t Jtotrlj nui iafstaurant.. "THE LEONARD HOUSE. ; (Near ike llerioad ll'ii it,) ftrnr btriikt, fi.FAHFir.in, n. . D. ClOODITI lovr, Pmprhrlur. 1 KKW Drrlrltra Hf-1 hi everr re.prot J eoaifortable room. all Ibe mo.lcrn Improro ieate tho li.il of MOI'DllS pionil attend ance, and reaiunablc char 'a. The liouaxe of the jmbllu i re.-ncctfullj i licit)' 1. Jr.'iO If THE ALLEGHENYHOTEL MARKKT Sr., Cl.EAttKini.P, Pa. fpIIlS large and eoaitu odious nw hotel hat JL been opened fur tha am-ouimudiition of tbe public, whore tho proprietor nil! he glad to meet bit old friend, and receive .bare oi public pat ronage. By Uriel pi-rponul nii'tioii to tlm d taiU of hi buiin?K!, hp hopes to he uMt to render satisfaction to bit ps.iru.is. The J AIM.fc. Kill alwavi be bountifully u p p 1 i t 1 with the bout that am bo procurvf in llm market, ami lhf BAR trill contain a full t..k of I.l'.'L Ull.S, UEi.lt, Ac. Wood stabling attaclu-d. VA.VKH LLIPOLDT, C.earfiul.l, March 3, 169-1 Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, WAi.V T., Ct'UWKXSVlLLE, TA. HAVING leased fur a term of years tha above well known an J popular hotel, (kept foruiertj by Mr. aIsiod, and lately by Mr. Kvans.) lha present proprietor baa re luted it With tha object of rendor'np hli guettt oomtirt taMe while sojourning with bin. A fin, large B table and Yard is attached, fur tha o&re and rifoteetloa f borers, earriaget and wnsroni. A i bar 1 1 fhara of public patronage in solicited. fb24 tf JOHN FOUTS, Prup'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curtvenivlllc, Clearfield count, Pa. ' rpIIfSoldaod wall eitablifbed Hotel, bemtl 1 fully limited on tha baokt of the Humu. banna, In the boroigh of Curwen ville, hat been leaded for a tarn of years by tha uodertiened It bat bees entirely refitted, and It now open to the public generally and the travelling commu nity ia particular. No paint will be apartrd to raaaer guettt comfortable while tarrying at thii non-a. Ampie Binoiing rooai tur tne uoomno datioa of teams. Charge moderate. Jio. 1, '61 tf WM. M. JEFPRIKS. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, CurwentvUle, Clearfield county. Pa. THE oaderilgnail baa teaind thii old arid long eat bin had hotel, (formerly kept by Major laaaa liioota,) situate ia a aeotral portion of tha town, and baa entirely ra-fitted andra furnished it, and re -modeled the stalling, eo aa to aiake It an abject, hereafter, fer tha traveling publie to -pau-onise tan large anc nomnmdioui nouse. t dao.SW-tf JOUiN J. READ. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cmer of booonil and Market Street!, CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS eld ud eomiaeilieni Uolel hu, dorlnn U( peit y.r. ea tnlmrred to double iu former eepeoiljr for tbe entrruttnmeDt of Itrm- (en ul fueiu. The whole bailJioi hei been nfeniiked. eoi the proprietor will epere bo poise u noder hu gaeru oomlortmble ehile Ujriaf with bint. e-The "Maaiion nouee" Omoibua rani to end from the lepotoa ibe errlral end dapertiare r each tram. DAVID JOllNHTON, tf Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. VI. fpng rubier! ber korlnr leued for term of 1 eeerltbiiwell-koown iletel, (kept for nen; 7obm br Mr. Leoieh,) mod re-fitted tod refur niabed It throuftheat, la oow prepared to enter, tela traveler and the publio feneretlr opoo urna it i keped alike arreeeble to both patrena and proprietor. Ilia TABI.B and BAR will be tup;, had with the beat tko markot aO.irdr"; od no paioa will be ipared on hia part to add to the eonronience and enrorurt vf bia iroeata. JOUN DOUGIIERTT. etll Propiiator. THE" EXCHAFGEniOTEL, ui ntin;d, pa. TI1TS old eitaMifhttiPiit baring been lease 4 by J. Mf-BHISO.V, formerly proprietor of the "Morrfmn floupe," bai been thoroughly ren 4irated and refurnished, and supplied with all the modern itnprorementa end ronreniencei na eeaiary to a firft-rlaei Hotfl. Tna dining room baa been removed tn the firat floor, and ) now f pa fiai and airy. The chamber! are welt ven tilated, ard tha proprietor will endeavor to make bit fraeata perfectly at homa. ).24 J. MOKRISO!?, Troprietor. i. W. WALLACE TBfi. K. fnAW. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Luther-bur-, Clearfield Co. Pa. FTIIIIS well known ard lnr.fr aMablinhed Hotel, f formerly kept hy H. W. Moore, and latteily R'a, Schwem, are, bat been leaied for a term I yeara by tha nnderviirnei, to which the att'-u-lia at the traveling public ia now eaMc-d, and a ahbernt ihare of public patronage la polic-ited. aprla,'68-ly-pd MUW k WALLACE. THE RAlLrFHOUSE; MAIS ST.. rillLirSBUR'., PA. ppiIR underatfrned keep eonatantlr on bea4 I. tbe beat or Liquora, Ilia table ia aiwara applied with the beat tbe market afftnle. Ibe traveller: pablie will do well to r've h im a fall, novl.'ti. ROIIKHT 1.1,0V li. McGAUGHEY'S EESTAl RAM & ilEFRESIHlEM SALOON, la Iavy'i Xew Bnil'linit. (fonuerly eccupitd by Mr. lute,) FECOKD FT., CLtAItKIELT, PA. CIONST A!C TI.T on hanfl a line eeln-tion of CAN. I1ES. MTS, CIliAKS TUIIACCO, Ao. Alao, I'll II llVSTKItS roceived daily, and aerved up to auit the taetee of euatomere. L.BILLIAHI MAI.MlNon aeeon.l alory. deeia t UAV1U MctlAI UHa'T. goof and .SliofS. DANIEL CONNELLY, loot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS .iurt received a One lot of French CAI.F SKIN, and la now prepared to aiannfae rure everything in bia line at the loweit oguree. lie will warrant hia work lo he aa repreaeotea. fie reapeetutly lolieiti a eall, at bia chop on Market atrect, aecond dcor weat of the