Sibirli pad frit.iiit.nit0. THE LEONAHD IIOUSEJ ' (N.4r tk, Rellrotil p...!,) . I.KLD Tl.ktr, TLEAl.ritl.O, H. -' - l j ' ft. I. ftliODFI 1 1 .01V, I'mprlitur. ' VKHV flrt fl- II, lei In ,rrt rf.rovl-. wutltjf taMe ruwitt all IL tno.l.i a iu.pruro. ut rtle the beet of i.tlf OH (irvmpt alll-ml-tict, at. I rca ,u..ilc iltui Tlit p ilunMe of t,c puWio i re.., .-Hull, aolKiU'L , i, :iu u THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MAItkKT Ht, l'I.KUIVIi:i.Il, I' a. fpill? Ifirje tel Qornimt.lioue new hotel h t been opened for the nr'enmmrid'itioii nf the puuli, where (H proprietor will be gla I ta m,,t hi, uli fn.-oJa. and loot-ira a .hare at public pat. rriime. Hv Blrit-t prrrowal atb-ntion lo lh rlo 4 ,U f Iii baeinc., he hope, to be sMe In ri-n-lrr eati.fArtii,n tr hi. patron.. The TAIII.K will alaav be ba-inTlfnllT supplied with the be.t that en b. promr,-.! In t market, mid the I1AR ill contain t-fc uf l.lyl'UMS, rtKKH, Aa. tleod tinklis iltc hi-d TAMPER T-FIl'ot.IlT. rieernrM. Vrrh S, 1H9 ly PrrrpHelor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, Mi IN ST., CUUWEXbVlIXK, TA, nAYlXtf leaied fur a term of year the above wad bnawn aad popular hotel. ( le fit IVijwIt by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. tfran.) the praam i prpriet baa re-flttrd It nith lha object of eendertit: hi ftiieaie eon, fort able wlii If .)an.tar with hi a. A Idi, Urr Stable aod Yard it attet-bad, D.r ilie ear and fMirtinn of h emee. farri and wanni. A liber! there ef pwblia ptrtnaire ip .li-fird. fab2l If JOHN K01TS, Prt.p'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, t urv-eiiavllle. Clftarlldd rotutty. Pa. 1'flt-oMand wt-t! artabli.hed .Mel. haautl full aiiutted on lb ba iba ol the Hu,.u hanne, iu th h miKh f Cu.oen 'vllln. hn bn 4fod fr a farm of v-ara bt tb und-mk-Dr! It baf ba oniifoty roAttcd, and if now oen to taa putiite rnarif; ini tba travelUn 0lMnit alt; in partirular. No pain will bn anarfd i randrr jfOtMi eoinfof lablo while fnrrting at tha a . nmi ' emnnn ro u tr iba avutauu dtti-B of itaf. CbarM m nl-ntm. I, ' tf WM. M. JKKFRIE3. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, t'urvrcuavllle, leardcld cuuiity, Pa, rpilC ah'UraiKiid ba UaaiM. tni aid and aug X aMablifhvd hutl. f -ratrly kept tf Sl) liac Bum.) vltuate fa a eorrnl portion of (he iow a. an mm eat, my ra oit.i and r lurni'had it, a d ra ndld the rtijling, po u uiaka it aa aS)Mi, barlr. fr lha trvIin p.ihlio tu patron ii tia larga mni omm'dii.iii htinoe. dce-S.'CS tf ' JoftN J. HltKD, TH E IYI AN sfolTH OUS ET Cartiorof htcondaiid Market btreeti, I L1.AKI IhLl), HA. fTWH nld and rommoditina Hut bai. dnrtnt tba part your. Kroa inlnrfed tt duuM Up ft.riarr r i pacify for thf entertainment of ntraa. grn an J iucim. Tha whda btilt.llnaT ba been rfaraijhfd, ar.d tha proprietor will ppara n paiai to render bii (uctca eamfurtabla wbile Uyiat: we Ub hi. aT f ba H Mansion Ilouia ' f in at but rwai to and (rom tha lrptea tba arrival and drpartura af traia. 1AV1D JullN.sTON, tf rViprtetnr THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. PA. piTK pwkpnHher having leard fr a term i( I year thi wrtt ltnnwa Hotel, (kept fur muty ra by Mr. Lantort.) and ra-ftrted and biibed it throw?but, ! nnw prepared to ent r Uia ftavrlara and tha public retierftUy un ttrai tt If b-ad a4ks neablt to both patrunp and proprietor. Hit TAHhK and B R will ba rup lied with tba borl the markot afford; an J on palna will be iptred nn bi )art lo add tu aba atfarealaBQa and ri'ort of hip rneM. JOHN DoU'HIKKTr. rtU Prep lt ir. THEl:xlmNGEltlL; IILrlGDON, PA. TI1I3 eld epifcMUhment having baea laaaal be J. M')HliIOX. formerly pn.pritr of tba "Momaon lloaee,"bai beea ihtirmigbtf ran rated tad ra.'urniibad. and uiplird witb all tba aaodara inproa-eairntri and eonranianeei re aeaaary to a 6rt elaaa llutel. Tna dioma rMai tiaa baea removed te tba tint flour, and U raw aparioui and aiy. (ba ohambere are well tu ttiau d. &rd tba prupriui 4 "Ul iDdcaror to make ku fiuaeu perlaetl at h- me. j2i J. litUISO.N. Proprietor. i. V. frALLAra TBO. . AH AW THE AMERICAN HOUSE, l.Mtbcrhbiirg, 4 Irarfleld to.. Pa. f fill IS well known and t"ftr ete,:UWd Ilo'el X formerly kept bj K. W. .Moore, nd laiteily by Wm, Krhweni, er baa bean leaped for a term at yean by tha andertiarne I, to which the at'en tinn a tba trivelin put. lie it now eillrd, and liberal fharv of pnblie ptUontge it aolieited. aprHGo-ly.pd EHAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST. PUlLIISIiUHJ. I'A. pill andrpia;na4 karp, aonaiantlv oe kaad X lb. bat of l.iiUtira. Ilia labU la alaa,. aaphad with tba bi-it itaa atarkal afurWa. Tb, travrbn,' iahHe will vo wall tn rivM bin a fall, o'l.'ai. KOIitKT LLOYD. McGAUGHEY'S EESTAIRAT& .tEFUESIIMET Mlllllii, la lrj'l Kaw Dutklinc. ffnrmarlj CfopleJ Mr. How,) Fr.C0.VD ST., 1'I.EABEIELP, P. CIONVTA NTI.T nn band a Una arlw tlim of CA N' , IaIKiv KUTn, (-.IMAttla. '14HA'I, Ac. Al.o. HIKMI U1H1KKS rcitad ilailr, and errrd up lo tail Iba Ukatia of cuouirri. rv IIILI.I ARII l.K,on .reond .lorj dnlt tf JJAVIU AloliAl UllaV. goofs ana hof. DA X IK L CONN K L I. Y, Ecotand Mioc Manufacturer, CLKAKFUaii, I'A. HA" jn'l rri. ird a n l.'l i.r Fraai b CA1.F (SKINS and i. nuw prrparrd lo uiAnntaa lu a efrr,ttiinn in bia lina at tia loop.) Hutvt. llr 1! Ma work l ho a. r'r..oinoa. II, ra.pff Ifully a-rllrif a call, at bi. ahon on Mai kal ,trr?t, rerond d or a aai of the p-i-tnlfir, b,ra h, will d't ,lt In hit powrr to rnilvr aatik f.rtion. rioui, Cb, liiiiti-r tfi ,.n h.ind nj:n-f 1M.MKL ir.N.XELLr. THE WAR OVEaTl CLEAEFIELD K!?0X TOWNSHIP Ql'lKT. KfiXrfy all thf Contnihanifn gwnj A to thfir oM mnnirr ; but 'nary otr yiaiy iv wd ai lice u( 'i wc ''0 n it 1 1 thy wre U-red so fany and so will. Iff fneqaene of tba aKoro faeta. F. PIIORT, of th t.ld "fhot hboa rknp." wnatd an a rence to bia aunieroa" petrnnt. and Iba people tf Clearfield eoiiBir nt lurr. that ba La ni trt rata l-.twf rd oittiortal, ja t refoired from Kat.and ia prepared onanort notice to atae id ajf-al Uoiata and hboea, at hi new tdp in Q'thaia't rw. lie ii rai.plfd tbat he can pUia '!.' Ufi it ml hi b louia ii tahPaly U a tf t b uic patriot.) He it retarr! toPU low for 'b or Ctfttitry Pnilute. O-a't furffel the fn .p ntit door to fibowr A Unhin'i rtre, ob Market treat, ( l-art4ld, Pa,, and kept by a ft i low ts.iitmot.iy JvJ.f,; y "FHOHTV.