Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1869, Image 4

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    V.itiU .Till y(3!.tur."!tt'3.-
llU tlaf lUiiroa.! lr; tt,)
ttrn frr.i.ET, trAMin.P( rx.
), I. ;oII l I I OVV, Pnprlrtnr.
NET flrrf.lM H I'! tn every rc-p-vt
Y iwiiturUnl rt tn nl; the mlfm tttiprovf-
it ('" LlT'li;: -pri-mpt attend- '
kBre. in I rr.n, chare.-. 1 be p.ilrMim;e of '
i pub lie i rii'--Mfnl'v ,.!iciti-l. j-."Ji. tf j
MAliKHT i, rl.EARFIKl.Pf Pa.
Tltli Urge $ni comiiiediom new hotel has
Wen open"! fur the ncv-fOinniodiitiun of ihe
fttc, where tee. propri-tur will be glad to inert
t eld friend', and receive a ah are uf public put- !
rnt- rJ strict personal attention li tbe de- 1 of h" basinetis, b hope to bo eMr to render I
Mtitiiet" to his patron. Tim TAiil.K will
ilviti be bouiitmilly supplied with Llie bet that I
ai be procured in the market, and tho liAH '
ill contain a full stock of Lly lUKa, liteKil, Ac.
ajivi StabllDg atlavibeJ.
ClrarficM, March S, istitt-ly . - Primrietor.
MAIN' b'T., tTIUVl.XSVIl.Li:, PA.
HAVING leased for a term of years the
above well k"wn und pnputar hotel, (kept
iWioeHy by Mr. Mason, end lately by Mr.
K'ftM.) the present prnprietor has re filled it
aits the ol'jret oi reader ug hit guesta torn furl
tc while sojourning A flue, large
tutue end Var-i is attached, for tha eara and
9-nttrtiun of k carriages and wagons. A
liberal share Y nubile patn-oare is euiicited.
(b!l U JOHN' r'OriS, Propr.
Curneuavllle, Clearfield couuty, Pau
fPUIS ;d nd vt tablithad IL-tol. bal.
tuHf situated nn th baikt of the Buua
Uanaa, ia lb boroigh of Curwen vllla, bat bn
Wad fra tann nf yiart by the ndre1rned
It hu bacn entirely retHtad, and f now ono to
thf publio renarallj and the travelling com ma -aitf
in ftrtiru'ar. No .iio will b upartd ti
tar cum eumfortable whtl tirryiny at thii
bte. Ample BtnMin? ro a tor the aocomroo
diti 'B of tAam. Cbargct fn'id-rata.
Ja0. I, f it WM. 31. JEFFRIES.
Cnnrertarllic, CltarL'rlt! cauiity, I'a.
Til E aaar!f nej has lred tlui old an.l Ion
atubiibl botl. ifuriuurly kept tf Maior
lose Uuiqia. aituatc in a ncnir.ij pnrtinn of tbe
uta.aod b entirul re fitted and re furuuhH
lvt-d r-niaid iht tiaiint to to meka U
it jSjeft, tivralier, f-r (he travAlintr pubiia U
fsn-iMtie tti Ur( and -HiiMt boup.
itc i.'U U JOHN J. UKAD.
Cmrof tr:ondaud Market Sirveia,
cli:aufiem, va.
IHt? oM aad eomir.naMtui Ho'el ha. lariat
the pat aar. b ntrfed to double i:i
fvraer rapacity fur the eateruinnpot of rtraa
fr in 4 ituaat. Tb wh da building haa ba
Mfaratihcd, and tbe proprietor will fpara no
leina to render bia (uceu eoafurtabia wiiile
tu.Mnr with bin.
rfhe M;tr)inn If mi m Omni bun rune to
and lfm iba leputa the arrival and departure
af each train. 1AViD JUllNI'o,
tf Frnprtetor.
rnS m Her riber iarkit; tA far term of
Uin tbi well knowa Hotel, (kept fr many
wan y Jir. uaoirn.) and re-aitod and retur
liiDed it tbruaifhttit, tf Bow prepared to ert' r
toii t'arelere aad the pohlie fvnerally upon
lenai ii ia bred alia acabla to both patrert
u4 Iln TABLK and B A K will
W up lied with tba lait the o.arket affrd;
im4 i paint will b pared co hia part la add to
Ut aoorcoianfta and e nm'nrt of hie r"Pt.
rtH ' Prop-ietdf.
lllMIMillllN, 1.
TFIIS .M frf.KiTim.ot having htp I.Rf.1
hy J. Mu''.RI.0. formi-rlT pn.rirtur of
tti "M.rri.oi lluf."bft. bf.n thurou'ulv r.D'
itii.i1 .ad rvfurnuhvl, aoj .ufip'.i.d with all
ti. aod.rn tnftrvTrmrtiU iod P"B?.ni.ncc. D
frwArr to a firil elii. Hutil. Tn. dtninr rotim
Ml Wa removed to th flrrt Bxr, mui ii rod
ein.. .i ai't. Th. clismWr. ara wtll v.n-a'-d
tba Bropri.tnr will .nd.aror to aaka
b rueu p.rfo.LT at hnn..
jfl. J. MOKRISOK, Pror.rl.tor.
... ALLACR TrtdB. ti. HBAW
1 uthrrfcburp. Clearfield Co. Pa.
Till? well known and Innr etab:,hed Ilo'fl,
ff?Tr.y kept by R. W. M"rt, and latterly
y Wdj. Srbwam, crM has hen len-rd f.-r a term
t Team by the andcntirnel. to which tbe atlrn
iin a tbe travelinf public i now called, and a
eral fhra of pnhlie fairr-nage t aiticited.
aprlffK-ly-pd f HAW d. WALLACR.
1M1K Bnd.r.if;n.d kerpf ennrtuntlr hand
th. b..t of l.tquora. Hi. tahl. 1. alw.v.
uPplitd with th. bet tha mark.t afforiiB. lb. pahlio will d w.ll to h im rail.
Bl,i. SOIlfcKT LL0V1).
U Uarj'a Xcw Biitl-lir. (fortoerlj ecrupird by
.Mr. how,)
Clf.'.'sTANTI.T on hand a fine aeWtinf. nf CAN
i DIKS. NL'T-S 1'lliAU.S, I'JUACl'U, Ac
t, 1 r.Ell CYSTKl.S rrreivM Hailjr, and
'vtJ up to auil lltr tasti1. of cii'toaitTS.
U OlLLl 4111) K4l.tlOn s,.n.l alorj.
s.Btr jlAVili .McllA! IjlltV.
5'aots nd .Shoes.
Edolar.d SIio? manufacturer,
HA' j.t r-rived s Doe III of Fri-nrh CAI.F
fKt.N.. Brd i. now prrpnrrd tn mannf.o--r
r.rrtbiDK in bi. line at ll-e loweat figure..
l.aiH w.rriir.t M work tn be a. r'prortitea.
rei,tully f,,llf-ita a rait, at hla rhnp tin
rkrr rlrrr r, s ir,d ib nr we.l ol the pi-tt!V,e..
are b. will d" all in bi, p.-w-r tn render .ati.-.-t:n.
riuute fine J titrr t -tn r.v bund
;J.'C7- HtXtl'l. ( O.N.NK1.LY.