poatufEce, where he will do all tn hia power to render aatia- boeaa ana trailer tnpa on nanf. J,'n7r 1MNJKL COKKELLT. TEUE rKOCLAl.MEI). THE WAR OVER IH CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. JCcarly all the Contrahamh going lack to their old mathr; but 'nary one going to old MiiMachusrttt, rhere they tccrc lorcd to long and o veil. 15 eoeeee.aaaee of the above facta. F. BflORT, of the old "Short Shoe Shop," would an. nuance to bie ftumerone patrone, and tbe people f Cleerflo'd county at larj-", that be baa now a tm rate lot of ro.id material, jait received from !He Deet.and ia prepared noeoort notice to eaahe ard mend Bnota and Hbe.a, at bia new ah,,p in 'iraham. r'W. He la aati.ficl that be caa pleaae eli.f u'lteea it mi(ht beaome intenaely loyal atay al liotae patriate.) He ia prepared to aril low for I'a.b. or Country Produce. Ilon't forjret the f'.pnett d-M)r to Sbnwera A Qrehem'l atore, en Market atreet, ('learneld, Pa., and kept by a fallow einiaiaiiT called Jylf,? y "SnORTT." SEW r.(?OT AM) SHOE SHOP. edwarlTmack. Con. MAliKLT k .In Sva., t.LF.AKI'IKLD, Pa. 'Piir proprltlor Lae entered Inle the BOOT 1 MIDki bu.lnitea at the above .lend, and ! determined not to be onldone either In qnal. lfy or price for bia work, Fpceial ettotin ail ha paid to manufartarior. Sewed Work. He on hand a lartre lot of Kreneh Kip end 'If Skin., of tbe very beat quality. 7beritl " of tlearneld and vicinity ere reipecllully ioritrd to give him a trial. Ko obarge for calll "etP. ' t, tf IUKIT AMrSHOE SHOP. I 'l H WliKHVIM.Ii. 'PI1R aub.crih..r bavln lately .larleil anew 1 Ho"t and Shoe .hop In Curwenaville, on tala atrcel, oppoelte Joaeph R. Irwin'e Drug llore, r. peellully announce, to Ibe public the! He ia prepared to wienu'eeture all alyle, of Boota d Rboea. and everything in bit Hoe, oa abort ellee. He area k epe on hand a food n.eort- '! of ready. made work, which be will iell hap for eaah or eonnlry r-ronee. -HI J tf I3J LffflH I. f. CV Uttcnbcriifr ft (To. BEST GOODS" AT LOWEST PRICES! J. A. I1L.VTTEM.ERGEI., & CO., NOW 0FlU AT TIIE1B 3 n in in o t Ii Ktorc, IS OSCLOL A, PA., A LAUGH & WELL-SELECTED Turn or Spring & Summer Goods, PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST MAR KET RATES, AMD TO BE SOLD AT A 8LIGUT ADVANCE ON COST, pOXSISTISC OF DKY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QCEENBWARE, WOOD & WILLOW WAKE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. pURXITURE & MATTRESSES FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL-REGULATED I10USE HOLDS, AS WELL AS TO MILLS, MINES, AND CAMPS. QRDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR COUNTRY TRODUCE. SALESMEN ARB ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. (JALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE CONVINCED. J. Ar BLATTENBERGER, & CO. Oaeeola Milla, re., April II, W. S-t2 jiUsrcUanrotts. NEW WILLLINERY AND and DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TI'ST OPINED in ibe room rerently occupied by the Win Keeri'a and directly ojiponile AlnBtnp'a Store, Clearfield, Pa. AH the lata elylei of bonnett, bate. Ae., for old and yoonjf. Ladioi, ntatat, and ehildn-oi triaimingi, rib bout, and eoat velvet. Jaoei, glovee, Aea al wajt kept oa band. IHtI MAklXC. In all Itt rarlona branrbet and lateat it) lei, for old, middle ared, and the ynttn:, anade to order, by tbe moet fashionable dreat makera. eUra. T. K. WAXSON. Ant- lS9.-lf. Alio (rent for tbe "Magic Macedonian OH." Warranted to cure libf ntufctUra, Neuralgia, Livar Complaint, Aa. Ho rure, no pay. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, 1. C. OMflAyiZEn and ratahli.licd Tor IliePnrehaw and Rale of Karminr and Mineral Land., aod Improved Real Kutale in tbe Southern Slaiea. THOMAS B. FLOREN'fE, Preai.lent. JO. SKVEKNH. Vice I'reeiilent. J. IIKNKY ASKIN, Trca.urer, Preaident Fourth National Itmk of plitldelptiia. JnllV MuKRIH, Kecfetary. 1I10S. C. mAt'JMIVYELL, Attorney and Conn.ellor. Ooiec: Vt'aehinrtnn Puilding. Corner Seventh St., and Pcnii.yhaiiia Avenue, Kaxhington, I). C. nrrr.naxrKa i flor. John T. Hoffmen. Albany, N. Y. El-llov. Ia. Ilirlcr, ( learni ld, Pa. flov. T. F. Randolph. Trenton. N. J. Ex-llor, Win. F. Paoker, Wiltiamaport, Pa. Sept. 1, '6V If. EW STOKE TlND NEW GOODS. JOS. SIIAW &i SON liar juil opcneJ a Stw Broai, on MainSUCtaiantLD, Ta., latelf occupleJ by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their alock oontiata of LDIR7 CECDCD1DD33, Gaoria:ta of tha beet quality, QUF.ENSWARE, HoOtS Bnd SllOCS, and rvcry article necraaarr Tor one'a com Tort. Call and axaraine our atork before pur chasing eltewhere. May 0, lfC6-lf. eaurtt. aneoLb.. ,.w. noaa aiKTaiiotiw. FALL OPENING. AliNOLD k HAltTSIIon.V. Ct RWeNSVII.I.E, I'A. II AVE Jl'ST OPENED a' large and moat complete alorfc of HATS 4 CAPS, HOOTS A SHOES, HARDWARE, QriCKNSWAKE, UACON, DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, SALT, AC, AC, AC. Fatl'faction guaranteed aa lo quality and price. AH kino, of lumber and produce take, in .a cbanire for goo.!., Oive u a call before porrha Vreewbele. ARNOl.H A II AKTSUOKH. Cnrwenavllle, Sept. I!, W it. SeTtlement Notice. V1,L peraon. knowing therorelrea Indebted In Bie, will pleaee call and eettle at once. The Il,mk. are at In. Store of Whilcomb A Town-end, (.areola. Pa. l'E"Ba. Mceola, Pa.ia'y Jl, IMH-Sai. Yhita(Jfl)hin .naits.mciilj. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. MM. M. A. IIIMiCII hi. !. ., ,, I'aiia ! Lmi.I .n mill il,e !n ,,,i .rn.ntiljr iflMiM ro.n nr.,,,. BPn,.,J Ita, I ha aioit 1 nniiii,ki to tw ircujo.l ia Fin., tiirh ft. LAKA. nililKihH, VELVETS. Ft.0WKR4 I'HII'M, UNR JI W KI.1IV ..i TKI.MMKI) l'AHKU FATTKI1X8, UJIK '.4 i.J CLOAK MaKINU. I 'ni(.J KVatrlT fur "illllli la.lii.rn' .1....... ... " N ... ' , "-'l ', '.iHciili, ... . . , , " din Kiia imttlripm. fit TJ, Cm 13AA0 K. STAUFFIS, " U'iTI'Iirc r. iPiri'ini' M III 11 1,1 IV tllillLl.hl, No. IIS Korlh Seeond ?lrert. Corntr of (Juarr.v l'lIILAliKI.I'IIIA. An a.nnrluietil of Wntclic, Jewclr, Silver anil riattil n an eon.tantly ou tianj. Heiitirni; of Watciiea and Jewelry prnnipllv aiit-iiueii 10. y S. 8ilL,eruiau. . 0. KiUitier. - II. HilUcrman 8. SILBER.MAN &, Co., IUI ORTKRR AND JOSlIRItl Of FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, &C, 13 .Vorlh fourth SI ml, ayti PIIILA1)I:I.PIIIA. ly:),,! T. C, MYERS, W 1 1 II w. w. rauu d. i. aoaa. WM. W. PAUL & CO., WIIOLrSALE KOOT ABf snoi: H'.f n i; no v sr., :s Market St. A eu Commerce Su abort Sixth, myl PHILADELPHIA. ly t. aoi.Lowai'BU a. Dana nut. EOLLOWBUSH & CAEIY, BOOKSELLERS, Clunk Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, IIS .Varktl St., Philadelphia. tefa.raper Floor elacka and Baca, Foolaeap, Letter, Aotc, Wrapping, Curtain end Wall rapera. ftl2-l.v. DREXEL & CO., N 34 South Third Street, PliUadelpa And Dealers in Government Securities Applh'-atinn tv mail will reiva prompt atten- iioa, and ail tntwraaauoa cneertuiiy tumiihtvi. Order eoliritrd. aprl 1 -tf BENSON, CAMPBELL &. Co., No. 17 N, Fifth BL and 424 Commaroa, PHILADELPHIA, Pi, WHOLESALE GROCERS. And Commission Merchants, roa TIB SALB or Wool, Glneeair, Far Skint. Feathere, Leather, i la,x fried fruit, Ltovar heed, lioou, leet Hkina. Hotter, Beaiwax, bheep bkina. Eariri, Ae., ao., ao. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price enrrent forwarded on rrqueet. June II. lMf J.pd LADILS' FAWY riRS. JOHN FAliUinA, 718 Arch St., Middle of (iir fiWk, Hot. Jib aud Hih 8t.,Bmith aiUe, PiULADKLI'lUA. Irnrortr, tnaD'"a''turT and Prnrrr in all ktnda and qimlitr of FANCY Fl IlS roa LAnira a cuiLtar!i tit Hitrlne; flrprfl. rmtd- Icd anu imirnviMJ iny old nnd fit oral. it known J- I K ':r EM I'OUl I'M, and hawnc iniporu d a vrrv Inrf upli-n'hd aiKirtinTit ol all tha different klnla uf Fun fioin tint hand in Kiirope, and have had tli ni anailr up bv the uiott ikilllul workmrn, I woa'd rrupwtlull.v invite my friend- of ClearQeU and adjacent count to eall and examine uiy very lartrt- and btanfitul aeauri unt o( I ancy i'um, for Lalicf and Children. I am Hftrrminrd to at-1 1 at aa low prirc a anv other rcurrcctalilt! Home in thii city. All Fun War an ted. lo iiittrMirraentalion to cftect naif. JOHN FA K If It K, Rr pt 10. 'filMm 1? Arch Ht. rhiladdphia. a. BraikT o. vol ae. HUBERT & YOUNG, Stono-lutlcrs & Slone-Masons, 7 ILL executcall work In their line at mod . crate pnera and in HKr-I CLASS etjlo. Arcliitectural Ornaments Tn ALL 6TYLFS, fltona Tratsinf of every deiorirtiou, and all ktnda of naaon work eon tracted for In or out of the county. Any pi-raori within? In bava re cpff tnhle maint, work and alonc-cuttinf dona, will find tt to their it.territ to call upon ui. We would el'O In Tor m thr pub lic that we can deliver any quantity or clan of tuna dired, ai we art the ownert of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAKIiY. Ordrri for work can ba addretaed either to Clearfield or Luthenbura. mariltf Jll DF.RT A YOVNfl. 7Inrble A Sione Yard. T. Ill) I V. I. I. A (O, DKFT11E to Inform tbelr friend i, and the puhhc, that they bava now and will keep eunetantly on band a larpe and well enlectpd tukef ITALIAN and YKRMONT MAHLLK, and ire prepared to fnrniih to order TOMBSTONES, Boa end Cradle Tom hi, Monument! ia Rand tone aad Marble, Curha and I'oata forCema tory Lota. Window Hilla A Cap a, Arobltectural A Laan Ornatnenta. They would In Ha tpeetal attention to their Barditona Munameott, which art built from original deiifrna, and will eompara favorably with anything ol the kind ia tha country. If doiired Ibey can furninh Marble Window 8illi end Capt at a ihght advance oa the price of band i tone. Yard on Hard street, near tba Uailroad dfpot, Clearfield, Pa, jrWtf MICHAEL BOKE, MASON AND STON E - CUTTEU, Kcw Waal.lnpioij, Pat "l,A11 kindi of Meonry done, In the moat workmanlike manner. lrdcra at'hcited, and rn tracti Uken ia any part of the county, anffltf Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aGKiiT roa Cbii-Verinc'i. Fle'inwai 'e and i:mcrnni Piannt ; t-imith a, Mon A Hamlin ' and Pclouhft'a Orpin and Molnrieoni, and 0 rover A Iiaker'e Hewing Macbinet. alo Tit a co a or Piano, fluliar, Orran, Harmony tntj YncaJ Ma tic. No pupil taken for Uaa than half a term. p4F-it o.i in- nrit door u tint NaUwnal Dank. Clearfield, Way 4, I Mitt tf. NOTICE. LL per-nna are hen-t-v notifird who hnr IfAiMHl linnkmc ground at rr near the mmitli ol t liilmer mn on the property ot (trootn. Itirk fy A Co., that all ha'k par mii-l lc paid Up he fi re anv nore croniul ran he ohmint-d. And all pc-moiii tarkiifT tioihrr or ("tt" or any other litmlrer on the alorr-aid pn.pt t!T, withmit l-rr-niiMion, will be held for trr--ps. or !-rharfredl fifty rioltnrr' per mfl for naid (rramtid. Application for naul (tronnd niUlt .e Biaulf to W. JS. lHck. y, (ilrR Hope, 'a. OimoM, PICKFT A CO. Pept. 1, isfo.am. DM I lfTR ATRf TafH'K '15. Notlr itt berrbT given that lettpfi of admintrvtranoB the wtata of AhAIIFL CAH ft, derca-,-d. late ol Irfiwrvne twmhip. ( Iitarfieid county. Pa having Un duly granlwl to the undertime,, all pcranin indehtrd lo aaid aalata will pleaae make pa ment, and thoae having olaimi or demand wiil proecot Ucaa profntrlv amhentlratad fr awt tl.mriit, ttLultuE li. HALL, Oft 1 3, 'A9 At. Adrnmiatrwtnr. AShOHTMKN'T ENT' and HOY'c" CAPS, at wm. JH5I ca-s. ft! 4 ,a mm JiirdiiMif, ?inuar.