, . ... 'mms Gekie IMjoodlanihb, Editor. CLE A IM'I KM), I'a- WJ!PNE1AT MriltNIXU. M'T. M. IIH- Democratio State Ticket. for iiovrno HON. ASA PACKER, or emtio corsTY. ri)R Ktl'RKMIt JL'DUC EON. CYKUS L. PKHSIIING, of l A.MnnrA cm xty. Democratio District Ticket. JIIJ i. II tlX. of F.Ik Cnalitl. Democratio County Ticket. Troalurcr. I.i:'l.H FI.tX.AL.al llrad) lownahlp Caonl.r Cominililon.r, H. II. IHM.l.JI,il llectarla tairnalilp. Au litlr. OII! t). Mll.l.l II. f ll'll lontialitp. .(nolhir rain flood .Vailtd. Tlie Jdiiiiml ir tliruiiihout tlie Smto, villi tut few cxii'piioim, lime liven iwsidiioualj' eiigiiKi'd in cin uLi tiliK rrpifrl W lh cll'iel that Juilc Pm kcr, llio Itemirutif toiijiilulf (iir Governor, rcfusrJ lo pay Ilia lummy nil lorul linen (u liicli arc enorinouri) in lliu district ill wliicli lie reaidep, in 1S05-0-7. lint llio Miiutli Chunk Democrat in a reiciit inue nuikoa. a public exKif lliin infamuM libel m llio i liunulorof ii zuuloiiaaiid iiirirlit Kinllt'iiiHii. Jlerc ai'o llio facta nnil liiiri'i, und it in uid "figure won't He," if the pnwillin dn : ' Kiiidiuti J udga I'mkcr unaMiailuble in di'd'til und inuiily I'ltiitniversy, the Uiicliinl" liuvo dun j;'d Ihcir titrk ol lulu, and now try to break liiit imiu Iniiiy with ilie ik-oj.Iu by whuliviile und ik'lilniniio lyinr. So it liria been iinntidi'iitly l imited that ho failed to jmy bia bounty and othrr lot-al luxot whilst a re-ident id' our borough Hut n few figure ore. needful In ex piiBO thin iiH'diKity und the iilitieiil ffi btiiii liery in wlm-li ifudiuiliatn ia nallovi-in. In INtia tbo wlnilo ol the lxe of MhiicIi Chunk borouuh uniouiiled to S4ii,H5.18. Of this amount Judge Packer paid Rnroiioh... SH.l"fi ?6 fciiuoi. .......... aiMi jo Uuuntjr.,.'.u.,M(u I.tllou AIIiiii:s or THE jm-lv.-a euliie juriwln tin over tlieaub- -run,5 8iU nntml CommittM '.'' will.! their State ami OF 1'KNN'oYl.VAXI.l. FjKILI ur TU DcauCOATIC StlTR CuNITTKC I i Ai.b lira. I'kll.J. I.l.i.. J The Doniornitic Statu Committee, duly inipranuwil with llio iiuiKiiunoe nf the . iipproacbin eleclion, and dctirntiR ol 'tJi'.tdiHrKiiiir the duties im pna-pil upon them in all auiltililo wAya,, pnipoKu to uddi-cK to you a. few Ninceru. ciiment words. Wu iliisiro by the election of Mr. Pcinhint;, to the bench of the Supremo Court, to hit uro a Juilgu ol iiinlity will nut lurrouder it. Nor will wo mirrtiider our aiuiilar JHitlit. if wo shrill be windy iuairucied by history and by reuMin, and ahull bo regardful of our inlirrcils and our honor. The country desire not only peace, but all the li uilx of pence runtored concord, rcatored roierily, and a complete rwlnnitiun ol oonntitminnal rulo in nil tho Slatea. We eeek for tliiit ; we detiiro this with all our hcuru. So far then a nationul policy it con corned, our cauno hthonauaauf peace and nf good will among men ; o uurb and higher cliuractcr, who will be j and jul government conf.irnicd to ' There will be four separaio ticketa or liia to bo voted at tlio coining i ?37.Ol U2. Oitober election. One ticket beaded "Stnlo," for Covornori ono beaded "Judiciary," for Judge of the Supreme Court j ono headed "County," for As aunibly, Treasurer, Coniuiiwtioner, and Auditor; and ono headed "Township," (or "Borough," a the wo may be,) fur lownxliip and borough officers. ?..; ii Tims it appears that in lti5 Judge Pin ker paid over 7U tier cent, of the total amount ol' borough lux levied. In liH the total tux levied was ' Till iNTl.KKOOATimT. It IlllS be- canio very fabionalile lately with the metroiolitan journals to send corres pondent to iiiturrogalo prominent non. On our drat pago will be found ft report of tho interview had between Judge Packer and a Radical reporter of llio New York Sun establishment. The reader will aoon discover that tho Judge know a great deal moro tluiii bis interrogator, and that ho left with u flc4 in Ida toil ear, besides inflicting n serious injury upon ,ticury und bis Vxiiily, lMif.i:n!-Koiiiey Vruaaye that "Cyrus I.. Porsliing staid ul home during the war," attending to his dn tie as an '-Assembly num.' Well. upp'Se ho did, was that nut perfectly right? Jlut ulieru wus tho illus trious (!) Judge Williams at the same time? id ho and the Forney not slay ut homo abusing ".Icnincruts, und receive iln-rcfor a snug salary J ll would seem ucoording to the log- io nf such r.idicut a Forney K Co., that the only test ofloynlly niidnmj ilHiilioiis lor ulllce consi.-ts in u little fli'liiaT aervicu. Hut when it is Jtiiowu lliut tliey don't practice wliut 4hey prtarh, we are led to excluiin, OA c;iia(rrtcy, f Au art a jewel. SxTTi.ro. t)r Karl)' has been adnp. ted by the Ibidicul party of this dis- trict a their camliiiate for the Legis lului-e, und ho pledge his body, soul find hrcochc to them, and to support the noinir.ac nf lliut party for Speaker, Stale Treasurer and other editors, if elected. .And yet, be has tho impudence to announce himrcif us an "independent Heniotrtio cnndtiinte"! This is in deed a n i o feait to which honest democrats are invited by tho Doctor and his allies ! No man cither Demo crat or ltcpuhlicun, who knows (lie former lx'gislsiiroeiireerof Dr. Early, and is opposed to Legislative eorrup lion can vote for liiin, without perpe trating a public outiiigo. A just Iieniocial ak us a great many question with rcm-renee to the Jii'prescntalivo question, whidi We havo not the limo to niicwor furlhur, than to any that wo do-iounced Dr. Ka ly' course when he ran against Ir. Uoyer, in such a manner as we have no doubt the party and bolh gen tlemen understood. Tho ullegalion tliutho then voled nndactvd with tlie Democrals is no proof that he will do aoaeain if elected. For the very rea on ho has been called to an account by tho KaUs anil they refused lo sup. port him again until he pledged him elf not u act and vole us ho had done before. Pchenrsing tho faults nf oth er will add no vinuo to the Doctor's pejigroe us n legislator. Of lb is amount J udge Packer paid B''roui;b ta.SlS M rt--bool.. 9,14 is Uuuulj..,H s.vu i, :5,2I Ml III this year then Judge Packer paid over 07 per cent, of tho tax levied. So copiously hud llio money flowed into tlie borough treasury by this sys tem of taxation that all llio bounty iuilebtedni".s was paid off in this war! VVliHt Ik, Id liars the Radicals must lie. tO elllll-gO lllllt Juliet, ..!..!. J his tsiuuly taxes, when it wa only through him Unit the burden was dis charged, ami the poor man relieved of an enormous taxmion. Take tho year Sti7, in which the total lax levied was $i4.HII7 47. Ol'tliisuinoiint Judge Packer paid Itnruuxh , f.VTSI 3: Sthwl... (.121 SS 1 4, IMS 311 Here, too, ho pays over 50 per cent ol Die total taxes levied , In this )cnr the Ihiilica) Legislature pushed 1 1,0 law exempting the stock of eoi-poratiiiiis 1'ioin local laxulion. This relieved u great part of Judge lacker properly. Sull Ins real estate und other property remained liaulo to local tuxaiion, and no one oare say he has not paid every cent of it. Hut