Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1869, Image 1

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    vmimvnwiiH sin' 'i m iwwi ,m w mw
"fiEARnru) rj:rini.irA."
ruTdttimii n i mil.
Tho largest circulation of atij News
paper iu North Coutral
. i a---- 1
Tenna of Subscription.
tf paid In a-lranee, or within S month,.. ..- WI
If paid ant-r 3 and bi-l'or, 0 aioulba 3 AO
If paia aftpr the e.-cpiratlou of 6 umutlii... il I'M!
Rates of Advertising,
Traafictit adrartiaemoou, per anuar. of 10
lr,, 3 tiluv or Irsfl ....
For.aeh eubeequc-nt Inaerlien... ....... ..
jUininiflrntor,' ud KxcasurrW notioo.......
Auditor,' Holler,......:
.. ' 60
.. 50
.. ? 50
.. 1 50
.. i 00
.. 15
... 10
.. S 00
,.13 00
. 45 00
. SO 00
Varti'JQH aud l,tra s. ........
. ptinolntlon notlrHI....
Local notices, per lint
Obituary notice, owr Are lines, per lino...,
rroieiaiunat Card, 1 year
1 iquarr "D J column.
lliUUM.. .14 00 i column
-3 fanarer .....-0 00 j I column
Job Work,
f ingle qnirr......(3 50 I 6 quires, pr.quire,$l 75
S quirea, pr, quire, 1 00 ! Orur 6, per quire, 1 60
1 ,hect,2iorlea,,$2 00 I i ibeet, 25 or ltai.fS 00
t aheet, 25 or lest, 9 00 1 iheet, ?5 or leM.IO' 00
Over 25 of each of above at proportionate rata.
Kdilor and Proprietor.
J30 f Irartleld, Pa. ly
' tlfsrfleld, Ta.
a""tt;al baflneva of all kind, promptly and
aveurately attended to. rraylVy
Clearfield, Penu'a.
, iT-Cwa b. coDeultcil in English and tier
aaaa. -.. - - jeJ.Wly
' ' Clearfield, Pa.
aaOfts, in Uie Coort Hone.
Clearfield, Pa.
POffira la tie Cnnrt Honia. jy1l.'(7
attorney at law.
Clearfield. Pa.
Cfiot with J. B. MrEn-i'ly, Ksq . over Fire Ka Bath.
Prompt attention sjiesn to the eeenrinr
nf Bounty, CiatVM Ac, acd to all legal business.
March 2S, 17 IT.
ORea o SWond Ft.. Clearlteld, Pa. (noTil.AO
ATTOUNKY at j.a w.
0e adjoininr tha Rank, fcrnarlT occupied by
J. II. MeXnally, Peeond at., Clearfield,
ill ttend promptly to oollertlooa. eale
of lands, Ao. decW.O!
A lid llral Katale Acent, Clearfield, Pa.
Offir on MnrlirC trt, nppraita tha jail.
Jt4fKerrpertfu!!y offprt bit vervicra Id wllinf
an 4 buyint; landa Id Clearfield and adjomlnit
rnuntiei ; and with aa experience of ovr twenty
yean a a furreyor, flatten himielf that he eb
render latufaction. (frb2S,'6:, tf
C Icarfirld. Pa.
Cfllea on llarLet etreel one door east of the Clear.
(eld County Hank. maya.'M
John 11. Orria. C. T. Aleiander.
ilrllrtuiitc. Pa. i.rplV6S-y
HAVING located at 0ceola, Pa., offen bla
profemieaal ,treicee to the people of that
Jlace and mrroondinjr coantrr.
1,AI1 call promptly atlendad to. Office
and rirfence on Corila iL, formerly ocenpicd
ay Dr. Kliac. BiylK ly
Second Ftrcft, riearCeld. Ta.
ferX-Harinf permanentl? located, he now flf.n
hi.proteainnl aervi(MMt tothecitiienti of t'lmrncld
and vicinity, and the public generally. All call,
promptly aih-ndcd to. oci2N y
F. B, REED, M. D.f
, 9vM!aiin rrmored to "illiampf ffive. Pa,
fTm hi pn teifiooal lerrirea to the people of
tbe rorroanding coautry. jyl l.'ftT
Lat Hora:foa of the 3d Heg aneni. Pennvyleanii
Vnlunteere, bavins; reiarnd frt tbe Array,
oflrt bit profeionai aerv.raa U tbe eitiaena
of Clearfield eeuoty.
4rPnfeffional ralli promptly attenJrd to.
(ifl-ce on Second atreet, formerly arryfied by
Dr. Wooda. , Iapr4,'6-U
or7jV f. woods,
IUvibc ri'ti-oved to Annvilli-. .tftcrt lit
ttnilrwioaal ami era to the perpia vf thnt plarr
tad the vanvubiag country. All rail promptly
Hrii4.j te. I !. X Am pd.
drTIT jThayes
f Sc. on Main St., CurwrneTillo, Pa,
AlM.L BMika profceional Tlalta, ftr ttieeoa
l eeoienee of the pahlic, coaimeneins in
April. H.'U. a follow,, rl, t
I.n'her,lmr Fir't Triday of wery month.
Anmr iiisnr. M odaeof aeefy mnn'b.
Liifnher 'Mt. Fir.t Thureday of aver aaonrh.
pei.Uinj. to day, ia either plac. AH order,
far w. ra ,b..ald it. f riaented an Xii day of bB
Brriral at e.-h plie.
-f- Teerh eatreeted hy the application of
Wt anvftbeaia rotnparatirely without pain.
AI! kind, of rn!J work Kuaranteed.
V 11 Tbe pahlic will pl.aea aolice. that Dr
II.. when not enrcd in the ahora euira, may
e horn! In hi, o'hr-a, la Onrwonaillle, Pa
Carw.werille, re 4, lr. I' !
4- Itt. A. M73IILI.S,
tU?Delri to Inform bla patrona, and tha
It ic .-ea.r. liy.'l.t he aeiaaaueialrd wilhbim
In tba practice of I)cai'try,
s. p. sua w, n. d. s.,
wli"l, a f-aduat. of lha Phllalrlphia fieatal
Co,l(re. ar.d th-refora baa the blfbeM atlea-"-a,
of frwioaal akill. All work ta
the f.ff.w i ft0j n,if paraonally r.i(Mai.
b l"r h-lrr dnaa la the m.t aatiel,etor, aaaa
and bigs,, order f the prwreeolua.
B nractta. af twenty tw a yaara In
lirl, T,, rwahdei ma to fpwak te my palicntt
l' ar.tdenoa. ' I
iotaf-menta ram s dlitaari. abrmld Va made !
' wJler a few dayi bafya tha pauent diatcna
wni. 4 ijii, w, i"" ij..
I'Y lha L'EXUt-RATIU Al.M , X AC. nly
aaia ifery ,M aaxuW bara tan. U
GEO. B. G00DLANDEE, Proprietor.
E. I. KIRK, M. D.,
l.uthenburir. Pa,
attend promptly to all profftnional
cam. aucl:ly:pd
Gleu llupe, Clear tie td Couuty. Peiiu's.
rpHE tuhcrihr hn devoted much tfrao and
X nrnlian to th SCAMNU UK LOi.ri. oJ
UHri ihii methiifi of ottering hi iprvice to th"f
ho mat nt-eJ Ihfiu, Anv further iDturinntimi
can b bad by itldreMtDg af above. jel'U tf
rjMIE undertipfne'l orTrr liii wrvicci nn a Ptir
X Vfr, and may 1 fouiul at hi rt'eidrtK'e, in
liiwrfncr ttiwnntii!. Lettrn Kill reach httu di
rvctcd 14 CU'tirhcljl, Pa.
may 7-tf. J AMDS MITCgKLL.
Land Surveyor and Conveyancer,
Tf AYINtl ivofiitly lcnt(d in tlio borough of
J l.umbtfr Lit?, nu rrtiunifu loe )ncin-p 01
LiiDl SurTCTim. rt'fjtocttullT trnden bit prolt'i
lional ii-n ietl t tb owncri of and rperuliHor. iu
lundi in Ocarlifld and adjoining couiittr.
l)cel of Pimreynce neatly invent
Ulht4 and rritidence one dMr east of Kirk t
S.rncer'i atorc. aprU:pd4m.
jy?3 C 1. 1-' A R VI El. I), P A. tf
Whuleaale A Dialer in
Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff,
Two doors east of tlic Punt OtTu'e,
i-4iA larpasnortiutotof Pipei, Cigar Ch- t, 4c.
ttlwayaoo band. mylV-1
Mrvt Street, Cleirfield, Pa.