( ffjf, MKlvHKLL & BIGLKH, "alien, ie "A ItHWA It 13. Alio, Manufartureriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARflKLD, PA. Iot'ok "saddles, isiVi dles, llirocu, Cvllart, elo., for ia!e b MEKKELL A BIOLEIl. pA LM K It S I'A .1 EN T 'N LOA D Ing Ilav Forka, for aale bv MFRRF.LL A BIGLEU. Q'lLlM INT, l'lJTTY',-GLASS, Kalla, ate., for aale by MEltnELL A I1I0LER. JjTllN ESS TJM M MI NUS i SUO K Finding!, fur tale by MEKUEMi k BIGl.rU. Q UN S, I'lSTOLS, S W ORD CANES For aale by M ERR ELL A B1GLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Siiea, for aale bj MERRELL A BIGLER J HON 1K0N! IRON! IKON For aale by MERRELL A BIGLER. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for eale by MERRELL A BIGLER. pi'LLEY RLOCK.S, ALL SIZES And beat Manufacture, for aale by MERRELL A BIGLER T1I1MULE SKEINS AND PIPE a. BOXES, for aale by MERRELL A BIGLER. JODDER CUTTERS for salo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAVSI SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! . itEi'OLi tio.' i.r s.tirst EMERSON'S PATEKT PERFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMMING AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shaping tbe Teeih of all Splitting Eawa. t.Secd for a Deacrlptlre Circular and Price Ll.U 1IELHLLL A BIGLER, Jan tf General ArenU, Oearleld, Ta G. S. FLEGAL, IiEALEU IN STOVES .UD HOLLOW WARE, AND MAMLTACTCnCll OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Pulllpeburg, Centre tc, Pau, rpiIE andereigncd raapectrully annonneea to L the public that he bae oa band a eare-fully-eelected and well aitortcd ilock of btovei, H it variety ouniiiti of 7UK CELEBRATED IU0XSIDE5, Which bave never failed ta give perfect eati. fac tion to tbe molt faitidiona of Iti parrbaaera, Continental, LeMfh, Farmer, Iirllght. 8 pear i Auti-Iot, Nil para. Charm, Herald, eVo., with rvery variety of the beat PiIULiurg klutufaetura. ltThe Tin and Sheet Iron wara given with the Morel It made of the beav'eat and belt material, and warranted to give perfect aatit faction. Hit stock of TAKLOR AND HEATING STOVES It larger, better and cheaper than avar before eihihited to the public, lie defiea umpeUUoa either ia variety, quality ar prioe. He It alio prepared ta furoitk a aoaplete atiortutnl of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden aiid "Willow Ware, Whole tale or retail, manufactured weuOr and with the tola view ta service, from tha bent ma terial in tbe market, PLOWS, TLOW ropCTS. A COPPER. BKASf AND IKON KETTLES, Or every drtcriptioa eonatanlly oa band. LIGUTX1XO RODS, Superior point, put ap oa ibnrt notice. The Pel at be o fieri to tha public tn tt.e aamaaaii now need by the Peunrtylvaoia Kailroad Co., tm their building!. ORDERS FUR PrOCTINO, ROOKI.Vii And other work belonging to bit buRlnee will be promptly tiled by experienced and akillfal workmeu, BR A PS, COTTER AND OLD METTLE Taken la eacbanp for goods. jnMTo npecU.lt lrvitfe tha attention of Merchants wl-hlcg ta purchaaa at wholesale, ai ihey will And it tn their advantare to eaammi Lit slock before furcttoeuag eliewhcre.' 0, 8. FLtOAT, riiitlpthnrg, Aap. C, !. ;21iT FAIRBANKS' FTANIUUD II SCALES, -JV or all aianj narpiira r.arrews, Warvhouie Tmrka, Copylnp Prnwci, Improved Money trawcr, tie, ron atLB it MEfcRELL & BIGLKR, lralcra In Hardware, e.10 tf Pcrond Ptrcct. ritrficl !. Ps- VIMIMTHTOH' KOTirn.-Notice i bert In givpn thut iMirr of -'imin tPtrat on ibe clate uf I'FTLtl IK'VLU, dr. eaacd, late of Pike lownnhip, ClearAeld count i. Pe having been dulv granted to (he t.nderiifrn-d, all prrion indebted t Mi id Vllate Will pleaae mkr payment, and thnee having claims or rieniandf ill prceent them proper I v aiithent'fatd t-r tet tlrmetit. J.'Ll.NN lltlOVt'lt, Pept. IS, flfl Itt Adminlitrator. 11TI11TP. niKT. VIM:(.A-A superior If artlaie fur pickling for eavl bv J. P. kKATZER. TON T nnoW OLD. TrSvTa li no nererKliy f..r prematara eld ir i tire Hhaek'a hla.eatih Hitter, It give vitaiitv and elaitcily by inrigoratiug etery vrgaa of the body. HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES. There are no rrmodita io wl and favorably known ai Miouiehold Kemeiilea" ai br. Ho bat-k'f Hlood l'urititr, y to mack Ltitteri and liiiiod rilli, and ou family abuuid La a about thou. FBEPARE FOR WAR!! "In time of peaee prepare for war," la tbe old ailnfle, and there la no aentonoe in the Enliob lanruajre more e.Tprea.ive, nor one that ia ao applicable in Innumerable eaaea. Who ia ao ire aa to know the eaaet moment I In, I Hat Ml dealroyer, dieeae, will Nitark him ? Then bn ye ever prepared, have the Kobaek'a Illood Pillp, blomacb Uittera and Ulood Pnrinor at band and oonibat diaeaao auooeailully. DISEASES OF THE SKIX Old Sores, Kruptioni, Cutaneous iieaaei ar iiiieaaea of the bkin, all readily succumb to the wonderful intUeuee of l r. Kobaek'i Ulood Puri fier, btuuach lliuera and Lio-d i'Ait. ELEVEN TEAKS Of Eiperietice with a eonitantly increiitntr de mand for Kuback's Medicitica is sufficient ac knowledgment of their intrinsic merit, and placet luem the vary Drat in rank for curing the dieeascs lor which they are recommended bold hy all liruggiits. COSTIVEKESS. Or, Constipation of tha llowels, should alwsvt receive prompt attention, aa it pre