Shtlfpttbliratt. at si a;, "CiKOKOE li.GlMiKLASPt'.H, Editor. CLEAKF1EI-D, IV wtiixksday vi)HMN).i'T'i!ii:n :o. ie9. Too Latk Tliu Entity emomU cv'ulontly did not vole early or often enough on election day to bo 01 much . use to the Doctor. Hans (ienry's majority three yoars ago was 17,0U0, while "the best gov ernment tho world over saw" hod 28,898 majority last November. at m 4 Cheated but not defeated ! The Democracy fuel fur prouder with iU candidate defentod than the KadicaU with thcir'a elected. Victorious but ashamed. Burrs Butted. The Democrats of old Mother Centro have elocted their nominee for Sheriff, Mr. Woodring, over the valorous Jorry Butts by C13 majority, while tho majority for As- aorobly, l'rotbonotary and Treasurer in only Ul'G. The "government" has writtan a letter denying that it had any hand in or knowludo of tho late gold gam blers' jubilee in 'ew York. Tho fol lowing V 1. S." is appended to tho denial : P. 6. I bare written thi. in great baale, anil without even-ieing judgment a. to tho propriety of writing it; but I .ubmil It Uiyuur jutlgmviit. Not Qiit. The Karley lloichards, who for weeks offered to boi a small embryo fortune that Mr. Hull would not receive iivo votes in Karlhatts, can ceo how much they prevaricated by looking at the election tublo. Hull thrco behind Packer, and Karley six behind Geary. - Fulsehood and decla mation never amount to much in a Vnd enuso. Tt.t III unit III tfttn oti'V- 1Kcwhere will be futintl a compli'lc table of rotnrm of llio election in this county. The general roaull is better (hull we expected. Twelva bundled is whitt w chimed until Wodncsdiiy morning, when ono third of tho vote wits returned, showing an increase in thoM) districts of 111. Upon this fact wo based our calculation of 1 ,-1 1 K1, sup posing that tho other two-thirds of tho county would show n similar gain. But such was not tho fact. Wo sus tained small losses in Bcccaria, Bell, Graham, Jordan, Lumber City and Woodward; besides tho heavy loss of 23 In Decatur, 29 in Girard and 23 in Karlhnus, which show nn unnatural loss, compared with tho rest ol tho county. Ilenco our majority settled down to 1,222; being nil increase of 80 on the lust October election, and 100 ou Grant, in November. Oscoolu, Curwensvillo, l'enn, I'ilie, Goshen and Union contributed nobly towards the redemption of our good old Common wealth. Our tablo shows six more majority lor Pucker and I'orshing than the official return on filo in tho l'ro thonotary'g ofllco, from tho fact that tho lieturn Judges only tallied 100 for each of these genllomen as tbo vote of Knox township, but at the same time gave the balance of tho ticket 107. Wo examined tbo iianors and found the voto in question to be 10G instead of 100, making tbo majority tor tho former 1,222, and the latter 1.221. Sled ft-Hammer Argument. Georgo S. Boutwell, Grant's Secre tary of tho Treasury, in his political harangue in Philadelphia, on Saturday before tho great election fraud in that city, stated that the National Debt was ftro thousand, four hundred and forty millions of dollars, (2,410,000,000,) and that it must bo paid in gold, con trary to all law and tho expectation of every bondholder. Header, sup pose this infamous project succeeds, with gold at an averago premium of i tinued 40 per cent. It will just add nine hundred and seventy-six millions to the dobt, incroaso tho profits of the bond holders that much more, and nicko tho taxpayers' bill three thousand, four hundred and sixteen millions of dollars, i. MA 10,000,000.) This little Boutwcl- at tho Into election gavo Peter llcrdic 810 majority for Mayor over Mr. Par sons. We will gnnrnnteo that the city debt will not decrease while the enter prising Teter continues Mayer, unlc tho Council is of a different construc 1 ion. We siii-pcct thttl more than "tho rinir" will be smashed before all's over. Tlifl cilv of Willinmsnort has a debt o( f 150,000, nearly half a million, and j "iln bi" i"st ftmm""9 t0 nine uuuera tot u ury boui now oil uiih con tinent. Thus, under tho latest loil arrangement, overy lamily of flvo per sons is mortgaged to tho bondholders fur four tRonsaud, fice hundred dollars. Contemplate tho subject, yo white slaves who enjoy tho felicity of eight or ten children, and seo what "the best government on earth" is doing for "a free people" under 'doil" influences. Tho election returns plainly show that the fitato of Pennsylvania is Democratic by 2, (Hid majority, and that a Democratic Governor was elect ed; but the outrageous frauds pcrpe tratcd by tho "corn toppin"' villain, Covodo, has thrown the Stale into the Lands of the corruption ring for three .. ft-1 - tho paster and lolder fraternity, llar risburg will swarm wilh them this viator. A.OTiltB"WliAT-l8-Ir." President Grant has appointed Gen. William M. Belknap, of Iowa, Secretary of War. in the room of ad interim Sherman. "Whether tho General is one of the President's heavy contributors or a relative, seems to be unknown. Ev erybody nuks, who is Gen. Belknap? Ho is evidently one of Grant's old chums; benco be is unknown, except by the Digger Indians and a few obso lete camp-followers. The President feeing determined to let no one into Iho Cabinet who knows any moro than he does; hence, he resorts to resurrection. Turn Monument. Dr. Enrley and bis misguided friend", who were after tho two Halls John G. Hajt, Esq., and the Hall of tho House of Ilcpro fcntatives hsvo made a dear water haul, and landed in the last ditch. Karley 123 ahead of Geary! These are tho dearest votes cvor received by uny candidate in this county, and will remain a monument to tho folly and indiscretion ofa few sealots who sock to tiso tho paity to resent personal wrongs, cither imaginary or real. The Democrats at ono timo conceded Dr. Larley 100 Democratic votes in thi county, but his outrageous course reduced even that number to 123. Examining his Bar.Tiitn.N. Par ker Pillsbury, a celebrated Masachn elicits Abollionist has for the first timo in his lifo made a pilgriinngo down South to seo how his colored brclhcrn live in freedom, and how they lived in ' m .