Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 20, 1869, Image 5

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Gkoie B. UoouLANi'tH, Editor.
CLEAlil'Iill.D, Pa.
VTDXKKnAY MonN' TlDlKIl ;.!.
Too IiATK. Tlio lCarluj Democrat,
evidently (lid not volo tarty or often
enough on election day to to of much
use to the Doctor.
llnna Gonry'i majority tlirc yoars
ago wa 17,0U0, while "the boat gov
ernment tlio world over m" hod
28,898 majority lust November.
Chouted but not defeated I The
llcniocracy fool fur prouder with ita
candidate defeated than the Hadicala
with their, elected. A'ietorious but
Bi'ttb Bcttkd. The Democrat! of
old Mother Conlro liavo elected their
nominee fur Sheriff, Mr. VVoodrini;,
over the valorous Jorry Butta by 013
majority, while tlio majority for As
sembly, Prothonotnry and 'i'roa6tirer
id only iiliO.
The "government" baa written a
letter deny ing that It had any band
in or knowlodge of the lute gold gam
blers' jubilee in New York. Tlio fol
lowing V P. S." is appended to the
denial :
P. B. I liarc written lh: in great butt, and
without ,x,n'iiiir juiltfnrnt as lo the propriety
of writing it; bat I moult it to jour jiilrmt-ut.
U. r). U.
Not Quite. Tho Kat ley tilow-hards,
. who for weeks offered to bet a Biuall
embryo fortune that Mr. Hull would
lint receive u'vo votes in Kai'thaus, can
hoo hotv ninth they prevaricated by
looking at the election table. Hall
thico behind Pucker, and Earlcy six
behind (Je.'iry. - FulacUimd and decla
mation never amount to much in a
bad eausc.
The city of Williamsport has a debt
ol fi00,0U0, neatly half a million, and
at tho lato election gavo Potorllcrdic
f 10 majority for Mayor over Mr. Par
sons. We will gnni nnteo that the city
debt will not decrease while the enter
prising Teler continnes Mayor, unltus
tho Council is of a different construe
tion. Wcsnspcct that moro than "tho
ring" will be smashed before all' ovor.
Tho election returns plainly show
tliut the Stale of Pennsylvania is
Democratic) by 2,0ui) majority, and
that a Democratic (jovernor was elect
ed; but the outrageous frauds pcrpe
tratcd by tho "corn loppiti'" villain,
t Covode, bus thrown tho State into the
lunula of the corruption ring for threo
years moro. 1 l,n is Mortons now for
tho pasteratidkilder fntleriiity. JIar
risburg will ewarm with ibem this
A.notiiir "V ii AT-is-Ir." President
Grant has appointed Gen. William M.
Delkntip, ol Iowa, Secretary of Wur,
in the room of ad interim Sherman.
"Whether tho General is otto of the
President's heavy contributors or a
relative, seems to be unknown. Ev
erybody auks, who is Gen. Belknap?
Ho is cvidontly one of Grant's old
chums; henco he is unknown, except
by the Digger Indians and a few obso
lete csinp followcrs. The President
soems determined lo let no one Into
Iho Cabinot who knows any moro
iiiUUjlSiiuU;.benco. he rosorts to
Tiuta Monument. Dr. Earlcy and
liia misguided friend", who were after
tho two Halls John 0. HaJI, Esq.,
and the Hull of tho House of Jiepro
fcutatives hsvo made a dear looter
haul, and lauded in tho last ditch.
Karlcy 123 ahead of Goary! Theso
nro tho dearext votes ovor received by
uny candidate in this county, and will
remain a monument to the folly and
indiscretion of a few zealots who seek
to use tho patty lo rosont personal
wrongs, either imaginary orreal. The
Democrats at ono limo conceded Dr.
IJavley luO Democratic votes in this
county, but his outrageous cottrso
reduced even that number lo 123.
A O n rut Shot. Our readers are
no doubt aware that a great commer
cial convention held n session at the
city of Louisville, Kcntucky,Iasl week.
The delegates present represented all
thuKlatesaud Territories in the Union,
whose main business was to look after
Iho commercial nud monetary inter
ests of tho country. Tho following
advisory, resolution among others, was
unanimously adopted :
nnlr,d, Tlial Coopm. dirret th. Sectary of
lilt.. Trf.ilr. In rvrnlal. all htaarttnn br the taunla
and noomiiic til tiie h-otertinirnl. nit i 1,-avo flip
.-nr.p to until" thi n wiiirj luirkcta and buii
lie,. In lli-ir una w-ir.
This is Iho best fatherly otlvico the
"government" and Congress has re
ceived fur a long tin.o.
The PtKioaM.MKi.N. Tho city of
Philadelphia is evidently but little
inclined towards n reformation, if we
arc to judgo its inhabitants from what
occurred at the late election. A short
time before tho poiiod referred lo, a
great ado was made abunt reform,
teuiponince, ele. Tho reform and
temperance ladies and gentlemen sol
emnly assembled in convention, and
nominated a city ticket, looking lo
this end ; but on tho tiny of election
only (iro Ann Of, and forty-tiro votes
The Result In this County.
Elsewhere will be found a complete
table of returns of the election in this
county. The general result is better
(ban we expected. Twelv hundred
is whut we claimed until Wednesday
morning, when cue third of tho vole
was returned, showing an increase in
thoto districts of 118. Upon this fact
we based our calculation of 1,400, sup
posing that the other two-thirds of
the county would show a similar gain
But such was not Iho fact. Wo sus
tained small losses in Beccaris, Bell
Graham, Jordan, J-umbor City and
Woodward; besides the heavy loss of
23 In Decatur, 29 in Girard and 23 iu
Kurtlmus, which show an unnatural
loss, compared with tho rest of the
county. Henco our majority settled
down to 1,222; being an increase of
80 on the last October election, and
100 on Grant, in November. Osceola
Curwensvillo, Penn, Pike, Goshen and
Union contributed nobly towards the
redemption of our good old Common
wealth. Uur tublo shows six more
majority for Packor and Porshing than
the official return on fllo in the Pro
tbonolary's ofuco, from tho fact that
tho licturn Judges only tallied 100 for
each of these gentlemen a tbo vote
of Knox township, but at the same
ti mo gave the balance of tho tickot
107. Wo examined tho papers and
found the volo iu question to be 100
instead of 100, making the majority
tor tho formor 1,222, and the latter
tiled re-Hammer Argument.
George S. Boulwell, Grant's Secre
tary of tho Treasury, in his political
harangue in Philadelphia, on Saturday
before tlio great election fraud in that
city,statcd that tho National Debt was
fire thousand, four Itundred and forty
millions oj dollars, (2,440,000,000,)
and that it must bo paid in gold, con
trary to all law and the expectation
of evory bondholder. Ponder, sup
pose this infamous project succeeds,
with gold at an average premium of
40 per cent. It will juat add nine
hundred and seventy-six millions to the
debt, incroaso tho profits of Ihc bond
holders that much more, and make
tho taxpayers' bill three thousand, four
hundred and sixteen millions of dollars,
(,3,410,000,000.) This little Bouttvel
lian bill just amounts to nine hundred
dollars for ovory soul now on this con
tinent. Thus, under tho latest Ioil
arrangement, every fumily of fivo per
sona is mortgaged to the bondholders
for four tRonsand, five hundred dollars.
l.'ontemplato tho subject, yo white
slaves who enjoy tlio felicity of eight
or ten children, and seo what "tho
best government on earth'1 is doing for
"a free peoplo" under "Ioil" influences.