"V'EO ATIVE8 made in cloudy, ai well in
X clewr weather. Connttntl, oa band a (rood
-..r!mt of f KAMKS. RlKKKdSlOl'KS and
8TEHKO.toriO VIKWB. r'rainea, Iron, any
ftvle of moulding, made to order.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, I'cnn'a.
ajU'iH exet'nte johe in hia line promptly and
in a workmanlike manner. a rl.o7
Acont fur the Puirh.e and Sal of Landa.
Irarlicld, Pa.
yPrompt attention Kiecn to a?l haelneee
conoeptod with the eoaoty officoo. Office with
Hon. Vim. A. Wallace. janl, 66-1
DlALia I!f
Also, xtmFWa manufartunr and dealer In Square
Timber and Sawrd Luiubvruf all kind.
fOrdera aolicited and all bill promptly
filb-d. 11-
aro. at-xar ALBRttr.. w, albeit
Manufacturer, A eiUneiveleaUnin
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c.,
ffOrdert tudiritrd. R'Hn nlled on abort notice
and reaeonahle term..
A.Mreal Wooulaad P O , INemfirld Co.. Ta,
(e!.i-l w A II lit iS.
Krcnchvllle, IcarlM-ld foMiily, Pa.
Kpepe con"tantly na hand a full aewrtmcnt of
Iiry tioodn, llartiware, tiroccrira. and evcrythinn
ueiially kept in a iwtail .tore, whioh will lie aold,
for ca.ti, a, cheap ae eLpwhere in the county.
Frenrbville, June 17, Itirt7-ly.
M e rt o a A N T s ,
Pry Goodf, Clothing, Hardware,
CutUry, Queeneware. tirnperioa, roriiioaa and
tlenrtlrd, Ptau'a.
fT'At their newnora room, on Second etrret.
near Merreli A Iii!et'a Hardware itora. Ll""u
LUJim-n, LATir, and tickets
OiSce Fere.l Place. o. 125 f. 4lh at.. Phil'a.
JdllN' I.AH'HIK, Superintendent.
je(l'07 Oaceola Mill. Clearlield counlr. Pa.
prrthaut JTailors.
4 Ft'I.L Bupply of Clolhi, Caimimi and
Vctiiire ron.laatlr an hand, whtch will be
lun.le up arrordmir to the lateet faahionn, in a
euMantial manner, and at low ratra. di.t"6
Coins it Alone. 1809.
Market Street, t leartlcld. Pa,,
nAVINfl openrd ka.neap on my own nok,
at tbe Id atand Sbaw'a How. I therefore
auiiMuare to tbe pehlie that I have now aa band
a aril aeiertaal and large aafortnent of
C.olhs, Cassiineres, Vesting?,
Peare-n, abd all klada f Unndi f r en end I
rmra' wear, and am prepared U make p to t
order CltTII INii, from a ainle arttcle to a full
nit, ta the lateM atvlei and nv-M workeaanlilie i
manaer. Pi-erut ett-ntioo ftran tn rntom
wnrli and eotlinj oat f-r wen and boya I ;
ttffer freet barraine to roatnmera, ana wa-raei
enti-e eattVaetion. A liberal eltare of pabilc
pitmnare la lolirited. ( all and "ee ire
jaaT-tf , K. K. L. bTOl UllTON.
(Store one door eaet of Clearfield II .oe,)
Marist street, C'learfleld. pa.
KFFPS nn hand a full aa.nrtment of (lent'
FrrbiB ijnoa, tvb aa hhlrt, I.. pea
and Woolen 1 ner-fatrta, itara and
Nerh-tiea, Porhet llaadkeeehie'a, Uloree, Hata.
t mbretlaa, im graat variety. Of Tivte
Uooda be keeps tba
Best Cloths of all "Shad., and Cilors,"
?wrb a fftlack Io.,kiR of tbe eery he,t mail.:
Fancy Cae'imere, In freat variety , aleo, Trenb
Coaliaf. Hearer, Pilot, Chin.billa. end Frtcoll
tarmaiinr. All of which will he aold cheap for
Oath, and made np BTord'mg y Uie lalrl yhr,
by ainarientied woehraen. . . t .
Alia, Aenl f-r Clearfield connty for I. yl
Sinter A 'tltbral, bfI bl"'bior'
' Jtaw. I IhM If. B. BKIalSf.
Grncral Klraliun I'rorlanialioii.
rilKRK AM. he an act of tie Hi nernl Aar-m
,f hlv of tha OommonweHhh of Pen nnvlva
nla entitlrd "An art to regulate the lirneral
Kiertion within thia romtnonwcalth," It I, en
joined upon the fhrrifl. of the aereral countic,
to Kire public notice of eurh election, the placer
where to be held, anil the cfTirera to he elected
TMtnKPrina, I. UTr.xua llon a. Hlt'h 8licritl
of Ulcurlirld connty, do horcby itc Putdio No
hce to the elertura of the county of Clcarflrld
'hat a general election will he bo d on the trr.
oso Ti CKUai or Hcri iita aaxr. (uin:r the l?th
dae ol the month.) at tbe aereral election die
trlrta in eitid county, at wliit b time and place
tha qutlihi'd etitere will ente
lor one perieiu for tiuvwuor ol the Comtnon wealth
of IVuoerlvaiiia.
For one pemon for Judpe of tho Supreme Court
of the t'omm'ltb of 1'cnti'a.
For our person to n prc:iit the ooutitiei of Clear-
Held, Kit ami F urcst in the II ouse of Kupru-
li-lHiitivt'n of tliii C'tinminiwralth.
Fur 'nie ppr-oii fi-r the uflu-e of County Treasurer
of t?tt-arlie!d omitity.
For one .rr.ii lor the dfTi.-e of County Couimis
!iourr nf Clt urlicld cnimiv.
For one persun for tins ofli-M uf Auditor of Char
flt-ld comity.
The elect'. rs of tlic counly of Clearfield will take
nuti'e tbnt the mid central clccUou will be bttid
at the lulUiwinjr plaoii. Tit ;
lUecaria tow unit if, mt the L'uivn Hotel, In 01 en
Iti-N tvffni.iip. at the hoitxe of A'eph KlKmi.
ltluom townatiip, at the uuu of ibe lata Jaiatr
ItltNun, hr.
U 'CC township, at the buuae of Edward Albrru
llrtKihinl tdiwrnthip, at tlie bouse of .larob fierce.
Hrady towrtfbip, at tbe bouaa uf Win. ScbwKin,
in I-uMierhlmrr.
Hu p-nniile tuinh'p, at Voaup;' mboot htm up.
Cheat t'ewuctrip, at tbe puolic echool buuae near
Pinion Itiirltauj;l.'B.
Cluarfiel-1 iNbMu'b, at ihe Court House.
CoTiiiftun lowunbip. at the huuer of J. .Maurer.
Curwt'im ille boroub, at tbe boue of tba lalt
Ipaac llloom.
I'lM-atui lownphip, at Centre arbool hnuae.
Ferumu to w nub i p, ai the b use of Jihn Orejt
ory, furmerly occupiud by lbia. Kubifon, Oli"d
way.) Uirard town?bip,at Ccmjrreaa Hill eeli-ml botue,
(iohen towni-bip, at the public at-hool buttw.
(Inthain tuwnlnj. at (lie boiife of Jaeitl If ubh-r.
Uulieb lownsbip, at the public ecbool hius. hi
lluoton townxhip, at tbe honee of Jcspo Witm.n.
Jordan township, at the public school buuae, in
Kartlmua township, at Ttridfren't arbnol house.
Kuof towinhip. at Tarker lit)) a bnol bouse.
Lawrence towunlnp, at tbe Court House, in tbe
lyiDiub ol Clenrtield.
LuxnlerCity lorou(h, at thepublir a hool houie.
Mun-is tuwosbip, at the bouae lorujcrly occupied
by 1 brnntiB Kylrr.
