Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 29, 1869, Image 3

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Gkobue H.(io(i)l.ANttu, Kditir.
WFtM?MAT V0I1N1MJ. Plil'T. t9. I".
Democratic State Ticket.
for inivrnion
foil SliPRKMIt Jlt'liE
Democratic District Ticket.
joiin c;
11 A IX. of Cautitj.
Democratio County Ticket.
i r.VI'.ll FI.EGAI., ol Ilrady "owlish Ip
Coonly Commitaionrr,
M. II. HlMl.MAV.of llecesrla toirnakln.
JO!I t). Mlt.1.1' H. of Hrtl lownstilp.
" There will bo four separato tiukulu
or tlis to do vuli-tl til lliu cumin''
Oclober fled ion. Oim tlckot lieuUod
"Stiiic," for Governor j ono liuuiivd
"Judiciary," for Juli;eof tlio Supreme
Court; ono lnudel "County," for As
ombly, Treasurer, Commissioner, and
Auditor; and ono lieadud "Township,"
(or ''Borougli," an the cao mny be,)
for township und borough oflivura.
Ta Imtkriiooatoby. H hit be
camo Terr fuoliioiiuMo lately with the
nietrojiolitan journals to send corres
amiidi'iils to itiUrroguto prominent
tnen. On our first piio will be I""'"1
report of the interview bad between
Jndfje Packer and a Radical reporter
of the New York Sun establishment.
The reader will soon discover that Hie
Judge know a great deal nmro than
liia iiilormpilor, and that ho left with
a fle4 in liin luil ear, besides inflicting
a serious injury upon .Geary und hi
Ykhily, iMiKKn'.-rnrney ' Vrrs&iny
that "Cy ru I.. Porsltiiir sU;d al home
during tiie war." attending to hi tin
lien an an '.Wemblyniiiii.' Well,
uppirte he did, was that not perfectly
rijrhir' lint where was llio illus
trious (! ) Juile Williams at the came
time? l)id bo nnd the Forneys not
Btny ul home abusing Democrats, und
receive tln refor a miu salary ?
It would heem according to the log
ic of such r.idicnls as Forney k Co.,
that llio only test of loyalty and qua)
ideations for oflice consists in a little
.tnolttir t'nlmhnotl .Vctlfrf.
The I'aihfnl pn- thro'ii;! t the
Slate, with but lew exception,
hem as'iduoiisly enni'i'd in rimihi
ting a ivpaH to the t th ct thnl Jude
Tin ker, the lemocrutic (audidiite for
(ioveinor, refused to pay hi" bounty
nnd locul taxes (which are enormous)
in the district ill which ho reside, in
) Hlo-fl-T. Hut tho Munch Chunk
Ih mncrat in ft recent issuo make a
public expose of this i.iuiM libel nil
tho ( haracler of a itealous and upright
gentleman. Here nro tho fact and
ligurrn, und it is Paid "figures won't
He," if the opposition do :
' l'indiiig Juilge 1'acker unassailable
in decent and manly controversy, the
Itadical have changed llieir tack ol
lute, nod now try to break his popu
larity wit li tho people by wholesale
and deliberate lying- So it has been
impudently charged that ho failed to
pay his bounty and other local taxes
whilst a roidcnt of 'ur borough
Hut a few figures are needful to ex
poso this meducity and the political
(fchuiichcry in which Radicalism in
In 1Hti;i the wholo of tho laxe of
MhiicIi Chunk borough amounted to
Of this amount Judge Pucker paid
Borough f n,i:: In
S.StiH 21',
1.1.8 IK 62
hey preach, we ait) led to exclaim,
Oh cviisUtency, thuu art a jetctl.
Surri.r.D. Dr Early has been adop.
tod by the Radical party of this dis
tritt u their candidate for the Legis-
latnro, und ho pledge hi body, foul
nnd breci he to them, and to support
the nomir evsnf that party forSnc.iker,
Suilo Treasurer and other officers
And yet, lie liu tho impudence to
announce liinmlf as an "independent
licmovrMio cnndliiate"! This i in
deed a nieo feast t which honest
democrat are invited by tho Doctor
and his allies! io man either Demo
crat or ltepuiilieun, who know the
former lycgislstivccareor of Dr. Karly
and is opposed to Legislative corrup
tion can voto for him, without perpe
trating a public on tin go.
"A just Democrat" ak u a great
many question with rcfiVretice to the
Representative question, whiili e
have not the time, to answer farther,
than to any that wo denounced Dr.
wHy'a course when lm run against
Ir. Buyer, in such a manner as we
luivo mi doubt the party and both gen
tlemen understood. Tho ullcgulioii
that lie then voted and acted with the
Democrat is no proof that ho will do
, oa train if elected. For tho very rea
on ho lias been called to an a. -count
by the Rad and they refused lo sup
port him again until lie pledged him
self not u act and vote u ho had done
before. Rehcurning the fault of ol I)
cr will add no viriuo to tho Doctor's
jcJigre u a legislator.
Kclivol ......
fJi'.m; li
Tims it appears that in 181)5 Judge
Packer paid over 70 percent, nf the
total amount id' borough tax levied.
In lMKi tho total lux levied wus
$37 .01 0-'.
(r this amount Judge Packer paid
Dorongti S"
K-ho,l i MIS II
Uuuulv t.VoU
t:i,2t 6ti
In this year then Juilgo Pucker paid
over 07 per rent, of tho tux levied.
No copiously hud tho money flowed
into tho borough treasury by this sys
tem of luxation that all tho bounty
indebtedness was paid off in this war!
Wlmt bold liars the Radicals must bo,
to cliargo linn juiiv . i .j
his bounty taxes, when it was only
through him that the burden was dis
charged, und the poor man relieved
of an enormous taxation.
Take tho year 1SH7, in which the
total tax levied was i4.HII7 47.
Of this amount J udgo Packer paid
BoruuKh. J.:1 3?
8cbuoi. ,rri
$11. HSU 2tl
Here, too, he pay over 59 per tent
of the tola! taxes h-vled ,
In this year the Kadicul Legislature
passed the law exempting the slocks
nt corporations liom local taxation
This relieved u great part of Judge
lacker properly. tSlill his real
estate und other properly remained
hallo to local luxation, and no one
tare say ho has not paid every cent
ot it
Dill Judge Packer chose In lako lit
hi residence in Philadelphia in llii
und has si i co resided and voted there !
Well, had ho not thu right solo do?
Since when ha it become unlawful
for a man lo take up his residence
where ho pleases? Judge Pucker did
no inure than any other man would
In under the circumstance. His husi
nes i principally in Philadelphia;
most of hi time is spent there; the
APIini tif lltll si ln entire jurisdiction M,'r ibe nb-
Democratic But. Cotral Committee J- XTt:!
or i'i.nvm i.v.vma.
A Poon Kxrisr The Klk Gneltt,
established F,t Sf. Mrtty about ten
mnnni ago a ii Democruui- journal,
relu-c lo snj.port Mr. Hull, the rcgu
lur Democratic nominee lor Assembly,
and gne for tho holier, Dr. Karly
The paper is owned by an asx iution,
ofw hich the IWlor is president, hence
the course of tho paper i ijniio natu
ral. In justification of iho Doctor's
course, the editor say: '-Dr. K.ulv
it. . ... l , "
ik-ivu in iiiiur.iw in namo n a can
didalo if Jlr. Hail w,m,, withdraw
bis, and let the Convention nominalo
a new mail." Tin is a proposition
the Doctor has hail on hand for lil'ieen
years, and nluay urged by him w hen
he found ho ci.ulj not be nominated.
, The (iK.-ttr will realise, when too late,
that boiling Democratic nominee in
ltd district is an uphill business, ami
fciipporiinir rooster and corruption
l ing is neither Democrntiu nor sound
inoraN. Democrat, if th,.y have no
resect lor correct principle, might
ts well vote for a big roller ( (ieary)
at once a cninpromise tbeni vc on
mull ono liko Dr. Karly.
- The Juvrnnl (Swoope) of last week
w ill no doubt furnislho (iat. tt, will,
-py on tho hgiMalive qucMio,,. .ar,e, llt witll ,,,,,,,,,
liiiilii-iil ,,nn 'i, .
,..,, ,k h() J,,uljt
oj ttiitil lie rk-ctien.
he found it conveiiient and chose to
reside, vole. Hint puv his taxes in Plnla
delphiu. Out ofthisa few fools would
make political capital. They w ill have
a troublesome timo in doing il ; but
so mr iney nave succeeueU hi writing
un nisi ives Miuineleiis uses and mil
Tue (Jt estiom of Slffraos
In order that our reader may fully
niKicrsliiiid tho import ,f tl,e Filteentli
Constitutional Aiiicnduirtit, we repro-
duco the sumo in our columns:
"Art. XV. 1. Tho right of tho citi-
xen ol tho I niteil Males to vote ami
I...I.I - nx. - l li . , . . .
n"iii uuico snan not no ucnieU or
ulirtUircd l.y the t inted States nor
n-.y .St.ilo OX ACCOt NT OF RACK
OR COLOR, or previous condition of
'2. Tho Congres shall have power
to enforc e, this urticlo by appropriate
. Lpon ibis subject the Republicans
of Penn) Irani, in Convention asem-
bled, adopted the following resolution:, That W0 Whollv nnnror.i
of the principles and policy of 'he
Administration of (Jen. Gram, and
wo heartily endorse rverv sentiment
contained in hi inaugural address.
ami especially do bereby ratify and
approve l.'io late amendment proposed
by Congress) lo the Constitution of
the United 8talc, and known as thu
fifteenth Amendment.