Examining the BnKTiiEit.i. Par
ker Pillsbury, a celebrated Massaelin
elicits A bcltionisl has for Iho first time
in bis lifo made a pilgrimage down
South lo seo how bis colored brethern
live in freedom, and bow they lived
in slavery. Ho is now in South Car
olina nnd his old chronic opinions baro
already received an awful waking up.
Tho New York Herald says: "He
had supposed, no doubt, that tliey
were "poor, but respectable;" but he
has found them hut little better than
tho barbarians of Dahomey lasy,
filthy, whiskey. drinking, ignorant al
most beyond belief and horribly de
moralised In ovory way. Pillsbury,
however, has set a good examplo to
ull his fellow negro worshipers of the
Wendell Phillips coterie in going down
South to see for hirasolf how far tho
ballot has elevated "the nationnl freed
men," for even Sumner would learn
something to his advantage in a South
ern excursion in search of knowl
edge. The "Govibnsient." Tho Presi
dent has written a letter to a Now
York horse jockey, denying that bo
had legged in with the Now York
gold gamblers. This may be true,
but his Brother-in law Corbin, where
the "government" was housed for two
wueka whilo in New York, did mnko
ono hundred thousand dollars by sell
ing his gold at 100, just before Grant
ordered Bout veil to sell government
gold. "Lucky dog," wasn't he t W e
havo just now "tho greatest govern
ment" In tho world.
Gen. Grant & Co. mruliixd through
Western Maryland last wock. He is
being exhibited ns a "What is II" by
the liadiral leaders, for the purpose of
resurrecting the parly in that Stato.
Ho was on exhibition in Washington
county, in this Stalo, for a v. hole week
beforo tho election, nnd everybody,
circus like, wont to seo him, yet tbo
county went Democralio by 200, not
withstanding the General had carried
it lad November by 190. That circus
won't pay.
Now that tho days nro shortening
and tho nights getting longer, which
will afford tho farmer, mechanic and
laboring man an opportunity for read
ing, and thereby improve their niornl
as well as intellectual faculties. And
sinco the great political battlo of the
State has been fuugbt, and when tho
smoko shall have cleared awav, wo
will return to our usual custom of
giving the readers of the Rcpuliliran
a judicious ami more varied selection
of choice literature.
Death etf Kje-Vorrrnor miner.
The iillieial returns of the eluulion
of a Governor of Pennsylvania have
not been completed until the dealli of
a former chief magistrate ol the Com
monwealth is ' announced. Joseph
Kiliier died on Saturday afternoon
last at tho residence of a son in law,
in tho borough of Carlisle, at the ex
treme ago of ninety. He was born in
the township of Alsaoo, iu tho county
of Berks, oi German parentago of
that sturdy, frugal, honest and indus
trious stock which has contributed so
largely to tho prosperity of this great
Stalo. His early opportunities for
education were few, being confined to
the winter schools of his neighborhood.
Early in life be removed to lliecounty
of Washington, and engaged in farm
ing, tlio occupation in which ho had
boon reared. Soon after his removal
to Washington county, bo began lo
take an active part in politics, and was
elected by his Democratic neighbors to
tho Stnto legislature Ilo served in
the legislature for a number of rears,
and was chosen Speaker of tho Houso
in the session of 1-(1 and 1827. Asa
Speaker ho maintained a reputation
for promptness and fairness in bis
decisions, rnd impartiality in tho
organisation of the committees of tbo
bot.y over which ho presided.
In 1827 he was appointed by Prosi
deut Adams one of tho Visitors to
West point. A failure to obtain a now
nomination for the Legislature at the
bands of tho Democrats, compelled him
to retire for a few years from public
In 1829 Joseph Ritnor was nomina
ted for Governor by tho rising faction
of anti-Musons, at the bend of whom
was Thaddcus Stevens. In this con.
test, his volo was small. Ho was
again nominated against Genrgo Wolf
Dy tlio anti-Masons In iJZ, and al
though defeated, the heavy voto which
he received gavo ovidence of popu
larity and strength among the peoplo
beyond that of the faction to which he
belonged. Divisions among the Dem
ocrats in 1835, eiinblod iiitner to grat
ify his long cherishod ambition of be
coming Governor. Tlicro were two
Democralio candidates in the field,
Goorgo Wolf and Henry A. Mublun
burg, and bolwecn them 1'itncr slip
ped in. During his administration
tho great system of Public Works in
augurated by Govornor Wolf was con-
linueti. homo extravagant railroad
schemes wefc o'arloj. among them
the notorious Tnno Worm road in
Adams county, the ruined culvorts of J
which aro suit lo oo seen. Thomas
II. Burrowes, now President of the
State Agricultural College, was lie
nor's Secretary of Stato ; James Todd,
of Fayette county, was tho Attorney
General, and Thaddcus Stevens, a
member of Iho Canal Board, was the
leader of tbo administration. The
largo appropriations of tho public
money, and what was doomed its
reckless and wasteful expenditure in
enterprises of no benefit to tho peo
ple, made tho administration of Iiitner
extremely unpopular. When presen
ted for re election, ho was defeated by
David li. Porter by un immense ma
jority. At this election, for tho first
nine in the political history of the
Commonwealth, tho most corrupt
pruetices wero resorted lo to insure suc
cess. The Canal Board raised from
oontracturs nnd olhors employed on
tho 1 uiilie Hoiks what IhacMcus
Stevens irrovorenth culled a Mission
ary Fund to bo employed in elections,
and the returns ot the votes at Millers
town in Atlnms county, and other
pUutis iiorof capacity for trnud iu
that early day which might well
cxeito envy in tlio breast of nCovodo.
In tho midst of the storm raised by
the attempt to defeat tbo will of the
peoplo in the elections in 1838, tbo
administration of iiitner closed. Tho
lawfully chosen representatives wore
admitted to their seats nnd tho Buck
shot War ended without tbo shedding
of blood.
On returning from ofllco, Governor
Iiitner purchased a farm in Cumber
laud county, on which he continued to
resido almost to the day of his death,
lie never again emerged from private
life, though he made ono or two un
successful attempts to obtnin office.
Ho was an applicant for the Treasurer
ship of tho Mint, under President
Taylor, but, being disappointed, he
ns never again hoaid of in politics.
Though ho was tho object of much
denunciation and ridicule whilo Gov
ernor, yet ho was a man of considera
ble intellect and force of character.
Although a violent partisan, some of
the worst acts of bis administration
must bo attributed to tho recklessness
of his ofllcinl advisers and the party
spirit which provailcd nt the limo.
Without possessing much education,
ho hail no littlo knowledge and cxpo
rienco iu public affairs. Ho was one
of tbo Governors of the "Farmer Com
monwealth," nnd sinco he owotl his
elevation to the tillers of tbo soil, he
was devoted to what bo considered
their truo interests. Sinco bis day
tho "Farmer Commonwealth" has
disappeared. Tho honest tillers of tho
ground havo lost Iheir influence in tho
politics of the Stato, and a now rulo
has begun its downward course.
