THE KKPUnMCAN. CLKAI FIELD, lv. fEDNEHDA? VlUlNINll.lirTllllKIt 13. If 09. Balloon Ascension in Lmoastor. Tlio lulluwitiir ia tlio atatemeiit of Mrs. Louitta W inn, wife of Prof. John "iVir.o, tliocolclirutcd .Kmnuiit, of wliut alio saw and bow uho foil during tlio ascension 1 urn not on ndvnrnto of Womnn'a . Right in tli u modurn Bu('Citnlion of tho term, out lutve ncviTtlielusB notion Unit u lady mii'lil tuko a rido I li rough tlio otliervul lotions oi Pmce without eimiiiiir n'iiiiNl tho Jiropiio lies of her Hex, or in tho Itmst i tit i in lr- in; upon tho j;ok1 order of a "time lor till IhiiigH; unci uuliovmg Hint the roior tiiuo hud .come to jirutily my ivuninn's curiuaity upon tliiH sulijt'il ul un a'liul voyaye, whon my husband , iinnouncod that ho would soli the vacant seat in liin balloon chariot, "Jupiter," I accordingly resolved to ho tlio liiglic'Ht bidder, though it tdiould bo thousand dollars; when ha very gravely suggested to mo about the jmy, liaring, as he eaid, twa cash otters of filly dollars ouch, I told him initus was a hundred dollars jiald in udvancc, by numerous charges against him for darning stockings and sewing on his buttons for ten your punt. ; From this ho made no appeal, but said, "all right, you shall go." And now I will tell my lady lricnds, as , well as I can, haw 1 did go. At 10 minutes past 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, J upilcr being biiP Jiiiiently inflated, I stepped into the wicker-car thereto nttaebed, and with a throb of delight loomed up and over the centre of tho city. The multitude below, with upturned faces tho rat tling, sound of martial music the shouts of applause and the earth with all its life graduully sinking down down still deeper down, ex cited me very much, and 1 inroluutu rily began u wave my 'kerchief in response to the happy salutations of my good friends below. Jly husband handed me tho talisuiunic flag to wave, while he would throw overbourd bill- last composed of bundles of business circulars, and up, np wo went at a glorious rate. .My replies to Ins ques tions for awhiln were only '-Splendid '. splendid !" .My heart was palpitating , with joy over the beauties spread out beneath and around, so that I could . do nothing tut gaze upon tho grand scene before me. When we got be 'vond the built up part of tho city, 1 ventured my head through the barrier of rox-8 to look straight down, and beneath I spied what seemed u nice little Christmas garden,' with little buildings in tho middle, which my huhband told mo was Franklin and Marshall College, and just at this mo ment a milk-liko vupor rushed down beforo and underneath uh, entirely obscuring tho world below. All at once my joy and observation changed to a feeling of amazement imiuzo ment most profound. Oh, what a sol cmn silence surrounded us. It w as an -awfully mysterious thing to mo how this heavenly curtain of dew drops . could so suddenly wrap itself all around us. The big, pulled up globe ubove our heads, senrvely visible, seemed to bejid and stagger with this load of vapor weighing noon it Pres ently a chccrlul, mellow glimmer ol light enmo from ahovo, which cheered 1 lift a;;iiin into converantion. Here Mr. . threw overhonrd n considerulilc liundle of bnsinest enrds, and br tlioy (uttered throui;h tlii illnminnted loud, tliey cnn kled like liulo torpo iIopb. I wondered what ennaed it. Mr. said soandj like eleelrie fpnrka." . At they floated lrinurely I jumpin np, Si i should liav continnred about they tilione like tllver nnd gold. 1 8U"i time longer pmuly, hut unl'ort Preitetitlv wo came out at tho tun of I i"tlv i lost niv halanoo Si (ell over ir- this cloud, und hero acaiu came a new wen. How beautifully Blrango up here great tig massed of wliito, gof't 1ool:ini;,fleecycloims helow. Oh, they looked as noli and tilky u tlio finest down, and they rolled about, a il were, in a wanton voluptuousness. "Hut, where are wc now V I inquired ; "1 enn't to the world ws are entirely cutoff; how will we get down?" Jlr. M'.eaid ul will take von down now: Mil nelore wo go, let ua cat a Into ot our provisions, kindly furnished its by our friend. John Siilrs." "No indeed," Hiiid I, "thia is a f.'ast of reason ; 1 can only feast with my eyes." !ut, to lilease him, I nte a few grapes oft a .tnnch placed in the car by John Ad ams, w hich he was devouring with a pnsto that indicated a keen appetite, iih ho also gut out ol" the basket a roasted fowl to regale himself with. While in thin solemn stillness I was encldenly slartled. "Oh, what was that " Mr. W. said. " let some gns (T to go down." When the valve napped shut, it erurked like a gun and made me tremble for a moment i made such a strange noise up there. Now we gently and softly sunk down through this fleecy bed below; in its niilst it was more dark this time, and as we ramc ont gradually below, I paw the city as behind a thin gossamar cur tain, and thcrlnttrringof iron wheels, .and puffing of steam engines, and ring ing of bells, contrasted strangely with th bright, silent world above Ihe cloud. Jlere we could see tho beautiful Susquehanna, and bore and there a TillaL'o iieerine from behind a di.rk t'lotid, and tlio prople from holow lial- Iur OI llie lanuacape waf jiliolipniili. liKiing all round tit ; nnd 1 lirard a ! ec "n "l0 It'i'A, and liaa remained tin voice, dintinrtly cry, Charlev, oomc I tli.'Krahlc to the prraent time. Tlic lown crime down come down." He rcj.euU'd tlieac cloud aeenc five ortix time. pning np and doa n, and 1 wn amioe-t ltd tn tx-lievc that when eliull eliancnfrom tnnrtaliiv to itn-1 mortality, it. uill l.aonr happy leati ny to ar throtiuh thcrcalnid oOpaee, Tiaitinon apiritual winpa, thia jrlntie and tliat phrhp; top the gitoij book It'll ua that, "in my Father'a liotiae there are many manaioo," and I ver ily l lt when 1 waa away up above ihe t imid, that I w u in the liimne of God it wus ao grand ami aulemtily sub lime. 1 ehnll drrnra of thia all my lifetime. 