Tho question resolves itself into
this : All those who vote the Republi
can Stalo and County ticket at il.
coming October oleelion, giro their
assent to tho Congressional schemo lo
force ncirro siilfi'Mi'o umm dm
of Peniicj Ivania.
This 1'rart
C A I. I F O II N a ,
M E ,
ep It
Dn.MoraATs rememlier tho timo for
being registered tho election is
arrowing short. Then see toil at onto !
Don t delay, or it may bo too lalo.
IIarii Swf.ahimi It
observe what a Governor has lo swear
to in iririniK i.. ,i, ...
iiath are put to himlin oath of
fidelity to the State Constitution,
another lo the United Stales consll.
iiition, another a.-ainst dm-llin..
n not her thai he wa not concerniMl in
,t ic rebellion, and a H lb tlut he Mi
properly peitiirm the dmiea of his
"lino. Hero is a patent r'inedv
wgioiisi the .T1, - mivernineiri
.1 ll.l I I J . . L.. .
' iiiniiiics i ii .-siuIch n0 lnn, (.,
O'dy pile up iho oaihs. Keep the
Governor swearing, mid you are sure
lo lie, are. Where can we find a
moro supremely lidlculous fact I y
TUo President readied Washington
on cdnesday, and a special di.p.,1, b
til t Im ..... ...... '
, . T'"' says: "Alter Visning
hisstnlilm ,o ,niVe ul tu tli .SiHio
Deraritneui, when he hadacoi.len.ii.
with Secretary Fish." Characlerisiio.
Hi Mablo (lrt. l ennsy Ivmiia, i tl10 jln.
mortal lunguageol .Stonewall Jackson,
-Jtewarc ot Gv.irv!"
Himii or Til Iii.Ki.i n-itir fiiitr f-ivKotrr I
i I Airh HiH. I' l.lim. J
The Di-iiKicriitio State Coiniiiittee,
duly impressed willi the importance
of the approaching election, and
ilesiroiiH of uischaryiiig the diilic im
posed upon them In nil saiiuhlo way,
propose to addles In you a lew
sincere, curliest words.
Wo desire by the election of Mr.
Pershing, to Iho bench of tho Supreme
Court, lo secure u Juilgo of ubility
iind higher chnrailer, who will be
impartial ill Ilia great office, and will
make the Constitution mid iho Laws
the I'lilu nf hi judgment and iictinn.
Tho election of Asu Pucker, to 'the
oftico of Governor, is recommended
by many consideration of high mo
ment, to omo nf which wo propose, lo
call your attention.
Reform i neoded in Iho Stnlo Gov
ernment, and ho i a lit man lo intro
duce nnd uphold il. For ho w ill come
to tho pcrtnrmanco ot public duty,
armed wiih integrity a with a gar
iiienl, with n knowledge of thu busi
ness interest of our people, and with
an earnest purpose lo do good and
resist evil.
Whut hit been amiss in legislation
nnd in Kxeculivo action at llarrishiirg
in recent year, will, to rebuked by
bis election. For ho has had no
concern und no sympathy with the
mismanagement of the Stale finances
and with the enactment of odious or
improvident laws; bo hns been en
gaged in honorable enterprise nf great
public utility, und has given his
sympathies always to honorable men.
whether in bunnies or in political lite.
He iuis also much knowledge ol public
life and of public men. This is an
indispensible qualification for the nlliec
of Governor, or of President. With
out il, Executive service must bo badly
pertnrineil or neglected.
Asa Pucker represents well one
practical effect of our free insl lotions.
A penniless youth, and a man of hum
ble position in the earlier yean of his
manhood, he bus achieved a prominent
leisiiinn among the busines nun of
tnu country, und Uistinciiou us
political man. Ho now uppenr bo
lore you, not unsolicited, as a candi
date lor the highest olliee in the State
Government, and holds as such thr
rospect and contidenco of his fellow
ciliKcirs, moro truly nnd firmly than
could u man of high rank and proud
liiicairo in a country ol despotic or
arisiocrulicul institutions. In hi
case, popular confidence is based
entirely upon tho solid foundation of
real merit ; Iried throni;houl an event
I'nl cari-eraud niuiiilesled in Imnombiu,
useful, and miignuuinioiis action.
Asa i'ueker, in the Gubernatorial
chair, will give lo us what we greatly
need; a strong point of defence and
mcurily against violent, unjust, ill
coiisiilereil, scltih and paili-an law.
He is above all baseness, independent
of all cliques and "rings," (so called),
and a incapable of conscious Injustice
lo political npKiiients as of unworthy
subserviency In political friends. He
will be just, firm, laillilul and toler
ant in hit great olliee, if he shall be
charged with its duties, and will pur
sue therein no selfish object, whether
of ambition or ol private gain.
Asa Pucker is a true representative
of thu industrial interests of the State
and nfoiir groat public improvement.
IIU ul.ii... with lyiih are extensive,
emd and liberal. Jlu will lavor ami
aid the development of tho former and
all possible extensions of the latlet.
so that our H'Oplu shall be prosperous
anu ne cnatiled Iho Uetlt r lo bear the
irreal burden of their nubliudel.t.
The present canvass has not been
one ol excitement or of noisy effort.
Hut we believe I Iml curliest thought
has dojii directed by our people to the
issue involved in it, and lo the 10
spectivo claim of the candidate
bcliiro them. There is a disposition
in the public, mind (hiuI a proper and
timely one) to puss from sectional ami
adventitious questions connected w ith
the recent war. and bestow attention
uim n financial. monetary and industrial
ones, which coino Homo to our neo-
pie in iheir eve-y day pursuits and
avocation. .Money is scarco for
many legitimate und useful invest
ments; our luxation in many respects
iincipiai, anil upon some oljects op
pressive; the lutes of interest upon
public loans are improvident; tho ex
h-iisckoi government (.both Stuto and
Federal) are excessive, il not nmfli.
k'uto, and the relations between capi
tal and labor a re uneasy and disturbed :
and then there is unquestionably a
general lowering of the moral tone of
public lile lielow the level of furincr
For remedy lor these manifest evils
( winch liono can deny, und, all good
men must lament,) the people, must
act with energy and wisdom. Thry
must cull better men than ihey now
have lo place of public trust, and
Aey mutt hreak vj the ntvnnpoli of
pnucr by the JiqivMican fmrty The
ciccinm ol A Tucker Will point to
rvionu anu improvement in our iifluir.
ana will go a great Way toward
securing them. For il will mean that
integrity and capacity high honor,
spotless character, business ability,
vApei ienee in auuir, ami a charitable.
tolerant and magnanimous spirit are
appreciated by the people, and that
men pi sstng them, will bo secured
whenever possible fiir tho pubc
service; mid il will mean also, thai a
parly in possession of unchecked
pow cr lor many year, w hose perforin-
aiice in llio uilmiiiislralion of govern
ment are unsatisfactory, will bo called
upon o surrender it power, or lo
divide that poer with another party
more f.iilhlul or more competent.
The Harrisbiii g Convent ion claimed
for our Siato Iho right and pmilego
of dctci miiiinir for herself thu nil.,. ..r
popular suffrage within her limits.
1 his right, w hich was rccocnized in
the Republican platform of IxiiS, i
ihio ol vilal lniHiiiance, and should
never bo surrendered or waived lor
it Iho right lo dilermiiio whether
Afi icans, Asiatic or Indian shall I...
electors of a Mate or not, be taken
away Iron! the .Stale no matter in
wtiul way llieir character as sovnr.
eign ficu Slates is clearly gone from
iiicni. vi a are not so directly inter
ested in lhu adjustment of snHiin.n !,.
the Southern Slate under the reeoi .
slruclion laws ol Cimgreaa, as in the
general question ofSialo power oxer
me suoject ol Millrago. Though We
' acquiesce in lhu birnier a an
accomplished lucl as an exceptional
federal liower over sec...
(.'tncrnl lilif IIdii Pro. tarnation.