- MW C(K)T AU SHOE StlJl'. EDWARD MACK. Cua. 1IAKKET A 3w Mra., ti.EA hfltl.P, Pi. 'PUT pr-iprl.laT baa antorrd lola tb, JIOTT I MIOK ba,ina at tbr abo ,iaad. ,nd 1. arifrminrd aot lo b onllon. rlibar in (jiial I'f of prioa fur bia vark, .aal aiua'ion i! I, paid tt OiAnufirturinff a-wad work ll a kaad a lva l it of Brrk Kia aad talfsblna, af lb, rrr ! qwalil. Ilirrnl ol Claarlala aad tiomllT 'a raapaitlnM, ''ii-4 ia (ia, biaia trial. No tUra lor ,all .. if D!)0T4AD RIIE SHOP. 1 ( I HVMUM M I K, rPnr. fahfM-rlbee having lately started a aew J hunt and Sh" shop In CurwrnavtMe. nn Mewei t,unf J.Mat h H. lrwin'a Pag ""t, ra-ntrntluilv atmrninre tn tb puMIr that i M fvpaied to mnnm aetura oil "tvles of Itwii ; H vli.e,, tn ererrthi,g ia bia line. a h'rt Ka also b.ep hand a good afr i r ra.iy.mede work, abi h ba wiU M Wfa .rea.auf jia.. H tf . Afwl ?. UO. Vrunrit. lntlfiibrrf,fr A (To. EOT GOODS" it At LOWEST PRICES! J. ' A. : blattlxcebcer; NOW OFFKR AT T1IKIR JI a m in o t Ii Store, ' IN Okit'KOI.A, PA., A. LARGE 4 WELL-SELECTED Spring & Summer Goods, f L'RCH ASHO AT TUE LOWEST AlAU KET RATES, AND TO BE SOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. pONSlSTING OF DKY GOODS, GP.OCKRIES, HARDWARE, QUiF.NhWAllE. WOOD t WILLOW wai.e, notions, clothing, Hats and c a ps, boots and shoes. pUIINITUKE A 1IATTIIESSES FLOUIl AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING AITEUTAININU TO WELL - ItEGULATED HOUSE HOLDS, AS WELL A3 TO MILLS, ; MINKS. AND CAMPS. nnDEHS RECEIVED ASD PROMPTLY FILLED. IIIOillEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE. TO LITE AND OBLIRINO. JALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE CONVINCED. J. A. BLATTENCERGEI., & Orroola Mill,. Pa.. April il, 1f,. CO. I 42 NEW MILLL1NERY AND ' and DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TI7ST OPENED in ihe room recrntly oroapied by tha W lEerd'e and d:rett'y oppopite Mopfop'a Ftorr, C rarfleld, Pa. All tha lite nrlei of bnnnni. bit. for old and ynuntf ldio, m;i-ef, ind rhtliirnf tnaimintf. rib hunt, and coat trivet, lace, gluee, 4e, al ways kept on bvnd. IHl MAKING Ta all Iti varitiufc branch and latent rtjie. fttrntd, middle teed, and Iba yant', irada to order, by Iba tnoi fabin)ilia drer n-kr-ri. Mra. I. E. WAlbO.V, Aug. 23, lSi 9.-tf. Al epent fr tba " Vail Varednnian OM W'a i ranted to rare llbf-amatieiu. Neuralgia, l.ivrr ('omUint, Ac. No cure, no wy. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. . OROANIZKD and aalabliibod for th, Porrbaaa aud ala af Karui(iir and Mineral Eanda. aul improrrd Real E.tale in tlie Suutbarn htata TIIOMAS B. FWIIESCK, Pnaidrnl. JU. HKVKKNH, Vira Preridmt. J. II E.N H V A." KIN. TrraiimT, Prraideot Fourth Nntronitl Hink of Tbildrliibia. JOHN AlllKKIS, Pwrolar. THUS. C. MAl'lltlH EEL. Atturnoj and Councllor. OITit Warbinfloa Building, Comar Srrpnth S I., and t'enna.vliania Avrnoa, Wa.bington, V. C. arrrar.acr.a : 'lor. Juhn T. Iloflman. Alban,. N. T. Km .. a Ui'f. t'lfarli. Id. Pa. lov. T. F. Randolph, Trrnion, K. J, l:iUor. W ia. r. farker, W illmm-port, Pa. Hapl. I, i;-(f. AGRICULTURALFAIR ! 'pilR rir-arfif'd C.unly Arirultural Foriely 1 have drtrrmtnrd Dot to hld a r tjtilar Fair Tear, for the following rron, t.auitlv thai nvtioe lm' nu aiv'ti in pmpor limp to have rhe norrry prepurn it" mvK It h:it boen ditfrinitieU, liewevt r, to bold a Fair "n the old ground, urr the hurotiifb ur l l ftrr.i l't,ou 'Vvdiie )nv, Thursditj an'l Iridar, ibe U'b. I.tli and Mtb d;.; if Oetutier. A. I. ITO; nn! f(,r the purpoae of aTotdiiijt the (nrmr an ttpporiunily uf prt-narinj and m in a; it an 'J-ft ! ih)irn and exhilil ltt erop to be put tn the f maud Hit Tr, the fiill.wTt-ff prrntiuin ii offirt d ti r thr ixbitition uf lr. via : B-it '.no arr of winter wheat. JO 00 t'ant IiuhIk'I 'tf winftr whrat 4 On -t two ai-re of rre 20 M H- -t lmbel of rre .! (' lli-p two acre of oat 10 "A Itt at two aerre of haflinheAt 1 b ltfl two arrra of etro- CO 0(1 Ift otic arre of etuver "rod ..,... A 0 Ut one btiphfl of j Mif at imp A ' H it one halt buahet of UmOthy wed 3 'n The alive prrwiiuwil will be paid te Ihe perron to whom eoU'pelent )udga hall tward ttifBJ 1 be enure prnuiiiui hat will be paMifhod eoon for (lie Fair -' yrru in th bp that many may iiHtai-rtt to eoinpte for the pn iaiamt, and tfam Clenur;e a Knd cause. The Horietf burr ato detrrmined fo npn (be Fairt.mund on F H I tA V, the 1 Vb da v of OCT' 111-, It. Iitid, at 12 oY'ork, for tba parpn f trolling; tnnlrh on the track, for a eiliiena' puree of $ ; Irot Ihrre in five, in tingle harneea t to trot ngninrl time, tipen tt all horari wned In Ilia comity al leat tifle n day prf-viou. The ronnd Will Kr open from on1 lo live u'rlock, p. m. AdiniMnnee, 2.1 cent, lo all peraon. l'crabi