1 can now Imrtlly rea'ire il it at-em , to me more like the shadow of a viaion I a tnttico than a poaitire thinrr. ' loil't think Btivboilv eonld make aueli nn aJveiitnre without beeominrj bet ter.and partit ulur'y prateful to the t'reatorfor the jiiivilege he ha grant ed ua. We lnntirxl nf,.v one honr and ten miiiut.-a after we Ufl the euith on the Jnrm of Mr. Jloffman Ifendirr, alwtnt milea iiorih wi-t of thin it. Mr. John Men- invited un to his' Louae, Where we took a,ip.r. A roanir m,n Turn married a eousin ol tir am ,,, otl Uie , thufone irood Tura de-ervw,mno,,rr ... 1 ,l"'nai on inan T. L"' ."4r-i.'k & rantil. KOMI ll(l. FnrarliiilY llrrs In nnr town, Anil ft eiirliiue hal Is Ih'J lie is pur It'll tin rvirv "lie's arlsir. Knuns (ill almul yiiu ami me. Nu nintlrr wluil secri-l yua wish tn ksrp. Or what IT mm lit ninut, Vim may ruinl II jn.t mi well ss you onli rioim iintil II lerrvl it uut. lltt knrtwit nlimit nil ynur fninllv j n r Ami just li'iw ynur luirineis st.iiilii Kiinws linw much uiiuit'y you linn- in itoik, Ami huw nuicb. you have un hiiml. No fiaml in ili'lsrlt'it. nr liuililintf burlii'il, Though (lip sinner, wt-rr ni-viT mi ity, lint rlouiphwly knows sll nlmiit It at ones JuHt Ituw it wait dunr, nml wlijr. If you over (exr-itso ini fur hinting the thing) Ou out, ui uicn ity, "un a lurk," And ntillrr yiuii'.nll tlinl t tit wiltrof ynur brtunt In ultilll'uilv kiiit in the tUrk. Ynu hull lirttur (jive up nnr-h fnolNh Idea, Anil rn'knii Ihe post Iroin the fir I J-'ur Souiiltily'll wlmper the tiilt in her cur, Ami then, iir, lutik uut lur tlio worst ! No eourl.liip wiie over Rtteinploil in town, Tliullirli tlir jinrtifK whip painfully sliy, 1J nt SiitiiflimlY knew it ii limn m tlii'iu.clvos, Anil wetcilrd llipin witU viiliint ol t. 'Til Surni'hnily pvit all tlio imiinilnl nfliinl, And browi all tlm uiiirliipf thnt'i mailu; Wo iliuulil b hitipior Ur, 1 knuw, Jl Huiuiiliutly'i jjliuit wvru laid. VOl'H MIMHI(. Y KLLKR n. OATKII. If you re too wak to Journer I t tho mountain, tt- p nl high, You nun BlAtiU witlmi the vaJIcjr While tin? uiultitmle by. You can clmnt in hnppy mouiuro, A thry dlowlr ftHHi ftlohg; Though thy tuny lorffet thimingrr, Tliey will nut lorgct tho ioii. If you hovf not gold mmI llvcr Kvpr ri'udy to ouiniiinii; If yon enn nt townril tho nre-ly Jleitoh an erer opm fantttj ; You sun vUit the IMicted, 0 r tUc erring you oati wcrji; You can bo true dimnjdp, Hitting m tho 8aviour fwt. If you can not in th hnrrfitt Garnor tip tho rirhoat ittararcf, Mmiy a gram both ripe mil goitlrn Will tlte carflrm rtHpers k-ave. Go ami glean among tlio briers. (.rowing rnnk acuinit the wall, For it may be that their hai)ow liuitM the heaviest wheat of aJL If Tim ean not in the eon flirt lrove yturrlf a mliiier true If where fire and smoke are thickest, There's no work fur yon tn flit; When the battle-held is silent. Von ean go with eartl ul treal. You ean bear awy the wuundt'd, You can eorer up tbe dead. Io not, thm, t and idly waiting Yor some great work to do ; fortune is a bur giddtM frhe will nrver ecme to you. Oo and toil in any rineyard, hu not frar to do or dare; If yon want a field of labor, You eon find it anywhere. Anemus ward's Courtship. 'Tk as a carm still nite in Joon, wlien ull nutur was buMit Si narj- Zctl'er dis turbed the serene mlenso. 1 sot with tlio objeo of my heart's Hffcc-hliiitis on the fciisc of lier daddy's iaBtur. I had fXiieriunccd a liunkerin arter hur for dtini time, but dursent provluim my ptisliun. Wall, wo sot tharon the Iftiso a t.wingin of it 2 4 fro ii lliiKhin as red as the BulditiHVillo skulo lious when it was first painted, and l(Mkin very simplo i make no dowt. ily left arm was okupied in lutlunsin myslf on the foiioe while my rite was wound affokslinntely round Susanner's wuste. Sez i, "Suzunner, i thinks very niuch ov you." Sea she, ,-how you do run on." Sea i, wish there was winders to my solo son yu cood sou sum ov my fueling," & i tide deeply. I iiawsed hore. but us she made no reply 2 it, continudo on tho following Ht rain "O, cood yer kno the sleeplin niten i pnrso on yer aeuount, how viltlcs huv Heast to be itttractivo 2 me 4 how my lil'o ii nhrunk up, ye woodvnt dowt me hy no nieuiiH. Gar.o on thin wnslin lorin Si those nonken ize," i crido. the pustur kcr smuMi, tnrin mr cloiie und Hevirly damagin myself generally. Suzanner srung up 2 mi assistance and dragged me 4tb in douhbly quick time then drawin herself up tu hur full lii'o, sho ser : I won't listen 2 yer nonccnts eny lonjrur. Just sa riui ont what yer'.jr ir .... :..i i-.V. iWILL u,itM, nb. ii ju uil-uii giit,iu niunv. whv i'm in. Natural Photographs. Thero are other Photographs) l-sidcs thof-o which ore taken .n the studio of tho maker of portraits. Ev-! ery objoot on tho earlb'a surface isj coiitinnuily emitting rays, which of-1 left ail the object, aroud it, and pro-! l.,r. r, i :..,.: , , 1 duce on them impressions which may bo visible to our eyes, but which are nevertheless well marked and definite, and might bo rendered risible, if prop erly developed, as tbe photographers would rail it. So that, in iact, the sutface ol this enrth is nothing but one biive photograph, on w hich are delineated all objects and all passing event. Sometimes these photographs become so far developed as to bo visi ble to tho human eye; thus, a man in San Joaquin. ( l . has in his posses sion a surveyor's instrument, on the front lens of which there is plainly seen a beautiful landscape, with all tbe varied hues of natnre. .Some fifteen years ago, according to