HFRF.A. l wtoflkt i.rl A.M-
lil l lh l..m..llll ( I'.ssnl.s
slarsllllr4 "As U Is rrsiilil Hit ttrnersl
F ail " llhl this I'msMnsanlik," Il h
J.-ir F III Shffrlfl. nf 111 rsr1 iisiillvf
to )l r 11" si'lni "t tur tlsrlliil, Ih fUnsi
wbrs la b hls, sttil the i ffii-rri to Ik flrt It
'srr'iss, I, crsr,i lluwr, Ulelt 8hrlff
nflUsrftslil eouttly, d ben-by iriTs Fuhlle No
tlo lo llio rlertiir. or Iho rouaty of rUorneld,
h s ffrnorol rlrotlns will bo 4 o lb sor.
siirrender our similar Fitfht, if we
shall bo wisely insl rill led by history
nnd by reason, and shall ho regardful
of our future!, nnd our honor.
The country ilcsiiv not only pence,
but all Iho li uil of pence-restored
coneord, restored prosperity, and a
complete restoration ol constitutional
rule in nil tho Slate. Wo eck for
this; wedesiro this with all our hearts.
So far then us national policy is con
cerned, our caiiso islhe cause of pcuce ; o11" !' '"""'J. !
. ,.' , ... J , Ik qiithdrd olrn mil foto
ami ol good will mnoiig men j ol purfc K, ,,,, fr owner ofil
und just govertinieut cnnforuied to
liindamental law and inspired by a
hiimauo and Christian spirit, ami II is
opposed 1 1 1 v to niisniaiiiigiiuieut and
wrong to tho rtido rule of iho mili
tary in timo of peace and to the
plunder of tho people.
lly order of the Jcmocratic tftatt
W.M. MUTCHI.KU, Chairman.
IW.h ; ood 00 B lbll kf Sarolllnl 10 ! Ol
th Olf fllnO OB Itlil JOT WhlOO BOISO . OOl OB 0l4
so nob d.r.notiloB, dmloroMsB or i.ll-.
boll bo Boll ood lM I Bod II bo ihf alt
,, ,lo lit .I..H at.lio ,mH,l ol bit rlM lo of ih. firt It Bisf lb. rssof bols.
to IOBO nuOionitio ,B ...
oaio for stssolltiloa I ob I foron alio tboll
Jttcat Clint tor fai.
.. b,
lie. 4 Ob Ibi. ilo or HrllB 1st soroto tuns
did, it bi on tbr told li.l. osd tloluiing llio right
lo tnlo 01 Mid Bli-OM", Ikoll frOilow II htt OB
qoalinm! rolrr of lb di.trint to abii-b httlsluil lu
Lo a olcr, fur lb iortd of at loo lu dtvt noil
pmodiBl 'old Olm-lioa, abieb alltinu thull Itbr
osd lilio a orilli. ot pari It wrioeo Bud port!
ptintnl. aflS.lartt to III. loi-ll HBltil bt Inn. abk'h
Si.U.n tholl drn cloarly whire lb rtildi nco II
ol 111 pirn oUlaioiR In b a tutor; and llis pr
Ti ar tTroi.a ,a, o. in. mi , M;,jnt ,, r, .,,,, . ubtunl
J ..I iha lanalh I a, lha u.r. alrli..n Jn. " . ....
timo and plao
oflhe Cotnaiunatallh
TllR SotrilKRN (,'OMMKRCIAf. CoN-
vf.ntion Gov. Geary ha appointed
Col. Thomas A. Scott. Gon. (iuorgo W.
Cus, Gon. J K. Moorhoad, Hon. Rich
ard J. Iluldenian, Col. Wm. Phillip,
Henn M'Cormick, Ksq , Hon. G. Da.v
son Cohiinan, Hon Stanley Woodwind,
Kdwurd F. Gay, Ksq., and Hon. Hei
drick li Wright, delegates from l'en.
sylvnuia lo the Southern Coinmerciil
t'onvention. In be held at lxuiisvilb,
Kentucky, on the 12th of October next.
ti bvrvhjr ?it that llliTfnf artminlrrrnt nn
B tb Htllt f ti 11 AHlAi 1 . h.RAIM dCMlH,
1m tf of 'liTRtur trtihip. t,'leftelJ HfHintjf, fa ,
hNvitig; tfn lul) jtrntited t th utiderpirrned,
II pvnmnt) lndebtd to laid fut-t will lMt
rik JioBiiUiii paTtntat. end ihoic bavinf
fl.tiiiiia r nVinanda w all prrfitt thrm pruparl)
urhoDtlcalfd lor atttliniAf wltboat delay.
i.'t flt JACOU WltiK, AdmiBiairor.
n AVISO t.K-MriJ at Kvlrrt.iwn, Clrarflvld eo.
Pa., offcr bia pntlvMional vorrioet Ni the
ile of tho 'urrounding eoautrjr. (Kt-jil. t9,'W-)f
718 Arch St.,
Mi.i.ii. or HIM-.. Wt.
7tband Mb Hi., Houth id,
ImiMtrtrr, manufarturfr
and lpaler in ll kin da
ftnd unalitv nf
i-ancv Fi nn
ro LADira' a chilprki'i
ma ah.
Hai in a; f n-arid, fvnod
rlrd inuj itajiruvi-d my a'd
and ravnraMv kouwn Kl'R
KiirOHIi M. and bjninr
imporUti a vry Urr ani aplondid aairi awnl ul
all tbt diffrrrnt kinda of fura from flrat haiidf In
Karttp. and have hd thrm wada mp by lb brum
fkilltul ooikinea. 1 would rrapecltutly iaritv any
fricnJ of Clearfield aH-1 ad: arc n I eountle. lu call
aiid rka'Dine mr rry largr and brau'iful aeaort
ment of Fanr Kara, fur l.adira and Children. I
am detenu. id to aril al a low prit-ara aa anr olhar
revMaM lluuaa in tbia ril j. All Kurt Warau
ted. No BiiaiTj.rcanlBliyna In ,-ffefi ante.
gqt SO, 'I.9-4M 718 Arrb Hi. l'biladelpbia.
Mrs. ot"B
DlHHOI.l'TKlV Tha p.rlnwb.p haeeto
fore iintinn lK-twera the under if ued in thr
tuireanlilc hainea in tti born ugh of L tuber
eitr, on.ler lha name of Kirk t hfsenoer, waa. oo
tbt lith inL, diaaolvrd hy mntuaJ eontent.
The booh and nutea ara in the knda of II. W.
Pppnorr, fur c.llMtion. All person t haowinx
themaehft Indented In aaid firm Will pteaa) call
and tcUl wiiboiil delay. ISAAC KIKK,
11. W. H'kN LR.
Lumber City, Sept, 15, '09. (Kepi tl t
1l III.IC VKIl IThoro"ili Ua'Vi"p.
at-d lo mI at puUic out-crr at tba rraidmce
am the anl.riter in Jordan towntiii, on
tbr fulbmi: a; d(trriled afMitial pmperlv, to i :
two lH.ree, tu e-lti, tma e.wa, four beaJ of beef
rat l la, ait buy, fuor pii, two eaJvea, bay by r t.r
rnn, eoru in tha nei.i, bl and poutef by the
nunri. ono wagon, two aieilt, on low, ooa bar
raw, tug enaitu, n.
ne inrgo nairtaway coama; tfova, one
mat atm-e, dining table, two aefa ot rbaira, two
flauda, are bed-Uada, two enpboarda, largo Iron
kettle, logeiber witb a tariely of oibtt artlcloa
too Dmoerons lo niaka tneniiun of.
Hal will rom me net t l o'clock, , or, wkn
trtna will b made known by
Aua-.arjlle, Sept. Sipd
X ' l uioa I'ai'illi.'. to be tven al
UAVIXll pmchawl Iho onllra Hork of (ool.
at Iho i.l.t otaiail of Kirk Cponoor, I
luii-ui, 10 ennnnao lue uo.iaoo, of nerdMruro.
My nulla it lo aril "inur ros cs." '
Tbanltina; oor IViooil. aod cu.h.m.r, for piM
patroDo, I oolicit a oobubuoois of too ooajio.
18AAU klHK.
LobiW rtiy, aotii. 'J If.
IHoNCH klt).-l ao4 LCS niLUHsraT
Mr. H bUob',.
MK. M. A. I1IM.KK baa Jiiat arrived frtmi
ISria and iHid.fl with tho latral doaigna.
pvrMnally ah-eted frirm the greateat anrrlttea;
a1t, the mn elrgaut Trimming to be aei arod in
Pari, auch ae
F.irulre agent fnr Mr. M. Wnrfc'i palehralrd
aval em fitr rutting lathee' tlreaaea, aaVfiie, baXjuea,
if 'i-nejrvaiiia.
Yr one jm rto fir Jiidgo of lb iSaprftue Couii
if tba C"inaV1(b of rnn a.
Fr oiif, pcreoit to rvprvarnt tho onuntiri of Clear-
1eld, l-lk ami Furtut in tbr llouao uf Itepro-
entativct of tliia Commi)nwalth.
Fir one perann lr tho olftoe of Couuty Tnnaarer
4 Clrarbt Id eoiuity.
F.f nna pftwii for the offlro of Coonty t'ommia-
aiuner of ClearAebl oounty.
?ir onn n riHjii for the oftico of Aoditir of Cbar
fi-ld ciiunlv.