New U a:tbiiif,tun borough, at tbe pnMie acbool
Usc-cila lumujli, at the puldio house of Milo
Iloyt, in said boruueb.
l'nin tcwnfbip, at the hotel formerly kept by
W. V. Anderaim,
Pike township, at tba b'-tiw of tbe late Isaac
TtUiom. in tbe Imniugh of Curwrnivi!le.
I'nion township, at tbe huu of I'. K. Rrnbnker.
Woudward towufbip, at the bottie of Theinaa
AN ACT reeulatinc the mode of votirte; at all
eierlmiis in Ibe svvrral rounties of tb e Cotn
monwttltb. approved tba .JUtb day of SI arch, A.
l., lS(o, vii :
FifTH'i 1. He it tnartrd tT Ibe Frnate and
lloue f.f Itrpreaentatirea of the Cummonwrahh of
reiintn-lTaria tn Wenem! Aseemttly mn, and it it
hereby enacted by authority of tbe aame, That the
qualified voters of the eeteral countiea ot tbi
('omnionwea'.ih. at all genera), town obi p. buKtub
and rpenal election., are hereby, hrnifit-r auibur
iird and required to Tote, by lirkt-ta, printed, or
written, or partly printed and partly written, arv
erally ela--ilied as fclbiwa : One tteket ahall eno
bniee tbe names f all jii-lep of eourta TMed lor.
and to le labelled, outride, "judiciary one tieket
shell embrace the names f the state ufiWra voted
for, and be laUlled, "fitate;" one ticket rball em
braoe the nntnes of all county offn-ers voted for,
ineludinp office of aenator, member, and iueuiler
of anwml'lv, if Ti.ted for, and mrinbera of Canfres,
if voted for, end be labelled, "cunty ;" one ticket
shall embraee tbe namea of all lown-liip ofbeerp
voted for, and be labelled, "townobip ooe tirk
et phxll embraee the names rtf all borough olfliei
voted for, aod be lal-elled, 'br(iuth ;" and eaen
Cla.a lhail be deposited in sepaiaie ballot bo its.
ItEtilriTKY LAW.
T also give offeial notice to theeleclorf of Clear
field eounty that by an art en tilled "An Act tor
thvr supplemrntal to the art relative to the elec
tion ot ftiii Cmnmon weslth," apprfivrd Apul 17,
A. !-. it is provided e ffili..e :
Jmctio I. iMtiMirtfrf,wc, That It eVinTl be Ibr
fluty ol eech of the As -eora iibin thir t (inrr.on
wmiib. on the Ut M naT m June t.f ench year, to i
tiikenp the trt'iarri.t h ba refuted from I tit Co.
Cofiituisionns nTrJcr the eighth seetion of the art
of Uih April. JS.,4, and proceed to an inmird ale
reviiion ot the aame, by etnkinjc ihrn-frusn the
name of eirry who in kniwo hy bim to j
bavedieil or eenio, ed mne'e l be I a at previous a-cap !
inrtit, or whose rm"val into the same el-till be or
shall bare b-n ma'le ntmwn to Sim, and aleo tlir 1
names of ell wbe she!) mike rlmm to him to tie j
qualified enters therein. Ass on u thia rrrmon
ii con pletrd he ahull vmit eirry iJweMtt.g bouoe in I
hi-di-lrirt and eareiul inquiry if any pereon
whse name ts on hts li-t has dnnl itr r-moveU frrn
t lie ffitriet. and if so to take ibe Mine the refrom.or
whetber any axalilied roler reidea therein wbe
name is nut on hi livt, aid il eo to add Ibe anie i
iheretn , and in all rwe wltre a name is add, d to
the li't a tai shall forth with he a penned against the
hereon ; and the Aoetwenr shall in all eaes asrer-
tnia, by inquiry, upon what groan d the perron o
'f"ed riaimn to be a voter. I pon (he oomf le
tioa of this work, it shall lie the duty of each A
aesvor as aforesaid to proeeej to make out a hl in
a hahetieal order, of the while freemen, abnp
twenty-one years of aire, elataiinr to be unalit'ctl
voters tn Ibe ward, borough, tow ut hip or tietrid of
which he ia the A mnr. and oppopiie earh of eaicl
nani'-s ante whither said (re man ia or in nnt
house keeper ; and if be ia. Ibe num)er of ht resi
dence, in towns where the same are numered.
with tbe atreet, alley or curt in which situated:
and if in town where there are no numher, Ihe
name of Ihe street, al ey or court on which said
In. one fronts: al-o. Ibe oerupation of thr person :
end where he i not a houeekeeppr. the oeriipntMn,
plaeie of boardinff and wilh whom, and if woik'pf
for anniber, the name of the empioTer. and write
oppoile each of 'aid namea tlie word "voter;'
where awv per 'in clninv to vote hy reaton of nsn
ra liiation. he aba II exhiidt bi eertiftewle thereof to
the A-se-aor. nnleea he baa leeo for fire r"neen
Ue TCAirs neat preceding a eoter in sei.l d -el rt t ;
and in all raw where the person ha been natu
rahred, Ihe name ehnll be marked with the letter
" .:' where ihe pereon baa merery deplnn d his in
tention to become a citiren and rieign to be natu
ralised before the steal eleetion, the aeme sbsll be
niarked "I. I.:" where tbe claim is to vote by rea
An fT IfUig between Ibe age of twenty fur and
iwenw I' pr-r'd(d by law, the word "sp-"
ball d i am. l-e sou has in .re l mto
tire election diflin-l to ren'tde Ftiitbe t g'
eleelion.lbe letti-r "K (hull he placed opposite the
name. Il h'. I the further duty ol eaeh Amcs
a-r an af'ireMid, upon the con-preli-wj of t,M
herein iidkmI, Iri make out a tx-naente )it ot all
new af"feiti ma'le I t bim anl the ..mount
eed up.n each, and ttirniwh tbe same tmmflt-
alelr te tli I ounty t 'moiiioner. who shall im t
medniely a id tie names te tbe Iroi duplicate ftf
the ward, borough. townbtp or district in wh'tb
thT ha f'een --r.fl. j
frr. 1 a the lit r.ein? err ph UA and the a '
em nt ma le as alorr-anul, tbe Mfrtf hli f rt I.
with lr returned to tbe t'nenty t (iBBtniMionf r. w ho I
Sail cwir dt'i lo-atr eiptr of aid lift, with tb !
db-cn at :nn ai d e optnti ttioa nuind te te noted :
4jt tfe.rar,'i. to lie nile yot aa Mdin a piael,el'lf j
ana plor d tn tbe band ol thr A- or, a ho ball,
pnor t the UrM of A ugiit in ea-ii y-ar, pnl one .
e-.pT thiTT-of on liie Jttr of or on tbe liouw when
the eWi'n of tVe rrspeetts-e d rit i required to ,
be held, and retan the fj'ber in hi pneton. for !
the tiit"vlton. Ire of e)irg o m.j person resi I
dent in tbe aid election dilri"t wji.t hhall ietre I
tn see the : and it ball be th tiuiT tbe saol j
AMor lo add. f-t,in time to lime, or, the personal j
applir-:i" of asy one el.timmg tbe right to vote,
the nxmr of u b e'aiinan, and mark ol piuile the '
name V.." and i'nmc -iiat.-ly awsesa bitn fiib a
U,". tiotittf. a in all :bcr ca , hi oc upa: h-n. i
ro i b nee, n bet her a Uinnler r b"iti kiM-r i if a 1
loa'der, with wb",!. he hour I ; ae wbrtlier na'u j
rafiped .r;:g tc be. maekinff in all aoHi
case the tltt e. opi.n'e tbe name. "N .t ' P. I
a ihr eas" ntny I ; if tbepr. rt Haro 'PC te le as- ,
arsed l-e niufiiliie I. br hull el.(t tl te H e Awa.
fr hi"e-rtiBletn,f iijlnraliiaii'T : ai-d if hela(m j
that be dcP,ji to If iiairwiisl be!re Ibe next
aiir,f eteeiio-j, he jVaM exhiMI tbe ert fir-ate of
hi d -Ia:aifp of int. ntiea ; la all eas- wb-rc any '
ward, leironirh. lwn'hip -r'Hi ditrit is tt-virti-l
into two r orr prefineta the Aeor shall
nntr t'l bis aeff nfnu the t leetma r retinei in
wri b i af b eb-tpn eioe, and ball Bike a stna- ,
rair re-urn f-ir eaw-l to the (iiranty tn.miiMtera, j
in ail nasrt in whn h a relarw is i ,nid (rota I las i
b) tbt prutivot of ibisaTt ; and ibe ( cuaiy t sa I
arifens in Baamg upltet erprae af ail raefc I
r turiia, iihall make duplicate otipiea n the tiaine
if tbe rot era In encb prccinet. sepurately. and shall
Inrush (lie some to tlie Aeaeor; and thnenpiee
reiiuin-d by this act to Iw placi d on the door of or
') election plifea on r before the 1st of Au trust in
each ear, liali ie placed on the doora of or on the
cleethm place in eaub of aaid preeincts.
