para and cboia taalrrtaUii aot a ipiril j drink aur auk.tilata fur whirkj, bat a ariaaiiar i fmpetd, fr tba prutarllun af tba tttum aad tba para of diauw. nada from ebrialraltjr fan pirlu, (Blirelj fraa frooi ail .r albor Irriia ting pmprtiri, and will not di'aaT ar .fiend lar mn.t dellrata alntoarh. A long prima eiprrl ntca ha. aft.ttrd it. Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Ko Hitler at present offered to tb rab'ie eon tains so mneb me llcinml i-lrtu r,A m : ami plra-anl to l.ka. If. I. to nir. d,r. ! . . ' and It will tint ereat an aeta fur tfiritaous I Ignore, bat will cur the efrctu of diMipatioa. To inerraa. the Appeiile, 1S IT. To promote Iiratioa, 1 K IT. To cure Dy.p-p.ia, ' fsK )T. To care Fercr and Ajue, t'K IT. To cure, t'.cK IT. To enre Cant pation, l'E IT. To aura Chronic Iliarrliera, I SK IT. To core Heart ham, fsR IT. To cure Fl.ttilenea, VSE IT. To car. Acid Eructation., I PK IT. To rare Nerroa. ll.hility, I'FK IT. To car. Hypochondria. t'PK IT. To rnra ftallownrim af CoaiplriioB, I'PK IT. To ear. rimplc. aod Bh-tche I'hK IT. For (lenaral Pro.tratien of th. M..T.inal oaera, t'PB IT, aod It will aura yoa. Fold erery where, at 1 1. .It per hotlla, Ma... f.ctared enolu.ively l.y i'.oyi: n vt siiaw, cli:aiifiki.u, pa. W bo offer l.beral In locrmenll I. the trad. Oct. rr, tf, .x: J.iifc'"ir liar 'Mvfrttjnrunl. .S. W. SNMIJl. ..A. A. (HUM J. B. GRAHAM &S0NS, MAMiKT KTIIKKT, CLKA It F I KLD, Pa. 1 hip fr th ftitnnof rirr.Tlfiir on th )iuiD0ri ,cf Mi rrtiandialTir. vf.vr a r,0'1 tnd mn oppnrtnnlty to lb elliiene of CI"'1. Avid and aij-irirf coun'iei t I oy aiir fooda at whnleiNlf or reinlt rr'rn. Hl aitonWh Ih unlntructed. Their irifid will l(t pirtien larly rejected to puit th is market. Krery Udr will, iherefore, can in niiennon or nr nnFimnu tn ihii fa ft, became (hia hrancb of our buninete will reeelv epeelal attentUn, end verythinK noded lo a well regulated bnmeliold will at all tirnfr he found Inour store. Our etoek of lH 1 (,(H 1)H shell not b aurpaued, etilir tn qu.1 tty or price, and will embrace, in part, P rinu of every style. Ulofhaois and Lawns of every quality, Munlinl of rry grade, I Leinii adapted to th tatss of the old and yonu ! ""d every article of any kind of goods tbe sell ii tn be as represented, and warranted to glee sat-lifarlir-n. Aa to lH l-.SH .OOI we hav a nil f.inrlmtnt of Alnaeaf. black, whit. oil a...i,.r.f f rmii-ri Kill. stJ in itiort all ! th nei eitlea In ibe mnrket. W dtflr this fact to breome I rown to avery pcrun in the pouvty. Kith tnir new and titenriva stock of Mtl-3 OtXUiK, the Indies can all t ftitted by juft dropping In and getting a bloe dreaa pattern, lar sett, kid piovs-or hv ftotrg that hiru ie Letter: giv iter a writ mien puree. and kb will find good anil paying investment in euibroideriee, edgings, rihbuna, glova. boiiery, or sny other buuttfaold nocertitiee. Aod in adilition to what w hare a'realy emimera ted, we kep all kinds of (il.Nl I.KMI rH i:AH luch si notba, Caasimerea, batiaetta, Halt. Boots aod bboa, Ae., beaidea, a nice sasnrtment of Wade up i'l.OTI.IM- for alru and teoy, manofactured oat of th very beat m atari I. wbirb we willeell for cash or eiebange for enntiiry srlt f rUetwbtab will aatonib everybody. tti ar now largely engarid in baying ana Idling ffcUtlAIti: llMltl H and tnanufse- lured LtMlihn. ana win give tnta brancn oi buiineaa sseeial atteatiua. and t her for wik It an object to every on who baa Lubber to sell to ovine and deal with ue. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, r no visions, Quecnswarc, Hardware. W shall also keep eonttaatly nn band a general aaaortinent of .KOC I :RI1:m and IIAKDn AKI-, wl ich we will sell at exceed ingly low prten. slao keep full assort ment of Citl:i';NKvV AHIi TLis department will b kept full aad complete, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to coma and trad with aa; beeaur wa ar situated, and. from long expertenc iu tbe buainen, to well acquainted with th wants and neoesniu of this community, that w lee I stiitied if every nan woman and cbild only makes it a point t bay their goods from at, we ran p'easa them both as to quality and pric. Therefor, con tiong and buy your BOOTS L SIIOES, IIATS & OAfS, Ecady-Mado Clotbinff. Aad vsrything yo seed to reader yourselves an fan) lies comfortable, from J AS. Ii. GRAHAM k SONS. Oct. 27. CLKAKFIELD, Pa. T UtIAL 1.IHT fur .Noveiuljcr Terns, 1869. F.R5T WEEK. F later... Hunt aba rger. Leavy Ilurxihall . Marv II. Srtitt U. W. hhimel Itedtnond i 'aUiptM-ll Morgan Leonard Marali H- II f bool District. .. Albert Itretiner (raorola (J Co Kir mating hwen r-.nnrtjr llnie ... Wit t.onnel C'iubdI lloekeDbrrry. Frank, Tiros. A Co.... M-or, J. A Curry, Jeuse.. ...Moore. W btto, .fcott'f llcire. M. Jan hhimel. r'lcmuiing. ' Willutuiaet- ml. ' Shoff. Dillt-a et. al. " Sebring. 4 , Snider. ...Heaer A Ililt man. M hmilh. A. J. . ...liiilen's tir e, .Matthews. ' Ilegarty'i Kirs. ' Pup 're La wrervee t p. ' Kauai. J. A. 1 Brown. ' Matthews, H al. 1 (Straw. .... ajootr, m. PKPONO WKKK. Hughe 1 rs tlirnW. tutdn .....tianiea. 'rtf-r- M.Utf. A Pirea. Knglend.. " I'ull'Ht. 1 " Uratmninan. UnN.ks i.,rn. Hmkerbof " Hider. M'MraM Straw. Whiles MH.arreT. Mlioi.. Smith. hruwn Hnrken1errT, Hoorer Clrary A W ail. lbtwsnaa Itowtuan. llaroat. et al Arthurs, et si. I" ins " H.Soirad, et al. rim I N li'Mlearnald " Akry A hlmff. .elaa IfargereMnte. Hipe " ruininrrrii)e. Krhard Mais. Terpe hntu t'rt aemao A hon " tiaine. Henry- Nerper. tpitmKn A t?nn tJaiuea. UuynUin T pdegrsJI, e4 si Certifled from the rA.rd. A. C TATK. lrthpnotrr. I IHT W "IHaVi HJ-K Jl K t lit H Xi fr .NiM.miMrr Taraa, lG9. rius r week. Beeearia...J. W. Wrigbl. J'a. M iniih. BttKtn.,.llgh laeb. MgZ-...Jhn 1' Bra.lfurd. Iiati'J Wtlann. M Jamre Pixnn jr M Jnhn fuwder. Braily ...John ' legal, Hurntle. J. Hnntitaueh. Clea-Hrdl J C Wlnirhill " Htehartl M'asp M Jaa. It. (irabam. Curwenivile..ln. J. I). Thituinn. " .Mi Saul Chet..Rtbt. Pennington Pecfttur-EnichtiMrhart trahara... Wm. Vlli-tm Uoakeo.a.J. H. Flegal. tRUa hai-ker. Utilieh...Tatrirli flynn. ' Juart h I'ry. IIiitoa....loM'ph Ilurky. Jorlan...lao Hlmmi. John Williams. Karihau...l. (lilhland. JuS. Yntrter. Knot...1,wt Erhanl. Eawrrnee..John Mitohell Morns... dam Mnyer. K. l Itrenner. N. Waabiugtn...Ja4uc " haraprj. PiVe..I,ravette Met'lure M Vm.'MrNaiil. M J.ha llolden. rnina .ll'TMce Courtney Woodarl.Jno It. Alex M andrr. MHOXU W EEK B.l...llrnrT llrrlh. Jr. l. J. 8 .Fhowara. rliMm...Jniae. l.Ni'ti. If "tCjT". I '".nl: r S'onn. I.ra ly . l rrl. Fnul. j . " V. I., rgilrr. J.ft. Il.un. ' M. N. I 'l'her. M llenrr Kriner. (le. iR. M N older linrdnn Jarltaon P.i.'hiii " Jiari I M.lialleT. John II rare. Chrt.. .K. V.t km.on. " Artn.lron W.mmI Carirral'n..J.t(.ph llro. M Fraoei t'natr,rt t vrw.-tm i,le..K A.lmn John Irvm T.-lur..A ii . lleuehtoan. liKu.on.. I. W. II liirnrd .And--r.nn Mur.T tirhaia...M. '. French. II. Ilul.ler. .fordan...Th ni.. pmith. Karlhau.... m. Ilolfer. Lawrenee..Jnhn W. Tale. " II .lit. Laahcad " A.I). Ilort. K.eola...Mil.. Hart. V. I'.le. l'nion...Joph llarley. Weodwatd.H.HenderMn M httliiuioa Maure n en. I.Hth. KI PHT of the rondllloa f the Cltt NTV KATIONAI. BANK af rtearlield. at the cloa. of baiiacM aa the Vth of October, Ur.H : aaaot-aoM. lioan. and diiownnt. ffl. SS H Orerdran. .4 I'. H. rH,nda lo aeoare cironlalloBH. 