'trlu at! thf Cofttt'Cllinds (jolng loch ,
tUir aU m.ttfers ; Ivt
fJUif eft JJtt'HJchutrttt firre
vire LveJ fo long and Wt tt.
I enaeeafiae of the aboTe farts. F. BIIOuT,
f the "Id 'vd.ari hhna hkPt" would an
tn bis OHfaaroai nurnnt and lha neotde
''ieorfa eountr at tarffe, that be las now a
"strain Utwf fud Biateriat. jn-t received Ir'im and it prepared rn sa'rt notice to mahe
4 aia4 D., and K tinea, at b s new shi p in
Asia's f.w. If is saiitfted that be ran pteasa
U mUl been we ifileneely loyal sUy
'' h 'sse patriots. He is pre pe red lit set. low for
u er Caaatrv Pnianm. ll.m't ferret the
- 4 -neit dr,,r tn fifit.atera k tirabam'a St4ra. ! i
U..I . . . . . . 1 . . L - '
"'"i ereet, learaeta, t a,, aaa aeit wy
JJ.; w '.SH0RTV.,
tl "" "" " I
sl.AKKFT A 3n Prt., CI.EAKFIKLD, Ta.
IIP rprlatnr hu entre) Inln the BOOT &
'IIOK bualneet at the abneB eleo. Bn.1
""tanned tint tn b. O'll'I 'S. eilber In quel
r prire fur hla dork, Sperial enea;i"n
e. ,.id in menulerturins Sewed we-rlt. lie
band s lerita M of kip and
U.f f,:,
nt the erv beat qnalllf. inerin
""C eereld and eioaallr are reepeellolle
a,'H in t,T, tiaia trial. 1.0 ebarge lur oelli
' ' tf
Tl (I hhi:ivili,i;.
IS tgl.n-:i,,r baelnf lately ttarted anew
b.i and bbe-, ,bp Ib Curwen.tlle. ob
M ttreet. ep,it, J,.,e k K.'e l'r
"re'pectlulli aonnaneri K tbe poblie that
" fpared to Baauaetare all .tjlee of Cnu
, aad ee.ralbiM is k Wbb. b"
He alia b..ue.a ben a ,oti SM..H
"f ael,.a4e wwrk, wkieh be will sail
"fer eesBtrf preaee.
" r-j p" sop-
A.. -Vlattrabrrdrr 4 Co..
J. A.
& CO.,
row on icn at Tiiiria
31 n m in o t Ii Store,
1 51 ONCKOLA, PA.,
Spring & Summer Goods,
J. A.
& CO
8 4
Osceola Mills. Pa.. APHI 11, m.
rut-i rwt t wm f rtr rw JT1 r
T TST OPEN ED fn the room recently oceoptfd
e by tha Miss Heed's nnd d: redly opposite
AlK-e-vr'S More, Clearfield, Pa. All the late
styles of hoc n eta, bats, Ae fnr old aod young.
Idios, mitsos, and ehild pens' trimming, rib.
buns, and coat velvets, lwoas, g to res, Ac,, al
ways kept on hand.
Tn nil Its warione branches sad latest stiles,
for old, middle aged, and tha young, made to
order, by the most fashionable dress m-kf.
Mra. T. t. H Alj-uN.
Aoj. 35, ISCtt. tf.
Also s (rent for tht Wc.f Maerdrnlan Oil.''
Warranted to eoe Kb-uj)aiifm. Neuralgia,
Liver Complaint, Ae. ho rare, na ptijf.
i Southern Land & Emigration
Olifl ANIZKIl and erlebli-hnl for the Pun-hate
ana Sale ef KnrmiDir Ai,i Mineral l,ane,
auil improvni itral Katutr in thr S,Mith.-rn M.ive
TIIOM H B. Fl .OliKXCE. Pn-ai.l.nt.
.10. SKVKIt.VS, Vir-e PrraiJrnt
J. H K.N H Y AMilS, Tr.-.juri-r,
Pre.idmt Fourtb Na ennl It:.nfc of I'hihli 'plna.
.IOH Ml. Kills. Sriiarr.
1110S. ('. UAI'ilOULLI.,'
Attorney and I'ounarllor.
Office: Wa.hinptoo Pnilitin. Timer 8rrentb
aoi lnniylva:iiB Aveaui, V'ah:n;t-oa, ll. C.
srrrsrsi r. :
(lot. John T. HnlliT.aa. Albert, X. V.
Ex-t'iMV. Wm. I'.iiftrr, I'learliel'l, I'a.
(Lir. T. F. Kamln ph. Trenton, X. J.
. (ti.v. Win. F. 1'Bcker, W illiamport, Pa.
Ffj.i. I. "r. -tf.
rpI.'K Clenrfi-ld C'oanty e,t
J. hare defeniiined not to bold a n Kir
th. year, fur t lie fl!"wita: n'tin, namely -that
tiiittf'e has not been pivrn in tirne lo have
the nn'efnarjf pi4aiatiotiS lualis ll bus bveu
df-terimncd. however. t hnM a I'air on tha old
jrreaud. near the b-troimhol t'kartield, n Wpilnea
.l: T, Thursday and tri.lav, the I lib. 1Mb and
l'th iUs of O.ti.Srr. A. 1). lTO: and for t'.ie
pirpoee of allnrdinx the fanners an oppnrtunity
nl urertariiiir and nmkitiff it an ol ieet to improve
and rxhibtt fall crops to be put in th" prnand Hii
veur. Ilia fullowinz prruiiuui is olltrcd (ur the
eiiiliition ol vis r
Pest '.wc aerrs of winter wheal,. f..fl (0
1 If nt buchrl of wmtcr wheal 4 (10
n( ( tWo acrr! of rye TO 09
b.t bu'b1 f rvp " f"
!.e.t two a-f 'f lp f'
Itf-at two arrts ?f hiM kwhrau t'
Km! two a-res l'f'rn ? 1 n"
Item oae a re "f pli rr p ''
lte-t one luhfl of pote"M '
Hi l oiio bbfd y tin.othy seed 2 VH
'iie mvt premirrat will U pI I th p- rsons
tn whom eompflMil jnrtjief tvhnll aajfj'! tttelii
u. wiit .nhtHt-ntl arton
entire premium list wilt be pubHst ed wr
fur the Fair next yrar in ths bpr lhat many mny
" .. . ' .... I
te tnilnred to C'impAtr tor tbe prrni.utn, and thu
iteourspe a (t d eausr.
The StK-ieir have aVo deenn"ned to open the
F.irWd, OCT!.
tnittinf; niati-n on ine track. ttr a riurnt. pur-e
nl $ .0 : lHaet three in fire, in .ingle h.riiee. : to
tmt airainrt lime, dfen t ell bure. ewnej in
the rminte at leaM liDem tl.y. pnri(Mi.. The
(rnnnd will be open from one i live u'ehvk. p. tn.
