Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1869, Image 5

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    THE lU-PimUCAN.
CI.KAR. 1F.I.1, PA.
wrnr..:UAV moiininc. octiiukr a, im.
Should We Advertise in Dull Times
Since tho very nnturo ofnn silver.
tiwment i to acriire more Ihimiiiw.
nd renter returns, it would coein u
11 11.0 aoovoqnemmn wm-oiuci..,,
lil.imery. vetourt.X.ei thus ;
oi. tipitt-ou I It 11 nnn.lttif ... f Ili'l'A N 1
- - i i
lariro class of advertisers who, wl.eii ;
dull time., approach, instead of exer- j
cihimk the nauul Mtficily exh.b, led at ,
other aoaiwns, tic an additional knot
m t inir i-vii.hi. at riniM. IV 11 Hi I'll w llii'ir
. . !
nuinea ii om ueioiu me puuiic, miu
then t .I'lwii to lament tlieiroad lute
and wonder why
. r S1 1
on." We have nften tried to cx)oku
the faliarv' ot feiich a courM), and point
out ilx ruinous results, yet nciilierthv
exninple of the wiso and prudent who
lieed not dull times, and coiiKciientlv
are nolnfllicled with them like ol herd,
nor their own ill success, has yet con
vinced ilieni ol their error.
It may lie laid down as an indisputa
ble fact that if in pood times it is
necessary to advertise to secure busi
ness, in dull times it is all the more so.
And why? Simply because the fact
... ....1..,uii.iiii.rii lo"i'!
that such a course will and
COCS britlp ;
iiusiness; tienco t he more one uitroii-
izes the press, the prcater wt'l be Ins, aliin;ton Irvine iras the inti
rovenue, and tho more certain his wale tr ionct of Miss lirutz. an d knew
hucces. ilany men are de-ndent ! well the ,i8iorr cf ni.r strusrle be
entirely upon adverlisms for suwess. t ftv-t-titi" and religion, lie
Suppose they were to rvlusc to adver- j reiaj ,np lorT , Sir Walter Scott,
tise at nil? "l'till times" would le i who made it the cround work ol the
lheinevilahleresuit.aiidnooiiewoLldnovc ,,f Ivaniioe,' and has immortal
wonder at their l.niure. j j.d u J(,...a i;n,z as the P.e
Ol course some seasons of the year! WP of tia, in,mparable romance.
.v uu ur,,lu, l,.,,
.....-...j, ... ....
general advertiser can never aflord to ,
withdraw Imnsell lrom the public, I
even for a single duy, and thejudi-j
ciousone never w ill. Persislcncv and i
oneri'V are alwavs reouisite. and their!
fruits" can be gathered by no other j
incentives, much less bv iunclion and !
lamentation If, then."you find that I
business is dull, or tirotiis are irrow i
beautifully less, instead of thrusting !
nil the b aineunon the noor l.ub ic.
, . . 1 . ' -
look closely to see II it is not rather i
in our own n-ii", nd, it i-onritn-ed ot
llim. ncL UK von irnulil nt nnv ttLliir
; ... i . 'e .i i... i i
tUing.-AWr JWrt..6i.-c.e. !
. , j
TtlE IiABKtT AKn Ins Tm-K.-Somc ;
time bincc, in Mississippi, a venerable
-darkev, who l.nd been led to believe
that with his freedjui he was to receive i
i'ortv acres of land and a mule, applied t
to the head caneet-bager of a lreed-
nicn'a bureau for his ticket to vote. his.
mule, and the title to his real estate.
wheresoever it a.ight l. He voted :
the ticket given him, and was given j
f..r linl kl.,.e,-.c,l a.,.L-.-. .- f.....
long, puinted like young barlier-poles.
and told to aclect his lJrty acres any-!
where ,
For this certificate of freedom, he
W'as asked ten dollars bv the aent i
1i.ii .i,te-I..M i,.,."r i .M. '
nnd acventv-five cents. So the lova
keeper of the new nicn and brotbets
ltllllironosiid fur thia a.,.1 I I.u
l .i :.. n : .
or.isiiinr oi uis cio tics aii'J Hoots.
Alter the work was finished and the ;
money paid, the agent pive him the
sticks or stakes, and a receipt fur the
preemption money, to show in cast-:
there should be any trouble about I
locating the land. "
The darkey found on a plantation '
Hear bv fort v acres, and drove l.i
fciakes. ' The ow ner came out to know
why thee things were thus, when the
diarkey told him it was all right, that
lie purchased the land of the govern
ment, and had the bill in bis pocket,
a 'l.ol s see it," said the ulantcr.
'Hero she ii" !:,.,! .... i. i
nt son .of EUiiop'a, hauling f..rih a
half sheet of legal tap, on which was '
written: j
"KoWALLUEXTTntstPaiE!rT: ;
There were irmnts in those davt And
s Moses ruisi-d the aenient out of the
, . I 1
Wliueriiess. eii, J liave raise.1 ll.ia rl rl
1 1
old ni:
jer out of four dMlarf and
AiJ (
a a I ' Siirr-,mr, -aid tlif official Lland'v,
Cak't Arronn It. Here is an item i our"'i' rrnm are all taken
clij.d from an tAilian-e, which ex.,"T,ie.,l,-,,"'e hr.r rf !" "Td
. , ., , 1 A'sonn, 'I r ria-.d rrr fare 'n 1 arm I
fl.y au.U .mc individual, in thin . ot ,tirm vluniti.:.
There are men who don't trikc a
1 1 rr .
j--.. j'.-r, tnrj- -enn t it i 1 u-.itii; iia nana to ne liac-t ol I. is 1 I:i ,nr lr 1,in . 1,0 jM-net-i j.;c
Ilit'V nrc too Hir tttey require all net-k, the pnwncor j.aMti out a ten-', ,ur "f s'sler il rr.ine at h.irue, and
their money to keen 11 n their funiilv , h lfie kniic. and dnvini; it qu;v- ' eiunln't Itt lp tl.inkini: von Im.kej
exHenses uhe-e hard timea.' We
met one of these tlie other d:i, and
we aaid tn l.ini he oiiflit to have
iiper. 'Hell, rea
V," sid he. '1 would ,
if I could a Kurd it. Would like tn
..i ' .. i . . i
't t""; out inins are so pun-1
fiiliiidfd ti-ht just now that it ia hard
to niukelmth ends meet.' AVedid not
jtrens ilip matter npun our 'Inrd up )
friend, hut knonini- ,m tiU.iMa -,.!
made the fol lowing cali uliitinn hascd i
on ttiai knowledge Two p!asM ol
ie a uny at ten eent. aeTetitr-three lated : "A full hand pood, l r the
dollar" ; three rimm. one aUer eat li h..k.eT and strrde off m wrk anrh
meal, one hundred and nino dollar 'quarter aa he rould find Common.;
and fifty tents; hoard for a hig dc ! j.Vf.
Iiirty clollar- all in one veur, twui
hundred and twelve dullitn. and til' v ' pliintmt of tree i rnconraxd
eeiil . antlii ienl tn huy a,x barrels ol ' '"r. whit h. it i ataled
flour, one harrel of annr. one aufii 0 l,povido that the planter of 1,-rest
rirc, one rk ol t-oflw., a pood coat, a
respevtahlr lre, a rt. k tor the Imi
ano nan a inwn oair. of blnn, and
all the daily pnj.orb in the i:ity.uav
lioiliin; alHiut luaranne. lM .ka, Ac
You ae the point the man couldn't
(T rd il. and there arc thousands just
like him lor the mine roon."