7.1.(100 (Kl JO ll.fiSI r.lll.S H 3.11 IK n 1,4 ii ?! fl II J 1S,i-fl d0 I 41 I'll, from nrdremina A tent Itoefroni Nalionai llanke I'oe from other Hanka aad flanker... Furnilnre anl fixture. Tue t.atd Oa.h item, including .tamp... Hi III of other National Hanka ,mrld,a, ..cklra. iegi tender notes ProEt and loas. Total LIABIMTt aa. Capital Work paid in Hii.,.la. fond hi'-lianac Inlrrc.l Cireulath.n ontetnndina Indiiidual deM..H. I'ae to Nattunal ll.aka liue lo alhar ll.nVl and Bali.en. Currrnt expetircf Tidal ..'.' 1". !V t. f. W. M.mre. r.'hieraf theConntt N.tlonal llwik of I laartlel.1. do Mdeoinly .wear that the .'ore Maleearnt I. true to the he.t of lay kanwl e.reand Wlicf. (. W. MnoRK. l aehier. r-worn and .nheeriWd lo ub th. l!th of (tet. A. I., IMIII, kelai. uie. i. V. Pllt'llAUT, J. P. Correct Allrt: Hirh.rd fhaw, Wn. A. Wallace, AVm. rortar, Pireolor.. PRIVATE SALE. rpilK nl-nlH.r ofler. at prirale wle. tha fol. 1 lowine perwn.l nropertr. eit : one thrM im. nl.l and one foar roar old colt, twenty Bear., ot a. one twin .led, ono loff lied, ana etna.horm .l.-d, and one windmill. The pronortT c.n he ecen he ealllna mm W Iwbaad, or hy applying lo me. IIK"H(!E THORN. Clt.rMeld, Oct. J7, 1.J,t, ...,f Kfi flOfi 00 ..tint 00 .i4 n .... !.n.i7 31 .... ai.voi .. .... 4U.I.7 ... Jll 47 I 7 77 411 ..!.., 01' a ism1 1 CJlfm '"'- Uisrillaiifou. Kl onT af ilia fondltlow rf tb riHKT NATIONAL HA K K of t'kartt.ld. I ( ciuii'y uf ( 1 1 rflel.l, In th Put nf IVuntyl. anm at th ch ot uuiinew, on tbff Vtfc Jsy 9f Of.ohvr, isru i nitot m n. OsM nd PUftoonts 94 Ove-t draft I'. H. lndi lo ffoun tirculatio lOO.P'C oo 1.600 00 K.gsi .IT a.h .v Hi f.fiM At 70 2t ?.'.7 4i 4M fl 2. M0 Oil 4 0 10,011 00 V. fl. Ilondf on hand Uu from itcdrainlrig tnd Hrierv ApflnU Pa friim other Nsli.tml flunk Due froui other lisnki A Jisukert Kurniiiire and fiitures Current Kirneos. In i paid Cmh ileuif, includiiij statnpi HilU of other Nsttonsl Itank Frmcttonal currency, molud. nicktU.. Tender notoi LUIIt-ITIKR. Capital etoek paid in-... $luM0 00 fturplui fund IMtwount 1.VV& vw Koha.i(c, 107 IntreL rUl 0 Profit and Im 9 National Hunk Cireuls tion outstandinn , M.771 00 46,0J OA 1,1-1 Bl Individual depoiiti !oo to National Banks., iue to other Hanks sod Bankeri.. 1,82A JO TUl 2411,447 W 2 IV, M 09 Stats or lr.KaTLVm( ) Con itt or CkaaapiiLn. J J, A. C. Finney, Caabler of lha First Kallonal Hank of Cloarllo'd, do solemuly swear that th above statement is true to tbe best of lay know ledge and belief. A. C. FINNEY, Cashier. hubrcribed sua iworn to th 1 Hth day of Oct. A. X., 1 Hft'i, WM. UAUtBAUHII, Attibt: . Notary Public. D. . Netllng, A. F. Boynton, Jon'a. Xit-yaton, Directors. (1AI'1I. All persona are hereby oautfoned J agamat piirchaatng or in any way mddlmg with UNJi M'AS OF HOltbKS, fun a bay aud tba other a sorrel, b4th mares.) together with btroeeR, aingletrcvs, spreads, bought of William Croc, ol Uroarie tftwnaiiip, and now in tbe oaas ston of Wil Siain LigUtner, of liecaria town fib ip, aa the some belong to me, and ar subject to my order. W. B. MCKEV, 4Jlcn Xlupo, Oct. 11, lfin 31. A C:i:TH WANTI I). Agents Wanted, 1 H to $200 per tnonlli, male and female, ai'll the celebrated and origin! Common henee rauiily rewmg Machine, iniprored and perfected ; it will hem, fell, stuch, tuck, bind, braid and em broider in a mowt sanerior manner. I' rice only $ lo. Kor simplicity aod durability, it has no rirmi. Lo not buy from any parties aelling machines under th sam nam as ours, unless baring Cert i fie t of Ageney