-o ' If. I- - ' " ' olina and hisold chronic opinions l.avo already received an awful waking up. Tho New Yd k Herald isays: "lie hud supposed, no doubt, that they were "poor, but respectable;" but he has found them but liltlo better than tho barbarians of Dahomey lazy, filthy, whiskey-drinking, ignorant al most beyond belief and horribly do moralized in every way. Pillsbury, however, has set a good example to all his fellow negro worshipers of the Wendell Phillips coterie in going down South to see for himself how far tho ballot has elevated "tho national freed men," for even Sumner would learn something to his advantage in a South ern excursion in search of knowl edge. Tub "Government." Tlio Presi dent has written a letter to a Now York horse jockey, denying that bo had legged in with tho Now York gold gninblers. This msy bo true, but bis Brothcr-in law Corbin, where the "government" was housed for two weeks whilo in New York, did make ono hundred thousand dollars by soil ing his gold at IGO, just before (,'rant ordered Jloutmll to sell government gold. "Lucky dog," wasn't he f V c have just now "tho greatest govern ment" in the world. Gen. Grant k Co. ruralir.ed through Western Maryland lust woek. IIo is being exhibited as a "What is It" by the Budical leaders, for the purposoof resurrecting the parly in that State. IIo was on exhibition in Washington county, in this Slate, for a tvliolo week before tho election, and everybody, circus like, wont to seo him, yet the county went Democratic by nl, not withstanding the General had carried it latt November by 190. That circus won t pay. Now that tho (lave nrn alini-l. A Cf.srHK Shot. Our readers are no doubt aware that a great commer cial convention held n session at the tity of Louisville, Kentuiky.last week. Tho delegates present represented all tho States aud Territories in the Union, whose main business was to look after tho commercial and monetary inter ests of the country. Tho following advisory, resolution auioiigotbers, was unanimously adopted : K,.lvH. Tim! Cnc-rc.. direct the Secretary nf ren.nry m rvrnleie all hie action bv the want, an I nor..i:i. j tl,e goi crnuient. an d 1,-avo the 1 pie i" m,ir thin u,,i,ej nierkit. an J bu.i tief in th-ir can w-,,-. This is the lest fatherly advice the "government" and Congress has re ceived for a long tui.o. Tin BuomiATiox. The city of Ph.ladvlj.i.ijj in evidently but little inelin, towards a reformation, if we ure lo jt,dg9 i Inhabitants from what ccurredal tho late election. A short The Washington correspondent of timo bt-fure tho period referred to, a H"lt'moro fton says : "General fs-reat ado Mas niado about reform M"'r"n "s certainly fond of a grim mm ,... 'Ijoko. Jn bis order issued the other nay giving Pennsylvania and Ohio Itnttti of I'X'Vorrrnnr Itllnir. The ollii iiil returns of the i bwlion of a Governor of Pennj Ivnniu have not been completed until tbo death ol a former chief magistrate of the Commonwealth- is ' announced. Joseph Hither tlied on Saturday afternoon last at tbo residence of a son in luw, in tho borough of Curlmle, at thu ex treme ogo of ninety, lie was born in the township of Alsace, in tho county ol Berks, ol German parentugo of that sturdy, frugal, honest and indus trious stock which has contributed so lurgely to tho prosperity of this great Stuto. His early opportunities for education were few, being confined to the win tor schools of his neighborhood. Early in life bo removed to thocoiinty of Washington, and engaged in funn ing, tho occupation in which ho hud been reared. Soon after bis removal to Washington county, ho began to take nn aetivo part in politics, and was elected by his Democratic; neighbors to tho Stato legislature llo served in tho legislature for a number of years, and was chosen Speaker of tho Ilouso in tho session of D20 and 1827. Asa Speakor he maintained a reputation for promptness and fairness in his decisions, and impartiality in tho organization of the committees of tho bodj' over which ho presided. In 1827 ho was appointed by Presi dent Adams ono of tho Visitors to West point. A failure to obtain a new nomination for the Legislature at the hands of tho Democrats, compelled him to retire for a few years from public lilo. In 1829 Joseph I'itnor wns nomina ted for Governor by tho rising faction of anti-Masons, at the head of whom was Thaddcus Stevens. In this con test, his voto was small. Ho was again nominated aainst Georgo Wolf by the anli-jlusons in and al though defeated, tho heavy voto which he received gavo evidence of popu larity and strength among the people beyond that of tho faction to which he belonged. Divisions among the Dem ocrats in 18.15, enabled Ititncr to grat ify his long-cherished ambition of be coming Governor. There were two Democratic candidates in the field, Goorgo Wolf and Henry A. Mulilen burg, and between them IVitncr slip ped in. During -his administration tho great system of Public Works in augurated hy Governor Wolf was con- frvme extiavatrnnt railroad schemes wero started, among them tlio notorious lapo Worm road in Adutns county, thu ruined culverts of which nro still to bo seen. Thomas II. Burrowes, now President of the State Agricultural Collego, was Uit ner's Secretary of Stato; James Todd, of Payetto county, was tho Attorney Gotierul, and Tluuhleus Stevens, a member of (ho Canal Hoard, wus tho leader of tho administration. The largo appropriations of tho public money, and what was deemed its reckless and wasteful expenditure in enterprises of no benefit to the peo ple, made the administration of Kitner extremely unpopular. When presen ted for re-election, bo was defeated by linvid It. Porter by an immense ma jority. At this election, for the first timo in the political hiMlory ol the Commonwealth, tho most corrupt practices Wero resorted to to insure suc cess. Tho Coniil Board raised from