Great corporations, and rings of spec
ulators and lobby men havo obtained
complete control of tint government of
the Commonwealth. Tbcso agencies
were scarcely known in the adminis
tration of Joseph Iiitner. JIarrisburg
1869. Governor S. Judge, 'Assembly Trcasur'r Comm'r, Auditor.
Boroughs so e & saw it- bkIsss
Townships. .fP;
Beecariu. . . 100 110 97 117 101 110 101 110 102 115 Kill 110
l!t. . 122 63 121 S4. 122 67 122 57 122 67 122 67
niooVn , . 87 20 85 Hi 4 2" 87 26 87 20 87 20
Hoggs . HI 43 1 10 4d 107 40 100 40 107 4"i 107 40
Bradford ' . Kl 67 14! 61 14K 00 ll'.l 6! 119; 5!; 150 68
Ilmdy . 328 87 329 Ho SOfi 10H 832 ft S2 90 829 P0
Ilnrnsi'd'o, . . 91 Ml 91 Dllj K9 160 Ml 101 K9 15M '. 101
Chest, ... 98 00 00 14 95 92 95 93 95; 93 94 93
Covington, . 97 25 9(1 25 94 2ll 94 24 04' 24 94; 24
Clearfield,. . 109 125 102 124 144 141! 100 122 161 123 105 119
C'urwcnsville. 45 74 45 73 42 74 42 72 45 74 45 74
Decatur, . . 113 72 118 7(l 114 7ol 111 70; 114 70 114 70
Ferguson . . 05' 89 05 89: (lit 8H (III1 89 GO 89; (it. 89
Girard,. . . 4( 4!l 45 4l 47 4l 47 41 47 4l! 47! 41
Goshon, . . 001 23 00 23j 68 23, 1 23 01 23' 01 23
Graham. . . 106 10 100 loj KKi, 15i Kli 16 100 15! Klli 15
Gulich ... 80 9(1 82 94 29 07l 27 97 29 97 27 07
Huston, . . 70 73 74 76 2. 14d! 70 C9 70 00 70 69
Jordan,. . . 72 41 71 4" 71 4ll 71 41 70 41 09 41
Karthous,. . 45! 83 45 83 42 27 44 80 44 80 89 85
Knox, . . . 1001 22 100 22 1(17 22 107 22 107 22 107 22
Lowrenco,. . 654j 100 252 99 282 110 245 lOti 240 KM 240 100
Lumber City, 80; 26 80 26 27 20 29 25 29 26; 29 25
Morris,. . . ISO 65 1S1 64 179 55 180 64 1K0 64j W 54
N. Washington. 45 H 44 9 42 11 42 9 43 9, 3 9
Oscooln, . . 9 64 99 61 100 51 100 63 100 63 100 63
Penn, . . 61 89 63 8H 63j 8S 63 89 62 K0 63
Piko, ... 128 100 12M 102 123 102 12K 102 12 102 12S 102
I'nior., . . . 40 42 40 41 84 62( 47 89 4M 8xi 47 8
Woodward . 84 40 82 60 K3 40 83 4X 83 4V 83 48
Total. . . 3021 1799 299X 1797 12832 1922 2999;I783 2004'l778!2984:l792
Majorities. 1222 I20l (9101 l2IO 210 U92
UliPOHT f it. ciiHItloa r tin nitST
RATIONAL HANK of fl.n6.-IJ. !
ouuljof CUarfi.ld, Is SUM of 'DBt;l-
wrim, ft! tbfl SIJ.C S. bufluclt, OB us ms amj CI
Qdtcbtr, 166S I
Loam its' DLuotinu. $10 SJI CI
OTrrdt.fu. ,sis S
l1. H. hoi,. I. noura oiroulnioo. ltll.01'1 SO
U. 8. Utir.l. oa band !, "
I Oil from tU-tifl.uimg ftttd ILlcrfS
Axenu. B.)3l 57
tin. Iron olh.r I..O..11.I 3. SMI S.t
One froa otbar Itankt a Il(ibrf...... I,4SS SI
Furniture and Sxhiraf l.SS SO
Currcat Kjci 70 11
Tall paid.- 7j7 4
i Csah tutu., inrliidln it.nnt. 460 OH
" ! Bill, ololbar National Baiiba. S.0U0 no
Fraotional rurrrncr, includ. aickala.. 4 iS SO
L...I r.od.r not...- 10,011 00
Capital .lock paid l 100
Jlrg fiends, &t.
1HC9. 1869.
cons liaa hpfln thomturlilv nrnrt ir.l
wero polled for it. If 242 reform and ami that Democrats in the War as
6,000 fraudulent votes are to bo no- well as in overy other Department
coptetl at Vrorin, Philadelphia must m ,0 "rc thBt evon n incom
do better in ilm rm.,. . i . assessor could not discover Uiem, it is
--. ... ...I vi an is uuuim
The Washington correspondent of
the Baltimore Xun savs: "General
Sherman is certainly fond of a grim
joke. In his order issued the other
day giving Pennsylvania and Ohio
clerks permission to go home and volo,
ho says, Democrats us well ns Ib nub-
licans t an havo such leave, and ibat Leagne in Philadelphia, the romantic
no distinction is to be mado. In view I and rhapaodio Borio, was to go into
of tho faol that tbo weeding out pre- the Cabinet, and he staid at home
(VorrrHliir by Jerk.
Soinolitnes Gen. Grant is a mere
piece ot wax in the hnnds of his Cabi
net, and sometimes ;ris in hnrncss:
nay, snaps it, and breaks the gearing.
Tho appointment of bis now Socrottiry
of War, Belknap, is undoubtedly his
own work. Kobody knows him. No
btidy heard of him out of tho army,
nnd in the nrmy, not many, if any.
Hut Borio was us well known, nnd
Itubeson only a little better, in which
there was not so much matter, ns Ad
miral Porter "runs" both. This gov
erning by jerks, however, is ticklish
biifincHS tor government is very much
liko oilier trades a something, in
which a man must know something,
to do anything well. Government, loo,
is a co partnership, snro in despotisms,
and something even of a co partner
ship Ihcro, in which experienced
practiced men must bo consulted, it a
country is lo bo governed well.
Genernl Grant, however, Ua see. is
becoming something of a politician.
Ilo diilillctl the l'ennsvlvanians until
aflor the election, with an understand
ing that Iho great head of the Cnion
The Veiton.
Amateur dabblers in stocks nnd
gold, along with moro legitimate but
not sufficiently wary merchants and
the publio at largo, havo been taught
one good lesson by the lato transac
tions in Wall street; to wit, that where
tho maddening thirst for sudden gain
tukos hold of tho souls of men other
wise clever and respectable, all con
science coases, and nothing is listened
to but the exigency of the hour.
Tho scenes in tlio Gold lioom last
wock were a disgraco to any civilised
community. Tho howls and yells,
the imprecations and the blasphemy,
the demoniac countcnanccsanddisljr-
led bodies, the frenzied gesticulation,
iho fonming lips, tbo starting eyes, the
clenched tists, the twitching and con
vulsed muscles of lletllam were all
tbcro ; but, worst of all, tho heartless
recklessness that was ready to beggar
thousands, and ruin a country riulu r
than desist, the was lord and master
of tho insane orgio.
hucti things, it not stornly rebuked
and put down, will blast the business
choroter of New York, and make tbo
financial credit of the country a hissing
ana a by-word lo mankind.