A.liw.llenee, nrnla. In all pereena. l-rrn.... ae-
desiring U anter thr boraee to eftmstete fr the
purso, can do so hy giirg notice rith- r in person
or by writing to the erre-inry, nnd by lb? pay
mint f an entrance foe of $2.
Jt Is h'p-d I hut township 0rganir3fi'm will be
gtti up in the meantime in tha difler nl toan-bips,
and that a greater interest may im manifested in
the oao-e of aari'ul'ure. Meetings and dies
ti.tis d n""U god. If ftqwested. tbe Hwir-ty
will emd sfeakeef ta meet ny el tbearganixa-H'-n
once or twice, with n virwof enoouragmg
and pruniutittg h'm din-if'm s.
ti. K. liAKIU.lT, I'residcnt,
A. W. GnAHAN, Feeretary. nufll
.rlK -LKiT Tl Ii" d " UOLLrKN gl'IKE"
ot tbe La ion l'aci8r. lo be s'en at
T II 1 1 K H I N K VI N !. AM A tap.rbvr
bjuci. lor ricklmi for .ale be
, p. EfiTrPS.
t'hihilflphia 3(kcrlisfmri.ts.
North a)i-Kiiid itrvvt,
Corner -f Quarry .
An a4irtinrt .f Vtc!m, Jt-weiry, Silver etij
rintt'J arr cuii'lmitly on l,nt.
ItrpRinuK of Wuiii anj Jiwtltr pmn ptly
atu-ndi'il to. j is 1 v
H. ilUruian. 0. Kiliiiijrw. - II. Hilboriuaii.
IVl'oitTl Bfl ANIi JnDllKttit or
13 .Vorlh fourth Slrttl,
uiy2i) rilll.AIl.l.lill. 1v-r
T. C
w. w. nth.
D. I- !.
wm: v.
w.i it i: inn s t: ,
K3 Mirkot St. AN runimtrre SL tbot. Sixth,
myl'l l'HIl.AUKLf 1I1A. lj
J. noLl.nwBI'Sll
Clank Hook Manufacturers,
21S Jiarlict St., Phlladttphla.
jt,I'npfr Klimr Hark ami Fl.?. FooNiip,
l.ftl.r, Nutt, Vrj jting, Curtain aud TVall
PapcrB. Irl.2l-ly.
Vo. 34 Houth Third Strrrt. lUliadelpa
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application by mail will refeivo prompt atten
tion, and ail Uituriaualiuu cbttrlully iurniplifj.
Ordcre eohcitcd. attrl 1-tf
Ko. 17 X. Fifth St. and 421 Commerce,
rillLAI-ELPIIlA, Pa,
And Commission Merchants,
fun Ttta a li up
Wnol, flinentr. For F!(io. Feathert, Leather.
'lax Seed, lirit-d Fruita. Clover Seed. ItouU,
iteer HVina. Ruttrr, Itceowai, hheep
Fkinn, EiTfi, ic, an , Ac.
Weekly Price current forwarded an rerjneft.
June n. laf.8 Jj:pd
718 Arch St..
y dd.c ( tbe Hit., bet.
Tthnii.Mlh Si.. Hf.nthside,
ItniK-rtr. nianiitadlurcr
n.I bculcr in all kinds
and qui.hty of
I A.M. i 1 t US
ron Hints a cuilimies a
w r.n.
TI ii v i n k iitrif d.rrnmd-
t,Tr-. y J -'i'-'d snu iinnrnud mv old
" Hnd fvnra'! v known Fl H
ai-- - ' K.Mi'OKU M. and baring
intportt-d a cry 1.4 rc and splendid asrortniftit of
nil the dilTirtMit kind uf Fun Iroui (.Tit hatids in
J.un..o, and hate had tbciu tnsdc up br the most
skilliul wotkmi-n. I wouid refpK 1 1 ull y invite try
frit ods of ("letrtield and adjacent cuuulif, to call
and examine my very and beautiful amtjrt-
meot of Fuller Furc. for Ladies and Children. I
nin determined tn sell at as low prires as anv otlier
rrnjNTtnhic lltuse in this city. All Furs Waran
Ud. Mo tuisriprtseotatiot.K to eflci t umIcs,
Sept. 29. 'fiiMiu ri Arch M. Philadr Iphia.
toiif bisons.
st. sjrnr.nT...
Stone-Cutters & Stone-Masons
ILL eieeuteall work In their line at m"d
trate prices and in HHr-T t LASS style.
Architectural Ornaments
Tn ALL FTYI.E, tne Drei-injr of every
deeri;tUin. and all kinds of mason work eon
trarted for in or not of the eonnty. Any persot n
winhinp ti have repeetnh-e msson work and
stone-rutting dune, will And it to their l&tere-t
(o call upun us. We would alro Inform the pub
lie that we ran di liver any quantity or elasa of
stone desired, ns wa are the owners of a
FIHST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. for work rao b, Bddres.ed .liber lo
Cleardeld or Lolh.r.burr.
i.r.iiif IILT.KRT A YOl Nrt.
yiurble A .Stone Yard.
T. 1. 1 D I) i: i, I. o.
to Inform their friends, and the
publie, lhat (hey have now and will keep
con Ft art 1 1 on band a la re? and well aelened
Moo of ITALIAN' and hlt.MitNT JUAKbLC,
and nra prepared to furnWb lo order
Boi end Cradle Trnhs. Monuairnt in Sandstone
and Marble, Cm t.i and Pimta for Cemo
tery Lotn, Window rill. A Caps,
Architectural A Lawn
They would Invito special attention to their
Sm dstdne Alunmnenf, which are built Irnea
or i tfinal dsniRiis, and will mmpre favorably
riib anythins; ol the kind in the country.
Tf desired they can furnish Marble VTirtdrw
Pills and Cups at a slight advance on the price
of bnndtt)e.
Tanl on Reed street, nesr tbe Railroad (Upnt,
CloartUM, l'a. j tftf
Xrw Val)iil(iii, a
Vq.AH hinds of Mannnry done, in the most
woi lair.:inlie manner. Unlrrs solieited, anil rort-
tra-fts taken in any psrt ul the citunty. auiritf.
Lime for Sale I
fIIE wn-lrrnirncd, rrfiil.tiff n-ar the eVt.iit has
1 in ml e cntr)ilrte arraTn;'tneii(ii w i t la l.itnc
liurm r rat of (he muutitiii n, a hrri-Vt" he is ens
bled tti keep conNlmilll on hand a large quantity id
r u u K L I M K I
hich he oilers ta furmers and builders at a trifle
hImivii coat. 'J iume in ntcl of lite nrlicle wu!l do
ell to give me a rail, or atMics me by Mtor, bo
fore nt'iiliitUiiji ttuii lime.
( h arfi.lil, I'a., June
Miss E. A. P. Rynrier,
Chicksrlnf's. Steiown 's and Fmersnn' Pisnos ;
biuiih's, Mrsi.n A Hamlin's and Peltmbet s
Orgs i and Meiorteons. and iiover A
Uaker'e bewinj: Machints. TR-.rnan or
Piano, floifar, PrfMfi, Herm'-ny and Voeal Vn
sic. No pnptl tshen for les ihsn half a term,
rtf-.K'm next dunr ta Ptrst Natijnal bank.
t lestfleld, Mny .F, tf.