the owner's account, the instrument hud been in use, und was left standing for a time, on tlio plain, in a scorching midday's sun, fronting a woodland. When nijnin urnnciii into nap, a cnrtTct mp- truth of all this i caailv tccled in llieluACK AND FANCY SILKS lollowinfj manner. Take a aheet of, c,e"n hite paper, on it Iny a lenf, and j TINE BLACK A I.TACAS. P1""' n wimle, Inr a lew lionrt, in '""'A - 'I'l aunliirlit. :einove the leiilnml lay ay the liort of 'paper in a draw er, or other dark plnee. If after the lnpao of a few month,, the pnper le ni-ain jdaepil in the autililit, nn im aee of the leaf will apjiear on its sur (iiec. KMntaa.taKiNn. A pentlemanly aireiit of a eertuln fity wu eolleetinrj inn- irom tnc pnaenjera of a very ,u" omnilnia one mortunir. All pniti pniinpuy t xeepl onetalold lady, ho i et.t ""l m'x' l"or, and w ho aeemcd to i '' renciiinr; down a if to ret aome- I'tli'S he had dmpped on the floor. hen lier time fame to t a v tl,e r,.iH her hend and thnaaddres'.ea the hlush inp rou ili : f aller. when I travel, rnrry my money in my mot-kin", fur jnu ee. notliinp ran'pet at it thar and Id thank yott, voiinp man, jit to rrlr h it for me, n I'm o jammed in that 1 ean't pit to it." The yonth looked at Ihe other ps. aenrreie, ome of wtioni were laii'liini; at hiaj.licht ; on or two ronnp hidic amon2 them hliir-hed acarlet, and he oeat a atttitien retreat, mtittennc a,,m(v .l . . . r ' HQ. II m rah tiraa ihnM that Mr..; I .the frvre o( one Jnpnpr. Jill ftoorts, C.tcrfiifS, ?tr. THE CLEARFIELD STORE UKCOXSTK UCTKD. John K. Wflnvur.. .William . iteii,. GEO. I, REE) & CO., Two door north of the Cuurt lluuio, ( ri.Aiti ii.i i, pa. I I A l.U roturnoil tn our old Imiinpn itand, J I w hrroliT nulily tlio oiliirni of 'parHpll anu tho iiil.lio (tonorally, that wo havo pnterpil npon, ami tntrntl to iroipptitp, a viKuroni vmn tiuifn UKBinl IiiitIi nrnifi anil inloriur itikkIi. ami liavp nuw on hand a lull iuiplv of all kinda of Kuum mcti in (un marliou lu the lino of Wo clnim to liaro a full aumirtimnt, piinninlini; in lrl of Murlitif, lilpntilit-d and unliirm-hod ; l'rinui of all Kradoi and ilyluij and Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Such as Aliarns of all shaden; l)e !in( Mo rmon and Flannels: besides, a full assort ment of genllf men's wear, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Batinetts and a full assorttneut of HEADY -MADE CLOTHING. Motions, Hosiery, Trimmlnss, E 0 X X E T T S, t C, Hats and Caps, Soots and Shoes. GROCERIES. We bare a full aupply of Coffee, Tea, Pugar, Eic Molasses, johitrco, t ih, halt, linseed, com) and fish Oils, FLOUR, BACON, DELED FRUIT, Fugar -cured Hams, Mees Pork, and a full supply of Provisions. Hardware and Queciisware, Wooden IMloir Ware. All the forffoing article will be eirhancrd for CASH, LIMbKH. or COI NTHV I'BmM It, and at pher to hieh tbre ean he sin exrtitiua. Those in need of Uouda in our line, will please $-CALL AXD SEE US .'-ft GEO. L. HEED Si. CO. ClrarfleM, Sept. 17, IMS tf. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, Clear fl id, V V J S J u A I I .MlWiJUl; THE undereirned rerpaetfotly Inrlu the at-t-ntl..a of tha pulilie rcnerally to their oplondid annrtnent of aaarehandiao, which tbry are sow aallin( AT YEKT LOW TRICES. Their itork eoniUU tn part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Soch ai Pristi, Pe Lalnn, Alpaccn, Merlnoa, Uinrhami.Mailini.fMaached and uableack d.) lirilliniri, Tirkinea, ention aad wool Flanucli.Satinrttr.raiiiimeroo, Cittnaitn, Ladioi' Fbowli, 'uhtao A Hnmli. Italtnoral and Hoop bkirta, Ac, Also, a flna SMnrtmetit f Men Praweri and hbirio, llau A Capa, Boou A tibooa. all of which p.e sold low ron cash ; Hardware. OueenEware. GlaBrwarfl. Groceries and SniroR urocencs ana apices. :xsn,-RTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT A:JI7 i !Z J "" T"" " CllhAP FOB CAU ar appreead anuntry pre due. A. K. WRIGUT A $ONS. CluarMd. Kne.T , ISfT. C KIVrZER & SONS ARK KVrnv.VO A sn.FA WD VTOC K OF CARP Eli AM OIL CU)TUS. WALL PATERS GILT rATER, if-o. LACE CURTAINS, WIXIX)V SHADES- COrNTERPAXUS AND QUILTS. LINES TABLE CLOTHS A NATKINS LA M ES SILK COATS cf OVERSK 1 RTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS k LACE TAINTS. LAI'IES f CUILDREN'S 1RIMMED UAT8. I 11 ESS G OOD8 AND TRIMMINGS. rsF'T Kl r.IiVF. I.AMF.S' GEN. TLKaltN'S AND CHILDUtN'S. VN F(t" A I.l.FD PT TK 1111' AND UIIU'KF.S'K slpiFs d OAriKHS M tN'S CALF it 1 HF-XCII Kir IWTS. HEAVY CALF Pi KITS. 5i. Jl EN'S A N I) BOYS' FIN E AND n EA V Y frUuES. r.EST STON E TEA PErTS, ?C. CA?:SlMEIfl! VERY CHEAP. Gh'OCKIM E Fldru rf- rKOVlONS AT LOH J-T KATLS. ur.Fnu. j)KriT'rrio to thoke M Vi.NG IN WVAMiTY. WofiL.MAHKrTrvn and aUNTnv riioTaMs WANTED. LIvrrj Stable. 1" it ft w now lithr tai-wnrMf, fft wnrnmiv ltf all m ,hr rot li..n,.hii. H,.-.... a..l.4 1u 111 -.--."-, " iiMru, on iht rlmrtrfl mti .-n n ,, Tn,. Kr-jiJcupfoB I, hriwr Third and PrmnK t,.t itr.'et, m JN , W. Gr.Al.UAKT. ".fH.rM, April M, iMu. tl H hm rnt.fHl a UrM iinihMrf tbt tw I KK Ml.l.. bpH hi trtp rrri4 lurnlT. yunUtiit'f. NEW FURNITURE STORE tS ( I HW I I . 