d--dt-firing te entrr Iheir bnriM-e to foAipitte for thr purer, cmn do u I'T g;i ing notice enhrr in prrana r by wntir g lo ih S--ietnry, and ty the pay um-iiI of an rn franc lr ?. Jt i b"tted that tnwnhin 'rrpanltrtllenp ill Kr g..t tip hi th wieanliinc in the ihflVrrnt lownhtp. and litat a greater inieri-ot ttiay bo mamO!! in Ihw oeiire ol agricat are. Mnrliair and dire ainna do much g"w. il n-ainwled, the Hue trie will titid epeaknra te t auy ol the orgonira tl-ttia nttam ur twieje, wiii. a r:rw -f "raring and promoting b"tnr diM'urun. tl. h. RItltKTT, rmiJeal. A. vT. Onijw. Kecretarr. aiisM C1AL l'(lN-lliilt.uiHim.panperit Hrwllord j towophiii. haing wandered fr hie woard- ing place will return lo it irutnedietelr, r g m wk, aa wa will aoi pay hia boarding elsewhere thaa at ikevaaaia Knrppe. , , K- lAl.R, HAI.T.;g 1. -IIIItFT. fwt, !, r 0. P. cf Fur. VlilladflphU drrttiarmrnta ISAAC K. STACFFER, UATfllES & JIM till Y Ko. Kofth B(ion. tn-at, C.itnrr of Q, ,y I'll I LA 1 K 1. 1 II I A A, -., licl,i f WalfbM, Ji wilrr, (ilrtr ami I'lataa Warrm-tuMla at, h.i. Krai it ( Mrlw, and Jraaht vnHnpllt S. hiltxruian. . 0. Kilungrr. - II. Nillnnnan 8. SILBERMAN & Co., . laroKTi.aa id jubbkm or FANCY GOODS, PIPES ' NOTIONS, AC, 13 .f'orf A fourth Slrttl, mym I'llll. t dk.i.piii . ir:p,i T. C a. w. nut WM. W. MYERS, W ITU B. f. POAI. & CO., PAUL HOOT AX IIO !. K MO V8K, t:J Marktl Bt. A 014 Oommarc, l- abor, Plith, PUILADELUIA. 1 . ioi.Low,r,ii . Dvii uht. HOLLOWBUSH & CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Rook Manufacturers. AND STATI0XER8, HH .liarkrl SI., Phlladtlphia. Paper Plnnr r'ok and Finn. Flran. t.rllrr. Nola, Wrajiplag, Curiam anil Wall l'per. fil,2i-1j. DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Huulb Third Hlrcet. I'hlladclpn ..liaI.ii.S', And Dealers in Government Securities. Application hv mail will rrorir, nrouipt atten. lion, and all iiifonnatioa ebi'arfullf furniahod. uruvr, auueiicu. irll-tf BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ka. II N. Fifth fit. and 424 Coaiatrc, rillLAfELPIIlA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa ma aati or vFnol, Oinaeng, For Skin. Feat h an. Leather, ITIai 8red. lnd Kruiu, Ctover Heed. Koota, l)ear fklna. Butter. Uaeawax, bfaaep fSkioR, rg. Ac, e , Ae. COXSIGXMKXTS KOLTCITED. Wackljr Pile, eurreat forwarded on rcqut. Juaa II. loot Jt.pd Governor's Campaign CAPS, CAPES, aaa Campaign Torches. Hneo ol Torrhr,, til), fcli aad t4U, par nunarra. Hrud for pric, lilt and aa- grani'i o, L. aoa Cape. llll.l.. Maarr. "4 Church Streat, B,t. Id, A Jd, abort Markrt, rbiludr'nhta. Military t'oinnaalra' I'nlforuia mada lo to OMor. I bipL I, C 41. a. ai aitMT.. . to io HUBERT k YOUNG, Stonecutters & StonM(sons, WILL eieeuteall work In their Una at nd araia prieea and Id II hKX CLAHtf atyla Architectural Ornaments fa ALL PTVLKf, 8ta Prea-lng of every doaeHrrtna. and ad ktnia of maaon work eoa- l railed for la or oai af ihe eary. Aov perao a wirhing to hava repeetabla aiaaon work aad atoaerutting done, will And it to tneir IntereM to call Hpoa n We would alro Infirm the nub lie thwl wi ean drlirar any quantity or elaei af too a drpirad, aa we ara tba owoan of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Order, for work ean W addr,ia althar lo Cleafliald of Luthar.bnrr. larAlif IH'REHT A TnV.tfl. JInrble A (Stone 'nnl, T. 1, I I 1 I - I, I. A C Ik EMRE tn Inforni their frianda, and the puhlie. that tbay have nnw and will keep eonatantlv na hand a larfra and Will eelecrd Pined af 1 f MAN and VaHMoNT AlAKbLE, and ara prrp4red ti furoirh to odr TOM B STONES, Boi and re die T mba. Momiarai ia 8andaton and Marble. Carba and I'oai for tVaaa teiy Lftia Wmd.w -mII A Cap, Arrbiteftaral k Lawa droaiurnta. Thef w fmld Invlt apt-cUl ntlcuiion la their rai dt ne 1ouuaibt, wnicb era built from nriginal deigta, vnd will eoinpara favorably lib ai yibii g of Ibe kind la Ibe eountrj. If depirrd Ibey eaa furnl-h Marble Windnw Pill and tap, at a alight advance oa tha price nt .bauaautBe. Tard on Rerd itreet. aear tba Hail road dfpit, Oltearfletd. I'a. Jif MICHAEL BOKE. MASON AND STONE - CUTTER, Kcw v aahliifrton. Pa. "ia-uAH kinda of Muaoary done. In tba anoal woikutaiililie manner. Order aolieited, and cud traeta taken in any part of theeeuniy. augiMtf, H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, arfHiiiTK raa rr ma Rear araiBT PftST UFFICH ai- CLEAR FIELD ffHK uberiber rspeetta1ty tnfnrms his nld J pa i rone and tha public gthetally. that he bit on band, (and la eonaUntly rrevlvieg new additUns therein.) a large stock of Clocks, Watclie8 and Jewelry. Jt4M keep Jewelry In all Its Inrms and of jimrrni values, anaer ny tar pit ca or seu WATCHES A fall aeorinenl tifalthrr tlold or Mlrir, made by ihe hat Aaerljan and ft.r efgn wiMtiutae.urora. Inrlading a fine kt id gold and silver hunting caae, Inll jeweled, Fateat Levers. CLO-rK" Of all designs. anaalrHng ofelihl day and thlrtv fannr, nf etthtr w-ighL, H'tli'g or Iwrra. and both arike and alarm. HKPAIKIN'. Alt tklnda of Watches and riifpa t-piird. and warranted. In ad liii d to what I havr rnnraerated I k'p a full ap'ortincnt of .FK:f eoloretl and flstn glens. elHi.