Header, think of this, and rurtnil
rour expenae a lmle. and by the end
of this month ycu will be ahle to uh
acritve the .'-ii'-V-mi,
In ii early day, the A''a Ci 'r.
ton nnreryii "t.Tn.'il a pam;ra;.h w hu h
ran thus: "YYi have no vv in our
dypvev, a there vs none in the Spanh
o .l,hU't V Ye have iveij tn tin Sand.
vvn n jii.nits lor tins l..tti-r; unto it
arrive, vre must ne two vV" '
A prniua out Vet has j-j-t p: ten-'
ted a machine for makinp rhrtniit
ont o! avr.rt potatoe lit-ta a hr.v;hrr
to the old man w ho put handles In '
the pruk'y i-ear and .Id them for
Nothinp enn W well done that h
itone in a hurry." oracularlr aaul a
poliii.ian in .New York, revfnt'v '
"i ii :-. bkcu
al ry- banneeaa
than what ea
r mere re-iiahlr
termed ltari'r..e A
younr; man bd better aril ,oii ,0a,,
by the pailful thn hanp around lluiL
hi- place, nturvknrj tima auj
Rotacca of IvaiiLoo.
No one w lin liiKreml Ivnnlioc ami
wlin linn not rond t'mt muster yirtt of
tlif ptval Snitch not Hint liiwlorinn
run lull to l.o ilo jiiy intcrpHini in
mivtliin.' hicli will throw Hi; lit niion
'tlmt must m.istcrlT of ScmiV produc
the dchtii ;ilKin nt the t-liurnctcr
ittijutls.-B of the cot and gentle
I l!ele'ea.
jjik(, ,no-t of ,,,e rn tu.
! arj,0r f mmu.r fiction, the
, ;..a(.t(.r ,.r ;0HH(a wit drawn from
,hllt of , ron! Hnd ill this inMNnec of
Ani(.ri,n iH. The real Kelieera I
. . i - i i 1
uieu a lew iiavs piiice ai l ip ativanecu i
,)f eifjlit y-eiirlit in Philadelphia,
W,.TO ,c Was b,)rn ulld wbere
ive(, duril,2 )er ,,,
liel .a Gratr. was a ladvof marked
i- i ... . . i . - j i i '
nceoniiiinmeni, ana w meiy Known,,
v,rtat.s. she was a firm and con-1
." " """(scientiousiKniereiitolllieJewishtailli.iinlant .riil a little over a year old.
miu tins devotion to ner creeu was ,
the cause of her subsequent fume as ;
tho heroine of Scott's novel.
An cxfhnne trives the followin; j climbed it, awoke the inmates, and
account of her eaily life, and the man-1 through crcal and hasty exert ion tin
ner in which she became known to ', rnnr was enabled to get nil li s
Sir Walter Scott: family, as he supposed, to a place of
"She was addressed by a gentleman i ak-ty, thou-li he lost everything else,
of wealth, position and character, Suinuinir on a little eminence near by
whose passion was returned, but the i
diflerence in their religious faith the
one being a conscientious (. hnstian,
and the other a devotee to the ancieni
; creed of Israel nrnreH in i.ikenm.ol.lo i
harrier to their union. .Neither of
. Iimii. ,!llint.rti i-l, lir-Ail 1 rt
. i,, 0j UQ
Jhe 1upt , pertectlr well atlested, !
,,lu Bn ,uu.resiing item ot meiary
On Death.
"Heavens, what a moment must
"Heavens! what
wl,t;D tbe last fluiu-r expires
on our ''" : 1," change : Tell
nu- .ve Bre lecest read in r.ature i
,n Cou, to
nd in Ci.Hl, to w bat new worlds arc
w lme? What new being do
c ""
a,, art-
siark, ,
.I. - . ,...,. .1... 1 4..J
, " m nvwuu
llitfllit'Ciiee fled? l.ix.L- unnn ll.e.
cold, lixid rhastlr tnn U,mi
lm' litre v u . nui i'n at ci.,.11 1
I. . a Irt'i. a. ..
?ross.i,d earthly covering, wlm b held ; 'f"f "' ';lllr
lor awhile the immortal essence that ' "",f U"lt liJ "-oated down u tluin
' "O 'eft t-Ml it, to ranffe. per- T toi'sidcred a. their own
''"I- illimitable spa ; to ; 1 UM TrS doptrd ht-r the n.oic
-e've new of doU-ht. new , remap-, ... ocunt of king
power, ot perception; new glories of ; l,Pni!";,v' tides', na bet.u ot
b'autilutle . Ten thousand fancies lUe'T " . rreat y
rush upon the mind as it ,"r!,d ,'-v I1"""''"' ' c.r-umst.n.-e
t ''"! moment between hie and ' l''e "sean inlant float. i s all that
: It is a moment big with im.;''1?1') of lernti.e Morw. .ai.d mt.
"pnaiiou prcatcst hopes and fears; ; ondj.- and dw. i.ii g. protected
il la l'1 consummation that t learg up . frora 'V ar- "'.seen wer. that
all mvsterv resolves all ii..i.S.k I seemed to dint t her to their love and
(which remove contradiction and,"- my fnm Sirni.iro to tue
destroy error. Great Cimi : what
Cd of rapture nmy at once burst
"P e departed soul. The n.
clouded brightness of the celua!
rc'iuis the iiiiree.iit..r....fn.i,.i :
I...: .1- - . . r.
itiiis; uie a.i.eiiin secret ol nature
, I may then be divulged, the immediate I
t ! unity of the 11:1st, the nicseiil and tbe
llllltV Ol the litlsL the IllCjU't.t
!rinH.. , . :
.-.m.v , n. , .., ... unuiiagiiiauie nar-,
""'ny, oi impcnsnaiiie lieautv, inav
,'"'n suddenly disclose themselves
burst inn upon the oelighted senses
bath ng them in measureless bliss!
The mind is lost in this excess of
won dels .us light, and dare not turn
fr"m 'be beaveu'y Tisions to one an
gloomy, sn tremendous as the depart-
ment of the wicked.
Human iuncv
shrinks back appalled.
A Fcll 11 A sit. Although tbr!n' luf tamily moved into 1.1m. .is.
"flush" times have passed awar on ' sealing on a farm near Chicago. The
I the Jlisai-sippi, tbev ftill bare some '
queer and someiime roUL-h cusioniers
"n t,,c rir,'r ,"'u' l,n recent trip
the ipbflver," crowned with pas -
sengcrs. the clerk had allotted the la-t
sU,e r"om' " '"nt totloae bis
"ffic'c- wn,'n h t""ihed by the
Bfurilion "f uI1 alissounan," w ho
....LimnJ .
.' I
"1 ay.tranfer, I -rant one of them
cliani't'm " I
All w me to see vour tii kct," naiJ f'isi..ii. a !,ln-s:ic the vntsf Ii 'v, '
i p"t te eh-rk." l"n" If ofl. nd.-u at trv e-Unn,: at --u. ,
T .' . . ......laalaL'
enrlv into tlir eounter. said :
"1 in from 1'ike con nit . vounr ti
low, and'a mr tn kfl! 1
,in of tlit ni t han lr " I
1 Ht fure the sltvl Imd f-caaed to annnd
the prr.mpt !. rk quiet!v thrust a load
ed and ' tipped s.i slirn.'.er niidi-r l'At'b
n.e and i-oollv answered :
I've only rot nig vhunibers,' and
you nee ti,.-g ,7-, ; fu;i"
The J!isourin ed'-tj out of "ranre "
and putting up Ina "timttipick." ei
trr'' " nT 'rT 're, relraaed from ;
'"" ' "r rn year on one Hundred
valuation, and lor each arret o! trnii
trre planted, from fifty ri..:iar aln
ation lor five years, the su.nir provision
f r trtiit trees are applitil to tlie piiit.t
in; ot bhade tree and he.ljea lor;
lhr bipliw-ava. It ia a.rts tSat
thrre i
are now maple f.rreM in -even.:
"io-. ntiu sniir mn.l.' .rrc
filteen year .nti; wa but
prairie pras and haz-l !,ruhi.
The reason the rl.-rcy leave the
fity in the heated tortu ia lerauM I
they l.'d liial the s'.nte oj ihe we.-;her j
w in a.iflu-iemlr rrndntl their ks nt '
their tut ere iate of exit w i.hout
any ncetl of inMrm tioti from ihepclpn j
We must nerd hare .me concern
when we hM.k into our !o-,-s ; but :!