contractors and others employed on the 1 uhho Works what Thaddcus Stevens irreverently called a Mission ary l'und to bo employed in elections, and the returns of tho voles at Millers town in A,l'.m-..!lnl)V ..yrPiVauVt'Tn that early day which might well e.xcito envy in tho breast of aCovode. In tho niidft of tho storm raised by the attempt to defeat tho will of tho people in tho elections in 1838, tho administration of Bitner closed. Tho lawfully chosen representatives wore admitted to their seats and tho Buck shot War ended without the shedding oi niooa. On rent ruing from office, Governor Kitner purchased a farm in Cumber land county, on which ho continued to reside almost to the day of his death. He never again emerged from private lifo, though bo made ono or two un successful attempts to obtain ofllco. IIo was nn applicant for the Treusurer hip of tho Mint, under President Taylor, but, being disappointed, be ns never again heaid of in politics. Though ho was tho object of much denunciation and ridicule whilo Gov ernor, yet bo was a man of considera ble intellect and force of character. Although a violent partisan, some of the worst sets of bis administration musl bo attributed to the recklessness of bis official advisers and the party spirit which prevailed at the time. Without possessing much education, ho had no litllo knowledge and expo rieneo in public affairs. Ho was one of tho Governors of Iho "Farmer Com monwealth," nnd sineo be owod his elevation lo tho tillers of Iho soil, ho was devoted to what ho considered their true interests. Sinco his day tho "Farmer Commonwealth" has disappeared. The honest tillersoftho ground have lost their influence in tho polities of tho Stuto, and a new rulo has begun its downward course. Great corporations, and rings of spec ulators and lobby men have obtained complete control of the government of Iho Commonwealth. 1 hcto agencies wero scarcely known in thu adminis tration of Joseph liitncr. llarrislmrg l'atriot. CLEARFIELD COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS FOR 1669. ..IPtllrlnt.'- 10G9. Governor -S. Judge JA3Scmbly''Trcasur'r Comm'r. Auditor. i i Boroughs -3C. Titifi'u- a k k r. n r " r" a! a si 8 Townships. . r s i. P " o w - x- , A ' P p v p f3 y p Bcccaria, . . HJ 110 17 in! 101 lHi 101 llli 102 llo lOlj 110 Bell 122 6:1 121 .11 122 57 122 57 122 fi7 122 f7 Bloom, . . . "71 2i id 'Hi lit 2 7 2.r! K7 2f! 117 2(i Hoggs,. . . mi 4;i no; 107 4 100 -lot 107 4 107 40 Bradford,. . K'l f7 Ui f Its fin 1111 id lid fill 15 M Brady, . . . 328 Hl 32dl Hti flMf, lOHj c:!2 M 32 !Kl !12d I'd lliirnside, . . HI Dili Hl Ml ffl lolij 8d If,! edl l.'isl Mlj Kil Chest, ... 1 (Mil 001 114 do 112 0o II.'! l.rj Ullj il-lj H3 Covington, . 7 2.rJ !W 2.'i 1M 2I 14 24 04 24 01 24 Cleurticld,. . K 12.". BI21 121 144 1111 1GC 122 101 121(1 KW 110 Curwensvillo. 45 74 4ftl 7:i 42 74 42 72 45 74! 4..I 74 Decatur, . . Hit 72 li:t 7ti 114 7t'l 114 7t! 114' 7(. 114! ;o Ferguson,. . io 3d .ri SOj (ill 8M (Itlj BO: Gii 80. (id1 Girard,. . . 40 43 45j 41 47 4li 47j 4lj 47 41! 47 41 GoBhen, . . CO 23 tin 23 68 23: 01 j 23 CI 23 CI 23 Gruham, . . 105 lti lUtil 15- 10(1. 15l It'.fi Iftj 100 15! lot! 15 Gulich,. . . 30 00 2j 04 20 07! 27 071 20 07j 27 07 Huston, . . 70 73 74 75 2 140j 70 Cd 7tl d 70 CO Jordan,. . . 72 41 71 4n 71 41i 71 41' 70 41, Od 41 Karthaus,. . 45 83 45 83 42 27 44 80 44 SO 8d 35 Knox, . . . 100i 22 100 22 107 22 107 22 107 22 107 22 Lawrenco,. . 554j 100 2521 00 282 110 245 10o 240 101 j 1U0 100 Lumber City, 30; 25 80! 25 27 20 2d 25! 20 25; 20 25 Morris,. . . 1H0 55 1811 54 170 65 180 54j 180 64; 1HU 54 N. Washington. 45 8 44 0 42 11! 42 0 43 Oj M 0 Osceola, . . 0 54 00 54 100 61 10U 631 100 58 100 63 l'enn, . . 88 641 80 63 88 63; 8H 631 8il 52 80 53 I'iko, ... 128 lool 128 1U2 123 102; 128 102 128 1021 128 102 I'nior., . . . 40 42 40 41 81 52 47 80 48 81 47i 88 Woodward . 84j 40 82 60 83 40 83 48 83 4V 83j 48 Total. . . 30214700 12008 1797 2832,1922 200!)!l78.'i' 2004 1778! 2084 1702 Majorities. 1222) l201 0101 l210 jl21C; j1102j "vx ;A(iV(v'..ifoinri.i. HI PDIIT i,r l!, r-t ll.i HUT NAII"SAI. ltNK l.f I l-allifl.l. In ll. oimiii; Hi t l.arll.M, In tl.l Ktala of I nnyl TnMn, at lV clJtt af bii!uli, vu tb 9lb dwj uf Ociu!r, I s . -w i ittseit. Ixiani tn OlH-onntt $10" SM ft Or.rdr.n. .' I'S t'. S. .oS.!i to irruraoitvulation I",nn0 CO 11. 8. Ilulxli on hand !, M Ilua (ri'in id Jrrtning auj ltr-rr akhiu exit Of Ilua :rniu oilier N'allnnal itnrilra S H.'iV f tin fiom oilier I'atiki A llaukera S.5KS SI rurnitura and fllturei 1.2 AO Current Kx anraa 7U 21 Taiea aitl. 1 '7 4- Cmh tlaina, in-tiillii)( r-tamria 430 08 Hillaof oth.r National Hank ! " Fractional rurrrnry, includ. nickalc. 4 U So L.gil londsr notoi.. 10.U11 00 tuan.iTira. Carltal itok paid in $100,000 00 Surplul fund ,n;0 0( Iiiarount 1,J U0 Kirhai'ge I7 0 S 24 1 0-1 Profit and lax Ml 211 National Hank Ciroula. tion outstanding. FALL TUit f rtr,!e for ult. 0BFHAVS CC12TSUM NEW GOODS & NEW STYLES. d lo Tuti'if snhIp ait I'tf (.(m tit id, o 'J L. I) AX, U mi 2J e o'otK, p. m , 53 Acres of Va!u:l!o ''a u T:.t! JT. K. V.JAUHTVAV, Jiarkrt Slrrrt, t ltarltcld, i'a. Will , 1 , r ' I I wru our immiiiii-ii aoi. r.iiy Oli'-p. U. BOOT Sod The l$on. Amntour dabblers in slocks and gold, along with more legitimate but not sufficiently wary merchants and tho public at large, buvo been taught one good lesson by tho late transac tions in Wall streot; to wit, that where the maddening thirst for sudden gain tukes hold of the souls of men other wise clover and respectable, all con science ceases, and nothing is listened to but the exigency of the hour. Tho scenes in tho Gold ltoom last week were a disgrace lo any civilized community. Iho bowls and yells, the imprecations and the blio-jiliemy, tlio (U nion in c countenances and distor ted bodies, lbs frenzied gesticulation, tho foaming lips, the starling eyes, the clenched fiMs, tho twitching and con vulsed muscles of Hod In in wero ull there; but, worst of