(ini.i I'KNS s-d 'KiClL.J nPiiONS, FOHri. IIITTKH K N I K and In faet fve'-yihing in he Jwrlry hue. If I fail t" bNve nn and jut what a tav nerd, I will order per a-si eiprea. wnbi-at ura ebarge. A ihrritnre of public peirtngr ia -oln iled. Ma f. l-" f " F MAI tll.K. fob: I'UIiK IHiKli IIOi.S AN It FOvTLS. WINTER SEED WHEAT. AnJ athrr h'tirm Srrdt, frntn Piit;'t Krpcrimritttit I'arm, Vhiimbcriburg, I'a. flehr, and T)on,hlea' Beardlea, : Week',nd Treadwell'a lleardrd Whit, Wheal,. Freneh While and Ited Chaff : Parpl, 8traw Bearded Red Me'lllefeneaa. and Oeraiaa Anther Heard laaa. ara lha te,tt .orlte.1. hardlaai and ato.l pri darliv. Wheal. Uial eaa be reeotnmended for ceneral e.liv.ti.ol Trl.',. f per ba.ha' 4 iovnd" ol an, kiad he wli. veal poet paid, for II. Twentr k ad, of dldereat aarleliea. aenl ... idl.l r..e at. Taenia olaee anrietlea af Wheal, llarle, and Oata.of la.t ear' ia.a.,rla I l0. eea Irant, nsreittneaeAi. Pna Jim a. .Al. aend and ate:r!he l-r H; awl, f I k par tear: Iba aal aaalal Joainat pnaled Addreaa, UCO. A. IlKHK. ' Cheatkfirrhart. fh. The Failieal, llardlaet, and avwt prudaeUe. Red beat ia lha frtach White Cbaff. fepl. a. IM1B-4I. lirillTl: W lK VIKMiAN A raperior f ante., plikllng ft aale k, 4. r. UfATlT", Jt. A ,ons fnlnmn , HA.... I. w. A. . J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, 1IAHKET tTUIIET. CLEARFIELD, Pa. TH ,ah,,rlhar, kaalnr anl.r.4 lata partner A tklp for lha parpoaa.f aarralnf ,a tha kuaia,,, of M.rrhandi.lnf, aow off.r A Uootl Aad rare opnnrtanity la Iba eltliaai of Clear, flold aad adjoining enantlei la ray atore gooda atwholaaatt or ratal! prleaa. that will aatonikh tha ttninitrueud. Their goad a will ba particu larly leteetcd lo ull tiiia market. Krery lady wilt, tharafora, eall lha attention of bar JIiiNband To tnii faet.baeaaae thia branch of aur haalnee rare lea anaeial attention, and everything needed In a wall regulated bouveuold will at all ilmea ha found in our autre. Our atnok of IiK tMlM pfaall not ba aarpaaaad. either Id qaal Ity or prlea, and will ambrana. In part, P rinta of at fry atyla. Gingbaani aad Lawm of every quality. Muallae of ovary grade, Da Lalnea adapted to tha taatea of tha old and young ; aad very article af any kind of goedi lb ay acll ii Guarnneed To be rrprairate4. and warranted to give aaU lafaetloa. At tu lK i;W tit MllrW-we heva a rptended aajortment of Alpaca, black, while, aad la aolora; J. no urea, Pitka, and ia abort all lha aewaat atylea U iba aaarkei. Wo dealt tbia faet to baconi koowa To Every Pereoa nan. weaian, ebild, phyaielaa, aia- chaote. farmer, lawyer, barber, wo man 'a right an an, arauy jthtr imaa la lha eouoty Young Or old, rira ar poor, high or low, wha will favor at with eall. With aur aaa and ei ten -ire took ant geatleiaau eaa pleaaa tha moat tea- tiJi out fly juat dropping la aad getting a alea dreaa pa Mara, Una eett, kid glorai or hv doing that which a batter: gira har a well-filled puree, and aha will Had good aad pnylng lavattmeata la embmidenea, edgings, ribboaa, gloves, boelerj, or any other household noer sailits. And fa additloa ta what wa bae aires y saw met a ted. wa heap all klnda f f.i:TI .Mt H l'AR rach as Cloiha. Casalmeres, featinails, UaU, Boole and 8 boas', Ae. besides, AaaoHmealaf Mad, up CI.OTIII5IG for Mea od Boja. aiaaafaolarad oal af th, aary kea; at.ri.1, wkick wa wilt aall lor eaak ar axekenc for eoaolrj pr,Hiaoa at prieea whloi will anonl'b wia -" - "WIIC i Wa ara aow larrel, earaaed la kaala. aad:"" r'"' " . , Ihe. ar. aellln. taai'APK TM1II1H and a,anafa. I tared M'MllER, and will ,ire th ia kraaek al kail.aH tpecial allaatiua, and laaka it aa abjaet f To livery Oaa who has Lumber ta sell tn deal with aa. W a h all ala ke-p eoa aat'e na bead a general afsnrtment af it O C F.R I ll and IIAIUW4HK, which watill sell at tiered iaglt low prioaa. Wa also keep a fall atfr-rt-meatof UKKNAW ARKa THi Aepartmeat will ha kept full aad complete, and every Young Jinn Or aiaidea who en template housekeeping, will and It advantageous to eomt and trade with a We ara eusltaated, aad, from long experience lu the baaine, ao wall arqeainted with tba anu and aeersMet a this eommuaity, that wa far! vatUfled ll evar; taaa and wotaaa In Clearfield County eiakri It a mlat ta ka, their ,no.l, from , w, ea pleaM ihaa kotk a, la qualit, aad priea. Therefore, aoai, alurg aad buj joor DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, r no vision 8, Qurcnswarc, Hardware, BOOTS k SII0E3, HATS A CAPS, Eeady-Made Clothing, Aid eryihlni joa need ta r wder yanmUei ad faaillie, eow.forubl, Iroa, JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS., ..itiJif CLEARFIELD, Ta. X"'tT"'K. The rormalioa of Ihe nartaeralpp ul Jnme, II. Itraliani A "on, dw, not prcirnl Ihe M'ltlemrnt nf the aole, and nook aeeonnlr of tb, let. Una af Fbowerf A uraewaw e C It, ti.9 ha in. TIh kaowing tliewtarlre, indebted ta eitker are reaaealad ta dob, forward at aaoa and .low, their aeroaal,. JAVEI I. ORADiM A 0.N8. Cft-IcM, BarM-ata Wrdiral. DOST HOW OLD tkrr. It aa r.....h, fr pr,iaalar, aid ara I a, Moloik Vlojiaib liittara, ll aiir. ,lia,ti and ,lau,t, fc, la,l(ralin( at.r, araaa if (ka kvd. HOUSEHOLD EEMEDIEJ. Tkar, ara a rraiadi.i a a.ll and faaorahl, knoaa 'Hou.ahMld Homtdiai" a, llr. Mo hack', llli.od furillar. hloatarh btllrra aad lllouj Piiu, and a. f.mll, .hovld ka ailkoal ikria. PBEPAEE FOE WABM 'In Hat, af naaa nranara for a.i." 1. lha nlt daaa, and th. re t. no .rut. nr. In lha Knilitk laaoaita aoti rinrii.ia.. aor uaa that La mo aiilieabl, ia lanumarabla .aaa, Who ia , im aa to hooa lb, .aaol aaoural lhai that fall .r.imj.r. lii.e.ia, alll aiiark hilar Then ba a afar prepared, kava th, Hobaek'a Hlood Pill.. Miouiaeh Btllrr, and Ulo4 Purikar at hand and eoaibat diiaa.t aueeearfullj. DISEASES OF THE BZIS. Old 8or. Bmnliona. ruianaoa, lliaaaaa, ar lll-ra.