"f ronvih-r how httl- we .ie-crvf '
w hat i lett. our murmur wiu turn
into t hank tu Inr I
I.eai b.It.i'y 0113 he rare, bet it
eit in the heart 1 t,ry oniv ueov
il worih and power w ho'nei-er lovrd
a fru nd nor latorvd to male .nt
- a
on wa r. provit.c li,r
Vr rartint
i . r n t i h nrt 1 1 u t r rrt u iv.
p'.ioe (., i,-re. a
aid the worthy dame.
"you eat more peteeti apple than tiierr i
1 any a, for" 'u
Tl:i ia the way th-y I W. (olka oui
Wet : "A lfle Imv who .. asked i
he knew where Lara went, an. ate? ed
reait,fT mr.r.j q utinoau lo wt te
.loribf raperf.
Lost and Found Floating Do"n tho '
River, tho Ohio.
liiring tlie pvcut (IikiiI of 1M7, wlien
tlu Ohio liver hi Car ovcrlciii'c.J the
; tuiTitit ( property bh to mine ii to
yn,. ,,11,,,,! williunt nnv invilntiuii.
irreal niny dwelli'itr lixniou on tlie
river hank were, suriil away ami
ramo flominp ilmvn iiiiii the ntilc
txle. !.. 11I li!r rut uiitieiiicilly
lit en. lt d those disasters, iik when a
tUiiulv, lincoiiwtoti 11I their danger.
1 were asleep in their lieiis when the
ff; rose ali-tit their linn. and
iji.r it from it. foundation l.oro it
. .
mu-nv inniii iia . !iri.'H4tw i.iiii i ,n ti.r-.
! hiilcnt flood
I 0n t0 (.t )ank o( ())iio . ,hal
aj ,-olllc,.,v.
;H.d an humble dwell.n-occimied t'.y
.. ... .. ' .
Mllll iiirm(.r nnj li is lie, tOL'.-lhcr
willi live children, tho youncesl nn,B(
Mm river
rose during tho riht while
i,0 (amilv wera in bed. The rockinir
f tin. house as the surs;iii! waters
he saw. throu"li the L'looni ot that
dreadful night, his house with all its
. . . -
contents, yield itself to the prasjiin.
avaricious flood, and float down the :
1 . .l.rL-
ness. liesupiosed thatall were saved, j
but alas, it was soon discovered that :
their infant pirl was missinir.
In the coiilusiou and excitement of,
the moment the baby was hit asleep
in its bed, and hud been swept away
to destruction with the house. Circa! !
was the cricf of the parents nt the'
loss ol their roundest burn, and a!
though due eSorts were made to learn
whether or not, she had been rescued,
and learning nothing it was wry
iaiurai! v s.iiii.ird
that the was
!dniwned in the river.
Such, however, was not her fate. A
hondred miles In-low where his dwell-
ing was swept away, some people on
the river batik the next nion.ini; saw
something peculiar fl .aiing down the
current. They thought it was the
form of an itiiant. A bat was pro
turea "a l!" ""J1'1 ,nd"'tl 'U"J
t.k tM. an ii.r.rt &l,-...;n.. -ln.l..
"u 'nHJUllli:! CliOll 1HH1.
- i
I .ne as ijiBen iii cnarc rv a tamii v
, -
l,,rJ " 0 asterUin to whom
tint thiU U-I(r.ri'd, but ibore a n.
! reader that the jgirei.ts were not lound
. "r ,llll(1-or tn wl.erealon: ol
( clold made know n to them, but it
;"""' lc remcn,ter. d that nowpaprrs ,
'ere not so nuuivroua ur aci-esoib).
.tarsitte. ...n ..r ky, nnf,&n..w .,.l!
' -s"
U'"1 "dn' dertlse tbe l;et
. ,nr.v do n0"' Bo'J'. ;1 the par
ttcw were in Immhle 1 . 1 am! lh.
. . -,.
H" " . ,
uieuns, were very limited. Laeara.
Meanwhile the waif grew into ' CLOf .' Of all leoraa. meirtiafof eiibi
beautiful girl, ai d beme aa dear to " lb -re keae. -f e atettbt rpnaf ar
her adopted parents as though sbe
w as their own. She bad mourned f..r
"mama" a little time, bat err Kmc. all
recollection of her early sorrotino n-s
were but dim and shadowy, and her
new parents and her new home be
came all in ail to her. A few rears
m,n pros!"-! there and mas
P,v "i l-eauutul Mno nrcr f un-
:dlin? n e.iucatM.n f '.ung Ur cra.-cs
i of p.r-on, her amial ii,ty and her vir
1 lur" A short time ago bcr band was
: ought in marriage by a
young farmer in the vicinity w here
.bc In d, consent,cd, and the
' 1, a.,,.r. Ii.r . ...... .. t .l I ... . 1..
l l ' x-i.. u, ....
f - milv rrre in A'liHai'O r-nn ha-ii.e hpr
wed 1:15 OLifit. At a itrr iKla tirc
' Cietk ln aa aitnc on tlicm
;oh-erred our l.eroine mirnt!r, and
inn!i.r'v S.-cteJ-o tnu. li
o to altruft .tteininn.
1 ..Kgfoe me." he .aid. .n aome eon-
iut aa another ater ol mine would
have henked, wlio a wept lr,trn
'"e in a trrrai i.Tiiei ai.J l.tsu
Her pan titn. too. had em. grated to
I.linoia. Tiie fam.!i
je were hr..!;i.-M
toeiher and what was 1 t,,r U !n ed
' ,rui " etaho-.tied h. oi.d
i qoetitn. hen the bed on wLt-.b ti e h.uni a.rv.ia(ed.nd the
ip'nirnn she wore; f..r what frr.-:il
'""" ''e w ouldn't rtr-onne one ol
hrr own bed, and w hat mother wocld
not reinenilter the parnienta worn I v
her f; vorue ll y "
The word attnt ted the a'.tent on ,
of the younj; lady' adopted m,t
The rrtaemhiaiiee srs'k.n of, and the
im idcr.t of the fre-ht-t taken in e.n
jnnt tton, eouid hard y hr fai t-d to
.io that: exr.lartatiotis foiio ed. anJ it
wa pretty ut iMrlory eom ludi-d that
tt,e t-irrk and Hie Jounp l.,1r c'.
brt'ther and sier, as ind,-ed was
it'erward p-nved to 1 t!.f
iLere n l l'le more to t. ll. Onr
her.,ie w n,rrird to !, l,i.s!,d
ol hrr fhoicv !at isrl, and had It e
ttalishirt'on ol l.-r:t fi her wn a w , i. '
hrr a farettt at ti.ewed.i xr
Jt-r it I'C -- a rT to rrr
the naniem ot the partie. but the iorv
a true onv and we had the tats
t'rnvn one w ho is t Itorouh'r roi x f rsint
with tl.em (.n. .,,. 7,rs .
' Wirn try
nn vr in it "
nM.rr sya Iia. thcr"
litre i m rriT.on in a
..ui.e.i. MuiUiuuca ff itarx na kh v
'nn, .ct al:rr a p'd deal o; tea.i,
nd thtate it toai'y lew.tvni vrs
1ovr nd kin lnes are es-ei ; al
mem. in the arvftil TnanceT. t.t
ol tlohlrt'i.. l i t, de, n.n
ii.f.rxih.iity and aroto'n,ity ai Irral
mt'M are no l.-s iu ponanl.
Kind -mi art- the l.r.htrM f w
ers o! ear' I tl;'ener ; 11 tv n.ike a
vr-y par.-;! rf the I nn.l-I.M
that tne wot. I ran how V t!rm.