At home, it is not merely tho con
fusion und loss we havo to bewail.
The terrible and iniquitous oxampte
that it sets bol'oro our young men of
ovory pursuit and degree is, perhaps,
alter all, tho roost baleful feature of
the whole all'uir. All our newspapers
have spread tho details of theso re
pulsivo scenes ovor columns and col
umns of print, each morning and af
ternoon, and sent thorn by hundreds
of thousands of copies to every part
of Iho Union. All resourcos of repor
torlal embellishment luva been ex
hausted in dressing up the nsrrntivo
to make it piipianland diverting. The
tricks, pretences, and misrepresent,
lions which, if resorted to by a poor
and friendless man, would send to a
penitentiary as a felon aro Ituckel
ed over as, "smart" and facetious
things, which would make a brilliant
fellow of any youth who could man
age to borrow or steal funds enough to
practice thorn on a handsome scale.
Here is dosperalo injury done, and
we use no idle unmeaning words when
we commend it totbeenrnestattcntion
of all honest bankers, morchants, and
tradesmen who have sons upon whose
success ns decent citizens they aro
euilding their bones. Wo have, al
ready, had ono conspicuous and most
mournlul Instance ol the tolal ruin
and criminul conviction of an other
wise nmiublo and promising young
man through this very mania of un
bounded speculation, the latest parox
ysm of winch has just start led the coun
try. How many more shall make up
the crop from this seed sowing.
Look yo well to it, all who are aid
ing and abetting a species ol gambling
compared with which all tho faro
banks and lotteries in the world lire
but as child's piny ! Tho hungry and
eager eyed thousands and tuns of
thousands whom want and eold pinch
every day, hear, amid their rags nnd
pain, of all this treasuro, and they
gather mora closer nnd mora fierce
ly around those marble palaces whoso
inmates they begin lo think have no
more rights than thoy. X. Y. Mer
cantile, Journal.
In Carwenrrille, i th rttldenoe of th bride
fAthor, Oct. 12, 1KA9, by ltr. Q. W. Tnavto,
HARD, ill f Carwenmll, P.
On lb 17th ot October, 16A9. by h Re".
JOHN F1.KUAL, Mr. BOYD QlUUl.r., of Centra
county, tnd Mr. MATILDA PAULEY, of Clrw
fleltl ooantj, I't.
At tlit reiitlro of tli WMVl father, on tlio
19th of Oolobor, 11409, bj L. . Ihwih, Eq., Mr.
DKNNKrf LKU IS, of UuryttiU; Bogg (wji. ad
Slim JKNMK PARKS, of Uwr.ncr Utmaabi
The h(pv ooujile hnr oar belt wUbe for tboir
future .it(tinciE autl prunperity j tod mmy tliey
.org 1iv "faUtJiful .nnlia ml tnd loving wife."
Furplua fuod..
li mount
Profit and Uaa
Nktiufial bink Ciroult
tion outrundlng
Individual dptit
Due tu National Hanki...
Du to other bank and
V.OtiO K
1,99 a
I ('7 69
9 341 04
tUI 29
?i.7n oo
4fl,fl58 OS
l.Ui 81
Total 149,447 99 t,44r 99
Ptati 09 Pkwmtly 4HI A. 1
Cci'itt or CLKAnriBi.n, J
I, A. C. Firnry, ('bUr of th Flrl National
Bank of riotwdald, do tolamnly unr (hat tht
abov. flat etu tot i (rut lo iha bait of my know
Mff and betUf. A. C. F1NNKY, Caihirr.
hubtcrlbed and iwurn to tht 13th day of Oct.
A. D l6V. MM. HADKBACdll,
Attbiti Notary Pnblic.
D. U. Nerlinf, A. F. Buyn';n, Job'. Boynton.
AUTIS All prraooa art berrlty esutinnrd
J ajraiitat iiurchimiiijr or in any way tnad'tling
wnb ONb H'A.N UP UOHSKS, (ona a bay an.)
tbo other ft iurrl, buth m itn,) togtlbor with
hnmaaa, finglrlrvra, ira4a, bouglil uf William
Cr, of I.fcri townnLip, and now in tb poiaei
aion of U'lliiau Lightntr, of Decant town Lip, at
tbo tain belong to tut, nod ara aubirrt tr my
order. W. B. DIC'KKY,
Ulen Hope, Oot. 11, 1(9 .
rjltlAL MKT for November Term, Wt.
llurxthall M
Mary li. ti-olt
ii. W. iSiiimel
jMtifCiiri ,
L'Kinnrd .
lft.ll School Divtncl...
Octroi Irtiitl Co
Pi miuiiig
tv.,,i,vr Urm
( inn fill ,,.
IIih ken1"1 rrv
Prank, ltfoi. i (V...
Monro, J. A
Curry, Jautn
llnjSfi A Lloyd y
Hh.-ilau "
' M... .re.
" White.
Keott'f Jltirf.
" M. Jatc Hl.itin l.
" Pirmmirg,
M WilltAtnaet. ai.
" thnff.
V. W. Worrell.
Dill- n t. al.
" K'liring.
" ...fluiar A llili-inn.n.
" Kuiith.
" A. J. (...
" ..!. Ilrti'i Ktr't.
' Mail..-)..
' H'(trlj'i lxr.
" fcup'r Lawrctiee lp,
Pauit, J. A.
44 Drown.
" ....... MtiltlttjWf, t al.
" htraw.
....Wagoner, m.
Drntika '
Bmkrtrhoul 1
M ioro '
Killiox '
Hrown '
Hoover '
II MOOD), ft ai '
PiratN.B'k.C'learfleld "
t'rcniuiau A Son "
Creaftman A Hon
.... Diinar.
....Langdon A Divrn.
Clcary A W all.
Art bun, et al.
rMnpad, et al.
A-kuy A rihoff.
Uttrgw rtnte.
U a 1 net.
..1'pilegralT, at aL
ACF.NTM WANTI'.l), A gent a Wanted,
tlb to $200 per month, male and feiuale, to
ail) tha oolvhratcd and orifrmal Coma on tenaa
Pauiily Hewing Machine, improved and Mrltwlod ;
it will h"m, fell, at i tob, tuck, bind, braid nd eoi
broider in n moat tuperlor manner. Price only
$ la. Pur aioiiilieity and durability, it hat no rival.
Do aot bur from any partiea at'llini naobioei
under tlia eaota name aa our, nnk-aa having a
UvninDale or Agency ugned by na. at tbey art
wortlila Caat Iron Matihinca. Por Circular! and
Tcriua, apply or addrrff,
o20 .It 41 Che taut St., Pbiladi Iphla, Pa.
Tli. OlatiralH
For ialt-whilMla aod rrtait, at
Tna can ftt a pair ot V renrn Kip Pnnt. Tot
Sr. dollar., at J. I'. K K Al.KR 8.
Oot. 3D, ItOS-tf.
