Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 22, 1869, Image 2

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    :? vvearr"m a.ra.
(fKOBHK JJ. (fOUULikNIKR, Kditur.
Holtlnr .lolii.
We tiutiiMi I'j the lnt minilicr of
the St. Mmy . frt.-.Ye Unit Ir V. It
Emly umiiMim'pft iiitnkilf mi ii!
pentlotit cenilitliilo for III LrfrUliiliiro.
Tlio Doctor errine to L nlllicti'il witli
kind (( li'L-irlnlivo rnniiiii, wliiih linit
ini lYnrr .Irtnry.
Tim Si-i rolnry of tlio Trcinnn y, on
llio Hlh inat , li'ldit.M li'ilii' lit
n-n'iil of hi'Vi'iily Ihn tluHum foil-tnonc)-,
IVmrt n .riitlriit nf
llnMnii, who in ii fii. i J to din will,, ml
roll ill ni; Ii ill Million riMiilii to the
(lovrrnmi'iit, hut ln'ir, lor liin wilo'n
itlr?iiii roblioil liiin of lti jD(I tiunie ""rio, not tu uillia)i tliin ml
M TtiNT.-nAY MOltNINC, SETT. ?. I'M.
Democratic Stato Ticket.
roii sri'RRMe aunoR
Domocratio District Ticket.
II Al l,, of F.Ik Countv.
Domocratio County Ticket.
I I FI.r.G.U., ol Ilrady towu.lilp.
County Comtniaaioucr,
H. II. IIIMlMW.or llcccarla torroahlp.
JOHN D. Ml I. Mm. of 11c II tonu.illp.
Factor and i'tr shine,
I'cace and i'rotpcrily.
A Domocratio mass meeting will tic
lield nt the Court House in the boro.'
of Clcnrficld, on Tuesday, Evening,
September 28, 18i!.
Hon. RICHARD VAUX, of riilii.,
Hon. G. O. DEISE, of Lock Huvcn,
Ex Gov. BICiLER, Senator WAL
LACE, and other distinguished speak
ers will be jircseiit
All wlio uro cjiposcd to Xegro Suf
frage, and in favor of a repeal of tlio
to called Ratification of the fifteenth
amendment, nod who are opposed to
the election of a Governor, who fon
fruwu',he cannot rtoy special legiilation"
who are in favor of the ''X,Jl,K"1j,'1(,flr
ii-caiury to tlio payment of the Stale
Debt, and not to bo lined in upecula
tionn by tho ift'ni; composed of Geary,
Covudo & Co., who are in favor of a
"reform in the udinitiit.tration of the
Pluto und Federal Government!, and
hi mo munngement or their financial
nfliiira," and who will vote for white
Supremacy, are invited to attend.
Jiy order of tho Committee,
D. L. KiiK.ns,
A Reward. Tlio. Mayor of Phila
delphia offers a reward of $500 for tlio
arrest of Hugh Marco, Jienl Dough
crty and John MtGlaugldin, putties
iiiipiieaioa in tlio shooting of officer
.brooks two weeks ago.
Dead. Hon. John Boll, of Tcnncs
peo, died at his lidme in that Slate, on
the lUih, aged 72 years. Ho waa the
Whig and Ameriean candidate for
Tresidcnt iu:8G0. Tho Bell Evorott
ty, (half in this borough,) 12,704 in
tho btate, and 5!0,0yi in the Union
carrying tho States of Virginia, Ten-
Jiesseo and Kentucky.
J'romotld. Rev. Wm. Leo Spoils
.An.l f. r , i- ... .
avuuu, iiiriiu-rijr i ICSlUlllg JillltT In
this district, bus been appointed I'res
lJcntot Dickinson Seminary, at Wil
liamnport, in room of Dr. Milchell
resigned. e bavo no doubt Mr.
buottswood s appointment w ill re-os-
tablish public confidenco in tba insti
Itition, which bad bocame aomcwhut
lemornIied during tho past few years
ol Jiitcliell s adiiiiiiif.tiution.
In Extacies. Seward, the "little
bell" ringer during " honest old Abo's"
administration and purcliincr of Alas
ka from tlio Russians, bag turned nj
in that far off country and is wonder
fully delighted. Ho saw in Alanka,
ingles and Humming Jiirdi in abun
aance, golden skiea and sapphire
noucis, silver mofinlight and mother
ofpearl water, cloud-capped moun
tains and sweetly hleenins rivors
big whales and little Uillies a glorious
placo. The ico crop he seems to think,
is ins only thing that will prove a
Cst Itr.msTKRtD. Saturday, Octo
ber 2d, is tho last day to register.
Those citiueiii whose namos are not
found on the list of voters must Lave
tbcm placed thereon by that tirno or
they may have some difficulty in ob
taining thoir votes on election day.
It should be understood that tlio party
in power are making lingo efforts to
prevonl the masses from voting. Tho is a complete demonalra
tiou of this fact. Heretofore it took
but little effort to get a vote, no dif
ference bow bumble or poor I ho cili
ten might liavo been. His right of
franchise was plainly laid down in tho
Constitution, and by residing in the
dixtrict ten days, and having paid a
lax, could voto. But now, under loil
rule, the route to the polls it made
tortuous, expensive and doubtful, and
the voter must bo wide awuko to find
the ballot box.
and common sono, and this lust move-
in. 1. 1 will diivo from him all bis per
soiiil ii ud political friends, and compel
him to pass bis old days in cxilo with
his enemies. He is a "rooster" of long
standing, mid olio of tho prime movers
und supporters of ibo "corruption
ring" that annually infests our Slate
capital to the disgrace of the whole
Commonwealth. His former legisla
tive corruption is notorious, mid bis
personal ambition lias made him des
pcruto iu bis effort to get back to
Ilan ihbiirg to retrieve bis "ooino easy
go easy" fortuuo. Ho never was a
Democrat, except so far as to miIisatvo
his own personal interests. Hud our
legislative district been as strongly
opposition as it lias been Democratic,
ho nover would have voted a Demo
cratic ticket. Ho is on bis lat legs;
hns no respect for porsonal or political
friends, and is bound to mako bis way
lo the Legislature ovcrevory obstacle
if there aro voters enough in tho dis
trict so foolishly inclined as to soud
him there. This we, cannot fur ono
moment entertain. We aro satisfied
that nino-tcnths of tho voters in both
parties 3enounco, detest and despise
tlio legislative corruption which lias
prevailed at Harrisburg for tho past
eight years. It therefore illy becomes
thoso who thus feel and express tbcm
selves to turnaround and vote (or ono
of the biggest "roosters" in tho coop.
It is notorious tbut the Doctor lias
been coaxing tho Radicals for three
weeks past lo nominate him, but they
have repudiated him at his own home;
yet we presume they will adopt him
as their candidate at the eleventh
hour, from the fact that tlio corrup
tion ring oulnjdo of the rliirio ;.
operating to this effect, with the faint
hope of getting one more of their fra
ternity upon tho floor.
Tbo Doctor has also promised to
furnish all those who voto for him
with free passes over tbo Pennsylvania
central and tho P. 4 E. Railroads,
lie even assumed to own theso two
great thoroughfares. This is a piece
of fruud and impertinenco which clear
ly Ignores every principle, except per
sonal ambition.
Wo liopo that no domoerat will bo
foolish enough to barter away his voto
on bolters and roosters, while they
aro presented with a ticket regularly
mado and comuoecd of ln-itnr m,.n
rir .i.a !..:..- . 4 ir r .,
. v..v vieiuuu oi jir. nan wo have
no doubt; but under the circumstance
airpcrsonjil feelings should be ignored
and the party lino drawn so tight
arounu ut. iatly t throat thul bo will
never annoy ue again. The only
voy lo break down corruption is to
scaip and tomahawk Ihn ''rin'
QiOates when ihcy aro trolled out.
Briioi.D He Si-eaketu ! Gen.Grant
Don Cameron, and sc'vcral other prom
incnl(!) statesmen (!) (!) are still
swinging around the circle. The
party turned up at ritteburg ono day
last week, whore a committee of Lit
ists waited upon the "government
and demanded a speech, whereupon
into jiaaliim siowiho "government
gave utterance to tho following well
umcu ana highly patriotic remarks:
"(.entlemen or the CoMMi-mr
" I thank you lor your cordial recep
tion, l came to sea vour nomiU
I A .. - i - r -
uu ..ujr wiiu you a snort tune. 1
- line 1'ittshurgh. 1 thank you fur
your kindliest. I was once here
with Andy Johnson. "I
" l cace.
This, is ono of tho mot elaborate
spcoelies ever made by "His Excol
lency," and was received with trcmcD
dous rounds of applause.
of tin
This is but one instance
mnnv that are announced
I he money whs stolen from the Gov
ci iiini'iit f y contract, or false returns,
in tlio pimhiiHO ol straw hat or led
herring for the army, or for perjury
against innocent neighbor sent to
Government bnsliles, is not slated.