The elrrtort uf the onnnty of ClrarfirM will Inke
notice Ibi) aaid general tlerliun will Ira held
at the .olifiwiiig ptatx-a. eii :
Lie aria tuwiirbip, nt tbr li.Ua Ilotil, ia Glen
Hell tnwnitliip. at the Iwiaae of Aaepb Fllta.
liloutn lownaiiip, at tbv kooao of Uio laia Jataci
III'h.u. Hr.
llgifa towtitliip, at tke horn of Edward Albert.
Until ford townabip, at ttie hrmae uf Jacob Fieree.
H ratty towuafaip, at tba koaao of m. ekkwam,
in Lylberaburg.
Ilurnaide loonahlp, at Young! trh(Ml bouao.
Cbfat townahip, at the pnblio acliool boaaa near
Simon Itorattaugh't.
I led r held bonMifb, at the Court llouao.
Covut)cl'n towunbip, al the houan of J. SJaurer.
C'urwciiavilie bvruuh, at the bua.e of the late
I JIM Ulouui.
lieoatur tnwnahip, at Can ire achool honac.
Frrguaon tAiwnabip, at the buuae uf John Un-g
nry, luriutrly oc.-uiii-d by Tboa. Hobiaon, (Broad
t.irard township, at Congreaa II ill acliool bouaa.
tiuihen tiwniliip, at the public u-hool bxuu.
tirah:im lowitiliip. at the notieeof Jarub ilulik-r.
Uulieb townahip, at tbe public kbou! huuae, in
lluaton twnabip, at the bouae of Jeaoo Wilaon,
Jurditn towuabip, at the jiuhhe aebuol bullae, in
Kartbaua townablp. at Uridgen'a arhool boaaa,
kliol loanahip, at 1 urkey Hill n-bool feouaa.
lawrenc tnwuahip, at lue Cowrt ilouae, in tbe
boroub of tlearBeiii.
l.amtir City Itorougb, at tbe public aebool bouae.
MufTil tiwiiNhip,at tbe bouae formerly oeeupied
by Tbotnaa Kyler.
New Washington borough, at the public achool
Oaeeola borough, at tbe public boiiM of llllo
lltM't, in aaid burougti.
, Proa townahip, at tba hotel formerly kept by
WW. Anderaoii. to...-.. , - a-, tv e .i.., t... t-m-
liliMiia, In Ine untugh ot 1 urwenarillr.
I n ion townahip, at tbe buna of D. K. Ilrubaker.
Woodward lowiubip, at (be bo tue of Tbouiai
AN ACT regulating lha mode of voting at all
election a in the oereral count iea of thia Com
monwealth, approved ibe 2Uth day of March, A.
v., ihon, via t
fitfTioi 1. it nmrit4 ht the Renal e and
Home of Ki prvM-atatireeof the Commonwealth of
1'ennaylvania in Ueneral Aaarmhly met, and it ia
berehy enact ihJ hy autboritf if tbe umr, Thai tbe
qualified tot era of the arvrravl auantiea of thia
tottimonwialth. at all general, towofb.p, borough
and MriaJ elect too a, are hereby, herealter aa I hor
ned and reontrvd lo eolt, by t.cketa, printed, or
wrmrn, or partly pnnteu and partly wriltra, aer
erally claitird aa follow.; One tit-ket aball em
brace tbe nainri of all ) i lga of euarie roted for,
and to no iab4Hiel, out 'Me, "junieiary ; one ticket
ehall embrace the nainea of the atale officetl voted
tor, ami he latelled, "tnte ; one ticket ahall em
brace tbe namti of all eoanty offlccre voted for.
including oftii-e of eenafur, memWr, and memtiera
of aaaeubly, if uled for. and mem tier a of Coogrera.
if voted for, aud be lalfrlled, "county ; one ticket
ahall embrace the Bamei of all townahip oflleere
voted for, and be Ultelled. "townbip ;" one tick
U aball rmbraeo (be itainee of all borough vticera
voieq lor, anu ne laiMiiel, "borough ; and each
claaa aball be depot i ted la aeparate ballot boiea,
I alee glee official notice to tb elector of Clear
Btld county that ty aa act eotttfed "A a Act far
Iber Bupptemenial to tbe act it let ire to Ibe elee.
tiooa of tbia IVimmooweolib," appmved April 17,
A. D. ISA. Il ia provKted aa followa :
Hi.cnoa I. efierai.atc., That il ahall be the
duly of each of the A r within tbia Common
wraith, on tbe lot Monday in Jane of each year, to
laaeupineiranaeripl ne baa received from tbe Co.
Coaamiaaioaer under Ibe eigklb eeotUf f the act
name or etery peraon who ia known by km lo
TruiMurirwjorai ainee too leaf pran iouaa aeaa
men!, or wboae removal into tbe ama ahall bo oi
ahall have Ixh-o made auown to at to, and alao the
namca of all who ahall mka claiai ... ki. i i-
ooaliflr.1 rotcra there, a. Aa aooa aa tbia revi.iot,
la cplrled be aball every dwelling bouaa In
hta di.lrirt and mUe rarelal inquiry ,f any .r,
wboae name l on hia Jiet baa dini of rruored from
the diatnct.and if m lo take the aaair therelrou,,or
whether any qualified voitr reaidea therein whoat
name (a . 0n bia hit, and if eo to add ibe eame
thereto, and in all caaea where a m, ..i.i .
the bat aUx ahall ferlhwifh be aatraacd agamn the
peraoo ; and Ibe Aaeraeor ahall In all vaaca aacer
Uia, by Inquiry, uitua what the larraoB k,
aaaeaard claia,a to U ft voter. I i-.a the emp!e.
tioa of thia work, it ahall be the duty of each Aa
etteeor aa afnreaaid to proceed lo make out a liM ia
alphalactical onler, of tbe white freemea, alove
iwrnty one yeara nf age. claiming to be com lined
votera in the ward, borough, towi.nhtp or diitrict nf
which be ia the A tereeor. and ofjioaifr each of aaid
namre atale whither aaid frm man w or ia no a
bouiekeetirri and if he ia. the na.U k..
drnce, in tnwaa where the aame are ttsmli.
witb the atrret, alley or eoiirt in which aitnated.'1
and if in a towu where there are no nvmbere, the
name of the ttreet, al ey or court on wbirh aaid
bout fronia: alao, the occjpatioB of Ibe peraon ; I
and where be ia not a boueekceper. the occupation
piace oi ooannng and with wbon, anJ 01,lf
for another, the name of the rmph)rr, and write
oppnaite earb of aaid nainea the Word "voter
w hare any peraon claima lo voto h reaon er natu
rahtattoB. be ahall exhilit hie reri.firate lhem.f to
the Aaar-eor. anlraa he baa been for fiveoonftcu
live yeara neit preceding a rotet la aaid Jiainct
and in all eaaea where the pert. a hat heea nt
rained, the name aball he marked tb the letter
"N.; where the pem'n baa merel ari.ri k..
auliacnW a written, or partly writtt-a and partly
printed, affldai it, atattng. to tbe bi-al of bia knowl
edge aud bclirf, where aod wbea he wa txirni that
he if acltiaen of flicCommoBweana ot rrBuaytva
nianndof tbe C ruled 8tatea ; that bvhaarcaidcd iaj
t ha Common wealth one year, or if lurmi t It a oititea
therein and hai removed therefrom, that be baa re
tided therein m mouth i nit preordiug aaid elr
ttoBt that be bia ro morel luto lha dial riot for
tho purpoae of K,ifig therein ; tbat be haa paid a
Hatti or County tac within two yeara, whb-b waa
aaarawd at lea at I mi day a before aaid electioa ; and.
if a natural nod eititen, aliall alao wberv
and by whit court be wa oatu rallied. and ahall alau
produce hia efiiAcnfe of oaturahaation for exami
nation ; the aaid affidavit 'hall alao atata whn and
wbero tbe tat claimed to hp paid hy the aftlnnt waa
aaactaed, aud when, w litre aud ro whom paid ; and
the tax recoipl therefor ahall be produced for -emulation,
uiiIchv the afflnnt ahall slate in bia affi
davit that it haa been loat or deatroyi-d, ar that be
never rwlvod any t but if the ereue eo claiming
the rigbt lo vote ahall lake and a u been he an a ftl da
vit, that be la a native horn ritiien of tbe I'm ted
Htatea, (or If bora viae here, ibaJI atata tbat faal in
bia all) davit, and aball prodoM evidence tbat be baa
born aatataliaed. or thai ha ie entitled toeltlaenebtp
hy rwaaoa of bis IWiber'a aataraliiattoa ; and ahall
further atale io bia affidavit thai bo la, at tbe lime
of taking lha affidavit, between tbe age of twenty
oue aud twcoly-lwo years t that be haa rcevled In
ibe birte one year and in tba eleotton diatrict ten
daya next preceding aueh election, he aball be enti
tled to vote, although be ahall not have paid taiee ;
the aaid affluent of all persona making such
claim, and the affidavit of the wilneMce lo Ibi ir
reaidt-ne, aball be preaerved by ibe election board,
and at tbcoloae or Iheelrrtio tbry aball be eueloa
td with th hat of voleri, tally list and other papers
retuirrd hy law lo be filed 1 y the return )uIjc with
the Wofbonotary.aBd ahall remain on (lie therewith
in the t'rofhor.otary eofboe, auhjrel to examination
as other election papera arc ; if tbe eieetioB officers
hall Bud that the applicant or a lieanta poeaeaa
all ttw h gal ifuaJifiealioiiaof votois, he or they aball
oa fermilled to rote, aud tbe name or nainee aba 1
be added to the hat of Uiablea by the election offi
cer a. the word "tax" being added where the elaiin
aut claima to vote oa tai, aod tbe word "age" where
be oiaimi to voto oa age; tbe name words being
ati'ied l.y the cleik iu rack ease rrapeelivdy, wo
nm nail oi arraira voting at aui-b elerli.-n.