signed by as they are worthless Cast Iron alac bines. For Ciroulora aad Terms, ajjply or address, II. CIUWFORT) A CO., o20 St 413 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Ts BOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! The Cdcbratrd mCIIAKDSOX 1500TS, Far aala aboleiale and, at J. V. KltATZKR 6. XIdY KS.OO Toa can get m pair of Frvach Kip Root, for Dv. dullari. at J. r. fcKA I iLB B, Oct. M, lff,9-tf. Cunt'enstillc Marble Yard. DKSIH018 of eitending any businssf and kaowiug there can b no higher tribute ut rrpvl to tbo memory of lb dvfed and buried friendr-, thin lo erect orer their narmw homes a scullitured slab of enduring marble, that !Kiuta lurever to the rraling plc of those we ve ; I beg lear to aay to all wbe wish to abow their affection for their departed frienda and kindreU, that th-y can now haT nn opportunity of so, bv calling it ar Hip on 1 bomnfon street, iurwenrvilln. Pa., as I a in prepared to lurnion 10 onier. MO.NIMKXTS, CliA II,K k BOX TOMBS, 1IKAD STOXKS, Ac, of anr drigo or aise, at reaeoiiat-le rates. N. H. I keep 00 hand the best lurclra and Oomratlc Marble. All work eitvntent ia the mat akil'ful manner. I will alao deliver work lo any point in Clearfield or adjoining mntie, if deairel. W M. 11. CUL1U U.N l urwenavill. Ot. 30. lSrtfct-tf. T AlH FS bur your drcaa goods, trimmings, Ao I J at WM. 1U.KH A CO S.. as la hr th ebitieeat Myloa of tbe beaten. CI It HON. Proprietors of Hotels and ha- g.liat giving or selling M KN HV W'ISOlt, any mioxieating liquors aerrattvr, as I am deter mined to prosecute eaeh and erery owe fbuud tio- Ulittjj tbe law ia his particular eat. A FBI KM). Wwidland, (M. 13-3tpd. IfiR tt.ll.K CIIKAP. The abdrr.i-ned o(Ter for aa. nt a bargain, a flrt-etara thirtT b-rae THtwer MATIoSAHV KNUINt A S It CUU t LA H HAW-MILUwitb Kdgr. Utb Mill, and everything complete and In good order. iiirmg no turiuer us for tb above marbinery it will b auid clrenp. JAMK8 LOW THE R A CO. Altoona, Oct. 13-lm. IHTII AV t'aai. tn-..a..lny an tlta A at. of th. nbcriirr, ra.idiitK lu llradf (nan atiip. nn ar aKurt the alb tUy ot September latt a lKK It 1.11 H1W. ailh Kcll aB.rnppom to br ta or Iw.lra Tnar. aid. The owner n rrurirtrd to oorae forward, prav. property, pay eharcn aad lake aer .aay, or iba will ba di.pored nf lb. law direeu. F. KUIII.CR Brady towmbip, Ort 13-.tpl. VI Dinilt MITIC II The ander.iened a Auditor, .ppoinlrd by the t'oort of llcar flel,l onanly, to malia of the D.onie. in the hand, of Cyreaia. Mow. and t harle. Sl.ian, Ainimieiraior, ae., ol Jeeuli t.aaTtiart, deceased, late of Mnrrif town. hip, amonit tho. Lpilly rntitlrd therein, w.ll attend lu ilteeliarg Hi, duttrf of h .pp.mtipent. at hi. offiea, in Clear field, on I, the ttb day of Noreir bar. Belt, a her. all ei.,.n luteraetad lo laid fmij caa allrn.l ir llier e proper. l. L. KI1CK.-' del. 1.1, i-.H Auditor. I M.IHTI.'.K'M StTU I- Notiea i. herehr 1 V I" en that tb. follow wma aooi.unt. have len eiainine.1 and pa.aed by me, and remain "led of reeortt ia Ihia omea for Ih. inepeettun of beira, lepfttee., creditor., nnd .11 olher. in anvother way li.t-n-.w-.l, and will he prearntrd to the re.t Or phan'i t oart ol 1'h-arM.I enanly, tn he held at the Carl Houm, in the borough of Clearlield, com nienetnf on tha aecoad Monday of November. A. I. IS. I. PiitinI ncroiint of Starr Million. t-. t. M u ... J . . I I "."ma" aui.D, oreami, lata of I tteooana laaaehip. j ..... -. v i ii it i nceiHiniol A. .s. Dickmnon, Adimoi.trator .re a.,,. aoa, cM fe.l..eeer. .aaej-o of Julia birkesaua, drceanad, laia ol llrccaria town. hip. Rrot.Tta'a Orrira, A. W. I.EK riearald, !., (VI. 1, f. i,. HeirLler. VFIKST CLASS from th. aa.t, I 1'tir.SK i COAT MAKI.ll. k.p bcea ewpluvrd al ATSUX'S. AI.0, a new Fall and Winter .took of Bonnet., H:.l,aca Aire. W A ISII.N 8. Al.Sil, a aaw aapplr af Triwiminca and A'l'clc. at Jira. M .M.