1). HAUMAN DRRIRKS to (nfnrm tb eltlsem of Carwtni vilie and 1 ioinity. that he hae opened a ire on Front Street, oppoiite the Ti yrd. in the borough of ('urwenkvflle, where he will keep eonatantly on hand, and fur sale rerynhettp fir CASH, a large and varied assortment of ready made Furniture, among whisk will be M'KEAUS AND SIDE - BOARDS, Wardrohei and Ponk-Casei, Tables, Bedsteads, HoUs.KiandsJIat raeka,l04iking-( laeee, Chairs, Mstiressee, Ao , which he will eelt on very rea sonable terms fur Cash or approved Country Troduce, myl9-nm:pd CIuMip Fu nil I ii re. JOHN f.ULTC'It D SHIRKS to Inform hla old Mends an! cus tomers, that having enlarged his shop and increased bil facilities for manuiacturing, he Is now prepared to make loordtrsuch Furniture a may he desired, in good atyle and at ebeap rates for CAH11. lie generally has on hand, at bis Furniture rooms, a varied ansortment of reaey made furaitura, among which are 11UKEAUS AND SIDE-HOARDS. Wardrobeeand Book-Cases; Centre, Bofa, Parlor, Ureakfast and lMning Kxteasioo Tables Com mon, yrenob-post,Cottage,Jenny-Lind and other Kediteadi j Hnfaj of all kinds, Work atanJs, Hat-racks, Wash-stands t Koeking and Aran Chairs ; anring-seat, eane-bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs ; Looking-ti lasses of every description on hand j and new glasses for old frnmes, wbtcb will be put In on very reasonable terms on shortest notice. Il also keeps on hand or furnisbea to order, Corn-biuk, Hair and Cot-too-top Mattresses. Coffins or Evert Kind Made to order, and funerals attended wltb a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House 1'ainting done to order. The subscriber also mauufae. tares, and hae constantly on hand, Clement's I'etent Waaning Machine, the best sow in ise ! Those using this machine sever need be with, out eleen clothes! He also baa Flyer's Patent 1 lZ'nlT:Z Z "wt th" All the above and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for Caaa or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, P'iplar, Lin wood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in ichange for furnitara aV-Remember the shop It on Marks atreet, Clearfield, Pa,, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store," JuilN Ol'LICH, Korember SA, 18 J f BOOTH S IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. Mrsr. booth A Iluiohargrr, Proprietors ol the Itrprored 8T1MH It i tractnr.wish it distinrtly an deratood that they warrant this machine to d"justwba' it ii recota mended ei eelltng other maehinet bj lu bring now fftructed on true pbiloao ohical prinrl j plea. It will extract the largest pine stump, eu- pead it atmvc Igmund per nut tm g the euiltofaUback 1 in the bale end will null I I them as fast a I tea men ean dig ihe dirt from th roots after j extracted. It wul noil (owing to lb site of the - do prnppea up, at deilrea. Any porifin wanting one of thcM Machine. an tmk it to bif farm, ute if mnt too fw will fo mni blp tt it p 4 Ut it t if bt ) not utirtitd w will uk it und fatt-jr itMbinv frr oor trtiuhlf. MarrtiBM fltt) wttb T.'wtifhip RtebtK. Hinfl Marbint. $11. hut ftbd CoontT hifbtl fr liUOTH A KI MliAKOER. Jfffcrtoa Lib P. 0 Cletufisld Pa C r.RTII JCATF We, tbt Oie nicr'cttfd,baviBc vltirMM! tb trial of T.J Booth Iroprvvvd oump KtUavrtar on tb farm of R. H. .Unoro. tirar Laibrf ar(, oa Fatarday and Mmiaaj, tba 7th aad Vtb of KnTtnbr, takt plcarar ia M.riaf to tbo pab He, that wo bliev it to bo tht btt a.arbiat now in mi fr txtrarfinfr ttoi. It it of fliaafi ennftructini), rnily DiiniH Bt liahlo to ft out of orrlrr, and very dura hi. Ynnr mob fk tho aiarbioa fmm lb aroa, boa ontire! aart, pot it tnppther. tad f-ultfd a Urco pint muma in lti than on bnur, W n n mm pull a larjra ftap witb oato. Tlii-y bo a borao, but b dteof hit ork in takirg ont tho larpttat torn pa, with oat a bard pull. Mr. liooth, tbe rtrntpt, fully andfrtanIi puttinf ep and band liny tbt Biaebtno. 't would adrio tbott In waat of ttaaip oxtraetort to to thitono tottod beforo prrbaiD olffewbera, whirb tbf m do fro of eharpo bj eotlinf a tbt Prprifttora. J. C. lUrrrtt, J W. rt rkard, K.V. rtparkaiu. John Koldfr, Jobn Kirk. J. W. labcn, It. II. Voora, i. W. Wliarr H .It Ain-ntirr. Mn. KMinjrtr, Wm I. V.-k. Aodrow Wilna, 9. J. Horn, Wa K Ittih, E. J. Kirk, J.mM MiHira, L. fi. Carlilo, Lever Hfil, Prod k Smilry, iuovitr It NEW SADDLER SHOP. .SHOCII Si WKAVKR, I uthrraburc. I'lrarfirlA C'waaty, ra, MAKl FACTfREUS of and Drilere la all kiaili of plaia aad HARNESS, hKlillea, liridiei. Whlpi, Cullari, Halter, eaa .11 arlirti,. nan. II fni..iit . I. ... l . u a.Jlu tilrnr. All work d,.ne oa eh.rt aotie, and at reawaabl, ratea. Nana but eineheared work. , Biea eaipliiTed. Bi Amerieaa UutaL Jrlt-Sa one dor t of th, li a . eriiorn. P. 1. WKAYtH. H. F. NAUGLE, (L0(Lv AD MATCH MAkER, OrroSITB TUB --v IfJft. UABkerr STttBBT rO.'T 0FnCE,iwi?t3kcLEARriELD IIIK sabicritier rerpeclTully Informs his aid patrons and tb, pol'lic riaer.llT. tliat he b.i oa hand, (and is enaitanlly weiring Bew aaditieBS therete.) a larg, stock ef Clocks, Watches a:id Jewelry. r-er I keep Jewelry la all In fnnas aad ef ditlrreat Talaes, ettker by tke piece er eat WATCHES A full a.sortaent f ell ber Oi.ld er Hirer, ajada by tha aeit Aaericaa and fur. elea Bianataai wren, laeludtnr a 4n, Int of rnld j aad aileer heauttf ease, luii jeweled, Patent Levers. I CLOCKS Of all d.iiimi. enariillnc ofeirht l day aad tblrtv.faoar, ef .ither weight, tpnaf ar I iersn, and both strike and alara. REPAIRING . All klndi ef Watches and Clocks Repaired, and warranted. Ia additloa to what t hare ennmereted, t keep a foil aimrtraent of hPF' TACI.F.S, eelnre ard plain rleie. Alio. OOl.H TN sed PKNCIIo. M'dCNS. FORK. Itt'lTFR KNIVM. ar.d ia fact eTe'lthinr in the Jewelry line. 11 I fail t biee en hind mi what a wisy nerd. 1 will order per first esprei. withnat eatra cbirre. I A liberal. hare ol pwtilic petrnnirr l nlcited i May 7, I- y U. F. KAt OLE. j READING FOR ALLll! HOOKS J- STAT10XKRY. Murk p W., C'lrarflrld. fmt 1hi Pnvt Oflirf. rlil. Iltlifrl):l.ti bjr Iraw tt Bvii(.iii,ct X fHirim ii( CI't."M a.T.1. iitfii,T. thai h hmt Httt4 -tf ronm bo jnt rtnrn-t. from tbo!irik Urr Mutt n cf rMdiDp cukUfr, ioiirSttiit In pari if Bibles and Miscellaneous Eocks, llnk, Aprmnt ti4 Tan Bk of prT 4 i Vmpm an 4 tnTp.i-?p, Frptirii eed ral fed plat s t't ar4 iptipim; Htant, Lr sptpra, ida, mmxfft ; Jpflnsptit. F!t-.p tlo