"I ESl HOPS of extending my bunintai, and
J knowing I lure ean ln nu htjlur trlirvte
ot ri'pect to the mt-tuory of tbo deot'inn d and
buried friendi. tlmn to ereet orer their narrow
buiucc a iculptured alb of enduring marble, that
fiuiuti forever to (he retting place of tbote w
ore; I hrg leave to aay to all who wich to thiw
thrir aiTecdun for laeir dparted frienda aad
kin.lrod, t!it tbey ean now hnve an opjutrtunity
of doing e, by railing al my Hhop on '1 hompcuo
atrvH, t'nmrniville, J'a., aa 1 am prcpari-d to
funii'h to trdcr,
CliA II.K ft I10X TOMHH,
JlliAI) hTtiXES, Ac,
of any denim or aite, at renmnahle ntlre.
l. it. l k .'( .-ti band the t-jl froiclri and
Domeetle Marble All work ixe-iiied iu the
mntt tkillful manner. I will alto deliver work
to any point in Ch-arflflM or adj tioinf eoimtie, if
ae-ire.l. v M. II, t. UltULh.Y
IVwentvlllo, Ont. 20, lPfttf-tf.
.Varket Hlreet, Vttartleld, i'a.
acltrtnl Hoik of FALL and WINTER BOOT
and BII0K8; tsa atvlM .f IIAT9 and
CAPa. It., whiob b vill toll caaar roa cam.
The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps,
I?ootn, SIkh'h, Uiubrcllag, &c.
pal Cstatt for aU."
rT VIETCB I Alt OI'.DCE oTia. o... I
Court of Cltaiuaa ,(,' .
rtl OS:J to 1'ul.ll.. AHlf at It c.,ttrt M
53 Acres of Valuable Timber b
ail tutaaut.
All of thai oertaia ymo u bu d ,it,., , .,
lotan.hiii, lai tin- i .l..ta..f .l,.t; N J1
b.,o.,Jra and d..,iWd a.f.ll...., Un,
L. ,u It mr m liur or Hi. It, " .."
orti-r. thr-Timi tart. tin. and on. a
mat oik l.oudrt.1 aad prh), , "''
tuip. tiottii tl.,rty-.i ami tl,r,.c.0.nL T '
Wi tt ah'iut .WrT-twn and on.
will i I'0'- "fnfr "futb furw-niao at,. a half d '
i , weal tint himiln-d and tifljr onp p.rrU, t. f
nTa I0"" MOIn ftirly-itna d. irrrc. m,i .!....' 1
. 1... ... "an.
I...UV. IU ill. h..n,...L
,1 aaio.,
i"irf : itfj-t door to Adams' I'x.
8,iU , 0-!f.
Market Street Clearfield, Pa.,
two atid
plar-o of h ifinnirtif.
Ihit leu l Iihi loog Ucn oriiitrvil
nitu me nrn f)rnniy u-0 i,i.)r. ,
atMitihl, U from black k.K..f( j', ,7''
lu.l-t of Illg ('learlield L' W'
T K HMt: One third on f nfi rtutit Ion of Ik. .
and the balance iu two jhhJ am,.,
with interei1!, to to aovurvU ly n t on l
on in iTcniuca. UhOhiiK titntu'
tut. n h.
TTAVB Jl'ST OPENED a la.-gfl nnd aoni-
pitta attorttacnt of (
Foreign and Domestic
Embracing a full lino of Dren Goods
Vat.lfy, Woolen and Erphyr Sliawla,
Uored rtltitla, Fina Klanaita for uoder.
war, L)raM'a and Cafia. ; Trimniin;a
ot all kind, Alixantli-ra Kid tilovca,
( .unrtior to Jouvin., ) Z,uli;-r and
IIAT3, CAr.S, FL'KS, iC, A.C., iC.
Certified from the m'rd.
A. C. TATR, Prtithnnotary.
IMT OK thavi:hmu Jl ltolll.
for NdTctnnrr Trrnt,
Fllisr H'EKK.
perilling Hie elcelione In Fennnylviinia
and Olt to ( bul lite niomettl thetie eloo
liona were over he bunt up a )!
knap in Iowa, and goea off to muko
and have a irood time nt the Mnrvlond
',7 7 l,Uo 0f ' 1,10 of'.ier gmntinsr ihom rcrmisBion lo VLixV of tlio lr.t!o.- Lancaster fntrlti.
hotnu fir.d voto.'
lranC Trout Paid for.
It i cent s lliat 1'roriii.Jont (.iratit, uliilc
rufltit aiin ut Kano.ctttihtaomo trout
a littlo out of ecasou our I.pgialiiluro
hnving fooliiil.l pttsscJ a law niinut
tuliin; them nflur fi rntt wl.icli
don't apply to ourcuuty. The Demo
i nitio papers were no horritlod at thin
that Gen. Kano took ttio rcNponi!)ility
of tho act liimni'lf. In a nolo to tho
McKenn Miner ho auyg :
"A rcmnrk of Senator Cnmrron's
nbonl the game lawn having tiunI- tlio
I'residotit tietlino to ont venison, I had
not tho heart lo tell him of our puling
the net last winter which forbid caU h
ing trcut after the first, (.rant locked
forward with to mueh plenire to for
getting his Washington c.tres, ono day
nt leabt, fishing np ttlraight creek, that
I Mint to myt-cli' ns I did whon I was
younger ot tho Furtive Slavo Law,
"Itieuk the law, but break it openlv,
and pay tho penalty. I remitted the
,nno through Colonel Wilcox, niyclf
flursumiiig tho hotiorahlo part of in
(ormor. And I havo thus paid tho
price of a piece fur the tnualltist
trout you ever put in your banket;
thirty dollar, that is to say. for about
a pound "
Then Gen. Kane violated tbo law
deliberately, and abuse tho Itadital
Lcirirdaluro for being no fuolish ns to
pass it. Oh, thoHO Iiadicals, how tht y
difulnin lo be bound down by law, oven
those of their own ninkiug, they lo
simko and openly violate. rann
Home burglars have funned an at
tachment for Saegerstown, Crawford
county. They rub the nufo in the
rail n-ad ofliee at that plneo every
quarter, and are never caught.
The editor of tbeNowbern 7Wa
has been compolled to advertise that
busincaa enratromenta comnol him to
decline all vbsllpogwi.
Deeearla...J. W. Wright.
H in. M. Hmitn.
nioom...1liigh- Laaoa.
l)'g)ri...Jnbii Blair.
Hrallurd..liavM Wilton.
" Jame Dunn jr
" John Cuwiier.
Rralr.. J"hn Flegal.
iliirtiKiie..J. Hiiratiauli.
Clearflohl...! C Whitehill
' KirharH Momoji
" Jo. it Urmlmrn.
Curweuaville..llin. J. l.
M Thttmpin.n.
" John SlrNtuI
rbeat.Roht. I'ettninglnn
Decatur.. KnoeliUearharl
Oralam...Wtn. Wllhelin
Uoheu...J. H. Fletrnl.
" Jubu hanltft.
Onlieh...Patrirk Fl.tnn.
" J'.e.h Fry.
Mutton. ..Joicih Ilurkj.
Jordan. ..Inaac Hlnnm.
" John William.
Karthnni...Toi. flillilatid.
" Jot. Y others,
hnox...lewit Erhanl.
I,awrenee..Jnlin Miti hell
Mnrru... Aiara Mcrrr.
", K. ( Brenner.
N. Wahingt(rn...Jame
" Harajre
Pifce. f.afavrttt. Mcflure
" Wm. MrNaal.