-oN'S. " A 1.80. all the late and mal faeliionahle ftlyle. Ore., and Coat Pattern., lor l.a.lic, Miawa'and ( hildrtn. at lra. W AT.M1.S g. Partictilar altonlioa wilt ha siren to tha Dree. Making Hcpartment, hy Mi'., who ha. .pent marh lime in Ihii branch of hurinrai, who will bar. tha a hoi. charge or tha huaineea. at Mra. WATcHi.Vg. It will b. oar rfratol Mudy lo plcaw and rice all altrnlion to our rn.t.micr., a that tbry may 1 accommodated with promptnea. and neiei atrlea and quality of coo.1., al lower price, than they have heen buying .t eltewhere. All r Invited lo call al ilr. TVATf ON S. Oct. 1J, lKm tf. VV Ml I ST II VTOH KOTH -,-Noticf la hereby riven that Irtter. of ou th. e.le of h'lM I, 1.1 TH c. R. .Icoeaae.1, lata 01 to., ( ,raeld ronnle. Pa . bar. heen duly gratilKl lo the, .11 pcraona Indehied lo .nit! eat.te will plcaM. tnaka pavmcnt. .nd thoap h.vtna clatma ar damaod. will prcKBt thetn propetty authcnlicatcj for act. lrm'nl- M. Ji. 1.1TIIKH, (t. M ftt pi. A linini.lralor. i DMIMatTHATIIK-K XOTIC I Nii, J V becehy given I hat let lor. of .dinini.lratioa on the e.l.le of It. B. .H, dwa.ed, lata of lleccana loanakin. Cleatfleld onaatr, Pa., hav. inj liccn dalv granted lo the andoraianed. all per aona indel.le.1 lo raid eatale will pleace make pay ment, and Ihoae having claim, or doenaoJ. will preaeal I hem properly aulhenlHiated foravltlcment and allowanca withoat dclar. Oct. IJ fit. A. W. I.RK, Adta'r. VI1MI MTK ATOH J. NOTH ll-TuttTr. of AdniiBiatralioa with tho will knneled ui.ob the h.i.l. ot J,,l,a llirkmaon, lata of (ilea llnpe, I'leara.ld count r, bar. bee a granted loth .uheriUer. All per.ot.1 having olaimi will prraent (Item, and tlioi.. indebted will make pavment ta tbe umterMgned, ar lo Win. A. nia att'y. at Clearfield. Pa. A. S. IMCMNPON, Octll.'6'.i fit. Admr. D. B.N.C.T.A. " A1TI.I.-The ncder,,5ned will 1 pay th. hiflic.t CASH ritfr fr .ii at 1 1 It. and lih. n HI K. vi.arneio, ilea, si, l. I.. BEI7.KS.TK1N rM. KFeTD a CO.. make Oaatlrtatil1 fnf. T aithtBf o.4i . .jaectafoy. Jry tfccd, it. 0tL FALL mi!)K NEW GOODS &, NIW STYLES. J. K. IM.ICfJIITCAr, .Wttrkrt Slrrrl, Cltarfltld, ia. JJAH JVST OI'EXEU larga and writ HlaaUxl .lock af F.U.f. aud WINTCfl BOOtS and BUOLS) li lata.! alvlra af 1IAT.S and tAPa, I:, wlilcb ba will till ciur ru cnu. The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps. Boots, SIioch, Uinbrellos, &c- CALL and SEE for YOURSELVES. Place : next door to Adam' Ex. Office. Sept. 77, '69-tf. OCTOBER 1869. 1869. FAIili TICAIJE. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! WM. REED & CO., Market Street Clearfield, Pa., JAYE JUST OPK.VED a larg. ul au. plcta aiaortmcnt of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS; Embracing full line of Pres. Goods rat.l.T, Hoolaa an4 Zephyr bhawli, Uerad Phirta, Fina Flaontia for ander. a-rar, l'rrtira and Cupat; Trienainigl of alt Iwtt Alraatidrr'. Kid Ulovra, ( mpartor ta Jiravina, ) lph.vr and Mm4 LAD1F.S AXD GKNTLI- MEXS FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS, CAr.S, FURS, iC, 1C, LC. HAVING arlari.4 oar n itk with graataat ear., bajan will iod a decidJ Advantage in calling. IlAVTVfl UADK ARRAXOKUKXTS aritfa aa importiar hauaa ia tha aait, country daalrn will ba aupplird wilb Zrpkrr la any qaaality, at New York aad Philadelphia jokbinf pricaa. Cl.arflrld, Rrpt. 22, IS-4ia. COURT PROCLAMATION. TTHBRKAB, How. C. A. MATFR. Proa. I