Judge Packer chose to tuko up hi rcsidcneo in Philadelphia in lMi" and has sirco resided and voted there ! Well, had bo not the right so to do f Since when has it becomo unlawful for a man to take up hi residence where ho pleases f J udge Pucker did no more lliiin any other man would do under the cireumsiuuces. His hirsi lies is principally in Philadelphia ; most of bis time is spent there; the duties of his olllcu a Vice President nHWLrhigli Valley liuilrnad requires him to bo ut hi post; henco in 1 Mt.7 he found it convenient and chose to reside, votu. and pay hi taxes in Phila delphia. Out of this few loots would niukv i-oli Heal capital. They will hare u troublesome timo in d ung it ; but so for they have succeeded in writing lliemsi-lves shameless usees und liiu coinpoops." Tint QtnaTioN or Nmao StFraAnic In order that our render may fully iiuilerstund tho import of tlie Filtcenth Coiislituiional Aiucnduient, we repro duce tlie sumo In our columns: "Art. XV. I. The right of llio citi zens of llio I'niti'd Stuies to vote mid hold office ahull not be denied or abridged by tlie United Stales, nor any Slate OX ACCOI NT OF HACK OK t'Ol.Olt, or previous condition ol servitude. "2. Tho Cnngrcw shall have power to enforco thii urticle by uppropriulc legislation." I'pon ibis subject tho Republican of Pciina) Irani, in Convention asem bled, ilopled the following resolution: Rrstihnl, That wo wholly approve of the principles nod policy of '.be Administration of (Jen. Gram, anil we heartily endorse every sentiment contained in hi inaugural address, and especially do hereby ratify and upprtive llio lute amendment proposed oy congress to the l.oiistitiilion ol tlie L luted Mates, and known a the b 1 11 ecu t Ii Amendment. 1 lie) question resolves Itself into lli is c All those who vote the Jb piibli can Stale and County ticket at Hie coming October election, give their asent lo tho Congressional schemo lo force negro nfTiago upon the people of I'unns) Ivania. iniirtinl in his gnat olbce, and will nuke the Constilulinn and the Laws the rulo of his judgment and action. 'Tho fleet Ion of Asa PucKcr, to the office of (jovernor, is recommended br many considerations ol high mo ment, lo somo ol which wo proviso to call your attention. Reform is needed in the Stato (or erniueiit, and ho i u fit man to Intro duce and uphold it. For ho will come to the performance ol public dull', armed Willi integrity a won agar incut, with a knowledge of the busi- iics interests of our pooplo, and with an earnest puroae to do good und resi.t evil. What has been amiss in legislation and in Executive net ion Rtllnrrisbiirg hi recent yours, will, be rebuked by his eleclion. Fur bo bus had no concern ami no sympathy with the iiii.maiint'cmeiit of the Stale finunce and with the enactment of odioua or improvident laws; ho has been en gaged in honorable cMerprisc of great public utility, and has given his sympathies ulway to honorable mon, whether in businesa or in political liie. He ha also much knowledge ol public life and of public men. This ia an indispensible qualification for the of lice of Governor, or of President. Willi oulit, Executive service must be budly H.'rtoruied or neglected. Asa Packer represents well one practical died of our Ireu int tutions. A penniless yoiiih, and a man of hum ble position in the earlier years nf his uiaiiiiood, he has achieved n prominent teisition umoiig the business men of loo country, und Uisiiuciinii us poliiieul mull. Ho now uppenr bo lore yon, not unsolicited, us a cnndi. date lor the highest ollice in tho Stale Government, and hold as such ilir respect and confidence of his fellow citizens, moro truly and firmly than could a man of hiuli rank and proud liiieaire in a country ol despotic or arisiocraticiil institutions. In his case, iiitlar confidence is based entirely upon tho solid foundation of real merit; tried llironulioutan event-lulcar'-eraiid nuiuilesled in honornblo, useful, nnd magntininious action. Ash Pucker, in tlie U ubernitlorinl chair, will give to us what we greatly need; a strong point of dcleuce and mcurily iijmiii1. violent, unjust, ill Considered, selfish and ikh Iimiii laws lie is above all baseness, independent of alt cliques and "rings," (Ho-culled), und a incapable of conscious injustice lo poliiieul nppuncnts as ol unworthy subserviency lo political friend, lie will be just, firm, faithful and toler ant in his great otlico, if he shall be charged with it duties, and will pur sue therein no selfish object, whether ol ambition or ol private gain. Asa Packer ia a trno representative ol tlie industrial interests of the Slate and of our groal pulilie improvement. Hi relulious with both ure extensive, and bis views regarding them enlight ened and liberal. He will lavor and aid the development of the former and all tiossible extensions of tho latter. so that our s'oplu slmll bo proK'rous and be enabled the belli r to bear the great burden of their public debt. ilie present canvass has not been one of excitement or of noisy effort. Kut w lielieve Hint earnest thought has ocen directed by our people to the issues involved in it, and lo the io spectivo claim of tho candidate bcloro them. 1 here is a disposition in the public mind (and a proper and limoly one) in lias Iroin sectional and iidveiiliiiou questions connected with the recent war. and bestow atlenlion Uh n financial, monetary and indusU iul ones, which como homo to our peo ple In tlieir eve"y day pursuits and iivoculiou. Honey i senrco tiir many legitimate und i(ul invest, munis; vurtuxution in many respects unequal, and ukiii some objects op pressive ; til rates of interest upon pulilie loans are improvident; the ex onuses of government (both State and le fundamental law and inspired ny a humane and Christian spirit, and It is opposed uly to mismanagement and wrong tn the rado rulo of tho mili tary in time of peuvo and to the plunder of llio peoplo. Jl) order of the Democratic Utate Committee.. WU. MCTCI1X.GK, Chairman. vkntiom Gov. Geary ha appointed Col. Thomas A. Scott. Gen. Goorgo W. Cass. Gen. J K Moorbcad. Hon. Rich- nrd J. Ilnldenisn, Col. Wm. Phillips, Henry M'Cormick, Esq , Hon. ti. Dam son f'olmnan, Hon Stanley Woodwrnd, Kdwurd F. Gay, Ksq., and Hon. Ilel drink 11 Wright, ilelegates from Peni sylvaiiia lo the Southern ("ommereiil convention, to be held at ljuivilb, Kentucky, on the ll'lh of October next. A (imeral Electlou Proclamation. TpiEURAS. V-J Mtof th 0rrl Antm V kit ! Ih CiHWUBMUll ( PBMlvft- tilarmitlrd "Am mil to rtijiulau lb ttrotnl Glclt'ia within ittii CnnmnnKMlth' ll b jt.ird upon lb HbtriSi f lh miI uiiUh lo fllo ftutit) ef Moh tltvlUa, lb pUe wbr U mm bel4, mnd thv i (Vcrri lo b ftt4 'KHKrH, I, ClIBMH I 1IUWK, UiRb Bfarriff ttfJlmmrttld eounty, d btrvby fir Publl No ti la tb lrlri af Ibt couatj mt CIiSeld, m vrnenil titeH will b bt 4 tb 8ko- Ti'ttarut p ncrnmii mkt, (binj( th l?ib im t th taantb.) St tbt Mrrl lcctiu dii. inn lo taid c-unty, at wbieb mm Mti plao lb