VLL ierns are horrbf noiifi. fl who bare
leaned funking grmtnd at or nenr Ihe nmiii b
ui W hilnier run n the propeity f triim, Uick
ry A t'u., lhat all bark par niut le paid up he
f re any mire ground ran be oblainrd. And all
porsons Itankinr timlter or lojs ar any other
lumber on Ihe at-.n aid pmierty. without por
mission, will lw held for ires-pa, or be rhargrJ
fitly dollars per rail lr said grwund. ApphraMon
fur sa'd ground must ba niad to VT. b. I'ickty,
lilen lli'pe, I'a.
fept, I. lMfty--0m.
Setllement Nolice.
Vl.l. ,erwinr kmiwing Iheinri Ire. indrltel tn
me, will eell eti.l aellle at nnee, 'I he bit at llii- .Sore uf W liilenmb T""nrnJ,
(.ee.,!a, r. (I. f. J'KM Hi.
Oaeei.lB. I'a.. Jnlr Jl, 1o.Jr.
fTI'I- l(M.(KK Nn. I eifbtren Ineb
HIIXULKs, for wb.'b the hi(tbeal pnoe
ill be paid. V KAVLR a ilLUS.
0'ararl,.U'e Jl, !. tf
.... .. -.--r-i-rw. mwm
M. V. P'.taham & f-cs Culmiui.
J.t.B BNA A H.,
rtlUB tubfcriheri having antared into partner
X fblp for the purpose of carrying on the
bufinetf of Merchandising, Dow offer
And wr opportunity to tbe eltfienf of Clear,
finld and adjoining uoundei to toy store goods
at wholesale or retail prices, that will a'tonlih
the uninitrucled. Their good will ha particu
larly selected to salt this market. Every lady
will, therefore, call the attention of her
To this fact, because this branch of onr business
will race ire special attentt4n, acd everything
needed in a well regulatvd household will at all
times he found in our store. Our stock of PHY
CH!8 ehall not be surpassed, either to qual
ity or pries, and wilt embraoa. ia part, P rints of
every style. Oingheros and Lawns of crery
quality, Muslioe of every grade, be Laities
adapted to the tastes of the old aniJ young ; and
every article of any kind of goods they sell is
To b. ai rfrr..rotrd.Bod ta girB iaU
l.r.rlion. Ab to ;0(llsw, b.
anrf tn r..!ur.; Armur.a. A Lta. and In ihrirt a
th. oBWf.t atyl'. in th. market. We dt.ira thi.
fact to b.coiae koowa
To Every
P.r.on nan, wotnan, rhild. phraiel.n, m
ebnnle, fanner, lawyer, barber, wouiao'e rigbla
maa, or but jthcr Baa Id Ub eoBDtj
Or old, rirs or por, hif h or low, who will f.ror
u. with a call. With our new and eitenalre
aturk so. eDtUioea cad pleaas tha no.t fa.
By jnst dropping In and fitting nlea dress
pattern, lace aett, kid ploves or bv doier, that
which Is batten jriro ber a well-filled f nrse,
and she will find good and paying investments in
embroideries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery,
or any other household necessities.
In addition to what wa bars alrealy enumera
ted, we keep ell kinds of C.i:KTI.I.MI.V
W l-.AIt inch es Cloths Cassimeres, Satinatta,
Bats, Boots and Shoes, Ac., besides,
A Wire
Aseortmenl of Made up CLOTHING for Men
and Boys, manufactured nnt of the very best
material, which we a ill sell for rash or exchange
for country produce at prices which will nstonish
both husband and
vV are ms largely er-gnrcd in bnylag end
selling kQI AHI; TIVHI:tt aod manofae
tured I.t'MDKK, and will giro this branch of
business spatial attention, and make it an object
To Kvcry
' One wbo has Lumber to aril to deal with us,
We shall alio keep eonraat'r on band n
general assortment of (.1 OCKKM.t and
II A RDM Alt Ii, which we -111 sell at exorcd
ingly lvr prices. Wa also koap a full assort
ent of Qi:r.i:iVARK. THi department
will bi kept full and eomplste, and crery
Young I&n
Or maiden wbo enntemplatet bouseVeeplng. will
find II adrantageoos to eomt and trade with n.
We ara so situated, aod, from long eiperience it)
the business, so wrll acquainted with the wants
and necessities of thii comtnuoiiy, that wo feel
satisfied It every man nnd woman
In C'Icnrfirld County
maket It a point to buy their goods from ns, re
ean pleare tbern bntb aa to quality BBd priee.
Therefore, eon, along and buy roar
r no visions,
(lucfiiswarr, Hardware,
hoots k snons, hats a cats,
Ready -Made Clothing,
Aad BeerytblnK yon need In ribder eountlr.i
and families comfnrtable, froot
au8i u- CLKAKFIF.LD, Pa.
OTIl T The fonuallnB of the parlnrnliip
ol Jame. D. Graham A Font due not (irrvrnt
(lie eettlelnrn. ef tbe hole, and brmk aeennnl. of
tbe lute fun of ?hnw-r A fli-ahim or E. Vt. (In
liBTB. Tbne Innwinf thrtneeleeB Indebted In
either are renneeted e eonie forward at oner and
cloea thrir aocnaalB.
CTrerleU, rVftwmSw l-f.
--n.T rrnmm
1 here ! no necitr fr pf(ntnre 1. 1 aa;e ;
Hi-bpli' stijifh IMt'orc, it give viiailtt
and elJit.uiiy ly im Iguraiuig rry organ of
the body.
There are no rrmed'et o wt and favornMy
known a "Hnnir.ld Kemed rs" as Ur. ho
back's l(tod Pari tier, burnt ir ft Uuters and
lliuud IMIi, aad do family should te without
"In time of pesea prepare for war,"ii the aid
adage, and thr-e ia no sentence in the English
Unruare mora expreilve, nor one that is so
enpliottUls in ianumersbla eases. Who is so
wfee as to know ttia exact mo men t that tbai fell
dejirover. dneiie, will aiiNck himt Then be
ye aver prepared, have the Kcbsck's Blood Pills,
ritoisacb Itiuers and Ltwd Punnur at hand and
otitiisai dikoaa suocvsrlully.
Old Sores, Kruot'ons, Cutaneous Utsaaes or
llieesses of the bain all readily eurefimb to toe
wonderful mflwroca of r. Hotiut-k'r blood Puri
fier, btomacb li i tier a and ltlu'd Pills,
Of Kiperianee with a constantly iutrenetn" de
mand lor Fii'batk's Medirinrs is sufiiciont ac
knowledgment of tbir intrinsic men I, and
places t!iem tbs rcrr f rst in rank fnr curing ihe
1 direstes !or which ihcy are recouimcDdvd. bold
by all Druggists.
I 0r "l'PBtio of tia Bhnald bIwbt.