fiac. It ahall be lawiul for an qi lifted cltl
a a oi ino uiairiet. Botwilha'aMding tbe name
tho propoeed voter Is aootainad the Hal
realdeat taaahlaa, U AthaUcnga the voto of eucb
parsona ; wbervapoa tbe feme proof of Ibe rifrbt
of suffrage aa 1 now re aired by law ebatl he
pubitciy maovand utta ow by tbe election board.
ana ine aumiiteM wr ijura a4ariing
ino vidcBco i every perefia iaming to b
nature I ted eitisea ehall be reqoiroi la prcdaee
aia a..tur.'tsti-a eertiBmite at tat eleatloB bo
fora voting, eaeopt where b baa bea for tea
yoara, OvBseruilrely, a voter In he diauict la
which hooffera his vo a ; and an tbe v-.te of sch
prft being rceeived, it ahall be U,a duty
be election ouecrv to write or lUaia aacb
certiflcale the word "voted," witb tbe m .atb and
yaor , and If any election nftear ar oweere ahall
reeaive a secood vote aa the aame day, by virtue
oi ids same eeiiiBcaie.aiot aUnc where bob ara
eamled to vote y virtue of tba aatumlitaf la
their fatbra, tbev end the per a-, a who aball
sTr oeh seeowd vote, apoi ro ffendiay ahall
bo goiltyof bitfb tkirdeuieaaor. aad oa eoav to
il ow threor. wa load or imp ;aad, or k-uth,
the dlacretloa f theeoet: bat tha fae ahall wot
nee ad oaa hwadred dotlara la earn eaee, aor thr
iwpeiaonmeni one tear; tba like a ai-bmewt
slall be Ir lietod oa ecarieuoo on ike officers of
el rtfufl thu aball neglect er rrfaee to make, or
rouae la be made tbe iadorsement r-qoired a
afreoi4 ob said rataralitat. ert iflraie
He. 6. If any aleiiioa officer aball refaso or
aeg'sxt lo require such proof ..f tbtrihi of auf
irage as ta deeerltted by this law of U.e lawa
wbirh tbia Is a sapplemeat, from anv peraon
offering to votf wbuae aame I not oa tbt liat of
aaoeraed vot ra rifbt to vutlbal
lenred by aar aualifird voter pnwnt, aad tba1
admit ueh pereoB to voa without requiring uch
I rwf, every perwrB so offending bali. apa aa-
ierinc, be gall'y of a high m ad em ea anr. and
aball be acotenct d, for every nuch i.ff. nca. lo pay
a tae at e reeding one handled do) or-, or t
a ad ergo aa Im meat aot mot a taa waa
eer, or suhsr ar botb, at (La diaeratiea of lha
Prlvalo Sale.
rpiF i.n.Ut!t,.J balB 0,11.. ,vt k i
X ol ail rm.iMin pt..,...,, . v,,t ,
I iu o.. 4'Btrabl l.rmi la rM
To Irarl aoalBlat V-
Oue Huudr&d Acres, mor or W
Kifbtt.6 of ahub traoWoroJ anil Mintij
uii,f talllalloa. mn t, fvMY7
n. Ood lha M I. alMlL.1
With gooi) b-arng oroaoN ol iiil, o-otk
pr lri. Ciimfnnl.l bullilini iTLtJ
firo.'l. Conni,Bt lo aol,, aharoba "
Tb ahola boios sadorlotd altb lmiM 'JJ
Al,n iollm' oloy, of an iollnt ouotr.
Il will U held fur lha 101101.1100 of
it atll b rnted. ""at,
Trsn ajr. For fnrtkr pinlealan
lb nabouribor, or roll 1-or.oo.llj M ,7?
oor Urouipiaa II ill P. 0.
Jonw Wc!5Tiltl
P,on loaofbip, Jotj II, li-ot Zmipt.
.,!,. or in, am' to olo, oa ant lP't to ok
i.ln.l. a- ako k. II la ,j ao ti4 la. wool
at, or bar anr Bitoatj akotortr la Ih Imoo.
rtrralolln nr a, ..f on froodolonl larallli
,io h.l! k dm-.l rut" or a aiit-
s,oionor, ar.4 opoo suatH-lt-i lbr-of ,holl
odrtoBliapri..iaaiBl la lb pallol art for
Bl aw ib.a lao ,i.or. tad p. T t iao ant aior
Ikaa aao ibnat addallir. for otor arb i'"B,
nr oiihrr or fcoib, ol ibo of ibt uri.
rc 14. An Aitoor, ol.olii.t oKcor or pr.
ot b bb Ooororor. wbo 0 ha. II Btf loot or rfot
t porfurn a- jr iu.f oJ..-r4 bjr Ibit an. "lib
oul rtaooaoklt or Ural oue. ,bill ko ul j-at Id
s voaalit uf on haadroa d-illon t aod If oor
Amc.x'I ahall bmm any portoa a a otr bo
it aot aoalilitd, ar tkall rrf.t ta aoattt aa oa
who it otliard, bo aball a ruilly nf a ald
mrtmir IB oll, aod aa eonvlrtluB bo ponitb.d
br too or lai ri.oMnui. and alto bt tubiort to
as tellns for .laairt hJ ibt purl trfrtootd :
ood if soy portoB aball fraudoloDtiy sltor, sdl
to, detoo or dt.iroy any Ut of totora, naadt ost
1, aireottd by Ibia m-t. or lasr do. or roio
tbt aaiu frnaa lb plao akoro il ba bora flsod,
al b froudulrnt or aliach Imont. or lor an
Ivproprr purioito, Ih aorooa ta offrndinf aball
Ko g-ailtytifa birh aiid-naBiir,aa4 oa 0"Oio
ioa thai) ha poniabod hy a tat aot ,iol i(
it haadrod dollars, or latprUoutaoal aot tl
otodinir too ytara, ar botb, ol tba dtaaraitua of
tbt ooart.
fac. li. All tlrotiott for ttty. ward, aaraagk.
IMB-kis aad slttia osioara akall karoaltor kt
Said as Ik roooad TaJ of Oei.otr. tahjoot
ta alt lb p,alloa of tba lava rogiilaiisf tbt
oloetliia of aaeb ofteira aal taooa.i.toat witb
tola aot ; Uio porooaa oloelod 10 taeb Aoo at
tbat Ilia aba II Uk lhlr plat. at Ik txpira
Una of tbt torn ol tbt prraoaa holding tbt
aaaia at Ibt Halt i f raeb Irrlloa : hat aa alot
lloe lur ibt a Ar af Aatanr ar Aaalauat Aaara
ai.r akall ko kald, sodor thia at, aatti lha 1 tar
Fte. 14. At til oltrlloB kroaflarktd,aadr
tht law of tbi Cuaauioowoaltk, IB aolla akall
ko oaoaod httwoaa ho huara of all aod ta I , u nlI pwoaaaora oaraida tbt Iibiiii f Zl
o'tl.Mb s. a... and olootd a' ao.oa a'.d. p. aa. boroaih. Otooolt ia aitaaud oa la
Crk, ia Iho rirbat pjrtioa of lb tj
Farm for Sale.
TUB undrrngnrd, roaiding in KooitvnNlK
aoalrr to aH bit fart at prirart ta!. 7u
pr. ilr.iiing a bout aill do to tali uj
tlaiaiut tbrat prtBiaoa,
Containing Fifty-one Acres,
Tblrty llrt of ahieb art tWwrad and aad4HJ
trait of Tvlttration, botldra h-ing tiilirti JT?
Itli with coal, aad ha flag thartoa traioi ,w
ing koatt, bom and othor amaaar, oaibou,,,
togrlbor with a ot onbord of i'ctl,at nr5
all kloJl. Ik (aria adjoint takar, baulk Jt
Wiiboraw, anr abarob tad arbool bMat,j
kBting a aotar filling apriag af aatr.
Aay furtbor Inforuatioa oaa a oblalaiu
tailing oa iho prtBia, or addrouiog Un -.