quwlilrd itrt t(l tolo pr on roo furUov0rorftbComMot)eilb if Pvnnryli-anU. frtH trnm for Jitdfjc of lb Siirttut Court ' if I bo Coin lib of frnir'a. Pr onti i-riHn to rF(nwtit tbc enantln of Clmr- 1rlJ, lk Bint Fun it la tbf llouu (if Umprm- Vntativn of tltl Conmtiaiifo)ili. Kir wd (Mirwiij luf tbo wflkw mi l-unatjr TrvtMrrr f.k-tnotld eoanij. For "no tMrnB f,,r the oW of Coant; CuttuiU- tiuaor (if Clmroabl otitjr, for ono jtcravn for Ibo ofltoo wf Aalitor of Ckar fiU cuntv. The flrf Ur of th aohdIt of rirrRfM will Inkf ltja th.tt tlt Mid KciirrRl ttWiiv mm bld TllR SoUniKRH i'OUMCRCIAL Colt I.','1 f"","",,lT lsWf. rii : u- .Kris tun utui, n iui l Ulttn iicivi, 111 U.CIt 1.0). Hell tihiiip. at ihr huaM rrf Afh TW tl. UUhiui lunrtaitiii, at Uto hduM of tbo laio Jaati ni-im. Hr. U" twu1iii,t tlw boaw of F.lwrd Albert. Mraiiford liiifb.i, at tS home of Jarob Hkro. Bra-ly towaahip, mi tba bvm of Wai. tkbweei, in LulbTtiyrj(. Iturnti'le loanihip, at Younf'i urhool honM, Civ l tuwnkin, at tbc public acbuul buaM oar Simon Koraliauftb'i. Otfurfieiti bwruub, al tbr Court Iloutw. 'tivinxlon towurhit, il ttiv Iniiue of J, Maom. Carwi mi boruuh, at tb hvm.-m of tbo late Ii4a Itlouui. Ilcoalur liiwnhip, at Cftnlro Mboot boow. FrrKuibin tnrabii, at thr bout uf Jubu Orrg orv, furiarrly oc4Uul by Tbot. ItubixiB, (Broad way.) (ttrard township, at Cut.Kr Hill arhnol hoaat. (lualira l.iDh)p, at tbr pul'lie ai-houl bunao. tlrnh-im town tip. at the bum of Jacub llui'k'r. Uulich tua-nibitt, at tbc publl acbtMil buaar, ia Janrtjt illw. II tit Ion townnh'p, at tho boaw of Jem Wilwa. I1MIMKTR tTtlll'l SOTirK Nuts If brhjr pi I bat Isllsr. of srtminlrlralnn a tba vrtais "I ZAeMisn T. Ki.flAi dMssl, Uls ( 'iM-alar lsahip, C'le.flsl,l ensnty, I'm , bstitix hrta itiil franlcd tn lbs st -ir.lxn.d. II prtns IfldshtS t said tstats vlll )lfn raha Jumsilial LsnmaBt. and thoaa bans a. allot nr dsinanda will prrasat thfot pniptrl) ttll-asiii'aud lur Bslilsmsst wltbnat d.la. .' ! JACOII WISE, AdnlDltlrator. Thlt IVnr Democratic. VlKIIIMA. K .1 t ii c k r, TXN.NKSSKI:, C A L I r o II N I A . W vo m i m) Tkhu Hour, A Plain Kxri'st The Klk Gutttt, established M S(. Mitrys about ten monllis .i;;n as a PniLoei-aiic journal, refuses to sajqiorl Mr. Hall, the reyu lur Democratic nominee lor Ast,cu,hly. and ((lie for the boiler, llr. K:t'!t. The paper is owned byu asiK i:iticn. of which the H.iclor Is president, hence the course of llio paper is quite natu ral. In justification of the Doctor's eourse, tho editor say: 'Dr. Knrlv olTeri'd lo withdruw bis name as a can didate if .Mr. Hall woi.ld Kiihdraw his, and let the Convention nominate a new man." Thi is a pinsisiiion the Doctor has had on hand lor llleen yenr, amj nlivais uracil ty him when he found be could not be nominated. The (iazetf will realise, wlien loo late, that bolting Democratic nominees in this district is an uphill business, and mpportinif rooster and corruption ""K" ' neither Dciius riilie nor sound morals. Dcmocruls, il ih.y have no resKet for correct principles, niiht as well vote lor a bitf rooster (Geary) t once s compromise themselves on a small ono like Dr. Karly. Tbc Journal (Swnopo) of last week will no doubt furnislo,ihii !a:,llr will. : copy lll0 ,.Ki,Uliv. all01lj,H Tb nluble Hill. fyiamlil. Republican, i A R M . YllUOKT. XIcmocrats reineiuber the timo fur beliiK registered before the election is prruwinii short. Then ee to it at onco ! Don't delay, or it may be too Into. IIasd Swr.AKii'1 It is startling tn observe what a Governor has toswear lo in Virginia. No less than Ave nalhs are put to him nn nulh nf fidelity tn Hie Slate constitution, anoiher lo the I'liilcd Suites consil. union, nnolh,,' a''iiiul diollin.'. nhoiher that be wa not concerned in t le rebellion, and a ft ill tli4t he will properly pcilbrm the duties uf Ins "IhVo. Here is a patent r'lncdy upmost all the evil of pivernineiii and troiihle t'.nt Stales ni-u heirs lo 'July pile up tho oath. Keep the Governor swearing, and you are sure lo bo safe. Where call we find a more supremely ndiculous fact f X V. Jleral.t. leral) are excessive, il not pmfli ifale, and tho relations belwecn capi tal and labor are uneasy and disturbed ; and then thoru is unquestionably a general lowering of the mural tone of public lite below the level of former nine. For remedy for these manifest evils (which none can deny, and, all uoikI men must laincnt.) the pooplo must act with energy and wisdom. They must cull heller men than they now have lo places of publiu trust, and theg mult lirenk ui the monnputy of pntcer by the Hepobliean party The eleclion of Asa Pucker will point In retoi m and improvement in our uthtirs, ud will itu a irreiit Way toward securing Ihnn. For it will mean that inleifriiy and capacity hih honor, Mpotless character, business ability, experience in slluirs, mid s cburiliible, lob'raut and inanaiiinious spiril are appreciated by tlie people, und thai men possessing them, will bo secured whenever pnstiihlo lor the public service; and il will meun also, thai a puny in possession of unchecked pow er for ihany ye;irs, whose perform ance in llio adiiiiuistraiiou of govern ment uru unsatisfactory, will be culled upon lo surrender it power, or lo divide that pnner with another party inoru i.iiiinui or more cuiupclcut. The Uarrisbui g Convent ion claimed for our Slate the riifhl and nriub co ol determining lor herself I he rule of DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN & SUUGKON, nAVINO 1.w-('l l Krlertoan, Clrarflfld eo. Pa., offrr bin nmf'vriional aerTitwti to tho p i.i1e of tho urr'iuiijinit coitb.rr. (8cil. I9,'9V-J' LADIES FAXCY FIRS. ioiiv KVHKTRA, 718 Arch St.. JtlliU o of iliw Block. bt. J(b and tb Hf .. Kourh iti, I'HII.AHKI.I'UM. ImiHirtcr, ininufaeturrr and lialr ia all kind and uitalilT nf FANCY Fl'RH torn LAinaa' t caiLnaiv't . IlaviDt tn!art1,rnirM) ftrd du iw) ruvtd miy 'd and favwraMf knuwa FCR KMI'OHH W. and bavlnv iinp'irU-il a rr trt an-l Rp'amltil Miarat uJ all ibt dilTtrrnl k-ixii at Fun from ftnt hard la Ktiriijio, nd bar bud thru aiado ap br Iht aiuti killiul noikinfa, 1 aoald rrppactlullv iovit myj friend nf I'lvarneld anil adiaci-nt euunte, to call and t'ka)i.ini nr vnrjr larjjn and Iw-au'iful arvurt-mi-nl of Faitr Far, fur l.ndnn and Chil'trrn, I ain drlrrmiiwd to aril al a lta pnt1 aa anv tribflr rrMtMtilo IImum is tbn Hi jr. Alt Fura Warau tcd. No wiarriirr wiitaltu-ir- tn I'tTcct mIcn. .in UN FAItFIKA, 8rpL 19. 'A9-4H 718 Arrb HL I'blladvlpbla. VBW 8TYLI WATER PftOOP UT. al i.1 Mrt. W (. 