I renffi. f'iiP' HU.pttun, 1' firm dpi.. thr
ITFtrm l di.r.'a. I h oairlr o.a or .ilch .l
, haa ia vril "J arh .irknrft. dl.BA. and dath. and
uianr,. t'.-dar, a-e itidrblrd lu :h... il!a
ali.D. f,.. their --r exiaienc, a. th. certificate,
in eur po..ipu will
And t)ropiral SweMtnga. are always lirved
and often permanently eured hy the nHaaTjre
effect wfai. h tbe tiuisly 0e of Kuback's Blond
I'orifier. w bra taken in conjunction With Ko
hak a tloud f ilia, is sure to produce.
A'l persona of biln-os hah) is, after eating or
drinking toe freely, will And great relief in the
ii is of lr Itobork's llvod 1'il's, they ad dtges
lion by ftituatng tha stomach, ibua nviiimg
lb pain, nairea, s or eraeiaiions, efc., whicn
fullow from aauog toe hastily.
OTien arises fmot nor! I j exnditioo of the entire
sysieni. and no better remedies ean be found
than Dr. lUbsck's lllood furifier nnd Blood
Or nernn. reeneerinr frow Feeer. or ene of th.
mabpnant forej. of da, ... will find Knb.ek'i
I'loarb Bilter. Inealn.ble a. B tnnie Bnd aliBj.
ulanl for remnr-nc all ihe n-e.(t-aiin( efle t.
a Inn, ."ell fur b aala anil reliable lonie and
Are Pills that hare n direct and powerful action
in the live, aod relieve any Inactivity or eoo
geted state ot that a'l important organ vpon
ahlch defends (he Wbole prneeis of d'tr'tUn.
The importsnre, then, of p-ieurtrg a Fill that
hs! hate such dirret actinn without the III
eflrets of fnerrurT, Is msnifest lo every one;
such IM I are lt. buck's lllood fills j they are
warranted purely vegetable, and ran with cer
tain! v be relied upon, atd ara safe at all times.
Ts ona of the many disorders of he nervrma sys
tem, erinnr fmm a low s'ste of tbe efinstitarinnal
health ortevcre prnatration aTter ltng onnl inued
iebnesa, and requires Invignrsting remedies like
itot-aca hi. .sen Hitters to retture the nerves
to their aaiural vitality.
The rnt. fr the tale nf Rnhseb'e Rlnnii
PHI. Siomeeti liiliera end HIiMid I'oriber are
HAKTSW ICK A IKW1N, Cle.ifieM, I'a. JuljJS
I.ullirrbiirg, Clrarfirld Co., Pa.
Look Hcrol
THE undersigned is prer-ared to furnish yon
with tbe Iwst STtt.M. M A It K uianutartured
in ihia country. Ilehtie never yet failed topb-ns?
tbs piit tanidious. as to quality or duraliilitr.
His were ctiFists io part of
Mil k CIKIt'kSl AM) rA.
Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety
And in alinrt r VIT.YTI1 1 V.l n-iin'!)- made ami
kept to a& rttabli.tinient nf this kind.
C.n bare Ibelr ware dellTerM be me, at ANT
Tl MR and to ANV ri.St'K de.ire...
Order. frr ware Killcited, and promptly tiled.
7e-fnr ernernl Bnrtinrnt. eee fatale-fii. and
Pilee I.iet, Stalled free to tilireiit..
eT-A liberal ditrounl will be (Iren ta tbe
whuleaale trade.
r.KO. 0. KIRK.
l.n.herelnirj. Pa., Pee S, lf.S.f
IIHH wnder.iirnrd will
.v the hiilie. CASH PRICK Inr all kind.
I I US and lil.KK bhINS. Oi.e me a eel)
t learbebi, lo.i. I. V. Kl.l.N st 1.1 N.
w ,t :Ti.-.iVInL".eL iii.( kstTii
anr man m wmk in wnod-m.kii r ftlrds
n.f;nni slanip Mnehine., AO. bugle bibd or
mou witk .Biall families Apple to
lion Til A RlMBAnfiLR,
eojlW Jrees. Lis., C!erali enutity, Pb.J
THE JlKlMinF.irAN.
Cl.KA I.KI l'A. " "
Terms of Subscription.
If psid in adtsitcr.or within lltrto monllis Oil
ll puid afior thrae and Im fur U month. J Ml
It puid niter the t-ihimtiun of ! m.x lliii.,, .1 (Ml
ltlJ K.lot et S()ll( i k.
Mrthexl Ut Fphrnpal ( littrrh Per, Um,
II. lu.l- Pastor. Pitl.h'- Scrr ico eiery Fabhaih,
at IM A V , nnd 7 P. U
Hnhhath Si-hmd at A. M.
l'rayr M ruling every Tliursday, at "J P. M.
t'ouiui union rrite, flrii bub bath of every
month, at Iti A. M.
Kt. lrnhrU C'.iiirrbl'at.tnllrRcr. Mr.
O'IIhamician. Maos at in oVIork A. M., uu the
second nnd fourth Sn tmIu vt ot int-h iiionth.
Ht. Andrcwa Cliurrh i:pUcopalv.
Mr. Mkauk. Public Kerrive every Tuealay even
ing, at 7 oVlo-k. P. M.
it. John's i litirch Mr.
Nixnoiirr. Pablie riiTviee every ubbath, morn
inr and eveninp.
Irchhytrrinii Church Rev. Mr. lit Ti.r.n.
Public ritrricc cveiy bubbuth, morning and even-,
Divimr Hrnvn e will be held In St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church next Bundsy morning, by the
Her. lino. Hall, of Philadelphia, who has hern
secured as permanent paMor,
Tiiakkh. Wo oio under special
ol)lij,'nlion to Mr. J. S. Smith, one of
tho Sceretnrios of tlio Dcmoerutic
meeting on Court week, for full anil
legible proceedings of tlmt mocling.
Tho I)etnocratn of tho several town
ships of lirudfurd, Huston, Ciirurd,
Morris and Tike, liuvo enili noniina-U-d
a ticket; but owing to the crowd
ed state of our column and the lute
hour that some we id bunded in wo
arc unuble to givo them in detail.
Pay Up. The School Treasurer,
Mr. Kettleberger, informs us that the
five per cent, discount clause on school
tux will expire on Saturday next;
after which period five percent, will
he udded. Thotte, therefore), who w ant
v iv. .ha ui.i
Iinvo but a tow da-8 li-fl.
Bauk Ball. A mei-tinr; to orgnnize
n jicrnianpnt Banc Bull Club w ill be
liuld in the Arbitration ItoomonSatur
diiy crt-riin tlicgOth of October, lMil).
All wlio luko an iiitcront in our Na
tional game are requested lo be pres
ent, liy order of
Iiemocravp, Attk.ntion f Wo are
reqnentcd ly I lie Vigilnnee Committee
to Kthto that the Pciiaoeruts of Clear
field borouyli will meet in tbe Arbi
tration Room in tlio Court lloune, on
Friday evening next, be ween the
hour, of ercn and eight o'rloek, for
tho puij.oijo of nominating a borough
ticket. Let ail ullend, aud no growl
ing afterward.