and l'mirr mMf : V hit and parrkt: nt Bn-r, Lrri run. h-Mrd ( ar. d Kill Car . -.fhfi, Mam tur ithr f'iiti, K!ai r Vlwilif. nnunllf band. AM h1" r atatlnitari dpftrod tbat I taar baro band, mil) t ar- ! rPPPd by m vrm. aad aald at hl.p t or rtuil t ai( Pai-,c(ra. I will aUa fcpf fkprindipal litpratur. pfc M Uixti n fiw. I i tap la. I1 A. tiAl LlJt. j . Cl.afat-ld Mir 7, IttfiH-tf ORGANS & PIANOS. rSTVS AN D MASOX rf llAMI.iy' S, rea SA1- ar S. J. HA 1E5, Cut-eBttilli, fa. younilrii nd Warltiiif ,hoi. a. Co aonntH nan. a. vi'iRo BOYNTON 4. YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, ( l iaRFiKi n, pa. TT AVIXll rngnccil In llio nanuraetore of Urtt. Al- olaM MAUHIi;itV,woro.i.ortfiiIljltifi.nii tlio public tliat e an niw prepared to fill 1 ordvn as okcapljr and ai pruuiptl-ai can bo duao in any of tbo cuiei. Wo manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, HoaJ Blocki, Wator WKoola, Fbartinj Pulloti, QifTiird i Injoctor, Stvmm (iaugoa, fStoam WbiiUoi, Oilori, Tallow Cupa, Oil t'.pi, Uauga Oorka, Air tooki, lkba Valro., Cbwk Valvn, wmuKbt i i ipoi, ciram l unipi, Bmlor Kotd l'umpi, Anti. Friction Motrri, Soap Plono I'acklnit. Gum Pack. Inj. and all kindi of JJILL WUBK; tugothor wltk I'luwi, bled riulea, COOK AXD PA ItL OR STOVES, and otbor CAgTl.NUS of all kinda. irrJ-Ordcra aolicitrd aad tiled at city price. All letter, of inquiry with reforest to Machinery f our eaanufaolura pruraptly uowered, by addrea- in, ui at ( Icarfk W, Pa. docl tf BOTXTOX A TOt'XO i'laning Hills. I .'NOTICE. I Z' I. PowelL w. botu. j. L,. i:i:i:i a to. CLEAIJ FIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpiIK prfprirtonrcipertfullj infirn tbocitiietii of CWarld MMr, thai tbrr hare oatimtv rrtltrd thil mtabli.hnent with tho latrat Improved wond-workine marhinerr, and an wow prepared ta eiecuta all orden in their lino of burtnoaa. turo of material fur huuie building, tch aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOKR, BLI.VDS, Milt.H ItLTS aV .lOfXIIM CS, OF ALL KITLK8, We alwara hara on hand a lare otaok of PRT H l!l)l:R,.Da w.ll payeaik fur ajl etewr Luabar. Ona-aad-a-half iweb p&el itof preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichanred, to wit caUitarri. tOriler aidkitcd. and I.on Ikt furnl.hed on ihnrt notice and va rraninalile tomi. il. L. l:ttl) A CO. ricarfield, Xne. 7. lr,7. K. Tl. PTTn h. A. Iarn -.Inns Pattui J. 11. Uaia. E. B. PATTON & CO., Hiring Itlrd up a Irat-claK PLANING MILL Are ptrparr J to fnrnib all kind of Manuractured Lumber, rh II Flooring 8idinf. Bnrface-rretied turn ber, Sath, Door, Blind. Aad every deOTipUwn af FLAIN AND FAKCV MOUIDIKG. ! v 1 u rr-Ielm will tni It t. their adi aataee to run,l nwr linen heli.rr Ad.irvM, C. S. I'ATli'.V i ill. . 1 j i. Iec. 3, lsro-tf Clothtnj, How lo Save Jloncj. TI1K tloift art Itard ; you'i Ilk to ksaw lift Tin a,av aara yomt dollar f Th r tp d a l If Jt vill raad ( follova. ' A via b liwrd ttnt far btr, V bo worked bard at bi tnvda, Dai had boaabold to Qfrxrt Thai qadrti all b aiada. t inM 1.1m nap. 8a?i h. "Mt frtaid. I lntk thraad Wr aad raof b j I'vp in pft WTplf a pail. But pan'! in bj pnrtuch. t, my fr.pvd, bow mmck bar jroi P I'll tll ynm wbpr to fa T ffpl o M(t fht' anand tad ehaap t To RKIIKNpTKIX A Co. ITf tonb what llttl b bad mvpJ, Ard wpnt la Kritrnit-ia A B"thr't Ard thpr bt rt a bandi-pm tait, For half b paid to otbr. Kow tip tp prrr. bp ioAki to well, And tbrir flf"l i fmrli, Tht when trpj labp ibfir datlj Bjeal, Tbey don't oat balf aa Burh. An) firw tie fiml n FatirJiT ttigbt, W ab ill tii fir want cappltpd, Tbat b ha ajiOffpT iefi t i..( And msit to ity atid. Hi. frwxl npppvt, wltb fbporfal rail. II f r'tdl- tpti to !!. If to d aero -ntiPT, f o and bay lonr PlntrtPi at hEIZt.VfflEIX'S CLOTBira HAIL. VThrra th pbpaprat. flnpt and bpat Clotting and rwd ForP!tluri)t Umed ras W had to Nil vrjr ttvfta and in ovary i"yl aprl 1, 67 Democratic Almanac. .rplllS j 1 P'vr iua a pnt'liraTifrn i for at the "ft n'-T. j I t)faii Ff ia trt fetau mi rvt-rt l't tntarriit. It pfirt'n.n- fuT pltftit. irtumi fri pvr-T a,.rtptT in tip riiitnl 8ta ; hpaitlr. ihr RatulatT i. twist mm pfuilptp liat j( thp nam of nil thr hp wtvfiapppa HiprfPMl anti moriTHM durtrif Ltrtcttlr' aOraiTiitriitto : and Itiat fut 1 PTitami thp mnr. nf all tin. ml i am Uo vp-p imi'n..ard tim-M.t thp aatn tPrH-d. Th-4w two f"t fiitnrp rrfrr-n-w, arv an.rth murp thr Hip unw of thfti.B !irti.m. Thp rtoaihpr f"r lfif- i-u frll r i.tu.t.u ..mrir-i. ArtT at m.-rng pt-nw tc thr INmiT VaUrf, a 111 iwirt hy ppiim inatl a ptt fnr t-h Tpr, frwof mtaT. jr2. ;il rTrea and ahiSianlnal sutpnrtrs of errry X 'ae at the latefl lnr'rt.t,u. f ir a Ur liru, Store ,f HAKTSW'ICK A IRWIK. K ((ISTAIlI tl till.) 0R 1 lt at this t t, jir!l3 & Ifdirlnrs. ta, t. 4. nra a. l. maw BO YER & SHAW, (Lltl a. I. Slaw,) NEW AND FIBFT-CLA8S DRUG STORE, .narktt SI., t ltarlcld, M'a., (Adjoining itora of R. Moiiop.) nAVINO purchaiel tba abore Ftoro-Reoin, and re. fitted it entirely, mokinr Ilia all reject! a FIRhT-CLASS UKUU MOKK. we are now openine, tootTnr to tha puhlle.a FULL, COM! Lr.TK, and STKICTI.Y JL I'.K aiio.t. neat of Ltraiti, Chemieali, Palali, Ir, Htufii, As., A., eunaiitine of Oila, fatnti, arniibai, DJ.UGS. I'ATENT 31EUICINES Vjt BMiffti (Tobacoo, Cinart, CoDfoottoDtriei htitioaerj, te. rilYSlCIANS Will find their iluok of Druiri FULL and COM. PLKIE, and at a for lij(Ul adranoeon kaiurn uricei. 