3 DlHWl.l'TION.MTho parlnorfbip horafo. fro 4.tinj( bt'iwrf'ii tb undri(iiHl in tW wmantila haKlnrn io iba borough uf LuulMPr rilT, un-b-r tbo namt uf Kirk A Hyraoer, wu, oo tb I ith innt.. diotmlrtd br tnnlual en n tont. The boo ha and nwtrt art In tbe handa of II. W. iprtiorr, for cillt'Hinn. All pcrfoni kDovlng innitMirri innmtd in aa. Rrm will ptrium aall and icUlo aiibout drlay. IhAAO til UK. II. W. Hl'KNCER. I.nmlr Cily. Prpi, 15, "Oil. Hyl Jl-JIt Ooiobcr : and bo nan aball bo panaitlad tm rote at tbo olvelioa oa tbal day wboto a ana Ii sol oa aaid litt, aulraa b aball uako proof of bii rif bl lo wit, mt lHr:ta.tar roulrd. Sec. 4. Oo Itw day of rlortios mmy paraaa whosr aaat ii aot oa ifar Mid lilt, iad olaiwlng Ibo rif bl lo rot at aaid alroiioBi aball produce at bmt mmt qaaliftod rotrr of tbr dial hat to bih boalaiulbu bo a voter, for tbo pariod of at loaat iro davi nut presiding aaid olMtitm, wbieb wiincat aball lake sad tuii-aoribo a ril(B, r part j wriuoo and partly priatrd, aftdavit to tbo faati Malod by iiim. abiob affidavit tbail dHiao eloarly where tbo roaid- tsem ll ul tb pr-raua olalniinf; to be a folar, and tbr- par on ao alaiiaing tbo right lo rota aball alao take and luhaeribo a written, or partly writlra and partly photed. afl.laiit. aiating, to tbo bvat of bit knowl edge and brlirf, when- and abn be waf burn: thai be iaacitiiea of ibeComaionwealib of Penaaylta niaanduf tbe tailed tftatea; ttal be baa reaided bl (beComiannwaalth one year, mr if fvrnifi Iraeilliea ibt reia and baa mnorod iherefroia, tbal be baa ro i.led therein ait atoalba Brit proordiof aaid eli--(taf I bat bo baa ao. moved into tb di atrial for the parfxia of n-ltn tberetn i tbal bo ha paid ft Mate or C'HiBty tai within two year, wbieb aa aaaraaed at lean lac day a bt fur aaid otaelion ; and. If a Batnraliiad eilifoa, aball ale aiai wha, whom and by what court be wanaturalltrd,and aball alao produc hi oe-rtiffrate nf aaturaliiatiun fur riarni natHn the aaid affidavit 'ball altu atat aht-fl and nbero ibo tai elaitwed to be paid by tbe affiant waa aiacaaad, and nhm, wliera and lowhumpaid; and the la I r-vtt tberrfwr aha II he produced for ea awinaiina, nntcta ihc afllaBt aball alaio io bi affi davit that it baa het-B Ivat or oatroyed, or that be nercr rwlved any t but if tbe jn?raoa ao elaimina; the rid tit to ttr aball take and aahaeririe an atUda rlt, Ibal be ir a aalire born eitiien of the t'nittd Hlaiea, (ar If bi.ro vlaewbrr. aball atata thai faal In hi mM davit, and aball prodaoidenaotbat bo baa borfB BatBraiiacd.oribat ba iaofilitled toottlaeaabip by raa of hia fktbor'a aatamlitalioa : I and aball fort bar Male io bia a A dart t that b ia, at the time of taking th affidarit. between lb a of twenty out and iwenly-twu .team tbat b baa rreided tn ibe tilrtc tiw year and la tba election dittrW tea daya next .rerr-diiit aueb elcetiun, br aball b enti tled lu vule, allbuuirb be ahall not bare paid late ; the aaid alftiiatita nf all jreun nakinff fueh claim, and the alB.lavila of tbe wilneaara to Ibtir rt-aid.-tin. hll be preaerved by the eb-Moo board, and at th.' clue of Ibe olecli-iw Ibry aball b enelo d with tho litt uf votrri, tally lin and other papera repair d hr law tu U- Alnl l y therttum ju.lg.- mlb tbr t ra.buwotarr.aDd ahall reaiaia in flic tbrrrwi'h ia tbe l'r-Mc.tlari aoftne, aatiji-ct to cxaaaination aa uihrrrtrrtiun paferaare; it tbeekfitiuo uffieere alll l:id thai Ihr applicant wr j..heanta pueaea Jordan loernabii., at tbe pul.be aehuol boa, ib I 7 - n'1'...t w ,M, ar orthr aoaii An-onr.ll. r?T " Karti.-ua lownablp. at llridffen'a arbool boaaa. U "' U'h' by tbe leetioB wffi- knut Mmuabip, at Turker Hill e.-bol bmiM. ,h ' bainf added wber tbe laiw- Laa-n-nre towii.bin, at tba Cuart Uuuaa, IB Ibe ' T"1 nd ibe wurd ".gr" wbrra boronb of Clearbld. 1 n. worda boinR I,uWtltTlorub,BtlbepttMbclbtla.,, Vjberirika ia earb eaae rrefatirvly, on Mi.mf t..w.i.bii..at tbe bouae furwvrir oeeapiH . V , V 'm ''m k. ti...... i-.i.; rac a i-aii iaal Man a-i..fl.4r t . New U aabmsloB boroaf b, at ibo publie Bcbool V" 1fc 4t"rirt- l'b'M.dlnB tb nam tf Ultaam, T etaaad mm lb liet of rvfiuvai iiiimn, t tiair-Mta tba rnu ar aueb Proaa : whee-atii.B lb aamr prx.f uf the riphi Oat-rola bnri)(h, al the publia boaa of llile Hvt, in aaid borwufh. Pran town h ip, at tba hutel foracrlj hpt by I T I Nat AKhUHTJttM UK NTH' anal FtOVH' J. CAI'ti. ai WM. HUUU A 1'W 1)I III.IC VKM.l lw Thota will bir art! lu al at puMtr oal-ery at Ibo rvaidriioc wt the fiileritier in Jrdan tuarnabiii, on W KI.Nt-.SliAV, UCTdHKH Citll. , Ibe fulh'wi; ( dracrihed itotMiiial prtiM-rtr, to wit : two buraea, two eulta, tw euwa, four brad ol beof nattlo, aii botra, four ItJ, two calvva, bay by (lie Inn, corn in th ttrld, nbfat and potaloea by ibe hiih-L ne wagon, two aleda, oua plow, oaa bar row, log ebalna, Ao. Ala, one Inrjfo hathaway cooking ttova, one mal atotf, dining tattle, two aeta ot rhaira, two lamia, Ar lied'tstala, two enpbaarda, larre Irnn hMl. tKflbfr "b b variety uf other artlcloa loo BBioeroua lo wake uiomiua uf. Hal will com mr pre at It o'olock, ft. tn.t whra ertna will bo wade knowa by W1CMAKL 0IU0X. Ana'iBrilla, 8epLSl-tlpl JL of tba I'uioB I'acitto. tn be aen at WM. HKKU A C0H. "01 MY 0"!f HOOK." U A VINO pmrhajed the antire atock of gomla at tbe old aland of Kirk A Hf-mrvr. I luu-nd to continue tb buaineaa aa heretufnr. My t'o ia to Hl '(ip fob cab." Thatikiiit our friendt and eualomen. fnr past patronage, I aolieil ft eonliauanre of the hki. ICAAV hlKK. Lnmber City, Hrfd. tl tf. IllKNCM kHM mu4 LACK t:oLMH. at Ura. Habon a. rALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. HH. U. A. niMKR baa Juat arrived frnm lHi and Ixindna witb the lalett deaiarna. p, rnally trlcrled from the Kreetaat norrltiea a! an, the moat elegant Trimmiuaa lo be act-ami in Paria auch aa LAfKH, IlllinoVfl, Vn.VFTS, FLOWER. IlKIItAIi YKII.H. FINK JKWKMiY. and 1ltl.MMI.il l'AI'FIt PATUUNH, lUlKbS and Cl.oAK MAKIM1. F.ir'ntire agent fur Mra. M. Wnrk'a ralrhratrd DltMiia. In Ilie Ixtmugh of ('arwrtiarille, l iiiun townahtp. at Ibe buna of l. K. Brubaker. Woodward lownabip, at lb buaaa f Tbuuaa HenderauB. AN ACT regulating lha aiod of rntinf at all eleetiwna in Ibo rrrmt count ira of tlna C'oa monwralih, approved tba Sutb day of March. A. V., lK6rt, fie SirTlof 1. ft ft arfrV br tb ftrnal and llonev of Ht-prvM iitativetor the Cuiniauna-t-ailb of Pi-nnaylvania in Urneral Aaaemhly met, and il ia hent-y naeted by aalboril uf tb mum. Thai the quali lied rotrr of lb arreral euanlir of tbie Loimaonwiatlh. at all general, lnwnhp, Iwrougb and ajierlal eleetluna, are hereby, hrrvaller aathwr itetl and nairrd lo roto, by l.rketa, priatrd, nr nnltrn, or partly printed and partly writua, arr erally rlapxilird aa ft. I Id w a j On tu-ket aball em brace tbe namra nf alt ju Ign of euuria Tutd for, and lo ba bilIM, oalaide. 