ditpoeei the rystea to disease. The timely uae of auch val uabla cathartic remedy aa Koback's Blood Pill has saved much aickosss, diieaxa and death, and many perioui to-da v. ar indebted to thcae pilla alone for their vary exiftenec, as tbe certitioatei ia war poiaaatien will atteat. DEOPSY. And Dropsical Swellings, are always Hrved and often permanently cured by tbe alterative effcat which tba timely nie of Roback's Blood Purifier, when taken in eon junction with 1U back a Illood Pills, is sure to pruduea. riNHEB FILLS. All perron, of bitioue babita. after eelint or drinking loo freely, will find greet relief in the a.e of lr. f oback'a Illood I'illa, the, aid dlgee tioa hv atimalating the etomarh, tba. avciling tbe peia, aaoa, e nr erurtatiooa, d-e., which follow from eating toe heafUlv. ERYSIPELAS Oftca arieea from inert iJ condition of tbe entire ayatcrn, and no belter remediee caa be foond than Dr. Roback'a Illood Purine, and Ulood I'illa. CONVALESCENTS, Or pemoaa recovering from Fevers or anv of tbe malignant forms of diie'B. will And Hohark'e Kfomarah Itiltiara i lira liim Vila ee am Innla aail aUni for removing all the pro-iraimg efle-u : a hirh follow difeane ; It eufiplirs the great want o long felt fur a safe and reliable Wnie and apeuser. LITER TILLS Are Pilli that have a direct and powerful aclUa oa the liver, and relieve any inactivity or cob gen ted tUte of that all important or ran npoc which depends the whole process of diretia. The importance, then, of procuring a Pill that hall hive iurb dirt ct action without the ill eSeets of mercurv, ii ausnifeat tn every one; such Ptllt are lUback's Mood Pills; Uiey arc warranted purely vegetable, and caa with cer tainly ba relied upon, and are aafe at all times. MELANCHOLY Is one of tbe many disorders of the n err oat tern, arii mg from a low nate of the eonititational health or severe proetraiion after lung anntinuad iekneii, and require invigorating remedies like Hohacatr Htnfaiae fa Bitten to restore tha arr-s ta their aatural vitality. WHO SELLS THEM? HAKTSW R'K A IRWIN, Clearfield. ra.llr: LITIIERSBIRG POTTERIES I nthcrabarr;, Clrarflrld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN ' Look H ere I nrnlerrigaed it pirparml to fomioh you X with the hcut PTti.NtHAhK manat-r-t im-i in this country. He ha never yrt failed to piea ae the moet tMtidioua, ai tc quality or durability. Hit ware connate ia part of cr.t-v rcrs of all sizrs. MILK ( ROCK A SlD PAW", Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit.) Safctv Tubes, I Andthanorl rvFRTTIHVn n.naliv made and , kept in en eet.bli.hmeni of thi. lond. j i I mniiniANTs Ons bar. tbrir ware drlirerd br toe, al ANY Ti i R and t an v I'I.ai i- dcired. ! " ,IIC " o rniiy aid in your power ord.r. for war, elicited, a..d ir..ni,,il,nil.d. j Cultivate a public spirit, and help yonr m neighbor. If he is in dangerof break ; ing down help him. If be .o' fairly .fC-rrrcr.e'ata.aorlm.l.ratalognea'awn l,,.rr von know I ia erti'at'rn rce l.i, n,.,ied free tn .,.,.i...,... I , '' T P" K" " '"" '""'"t ( "' ;set htm 011 his feet again. His misfor JTv"A lil-ral diacimut ill bolreolr trade. b. giren to lb. gkii. r. kiKK. botberrhu-f . Pa, I"ec. I, ISf.s If KHiKKA! FOUND AT LAST! rtMK aoSaenbr, re.iilinf ia Hell town.li.n. , I l,.arfi,.. cotii,tv. I'a , ann,'Uii"V li' IS. world ami lire re1 if mankind, that br bar trend Crn.le Oil in eonMderablr enaiilitia on hia farm. aMnate on the banna i,f the SuWncbanna river, elsiat 4 uilca alese Lumber fur. JO LTD A. rAfPMOr.E. Oct. , f d'sd. rtt vvrrrwrnrr t ''a aaawjirwt Till: HKPIJIU.KUN. C'LEA lil'l KLD, WHiiNK.-DAY Mni(Mii,onHiii:n :n. Terms cf Subscription. If m',l In ailvniR.n,or wilhin tln iiKimlifl .$2 0(1 If piii't afior diree and nelon' aix niontliM I fit) If )ml n 1 1 .! I tbe i,irnl im i'f ..a iin.iil I,. ... :! DO iii:i u.mt is Muiii M, IvILoil!J t;j.;ro.-l ChnrrP.P-r. V' t. H. I'n.L. Pntor. In lit io Hfrtii'e ctc-ry ."-abl-i li, at I'M A M.. and 7i P. M. Hul.t.atli .i hool at 9 A. M. PravtT .Mcrfio every 'Jlmridiiv. at Tj P. M. t'omiiiuiii'in Kervico, llrnt hahhath uf ecry ui on tli. nt I Hi, A. M. t. aKraiirl"' i hurrliC alhollr Her. Mr. O Lkamoav. Mn-i at 1" o'elo, k A. .M., on tin leeond and f'nirth hniidnvn of cm-It month. Nt, Andrew's t hurch I :plHcopt Hot Mr. Mr: auk. Public Service ori v Tuculny even ing, at V uYlix-k, P. M. St. Joint'- t Inirrh l.uihcran lUr. Mr. NlxlnillF'P. Public Service every iMit.butli, mum in If and evening. lreKbttriaii CliurrhlUr. Mr. Id ti rti. Publio Herviee every iSabl.uth, morning utiii even iobf. For A not hlino. Indite, go to the Shoo Store of J. K. P. LighLcap. Mar ket street. The Jubilee dovotions, cunductoil by tho Ilcv. R. riit'liin, of Allegheny Oily, will begin next Sunday, iu Hi. Fruui-ia' Church. K. O'Dranioan, rastor. ea a The gcntlomun tliat took uwny a puir of pocket aciHsors from Hie olllce at tho Munition House, on tlio dny ol tho election, will confer a favor by leaving tlio name ul thin Oftice. To JubTK-Ks. We notice by the election return. Hint quito a number of Justices of fhe Peace were elected in this county at the lato election. All such who dehiro to lift, their com- iiiitibiona muct notify the 1'iothonotary of their acceptance of the office w ithin thirty days after the election, or no commission will be issued. The following is tho seoro of a ro - turn game of Base Ball, between the Chincleclamooso and Uoiurh Henrlv a Clubs, pluyed at rennfiold, ou Uio 11th instant: cHiariatxAvoo.i. o. aoron a arADT. o. L. Morgan, a. 6 2 John Lueore. e 3 A. W. W altera, p... 3 L. A. Hbrarer, a. a... 4 J. P. Juhneiia. I b. 1 )hu In in, 2 b... 3 11. V. Hirli r, I b... I J. K. JobiiRion, 1. 