Kac, .1. After the aaaeenieula have been oom
jileted on the tenth du.v preceding the second 1 uee
tny in Oetobor nf caeli y ar, tbu Aswasor abail, on
liti Mombiy itnmedirilely lolluwiiisr, make a return
t'i the County Commis'iotirrs of tbe names of all
peraone aaoraed by him si woe Ibe return required
to he made by him bv Ihe siHMHtit seolioii of thia act,
noting 4pHriw riivb name tbe oimervntiuns and
mpl.uinliun retfuirvd to be noted naaftm said: and
'he County Cuuurmnionen ahull tbereiip'in enuse
the Ratuc to be abit-d to the return r quired by ihe
Mt'oud icction of tbia aol, and a lull and oorrret
copy tlicreof to le made, coiitairnnj the namoa of
ull peroui so returued aa reaiiient tusahle in an id
ward, borough, loanxhin or precinct, and liiniifh
the aame, tugeth.'r with tb n ry eieelion
tiUiiko, to the ottiocra ot the f-lrclinu in said ward,
Kirouktb, towuabip or prreinct, on or before ai
o'clock iu the uioruing of tbe aenund Tuesday of
October; and nu nian uiiall be permitted to vote at
the election on that dny whore nnttie in not on said
lit, utile be ,ijl mnkt proof ol bis right to voU,
a liereiuitttcr te(iiired.
tv.v. 4. On ihe day of election any prr-on whose
uiiur ta not on tbe said list, mid ibe njlit
to Vole at md clectnm. ahitll prodiiioeat Jen at one
ualifii'd voter of the di-lriet iu which he clniui to
lie a voter, for the period of at leant ten diva ntxi
preceding said election, which witne eball toke
u) subatTi lie a written, or partly writ leo and partly
printed, n ff) ' I h v i t to the IncU ata4ed by btui, which
Hltiilavit shall define clearly wbere tlie residence ie
of tiie person elm mm g to b a voter; ami Ihe per
Hon aocUiiniiig tlic nht tn vole shall alio take and
tubsc nlie a wiiMfii, or partly nntun and partly
pnnteil, iiflolnvit. stating, to the beat of his knowl
edge and !k1H. where aud when he wa Iwirn; Ibat
he i a citizen of ihe Com iuou weal th ol l'rnnsylvn
nia ami of the I'mtcU Siutea ; tba' bubas rt.-idtd in
tbe ConiiiKtnwralth one year, or if form re ly a citucn
tbensnand has removed therefrom, that be ha re--i'
led therein an mouths next prwcnliiig auiI elee
tion: that be tins no: moved into Ibe dialriet for
tbe purpose of voting (herein : that he has paid a
Stale or County tai within two year, which waa
asaesaed at least ten ditya before said election ; and.
if a riatttiralirrd citin-u, eliK.ll also atate when. wb-re
aiitl by whnt court hi wac riaturali(i d,a:nl fl.all aio
piodinte hi certificate uf nntornliialion for eiatni
nation ; the said arli.Javil rball aiao state when and
where the tax rlainied lo be pa;d by tbe affiant was
aei d, and when, where nnj to whom pa:d; aud
rhe tax receipt therefor shall be produced for et
ammation, udIcsh ibt affiaut tball ita(t in bis affi
davit that il has been )o"t or deatnyed. or that he
never received any; but if tbe permn ao claiming
the right to vote clul! take and subfcribc an
rit, ibat be is a na'iv tmra eitixea of tbe l otted
State, (or if born elsewhere, shall stale that fa't in
tn aflid n it, and bnll produce evoieuce thnt be has
ieen naturnliil.or thnt he i entitle.! tocit :n narup
hy reaaon ol hi fattier a naturalitntion ;) and shall
fnrlher state in hi afliJant that be ie, at the time
of taking 'be afl.d il, berween the of iwenty
oue and twenty-two year : that he ha resided In
the SlHe one year and in the eleetion dilrfct ten
day next prect -liug am b elK lion. he shall I enti
th'l to vote, nllh u.b be stull riot bare paid taxes :
the said afbdnvit of nil person muking auch
claims, and the nfTidavit of the witnesses to their
retd nte, si, alt be preserved by tbe election board,
and al the rinse it the rle-tif.o Wy sh:ll he enclos
ed with the i-t of voters, tally lit and oilier papers
required by lew to be till d by the return judge wi'b
the i'rothonibtwry. and e hall remaiuon file therewith
in lha I'rotb"r.oUr.. ' ultiee, suojiel lo examination
as older eleetH-n pipers are t it ibe election ofheers
hall fli'd that the nf pi leant or anphrant pf ,
all Ibe b-gal qusliUttnino( voteia, ha or they shall
be pr rim tied to vote, and the name or name sba!l
lie added to the it of Uiil!f hy tbe eleetion off.
.oers. the word tax" t-eing added where the claim
ant c to vote on tax, and the word'a" where
be rla mi to vote on age; the saiua wonts being
added bv the cletks in each case resTteelivcly, on
tbe lmt of person anting at aueh elerllon.
tac. it. It sbarl be lawful tot an? qualified eltl- I
ten of the district, notwithstanding the name of!
tba proposed voter la contained oa tbt list of
resident tasablet. to challenge the vote of each
pereon s wbera-ipoo the asm prwnf of the right i
1 1 suffrage aa le now ret uirt d by law shall be
publicly made and eetel on by the election board,
and the vote admitted or r jet ted according to ,
tba avidrnce ; every pron claiming to he a t
naluraMted rititen shall be require to p reduce
bis naiura'lsaiioa esenficate at tha electioo be-
fora Totitg. eieapt where he baa been for ten,
years, ounseeuurely, a ?tar In tba dlatriet In ,
whirb be offers bis vot i anl on tha vote of aueh
pereon being shall be the duty oft
lha election officer to write or stamp on surb i
eerliPcate the word "voted," with the month and
year , and if any election officer or officer abail j
reretee a second vote en tbe same day, by virtu j
al the same ceitificate.eictring whet eon are ,
entit)f-rj to vote br virtue nf the natural, .Hon
of their fatbeia. the? and the person who shall
t tier tu'h second vole, apod so cflending shall
he guilty nf a hit h Bmdeniean'tr, and oa convic
tion thereof, he fitted or impriaoned. or both, at
the discretion of tb court ; bat an shall not
exceed nnt hundred dollar it. eah ca, nr the
iuypritnment one year; tb lil.e p ri'htasnt
s'-all h Inflicted on conviction on the officers of
el etion a he shall aeglact ar refuse to make, or
cans to be made the indorsement required is
aforesaid on said r aturaliia'inn cert : floa'
r'r.c. 6. If an? aleetiua officer shall refus ar
negiect to require such proal of th rtght of sf
fraxe as is described by this law or tti laws to
wbirh this I a ufplenrnt, from nv per ion
offering ta Tot whose name la not on th list of
aseed vott-rs r whnae rirb" to Vote la chad
leneed by any qualifr d voter present, and shall
admit sacb person to vote without requiring sucb
proof, every pereon e nltVeding shah, upon eon
virtiet, be guilty of a high ta ademeanor, and
sfcall be at n ten ci d, for vrty Such ofli nr. to pay
a fin not eieeedmg an hundred dol ar, or l
undergo an impnennttent not not ln on
er, or either or both, at tit durretioa of tb
court, j
brr 7. Ten data preceding every eleftlnn fr
elector f rresittent and Vie I'reiidcnt of th
I'nite J ft a lea, It shall be tbe duty of the Aea
SOT tn attend at le place Died by law f,,r bold I
ing Ihe election In each eleeti. n disirb 1, and I
then and tbet bear all application ol persons ,
whoa namea have been omitted from the 't of .
ae.d voters, arid who claim he right lo vote,
or who rights have originated sine the same 1
was made ut. and shall add the name of such !
peraons thereto aa nball show that they a, enti
tled to the riiht of anffrage In su b distiict. on
th pf's-nal appl'eatton f the claimant only,
and forlhwiih ae lit with proper tax
Afier eom Irting the liit, a rpi thereof shad
be pieced en the door of th boa whr the
elenma is to be held, at leaet ieht days before
the tier I inn j and ai Ibe eleetion lb same foar
shall be pursued, in all respects, a Is required
by Ibis act and th art in which tt is a supnle
reent. al tbe general elerti na ia October. Th
Aeor shall also mak tb earn returns la the 1
County Commissioner of all assessments made (
by virtue of tbia see I ion j and tb Cwuntr Cob.