'and e-v -itliy around the
, P Tl ry arr ;t- oi Ky..i.d price
an.t morr prv: ions to bra" I he a ovjod, 4
heat. a..d a.akr the wet.ed d.wn
r t pad all ihe otter t .--sri p
e wo.-id car. c vt.
j It Vs t.r rrt that make the fare
e ct Jtn..J the le-r rd p-v. t,
peace keep her 'enl p'. I kr the
rwn.Nur ci tha ai rwr of the
Ic - aiawcV '
j M
1 . 73!,'i,,r!!
1 Pr...n. i..r
tha 1 -m-ad
traar.r.wi.h 11
dirunrtly aa
drrittioi tha'
thii nah'n
to d" juft wha
it is rrcn
mre-trd n
i aal'mt oibrt
. rei ins
: '
.tted n-
I i'ra. It . r
. .
f4 ii bv.
, i tb. ki-
n4 H al
Ibf m as 'i.I tr
ten BtfR can si; fht rlirt from tht rootf rt
tirrartrd It Bull avitv to lb t:i, e' lb
kiuoips! fr. Bl fortT ! sttodr4 pr daj. l
ttl oilbrr 'aro lliro or, or SBcsi tba
bt propprd ap. a ditrad.
Aa. aaiisa art of tstsa MarKa.
!"'' k if i ' '.
" k' '
' B"1 Mtiiltd I'll takr it ? il rbtrc
,., ,, $i. .
Iamk Rirbu. ....... i;o.
ritt 4 l-mny Hisr l..r
boOIII a Rt " M II Rl.KR.
Jetrnoa Lxt V. O., Cltartald Co, l'a
W. Ilia h aK.le-faad.kaTinf witsemd lk
'rii) of T. J bMtb f ltMpr,.vad ai ,otp t.ntv.or
ea tha aiat f K. II alnart. era La'btr.Sa'r.
o Satordav aad Mea). tbt abJ Vib u!
NovfanWr. Takr pltifara in u. :a :na pab
if. ibal a Im-.ip.c it m kr UH't: narbiea
Boa. tn a.f 'or c a irac. L .:oapi. 1. :tot rnp'a
coo. trariit.B. riti 'j araa.C'd, Bat J-ab'a to f
ual al order, aid du'abic. r-cr Biaa Inok
tba atart ia Ir
w". aa !!
aart. pal ...r.,b,r. ... ,.. ;.d . l.-f. p-.
foii A U-ti:.r.ti.t.. Tctj whr. ,
bt kr five k:$ t't uk iit iht l'ffu
taStd :hf tba iat.ib. W ta.i ii tbu
'm ! w ttatrpt x:r-tr I ot tb at Itc4 ,
kofwr f ircba m$ 'rl,ea. a rt titw eaft 4
irr (.f thTf hy rah tf tit P-pirlra.
i. C. i-arr-m. J H. ft V. rptriKn t
J- AoUm, Jta Kirk. J W. Oa.tca. '
K. Ii '', J W. rt, W B AiflitJr ,
tf I tiftccr, Ta l. bfck, Aad- HltMai,
s. i. tir.a.
W ai. k. Irrta
K. i. kitk,
Ge.W IIM...B
'...! It
Jaatef Vt,K-a. f iee;t.
Lil Car
r-ed'k SB.
I Irar&rldt (u-Bt),
" 1 .! rCTt "Fr.S of aad De.'e.
:a all '
Mi r1" aad er HaaXEss.l
eaaie-. a.d.e.. Whf4, Co'l.r. ft a tere. aad I
a;i ir,t h .... ',y foad ia a iret-ria. aalee (
Sap. A.l arark - e a .bat. mum ... al I
raaeeb,e ratea. Naa bat eire:ea?ad arorb j
aea eaapii-eM Kuam, a-a voe at of tba I
Ame-.eaa ii'ltl. II W.-Cl0,-H,
J.'N-Jai P. i. bAV IK.
rroftri rat
v '...;
rpm nMe s,ti.rT b'mi tn ail
1 and tba .n r:i,. ua be
TCZ'ZX 7"'
, , ,
.. ...... . J
".-luji i
re-i ir 11 i i, (
i:feTel t ara. e.lle, t, tbe pier, ar eel
WATfKKS A fat! iwuru afaab-r i.!d I
m Si'rer, made by Iba Wat Aitniai aad far
ataaalaesarara, larl.i r a tae kx roid
... Irm ,Muti oaea, i
ereera. aad both aad Blarm.
r.rre.:ti!Sa ah t..d. r w.ubee aad
Clara Kepaited, aad B.rraBtaat.
Ia addt!M ta abai I bare aaam-rnted. I kae
1.1 aeeertaseat of -H f art.b.v eelorad ae.
plaarlaea. t PI eed fb NCI US
SPIK..SS. F.'l.k s.l.l UKH tMlAlt.:
fael errrlirt ta .be JeB.lee .aa. If I la t be '
bare aa head ,.a. arbal a rB..eer mae B-eo. ,
ill eeaer frt b-t atpeee.. ar i:ba eirra ebata j
A I'SeLbare ol pab.u pateear w e,.!ir,tea- )
i., M,,., u. 1 MUit. 1
4arbr4 M. C Irarflrld. at tba Past Otter ) :
I! aaae'roed bar. n-ave te aaaaaaeo a 1
tbe r.tteea. at Cea-beid and V .etatre. that I
aa ba. tlea ep a ravat Bad baa Jaet related
'-em ibee rea b B la-r laeaM af raaAiag j
ma r-e. . ana. el eg in pan af I
Elbles ar.d 3iisHan?oas Bocks,
; Xiaak. A recant aal Paw Be'l. af aearr de
, e-i.ti"e : raperaad I v, raek preaeed
' adfraia; TeB. acd PeBeite: Bmek. Le!
IS-' Ieed. M eifre : Jerwrat. Fieair
nB aad l'-e -V a. tea : b t.l. .el leb
B-ent p.r. l-ral 'a Kw4 I ,r ..I ..I t ee
" "' 'v 1'i.e.. 1 :.
ir.'.' " ""
"'e ' e, 1 Bit O. E . OB band, t BV
e-aeeed iv f ..1 aipea. aad aeld at Bbeeeea Mil ra.tvaeea. I tt a-ea keef
ei eat t.iaratara, ea-b Be Maraa-aee. Near.,
rar a. 4a p. A. I. A I Ll.
Cfa-Ae.d Mae T. lAf
r--TV ANH Sl .ty N d llAAJLiy'S,
r.a .i bt
.V J
n A . Ks. rra.,
la. Pa.
new furnitureTtore
I. B A I" M A N
Drc:rr wr-, ,b r r.rf cm9t
-.:. that ba baa t-4 a
i a Ff tu arr-a taa Tta it
taa lw--f k af fira-. -i , k-v ba a J1- ka-
' . baad. aat ar m ttj .. f.
A-H. a T aad raTad -.r--tr-M tf T4j
aada a- aawt abt ; ba
irrFr and site -aki
Tvti-4 ard t.aa?sk Tma TV-, CJti.
tiki ra Lo-k-tf MtdTkiKM C i-.
V Tf--i,. r . t a il fat' 4m tTT m
-tt i-aff f. Cab ar arar- t-t7
T4y. a-!' ' I 4
t'!irnp Furniture.
john ",runi
nt:r5 ta taf-rai k a d r-..,, . --,
?-. it1 a ktT( aaiAa-Tfd kt tk-f an 4
uc')p4 bw tavr-t i i.tx ar Ba a ""tf. ba t
rfa-d ! aaa td4- v k f a
a W ta rd ait ai t vim? rait-
V- C It a r fcaa aa baai. al b t
Fi' att. a r-4 aaia-tfab ' raaat
. -, aa)AB t:rb
rr;:ral: k r nr . a rrc
. v . .