-e , f ibe -kln all rea.lllr auaroaub lo tba nderful inoaraea uf r. Kuoark'r Blood Purl r, bloataok iiluar. aad blid Pilla, ELEVEH TEARS Of alth afon.tantly ineraaala da aiaud fur rtobaek'a Madielnr, fa aufflriaal ac knowledgment of th tr intiin.i, aiarit. and plaoaa Iboai lha arv Prat ierank forauritir lha ai.aaaa, ivr aniea lit,, ar, raaoajuicadad. Bold ba all Llragaiat. COSTIVENESS. Or, -Taaatipatioa or tba Ouwela, shoold alwave reeeive prompt otieotioa, as ! pre-dtpoee thr ayatem ta diae. The timelv ae of aiieb val oahla eatbartie reardy as hohark'a lllocd Filla baa paved wuek aleknera. diaeapa and dpatk,aed aiaw arroui.a to-dav. are lndi-hl t. .. pill aluna for their vrrv enatenee, as tba cartiaoatea ia nr poassaaloa will attest. DBOPST. And Pmptral ?w)Hnx. ara alwaya elirved aed nfteo perroanr oily rtired by the alterative efffat whirl, the timely aae of .barb' I'a06r, bta taken la aoijaneiiua with Ko bark s Blood Fills, Is sura to prwdaea. DINNER PILLS. All prrns of bilioaa hsblta, after eating or drinking freely, will find grrat relief in the "i af I r Hnburk l Mood they aid digee- li'-a by etimaUDiig the stnmtrh( tbue avLiding the aia( aaupea, i ur etueiatluBt, ate.( wbiofe follow from a ting toa ba-itil. ERYSIPELAS Ofl.a arlle, frua ainrl U aoadtiloa nf Ik, aatlr .,tem. and ao better retaedi, eaa b, luuad ihaa Ur. Hvhaek'a Blood i'arilar aad blood Pilla. CONVALESCENTS. Or peraeaa r.ooterlna froai ferer. ar ana af Ihe la.Marnant foraia of dia, ,a. will And Moheek , rilotaaek Hlilera tn.alaahle a, a tonieaad 4ia for r.ainTina all Ih. pr.tratin( effe u whiek follow dieaae. I flavpplie, lb. ar,al watt aa lona .'alt for a aai. and r.llabJe loaia and apaliavr. LITER TILLS , aiitl. . i . i .. . . nrw w nip ih.i a. To a oireri ana powarint aeiina oa Ike lirar, and relive, an, laaetieii, or eon aeafed alala nf that all important nr.. a aaon t,,t'"' ho' peoeea. af drtlian. halt kaa. eaek d'r.el aetiaa wiikoal lb. III edru of aaerrurv. U aiantrrat la eera aa, t , Warranted harall I at k I m. atnal Hia asilk aae. tainly k, relied apoa. and ar, ,uf, at all tiaia,. MELANCHOLY Ta one nf the many disorder nf ha aerenn rya tam. arising from a low ante of the enntlfutinal bfulib or evcr proptraiia affer Inng ennileud I' knr. and rrquirep invicnraiing remediea I i It Hobarb'a t'lt.rarb Fitters ta restore tha rras to tbpiraatural vluhty. WHO SELLS THEM I The Areata frr tha aale nf RharV Plaod FiHa afmari fttitrr and Ftt'd Fnritr ar IIAKTSWICK A IBWII. Cleat !(!. Pa.julyHt Ll THERSBl KG POTTERIES I alhrraburg, ( IrarSrld Co., Ta. FARMERS, MECHANICS &. DAIRYMEN Look H ere I rptlE anderrigwrd I r"pred to furnih yeu 1 witb Ibe tpt 8TONKWAKF wmtiofecttired In tlii eonnlry. llr ba never yrl failed to ft-att tt uit tati1ioa, a t quality 9T durability. Ilia are eousists in pari of CREAM rCTS OF ALL SIZES. MM K CM(K k AXD PANP, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And la .hart rVKflYTIItVll a.uatlj aiade and krpt iu aa eetahli'tiairnt of thi, kind. M rnt ii ants Tan kar, their aare dellveri-d h, ate, al ANT TIK and lo A'V I'l.AI'E d.ind. Order, tar war, aoHriled, and pmajptl; tiled. rar-Tor reneral awrlmenl, ree Catalog a. and Priea l.tM. aaatled I roa la a-plicBla. -A liberal dtaeoaal WiU k. l,oa tn Ihe wholraala traie. OKU. C. KIRK. Latheraharf. Ta., Ilea. 1, IS" If 1"LRI WAHTril. The nrdemaaH will 1'ctll PRlCL lor all kind ,.i t'lHtlir. nvillMi.e. ,.r jnr -" Ckrt.el,l. Ih-e. HI. I. L. HK I ZY.Sfl K I TAlkT-.iOn. fondliI.Ai KsMTI L.L"'' 1 one nan ta work la wood making Med", Wago... Piamp Ma.-hinea. Aa. Sit.gla ate ar aaca auk (mail laaiihea. Apple In HihiTII A Rt'MBARflER, ajVa.l Itn.-itll e, fa. Till HK1HIHLICAN. (.'LKA II 11 KM), lC VFB5Ci:PAr MdllNlxa. uri-t. S. .ah. Terms of Subscription. ff pal.1 Ina.haii.-, or within ll.irr m.,i.'l fi II paid after Ihraaaad lfara .1. an.oll.. , RI.I.K.IIII M M)TI( I H. Mrlhadlat l'rl.nal I haivhfle. II. I'll. I. rwflbr. K.l.l.ath rVhnnl at A. M Pra.rfr Mratint every Titan. I.e. al 7 P. M. Coniuiunion rrvioe. flrit Sabbath af .vara nnnlh. al III! A M. Ht. fr.ail.' Ihurrh Catliollr!le. Mr. O IIIiaiiia. l... at ID) och A. M.,;m Ibe eeon.l and Iniirlh Hnmlav. of eaih laolith. HI. Aiidrew'a harch I pl-uial Iter. Mr. MrAltr. PiiMIe Karvmavar, Taewlay ,ven inf. al T o'eloek. I'. H Ml. Johu'a ( harrhf atllrran Iter. Mr. Niximnrr Public hrrrtce nt-ry aautaib, norn iur and evening. Hreabyterlaa ( korrh Rev. Mr. Ilt ti.rit. Puhho barrio, every Hahhatb, nioriiiiifz and even tnr. Ludiva und CliiMivn'a Fancy Furs, nt Jtilin Fureria'g Populur Fur Empo rium, 718 Arch Slroct, l'liiludeliliia. Ho has enlnr'fil, remodeled und much improved hia Store fur llio ton vuniciioe of tuslomcrs. I!ead hia adv. to he found elehcre, nnd (;ivo him a cull Hail Road Aitidcnt. On Monday fvoning hint, w liilo Iho freight train waa puffin. Sandy Itidnii Slulion, on Iho Tyrone k Cleat field Railroad, the ecpino jumped a Irog, lurning upaiile down, laiilinj; tho engineer, Jous Ada mb instantly, and fatally injnring tho fireman und ono of tho brakcamen whoso n n men nnd the can of the fulul accident wo did not lourn. To br SACRirtreu. A mnnll number of ''nil" KolninoiiH met at the ollico of Mr. Murray in thin place, on tho 17tli, and nominated tho following county ticket : ,r. . . . j reamirer, f k. Arnnltl. or Hraeiyj Conimiiwioner, Jnn. Melmffey, of Burn si Jo ; und for Auditor, Edward Mo Gurvey ol Ktirlhuua. Wo have known tlicae gcnllomcn for many ream. They urc representative men of their parly, and ready lo swallow and advo cate any iain, even lliul of negro uf frago. Of con ino no Democrat can vole for them, hence they huvo only boon art op to bo knocked down on the 2d Tuoaduy of October. Bask Ball. The match between the ChincleclamooneCluDof thi place, and tho Hough & Ready Club of l'unn- fleld, fditio off on Friday lut, result ing in a victory for the former by the following ec-oro : caiai't LANooea a. a Urorte M.Kirr, ..... a V A. W. W altera, I 1.1 0. L. Hoorer, ,. ... I II J. P. Juhneon, I b. 1 II aorca neapr. a. W. A. baiab, e A. Xneenkranil, p .. I 'no a a. 4 awe Liarorr, I k S John Irvm, I h... I Hit. Heroine. I Ii.... i II. F. Il.i'rr. Ik 3 llllP. T. Ilowiuan, lb. I J. R JohnMon. I. f t Ul A. 111..., I. r 4 N.U rUhiaa,,.r... 1 ll'tJ. tVaodwara.. 