The Snow. Our obliging I'ohtmam
ter, Mr. Gaulin, holdn a levee every
veiling, from nix to eight o'clock, fur
tho purposo of exhibiting Ilia large
stock of choice lileraturo and cheap
ntntioncry. JIo will furniblryou with
any or ull the magazines nnd literary
publications of the day, weekly or
monthly, fur lens limn j'ou can get
them by Bending to the office of publi
cation and paying a year in advance
Try him.
LisT or Letters remaining uncalled
I fr 1,10 oM Office Ht CloBrtield, Tu.,
Oct. 1st, 100.
Abe Mift Fanny
Adams Mrs. If.
K l.mrr Mrs. U. F.J
Fry Mrs. Mary
tiihton Misntasaandra
Knorr Miss Kasanna
Kmo'c Mrs, Lavinia
Latwird Mint 11 at tie
Roilgers Mrs. Annie K.
Titrter Miss Mary
HkJs Mrs. liabVlla
Anderson Mr. James
Itoyer Iiat ld
Itlooin (land
Burt Peter
Il.abolt Mr. Jacob
Mevee Mr. K.ra
Mrililli. Mr. Juarph
Mckean Mr. Jeine.
.Mulbaerni Mr, Jaues
I'utlor J.ejB
Oulplev Mr. bewii R.
H,ni M.J.
Uei,( Mr. C.
eliri.lce Mr. Ororipi
Srhmiiil II.
Turner Mr. William
ieatee Mr. Jantra
" elrb Thnmaa
Wingate llenr C.
sifter John 6, Mr. U. W.
FlMiiik Jnlia
Unrlier .Inmea A.
KililKinv Ii. F.
II. .for Mr. Mike
ilevcrlt .Mr. Cbarlrt
llnimnRker Jobn 2
lnirereiil A. H.
JnM Mr. tl. W.
Krnuel)' t'liarlr.
krinrr Mr. Jamra
l.ytle Jaoic. C.
P. A
Coi bt. To tho disappointment of
many, our two weeks Court blew up
on tho fourth day of the first week.
Several weeks previous tho lawyers
put their heads together and post
poned every civil cuuso on Ihe list,
abandoning tho wholo field to the
Commonwealth, which hud qnilo nn
array of cases on hand, and which nt
ono timo looked as (hough it would
tiiko a week and a hall lo dispose of.
Hut the Court mado short work of a
j number of them, soon reducing every,
thing to tho Kail nnd Bear murder
lease. This, when renchi-d also tnnlt
a quick turn, ending in sentencing
M! ,'"r " " Cil 11,0 Iv'"iu'"tiar.v-
and Hear, as an accesson- six months
to jail. On the scoro of economy wo
highly approve of Ihe manner in which
this ciiso was disposed of, but upon no
other grounds. This is not all, wo
hare in our mind's eye threo parties,
who, according lo tho laws of tlti
Commonwealth, wero entitled to a
residenco of at least, twenty duvs in
thu county jail. Oi.e of them was a
Democrat nnd two wero Itcpublicma.
Tho former got in, and his rote is lost
to tho party; tbe latter arooulsido,
and w ill poll two votes lor Geary next
Tuesday. Strang, but irtio ! More
yet. We luivc beon informed thai
officers of the court were running
about the streets soliciting signature!
to pardon petitions, upon hoaring that
Geary was in town. Aro such things
tn continue? Shyslcring mny pass
current in Legislative halls, and for
many years nut injure tho Stnto; but
'God save tho Cominotiwealth" when
the disorder reaches! the court room.
Pil'T. Tips The American Shoe
Tip Ompiiny have inlrodumi, ibis
season, a new while nietnl lip, which
(ly weiir has the nppi'ranco of silver, a met-
111 lip Blllipteil lO tlrt ClaS BllOCS ll.lS
tig been peetlcd. This new tip mecls
t'!i denmntl. and mtist come into as
(f'ni'ril' on ',e l,ht'r Rfdes of cllil
drcn's bhues aa tho copper tips have
on tho coumon grades. a9uj(o a aour-aif,
7ir I tr.ltlatltr Otir.Wfni,.
r. (it , pi L')5, l!i,y.
ICJitoT Ji'i iiljlit,in :
lk. Sin 1 otcrve by y(iur me
ol t L'd ultimo, llmt thai jK lui
eul ballot, Jr C. K. Eiirly, is nut a
an iiidcprndciit (nndididtitu for tlm
Li'ni-Ul uio. 'J be iMeior thinka that
In cause liu "ttceeedi d in defeating I tr.
Un)cr in tho tail nl 1 "!., t ti tit lie tun
now do tho winio with .Mr. 1I:, ; it
on this be will find hiiiiM-lf minluken.
l)r. Early, in Mi."., rim thn emim II.,
publican votu of the diittrict, und hood
winked enough I)enioctals to elect
him. lie deceived the onliro liepub
lican parly, violating every pledge
made to; and will this time
(Hliould he bo elected ) hctruv
that is foolish enough to
i. I can sco no irond reus-
voto for him
why any Ueniocrat should refuse
'oto tor J.U. Hall, ivsrp No onu dis -
to vote for
pules but thai ho was liiirlv nominal...!
lie is young, capable-, ami Ironest, nnri
will, il elected, make a useful member,
besides, ho bus been ruined ill our
county, and understands our wants,
and should receive the vole of Hcmo-
crttts cheerfully. IIo will, hero in
Jvitrtliaus where best known, run the
entire voto of the pttrty that jrlaeed
him in nomination, and I hope no
Democrat w ill bolt, but unite and give
Ur. Early such a defeat as his past
course deserves. Yours. An.
Salt Lick, Oct. 1, 18G9.
Friend Goodlander,
DfcAa Sir: 1 intended to attend
tho Iletnocmtiu meeting on Tuesday
evening of Court, but wu hindered by
being too unwell to undertake the
journey. 1 suppose you had good
meeting and speuking of no uncer
tain sound to effect tho ears and
not tho hearts of the people in tho
great truths and principle of tho go.d
old Democratic parly. Tho truth in
proper nanus nu ine cilgo of a razor,
ho keen that ilBplilH .mil, and lliiit is
u u pitjr i. powetiui aim tlieir
principles feared bv the oiioiwition.
.So far ns JJomorraiio truth is heard,
it prevails and tho tmrtr is triumnh-
hiiI, and this ban been always the cane
when tho keen cdgeol truth liko the
keen edge of the razor dues its duty.
Some fear is expressed that the
nomination of John Q. Hall E-q , for
tho Legislature, has created dissatis
faction in tho party. No Democrat
can consistently do otherwise than
support him and the ticket, and till
honest men can pursue no oilier course
without injury to themselves and hurt
ful to tho caue ol Democracy Dr.
Early may have a few followers in tho
party, reckless men liko himself, who
have sinister cuds in view, and their
conspicuousnes in this respect only
shows what cases they are. It will
amount to vcri lilile.and the best way
for tho party is to pay but very little !
. tcnuot, to u,cm,ana ,ei nem punt b
their own cres out. and bv t he t m
they will come to their sober senses
nnd huro learned something at their
own cost, that before, they did not
know, and muv hereafter benefit them.