- IT'ar. V ,- a-ar-W -- V W "-,, JTB ' W. 1
a-d I tf ln-a Ta K m 1
F- a r. Cvirr Ld ad ar 1
; f-.aa act I , H .th.i
Hi -. a.i r.i: Kk at- I
O a- : r- rr fsi. raa bUai. or'r. rm j
af aad otara- : L-i,,ac J rri
dbdr y b ; aad - t'-mm-nt fr rd
t f .. : ;v a a ! v baad j
f ivt -V -drf, l- h., fiaj td CM- j
M t-f b :ftML j
(t.rf.N. T. i rt Kixp
Vda ff avd ftc. .atd4 itb a'
Taa fatw A W. '-bam pinr(
aVa to Ta aatar--wthr ia 1
vr. a 4 bM i :t a ka, i. -
ria aakif Kivr tba b ta
Tb - t a-ar aa ai! W nk 1
mm ri a ri-ara; l'a aa baa f Pa""t
Oa-m. a r-M rtvr4ds. A Har -ttdt
ltarv arw tm4 a a bKit !
ft fK a aad br ---. . r 1
aad M em-T.i, W -0r W i ltaf4
- ar-ar4 r-arrt andt--k O ntP . ,
k-kr. 1-aBnr a -xiTavr L-atr att-.- tW
Ca-at aalaa ra .taaf W trrtra :
ja We- tba ar--al.
T.rdabd. rasa, ad a- A-f-r a it i .
; )-' iUw'ii. i
t rmi !
onndrji and tathinf liop.
A. f. s'l"
ero. voi to
Manafft turer of
Corner of Fourth knit Pint StrU,
C'Lr.AFKir.l.I, PA
T T A VISC enraged is the mannficUire of 6r.l-
11 ArilI.ERY,w.rr.ueclfulltinforai
Iba publie II u we ara Bow prepared to fill all ,
order at ebeaply and Be protnptlva. can be done
ia bti of die ciliea. We manufacture and deal in
Mulaj and Circular Saw-HiUs,
H.aJ Vater Whet!, Fiiaftinr Pullrr.
I..Ird a Ir..Wtor. bteam li.aiv.. steam Wk(r..
' "!" 0i) Cunt, fiance Coekl. Air
be Valtea, Check Valve, wroui-bt iron
ripea. Plraai fian. E,n rr 11
jTlrtin tmrk G Pmrk
1D- k,B1' JLL WOKE ; Ufrthn
will. Pk'Vi, W4 8 t.les
cook Ay d pa mon sto yes,
ud ot!r CASTINGS of all kind..
.VOrdert solicited and (lied at rity pricea.
All leller. of laqainr auk reference to Bacbiaer;
of oar auatifartan proanpl.'j aa.wrreu, by addrea
u f a. al ClemrSeld, Pa. BOTXK X A TOI XO
i'laning mils.
'.. L Reed. I VflTIrP I W an. PoaelL
J. F. .aicr, j 1 J A IL Li. j W. W. Sena.
a. Jj. a co.
i 1 rf t-
proprietor, respect fotW inform tbe fit aeo.
earaeld BwratT. that tber bare ent.rel.
tbia aetal.I..baect aith tba Uteat improred
ia. eiersia ail aroera ia tbrir af
lfcrt a, II r,re e.pc.J attet.a to tbe eaaanfao-
tore l ba. b.,
SAsn, doors, blixds, hl.TS .IOI LIU.VCS.
We a'ar.r. bare oa hand a la-re. anwk of Jir.T
Lr Vr.FR. ardent! p,t r , clru LuitWr.
t'e-and-batf IBrb paoej rtaf preferred.
Lumber Manufactured to Order,
Or eieaacej, ta .ait Mrtomer.
-""a ".iHted. asd LobiIt fumi.bed an
l aai on saw.L.1,!. tennt.
e. u r.i:n a co.
CVa-ir'i. Nt. 7. tCT.
: f a
-Jaa r.T-r...
..J. H. la.ii.
I L. A. la.ts
Ilmrf tiled Bp a tret-elaal
A it i-parl te farmk all lindf of
Manufactured Lumber,
: Floorist; Sidinf . Snrfar-Iretted Lam
btr, Sato, Poor, Elicdf.
Aad r.rry dr-cr'plion of
rrS-rsralere arlTl fnd il la thrir e,t. ae-tare te
ewa.v.t p'la.. bl'-e r.arrl--i-.r eleaah.-a.
Adlraee. k. h. fAlToX a ('..
i .reru.. i lie.
Iee. I. 1S' tf rVarttelae-H.titi.ra.
Hovr lo Have Jloncj-.
Tnt titaaa ara Vard : ti . f!ka la kaav
H-a Tt-i ai aa Tar dolLara ;
ai? r da it I will abnw.
If y ail) tvad bai fftlaa-a.
A BMta aba id at far fa bara.
VI ba rbtd bard at bit trada.
Bat bad a baa,4 te ipri1
Tbal aa,-aad4rad all ba ada.
I r-n bi aa-a. Saa ha. Mead,
I b-b tkraad Wr aad raab ;
ta tnd la rH Kvaalf a ra t,
raa't aai a p aoottfk."
tT 1. o-t fribf d, b aiarb kart yaa
J1.; i't ta kra to r
T r a '! 'aTd aad rbaap :
Ta I k.Z' N--IL1N A Ca.
It tirk a.-t lirtl la bad a-d.
Aad wrt tHaiaaataia A Irttbarf.
Afd tbv b ft a badmaa aait.
fmf kU k to atbart.
Ifriw ba W b--wa. ba aw.kt ae aaU.
Aad tbe' -.rt t aark,
Tat alit tk taka tar d.i!f ax-ai.
Iba .ti l rat ba'f at aarb.
Aad ba 2di r-a S.tii-.lta aijbt,
nb al! t k t r tafa'd,
Tkat ba baa -flpw-r la pcd.
Ad ta Uy Ja.
B't fd ava-a-. b rbaarfal ta-Uat
Dit'f 't 'ltt
If raw d aaa, (a aai bay
Vba- r'r' at
aTra tba r knrt (sat aad bttt CVifcinf
aad t1 FaTrft irf Aooda raa bt bad ta ra t
tTr tawaa aad a arry airta prU,
Democratic Almanac.
Tli tfaiaa V faib'r-aiMba (f ; at tbt
a-- ., It ivi-H Jin- bnd of tint
tare-il. ll '. tMWbB, tVtBM( fiTtB
- rnf ia ttM I f). ltd Mari-t; rar,, Ihf
"am- tn' 4 r-t-atatps a rr-mv ht t 're--'-'
i"ik Trsrr - -t " t hj m-.l-rd ; I. 'e ntw r i r-V km . -ti ihaVt .ur ":
-ti n.e tf 'k,f a-rt b wt-ra
-iw -jej tff.rj the waf jfT ThMW ta
fwr iKf-t twfTw-. a- r'h aTT tha
r"' tb- J-bi it-tin. Tbt a-fimSffr fT t.
, in;1 j tKv- :f t-. AP1 ar-B,ltr,
fat t lw Pb-r S--!fr. ,; t-rrir. bv r(Hn)
a t- t f.r r. b Trr, f-r- nMura- . li tf
rVaa aad ab4aa taa I t-ai irtra f T-ry
ttrmc ra af W HIS 10 li A lb 15.
aa at tk J at-.
jiiu(i ti HfdirtncJ.
tR. T. 4. HTII. k. I. II4W.
130YK11 & SHAW,
(Lira 1. t. iu,
VrtrArf St., Cltarflfid, I'll.,
(Adjoining flora of R. Moaaop.)
HAVrNd pnrrhasrj tha abova Hot- Danm,
auJ re fiti'd tt antirrly. mannr It in n't
iffocta P I It T -CLASS IKl'U MOhK. wa
ara now ontiinftt to nflr l the public. Fl LI.
ment uf Urnfi, Cbamirati, Paint. lye NtulTi,
c. A., ewtoncimx of Oils, Paint, Varnubn.
Da Stuffij Tobaecn, Cigin, Confaotionerle
Statioaerr, Aft.
Will find their Hock of I'ru Ft'LL and COM
PLITK, and at ft verjr ulihtadraneaon Kaitarn
Teach an and otbera will be furmihed with
elftwiealand mtacailaneoni bouka by
abrt notice.