It may have linen stolen from soiuo
poor widow or destitute children in
the South; in this cuo restoring it to
tlio Government, will hardly uvail tho
loyal thief nt Ibe fiiftd bar.
So far, it is u remarkablo fact, tbst
all tho restorations of stolen goods
eonio from the small thieves, such as
would get no mercy in a court of
jiiKtice, w hile the big thieves who are
protected by tbo police, prayed lor
by llio clergy, held up as patrons of
piety, and are able to build palaces
liko Jay Cooke, seem to have but
little tu fear from tho devil, and are
seldom heard of at tho Trensury us
coiibcienco stricken. Jcjfersonian.
pflr ir flvrrlicoiunt.?.
(icncrnl Ltrdlon rroduiialioii.
r liKIl K l.i, W trial ido il mi t. I ,m
1? I'lf of ll CiimihusaiRltll el IVtintvl.ft
! .Iillll. H "An rl In lraul.l Ik. Osrial
K'f'-li'.i illtln tliii Ci.iBMiMnwrnlik," It
j' lnnl iinnn lh Mirritl of tc inl eiiir.lir.
..I' 1 R' ru( i" niti- ii iwn iriiii., hi i.i-f
Ol .1,.., ... ... l.i.i . .u- . m. . k .
. . v. " ' i . ii iiiw " t.. nm rtrri.4.
THKSrr.M.s, I, I'uiMi i 1Iwk, lliirb Fhi-rilT
nf ('Irarlie lil f.unlv, dw bertby tfiv Pul.lie Nn.
Whether ' "r 111 ll" ll"',"r "f i ' t iMi.ia.
m, (ld-.itB win ii. am a nn Ili
n.ihr K-i, ni.n lmll lit fLrtni'lMt to t.ili- tt
Ihf lM'li"S on tll Nr wll'f.n nionii I. n1 ra .Mi l
h.l. flnlr-i In .1.. I irr.of bl In. ligl.l u ml,
i ln-r.i'mftr rMmr.Hl. "
M '. 4 On IS.- nay ..f ..(r.n mi f.r.'fn fchn".
n.inr I. net on Hi. m.i'1 li.t, nl r Inl .ni n jc lh rilil
lo.iii st miiJ ol.rt..n. ili. II ir(i.iue. ! U-'1 one
iUhS'-l vol. r ol Ibi ili.lrlrt iu nlilcb lit f In ma to
l.c viilor, lur III. fri'id of tt l.n.t (i-n -Ity ntil
tirwiliiiff aniil itortioh, nni-li int. !mll ttk.
J tnl .nl.wi'.r t wiillMi,.ir I'trllr wnllMi tml ..rll)
l-tii I. tltli.fll lo On- In. ti .itli-J l.r I: oi, . In. b
tfTi'Ut it pli.ll il- H u i loorli wli.rt Ilia rt'...i ium- ii
ob Tosnnti or Oi rntrs rxT. (bring (l-f I Hi uf I'""'" ' ImiiIiis lo bo ti.lrr: an. I tho ht
?lfir Mi'frli.SfrcrBls.
Having earned my bread by the
labor of my hands during many, and,
I may add, tho happiest years of life,
and owing whatever I possess, under
tbo Providence of God, to patient
and honest toil, I can never bo unmind
ful ol tho interests cf those with whom
my entire life has been associated.
tid riiher.
SOMKTUINU NEW tho.. Ar.l... tt
WM. ItliKl) t
DIKOI.l'TIONTh. Ptrtnrr.hip b.rrto
foro txilttnir brtwrrn Itie un.lorFifrnril in lb
uicrutnlilo bu.ino.. in the boronvb 4f Lumber
eily, uii'lrr tlio ntinc of Kirk A Spruoer, wtt,
tbe jtb in.t, diKoh-eJ by ntluti eonirnt.
The bonki tnj nnloa nre in tho hand, of II. W.
Pfrncrr, for eollrotion. All peraona konwing
iiriurviTv. inociiion io tail, nrin win piraat owl
Mid utile witlumt dolaj. ISAAC KIKK,
Lumber City. Srpt, 15, '69. Hrpl 12-St
1.1 Mr a. WnlaoDl.
HAVIXO purobaaed Ibe antira ttoek af rood,
at the old aland of Kirk t Sprncrr, 1
vuu,..,us ,uo uudutu aa uereuilure.
Mi mono it to nil "cntAP raa rill."
Thauklnr our friend! and eufloinrra for n...
patronage, 1 aollcit a continuance of the nut
Lumber City, Sept ii tt.
CATS, at M J. ltti:i A COS.
Atoned For When Grant and bis
circus performed in this Stato three
weeks ago, they went a fishim? 01
Sunday, but lat Sunday at Washing
Ion, Pa., the whole party went to
This is the first time tho " povcrn
mcnt" has been to church since tho
Sunday after bis inauguration, when
lie was turned out ofthe Metropolitan
Church at Washington, D. C, because
ho could not find a seat.
Grfat Statesmanship. -The Hads
are great economists, in a small way.
Somo fifty or sixty clorks who were
receiving about ono hundred dollars a
month have been "docked" for three
eeks ubsenco from their post
While this is to be commended another
individual who is drawing a told wil.
ary ofiiro thnunnud dollars per month,
1ms been running after fast horses
Csbing on Sunday, etc., for two
inonlbs past, why not dock him looT
) inn rcionn the foreman of il.
Fofxt) Guilty. Lewis Holsner.
has just been tried in tho Cambria
v.ouniy tourt, lor tho murder of
I hihp Phnlolis in JDy Ml anj ,t
10, o'clock p. m., of the third dav
the Jury found a vordict of ".'uillv of
muruer in tne second degree."
Gen. Sherman, is just now playing
.-secretary oi War, ad interim. If be
lies as repeatedly to Grunt as Grant
lied to Johnson whilo holding the
position, we may look for another
"onplcasantncss" about tho time tho
Government'swing around tbe circlo.
A letter to the editor of tbo Relic
fonlo II titcliman from Montana tells
tne nnprobul.lo story (hut (ho writer,
a former cilir.en of Jlellefonto, met
and conversed with George S Twit-
'imo1, .",'e, !nmiU,rer of Mrs. Hill in
I liiliidelpbm, and who committed sui
eido the nighi preceding the day set
npurt for his execution. The imess
" leges thllt ho knew Twiubcll well
n't bo could not bo mistaken, that
the story of tho ex suicide is that he
was pardoned br i:,.i-,i.n- i:
Hint be exhibiieil the document, that
no a set fleo 1 1... i .
- .,... i7.uiu me
exfcuuoh, and tl,e body of, prisoner
who had just died was placed in bis
i-ll to represent him. Geary is tirri.
bly alarmed.
I )UIIMC Vi:l)lH.Thera .ill U e,,,o.
rd to aale at polille out err at tba rraidonoe
oi tbe anb-erilirr lo Jordan timnahip. en
WKliXKSIlAV, Ot IOUKR la'lll. 1MI,
the full.iwit.)r da.-rilrd peraiinal prnprrty, le wit
two horaea, Iwo eolta, two eowa, four brad of bcrf
cattle, an boea, four p.r, two oal.ia. bay by the
ton, corn in the Hold, wboat and putatora l.y the
bu.hfl. one wagon, two alida, one plow, oaa bar
row, loe; chaina, Ao.
Alao, one larire batbawa tonkin. .1.... ...
eoal .tore, dimii. t.l,e, two tela el cbaira,' two
tan.l., tre bed.Ut.l., two eupboard., larie Iron
aeine, toother wilb a yariny of other art id..
w eeiarroua lo make incutiua of.
fale will eoumcnee at 10 oolook. a. ra , whrn
ernia will be made known by
. . M IC1IAEL 0IL80X.
Anaoitille, KrpLU Jipd
180!). 1SC.
earttTUE FALL TUi,
J. 1. 1. I,IU1ITCA1,
.WnrAr Strtrl, dear field. Pa,
JJA8 JCST OI'KNFD a large and well
telected atoi-k of FALL and WINTER BOOTS
and SIIOKRi the lati-tt tlylra of HATS and
CATS, Ao., wdioh ha will aell ensar ro cabs.
. e
The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps.
Moots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c.
Place : next dor to Adams' Ex. Ojjxce.
Fopt. 25, t9-l(.
18G9. lftfio
Fall Trade.
Market Street Clearfield, Pa.,
plct MPortntfrtt of
ft laugs a& torn-
Foreign and Domestic
Embracing a full lino of Droiw Gnn.Ia
I'al.liy, Woolm and Erpbvr htwla,
Uorrd Hliirta, fine Flannrli fr under,
wtr, lirrpra and l apeei Trimm.OH
of ell kind, Alriandirc Kid lllovra.