8CIIOOL BOOK.S. Tearben atid othen will he furnitbed with elauioal and miictllaDeoni hooki by expreu,at iburt ootiee. RTATIOXERY, Comlitinr af Oap. Flat Cap, Fooliaap, Lattar aad Perfumed Not, Paper i al.o, a eery seat atoek of Muaraing: Note Paper aad Enr,lop,a on band. real, ronctii, Ina, e. 1IOU.SEKEEPEHS Will nd a full atoek of Pl'KK SPICES, 80DA, K0I1A ARM. Coneentraud LYB. KOAP, f-e. LADIES AX1 GENTLEMEN Are requested tooiamioa thil atoek of Perfumery, Hair Oils Fin, Toilet fcoipi, llrnibel, Combi, Toilet Ketta. .a. KM U REUS AND dlEWEUS Will Ond a full mpply of prim, Chawinf and Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Domeelie ClUAKIj, boatr, fine-Uut. Ao., lo. CAUUON OIL, Of the b,il brand., alwari oa haul. Th, belt quality of Llqaon alwiyi oa hand, for edlea! parpoeel. iwwhPbleta.iJ Frwaorlptioai promptly and eareluliy eompounaea. Hay 1. ll. It ESOVAL, HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market Street, It ear field y Pa YVTB kf leave to inform oar old aad bow 1 1 eatu.a.ert. that we have reaoved our ot tabtiibaioBt to the ttwioui building jatt eroetcd oa llarkfd itroct, aoarlj adjoining the Mannoa tioaaaoa the woot, andoppoeito MMirt t.rabaai A fnnt' ttoroj wbtro we rotpoetfal invite tha pablie to eoaio aad hay Uieir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS. PAINTS AND VAB5ISHES. Ow ttoek of Draft aod lCedlrlaot eon title of vtrjibinj ated. tc.eetod. with tho frUtt eare, and WA.1EAHTED 8THICTIT PtJEE! W, ateo keep a fall etork of Dyei, Parfumariea, Tuilet ertirlei, iniapf, TooUk Braihea, Hair ftrurkei, Vl'bilew.ih Hrnibea, aod ,r,ry ,tt,r kind llruibea. i bare a large lot af WHITE LEAD, TURl'ENTIXE, Flaiiead Oil, P. Inti. and la met ererrtbine teed ia tha paiatinr kaeiBaat, wkiek w, alei at City pnoel to eaak kaywra, TOBACCO AND S EG ARS, Cenfeeticaerr, Ppien, aad the lar(e,t 'nark af varietie, aver offered la th ia pla4e, aad warraat. ed u be of tb, belt th. Market eHnrdi. i. . HARTSWtCK, Jo. f), 1a. JOUN F. 1KWIN. A SHRINER'S ym rm the ATnv, MnwrntTT I,re)f) priTTtMi Mrnri iTY or bruthivc mv and WKaKKKSH N TS tHlT. TRH BLSCuM S l (illlso l KliiHT. a It am, re mm the r.,k hur bilewi lain, and anr rti tk. mrmuirr era-sai, a. Miter of Jew Iraa etandln,, ar ikm. v. ml the .n.e.. I a a eperiaa. Il porelr erubt. ud U pleua.t eta. tan. lu .nVrt M NHaina. aiunn, (he tte. wa. tae eeaea. aw-ltwatlne 1 1 n. ln.liaii .iirtina aa aereea aad eatuunua eke ieuav Mothers, Save Your Children I He eklld weed die of (TtnrT. tf will derwa b aee la u.: ' u a t OwMMrrafed e, rawllr eniild Kr witbnul Uil. rrrnp. u th.t fOUU t'Riil p, enane like a UH i. ike airlit, k eaj .t nn litu. aaea, waea rwalar aaidieal aid aaaaal aa atxaiaed. f if i ad aal, tw DAVID K. rorrz, AaKawre, AM. Far ul he rtartewiek A Irwin. ClearileJd. and he drarciete aod atiira ker)ra t.Srraiekowt tbe I ailed Mate,. dbll-ly j NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. H C II IJ K T I ' S Celebrated Biller Cordial. THIS aedieal preparatioa I, now offered la Ihepabliau a reliable rabititau for the m.oT wonhle.i rnmpnaadi wbirh now load th. aiarael. It u parely lerel.ble, eowpe.ed al j rarioai harha, fathered from tha great tare hoae, of nature, and eeleeted with tha atmaat teara. It U .ot reroaaBdi-J ai i Ci it-aik, aw ay it, aireet aad aal.iary tallooao, apoa t tha Heart, Llrar. Kidarya, Lunfi, 8tomarh aad " M ""'' ra -.' . duaaaai t. wbira art.a. I ars aanjem II tl a rehahte Faajile Med in. a. . aad aaa bo tabea ki either or ado II wiik (tbe aaej, awaetrial malu. It il a waraala, j arawipt aad oread reoaedj lor Itiarrba-a, ITa- ",,r,'row" aowiiilaiM. Jirrperiia, Lowaei l rpirili, ralatiaci, 8irkhradarke, d-a. Fcr inin. aaa leeersot all is far better aad safer tk.a aa, qniaiae. wlikoat aay cf its per Bieieai elfeeta. It erestes ea apralita. pre. el a reri.iaireiier,a-a win eeaatereet tke eeets ef ll' ia a few aiiaatee. Prepared a, JACOB CHrKTI Pe,.. aT . I i . d KKL' :.' I:''" ail Drafrista. , . . . ' 'J l Be?U-l, Attention, Afflicted I THE ratisrriher rl'es aetire ll.t ke Ws released tk, Jl reel Ire of Aledirla, la Lalk arekare, where ke IBlesH. la derate kii atlea tira te Ute treatBienl af CHRONIC DISEASES lareaerel. He will keer nn k.rd a ehnie. mm. leelleeef DRl'OSaad MEDIC1KKS adapted ta ia, trralaieat ef ekreaie diseases, aad snae be reaealied al kit eare al ear knar ef the die. N. B A word te tboie afflicted witk cbeoBir dlieasM assy b, ta Tlllia adrantsre. Mint asr Bot be aware that rot-BTBT Phineiani wha de a aiatae wraetiee bare Bet tiwb ta atteed te th, treatment af raaoair diseases, and enaee H.enti; seoi.arr them banee Ibis elast ef dis eases teijtiiree BxrLntri atteatloa. G K'lRtl K WILSOS, M. D. Lattersbarg, Feb. It, la-ti Beale's Embrocation, (late rm hi's,) Far all diseases Inriilent tn Dines, Csttla, aad Uuraaa FleRh, reiiotrina tha asset aa external anplirstiea. This KrabreeatlnB was extenslrslj as,4 by tbt (enr.raaxeat darlnff the war. Foe aala be Hartaairk A Irwin, Cleeraeld. Jneepk H. Irwla, CvrweBsrilla. laaial tsoed. bxader. Latbersaare tf U. 1. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Nor tbo Railroad Depot,) t l r.t.pi ir.i.ti. pias'v iVIlRACE this anthi-t ef Infnmlnr tke '1 that I hire sprsM en a Tid te, ike is of wood or ,nal harnt l.IMk and Anlhraeise CuAU ia the leiroark ot Clearfiel.l, and bar, eompleted arrariaraenli with eastera dealer, ht ahit'k 1 eaa keep a fall uplr eenetanllT ea band, wbiek wilt he di.po.ed at al reaeimahle rates, ht ihe tan, bnihel nr ear load, te enit purebaers. Thoae at a distanee eaa sitdreM are br letter, and obuin all aeeeaaarj hifnnaetina. he retara wiatL It. B. TA Ltiji. Clearfiel.l, Pa Feb. Jl, "tl A TI lt.KMI.IMMI I.HXU FllIMiLE. 1 he ander-trn-d herrhj sue nolioa, thai Ihet wil liT Ihe bnue.l ai.-kei priee lor a fil qoalitrel I.IMi r-1 1 1 N ti 1. K j aad laoerheilne: .u b litr salr. will ffnd it tu ta.