Nitoaer shall furnib copies ther ol to th
election fficert In erb dm net, la lib aaannrr j
in all respect as is required ai tba general clee- ,
tii-ns la October.
fa-. Ihe same rules and repalatiens shall
apply at every -penal eictioa, aid at every sen ,
araie city, borough nr ward election, tn all te- j
peels, as at ibe general sleet inn ia Ocluhe. j
Feet. Tbt repeeee Assessor. lnpcetnri
ana Juigea of the elertton snail eaca hare ihe
pnwer to admiiiter oaths to any person elafsa
irf the rlf hi ta ha eed or ihe riihi of suf.
fr-ge, or In refara to any of eafl oTticers un-isr
(hi a I ; and any av 1 1 fail fa'st swearirc by any
oe am in relation to anv anattr or thing e.a
rerning wb'ch tbey shall h law'ully intermra j
trd bv any of md ifflcer. shall he ruoiitd aa i
rrc I. Tbe Asarnr ihxll roeiv ih same
enmpensati'in f..r the time ne"eanlv rient ia i
peifoiming lb dotiei herli tnjoinrd aa is pe i
ided by lew for the ( r!vtane f th-ir wHi-r (
do lies, io be paid by tb (tHmty Ceiatatsiners j
as in otar case j aiu ii voaii noi iiii i-r
sey Asseesor asseu a tax agaiuai av person
wht tevir wnbia tea dav n-st f-ecedit g th
election lo be b'ld en the J Tueeday of Ortober,
in any yrar, or wnhtn lea dava ne-i before any
rlfcti-.a for eteetota of President aad ice Prvsi.
dent nf th C nited State : any eiolatiun t this
vrouit shall be a a.tsd-rjenaor, and subject j
the officers ao i fending te a tine, up r.nvirna, I
not ex"eJieg an bendred dollar, or la impns '
nnment na1 eired ng three montbt. r buili, at
lb diseret nn of th riiH.
Sc. It. L'n the pet'iioa cf ffv or aor em (
sens of the rounty. iaing under nth ibat tb J j
vttily beheva tbet fraud will be practiced at '
the e'teten a bo it te he held, ta any dieiriel. H I
fbs'l be tne dnty of tbe roan of e-maioa plas j
of sail dstMtn'y, if la sfs:ofi, or if not, a in !; j
therewf tn yaraiioa. to appoint tw jattirtows, j
ier and inteiHg-ni enirn af the eMiuty i
act a Orrrtesr at atd eleC'loa i said Ovraeee 1
shall he srlet4d fro as tttflereM parite end
wh-r both uf satd npeet-'f belong o tb ! i
pofifteaf party bttb of th Over--er ahall be ta j
ben fr. an ihe r.pK itr p-ijiieal party : mi I fivar-
eeert aba. I has tbe right to b preseat with b i
afceert wf lb ltip. daria wbcdt
- it-
tba sam It hetd, and the totes are being
counted, and lb return mad oat and signed
by the election orlicers; lo kaop a list uf votors
if rhry prop-r; to ohalleng any person
otferios: to voie.end inlerrngtte hita and bt wit
nesses, under enuh. in regard to hi right of em -tragi)
t aaid oloction, and to examine bia paper
produced : and Ibe ollicora of sid eieoiion are
required to afford to aaid Overseers so selected
and appointed every oohteutono of facility tor
tha duehnrg of their dutie , and if aaid elue
tion officer shall refuse to permit aaid Overseers
to be prcs nt and perform their duiitts as afore
sail, or if they ahall b driven away from the
polls by . iolcuoe or intimation, all the vote
polled at u 'b election district may be rejected
by any tribunal tr'ing a contest under aaid elee
lion i Vonrfrf, That no person signing the pe
tition ahall tin aptwit.ted an Overseer.
tSto, 2. if any Frothonotary, Cierk, or the
deputy of either, or any other person, ahall affix
ihe aeal of otbca to any naturalisation pap.r, nr
permit the aame to be affixed, or given out, tn
oiank, whereby it may be fraudulently used, or
furuitb a naturalisation certificate to any person
who ahull have not duly examined and
swore in open court, in the presence of some ol
Ihe Jiadgca (hereof, according to lb a act rl Con
gress, or sht II aid in, connive at, or In any way
permit the iimu of any fraudulent nnUirah.itiun,
it uo wing that it Wat Iraudulently iesuod, or aba 1
voir, or aUuPipt to vote thereon, or if any one
shall Tote, or et tempt to rote, on any certificate
of tiaiuraliiation not issued to bun, he shall be
guilty ol a bigb miademeonor; and either or any
ol the pT on i, their aider or shot tors, guilty of
either of the misdemeanor af jreaaid, shall, on
cooyieiiun, be fined if. a aunt nut exeeuding one
tliuusas-d dollar, and impriaooment in tbe pr
per ptuitcimary fur a period nut exceeding tbre
Mtc. IS. Any person who no oath nr affirm a
tion, in or helore any court ia ibis Slate, or otfl
or,autborited to adeainiMcr oaths, ahall. to nro
cure aeerlilieate ot naturuli jatioD, for himself r
any other prn, wilfully depose, declare or af
(itm an; matter to be ibe fact, knowing the aame
lo be lalaa. or sha'l ia like manner deny any
matter to be a lacL knowing the stme to be true,
r ell b deeiDed guilty of perjury ; and any cer
tileatatof nalurairiatbn issued in pursuance) of
any auch detsition, declaration or affirmation,
shell be null and voii ; and it shall be the tnty
of the c urt ir-uing the same, upon proof being
mad befirre it that it was fraudulently obtained,
ta take iioojodiate ineasure tor recalling the
rame forcancellatioD ; and any person who ahall
vote, or attempt to vnta, on any paper ao ob
tained, or who shall In any way aid in, connive
at, or bar any agency whatever in tha issue,
cirrulstlon ar are of any fraudulent naturalisa
tion certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall
undergo an imprisonment in the penitentiary for
not mure than two years, and py a fine not mure
than one tbouind dollars, fur arery tucfa offence,
or either ar both, et tbe discretion of th court
hac U. Any Assasanr, election offiear or per
son as an Overseer, wbo ahall neglect or rrfus
to perform ' y du y enjoiird by this act, with
out reasonable or legal cause, shall be subject to
a f.wnalty of one hundred dollars ; and if any
Assessor shall arsess any psrara as a votr who
is not qualified, or ahall refuse lo art ess any one
who la nnlifrd, be shall be guilty of a mlsde
meanor in nfLc. and oa conviction b punished
hy An or imriaocmeat, and alao be fnbtect to
an actiup for damage hy tbe party aggrieved ;
and if any person ahall fraudulently alter, add
to. deface or destroy any list of voter, mad out
as directed by tbia act. or tear down or remove
tbe m from tb p'ae where It baa been fixed,
with fraudulent or mischievous intent, or tor any
improper purpose, the person so offending shall
be gatliy of a btgh misdemeanor, and on ennrie
ion ahall b punished by a ffna not exceed mg
Ive hundred dollars, or imprisonment not ex
ceeding two years, or both, at tb discretion of
thr eawrt.
ficr. Ii. All eleet'aes for city, ward, borough,
rown.hta and election officer shall hrea!tr h
held on the second Tuesdey of Oc Inner, sut jaet
ta alt th provisions of th law regulating th
election of luck offierre not inconsistent with
mil ct ) lb praons elected to each offices at
that time shall take their place at tb ex pi ra
tio of tb tcrta of th persona holding th
same at th tint of sucb eleetion j but no lo
tioa for ih offic of Aor or AUianl Asses
aor shall b hald, under this act, until th year
r'ac. Iff. At all elections hereafter held, ander
tbe lawa af thia Commonwealth, tha pells shall
he opened between tbe boura of an and sevca
o'clock a. m , and closed at seven o'ol ca p. m.