" lloMen.
fnlon-JInrano t?iurtney
Woodward.. Jim I. Alcx-
nell...Henry Brelh, jr.
lH-om... Jsmet Leaj'h.
l)gRt.. rhari-R Hlf.nn.
Hrailr...Fred. 8101K7.
" W. I.. Portar.
J. P. llt.m.
M. N. I.nihor.
44 Henry Kriner.
tittorgp M. Noider
Dumide..Jhn Lanfrdon
" JarkHon Palohin,
" Iiavid Mehafley.j
" John Hvera.
rhrat...B. V. t lemon,
" Annmnmit WimhI
Covington. .Jotefih llnin
" f rnftrll t riTitriwI
" Holomon Mnurerl
riearfield.. J. B. Phowrrt.
Cunenaville..E. A. Irrln
" aluhn Irrin.
Decatur. .A. Hirhnian.
IVr(ru(.n...Il. W. lluvt.
Uiraril..Anilfroh Murry
Jriliani...M. V. French.
" II. Hiit.ler.
.Ionian.. . 1 hi una Smith.
Karthaui...Wm. Hotter.
L.awrrnoe...!ohn W, Tate.
" Hrbt. I.awhead
" A. ti. H...H.
0eeola...Min HnyU
Pike. ..John P. Hale.
l'nlon...Jeh llarley.
Wood ward.. Mlcnderaon
" Win. Lullier.
la berehy given (hat letter of adininietralinn
on the etate ol Ito.U KM, I,t TIIKIl, devcaanl,
lata of Until? ttiaimliip, Clraiflcld roimty, Pa.,
have been duly grunted to the ondTngried, nil
mni indrhted to aaitl etlate will iln atake
I'M meet, and thie having rlnium or ile oandii
will .r-nt thcai properly aothintl.-atril f,ir it-l-Ilvm.-nt.
M. f. ,l m KB,
Oot, 21 fft pd. AdminUtratrtf.
T A1I KH buv yonr draatKooda. trimniinrt. Ac,
J i at WM. HKi:i A CO'., aa Uiat nava the
ciioiiieti niyiat nt trie ttnaton.
1( 1IUN.W Proiirlttura f"li.lli and fil
Imint, and artiry aodv rl nre h. r!.y wa -nl
nr..fni 'Hl-i'lt.
any latutioaUng hquora nereaitor, at I am deter
mintil to j.okluU- wkU and rvtry ouo found tio
laling the law in bin iti.tilar oate.
A I I.IL.M).
W'M.dland, Oct. l3-atHl.
;(R IMrr; CICKAP.-Tha "nnMed
i2er lor mlc, al n dara-tin, a flmt.-l tli'trty
ClHtTI.AIl SAW Mil.)., with Kdywr. Utb Mill,
and evorytbing complete and In Rood order.
II n fin w..r4rthi-r uao for the abo inathiorrT il
will he told oLcap.
Altoona. I Jim.
IWVH AV Camt trei'iiaflug on Ih preni
J tea of lhi tiihserihor, reaiding in llradf town
alup, nn rr aSont th? flth iliy of Beptamber latt,
a It ARK HKD COW, with Ml nn, c uppo-fd tc he
ten or twelve ywar" old. The owner 11 nciffT.
to come forward, prove property, a uhiug. 9 und
take nor away, or aha will U JinpotM nf at the
law direett. . V, KOHI.EIl.
Brady township, Oct. 13-3tpd.
nAVINll located at PetinhVl.l, Pa., ntTera hit
prnfettional erriHt to the peoplo of that
l' '" "Hrnmnding oountry. AU calit promptly
attendrd to. 00t. J tf.
AM II TOM H NOTlt r...Th undertixned
in Auditor, aprjinted hy the. Conrt ol Clear
Held Bounty, to make dtttrihution of the monUa
in lite ban til of Cyreniui Down and Chariot riloan,
Ailininiatralora, A a., of JaeoU (laarhart, deeeated.
laid of Morria townnhip, atnongtt I bote legally
entitled thereto, will attend to discharge the
dntiea of hit appointment, at hit office, in Clear
field, on Tuetdsy, the Wth day of November, neat,
where all peraont tnterattod In laid fund van
I. h. KHKHH,
attend If thfy aef proper.
VtSU I a),
HAVINO located in Wallareton, CUarfleld
eonnly, Pa., nfTera hit profcfaional aervieea
to the pwple of that plaoa, and the amronnding
country. All work guarautttd. and ohwret md
(ocl.U, (,9 If.
HUT of the rnndltion nf the COl'NTV
clot of buiinvea on thr Utb of October, 160V j
Litni and difoouuti $93, 5j (l ft
U. K. bund (o aeeure eireulation.HH...
Due from Ketieetimig At,-nt
Iue (nun NaO'otiai llanka.
One from other Punka and llatikera..,.
Furniture and future!
Tatet paid
Cith ttemi, ineliidtna atatnpt
Ill III of oilier National Hunk
Fractional eurreney.inoludiug nii-ktea
leirnl-lender ni'tea
Profit and Iota...
LUH LI Till.
Capital alock paid In
Nurploa fund
Circulation outlanding
Individual d-'pooilt
Owe to National llanka ,
hue to aihar Bunk and Banker,
Current tpcnea
I. I). W. Moore, Caahier of the County National
flank of Clearfield, do anlrmnly twear that the
ahnve atalemenl It true to the het of mi know),
dye and belief. D. W, UtMiKK,
t'orreet Attett 1 Cashier.
Hiehard bhaw, Wn. A. Wallaee, Hn. Purter,
, $1fl0.o0
A,tmo ItO
114 6
S.:i7 II
St.tli. 00
dAjx; fls
J. 11 47
IM 77
an 1 40
. v.'. t
J and W at bv proof Coat and Hr-ka, at
M Its, WATSoys.
given that the folio win amount 1 have been
examined and paMrd hy me, and remain filrd of
recor'l in Out ofllt-e for th innpeclion of hiir,
legateet, eredilnra. and all oihera in anyothr way
int.'ret'd, and will te pmenU'd te t'henntOr
piian'a Court ol Clratflil.l ef untj . f. tr bi-ld at ilia
Court Ilontf, in Iho boror-rh of ClmrArld. eom-
inenring nn the tecond Mouduy of.Noreu.ber.
A t. UAU '
1. Paliul aeconntot Miiry Mullen,
Eieriitril.of Tho ma MulU-n, decrtted, lata of
Brocaria lownFhip.
2. Final account of A. S. DieltiiiHon.
Adniinittrttor fir I'-nta unm. rum (riletmmfo
of Julia Piekenion, deeeand, lata of IWcarj ft
ItmisTiin'a Orririt, A. W. M-K
Clrarfield, Pa.. Oft. 1.1, IU9 te. J KajtiMer.
from Ihe aati, hat Ucn enipluud at
AI.?0, ft new Fall and Winter ito.;'B Df Honneta
llftta, Ac, at Un, WATSON S. '
AT.PO, l new lupptj of Tt iinminfra and Pnnoy
Arliih t, it Mr. WATSOYS.
ALSO, all the lale and moM fufhtonnMe RtyW,
Dmm and Coal Pallor nt for l.adie-, Miiiet'aaJ
infirm, ai Alra. WATSO.N'8.
Parti'-tilar attetillnn will he riren in ihr. hn.