1. 2 N. L. Itobina.e. f... I Kd. Jubuaturi, r. C 3 4 j A. laOmtrikran, p.- I $ ; ino. Kndetiach, i.e. 4 2 Aloee Luoore, 1 b. S 4 i A. Itliet, S b 4 fijp. Ilewittt S b S fcjF. C. Bowman, L f. 4 Mi. tVoudwarde. f. S iW. A. ieamb, r. f... 2 Total... .... ST Jll Total... Do Kt.MovE It! There is a stump located somewhere w ilhin the borough limits w hich seems to annoy our neigh bor of the Journal excessively. Were i ho in tho habit of carrying a brick in i his hat, wo might account for his per sistence iu having the "cuss removed :' i., ...1 . ' , uuu an iic it.Mtpta iui a u-i i irrantr an. ' 1 t i'i..,. n.-,: i..... . . wo cannot conjecture why he comes in contact with that stump every week. We hope tho borough fathers w ill re move it before our LroUicr pvto porc-d Sujiposo the Kads make a Ocary fire over it. Vbo!o. Wo have heard many per sons complain abnit the manner in which the Court House yard ia being dcMrcycJ by tltOfc who hliould know ' hi-tUT. Uoih men and bova t a j though they hud no sense. It men want to chow their ability let them ' u im-11 ouniij ii'i lunii 1 llll 1 I l 4 1... f.fAt. H Ca 4., a. ' . a . w i w 14 a mil iMiuir Court House yard ; and if so, we think tho men w ill take the hint, too, and act like gentlemen. riin.Aiiri.ntiA, Feb. 17, 1M5S. JmA St favtz, Efj. Icar Sir: At the instance of my husband, I was induced to try your Bitter Cordial for Hint distressing complaint, l'yspcpsia, from w hich 1 have suffered for years. It affords me pleasure, and in justice to you, to slate that after using the contents of one hottle, iny health has been entirely restored. I cheerfully J recommend it to thoso alHicted simi laily. Very repect fully j ours, Ac. It. M. THOMAS, l'17 l'ark Avenue. tdrlicad Si-hrrlc't tttandinv eiilrrr- BiiBoroil r.i.r.iTiow Tho contest in this borough fur municipal ofilecis ' at tho flection on iho ll'ih, presents i somo strange features, when investr ! grounds; and if parent, wish theirjnoone will deny the lioneMy of bis I J' bova to become jumpers and racers, ! '!,r'"1 VaY ""! tbe patriotism . .J 'l"e' C0P'- i , . , i ., I with which ho sought to servo bisl lra!. D, ...... Tk r r i let them educate them upon their own ,., T h i'JZlV - v grounds, or in the Mree... At all i rank iu American history imong the " io,,.h nt event, let tho boy. be kept out of the j very greatest of our public n,e"n; it . C Z m Tu.t , i r . . rr VI mr laic .1 1 cu IMS ii" '11 11 u.' ill s, (l gated, ao far as the vo c on Burireas is v 1 i i- .1 . -. , ' ... u,r1 " .New 1 ork. died in that city a few davs concerned the Democrats carrying',, lip was amonff the carlv s.'t- i,t,tir Lo,e titkct' 'xwl the ",''' C-hmhersbt,re r..,wl,;re he . in question. ! purchased a farm and devoted himself qucs Jonathan Bo.mlnn, Rrp.l.liean lT A. W. W a'.iera, llcmoeial 12fi W'lTnton'e majority. t rjaminaiion 01 the fattota show , that 20 Democrats voted for Mr. K 'yn- ton and 11 llopuhlicans for Mr. Wal j ters, whilo 5 Kepublicans seralchcd ' the former and 11 Demncral. ! od the Inttcr, How to Marc a Town. The Irne secnH tif the crowth of anv i,lut is mainly owing to the indueetiienUand encouragement held out to strnn-er, I ,- t ut to airangt n . to sctt.e ammg them. Encourage p active and worthy men, whether they : have any nnner or not. Their labor ' alone is w orth money. Stimuhtc !..t, 1 . .' ;evcr legitimate enterprise by gntog ,nno ;8 ,0 , j.itied, pot blamed, and Is his talents and In bor re worth mont v to the coinmunily. Ilesides it mnv some dny be our turn to need a cur- responfiing sympathy. Ixt us spoak I well of our neighbor. Talk well and! encouragingly of oar town, 0 itj. growih, its prpett, its aihanlagin. I mrx. ;i,, ... iii. i and, m short, everythtng hkely toad- ranee ita wlr. r. I .fit lan holy .ItHthnl, "n Sniiiriliiy ui 'III r. niiuk hI'!.V avl nn, I Vii.l.nl.lv IiiIhI a, ,hln, lll'lrll Mr. Cliaa. MyiM", treiilin- iHlirllD lli .v(A ttiMowii. A I n!o mi( tiint1 oi iiicli tm lliiit ovt'Miiij;, .Mr. M . l.i , , ,.,.. fiin In ui j ho wa then umt)jf W;is r. most duply, mid uI'liT fxu.itii,;,,,, it, n nbuut to liavn it filleil ii10l" llin nili' tirnrtirod tlio ran coiituihin oil to till It. iinj liil-t Mi h i lining, Mr. Mycin held a lighted tan die vtlhin Hlionl eiglilecn inchcH ol an iiutiic iiule foimolid.ttion of the ex tho Inmp, thai ulio miglit hoo. When inling ri,:.,iSi s0 (ar n is practicable, And tho lamp wax about half full nf nil, a : their extent., ,n I'nr the present thi loud explosion oci uifi d, mid in a mo j cnii.t.ilidnlcj mad w; w ork incoanuu mcnt thereuller 5Ir. Myers was envel timi with t!, L'ni m Pacific at its wen oped in flames. The v:ipor arming I tern extremity. At tho east it w ill from tho oil had become ignited by j ho tilr.feij in concert with existing the candle, nnd befino ai.vthiiiir coiihl roads to Xew Bninewiclt and Xova ! ho dmio for Mr. Mycin, his elulhiii!' i l I.:, ..i. ...i i . t i iium nia nuiiuiiier.H i' hm itij'ionten tvei? iilmoht entirely bin ned aud lacer ated in a horrible manner. Hy repeat edly thhiiig cold water over hint the flames w ere at last extinguished, and medical uid ut onto Buminoncd. It is altogether prububletliutlio was burned internally, although that is not poii lively known. At this writing, ho is lying in a precarious ailuation, and his recovery would bo almost a miracle It scouts the oil used whs impure urticle, and tho gas ui iinr irom it was ol such a character as lo igmto very readily. It is another warning to our dealers to bo particularly careful to sell nono but jiuro oil, and a repetition of the advice so olten given to our renders Hint, by nolliing but the treat- est care only, and nt all times, cat, such deplorable accidentia as these be voided. ,Ship)irkburg AriM. Gents, if you want tho latest style hat or cap, go to tho Hat btnre of J. K. I'. Lightcup, Market street. Aici.,F.M.