tdenlJodr. of tha Court of Commoa Plea, of tha twenty fib Jndirial Ui.lrirt, conpoMd of ina coootle. ot cieameld. ( .ntra and Clinton and Hon. SAMUEL CLYHK and Hon. JACOB WILIIkLM, A.aooiata JuJjea of ClearBtld t, k.T. luued precept, to ma dir.rtd, for tha holding of a Coort of Cummon Pica.. Orphan. Coort. Court ot Quarter Be.rlon., Conrt of Oyer ana i.rmmar.ana lobti oi un. rat Jail lallr.ry, at tba Court llonaa at Clearfield, and far til. canty of Clearfield, commencing on tha wrrond Mob l.y, (nth dav) ol Nor IHti!, and lo coolinu. TWO WEhhS. UIVEN und.r my band at Clearfield, (hi. Id day af Ort. ia tha year of oar Lord, .a. thoaund aifhl hundred and ality nina. CVHK.MIS UOWE, A'A.r.. 17l ItS. ranjinf ia prioe from H 00 to 0 a Set, at WM. BKKD 4 CO S. NOTICE I IX the Balt.ror the pel U ion of Ilaniel Fryer, Adeaini.trator of Jubn Ehrfrnod, daeeaaed, late af Itrady luirn.Vp. To the heir, and lefal repreaeatatlvea of .aid decedent. Vlierraa. uid Daniel Fryer. Adniniatrator, preariitcd hia pelitlim lo th. Ilrphan'i Conrt on Iba Jd d of Jane, l, rctlmr. forth that uid J .liB l:hra;ood. h.d in hia lirelim., by hi. contract in writiue, ...Id .nd houud hiuiaelf to conacv onto Nichola. Kara, a renain tiiev. of land In llmdv l.'wnahip, a.i.l ennnty, h. landa of Samuel Arnold, Krrd'erick Zrirler aad other., containinu 411 acrra. mora or leaaj and that the aaid John Khrgood died before contract wa. eiorutcd, and prayina. tha Court to authorila the aaid Adtaintalrator to make and delirer nolo tba aatd Nirholai Kera. a deed for .aid premier., on receipt of tbe balance of pnrrhaee moner. Whereupon the eaid Court ordered and directed notice to he In on. newapapcr for four rooeecutira week., to ba directed to the heir, .nd leiral reprrarntatiTC. of aaid deoedant, eoai nandmit them lo appear oa Iho .eennd ol No vem her, A. (.. 1, at aa Orphan'. Cart to be held al Clearfield, and .how canaa if any th.y hare, why .aid contract about. I not ba eio. cuted aeoordina to tbe trua intent and avcamna lhara..f. All of which tha aaid bain, Ac., are reouired to take Botica. Hy order aflli. Court. A. W. LEE. Oct. U 4t. Clerk, O. C. TATSST fiTYLE af BUKNKT8 .a. llATS, I al Mra Wal.oa'a. CI Al 1ll.Tk. nolle thai 1 have pur- eh.4 at Rheeta-a ..u. all (be poreonal prop ertt of Jnaepa l'..lter, of Alnrrta tnwaahip, Claar cld county, and left the .am. with aai.t Potter, OB loan .object lo Bly order, Tit: I ton, and barneea, I enlta, 4 Witlk n.i t head nf ennn. eatlla. 40 heei. 8 hma. 1 w.ronL I Ur.v in.. timber wheel., cock .., a.d hoe ,. warn aetiioa. Bay la tha hara. corn In th Held, wheat and oat. ia tbe barn, aad til tha k.k.,u and kitchen furniture, .. per arhadula filed. Alao, taken th. real allele in elten.icn. JAMES T. LKOXARD. Cle.rficld. Oct. IMa. it. SO.MLT11IMJ NEW thoafAeaha, at W.M. K KM) A COS. Dihioi.i-tiox of PART;i:itsiiip Tbe partnerahir. heretofore c...l.. k.u. tiamhla riheTWood, at J.voe.,,11., fkarlleld eoanty, wa. di.aalrod by nintual eoaaent oa th. 2Vth a.y of riepteinlr, KH. Th. book, and oconnta are lei! with tha aenlar memtaar af th drm N.C. (laml.le, who It anlhorTlad to Py all el.ima aaalnal tbe late Hem. jai, (- ,..Jim,K. Smith'. Milt., t "t siituw oan. OcL , '-4t d. EW eTYlB WATER rnonf IUT, al Mn. VT.i.c.a a. "0 MY owx iiooii.- HAVINf! pnrchawd tbe anllro atnek af joade .1 the old al.nd of Kirk A Ppencer, I ioirnd to eontlnue th. hnainct a. beretofora. My motto I. ta aril " roi c." Th.nkinf oar friend, and eualnmer. for paat patrouafe, 1 wlicil a eontiBa.Bca of lha .am.. . t ISAAC K1HK. lamher City, Prpt. ti tf. MTIfE! IOK THE rt RPOSK of cloain. ap tha Rook, of tha lata firm of Kirk t Mpenoer, aa itnme di. ta Mlleetloa of all aeaounta i. bow required. All noeelilrd aecoanu will ha In my hand, for lettlrment anlil tba 1Mb nf Not. l!