Milking Id partment, hy Mia O.walt, who haa
"prm mum nme in lliu hrancH or ImtineM, who
will have the whula euarge of th.. hninea, at
Aiif. W AT&U.N'fi.
ft will he our ffreateat tttidr to tiUan- and
all attention to onr e?tt.iiiirra, ao tlmt they uit
be aeeommodnted with prnmptnpt and tfett atvlrti
and Miality of z.wda, at Iomht prlcea than Vhey
woj.iiK ai rmrwucre.
All are inite4 u call at Mra. WATSON'S.
OeU 13, lMCy-tf.
IIAVTKO aelecttd our own a lock with the
greatett tart, buyer will find a dcciji j
Advantage iu calling.
Orphan's Court iSale
TIM 15 Kit I. AM).
BT virtue of an order of the On,(;iri', f
CiaarttLld county, there . n
ruldif aule on the yreraiaet, od THII ki
OCT. SI, 8iV. ibe foll.wmC ,
KtUta. aituatv in Baueka towni'hiii, lndilni ,
Pa., lata Ilia ettalc of Junnthan II Sm-.j, d
bounded by Innda of I'avid lUdlill, Chii r !,'
Janet Uiady and othort, ' J u
Containing Eighty Acres.
with aWut 3 area ckared, i he Ulnue, ?
limbered with white pine timber.
TKKMH: One fourth in hand. oM htni
onnfirtnaiion ot tale, and the Ulance m UM
therealter with in t treat.
ew Cabinet 1
PA NY ofier for tale Ton U-ti id ik( ,
ough of Oaceola, Cleartirid coguit, P,, uj
lota to mit nurchaaeit outti le the Iim,t,
borough. Oaocoia ia tiluAted on the Mkihu'
Creek, in the ncbett prtioa of ike eeBti.
Ciearneld, on the line of the Tyrone 4 Qnr
Railroad, where the Mor'amnuu en4 Btttt
branch roedi interaect. It it alto in tbekn,
the atohauoon eoai bat in. and large kouMi
white pine, bemloek, oak, and Jtber tiubtr r
ronnd iL One of the Urgent loinix- mmi
itig ei.ahHhueDtt the htale it IrxttH 11
town, while there are many otber lumber,
rhingle millt around iL The Uwa La bat ar
yean old, and ooutaina a population of Mll
aand inhaliiunta.
.et-For further information apply at Utt,;
of the abore eotapaoy,
Pr SuperiBUn4'
Houses nd Lois for Sale.
OUR IIOL'iSKS and LOTS ia CiritU
aale on reatonable termt. Pi,
in thirty daya. Alau, a plot of Ful'H L"I;
1110 eoruer of fourth ami Heed itrteii, ,
1 72x200 rt. Three of tbeae loir T eellltka
for either Imaber yard, eoal yard, or fur bnila
porpoeci genrrallr, being within 2j0 feet of :
railroad depot. I'riee and teruif n arniklt.
Apply W UKUKiS '1 UUhX,
fth4-lf Oar&fld.'
an Importing house in the tail, country dealers
will be eupplird with Zephyr In any quantity,
at New York and Philadelphia jobbing prioea,
Clearweld, fUpl. 2J, lS6-4in.
'J1IIR FA I.I. TKliM of twenty two wM..
X eomtnenen on ISmdny, Sipn-nihcr A, IbO,
A Prtmnrv di nartnuiri will he adriid t
Kehool thia fall ; for whirh Ihe acrvirtiofi c
potent inatror?lr have been entrfiifd. Ana
iDort will be spared to Tender IU ie tjrpartac
attractive and inttructive.
Reading. Orthography , Writing. O' Je p
aoni, Primary Arithinetic and Primary
Ueorraphv, per half Una, (of eltvta
weekt.).. i
Hittnry, Local and deacriplive Cnfr.lir
with Map Drawing, tirauimar, W trial
and Wrllitn Anil. luetic I
Algebra and the K-inore B f
Int'ruetinn ia instrumental munt i
Oil painting II
V.'ftx wrk I
F r fuM partieulara eend for (Circular.
Ck-arAeld. Aug. Kli, IhtlD-pd.
Rev. P. L, Harrison, A, M., Prindpa'
ytHKhKAS, Hon. C. A. MAYER, Pret-
Ident Judse oflhe Court of Common Pleat
of the twenty fifth Judicial Dittrict, eottipnted of
the eountiet 01 ( learfleld. Centre and Clinton
and Van. SAUCKL CLYDS and Hon. JACOB
WIl.UhLM, Attneiate Juda-et of CIvarDeld eo..
have itauad their prreept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleat, Orphau'a
Court Court of Qtmrter riemiona. Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court or Uneral Jail Pehverv.
at the Court Houae at Clearfield, in and tur the
county of ClearReld-ennirneneinaT on the necond
MoMiny, (Hill Hit) ol Nov" IrtUl). and to , n 7u.rM mbraeet try .
eon. In,,. TWO WKKKS. '""r" rougtl, practical ana aero
OlVk'N umler tny band at Ctearflald. thia 2d
day or Oct. tn the year of our Lord, one
Montana aigni nunaren ana ttriv nine.
j rTTIIB FIltST PESSIOK of tht ml l
X latlie yearof thia Intlllultoi il!rtne
on MONDAY, the 6th dy of BrptemM, l
Pupila ean enter at env lime. Tfatv iU
' turned with tuition from Ihe Una tkt; tataf
, tae elote of the Beatton.
Ihe count of Initrnrtlonembraeetevtrvt1
ICRS. ranging in price from ?4 00 to tlSR.OO
IX the matter of the pHHim of Daniel Frrrr,
Adminiatrator of John Klirirood. drceaied.
late of llrady townthlp. To the bctri and legal
rep rear n tati vet of taid decedent.
W heron, aaid Oaniel Fryer. Administrator.
preaentcl bia pctiti )ta In the Orphan a Court os
the 3d day of June. lMliJ. toll in ir forth thai uid
John hhrg-od, bad in bta lifetime, by hieountrert
writing, aold and bonnd hitnaelf tn eonvev unto
Nicholaa Frra, a certain piece of Und in llradv
tnwnthin. laid count v. bound rd bv tanda of
Paini-el Arnold, Fn-deriok KeigUr and there,
containing 40 w-rra, more or Iraa; and that the
aaid John Lhrgood died hi-fore auid contract waa
executed, and praying (be Ci.urt to aulhorice the
aaid Adtniniitralor to make and deliver onto the
taid Kicholat Fere, a deed for d premieee, on
receipt of the balance of purehaae money.
W hereupon tbo taid Coart onlered and directed
a notice to he pnbli.hcd in on newapaper for
four eontcculi.e wet kt, to be directed tottiehcira
and legal reprcarntatirra of mid deoednnt, inm
inandiug them to ai.i.ear on til eecond Monilne
ol November, A. !., at an Orphan'! Court
to be held al Clearfield, and ehow eauae if any
they have, why aaid oontraet ahould not be ete.
outed according to tbe lru Intent and meaning
inereoi. ah 01 wntcn tue md bcira, Ac, are
rranired te taka notloa.
Jiy aider el tU Court. A. VT. LKF,
J at Mn. Watton'i.