( enperior to Jouriua, J ZrpSrr and
V urati-d
hats, cats, runs.ic, ac, ac.
iln ol Hie month. I al iha i.r.ral rl.. ii..n dia.
irii-la In a-iid riiunly, at which time and f.lare
Ibe iUiliB.d rulrra (ill eota
Fur nnr perron fir tlovcrnor of the rommonwraHh
.f p..,..iVaHifl.
For onu pii ruD I n- Jn nf the Pupreine Court
nf Ibe Coinin'llh of I'riiii't.
Kur one prraon lo n-prrm-iii the ennnaira nt
field, hlk and Foreal in Iha llouae of Itrpre-
Bintiit vi'a ol Ihi. t'ouiiniinwi-nllh.
Fur otir peraun fur the oflioa of County Trraiurt-r
of Olrarlirld cinnly.
For one prrnn for tiir ofllee of County Cotuioia-
ainurr of t'learftrht oounly.
F.jr one pi-raou for the offiee of Audilur of Clrar
fluid evuoly. h
The eleotnra ilf tho oouuty of Clrarlirld Kill take
nolior that I lie auid general election will ka held
al the following placet, Til :
Utcoaria towu.lilp, at ike t'liUn Hotel, in Ulen
Hi II tnnnahip, at the hiiuae of Atoph Rllia.
liliiotn townaliip, at the of tbo laic Janice
Itlouin, Hr.
Hupi-a toa nahip, l the llouae of K lwaril Albert.
lira Lord towii.lup, at the house of .loeoli 1'ierro.
Ilraily townahip, at the boute of W m. Scbweiu,
In l.ullu-rabiiri;.
liuin.ide towualiip, at Voung'a ai hool houte.
Cheat townahip, at the publio acbool bout near
Simon horabaiigh't.
t.'lonrfiilil buruugli, at the Court Houee.
CovuiKton township, at the houte of J. Maurer.
C'urwunaville borough, at tba huuao of tba late
itaae llliioui.
lliwatur townahip. at Centre acbool houte.
Frriru.nn towi.hip, at the bouae of John Orrg
ory, lormorly occupiod by Tboi. Hebituu, (Uroad
way.) tiirard townahip, at Congrert Hill houte.
Iln.hro towo.h'p, at the pulihc ahool bnuae.
(li-ahaai townahip. at the hou.e of Jacob Hurler.
Uulirh townahip, al the public acbool houte, in
llualon town.hip, at tbe bouae of TVilaon.
Jot-dun townahip, at tbe puolie acbool hnuar, in
Karlhuut townahip, at Tlriilgeo'l erhool hoate.
Koiu towuabip, al Turkey Hill ach.iol bouae.
l.awreuee townahip, at the Court llouae, in tbe
boroucb of Clearfield.
Lumber City borough, at tbrptililieerbool houte.
M'Tria townahip, at the byuae lurinerly oocupie-l
Kew Weuhington borough, at the pul lie acbool
Osoeola Loroug1, at Ilia public houte of Milo
Iloyt, in faid borough.
I'cnn townahip, at tba hotel formerly kept by
W. W. Andcraon.
l'ike townabip, at the honte af the lata laaac
Dloom, in tbe buroujjb of Curwenaville.
I nion townahip, at Ibe houacof II. E. Bniliaker.
Woodward towuabip, at the kouaa of Tbomaa
AN ACT regulttiiig the aaode af e.lmg at all
e.ectiont in the aereral eounlira of tin. Com
monwealth, approved Ibe 3111b day of March A.
1., IfOrt, via j '
Ksctios 1. VI ,.c7f by the R,n.., ,j
ouee of llrpreaeuUtivet of the Common wrelih .r
1 rnu.ylrania in tjeneral A..rinl,l; met, anal il i,
hereby rnaelrd by authority of the lime, Tkal the
qualihcd virteri of tin aereral eountirt of thia
Commonwealth, at all general, lown.lnp, borough
and tpecial cle. lloi.1, are hereliv, hereafirr author
iied and required to vole, by tickcla, print,,! or
wntteo, or partly printed and partly written, are.
erally claa.ibed at fi wt : One ticket aha em
brace lh namri of all Ju lget of eourla voted for
i n . 'u'"' """'?, "judinary;" one Ii, kel
hall embrace the aarora of the atalr olDrrra voted
for, and be latirtlrd. "alate :" oi.. licl. .l..n
brace the namea of all county ofiiccrl voted for
melnding office of B-nator, mrmUr, and uleialiert
of aaarniblj. if voted lor, and member, Concr,
If voted for. ard be UUIIed, "count, ,- ..
ahall ebrfc the name! of .11 tii.n.l,,., ott
voted for. and be labrllwl "i...-.i.i.. ... ' ., .
,, , , -"- I i woe in-B
et thall embrace the namea of all borough offlcert
voled for and b. I.UIIed, "borough and Z"
..... ...... urpuii.ica in rrparale ballot boica.
I alio give nrS-ia! notice to the eleelort of Clear
Held eouoly that by an ad entitled "An Act fur
Iber auppleuirnlal io tbe act relatlva to the elec.
liona of thia Coumunweallh," approved April 17
A. U. lHltl, t i, provided a. full,,., : P '
HacTio,! ..I. were-, tre. That II thall ha Iha
duty or each of the A a,,...,,, within tin. Common,
w. allh, on Ibe lt Monday in June of each year la
lake up IS. transcript he baa received from thci'o
lommittipnrrt unite-lb..i.m. W(l ..,.,'
ruviaiua ol Ilia tauie, by alrlkmg tberrltora the
name of every pera.m who la known by him lo
have died or removed tince the laal pn-vjoua aa.eM
went, or wbote removal into the a.m. .h.n k.
thall have iMim midr tnown lo him. tml .Uo ih.
linnet of all who Ihall make I.. I,.... ... ...
CjualiBed vnt.ra therein. Aa aeon al lliia revii
It completed he aliall every dwelling honae In
hit dialnct and make careful lrituiry II anv peraon
wboer name i' on bia hrl baa dint or m.....'.. iH.M
the di.tncl.and if an to take Ibe an ihrrelrom.or
whether any qo.liflrd voter reti.lea therein whnac
nam. it not on hit lift, and il to to add the earn.
thereto I and in all ea.ea where nun. ( H.l. ,1 ....
the hat a tat aliall forthwith lie againat 111.
peraon I and Ihe Aitreeor thill in all enarl aacer.
tain, by it.qmry, upon wbat ground Ihe perron to
aa.ce.eil ckiina lo be a voter. I lion the eomi le.
tlna. of lliii work, it .lull be the dutv of each Aa a aforraaid to proceed to make out a li.t ia
alphabetical order, of the while frennrn, al.ore
twenty one y, .rl of agp, claiming lo he qualified
votera in Ibe ward, borough, townahip or dialnct of
which be ia the Ar.eaaor. and oppuaii. each of taid
namea Hate whether laid freeman ll or it not a
bouackcrpers and if be ia. Hit number ol hit ret,
dencc, in tnwni where Ihe itme are numbered,
with the itrecl, alley of court in which Ittnated
and if in a town where there are no cumber., the
name of iha llreot, al ey or court on which auid
home front! ; alao, Ihe occupation of the peraon I
and where he la not a hooiekeeper, the occupation,
place of boarding and with whom, and if working
lor another, the name of Iha employer, and wnu
upiiu.iir earn oi tail namea the word "voter;"
where any perann rlaimv to vole by rra.on of uitu-
raliration. he thill et blhit till Mrt.flPlB.ta taSaat-.r 1,.
Mie Aaitr, nulcat he haa been lor See eainereu
ii.e ...... o. ai prccr.iing a voter in raid dialnct,
and In all eaaca where the per.nn haa been nulu
rahred, the name aliall be marked with tbe letter
"N.;" where Hie perron haa merely declared bia In. liecome aciliren and drngni to be nata-raliai-d
before Ihe neif election, the aame rhall he
marked I). I ," where Ihe claim ia to vote l,y ret
ton of being belwoen the age, f twenty. one and
twenty Iwn. at provided bv lew 11.. ...... ..
hail he entered ; and if the perann haa moved into
the election dl.tricl to reaide line. Ibe .
election.lhe Inter "K" thall be plaoCI oppoait. the
ll,e mriner uuly 01 each A.aet-
or aa aforeenid. upon the completion of the ilutiea
herein Impcieed, to make onl a a. Karate li.t of all
new aa.ea.menla made by him and tht .mount.
Braced upon each, and fumi.h the aame imme.ll.
lelv to the Cnunty Cnuimi. .inner., who aliall lm
medialely add Hie namri to tht lay duplicate nf
the ward, borough, townahip or dialnct ia which
Uiey haie been aaaeaaed.