. V U.ll .
. nri w ., Hiiipvn.
New Cabinet !
PANV offrr for ai Towt Lou ia ikia,.
wu.o of 0roola. Car4ild eoaatT, h,,M
toiitinna to bominr aoitiion and ili-alv,.. ,n k.
rallar.1 hrfonr Ih. nl olmiim. Ih aa aball br
aiafkod -l. la" l..r lb rials la lo role hy roa
oa of Wing brlMn tho gra of lnly on and
iwrnt.r.twn. aa prori.lrd b, l.w. Ih. word ".gr"
.hall ho nlnd : and if llir iiorano h.. .....
in.rirouaa m-lricl 10 rraid aian Iho laat g, Bora I
lrotioi, lhrlrltor-H"hall U i.laord oppoailt thr
aame. li ahull h llir fiirlhrr dulr of curb A.ora
4. ti. W. rarr .( Kl.,rmh and i hralnoi 1 l'" "'f' n l tb d.lir.
Srpl SI, 'ttl-Su,
l'hil.l l,b,a.
J) Mr Walton 1.
Miss E. A. P. Rynder,
40IBT til
Chlrkrlng'a. Vltinwoi't ao.l Ka)ra'l Pitnna
tioillb a, Mao a A lltojlla't tod Htloahot't
Organ and Alolndrno. and tlrorar A
Uak.r', Howlng Marbintl.
Lto TBAraa or
Pltao. Dollar. Otgon, Rormony and Vnoal V.
al. No popll takra fur loao ibaa hall t lorn.
-k.".,a. art .., full Katioaal bask.
I Irain. Id. Moy 4. I"' if.
AIASTI l. IIMI.IHM) N. I ,i,hlooa lorh
Kll I .VJ l.Kr. f,,r a h ih. hl, ri,.
a II h pal.l. M K A V li II BKTl.S.
.'irarliil.l, 4nl II. Mis-lf
Vl.l. pi-r-ona ara hwliy nniiSod aha ha
lraH rtonkinr tmond ot nr noar ,h. M,.lk
ol U bifmar ran oa lb Dronon of llrn,
oy A Co., thai all hark pay m..l ho paid up ho
fi r any nmra ground ran ho ohlaiiwd. And all
rai,iia banking limhrr or or any olhrr
UH )n. oinrr-oi.i pn.,M'rir, allliuut wr
mi. . ion. will ho hrl.l f,,r troa.po.a, or l rknr(.Hl
ny ilmlara p, r rail fur aoid ground. Applialn.B
lor aaid ground Biu.l h aaod to At. 6. linkrt.
l.lio II. ,, t'm.
Srpl. I, 89.m.
t'Xvri'iM) of
did Suites 11l1n.l1 isbvynnil rviitll
muhl tin im for llio Istter nn rmlurin
inlorfst mnl vitality. Our tirctliroii
of Cutilnriiia luivo dcclurotj nt tlic-ir
rt'cent i-Mjuiion tliui liny will ,,t
t'r' tlml (-'onjrii;N oliull iiuve power
lo t-rvutu Jhiuhuo und l liinese voter
lnr llial htiiip. 7".j. ,.jaju, for luu.
S'llIUTllIMI M:w tboAroh.. al
W.M. HhKIl A CO'K.
aasrrL aNi.n.,...
,.W. Bnaa A Bra Hut.
Cl KW K.NSVII.Lt, 'a.
JJAVg .1ST OI'LNKD a Itrgt aad ajorl
onniplol itork of
DACON, IItI i-:i km; IT,
AC, AC, AC. i
Raliafai-lioa guaranoord aa lo oualitr tad prloa.
All huol ol lawilmr and prudint lokra in ,.
rkan r tiit goa l, f),, , ,,t ,r, pBrrn..
alnr otoraboro. ARNnl.n A HIR1KII0RN.
rr"TBrnlrr, Mrpr, ?, faj-tt
10 in-pnaod. to aiabr onl a aroaraio li.l of all
nro aaara.mrnla lna.1 by hint and lh an.oiinl,
aaaril opnn rarh.tnd furni.h lhamr 1mmr.l1
alrt, to Ih rounlv rnniniia.imirra, who aliall im
BtoiliBtrly a.ld lha Samoa lo Ih tat dupliratr of
Ih word, borough, loauihip or dialrict is abich
Ihry hai liora a.rai'd,
Kr. 1 On Ih lial bring onmplrlrd and Ih aa.
oaamrnla sib.Ii aa afurraaid. th aamr (hall fi.rlk
aithlM.rtorordtutbroBnl, l,.niniun.. .w.
.hall cooa du,.liralr rnplra of md liala, aitb Hi
nnarrrnnona an.i r .(.lanai,,, rruirrd lo hr nnlrd
aa arnrpanid. lo h mad out at aims aa prtrtiralil,
and placd in tb baada nf Ih itonm, oho .ball,
prior lo Ih rat uf Annual in a, b yoar, pot on
nipt thorrof on lb d"or of or oa thr hnoa ahrrr
lb rlooiion of Ih rraiullrr dilrirt I roqoirrd lo
l hrkt, aod rrlaia Iho olhrr ia bia poaar.a.on. for
lb in.i.oli,in. fro of rh.rg. of an prrton rial,
drnt in thr aaid rlrrlinn ili-lrirl who aliall drain
in a. Ih aam ! and It shall Iw Ih dm or thr aai.l
Aaaraaor In a. lit. Iron, limr lo liiop. on Ih tu-rannol of any on claiming th right lo ro'o.
Ih nam of anrh rlaimaui. and mark .,i.ik,.ii ih
nan.. V , : ,. . . I '
v . . , ., .,, ,,nlnr,naiiy aaaraa him with a
Ua. noting, aa la oil olhrr rati',, hia ooraPBli.a
rranlrno. abrlhrr a Ixiarth r or him.k. J, . it -
h.iar,r, wllh who,,, br h-iard, 1 and whrlbrr nala
raliaod or draignlng 10 ho. marking In all orh
rMlhrlMra.oppoiitthf Dam.".."or'l 1 ."
aathrmMmaThri it Ih claiming lo h, at.
ar.acd Ik- nalnraluril hr ahall lo Ihr
anr hiaoortiScol of naloralliii,.n ; ami if bcrlaim.
lhal bo doaigna lo ho ntlaraliiM hrro iho nril
cnaoing olcciion. he aball ibibil Ibe orrdricalr nt
..rr,.r,, l. inicn,,. , , ,, p,., .,,,,
ward. h.irungb. tnwn.bln or rlpnino di.a.i 1. A
tidro lolo two or more proclno. Ih A.a. ,., .hall
boi ta all b a aaaroamrnlt lb rh-ctioB procinrt is
" r,n,. anu anail aiokctarpi
ral rrlnra for oach to Iho r-i. i- . '
a all ., ,, .,K.h , rrtr, ,, rci.irrd from b,m
hy 'he prorl,,,,. f ihia act: and Ihr CnunlY Inn.
roi-ioiior in aioking dupllcal r , ,rk
roto'na. ahaM a,ak dnplil. o,.p f ,h, n,mr,
f.JL 7"'."' '" f-""'- "1-r.loly. and ahall
l.rm.h ll m, , , A,w,ri .,( ,kc c.,.,c
rcnuircd hy lllia to ho placed oa Iho door nf or
a rlr,l, .I.e. P tiin ,., of A (
7" r1"'' 00 tbr door of or oa Ih
clorli.m place In each of aai.l prroinol.
J."j "" """"rnit have been mm.
r-n-t'd ow Ih lr,h , pHiBg T(1.f
lay In rt,,tM.r nf r.h t-M ,k. a L...
,1,1, . n.rnirinaii.aa
h ..nd. iHw, fidlowing. makr.relon.
10 me ( ,lniT , ,nmi..,,ncra ,,f ih r .11
peroon. br him alno th rolorn renoired
in o made h, him by Iho aorond orctinn of 1 1,1. an
tiollpg aipi,,,.,,. rorh mm. ih. nl.. .i .'
Ihttnnnly ahall rau.e
Iho oam to bo ad.lrd 10 th rrliirr, r.i.olro.1 h I he aoctum f ,h,a aol. ao.l o ' .
"TL!hl'T"t 10 ''' fBlaining tb. naia. of
an prroona o rrtarned at rraideat Ittaido in aoid
ward, borough. l..w..hiP ar prooin. ..4 Pon,,
hVroT'.'.:''!!'" "," artwar. tlocti...
blank. ,, ih, ..mcrt f ih rtoMi,,, B M
oortiuon. m,...;. h .... '
u, ,..r.,nr. mi ,,,nH , .
tire T. Tn day, pre liag trtry rttotios for
olootori of protMrat aad Vim Proaidaat of tho
I aile Plalrt. Il ahall ko ikt doty of Iho Aat
tor to atirad at ! .loot kit by law f..r huld
loa tau tarVowowi an-a,VrrAV.a.alU'L;A, jm4
-"eo wmwm aaei aaoa umnora irwm tha iltt .1
iwtaard roi.ra. .nd ,i.i ... ri,kl . , .,.
of wht r ghl, bar ..rlgitaiod (100 th aamr
waa . .1. aad ahall odd Ika aamo, of
por.,a m.rn.i aa 'Ball ak-ia Ikat tay a.-. ali
114 to lb rltkt of tafragl la ak diatriot a,
tba pr..Bl Bppl'ntioa of tkt claimant oaly
ad fuithaiik aaao-t tktm witk ar.... ...