-The Brookville It. pub - , of tho 13ib save: "About two or three o'clock on Wednesday morn - ing, as the Clearfield stage wis going do,,-., tho hill, a short distance tl.i - side of Lilch-s mill, it ran over a slicht declivity on the right at the foot of , ( l ifl I. ill nun rn tn n rn., , i,n'.. yUX)f,e,i jllt0 t,o new race, whit h bus ' lust recently been comnlcted. There w as no damage done, however, further 1 than completely turning tho stage ' over and throw ing the driver, Mr. Ul- I ,c.r ." UUUB' M B,m i.. . .-t.t . ,w . I ty nijuntip ono oi Air. rraim layiortti children, who w lb h awiruauJ two nil,,., l,;i,lmn o,l M, n A iL-. E.-n., composed the passengers The ! cause of tbe accident, wo understand, j was some one maliciously cutting the s j breast strap of the lead hone, which, J I upon descending tho hill, gttvo way, , running the stage ulinoBt over the em ebutikment. Wo believe that Mr. Woods is relieved of all blamo in'the matter, a. it was clearly the work of aomc person or persona malicionsly disposed. It was fortunate that the parlies escaped so safely. J( tho stage Had sheared but a few feet further to the right it would have landed in the race, some dietanco below, with a re sul' l"01-" easily imagined than toll.' FtnsnxAL I.vmiRm' A late wri- ler in iriving a personal history of our i lulu Presiilciiln b-i ra i "1'residcnt l'ierce was. with the ! t' o '''o ".''.'i"'1' n"1. be, f"r,U'D , ... ci i,. a i j It is this, that the criminals were not J'UBllIV VAUI-jHllllJ VI JUIIII Ulliey ,1U j urns, the most polished and nctom red. ' pllahed r.r tho later occupants of Ibe ! ' , ' ' " . N. , ' , -bon-! While House. Hi. manners were ex-1 t.',l '"n,r,r! ,of ,l 'e Laiiwii J' tremely engaging ; he had the neper-1 "f ',e 1",irJ ', A ,t'r""'n- Jn t ai.ee ami ntuiemcnt of ll.e we . bred I mr"' m ? ", ,Pm ,!!,v0 b"'n gentleman; he fJ,U well, and his : slate paper wefu iiteraiy vlt-ance i pa 1 1 and per.-pit-uily. Iu,ring his term ol . . . oiheo. when party cxcUcmcut ran mi usually liiph unti Lo W us the Fuhjecl of m.oro l,:an ordinary araomit of do . , 1 ra1' traction, no question was ever 'f his j.tr.-ioiKil iiitority, and now th,,t time has modeled "the rassions ! hilt till An : t A. - I. 1 1 . , . viiLi'iiutitii ill iii'ir u:in. nrt iiciirM1 i w ill be said to Ins crcitit tUst a auvo ,i,. , ,- .1 c. . , ,. , . , ,. ri's thisf J.ast lull tins State gave, cate, soldier, statestnnn, ond chief ,.,.. , ,u ' , . , , .. , Urant ever twentv-eitht thousand "'"-'"""V' " " , """;' a tiian mil a rent rmnn. ' l!nt.nrfs;i..w.. .1 ..e.ilr .H ' J prices. If you don't believe it, call and see for yourselves, at the Conner .Shoe Slore of J. K. V. Lightcup Nahiiow Kstapk. r.arthnbmew Metiuire, the Well known well digger, met w ilh an accident on Patnrdav last, and made a narrow escape from death Ileing engairil in dii:; ng a wcl! at H 1,11 " Ar lell , near Morrisdale, he r. i - n...., i .: fired a blast, expecting to bava time I to leave the well by a ladder, but I alrange to tell, the explosion followed j iinincdiatel v upon the li'litimr of the i fuse, and Bait, and the rock upon! In lVtivlciim Centre, Geary's ma which he nond were raised alsml I jority is !i4 a hiss of on lust year's twelve feet, and blown entirely out oi j vole. In the same district, Orr s Hall, the well. Although iho shattered rock I the Democratic candidate for S.-nator, fell about him liko hail, he escaped j beats Allen f'.i, and Ponsghr, Dcmo iniuries. This is oi,K- one of hi niuiw I eralic candidale fur l'rethonotarv. has narrow escapes. l'll,l,il,urq Jjtrn,i. 'a TUcrAPtu Mr M. Ilughes.a broth-1 ..f . I. . I. . . a 1. 1 : I II.. .i . . . exclusively lo agricultural pursuits. About seven years ago old age and do cnning neaiin comjiened imn to givr : peopio, aiirai iea limner fy nis pres. up fsrniirc and at the invitation of'ence. flocked lo the grounds and ,he lnIr ,n hhiahop, he Iell Chamber., hurg and went to rw York. He resi ded with his brother nntil the latter. I ifM'- Af.er that be lived w ith his sl"fr- "'"'"' " "I tho executors ol his brother's w ill, I and had just concluded administering tho estate when lie died. norrif.BT. I'n Tuesdsv pieM of! ,hi' cc ,,IC llf""'e of 'John Adair a" c"UrcJ h' tnrglara, w ho went jn(o thp ronl Vur0 Sir. Adair and ,, ,vero sleej ing, and l-Hik a watch, hii b was lying on a stand in room, and the pat.ts and vct t f 'Vr' ''vl"ir a he vest was ntlerw ar.is found in a tu'.gl.ls.re vard and the . jn , n ,,.;, yjr . j, ,,n , M( Kinney. A pocket book contsinii fl ; . - waa'in the pants G: . k.-,' v;! ; U'' mi''rn!. j I " --e ; i Tn 't 1'i r.Tl Nr. An ; : Ati'train baron, w 1 was farrt ing the ' i ;,, ;:,, ;i,..l , .It! .Vereired 1 full pardon and a rub estate recent I v, ! jiil ns be ii als.ul mounting the lad lr iih l is load. lie w as so over ' joved that t-e psve '0 to the Post ; '1 lil.oe l.iesserii'er w ho eart ie.l him the ' vi.r. J fT Geary rana U-hind his ticket 1 Koret county He ns Je a siee:!i Tionesla, and that's what' the ' " e . ia, i lur ,.. lu ,linjorj. ,D ,hp f oan,y I ,1 ..... l. . i . ' ' jwill not he worth eooutr '. a:f'' .