Con.litinc of (lap, Flat Cap. Foolarap, Latter and
Perfumed Note Papera ; alro, vary naat .tork
of Moarnina Note Paper sod koratopea oa hand.
Pane. Pencil.. Ink. At.
Wit) ind B full atock of PI KK SPICKS, BODA,
BODA AH. Cononlrted LVR. SOsP. e.
Ara requeued tuexaaiitie thintonb of Perfumery,
Hair Oils Fine Toilet bo apt, firutbei, Comba,
Toilet Kttt. Ae4 Ac.
Will flai a full auppty of prima Chewing and
Smoking TOM A CO. Inpurtad and loaaaUc
CliiAKo, bouff. Fine Tut. Ae.. Ae.
-a lllll' Ml I
.t.. . . i.-
, Tk. V... nn.litr of l.inonr. 1,., r.
t aaadieal parpoaeff.
PbieiriaBa' Praaaripttoni prompt and
earelbllr eoaipouBiied.
Ma; IV. lt'J.
SMarkrl Street, Clcarlitld, Pa.
E be- tear, ta Inform onr aid aad new
eaalomera. that ara bare remoeed ear a
tabliabmoat to tba rparieae Boar bui'dma jaat
I ereeted aa Marked1 .treet, aeartv ar1;oiBine the
ManeioB Uuuee an tbe veeL and or-rs-il Ateaam.
1 Sraham A 8..n.' a.or; era re.paetfullj
j Inrita tba pallia Vi sb. and buy their
Drugs, Cliamicals, Patent iladicines,
Oar rtoeh af TlrB;. and atedteiaea eon.!. If of
arer tblnf wed, eeleeled with tba graauat
care, acd
WAaKiirri) stuictly Fraz!
W il keep ft fuHttock of pjr-e. Perfa.rie,
Tfilft anir. Miap. Tomb B-unhci, 11 air
BrwfcM. bitewftaf Brurbee. and aary otter
kind Uruihea. V'a bare a large let of
Faxed OiU Painti. and la fa.H aarTthin)t
ad ta tba painting konBtM, wLieb wa efier at
Citj prices ta cftah bajera,
Cen'tH'tit.ftert, Ppie-, ftnl the Urpeet atock af
ranatiee aer .Cr ia th; ilif. and aarrafti
ad to b of tba beat tba Mar kt mff..-ri
J. . H RTWTrK,
Kjt. l?ra, JOTlN F. IK WIN.
Brrrrix... m rt u inr or HKt.TtitJ. r;v
FUMS IV THE .!irT, Tht I ltLiiNE
Cot-GMlNfl AT MJ,T. Ac It aiil tftctu.., rt-
f ftn af th l-npirnln-- -fri; IHt Utlrf !
lAwdinif. far ht-rr-r lh- a-nf Ihr fnv.
" raalnftc. i iwi-rl Trtbl btmI i IntMajl
to t)M ta-t lu t t Mbntl iritr. atUvlt r iv
ltit IbVfWenfr. rnxHImHiTlf Ullrf'jritiui, nmiH,0tf
ti kMTM aa-t ui.iiArMAikf Um tj Mcdm.
Mothers, Save Your Children!
a rail ,wa air M rn.irr It 0.1. Serap h aaea
la t.m. . ., a ,frt aa.earrW o, niwnfif..
lUhite e.. d Be wihn.i tlit. Pmp a. It at raLal
CK l P. nnq like a tUrr to the eictl, ta
Tmr eaaa, Bbea Kt-alar aea,.caj a
pa viD k. Forrz,
ftafh-aara, JTd.
rrT aala ba TUrt-aiirk A Inrtn. (l-arftdd. and
V- dnieciu aad atra kfi jvcni tbrtriitrbotit tba
I Bitrd PUtlr. tti 1-T
Celebrated Biller Cordial
rtlIS aiadiraJ f.rararatina ia bw offarad Nt
1 tka abiit aa a nhatila vabatitata fi.r tba
ant Mr(hii roaif-onrt abirh ooa fl-fd Ui
wa'-n-U It It faralr r pet thia. Co to r Kit ad ol
rarioat barbt, tfaarad fmai tha graat ttnra-kr-aa
cf na Fur ard aalartfdaitb tha atm.-tt
ara It U ant raconatp Jr I at a C rat All.
lat br iu diraat and aaiuiar? iuflaanra apa
tba iiaart, Livar, KidnfT, Luc MiBacb tad
Hwat, it ant bth at a prfravTMa and rur
for astrr aif tba diaaa ta whtrb thoaa rrpBi
ara aar-iaat It ia a raltahln Famiir Madtrma,
aad aa Ka takaa, y riibar infant or aJalt itb 1
tba aana bfBcfl'.Bl raa'tt. It it a carta ia, I
amnipt aad traadr r-rncdi; fcr itiarrb-ra, ltrt
rtart. t- bw-l aiat !in. I-Tf fria, L.iBDaat
f Sj-irita. Faimme-, Sick S-.dcha, d x. Fit
fhiiU aad ftrrranf all a Ur Wttrr and
afar tbaa taj qnii.tna, itbtat aiT ef iu (ar
BWtoa afliTit. It era, at aa afatitt. pnrat a
pwartul diira-tar. a-d will aBfjiarart tba affMt
t , b raw aniautaa. Trrfbarad hv j40(tB
SOHt-KTZ, Sutt rr-arttnr. N. V. . a,.r Fifb
and Kara tr-u, Thiladali kia. bt
U Draffitta. dbtI2.Ij
Attention, Afflicted.
THI fmbarribtr pivat ttotcf tl at ha baa
raeaad iba rrartica ef Madirira ia Latb-af-aha-c.
vbara ba .Btand ta daritta hit attaa
rtta to tha! nf CHRONIC DHEA-KS
ta faoaral Ha will kap n bard a rhoira aa
la?itna af rRCGSartd MKOICISKS a'iaptad lo
bt traataaBt af cbtvBie di-aat, and at ay ba
crnslad at kit atr at an? b-or of th 4ajr.
N. P. A a-nrd to tbna afflirtad witb rhroBie
divaattat but ba t tBtia adtannpa. Mimt
bit nT b aara tbat c tt i'b' aba
da a ataiaa attatirt bart BM Ttat ta a.watd t
tba ttvalasatit af raaatr diaaaaaa, and rit.
aatJv araLtrr tba : bara thia ciaaa af dtt-aa-
raouiraa tct r-tT attaaHn-t.
JKt'RtiK 1LS0N, M. D.
I.Bttamborg. Fab XT, lA5 tt
Beale's Embrocation,
(LATH rowiii'n,)
Tnr all diaaaaa .itridaM ta H-ract, Cattla. aad
Hoaiaa Flrtb. a),rirf tha a a at aa
atiarnal atliratia.
Tbta Ftabrnaatie at aiiaaaiaalj aif d b
tba 4irarrw.B1 dtanaf tba war.
Ft aai br Harttwtrk A lrlr. Claarflald,
Jfb.rb K. Irwia, Ct.rwaaiT.lla, Iaail Uivd
tridw. :barbB- if
tMiar tbe K l-v;rl t. pnl.)
I I tHI-ll I II, Pt 4.
TrVPI'.ArF tV,i. m.-b. f Irrorr.lnr Ike
feMie. that t ha. e ,rero a V..H lor lh
..a of ... ar rnal.ha i I.imk an4 Aaibrante
OH1., la ibe tvn,rh of l lra.eH, and haee
r Vied arranreea-nta et.tb reetrra dealer, bv
abrrb I rea k. a .' mpplv eontanllroa bead.
hivh Will he di.VMrd ol at reaa.,,lr ra'e.. tiv
'be taa. bu.hel or ear lee.!, anit parrbaeera.
Thoee at a d..tater ran eridre,. me bv letlrv. and
ohtaia all acveear inlermaltoa l-r retorn mail.
R. B. TA LnH.
riearfi.ld. P... Fel.. Jl, lu tf
ANTI Is Kmi.immiIi.n j sfi.K.