-ir interest le fnrc tbess B Call belnra SelllUf eleee here. .'fs. fu'vi oy. CleaiSeld, Marrk 3, lff t( Jirij floods, firorfrlf., SU. .HIMT IIAItUAIXN e Store In Mulsonburg! In the room foruierly ocoiilrl by I'. T. Ili iarty. L. M. COUTKIET rp.KK th!t me'timl of irjfrmin)t the clHion X of Covington, Karthaup, Oirard and the tur ruurnJinif rmintrv. that b hat Jutt opened a larjrf tteck vf BI .MMKH -.' I S. which ha It dter rained to tl1 TKN PKR CKNT CHF.APKH than the time quality of (ioodt rtn be purobiod for in any otlirr tturo In tbe neighborboiH.. Jlit ttuek ouutiitt of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Bach bi Patlnrlti. Caiiimerra, Mn.linn. Delalnel, Linao, lirillinir., Calicnef, Triinmitigi, hibbona, Laoe, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS A SHUES, II ATS CAPS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee. Ta, Pure', Bice, Molutet, Fiefa. Salt, LidimmI Oil, I un Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. CwtiDrt.Plowt and Plow Cattini, Nailt, Ppiket, Corn Cultivator. Cidrr i'rvitef. and all kiadi of Axae. .iaf Plowt are of tho Carwentvllle and Centra wmnty makfl, and are warranted to bo of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, PainU, Varnt'h, Glaat, and a gcnoral attortment of Stationery. GOOD FLOUR, Of different brandi. alwara an hand, and will b, eold at tie loweit pofilble Bcurci. Liqions, Snob aa BRAKDT, WISE, GIN A VIIIEET Mint poandi of Wool wanted for which the higbeit pric will ha paid. CLOVER Oa hand aad for aale at tha loa,it market price. Alio, A rent for Wilaoa'a Btraltontille TURESIIIXG MACUINES. V-Call and aa for yoararlraa. Yoa will And arerjrLhing usually kept ia a retail It'ire. L. M. COLIKIET. Frenohrille P. 0, Jaa. 7, 1M.II. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL axd of rornsR the cheapest! A Proclamation aeainst Hieh Prices 1 'T.VE are aow apenlna op a lot af the beet and II moat eeaennable tiuodi and Warn erer offered ia thia market, and at price, that remind one of tbe rood old data of cheap thinri. Thnet who lack faith npua thii point, ur deem aur alia (atiuai eaperfluoua. Bead but V.tLV .fr Ol It STORE, Corner Front and Market (treetj, Wbera tbey eaa aea, feel, hear and know for thera iclrea. To fnllr underetand what are cheap roods. thil Mart be doae. U a do Bot deem it necciiarr to enninerate and itemise our stock. It is enough for Ul la slata that We have Everything that u Heeded and eoniasaed la thil market, and at price, that aetnntih huth old aad ynanr. devj, JiStl'H FITAW A F05. XEW Ft.01JK,rEEI AND trovision store, ITIHR aaderiined hare Just melrrd at their X ew ataBd ia allaeatoa. a fall supply ef Flour, Feed, Corn Heal, Bacon, 4 1., COAL OIL, (at reduced rates,) A food article ef TOBACCO, CIGARS ANl SUOKINU TOBACCO, euBstaatly oa hand. All of which will he told at LOW RATES for CASH ar fire Ia eiehaafe for &HIM1LES aad LI MBEK. We irepertfolly aak the pelilie to fire Bt a trial before purchaaiBf darwher. t. R. READ A CO. VallareteB. April 7, IS. EDWARD TERKS & CO., Flour lanufartiirrrH. And Iealpn t GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PHiLirpur as, ;pa. Vrt i.l m f n.ot k, wheat. CoIlN aad CUoP eo."ttaatl ea kead. aad tur sale al ratea reraarkaliU Ii'. lrh4-tl Sew M ine and Liquor More. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, aaoLassn nuu ia WINES &. LIQUORS, MARKET FT, CLEAPFIELD, PA. ar.ll i4 wi i. . ..iT I I , V' "VT' "', " alwavs ea Bsad. Fperial atteatina -'. ...erann..,. articl. fl7rarr.w,eal ana aim ml nurniieea. jaall-U The Lightning Tamer. 'pill andenlrnrd are tke eels Arenli la this 1 raeate far tee "Nertk Araerieaa Ualeaalsed UUBT.MMI BODS." Taeae are tke eel, sat, reds aew la as,, aad are endorsed kj ail tk, rlentlte Bsea la the eeeetrr. tt a kerehy aatife tbe eitlieni ef the eoentr thai we will pat the a ap a better red. and far lees Boner, tbaa ia rharred by tke f.reir. areau who .nn.slljr tmr.ree tbe eeaate aad aarry ef ear littl, cash, Barer te retara. KXCOURAGE I10ME LABOR. Tknee wl.hiaj Llhttin Bade erected ea their b.ildmri aeed but addrest at k letter, er eall ia persea. W, will' p.t tb.ia p anrwbara la the eeuate. aad warraat thea. The hed. ard f illurei tea bt 1MB at an, tin, be e.llin( at ear star. MKKRKLL A BlULEK. Clearield, Jaa, 11, 1WS If GUN SMITHING. R K M O V A L. 11 UK nn lersirned heal leare ta inform kil old . and new raitoaera. aad the reaerellT. Iliet he has Ailed ap a new (! Mlti on the lot en the enraer of F"l RTH end MARkkT streets, Clearfield. Pa where hs will born eoi- I siantlr on bead aad Bxeae u enter all kiads el imns. Also, rant re bored, re-Tartiiihed, and I e.tlr repslred ea short notioa. AU arders hj Basil will rearm prompt atteatioa. r"lP Jnlltf lfiORK. a. a. rt Liraroa w. a. werasasos SEW FIItW. FULLERTON "McTEEESON, lEKP eeasianUr ea bead aad for sale. Freeh AV "eats, swob as BEEF, VEAL, JCUTTQX, ke., Fresh Ftsh, and all Varatablea la areeoa : C.nae.l Frails. Butler. Lar, A., whirk the wiD aril at the lowest et.rket prieea. Caih paid for CATTLE, BITTER. Aa. Ilooas aa Market Street, opposite the Caart Bnaee. ClearOrld. I'a. (M.e u, it, tf. Snt.ii Diseoe WHUC-FA, KenaeT,t Medrnd seorerr, Hslaheld's Baeba. Il.ber'. Cmm Lirer tllL Jaaa't and Aeer't wiedisiBes ef eeere kind, for eels k, BARTSWICK A IRWIN. Hl tttfti tt. Itoailnra. Habbaira. Draket Hoeflaad s eeraaa.rlesteuer's aad Ureeaes Oirreaatrd Bitters i else pare Lnswara, af all kiaas ftsT Cediciaal parpeee.. for sale br 8ak;sjcs a jRitiv. PEWSllVAMl HAIL - EaiD l "OXK Cl.EAKFlKLI) r5 and ,n.f Mun.l.T. APRIL m .... t Paileti... Tr.i.,. .i j . In iH-iwee, and Ucb uJV one PaiH-mrrr Trav, Uira Tiron. " el'l. a. fiillow.: lieu. LKAVR IXIl'TII. 1 LEAVE XOhTli. Clearllelil J.J . . lynme ., ' 1 Oarinl. H, 0.0.;;. rjrj. Tynine ........., I Clearfield ' FAKK A XL) 111 ST AN CKS FKOM Station. l'5! Stations, 9 IrfNiBartl.H. Wofxllaiid llifler. Walla.'.loa lllne Hall.. 2 0 i 11 1" Interieetioa ' 2u aasee.oc.w.M 2! Oardner..... " 4 til. Pleau,u'.'ji 411 ; Kummit ! Saadr Kiup'.'