Aflr oaiKN-I.B( tht ILL a top, Iktrtar tkall
bo plaood oa lha door of ibo b... a ....
lcll..a ia to b. hld. at Iraat tiskl day bf.,r.
tht elrlloo; and ai tb tltrtloa Ik, atrao roarat
an.. 1 o iioraaon la all roapaot, aa I, rooairod
' .0 o.,oa 11 it a ,.o,,i.
aini. at in gonaral tlootinat ia Oelukar. Tht
""" "nan a 10 naaa It aatat rri.ra, ta Ik
Ctaaiy C.immiaiuart of all aoaoaamoata mod
hy tlttoa af tkit oortlua 1 aad Ikt Cooaiy Cos. .ball fornl.b topiaa tbr of 10 ikt
tVrrtlna ffl-or la rack dialrict. it lika maanrr
00 rr-pre.a o. ,a rtqairrs at tht gtaoral iloc
U.aa Is OVt-Brr
hc. Tb aama rajra tad rtgalttlaat akall
appiy 01 orary rperiti .iooiiimi. andattrory ou
oro,o 011,, oorooga or ward elrti.,o, I. .a it.
T'. a ai iaa 1-0.1 .loci,,,., , rti.b.
ao. I. Tba ,a,irt AaaaaMra. In.i....
' icuona anon tact aa. b
power at aaanatarrr oatna to any peraoo rlaiai
i"g tkt rltkt la b. Baaod ar ih rl.h. r ...r
Irogo, ot la regard lo any of aaid oHrt sndtr
Ihia a. I 1 aa I aay wilful la ot (Wearing bj aay
f ' " ... ooj moiaor or laiag ana
ottaiag a hick tkry ahall bt law'all, later....
tod hy any of aaid imctrt, aball bt tuaithtd a
ia 0-1.. a.. 1
.. c,-r.,nr-aan roooirt iat aam
tooipraaainm ir taa lint a ore aar, I, aprai la
poriuraurg 10 aoiit, arny aijmard Bt i pra
l ld by loa fur tba prrlnrmoanro of their ..ik.i
dalioa. to ho paid by lb l'o..aly C...,.,ri..ner.
aa is aihrr oeaio 1 tad it .ball am awfal (..r
aay aaari.r a oeaeoa a lai aamiaal aa, poraaa
wk-r wllhia tea dart a. at trroedtng Ik.
eiroiioa ih na ana i. 11, ia 1 aody f tie,hor
la any yrar, or wnkia lea data nail heforo ,.,
- "" r... a reeioo,, oaa t ft .
danl or tht L'nitrd Puia aay Tiloina o tkla
pMTi.loa aball ho a mirdrmeaaur, aad aahj.i
Ih oBeora to oaTailliig ir a lat. at ronicii..i ,
B 'l ttrrtding kaadr. d di.lura a lo imprit oo- i-rding ihra ttostba, ar koia, at
lb alarrrtina of tba aari.
B.C. 1 1. Oa tha pouiins of lt or sir. ;,(
aeaa of ikt roomy, aut ag an.ior oik ikat ik. .
.only l.ell.r ikat will k pranh-ad al
ih kt'h abaat to bt held, la toy dir'nol, 11
.ball h ih dily of tkt toarl ,.f oi.maoB ploaa
of .al l eoaaiy. If ia ttoaiua, ar If Boi, Ja Igo
Ihrrrof is Ttoolioa. lo appoint two Ja.liei,,.,,
.00 loiriiigroi tint. Bt nf Ih .,ooly .,
act 01 drcra. ara at raid tltotl.ia 1 aaid 11. ......
tholl ko aleiod from dideroot aoeile ...I
wbr iKik al raid In.proiur brhoig ., IB oarao
polilioal parly bilk of lb aball bt la.
krn Ina ibt opp.ii political party 1 tai.l n.r
rr ahall hart tht tight lo k. prtarat alik ikt
owlcor. or tht rln tma. dart, g Ikt ah.. I, lrar
iko aamt la keid. aad Ih totoa art bring
hy tht !oili,ia offir.r; to koop o Mat of .lor
11 roe .eo prop r: f. ao.ll,,, toy pra..a
1 f. nag a ..!.. nd kirn ood kit wit
naetr. atari corn In regard la kla ria-bl 01 a
irog al aaid olcoilnn, nod totiaaaia kia p,or
pttolorod 1 and lha oaicora of aaid t ooilm, or.
rroairra m an .ra I ,a,4 tirraoort 00 t-lortod
atia oppuioioil or ..oToniaoa of facility lK
,11. ui loeir ojlioa . Bad II tat4
lion . Slctr akall rrlaao to p.imil aaid Otorarara
to at prr at tad prf..rta ilr San a a
ai or 11 ioy nll O nri.. .w.y Rum tb. oy at .tear, or Intiutiiua, all tkt oto
p-ilita al auri tlortl., Oi.trlcl may be r-Jecioo
oy any iiinunii ir log a M.oic.l aoderaaid ol.
lia :, Thai au pirtna aigniog ik pa.
tili'-a aball he appoi .ld aa 0rer
Me 17. ir aay Pr.bon..r.ey, c:crk, or ih
depaiy of Blthtr, or aay atbrr partus, aa.ll ami
int nai 01 ran 10 any aiaralii.iti..B pop.r, or
primil iho timo 10 ko affiled, ot g.ies ubi, in
olnak, wbrby It may kt tr.i.,1. Icily ..j. ,
larai.h a a ooniSoalt 10 toy porous
who ahall bat a,. I.e. a daly ttaminod sad
awota ia opea . art. ia tb proaaaot ol aumt ol
tbt Jbdgo ihrouf, aocordiog to ibt Oct l Cnw.
grata, or ahi II aid IB, tonal, al. o, la aa wo
p.rmil thr lime of oay tr.o0ul.nt aaiorona .now
knowing ikai 11 w.a Iraa.iu'raily ia.ucl.,o- ana I
tin, or a leiui l lu th,,,-,.. , t, ,..
aball tola. 01 to tola, aa any citilc,
ul kaioraliianoo ...( loaoat 10 kim. he ahall ho
guiliyol a higk nidmnur; aad rnher or any
... (..f.-w., aiuara or anottura. gouty ot
Blthtr ul tbt Siiedcmoaaor, af -rold. .ball, oa
ruarlrtii.a, b lot d is a aam not aiooeding ana
I'.iuoeal.d and llnpnaoompol ia Ih pr .
por peaitoattar) lora pound But etcarding throa
r. II Any proa who oa aaib'ar affirma
tioa, is or huts aay roan ia tki, 8iaio, or ,.ta
rer, aaib.nliet is odmii.tor ooib. anail. la p. a.
oart aetrnkcaro ol Baiarltaii,.a, lor ar
aoy oikor parM, wiifoliy avp-oa, drn.r. ar tl- I
Htm an toalitr bo at Ikt tatl. la.,.. ,k. . - I
to kt loita. ar aba'l is nk, .... ...
a.alir to at a tart, kaoaiag tkt tarn at ko tiao,
.1 oil k sorttrd gailty of karlur, ..d .. .
Ftc. IT. It Bll a Ik duly al tbt Rr..ry
f tht rommonaeallk to p.euart form for all
ikt hltokt madr araoaatry ky Ikia art. aad tar
auk eopi of tk earn to tho Coaaty Coaamia
ai' aer of tbt tor. aiait of tkt Cnmoioa
wcoltkt tad tbt Coaaly Coaamiaiiuatrt af aaek
aoanty akail s ao..a aa ttav ht aotar attor
rootlpl tl tk torn, at lha proper idb of tk
ennnty. preerwra aad taraiab la all lb tloatpis
ofllcrrt of iko tUotioa dtflrtott r tatrr po.