-i .1 .." if tl-.r.ii Sthrmr. Tlic in lmir 'i 1 1. n , ..! 1 -I t mi i t ;ll( ' i '), N i Yin It. m'l oi'ilm t initli'iin, pnpni t ; niiNi'Ii r l'u' rrniMnni i"n iil't.nc jraa H1 tun. k lutul fi' iin i 'iit 1.1ml, in Miiine, lo Clilin', nn J tlicnfo woalrJly to Die lu( ifle coaM. As I hat jourml ui'.iliTrlu:"l tin? c:il!, liirh is limned I'V ninny Co.ci noni, maj or", pre-i- d-nta nl Unnrt's Ci rvMH una oi ritu- - 1 r ,ri cumtinniet,. the di'SiVn i to efTect Seolia. Tho rou to ia by Portland by I.ako WinneiM iaulcce, Woodstock an J liuthiid, lo the head of Lako Chuin nlairi, thenco across tho mountains cf Northern Xew York to Oswego, and by tho most desirable routo along the lulta slior-e ol Niagara, Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago. Tho proposed object is lo furnish tho shortest, tiieap esl and most capacious transportation lino between tlio great upper basin and tho cnatcrn seaboard, in connec tion with l'u ci tie transportation and business. Tho Northern Pacific road running west from tho hikes on nearly tho same paraHel, will, when buiit, complete fie scheme that is soon to be discussed at Oswego. X. Y. lit ivilic. .7lnriM.vrf.v Humanity. A female wretch, Nancy Madun by name, a murderer, w Iiobo arms were dripped with blood, smeared to the elbow, a Massachusetts woman, has been saved from tho gallows by the (JovQrnur of that Statu, and perhaps again "iuscs wttit the rilonn party; ' ' K",J " "'j'nn s rights subject, and a ! '")'le 1l,r,,',,i o( E"g'"l '!. ! ' ''. J s now ! hor another murder. But whore 1""8 HawM-hBrwtt. humanity when I' "eutiirc, Mrs. hurralt, cried ; "in, "t i"r mercy, icr s:io was inno cent, but for justice common justice? iiang ner ; iiang iier : Oivo tier no opportunity ta ahow her innocence I We want victims I We thirst for blood ! Our god, Lincoln, has been slain. Let us sacrifice this woman in revenge for his death '." was board all la I" I a a i. luviTcw Lni' anu. .Mm. Mirrnt wir l,.,i j , . , j 7 B,u"ui i "" 'r er execution came long ana ...all.. I I J loud irom this same Slate of Massa chusetts, and not a wolf among the wholo pack howled louder than Gov crnor Claflin, who has now dared to mock justice aud ofl'cr a premium for more foul murders by allowing this wretch to escape the penalty of her crime. We do not so much protest I'""' "' . a I.. I . -ci: ment on the part of New England, which tJ-duy refuses lo punish tbe guilty, whilo 3'csterday these very people clamored for the legal murder uf an innocent woman. Y. 1'. Day 1'i.r.cTtow Fraips The I'hibdcl- t.hia Age f.iv : "There is one tbinir i" relation to the forgeries, 1'n.udsand i .i -., , - .i- lire utl res recently -on,imttiMi in I ia ItH'tod ty tiic pconia to the ofticea which they lutv di.i;raoid. 'J'hov r majority those do- 7.. -i . l1' ,",,regso society. rt-i int. I) mini ,,i I ,.n mi.-,!, in r-vim .1. which hnveatruc-k so serious a blow at our la-pul liifn instilutions. No I one who roa'J Jm!'-o Miaisw-ood'a opinion on the Jiegistry Law, niind free f.-om prejudice, can dis with a sapree W'l.h t0. ' ,e 1"''-li'tioi,ality 'i 1 11 a 1 nti, hi, u 1 up cioiii j1? tI ID IS wcric t . . I majority and Ohio rising forty one 1.. -. . thousand. Now the lindical majority .i.:.. a.-...- i. i c .i j ln,u. "'outiour luousano. land in Uliio less than seven thousand, j Thus General Urant lose twenty five j thousand votes in this State, ar.d thir ty lour thousand in Ohio, and ye! bis administration is triumphantly vindi cated. Truly, the IlaJicalsare grate ful fof Small lavors. Genry, in spite of advice, made a speech at Oil City. Packer has three uf a ninjorilv in that town, whereas the Republican majoritv in Oil Citr last year w I'M ! Geary caught it tbat st 1, all along the creek. How are yon Western Oil and l'ipe bill majority of C-'iH 1 which shows' somo jslasinrg and enttin. and is a homo voteof which Kq , Ihma-hy may well be proud. li7ti7o ."yrvfiif ir. As Ovation. The Louisville (Ky.) Ci ri,-r of M"tiday naya : 'John C. l'reckinridge was at the Owen county fair on Kridav and met with a hearty welcome. Hundreds of gathered around him. and in re-pons, 10 their warm creel inga the General responded briefly. Hesa d that what ever of prominence in life he had en- . r"'l" ywen lbn any others was he indebted, ar.d bo now, as ever, bore them grateful rememnranef. ins reception was a perfect ovation." Hr art Kr m A missionary has I arrived at lnd.m from Zanibar with 'the welrnme news that a letter bal ! been received frum Dr. Livingstone, .latrd Kel ruarv, l-'.t. 1 he great ex- , p' irer was then alive and well, 1. ihoa-h lr,rl ol provisions, on Laka S"ar;s::v,ka. 1 1. i lake, which is ait. uai.d ah .,-t live de.-nVs below the p.Uatr and to the U-: ( the monn- t-tm nl the Moon, is the nuu-t promt- nr-ntty ti'iioit of that vast frrra r:,u which the (ii-coverer of Laka N pmi has so btave'y and porscvcr- i".:'r undertaken to explore. am.4i Df vocr.tTie Hai.kisli-K0 c P. agam ml llos c:ty Democratic. Lst yearwe were ( -apturej by the linsyl of real military i;!ory ; this ye r military va:i';lv Imi ro. t ita t,r,,. m buko at the I ard cf thoe who know our -hnirgacgest" chief magistrate bel. The vi.e ia for Tatker 1,S03, Geary l,tcl. a r.n.j-iri:- r.f 13. in a to tal vole of Z.'S". The vote on other ii ...i-in t dc vote onoiner p.rt, cf the t., lei ta tils tic avej.J 1 . . . - . K . . ,t'ta! to S C7I TV.-' t . emr. -jajae-v --: nTy t