.'jj 5! Powlltun....'j en Oarel, ' jq 1'anliar ....'j 76 Hteiner'i jj l Flllllp.buri; n 4 Blae B.ll ..." .t, VU WallaoetoB u ...13 IMiUlpsburg. IT 8tein,rs' lo l)unrar 10 Oareoia Ul Powrlllun 24 Hanily Kidri....:il Pnjiimit 27 Ml. Pleaaaiit....lll Oanlner 33 tl II, Ki,ler jj . mwijm . lain oMland.... Si r InteraectioB ..J7 .41 I 1 i . Ionard Hi Tynnr... I t Clearfield ,i . J FAKE FJ10JI CLEkRFlELb Dellefontr, I'a d.'ilMiddlelawa I,. Urk Karen 2 ? Marietla....."'J n iiiLinrimn. . Mjianriflrr Kl 1- Huntingdoo .- 1 ft.PHILAlKLPllU I Lewiatown. 1 VI Altoiaia i It Maryrille. . 4 M Johaitown... ,i HAHHIriBl Ht. ... 4 7ilPITTriBfR(i" J U lOI.M-..THriH. Paiienrers leariux Clearheld at )M . Phil piburr al t.ii p. sn., Oiwla al i.lj, J" " p. m., ajitinr rtaseeln. with Cincinnati tspreri ast at 4.17, with Mail West at 6.41 p.m., on laia Caj"Jl, with liald Eagle Express, leaner T.r, ,J ; r. sa., arririnr at Brllrfonte at l.t;'f.s,Bll ,ock Harea at l .10 p. as., connecting , vM Mail East on th, Philadelphia and In. kw. 11.21 p. ai.,BrriTingat Williaatiport tl IMat K, turning, paasengers Icarus W illisw.swt a. ia, oa Erie Mail West, arrire si uiT tcb at y.Sl a. ., eunnacting with bald Lw. Kiprres learing Lock Harea at IMlbTb. ririnr at Bellelonta at ll.i a. ai.. nsea isai vuy m e. p. sso i rroaa at l .To a. EltWAHU II. WlLllA,, llmerml rtnpennieaanrL OEOKUE t. WILKINa, "JTl-' Sapeiiateaaiat. Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. TVIXTKB TIME TABLE OS aad after MO.TDAT, FEPT. oik. lltl ft, trains aa tha Pbiladslphia A Ins iui IUa4 will ran as f..llw. : w Meatward. Mail Trala leares Philadelphia.... Lit Pa.... de..6u alary i l.kf!a' 1 Brrieaat Eria.......... I lif i Iria Klpress leares Philad.lpbia...ll.i i.1 I da.... St. Mary's J4I i 1 Ia.. arrivs at Eri. ......l,ss r.iaira. Mall Trmia learn Erie .. tMl l Da.-. do 6L Mary's IUM ! arrieaat Philadslphia lllll art, fcipms leaea, Erie........ 120 f t. ! - da 0L Mary's ... 1.41 p a, Pe -arrirs at PhiladslphU.. 1.24 P.I Espreas eaat coBBecta al Carry. Mail mi, Cirry aad lreiaetea. Express weat al Irrisslei with trains aa Uil Creek A Ur, Wear Hirer A. JU ALFRED U TlLkA. weBeral ilapanautam $aots. Clearfield County Bank. THE Claarteld CoaBty Baak as aa ieoeraav ted inititatioa has (aaa eat of aiiitsan f tha rarreBder ef Its r barter, ea May 12, lau All ita ataek is ewaed by tk auhernben, ,k will eeBtinae th, Baakiag haeiarw ai Iks an place, at priral. Bankers, ander Iks Ira teas el the "Cleara.ld County Baak. W, are spoBelhle far tha debts ef the Hank, aad will erf lu setae ea eeauad at the eeaatar. Draeiia eereleed aad Interest paid wbea ajuaey is left w a tied lite a. Paper diaraawtad at sii aet eat as heretafora. Oar pereoaal raioarlhila aledaed for all I).t.Mil. IMreJ .nd b.eM. Itrana.eted. A eaatinaaaee af the liberal pav I reaara ef ah, beiiaee, asea ef the eeasrr at re I 'pecUally solicited. As Preaideat, Csftieraat wieri ei tra leal nearaeia vwaaty nana, wi require th, aotel af laid Baak at h, anetatri tor redemption. JAS. T. LEONARD, RICHARD MA. Wal. PORTER, JAM. B. flRAUaH, A. 1. WRttiHT. S. L. REBD, WH. A. WALLACE. Tke eailneta ef tke Baak will be eoadarleie; Jaka M. Adiari, Esq.. as Caskitr. fjaatt. 1. II. M'tiirk. tjward PeiiL BAKKUSG & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Saete sears to Fester, Perks, A Ce Pnlllpavare;, w'catrw Ceeolj, Pi. TI-HtH g all tbe baa. near ef a Baakra Heaa t ? wil ea traaaasted wraaaMrr aad aee ts BJlnet favaraiwe tn asrl-tl County National Bank. CLtARPIELD, PA. THIS Baak it aew ceaaBd ready fertai Bees. Irftre ea Seeoad etreil. ia Ike ana ia feraaerl eccwaied re LeaBard, FiBae 4 Ca. Biaarraas aaa ornrita JA. B. DRA HAM, RICHARD Flit f. A. WALLACB, V. PORTM. A. K. WR1UHT. 610. L. RI D. W. MOnRB, JA8.T. lC5rtt. Js:a.'M CaeBier. JlartsmiUiinf. 3Tpw IlIarkKinttli tShop. SECOND ST, CLI.ARriEL, Pa. TUB aadai-eiltBtA lanina a frwa. aad tb, K-h.'WtBBU ef tee beaeack el Clew aid sad eeneea.lli-5 ' " a., d. u. ....'. aUeraataaaaja k .u.1 BORCI SBOIIXfl a.t tha .aaaa aeareril ,;ty stele. . . ALL KIXDS OF AW-lt.TEL IgCfW f reiKI w.rt, lora.. slo.U, eaa ',rfc raha. Aa. . tea) teen ef an kinds made ef be, Aawrteaa steel. . - mj wark I, warranted U jltt "; Bet ebaTred fee. eot!" AMOS EltSSAllII CREAT EXCITEJJINT A THOMAS BEEK"S ! IVKRTBODT trrln, te fel tkers Uesl, hrs J ef beta crowded eat iatr the retd. it roa waat foed Sioeinr done. t ts attwa If roBwaat jaar Sleii iroardriatk fo Btaas. ir yoa waat rood Uill Ireaa. ro ia Btsa If Tea waat roarw.rna Ireard it tbtbeel etrl, and werkataihip. (a te Btett Ritei snakes tke beet prows W.isie. is State, asiddoes all kiadeef RlArklTlll as ebeap as eaa be doa, sa tba eeeate for Cms. Mj poet Obr address Is Clearfield Rotes. THOMAS BEIKS, Bofirs Tp., Dee. I, iaa;.tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOVRAGE l'OME INPl'SlT- THE BBdersifaed, kar1n asuhliiked I aerj ea the pike, ahoul kalf ear Cieart sld aad CarweasTille, is prepared a W" aisk all kiads af(R V IT IREEi, (maa,,"'4 dwa-f.) Krerrraens, phrahhere, llrsps tit Ueesekernea, Lawtoa Blarthewa, btraesrrrt, aad Rasberrr Vieea. Alee. Rihenus, 5'(Jj2 leiiiara, aad early ervlet RbeharAa pruapilt atteadad ta. Address, . J. . WRWR" eepSt Cwrwsase'Ut. ' WM. M'KNIGHT, WAtOX AD SLUGIl MAktl (laasdiatsly U rear af riaalaf Hit) , CLEARFIELD, Ta. TBKrakaerlberwoal feeneetfal'y lafsra iJ ettlsaBSefCl,Brrld.sdrtsewbhriaawear thai be eeatiBaes te d, all kiads ef werk ea WAQONS. CAKKIAGES, SLEIOUS. ea than aettee aol aa raaaaatUt effttt, la a workmanlike atsaaar. 4t-AU aider, nreaiBlly stteaded law-J Jj"-tf. . - mm Al.l-Wktr 1aA. lira, rslei. '- I1 aeed C:L Tarpoatiae, Vereiebes ed i ail t'tv Colors ta Oil aad W Taint. Tarwiih J1-