Tbe aarfere.rnrd brrel v to. a....e. ih.t
thev -Ml pa Ibe h.rl.ret B.a'kcl fjnre fur a rod
l"""l kOMI .-'UM.IIv ..diho.eba.inr
, lor ee-r. h i II II Ibrir inlrre.t I. (to
I tbern a rati b.lure belling el-eahe.
I HI W ans.
1 CTrtatl, IHr-k i, 1 iSf
.hi:at ntK;iiA.s
cm Store In Mulsonburg!
In Ilia roiin fornertT occupied bj t. T. Urly.
rpAKFrl this methud of tnf..niiinK the ciliw-nl
X of CoUiijrli.n, Karlliana, Uiraul and tbe tur
r.iutulinr eoinitre. tlial be ha. ju.l ..prnel B tarre
liK-k of FI'MMKIl IIOOIIS. wlil.h he I.
mine.l to tell TK.V I' lilt CliKT t'HEAPKIt toon
tbe initio quality of fiooila ran he purel.awd for In
.tie .ither atora in the noiguliorbood. ilif alock
ouu.iatl of
Dry Goods of all kinds,
Such aa at1ntri, f aiiifnt-rra, Muilini, Delainei,
Linen, iJnilin p. CaJieoee, Xrimiaiugi.
Jtilboni, liftvu,
Coffe. Tea, Fnrr. Rice, Malnift. Fiih. 8aJt,
Lineeed Oil, t ub Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hardware, Queensware, Tinware.
Cat tin jc i, Flow inri Plow Ciwtinjt, Naili, Bpikei,
torn Cultivators, Culr J'reaeee, and
all kinde of Ax..
TT-U-Wt PVowi ara of tba Cnrwanavilla and
Centra oouniT make, and ra warranud to ba of
(ooU qaaht;.
Drugs and Medicines,
Perfumery, Painti, Varnih. OJbip, and ft (enertb.
ftanortmrnt of Kftattunerj,
Of different braiid, alaraTa on band, and will be
ulti at tbe ltmeit poaailjle tgurej,
5000 poondi of Wool win ted fur wbicb tbe
higbi-it price will be paid.
On bnd aad fur ea!e at tba loweit market price.
A Uo, Agent fur M ilieu Stratt,nTille
tfuCall and eeefor naraelees. Ton arill find
aierLbiof aeuallr kc4 iB n retail atore.
Frenrbrille P. 0., Jan. T, !..
Down I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices!
WE ar bow opA-ninjt p a lat af tba Wit and
VI mutt a.-ai-onab. (ttM4f and aim avrr
fnH ia th.i market, anal at prior- tbt remind
orvr ut ihe c-tnj old tiavi of cheap tfaitifi. Tbot
Wo Urk favita upon tlua o.Dt. vr dia oar a!la
(it;oni aupfT-fluou, ntd Hut
Corner Fruat and Market atrarti,
Whf r tSrr ran at, fwl, hear inj know for Thfm
wltfa. To full OLiafrHmd what artchfip jffNtdi,
thia BDQPt b do up. Wa do not derm it Acr-arr
to ruurorrmte and itrnitiss our atock. It U aooab
for m to Mate that
We tare IverjtliiEg tbit iz Needed
and onnauurd Id thia nartct. aad at hricM
a-tunieih both old aud ronnr.
ifo2u Jvi.-i.l'II PHAW A 80S.
THEndrrirwa bar i.,t iwirrd at thair
near atad ia VaiiaeetoB, a full aap'r of
Hour, leecl, Ucrn Meal, Bacon, ac,
COAL OIL, (at rrJaeed ratrtt)
A food artirle af ToHACOO, CIGARS AND ;
S.M0KIN0 TOBACCO, eoDtianllT oa bacd.
All .f wbiab Bill baautd at LOW RATE? for
m IT" " "fhMff for.(iUIXGLES "4
tv'e reejvrtfni'r aak tka pal.ti. ta giv bi b
Itial befwre pa.tUaaiog ataeetbera.
1. & BEAD A CO.
Watlareton, A rtt . lsf..
Flour ?InnfoturorH,
And bealeii
Vrt t.L 81TPI.V of FI,01R, tv.IEAT.
roh.N and t HOP oonatantl on kaa '. and
Imi Mile at rate, remarket.) low. jfvbl-tl
Xcm Wine and Liquor Store, j
iiou.!ulb tttALr in
rv. Foil (t-k af W
and Alanhol. altrart on hand. Snaaial atlrntton
; rid to aourinc a f ar ariicla fr tapramantal
and matliral purpoitr. jan2l-tf
The Lightning Tamer.
THE .niter. iroed ar. tie ai.le Aerate in Ikil
e-aatr for ike' Nerth Aoterlra (l.le.nlted RODS." T im ar tee wfe
w d. . ia i.e. and ar end. .reed b all Ihe
arirntlfte atea la lb caantrr.
Wa kerehe l.tlfe tba riltvene nf Ilia esanly
ttiat wa will fot tben ap a heller r,,d. and tr
lev. aranee, thai la rharred hr tba fere if o
areata bu annnallr traeere tha eoanlj aid
earrjt nf aar Halt rak, aerar U retora.
r.xoon.Ai.E home i,at.ot;.
Thnea ai.bie 1 ir), T.4. .U...J
tbelr baildinr. need bat an. Ire.. bv leller, ar
rail la nereoi. r,l rot itiem tip ativ-her.
in the reante, and warrant tbern. Tb. Red. and
tlltareteaa ba .fen at .ev time be eellter a(
oir.lore. MRRRRLL A RIULkH.
Clearneld, June II, ls's t
R I". M l A L.
ri'llB an.lereirned lr. leave te Inrerm k
il e'd
1 a
and I end ihe i.ul lie renerallv.
bat he ba, flliod nr. a t.e t.t N Sllnl'. on ihr
l-l oa ll.e romer Vl'I KTII and XIAI'.klT
alrr.-tv CI.artl.KI, P... l,.rr be aari It krrp atn
atantly on band and litakf lo onlar all kmdt of
Uti ra. Alto, j-unt rf bo rati, r vaMiiilifl, ari
naat It atpnirr-d on abort nlira AH ordcrt h
mail will treat ve promjil attvntmn.
j't'1:f.d JMX MOOFR.
a. it. rt-iLraT-r..,
.,w. a vrrHRanon
xi:iv FIRM.
KFFP prtnttanilr on hand aad for aa1f,Fratb
rniBt-, taah at
Freeh Pi.h. and all Vr--Il,r. lp ri,sn
Canna.1 Frtiita. liutlev. Urd. Aj., blrb llie (ill
aril at the lon-e.l market oner.
r..b ...d n.r CATTI.K, lit TTl'R. Ao.
His.iu oa Atartat pirivt, opo,,te lb. r. url
lloll-.. I'learlirl.l. p.. , H,y 1 J. .
O Ilieeorery, Hrlmhold'. Barba, Maker t'u.
I.iver Oil. Jane't and Aeer e tneiliclne. of errrv
klbd. far aala ba II ARTV Ii'F A IRWIN.
) t-WWaj ait. rer.mili.rii. Iluhhell'a. Dr7ke .
V Hoonand'eOermBB.Hoetetter'i andArerne'.
0..enated Rltter. i aho faea Llqaer., af all
kuda tot itadlciail renoeoe. foe eale be
0", ,Dl f" V .n.l,. APRIL ' ltli
P..l,er Ttaiol Bill ma ai.,V '
Hundalll lla. Itrune aad L"tk u.
U "...i , . u'u .. .
one Itaio Irelaeea Tn.u .
I field, a. I'.Hl a :
LEAVE sollll. ; LEAVli x0
ClearSeld 5.S, p. a.', "
' I. Jii, '
lyrona 6..M1.
Terou. tJ"
Own j,
"'I'rib'rjarli ' .
t lears.H
kai:k and iustaxcf
Wailaeoton ..