ull, tbo heartless recklessness that was ready to bepar thousands, and ruin a country rutber than desist, the was lord and master of the insane ort;io. .Such tilings, if not sternly rebuked and pul down, will blast tho business chnroter of New York, and niuko tho financial credit of the country a bit-sing and a oy-wortl to mankind. At home, it is not merely the eon fusion und loss wo liavo to bewail. The terrible and iniquitous cxamtilo thai it sets bef'oro our young nieii of evory pursuit and degree is, t erliaps, after all, tho most hulcful feature of Iho w hole affair. All our newspapers have spread tlio details of these ro puUive scenes ovor columns and col umns of print, each moronic and af ternoon, and sent tlinm by hundreds of thousands of copies to every part bausled ill dressing up the usrrativo to make it piquant and diverting. The tricks, pretences, and misrepresenta tions which, if rosorlcd to by a poor and friendless man, would send to a penitentiary as a felon aro chuckcl m1 over as, "smart" and facetious things, which would make a brilliant fellow of any youth w bo could man age to borrow or steal funds enough to practico them on a handsomo scaio. Hero is desperate injury done, and we uso no idle unmeaning words when we commend it tolheenrncst attention of all honest bankers, merchants, and tradesmen who have sons upon whose success ns decent citizens they arc building their hopes. We have, al ready, had one conspicuous and most mournful instance of the total ruin and criminal conviction of an other wise amiable and promising young until Hirudin mis tcry mania OI un bounded speculation, tiie latest parox ysm of winch has jiiHt startled the coun try, iiow many moro shall make up the crop from this seed sowing. Look yo well lo it, all w ho aro aid ing and abetting a species of gambling compared with which all tho faro bonks and lot lories in the world lire but as child's piny ! Tho hungry and eoger eyed thousands and lens of thousands whom want and cold pinch every day, hear, amid their rags and pain, of nil this treaatiro, and they gather moro closer nnd more fierce ly around those nnrble palaces whoso inmates they begin to think have no more rights than they. J', '. Mer cantile Journal. gtlarrirfl. In CurweliF-ritla, at the rciidenoa of ttia bridr'l father, Oct. 12, lM, by Her. 0. W. Finaceo., Mr. EDWARD L1VINUSTON, to Mm FRANK BARD, all of Curwenirille, I'a. On tha 17th of October, ISM. by the Re. JOHN FI.KUAL, Mr. BOVD Qt'IGLH, of Centre counlr, and Mra. MATILDA PAULEY, of Clear field oountj, I'a. At the redden. of the bri.le'i father, on the IDlh of October, , b; L. F. lawn, E Mr. DKNXKd LEWle, of Marseille, Boggi two. and Miu JKNMK PARKS, of Lavrenee to.mluji. The hejipy ooujilc have our beat wiihca for their future bapinre and proinerity; and may they long live a "faithful hueband and loving wife." jMUAL MST fur Korcmbur Term, FIRST WEEK. !ilpr.,.. vi M...IIui.trWftr. If urxl half iMitrv II. tvott 0. W.lumel (.fJmti'l ( attijili!! 1 Moipan , , 1 Civil L-Hinnnl ' Xamh lUll Sclmul lJietnct... 1 Albert ' Hrcnnt-r llftM-oU C-taU Co ' Yu mniuig... 1 Kitid ' Cf.i...vr V,rtt McConnnl ' Cuiminl ll'K-ki'rt,rri'. ' Fmtik, It r t ( u.. ' Moore, J. A Carrv, James.... While. SeoU !Ieir. f. JfttiP t'lllQ-. t'Utu tiling. Wlllmintft. fct. h'huff. W. W. MolTdl. Uiil. n el. 1 H'-lrriti g. Smrler. ...lii"Mr 4 Jlilr-nifui. Kinilh. u A. J. (. ..f.....Mlkn'( Kir'l. MlUi-wf. II ' Kar Lir. hup'ri l.wrrnoe(wp. mu$U J. A. liruwo, Mltbcw( t Ptrw. Watiner, Wm. Inllvidiial dttpomt Iu tu Nti..nnl Hiiilti... Duo to otbr UsqIii sod Lnkrt SIV771 00 1,141 bl 1,2 20 24V.447 Vi" tlV.HT V9 Tot.l 8TATB OF FrKNUTLTARIA, CtiniT or CtcttKriKin, I, A. C. Finney, Ci-bier f ihe Firet National Uauk of Clearlialti, uo aoUninly fwear lUat thi aboTi ttateuiMit it Itua to iho bout of 017 know IJr oad boltef. A. C. FINN KV, Caihirr. hubfcribed and iwom to tht IH(h dy of Oct A. D., 186V. W M. KADEBAI (Hi, Attrrt: tiourj Public. D. U. Nerlinj, A. F. Bojoton, Jun'a. JvoLod Director. CI AlITION. All pcnoui are ben l.y cautioned J afraiimt iurphamuft or in any way cned'tiinit with Ufc. M'A. Uf liUIi&h.i, (un a oay aui the other a lurrel, bith 111 arc,) ti.itbrr with bnriiean, ii.nlrtref, ppremtli, boubt uf William Cree, of Ilecana ttiwiiftbip, and now in the potac- ion of W tlliam LigbtniT, of Itecaria towucbip, at tbo fame belung to Die. and are ubm't i my order. n. e. JJltKfci, Ulen Ilope, Oat. II, 119 St. Af.KKTM W ANTi:i. Affeiita Wauted, $76 to tZOO per month, malt and female, lo itl( tbo 00 M) rated and origtual Common Hento Family Kcwiua; Machine, improved and porfevlod ; it will bm, foil, atilch, tuck, biud, braid and out- b nnd or in moat ouperiur manner. Price only $16. For aiDiplicity and durability, it bao no rival. Do not buy from any part in aclling machine undT tbo ammo name aa uuri, unlet having a Ccrttlioato of Ajrener ii(ned by at. aa they art wortfiloeo Cant Iron Machine. For Circular and Term, apply or addrcM. II. CRAWFOKD A CO., o20-3t 4tS Cboalnut 8t., PbiladtTpliia, Fa. BOOTS! HOOTS!! BOOTS!!! The Olebrated RICnAKDSON BOOTS, For eal. whulciale and rr-tatl, at J. P. KUATZKRS. OXLY fil.OO Yin ea-n get a pair of Frenr-h Kip Ilnftn Tor firedolUrn. at i. P. KHATZLIt S. Oct. 10, iitc-tr. FKCUND WKbK. ltiillhea k Lloyd rp rihoilan Porter.,... (Inn kW'".'. Drwiki Hrukerhool 1 M ore 1 Whil. Zilhoi lirowa-...... , 1 lltiorer 1 llo man ' Ha-flom, rt at J rune FirttNUk. Clearfield Dflla llippp Krliard T"nc- Cfr.ntiiaii A ton " Henry Creoimaa A Son lloyntoa Certiord fnr . tlaineo. Miller. ....Latigdoa A I)iven. Ilrenm-man. llnrn. HidiT. Shaw. Metlarrry. Smith. linckotibrrrr. Cliry A Ituwnian. Arthur, et a). -mead. el al. Akey A thwff. Uar;-r rilAle, 8uwmeri'iile. Maya. I.ut. (lain. Nreprr. taiinea. rpdegrraff, ot at the trtiTal. (IWESVILLE MARBLE Y.IKD. DV.1 ROTS of eitrndinf my bueinoM, and kni'Wina; thtn ean be no lnhir tritrufe ui repeet to the uumory of tbe .letM-nci d an l buried frier.'lt, tbnn to eret orer their narrow bunu'r" a trulptured nUb of emtunug marblo, tbat fifiiul forever to the rmtiuir place of IhuM we ure; I bry leave to y lo ail who wioh to ih w ikiir aflcctidn for their departed friend and kinlred, that they ean uow buvo an opportunity of dnjr.jf , by railing at my J" hop on 'J ne-mpiuQ pfrf-t, I'lirweuiviila, Fa., a I a in prrpMrcd to AIONI'MKNTS", CKAII.K k I!OX TOM US, 11KA1 KTtiNKS, Ac, f any deeifn or aile, at reaonalle ratra. N. II. 1 to-pp on haul the het Foreign sttd Iromrallr Marble. All work rierute-l in the moat skillful manner. 