11 riON.TRke notice that I have ptir-
y "'ru an r-orrin amir, en ine pertonai p"'p
erty of Jnaepb Fntter, of Morn a twnthlp, Clear
Held county, and left the tame with tai l Potter,
on loan aul.jwnt to my order, via: 3 hortct and
harncta, S onlta, 4 milk cowt, ft head of young
cattle, 40 thwp, R, 2 wagons, 1 iniffgy.plowa,
harrowt.cnltivalort, windnnll, thriPliing niarliine,
rutting bote, limber, twin tledt, g ehaiiit. j
timtrcf wheeit, conk ttovea, axca and bocl, twt(
wath keiiift, Imy jn the barn, corn r. Ih llclj' '
wli, nt and oata in th barn, in-! all ,ie houtfhld
and kilrlirn furniture, aa pr ahrdula M ,
Alau, taken the real v(jUte in ojHitiiob.
JAli;.4 T. I.r.fXAttTTi
CtrarSeM, Oct. A, 13titf-3L
pltf bed ednuatton for both teitt.
The Principal, harlng had ths adtitet
much experienee in hie profetti'iB, atttrti
reatt and guard ana that bit entirt ability
enereiea will He devoted te ihe moral ana mt
tal training of the yoath plared enderbii tWj
IbHflM (If 11111(11.
Orthography. Heading, Writing. mri Pri'
Aritkmelie, par 8etaion (II weekt) U
Oram mar. UeoerapLi. Arithmebt. m4
lliitory $1 i
Algebra, Qeithtetry, Trigonometry, Me.
a u rati on, eurveyiag, Philotaphy, Thul.
olury. Cfaemittry, Uuok Keeoing, BaUay
and Phytical Ueography . - t i
Latin, (Jreek and French, with any ef tbe
above Rranekea $11
MUt-IP Piano (M letaont) - -III
jMT-No deduetion will be made for abetic
p-titr fiirtberpartirnlar inietri ef
Kev. p. L. HAHKIiUN. A.M.,
Feb, 4, tf. (g;jB PrietiMl
Ucrrltnnt lailorjj.
4 FI'LL turplT of Clotht. Caicret ar I
J V Vettingt conatantly on bund, wtm-hwill '
uiale up according to the luteal faebioa. n
auhtlastial manner, anal at lew ratt-a, anil
ISGD. oitiiTlt Alonr. m
Market Mtrrct, CIrarArld, Pa.,
1AI Tlt. All penona are hereby rautlot,.
j eil airaint pnrrhatlng or Oi-Cdtiittihr for a
certain I'Kowiiaoav otb. drawn in fa or nf John
W. Holt by David W. Il.dt, nailing for ITl fU.
payable al Morriadale, (tnid note iH-mg over dm)
aa the tame Wat llolrn from me In AllrClienv rjty
Oct. ft, 'fUtpd.
iV in hereby given lhat lettt-ra of adinimttralt'in
on the ettato of K. B. I KK, deecaaiwl, h te
of Heoearia townthip, Clearfield county, Pa., bar.
ing been dnly ffranled to the ui.deraigned, all per
tona indel.ti d to taid estate will plen.e make cy
menl, and tboee having elaima er demandt'will
pre tent them proiterly auf healieatail fnr aul,.
and allowanoa without delay.
v"- A. w. LI. IE, Adm r.
SO.MLTIlINO NEW th-. Ararat
DlWSOI.f1'It) of PATI.ltMlllp.
The partncrRlm. herrtoforo cjitnijr between
UAinMe A Mierw.iod, at Jaynrtville, Clcarfl-!i
eosnty, waa diaaolved by matual eoittnt on the
i'ltih J:iy of ISt'pleml-er, 1 .6V. The hooka and
acconntt are left with the tcnlnr member of the
firm M.C. tlamble, who ia anlboriicd to fettle n.d
pay all elaima againat Ihe late firm.
M. C. OAM It I.E.
Pmiihi Milla.l JAM ICS bllkKWOOD.
Oct. 6, CU-4tpd. I
i-1 Mn. Wat ten a.
"0J MY 0V. HfNIK."
nAVINtl pnrcbated the entire ttock of gnodt
at tbe Id ttand of Kirk A tpen.,r, I
iutvnd to onntinoe the butineta at heretofore.
My motto la to tell "mrtA fOB raan."
Thanking onr frienda and rn4ir-er for paat
patronage, 1 aoiicit r eontinuanie ot ihn tamn.
Lumber City, ept. 12 tf.
1,VlrlTHK PrRPHSK.rcl.,ln.p Ih. R.oka
of III. I.i. Iia of Kirk . riprnarr, a. Imm.
utai. MiiociiiiD of all aoouutita ia ... r.niilril
HAVING nprn.d1 l-iiiinrM po iry na bi
.1 Ih. old .land Infha.'l Htiw.I Ib.rff.'
aiihonnce lit th. public lhat I har,n"w on In1
a wtll arlcrtfJ aud l.rgr a!io;taae.l w
Clotlis, Cassiincres, Vcsticgs,
Bra,.-,. a.H all Ha l. of HwJ "
bi', arxl ia a.w (ir.parad to ar '
rjr Cl.DTIIISIl, lnm a.mH artltl.
auil. In Ilia laical aa'l ..! .orh.ailil
.nn.r. Kf.oial .tl.auoa no '"'":.
wnth anj ruttint-ovl for ra and boyfc
Air.. .. a....... to riiilomara, aid w.w
.nil.. ..Il.farll.ia. A llb.'al hr, of l'!"
palronaa. la avUoitcil. Oall w l
ir. i! li i D g 1;
(rltor. on. door .art of Cl.arB.M II 'a.)
Marlrl aueef, Clf arSeM, Pa.
KKKI8 oa hand a fall a.aorli.lH
Faralahini, (inod,. tarb aa al'. J
and tt'oul.0 tn-iar.blrta, Itra..r. and
N.ek lira, o.liol Hdk.rolilaf.. lo". J"
tmhrollai, 4o., la raal farntj. 01 r
Qoodl li. k.opa Ih.
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
Such aa Rlark rioo.kln of Ih. r.r;
rano., In (treat rarifl.t al.o. "
Coallnn. HaaT.r, Hint, Cblnhilla, '",'
or.rooatinit. All of which ill h.a.'dr"''
Ca.h. and mad. up ariirdia lo tb.' law" 'V''
ay workmen. , T I
Al.o, Aitnl for CloarflrlJ rftm'T f't t IV,. r.l.brat.d S.wicj
Ko. I, I S.J if. II. UlilLiila
j I. hn.l..T given that Irllcr- ..i ".''"'"'""T
.... il. i. f kiui l i. pKUKKi. aw
....... ... ... a. 1 1 ...ufil. r...
All IMM aoania will b. la my h.n.l. for ! h.rlr.. ilulr araol.d to ih ooLr'H"' j"
MII.XMI ..til lha 1Mb of No.. I, ,J .11 I p.r.nn. In.l.Mrd t" a. ,.1 ..I.I. will pl,M
not wrllM h, Ih.l tin, ,HI aa nl.d I. ih. . ...A k..l. ,:im, ordi-maai."'"
oanaa i an nmw for .olkiWion
ii. w. prixcsB
Lotabir Oil., Qcl. , (w-
nr,al tbi'Di rrop.rlr aMilicnti".' fnt mU,:'?'
' IMMKL Mii'l'r.
Karltam, Oel.Ho.-tiod. Adanal-tw.