1. 1 F. Cborprainr, r. f. I JlJoba Lucora. r. f... Inninire. ....... lil4Tlt i tl i 21 13 III t) K..n,h A It.aij.i I ( 1 ill a-J Fir Calebee -('bincleclautoe : Irrin, 1 j J. K. Joho.loa. I : Wallen, I ; Hot. ear, I i Dialer, t 7 RolijbA Head;: W,wlward, j Lalau, Ii Hade barb, I ; Hli... J- It). iluta. nana rhiaclarlaatoaae: Bialer. 1; 1. K. Jidinnoa, Ii Waller., I J. Koufh A Kiadjr : Laatb, I; liowaiaa, I t, I'mfiira A. M. lliili. 6eorn E. A. Biflar and llarrr Br.wa. Tint, of liana Thre. koarf. The tecond game of tho aerie will be played on the ground of tho Hough A Iteady toon. It given me plcaatire lo certify that Mr. ScheeU'a Biltcr Cordial in my opinion in purely vegetable in ita con stitution, nnd an excellent tonic, being hurmlena in ita character, and not be ing an alchoholic Mlmulant. Eli Stockton. M. D. ttjrlitad Scheit;'s standing aJver list aunt in anothrr column. "Keuping tho Whirlwind" i tho titlo uf a thrilling Confederate Story, wrilien for the ftmnr of the South, by Miaa Annie M. Barnwell, of Beau fort, S. C. The firnl chapter will op pear in the Bannrr cf the South, Octo ber IUIi. Send for ap iinena to L. T. lllome i Co., Augurila, Ga. Tt-rma, t't per annum. Tho paper can be had of ull nowndealera in the Untied Slate, An eminent physician of New Y'ork, in wriling to thn proprietor of Ri lack'i Mi'du iiiea, nay a ; '-I have ex amined tho formula you sent mo or Robuck'a Blood Pilla, and am glad to notice that you do not aae any mcr cury or other mineral rttlis'ance in their cotnpohilion. Tho podophyllin employed in, in my opinion, the bert uriiclo thai can enter into the compo sition of a cathartic pill, and ia one of tho moat valuable chnlagogtio eathar tica, oHTiiliiig mildly ycl cfTeclually, iiroiii-ing the wholo biliary and digul ivo apparalua. They likewino exert a favorable influence on the cutaneous tunc! iont, protlticing nnd maiulniniiig a coiintunl nioisturo ol tlm skin. They mual act an a powerful alieraliva and produce hinting iinpromiioiia upon the glandtilur pytom and secretory or gatia, and produce evacuations Irom lliu bowels when mercurial and other agents fail. Their action upon tho liver nitiat bo rpecifnt, arouiing ihe necrrtiona and producing free bilious evacuation, and in chronic heptic do raf gcnienU with dyfpcpi they are invaluable. "Their range of application is, per h, moro extensive than any other cailiartic or liver pill, combining, aa they do, the active principle of man drake nail und black coluwh iu such an eminent degree, and are really a depirnhle family medicine, w hlcb can be taken at all time by children, as well n adults, w ith tho buppicft re sults " lh buck's Blood Tills are made both with and without sugar coating, and can be obtained of Ilurtswiek A Irwin, Agent, al 25 cents per box. ; . Ull B tu aru.itg lana at -VL'n 'price., atime phnriiera in Cicarfudia I co attempted to plant tine ore J , i . . . . Oil iiietr pruiiii'-A-w. ouiiu j....- cured at in Sinking Valley Zino mior, tit etat'C l tb tncw. .. loi'A mXThv. 'll""" nnfU'MTT ioi f.ottcn h..w tlm A nrrrt$rttlmllrt q-rlln. t'l.r.AKiii.i.ii. Ncjii. i.7, MiO. If. B (n,.,lln.l,r, i Sim In looking ivpr) iiiirrxit ll.'iii yn it lift weak, I noi,,., , ,,. ,(,.),, iimii-r Hie cl iin, l.'lilnrf AijiiIii lulu I niilU lint liflll K'tniii.-i,,!,,,,. yi'iii-1. al. tin- HiimimIiI Ki-iinJ n j"'"1 11 ""l l i--'ii ti.t On ' w't" n fl HII I iK ftlill ;1A flilir JCara All ' 11 'II ,-iui 1,1 l.n m,i irp,i t. ,. II.. i.e.. .n. i-tliirla with nimlu during llio coiiU-nI lit'lAt'i'ii Ir. Kurly uml Dr. Ilovrr to Imrd our inriy to llio lit kot ; hiiiI cor cimi'in in an no lllKtl IJclllilcrulH wcrti luirnlyzcd. and tchom. Nuw, it'al I lull tinio il huh rxciirtulile in l'r Kurly li nliiHO tn ahido dy thorn-lion of tliv I uihorxhurK Conle-rfiii ti, when l no cniintii-a wi'ru untiniiiiiiua in i ht'ir ni-lioii in Invorot tlic tinniiiiaiion of lr. buyer, Iniw can il ho null n hcinoim ollcnce for llio minio irontlv ninn lo re In no to uhido hy a iioininft. lion now? WLui, Dr. Eurly aa in tlto L),'ii-luliiru, (no mutter how he got Ihcre.) wti he not iiIwhvm found votinx with our pnrly ? Lid ho not act ut ull timea with our orpiniziitioii Wiih ha not a faithful rviirehciilutivn. and wero not iho lriuniinf Dr. Uuvt-r tinio ami tiljuin leiiiiiillfU nl Hint IhcI by Homo who urn now ao vehcnienl in their ilenuncnilion of llr. Eurlv? In exiimimiitt )r. Kiirly'a record. opo fuel I can now retail that may be worth reeiliiijr When iho hill wan licloro the Lcgiidiiiiiri: cnahliit,' the I'. & E Il.' Coinpnny to Imild IieiineU'H linim li Kuilnmd. Ir. Eurlv llieoiily man from lliimli-trit i in either li..uu who volvd for it, not wiilmtaiiditifr ita propM-d muto w llirotifli iho weHttTi) riilo ol'iurciun ty, und wu of the iitmont iniportinice lo the iooilo of J.J nl of i. Union nnd Hrady townvliip Ycl. hiht winter a hill w an hrou'lil forward and piifHed all the ntemheraiif