1 will aluo di-liver work to anr noiut in Clearfield or adi'itoior ennntia, if de.iret. WM. H. CoLUlKX. Cnrwrnerille, Ont. !0, lff.D-lf. T T AS Jt'ST Ol'KNKD a large 1L cle't.-d llork of FALL and WIVTKR and rillOKS; tli. lateet atvlet of II ATS and CAPS, lc, which he will eel! cheap rum rxau. The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps. Boota, SIioch, UnibrellaH, Sic. CALL oud SEE fur YOUKSKLVliS. Picf : next door to Adams' Ex. Ojfice. Kept. K, 'en-tf. or If h -it ,..:... "I ( All of orrtsiu prfac u lt(.t- ! ! toan.h.i., l.t. Hm- .ine.,f .1, Ni " 1 ( h .iiii M and d-M-ritted aMl. . Uril h mlu.-k rutin r on I, tit- uf ii. i, t AuiiU i. 1 1 nrw-T, th-MM- tfirty r ir m, ut j' 1 j i. 4 one bundrtU and aftym. pr. ttf ' j th.-ii.-'' iit,( (it thirty . aud ll, m t., n"i """ pi i "r-i HM DHf (iDir ineui ivom lonv-ttiio a- r rt k tMat 4ihi two oii'i tMir n.'tll peri tun t'i it i,.ir-i l,rtd , It i. OCTOBER 1869. 1869. IMLL Tit A I) K. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! WM. HEED & CO., Market Street Clearfield, Pa., plne of btyitttnn 1'biti li'iii bi. Ion j Ucri foi i be-t timlH-r land in tut- f"M'. wiin trie nr-i 'ji'tiriiT ,,; j,. . ir.t.tilii, lrc ti-oin Mark km.., anj'w'v!, 111,1- -f HlfF ricarbrld f' TKHMS : tnc third on '.. 'i: an.! ;)B (.r,. ( and ihe baianc? iu tw i"jn rn...4i ( 1 with tntercM, to it ivcurvJ l i , , un , , ; on tiio prdiiiien, OK-'j.l.K rl(. (kt. U It. 4Ju.ia..-,k. Orphairs ( ouil TIMI5EU liAXD rirtue of an ordrr of the ftrj.Kau, C tlt'T. II, 18y. Iho follow. lip firtfn. r,iiaief oiiuaie in uaoieaa lownnhifi, 4 I IB III BilHO I JOFlI I1U1 l fMrwii , bounded by land of I 'avid Kadcliii, itiu j, Jamca tiiaiy ar.d otlten, Containing Eighty Acres. with about S acrep rU-ared, ibe brlabiv U r j timtfrH with wbite pine titnb'r. TKKMH: One fourtb in bai. j. cD fn. eontirmatiun id pale, and tbe balanct ia n, tbertatter witb interciL. J. W. CAMFSEL Oct.6, ,t5-Jtt- an JJAVE J18T OPEXED a rarffe and com. pleto aaoortmcnt of rorolgn and Domestic DIIY GOODS; Embracing a full line of Dref (iooda Taiiilry, Woolen aud Cephyr tUawlt, tiorwd hbirla. Fine yianaiU for under wear, Irepwa and Capp; Trimming! uf all kind, AWxnndt-r'a Kid (jor-, ( Puperior tu Joum( ) Z pb vt aud W Qitcti LADIES AXD GEXTLEMEXS" IAIIKK atiT or 4rcp fooda, tritnKinfirt. 4c, i at W M. KKKD A CO ft., aj tbay kar tbo olioteeat htvlet ot the Seaoon. c 1 ACT ION. 1'riirntr. uf II trls and Pa- r w a -Belt l-i'.i IfKiiitt, and ore rri-pri I'lVDo ly rle i.frel.v wa-ae-1 A. C. TATK, I'rothtmotary. any iniuncautig luorp berea.ur, a J am dettr minad o p. ortr ult cai-li and rwry vac fuund v.o Intit.jr the Ian in bis paiti.ular eiM. a rniLxn. Vnii-iliuii, Oct. 13 Slj-I. 1(n MM: C I! 11 1.-Th nMer-V- tilTeT for tale, at a bnrri'n. a fl1.--ii t..t.-tv finwr MAThNAUV E(i(M A.l lilt' I I A, It SA ,V II.L, mil, hr, i.a;h iiiil, and everything compleio and In K'd ordrr. llntitii; n further uae for Ibc aboic maj-hicrry it w,l be iH.:d id. rap. j.vmes Lon incn a c. Altoona. O.o, 13 lin. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAIS, rURS,&C.f 1C.( 1C. IIAVIXO aeleclrj our own alorlt with frratett fart, barrrv will find a drcijti Advantage in calling. M OPHANNOS LAND AND Lt'JIBEH rn i Buer ir town iyti ti ougl of Oaeeoia, t'lrarticld eouuiy, lota to tun purcnaaera outu Je tbt Iibim borough. Oaooola it ntuHted on the M.i Creek, in tho neheot portion of tht tn- CleaHield, on tbo line of the Tyrone A Cin It ail road, when tho Moihannon and Bt branch ruadt intoraeet. It it alpo m the tho MoKhannon eoal baain, and larrf whit pine, bean loch, oak, and other uat- round it. One of tho lareat lamlxw KuihJ Hit; oouttiiautnenta iu me Mate it Jcn-ti town, while there are aaany etlar Ubw ihinjrle will around it. Iho town t fen , yera old, and eouuioa a populatiua of tat aand inhabitanta. T-Kor further i a format ioa apply at du of tbe above eompaay. JOHN LAW;UE pr!4 EuperiBtcsi: Houses and Lois for Salt I-IOtft HOUSEo ,ni LOTS ia C,,u. aale on reasonable trruil. Phm..,,,, , iu tliirty da a. Alau, a plot of Tol b h.'l the eorucr ut Fourik mad hf4 '.n I72x2'il feet. 1 brev of llu-ac lot. arc adl I. for eitber lata bar TariJ, eoai Tard. or ft bi. purpueoe renrrallr, being wiiliin 2jC M railroad dLvt. Priee ana1 terta. rHeii, Apr'r to oLoktiZ lii'-i.v fe i J4-tf c:m,t f durational. 1IS-T OK TRAl KHMK JI HOHS J for Norrinlier Term, 110. and the ni-lits Retting longer, wliit li till nfiurj Iho ritrnicr, iiicchitnic nnd liiUii in ,n Hu oiiorlnni(y for read ing, ik tliert l.y improve tlnir moral at Weil ria intcllectiiiil fuculiica. And sinco tlio pront politic nl Initio of tlic State luis been fnu-lit, ud wlieu tl.o ntnoko tliiill Imve cleared nwnv, wo will return to our ununl custom of Pfi vi'iff ttie roailernof tlio Repuldiratt a jiit.ii ioiii und more varied Beleition ol clioico lit criil tiro. I'1' '"". fif- The reform an,l tI'ernnec liea and Kor,tIcinon sol iiimly a,sem!,l,.d in ct-tivcntion, and nomn.ate.1 . vily Hcket, ,wkin to thu end ; but (lC liny of crt. ,i()n nljr t,n hu,lrol rtl4 forWlro xole polled fi.ri,. IfCliUnn.nd 6,000 fraudulent vole ar0 to Lo no- do tailor .l!lcr.lin), or ....ialKtund ::.;7;:rii,u-r''i,-in..,,H. clerks pel itiisaion to 0 homo nnd voto, no uny, i 'einoernts un well M lti pub litaiia t un Imvo and, fsVc, nnd ilint no disiinetion ia tr, bemndo. In view of tlio fact that tho weeding out prc ccatt Iiha been thorouj-Uy practiced, and that iiemocrnla in the Wnr n well nn in every other iH-purtmcnt aro to caree Hint oven an income ui aiooMor could not discover Uietn, it it a very ri -It joko to i-ue formal or der i.crmi ion V) go home hi d voto." Vorrrninf by Jrrks. Soinctiines (ien. (Jnuit i a moro piece ot wax in tho linndM of his Cabi net, nnd nomclimea jrl.s in linrnoN: nay, f-Jin i t, and breaks tho gearing. 