'judielary one tirkrt thai I rmhraee the nainf of tbe atale offirata toiMt for, and h lal-HIrd, "aiale " one ticket ahall am brar lb nanus nf all eiianly officer! ruled for. iirrluding ofh-e uf arnatur, lai tn Iter, and nrmhrra of aaarmbly, ir uted lr. aud meuilwra of Ooogrca a, if Tolcd fur, and bt- Ul-elied, "county on tirkri fball embrace tbo aamea nf all lownabip uffirrra . ruled fn. and br lalwlh-d. townabip t" one tirk- I ol ahall ewUnf Ibe nam of all borough oarnra olnl for, and b laiM'llt-d, "Uo rough ;" and each eiaaa aaaii a depoaited IB aeparal ballot bole. RKflUTRT LAW. I alao glre official anile to thfletora ofClear Irld euTJiiiy that by aa aet ootHwd "Aa Act fur ther auppk-menlal i llw art rrlatiro to lb ele tiuna of Ihia (y.mmoowlih," approved April 17, r.CTiia I. iriMdri, That it ahall be the duly of each of tbe Aaaeaaura vitbin tbia Common wiallh. on the tat Monday in Jmum of rach year, tw take up the tranaeripl hr ba n-t-rjted from the Co. d'ommiaaionarf ndr tbe ightb ar-rtfura of the aet r ltli April, ta. an4 f.r -w immHif,. rTilnn il Ilia aatnr, bv ainking ibwuM U nam of eiery perinn hn ia known hy btm to havdi.lurmnored ain (be laat previot'ta a aaa trttt. or h-M rrt,kal inlo tba nui ahall b oi aball hare bn-n luaile auoao to bita, and ale Ihr name of all who ahall aaik claim to him In be ualioed rotcr tbereia. A a-Min a thia reiaiot. ia cuniplrled he ahnll riait every dwelling bouaaln hia dial net and Biakerarrlal inquiry il any prraun vboae name If on hia liat baa dirl vr renturi-d from lb- dial riel. and If aula take the aame I herefrom, or whether any qualified mtrr reatdra therein wIium name ia not on bia hat, and if e to add tbe aame thereto and in all caat-a where a aame tt adiled In the liat atat ahall far. h with he aacaard againat ibe peraon ; and tb Aaaeaaor ahall in all eaard aaoer lain, by inquiry, upon what ground lha ieroa an aaacaacd rlaima to t a rotrr. I'pon Ibe enmpla lit.a uf tbia work, it aball I the duty of each Aa nar aa ainrraaid to pmrecd tn Make aul a lit IB alpha. wheal order, of tb whil frc-meo, aUrr lw.nty nne yrara nf age. elaiming to be uualifled vntrra in ilie ward, brngh, townahtp or diatrxt nf which be ia the Aftraaor, and eypoatie earh of aaid namra atale nhtthcr aaid fm uian U or la not a hnuarkrperi and if he ia, the nuialxr of lila frai drni, in towaa nhrro th aanm ire numliered, with the alrert, allry wr eonrt in which ailuatrd ; 1 and if in a town where 1 litre are no numhera, Ihr nam of lha etreet, al ey or mart on which aaid houae front a ; ala.. thf ocrupalioa of lb- peraon , , and where be ia not a bouaakeettor. the occnt-atina. 1 place uf hoarding and with whom, and il wmking fnr another, the name of the emplturr. and rnr uiponni rmrn nt ati namra Ilie wora "rotrr; whre ant r-erann clatana In roTc hr reaaoa of nalu ralnalion. be ahall xhilil hia eerlinrat thereof to the Aaeeaeor, nnleaa he baa brn lor Bre Mn a ca dre yrara sell preerdlng a rnlrr ia aanl dutrict i and in all eaae wbrrr Ibe wrmn ha be-n naiu- raliaeif, the name ahall he markrd with the letter Vi where thr pera haa oaarrlr declared hia in lent inn a to bemtnr aeiliien and draigna to be natu ral trod before the nrtl eleclton. thi aame aball be markrd "ll. I.t" where the claim ia to rot hy ra win of being bclwetn the agra af twenty tine and twenty two. aa provided by law. lh wurd "agr" hall I entered t and if the irenn hai moved into lb election district In reaidr a in Ibe laat neral elrrtion.lhr lrilfr"ll" ahall )a plaeeil oip')iitr the name. It ahull h the further duly of cfh Ara aor aa afnrraatd. apon the enmpb lion of the ilatiea ay at cm for eultmg ladiee' dreaara, aaenuea, baMuea, Y 7 01 -'n'han.t tliea.i,Wfrla. hwi9 Irrpnard. In make out arrarat hat of all I bilad. Ipbia. (hept Ii. W-ow - , trmrnu ,a..la br him and lh amount. aeird upon each, and furaiah the eamr iinmt-!i H0TN IS 'A BRIKZKS. at Kir "aUnn". Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Aotsr run Cbleberlng'a. Ktalnwai'a and Fmartwtii'a Pianoa tJmith a, MaaB A Mamlia'i and Halnabel'a Organ and Melnrfrnaa. and flrorar A Baker1 Hewing Marfcinta. Auo TlAriBlt ota Plana, flwltaf, Mfga.. Rarnmny and Vneal Ma. ale. No pupil taken for laaa than half term. BMto-in- ant dmr ti First National bank, Icaifl. Id. May b, t-' tf. AIrATI II 1 T r-IIINtil.KH, f.r w KMMMM) Nn. eifhtern Inch h lh htthral tiri.fi Clrnrliill, Jwly J1. ai if NOTICE. 4 M. psr.n. ar hrn'h, nnliltMl ), J Ii.mI R.nafnir f rvsnil at if n-B, Ik. walh l w hiimar ma , lbs priits-rtr f UrmtiM. Dirk. s.T Co., lltal all Iswa . wax ho ai4 sp ls- i tt mnj mnrr amuitn rtu M .MaiiMsl. AikI all t.sr.i,o bunkina lintbrr or Sir, or an, othsr Hiiular Mittra-ru wiiliiu licr limit. m...,.s. .,11 t, bw.l i. ns..,,.' ., i ei,.,Vd Hilt itoilar. .t-r rail ft uid irniuiitt. A'llsatia lor aaol Bi""sd Bil h mad. t W. H, lK-kc, Olc llop, I'a. OltOOM. DICKEY CO. fril. I, IW ta. ' 1 liis riulil, wliich ii i-ccoi: ii i led Hi 1!ciuIiIiciiii iilutform ul IsCf, is mm ul vilul iiiiMirlancc, and sliuuld never bo surrendered nr miiived lor I tho right In di Icrniine aliellier All leans, Unities ur Indians sIihII bo elccluin uf a Klutu i.r not, Im token away Irum tlie Stale in, matter in m hui way their clianuicr as anvcr f'v" Stale is clwirly "iio liom llieni. Wo nro nut s.i d'ruitly inier csted in tliu adjustment of siiliiiio in the Snillicrn biuies under lliu recm . i.lrucliiiii Iiimi ul OtlKICSII, us in lliu yciicriil qiiuslioii nf Siuto sivtcrucr mo sui'jeci ut sunmuo. lav.iig MsrtH ..,,1 with n,,l,,inK Mlndical Huffs . "... i ... . ' 1 no U"uul acii il f r'evl'i'it TUc I'lisideiil naclu'd Wusliinvlnn iiuiv ai uuiimo in thu lurnier us m, aivuinili.iol lact aa an cxccitiunol cxercisu ul Federal iuwcr uver acce ded States nliii-h iabeyniid rvcull w ...usl claim for llio Islier an enduring inlcresi and vitality. Our brethren ul California liavs decUrvd at their I .i.r.n eiecuon lliat Ilie' Kill not, F.il.fio. r.araatoll.,,.ui,1-fl-, ai;reu thai Cungiuka .lull have nmr " ", .04 rt..4.-. u.sa 1. " si tu cn-alo Jafanesv and Cliinuae vulcr iJ" JJlT "! ." 't ' I "2". T'"1" li.r tint Suito. J ,,.... tuol. j tXrJ C V on U'isliiesda-, and asiHcin u,i,,i, 1, to the Jmuirrr auys: "Alter lisiiiii liis slnl.l.-s ho iln.ee out lo tlie 8'ale K' art incut, wlicn ho had a cinli'rviH- run tSt retiiiyri.li." t'liaraclcriatio. Vipers id I'ennsvlvania. in tho im. I" 11 , niorlat latum ain; ul Stuncviall Jackson. 'Ktvrt! ol Ovsrr!" "UI.THINW NKW tbow Araba. at aaarrL aRtoi.n WM. KbKh A COS. V. Boat N ABTaBon. FALL OPENING. AUXOLl) ft 1I.M1TS1I0R.V, CrawicssviLn, I'a. larga mti aiosl J J AVE JlfT OI'ENKD stsiipM slis-h af Hats k i;aps, hoots & siloes, J I A ! 1 1 W A 1 1 K . U V K K N S W R K, BACON, IlilKI) KKI IT( OKOC'ElilKS, SALT, AC, AC., C. ul itflrg aa U Bow r airrd mr law ahall b publicly aiaaW and - mm by tb lm.B bnard. and thr admttirtl ur jtirU waoMing m tn filFBri ry peroa elaiming lo bo a naiara'tBd riilaea ahall b reqoirw (a predae bi n.turaiii.K.tB art-Baa at tb rtloa b rrt vbiing. eiecpt waar ha haa beta for lea yara, cuilrrlj, a totar la b dialrUt 1b t'ieb ha otfrra bia w -t B on tb r.,u af aaeb peraoa being rwiead. It ball ba a duty f b alaeiiua nftocra to writ or atata oa aarb eartiflcale tb word "md," uitb ib mofttb aad yar , and If any altioB niSotr r offlorra ahall reria ft end fnt oa tba aaea day, hy rtriy tb aam itileat.irting whr -na ar eantUd In rot By ririu f (b ftatiiraliiatlna ibair fatb-ra. thT and tb per. a whu ahall ffrrFrh aro.nd f ot. ftpoi m . iTrndtBff aball be guilty r biab Bitdmeanor. and - eonvia. luti tbiron', ha load or imu ..td. ur kh i th diacrvllna nf lheottrt: bat tba a ah at I not aoa an auB'ireo amtara ia each , ar tbr all mm It liud an eonrioiiwa m ib nlBeer uf obeilua who aball aaglect ar refaaa tm matta. mt rwuaoin mm man tte lBloramant r-t)Htr4 m rwiw raiBrxiKHii.tn ) rat fac. A. Ir any lHtita oflrcr ahall tfaa Bi-glfrt to require urh prool f il, ri.bi I .f Irag aa la deaerihed by tbia law or U.a lawa in wnirB tkta ta a fapplemmt, from an paraon offering la rot whaa name la at oa tb lial wl BMeaed toj-r or mhmm riaht ta rutm 4a bal Imrrd hy aar analiOrd tntar pre art. I. and ahat admit lunh paraoa to eora with. tut tVf iiring ueb rif, ery prrB aaoffiBding abi,aps .