Srn. 17. It snail be the duty ol th Becteury
nf tbt Ci oi ruiD wealth to p'epwe forms for ail
the Monks made necaary by this act, and lor
Utah copias of (he sam to th ('ounty Commie
sinner uf th vrai em. one of th Common
wealth t and tba County Commitiiuntra af each
county sha'l a soon as may be neceeaarv alter
fee it. t of the same, at ibe proper ex pi rise of tb
cout-ty, procure and furnish to a't the flection
officers of th elect a dutricie f iheir r speetc
it enuBLie of such blanks, in sucb quan
tities as may h rendered necessary for tbe dis
charge of duties ander this act,
fee. 19 That citiren of this Htat tempora
rily ia lb sen io uf this Stat or of th United
Fttes givernmert. on clerical or other doiy,
aad who do ant vote where thus employe shall
not b the t by deprived of th right to vote in
iheir srvaral election diitricta if otherwise duly
quali fifd.
Not ira In ftirfher herehv fTlen, That
11 pereoae erpt Jus'ice of the Peace, whe
shall hold aa ofbc or a poioiment of trust under
the government uf lha toiled Metre, r of mil
b'at. tr of any incorporated district, whether a
fnmmiaslourd otxWr or wtberwiee, a suhordinst
uftHer ar agent, wh is or shall be employed an
der th Leniflaltv. lXecuLi or Judicial ri
parttaant of this Slate or of the I'niled Mates,
or any city er IncoriKirated districi, and also
that every mrutbrr of Coi grtsa, or of ibe Mate
Legislature, or of the common or select conreil
f any rt'y or commissioner ufaoy )i corporaied
disirict, are by law Incapabie of h'd1ing or
aiercising, at ih same tune, ibe otTn or p
puittment of Ju4r". lnspecior or Ciirk of any
.-lection of this Cmmoi wealth.
Ihe Return Jm'g-s of tbe rr'pectiv d i strict
aforesaid ara rriuestrd to meet at the Court
House, ia the boruu, b uf Clearlield, on iba first
Fri'lar next alter the said second Tuesday af
Ocioher, then and there ta do tfcoa thing
reqni'ed of them by law.
til h. ander my hand and aeal. at rienrffeld,
this fifteenth itay of Krptember, in Ihe
L.F.J yer of our Lord on th-.osard U ht
hundred and sixty nine, and of tbe Inde
pendence of tb I'mied Mate Ihe ninety ihird.
CVIthMl HoW ,, Misrif.
MP.. M. A. PIM'KR has tut arrived frotn
Pane and Ltmibm with tbe tali at design,
perNinai'T eelected from tbe gtrateat noveltic:
'tn. th most elt gent Trim nun s lo be secured in
Pa'', su. h a
i.Arv;, i:inn', vn.vKTft, nnwuRs.
MtlMI, Vril.f. FINK JFHTI.KY. and
llilMMKn I'AITR FATTtllNS, lHUtr
a-t CI," K N 4KINU.
Kv'nsivw arent for Mr. M. Work's celebrated
Ttcm for cutting fad tee' drestea, aacfjoea, t-adMpiea,
jo. S, W. aurncr Of tleveeih and Chest nnt M.
Fhiladilph-.a. Scpt 32. 'CV-f.ia
HOHN f?!:A, at
Mrs w at son a.
-0 MY 0AV. IlOOk."
HAVINt, pni -based Ibe entire sto-k of g'od
at the old atand of Kirk A Spenerr, I
mil iid la continue the bvtemees aa heretofore.
My moto i to sell " nxr mn t-asR,1
Thanking onr fneed and enstomer for past
praroURff, I sol fit a aonlinuance ol the aame.
".".IV, aina.
l.nniKer Hly. ept. J? tf.
1 Mrs. Watson'.
T 1fMII.t"Tl0is-The partnership hereto-
I ,.r axieting betwe. n lb undersigned in tbe
Mt-reanlile l-uii,.'s in tbe honm-h of l.utal-er
citt. on ler the Sims of Kirk 4 Spencer, was, on
the I'-'h in!., dusnhe. by mutual consent.
The tMroKs and nirs ar in tht hands ol II. W .
Spt-rteer, tor c'-lleet-on. All p'n know ni
th'-mss'lve indebted to Said ffrrn WiH p'"aa tn'.i
and sett I w n bout drlar. lAAC KIHK,
Lumhdsr City. eVf:, 15, '0 IScM 12 -St
4 I'Al'i. at WM- IlLliU A Cti.
VnMIMwlKATltM'bt utH IC-Noiiee
is btrebt gi.ew the! tetter nf rj ininisirat ion
.a the esiate ii 1 1 1 bH lloo tK, decrei.
lla of Fii.e (iiwtiship. C'tarftrld eoanty. I ,
having been Huy grai d ta 'be end rsned, all
persons iiidebiri to said estate MI please snake
pa) meat, and ihnow hai -ng claim or demand
wil peaent then prop' Mr B'Hbenlieaied fT le I
Uement. !. LINN HOOVFR,
f-ept. 11, Adislarrattw,
A trtviit inun oikc livi-d in Amcrita,
unti 1 in oil mo unit Willmm i'enn. Jn
hemrt lio w n tin lioni-M mun ; by occu
pation a (unkt-r. WIh-ii cuuio llic
proper tiino liu nmrrifd a womun, and
xlit) bt'c-ino hi if u. They wt-tc good
ly pt-oplo, well in repute, und to tliin
day uro Itorno in more than j;ntttliil
meniory, nut only by the peirplo of
the State, wliit li honored him by niv
in bin naino in one of our eitterliuod
of StuteH, but by ull other latest, and
ull oilier countries where liont-Hty in
estiu-mud u virtue.
1'oiiDHy Ivttniti, numed ah it a in
honor ol a good inun und u pimd
woman, in ull proliabililion never would
have, been heard f rom or amounted to
ho much uh it bun in the irlt rbood of
Stales but for the. cflbrlB of one John
W. Forney, a person not ulio-llier
unknown to lume, or unbleaeud by
fortune !
Forney helped cleet Hitt httnan Pre
oident. And ufutr his trit Utt bad help
ed (five) the old IVmotratic party that
name for corruption which boru it tn
tho earth, lll;e the rat which descried
tho sinking hip did John W. K-np the
fence and cunt in his lot wilh the new
paily made up of honest, moral, and
intelligent men MM
Ho ha. MdncUiiiiji to do with tbe
prinlirg tuinines puliliahrs two pa
pers, both daily. Therefore bia wordri
niuit have pr. ut weight, and he uiu-t
bo a man of influence. Such being
tho en-e, and as we have two papers,
bolh daily, and two oilier papers, both
weekly, it may not be out of place for
us tn apenk a few words to tho afore
said Forney. Ho writes to bis papers
over tho t-iynaturo of "Occunonul,"
und hero is something from his pen
wo wih our readers to peruse. The
letter, which was published in ono
of his papers dated Juno ud, is as
follows :
1ETTKR ran "on-Afte-SAI.."
W aaHlMiTita. June '.'2, IFfii).
There il one faat that tea? bee a aul. Inner leeeoa
than aor thwrv, au aialler how loftirallr drawn,
,ii : wiitn-ver IL pul.lipan i,nn.-i'liw have
rwen bnlrllr B I'li'-fl, then- the pu,le are liatjii.,t
I do aot retneiuher even theeAcqilioa that te aaid
to prove the rule,
I,al week I raw New Knalarel for the Ihtr.l time.
II ie eerentean year, einee inr Bret to Boston.