Ira aoatliot coplta of ak alaakt. ia tsch auaa.
till, at aaay kt reader ar.eory for tht dia
tkaegt of datita aader rait act,
c. IB That rttiian, of Ihta fttala trmpora.
nly ia ik triot of tkit Hiat nr of th United
sratta gnreramrart. oa rtorioal ar otkor duty,
and wko aot rota wkero tkat .mp,. . .bail
not bt th. oky 4epHd of tk right lo r.itt ba
hlr oeatral tlrouoa diatriata U atbaroloa 4bI)
Btnllra la further hereby Clara, Tkal
at) perau. tirept Jalo ol Iho fvara, ako
kali kold aa ui or sppoiBtmtot of tiaol undtr
Ikt (ortromtBI or ika tailrd Hlato. ar of tbia
Mat., ir af aay Intorporotod diatntt, a belkar s
t.immia.iuD4 nmear or alhrrwia, a ab.rrdtaaia
ntrr or agent, wbo la or ahall Bomlyad aa
4tr tbt brKl.lanvt. rxrrBtitt or Jodintl di
ptrtowtott of tbia Htta or of Ibt I'niitd 8uir.
ur aay rily or ian.rporaiad diatiict, aod al.
tbat rry m'abrr uf Coogrca. or of iho Siai
l.gilttorr, or ol tbt ar aaieot a..Bneii
of aay city ur ri-mniiaaiunrr uf aay ii e.n-praid
dialrict. ara hy law Incapable wf rnddiag
raorriatog. at ibr tamt littt, tba otto, ar bp
p..irtmai or da.igo. loapecior or Clark of .ay
oieril.ia or bia Cnannonocolik.
Ih Ktara Jadge of ika rcaportirt diatrieu
afurraaid ara rrqvr,id lo mot it th Cnart
H..aa. ia th bur.oi.b af Cirarield.oa lha lrl
ruda ant altar tht -al l rood l .taday of
hrtol?r, ttioa and Ihcrt to do Ibua tbtnf
rt,iiirt4 01 ibtm ay law.
U1VEN aodrr my had tad tral. tt rie.rB.ld
tkia ttlolh day of Kepirmbor. la th
L.8.J year of aar Lord aat uVojetnd i,kl
kuodrrd aad aigiy a iaa. aad f tkt lod.
ptadtoat uf Ika t'uiiad Mete tk niarty third.
CYllKMl's IIOH'K. ohrrilT.
1NGO. 18G9.
?0U W "Ll TJ?.,
oWarA-rf Hlrrtt , CltmrAtH, Pm.
.AS JIST OPENED s tarp and
tciMtM stack of FALL and WIXTIR BOOTS
aod SHOES: tha latrat atel.e .r nin ..j
CAPS, At, which ha win ttll cieir ros rail.
The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps.
Boots, Shoes, Umbrella., ic.
I'Uet next door to AJamt' Ex. Office.
Brpt. j, -en-if.
1869. lfifiQ.
Market Street Clearfield, Pa.,
Crn.rftr)d, mm tb lis of tk TrratM A Cin
Haiirutvti bw tb BivtbtBB nd Bttif
brarb fwatvdii tBtrMt. It is atfo i Ut Wtntf
tbt Muhiot)un coal bfum, and Urgm lu4m
wfaita tm. bentock, oak, m4 fhr titvW
ruont. it On of tbt IsvrycM Uabir KasvrMtv.
ttif ta.bliib mml I p tb MmU it Lttcwti a
towa, rbil tbvrt tvra tmny wtf.r fuaUr n4
ki(l milU arvitfltl It. Th Ub i bit mm
Ttrt old, ad euuuiat a poauiaiiva of mi ktwv
Mad inbabitaata.
P&ut furtber applj at taib4i
01 im iwii wmynj.
jonv LAWriii
aarJd KiiperiBlaatnl
Houses and Lots Tor Sale,
IJCIl HOUSES and LOT it CWali kr
aala oa rcaaoathl lrma. PoatIH pa,
.a thirty dtyt. Alto, t plot of FOIR U)H H
Ih com of foarth sad Reed airael,. ,iu
171x200 ft. Tbro af I bra lull an 0,11 Iku,'
for rilhrr lambor yard, coal yard, or for kagtia,
parpotot graorally, biag aitkia 2i let of 2
ranrooa oepou met tu trrai roaaoaat..
Apply to UEOKUK TUuM.
in.44iX Clrtw,,h,
ARE RKc'EI VIXQ API.EN tlt)rrert
ur CAKI'ti t A. UOIL tLUl Us.
HALL PAfEK.S-GiLrrArtR.tlat
1 LKMt.1'3 ANDCniLDKtN-..
A 1 LUtrs-ir RATES.
rnuubvli AXTtD.
Cleareld, Jast 1.
(f durational.
plclo aiMrtmrnt af
tarr aad oqbv
rorclfrn and Domestic
Einlirncitir; s full line of Im. C.nnU
I'airley, Woulrn aod I-ph,r Khawla,
Uoeod Khlrta Kino Klonaela' oodrr.
Vi, KVT' ''' : T""""a
ar til bind, Alriander'a Kid III,.,,
(an,,.ri.,r to Jvlna, ) tcphtr tnl
w oratrw
Till fALLTErtMof twoatr two weeU 1
mmmenra oa, cVptrmWr 4, I Ml
A Priaiarr aVaartoaeo, ' will k. md.lA u lO
waool lb, a fall j f.r ,b,ck lb arrricol of a roa
prion! Ir.lroctor bar. bora orued Aad u I
enort will bt Tared ta nadit Ikia dnrtan.
--.,. 000 loairaoiiT.
RrtdlBg. Ort hogrtph t. Wrlllag. Ol.J-rt Ua.
aoat, Primtry Arilbintaic tbd Primary, fn half Una, of .l,,B
roba. ) N
uiatorr, Loral tod deacriptira
wiih Map Drawing. Uitmmar. alaotal
aod Wrillra Arithmetic I M
tlrrl.r. ao.1 the Science. f at I
Ineirarli.O) la iaatnaaaaaial mo.le II a I
'lit p.iallng , t H
Wat Work . 1 HI
Fiw fall wrnd for firtalar,
llearteld. Aug. tj, lMl.pdt
IIAVIXO trlrotrd nr ow. ek
roatat tart, ktyort will (ad s decided
AJvnntnge in callin-.
is tbo m-roir, wf ir nti TwrTi7 M ear awanrs natt lt,,-4
1 sretard gailty of p.rjyr, t .ad any srr
an importing houat is th. raal. oi.ontty doalrra
Bill be BapplM with L,.hr la ao.
at Now Yrk and Philadelphia Jobbing prior,. '
. ...r.i,, CM-pi, tZ, IN0-ra.
A v.h,,"l;n,R, m,t" nik.
a V lhrrhy giver, thai letter, uf ..i,.t..,i7T
,D " " FETKII HOnVKR, deor.ood!
lt of ',k. loaartlo. rw.rt.u LZTT
kariag We. daly granted la ik. ..a .1
pn. Ldi htod b, a.ld ., mak
l V"Vl" ", -"..a".
. j prwiw-riT BHth-nti,
Rev. P, L. Harrlsen. A. M., Principal.
IUI rinT af tkt tail toko
atalll tearol ibio l..,ti.....
00 HlOU At. ikt 4.h day al S.oirwe.'. lr'
fapila eta aaitr ol aay lira. Tky Bill at
rsa Wb IBItlOS fro w lb. lira lk-t !
" ' 01 100 (aoratww.
1 k aoara af la.irortlca tmbrtrrt ry '
..e.o.ea .b.r..k, pr.ri.ra! atd sfoa
pllrbrd do.MHIoB lor kuib
Tkt Priariptl. baring bad tb Brtlal
ro oaporatot. it Si proll..a. aaatm f
rnla tad gatnl aa thai kit ttnrt abi ilt aal
onrrgira aiil bt d,otrd in ik moral aal aa.
lal ti.isibg of lb youik utdrr til ekarfa,
1 l-.tiMo, aip 11 Mill.
Onkography, R,diag. am..,, atd rVaaT
nniomriio. por rVaaioB (II arrka) ' ", Uaogiapky, Atllkaiati. tal
Mt-le-ry . . . . . . l H
Algbr. tlromftry, Triroaomelry. Irt.
ttrttioa. sarrylag, Pbi..pkr. Pbiai
alngy.rkomlairy, H.iok Kriing, B. uay
aod Phyatral Heurrai.b . . . II
Latla. Nrrrb tad r rrick, wltk tty of tba
aooea rraBoctt . a'J e.
Mli' Pi. o (Jtl Iraaoaa) . .II"
,arr-!fo4drilos will ho maJt fr ttrlir
a-"t.r rortkrrp.rtirolara loaalrt tf
Hot. P. L, llAHhlnuft, -PtV
4. I il. f' Prltrirab
L UtU L L t R BR EM Eli
e :rarllrl4 Ps.
Mr. Knlm' Preoerr
INO rrntrd
tic hr atitot attiBli.oj lo b .r'tra. a
A 'ow oaonalaoturo of a arlK-1 of P'."
tt rrtrii tk palroatg of all Ih old aid ?
oaa roaloioria. Aof, 1'
Praprriy aoihBlirat4 lor tot-
p real an
or baal
rP!t andonignrd hrrrl t g'rm tnt Ikat
X It prepared la drlirrrc-oU at I
01 nt, por barbel al ih honk, to rait r m'M"
Itrdrra lafl at Scbolpp't Cigar Piora aill rr"
prompt oilcan... A liberal abar af P""
pairwag i uiieitw4. ruiiir r"'
J". 1J, t-m raj
is farraawn of
PT I, 11 4