- letKvc. b gail'y of m bigb m adrmaannr, and anaii no aentcnm d, lor arry aura off, no, to pay tit Bl airoeding on hand'td dul mr. nr t ndargo aa l,rioatBaat not mm a ihNB Mt r, ur nkr ar both, at Ut diaarstUa of lb out I. c T. Tit laya pree Hag arary etaetloa fbr eiaf af rrlnfit and Vie Pridni of tb UBltea Plata, tt atiall ft lb duty of th Aeaaa or ta aneal at t plaew iia4 by In for bold tnc the rrrtl n In ra--b :ctli n diatrlrl, and era inn mrmt mil MmttuMa i u,i,UB. who namra ba bar a omitted from tba tin of aefra ratera, ana ahn elata ' right to enU or mmi-m fghti bar orlglaaiad tine lb aae waa ma-ie , at, and ahall add tb name uf aach peraon a lhert aa ball aboa that tby m.-m ati tld U lha rifbt of auffrag Ib aach diatrbrt oa iba peraonal apprattnn vf lb elaimaat naly, nd fnithwlih aat ibj with nroner ut After rmplriiBg tba lit. a np tbrwf aball ! plaecd oa lha done w ib baa when tb rlerlion (a tu V bald, at leaat tiffin daya be for lb rlerlion j and at lb elerfiob tbaaaraa euBna ahall ba t-urmed la all rpri. aa la reuir4 by ibl at and iba act ta akiah h ia a anpida ment. at lh general election in October. Tba Aianr ahall alao mak tk aaaa rrtaraa th Ooftoty Commtaaionara uf all aarmta mad by tlrtut af tbia aetluj and lha Couftiy Coaa, n.iftimier ahall fura lab wpt ikar uf lo lh trttnft ff"r la rack dlatriet, i like maaiw all reapeeia a la rqalrrd at lha gtaoral tUm Unaa ta Or-t'bur Hue. H Tb Mm rvalfa and rr!Hna aball apply at vry apreiai aietioa. aid at arary ap rale e4if, hirougb ur ward lr,.ft. I mfJ tm. peta, aa at (ft gral attiuaa la Vlobca. Abo. 9. Tr.a raaborlira Araaaonra. Inmrtar ana janee mi inr aiornona anon mmvm bar a thr pwer ta) admlrttater oathi to any parooa claim mg in rtcni io oa aeara ar ih rich, of enf. Imga, ? ta regard m any af aaid oHer andar hia a. 1 1 in any wilful ia aa aw arint hj aay p a on ia rriauaa v any manr nr thing n earning nhirb they ahall ba law all tai-rr..a trd hr any uf aaid cftcara, ahall b uaiabad mm r:. . . r ec i w n naaraanra anaii ratra B earn ennpenaion lr tb time nerarilt aprai In Mrfnrmtng tb dalit brhy ai-bwacd aa a ne ri led by Ian for tb prrfof ma-a of tb-lr nih-r dnliu. to h paid by lh CiH.nly CommiaaioRrra aa tft atbrr a at i and ll ahalt ant mm lawful lor any Afaaor aaaea laa aaiaat mm paraM wam-ww.ir..! na.ia a rrrerdt.g thj elrotlnft In ba held on tk 2d Tuesday ,r iiciohar. ia any year, wr viibm l-a dai nan hvfore any rletla lor elarlura t freaidtxit aad Vic Pr ai dant uf lh United Ptair any viwlaftnn o ibt Mftatoa trail h a mtad'-m4ftor, aad aaln.-ai tbe ntteer aa fffHditig r a ln, aa euneicitm B 't ivedinr oa baodr. d dollar ortolmpri potent ao- rxrrdlng thr a aoatb. at hwtB, ftt iae Hiwrrimi in to urv 8c. II. On tb peniinft of If r mora ; tea of lb ounnty, autmg antr natb that th y rerily brllva that frau.la will ba pr.eiK-td at ib ehtitoa abnai la b krld. In any dirt fit, a .hall b the duty f tb coarl of emawi rlM. of al I enua-y. If im teaa.oB, or If not, Ja le therouf ia traeatloa, anBolnt ten lu.tiri...a. aohar and laielligent eitit. n nt th omuiy i, ad aa )rerrre at aaid lrrita i aaid Uferaeare aball b alftd from dioVrnt Mrilra and nher halb t aaid Inrbretof belnnv to Iba aam pnlilical parly httb of the Or er at era abatl ha ta ken frnm th oppoaltr pfillilcal ptry j aaid Orrr arci ahall hart tba right lu b pre at-at alik ib officer of tb rln ttoa. dart g U wbd limr tha aam la hrid. aad tb twtot ar bring ouatrd, and lh returna mda out and aitfued hy th !i lion nfficra In hep nit of r .Ura II rnry tu prop r ; t aau-tilf any para. a nn ta ote.an intrrogt bin nnd hit wu iirat anrler rh. Ib rrgard ba Bia rif hi wt aut (rag at aaid Mr-Mi on. ami u ctaiain bia pira pttnlheod ; and tb tlRcrt af aai'l a BO'iou ar mUirrd tn afford la aaid lverar i t-loetud and Bpnntd evnr) eareniwia uf facility ur thr din-brg uf their d jtt , aad ii mm tin inn t Artf ahall ret war tu pvimu aaid Uraiaetra to b irt at aad parfria t- Ir duttM a a ura aai I. t-r if tha) aball b drit .. frua k.m pi.Iia ny ri -tcara of atimai.., k ibt p-illd at aur tlrtlft dMMet tmnf ba r--Jre(i by irj ttihuoal tr Ing ft eoatral andrr aatd olv tin : 'iiir-i.-', That mo pria aigntog tb p. liilfft aba it In- apHi tti tm 0rirr bit il. If aay tt lbnntaryl t'!rk, ar thr depaiy of aithvr. ur any atbet per-, aball a tb al ol ufbe to any aa-iraiulioa pap.r, ur petmit lb am to a affiit-d. or g.vra out, in nlank, dheret-y It may bo fraudulently aad. wr Segal. ?al C5$tatt for Jalt. ' ' V Private Sale. rPI1X umUnln k..u. j I . B - mm'tmm WlirillMd k X of III. natalnlu, prortj. ,., fc,, mST .1 1U ansa ds.ir.U. lam, ta ru, Ti Iratl awialaa -aaai. Oue Hundred Acres, more or leu, Ii,biy. .1 .k,b , .k. ... ud,f TV aui.of nKlrMlaa. tba t,, tn la dil.'.s, aad lha .., i, ..rtloai. lib iowI ksarii. atatord ol apol,, Mkk ,,, .r lr.. Confonal.l. bal!din TkJL u ..a.i ll-W, .. lkf Ps,i.,UITi7J,J' th. akol. bala, ud.rW4 .k,, " Al.o poiim cU.t, ,o ,10,n,, ,,, Il .ill ba hld , Ik. l.i,,io.f ,f, T.rn.1 saay. Ttt farlbar psrtlnbm ,Uhm Iba aobairibar, or call vatMaali, u ,k, ,T?" aaarUraiaaiaalliluKu. r", F.aa lowaiMp, Jalj fl, Im,i Zm-.fi. Farm for Sals. Til andrralfiird. rs.ldia ia kaot lwkj. a.lrra lo all bia larai al Brim, lab, 7.. Containing Rfty-one Acres. Tblrl; Ira of obick art alasml and aadH a aJ MM. of Mltlritiaa, ks.l.ls, b-l, i. JT lala wllb aoal, aad aa.iai tlstraoa dl! lnf boaa., bara aad .Iksr minaa),' lorik.r .lib a In. onb.r of .imi.it hai,' i Said a. lb. .d T.;.a.,.f 0...,. ..i j f., !5 having a ftotor fa!iag atiriag of a,tr. Aay further Informattoft aaa k aetalaadlr oftlling oft lb premiaa, or addreaaiug tb mmw HEXRT ni'KTRL a:gnd at Naw Millport, JTI4 JH aay raeh 1epltloti, dlartUa mt affraafttUs,' aball be Bull aad toM ftnd It aball ba tba ' my af ih txmrt ll ning tbt m. npua proof balng mad Vfor ft that ft wa frawda-tntly nbtalned. tatabd Ituwadlat t-aanre for raeallfng lh eama fbr eannelUilnai aal any per a wbw ahall nt, mt attempt ta vata, na any ppcf aa ob tained, or wbo ahall la aay way aid la. awaniea at. r bat aa? ftgnrty whtrr la tb laaua. eirealatiott nr ua of any fraadaknt aatwrahta llnB eertflloaid, bM b daemad ilty of a mi, dtmaatior, and NpoB doaeietl'tD tbvrrof ahall undergo f impriadtnmaftt In tba prnltent ary for nut mure than two rar. and By la ftot mwr Ibaa mmm bot)t ad dollar, far