1 lio appointment ol tun now Secretary of War, lit'lknnn, in uiidotihtedly his own work. Nobody known him. No body heard of him 01f of tho army, and in tho army, not many, if any. Hal Iji'i'io nan an well known, nnd IJobisoii oiilvn liltlo better, in which there was not nn much mntter, ns Ad ml rial 1 titter f. rani's TroM i'atd f or. It eenis that Prei-ident ti ru n t, v hile rusticating at Kano, caught (tomo trout a littlo out of season our Legislature hnving foolii.lily passed a law against taliing tiiein alter August hrt.t, which don't tipply to ouroounly. The Demo cratic papers were so horrified at thin that Gen. Kano look tho rcf-ponniliility of tlio act himself. In o note to tho McKean Miner ho says: "A remark of Senator Cameron's about the gnmo laws having mnd tho President tleelinc to eat venison, 1 had not tho l.oart to tell him of our pasting the act last winter which lorbid-Catching tr.-.iil nfler the first. Crant lo'.-kcd forward w ith so much pleasuro to for getting bin Washington cares, cuo day at least, fishing up. Straight creel;, thtit 1 Raid lo myself as 1 did when I was younger ot tho l u-'itive Slnva Law "Hieiik the law, but break it openly, first vkkk. Beerana...J. W. Wriclit 1 Joe. M.Fmith. niooni...lliirlr lach. l!"!...Joha Itlatr. llra.lford-iai i.l W.l.nn M Jame Dnon jr John Powder. Hra.l.T...J. ha Fl.-(rl. Hurnide..J. Hral,auh. ClearSeld. J C ti,t,hill Hirhant Mo.fsip " Jm. II llraUm. CarweDariHr..llnn. i. II. " Tlimi.,0. " J..l,n ilrNaul. rheat,.llnlt. i-rnninfrlon Ileoatnr..KnK.bieaitiarl ltraham...W m. W ilhrlin Uo.hrn...J. H. Flecal. M Jolin hanlieT. KKftlND WEKK Oalieh.. .I'atliek Klynp. 44 Jo-i,h Kry. Hupton...Joiii'h Hurky. Jordan. ..I.aae Hlonm. " John Wilhaml. Karthnnr ..ti. tlilliiand. " Jon. Yothera. Knoi...Iwia Krhard. l.awreno..John Mitchell Uorrn...Adam Myer. ' K. 4'. Brenner. X. Washington. ..Jame. M Harajre. rike. l.afatette Mrt'lure " Wm. " J -hn lloldrn. rninnltnr&oe Courtney W oMwi.rd..Jiio II. Alex- andrr. Hell... Henry Ilrrth.Jr. lllooni...Jalne Leach. H'rK...t'harlcfl Hloan. tlraily.-.y'n-d. Stnilcy. " w . u. l-orter. " J. 8. II.M-n. " M. N. I.ulher. " Henry kriner. " tieorie M. Nolder Tlurniile..Jilin Lanpion JfclB I atclun " liari.l Mrhefley. " John lliera, V. t li m.on. Arm.tntni W'oo.l CorinpTon..Jo.efili tlror. M Fmnna t'ontnel " Solomon Miiurer riearSel.l. J. P Plmiern. Curwenn illoK. A. Irvin " John Irvin. tlsratur.A. Unnehman. Kernu.on...I. V. Hnvt. ilirard..Anilrr.on Morry Orihant...M. V.French. " II. lliil.ler. .Ionian...! Irnnu hmilh. karthaa...W m. Hotter. Lawrrnee...lohn W. Tate. " llohl.lanhead ' A. 41. Ilovt. Oaenila.. Milo llort. I'ike....l..,n T. I lair-. l'nion...Jo.eih llarley. Wood ward. . II cn-leroD W'ro. Lulhor. 1TK 4 Y.-t'atD tre.i.a.iia on tha reeni J fci of ihc uheenhcr. reeidinn in llradr town- lnp. on or aS uit IS- th hy ol Scplamhcr la.t, a HARK DKIt COW. with hell on,rjnpo.ed tone ten or Iwelee yean old. Hie owner n n-niirited to come forward, prove r-rcotrty, .ay, r nn 1 lake ner away, or aba will be di-ioieVd of a the law direct.. F. KOIIl.EIl. Brady towmhip, Oct. U Slpd. miss h. s. srm SCHOOL FOR GIRJ rLKAi;riELD. r. TIIK FAM TKKM ?f twr.ntr iwewt. mmmtncri on il-inJay. Kfpir-uihrr i, t A PnmarT r Parttnm tM be aft-i i Prhtwl thif lalt ; for whirl tbe aeriirtf & pot mi t in aire, rt or haTO hrn ncr A" i-fiort will b ppan-4 U rt-fldtrr ttin 4rpar tttracUvo aorl inatrnctire. TEKMB OF Tl'ITI'iX. Ropni'mg, Oiibojtraj'br. Writtnc;, O1 ooop, Prtnarr Artitimrlio atid l'mnarr ( ixtr kalf term, (uf olma wk.l.. IJ HiftrTT, Loral and dractiptivo Gropraptr with Map Drawing, tra.inmar, Jdtr.!a) ana Writtm Ariiha.tie At-rbra mi4 tha K-U-opt It)triKtir.B In initru mental bbuiio Oil paiatiiif f Wa work f F r full paxticu'iars arcd for Ciiru'-ar. ('l'-arfld, Ao. 2j, lStf..tpd. CLE ARF1 ELD ACADEI.ll holdin, of . Connof Coram,!. Pl Or w! ! ' '."' Court. Conrt of gonrt.r Se,.lon., Conrt of Oyer ' ,Zu"2 . . ' V 1 adT.rmin.r ...d e..,ioi...Li i. i i.-u. PPiU ea. anlar at any lima. Tbe. I al tha Curt lloo.. ri..r.M i. J t. . .l. "argea WID t IIAVIXfl MAHB AFRAXOEilRVTS will, an importing bonne ia tha tait, country danlera will be r., hed witk Iiitrr In any quantity, at New York and rhiladelnhia jobbing fnoea. Clear4IVld, fenL S HSO-em. C0UET PE0CL4MATI0S. HERKAS. Hon. C. A. MAYER. Pre., ident Jndsa of tha Court of Common Pleat of ike twenty fifth J udirtal Iiiitrict, nompoaed of VIOIIMKVIt ATIlf' p4)TUH. Notice ia brrel.y given thai letter, of adininirtrnlion on the eelate'ol 1:1.1, l.t Til K It. late of llraijy town.liip, ('IcaifHld c.lintv. Pa have been duly granted to Ihe nndcr.irned. all rrona indc Sled to enid e.tate will li-a make payment, and tho.e lmxirg eiiiimii or .'euandn thca propeily anthcnticntH f-r act llctncnt. M. II. I.l 1 111. R. Oct. 21 St pt. Adinini.lrator. 1 ) l:l41IIT of the condition of the COFNTY I NATIONAL HANK of Clearfield, at ll. clone of t-uiticei on Ihe uih of October, Infill ntaot-Rcta. t.oane and dircouutr , JPI,.'! SB run. ' Itrilli 'I I. iu ...... ' " ol l. id,. I.e. 1. ;..l.i:. I. ! I v iieiiaiit . ireiiiiuc i mo i. ; ......... nno j ....ii.