(i, and all nol Milled by that time will ba plaotd ia tha hand, of aa oBear for collection Cdiy, 0ft. , -f . cnt (FtUU for jp(. ORI'H W S COVET SlI.lT UT Vir.TLRoF AN OLUKIt ifc. c. . foarl t,f I IraifleJ n.unl. .1 I ." rifn,"! t rMt Hal at tli. r...t H-.l u oa I I KallAT, lUa It. hljV at 2 o'elik, p. m , 59 Acrci of Valuable Timber lar.fl liet iMirt, ' All of that certain piece f Ian 1 sltuata a towiiohiii, late the eUAie of John SI na, 4 ' lounld and decriled a follows ; beiriaB,,,-! hemlock eorniT on line of Ibe K'-njaiuin ' stirfry, tbenr forty nine nd out bkl( txer eat 01m buii'lred and fifty -one prrcliva to thence north thirty ix and three urk 4,, wet a boat anty-lao and oi-b.ilf t..u, I pot, thcfice ulh forty-nine aiid a half uw ar-M on bnndred and bfly-oue per. h ta 1 thent-o suiUli frty.f degrars rut t,Wit two and owe half perches to lb betulfx, '.' ' plan nf beginning. i luie land has long been considered .1 beat tiinbiT I-vod in tbe eoantry. ft it with tbe Brat natality of whil pine; Urrr M , atraa.hf . free fnui blaefc knots, aud wiuiaikt 1 hit Ms : Oac third uu confirmation of tbe tU nd the balnnxT in two rial annual trtJ?. with intereat, to ba savored hy bond act nro,. on the pretni.vs. OtOllliK tbis. I Oct. 13-41. Adminiitrator. (irpltan's lurt Sulc TI3IBEU JaXXI). BT virtM of tn orJf-r or tbe OrptMit'i Cmr 4 ClekrftrU euuMy, lbr will be fiiH iiublie tale on tb iirt-mitrt, on THLksiAr OCT. SI, IHtiC tb rutlowmR rtrtbrj ij K lituftU1 in lUanrki townnlnp, Imbu.,, C P., Ut tbt MtBteof Joimtban If Hmith. A- i ' butibdrd by Unda of David UadclitT, Cbas. Cmmt Jamea liradj and oLben, ' Containing Eighty Acres, with about 3 acrci eUartd, tbe balaaee Uli) tS t.mlrt(l with while fine tiinbtr. TKKM.S: One fuurtb in band, one fount oontirn.atibn of ale and the balance ia eae jttt thereafter with titurtel. J. CAMl'HELL, Oct.6,'6t-3t. Ourttiu, Vew Cabinet ! MOn.ANNOIf LAND AND LI MBER CO. PA NY offer for tale Town Leu ih the Uf. oub of Oecrola, Cleaiiirld eonntr, Fa., tnd lott to tuit parchaMrt tMttide the I in 1(1 f Hj boroni;b. Oet.-eola ia aituateel the i.Maatt Crrk, in tbe rtebeat portion of tb tminy 4 Clrar6ld, on tbt line of tbe Tyrone A Clearf.14 Hailroad, where tlio UthaDbon ani hmtnn branch ruadt intereecL. It ii alio in tbe avtrtif the Jo..hannoa al baim, and lart bn4m f white ymm, bemloTi;t oak, aud other UHber tw. round it. One f tb laret lumber Mktufutw. ine; nubliihniente iw tba 6 tale ii located u tb town, while there) are nanr ether lunbtr u4 ihingle mill around it. Tbe town U hat mm yeart olJ, and eontainf a popnlation of en uv and inhabitant. p&'Ym further information appl at lb 4t) of U10 aboT eoBpauy. JOHN LAWiUE, aprll EuperintendnL Houses and Lois for Sale. IOl'R B0U5L3 and LOTS ii CletrCdd. al o rcaeonabi Umi. Potfmjoi in thirty day. Alo. a plot f FuLR LOT tb corner of Fourth and Heed trreu, im, l;2z200 fet. Thrtwof tbeee lot ara writ UntW for either Ism bar yard, eoai yard, or fur bniUiag parpuftei generally, being within 20 feet ef iw raiiruad depot, rrie aa wm reaftDttic, Apply to UEOltUE Tllul.N, tf CleerDt.iK durational. MISS H. S. SWalU'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEAEriELP, P.I. rpilK FALL TFRM of twenty two trtii rj X fmannitn oa MonJar, Rrpteaibrr I, ltl. A Primary dprtB ut wilt be addd te IM School tbie (all ; fr which tbe eervice of prttpnt fnttrnrtor bare heen engaged. Aaete ilort will ba iparrd lo render Ibtt departaetl auracur ani inttrucira. TERMH OF TCITIOX. Rea'lin;,Orthorrapby,rritin.Ob)ei Le rni Primary Anthateti and Prwitry tieor"pbr, tr half trm. (of eteTea werhi.J N llifttjry, I.ofal and deecrlptirt with Men Drawing. Orsmmar, Menial and WriltPi. Arithwietie w I M Algohra and tbe trmnore . I ft Initrwtion ta intnimeoiai auti.... 19 N il painting 11 Wit work M lor full part im lar vend for Circular. CiraHtpId, Ang. Ii, lsCt-pd, CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. fltllR FIRST 8S.