hoih Iioiim-d from thin district voling for il to accom-plit-h the an inu ohjuct, illi thin diller nco : llr. Karlya niennure took noth. from the Slulo TreaRiiry, while mo aci paHca luct winter uH'reiiHt'd tha awetu nl the Stnto nljimt two mil lions of dollu'n. I think, Mr. J",diior, tliut Una limr tally in t-coooniy. Your, full v, A JUST LEJJOCRAT FlABFl'L AcclIlf.NT. Oil lilhlThurS day, aa a hack load of pft'Kcngera were U-ing brought from Mahoning by Monors. Bell & Mcl'onnell, Mr.'Jim ph Lucas, tcamaier. tlie team, coin-imnj; 01 lour npintcn liorea, ran uway f rom the. driver nn the hill on the went aide of lieihlehom, and when lost at the bottom, lioar iho bridge, upset, very Kt-rmuxly injuring a numhair of lb piiSKftigers Wu have the fullowiiii' ianicuiars mm .nr. nell : Mr. Kcnrichund -rife, of Kittanning, were botli very seriously injured, Mr H. ao s. riooily tliut her life was de spaired of, but she is now recovering. Mr. Bearich had ono arm broken. Mr. James lanicls. nf Burnett town ship, had a leg broken and ono arm coiiiderahlv bruieed. but ha so far recovered aa to he able to bo taken home. Mr. Foster, of tt'hilenhurg. Armstrong Co.. received a severe cut on tho face and a number nf bruises, butrihe ia fast recovering. Mr. Lucas, the driver, was also considerably bruis ed and used up. . The only wonder is thai some of Ihe party did not oe their lives, as the manner of the accident was fearful in deed. It is high time that Ihe public demand greater care on the iarl of those who have their well being in charge, and wherever tho culpability lies, it sliotild be rectified. Tlienwii rra of tho trim are exonerated from ull blame in the matter. S; Ovkrille Republican. Tin Faie. Tho Bellofonto Watch mnn ,ay : "The Centra County Fair, w hich will tie held at the lair grounds, near this place, on the 5th, til h. "th and 8th dy of October noxt, prom-ir-c to lie a grand success. Every preparation is making by those having the matter in charge to render it an interesting and profit able occasion, and we understand that the fiiriiHiiif community generally will lend their anl to at ilil to us importance. J I. at, . William Uiglrr, ol Clearfield, ex Gov ernor of the Mate and ex- United States Senator, will deliver llic annual ad dress, and other prominent men are exiected lo giaco the octaion ly their presence. J he citizens of bi-lie-fottto uro looking for a grt'at crowd. and are preparing for their coinlort bie ucciiiiiniodiition. Ihe hotels ex pect lo tic all filled, antl in consequence are laying in extra supplies ll hsiks, in fuel, aa though Fair week would indeed be a gala day for even bod and no doubt all that arc able loallend will be nn hand. We hopo lo sec plenty of exhibitors, and a generous and commendable rivalry for premi- uma. Of course lite ladies will be in attendance with Ihrir brautilnl and ingenious articles, together with rare specimen of bread, butter, pastry, Ac. Ia-1 everybody tome il I llio people s Fair." w) aa w Pivtni AccinicNT On Saturday last, Mr. Henry McChiskey, wilo and child, ol Sprucetown. one mile below I'oller Bank, started across the Sev en inoiiiitniiis lo ft tends at l!erds v i I It-, MitUin county. Near the loot of the moan in i n, at the short turn, known to traveler over tho route, Mr. Me Clokry'a animal became frightened at an upturned carl left by the road workmen, and da-hed on at a frightftil speed. Mr. McC being uuablo to re strain iho excited benst. A short dis tance beyond the cart, Mr. and Mr. McCloskry and child 'ero thrown Irom their vehicle, and Ihe parent were rendered unconscious by the shialc ret-eitid in conlact with I lie stone. The babo, most miraculously, escaped any material injury. Mr and Mrs. McCloskey were discovered soon ulter the accident, ar.d were conveyed homo Their injuries are not such a to preclude, a belief in tho recovery t f Ihe sufferers, but yet aro of a serious and alarming nature. Rdlrjuntc Rep. "The negro Miller, who was tried in Juniata County, f r rupo com mil ted iiHin Mis C rouse some lime ago, has been convicted and sentenced in tho jtenttentiary lor fill-en years." Here is another chance for the par doii broker Geary . Five hundred or a thousand dollar will do fur such a worthy subject. An agi d couple of ninety four and i eiLdtlv -seven Veara. living in Pel lis. Mo.. Who have been man ted sewniy years, conclU'led that malrimoiiy s nlavrd out the nther day and got d.vorved.each lakin;; a half ol th. ruilitttttck. Prentice says : "Attorney General Hoar keriM on hard all sorts ..f opin- ... I . ions, and the A . in i mat ration uipvited ! tt) n': Hoif , I An Hi1 I .Vn4i . Wo nr. (fnoa th. rhlla l.l,!,la Ar A g m leman liiiiii I lie lnt'tlrr fii tlila Stnlo, ilirriiril)- VoiicipiJ (. it" n. a mini uf iitaimn nl rcoo lubililv, roii mala m (l publiiU' imikj I..- i... .1... ...m .. I,,r I. .,. , ... f,,!!,,- nm,..;,i.. m 'Our lii ,,l,i; !,!, ..U.. i.. mitu tl,.. Ium.I d.r th'u a vandal 1 auffclcru, nniniiil, ua to comply Vrilfl I l.l .. . . I. ' ' . . editor and proprietor of tho Jteli newspaper. Somu of the question oh which our rorrcapomliinl multes ail i-no with tho l'r, anr very aimpld and of euy oVcr-lon The Press- ha probably a hundred time asserted, in the nin.ol poi;ivo muniier, that Judgd Tacki r went to Europe during thu. war for certain unpatriotic, reason. Vet it is perfectly well known to u, and toall the friends of Judgo Backer, not only that the imputation on hid motives is false, but that thuassortioii that ho went tu Kurojio at all during tho war Is ulso falso. i'ow wo havo a respectable gentleman wlwj winbei to stuko something on this oafilv d.'citfed toiiit; not a a wager, but as a charitable contribution lo the Avon dulo f'ttiid. Wo think the J'ress in bniind to meet this iirotxiHal : or uf it shrinks from the fteeuniury penally, ut least to ton lean that U tins grossly milled its reuders, upon tho point it, question : Jo Ct John TT. Forney. Editor and Proprietor of the. Philadelphia Prut Sir In your daily of Friday, Sep'. 