Hlue Hall
.... i
.... 1
10 lntereclioat j ,
1 VanecoTu. "' .
21 UerdFie'r ..'"" J
ill Ml. FlaaaaaJ "j(
40 Kaaimit.. ',.
) sa.iT fcij;;;,;
fcA 'oeioti j
an liar erul.
HA ,j
7i hteiner'i
S" I'liilipab.,, ,",
'. Hlue ball
Phlll.atmrg. It
ritetnari' m
Ilunlar 10
Oarcla 41
roselllon 24
F.Mle Hiu 20 T
Ml. I'lrai.rjl...
at' s a; H3 (I till H.ilrr
,.n"".'w s ovo and...,. 1 ...
IntereelioB XT I 1 1......
I'Z"'j.-r ? 'M'lrnr'ld "5l 1 1H
'"t " 9- v." Ir luuiewwn e
Ixe-h ilaten I 70 Marietta
t'llliomniort 3 10 ' Lanca.ler
Huutinrdon- I sn.FHILAIiELFau'I
LeariatoBu I l'O Alltona ,
4 6o 1 Jtihnetowa. .
4 7iii'nt.-i!iKt,rr
HAIllUslil In,
C OVM f llllN.
Paaaenen leaving Clearneld
Phil paliurt at A. 64 p. nr.. Oereola at i a
arri. e at Tyrone at i.ill p. m., t.i.t a JLj
wilh lineinnati Litirr.. tail al .1; .
with Mail He.t at 0 41 p. m , on M.riL,,,,?"
with liald Lagk F.ipre.n, leariaf TrreHai ,
p. m., arriving al bejlefonla at S li' a '
Wk Haven al la .10 p. m., conoii0r
Atail Ear! on the Philadelphia and Lr
11.21 p. m..srriTing at illiani im al Uj,t.
Katurnmg. pa.arnrrrt leavmr M'lluaaeiat.
S.14 a. m., oa trie llail Waet. arriv. al U, j,
en it 111 aa., connecting who h. r a
Etpreaa leaving Loek Haven at lC.?e a lT.,
riving at Ilrllefonle al 11. ii a- k .. kM
Citj at f. at., and Tvrooo a' 1 It p a
IllH AIID H. WJl.U.llli,
lienerat ulrMrtrlea
. OEORUK c. Vii.KI.S
Plilladdphla & Erie Eallrcad
ON and afltr M0KDAY, FEPT.Iil iif,fc
tralni aa the Fbiladelphia A lr. w
ataa4 will ma as fallow. :
Meat ward.
Hail Trail leave. Philadelphia. l!, a
! -.. do...8t. Mar'a itit.i
Vf arrive at Erie w ja
Iria Kipran leave. PbilaJelpbia llii ,
Do do.... St. Mar; a lat I
1 -arrie. at Erl. ..Uni g
Mall Trail If ara. Rha . i g
l'a da... 8l Hare a. luf g
L1- e-rive al Pbilaelelpbia... (lit. I
Eria Eipreai leavoa Erie. ..... Ann
" d- M.rj'. I til 1
J'o irnv. at I knadelpbu.... l.!t f
Eipreei aa.t oonntt at C-rrr, afiil ,mi
Corry and Irtinetoa, a.t al lm.a
lib traine B OU Creek Alle;beLV k ,rg 1
tvenarai bapanateaar
Clearfield County Bani
! rPHE Clrarlfld Coantt Bank at aa tn
taMitti kaa foaa oat af tiiftnnf
! "rraodar af iu rbartar. oa Ma? IMHi
All iia nock la ownad by lha nbr-ntiMt
will eootinaa tba Paoklaj ba!ct at tbt mw
plara. prtrata tttflmiaa
of tba "Cl-arflrld Coantj Bank." WMf,i
anon. bl Imr tba dabta af tha Jtaak. ta! UI b
iu not 1 on dtnaBd at tba eoaBtar. It(
rafaivad aad .trrt natd baa aiaoaT li Utw
a tied tin, f apar dtaronatad ai til ftrm.
aa bTifura. Oar Mraoaal rTofiftiit i
pladed for all lafaaiU raecif ad aai Vu.a
trana etd. A rontiDoaBca of tkihwala
i roinc af tba botioaM aita af tkt raairr ia
apariiallT olifiwd. Ai Frraideat, Caihifd
: ott-.rarj af i lata ClrarRcId Coaatr
; r-ro.a-.ra tbt aotai of laid Baak la bt aiaaia.
VJS tTkos
Tha Via tin aat af tba Baak anil ba aoadirti"
JirbB M. Ada., Eq-. ai Catbitr. ii2
j j j, KJ.ard?
McGirk & perks.
huactattvt ta Fottrr, Iri, 1
rhillpabnr, Ceiitr Caaat, Pl
'l'rHF.HE all tba boina ra a TrYn -
y aril1 aa traaKactad jirwrt;j aad
mom raraia nw
County National Bank.
ri.KAKntt.n. pa.
yHIS Bank ia arw enei and raady fc-Nas
1. ea. Ofttr a r-aeaad afreet, va IH-r-icj
foruerle bv Laeaard. f !! e
MaBrrv.! as oraiciaa.
JAS. B. 0 Hall AM. liCHAKD?U
'. A. I.I.ACS, It SI. TtlKTFV
A. K. WPI.IIIT, UtO. L. SE1.0
11. W. MOnRK, JAS. T. Ui'MIl
jn:8.l Caahier. Prttie
Xrw ItlackKiititti fetlica-
f EfOSD ST., CLEAltFIEkD, ta,
rirlB nndetr:fned bep ta iBiarai kierraaa
X and lb. iobanitaau el tbe Wnroara af Caa
eld and larroondirr BeirhborhiMd. teal
rea read; la eterule .ail aider enter j'
HORSE 8I10K!Nt3 na tk ai i)ai-
.te etvlr.
Ki 1 Nk werk, loemei'l tvclf , eaiUipetv.ejeea
(rabs, Ae.
!-reel of all kind, mad af belt til'"
or Amrriraa ateel.
-v.AII it work ia arraud lafinieav
r-cti.rn. ar ! cbarred for.
ji5 AMOS li K VK.'.EB.
IVrRYIIOPT trel,,oe,ltkerrrt.'
:ll in. ...I ..nil Kk.,i.. J..M M N trr
al r-eine rrov. Jea oat .Ha u
i 'r yoatbt ear tiler". Ireaednrbl,le J"
If tub aim atooiI Mill lra ro IP M'in
If job waat nar wtffa triaao iatkabatt
atvla aad aorbmatthiB. to aa
LHiiaatraka tba baat Mbbib ! " ,5
Staia, aadduat alt kiadt af BLACbMirJ
a-t rhaap ai aaa ba doaa la tba coaau
X; Fott Ofcca addraaa U ClaarJ-l" Mr
KW Tp., Pa. Jt, lM7-tf.
Clearfield Nursery.
'PIIK anJer.irnea. bavie aalabli.kea
L aer.T ai Iba Pike, alsal half aaj bei""
C earteld and Corvven.eille. 1. rfpredl'"r
at.k Ubindar FRl IT Ik KKS. J'"
darf, Kverr-ene. Chrahoerv. Urar
iH..eherrlel, l.aaol RlaebhervT, 5"-T"wJ7l
and Huberr; teee. Alee, h.beriaa Crtt. n
VBinr. and early ervrlel kkabarb, Aa
aromt.tle alleadad la. Addree.,
. J. I'. WklfiR' ,
aep .. CareBlvir;
(ImaMd'iaul; la rear af Ptaaiif X1
CLEA n field. r.
qmR eaberrlhar 'd errertfl'Ti',,'
1 e)l..n.,Claareid.aedtnrral'li"lir
thai ka a .liaaee la d all kiada al "" "
na abort intlr and rac.ab!l '"'
ta wovkmanltke maantr.
Iai.H l I V bit lead. T'"'k.
' MmdO J
U ior. a Oil aad iry Pain, Tartiab r e?
jy hAKI.,wT E "