every a aeh offea. or either ar both, at tba diartloft l tb nurt. ftc 1 4. Any Ataoaaor, aieetina tBcr or pr bob aa aa Oeeraeer. who ahall arg lft or refaaa Im perfurm a y duty Bjo-rd by thia act. witb oat reaaoftahu or Irgal aauaa. abstll b yM-t tt, avawftltyof ao band rod dollararand If any Aaaeaaor ahall ar any peraoa aa a Ur wbo ia ao aal i nd, ar aball refaet I aeaa aay aa wbo ia auaitftrd, b an nil a ruiiiy oi a mia.t mranur in tfte, and oa tnavletloB ba pnntabad by In ar lm rlaoitmeat. and alaa bt ebbjart U aa aeitoft for ttamiget by lb party lgrie'l ; aad tf aay prana aball fraujalaatiy alter, ad 1 to. deiao or doatrny aay ut of otra wad awt i lb nui fr..m tb piao whert ll ba bora lied, I prr a dealiing a homo a ill do tU to a!l mi b fraurlaleal or miaebioroiu lafeal. trior an I tiaama tbea urtniiM imyrt.pfr pl r"'ww, ar W" ami-nui a mum ' h guilty nf htgb mtad-mraonr.aad tm ! Mob ah at I bo panlahd by a ta not airuodiBg Ir haadrodl doilara, or impriaonaoat aot ob eoedlng two yra. or both, t tbt dirtloa of. tbt enart. fBc. Ii. AH eleetioea for Ity ward, bnrough. rowa-hia and t)totift omeara aball botwftfttr ba Scld oa Ibo roeuod TaraJaj af Oetaoar. al-jt to all tbt prweftioa of tbt lawa regulating tba letiua of aueb fmUarm aot lboonrL'Uat with tai aet i lb prnfta litd 10 aocb rfteaa al that tlm aball Ukt thir piacea at tba Mptr tina nf tbt Irrar ef Iht peraont holding tba aatna at iht tlmt -f eftflh elect loo j ht a aloo tloa for th oAca nf Aaaaaanr or A aai a tan t Ate tor aball bo held, Bdr tbia act, aatil tbt j oar IbTtt. Fee. tt. At all elect inaa hraflr hld, aader tb lawa of tbia Commonwaallh, tba poll ahall b nnewad baiwa lb buura af all and tvvaft o'eloek a. wt . and el-wed a evft 'doch p. au- Prc. IT It aaall bw tbt duly of tbt ftcrtry of tb Tnoimnawraltb ta ppart f.rma for ail tb blaaka made fttaaary by tbia art. aad lor. Biab opie of th earn ta tba County Cnmaaia at Bra af tb cooa'M nf tbt Common wraltbt end tbt Camaly Cnmaiar iowora of oarh Ononty abail t ana aa mT at Kaeor fttter roetlpt tf ib tame, at tba proa rt pane f tbt onunty, peewr and farih la all tbliioa otBt-era uf tba tiarttwa diatrteie f tboir r api let eouailof tpta of aab blaaka. ia toeh Una lit la aa way ha rendered aereaear for tbo dU eharg uf dati Bbder tkl aet. oootoooo Pre. 19 Thai eltltant of thia Utat temnora. rily ia th eric uf thia Atata nr of th irittd ftatta gnr-rnmrnta. on elariual or otbr 1o.ty, and wbt Vi aot Vol whra that amplata , aball nni bt tbo.eby drped af tk right lo Tola Hi rbrlr arvtral tlreuoa dlatriat it tbriao dal quaiiaaa Ibuilrw lo further hereby (ttek. Thai all prraoaa vtrept Jua'le ut lh t'aac. who aball held aa uhVt or ftppoiaiaient of ttaai ondar tb (u rem me at uf th tailed fitate. mr of tbia Mat, ir or aay Incorporated dlaUlot, abathera ennimialuitd ficr or tlbrri, a aabotdmat liter or agnt, who la ur aball b tioilyod aa dr tb Lailm . trram wr Judicial da partmeot of tbt ft at or uf tb tniid 8uia. ir any rlty or lnoonx.raid diatiict- and alan tbal erery mrmbrr uf Cungrtaa. or uf ih ftale l.fftaiature, or uf tbe mbbui ar atlrot o--ant of mmr city or emmiiiuitrr uf any Ii eorporaied atatriet. art by law Incapable af h-ddtng ar eavfeiaing, ai ib aom tim, tbt fCe wr ap poirtwaat uf Judg. laapretor ot Clark of any airi-'ion oi K'mmnuweann. 1 b Hetura Jodgra af th reapeetlrt diatrieu afortaaid aa rt-qoeated to meet at the Coatl H"aa, la lha b-ra,b of ClearArld. un lha I rat Puda ant altar tb H aKnbd Tstaday of iVtulr, then and tbr I do tbuat tntnga reqiihtd of l bam by law. UIVKX anrlrr u band and real, at Haarnald tbia ftttavntk day of Hrptrmb-, ta tbe l.o.j y-ar ur oar I .urn aaa maand elibl btaudrrd and aiity aia. and f tba ud. paJaao wf lb United utra ib ninety third. CVULMl d IIOWK, oh riff. ISO. 1SC9. 0U THE FALL TRADb NEW GOODS tt NEW STYLES. I. Bat. J. L14JIIXOAI, .Varkrl Hlrrrl, CltmrMI, Pm. JJ4S JteT OPENED a larp aod w.ll Mlacinl aaeb of FALL aal V1KTIH BOOTS ad BttOE'J; h. lain! Hjla, of ItAT aad CAPS, it., .kick hi win nil caiir roa rata. Tha Latest Styles of Hats and Caps. Boots, .Shop, Umbrellas, 4c CALL-and SEE Tor YOUIISELVES. I'lacr : next door to A.lamt' Ex. Office. Srpl. II, '-!(. Xrw Cabinet ! M0RKANN0N LAND ANOLI'MIER C&bf PANV osr for lata Toa U U Ik. L' ow.a of 0arla, Ctrarlsld ooaai. K ... ( ' tel. lo aall aaralaaan oamdo la.' linn, rf aud baroab. Oaerola la ailaatad oa lb. M.,kaaaM f!rk, ia las rlrbrat pnioa of tk, ..,, w risark.ld. aa Ibt llaa of last T.roa. 1 rinsJWd Katlroa. absra tbo Mofbaaaoa aad Bti.m braash roada iatsraacc. It u alw ia tb, ktut ol Iba Mii.ha&Bua coal baaia, and larga kudw 4 wbit. aia.. bnaloek. oak, aad olh.r i.aWi nr. roaad it On. af tba lariat laabsr aaaaUMar. tnK l.tatlisfaaisil, ,a tb. Htau i, Us-a.al ia tk Iowa, a-bila tbra ara atari olt,ir laabtr aid biajrfa atilb. aruiwid IL 7aa l.oi i, kit M,M fear old. aad oublala, a poaulaliva of oa, Uva. aaad inbabilaati. dTKor fanbar infomitioa af al; al lb. slol of Iba ibu.i eonoaiii. J0UV L.tWiillS. tar.liaUad.iL Houses and Lots for Sale, I; ,t'tt MOl'SEM aad L0T la Clmrl.ld, V aall ai naaoaablo l.rai. r...s..., p ' '". s p,H. rui a LUlfl , lh. rurnat af Foartb aad IWd atnrl.. .lw Kls2V0foH. Tbso.oftb.il lull an o.ll lK.ua' for .ith.r larabar ard, aoal yard, ot for k.Uai.a paraoM (rairallf, bia( ailbia Jil fm of la. railroad d.aot, fnw aud Irrai. r.a.o.al,lfc A P T 10 (.aOKUb TUub.1. It""" Cii.bt, h. Jrjt ftoott, Crcrrrifis, etc. September 1869. 1869. FALL TllADE. ferai.b a natara.ittt-B eertibaal ta any renoft tabr ahall bare But bia duly taamiuad aaid rwota ta opi-B ..an, ia in rvo w pmm mi tba JLdjre ibrof, aeroritng to lb at (I i'on groaa. ur abi Ii aid ia, eonair at, ur ta any ay lrmit ibe u-u. f .ay Iruadulcat aalar.ni ,n..a hauoiaft tbal it Iraa iu'rnily iraue.iir Ba toie, .- a'U-ru.t tu ot thtr.n, ur ll any un ahall rot, Mrmi. f tot. a an hmii1si. liaturaliaaiiau a.. laaaa 1 l him. he ahall mm Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS; atflr to the County t'onmiiaaionera, who shall Im mediately add Ilia ftarar to the tai duplicate of he waril, homufh, touoihip or diatricl ia nbiob thy hae iTrn aaraM i. Her. 1 On tlw liat bring eomilt tfHl and the aa raemrnti Biailr a nfureaaid. the aame thai) forth with In returned In the County Commiaaii.nara.whn hall cane dui-lira,!