Hi c. i On the hat being completed ind the aa
B.aamcnla mnde aa afore.aid. the .ante thai! forlh
witb be returnrd lo the Comity Commlaaionera who
aliall cauae duplicate copirl of laid I with the
ohaervatinnB and el ilanationB rc.iiir. d lo be noted
aa afore.aid. lo he m.dr out aa anon la practicable
and placed In Ihe handa of the A.araeor, who aliall
prior lo Ibe firat of Augual in each year, pul one
, ' , ",n,r ' "r on me nouae where
the election or ihe re.p.ellve di.tricl Ian-quired tc
be held, and retain the other in bia poa.r.ainn, fur
Ibe In. paction, free of chare., nf i in the aatd election di.tricl who aliall diairr
lo ace Ihe aame; and it .hall be Ibed ilvof the tai.l
A..e... r lo add. from time to lime, on the peraonal
application of any one rlaiinitie ih. rii.i . ....
Ihe name of auch claimant, and mark nppoaite the
name "t . .," and inimr.liiilrlv aaae.a nun with a
ta. noting, aa In all olber oaaca, hi. wenpalinn
ri-aidenoe, whether a boarder or hon.eke.per if a
botr li r.with whi.iu heboarda: and whether natu
rained or deaignlng to he, marking in all auch
caeei the Icltert. npp.iailr the name, "!." or ' l. ,
a. the eaae mar be : if the peraon claimine In I.. .1.
...rr ln. iiaioraiiTe.i. ne.lull
Inr hlawrtilicate
any aeh tte oeli let., deeltrailoa at alrtmall'.a,
.ba'l he sail and Vnld and It ahall ha iha eaty
f ihe aoart la.alag the aaeaa. aaea proof havag
tha i, ftetort II thai II ail rrandaleatly elilaiaad.
ta lake Immed'tie at' taorea lm reealllng lh
raaia foraanaaliailoit anlany perann ha .halt
vote, or attraapl ta eata, oa aay paper aa ob
tained, or aba aha'l In aay way aid Is. eonalve
a', cr hare aay agency whatever In Iha l.iat,
circulate '0 or w.a of any fraudaltnt Mtarsllia
linn eerlilleile, thall be deemed guilty or a aula,
demeanor, and apos aoa.Uuon thereof thall
urdrrgoaa itnpriaonioenl in tba penitentiary for
not mora ihaa two yean, and pay a Ine not rami
MirjS n. S. SWAN'3
n.t.itriELii, rA.
X laim. nee an Monday, hel.tember S, li. ' ' ,
A Primary dep.rtaornl will ha iddr l lo Iha I J f it
1 --.-" 1L(9.
gfal PiUti fox JaU.
Salo of Real Estate
), 4. will ..ji v. " u rfi.
SoIk.'iI thu lit 1 1 1 f whtrli Oil T-,ti uf turn o'tk, p.
pctrni tovtittrtor dut brn rtn-t Atti no
uff-iri will h in red to rardrr Uptrlutbt
fttlrartiv ftr.J lu.lruofi--.
7 i wpiat
innML-ijuitlhTfl,, rrW l vet ih til bIrh inkfund I thin on .buU-nJ Joll.n. for ry urh offn, I Ili.1luff.!'". WriHnr, OViJtI Lm-
" " " " r -. -a i'uiiij ui ciiinror ooui. mm airrrtMion or tot eimri.
riiilcil, ftlti lui il, (Iii if. lo tlir I nt uf tin Liinwl
mI ant. tieln-f, wlnTPftiid whon Hp wm Ikito: ill it
hu ii K rttiM D of i he Cuiniit.inwt nidi uf Fcnnylvn
nU m'l of I tie Uiiitrd H(4Uf ; lltnl ht h rcidcii In
Hie ('..wmonwotilih oiif y tr.or if Itmito It nut. mm
tin rr in tuil ha rriiinvotj llictrfrula. HimI lir ha rt-inU-ti
Uitjtun ix aiuuili otxt HMMHiuij un u.
lion i Unit lie hm no, movp.l tntn hr illnol ftr
I lie j.urpo.r f tIihT llirmn j tb.H iw lm nl t
biutt- or County tax willitn two vrurn, which wu
- "t lutt tro Joyi brfoii. piil f Jfwtion ; inj,
II nil unit icd pit un. chill mUi it at- when, wLtrt
Mi l by wii .l ecmrt ue wn ntUurliird,iiaiJ thall tita
pro'luc. hi CeTtifii'itP nf nRturnli:4Uim for 01.11,1. -uition
; lhi aiti,) nfl ijfivit ihiill nlio Hate ivhtu nud
wl;t?rc the lax 'iUuiiv-1 to br firml hy Ih ntfiHUt u
MtiM-.l. hikI whi n, wherr au I Iu wluim .ai.J ; t,fj
tu i rrc i.t tlirrrlor fhitll 1.e fr vx
miiulinn. uuln tl.r slttii.1 fhall i.(n in hi .Ti-tlm-ii
that it Km hern lofl t,r tli itrnyi ), or thul hf
nrr r m-tirril nut ; hnt If the prtn,t, to cU.niitijf,
Ihf ritM lo vole .Ii. ,11 (,. I miUcrtl. nn ntiUU
Til, that be in nalivt? I.010 citiro of tht Lnitid
Htatpn. for il born i-l-rwhrr. nliall Hate tint la"t 10
hi all. Jin it. onl fUall f.rc.tiucecridf iie llmt h tiac
hnn nalumliii'il.or thai h iafntitlrtl tocititrnnhip
hy ntatoti iti hi fllifr'i nalitniliiftttur. ; ) tntl ahall
further pfate in hi affl,)va that Le id, ml the time
of Uking I It it, helwwn thv a;- of Iwtntf.
one and Iwrnly-lwo yi tr; thuf bo hm riiUid in
the ittte ono mr an-l io th r led ion district ten
day nexl (inn -ilhif iuh election, he hall br enti
ll.d to vote,alih..unb be ahall not bav paid tain:
lh mid affidavit of all peraona Diukiux audi
claim, and Ihe affidavit of the iIim-,-i u Ihvir
rt-mJrncfl.iliHll be jm jrrvwl by the cliction boanl,
and at Iheelo-e yf ihv elt.-tiun tiny nhall b tn.-Ioi-ed
with the lit! of rotra, tally hit and other
nquirrd by law to fiU d hy Ihe returw judge with
(lit-, and ihall rrmaiuon fil.- thnn wi-h
tn the Frothonotarj V nfict, fnl.jret to cxauimation
aBotherelwIion jmprri are; il the tliwtioo ofl.oer
hall find that Hie applicant or applicant boatta
II f lit. I .....llf . r ' ' . . ' ...
".a" .'-"-...uiiiui witiB, lie or they aliall
titr. 14. Any Ataor. tlentin ffletr or pr
on a an Ortraoer. who ihall nrglivt or re fit
lo perform a- y duty tnjoiied by lliia set, with
out reaeonahl or If ful aaua. rhall be vutjert tc
a f tnalty of ont Iflinrtrtd d .llan.and If any
Aleaor ihafl BMaa any roa m voter who
It in quailAad, r ahall rvfaa io i-tei any
who it qualifi- d, hi ah&ll be fmlty of a midt
me an or in off.c, aod on oonvlatloa b punicbed
by Hut or imriMoauifnt, and alio b rukjt-ct to
an action for damapfi hy tbo party ajrjrrttvtd ;
and if any peraim aball fraudulently alter, add
lo, deface or dtrriy aoy Uat of voters, mad tut
ai directed by (bit act. or laar down or ratuovt
th aatna from tht phvtt wbtro It ba btco filed,
wl'h fraudulent or mieliivout itttetit, or lor any
Improper parp';, the parson so ttTiidiri' aha!!
! guilty of a biff n niadeneanor, and on eonvio.
ton ahail b pnniabad by a Dot not icttdinf
ivt hundred dollar, or imprisonment not ax-
eeedina; Iwo ari, or both, at tht ditorction af!
tbt toart.
oni, I'tluiary Anthineue and 1 rimary
lieonraj hy, per half Una, (of eleven
week.) ti OO
Iliftorr, Local awd datriptita Ueuynipby
with M.ip DrawiTijt, IWamnar, lititd
and WHttrn Arithmetic M tf f.4
Aljffl.i ai.d ll- SAiAintJ- 9
Tneirortltn lo InitrnaitDUl mmle 10 00
Oil piioling II 00
Hax work I 00
Kor full paiiirulan aend for Circular.
Clearfit-ld, Aug. ti, lKty- d.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal.
rpilE FIRST (SESSION of Ih. ntil teho.