It's for tho office to bunt (he man and
not tho man to html tbe fifties and
this is stifllcient for the people not to
hnriw, n I . ' . P !
,T; L "m V My! U ' I
cloud orcven isk of any kind ,. ,
seen. A cb-arsky for tho Lemocrncv ,
n ,...n M a,.aH.a... .1 1 . ? I
..,.j.t,,D vinj eiinv, iiiervniro uon l
le alarmed at a small noiso out in
Klk. It's no thunder and cati'l hurt
County iHslilute.
The third aee.ion, onder Act or April lib, 158?,
of tbe County In.litnfe, will be held at Cunren.
tilla, eommcneinn Tuesday, October 12th, at 10
o'clock, a. m. Tbe following person, bara been
enraged a. Initruetora: Pruf. Edward llronka,
of Millorerille, and A. K. Horn, City Kop't. of
Williatuaport ; a. well aa tone of tha prominent
teachers of our own eounty. A Scientific Lecture
will be delivered each day and vronina;.
J. 8, fmith, Esq., will drliror a Lecture on Oral,
ogy, on Tvnsday evening. The order of exerrises
will then be announced for the remainder of the
week. Er cry body is invited to attend. The
exercises are of such n character, as to instrwet as
well as interest both tha old and young. Tbe
aarvirea ot nn elocutionist bare been procured and
will fire a public eutertainment on Wednesday
evening -adnmidon 36 cents.
Prof. Wirlertham. State Superintendent, writes
that be will deliver a Lecture, before tha InsU
tut, on Tbursdsy evening.
Diai cTott's DaT Thursday, the 14th, will be
ret apart as director's day. Tbe following nra
some of tbe questions that will come op fur dis
cussion :
1st. TricnEs's SALJnir. FbouM they be
uniform! If not, what should ba the basil for
filing fhem f
2d. Which Is worst, a M education, or wa
edueatinn ?
,td. PmitrToai. Their appointment, duties,
and payment. .
I) i rectors Thompson of Cnrwensville, and Plat-
teubcrgr of Oweola, are requeued to open the 1st
discussion; nioom of Lawrence, and SloppT of
Knox, the 3d; and Lytle of Lumber Cttv. and
of (iirard, tha 3d. Tha opening remarks
should not exceed ten minutes. Prof. Vickcr
sham, deliver bis lecture in the evening.
V e expert every Teacher tn Charfleld county
to attend this Inftitote. A teacher wbo fitils to
etuhraor every opportunity for impniremeat. Is
not worthy the name, and should n it te employed
hy director. You now hare tha opportunity of j
receiving instruction from gentlemen of the high
est culture and ability, who have had a long
experience in the work of popular education.
Let it nnt pass unimproved! The prorea that
baa been made in education, in this oountr, for
tha few years, and tbe increased interest of direc
tors and patrons, demands a much higher degree
of intelligence and a greater effort on our part.
If we wish to place this county, side by aide, with
tbe most advanced eonntiea in tha Plate, we nnst
not only omhraoe this, hut every other opportunity
f.p iiimmr-mst.1 Is. k.n.i. u tii ..ium I
gcnerat.on to mold and shape. Let ua not there- I
f ro, pro a mnsul to our trust. Let as not tail 1
to take ad.snuge ol this nocasion, that we mar !
r , . .1 1 . .l . j 1 "
more fully discharge the duties that devolve aion 1
' '
uj. The htcher the d. grre ot our iutelhgewce and
rirtue, the hicbor mil tho degree of colturr ;
and refinement thst rhall elaroWf iir the next
generation. By onlvr of the Kx. ( nnimittce.
Ono. XV. ISNYI'KR, Chairman.
riiilndelphia will give 'ertnKratic
fjain of at least S.IK'U over lust (It to
hcr's clielion. This will leave bull,-!
6"7tobe overchine in tho rural di'-j
Iritis. Pcmociats of tbe country !
l)o not permit jour brethern in the
city to outatr pyou in (rains f..r rack
cr. Multo nrmtijeemcnta tobrinr;ev
ety Henincratic voter to the noils. nd
you w ill exceed even the gain in I'hil-
finv. CirABT sent tionr bniken heart
ed Hester Vaughn out of the countrj-, I
and across the broad ocean, wtlnoul a
penny, in order tofl-.WA.r visitor i
1 "f . , 1 1 -.- .1
per-hn in hiKh social poMtion in Ihe;
I'tidical parly. Geary is not only po-:
liiically, but socially corrupt above !
L in l.ih '
"'V " e- ' j
no-mux outrajres aro scarce, eon
Rtilering lhat wa ate so near an im
portant election. Shall we le treated
to a horrible dish of skinned niceis
before tho Kih of October f l.ok
011. fir it.
tht tniltnmtl imklmton
himiiint y. '
ro Tn rnrAtiu.tis cr nn rrstnAt.
rtnrrn vama comiiiimt tir Jiin
nr.iiiorusT .riroPAL cnoncn.
Ier Brtthn-H : Yon already know,
(1ouhlle, that I have boon cleft ed by
the I)i rector ol Willianii'piifl Iiickin.
son hi-minnrj, and npri'iintcd by llish
op Sc.,tt, l'f',ideni ol 'that institution.
1 hough I did mit Uci-ire, or in any
way seek, the appointment, 1 will in
a lew days t-0 ,y ,tt,.u jn L)0 j.,,,.
intirj. Abonl to nssiimc new and
vastly responsible duties, 1 f,., as I
have never felt before, that must
live nenr to find. I must aim. as oth
ers have aimed beloro, to make tlio
N-miniirv resemble, us (ur as nossiblo.
a well regulated und Christian family,
Tntvncli tin ir i,t,
I among many other things Ihero must!
j be a parental government in its best
sense mild but firm no dissoluto
student allowed to remain for even it
brief period within our walls, and reli
gion must bo recommended b exam
ple as well as precept.
Our motto must be, In our sphere,
The hjghest culture ; nnd we can reitch
this by teuchiriif all that our full cur
riculum now culls for. A free educa
tion to the children of our preachers
-Ml desideratum long burning in our
hearts will, I believe, at no distant
day beeomo a reality, if we rtrfiy rt-t
we ought to rally ttround our Semina
ry, now virtuully the property of tho
Church. In hopefulness, how great
the motiro !
In reality there is a sncred motive
note. The profits of the institution
will go mnmly at present, and w hen
all the Seminary Block is ours will go
wholly, into the treasury of the Preach
ers' Aid Society, w hoso object is thu
dearest benevolence of our Church.
Having these motives, brethren, let
us labor to enlarge the fund of tho
Society, which has now the controll
ing interest in the stock of the Semi-
nary, by soliciting tpcciul coniribu
Uioiim, until the whole amount inrestod
has been replaced, und much more bin
boen rea'izec, fur ono of the noblest
objects in tho whole range of benevo
lent effort, by forrcing auxiliary socie
ties, as provided fur in tliB organiza
tion of the parent society, assured that
many will give a smull sum annually
to ti cauec so sacred.