- ci)iipa of aaid beta, nilb tbe nbaerrationa ami rilatiatiorra required lo be notrd as afi.reaaid. to he made out a aoon aa prartin Mr and idaoid in the handa of I he Aaaeaaor, who aball. , prior In the Urat of Aujtitat in each year, put ont eopy lhrrof n the dior of nr on the houae whrre Ibe rlee'lnn of Ihr reap-Hlve dielrfrt la rrtfmred to lw brld, and retain tbe other io bia poaaramn. for ttn inaprrtion. free nf rharir. of any pri-M a rial dent in Ihe aaid rlrciim rttlrict who ahall drain in aa the aame : and it ahall It the doty nf the aai-l Aaeraaor In a-ld.from time tn lime, on the prreital application of any on elaiminf the njlit to roi, thr name nf Bitch rial man, and marl. tiiipiite ihe nam "C V.," and immediately aaara him with a Ut. notinft. aa -a all other caeca, hia oftcapation. reaidfnfr. whethtt a Ixhi.,!, r or hnnaeaet per i tf a tvonrdrr, with whotu he boarda : and whrthrr nalu raluH or deaifnlnr tn h-. markinir in all auoh ea- the lettrra, opposite tbe name. ".N'ar4-!!. I.." aa theeaae mar h ; if tha nartmn rUimintr lo m. ! sM-iar-d br nalaralttrd. be ahall ethil.it l Ihr Aaaea- I anrhtaeertifli-alenf nathraliinTion : and if beelaitna that he dirna tn he nalaraliml hpfore tho atil enauinj elrrtmn. hr ahall rihilnl the iwrtifieatt nt bia derlaratina of intfMioa i in all eawe abnr any ward, horuuirh. Inwnbip or eteption dtatriet la d( ridrd lot" two or more prerineta, lha Aiaaar ahall note in all bia aaaraamrnla the rlrrtioa preeinel in whirb nach elretnr reaidfa. and ahall aiakr a arpa rate retara for ath to the County Commiiainnera. ia all ommm in nliieh a rrlurn la mairr.1 fmi htm. hy ihf pmriaioaa of i hia act, and iheCountr Cum mia-innera. in tnakinf duplieatr eopte of all anrh iHufi.a. fh-l' make dnpli.ta eopie. of the naiur "f the rotrra ia rrm prerinet. ntrf.ainirly. and ahull famiah tbe ainr to I I.r A-a-aror; am, Ihr r.iit rruind by thia ae' to h i-lrtd on he door of or on Had ion nUera ua ur lxfr lha fat of Auriat tn 'a'h y.nr. ahall he pat1 on thr drvnia of wr ua the rlnrlnin pint- in ra h of aaid pnHnHa. I .1. Alter tin aetv-aamf nta bar ber-n ts.m- i in ktoImt (d each rewr. Ihr AearetMir ahall. na I " . nnfrw any the .,ndBV irpm.-diat.lt followmn. mak- a rlur ,L" ,n"tP "'dara ar ahtlora. Rtmty ul n the i-ountt t i.inmi-ionrni nf the namea of nil I Ml,f ? Ibt "adrta,anr al re-M. .b-l. ua prranna a-aabad bt bim ainr4- the return miuirvd ! ' "t vieo-dinK wo i W made hr him ht lb antond rertiow ihia m t ",", dwi.are, ad impr.auumeot ia lh tar . iotinf ..pf, ..,if mm H nana the obarr. alii.r. sn.i l"MB"0 '" ritod But tieocdinf tbraa -"'plar.-.to.namjairTd to W m.ia.l a-atotvanid : mn ! ih C'wnty Comini'-inaer ahnll tbtTrap .n ranr j H Any eroB wb oa oath at alCrmft tbf aam to h addH i th rH wra rrtjj mred ht lh ' ( r belura any euart io tbtr g-imtm, ur a-eoad tvetioa of thia art, ami a lull and mra "r. nib'tiat-d la Jmiitr MUta, ahaii. ta p,m it'y tbrrttf t hm ma.1-. cniatnin lha namee of tor nerttfttota wt aIOfllaaii,a. fnt biBiaall ar H rt-mm mntmm4 anaij-at lataMaa in rani I Biy ether poreaft, wiUIy Orpraa, felBf, . mU ard. bnH,f h. ioah.n or prtcdwal. and furniah i toy Uaaliar mm tbt fart, ka.aHua Ua aaaaa the aawo. t lhrr mh thm am, a.l.1 liaktl aaa al.il I, a.a.. - V- hlanka. ta the ..nWraif tb Wtt.ra ia aaid wrd. I naatlrr I ba a tart. ha. . a. th.I ' I . td thwm boring ,)wB -r drmand- hrtrouch, tnwnahin or rrriuH. on irAM ... .1 .11 L. m-.rn.d ...n. r ..t ' I ' 1 prt tbeaj ftrwiHt aalliMOlMiawl r. la th,-niinl,of rr,! twrlay t ttlTt el ofbrn-mtM tria MnvMaT ""Slal". hi a l,i!t (KVhlt, ' 1 . A oaa i am m MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLRARF1F.LD. rA, THE FA1.L TRTtM of twenty to oMi il eommene oa Mnanlay, rVptrmiiar , lM A Primary Hrat will b adJrd ta lha ftrhool Ihia fall ; for which lb aerttrasufa petrnt tuatraetor havo bea mrgH Aaa a effort will b eiiared to render tbia dri'-vrtotal attrftcUrt aad Inatrootitt. TEKMH OF TCITIM. Keadiair. Ortbofrrapbt, Wriiiajr.OlUft La, anna, Primary Arilhmatie and Primary Oeocrar.br, Mr half Urm, (of ka weeha.l. II H Hi "tort, Local and deripli Ueofraphy wun nap I'rawmir, Urammar, jaamat and Wnttea Arithmetie ..a I 4lrehra and tb fk-ieneea 5 tnatrartlot la iaatrutatottl muaie It Oil p.latr 11 Wai W..rh , H Koe full barttoolar aend fur t'lrealaiv Clearftrld, Au(. l-. lHftV.ptt arf7ild"acIdT Rev. P. L. Harriicn, A, M., Principal. rpilt rill'T ftSSIOI af Ik. a.il 1 Ml.til f oa f al lb lo.lilatlsa ail' ..isa's't .s U.H., o'b da, al SratrBO.'. Paul, ... oator al aa. lira.. 1k, aill H F..l,r.l . r,.n . "'i"d tsi"ia rT.,ib,iltib.,,.i.r- - , ,,v. I rn'n, 1 limiil II 11... .1 lb, SM.IM. NEW CCK)US! NEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!!! WM. HEED & CO., Market Street C!earfield, Pa., JJAVI Jf8T ortNED a larra aad aaai plta atiorliBoal af C. KRATZER & SONS AllERKl EIVINO A-l'l.rNnitTCrt OF CAKI'tlS ..1 OIL CLOl Us. W ALL PAI'thS-GILr I aTlR. lace ctrtai.ns, window shade COUSrEHrAXES and qlmltj. LIS EX TABLE C LOTUS I KATSIKi LA DI ES SILK COATS i OV E RSK1RTS. ELEit ANT SHAWLS 4 LACK POINTS, I A DIES' i, CHILDREN'S TR1MHU 11 A I d. DRESS 000 US AND TRIM MINOS. it EST Klrt OLDVE-I.ADIE' OIS. TLEilt.l'S AKUCitlLUKkM'S. BLACK AND rANCY SILKS. riNK BLACK ALrCA. HNFQCALI.rD KTOTK LAIilEVAXD tlllLUUt.N ti sriOM ot- UAITLRs. Mt.s calf d- frencu nr boots. IIF.AVV CALF BOOTS. i. alKN' A KD BOYS' FINE AXD BKATT hi IOK.S. BEST STOM TEA SEIT3, i. CASSIUERES VERY CUEAP. ORfK'EntFA FLOl'R d rROVISIOM AT LOWEST RATES, I.IPFSAL PEnCCTin.S TO THOSI BL'YISO IN CJITAN rrrY. WiXit.. MARK FTINU AND iCTET rUoDUwK WANTID. Cl.arl.ld, Jaal 16. ItAf. durational. I'ai.tsv, Vo,,a and K-a,kvs slf...!. UosMt Kl.lrl, Km. Klana.li' fa. aaaVr. asar, llrr,.r, and C,. : Trliatiiil of all kind, Airland.,', K d lilnrra, (...sri..r lo Joatint,) tsihrr inj Woritod LACIE3 AND GENTLEMEN' S' rUE.MSIlING GOODS, hats, caps, rrns, ac, jtc., Ac. HAVINO iflsMsd aar oora rlo.b allh tk. (raalou aar.. b.s.r, oill lad a dosido4 Advnntnge in ctillitig. IIAVIXll MADR AHIIAMlhMKXTS .lib aa importinji fcoaaa ia tbo oaal, ouaalrr dialer. ill br aa.nlira1 llk X.,btr la aa. a.anlli. al K. Torb aad rhlladslhla Jobhlno prion. VIlMIXLTMATllR'a IOTII'l!.Xoia, I. herrb. airrn lbs! l.ltrr. Hl bMo of ',k. taaaobla. OsarlsK ,B, jv" botili boon d. . .. ,w ' . ! aonon. iad. bisa l. Mld ., tk. ' 1 1 b. osor.r of la.traotlna .rabra.M lopioa.i i a 'bomab, am.lieal lad att' pll.brd adaoalksa (op bib via, Tbi Priarioil. bioia bad Ibl aA.al.aa' aarb iiavritoio la hi. prl..,ta, avntr1 r.nl. aid faard ia tbat bi, aaiiri ibi'ili a4 aa.rai.l aill bi darot.d to ibl la'iral aad . lal tlaillaf of lb. yoalb pl.osd vndsr bil ti.t 1 1 n nr ii iiii.N. Onhnftipk,, R.adiai, Tiliat and rVaaT Atlibatatio. par KS..I.1 II a.rl.) $1 Or.amir, Uinpbj, Atitkiaati,, aad lli..,r, ... . . . l Alabra, Oooai.tsj, THroaota.lrv. M.l lamiol. rlirr.aiag, Pbil'Mpkv. Pht.l aln(..Cbsai,tr. Hook Ksiini, Bvua. aad Pk.sirii Hs..lrra.b7 - . . l M UHa, Urrrb lad Krrlck, altb aaf of Ik. aho.i Rraaikoa .... 't t Mt flr-Piaao ( l.tana.) . . . M " ylHr-NB4.do.iloa all! bo a,J. for U.,' dr-rif forlborpartl'-el.ri ln-,alra .f H... r. L. IIAKhMj(, 4 M. F.k. t. It II. (l;jal p,,rir.L CHARLES SCHAFER, L AdtK liEEB U C E W El. Oarfttltf ra nVIXfl rrnrr-H Mr. Ktre ftrfwrrr W k'iMa hr atrial all(ta t W a-fa Hi waiiaiautae af a aa-riie arliel of " ta rai.e ir atrauage wf all Ihe oU ni b7 new raattnaer Aa I COAL! COAL! 'I'tlB aai'mitiiM horota J'rai i Ibw ? X l pn-pard ta d.liror oal a ! orara. oi rs nil por ba.bol al lh. aanb. to aall aurrkaa l.r-M laffe it AVbolpp'l Cicar Plfo aill ro prospl alb.all.ia. A Uboral tban ( f"H pat'wari ia ...iM-ilaa. rUILlT tt ' f ll, m jl ) '