10. 1 SOU, you JtrtifKiso lo raiao a fund of vluU.UuU lor the benefit, of th willows und orphans of the Arondulo tragedy Now I w ill suggest a plan by which you can add t.l.tiOU thcrolo ; if you decline the experiment, it will be your fault, and not mine. In the aauie paper vou nuUUh. cditoriully, aa lolUiw : Shoiild tmuldo aifuin befall tha Commonwealth, we want a Governor who will stay on the snot, and not run off to Europe, w ith his sons." 'We see hy some of our exvhanirea that JuiL'O Packer, ii. If 55, acted will) tho Know-Nothing' twrfr." "During the war As;, Pucker packed his trunk and went tr Europe, where ho stayed two whole year consorting w ith ihe Kebel " In those three sentences are lis, several distinct proposition : Ao. 1. That when the ComnVMe weallh was in trouble (war), Judo Packer ran off l) KiiMio. 2. That ho look hi son along. 8. That he acted with tboltuow Xolhing in 1855. 4. That during the war Le went ta Europe. 5. Thut be slnytd two wholo year. 6. That ftnrlftg tbnt time he hob nobbed with the rebels. S'ow, Sir, I nmfirnae (o par over to George II. Smart, E-q., Treasurer of me Avonaulo rtind. the sum of fivo hundred dollar for each and every of mo anovo propOMtions lhat vou will establish to be a fact by any sort of respectable testimony. If you tirovo any one ol your assert ion, you can, in this war. add $jJ0 to tho fund if all of them", t'LOOO. Now, I proptiso to tct Tonr truth. fulness and charity, and make. eon Iribulion of tH.OW W tho Avondule runtl, either from your or my pocket. First, I will stake vou IjvMJ that Judite Packer did not go to Eurotio during the war. be-eond. ?,o(j that Jndio Packer never tisik, or sent, hia sons to during the war. and that neither of hi sons were in Europe during the war. 'third, 50UU that Judgo Packer never spent two years, or one year, nor six months, in Europe, before. durinif, or ulter the wur. Fourth, J'ritO that Judiro Packer never Miob-nobhed" with the rebels in Europe or elsewhere, durinuthe war. or any where else, or any time, unlesa It wa at the great dinner given to mm on in return from r.uroM, when some of your prominent Itadical con spirators against the Union und Con stitution were present. Fifth, $51)0 that Judgo Pucker nev er, either in 1S55. or at any other lime, acted with the Know-Nit dug party. Tho money to be placed in the hand of George II. Stuart, who shall hear the proofs and make the decision, and hold, for the Avondale Fund, tho sum which shall bo lol by either of u. VlNlllCATOB. September 14, 1SG!I. When Dan Bice's 6rsl wifo ran away with an affinity, the bereaved husband said, 'his a com fort to know lhat she w ent off with a gentleman. Georgia has a ctilured magistrate who recently adjourned hi court uniil September 81. Milwaukee clu'ma 90,000 people, of whom it is said S0.98 drink lager. 9 At the eaeidrao af ki, aoa, Itafa, Tboatnena, ia Laweeaoa twp, aa Ik. SU in at, KOkERT THOMPSON. Sr., la lb, Ijlk wear af ki, aaa. I, Ikl, Doroagh, aa atiirlar ornlag laat, RALPH, yoanjr-et aua of Joseph and "anej Jaa Dlrebaeld, aged I nan, I aioalh, and If da,T. I. Peeatar lowa.hip.nn the lltkaf September, ofTrpholl Faear, MART R., daughter ef Jacob aad Annie Oerr iarl. aged 11 era-, Aod I we. ki ln Irring. Ill, aa lha aioraihg af tha 1tk Sept. JANE, wife af Willi,, Miltlgaa, ia ker TSJyrar. W'e'r. aot all ksea, aeea, anrpreatf,! eounAetlor, fiienl, w.fe, ano ber. kaa len aaeant ker ehair at Iba table, around Ike family- altar aad la Ike lata treat, saeiaj borne airele. W'a n. mora are avr aaln, aweel faee ah aa aweet and placid lo death -oa atore are ker dear fona atoeing aamng aa tba eaabodiaaaat af dignit and graaalalaeaa aa aaora kear kee aoft aiunral eoioe, dmppiag werda a ktndneaa and kae I. all aroand brr. Her wraeera. Mffeeing., Knw, and Spare kea aeta at arif-deaiai and t bnatiaa warfara ara all ratted .wallowed up ia tba di-ltghtfal fraitl.a ef a eloriow, elernilT. Mae war lire, aikibit Oirl.'ianltr a, did area, aad Bay oar e ka krighl aad d-eliiee. as oar eipeeuiio of llcarca', reft sad glory aaia aa war here. Eark eotee la the hnaeehold Uaa keaaa). taor, aad aad lowt And th, sweet wordi arieaad aeeltar Waka, a wiak to tara aaid, and weep. 6. J. L (Ceulr, anwnte parae ptaaa, anpr.) lUarkrtj. Clearfield Markets. rteported week It S-r the Cl, A arin S RcrrSTir.a by J. P. K Sanaa, Healer ia lry flood a, lira, aartaa, Pravifoma. Ae, Mar Val at- CleaHleM. t'leaariiin, I',., Urnt. , lt.. A'ple. green 4S(rt, Hog., dreaard.... II IS: llidaa, greea T Haw,, an, , ! r-ho.ldora.. (M. JS llrted. y w, Appla butler, yral. Bulle t:i thane. ta knti I IHi Side, an i A 21 Baekwhrat- I On Lard ; Uwl.Wi a. . u . . k ai.L.1 aaoa aeet. dned it ..... , sa Beer, rre.h. ( 11 Oniona. Its) i0,ilB,llf4 - , u' ae.e,. drted, r, (era. ear soli ss ptaater, V kbl.... U r-nr a.e.1. y uek, I ? Rrt ti JtZiTTT A ICkera... f htn,le...aa.j'iM I rtwrriaa, t. Miia in r-hiaaWa.Itl ialvil I H 1 1 makcaa, il. la, U Ttaiataw aart... A J . T.iio... in laurad..n t SS W heat...... -....-. II ,,,.. , ,., t u w1j aa U7 ........U (-44 tl r'Wr4, atrt , lit