Let us labor to crowd our Kcminnrv
with students, assuring the people that
the exten.ivo buildings will be put itr
a state of thorough rejutir, that nil tho
departments will bo subjected lo
proper supervision, and that there i.-t
a determination on the part of tho
managers to make the Seminary, in
an eminent degreo, worthy of the pub
lic patronage.
TV. Lee Si-ottswoou.
Cai't Sror It .enry admits in,
his speeches that bo cannot ston tl.n
! Bt(,nih nj corr tion of j
1 1 b c- . 1 , ' 'fc1-
i- , . . " '
bucfi a (-"iifession in weak
and cowardly and, more than Hut,
the assertiun ia untrue. lie could
stop it if ho would. Let Asa Packer
be put in tho (iubcrnatorial chair and
there will be a speedy end of it. Uo
will use the veto power to some pur-
ii"sc anii wm noi cower bctoro tho
"R- M "oi dare lo thvtart
,h0 ll'icvt'9- btfl""c he upon
,hem fop , m,omi(lil,ion SUouU9
i, ...i,.,., t. .:,, t... , , . ,
. v v. li ,,u mui,.,- u.'UIIU IOUIU
tnem tor tho past Frrvicrn. IIo hat
been, mil! in, and will continue to bo
in I on true with lliein (so lung an ho ii
Governor. Thntik Heaven ! thalvtill
not bo long.
A Mare'h Nest. We would liko
onr friends of tlint able paper, tho
Harrisbur-tf Ritrmt, to institute aa
investigation into the bulo of tho
Agricultural College Land Serin, by
our Suto ofl.ciu.H. It in wliiit'red
that tbe scrip was hold to a select
party of jmrUsan Hpcculutors for less
than half iIh value. Let tbe fact
appear. huluma Ihmoorat.
Oa Tueaday, September Ilh. ISCV, at tbe reai
deaoe .1 Dr. A. M. Hill., by Her. Jo.tea Nta
BBTT, of Lock ll.ven, JOHN PATTKRMIN, Eq..
of Yellow Rprinf, l):air cuanty, to Mr.. MAKV E.
IlEKFOllD. r Cli-arOclJ.
Aeeompanyinc tbe shore ennouuectnont w.
Bcknowleilre tbe receipt of tbeir fevor, for wbich
tokea of mnect, Uic bappj- roupls bare owr
tbanba,and we bop, that tbe matrimouial life
which i, to inme a rooRh and thorny path may
prove to tbrtn one of mnahine and rdnra.: and
Kay th. "ailken tie that bind, two willing heart.
aver prove the tali.nian of joy and peaoe to tbeir
dolne.tie family circle.
At the Foi.ter Ilnaee, ia, Cambria
oonnty, on the SPtb of September, MM, by Rct.
T. Vab Sc orm , Mr.CKOliliE IV. LAMBOl'RN.
and Mi.i M.UlV ll.CI'KRY, both or Jordan twp,
Clearfield eonnty. Pa.
In return for tbeir rt-uirrabranee nf tbe Printer,
we with the britla and iroom a pro.perou. ni.d
beppy Tnysjo on tbe sen of life, witbnut a cluud
to obeenre the matrimonial rkr, or to Iceea their
fid) enjoyoirnt of la! bli; and iubt tbey
lore, live s"fal:hfiil bn'lmnd and a loving wife."
In thi. borninh, on tl.c Smh of Scptrmlter, IFtt,
by Rev. IttTi tn, Mr. A. P. I.EAVT, and Mis.
Mr.KTIF. MK11I1KI.1., all orCl.arneld.
Ob the lib of October. W9, by Uev, Fpnnr
sos. Nr. I). V.'. 1IU.K nf Lumber City, tn Mia,
OLIVIA PF.lU'l.l'.S nf M.ont K.cle. Ceatlw Co.
At his irsidtwee, in Lawrence township, on ttm
ninhtofthe Ith of i.trtuber. .M.fl, ASA1IF.L
CAHIl, sp-d f4 year, 1 month and 2. day.
The deceased wss n man well known to snanr
of the eitiseiis ul tins tjt-umvi haiug lived in
our midt for over qunrter ) a ovn'urv. He w aa a
msn of rather peeoliar rliaraeter, though of hnel
dealing, a those with ttui be had anv twine,
will rea.lily aiteet. Hut tlien, khhi may sav, he
as an llnt'.drtt l'ntveralir; ' Irtie, bo was 0
the heliet of a I ntvertit, and ae siteh. n br
siaeere ant W'lierieniioas an aiivneiate ol the 'ev
trine as the wtl rninuit dmita of anr f'her
u.,h . vH hr. rsMr.T oI hi, lrl,1E -IlT
better thno anv of hi r ntnn. II: rv-tr rln"- m.hiis
'"r' ,,h h" fr"""-'". bnd npnn 'bat principle b'b u vaU malcd lut (rtitv in
,. ' ' .1 1 1 . 1 ... ... , ,
n use men h-ihI and I itmare, l ut tl ii je ahouM
n nts stMi aa he aontd lhat others ahowld
do un'n him.' Whin en his dvmg bed be
eaked t( he bad anvll.ire tn in death, when
he very enn-l-'a.-enlly .li.een.l, that he bad Bnfc,
fnr "he bed never wi.-iiipd eny man." and ba
be'ieven lhat lb, re we. . "r. ea-,1' lip fir
him in llr.vrn. He ls-d a he had lltcd. with
tliet ebeerful end p If n-liaiit .mile upon bi. face,
wbii-h betnkvne tti. I alt a. rir.hl n,in. And
who will nnt eev be died li.r,vt 1. f. 1,.
Clearfield Markets,
Reported week), fnr tho ftr Anrtri s Hrrrai.rAW
by i. f. Ka.Trew. llel,r In lry (Ined., Ore.
Bene., Pru.i.Kina. Ae., Merkel in'., Ck-erttrld.
( i BAnrin n, I'a., K-it. S. isfit.
Apple ,,rera .'dlf ".,
linca lb....... l:j
A nj.le Itutlcr, jnl, I Pti
llnB., d reared......
II id.-., grera
Item. QQfo
bhnMere.. Bi'f,6
Puller ft.WfB 411
ite,n.."..,..i! iui m
hidea ir.a.
iiockwheat i on i,ni ,,
J"-." . J '" rrk.M.i...5
Heef. dried. J Oat. . ., a
ltrffi f, ,,, ,, 0, , M
Hoard.. M IS SoovlMin pntatnri - i
i - '" - " fcachca, dried. R.:.
C.r.. ear..... ..,, f. Plasi-r, V bbl I M
corn meal. a .a.-k. 1 , . Hve .
1 tt
Chop, W ewll ill(,l I 0(1 lUr. M Ba
Clnrereeed lOCO Sill,..eek I SB
'"" 1j Sh.nelea.lSiw.f.'.iiSns
ICbemek, . lK(o, JO , Shiaie..5 l.lOlill SO
Cbiebena, drad, R., It Timmhy aeed. ...... t "
l'cr rs Tlio.... l
FlaiBeed I all WaeeA..,. . 1 M
Float. ...! MfH, t j ..... as
Eiy 1! t$n eea..-.. IO