-u. mi i i-i iiiiieni it, very nun n like oilier trades a sometliinL'. in which a man mtut know something, totlo anj-thing well. Government, loo, mnvu iiartnersnip, save in iloapolinins, nntl something even of a co partner ship there, in hich experienced priK-tieeJ men must be consulted, il a country is to bo governed well. Cieneral (irant, however, wo see, is becoming something of a politician. nn uniiiieu tne j'etinsv vamans until after Iho election, w ill. an understand. ing that the great head of the Union League in l'liilndelpbin, Ibo romantic and rhapsodic ltorie, was to go into tha (.'nhinct, and bo staid at home pending the elections In Pennsylvania as and Ohio : but the moment theme nlnn. lions were over he hunts up a Hub knsp in Iowa, and goes ofT to smuko nnd have a good time al the Maryland Fair. Tho (icnerul in learning the incus ol tlio Ira lo. Lancaster Jntelli-qrwr. irougli C'tdonel M'ilcox. lnve!f assuming tho houorublu unt 1 1 in former. And 1 buvo thus paid" the price of ( J.&il a piece for ihe smallest trout you ever )iut in your basket; thirty ilollars, that is to say, for about a pound " Then Gen. Kano violated the law deliberately, and abuses the Iiadiml 1CL'iNlnturo lor being so luohsh ns lo pass it. Oil, thcHO Hadicals, how liny disdain to be bound down by law. cvrii llioso of their own making, they ile siiiso and openly violate. H'tima Ledger. Some burglars havo formed an at tachment 0r .Saegt-rstown, Crawford county. They rob the safe in the railroad oflioe at that plnro every quarter, ana aro never caught. "er-lrafu I'. 8. bond, to aeeure circulation......... t'ue from He.lecniiin Aircnt l'tie Irom Nalionai llniika. 1'ite fnim oilier l:;nl.e and lianker..... Koniiliirc and fikture. Tateupaid f .li item., including alanip. Ililll of other Notional Hank. Fractional currency .including nickle. I .oral lender note. Profit and lou. Mfin hi ia.oi'0 S(l ..". I .1" II. .'.-1 o S,(I4 S an in 124 s.'i I.i;i4 11 T'lH fin PI tu l.-,H.t bo IK 61 J. H. KLINE, M. D., riIYSICAN & SURGKON, n AVISO located at PennS, Id, Pa., nffer. bl. ,rolcMional eervice. to the of that 'la -e and eiirrounding oounlry. AU calie ,r..m-i; t"-ndeil to. lK.,. u ,f. VI'ltlTllH'M M1H I Th. oder.igned an Auditor, appointed by the Court of l lear Seld eounty. to n.ake dietribntion of the monira in llie hand, of Cyreoiue Howe and t'harlc. C loan. aaininKlmtora, tt., or Jacob llaarhai l. deccatcd. late of Mnrri. town.hip. amonget thoee legally entitled thereto, will attend lo dichargc the dutieaofbi. appoinlrarnt. at bie t-ffice, in Clear field, on, the Vib day of November, neat, where all ,craon. inlereetbd in .aid fund can attend if thee ace proper. I. L. KKKItS Oct. 13, f,-.1t Auditor. DRMLKLI NE, SUHGKOX DENTIST. nAVINM in W.llaceton, Cliardeld county, Pa., oficr hii pmfc.ional ren ice. lo the people of that place, and the unrounding e-uinry. ah wo: a guaraute, ), and charge, mod "ate. not. IJ, 1,0 tf. UIX;1TI-:R-H VlTIt I Kotici.hercbv given that the following ac-ount. have been examined and pa.wd by roe, and remain fihd of record tn lli.e otb,, r..r tlia inflection of bt-ira, legatee., creditor, and all olhere in anvoiher way rcted, and will he prcrrnlcd lo the next Or phan'. Court ol Clcatft, Id county, to he bcl.l at tha Court llouae, in the bornrch f Clcnrtle!il. com mencing on tba aecond kioodar orNoveinber, A. 1. 1M,. 1. Tuliul account of Mary Mullen, Fiecutrii, of Thomaa Mullen, decerned, lata of lleccaria town.bip. 2. Final account of A S. Dickinson, Adniini.lrator itr f.ei. ana. eea, t..tna.ewro t.N.m of Julia 1'ickcn.nn, drconred, late of IbiYaria toan.liip. llrntTr.n'a OrnrT. A. W. l.l:K t Irarfirld, I'a., Oct- IS, Im'9 te. ( lUgirter. at tha Court liou.e at Clearfield, ia and for tbe county of Clearfield. commencing on tha arrond sinai jay, litn nal ol Siov INiitl, and to eonlio,,. T 0 WfckkS. OIVKN under my bind at Clearfield, tliii ii day of Oct. in the year of our Lord, one Ibomand tight hundred and Rirtv nine. CYRKMIS UuWg,.Ven. 11'KS. ranging in price from S4 00 to f l fit' a M, at W M. KKK0 A lo ci. NOTICE! IX tbe matter of the pctrtnn of Daniel Frtor, Ailmimatrator of John Klirgod, deccaiicd, lata of ilrady lownrhip. To tbe bfln nnd legul reprceentativa. of .aid decedent W bcrema. aatd lamel Fryer. Adminirtrator. preeented bi. netitim to the Orphan . Court on Ibe id day ol June. I Mil. acltina forth thai ia,d John Kbtgood. bad in bi. Iifetiuie. by hieoontract in writing. ald and bound htmeelf to convey unto Nichola. Pera. a certain piece of land in llradv town. hip, aatd county, bounded by land, of Samuel Arnold, Prederirk Zeiglir and othera. containing 40 acrra, more or lr..; and tbat tb aid John P.hrgood died rn-fore aaid contract u exccolvd. and prating the Ccort to authoriat the aaid Adminiatralor to make and deliver onto tha .aid Nichola. Kere, n deed for Mid prctnieca, on receipt of Ihe balance of pnrcbaw muoeT. Vi hereupon tbe raid Conrt ordered and directed a notice to be pubh.hcd in one new.p.per for four con.ofutite we-V., to be directed ! tbe bclr. and legal rcprccntativca of aaid decedent, coin, manuiag tbcm to appear o tba accond Mondnv ot o.emnor, . 11.. 1 ns. at an Orphan. Court lo he held al Clearfield, and .how eanae tf any they have, why .aid contract .hould not be ete cutd according to tbe true intent and meaning thereof. All nf which tile aaid heira, Ac., are rcqn'reii ia laaa nolioa. Ily order nf Uw Court. A. W. 1.F.K, f. 1:1 411. Clerk. 41. C. IATK.T Sl'YLK of BoNNFTS and UkTi, J at Mra. Wataon'a. (4 I notice that I have por J chan-d at Sherill . Sale, all Ihe personal prop ertv of Joacpb Potter, of Morn, towmhip, Clear field county, and left the tame niih .aid Potter, on loan .ul-.iect to niy order, vii: I borera and harnc... 1 r.ilta, 4 miik cow., bead of young rattle, 40 .he, p. f b..g. 1 wagoca, 1, w.. u. com Ten-re. win, tm ill. lurching machine. tuition from tba lima tber tt4l we ciota oi ibe r-a.tioa. I 1 ba cour.a of in.trnrtioa evert included in a thurougb, practir.l td .- pliihed education for bolb eeie., I Tba Principal, having bad tba ad'XUa mncb epricnca ia bi. amfea.i"n, aMarrif rente and guard ana tbat hi. entire atnuoi aaergiea will ha devoted la tha moral mi al tal Uainil.g of tha yoatk placed under bit etif -IHIIMM 4)f II 11111V I Orthography, Heading, Writing, nnd Pt as ArilkmaUo, pae Scauon (II week.) l Onmmnr, tieography, Aritbmeuc, and Hi. Inry ( Algebra, QecSnetry, Trigonometry, Mm. f oration, frnrveyiag, Pkiloaopby, rhyai- logy. Cbemi.try, book Keating, Bouay a and Pby.icnl tocography - . f Latin. Greek nnd Fraack, with any of th ( nbov Braneba. - . f II Ml 8IC Piana ( leraon.) . . . M 4-No deduction will b made far alaa dr-Fcr fuiiherpartieular. inqalra af i Rev. P. L. HABKISON. A. V. FeK 4. lfi tf. S.?S) Phar-ea lUrrrhant iTaUoij. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILO MAItKFT fT, CLF.UiFIKLP, T VFCI.I. .upply of Clothe, C.,iarrc. . Vealiug. con.tanlly on band. wt--k aj ma.te up aciriliug to tba latcM faelnea' uiutaaliat aannncv, an.1 al law ratra, 1309. Coing It Alone. IS E. K L. STOUGIITO.N, MERCHANT TAILO Market Htrect, Clearfield. r TTAVINtI opened VurincF. en Ivy ea kr 1 1 at tbe old rtard InSbaw'i Row.Iikrrn! nnnonnee In tk. public tbat I hire new or k A Fill ST LA? from tlic 111;, Total. LtAllLlTIM. 0iiti itnrk paid ln rir(.lu I una ,''llllng,). Interf-af imitlAtlOl OHtlIalll(iinf , Ir-iiii Idttal d'intl" iHir in Nmi4.nft( lUnki I'd tn tir Atntt in4 aUankerp.. Cvrrrnl rtpfDPM Total 1'MtSS A (MAT MAKKR, hat luen fnti)rv4 1 n( A I.? A, a Bf n Foil anJ tuttr f.f Tl'iriif,fa; lUtt, Ac, al 3Jr. HATfoN-s. AT.SO, vitl'i-1 of Tiiii'mintr- ami rnr Ariit ln, t yrt, W A1' s, ALSO, all tht Uit- and rrmM ft' Rtvi i Dptm an t (W ratunif, fur l.aill. MimiVimkI rinl-lnn. at Aim. W ATON ts. rrti"u)ar altpntinn will he jr vfti tn l)ir- !,. Muhmjr li -partnimt, hy tc who tin "firm much urn in (hi hrartrti r lminm, who will have the ftlmlt fhaipe nf Ihr hiiinr-f, Rt Mip. V ATSUN B. It U1 hp onr prffHt utiitU to (.Ira and fir all allpniinn tn nnr pttmcrii, an thnt thty may hp apwnimndntrd with 'nmtitnpt and KtpHM tylr and uimlny uf rnln, at hm irirri thmm ih- --..,,... i .irue, inio eiru., I. g cn.tlte, : " a ttmb-e wheeK cook ovca. ac and hoc, .,, C'fltVfi flistri'mnrow Vfcti'rivcl aeb kettle., hay in tha ban, cora Is tb ,M V.UIDB, laSSimCreS, VCSllClT?,! wheat and oa:. in ihe't ll ih. k. i. ...j and k.ichrn furniture, a. ,,.hcJ,,l. tied -i', takca the real i Ja.v;.s i. llcxasp. C.'farSelJ, Ocl. 6, I tti'.u-Og. S0M1:I11INQ J.-EW ,bn,e Aral... at . M. ItFUl A 7A1H4I I TltlVof P .KTI ltIHP- i r Beaven, naj all kind, of lined. fW vrnl hpy.' wear, and am now prepared an m.k. order CI.OTH IND, from a 'ingla article w .Ull, in the late.t .tvle. aa4 mo.t wortn. m.nner. rif-ecial attention gtvtn ta eetft wmk and for aaea and keri offer great hacreina to cn.tomera. aad wy entiie .almacooa. A liberal Khar af fat patronage la ai:ietlrd. t all and .ee we. JaoT-tf S. R. L. 6TOI GHI ..f'.'ln:'TH on .mm on 114 o J.IH7 tl l.n 0 4K.IH7 ns nail 4" I 'T 77 snl 4(t All aee in. tie.1 to call at Ocl. ia, IMill-tr. Mra. WATSOSH. IJIMnii no Tlia txlilorof the Nowltrrn Time haa been compollptl lo ntlvcrtiaa Hint buainoag entrnrromnnts compel him lo j decline all challengca. I. I). W. Monro, Cashier of the Connly N ational Bank of t'learftrld, do eolemnty .wear that the above etatement I. true In the bet of tnv knonl rdge and belief. P. VY. MtloHK, Correct Alteatt Ca.bier. Ktchard bhaw, Wm. A. WaJlaca, Wn. Porter, Itireetnra. IA1UF.S-, MISSK8' A CH 1 HRE.V8 CL0I11 J and Watbar proof t'oat. and Hack a, at WHS. "l ATSoy s. (1 M TltlVAil p.racne are hereby caution ed etram't rur. ha.lna or nccoti.ime f... certain I'Roui.ennv Norn, drawn in tutor ..I John VY. Il'lt by Mavid W. II, .It, calling for l t;i 00. parable at Mnrri.dair, lenid note Ih n,g over duo) aa tha aatne wa. .tolen flow me In Alice bene city JOHN Mi. lltll.T. Oct It, !llp,l. 4 l)MIMwTB AT()R- MITK H-Strt, 1 I. hereby given tbat letter, of a on the eetate of R. B. I.KR, deeen.d, late of Itecearia lown.hip. Cleailield niantv, Pa., hav ing keen .Inly granted to the undoreirncd. all pee. on d to eoid eMate will plc, make py. menl, and thoee having elaitne or demand, will pneeenl them proH-rly authenlieatnd foracttlemant and allowance without delav. Pfl- A. W. Lr.r, Admr. The p.rliicr.itti herclt.ftire rii-tine bt teeen .n,ie av pnrtw.ou. ut Javnrriilio, t IcerfieM -T -ti 1 j p J ennly. wa. dixolrcd by mutual cnrt.t on the I " '1 I'l'th diy of iteiitWri I 6t. Ibe book, and ! TVlPT?PTT A 1MT T A TT D account, are let, . ,tk ).. .clnr r ,k. : "li-AlallklH 1 A All-W tlrtn M.C. liauihle. who I. aiittviriscd to ecttla and pay all claim, again.1 Ihe lele firm. M. C. UAMI1I.R. Finilb'. Mill.,-) JA.VU.S t-IIKIHVO('D. Oct. B, f,-4ipd. N EW STYLE WATER PROOF II AT. at Mra. Wataon a. 41 (W MY WX HOOK." nAVINll pnrchaeed the entire etock af good. ' h I .land of Kirk A Spencer, 1 miond to continue tbe bu.incn ai heretolnra. My mntto i. to aell "rnrA. roa rn." Thanking onr friend, and enetevcer. for paat patronage, 1 eolicil a oontinuance of the ean,. , , ISAAC KIKK. Lumber Cllv. aept. II tf. 0TIfF.! IOR TIIK PI RPOSK of ohwing nn tha Book, of the lata trm of Kirk m bnencr. aa imme. (Store one do,r va.t of Clearfield Il-'aar.. 1 Market tre et. ClrarBeld, Pa. I KEKP9 on hand a full aeenrlmeat. af Car Farniahing fined, .act a skirt.. and Woolen 1-nder.birta, I'rawar. and Neck tiea. Pocket Handkereblrf., Ulovet, H Vmbrellaa, ia (real Tarl.ty. 01 I Qoud. ha keep, tha T Best Cloths of all "Shades and Co'ort Pach at riark nf tha twtj Mt Fanpy ( aimprp. In jrrl rarirtf , ' Cnatin. HTr. Pilnt. Chitirhiita. orpfroatiPC- All of whirh Will h p1'-t"1 Cah, and madp op ardiag to th. lat ) by fippripnrrd wittkraan. f AUo. Afnt for i'lflirnrlJ pf-nr'T ffmfar A (Va. pplebratcd 1 Nov. 1, 1MJ tf. nriti m.i - I Rawing Vft", j U. Hlill"'j ! kllTK '!-' t T.MI Vlatl-n a n.fiTII'1 i. kerebv civen that lellcr" nf a lint.iv1 on the dale of SAM! l:L I'KIIKV t. dec late of harth.,1. town.hin. ClcarflelJ cur." o.aie eoilectlon of all account, i, new raqnired. 1 nil wn.ettle.1 account, will ha In eev b...l. 1.. j... . . .u M-ttlemeM until the lth of Nov. lsill. ,J .ill ' " ."J'T.j ...... .,i .M not .,ed by that ,i, will b. placed ia the , i.vment. and th.e ha, io. e'.im. or dcnt.. ) prPc-pni throu ptvpprty mih'-nTiPw'pd fii,w,4 - - ".twi iv( nuirminn ..-H,,n,v1oc,..I;,,wfm'c"' ii.i.iir i ' i Kar'.Lam.Ofi.ftpft-'pd. Ad-i','" '