-SI0H af Iba aeit ut 1 la.tic yearaf tht. iB.titaliaa will romnt aa MI'NUAV.lh. Hth day of dc.taiahar, KM Pupil, can ant.r at ana tiaj.. Tb.j will M charged with taitiaa from th. lima Ik.jr aautli 10. cloa. of th. 6e..lon. j 1 ha aoar.a af laatrorlioa amkraaaa .i.ry thiaf 1 iBrludrd in a borcaltb, vra.tiral and a. ' pli.bad adBeatioa foe noih aaaaa. Tha Principal, kaaing bad tba adBtaaf maci aipartaaea labia aror...ioa, aaMee. m. reala and fru.rdnn. that hi. aatira ability u4 oerciee will ba deeote.l w tba avoral aad Be. Ui traininjr of tho yoath placed aader hi. .aarrt, TKKNN Of 1(11 III. Orth ogephy, Keadinn, WritlBf. and Prlar? Arttbm.lic, par Soaaiaa ( II week.) tl M Oramuiar, Gaoiraphy, Arithaxut. aad Hi-lory $1 N Alfohra, Ooomerry, Trl iron am. try, atra. .uratloa, 8arT.yiaf, Phtlooopby, Pby.i. elory. Cb.mtBtry, llook kaaoinc. Bauay and Phy.ieal Ueographa . . . f II L.iIb, Oreek aad Fr.ach, with aay af th. aboaa Braacbe. - . . $1 N Altaic PtaBa (SO leaeona) . . . $11 N tt-So dednctloa will b. mad. far iknia jprrzT further particalar iBqaira . Ke. p. L. IIARRISUK, A. V., F.b. 4. ISltt It. (ft IF Priaalp.1. Olrrrhant sailors. ' F. C. CROM1M, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET ST, CLEAUriELD, PA. VFTLL uf)ply of CMh, CuvimeiT VeMingf mnrtantly an bead, which will a uip'te p actwding to tba lateet fabioak, i Bbttantial manner, and at row rat fa, bit: 13G9. (toins It Alone. 18G9. E. R L. STOVUHTOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Mi-art, Clearfield. Fa H AVISO opened buiineaa aa my ew. leal, at tba old .land In 8hw, Row. I thrnfar. annonnca tn tbt public that I baa. aea si bud Clfjths. HaSRimerfR. VflStinFS. ' ' c Be.T-, and all kind, af Oood. for " ! D"T'' aar, and am now prepared lo make 'of ord.f CI.OTHINU. from a .iola arllel. m afa J auil. in th. laical atrial and Bin werkmaalihn manner. Ppaclal attention ieea I. aaa''i work aad enlttoc out for men aad r .y,,, .... ..-.I a. - . . ef BB.ii. .nut a .atterarilon. A llh.ral p.tronart i. (olirittd, C.'.l 't.nniii' 'STOl'UIITOX. J.nT-tf E. Al. BUI DC Fa, lkrtlRCHANT TAILOR. (flora ne door of CVearCrld ll.-aa.,) 1 Market frtrtet. Clearticld, P.. 1 CttrS an bead a foil aasorlmanta of 0"" IV Parnl.hin Goods .nek a. Shlrta, Li""I n.l Woo Ion luder.birta, Ur.w.r. aaa Neck tie., Pooket HanHkerebtet., lov, l iabrali.a. Aa ia mat aarl.iy. W llat.J Tirtt Uood. a. keep, the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors, j fik hu.i TVA..WI. Kf Ik,, aarr Vatt meh.f Paney C.aalta.r., In (traal .artel. , alto. jVj Ooallnr. Bearar, Ptl-i. ( hlnehllta, ..4 rneJJ oearooatina. All af which will a. ld fee.." Ca.b, and mad. ap aaaordlBfj la 4h laiMt .IJ ! by ayparicBcod workm.a. . ut Alao. Ar.nt for ClearfleM. aonnlT nt I. ,. lnt.r A C.'.. eelrhr.ted hewief l,','", f" - oT. 1. urj ir. n. "- nnt.iaT. iTimii MlTIf 1.-' -1 A 1. hereby given tb.t letter, of admi.itlca'J on thaw.l. of PAMt KL rUH Tl.. aer- j late of Karth.aa townahip, l lcrteld eoon'T. 1 narlni n.rn da!. rnwi.a .a me ana..-, perann. Indebted to aad a.l.t. aill J""" parmaol.and tboae baelre; o-aima or '"", prtm-Bt them proparly "''f I.H..I(Orl.-f '(-,, ' aW'1''!"