X lull" yeamf thia laatllalloa will totntvenct
va MO.NDAV.tbe bib day of Heptember, IhftV.
ruiiill e toter at an Utnm 1 ha will th
par. 1 j. iin cirrnui.t. ir cny, wirn. oomnn, : c"reo wiru tuition irva U tin Ibey enur to
mjdiii anu """" nir.Bi iii.ii neraaKer nt ur wioae 01 lot Ottilon
Seld on tht rcond Tne Jay of Ootghtr, euhjtet
to all tbt provision! of tbt lawi rec;uUtit; tht
election of eueh wlkecre ont lonmriatfiit with
Ihi act 1 th btraoae elected to urh tlTiete at
that lint aba H take their pi acta at the ti pi ra
tion of tbt teroj of the peraoni holdinf tht
aiuie at tbt tin. of eueh election , but no lec
tion for th ofhe of Aaaeaeor ar Aiiiatant Aaea
eor ahall be bald, nnder tbu net, antil tbt 3 tar
frc. lit. Al all tlectlnua heroaftr held, under
tbt lawi of tbie Cutniannweatlh. tht pul la aball
b oirftied bttweeo tbt buure of aiz and taaTbii
o'clock a. m., and eloatd a ec Ten o'olnck p. en.
Kc. 17. It aball bt tbe duty of tbt fiteritary
of tht Commonwealth to prepare forme for t
tbt blanke made neCa-eaary by thin act, and fur-
n o aopiei of the aame to tba County Com mi
tioneri of tbt eererai count it of th Co tarn on
he permitted lo vote, and Ihe name or namea ihad j wr,tfa: od County Comniiaii- ner of tarfa
U added to Ibe lut of Uiablet br IheHition
ecr., the word "lax" leii,g arj,,d wbera the claim
ant claiua lo rote on tax, the word "aac" where
be cla.uia to rote on aKn ; the .ro. word
addt-d hy the clerk, in each eoe n-pectivily, ou
the lial of perun otiiiK it aUtb firrtit.n.
tic. ft. Ji aball b lawful for any qualified citi
rn of tbt irt, notwitbefandinf th. name of
th. jiropottd voter it cool. lord on tha liat of
re.Uent laiablea, lo dhallengt tha Tote of aueh
peraona t wbartupon tha tame nroof of ihe n. hi
of anffrsge aa la oow rar aired by law ahall be
that h. deaigna to
"Cd. he .lull exhibit In ll,, Aaaea- a.l I ot If ,., ,hIi
of .,,,r,li..,i; .., ,f hecl.nn. polll 'r
""""' 'I- "t ! polled it anei .1
aud th. you admitted er r-jrcted. according u.
Iha evidooaei i.ery peraon elt muig ta bt a
naturallird clliien thall be rcqairaL lo prcduc.
bu a.tnraliaatliia earl. in. i. .1 .1.. .1....... I..
f. ra voting, eicept when ba hat been for ten
yean c-na.eolinly, a volar in tha di.tricl la
which he offira hia eo-a ; and on tha rota of inch
peraon being, l ,h, ba tba duty of
ih. el.rilnn officer, to writ, or alatnp on turn
carnecata iha word "yoted," with tha month and
Jaar , and If any election offioar ar officer! thall
reeaiva a lecoad rota an tha rami day, by virloe
IL'm "l,,aMt-"'ting .here .out are
aatlil.d to eot. by rlrin. of th. a.t.rall.atioy,
ol thai, faih.rt, tli.y and th. pertoo wba thall
offer raeh leoone vou, apoa la effending thill
be guilty of a high mi. d. meaner, aad oa eonvlc
lioa thereor, ba Hnl .,;,,,,,, bolh
Iha of the court, but tha ft., .ball act
eicaed on. hundred dollar, lo etch eat., ,,
u,prl,n,et ,. Ibl ,ik, ,hmfn,
a. all ba Inflicted on conrieiion .k. -
l.elion who ab.ll ..gleet or refma to make, or
..... u. eu.ue it. iniiorarment fi quired
afnrraald on raid aaturalltalioa ..11,11....
ttc. 6. If any alactioa oDtcer .hall refutt or
aegi.ct to require tu h proof of th. riht af .uf
Traga aa la deaeribed hy thia law or the lawi to
which tbli Ii a aapi.lea.rnt, from any perion
offering to Tola wboae nam. Ii not oa tbt hat of
, ewura, or wane, right la vole la ebtl.
lengrd by tny quallfled voter nr.aae. -u.n
admit luch ptreoa to ola wilhoat requiring auch
roof, every prrioa aa offending .ball, upna cm.
viciii.t, b. guiliy of a high re idemetnor, and
ab.ll ba lentencrd, for every auch oil. nee. to pay
a tna ant eieeedmg ana boa Ired dul .ra, or 10
undergo an imprlaonmant at mota than one
jr.., or aimer or oom, at ILI ducretioa of tba
bio. T. Ten diyt preet.llng av.ry elertloa for
elector, of Preil.lenl and Vice Preaideat of the
United HtaleB, It thall be th. a.t.. -rs.. rra
Ing tba election in each eleelun dittrict, and
Una and hear all application! of peraona
won., name, nava sera from tn. ilat of
aarraard yoterl, and w ho el. lie 'ha eight to you
or wbw. rigbli hav. original. d Hoc. the eaia.
waa mad. rut. and .hall add tbt aamei of luch
pereoot thereto aa rhall ahow that ibey a .-a ami
tied to tha right of aoffrege In .orb di.tricl aa
Iha peraonal appl' cation of tbt cla imant eiily
and forthwith aee thera with praper tat
After completing iha li.t. a copy thereof thall
he placed on iba door of tha huu.a wbera tba
election il to h. bald, at l.a.t tight davi befnrt
Hi. election 1 aad al the .lection ta. ten.. ....
.ball ha pur.ued . , tr.e, u rulr,4
ha train teeii b Jk L. a . h "
" in. acia 10 aniCB a If a luppl..
mint, at ibe general election, n October The
A..e..or ihall tlao atekt the unic relornt lo ihe
County Cnmmla.ioner. of .11 1 , ,,,
by vittut of Ihn aertion j and Ilia County Com. neia ahall furni.h eopi.a tber. of' lo the
elecllon . Been In each diitriel, in like minner
uo raze h. r"""rc1
Pac. I. The tame ro'ei and rrrulatloai ahall
rrly at .. try aperial .lection, and .. ...
ami city, bemugh or ward tl.ctlnn, in all it
pent, ai at th. g.ner.l .lection, ia October.
o. . Th. r..p.ct, A...,,ort, Jn.pcotora
fd Jndgei of the eleciiont ah. II auch have the
power lo admml.ter vathi lo any peraon claim,
log the light to be ataeiird or the rlKht of iuf.
r.ige. or in regard tn any of ffi0,r, yoJ,r
ia ail 1 ono .ny wiitnl la'f. Iwaaring b any
ptiaoa la relatioa In any mailer or thing .a
corning which they thall ha lawtutly Inlermga
led by any of laid iftiian, aball h. punith.d at
hao. 10. Tha Arirttora ihall racclra Iha tarn.
v".iieMin mr ma nra. neceaaarily .pent la
t erfnrming thadutlel tnlulned ..1.
Tided hy lew for tha performance of their sth.r
dutiri, to ba paid hy Iha Coonty C..mnailoer.
at In olher run , and it ihall ant he lawful for
V. T 11 Beaeea a ibi tgainat any ptreoa
wbat.vrr Within tea dir. n. it preceding th,
election to be held on th. JdTuuday of October
in .ey ye.r. or within La davi before any
alcanna lor elector, of Preildent and Vice 1'
dent or th. felted State. 1 any violation ol thia
prim. inn ihall hi a tnitdrme.nor, and tnhject
tbe nflioeri 10 offending tc a In., an aonvinioa,
But eaoeading ont hundred dolltrt,or lo imprit
onnirnl not elcceiling three mocibl, or both, al
tha dlieretlnn of tha court.
Kc. 1 1. On tha petition or lira or mora eill
ni of the county, tt.tmg under oath that thry
Terlly that fr.a.l. .ill k. . 1. j .
tbt al.cil... .bout lo ba held. In any dlatricl, it
al.all ha th. duly of th. court of common plea,
of laid county, If In ..ra-on, or If not, t Judg.
ir,erof In y.e.Hnn. to appoint two judicium,
t i er and inlelligent cltin ni .r tba county lo
aei at Orericari al laid election 1 aatd Overm en
hall hi (elected from diDerenl partiet. and
where Ulh ol atid Inaprctnn belong to the limt
, 11,10 oi nn uvrraerrt Ihall ha u
era .mm ma eppoalte political party j 11I.I Over
eert iball have tbt right to b. prearnt wiih iba
me ciyriion, nurmg ih. wnole time
.... ia neia, ana llio vol.. are being
counted, and tha reUrnt m.d. cat and tignad
by tba offieartj to keep a lilt of mien
II Ibey le. prop.rj lo chtllcngi any parent,
'ffenng lo vole.itnd inl.rmgat. hita and hit wit.
na.aea, aa.lir taeb. in regard u bii right ol tut.