Tbi-D M.kine. New llampwnra. and Coo.eeticel
were liem-vraric atrunxliuMa, a:id AlafiachuM-tt,
.a dividi'-l between enntetelinir fiietiooe. Itul
now Ni-w KnKlnnd ie bb eolidlr Keputiliean af
Lancaatrr eountr, I'.-nnivlvaaia.
a . ....
Their change in pelttir, ha, hern aa marked a,
tha nnnmtrinrnt in the innlltvenoe and comfort
ot their populatioa.
New kncland i, the arhooliuaeler, aad she boffin,
at le'ine. t-lic d , her work wtll flret at ht-r owo
h-arth.tone, and then ,he ,eud her pupil, 'ahruad.'
Tiiey rourmne and conquer alwara.
And triua it i, that ever, pomuiunitr where the,,
live .ml labor beoomee at la.t (and Dot tardtlv) a
enpy and an ei-ho of tha mother that .end, them
Aa yoa ponder th, plerore, my Demoeratie
friend, rou may feol di.poeed to m.i,t that at)
I tlie b-nefila have eenje ia ..fe or ft...ical Ke
j piiblieaoiem, and not ta eeeifyeeara eflt.
Very well, jurt try the eanie reuiedie, on your
aril ; and if yon do not Inein that they ouht to
brat nn'-e a;.piii'd to the South, and that Ihe aooner
j the ltrmooraoy oeaae rejirtinj tbein the hetlw for
thrmMlve, you will be inrorricilue.
To tho above "up in a balloon" style
of wriliii'i, permit tlio I-;w wortls :
"Wherever lvepublicsn principles
have bodn boldly applied, there the
people are happiest."
How is this in New England ; in the
crowded fat-lories where nien are over
worked and underpaid, where women
are obliged to resort lo pnistilutinn or
begtrury, and where they arc so plenty
as prosiiltiloe) Ihul I hey must go .South
'mid engage u negro school inn rum, or
take positions in tho hotiHea ol illume
in tho Southern country tho women 1
there arc above rilling. How is it in
Tennessee that Statu whit h has been
damned ntid ruined by llepublicans
utider thn blighting shade and sliadow
td 'Jit-publican principles? Here llieie
irinoples bitvo hud full sway, have
teen boldly applied by thieves, carpet- j
bageis. tniiriiuders, lunatics, pitriinoi j
cal psalm singers, receivein of stolen
proper! v. burglars, disturbers of the
; peace, pious ranters, and Jlihlo-bangitiL' j
rhansccs w Im sprout their religious
whiskers in JS'ew England and trim
them in tho once peneeltil, prosperous,
happy Tennessee, which, under Ibe
rule and through tbe iiislruineii'alit)'
ol Keptiblicans, has become little less
than a bell upon earth.
There w as a time when Maine, New
Hampshire. I'nnnei-licHt, and oilier
portions of New England Were Demo
cratic. Are the people happier there
now than then f Kvery year adds to
ihe misery of Iho pet.pluof that sec
tion. Tbe crimes they haveconimitcd
ncainsl (rod and against nations arc
being visited upon them. Their poor
houses are full to overflowing, their
jails nre crowded with criminals, their
worknirn are en;;sgetl al snort tunc:
and short pay. The streets of many
of the manuli.etnring towns there are
swnrminit wilh young prostitutes.
Saloons, cliurch-biiseinonls, t-fliccs in,
mills, shady phu-i-s in grave-yards,
sleeping cars, and r titnboals in that
section are but litlle heller than asiig
naiion hoiKcs, worlitng t') an increas
ing business ! Take the Slate of .Mas
sacbttselts alone. Jn pi-opor'ion lo
her populalion she lis. more pauper,
than any Stale in the I'nion. In pro
portion to population there is more
crime committed in Ihul State than
I any oihcr, ami no one will pretend
to say that site is older man tuor
ongltly ami disgustingly licpublitsit.
llelegatcs Ir-im Ihe Stales ol New Fug
land, armed with Itibles, Sy nm Inioks,
t beup pictures of the lalo biinenled,
boxes til blue mass ami obstetrical
instruments, wander like grasshoppers
over the onuo happy ami sunny South
hiiihling, cuisiiijt, uii.t.if.s, aod rot
lin ever) thing they tout-h spread
ing with a broad haiel ihul happiness
peculiar to New England ! o dis
gusting 1" tln'.O llelegatcs hecouie in
the South thai even the to-groes, un
educated but honest bearled. shun
them as though iJiey were lepers, and
guard their cabins against the coming
cf tbess ptriptciic venders of f,'hr
TERMS $2 per annum, in Advance.
SERIES - VOL. 10, NO. J2.
thitiity' according to New Englund
theology !
"Bui now New England is as solidly
Republican iialjant-Ubtercounly, l'eun
sylvunia." And what is Jnncaster county ft
was the homo of u man who believed
not in (iud or morality ; who defied
ull laws given by a higher power;
wbo openly dclied society; who lived
in concubinage wilh u wench ; who
died unmounted, was buried nnucpt
and will remain unsung for nil lime,
even by the blacks whoso friend he
professed to be. As one rotten apple
spoils a barrel so did Thuddcus Stevens
rot tho peoplo there ; be taught tlietn
disobedience to tho laws of Uod and
man, backed as be was ntnl made influ
enlial bv that part)' which is as rotten.
corrupt, and lull of degradation its be
himself was. He stood the eo-workcr
of Abraham Lincoln, one of the gifted
few who wero hoosiett into notoriety
by Forney. And, like the iute lament
ed, Slovens has gone to bis home,
wherever that homo may be; yet no
tears aro shed or prayers offered in
his behalf.
"New England is, indeed the school
Her emissaries went forth, some
tir.'.u since, full of fanaticism, hale,
disre'tud of tho rights ol States or of
the rights of people they went abroad
moddlhig w ith that which concerned
them not, und returned in time laden
with siioons. watches, books, keep
sakes, und mementoes, stolen from the
homes of those who becume proser
ous and homelike by attending to
their own business.
New JCngland (aught thiovinr; tn
the nation. Sho taught those in high
places lo rob, to steal, to cheat, to
murder, to trample upon lights, to
ignore luws, und the country is AtiflVr
ing from Maine to Mexico from follow
ing tho example of this most illustri
ous of schoolmasters !
She has Indeed done her work well
at her own hearthstone. She bus de
slroycd tho market for half the goods
ehcouce in an u fad u red She has added
to the cost of living to her working
men. Sho has made the poor man of
New England poorer und tbe rich man
richer; and tho society of tlie States
named to-day is but a crawling muss
of moral putrcfacn'on, resulting in the
finding in the si recta still-born babe
by tho thousand each year; the over
crowding of her poor-nouses and pau
per hovels; thefillingof hcrcourtt-al
endars with applications for divorce,
and Ihe unloosing of ull restraint upon
that society which in the South never
was so cut up, rotted and demoralised
as now in New England.
Forney call the evils which have
fol In cd Republicanism over the coun
try benefits 1 Jiepublicanisin hua ben
efited Tennessee, Florida, Mississippi
and Arkansas benefited the South
everywhere according to this. But
more for tho population of hull than
heaven. And lie would have these
benefits continued till the South, and
tho West, and Ihe entire laud becomes
but the hoi-bed of iniquity and ptilrid
sink of moral mistiness which New
England has become in exact propor
tion us sho has become Jiepublican
When all these evils come upnu us;
when our country become but a home
for paupers on the ono hand, and aris
tocrats on themher; when every State
in the land shall turn out material for
houses of ill tamo and assignation as
New Jvoglund turns them out; when
from this land will go forth into every
oilier, crowds of thieves, carpet bag
gers, wandering venders of diluted
religion, and spectacle eyed hunters
for stolen property then w ill Forney
and ull of his political kith and kin be
in their glory.
And when the workingmen of the
South and of the West those who toil
on the plantations, or in the forest or
mines shall be compelled hy legislation
to work for the support oj New Eng
land manufacturers, monopolists, bond
holders, and aristocrats thru will the
editor of two papers, bolh daily, lie so
: 1. 1.. .-..ii ..r l . . r . ... i.
inejiicssioiy iuii ot Happiness as IO ne
willing to spend bis vieruity in the
company of Ibe descendants of witch
burning Furitntis. now noted more for
their corruption and degradation than
moral or political hone.-ly.
ilo asks olhcr sections to fry the
same remedies ! Excuso ua. Not be
lieving in total depravity, we could
not think of such a thing Vumeroy's
D( moor at.