Iragt at laid elreilon, and to amnlna hit peperi
produced 1 and the umeert af aald amotion ar.
required lo afford la laid llverteeri to telected
and appointed every eonvenienca of facility lor
tbe dl.charg. of Ibeir d jtiae. and if laid clea.
linn officer, ab.ll retime to permit laid Uvene.r.
to he and perform their duller alora.
a driven away from ihe
intiinatiun, all th. vole.
county thall aa coon ai may ba aeretriry attar
receipt ol tha acme, al the proper tipenic of the
county, procure and turntab to all the aleetiun
odii trt of the el"llen diatriet. rf their ri tpacu
Iv. coantiri copltt of inch hlankt. in inch qu.n
titiei aa may bo randered aeceaaary for tha die
charge o( duliea under thia act.
Src. I Thai clliaena of U1I1 State ttmoora
rlly in Iha aervlca of thit State or af the United
Ftetei government!, 00 clerical ar ether duty,
and who do not vole wb.r. thai imc.'oi.l. .ball
publicly made atdnclad on by tha election hoard, f"0,.k l'7 deprived of tha right ta rota In
their aereral elteiiua diilricu If aiarrwlta duly
Nallce la furtlicr hereby clrea, That
all prrtooi ilcrpt Jui'lcel of tba feara, wha
hall held aa office or appointment of treat nnder
tha guvtroxeni of the t oiled Stitet, or of tail
?lale. ir of any Incorporated diitriel. whether a
eommia.ioued iffl.-ar or otherwite, a aubnrdinate
offit.r or agent, wbe ti or ihall bt employed nn.
der tha Legislative, txeculive or Jedirial da
partmenu or tbii Stele or cf tba l oll.d cjlal.t,
or any cny r locori.nratad diitriel, and alia
that every member of Cengreai, or of tha Etat.
Lcgiilaturc. ar af Ih. .cm moo ar Irlect council
of any city, or commitiioncr of any Incorporated
di.tricl. are hy law incapable af holding or
eicrciting, at iha tame time, Iba ar ap.
pnlntmcut of Judge, Inapeclor ar Clerk of any
election of ihit Commonwaalth.
The Ketora Jodgei of iba reapettlra- dittrlcU
aforeiaid ara requeued to ma.i at tht Cuurt
II o.e, In the borou.h of Clearleld.on Iha dial
Friday next alter tha raid recond Tuaaday af
Ucn.Ur, than aad there la do tloat Uingi
reqnlied of Ihtai by law.
U1VES ond.r my hand and aeal, at Clearfield,
"'" a,i""B i ' September, ia Ibe
I.. B.J year of our Lord ana tboatand eiibl
hundred and liny aim. ind of tht Inda-
pendenca of the United State, tha ninety third.
CVREMLS 11UWE, Sheriff.
rpilK "LAST TIK" and"(i01.DE8riKK
X of the L uioa Parile. lo he eeen at
MHS. M. A. niM.ER ha. Jnrt arrived from
I'aril and London with Ihe letett deaigna,
p.rraonally telerled from the .1..1... ..........
alto, iba moat ck-gaal Trimming, to bo eecared In
I ant. anch aa . ..,. . . .
llllll.AL VF.II.K. riNR JKWFlnV r.d
and CLOAK hi A K I. Ml. , """,B
Ktclnaivc agent fur lrt. M. Wnrk'a ..1.1... ..1
ivitem for culling Udiea' dreaeei, eaeone.. haa,,,,,.
!. w . corucr of Eleventh and I heatnut St a.
1 ha aonria of lattrnetlon .mhraea. thin e
included in a thorough, praolical aad aaotiBU
plubed education for bolh teiei.
Iha Principal, baring had Iha ad ran tag. of
mach aipantaea ia hia profeaeloa, aaaarea pa
r.nti and guard ana that hii entire ability aad
anergic! will he devoted to the moral aad man.
tal training of th. yoUh placed ond.r hia charge,
H:it Mr. IIP K llllly.
Orthography, Beading, .Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per dr. .ion ( II week.) . i CO
Orammar, Ueografby, Arithmatte, and
H'""rJ' f
Algebra, Oenmetry, Trlronomctry, Men.
auration, Hareayiag, Fbiloanphy, Fbyti.
ology, Chtmiitry, llook Kaaplng, BUoy
and Phyalcal U.ngraphy . . . t Bt
Latin, tireak and Frtach, with any af tha
above firanehei .... fj g
MC8IC (SO IcMoni) . . . tlO (It
jtMv-No drduction will be made for abttaoa.
fY-tir furlhir pirticnliri Inquire of
Her. F. L. IIAHIlIrJQN, A. H.,
F'- It- . Priaelpal.
at I click, p. m.,tbal v.l.abl, p, Al fE.
draerlldat folln.,- ,..,.. . LS'AT
wolh Mil corner, thenca by land of W 7i"
louth llif perrhe. . , Boat. lb.. i. , ".
II. Iltialin, Ji p.reh.rt;Trr.Lk4''
land af alarft Hineal, norlb Ift piT?.1
pott, thence by land of W. P. aawaj '
perchee lo the place of beginning, ' '
Containing 60 Acres, mora or
TKIIMM , Th. ,n. hjf a,. ,o.ulJ.
and the balaaoc ia oat year lh.rean.r, will iH1
eat from date of aale, to be MrureJ by LuL -mortgacc
oa tha properly. ' i
U ll. KI HOfivoVKlii
Private Sale.
rpnB nnd.r.lgned having determiaej ta
Jl of hit remaining properly, oHera femuT
ol Iba moat detirable fanai la PM,
Tha tract contain. tan.
One Hundred Acres, more or left
Eighty-Bra of which are cleared and ..der.. '.
attic of cultivation. The, , I, ,L1
ditmn, and the water it rinelleot
U Ilk ...1 k...i .
Tktrt u
pear (reel. Comfortable build.
tumccnt limner on the premiH., f,,r ,u; -purpottl.
Convenient to e, kooli, church.. 2
Th. wbol. being nndcrlald w,th ate.llM"i2,
Alao potlen' cluy, of an cioellcnt qua.nv
Il will be held for the iaapeclioa af au'aeaw.
nnlil tbe Sr. I f Kavtmber aeit,.hn,if,Tl7
it will be rented. ' "'u"ii,
Termi eaey. For further particular! add,
the Buhicribcr, or call pertoaally at tht r T Urampiaa 11.11. f , 0. Fua,
... J0"" McINTIBl
I'ena town.hip, J, lbH Jmrpd.
TCRT OPKIKDIn ihe room recently ooeuDled
hy tha Mitt Reed a aad d:racHy appoeita
Moamp't giOT., Cl.arll.ld, Fa. All th. lata
nylci af henaeu, hate, Aa., far old aad young.
Ladlci, oiii.ta, and' Inmming.. rib
hont, and eott velrtli, Uaai, glovti, Ac, al-
wbji atpt on hand.
lRl:Sw MAklNG
In all lit Tarioil hranrb.a and llvlea,
lor aid, mlddl. ag.d, aad tba young, made ta
order, hy th. moat fatbionabla dreat m.keri.
. Hra. X. K. WATbON,
Aug. Ji,
AIw agent for tht "Magic Macedonian Oil."
"'arranted ta cure Kbrueaetitta, N.ur.lgia,
Lir.r Complaint, Ae. o care, aa any.
liept 12, 'tl-6in
HAVIKfJ ju.l returned from Ih. .hove cilice
with a lare-e end w.ll ..I....J . .
FALL and WI.NTKR UIIODS wh;ch hivVl-en
purchaaad at low rale. w. . . .
- r . . ... ..ivu.rea lo
otTe, Ih. ..,. to prompt p.,ig euamrr, ...
ea.y Icrma, and price, la anil th. illue.. Heine
eati.Ueil we can ..L. I. t. .t.- : . ... . K
II , " ' r iniereai ol all wli
- .... . .e neaira mat yon call and
..... . . .,, ,, , ,., puiclia.n.g clacwhira.
To Ihe lalieiwe make ..mi.i .
I hat .Ihcy come and raaiuine oar gocia tuilable
to Ibeir wer, which aa will take great plcature
in rimmiin. Im .r -i.
- a w rna.go.
Our at,,, k I, now complete, e-.n.i.ling in part
of IHIV LtlllDS of ..,ry deenption! .ue a.
ftoll.nia, (Irwriel, Ho,,!, M
fbui, liata and Ctpa, Fura. Iluoda,
Tin ware. W ood and W ill.,w
ware, Pall, Flour, llried
Fruit, ltrug., Paint,
Ac, Ac, Ao.
all very cheep.
ll'o mr.urBctore Donta and Fhoat of the
very heat Block, and keep conilautly oa hand
r-Thc highr.t matkcl price paid for country
produce of nil
We return our tbanki for Ihe i;i..l ...