I'm Anv Glt Away ! A good sto
ry is told of a luto well known New
ot k politician and railroad manager.
During his absence from home bis
good wife gave birth lo twins. He
was telegraphed of her confinement,
no particulars being given, and inline
dialely hastened homo. Jvnowing
when he might l-c expected, tbe nurse
borrowed a third baby of uboul the
same age, aud placed it In tho crib
w ilh the tw ins. 1 mtnedialely on reach
ing home, our friend hustened lo his
wife's chamber, and after ottering his
congratulations to her, fisked lo be
shown tho baby. The nurse, who had
frequently served at similar occasions
in his family, raised the covering and
exhibited to hii'.i tlie three babies.
Opening his ryes w ith surprise, and
thoroughly taken aback by Ibe view,
he turned to his wife 4t)d exclaimed,
"(iood Lord, mother ! did any of thorn
gel a-vuy V
"Inng me, if I don't believe Ihe
wotld's a w heelharrow," said a jolly
inebriate, a bo rolled along tho pave
ment, "and I am the wheel revolving
on a haxis ; now I'm in the mud," says
bo, as he fell headlong into the giitier,
"and now I'm on dry land," ha
crawled on tho curhslone; his conclu
ding remark, as bis boois lid lowed his
head down an open cellar-way, w as :
"Now ;he wheel is broken, and the
vehicle is out of fix "
A priie was recently offered to any
;amir of the Connect icut Teachers'
Institute who would write and spelt
correctly the following sentence :
'I I is an riClittaMe aight lo wit; e
the unparulh lod einhiirrassnieitl of a
harnrsaed peddlerallrmpliug togusgc
the symmetry of a peeled onion winch
asil'l ha. stabbed w ith a pcignnid
regardless of Ihe iuuenduelof the lilies
of carnelian bus.''
How renel'f V.e ftTdn Rt thr faUr
Factory imr Kumniburg,
We Orel enter a Nifro l.sBement
rooni containing two lus of bug
rats plated in a defc.ndir.g aeries,
like steps. On row Is devoted to Ui
purification of th fTraphiie, the olhcr
tn that of (he clay, and U. prw-ssa is
the ssm. fi ,r bolh snbatnni-es. Tho
raw tuatcrlul is thrown into the first
vat find a quantity of water added ;
ihe mixture is t hen '(I, oi mighty slit-red
und uflerwurds allowed lo settle,
when tho vulttuble ingredients rise to
tho toj), or remain in succeeding
sirulu, while the earth and tones
sink to tbe bottom. A plug is then
withdrawn n bout midway In tho vat,
mid tho thickly impregnated water
fulls into the second receptacle, whilo
the muss of mud remains in the first.
In this manner the niitteiiiil pusses.
through water five times, when it has
beeoine suflicicnlly pure lo ho poured
into a bug ot thick cloth, which is
subjected lo a beuvy press until tho
water is drained away, und the Ivad
or clay ia lelt in a solid muss, when it
is placed in iron pans and dried in s
furuaoc. After tho lead aud clay
have been dried and mixed in suitable
proportions, wulrr is added ai d iho
mass is put into u mill consisting of
separate stones, occupying tho tvho'o
Icnglh ol u large apartment, and con
nected wilh the Hlesm engine hy
hands running along tbe uper wall.
Under each mili-stoue is u tub to col
lect tho muss which slowly escapes
from the tremendous pressure, and
lulls in thick gray drops from the
wooden trough beneath Mie atone..
This process is repouted ten or twelve
limes, v. heu tbe muss ie aguiu dried
in tho oven. Afterwards it is laid
upon u flat siirfuco and hammered for
a considerable lime, then shaped into
a cuke and sent lo the second press,
from beneath which it fulls in spirals
of different sizes corresponding to tha
apertures through wlncu it is pressed.
Those long spirals are collected and
handed to operators, who sit before a
table aud busy themselves in straight
ening the still flexible cords by lay
ing them into boards grooved to a
corresponding sire. The boards, when
filled, are luid upon shelves just below
the ceiling whore ihe warm air of th
room will have most effect. Altera,
day or two tho leads are placed in
other hands to be cut for the length
required lor pencils, and carefully
assorted; the perfect specimens are
then luhl In b'ixes and sent to another
room, where tbey ure enclosed in largs
boxes of iron hermetically sealed, and
subjected to the intense heat of a fur
nace fire for five hours, when the lo-d
is Btirticieiitly tempered for writing
purposes, and pusses into tho care of
the workmen who furnish tbe wooden
enclosure, thoui;h it must first bear
the scrutiny of tbe faithful proprietor,
who personally makes triiil ot a
secimon ot the contents of each box
before ho allows il to go forth under
tbe stamp of his honest name.
The refuse ends und broken pieces
of leads ure sent back to the press,
where they become incorporated with
a fresh mass, so that there is no waste
of ihe precious material.
We maj- now leave the lead manu
factory and enter tho long building
appropriated to tho workmen In cedar.
As weusoend the stairs the air is heavy
with tho spicy perfume, und great
blocks and slabs of the pink and w hila
wood, Just us they were hewn in (heir
native Americon forests, are lying in
iho passage. On opening the door
which lends into the first work-room,
we find ourselves in a cloud of dust
and amidst heaps of soft shavings, the
work of Ihe many fine saw which aro
revolving so rapidly in their frames
as to appear stationary, whilo tho
hoarse grow I of the machinery below
is exchanged for a sharp buzz, as
though gigtinltc nees and tlies were.
endeavoring lo escape from spider.
wel as strong as a ship s cable.
Here wo see tho whole process of
cutting tho wood for pencils; ono
workmnn holds the block under a saw
which works with frightful force and
prepares tho slabs Ibr a more dili-
cuto machino which saws them to
the proper thickness ; another Sol of
tools, also worked by steum,t;ivosfho
requisite angels to each half of Iho
form; another ninke the grooves lor
the lead. The next room is furnished
with tables, around which Uie work
men sit, each performing a special lax
according to a systematized division
of labor, and then giving what he has
finished to another until it thuspasscs. '
from hand to hand through the sue,
cessive stages of development; one-
luvs tbe lend into Its groove, another
glues il over, tho third applies tho
cover of wood und glues the halves
In the mom devoted to the final
processes the . polishing, coloriniy.
gilding, stumping, arranging and
packing ol the pencils only womi-ii
and girls ere employed ; it is tho old
story of Vulcan und Venus, though
the harmonious union ol the useful
and beautiful is perhaps better exem
plified in the workmanship than in
tho workers 11 iur at Hume.
Tp.AVrt.iNi nv JIoat. " Ilalln,ther,
Cnplingl" said a brother Jonathan to
a captain of a canal packet boat, on
ihe Erie Canal, "w hat t'o you charge,
for a passage !"
" Three cents per mile and horded,'
said the caiiluin.
"Wall, 1 guess I'll take passaa
espling, seeing as how I a in kinder
gin out, walking so far."
Accordingly ho got on board just as
the steward was ringing the bell for
dinner. Jonathan drew up to tho
table, sat down. nd began demolish-'
ing tho "fixins," to the utter conster
nation of tho captain, until ho had.
cleaned tho table, ol ail that wu vols.
Me, when lie got up and went on
deck, picking his lei ih very comfort
ably. "How fir is il, capting. from hero
to where I got on board i"
" Nearly one and a half miles," said
the i-npluin.
" Lot's sec," said Jonathan, "that
would he just Aiur and a hull' cents;
but never mind, capting, I won't ho
small; here's five ccnls, which pay
my fai-e to here. I guess I'll go ashora
now; I'm kinder rested eoui."
"Tho ruin of most men dates from
some vacant hour. Occupation is ths
armor of tbe soul. I remember a
uliriral poem, in whith the devil i.
represented as fishing for men. and
filling hi bails tn tbe lnte and busi
ness of his prey ; but the idler, ho laid,
gave him no trouble, ss ho bit at tho
nuked hook."
Njvks Alon. A pious cottager
residing in the centre of a long and
dreary licaih, being asked hy a visit
or, "Are you not sometimes afraid in ,
your lonely situation, especially In iho
winter!" replied, "Oh! no, for Faith
shuts the dnr at night and .Mercy
I cpws it io lb morning."