...... ... auiicii a enniinutnce of the
dWea.ora of Ten Eyck A Thouipaon. )
Cuewen.vill. .. t ' '
roil saijK.
i4tf other Farm" tiecdt, from Deitt't
Experimental Farm, Chamber tbr a,
tleh.1 1 tad Booghlca"! Baardlcn ;'a and
Treadwrll'i Bearded White Wheat!. French
White and KedtCh.ffj Purple Straw Bearded
Bed Mediterranean, and Uerman Amber Btard
leat, are the beat, earlieet. hardien end ...
productive Whtau that en he racommeaded for
geaaral callv.tloa. Prioa, j par hoahal 4
pna-ndt af any kind hy mall, rent poat paid,' for
.w-u.j nraq. or aiocrcat tarletlet, teat
port paid, for fl. Twenty other varleticauf
..... ... . ,i j0DB.
t tend aad luLterlbe for Itt only tt
Tear; ik. ...... ...r..i i i ' . Fr
. - ...... urmieo
AliJ"". GEO. A. IlKHI.
ri,. ..I.... i ...
.... .. ,. rnBC, nana Chaff.
flcpt. , IMtt.
Farm for Sale.
rpifS undrraignad, reaiding ia Kaoitimiakia
X datiraa to Mil hia farm at priced tale i.
peraon deairing a home will do Weil la -ll ...
examina three preaieea.
Containirg Fifty-one Acre..
Thirty-lira of which ere cleared and aaderanei
aula of mltivation. heaidea being antinly
lam wilh coal, and having theraoa ateeladTrT
ing bouM, barn and other :i
legal her with a Una arcbard af eioallr.t fraurf
all kind.. Tha farm adioiat Ra... a..L ...
B iiherow, near church and acbool hMtc,aa.
having a never falling rprifig of water.
Any further Information can be obtained
calliug an Iba premier a, ar addraaaiag tai aaaar!
ngned at Aew Millport.
Aew Cabinet!
FA NY offer for ttl. T. u" " . JI"
ough of Oancola, Clearteld ceanty, Pa aad H'
Icll ta mil parcbaaen vltlide Iha I. nit. tt
borough. Otoeoia la aitaated an Ihe Mhaiim
Creek, in tha rirhatt pertion of the teualy af
Clearteld, on tha line of tha Tvrana A CUtrlriJ
Hailroad. where tha atotbaaaaa and fieavartm
branch roada iaurraect. Jl ii alee ia tht kn j
me taoaaauinaa coau natm, and large bediet af
wnua Bine. beealov-B oak . n ...... i ...
w. w. ine .argeic lumwar aiaaalaetti.
.... .......... .. .u .....a a lacated it ta.
-- ..... ... bi.iij wilier limner ud
Bine . mm. .niani rt Ta. i. ...
.-- wm, r.u a popaiauoa of aaa thet.
ana lonatiilantl.
w'or runner iniormatloa apply at iha altt
. ainapaar,
P" 6uje.riat.ndMt
Houses and Lets for Sale
Ttii-n nni'set a . . ..
. - ..vto ia llceritid, he
a ant on rraiflaaa.. v
., . . ' . wr..ioB girl.
u tuiriv uav.. n lan a a n. n. tr..iiat .
in. corner or i.hh. . . u i
........ . ""i .
n...iiim, I arae oi ineaa lota ara welt leettat
.or rimer nmoer yard, eoal yard, er for huiMlir
........ uFieut. rnaa ana termi reaaoetbta
Claartald. Fa,
Jlrs) Woods, ftroffriw, tr.
cicarncid raa
n AVISO rented Mr. Entree' " Br,.,,. h,
hnpei by unci attention i I. ... .-j
lb. manul.elure of a luperinr article of BEER
.. p.irvu.gc w ail tbe old and
new customer!.
Aug. Jj, if.
aai EL anyoiD.
n w nninraiiven nelnre Ihe ! .. .n.j l .. - - ....
enaning eleel,,,., ho thill l,i , ,r,t,f,r.,. f I T." Vu" "jo"d
icleni,,, . In .11 . """! ir'IBg a u nilnr laid elec.
V .wnewany Minn I reeiifr.l. Thai e i
mi... .1...1 1.. : " ... .Zl " f-
A prnacctition for liM,
Job? Trvinrr In atcr. ... I...
r.n ,l(,le ,t l!ie rate i cmli . ( f t e j . ri-: r;
.u uonur, ,N loom-view, lu " 1 " lien will i,inli,h ppniilu
irungo economy. H ,,- b loarn llmt t10 mwt ,,mjKh tti, ' '
it loukt lik. robUrr at tbi.-Hiatnnr-. l'"n 0 ! nt,pmlt lo puniilt nuvra-
HAVIXO aetrelril our cat Block with
gre.lcat care, bitrert will find a decided
Atlvaiitngtj iii calling.
'MVINd MAt'R AnriANdEMENTfl wilh
an importing bou.e In Ihe e.t, country dealert
wilt be n piliirl i,h Z.rBTPn ,ny ,oli,r,
at Krw Urh and l'bil.delph a lobhlng price..
Clearf. , o,f, ,.,,(11
hi. deela-aiion nf inleniinn
warn onriiegli, l.iwn.liip or elcclinn ili.lrict ia di
vided Into two or more prwrhcta. Ihe Aaarvnr .hall
..,r m an ni. ...rr.mmti the rlrelmn precinct in
which each elector rceidia, and ahall make a lepa
rite return for each to the CN.nntr fomml.ei.inen
In all caare in which a return ia e li
hy the proviaiona or ill,, ad: and llir t'nnntv Com
mi.rioncra, In making diiplirile cipica nf nil auch
relnrnt. iliall make ennira nf ih.
of Ihe voter. In each pre, inct, aepnrntcly, ,nr ,,
fiinnah the aim, to the A..c,enri nd Ibe copier
r.-.iilrcd l.y ll, ,c lo be .,.c,.q B , dr 'f
"" ' on orn.i.irrlhcl.1 of Augual in
each year, ahall be placed nn Ihe dnon of or on the
election place In each of i.ul preoincli.
Har. J. Alter the aa. .mint, have been cm.
I ,r "O'n nny prcceniiig Hie recond Tin t.
day tn tlel. l er nf each yctir, the Aa.cnr rha II. n
rr. noat Mannaon.
I IA1E JUBT OPENED a larg. and moat
completa atock of
C, AC, AC.
Rali.faeUno giiarinteed aa to quality and peine.
All kinda of lumber and produce lakea ia e
chanre for gno la, litre na a rail before pnrcha.
ling elaewheee. ARNllI.ll A HA It Tr? 11 (111. N
Curwcnavlllr, ?lept. tl, 'f.t-tf.
l TIO.AII perinni are herebv caution.
J rd ;! purchoaiiig cr in any way mcd
dllng with the following property, now in Iha
poa.ei.ion of llainer P. lim,. f Bloom town.
jop o.. imi JIAIIB, ., ,,
i. aunjeci to bit order.
Governor's Campaign
Campaign Torches.
Price ol Torehri, $26
10, JJi and 40, pel
Send for nrlee liat mnA ...
graving ol l.j,. and C.pca.
l UIMP HII.L, M..rr.
. . S04 Church Ktrort.
Tl.t. Id A Sd, above Market,
Military Comniule.' fairnillt!,'i'l,,j?'..
U Drdcr- I Kept. 1, Xt-dl.
Southern Land & Emigration
() "..if i'V" rurch.e.
V.F and Dae of (arming and Mineral Undo,
and improved Real Ert.t. in lb. Southera Mut
TU0.M AR B. FLORENCE. Pre.idenl.
i ,r.. J;.'V ' ir raaideBt.
v. ,. . J- IIKMV AfKIN, Trraiurcr roarth N.t,o.l Bank of Ph,lde7J?b,r
....... miinnifi, hecyelary.
Attorney aad
Office: Weabinrton Rnil.ll r- ....
fii ..j n i T . ' -"rHrr nevenin
... .a.u.ji.aoie ACBue, vt a.hington, D. C.
BRrraa.t-ri :
Oor. John T. Heltmaa. AIUbt, JJ T
J.I Hot. Wm. Bigler, Clearfield. Fa.
Oov. T. F. RanJnlph, Trealon. N. J.
El Ooe. Wm. F. Packer, WlMi.rn.nori. Pa.
F-ept. I, 'Ct-tf.
Fnreii, Sept. g, 'CO-SI pd.
HENRY mil.
IH V'r,"VT 11,11 Uil,tn'- rTT0f llradford
j townahip, hatlna w.ndrrcl h. h.. i
in place wilt relura lo il iminedmlely, ,
lb.. .7 i. . " l,"r"mg alirwhcre
than at Benjamin Unci pa.
K. It A LB,
ct n .. a. YAUTm R P""IFV,
P'1 O. H. nf Poor.
lirn br rlvrn that Iniii... r m i .
I.1!.'!:? ,vKn -.i,
ale of I ,ke tnwnahip, Clearll.ld county, .
having been duly granted to the undrreigned. ,
pereoiiB inilebled lo aald ealule will ule... J.t.
m.,,l...d thiuwi having el.lm. or demand.
Ihe Monday lmme.llBt. iy Pillowing, make a return "'!'' VZT"''"- ""lr ar abettor., guilty
to Ihe t'oiinly I nminia.mnen of th. name, of all " ,' ,, ? n'J,l'n"mnor. af..r..anl, ahall, on
lltl. n lb. II be appoi t.d an llr.r.,..r
Ic II. If .ny Froihoaoury, Cicrk, or Ihe
d.puiy of either, or any other peraon, ahall tfT.i
iht teal ol office la any nalnralii.tion paptr, or
petmit the Barae to ba affiled, or g.t.n oul. In
clank, whereby it may ba fraudulently need, or
(uri.lib a nilurallianoa eerlin.t. in ... K
lb. Judge, ihereof, aoenrding to iha act ,. Con
grc, r ibi Ii aid In, nonmve al, cr In any way
p.rniil ibe li.ii. of any naturalii.iiui
am,. ing that it wtt Iraudnlenllj Itrued, or iba 1
vote, or attempt le rota th.reoa, or II any one
.lull voto, or attempt to vote, on any e.uiflr.i.
of iiturnllrition nt to hltn. ha ihall be
guilty of a high ml.deine.nurj and either or any
V" ""crae j mm nncc the return rciiuired
to be made hv him hy the .ecnnd ercllmi of Ih't act
noting oppn.ite ra h name the obacrrallona and'
eiplan.linn. rrquind In be noted aa.rorcaaid: and
th, Couolr ( li,ii,i..i,,nei. ali.ll th,r,itpon cauae
Ihe aame to l-e added to the return rrquirrd It I lie
eeond aectinn nf Iht. act. and a full .n 1 c ,'rrecl
copy thereof lo he made, containing Ibe iintnr. f
all prianti. an retninrd airr-nlrnt tniahlea In aa d
ward, bnrnngh. lown'hin Or lirmlncl ami r...: '.
the earne. together with Ih. ........... .i...,
hl.nki, to Ihe onWrt of tbt elerlion In laid word
bnrniigb, to. u. hip or precinct, oa or h.ferr.
- clock ia Iha -retnjcf th. re-nd ITday of
Hept. IS, '9..t
J. 1.1 NN lltltiv ER,
Ciou.and dollar., tnd Imprnnnmanl in the pre
FMfc'"'"'""r f period not eiceedn.g Hire.
Frc. IJ. Any perion who na nalh r arnrma.
tliiB, in or b.r,.t. .ny mart In thu Slat., or
cer, lamented to idininl.ter oalba, shall, to Bio.
cur.. ecu he.,, 0,, lor liumli r
any ,lher pnrann, wlltuliy aep .rt. declare or af.
u""'" " h t'c fact, the ,,
lo be f.i.e. cr .li.'l in iika n a.ner deny an.
ni.ttrrto b, ., knowing ihe .. ma to he irua
.r .ll bo drained guilty of p.ijury aad any ocr
lileaidtjf alral,p,f id la prion- of
11IK Bmleraigned hrrcl t gilM nnllea thai he
I. t, deliver cn. ., , , ,
Orocra'Te'r, a", s I "f I"'"-'"-"
' r - i Hiierai ahara of
pveiinere ia wili.l.,
hrpl. IS, Til-m pd
J ill 1.1 1' liHAl.V
'piIR OrtrMi County Aricaltyrd Fafirty
Ihi. ye.r, for th. following .,, '"
around ..... i. a " .... "
J.. t , ""uinoi LirarBcld.c
iI.V Il,"r","T " Friday, th. Ul
uaia oi ucloner, A.
I'. i;o ;
on Wedbee-
1Mb and
ud for tha
purpoaeof arTordin, the f.riner. an opportun
and cihibi fall er.p. Ink, pat In lhe4uBd it,..
year, the fi ll iaine acmi. i.
Heat '.wo acre, of winter wheal huahel cf winter wheat
Beat two acree of rye
Beat huahel .f rye .1
feat two acree of eata ,''t
Hi at Iwo icrcaaf buckwheat "" '
Heal twe aorta of corn.
Rett one acre of clover aeed "
Heal one burhel of polatwa """ ournri o liuwlhy teed.
li. K UAA Mli H- QATC
vr van.rr.ta m.,U U1L CLOTBS.
l At 1. 1 x KT A I 'S, W I K DO W 801 DI3-
i.ii6j i abls CLOTIH A IfAFIIKi
i.Ainr.v a- vUlLiDRES-a TRIHJIED
11 A 13.
BfcM- hlJ GLOVES LA til PS OtU
vtiiLUntK'tj 3U0K.3 a- GAITEK3.
ClrarBeld. Jana 18, JSC.
t.K CO
4 H
ill ca
It let
I 00
jii no
1 110
1 on
i 00
llara ju.t optnetd a
Niw Stoii, oa Haiti St., CiiAtnua, ft.,
lately rcipieJ fc, vita. F. 1RVTIN.
Their ttock contUtt of
G.orifgt of tbt bewt quality,
Qutt.NhWAKE, Buots and SIkxa
and arerr article oeceaaarT for
on a 'a com Tort.
Call and txamine our ttock bttott pir
flie'ln t-Hinhar,. May 9. 1RCC If.
The .hove prrmium, .ill to Ihe penn,
la whom compact judge, ah.ll award them
1 entire i, will be palili.hrd n
or the Ft r ne.t year, ,. ,! ,k.t i
be induced to co,p. ,r BrU,IUffl
encourage a g.n.,1 eauae. "
Tbc KocielTh.,, bIm, d. lennitted lo open Ihe
Fair ti.ntind on Fill hAV. Ih. 1Mb 4a,.VocT,.
11 KR,
IS,.. i, ..... V . . " '
, .. .. ror Itaj. liurciae nr .
I ) "" l Th. Rclicl Illrec f P,k,
.' . .1 ""' r"i" "lcd propel, n,,,
,.c J.h uf Me,,,. fr building , 8pLi !...
oi.dorjnl,,, lltialap. s.l h.iua. , he !!,"
feel II feel to Ihe ciling. doable pl.nk. nc. ,,r
buacdid and pl,.,er..d with three coat,, , , '
Co.'. p.,, it. .,, ,n4 (nmm
wa be f,,rn,.h.,d on the gecnnd-.l., ,. .,,k'
wil be hauled Th. hoUW io h. tm,M by the
drel of September, 1(70. ',U., H. t, T ty - C- V"rw.
Irfttir ll.uloh ta. tl . a.
cf he : r '":""'-
;-t ag.i... .,,,, ,.pe, .,, 'b:rd ,n
the cininlv at leaat fine. d...
Admittance, JJ mitt. t mll i. ' '
' , ' ... . ' a""1.: nolioe either n peraon
or by wtitlng to the Hccretary, and hy thi . .
"it of an enlrtnec fee of f J. 1 V
J1'''"1,:1 '"""'hip orginJuitlon, aiu k,
and Itiat a greater intereet Kit be ailntfceted I.
.,,. of .grienl.or,. Meellna. . j Tl
"T.ZTK- " .H-icty
will ..,,d ,pk,n to rceel ., f tk. .,'
linn. am. , .p. . " '""'
n promoting bom; dlacaion, '
I.t prrenna are hereby notified whe hi"
leaacd lUnkflie 'krouud at or nrar tba rtoBtk
ol VI hilroer run on Ihe proper! r of tiicra. Pok
ey A Co., rlial all hack pay milt aa paid ap be
ll re any nrnre gronnd can' ba ohtain. ,1. l9
pcreont banking limber or lot, ar any eikie
lumWr oa tho aforrraid properir, wilhcBt rr
miarion, will he held for treaapaa. or br ekirH
tfty dnll.ra per raft for raid geaund. Anplieaitc"
for .aid rniaad muat he aude ta W. . Dickey,
lilea Hope, Fa.
Fepl. I, Iteo tna. .
A. W.
lREKC'fl KIDS and LACE CUaks
):r ' t ni
Miss E. A. P. Rynder,
ictrt roil
ChlekeHng't. fttelnwat'a anJ Kar,ea'i Fll
omlth i, Mama A Haralln'l aad Pcleahela
Or.-in. and Melcdrnnt. aad Oroval t
llaker t rewla Mackiaei.
r,tno. Oillar, Otnn. lUrmonv and Veaal Mt-
itc Mo pupil lak. a for Ita. than half a lira-JT-Kom.
neil door ta Futl NaBoaal taak
deat.ld. May 4, lf rf.
Wa hare printed a large Blether af the aew
FEB HILL, aad will ea Iha react;- at l
t aceiajtU t crTtt,u tlJr'fe. t,i"